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ISSN 2354-7642 (Print), ISSN 2503-1856 (Online)

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING

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The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) To Decreased Depression

in Woman Patients with Cancer included cervical cancer and breast cancer
Dwi Fitriyanti1, Mardiyono 2, Yuriz Bakhtiar3

Master of Nursing Medical Faculty Diponegoro University


Lecturer Master of Nursing Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang 
Lecturer of Medical Faculty Diponegoro University

Kanker tertinggi di Indonesia pada wanita adalah kanker payudara dan kanker serviks.
Keduanya adalah kanker yang paling umum pada wanita dan penyebab kematian tertinggi
pada wanita. Beberapa pasien wanita dengan kanker payudara atau kanker serviks yang
baru didiagnosis akan mengalami depresi. kebanyakan pasien yang baru didiagnosis
menderita kanker, kurang dari 6 bulan melaporkan perasaan depresi sebesar 91,4%.
Intervensi yang efektif untuk mengurangi tingkat depresi adalah dengan memberikan
intervensi terapi perilaku kognitif (CBT). CBT adalah psikoterapi yang direkomendasikan
untuk mengobati depresi pada pasien dengan kanker payudara dan kanker serviks.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meninjau efek CBT pada penurunan depresi pada pasien
wanita dengan kanker termasuk kanker serviks dan kanker payudara. Studi ini adalah
tinjauan sistematis. Kami mencari artikel dari basis data EBSCOhost, Google Cendekia,
Pubmed, dan Science Direct yang diterbitkan dari 2008 hingga 2018. RCT dimasukkan
dalam ulasan ini. Empat RCT dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Intervensi CBT dilakukan
secara berbeda untuk setiap artikel, secara umum, setiap sesi diberikan selama 60-90
menit dengan jumlah sesi yang berbeda. Hasil yang diukur dalam 3 artikel lebih dari satu
variabel (tidak hanya depresi) dan satu artikel hanya mengukur tingkat depresi. Terapi
perilaku kognitif dapat digunakan untuk pasien wanita dengan kanker payudara dan kanker
serviks yang mengalami depresi. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui
efektivitas CBT dalam mengurangi depresi pada pasien wanita khususnya pada kanker
serviks yang baru didiagnosis.

Kata kunci : Terapi Perilaku Kognitif, Depresi, Kanker Pada Wanita

The highest cancers in Indonesia women are breast cancer and cervical cancer. Both are
the most common cancers in women and the highest cause of death in women. Some
woman patients with newly diagnosed of breast cancer or cervical cancer will experience
depression. most patients newly diagnosed with cancer, less than 6 months reported a
feeling of depression of 91.4%. An effective intervention to reduce the level of depression
is to provide cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention. CBT is a psychotherapy
recommended for treating depression in patients with breast cancer and cervical cancer.
The objective of this study is to review the effects of CBT on decreasing depression in
woman patients with cancer including cervical cancer and breast cancer. This study was
a systematic review. We searched articles from EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Pubmed,
and Science Direct database which published from 2008 till 2018. RCTs included in this
review. Four RCTs included in this study. CBT intervention are carried out differently for
each article, in general, each session is given for 60-90 minutes with a different number of
sessions. Outcome measured in 3 articles was more than one variable (not only depression)

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) To Decreased Depression in Woman Patients 195
and one article only measured the level of depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy can
be used for woman patients with breast cancer and cervical cancer who are depressed.
Future research is to make CBT effectively in reducing depression in woman patients
specifically in newly diagnosed with cervical cancer is needed to confirm the evidence.

Keyword: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Cancer In Woman

Article info:
Article submitted on September 16, 2018
Articles revised on October 18, 2018
Articles received on November 20, 2018

INTRODUCTION diagnosed with cancer (7,8). The psychological

Cancer is a disease that arises due to condition of a woman who has cancer at the
abnormal growth of body tissue cells that turn into beginning of a diagnosis and is declared positive
cancer cells. Cancer is one of the main causes as a cancer patient, then a sufferer will be very
of death worldwide (1). In 2017, it is predicted shocked and feel unbelief which can lead to
that almost 9 million people die worldwide due feeling depressed, where sufferers feel anxious,
to cancer and will continue to increase to 13 stressed and depressed and angry and deny
million people per year by 2030 (2) . Cancer is their illness because they have perceptions
the number 2 cause of death in the world by 13% about life changes and how they can adjust
after cardiovascular disease (3). The highest (9,10). According to Duggleby's study, most
cancers in Indonesia women are breast cancer patients newly diagnosed with cancer, ie less
and cervical cancer. Both of them affect mostly than 6 months reported a feeling of depression
to the women and caused death on women. of 91.4% (11).
(4). Based on the Globocan estimate, the 2012 According to Grimsbø et al., Changes in
International Agency for Research on Cancer one's health can create a transition process,
(IARC), breast cancer incidence was 40 per this transition process can be a source of stress
100,000 women, 17 cervical cancer per 100,000 and depression, this condition of stress and
women (3). depression can increase when it starts until the
Cervical cancer is a malignancy originating end of treatment, which will affect the patient's
from the cervix, namely the lower third of the adaptation / coping abilities (12). In addition
uterus, cylindrical, protruding and associated with to these aspects, sufficient information for
the vagina, while breast cancer is a malignant patients can also facilitate coping and decision-
tumor that is formed from breast cells that grow making abilities regarding cancer treatment. It is
and develop without control so that it can spread expected that woman patients diagnosed with
to the organs or breast tissue (5,6). Breast cancer cancer can carry out certain coping mechanisms
and cervical cancer can cause psychological in order to adapt ( 9,13).
symptoms that can affect the life of the patient Therefore there is a need for nursing
in the form of fear, disability, dependence, loss interventions to reduce the level of depression
of independence, decided from the relationship in women with cancer by providing cognitive and
of role functions and financial reduction. Patients behavioral therapy (CBT). Cognitive Behavioral
also feel guilty, especially in those who are first Therapy (CBT) is an active psychotherapeutic

196 Dwi Fitriyanti, Mardiyono, Yuriz Bakhtiar, 2018. JNKI, Vol. 6, No. 3, Tahun 2018, 195-202
intervention that helps patients to identify, selected keywords. Then from several articles
evaluate, and modify maladaptive thoughts and that have been obtained, it was then identified
beliefs related to emotional stress (14). Patients whether the research article was in accordance
with depression have negative beliefs about with the expected criteria for review. The
themselves about the world and the future that keywords in the article search that will be
strengthen and perpetuate their mood disorders. reviewed were listed in table 1.
Therefore, the basic cognitive strategy in CBT
is to help patients modify negative thinking as a Selection Criteria
vehicle to improve their mood (14,15). Although Subjects must be female patients with
studies on the effectiveness of cognitive and breast cancer and/or cervical cancer
behavioral therapy in woman patients with cancer Using cognitive and behavioral therapy as
are still rare, there is no research that explains the an intervention
effectiveness of CBT towards depression rates Size results include the level of
in woman patients include breast cancer and depression
cervical cancer. In addition, the need for similar The design of the study is RCT, quasi-
studies on the effectiveness of cognitive and experimental, or study under study
behavioral therapy in some outcomes in woman Rewritten in English or Indonesian
patients including breast cancer and cervical
cancer is needed to prove the evidence. Exclusion criteria
The aim of this study was to review the The study is original (for example, editorial,
effectiveness of CBT in reducing depression opinion pieces, reviews, and notes)
rates in female patients with cancer including The research uses cognitive and behavioral
cervical cancer and breast cancer to create therapy as a comparison
evidence-based decisions about the possibility
of using CBT interventions to reduce depression RESULT AND DISCUSSION
rates in female patients with cancer including Result
cervical cancer and breast cancer. Three RCTs included in this study. Study
selection strategy described on Figure 1.
This research was a systematic review. Discussion
The strategy in searching literature for research Effect
articles was searched online through Ebscohost, As explained earlier that the aim of this is
Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Science Direct to review the effects of cognitive and behavioral
databases published from 2008 to 2018 using therapy to reduce the depression level of female
patients with cancer including breast cancer and
Table 1. Keyword search articles
cervical cancer. Hopko's research (2008) showed
The article search step is based on keywords that giving CBT intervention was given to female
Cogniitive behavioral therapy
Depression patients with breast cancer (n = 7), lung cancer (n
1 AND 2 = 1), stomach cancer (n = 1), colon cancer (n =
Cancer in woman 1), prostate cancer (n = 1), pancreatic cancer (n
1 AND 2 AND 4 OR 5 = 1), and bone cancer (n = 1) can provide strong
Cervical cancer
Breast cancer treatment integrity, good patient compliance,
1 AND 2 AND 4 OR 5 OR 7 OR 8 excellent patient satisfaction using the CBT

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) To Decreased Depression in Woman Patients 197
Science Google
Ebsco PubMed
Direct Scholar

Search Result 42 35 37 32

Published from
34 32 32 14
2008 till 2018

Similar title 2 1 3 2

Eligible to criteria 1 - 2 1

Total = 4

Figure 1. Study selection strategy

Figure 1. Study selection strategy

Table 1. Studies Review

Table 1. Studies Review
No Title Intervention
year year
Title Treatment Control
Treatment Control Result
groupgroup groupgroup
1 1HopkoHopko Cognitive-Behavior
Cognitive- CBT9with 9 Usual Usual
CBT with Results Results
revealed strong revealed treatmentstrong
(2008)(2008) Therapy for
Behavior sessions is given
sessions is care care good treatment integrity, good
Depressed Cancer foreverygiven
Therapy week every patientpatient
compliance, excellent patient
compliance, satisfaction
Patients in a
Depressed per hour
weekfor per
9 hour with thepatient satisfaction with the
Medical Care Setting
Cancer Patientsweeksforand is
9 weeks CBT protocol, and significant
CBT protocol, andpre-post treatment
in a followed up after
and is followed gains across a breadth of outcome
pre-post treatment gains across measures
3 months. assessing depression, anxiety, quality of life,
Medical Care up after 3 a breadth of outcome measures
and medical outcomes. These gains also were
Setting months. assessing depression, anxiety,
associated with strong effect sizes and generally
maintained of life,
at 3-month and medical
outcomes. These gains also
2 Pillai (2012) Efficacy of Cognitive- CBT for 60 Usual Significantly showed a decrease in depression
Behavior Therapy minutes once a care in the were associated
intervention with strong
group compared to the
(CBT) On Depressed week effect sizes and
control group. The intervention group generally
Spouses of Cancer maintained
a significant decrease at 3-month follow-up.
in BDI score, t (17.96) =
2 Pillai Patients
in an of CBT for 60 Usual Significantly
4, p <.000. However,showed there was a decrease
no significant
(2012) Adjuvant
Care Setting minutes once a care
the control group in theinintervention
the BDI score, t
Behavior week (-o.557)group
= 4, p>compared
.607. to the control
3 Nova & Therapy
The role of the CBT (CBT)The CBT Brief Non group.showed
The results The that intervention
the brief CBTgroup had a
Sumintardja brief on On Depressedlasts 6 sessions
the level showed
significant role in a depression
significant (P decrease
= 0.04), inwhile
(2016) Spouses
of depression and ofwith 60-90 the CBT BDI score,
brief had ta (17.96)
marginally = 4,significant
p <.000.role
the problem Patientsminutes for each
of body for the However,
overall body image there(P = 0.06).
was no
image inof young
an Adjuvantsession. significant change in the control
adult breast
Care cancer
Setting group in the BDI score, t (-o.557)
patients. = 4, p> .607.
4 Soetrisno Effect of Cognitive CBT and usual Usual There was an influence from cognitive behavioral (2016)
Nova Behavioral
& The Therapy
role of thecare The CBT Brief care NontherapyTheon serotonin
results showed levels, depression
that the briefscores
For Serotonin Level,
Sumintard CBT brief on the lasts 6 and quality of life in advanced
CBT had a significant role in cervical cancer
Depression Score patients and was statistically significant.
ja (2016) level of sessions with depression (P = 0.04), while the
And Quality Of Life
depression and 60-90 minutes CBT brief had a marginally
In Cervical Cancer
Patients problem of for each significant role for the overall
body image of session. body image (P = 0.06).
young adult
breast cancer
4 Soetrisno Effect of CBT and usual Usual There was an influence from

198 Dwi Fitriyanti, Mardiyono, Yuriz Bakhtiar, 2018. JNKI, Vol. 6, No. 3, Tahun 2018, 195-202
protocol, and significant results after giving CBT The Soetrisno et al. (2016) showed that
is assessing depression, anxiety, quality of life, there were effects of behavioral and cognitive
and medical outcomes. This advantage was also therapy on serotonin levels, depression scores
associated with a strong effect size and was and quality of life in advanced cervical cancer
generally maintained at a 3-month follow-up. patients and they were statistically significant.
This is evidenced by the results of the level of Serotonin levels and higher quality of life scores
depression using the Hamilton Rating Scale for after intervention were compared with controls,
Depression (HDRS) pre-CBT mean: 17.5 SD 6.0; (219.43 ± 33.42 vs 89.57 ± 23.23) and (85.13
Post CBT mean 5.5 SD 5.4 with p value <0.001 ± 14.62 vs. 41.86 ± 7.24), whereas depression
with effect size 2.0. Whereas measurements scores were lower after CBT intervention
using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies (mean 11.20 ± 4.94 vs mean 17.00 ± 4.86) and
Depression Scale (CES-D) showed pre CBT statistically significant (p <0.05) (19).
mean: 30.6 SD 7.7 Post CBT mean 12.5 SD
9.6; p<0.001 with effect size 1.7. The measure of Type of Interventions
the level of depression using BDI II showed that CBT intervention in the study conducted
pre-CBT’s mean: 25.5; SD: 9.2 and Post CBT’s by Hopko (2008) was CBT with 9 sessions
mean 11.5 SD: 9.9. It can be concluded that CBT given every week hour and was followed up
effectively reduces depression in cancer patients 3 months after the intervention was given to
with p <0.001 with effect size 2.0 (16). cancer patients in the medical care setting.
Pillai's study (2012) showed that the average This intervention was modified to further reduce
depression value using the Beck scale at the existing anxiety symptoms (cognitive behavioral
beginning and end of the study in CBT administration therapy for depression or CBTD). Modifications to
in female patients with breast, cholerectal and lung interventions are also done to address cognitive
cancer for the intervention group showed a mean encoding relevant to cancer, assessment, and
score of 24.6, SD = 3.84 versus mean 11.4, SD expectation, sleep problems and increased
= 4.27 and the mean control group 26.4, SD = problems and daily hassles often reported
4.21 versus mean 27, SD = 3.93. The intervention by cancer patients. The behavioral activation
group showed a significant decrease in BDI score protocol given in this study is in the usual format
t (17.96) = 4, p <.000. However, there was no of relaxation training, short cognitive therapy,
significant change in the control group in the BDI cancer exposure, problem-solving, and sleep
score, t (-o.557) = 4, p> .607 (17). skills training also given during the session
Research conducted by Nova and (16).
Sumintardja (2016) found that the CBT brief The type of intervention conducted by
had a significant role in depression in young adult Pillai (2012) was the administration of CBT
breast cancer patients (p= 0.04) with a BDI II to couples of cancer patients with depression
pre-intervention score mean 23.4 SD 9.40, post for 60 minutes once a week. Therapists teach
mean intervention 8,20 SD 5,22. The CBT brief participants to identify and evaluate major
also played a marginally significant role for overall negative automatic thoughts and apply scheme
body image (P = 0.06) with the mean before the restructuring techniques to deny core beliefs and
intervention was 14.2 SD 3.96 and the mean after to develop more adaptive beliefs and behaviors.
the intervention was 7.40 SD 3.91. assessment Special attention is given to the development of
items in the body image include aspects of collaborative therapeutic alliances and trusting
affection, behavior and cognitive (18). participants (17).

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) To Decreased Depression in Woman Patients 199
The intervention carried out by Nova and Quality of life measurement uses The Quality
Sumintardja (2016) was a short CBT (brief CBT) of Life Inventory (QOLI) while medical results
which was a short version of CBT. The CBT Brief use the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form
lasts 6 sessions and 1 meeting for initial data (SF-36), which assesses health status and is
collection. Each session lasts for approximately functional and includes eight subscales: physical
1 hour. The first session is a concept-making function, role-disability Physical Problems,
session. This session will discuss the problems Body Pain, Health Perception, Vitality, Social
faced and determine the focus of the problem that Function, Role of Disability-Emotional Problems,
will be resolved during the therapy process. The and Mental Health. The outcome of the Hopko
second session was a session introducing brief (2008) study showed that there were significant
CBT, goal setting, and behavioral activation. The results after CBT was given, namely decreased
third session will identify maladaptive thinking. depression and anxiety and improved quality of
The fourth session, participants will be given life and medical outcomes (16).
one skill to challenge maladaptive thinking. The Pillai Research (2012) results measured
fifth session, participants will be given the skill to were the level of depression using BDI (Beck
solve the problem. The sixth session is a closing Depression Inventory). BDI is a self-managed
session and maintains changes that occur after depressive scale measuring the level of
the session (18). depressive symptoms such as hopelessness
While the CBT intervention carried out and irritability, cognitions such as guilt or feelings
by Soetrisno et al. (2016) in advanced cervical of punishment, and physical symptoms such as
cancer patients (IIIB-IV) was CBT in general and fatigue, weight loss, and lack of interest in sex.
standard therapy from the Hospital, it did not This study showed that there was a decrease in
explain the length and amount of CBT sessions depression in couples of cancer patients after
conducted in the study (19). being given an intervention in the form of CBT
Outcome and measurement The results of the research conducted by
The results measured in Hopko's study Nova and Sumintardja (2016) which was the
(2008) included depression, anxiety, quality of level of depression and body image. Quantitative
life, and medical outcomes. The depression measurements using BDI-II measured
measurement scale using the Hamilton Rating instruments and Body Image Scale. The results
Scale for Depression (HRSD) consisted of showed that the brief CBT had a significant role
24 items of interviews, The Beck Depression in depression (P = 0.04), while the CBT brief
Inventory-II (BDI-II) consisted of 21 items, each had a marginally significant role for the overall
of which was assessed on a 4-point Likert scale body image (P = 0.06). When viewed further in
and The Center for Epidemiological Studies the body image, there is a marginally significant
of Depression Scale (CES-D) is a self-report result from the CBT brief role on the overall body
questionnaire of 20-item depressive symptoms image of breast cancer patients. When it seen
that has adequate and simple psychometric specifically on each aspect of the body image it
properties related to the diagnosis of major was found that there was a marginally significant
depression. Measuring anxiety using The Beck difference from the brief CBT on the effective and
Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is a 21 item questionnaire cognitive aspects of body image of young adult
specifically designed to distinguish cognitive and women with breast cancer with p = 0.06. There
somatic symptoms of anxiety from depression. are significant differences in aspects of behavior

200 Dwi Fitriyanti, Mardiyono, Yuriz Bakhtiar, 2018. JNKI, Vol. 6, No. 3, Tahun 2018, 195-202
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