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Teacher : Anida Nurafifah, M.Pd

Subject : Physics
Grade : 11th
Topics : Rotational Dynamics

Statement of Formative ATL Skill

Unit Title Topics Key Concept Related Concept Global Context
Inquiry Assessment
Rotational Torque, Systems Change, energy Fairness and The development of Criteria A
Dynamics Moment development machines and
Inertia, systems has
changed the way in
which human
beings function

Week 1 (Difference between Translational and rotational motion)

Students will be able to explain the difference between translational and rotational motion, explain how translational quantities are replaced by
rotational ones in physics and apply Newton's First Law to rotation.
No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in Why does a tornado spin so fast or a hanging mobile take so long to stop
video roda mobil menggelinding
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity Membandingkan benda bergerak lurus dan bergerak melingkar
4 Reflection Membuat kesimpulan gerak rotasi dan gerak melingkar

Week 2 (Rotational kinematics)

No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus Apa itu kinematika
3 Main Activity Sebuah gasing berputar mungkin tidak terlihat sangat mirip dengan mobil balap di
jalan raya. Tetapi ketika berbicara tentang kinematika, mereka tidak jauh berbeda.
Dalam pelajaran lain, kita membahas bagaimana setiap besaran kinematik linier
memiliki ekuivalen rotasi: posisi-sudut, kecepatan-kecepatan sudut, percepatan-
percepatan sudut,

Sebuah objek berputar beroperasi dengan cara yang sangat mirip. Anda memiliki
kecepatan rotasi tertentu, yang menyebabkan sudut (atau posisi sudut) berubah
seiring waktu, dan kecepatan rotasi itu dapat meningkat atau menurun, yang
merupakan percepatan sudut. Hubungan antara besaran-besaran ini persis sama
dengan hubungan antara versi translasi. Karena itu, kami dapat menurunkan
beberapa persamaan kinematika dasar untuk gerak rotasi hanya dengan
mengambil persamaan translasi dan mengganti variabel dengan variabel sudut.
Nah, Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama untuk persamaan '5 besar' tentang
percepatan konstan.

4 Reflection

Week 3 (Torque)
No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 4 (Rotational inertia)

No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in Have you ever opened a really heavy door? Like the kind of door you'd find on
an old, medieval castle. The kind with gigantic hinges and solid wood or metal
If you have, you might have noticed that it's much harder to get a heavy door to
swing than a light door. It's also much harder to get a door to swing by pushing it
nearer the hinge than it is by pushing it further away from the hinge. A heavy
door has more mass, and a large door has more mass away from the hinge.
Because of both of these things, we can say that it has a greater moment of
Rotational inertia (otherwise known as moment of inertia) is a number that
represents how much mass a rotating object has and how it's distributed. An
object with more rotational inertia is harder to accelerate.

2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 5 (Kinetic energy of rotation)

No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 6 (Rolling motion)

No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection
Week 7 (Work & power in rotational motion)
No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 8 (Angular momentum vs linear momentum)

No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 9 (Equilibrium)
No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in If you have ever suffered from an illness that caused dizziness, or even just
stood up too fast after sitting for a long time, you might have heard someone tell
you that you lost your equilibrium. When your body is in equilibrium, it is in a
state of being physically balanced, and losing it causes you to feel dizzy. In
physics, we also use the term equilibrium when talking about balance.
One common way equilibrium comes up is when looking at the motion of an
object. However, we can have different types of motion and therefore different
types of equilibrium. Two common types of motion are translational and
rotational motion.
Translational motion happens when a body moves from one point to another.
When you get up and travel from home to school or work, your body is
experiencing translational motion since it is moving between two
points. Rotational motion occurs when a rigid body revolves around an axis.
Examples of rotational motion would be a ceiling fan turning or a wheel spinning.
We'll look at both types of motion and learn about the states of equilibrium
associated with them.

2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Week 10 (Assessment)
No Activities Detail Activities Time Allocation Student
1 Tunning in
2 Stimulus
3 Main Activity
4 Reflection

Center of gravity

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