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by Cherian P. Tekkeveettil



c!c  "!c! 

1. Flexibility

2. Self-awareness

3. An ability to face and use suffering

4. The ability to be inspired by a vision

5. An ability to see connections between diverse

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# $% "c &&c '

With the popularity of EQ and SQ in recent years, it might be worth remembering an older way
of conceiving intelligence, which helps cultivate individual aspects of ourselves. This is Howard
More >>

For long, the world gave much importance to c . "My son has an c of
210!" the proud mother would gush. "He's going to be a scientist." This attitude is a legacy of the
early 20th century when psychologists devised tests to measure intelligence. These tests
primarily measured intellectual or rational intelligence (used to solve logical problems). The
higher the figure, the belief went, the greater the intelligence.

In mid-1990s, ( revealed findings in neuroscience and psychology that stressed

the importance of  ) *. This makes us aware of our feelings and that of
others. It gives empathy, motivation, compassion and an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure
and pain. Goleman argued that  was a basic requirement for the use of c . If the areas of our
brain that feel are damaged, our ability to think effectively is diminished.
Öast year, however, authors (+ and c,  introduced a new dimension to
.   (or  ) is the ultimate intelligence, they claim. This is
the intelligence used to solve problems of meaning and value. "Is my job giving me the
fulfillment I seek?" "Am I relating to the people in my life in a way that contributes to their
happiness and mine?" Answers to these questions determine whether we will find happiness or
not. c and  are inadequate in such issues. "," explains Ram Mohan, a
# teacher, "is about the growth of a human being. It is about moving on in life. About
having a direction in life and being able to heal ourselves of all the resentment we carry. It is
thinking of ourselves as an expression of a higher reality. It is also about how we look at the
resources available to us. We realize that nature is not meant to be exploited. Ultimately, we
discover freedom from our sense of limitation as human beings and attain moksha."

Anand Tendolkar, a workshop leader, says: "For me  is about pondering

over my life's purpose. Just being in touch with that question is fulfilling. Finally I realize that
there is an immensity to me. As I move along the path, deeper levels of myself get unfolded,
leading to fulfillment."

Humans are essentially spiritual beings, evolved to ask fundamental questions. "Who am I?"
"Where am I going?" "What do others mean to me?" It is an ability to answer questions like
these that lead people to personal growth workshops.  motivates people to
balance their work schedules to spend time with the family. Or an executive with a high 
might look beyond profit margins and devote time for voluntary work with orphans. 
 also addresses the need to place one's life in a shared context of value.

The   power of  distinguishes it from c and  . c primarily solves logical
problems.  allows us to judge the situation we are in and behave appropriately.  allows us
to ask if we want to be in that situation in the first place. It might motivate us to create a new
one.  has little connection to formal religion. Atheists and humanists may have high  while
someone actively religious may not.

"The awakening of our spiritual intelligence may be a time of great joy and meaning," says Anita
Pandey, who frequents   programs. "Suddenly I had a feeling of being in control.
Earlier things happened to me. Now I am more aware. Also, I have actually started living those
values I had heard about²like acceptance and unconditional love."

In their bookÔ  


, Zohar and Marshall discuss the
scientific evidence for  . In the 1990s, research by    ,% r and
 #--. at the University of California led to an identification of a
' in the human brain. This area is located among neural connections in the temporal
lobes of the brain. During scans with positron emission topography, these neural areas light up
whenever research subjects are exposed to discussion of spiritual topics. Of course, this is culture
specific, with Westerners responding to ideas of 'God' and /  and ! responding to
certain symbols. While the God-spot does not prove the existence of 'God', it does indicate that
the brain is programmed to ask ultimate questions.

We use spiritual intelligence to transform ourselves and others, heal relationship, cope with grief,
and move beyond conditioned habits of the past. To develop high  , each person needs to
approach the task according to his/her personality.

0-&-! divided people into 1   (take the  ) and devised tests to
determine one's type, or the mix.

On each personality test we would have scored between zero and 12. This indicates the strength
of our interest in that sector of life. An average adult will score 6 or more on perhaps three of the
personality types. For example, we might score highest (say nine) on the artistic type, but score
seven on the enterprising type and six on the investigative. Naturally, we must allow for some
degree of overlap between the different types.

Once we know our personality type, we can better choose our particular path to higher  .

' # c 2&$%3!%2! "(4$

We follow this path by serving the community. This is done by realizing our life's purpose and
following it with full commitment. We have the interest of humanity in mind and pursue what
we truly love for others' sake. Many of us may want to associate ourselves with a specific
organization to fulfill this ambition.

Whatever outlet we choose, we must avoid two common mistakes that people on this path make.
Avoid becoming narcissistic. It is an easy trap to slip into. At one point we may withdraw
completely from relationships and focus only on ourselves. Behaviors associated with such self-
absorption include lying in bed late, heavy drinking and smoking and overindulgence in 
and 1. A narcissist must address his problems adequately through therapy or spiritual practices
before he can progress on the path of duty.

Avoid extreme identification with your group and its uncritical championing. We must realize
that there is a place in the world for groups whose values differ from ours.

 'c2&$%3!%2! " 4.4.c 

This path is about loving, nurturing and protecting. It corresponds to the Mother Goddess. People
on this path include parents, teachers, nurses and therapists, who reach out to others with
acceptance and compassion and provide them with the space to grow and find themselves.

To pursue this path, the right attitude is crucial. "How can I serve others when I myself need so
much from others?" explains Ram Mohan. "For example, I live in a city where many of the
things I consume²like food and medicines²are not produced. I need the efforts of so many
people to make life possible. I realize that I am only making my talents available to people in
return for things I am receiving. When I look at it this way, it helps me face the many
disappointments I may encounter."

It is important to be mindful of the way we help others. A distorted way is to succumb to the
shadow aspect of love and nurturing, which is hatred and revenge. Öove can be patient and kind
but when we do not truly love ourselves, our love for others becomes bitter and destructive.

Another common failing is to suffocate the person we seek to love. We have to give the person
space to grow. To pursue this path effectively, we must be receptive and listen to the other
person. We must be willing to reveal ourselves to others. A risk-free approach is unlikely to

When we meet great teachers, one striking thing about them is their ability to truly be there for
another person. Such attention and empathy is rare. To pursue this path, we must model
ourselves on a teacher or mentor who has already clarified his life before reaching out to others.

c #c2c#$%3!%2! "5 &(

The path of knowledge covers a broad range of experience. It could be something as simple as
solving everyday problems. Or, as vast as pursuing a spiritual path. Most people on this path are
scholars, scientists or those who have an intense love of learning.

How we pursue this path can have profound benefits for mankind. One can engage in research
that solves problems plaguing mankind. For instance, a scientist could devise a cheap fuel that is

While the potential of this path is limitless, we must clarify our intention in pursuing it.

We must realize that all things are interconnected and we cannot apply our knowledge to one
area of experience without having profound effects on others.

, Mumbai-based &% trainer, alerts us to another crucial aspect: "One of the
most important challenges on this path," he says, "is whether you are going to be honest with
yourself and question things. When you investigate matters, your value system will be
challenged. You will have to press on regardless. You cannot afford to operate from your
comfort zone."

Another spiritually unintelligent way to walk this path that must be avoided is using our talent to
support morally reprehensible work. Öike the historians who deny the Holocaust or those who
devote themselves to spreading racist propaganda.'$%3!%2! "%. 2&.2 " .,2c

Writers, artists, musicians and their like constitute only 10 to 15 percent of the population. But
most of us walk this path to some extent. The task facing such people is personal and
transpersonal integration. We must explore the depths of ourselves and weld the disparate
fragments into a harmonious whole.

The path most closely associated with the brain's God-spot activity, people here are most open to
extreme emotions and eccentric behavior. For this reason, artists are most often thought of as
6  (or  ). They journey into the unknown and return with a fragment that
can heal us all. This is the process that has created some of the world's greatest art.

Cultures throughout history have treated the artist as someone blessed with special vision.
Indeed, their capacity to create societal awareness is profound. Consider the great saint-poets like
. and 57.

For Savnal, engaging with great stories from different traditions has been therapeutic. "When I
was young," he says, "I was fascinated by the story about Bhima in which he has a wrestling
match and jumps up with the strength of ten elephants every time he is knocked down. With
time, I realized that the suggestion is to bounce back with greater energy every time you face a

We must watch out for certain traps, however. One is becoming an aesthete²people concerned
with form only who produce art purely for sensual gratification. Their goal is acquisition and
display. Another common failing is to be a compulsive, permanent rebel. Such people will resist
order and imagination in their art, fight committed relationships and even miss deadlines.

The extremes described above are a turning away from conflict. But when an artist embraces his
conflict he can claim his spiritual intelligence and produce art of lasting value.

.2&cc'%. 3!%2! "/. !.! (

Priti Sen is a caring middle-aged mother and a devoted wife. Her husband is a rich, influential
businessman. She loves socializing and also does charity work. Seemingly strong, cheerful and
in charge of her life, the truth about her is not immediately obvious. Her teenage son lost both his
legs in an accident. While her shattered husband and other children cry almost daily, Priti is
quiet, sensible and calm. She busies herself caring for her son, building a new life for him. Her
ability to accept adversity is a source of strength to her family.

Priti exemplifies the attributes of the realistic type. Practical, no-nonsense, uncomfortable with
overt feelings, these people personify the virtues of the hero. Their mission in life is to pursue the
path of brotherhood and justice. It is to see a connection between themselves and all other
beings. A / m describes this: "In the heaven of Indra (the king of the gods in the
! pantheon) there is a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one, you see all the
others reflected in it. In the same way, each object in the world is not merely itself, but involves
every other object and in fact is every other object."

Those who have internalized this precept form organizations that bring justice into the world.
They decide how rights and goods are distributed for the benefit of all. This involves respect for
the other's point of view. When such people work together in NGOs or spiritual organizations,
they grow toward a deeper understanding that all people are players in a larger pattern. $%3!%2! ".#2 


All human groupings, families, tribes and societies need leaders to impart vision, motivation and
purpose. Effective leaders must be confident, outgoing and comfortable with power. Truly great
leaders are servant-leaders-those who serve humanity by creating new ways for people to relate
to each other. They put the good of society above their own good and take society in new
directions. / and 0  were such leaders. In India, we had Emperor Ashoka who, after
his brutal conquest of Kalinga, converted to /  and embraced nonviolence. And
environmentalists like/ and ,%8 have forced people to look
afresh at ecological issues.

It must be stressed, however, that a servant-leader should have a great deal of inner clarity. A
spiritually unintelligent way to walk this path is to use one's power to exploit others. Another
mistake is to focus purely on one's petty needs and ignore the interests of the people we serve.

"The challenge is to have a vision," says Ram Mohan. "After that, the task is to build trust and
empower people to give their best." It is essential to do this ethically. In a corrupt society, there
will be pressures on us and we must know how to handle it. To retain his balance, a leader would
do well to think about trusteeship. Gandhi declared that when an individual has more than his
proportionate share of wealth, he should become a trustee of that portion on God's behalf.

It is to this noble vision of leadership that one must aspire. In an increasingly fragmented world,
we need leaders of vision who can bring hope and purpose into the lives of others, someone who
sees all of humanity as God's people. As Jesus said: "Not my will, Öord, but thine."

The outline of the above paths is meant to help those who wish to develop their 
 and gain a better awareness of themselves. To this awareness must be added the
invaluable ingredient of hard work. But thinking of ourselves as spiritual beings is a useful start.
Once we do this, we can enlarge our idea of intelligence to include this greater vision of

When we commit ourselves to the chosen paths in this light, we begin to imbue greater meaning,
value and fulfillment in our lives.


IQ and EQ give way to spiritual intelligence, the ultimate intelligence that can add value and
meaning to your life


c!c  "!c! 
1. Flexibility

2. Self-awareness

3. An ability to face and use suffering

4. The ability to be inspired by a vision

5. An ability to see connections between diverse things (thinking holistically)

6. A desire and capacity to cause as little harm as possible

7. A tendency to probe and ask fundamental questions

8. An ability to work against convention


IQ and EQ give way to spiritual intelligence, the ultimate intelligence that can add value and
meaning to your life


# $% "c &&c '

With the popularity of EQ and SQ in recent years, it might be worth remembering an older way
of conceiving intelligence, which helps cultivate individual aspects of ourselves. This is Howard
Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence. In 1984, in his book ð 
, he offered a critique of IQ testing and suggested that what we possess is
not one 'intelligence' but seven different intelligences. These are: logical-mathematical,
linguistic, musical, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial.

c3 !(c3
,c 1. Öearn a computer language
This is what we use to manipulate concepts and arrange them 2. Work on logic puzzles
into meaningful patterns. We develop this by constantly 3. Identify scientific principles around the house:
confronting objects, assessing them and reordering them. pumps, bulbs etc.
& c
1. Take a writing class
This is the intelligence that gives us sensitivity to language, an
2. Record yourself speaking into a tape-recorder
ability to absorb and manipulate it skillfully and to be aware of
3. Memorize passages of poetry
shades of meaning.
, c 1. Sing in the shower
This gives us our sensitivity to sound, our ability to arrange 2. Memorize tunes
sounds into patterns pleasing to the human ear. 3. Spend time listening to music everyday
5 c
1. Take up martial arts like tai chi or karate
This is the intelligence that gives us the ability to perform
2. Take up a sport
tasks of great discipline and commitment with our bodies.
3. Öearn a craft such as woodworking or crochet
Dancers, athletes and martial arts practitioners have this.
1. Decide to meet one new person a week and stay
c c
in touch.
This gives us the ability to relate skillfully with others, to be
2. Join an NGO
aware of our feelings and the other person's, to see where the
3. Spend 15 minutes a day listening actively to a
other person is coming from.
1. Do a vipassana course and make it a part of your
c c life
This is about becoming truly aware of ourselves and having 2. Spend time with yourself everyday, just being
the ability to constantly purify ourselves in order to access quiet
higher levels of joy and power. 3. Read biographies of people with powerful
c 1. Take classes in painting, sculpture or
This form of intelligence calls upon our ability to create a photography
mental image. It gives us the capacity to perceive the visual 2. Buy a graphics software program and create
world accurately and to perform transformations and designs on the computer
modifications upon our initial perceptions. Artists, designers 3. Watch films with attention to lighting, camera
and architects have this intelligence. angles, color and other aspects of cinema.


   9   7


For many decades, the world has put great stock in the intelligence quotient (IQ).
Psychologists came up with ways of testing IQ²one's intellectual or rational
intelligence²to predict success in life. The higher the number, the belief went, the greater the
intelligence and therefore the higher the success one could expect. But sheer intellect is only part
of the true measure of our intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is another important aspect.

In the 1990s, psychologist Daniel Goleman
popularized the concept in his best-selling book



. He used findings from neuroscience and
psychology to show the importance of an
emotional quotient (EQ) to success in life.

He defines emotional intelligence "as a set of

skills, including control of one's impulses, self-
motivation, empathy and social competence in interpersonal relationships"


It wasn't long before other authors were recognizing another new dimension to human
intelligence²a spiritual quotient (SQ). This is the intelligence involved in questions about the
meaning of life and ultimate values.

But is this so-called spiritual quotient really new? Don't the ancient writings of the Bible indicate
that man needs this added dimension to be able to attain his full human potential?

Consider this: "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are
foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is
spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For "who has known the
mind of the ÖORD that he may instruct Him?' But we have the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians

The prophet Jeremiah likewise wrote: "I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man
who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23). People may have natural talents and
abilities, but verses such as these explain that we can only learn the most important lessons of
life by seeking God. Put another way, we have a missing-dimension in our thought processes.

God's Word explains that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who
can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). Humanly, we want to decide for ourselves apart from God what
is right and wrong. This kind of thinking was represented by "the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil" in the Garden of Eden shortly after the creation of man.

God had explained to Adam and Eve that eating the forbidden fruit of this tree meant death
because they were incapable of discerning good and evil by themselves (Genesis 2:17). They
needed God's help. After Satan tempted Eve and Eve convinced Adam to eat of the fruit of this
tree, they were expelled from the garden and lost close, intimate contact with God (Genesis 3:23-


Apart from God, human beings follow Adam and Eve's mistake in thinking. In order to solve this
inherent problem, we need to reconcile with God. Through repentance and baptism, we can
receive His Spirit, which joins with our human spirit. This empowers us to understand the things
of God, to discern good and evil and the difference between the holy and the profane.

What about those not yet old enough to make the lifelong commitment of baptism? The Holy
Spirit can be ë  though not yet
 those not yet ready for it, as the example of the disciples
shows (John 14:17).

Sadly, it seems that humanity is largely still in the dark when it comes to knowing what is really
important. For most of us it takes some event or contact with God's truth for us to realize that we
don't know what we don't know. For centuries mankind has been searching for meaning, yet the
Holy Bible is God's message to man. Through it, God says: "Öook to Me, and be saved, all you
ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other" (Isaiah 45:22).

Do you suspect that God has put within us a desire to do more than just repeat a pattern of taking
care of our physical needs, acquiring material goods, developing casual relationships and hoping
to enjoy some peace and tranquility before fading away? Or are our lives purely existential
moments lived only for the here and now?

6   7

The Bible reveals that there is much more to God's purpose for mankind than just living for the
moment. God has placed eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and wants to share His vast
creation with us by allowing us to become members of His eternal family (Ephesians 3:15; 1
John 3:1). As a reader of È    you know that we often discuss this amazing plan.
And as you think more about God's purpose for living, His revealed education increases your
spiritual quotient.

We human beings can only reach our full potential when SQ, IQ and EQ all work in harmony.
The parable of the talents (Matthew 25) demonstrates that developing our talents is worthwhile,
but the goal must be to also follow the laws of God and understand His purpose for our lives. We
must remember that when we die, we don't get to take any physical things with us, only our
hopefully well-developed (converted) mind. God then promises to raise us up as immortal

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God gave man the responsibility to manage the creation.
This included dominion (rule) over the animals (Genesis 1:26). Also, as custodian of the earth,
man was to dress and keep his environment, which wasn't a jungle but a garden designed by God
Himself. When we understand that we have the responsibility of stewardship of the earth, there
should follow a sense of duty to our Creator and Benefactor.
Understanding and accepting this God-assigned responsibility should also help us realize that our
Creator wants us to learn to work together as a part of a family. After all, that is what He has in
mind for us for eternity.

God wants mankind to learn the way of life that produces peace and joy for all. A person is often
the most miserable when consumed solely with self-interest and when he shuns contact with
others. God made us to enjoy relationships, including an eternal relationship with Him.

Explaining this to His disciples and us today, Jesus said, "No longer do I call you servants, for a
servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I
heard from My Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15).

What is your spiritual quotient? A good way to develop it is to read your Bible and keep reading
È    If you do, you may be surprised by how much your IQ and EQ will rise as
well. È

About the Author

Larry Greider is national director of the United Youth Camps and Challenger II programs and pastors the
United Church of God - congregation in Los Angeles, California.

/   ,2 8

Increase the physical and mental performance of employees

Meditation is multifarious in its benefits and a person who practices, receives multiple
advantages whatever is at home, outdoors, and even in the workplace. It has been noticed that
both executives and employees gain comprehensive benefits from meditation, which
automatically helps in creating a favorable work atmosphere in the companies and organizations.

Spiritual management and meditation are becoming the core subjects of management studies,
and more and more managers are willing to explore its benefits for their business.They are open
to the implementation of meditation at work and see what it can do to the whole work
environment. The needs of business environment are fast demanding some techniques that can be
incorporated to cater to the mental needs of the employees and executives. Tension, anxiety, and
fatigue are common phenomenon that almost all the corporate sector is complaining about.The
competition and market demand does not allow them to be moderate in their work. They need to
work like machines.This is actually where the problem lies, and meditation at work can easily
have its impact. Meditating at work can prove almost to be a panacea for work environment
Öet¶s venture to see what perceptible benefits are gained from meditation at work:

Increases Productivity

Productivity is the factor that almost all the managers look at when they want to implement some
new techniques in their work environment. Meditation at work helps in increasing the
productivity, as it provides comprehensive benefits to individual executives and employees. It
can be easily understood that individual benefits combine to make it happen for the whole
organization. A sense of satisfaction dawns on the employees and executives through meditation
at work, and the experience of rewarding work help in increasing the productivity.

It should be noted that as the organization or the team moves along with meditation at work, the
effects are increased. It is like more you practice and more you develop yourself.

Creates physical and mental balance

It has been noticed that meditation at work brings a complete balance between physical and
mental performance of the employees. The corporate performance is propelled by more
rewarding work experience, which helps in minimizing the mental wear, and thus, helping
meditation at work to bring out complete benefits. Employees and executives who practice
meditation at work, enjoy dynamic but relaxed work-experience, and are not prone to anxiety,
tension, and fatigue.

If we can gauge the potency of meditation at home, we can easily think about the behavioral
changes and mental calmness that meditation at work can bring about. Meditation at work should
be incorporated as a regular practice, and not as a one-off training session. Once meditation at
work is implemented, work will be done with more fluidity, lesser problems, and in a manner
that will benefit both individuals and the companies as whole.

'  ,

With several thousand medical articles published regarding the benefits of meditation, the
mysterious cloud that once over-shadowed the technique has faded. As a matter of fact, the only
mystery surrounding meditation is why every single company and business in America is not yet
teaching it to all of their employees. Apparently, they are not yet aware of its tremendous health
benefits and how it can dramatically reduce health-care costs. Hopefully this article can help
change that.

A good corporate wellness program will always include some instruction on meditation. The
physical, emotional and psychological benefits of meditation can be accurately studied,
measured and quantified. Meditation has been used successfully for: stress management,
controlling blood pressure, eliminating pain and headaches, heart patients, cancer care, aids
treatments, insomnia, anxiety, stomach issues and a myriad of other ailments plaguing people in
the workplace. Recently the United States Marines were trained in the art of meditation as a tool
to relax while improving focus and concentration.
There are many types of meditation however, "active" and "passive" can provide the most benefit
to the corporate world. Passive Meditation is done it a quiet setting. Sitting with your eyes closed
you take several slow, deep breaths while relaxing your body and mind. The goal of passive
meditation is to completely quiet your mind and eliminate distracting thoughts. While it's not like
learning to play the piano it does take a very small amount of practice to help get the feel of it.
However, the physical and mental health benefits are extraordinary.

Active Mediation is similar to passive except its goal is to keep the mind active while in this very
peaceful state. The goal is (while at this deep level of relaxation) to keep the mind thinking
because it is an excellent level for analyzing problems. Research shows that analyzing problems
while in a meditative state causes your intuition to "turn on" or "kick in." At that point with such
an intense focus, you become aware of information to solve the problem which you were not
aware of earlier due to stress or distractions. Also, active mediation carries with it the same
health benefits as passive meditation.

Regardless of which type of meditation peaks your interest, it's critical that you start practicing. I
would like to introduce you to a meditation technique I teach in my wellness seminars. It's very
simple and easy to learn. It's actually a bit mechanical however I've noticed beginners appreciate
the mechanical ritual because it makes it easier to apply. So here it goes:

Step 1 - Öoosen any tight clothing, remove your glasses, turn off your cell phone, no gum in the
mouth. Find a comfortable (sitting) position. Close your eyes. Take three nice, very slow deep
breaths and as you exhale simply let go and imagine you're relaxing.

Step 2 - Count backwards slowly from 100-1, or 50-1, or 25-1, or the most popular 10-1.

Step 3 - Use your mind to slowly relax your body from your head all the way down to your toes
and imagine all tensions and ligament pressures in your body dissolving.

Step 4 - To help your mind to relax, simply visualize several tranquil and passive scenes. This
puts your mind in neutral. Perhaps you're walking on the beach on a beautiful day. A day out
fishing or a walk thru the mountains may be a relaxing scene for you. Any scene that is passive
will help you to relax mentally. If your mind wanders this is totally natural. Do not worry about
it, there's no right or wrong way to do this.

Step 5 - Once you're relaxed, simply sit with your eyes closed for 5, 10 or 15 minutes and let
your body repair itself.

Step 6 - When you desire to open your eyes, slowly count up from 1 to 5 and mentally tell
yourself you are wide awake and feeling fine.

It's ideal to practice this system once a day for 15 minutes. If you have time, practice two or even
three times a day. The benefits will astound you. You should see an increase in your energy
levels almost immediately. Several corporations I've worked with allow employees to take a 10
minute meditation break. They call it a "mind re-charge" and it really improved productivity.
Many clients I've worked with have also reported a healthy drop in their blood pressure. Others
have reported headache and migraine relief. I've also taught the technique to children, and they
learn it faster than adults. I consistently see their grades, memory and concentration improve.

I hope this information has provided some motivation to adopt the practice of meditation into
your lifestyle. Remember: "Everything in moderation except meditation."

I wish you luck and success!

John Eric Jacobsen was born to teach and destined to be a writer & motivator. In 1985 John
founded "Jacobsen Business Programs, Inc.", a corporate seminar
company helping people to succeed personally and professionally.

John's experience is what sets him apart. With a diverse background in business, sales,
communications, theatrical arts, dance and acting; John has the unique ability to not only be a
great teacher, but also an amazing entertainer who can keep your attention. He has trained and
worked with over a half a million people and has performed or taught all over America on stage
and on TV.

John has also authored the national seller, "Conversations on Customer Service & Sales." This is
an amazing work designed to help businesses improve their sales and enhance consumer
relations. John is proud to have the great Brian Tracy as a co-author.

Article Source:


(  7/
Article Source:

Plasma is often described as the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid, and gas. It is also
sometimes described as an ionized gas i.e. a gas in which the energy level is so high that the
electrons escape from the atoms. This results in soups of charged particles which are overall

 '7  % 

Plasma tends to separate into different regions according to temperature, density and other
physical properties. When this happens a "double-layer" or plasma sheath develops around these
regions and a "plasma cell" is formed. A double layer is a structure in plasma that consists of two
parallel electrostatic layers with opposite electrical charge. The two thin sheets of charge cause a
strong electric field and a correspondingly abrupt change in voltage (or electrical potential)
across the double layer. The charge distribution in a double layer is therefore very similar to the
charge distribution in a capacitor. To that extent, a double layer acts like a capacitor.

Plasma cells moving relative to one another induce electric currents in each other, generating
filamentary currents and forming electrical circuits. Prodigious amounts of electrical energy
developed in one plasma cell may be carried over many billions of light years through these
filamentary currents to burst suddenly (as an electrical discharge) from a very small and
localized region. Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén had proposed that, "...X-ray and gamma-ray
bursts [in space] may be due to exploding double layers." Furthermore, since the double layer
gets energy from the entire circuit, the explosion can be far more energetic than expected from
the energy that is locally present.

An electrical discharge in space is a sudden release of stored electrical or magnetic energy when
the electromagnetic stress exceeds some threshold. In space plasma, cells containing different
types of plasma develop double layers that play the role of energy-storing capacitors which can
discharge their stored energy suddenly. These discharges are localized and are usually
accompanied by violent processes such as rapid heating, ionization and the generation of
prodigious amounts of electromagnetic radiation.


In electrical circuits, energy is stored in capacitors. The capacitor is important for its ability to
quickly store and release electrical energy. Some of the highest energy experiments in the world
are performed using large banks of charged capacitors to produce intense discharges.

A capacitor is made of two conductors separated by an insulator. When charge is placed on one
conductor it attracts charge of the opposite polarity on the other conductor. As a result, an
electric field is set up between the conductors and a reservoir of electrical energy forms. As the
charge on the capacitor increases, the electric field between the conductors increases, placing a
growing stress on the insulator. At some critical point, the insulator breaks down and the
capacitor "short circuits," releasing the stored electrical energy. Such breakdowns may destroy
the capacitor. However, if the charging rate is slow the damage may repair itself as fresh
insulating material (for example, air) rushes in. If the current is strong or the insulator weak,
current will pass between the conducting plates, either steadily or in bursts.

Many natural systems on Earth form capacitors as well. For example, the Earth's surface and its
ionosphere are two conducting layers which are separated by air - hence this system acts as a
capacitor. A bolt of lightning is an electrical discharge within this system.

' 7/
According to plasma metaphysics, the same phenomenon that occurs in space and on Earth can
occur within our subtle bodies. It holds the view that our subtle bodies are composed of magnetic
plasma or "magma" which generates filamentary currents that are also found in space plasma
(see this author's article on 4

   ) and the low
density magnetic plasma spheres that interpenetrate Earth (see this author's article on

     ) .

Plasma metaphysics observes that the center of the magma or bioplasma body (coinciding
somewhat with the lower abdomen of the biomolecular body) contains a pool of the highest
density charged magnetic plasma of heavy particles (originating from the fiery core of the subtle
counterpart body of the Earth). (This is normally identified as "kundalini" or "Earth qi" in the
metaphysical literature.) It is separated from a pool of lower density magnetic plasma of lighter
particles of an opposite polarity near the head (this plasma can be identified loosely with "prana"
and "Heaven qi" which mainly originates from the subtle counterpart body of the Sun). As noted
above, plasma with different characteristics self-organize into "cells" with double-layers around
themselves. Hence, a double layer develops within the torso of the bioplasma body separating the
two types of plasma. This double layer operates as a capacitor.

Various types of instabilities have been seen to occur in double layers in laboratory plasmas.
Unstable double layers generate oscillations across a wide frequency spectrum and are therefore
often described as "noisy". A lack of plasma stability may lead to a dramatic change in
configuration and is often referred to in the literature as an "explosion" (and hence "exploding
double layer"). These types of explosions were first observed in mercury arc rectifiers, used in
high-power direct-current transmission lines, where the voltage drop across the device was seen
to increase by several orders of magnitude. Just as exploding double layers in space cause a burst
of energy, drawing energy from the connecting circuits, it is not inconceivable that the double
layers in our magma or bioplasma bodies would do the same, drawing energy from the circuits
identified as "meridians" in Chinese acupuncture.

In Chinese Qigong studies, qi is said to accumulate in specific areas - identified as "qi vessels"
(also sometimes called "qi reservoirs"). There are eight of these qi vessels; four of the most
important vessels lie within the torso - including two at the lower abdominal region. These
vessels act like the capacitors in electrical circuits which store electrical charge, according to Dr
Yang Jwing-Ming - an authority on Qigong. From the perspective of plasma metaphysics, these
vessels are plasma cells containing different types of plasma with double layers around them
which act like capacitors.

A capacitor can supply a large burst of power during a brief period. For example, in cameras, a
capacitor is discharged quickly through a flash bulb, lighting the bulb brightly for an instant. In
"capacitor discharge welding", a bank of capacitors is charged and then the discharged current is
applied across the joint between the work pieces. A high temperature phenomenon, accompanied
by blinding light, seals the joints. This type of welding method has also been used to shrink

! !:
Ordinarily, a coherent magnetic plasma (or "magma") body is protected by a transparent or
translucent (double-layered) membrane around the ovoid which protects the body because it
provides a resistance to the currents in the magnetic plasma spheres that interpenetrate Earth.
(These currents are often described as "ley lines" or "dragon lines" in the metaphysical literature.
In plasma metaphysics they are identified more formally as "Birkeland currents" i.e. currents that
arise from charged particles coursing through magnetic field lines. The first complete map of
"Birkeland currents" in the Earth's polar region was developed in 1974 from satellite-borne
magnetic field observations.)

However, a magma body can become fragmented due to an undisciplined wandering mind. This
happens when plasma with different physical properties and pulsating at different frequencies
within the body separate into different regions forming plasma cells. Forces are generated from
the separations which cause a pressure to develop on the membrane. This results in stresses and
strains which can rupture the protective insulating membrane and reduce its resistance to the
external currents. This allows strong currents in the environment to "leak" into the magma body
in an uncontrolled manner. The charge from the currents accumulates within the capacitors in the
lower physical-etheric body. As the charge builds-up, the electric field between the conductors
increases. When the threshold is reached an electrical discharge, lasting only a split-second,
occurs in the magma body. If this magma body is the lower physical-etheric body it can impact
the physical-biomolecular body, causing it to suddenly combust. (The dominant left brain's
discriminatory and analytical thought processes in human beings, associated with the acquisition
of language, are primarily implicated in the fragmentation of the plasma body. Other animals, on
the other hand, have not developed the neural processes associated with left brain activity to any
significant extent comparable to humans.)

In spontaneous human combustions the burns are not distributed evenly over the body - the
extremities are usually untouched by fire but the torso suffers severe burning. In many cases, the
torso is completely destroyed, the bones being completely reduced to ash. This is not surprising
as the most important capacitors in the lower physical-etheric body can be identified in the torso.
An uncontrolled huge electrical discharge from any of these capacitors can cause a spontaneous
combustion of a significant portion of the physical-biomolecular body - radiating out from the

The energies of our subtle (high energy) magma bodies far exceed anything the biomolecular
body can withstand. In spontaneous human combustions the rate of total body burning is much
faster than in the hottest crematoriums. Almost no fire damage is done to other objects in the
vicinity of the body. Often the victims' clothes are untouched by the fire. Hence, it is highly
localized - just like in situations involving electrical discharges in space plasma or a bolt of
lightning. The evidence also points to a situation where the fire starts from "within". The lower
physical-etheric body is an extension of the physical-biomolecular body and is capable of
generating a highly energetic burst of energy at high frequencies resulting in a highly localized
'subtle fire' that appears to erupt from within the physical-biomolecular body.

(  ,%

"'Real Yoga' is as dangerous to an impure and undisciplined body as a match to a cask of
gunpowder." - Annie Besant

In the meditative state of one-pointedness (also known as "hot" meditation or "active" meditation
under the Newberg-Aquili model) or in qigong exercises, a person opens himself or herself up to
absorb energy from the environment. Ruptures in the membrane of the magma body of an
undisciplined person reduce the resistance of the magma body to external currents. If
unsupervised by a teacher, a prodigious amount of current may leak into the magma body of the
undisciplined and unsuspecting meditator. This energy will accumulate in an uncontrolled
manner in the torso. When the electromagnetic stress exceeds a certain threshold, the current is
discharged in a brief moment and a spontaneous human combustion occurs in extreme cases. In
order to reduce the risk of this happening, meditators should go on to more energetic exercises in
a gradual manner under the supervision of a more experienced person.

"Your body must be able to withstand the high voltage of this energy. Some of the delicate
sinews of your body may be damaged if the voltage is too high for you to bear." - Osho
(formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Uncontrolled surges of electromagnetic energy during meditation or prayer can damage the cells
of the physical-biomolecular body. If it is close to any vital organ such as the heart, it can cause
death. If it is near the brain, it can cause a breakdown of neural processes which may result in
insanity. It can lead to spontaneous combustion of certain parts of the body. It is important in
these cases to interrupt or absorb any flows of charged particles (or currents) from the body.

According to Osho, a modern mystic, the use of wooden platforms for meditation had no other
purposes than the fact that they were poor conductors of electricity. Deer and leopard skins were
also frequently used for the same purpose: so that electromagnetic energy that is released during
meditation does not damage the internal organs of the physical-biomolecular body. "A man can
be killed by this electric shock," said Osho. "Therefore, the sadhak [or Yoga practitioner] puts on
wooden sandals and slept on a wooden platform."


EEG studies show that the hypnotic state is not a form of sleep. In fact, it is a form of focused
altertness, with increased attention in one area and reduced attention in other areas - much like
the meditative state of one-pointedness.

You may not feel like you are in a trance or in hypnosis. For most people they simply feel
relaxed. Scientists say that people who lose themselves in a movie, a book, or a day-dream are
probably experiencing a mild form of self-hypnosis. In fact, all of us pass through brief periods
of hypnosis every day just prior to falling asleep and once again immediately before waking-up
completely. Hence, the same risk of a spontaneous human combustion or damage due to
uncontrolled electromagnetic discharges from the lower physical-etheric body will exist when
you are absorbed in a day-dream or TV program; or when you are just waking-up or going to
sleep - as when you are meditating.
For most people, however, this risk would be low as generally our subtle bodies, composed of
dark matter, only weakly interact with our biomolecular bodies, composed of ordinary matter.
For unsupervised regular meditators who deliberately interact with their lower physical-etheric
body in a persistent and forceful way (and whose subtle bodies are generally fragmented and
pulsating at different rates), this risk may be higher.


Based on our current understanding of interactions between dark and ordinary matter,
electromagnetic interactions are generally ruled-out. Nevertheless, there is no reason not to posit
a class of objects which are on the   
 between dark and ordinary matter, such as the
cosmic filaments discussed in the author's article 4

. These   matter objects, at the threshold between dark and ordinary matter, are generally
invisible. However, ordinary matter which condenses around them gives out detectable radiation.
Alternatively, gray matter objects may experience temporary falls in energy levels which enable
them to emit lower frequencies associated with ordinary matter. Or a combination of both may
occur. (Hence, gray matter objects can cross the borderline between ordinary and dark matter
intermittently or under special conditions.)

Objects in the lower physical-etheric plane are such gray matter objects. According to the
metaphysical literature, the lower physical-etheric plane is an extension of the physical-dense
plane. Hatha Yoga, general Qigong practices and Chinese acupuncture are associated primarily
with the lower physical-etheric body. Electrical discharges from the lower physical-etheric body
can therefore impact the physical-biomolecular body electromagnetically, intermittently or under
special conditions.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007

Jay Alfred is the author of three books on a new field called "plasma metaphysics". The books
 ! , ! 

"   and !ë

j . Plasma
metaphysics is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of our high energy
subtle bodies and their corresponding environments. These bodies include the "bioplasma"
bodies and "astral" bodies found in the metaphysical literature. Plasma metaphysics provides an
internally consistent framework for the study of these bodies against the backdrop of modern
physics. The books are available at Amazon online bookstores.

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