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Rome: Total War FAQ/Strategy Guide (PC)

Written by TestaALT
Version 1.0 - Last Updated 7/17/05


Table of Contents
1. What's New?
2. Introduction
3. Controls
4. Factions
5. Running a City
6. Economy
7. Unit Fundamentals
8. Battle Basics
9. Battle Strategies
10. Sieges
11. Agents
12. Faction Family
13. Diplomacy
14. The Senate
15. Campaign Strategies
16. Historical Battles
17. Units List
18. Buildings List
19. Traits List
20. Trait Triggers
21. Retinue List
23. Useful Links
24. MODDING and Cheats
25. Credits
26. Legal Disclaimer
27. Contact Info

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1. What's New?

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v1.1 (7/18/05): Corrected a big mistake in spelling, added user strategy.

v1.0 (7/17/05): Initial version of guide - everything is done!
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2. Introduction

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Rome: Total War is one of those revolutionary games. Not only does it have a
campaign mode, but you also get to fight all of your battles in the beautiful
3D worlds. What's more, you actually see your troops fighting the enemy;
needless to say, it is breathtaking. It is almost like playing a war scene in
the movie "Troy"! Rome: Total War boasts literally a ton of modes, including
Imperial Campaign, Historical Battles, Custom Battle, and Quick Battle. It's
almost like four games for the price of one! I daresay that it will be quite
a few generations before we experience the quality of Rome: Total War in
other games.

It has been truly a "fun" time writing and compiling this guide. When I first
played Rome: Total War, I was lost. I built farms everywhere and basically
built my way into debt. I didn't know anything about the civil war and became
mice meat to The Senate. Hopefully, with this guide at hand, you won't suffer
a similar fate.

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3. Controls

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-- Campaign Map --

Option Menu: Escape

Toggle settlement labels: Ctrl + T
Toggle character labels: Ctrl + N
Zoom to capital: Home
Stop character walking: Backspace
AI speed up: Space
Quick save game: Ctrl + S
Quick load game: Ctrl + L
Show help window: F1
Select all units: Ctrl + A

-- Battle Map --

Option menu: Escape

Pause: P
Toggle unit run: R
Stop current orders: Backspace
Toggle special unit ability: F
Toggle guard mode: D
Toggle skirmish: S
Toggle fire at will: A
Toggle unit formation (tight/loose): C
Alternative attack: Alt + right mouse button
Rotate unit clockwise: , or <
Rotate unit counter-clockwise: . or >
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Increase formation width: =
Decrease formation width: -
Select waypoint: Shift + right mouse button
Show unit destination: Space
Group select units: G
Ungroup select units: G
Select all units: Ctrl + A
Deselect all units: Enter
Select all artillery units: Ctrl + B
Select all infantry units: Ctrl + I
Select all Cavalry units: Ctrl + C
Select all melee units: Ctrl + H
Select all missile firing units: Ctrl + M
Send message in multiplayer: T
Zoom to general: Home
Show help window: F1

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4. Factions

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-- The House of Julii --

Rome is a place where tradition and history count for much. The legends of
the city’s founding are important, and the powerful patrician families are
directly descended from the first followers of Romulus. These heroic times
demanded harsh, decisive action, and this is a tradition that the often-
conservative Romans have maintained to this day. The Romans, including the
Julii family, are people for whom politics and war are all or nothing

The Fates have not always been kind to the Julii. They are a patrician family
but one whose star has not always been in the ascendant. The family’s
fortunes have declined and then risen over the centuries, so much so that
they may almost be considered vaguely parvenu: upstarts newly arrived to
wealth, power and authority. With the loss of position and status in the
past, the other powerful factions of Rome look down (if only ever so
slightly) on these ‘new men’ of Rome. The Julii have had to adjust to the
realities of politics and power, and have cultivated their popularity with
the common people. The rule of Rome may lie with the Senate for now, but the
Julii know that the people also have a say in government. The Senate and the
patrician classes need the plebeians to at least go along with their actions.

This populist attitude to the common people puts the Julii at odds with the
other great families. Which approach will lead to great power within Rome has
still to be decided. The Julii have a commanding position in northern Italy
that means they will be in vanguard of any struggle against barbarians.
Success there can be translated into political power in Rome itself, as the
mob always loves winners...

-- The House of Brutii --

The founding of Rome is shrouded in legend. Legend has it, for example, that
the Romans can trace their ancestry back to Aeneas, the hero who escaped from
the sack of Troy. The founding of Rome also involves violence and murder.
Viewed in a certain light, much of subsequent Roman history can be seen as a
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continuation of these aggressive ways. Since this time, the Romans have kept
fine traditions of warfare and high-stakes (or even murderous) politics.

The Brutii know all about Roman politics. The founding of the Republic of
Rome involves them closely, as they have been at the heart of the Republic
for centuries and can even claim to have the ‘Father of the Republic’ in
their family. Lucius Junius Brutus pretended to be an idiot for years to
avoid being killed by Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin), the last king of
Rome, and then managed to lead his people in expelling the hated king after
the rape of Lucrece. Casting aside his idiot persona, he became one of the
first praetors, a ruling office of the patrician class established before the
consulship. Lucius Junius Brutus even had his own sons executed for plotting
to restore the Tarquins to power... that’s power politics played out to the
bitter end.

Membership of the patrician class is what sets the Brutii apart from the
other Roman factions. They are counted among the old families of Rome, those
related by blood, marriage or adoption to the founders. These are people who
have always been important within the social hierarchy, people who would
expect to have authority as a matter of course. This is why they now have
control of southern Italy. The Brutii would not have expectations of power,
however, if they had not been able to deliver the political and military
skills that Rome requires. But now, perhaps, with Rome surrounded by enemies
within and without, there is a chance to secure ultimate power, to become the
new Imperators of a Roman Republic that extends throughout the known world...

-- The House of Scipii --

The city of Rome had a violent foundation, one that mirrors much of the
political and military infighting that happens between the great families of
Rome. Romulus murdered Remus for jumping over the walls of the city, and then
named himself King and renamed the city in his own honour. The patrician
families of Rome claim descent from the adventurers, exiles and warriors
Romulus recruited to help establish his city. The Scipii should be numbered
among these ancient bloodlines.

They are not, perhaps, of quite the first rank, although this in itself means
that they are keen to prove themselves the equal of any other Romans, but
they are certainly among the optimates, the aristocracy of the city, and have
been for many generations. They are important people, used to the privileges
of rank and the usages of power, both to further Rome’s ambitions and that of
their own family. They have also produced able politicians and generals - the
two go hand-in-hand in Rome, as political success rarely comes without
success on the battlefield.

They are, however, unusual in a couple of respects for a Roman family of the
old ways. Firstly, they are extravagantly wealthy. Wealth is one thing, and
this always brings power with it, but their use of wealth has sometimes
surprised more conservative Romans (and Romans are nothing if not
conservative). The Scipii also have a taste for Greek learning and culture,
again something that surprises and concerns the conservative elements.
Nevertheless, despite these un-Roman ways, the Scipii have the political
skills and military competence to make their family greatest in Rome, and
possibly the rulers of the known world. They may only directly control a
couple of provinces in Italy and Sicily, but their ambitions are boundless...
and realistic.

-- Macedonians --

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After the death of Alexander the Great the empire he had created tottered and
fell into disarray with remarkable speed. His empire was the largest ever
seen, and the generals struggled against each other for the ultimate prize of
being the new Alexander. Something that none of them was quite strong enough
to attain. The Diadochi, or Successors, were only strong enough to hold
together fragments of Alexanders empire.

Macedonia was the original home of Alexander, now ruled by the descendants of
general Antigonus Cyclops or Antigonus the One-Eyed. The Macedonians are the
proud inheritors of Alexander’s original kingdom. Macedonia itself, with
parts of Greece as dependencies, has the potential to be a strong power once

Although the empire may have slipped away from the Macedonians, they are
still deadly warriors and fierce opponents. The Antigonid dynasty commands
the respect of their people and has a strong military tradition. Macedonia
has spent many long years struggling against the other Diadochi or
‘Successor’ states. This military might could equally be turned against other
powers for domination of the eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor and then,
perhaps, the whole of the known world. A new Greek empire could arise and
equal the achievements of Alexander...

-- Egyptians --

After the death of Alexander the Great the empire he had created tottered and
fell into disarray with remarkable speed. His empire was the largest ever
seen, and the generals struggled against each other for the ultimate prize
that none of them was quite strong enough to gain. The Diadochi, or
Successors, were only strong enough to hold together fragments of Alexander’s

Egypt was one part of that empire and by anyone’s standards it is an ancient
land. It is now ruled by Greek Pharaohs, the descendants of Ptolemy I, one of
Alexander’s able generals. The Ptolemaic dynasty adjusted rapidly to Egyptian
ways and adopted the royal ways of the Pharaohs - including divine status and
marriage between the Pharaoh and his sister in each generation. All the
succeeding Pharaohs have been called Ptolemy, and their sisters (more often
than not) Cleopatra in the Egyptian fashion.

Egypt, therefore, is a rich land under the new Pharaohs and a centre of
learning for the Greek world. The Ptolemaic Pharaohs hold together a
formidable kingdom and must be seen as a major power in the Eastern
Mediterranean. Their potential in warfare against the other successor states
is also impressive, and an aggressive Pharaoh could well expand Egypt’s
boundaries far beyond the Nile valley...

-- Seleucids --

The death of Alexander the Great brought dissolution to his empire almost
before his corpse was cold. It may have been the largest empire the world had
ever seen, but it proved fragile once the man himself was gone. His generals
fought for control of what remained, but none of these Diadochi, or
successors, was strong enough to be a new Alexander. The empire fragmented,
and Seleucia was one of the splinter kingdoms, held together by the
descendants of Seleucus, one of Alexander’s able lieutenants. Seleucus I came
close to seizing the throne of Macedonia too, but was murdered before he
could achieve this ambition. There have been tensions with Macedonia and
Egypt ever since despite occasional marriages between the ruling houses of
these states.
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The Seleucids hold the former Babylonian provinces of Alexander’s empire, an

area of ancient cities and rich farmlands along the Tigris. (As an historical
aside, the later Seleucid capital city of Ctesiphon is now under a suburb of
Baghdad in Iraq; the earlier capital, Seleucia, was on the other river bank).
This region also sits on the trade routs to the mysterious east, something
that generates large revenues for the Seleucid kingdom. This, combined with
the manpower and military expertise that are available, could make the
Seleucids into masters of much of the known world. A Greek-Persian empire,
combining the best of both systems as Seleucus tried to do, could be
formidable indeed, and perhaps unstoppable.

-- Carthigians --

By tradition, Carthage was founded by Queen Dido who had fled from the city
of Tyre in Phoenicia after her husband was killed by her brother. Even in the
days of legend there was a link with Rome, because Aeneas of Troy, the father
to the Romans, was the lover of Dido and then abandoned her. In her grief she
killed herself, cursing Aeneas and his descendants as she died.

Carthage - the name means ‘new town’ - continued to flourish, a Phoenician

colony that outgrew and survived its parent land. The Phoenicians - and their
successors the Carthaginians - must be credited with the invention of glass,
the bireme galley and with being expert traders thanks to their superb
navigational skills. Even before the Greeks reached the Western
Mediterranean, Carthage was a superbly wealthy city, thanks to its mastery of
the seas. Carthaginian colonies - colonies of the original Phoenician colony
- now ring the sea (modern Barcelona is named after the famous Barca family).
Carthage is a maritime power, with only a relatively small landowning class
to provide military land power. This, however, does not matter as long as
Carthage continues to be wealthy. Its coffers pay for mercenaries in
abundance when the city needs to go to war.

And it is this wealth, mastery of trade and expansion along the Mediterranean
coast towards Italy that brings Carthage into direct confrontation with the
newly rising power of Rome. Now, perhaps, it is time for Dido’s curse to have
its full effects on the children of Aeneas...

-- Parthians --

The Parthians are a nomadic people who conquered and settled in the area near
the Caspian Sea in the 4th century BC as part of the Dahae confederation.
Since that time the Parthians, under their Arsacid rulers (named after King
Arsaces I), have fiercely maintained their independence. The Seleucids have,
from time to time, claimed to be the overlords of Parthia and, from time to
time, have actually been strong enough to try and enforce their claim. This
is not something that endears the Seleucid Empire to the Parthian kings.

The Parthians have the potential to be a great power - perhaps a great Empire
- as they sit close to or astride the main trade routes from the east to the
Mediterranean. The wealth of the world flows through these lands: a fortune
that could pay for any army that an ambitious king could imagine. This wealth
is there for the taking, for the people with the will to stretch out their
hands and grasp it. Historically, the Parthians managed to become a great
power, and fight off the advance of Rome into their heartlands.

To the north are the barbarian steppes, peopled by fierce tribes who require
watching. To the west, though, lie the Seleucid Empire and the lands of
Alexander’s successors. These too are ruled by ambitious men. And beyond
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them, the rising power of Rome, and the traders of Carthage. Perhaps common
cause could be made with them, for a while...

-- Kingdom of Pontus --

After the death of Alexander the Great the empire he had created tottered and
fell into disarray with remarkable speed. His empire was the largest ever
seen, and the generals struggled against each other for the ultimate prize
that none of them was quite strong enough to attain. The Diadochi, or
Successors, were only strong enough to hold together fragments of Alexander’s
empire. Mithradates I, the son of Prince Mithradates of Cius, took advantage
of this situation to establish a new kingdom of Pontus. He was not one of the
Diadochi, but a freebooter who saw his chance and took it. In the confusion
Mithradates rode to Pontus with six horsemen and made himself king.
Mithradates was an able man, to say the least.

Since then, Pontus has managed to maintain its independence from both Greek
and Persian influences, even though the royal family have Persian roots. The
kingdom has a good position on the Black Sea coast and the potential to
expand into much of Asia Minor. Nearby lie the great trade routes from the
east, a significant source of revenue. It is also home to many warlike
peoples, a fact that could be exploited by expansionist rulers.

-- Gauls --

The Gauls are a confederation of many tribes who have successfully expanded
their territorial range over centuries of migration. Their culture is
vibrant, aggressive and proud, valuing courage in both their leaders and

Do not mistake the Gallic people for simple barbarians. They are far from a
simple people. Their culture is ancient. They have kings, coinage and
developed trade. Their metal working skills are superb, easily the equal of
their so-called civilized neighbours. Their towns are well organised and
prosperous. Their culture is rich and they have Gods aplenty to keep them
from harm. They have warriors aplenty to do harm unto others. They may lack
the writing of the Greeks or Romans, but this does not make them savages.

They are from the same robust Celtic stock as the Britons and indeed many of
the same tribes can be found in both Northern Gaul and Britannia. The sea has
been no barrier to their expansion. Like the Britons, the Gauls have a proud
warrior tradition and are not people to lightly accept conquest or setbacks.
They will fight, and fight hard, to preserve what is rightfully theirs, and
to take new lands that could be rightfully theirs. A certain degree of
bloody-mindedness also colours their druidic religion and warfare which many
outsiders find deeply intimidating - headhunting does that to other people!

The Gauls are a people with a great future, if they can find the space to
expand successfully. They face many threats, from both ‘civilized’ people and
other ‘barbarians’, but these threats can equally be seen as opportunities
for greatness and glory.

-- Germans --

The forests of Germania are dark and deep, and home to many brooding gods and
malign forces. Some of this darkness, this menace, can be found in the people
of the forests, men not easily tamed or turned to gentle pursuits. They are
born to war, savage in battle, unforgiving of insults, implacable when
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feuding, and cruel in victory. Their gods are terrible and demand hideous
sacrifices of men, women and children. This much, at least, the scribes of
civilized lands believe to be true.

The Germans are much like their Celtic neighbours, but with their own
distinctive styles of dress, their own language and their own ways. They are
a confederation of people who speak the same tongue and honour the same
warlike and harsh gods rather than a nation. Their constant feuding amongst
themselves make them distrusting of strangers and difficult allies. Warlords
rise and fall among them almost continuously, and the difficult conditions in
their homeland make sure that they have few large towns. Peace is almost
unknown to them, except when won with an axe or sword.

All of this has produced a race of warriors second to none. The Germans may
not be sophisticated fighters, but they are cunning, clever, and do not know
the meaning of fear. Ambush and treachery they understand in full, along with
vengeance and the importance of leaving no enemy alive. They are a vigorous
people, a people who could be great across the whole of the world. All they
need is leadership, and the chance to fight!

-- Britons --

The Britons are very similar to the Gauls - they come from the same robust
Celtic stock after all, and many tribes can be found in Northern Gaul and in
Britannia. The sea is no barrier. The Britons have their own sophisticated
culture, within which trade and kingship flourish, and they have well-
organised towns, a small but growing merchant class and age-old trading links
to the world. The Phoenicians, for example, came to these islands for tin and

They also have a proud tradition as warriors. Britons are fierce fighters,
and present a terrifying appearance to their foes. They dye themselves blue
with woad, think nothing of danger, and often lime their hair into
fantastical spikes, making them appear truly horrific. Perhaps a later Roman
description of Britons as ‘Brittunculi’, wretched little Britons, is only
partly contemptuous: it might equally be intended to make them less terrible.
For the Britons can be terrible: their spirits are rarely broken by defeat or
enslavement. They plot revenge, and then take it as brutally as possible.
Their druidic religion can be savage to outsiders, demanding human sacrifice
as a matter of course. Their traditional method of warfare involving fighting
from light, highly manoeuvrable chariots can also put fear into many enemies.
The noise alone is enough to scare many into flight.

All in all, from their island home the Britons have much to feel confident
about. They are a vibrant people, with a tradition of bravery in warfare and
Gods who will aid and protect them. Protected by the moat of the sea from
invasion, they can gaze out towards the mainland, and plan their conquests...

-- Greeks --

The Greeks have a right to be proud. They are the fathers of democracy and
reason, bringers of civilization and culture to the lands around the
Mediterranean. There are few corners of the known world that have not felt
the tread of a Greek army, or been graced by the magnificence of Greek
architecture. The world is only the way it is because Greeks fought off the
despots of Persia, and because Alexander led Greeks to the ends of the earth!
Now, however, the Greeks are reduced in power, and largely confined to their
original homelands. A loose confederation of city-states and petty kingdoms,
held together by a need for mutual protection, is what remains. But there
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could still be greatness within Greece. The same blood that once defied
Xerxes still runs in the veins of Athenians, Thebans, Spartans and the rest.
The men of Greece still value their independence and civilization, and could
still take this back to every corner of the world.

Perhaps now is the time for the Greeks to be great again. Alexander’s heirs
still fight amongst themselves for the spoils of empire. The rising power of
Rome has yet to break out of the confines of Italy - they face the
Carthaginians as rivals. To the north, the semi-civilized Dacians and other
barbarians are surely no threat to civilized men, and Greeks have never bowed
the knee to Eastern despots!

The following factions, although playable by mods, have no description:

* Armenians
* Dacians
* Numidans
* Scythians
* Spanish
* Thracians

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5. Running a City

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It is hard to win battles if the infrastructure of your empire is screwed up.

Bringing a few hundred more men to the fight that have better equipment and
more uses will make battles a cinch. To do this, one needs to be good at
running their empire.

At first, you only start off with a handful of provinces. These might already
be developed somewhat, but let's look over them and figure out how to manage
them. Every settlement has four "details" - income, public order, population,
and population growth. In addition, every settlement can construct buildings
and train units. Constructing better buildings means better units, but you
need a certain level of population before you can construct a new slew of

So, the consensus is that you want to get population as fast as possible,
right? This is totally wrong. If you're population is at, say, a 5% increase
per turn when you have 2,000 people, that's all nice and dandy. But what
happens when you reach 24,000 people? You'd be getting a boatload of people a
turn - too many that squalor would rise and everyone would revolt.

With that in mind, you don't want to the biggest percentage of population
ever. You want population to have a screeching halt at just above 24,000, so
you can get all the last good buildings and not have the city rioting. Public
order is directly connected to squalor - the percentage indicates how happy
people are in the city. The higher, the better. If the percentage is
extremely, they will riot and killing will commence.

To keep public order in a good range, buildings and garrisons apply. For
garrisons, it doesn't matter the quality of the troops, but how many you have
stationed. So, you should always stick with peasants in towns - they have the
largest numbers, cost nothing, and will keep public order high because of
their numbers. Buildings also raise public order - especially temples.

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Income tells us how much money that city is making. All cities make money, so
even if it's in the negative amount, all it means is that the city isn't
performing as well as your top cities. If the income is in the negatives,
you'll need to build more stuff that makes money. More information on that in
the next section, economy.

Usually players make a settlement a "military" or "economy" settlement. That

is, they make buildings that only have to do with one of them. This is a good
idea at first, but I would build economy (money-making) buildings in every
settlements. Having a ton of money is always a good thing, unless you're
flirting with the fifty thousand denarii range. At fifty big ones, you'll
start to get the "corrupt" expenditure, which will leave your family members
susceptible to bad traits. Unless you're way other the fifty thousand range,
try to stay below it.

But, back to the point: choose a settlement as "military" or "economy" and

try to build almost exclusively on that. When you're done with that, it's
nice to put economy into the military, as having oogles of money is good. You
also *might* want economy settlements to focus on one type of unit, but it's

Raising and lowering the tax rates for a city is your friend. It makes
population growth slower and gives you more money. Public order is lowered,
but stopping population growth will be key for some settlements. For military
settlements, it is obviously a bad idea to jack up the tax rate to very high,
considering you'll just suck away at the population. Toy with the tax rate
until you find a good level for all your settlements. For some, you'll
probably just want to stick it at "very high" and reap the rewards of the
settlement with worry of too much population.

All cities also have health. If a plague drops by, it could desolate your
city. To stop this, build things like sewers to raise public health. But that
raises population growth, so don't go overboard on building health-related
buildings. The Plague lasts around five turns, and it takes quite a few more
until they are ridden of it. Quarantine cities who have plagues so it doesn't

If you recruit a hundred men from a city, a hundred will be taken away from
the total population. Makes sense, right? If you dismiss a unit in a city,
the population will go to that city. So, if you want, you can make peasants
and ship them to cities that need more people.

When taking over other factions, you'll always have a lower public order.
This is due to the fact that all cultures are different, and people like
their current cultures. To boost public order, destroy any temples of the
other faction and build your own in their place.

If you press the little round button at the bottom right-hand corner of the
screen (it will have your faction's symble and colors on it) you can view how
much money you are making in the "Financial" tab. This shows you exactly what
you are making/losing, it even includes what it actually is. It is good to
reference back to this every now and then to see what you can improve upon.

The turns are six months, alternating between the hot, sun-drenching summer
and cold as ice winter. To end a turn, press the hourglass button at the
bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

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6. Economy
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So you learned about running a city, and now you want to make the big bucks?
Well, it isn't entirely simple; it's not like you flip a switch and the game
does everything for you. You have to work for it, or build, depending on how
you look at it. Most economical buildings raise your income, so it is
imperative that you build them.

But which buildings jack up your income? And when do you build what? Here's
the list, in order of when you should build them:

1. Without roads, your city will have very little trade, and on top of that
it will be hard to move with your army. Roads are the number one thing you
should construct, as they jack up income. Always build roads first when you
capture a settlement/are starting out. It will be very hard to make a good
income if you can't get much trade.

2. If you've captured a settlement, destroy any temples or shrines that

settlement has. It will make the cultural unrest less. If you're not on the
blue face or riots, head to step three. If you are, immediately build your
own public order bonus shrine.

3. Farms are the second item you should construct. ONLY BUILD THE FIRST level
of farms, which is called "Land Clearance." If you build any more, it will up
the population growth and you'll have a big problem later in the game when
you're getting 5% of 24,000 and have big unrest. The first farm, however, has
many good qualities in income.

4. The next step is to build ports if you can. Obviously, you can build a
port if you touch water. Ports raise your trade income, and it's always nice
to have a ship or two in the ocean.

5. After that, there is mines. Only some provinces are able to create mines -
if you can, then do it right away. Mines have a constant income that doesn't
change, so you'll be profiting off of them for quite a while.

6. Either build a market or a military barrack of your choice, depending on

what your plans are for the province.

7. After this, build the lesser buildings like blacksmiths, academies, and
other troop barracks. If the province was military, build a market after you
build your first barrack - income never hurt anyone.

8. Walls can go first or last, depending on how much of a threat you think
your city is to attack. If it's clear, then build them last. If a band of a
million Gauls is parked right next to the city, definitely build walls first.
Screw economy, you need to hold onto the city!

9. You can build sewers and other public health buildings, if you desire.
They raise population, but couldn't you just destroy them when you reach
24,000 people?

Well, that pretty much covers what to build. Everything else falls in place
once you have all the buildings layed down. You'll be rolling in the dough on
your province.

Tax rates affect a lot of your income, also. But how high is too high?
Really, the skies the limit if you don't have any military plans for the
settlement; just keep it as high as possible and you won't ever have to worry
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about squalor or too big of a population.

But what about military settlements? Well, in the beginning of the game, I
suggest that you raise the taxes high if you don't have much money and a
pretty decent population - money is going to be needed in your early
campaign. If you have money, just stick it at normal so it raises to the next
level this millennia.

If you give another faction something favorable, you can sometimes get
"tribute" in the form of money. This can add up to a ton of bucks if you play
your cards right. Map information is the most basic thing to trade that
really doesn't do much to the game - you can get a few turns of thousands of
gold if you haggle right and have seen some of the map.

In some cases, you can get an inane amount for map information, but that's
only if you've seen a majority of the map. Trading map information for
tribute is essential early in the game, mostly because money is scarce early
and you need all you can get.

Trade Agreements
Also with diplomacy, having trade agreements with other factions is a good
thing. It will boost the income (obviously) of your trade. Sometimes, you can
also get a tribute out of them, if you are pesky enough!

Fifty Thousand
Once you reach 50,000 denarii, you get an expenditure labelled "corruption."
The more over 50,000 you are, the more this will cost you. Faction members
generally get greedy after this amount and take a little for themselves. This
may seem harmless enough, but it can lead to bad traits and retinue. If
you're flirting with 50,000, build something so you're lower than it or bribe
a great general.

Quick way to look at things:

Roads: Essential to any province, bring in trade income.

Mines: Slow but steady income, only some provinces have it.
Farms: Only build the first level so you're population doesn't spurt out of
Ports: Sea income is pretty good, also.
Markets: More trade income, yay!
Taxes: High if not a military settlement and don't want growth, medium to low
if you're recruiting inanely.

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7. Unit Fundamentals

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Infantry Units
The backbone of all armies, infantry units serve as "meat shields" or
"walls" for the enemy attack. They are very well equipped defensively and
offensively, making them perfect protectors that can harass enemy troops.
Infantry's main purpose is to fight the other infantry - distract the enemy,
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more or less - while other units charge or fire in (literally) for the kill.
Infantry units include the very defensive Pikeman to the well-rounded Roman

Infantry is more than just a meat shield, though. In addition, most infantry
can kill pretty effectively, if given the opportunity. Infantry typically
don't pick the fight (unless going up against other infantry, of course)
mostly because of their slow to mediocre speed. Missile units skirmish away
and Cavalry can outrun infantry by a mile. Still, infantry is needed in all
armies, if only to keep a good line.

Light Infantry
Yes, I just ranted about the slow to mediocre speed of infantry, but light
infantry is actually pretty quick. They are severely less armored than heavy
infantry, but if you ever need a diversion, flank attacks, pesty missile unit
charges, and rout killing, light infantry might serve you well. Usually,
though, you'll only be using them in the earlier parts of your campaign. If
you're really early in a campaign, these guys might even be your main

They serve many decent purposes - really a jack of all trades, but they
aren't masters of anything besides good diversion. It's especially nice to
pull off a heavy infantry unit and turn the battle in your favor because you
have a nice opening. Light infantry, however, sort of become obsolete when
you're mass producing Cavalry, considering Cavalry are the experts at light
infantry's job, and light infantry can't hold a line like heavy infantry can.

Heavy Infantry
Meat shields! All generals and missile units need them, why not get heavier
infantry? Not only can they hold the line, but they can also dish out some
respectable damage. Heavy infantry usually have good morale, meaning it will
take some time before they rout. The only drawback is that heavy infantry
are slower than other units and, because of that, they usually will only find
themselves fighting other heavy infantry and the occasional flank attacks by

Still, heavy infantry aren't as good defenders as Spearmen, thanks to the

fact that they don't get Phalanx formation, but Testudo formation. Testudo
makes enemy arrows go away, but it leaves the infantry vulnerable to hand-to-
hand attacks and tires them out quickly. Testudo is good for sieging but not
much else. I'd rather use Spearmen as defenders, personally.

Spearmen might be slow, but they can take a big beating. These units really
are walls - face them head on and you will find yourself dead as a doornail.
Spearmen are pretty darn slow, though, so they are very susceptible to flank
attacks and archers. They kill Cavalry like shish kabob head on, but they'll
really find themselves in trouble if they get hit from the flanks by those
same ponies.

The Phalanx formation, although trash-compacting movement, is effectively a

wall that can kill. Face a unit head on in Phalanx formation and you probably
won't kill one unit. Spearmen are superb in bottleneck situations, where the
only place an enemy CAN go is into their spears. However, Spearmen move
slowly, and, in combination with the fact that they are only decent killers,
you won't find Spearmen racking up the kills unless the enemy likes spears.

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Missile Units
Missile units are designed to pepper down the enemy numbers before the hand-
to-hand fighting starts. They are skirmishers, most always running away from
the enemy enough to get another volley into the gut of the enemy. But don't
let them skirmish into a position where they can potentially shoot your own
men! If ever put in hand-to-hand combat, most missile units are demolished
within ten seconds of the engagement - literally torn to shreds thanks to the
no armor and small, weak-looking dagger clause.

Cavalry feast at the opportunity to charge in and desolate'em, mostly because

all enemies fear Missile units. Though they only have a limited amount of
ammo, they can seriously destroy the enemy if they are not left alone. Being
fired on at will isn't very fun. Fire arrows make bow-wielding missile units
even more needed in a fight - they take care of the chariot and elephant

Bow-and-arrow at their best, cloak-and-dagger at their worst, Archers are the
game's most basic Missile unit. They have a good shooting distance, decent
kill rate, and are pretty fast - what's not to like about them. Their
weakness, though, for the most part, is hand-to-hand, mano-y-mano fighting.
Archers are glass cannons. Fire from a distance and hope you don't get poked

Fire arrows are particularly fun because they ruin the enemy's morale. I
mean, c'mon, would you like to see a man burn until his little green uniform
was all black? Fire arrows wreak more havoc on the enemy's morale than them
regular wood sticks, but have a worse kill rate than regular arrows. Fire
arrows have more ups, however, as they spook elephants and annihilate

Mostly including the Roman Velites, skirmishers are pretty decent, all-around
soldiers. Their main purpose is to pepper down the enemy at the flanks, maybe
distract an infantry or two. And then, *gasps* they skirmish away and throw
more spears at the enemy. One obviously can't throw spears too far, making
them almost obsolete when archers come around. Additionally, skirmishers
don't come with the best amount of ammo.

What gives skirmishers somewhat of an edge, though, is the fact that they CAN
fight hand-to-hand combat. Most archers will just fall to the ground with
their paper armor, but skirmishers usually come equipped with a shield and
sword, making them borderline close-combat fighters. When they run out of
ammo, just have them charge the enemy's flanks or give'em enemy archers a
tough time.

Cavalry Units
The completing piece of any army, Cavalry units are more valuable than they
seem at first. Although mowing down Missile units and other no armored foes
seems like their only purpose, Cavalry serve as the unit that "paints the
bigger picture" in this game. So far, we've got infantry on infantry with
archers pelting arrows down, but a heroic charge into the flank - that is,
the side or rear of an enemy - can desolate most enemies.

Cavalry are fast, so they CAN get to the flank, unlike other units. They also
have good charge bonuses. In addition to these uses, Cavalry are also
excellent at hunting down routd units and have a ton of stamina - you'd have
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to run (or gallop) all the way across the battlemap before they get tired.
With all this in mind, Cavalry are a great fit to any army.

Light Cavalry
As the name states, these Cavalry are "light" - they don't have much defense
and only wield spears. Light Cavalry are excellent for quick strikes at the
flanks of infantry - just don't let them get torn to pieces after the charge.
These Cavalry will mainly be your "extra" unit, ready to take down any
weakness you see in the enemy's army.

If archers, or even skirmishers, aren't being protected well enough, it's the
light Cavalry's duty to slice them in half. Just don't charge into the front
of heavy Cavalry or infantry, because light Cavalry gets manhandled by units
that have more defense and hand-to-hand power. Although light Cavalry's main
purpose is to take out Missile units, they can also be the deciding punch in
overpowering any unit that is already engaged - use them wisely to see the
enemy routing out.

Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry will serve mainly as your flankers and, in some occasions,
protectors. The power of a heavy Cavalry's charge is one that few enemies can
survive and, if they do make it passed the charge, the enemy knows that
you'll either bash into them again with a heavy charge, or force them to
fight a losing two front war.

Heavy Cavalry really make it so we don't just have boring infantry on

infantry. While the infantry is going blob on blob, the heavy Cavalry are
suppose to turn the tables in a fight by charging into the infantry's flanks.
Since the enemy also wants to do this, heavy Cavalry also have the job of
protecting flanks. Heavy Cavalry aren't any different in their weakness,
however. Even though they can fight better in hand-to-hand than light
Cavalry, Spearmen still make shish kabob out of'em.

Good thing the AI isn't smart enough to spook the elephants with fire arrows.
Elephants mow down infantry, a fact that even the developers admitted when
they released patch 1.1 of this game. They are designed to rush threw enemy
infantry and destroy lines. Elephant, really, are a forced to be reckoned
with, they kill tons and scare tons.

Even though elephants are fearmachines, they spoke real real easy. Fire
arrows can make them run amok (that phrase is almost cliche now) and pound on
their OWN troops. Nothing is more satisfying than watching the enemy
destroying itself. Spearmen also take care of elephants.

Yes, chariots are good at breaking infantry. Yes, chariots are fast and
powerful. And yes, chariots are tough little punks. They take a few units to
take out effectively. Really, you need to pincer them - that is, attack them
from both flanks - and make sure they don't move. Chariots don't have much
defense, so they will die pretty quickly if they can't move at all. Heavy
Cavalry and infantry work wel against them if you pincer them effectively.

Another way to destroy chariots is fire arrows, though this isn't extremely
effectively. If you play a faction that has chariots, you'll find yourself
using them to break lines and flank infantry. They are, overall, pretty good
units. Archer chariots are even worse to pincer, but if you lead them to the
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end of the map it should be easier because they'll have no place to run.

Every civilization has peasants. They come a dime a dozen - you get more
units and it costs less than, say, Hastati. However, they really aren't
designed for combat. Pitchforks are the worst weapon in the game, and
peasants usually wear paper armor. They also have horrible morale and will
break quickly.

Never put peasants in your armies. Instead, stick a unit or two in a city -
cities count the number of units you have stationed, not the quality, in
terms of riots and happiness. This is there only real use. If you ever face
peasants, firing with arrows usually downs their numbers pretty quick.

Horse Archers
Practically invulnerable against infantry, horse archers are as quick as most
Cavalry and can kill from a distance - what's not to like about them? An army
of horse archers could desolate another army, albeit slowly, without losing a
single unit. It's all in the run-away-and-fire-backwards strategy that's sort
of self-explanatory.

Facing against horse archers is somewhat of a pain - this is where light

Cavalry really shines. They can catch up and liquor, or him, so to speak.
Though it will be a bloody battle, you'll take care of the problem.
Obviously, the pincer strategy of double flanking them and boxing them in
works. And, of course, pursuing them to the end of the battle line never

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8. Battle Basics

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Now it's time to discuss the basics of battle. In this section, you'll find
some strategy, but it will mostly cover all the basics and how to use them to
your advantage.

Knowing the Troops

All units have their strengths and weaknesses. If you exploit the enemy's
weaknesses, you have a very good chance of winning the battle. All weaknesses
can be protected, but the AI always tends to make bad blunders.

Infantry are your best (and almost always _only_) close-combat fighters.
Lined up, they effectively make a wall to protect your missile units. They
are great killers when the enemy stays still for them to slaughter. Infantry
can take Cavalry head on and, if they can catch up, kill missile units

But, that brings me to the weakness of Infantry. They have good overall
defense and attack ability, but very poor speed. Cavalry can quickly get out
of a jam with infantry if they have an opening to run. Missile units can
usually out-skirmish them. Infantry, basically, only get a chance to duke it
out against enemy infantry or the occasional moment when the AI makes a
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To make up for the lack of speed, a player needs to make sure that, when in
close-combat range, the enemy does not move. If you have two infantry units
near an enemy Cavalry, try to attack from different sides and effectively
block the Cavalry in. That's really the only way you can take out faster
units; when you don't block them in, they will run away.

Oh, you have to love Spearmen! They are very tough defenders that, in the
dreaded (by enemies) phalanx formation, make a real wall! If you're in a
bottleneck situation, meaning you need to block off a bridge or wall, just
tell a Spearmen unit to get into Phalanx once they're in position. Any stupid
enemy that tries to charge in will be treated by your Spearmen's, well,
spears. Sometimes you can take out hundreds of men with just a unit of
Spearmen in this situation.

Spearmen are also pretty mediocre attackers. They have slower speed, so they
definitely can't catch up to missile units. But they do have a very good
advantage against Cavalry because, if faced head on, horses will get busted
in by spears.

Disadvantages, obviously, are that they are slow and vulnerable to enemy
fire. Cavalry can manhandle them if they attack the flanks. Phalanx
formation, besides making you a wall, also has the trait that you can't move
(almost). Perfect for bottleneck situations and decent in open ground, just
as long as you guard the flanks.

Missile Units
Attacking from a distance was never... tougher? Missile units have a few
distinct advantage, like they can attack from a distance. This is imperative
when going infantry on infantry, because Missile units can destroy if the
enemy is in big blobs. Missile units also have fire arrows for help against
those special units like elephants or chariots.

Missile units are a key component in sieges. On the offensive, they can take
out the enemy's number at the town square without fear of reprisal. On the
defense, they can attack from the inside while a Spearmen unit is patching up
the walls. With this, you don't have to completely rely on the Spearmen's

The bad part about Missile units is that they need to be far, far away from
enemy units or they'll get sliced in half. They last a few seconds with their
paper armor. This effectively makes Missile units the "Paper," while Cavalry
are the "Scissors." Cavalry are meant for Missile units - they are quicker
and better at close combat.

Missile units also have to worry about friendly fire. Nothing is worse than
killing your own troops. Mostly, though, they're only disadvantage is their
weakness at close combat, which is a rather huge disadvantage when you have
faster Cavalry.

Light Cavalry, heavy Cavalry, it's almost the same. The only difference is
that Heavy Cavalry can take a beating and dish more damage. Cavalry are some
of the fastest units in the game. They can outrun just about any unit and
have unbelievable stamina. I mean, they're on a frickin' horse, for cryin'
out loud.
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Cavalry has a few jobs. They can attack the flanks of infantry, repeatedly
bashing into them and killing enemies while lowering morale simultaneously.
In addition, Cavalry are used to hunt down Missile Units. If you ever see an
open Missile Unit, that is they aren't in the near protection of Infantry or
other Cavalry, take them out. Missile Units get torn to pieces in close

The disadvantage of Cavalry? They aren't very good at hand-to-hand fighting

against infantry. If they get boxed in, Cavalry WILL drop fairly quickly.
Cavalry are made to always be running. When they aren't, things go downhill.
Cavalry also get creamed by Spearmen head on. Shish kabob, I tell ya.

Oh my, these things are almost unbeatable. They're almost like better
versions of Cavalry specifically used for flanking infantry and breaking the
line. And that's exactly what you should use them for - break the enemy
infantry's line. Bad part - if they can't move, their two HPs will deplete
and they _will_ bite the dust. Keep them from moving if your trying to
destroy chariots.

Practically unbeatable, the only good way to beat Elephants is to scare them.
Though some say Spearmen are effective against Elephants, I've done many
simulations and Spearmen get _owned_ by Elephants. Elephants are used to run
through lines and scare everything around them. The scare tactic is good, but
it can be used against them. If you use fire arrows, fire pigs, or anything
that scares, the Elephants will "run amok."

The obvious: Artillery are great for sieges because they can destroy walls.
But are they good in normal combat? Well, it really depends on luck.
Artillery fire rather randomly in the air - they never really hit their
target, so it's all about luck. Sometimes, you can kill a ton of enemies if
you hit them dead-on or they're in a blob. Other times, you'll miss or even
hit your own troops!

One of the best ways to play is definitely to attack from the flanks.
Attacking from the sides or the rear will give the enemy's something else to
worry about. Two front wars aren't particularly good. On top of that, the
enemy is facing ahead, so if you do attack from the flanks you should be able
to kill the first few lines of enemies without taking a blow!

Cavalry are especially useful for this job because of their speed, charge
bonuses, and high fatigue. Regular infantry is also a pretty decent
distraction to give you enough time to attack from the flanks. Attacking from
the flanks not only kills tons of enemies, but also lowers morale and
sometimes makes the enemy rout.

Remember to protect your own flanks! The AI generally goes crazy with Cavalry
flank attacks. Protect them with your own Cavalry or a batch of Spearmen
ready to get into position.

That brings me to my next point: morale. All enemies have morale. The higher
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it is, the better they will perform in battle. A unit with particular high
morale will be able to overpower a unit with lower morale, if both units are
formidable against each. That is, even if some Archers have full morale, they
can still be sliced by Cavalry that have been beaten thoroughly throughout
the entire battle.

So, you want the best morale possible, right?

Generals of an army have a lot to do with morale. If your General gets
slaughter by a band of Spearmen, how do you think that would make the regular
unit of Nile Spearmen feel? They'd feel like if the General can't win, how
could we? It's that type of attitude that loses battles. To destroy morale,
make plans to kill the enemy general. Whether it be a fast Cavalry charge or
some sneaky Spearmen, killing the General can turn things around in a fight.

Units perform better when a General is close by. I always position my General
right behind my infantry. That way, they have almost no chance of getting
hurt, but at the same time are inspiring the Infantry, who'll be duking it
out for the entire fight. A General fighting alongside for a couple kills
also tends to strengthen morale; importantly, though, it will give your
General better traits.

To conclude, try all you can to kill the enemy General. Protect your own
General by keeping him right behind your infantry. Don't overuse your General
as Cavalry because a dead General kills morale.

Fatigue also affects morale. If a unit is dead tired, they probably won't
perform well and just want to run away. Always let the enemy come to you if
you can help it. If you do have to move, always stick to walking. Of course,
charge in when you're about to fight, but march the rest of the time. The
weather has something to do with this, also. In the hot summer, fatigue will
drain faster.

Always march and let the enemy come to you, unless, of course, you see that
perfect spot to fight.

Troops have an idea of how a battle will turn out. Merely put your cursor
over them to find out. If they think that they're going to be defeated, they
will probably rout when the going gets a little tougher. If they think
they're the victors to be, they will fight astonishingly better. This really
just has to do with how many troops you bring and how you utilize them two on

Flank Attacks
Getting bashed in at the side or rear by the enemy can wreak havoc on a units
morale. Imagine: you are faithfully fighting the enemy Infantry and it
actually looks like you could win. All of a sudden, Cavalry comes out of the
fog and takes out your last three lines. How do you feel now?

I'd probably feel like I was going to die. Yes, I would rout. And in some
cases, the enemy would. Always always always flank the enemy. Routing is a
good thing. Protect your own flanks so this doesn't happen to you, also. ;)

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Some units - such as elephants, war dogs, and onagers - can and will make
troops scared out of their minds. If an elephant is wreaking havoc on the
line, throwing people up and down and everywhere, that unit would probably be
shaking in their flying bodies. Of course, war dogs eat you, and onagers make
a big fire bang and burn troops. Not good for morale. There's also the good
ol' fire arrows.

Terrain and Weather

Some other basics that inspire strategy...

Weather & Terrain

Getting stuck in the desert sucks, especially when you have heavy armor. Some
units perform better in the summer/winter/desert/grass/forest while others
don't get any bonuses in those situations at all. Summer/Winter is
fatigue/morale draining, while the terrain type can be used as an advantage
if your troops are better in something.

Fighting up isn't a good thing. You always want to fight heading down and not
up. If you're defending, pick a good position on a hill so the enemy doesn't
only have to fight on the low ground, but also needs to run up and drain more
fatigue. This should all be while your Archers are absolutely PELTING them,
too. Hills drain more fatigue and it's better to fight higher, so always
position on the high ground if possible.

Most units can hide in the forest. If the enemy is chasing after an enemy
Cavalry and, suddenly, five legions of skilled Principes come out of nowhere,
they'll be exposed to flanks and a surprise attack. Use forest to your
advantage, if at all possibly. Remember that Archers cannot fire through
trees and you can't hide ponies, though.

Whenever going through or near a forest, always be ready for an enemy to pop
up. Pause the game and get everyone in position - at least get you Infantry
in front to protect your General and Missile Units. Don't speed up the time
while in the forest - that's just asking for it.

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9. Battle Strategies

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All of the other strategies (unit versus unit, hills, etc.) have been covered
in the above section.

Notes: upper units are the enemy. Abbreviations: I = Infantry, C = Cavalry,

M = Missile, G = General, Ch = Chariot, CA = Cavalry Archer, S = Spearmen.

Use forests to ambush the enemy! Give them some bait, such as a Cavalry Unit,
and watch them run over. When you're hidden troops are facing their flanks,
charge in at them. If they enemy continues to follow the Cavalry, have them
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run away while bring a few units with him. If they go directly at the
surprise attack, the Cavalry unit can charge in for another flank attack!

Nothing is better than confusing the enemy. Get a Light Infantry unit and
have it peel off some Heavy Infantry. Switch up your formation completely so
Archer are attacking from the sides with Cavalry protecting them. Mix it up!

If you can, sacrifice a unit for the victory. Say, if you put a Missile troop
out unprotected and a few Infantry run after it, that might open up a hole
for your Cavalry to bumrush through and take the General and their Missile

Use Your General

Have him kill a few people if you can. He's your optional flank attacker.

When the enemy routs, have Cavalry slaughter them if they're not occupied.
Running away is about the worse thing units can do if you have free Cavalry -
it is free kills. Don't let the enemy regroup and attack after being routd!

Your Army
The best army, I find, is four Cavalry, four Missiles, your General, and the
rest Infantry. This can be tinkered around, but I consider this the "basic"
dominant army.

Basic Pre-Battle Formation:

+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

|C| |I||I||I||I||I||I| |C|
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
+---------+ | M | +---------+
| M | +---------+ | M |
+---------+ +---+ +---------+

This is the most basic pre-battle formation. If you don't know which
formation to go with, this formation is solid in most situations. The
infantry are lined up, protecting the Missile units and General. Notice how
the Missile Units and General are close to the Infantry - this is key so you
don't shoot your own troops or lose morale. The Cavalry are guarding the
sides, ready to flank.

Exaggerated Pre-Battle Formation:

+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

|C| |I||I||I||I||I||I| |C|
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
+---------+ | M | +---------+
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| M | +---------+ | M |
+---------+ +---+ +---------+

This is the same thing as the basic pre-battle formation, only the Cavalry is
stuck way out there. Why, might you ask? Of course, this is so you can attack
flanks/missile units easier. Your own flanks are exposed, but the Cavalry is
in a position so they can cut enemy Cavalry off and give Infantry enough time
to form up. This is better used with more Cavalry units for better

Pre-Battle Execution:

+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

+---->| I | | I | | I | | I | | I | | I |<----+
| +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ |
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
|C| |I||I||I||I||I||I| |C|
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
+---------+ | M | +---------+
| M | +---------+ | M |
+---------+ +---+ +---------+

Basically, Infantry dukes it out, Missile Units fire from behind, and Cavalry
swarm in on the sides if they aren't tied up by enemy Cavalry. This is the
way things will go if the AI doesn't do anything weird. If Cavalry swarm in
on your sides take an Infantry unit out and have him attack. Alternatively,
you can have your General fight them or bring an extra Triarii unit.

Missile Formation:

+---------+ | M | +---------+
| M | +---------+ | M |
+---------+ +---+ +---------+
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
|C| |I||I||I||I||I||I| |C|
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

If you know that the enemy is going to be marching towards you, try this
formation. The Missile Units will have free shooting at the enemy. The
General is up front to give more inspiration to the Missile Units. Set the
Missile Units to Skirmisher so they run back, or just do it manually. In
addition, obviously put Infantry ahead of the General. ;)

Flank Attacking:

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+---+ +---+
| C | --> | I |
+---+ +---+

The way we flank. Infantry on Infantry, looks like a pretty even match, until
Cavalry smashes into the enemy. Repeatedly bash into them, too, with those
good charge bonuses. Getting to the side might be tough. Don't get too close
as to attract the enemy Infantry - make sure they're tied up with your

Pincer Strategy:

+---+ +---+ +---+

| C | --> | I | <-- | C |
+---+ +---+ +---+

| C || I || C |

The diagram is two steps, first off. This is basically an insta-rout if your
Infantry in on the enemy Infantry, too. If you happen to find yourself with
an extra Cavalry or any other unit, have him flank the enemy. Double flanking
makes the pincer strategy, which attacks the enemy from both sides and stops
them from moving. Use it for fast moving units or stationary Infantry.


| | |
+---+ +---+ +---+
+---+ +---+ +---+
| | |
+---+ +---+ +---+
+---+ +---+ +---+

Elephants are designed to run THROUGH lines, so have them do that. Maybe they
can even hurt the Archers after, say?

Cavalry Archer Strategy:

+----+ +---+ +----+

| CA |-> | I |--> | CA |---->
+----+ +---+ +----+

Attack from both sides of the Infantry so they don't block everything.
Cavalry Archers can attack while running, so they can volley while running
away. With this, the Infantry runs after one Camel Archer (useless with low
speed), while the other attackers from the rear. Awesome strategy for
factions with Mounted Archers.

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User Strategy by DerMetzgermeister

"Also, cavalry is not pivotal to a battle. My armies are usually made up of

3-5 archers, 1-2 generals, 3-4 cavalry units (the heaviest I can get), and
all the rst of infantry. I start battles in a formation like this:



The archers can give the enemy some casualties before falling back behind
the general, and the cavalry is in the middle of the back so that you can
respond to flanks from either direction. Also, making a double line of
infantry allows the second line to charge forward if the **** hits the fan,
or they can wheel left and righ to respond to a flank attack. This works
extremely well, as long as you keep the formation and you don't have any
elephants or chariots (I hate those damned things) rampaging through your
men. Velites and light auxilia work quite well against these, as do any
other javelin or pilum throwing unit. If you use this, please give the
credit to me, DerMetzgermeister."

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10. Sieges

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In this chapter I'll discuss how to take over enemy cities. To start, make
sure you have a formidable force. Try to bring more troops than the enemy's
garrison - a lot more. Having a few extra units to bumrush from the back
could make the difference between a victory and a defeat.

But how do you see what units are garrisoned at an enemy's city? Merely click
on it and you'll see how many units are garrisoned through the question
marks. If you want to know exacty, have a Spy infiltrate the base and he'll
tell you exactly what's there.

When you are ready, click on the army you want to Siege and attack by left
clicking on the settlement. It might take more than one move, depending on
where your army is located. When you attack a settlement, the Siege Details
Scroll will pop up.

Now, if you brung (yes, brung) Onagers, or any other wall penetrating force
(usually artillery), you can siege right away. This is not always the case,
however. If you don't have any siege equipment, you can make it on this
screen. Merely click on the equipment you want and it will tell you how many
turns it will take to complete. Building siege equipment depletes points from
your Build Points, so you can't make twenty Siege Towers a turn.

It's recommended, for the Wooden Walls or less, to make Battering Rams. This
type of equipment destroys gates fairly quickly and easily. Just remember
that one of your units will actually have to hold the Battering Ram - units
don't come out of nowhere to man it. Select the Battering Ram unit and left
click on the gate to bash it open.

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Most of the time, though, the AI is stupid enough to walk outside, so it's
always a good idea to hold your ground and see what the enemy is going to do.
If they come out, just attack them like usual, but be mindful of the
Watchtowers at the walls that spit out arrows and churn them out just as

To win in a siege, you have to rout/kill all of the enemies or hold the
Central Plaza for three minutes. The latter seems easier, and it is, in most
cases. However, once you break out the walls and march inside, the enemy will
usually scurry to the middle to protect the Central Plaza. The Central Plaza,
besides being the flag in a "Capture the Flag" game, also pumps up defender's
morale and ability when near it. A defender can't rout when on the square.

March your troops up the roads to the Central Plaza. It's always good to
split up troops here so you're attacking from the flanks. Before you march
your infantry and Cavalry in, pepper down the enemy with missile fire. The
enemy will be in a big blob, guarding the plaza, probably overlapping each
other, so this is a great idea to turn the tides of battle in your favor by
whittling down the enemy. Don't use fire arrows, because they'll have great
morale anyway, because of the plaza. They shouldn't rush you, but if they do,
back up the archers and fight like you were going to.

After your Missile units don't have any ammo, it's time to charge in and
attack. Your infantry should charge in first. Try to attack from two sides,
and not just one. Once the enemy are all facing your infantry, rush in your
Cavalry from the opposite side. They'll absolutely pulverize the enemy.
Repeatedly bash into them with your Cavalry until they're dead. Charge back
out and back into the thick of things.

With this strategy, you should always win sieges. Missile units, attacking
the enemy at the plaza, will really turn the tides in your favor. Then it's a
simple infantry run and Cavalry flank attacks for the win. In addition, you
have a open side for the enemy to run away, if they rout. This can only
happen if they step out of the Plaza Square, though.

That's one of the most basic ways to take a settlement. With Stone Walls and
above, you need to have Siege Towers and powerful hand-to-hand troops. Once
they're on the walls, have them take over the gate and open it. After that is
accomplished, it's the same game as before, only you'll have to worry about
the Watchtowers on the walls firing at you. To get rid of this problem, march
in and don't stop at the gates.

Waiting'em out
Another way to take a settlement is to keep the siege up until the enemy's
food supply runs out. Sometimes, they might just give you the settlement.
Other times, they'll attack when they only have one turn of food left. This
would be a great way to take cities - without losing any troops - but most of
the time you're just giving the enemy enough time to bring reinforcements

If enemy troops are near the settlement under attack, near enough so they're
in the square of battle, they will also fight. Fighting against
reinforcements while attacking a settlement is fun - the AI marches there
troops outside to attack you. Just kill the city garrison quickly and hold
the square for three minutes. If reinforcements are far away - which the
usually are - it will take them quite a little while marching to reach the

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The key when fighting reinforcements on a city map is _not_ to fight them.
Take the city, throw a unit in the town square to start the countdown, and
guard the gate they're going to go through with phalanxes or heavy infantry.

You _can_ wait the enemy out until starvation. You won't lose any troops that
way. However, usually this gives the enemy enough time to bring
reinforcements. If the city is isolated, then by all means try it. Sometimes
it works, and other times the enemy will attack you at the very last turn.

Some units, like Onagers, can destroy walls. This means that you don't have
to wait any turns before you can assault the settlement. This is key when
cities are close together and the enemy can muster reinforcements up fast.
Try to bring artillery with you when sieging, but it's definitely not a
prerequisite. It just helps things go by fast and somewhat smoother.

When a Spy infiltrates a base, they have a CHANCE to open the gates for you.
This, after a CHANCE of actually infiltrating the base. If the Spy is good
enough, he'll do his job. But don't completely rely on Spies. The better the
Spy, the better the chance. When a Spy opens the gates, he'll open all of
them, automatically moving the enemy to the central plaza at the beginning of
the battle. Spies also tell you how many troops are garrisoned, which is very

After you take a city you can occupy, enslave, or exterminate the population.
If the city is small and you're just starting out, occupying is good. When
enslaving, the population will go to your other cities in your empire that
have a general. Population growth isn't really a good thing at later parts of
the game. Lastly, we have exterminate. Obviously, this massacres the
population. Though it may seem brutal, this is key so the city doesn't riot.
Keeping population down means it is easier to keep them happy.

I lied. I'll also tell you how to defend an attack on your city. If they got
through your diplomatic force, and you don't have any reinforcements nearby,
you're going to have to fight. This is actually easier than it seems - it
depends on how many troops are stationed and how many troops the enemy
brought. In most cases, you'll have a diplomat stationed to bribe the big

But what if the ratio is almost even? Yes, you could fight. If you don't have
the "classic" peasant garrison, you could win! A phalanx at the gates (or
heavy, very heavy, infantry) and missile units firing at the enemy could win
it. A unit that can phalanx gives you a new wall - so long as the enemy
doesn't sick it's own missile units on ya. If that happens, do missile units
versus missile units and hope you win it out.

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11. Agents

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Diplomacy is the bread and butter of any empire with a ton of money! With a
diplomat at your side, you can throw money at big armies to make them disband
- very useful when it looks like they are going to take over a town. Just
"Bribe" the enemy force and they'll say their price.

Diplomats have many other uses, as well. They are used to form alliances,
ceasefire, etc. with another faction. This will prove invaluable in your
campaign; make an alliance with as many people as you can and backstab them
before they backstab you!

They also make you more income, too. Diplomats can ask for trade rights with
other factions, which will raise your income. They can also net bigtime enemy
Generals via bribing. Diplomats can accomplish feats that no one else in the
game can; you should always have one when taking over regions so you can
bribe big armies to disband.

Trading Map Information for tribute is the best action a diplomat can do
early in the game, as it nets much needed money. Just offer the other faction
your Map Information and try to make a big tribute. The more land you have,
the more they will want for it. In addition, if you've taken over all of the
desert and trade Map Information with, say, Germania, they will pay a big
price for it.

A diplomat's skill can be raised by how many times they have good
negotiations. The more influence that your diplomat has, the better deal you
will get. Diplomats have retinue, which can up your influence a small bit.
Remember to pass retinue on to younger diplomats when older diplomats die, or
else it is gone forever.

In short: bring diplomats with your armies to get trade agreements and
tribute from other factions. Keep Diplomats around cities to bribe big armies
off. Diplomats are trained in the level two government building.

When you think of a Spy, you might be mistaken with an Assassin. Spies aren't
killers, but scouts. With a Spy, your best plan of action is to scout around
ahead of your army and see if danger lurks ahead. The best part about a Spy
is that they can infiltrate enemy cities. Inside a city, they can see how
many troops the city has garrisoned, what type of walls, etc, which will aid
your army if they want to take the city over.

Don't think any plain old city is up for grabs, though. Spies have a CHANCE
to get into the base. If a city has another Spy in it, infiltrating the city
will be tough business. Your Spy can die while trying to infiltrate a city.
If he does, note the city and don't let any more Spies take a crack at it.

If you do successfully infiltrate a base, it doesn't only mean seeing

everything about the city. A Spy also has a chance to open the enemy gates
for an army! This is extremely useful, it skips the siege equipment and goes
straight to the fight. When he opens the gates, all the gates are open!

All of these "chance" actions have to do with a Spies' subterfuge skill. The
higher the skill, the better chance he has of performing. Spies, just like
the other agents, have Retinues. Keep hold of them and pass them down through
the generations!

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For new spies, infiltrate cities that have wooden walls or less, as these
cities are usually pretty simple to infiltrate. If you do this enough, you'll
gain more subterfuge. That's always a good thing. ;)

In short: train Spies with small cities, use them to scout ahead of your
army, have them infiltrate cities and open gates for your army. Spies are
trained in the level two trade building.

Oh yeah, now we're killing! Assassins are great for taking out enemy leaders
and absolutely desolating an army. Just imagine: right before battle your
heroic commander dies! Now you're fighting with low morale and no commander!
Assassins are even more pivotal than Spies, in some situations. But worth
work together for Sabotage.

That's right, Assassin's can sabotage enemy buildings. This is very useful
later in the game when the Roman factions make a full-scale army of troops in
a few turns. A Spy first has to infiltrate the base and see what's there,
then the Assassin comes in and damaged whatever he wants. Damage useful
buildings, even if a city isn't popping out troops destroy there income by
destroying the roads or markets.

Like I said earlier, Assassins are about killing. In the beginning, you'll
have to kill low level diplomats to raise youe level. Then you graduate to
Captains and finally Generals. It's all about the Assassin's skill, though;
sometimes it is impossible to kill a great commander because your Assassin's
skill just isn't high enough. To get it higher, just keep hitting those
Diplomats and Captains.

In short: raise Assassins by killing Diplomats and Captains, use them on

enemy Generals before a fight, and stop income/troop flow with Sabotage.

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12. Faction Family

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Every faction has family members that control your, well, faction. Without
faction members, you wouldn't have positions like general and governors,
making the game a lot less interesting. Good generals can turn the tides in
battles, just as good governor can make units at a better cost and get more
income from taxes.

Family members have three statistics - Command, Management, and Influence.

The more yellow stars, white blocks, and green leafs they have, the better
they will do in that area. It's good to have as many as you possibly can; to
get them, you need to perform certain activities, listed in the "Retinue
List" and "Traits List" sections.

Basically, if you repeatedly win battles and your general actually fights a
little in them, he'll become a better and better commander. If a family
member stuck inside a city manages the place decently, he'll get better
management skills. And so on. If you want good traits, you have to do good
things to get them.

Retinue is also an important factor to your statistics. Retinues can higher

or lower your statistics pretty severely, if you use up all eight slots. To
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get retinues, again, you have to do good stuff. Yep, good stuff. Or bad
stuff, but that will give you bad, very bad, retinue. Each family member has
eight slots of retinue, and retinue can be traded off at will, so as the two
members are in the same army/city. Retinues disappear when a person dies, so
it's a good idea to strip an old man of all his retinue before he's pushing
up daisies.

The fifty thousand range, again, gives you worse traits/retinue, as it leads
to corruption. Bad traits means bad family members.

Sadly, women play a pretty small role in Rome: Total War. You can _never_
control women, but they serve as a pivotal part to getting more family
members, for obvious reasons. Married men usually have a few kids, but never
ten or twelve children - the game tends to stay afloat with how many
provinces you have under control. If you suddenly take over fifteen Gaul
provinces, you might find that you're having a couple kids a turn. Lastly,
when a women's spouse dies, they never have another husband. The next pop up
message you'll see of her is her death. V_V

Even more special than men, with daughters you get to CHOOSE what men you
want. At around twelve, daughters will start to pick suitors. Don't pick the
first fifty year old around, it's fine to reject them and wait for someone
better to come by. Daughters usually bring in another every few years. Try to
get a man with good traits, as his genetics will make up your new generation.

Diplomats can actually bribe enemies into becoming family members. If you
ever see an exceptional, or even borderline, enemy general, do not hesitate
to bribe him and use him to death. It's a lot less random than hoping Titus
Junior doesn't have a -4 in command and makes up speeches like "I want a
hotdog" before battle. Bribing is a good way to get valuable family members.

You're Captain is, in essence, your General when you don't have a General in
a fight. If you have a few successful battles with a Captain, you will be
able to adopt him. This is a pretty good idea if you ever need the extra
family member.

Lastly, we have children. The game tends to keep the province-to-family
member ratio around the same, so don't be mad if a couple never has children.
Most of the time, however, married folk tend to have at least one child.
Fertility and infertility traits can affect having children, also. Finally,
being out fighting affects how many children you'll have. If you're always in
the Alps fighting the Gauls, you might never have children. However, if
you're nestled at the heart of Rome managing a city, you could have a few

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13. Diplomacy

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Alliances: Make alliances with everyone; you can break them anytime you like.

Trade Rights: Getting trade rights with other factions means more income.

Bribe: Bribe big armies so they don't attack you.

Map Information: Trade map information for a ton of tribute.

Tribute: Try to get tribute for the above listed.

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14. The Senate

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If you're the Julii, Brutii, or Scipii (generally anything ending with two
"I"'s and in Italy), you have to worry about The Senate. Yes, I said worry.
The Senate (notice how I always captilise "T" and "S") will send you on
missions to take over territory, do diplomatic stuff, and block ports. This
seems like a good thing, but sometimes they lead you in a direction that you
don't really want to be heading.

It's important to complete these missions or The Senate will get mad at you
and The Senate might attack you. This will happen inevitably when the civil
war breaks out, but if you repeatedly ignore The Senate at the beginning of
the game, The Senate might sick it's full legion of troops - located
beautifully and centrally just outside Rome - at you.

Try to complete their missions at the early parts of the game, if at all
possible. Sometimes, you can make a small, second army just to do The
Senate's war biddings. Don't get me wrong, you can slack off on a couple
missions if they're just out of reach, but don't completely ignore them.

The Senate also gives good rewards for your duties. This includes money and
special units. Sometimes The Senate will notice that you're heading south, to
Greece, to the desert, et cetera, and throw missions that way, but don't
count on it. When you have eighteen to twenty provinces, The Senate will give
you impossible missions. Just ignore them.

After you have taken about twenty-five (isn't it?) provinces, The Senate will
see that you have become a powerful figure. Too powerful to keep around, the
old men think. The Senate will ask for the suicide of your Faction Leader.
Time for the civil war against The Senate and the other two Roman factions.

But what about that big ugly army near Rome? Your army is in the desert, you
say? You're going to die next turn? You just got taken over? Don't let this
happen, just bribe the damned huge Roman army and send a force to take out
Rome. You should have a ton of money by now. I know I did.

The other two factions are making units as fast as people are going on the
SouthBeach diet, you say? Your friend, again, is the good ol' diplomat. The
older, the better, too, because usually they are more influence. Bribe the
armies away. Sometimes, you can even become allies with one of the Roman
factions, giving you a little time to prepare for your attack. Once you've
taken out the other two Roman factions, the world is yours. Just don't get
caught in the desert against Camel Archers, Chariots, and Elephants. O_O
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15. Campaign Strategies

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I'll do my best to list all the strategies of world dominance for all the
factions. If you have anything to add, please do not hesitate to email me at These campaigns are open-ended, so I'll add mostly anything
you throw at me that seems useful. New strategies are more than welcome. ;)

[ The House of Julii ]-------------------------------------------------------

The red roman faction starts in northern Italy, bordering the barbarian
Gauls. The first mission The Senate gives you will be to take Segesta, the
small city north of your capital. You should have two armies; take the
smaller one, which is actually closer to Segesta, and attack. It's only one
turn away, so you can take over the settlement in one turn.

Segesta doesn't have any walls and a small garrison. Believe it or not, the
computer usually does a better job in this battle. If you want to fight,
though, bring infantry units on opposite sides of the central plaza, Cavalry
on the third, and have your Missile Units pepper down the enemy. Once they're
out, have your hastati throw their spears until they run out of ammo. Then
rush in with everyone and bulldoze them.

Remember to keep economy going while taking over places. Look at the economy
section for more details. After the fight, start developing Segesta and build
two peasant units as soon as possible. Once done, take all of the troops in
Segesta besides the peasants into the better Roman army. Remember to build
lots and lots of troops, too, and add them to the army. Your two starting
cities should focus on economy. After that, have one focus on stables and the
other focus on archer ranges so you can pump out Cavalry and missile units.

The Senate will give you a mission after taking over Segesta. Usually, they
want you to take over another province. It will either be Caralis,
Mediolanium, Patavium, or Massilia. Just ignore The Senate and take over
Patavium. It's north of Ariminum. This will be your foothole to the rich
Greek cities.

Before sieging, send a diplomat to the Gauls and get an alliane, trade
rights, and give them map information for tributes. About this time, the
first suitor for one of your daughters will come along. If he's not good
enough, reject him.

Consolidate the four cities and jack up the taxes on Segesta and Patavium so
you get more money. Segesta won't grow at all, while Patavium will shoot up
super fast. Very high tax rates will give you more money, which will keep
Segesta a money making province, and Patavium under control. By the way,
destroy any shrines in Patavium and replace them with your own public order
shrines. Jupiter or Bacchus will do - just don't build the same one for all
of your provinces because they give you valuable retinues. Make two units of
peasants for Patavium.

If the Gauls attack you at Patavium, use a diplomat to bribe them off or have
your army crush them at the siege. If at Segesta, bring all your new troops
you were manufactoring in Arretium to Segesta's city (it will only take one
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turn to get there) and they will either go away or fight a losing battle.
Take the troops that captured Patavium and have them lay siege on Salona or
Segestica, depending on how fast the Brutii and you moved. Most of the time,
you're stuck with just taking over Segestica.

The new army you were churning out in Arretium and Ariminum is ready for
battle. Take them out (make sure you have a unit or two of peasants left for
public order) and have them take Mediolanium, west of Patavium. If
reinforcements come use diplomats to bribe them off. Now develop Mediolanium.

The above is the basic way to gain dominance. You have a jump into the Gauls
territory and the Greeks/Macedonians territory. If The Senate told you take
over things in a different order, don't sweat it and do it.

Once you have those territories, ship some troops off to Caralis and take it
over. Usually, The Senate will tell you to take it over anyway. Afterward
taking it, destroy any shrines, build your own, and do the economic stuff.
Leave after you have a garrison of two peasants and ship the army over to
Sicily only if Scipii hasn't taken over any provinces there. When I played,
they hadn't taken over Lilybaeum so I captured it. Do the same stuff as you
did in Caralis and ship your men home.

Meanwhile, you should be making Cavalry, missile units, and infantry. Take,
I'd say four units of Cavalry, missile, and two of infantry, depending on how
good you were before, to Segestica along with a young general. Your faction
leader will be on his last leg, so trade retinue with the new general and
leave him in Segestica with two peasants. With this force, head west and take
all of Macedonia - Bylazora, Thessalonica, Larissa, and any other non-Brutii
province around there. Then take the Greek settlements Corinth and Sparta.

Bring a skilled diplomat for bribing big armies, or you won't make it that
far. A full army should be able to take all those provinces over. These
provinces will bring you the big bucks, so bring them up economically.

Now, while you are on the Macedonian/Greek campaign, your general that took
over Carals and Lilybaeum (hopefully) should be back. Give him, also, a few
units of Cavalry, archers, and infantry. When he's at a good sized army, have
him head west into Gaul land. Take over Massila, Narbo Martius, Lemonum, and
any other Gaul settlement. Make two units of peasants and build a public
order shrine. Queue all the economic stuff and move your city to another Gaul

As always, BRING A DIPLOMAT to bribe the big, huge, humungous Gaul armies.
Have that diplomat also become allies with the Spanish. After you have the
Gauls, Greeks, and Macedonians, it will be about time for the civil war.
Always, always, always churn out troops every turn for this! Keep a diplomat
near the border to Rome. When the civil war DOES happen, bribe the big Roman
army that's always at the side of Rome. You should have a TON of money by now
if you did all the economical stuff for every city and put the taxes at high
to very high for the Gaul ones.

Once you've bribed the army, combine all of the newly churned out units and
take Rome! This will be a very fun battle, indeed. After that, head down
Italy and take all the provinces away from the Brutii and Scipii. This will
be easier if you have Lilybaeum, because you can have one army head down and
one march up. As always, use diplomats if you see a full flag army. In
addition to this, wipe out any other Brutii territories that are near
Segestica or Macedonia. The Roman factions become a huge pain if you let them

With the Gaul territory, all of Italy, Greece, and Macedonia, you should have
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enough money for total world dominance. Especially when you consider you'll
have superior troops with the Marius Reform. At this point in the game, you
can conquer anything you like. Just go for what you think would be the most
enjoyable. ;)

[ The House of Brutii ]------------------------------------------------------

The Brutii game, in my opinion, is a tad more enjoyable than the Julii
campaign mostly because you don't have to fight Gauls. We start out with two
provinces in the lower part of Italy. Remember to always, always, always
advance economy and such for all civilizations. Train two units of peasants
immediately when you take over a place - you won't be there for long.

To start off, The Senate will tell you to take Appolonia, just east of
Tarentum across the sea. Muster all the units you can without starting a riot
and ship over to Apollonia. It's also a good idea to train a diplomat so he
can get over on he next ship. Once you get there with your military, take
over Apollonia. I tend to make this one a military province because it will
be near the action for a little while.

Once you've taken that over, ignore whatever The Senate asks and take Salona
to the north. Bring your diplomat over and make an alliance with the
Macedonians. They are east of Apollonia. Bring your army back down to
Apollonia, ship any troops you made in Italy, combine all your troops into
one army, and attack Thermon to the south.

Thermon is a Greek city, so finish the circuit by taking Athens, Corinth, and
Sparta. With these cities, start building up a force to attack the
Macedonians. Sparta already has pretty good barracks, so make them your
Infantry producer. Also, you might want to move your capital over here so
your family members will be in the thick of action.

Once you have a good force, head north and attack Macedonia. Larissa,
Thessalonica, and Bylazora should all be in your hands. Bribe with a diplomat
if a particularly gruesome army finds its way close to you. With these
cities, make a force to ship to Kydonia (island south of Crete) and Rhodes
(island east of Crete). After that, land on the cities north of Rhodes and
take them all.

Make a new army to take out the Dacians and possibly the Scythians. Take
Segestica (north of Salona) if you haven't already and head into Dacian land.
Bribe any huge armies to avoid bloody battles. Keep moving through Dacian
provinces and you'll soon find yourself at Dacia. After taking that, you
might want to take the Scythians adjacent to you.

Meanwhile, you should take all the cities north of Rhodes. After you have
secured those, head east and take over the Kingdom of Pontus and the Seleucid
Empire. The civil war should break out around now; bribing is your best
friend. Make a big army with all your Greek/Italy provinces and have them
take over all of Italy.

Anyway, back to the Pontus/Seleucid front. After taking them over, you can
either ally with Egypt (recommended) or take them over. Taking them over is
pretty tough because they have a ton of archers and Cavalry, not to mention
phalanxes. If you allied with them, just take some other barbarian provinces
near Italy and you'll have the fifty.

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[ The House of Scipii ]------------------------------------------------------

Scipii can have a few different strategies. For both of the other Roman
factions, the key was to take over Greece and Macedonia. For the Scipii,
though, you could either do that or stay in the desert. At the start, take
the Sicily provinces from the Carthigians. Mount Etna will erupt around this
time, so make sure they aren't on top of the mountain.

With Sicily, build up a good sized army, hop on a boat, and head to Carthage.
Move slowly so you don't run into their big navy. Once you reach Carthage,
take it over. ;) I know, it is a lot harder than it sounds. Carthage will be
stocked with troops, and elephants to boot, but if you took enough troops,
you shouldn't find this much of a problem. For elephants, use Velites to
skirmish away and tire them out. After that, have your Archers pelt them with
fire arrows and make them run amok. After taking Carthage, head south and
conquer Thapsus.

This is where the real fun begins because you have so many options. You can
either head to Greece/Macedonia and take those provinces, like a normal Roman
game, or stay in the desert. Taking Greece and Macedonia has been done the
last two times; just follow those strategies and after you take them, head to
Asia Minor.

If you want a new game, stay in the dersert and take all the desert provinces
from the Egyptian Empire (make allies with it) to the end of the map.
Meanwhile, you'll want to make an army to take out Caralis, Palma, and any
other Carthigian cities in Spain.

Speaking of Spain, once you have taken the desert head to spain. Take all of
it and head up to the Gauls territory. From Narbo Martius, head east until
you hit the Julii. Now encompass the Julii's territory so they don't expand
into the Gauls any. The civil war should start up now. Head down into the
Julii and take all of Italy. Bribing is your friend, and you should have
plenty of troops/money from the Spanish/Gaul campaigns.

After Italy is down, take all the remaining Gaul territory. Start a campaign
against the Britons and Germania. Once they're toast, you've reached fifty

[ Macedonians ]--------------------------------------------------------------

The Macedonians start out in, what seems to be, a pretty bad situation. From
the start, change your Macedonian capital because a plague will always occur
in it at the beginning of the game. Even worse, though, Macedonia has to
worry about the Dacians and Thracians to the north, and the Brutii from the
west. If it's not enough, Macedonia is mixed and matched with the Greeks.

Send a diplomat north to ally/trade rights/map information the Thracians and


First things first, get all your units together and take Athens before the
Greek forces do. Make a two unit peasant garrison, leave, and head to
Thermon. After taking that, immediately take Sparta from the Greeks. This
series of events just unifies everything; it doesn't get you out of the
Brutii jam.

Now use all your provinces to amass a big army. It shouldn't take long with
all the provinces you have. After that, attack the Brutii at Apollonia and
Salona. You shouln't have much trouble with Light Lancers and phalanxes.
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After taking those places, make a 20-unit army and head over to Italy! Take
Tarentuym and Croton from the Brutii to wipe them out.

The key here is to garrison phalanxes and archers so Rome cannot take the
provinces in Italy back. Phalanxes will block the entrance/kill people
charging while Archers will fire at will. A cheap trick is to keep the gates
broken so that all the enemy units try to run in.

While doing all of this, always pump out troops. You'll need to bring an army
north to take care of the Dacians/Thracians and an army to Italy. Remember,
Phalanxes and Light Lancers kill. Light Lancer spamming is good with their
great charge bonus. For Italy, just go up the gut - hit all enemies hard in
the flanks with Light Lancers while your Phalanxes are holding them off.

In the Thracian/Dacian campaign, do the same thing. Phalanxes and your fast
Cavalry will be godly against them.

Once you have all of these places, you can do whatever you like. Heading
north of Italy and taking out the Gauls and Spanish seems like the easiest.
If you want a harder game, head to Asia Minor and face off against Egypt and
the Seleucids.

[ Egyptians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

Possibly the easiest faction to play, Egypt not only has great units, but
tons and tons of money to make them. To start, make roads so your troops can
travel. Next, get all your troops together and take Damascus, Antioch, and
Tarsus to the north. This will cripple the Seleucid Empire. From here, make a
medium-sized army and take the Island Crete.

Afterwards, create another medium-sized force to take Petra, Bostra, and

Palmyra. Now you're basically set. You can do a number of different campaigns
from here. First, you can take Asia Minor, Greece, and Macedonia, then attack
Italy. This campaign flares things up with the Brutii, and leads to even
_more_ money.

Or, you can take the desert. I find this a much more enjoyable, original
game. Head straight for Carthage first; after that, you can take all the
remaining provinces. If you want to kill more, head to Spain and up to Gaul
territory. Afterwards, head down on the Julii and make your way down Italy.
If you're playing the Greece campaign, take the two Brutii provinces first
and make your way up to Rome.

Post-Marius troops will be tough. Hold the line with your Pharaoh's Guards,
have your Pharaoh's Bowmen rain arrows on them, and let chariots charge into
the flanks. Egypt really has superior troops to anyone, even Post-Marius
troops, though they will be a tough challenge.

[ Seleucids ]----------------------------------------------------------------

The Seleucids start with five provinces that can make a ton of money. Raise
them economically and you'll find yourself with almost too much money. You'll
need to use this money, however, because you are located between five
potentially enemy factions.

Make alliances with all the factions around you besides Egypt. Churn out
those diplomats and get them working. We'll be using them throughout the
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game. Try to get money out of the factions with map information, along with
an alliance. Keep a diplomat at their border - if they try to get smart, just
bribe their army off.

With those factions out of the way, build up your army as fast as possible.
Seleucids don't have much at the beginning of the game, so getting as many
mercenaries as you can is a good idea. When you have those troops, bring them
over to Jerusalem and take it.

The battle should be particularly bloody, so take some time to rest and build
another army of mercenaries and your best recruits. The key here is to
always, always, always, bribe the other factions so they don't take you over.
You need to focus on Egypt at the time, because they will become powerful in
the mid to late game if you let them.

When you have another army, take Sidon and head down to Alexandria. It should
be quite a walk. Remember to bring a diplomat to bribe any big armies and go
down the line - Alexandria, Memphis, and Thebes. By now, Egypt will be
crushed and broken. What's more, you'll also have Egypts great income now!

Well, that's basically all she wrote. With Egypt out of the picture and a ton
of money, you can go wherever you like. If Egypt took over any other
provinces, remember to take those. After that, it's all up to you. I like to
tak Petra, Bostra, and Palmyra and then turn on all those alliances I made.
They won't hold up forever. Bribing and mercenaries are your friend!

Meanwhile, bring an army over to Kydonia, Rhodes, and Salamis to get all the
pivotal islands. Now you're income will be astonishing. Just head up, taking
the Pontus, Greeks, Parthians, and any other civilization close to home.
After that, take the Greek provinces and head into Rome. Now all you're
cities at the start should be the best of the best, so you'll be able to
create the best of the best and defeat the best of the best, Rome. Bribing
should help, too. ;)

[ Carthigians ]--------------------------------------------------------------

The Carthigians are in a pretty rough spot from the get-go; all of Rome wants
you eliminated. Luckily, with some super armies to guard some key provinces,
the threat of Rome should be lowered immensely. First off, you're going to
want to either put your army at Sicily inside your city, or make an attack of
the Scipii army.

Either way, once the Scipii army is down move over to Messana (north Sicily
province) and take it over. Use elephants to mow down infantry for the win.
With Messana, you'll get a ton of attacks by the Scipii and Brutii. Make a
big army just so you can keep the province.

While doing this, build up Corduba in Spain. Sure, it will get attacked often
by the Spanish, but do whatever you can to keep it. Cavalry are the key,
along with mercenaries. Just make a good sized army (it will take a small
while since it is isolated) and slowly take over parts of Spain, if you think
you can.

On the Carthage front, you'll want to supply troops for Messana and Caralis.
Messana is a no brainer; the Romans will come pounding on that province for a
long while. But why Caralis? Well, soon the Julii will get the bright idea to
take it over. Basically, Caralis will almost constantly be under siege. So,
you'll need to fend off the Julii.

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Palma is also a good place to supply troops for both Caralis and Corduba. I
find that it doesn't get attacked often.

When you have fortified your fronts, take over Syracuse. This is a Greek
province, so now you'll have to worry about the Greeks. Try to get them off
your backs with an alliance, but don't be surprised if a few Greek armies
make it to Sicily.

Well, now we're in pretty decent shape, besides the constant attacking.
First, I would take over Cirta and Tingi, both west of Carthage. This will
connect (sort of) you with your province in Spain. After this, you'll
probably want to make an army to take Spain. The barbarians should be no
match for your elephants and Cavalry!

After taking Spain, cut right into the Gauls and eliminate them just like you
did Spain. Now you'll be knocking on Julii's door! Make an army and bring it
over to Sicily. Attack and conquer both Brutii provinces. Bribe if necessary
- these are going to be some bloody battles. Next, make your way up to Rome.
In the meantime, you could also have another strikeforce on the Julii.

With Italy gone, make your way to Greece and take over the remaining Brutii.
They should have more than a few provinces in that area. After this, it's
basically whatever you feel like. It's mainly barbarians to the north, so
that would be the easiest way to win. Or, you could head through the desert
and battle the Egyptians, which is obviously the hardest choice. Lastly, you
could take Asia Minor, another tough choice.

[ Parthians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

Parthia's campaign is particularly ugly. They don't start with money and have
Egypt down their throats once they have some semblance of an empire. To
start, build up your army/economy and send diplomats off to all the other
provinces in Asia Minor. Make trade/map information/alliances with them for
tribute to get some money to fund your campaign.

The unit of choice early in the game is definitely the Horse Archers. You are
basically invincible in the early game with them, considering not many units
can catch up to them. Take over Armenia first. This could easily happen in
the first few turns.

Once you have Armenia, head west to Pontus. Again, Horse Archers are godly
against their infantry. Take over both of Pontus' provinces and then we're
golden. Well, not really. Egyptians versus Seleucids should be starting up.
Instead of taking Seleucid from the backside, I'd much rather head west of
Pontus even more and take all those great non Egypt/Seleucid provinces. They
have a juicy income. Remember to make an alliance with Greece after taking
them over!

That takes care of the money problem, but we still need to face the
Egyptians. From here, make a full army and head south, taking over all the
provinces, until you're at Jerusalem. This is harder than it sounds,
considering you'll be fighting either the Egyptians or the Seleucids.
Speaking of Seleucids, fund another army and take their backside. Continue
riding this army south, taking the rebel provinces.

Back to the Jerusalem campaign. The Egyptians are extremely tough opponents,
not only are their units godly, but they also can make them very quickly. And
they don't have any money problems. It will be tough, but take over all of
Egypt. By now, they'll probably have extended into the Rebel provinces, but
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your main concern will be taking out Alexandria, Memphis, and Thebes. Use
whatever tricks you can; namely, bribery, to get those provinces.

Once you have those (this will take a long while), conquer any remaining
Egyptian provinces and you'll have the game. Most of your starting cities
will be at the top tier, enabling heavy Cavalry and elephants. Paired with
mercenaries, you can easily take over Greece. Rome, though, is going to be
very tough.

Romans can tear your Cavalry a new one head on, so keep them occupied with
infantry/elephants while you ram them in their rear. Although you _will_ take
big losses, this is a sure fire way to defeat the Romans. After taking Italy,
it's nice to expand in the desert a small ways and take care of any Scipii

[ Kingdom of Pontus ]--------------------------------------------------------

Pontus is just a small, lonely empire above Seleucia. The powerhouses of this
region is, obviouly, Seleucia and Egypt. So it is only natural that the two
have a slugfest in the beginning of the game. Stupid Seleucia, though, will
leave Tarsus open for attack at the beginning of the game.

After taking it, make a good-sized army and conquer any rebel provinces to
the west. Try to, at least, take Halicarnassus and Nicomedia. Your main
competition will be the Greeks, so do this fast. Meanwhile, make an alliance
with Armenia. From here, it is a good idea to take the rest of Asia Minor and
ally with Greece thereafter. This will supply the money.

Meanwhile, it is a good idea to sneak in the back of Seleucia and take any of
their provinces. Egypt should now be attacking you, but a good garrison
should fend them off. After the Asia Minor campaign, make a super army and
take over all the Egyptian provinces. This will dispose of a huge nuisance
later in the game.

I'm not saying that this will be especially easy, but you should be able to
pull it off. When not making armies to take over Egypt, make another army to
take over Armenia and Parthia. Both of these factions shouldn't be much of a
problem. Use this army to also take out the remaining Seleucia provinces and
to head south into rebel land.

After taking all of Egypt, head into the desert to Carthage. At Carthage,
defeat the Scipii. Now, it is a good idea to make two armies. One should take
over all of Sicily and defend Messana while the other should conquer the
remaining parts of the desert and Spain. After Spain, conquer the Gauls and
you'll have the Romans at a two-front war.

Hit the Romans hard and fast to ensure that they won't get all their super
armies to Rome. Once you take Rome, finish up with some Greek/Barbarian
provinces to complete the campaign.

[ Gauls ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Gaul campaign is rather enjoyable because you get to duke it out with
Rome pre-marius. This is a godsend if you've ever faced them post-marius.
From the start, make an alliance with Germania and get all the money you can
out of them. Make an army and move it down, taking all the rebel provinces
along the way.
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Simply put, your first goal is to connect your provinces together.

Mediolanium and Patavium are isolated, so take Massilia and Lugdunum to
connect all of your provinces. Keep a steady garrison on the Spanish front so
they don't give you any trouble. Make an army in Patavium and conquer the
three Julii provinces. This shouldn't be extremely tough considering they
aren't very advanced as of yet.

Meanwhile, Britannia should be attacking you now. Make a medium-sized army

and bring it over to Londinium. After capturing it, take over the other two
provinces on the island. This will basically conclude the backstabbing by

Now that you've taken the Julii, use the same army and siege Rome. But wait,
you say that the huge army is just outside. If you have money, you can bribe
the army off. If not, you're going to need to fight it. This will be a tough
battle, but you should prevail thanks to numbers.

Bring a spy over and infiltrate Rome. Keep restarting if this doesn't work.
After that, bring another supersized army to Rome and keep restarting until
the Spy opens the doors for you. Or, you could make siege equipment and lose
a ton of men - The Spy way just seems cleaner. Either way, bumrush to the
square and take Rome!

From here, it's time to take the rest of Italy. The Scipii and Brutii should
be off on their own campaigns, so these provinces shouldn't be as heavily
guarded as Rome. Remember to take the three provinces in Sicily, also. Next,
make your way over to Greece and take over any remaining Brutii provinces.

After that, do whatever you feel like. Some people like to kill
Macedonia/Greece/Asia Minor while others wants to massacre Spain. The easier
choice, in my opinion, is Spain. But, I think that killing Greeks and
Macedonians is a better experience, since you're going to be doing that in a
ton of campaigns.

[ Germans ]------------------------------------------------------------------

Germania begins rather poor, but we can change that. Bring an army west to
Alesia quickly so you can take it before the Gauls. After that, make another
army that takes over Lugdunum (south of Alesia), Batavodurum (north of
Trier), and Bordesholm (north of Batavorudum). This will take a little while,
but considering your level one troops are pretty good, it shouldn't be much
of a problem.

After this, it is a good idea to make alliances/map information (for money)

with any civilizations to the east. Speaking of east, occupy Vicus Gothi,
east of Bordesholm, as well. With all these provinces, the little "money
problem" will be at an end.

Now it is a good idea to take out the Gauls around Alesia. They shouldn't be
very tough, and you've severely hampered their expansion by taking Alesia.
After they're done for, ferry over to the Britons and take the three
provinces on the big island.

With the backside out of the way, continue south, taking France. Stop at
Spain and scurry east to the remaining Gauls/Italy. At the head of Italy,
make your way down and use the same tactics as the Gaul campaign to take over
all of Italy. Now you'll basically want to continue the Gaul campaign more
and finish off the Brutii in Greece. From here, take Greece and Macedonia and
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expand north to the Dacians and Scythians.

After you conquer them, take on Spain and you should have enough provinces
for the win. An optional strategy to the Greek mayhem is to take Spain first
and advance into the desert, but that leaves the Brutii free to make massive
armies and attack you at Italy.

[ Britons ]------------------------------------------------------------------

A rather interesting faction, the Britons are located near the Germans and
Gauls. Naturally, the first action you'd want to do is to get an alliance
with Germania. They are pretty loyal and won't attack you until you turn on
them. Brittania has barbarian fighters, which means you get good chosen
swordsmen, druids, chariots, and slingers.

In addition to getting an alliance with Germania, take all the money you can
from them with map information and trade. Send your army to Alesia and
conquer the city. Consolidate and destroy any Gauls that attack. Meanwhile,
bring your diplomat around the world, trading map information for tribute.

Make another army and take Tara, on the island west of your island. After
this, build up an army big enough to take all the Gaul provinces in France
and do so. It is actually pretty simple - you should have money to bribe any
threatening armies. Once you have France and you're bordering the Julii, make
another army and attack Germania.

Once you have cleaned Germania out, if you are advanced enough, you can take
on Rome. It will be tough, but it is more than doable. Have the Roman
infantry smash into your own while your Chariots and Mercenary Cavalry bash
into the flanks and kill the General and Archers. It's pretty simple if you
have enough Chosen Swordsmen to hold them off.

After taking Italy, I like to finish off the Gauls in Spain and also take the
Spanish while I'm there. It isn't very tough. From here, you can take over a
number of places. I like to head to Greece and take over that bunch of places
to get my fifty provinces.

[ Armenians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

Armenia is located between quite a few factions. Luckily, none of these

factions are what I would consider "powerhouses." Armenians are quite weak,
and you'll have the work with Horse Archers throughout your entire campaign.
They truly do a great job and, if worked correctly, are invincible.

To work them, just shoot from far away and skirmish away when the enemy gets
close. This works wonders for most slow units. For faster units, your Heavy
Cavalry General is good to use on Light Cavalry. Against Archers, you'll want
to use your General also. Although this may seem risky, it is the only way in
the early-mid game. If you run out of arrows, merely withdraw and attack

You can go in whatever direction you want, but ideally you want to take over
the Seleucid Empire while they are fighting the Egyptians. This will make the
money flow in. Be sure to make alliances with the Pontus and Parthians, too.
Once you have the Seleucid Empire, you'll be in good shape money-wise. From
here, it basically plays like a Seleucid game - take over Egypt as quickly as
possible with money.
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Bribing and mercenaries are your friends. Bribe all the bad armies and
conquer all of Egypt. After this, take a few rebel provinces to the east just
to make a bigger empire. Next, turn on your Parthian and Pontus alliances.
After you have their land, head into and take all of Asia Minor. From here,
you can either head into the desert, take Carthage, and conquer Rome with
Sicily as your foothole. Or, you can take the Greeks, Macedonians, and
Brutii. Of course, either way leads to Rome.

Romans are pretty tough. Use Horse Archers, any heavy Cavalry you have, your
Spearmen, and your Archers to defeat them. Just wait for them to make a
mistake while you pepper them down with arrows.

[ Dacians ]------------------------------------------------------------------

This faction starts out terribly financially - possibly the worst in the
game. You won't have ANY money to do anything. This must be why they made the
faction unlockable, though you can unlock the faction by altering the text
files a little. ;)

At first, the Dacians seem like a hopeless cause. But they definitely are
not! I'll start with diplomatic stuff. Your diplomat will be your big money
maker at the beginning of the game. Bring him around the world and have him
trade his map information for money with everyone. Always get a single
payment instead of tribute, and always use this payment the first turn so you
can use the money before you go back into the red. You'll want your diplomat
to first get alliances/sell map information with Scythia, Macedonia, and

Now, get your best General and all of your troops together. When I say all, I
basically mean all you can until the city starts to riot. The army should be
1/2 to 3/4 full. Bring it down to Macedonia/Greece and take Bylazora,
Thessalonica, Larissa, Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Thermon. I know, that is
QUITE a list of places to take over!

The first few Macedonian places should be simple enough. When you get to the
Greek cities, things start to get a little tougher. Maybe more than a little,
but once you take Sparta you'll be able to train your best troops right away.
And you'll finally have an income! How great is that!

With the new cities, build them economically and start to build a super army.
It's actually time to face the Roman factions! This may seem a tad bit
rushed, but you're in a great position. Most of your top tier troops can be
created once you take Sparta, so you are very formidable against Rome.

Dacia's bread and butter are their infantry and archers. Chosen Swordsmen and
Chosen Archers are great. Add that with decent Cavalry and you have a pretty
damn good army. This is the easiest barbarian faction to take the Romans
with, considering you'll be equal in troop quality. After taking Italy,
conquer Thracia, Scythia, the rebel provinces to the west of Dacia, and the
Gauls. All easy to defeat.

[ Greeks ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

The Greeks have provinces in a few key areas. First of all, it would be a
good idea to get out of Sicily. This might seem weird, but you'll be wasting
all your money on just Sicily, and it is not worth it. Build a port, boat,
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and move all your troops back to Greece.

Meanwhile, you should take over all of the Macedonian Empire. Just go up the
gut and take all of their provinces over. You will need a pretty big army,
but it shouldn't be that extremely tough. Make alliances with the Thracians
and Dacians. After that, build another army and take the rebel provinces in
Asia Minor and the islands south of Greece.

With all of this income, build a sizable army and defend against the Brutii.
They are destined to come and attack you. After killing them, take over
Apollonia and Salona, both Brutii provinces. This shouldn't be extremely
tough. Now, make a full army and take both of the Brutii provinces. Bribing
is your friend, remember. After taking those, head up and take Rome. Bribe
the big army outside Rome if you can.

At the Julii border, you can either conquer them or take Sicily. Both ways
are fairly tough - I like getting Sicily first. Just send a powerful army
over and take the three provinces. After taking Julii thereafter, the board
is yours for the taking. For an easy game, take over all the barbarians. For
a tough game, head to the Egyptians.

[ Numidians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

A tad bit less challenging than the Dacians, a Numidia campaign is still
tough. First, you are seperated and Egypt is right next to one of your
provinces. Make sure that Siwa has walls and a good garrison - you will be
fighting the Egyptians sometimes.

As for your other provinces, make an army and take Carthage. This should be
especially easy if you do it early because all of Carthage's army will be in
Sicily. Taking Carthage is a good idea because you'll have a better income.
In addition to taking Carthage and making it your capital, conquer Thapsus
south of it.

It's always a good idea to be on the attack, so advance a big army to Sicily
and take the Carthage province. From here, I like to make an alliance with
the Greeks so they don't send ships and attack me. Take the Scipii province
in Sicily and head up the Italy gut. You'll need an especially great army and
diplomat, but it is more than possible.

With Italy's income, you'll be able to fight Egypt. Connect your provinces
(if you haven't already) and send a super army and diplomat over. Take
Alexandria, Memphis, and Thebes quickly for fear of reprisal. Once you have
those, Egypt is crippled without its big provinces, but it still has
Jerusalem. Take the rebel provinces that Egypt might have taken and head for

After taking it, you might want to finish off any other Egyptian provinces.
Also, make another army and take the islands.

With your super army, push forward and take what used to be the Seleucid
Empire. It has probably been destroyed by the Egyptians. These provinces have
FANTASTIC income. Once you have these, the world is in your grasp. I like to
take over Asia Minor and the Desert.

[ Scythians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

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A rather simple campaign once you take over Macedonia and Greece. The main
advantage that Scythia has over the rest is arrows. Almost ever unit you can
create can fire arrows at the opponents. With Horse Archers, you can kill
slow units without losing one troop. Now that's what I call thorough!

To start, take your men and attack Campus Getae, just south of Scythia. You
can take the province in one turn flat - use your Spy to infiltrate the city.
After doing this, advance every city (we need roads!) and bring your diplomat
over to the Parthians in the back. Get them to sign a no-backstabbing clause
and we're done with the first turn.

Continue down and take Thrace if you think you have enough men. At this
point, it is a good idea to make a temporary alliance with the Dacians so
they don't attack you. Once done, make a good-sized army and take all of
Macedonia's provinces. This should be fairly easy - camel archers destroy
mostly all of their units. For Light Lancers, face them against your own

With Macedonia, the income will start to pour in. To finish it off, take the
Greek settlements near your new provinces. This includes Sparta, which will
make you a ton of money. Now that you have all of these provinces, you have a
good income. Make your super army and manhandle the Dacians quickly. While
taking out the Dacians, make another army to take care of the Brutii at
Salona and Apollonia.

Now that the Romans are mad at you, it is time to attack Italy pre-marius.
Send all of your best troops and take both Brutii provinces first. From here,
send one army north to take Rome and the Julii, while another army should
venture south to secure Sicily. With Italy, your income will be astounding
and you will have no trouble venturing conquering whatever land you desire.

[ Spanish ]------------------------------------------------------------------

The only direction that the Spanish can head is into France. First, though,
we need to get Spain back. That means taking two provinces - Numatia from the
Gauls and Corduba from Carthage. Just get the garrison from the eastern and
western provinces to take them over. Once you have them, consolidate your
gains and make another army to take over all the provinces in France.

The Julii might make a couple trips to Spain, but you should be able to fend
them off. In France, expand up until you reach the Britons, then expand east.
Once you reach the Germans, fight them and the Britons - you can even take
the three Briton provinces on the island if you want. Just keep expanding
east over Italy until you are good financially and can build your best units.
Once that happens, head to Italy for the kill.

Or, you could just head straight to Italy and take them pre-marius. This
might be a better idea for some people. Italy has quite an income that would
make taking over the rest of the world easy.

[ Thracians ]----------------------------------------------------------------

I particularly like this strategy, found at the forums. It was

written by a user called "Tzar Kaloyan" and he did a famous job writing it.
Here it is:

"There are some excellent guides on how to succeed in RTW in general. You
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would do well to read them! There is no point of repeating any of them here;
instead, let me tell you what I did to succeed for Thrace in the short
campaign on very hard/very hard - I advise you to always play on very hard as
anything else will be a tremendous waste of time. The AI is hardly

As Thrace, you start in little corner on the Balkan peninsula, south of

Scythia, east of Dacia and Macedonia. Since I have already played for Dacia
(and shared my thoughts in the guide there), the region was very familiar to
me. So, first order of military business was capturing Byzantium from the
rebels - it is a very profitable city. To do that, move your spy to reveal
where the city is, take the Auxiliary Cavalry from your capital, merge it
with the army of your heir and move to Byzantium.

In your two cities, raise taxes to max and set roads in the building queue.
Your diplomat should move to Dacia (north-west) to sign an alliance and sell
maps and get trade rights. I did not want war with Dacia at the moment. You
are done for turn One.

Turn Two: move your Spy in Byzantium. He will reveal the presence of 2
Hoplites and 1 Peltasts. Most importantly, he will give you a 32% chance to
open the gate when you attack, this same turn! In my case, it worked and I
saved a turn of siege.

The battle for Byzantium is of medium difficulty. The Peltasts were at the
gate and were quickly over-run by my general’s cavalry without any loss of
life on my side. Then move the Auxiliary Cavalry to irritate the two phalanx
units. My missile troops managed to reduce the enemy count. Use your falxmen
to finish the job. I am sure somebody on the web has written at length about
fighting with and against phalanxes in RTW. I haven’t looked for it, so I had
to invent my own way through experience. Here is my approach:

Use the two units of falxmen to attack the phalanx from two opposite sides.
The unit that is facing the phalanx will face a very tough time, so make sure
you pull it back a little just as they engage it. The unit attacking from
behind will do most of the killing. Don’t waste your time charging with your
general - I did that and even attacking in the rear cost me immediately 3
dead horsemen. The phalanx is really tough on cavalry.

All in all, if you lose more than 50 men in capturing Byzantium, you probably
didn’t manage the battle right. Normal losses should be about 35-40. Upon
capturing the city, you don’t need to enslave or kill the population as there
are only 2,000 or so of them and they wont give you much trouble.

For the next couple of turns, move your diplomat to talk to the Dacians and
your spy towards the Macedonians. Build a second diplomat. Money should start
flowing quickly, as I am sure by now you have built roads, mines or land
clearance in various of your cities.

I offered a packaged deal to the Dacians - alliance, trade rights and map
information. After some haggling, they agreed on 4-turn tribute at 750 per
turn. Not rich, but accomplished the goal of an alliance.

Use your faction leader to put a couple of towers, particularly on the border
with Macedonia. Putting towers on the boarder and on ‘blind’ spots in your
territory is always a good move - it prevents surprises from enemies and it
also allows you to spot if rebels are disrupting your trade routes.

Since we are talking about family members, let me also offer this advice -
manage their retinues well! If you have a management-improving retinue on a
family member you are planning to use as your conquering general, then the
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retinue won’t be helping you most of the time! Instead, transfer it to a
governor you plan to keep inside a city. Second, give your young family
members some chance to sit in a city and get married. The last thing you want
is to have no heirs!!! Ensure the future.

On the other hand, if you have enough children already, it may be a good idea
to start working on a young general early, if that particular family member
has no good management characteristics. I got a youngster, Ziles in 268 BC,
that had bad management vices, so I decided to turn him into a general and
use my aging leader as a governor!

My plan was to concentrate at first on the easy targets - the rebel-

controlled cities in the Mediterranean. This will allow me to get the
buildings to produce quality troops, as well as to give my enemies a chance
to produce quality troops as well! After all, what fun is there to win easy
victories!!! For this plan to work, I needed a port in Byzantium.

Just as I made that plan, a large Pontus army disembarked right next to
Byzantium. I sold them maps and trade rights, hired mercenaries right there,
moved an army from the capital and prepared for their obvious attack. Pontus
signed even an alliance with me, but I was not fooled! A diplomat was sent to
sign a hasty treaty with the Macedonians and to hire a rebel army in their
territory. Macedonians agreed to an alliance and paid 4,000 for maps and
trade rights. Scythians paid 5,000 for maps and trade rights. Thus, fairly
early, I had a huge war chest, but very little in terms of hirable troops.

Next turn the Pontus besieged Byzantium. You already knew it, so, I am
assuming you are prepared for it. I bribed two more armies from Macedonian
territory (note: it is much cheaper to bribe rebel armies than it is to build
the same army or to hire mercenaries!) and took them home.

Over the next 3 turns I stalled with Pontus, bribed a couple of rebel armies
every turn (got lucky with the rebels) and managed to convince Pontus to
accept ceasefire. The following turn I see Pontus went to war with the
Seleucids. One would think they will need their strongest army and the
faction heir for that war, but he continued to stand right next to Byzantium!
After giving him 2 more turns to reconsider, I attacked.

Why wait so long you will ask? Well, try attacking that Pontus army and you
will understand. He had 2 units of heavy cavalry in addition to the general’s
bodyguard, there was also a unit of light cavalry, archers, peltests and a 5
units of spearmen, if I recall correctly. All this force was lead by an able
general. When I finally attacked, I had 4 militia hoplites, 3 units of
Thracian mercenaries, 4 units of peltests, 2 illirians, and 5 units of
various cavalry. The odds were 4:3, but with Pontus on the defense (and sure
to take a hill), I felt they had the better force. The battle started hard
(AI on the hill), but the AI showed no initiative! My missiles ran supreme,
routed 3 spearmen before the fight even started, my 3 cavalry units ganged on
the unprotected general and killed him and once the hoplites finally showed
up on top of the hill, it was all over. Man, does the AI do a poor job
fighting: it lost over 600 men while only inflicting 122. So, don’t be afraid
of the AI! Attack!

From here on, you should be strong enough to build up. The Thrace economy is
excellent and Nicomedia and Crete are easy picking. Keep the war away from
your money-making cities and decide who will go after next. Overall, of the
three factions (other than the Romans) I have played in campaigns with,
Thrace is second in terms of starting difficulty (Dacia was easier, Spain was
quite hard). Enjoy."

To add, you can either venture into Asia Minor or take Macedonia/Greece. I
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find both strategies to be very enjoyable and profittable. However, taking
Macedonia/Greece will have to happen sometime, and it leads you closer to
Italy, so it seems like the better strategy. Heading into Asia Minor turns
bad when you meet Egypt.

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16. Historical Battles

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In this section, I'll cover all the battles in the "Historical Battle" menu
of Rome: Total War. The descriptions and strategies will be listed.

>> The Battle of Lake Trasimene
The rise of Rome was far from inevitable. As the Romans moved to secure
their control over the Italian peninsular, another people, the
Carthaginians, were busily establishing their own empire in Spain and
North Africa. It was inevitable, however, that the two rising powers in
the region would clash violently at some point: there simply wasn't room
around the shores of the Western Mediterranean for the two empires to

Fortunately, the Carthaginians were blessed with a great general in

Hannibal, who can only be described as a military genius. In 218 BC he
lead a force from Spain, over the Alps and into Northern Italy to
directly challenge Roman power. He defeated the Romans at Trebia in 218
BC and forced them onto the strategic defensive.

Hannibal continued to push hard, and caught a Roman army at Lake

Trasimene. Now he would have another chance to prove his worth, this
time against the full might of a Roman consular army under C. Flaminius.
He had already demonstrated tactical finesse in commanding many
different types of soldiers against the relatively brute force approach
of the Roman commander at Trebia. Now Hannibal intended to teach the
Romans another hard lesson. It was not to be the last lesson in
generalship he would hand out.

Strategy: At the start of the battle, meet the Carthigian Cavalry with your
Triarii. They should make shish kabob out of them, so make sure
that you face them head on. It is a big mistake that they send in
the Cavalry first; once you take care of them, it is a prett simple
battle. Meet your infantry with their infantry. Your Velites should
work on the infantry, either pepper them down or peel an infantry
unit off of the assault. Once the Velites are out of ammo, have
them charge the rear of the Infantry. Your Cavalry should charge
the enemy Missile units. As for your Triarii, have them hold the
infantry line and also kill the enemy general, who seems to get


>> The Battle of Raphia
More than a century after the death of Alexander the Great, and his
successors were still struggling for dominance over his fragmented
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empire. Antiochus III of the Seleucids had designs on regaining control
of Coele-Syria which had been recently annexed by Egypt. Antiochus could
do little about the situation immediately, but his opportunity came when
the new king of Egypt, Ptolemy IV came to the throne. As he was not an
attractive character, there were defections to the Seleucids among
Egyptian generals and governors, and war loomed.

By Spring 217BC both sides had completed their preparations. Egyptian

diplomacy had delayed the fighting for long enough. The two armies
advanced, and clashed near the small town of Raphia, with the sea
protecting one flank of each army. Both kings chose to make this flank
their strongest, and lead the battle from there...

Strategy: March forward and charge with your infantry after the first volley
from the enemy Missile units. While doing this, send your Peltasts
over to either harass the Infantry or Archers. The Cavalry should
take out the enemy Cavalry, destroy the Archers, or flank the
Infantry. Just make sure that the enemy Cavalry doesn't flank you.
The Elephants, obviously, should head through the Infantry lines
and possibly wreak havoc on the Archers.


>> The Battle of Telamon
After the end of the 1st Punic War, the Romans had every right to feel
pleased with their results. There had been unrest in northern Italy, but
the mere appearance of an army had quashed any opposition. However, in
225BC an alliance of Gallic tribes and mercenaries from Transalpine Gaul
moved into Etruria through an unguarded pass in the Apennines. To meet
this invasion, the Romans called on the resources and manpower of all of
middle and southern Italy, who rapidly mobilised defensive forces. As a
result, they succeeded in outmanoeuvring the Gauls, and forced the
invaders towards the coast of Tuscany, while another army made an
unopposed landing at Pisae and prevented them from a line of retreat.
The Gauls were surrounded, trapped.

After Telamon the Romans decided that enough was enough. Northern Italy
would have to be secured and the Gauls defeated, a task that would
virtually double the area under Rome's direct control. By 220BC nearly
all the Gallic tribes had submitted and Carthage was severely weakened
by the loss of one of its main sources of mercenaries. The peace won
would not be long lasting.

Strategy: Two armies against one, luckily we don't face them at the same
time. Have your Chosen Swordsmen take on the enemy Hastati,
Triarii, and Velites. Once the enemy Spearmen is occupied by your
Swordsmen, send your Cavalry units over to crush the Roman General
and Cavalry. The Missile units should be behind the Chosen
Swordsmen, taking out the enemy Infantry. Your Chosen Swordsmen can
make fast work of Hastati and Velites, so this battle shouldn't be
extremely tough. If people start to rout, or you find your Cavalry
outnumbered, send a warhound unit out to play. Once that army is
taken care of, reverse and meet the second army. This time, you can
use your warhound units first, preferably on Cavalry/weaker units.
Again, Chosen Swordsmen make quick work of Hastati and Principes -
they just aren't a huge competition. If you have any Cavalry left,
have them charge the flanks or take on the enemy Cavalry/General.

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>> The Siege of Gergovia
Julius Caesar was appointed proconsul for the combined provinces of
Illyricum, Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul - a vast territory for him to
rule, but still not quite enough. Fortunately, he commanded one of the
best armies of the day, tough veteran legionaries with good military
engineering skills.

All was going well until 54 BC when a revolt broke out lead by
Vercingetorix, an Avernian aristocrat. Thrown temporarily onto the back
foot, Caesar was forced to react to the Gaul and his attacks, rather
than the other way around. The Gauls annihilated one of his legions in
the winter of 54-53 BC, and disaster never seemed far away. The
rebellious Gauls were proving to be a huge problem.

In 52 BC, the Gauls and Romans met at Gergovia, a fortified hilltop

fort. Fearing that the Gauls were bringing forward reinforcments, Caesar
ordered a legion to march to the rear of the fort. Spotting this,
Vercingetorix moved the entire Gallic army to watch, leaving the path to
the fort clear for Caesar. The Roman General ordered his forces forward,
but the Gauls returned just in time to counter the offensive and
surround the Roman army.

Strategy: The Gauls might have numbers, but you have superior troops. At the
start, use Archers and Legionary Cohort to take on the Cavalry.
Fire arrows rock their world. After that, it's superior infantry on
weaker infantry. Your Cavalry should either mop up any Missile
units or attack the rears. You should be able to make quick work of
the first group. The second group is more of the same thing - your
units are just too superior to have any close matches.


>> Battle of the River Trebia
As Rome secured control of the Italian peninsular, Carthage was
establishing an empire in Spain and North Africa. It was inevitable that
these two rising powers would clash violently for control of the Western
Mediterranean. Carthage needed space for its trade and maritime empire,
and the Romans simply saw Carthage as another threat. War was bound to
come, sooner or later.

Fortunately for the Carthaginians, they had the services of Hannibal

Barca, one of the greatest generals of all time. Marching from Spain, he
slipped past one Roman army and into northern Italy over the Alps, even
managing to bring a contingent of elephants with the army. His bold
strategy was to march on Rome and break Roman power at its heart. He
also hoped to gain allies as he advanced, among peoples disenchanted
with the domination of Rome.

After two months of campaigning he was met by a Roman force at the River
Trebia. Hannibal used a feigned cavalry retreat to lure the Romans
across the freezing river. True to form, and despite the winter floods,
the Romans crossed the river and made straight for Hannibal's army.
Historically, Hannibal was ready and crushed the Roman army. The few
Romans who escaped were the ones who broke through the Carthaginian line
as it closed around them and then kept running!

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Strategy: Use Fire Arrows on the Velites to make them rout. After that, fire
at the Hastati. When the Julii army clears the trees with the
hidden Cavalry, send in your infantry to face their infantry and
make them stop. While they are fighting, send your Cavalry out to
kill the enemy General and attack the flanks. This battle is all
set up for you from the beginning.


>> The Battle of Asculum
Pyrrhus, the King of Epirus, had a long career as a soldier, pretty much
from the age of 12. He was related to Alexander the Great through his
mother, and was drawn into the Wars of the Successors after Alexander's
death. In the process, he managed to get himself deposed and reinstated
as King of Epirus and proclaimed the King of Macedonia, and then
promptly dethroned in Macedonia. Pyrrhus consciously modelled himself on
Alexander and even claimed that Alexander talked to him in dreams. Even
after losing the Macedonian throne, he kept looking for something to
conquer, like his hero...

It was at this point that ambassadors from Tarentum arrived to ask for
help against some western 'barbarians' who called themselves 'Romans'.
Pyrrhus needed little further encouragement and, in 280BC landed in
Italy. His first overtures to the Romans offering mediation between them
and the citizens of Tarentum were rejected. His victory at Heraclea was
not enough to win the war, however, even when he marched on Rome.
Incidentally, his opponent at Heraclea, Appius Claudius, was responsible
for giving the Roman army its first taste of new punishment: decimation.
Pyrrhus had hoped to win over Rome's allies and client cities to his
banner, but every one of them shut the gates against him, and he was
forced to winter in Campania, even though he had been close enough to
Rome to see the smoke of the city on the horizon.

In 279, Pyrrhus advanced again. This time he moved up the Adriatic

coast, methodically reducing the Roman colonies there. Perhaps he hoped
that the locals would rise and follow him, but the Romans moved too and
sent an army to confront him under the command of P Sulpicius Saverrio
and P. Decimus Mus. The two armies confronted each other near the River
Aufidus, upstream from the spot were the equally bloody Battle of Cannae
would be fought some 63 years later...

Asculum was to give the world the concept of the pyrrhic victory: a
victory won at so great a cost that it was almost a defeat. As Pyrrhus
himself remarked 'If we are victorious in one more battle with the
Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.'

Strategy: Let the enemy march to you. When the Cavalry/Elephants are within
range of your Missile units, fire away. In addition, let your
Infantry also throw their spears at the Cavalry/Elephants. If you
are lucky, they will rout pretty quickly. If not, have Triarii mop
them up. When the meat of the enemy army meets you now, they'll be
at a severe disadvantage without Cavalry. Match your heavy infantry
with their heavy infantry, while you send your light infantry to
flank their line. Your Missile units should be firing at the line
or, more importantly, the enemy General, if they can. Send your
Equites around to either charge the flanks or match the General. If
the General isn't dead yet, while he is occupied by the Equites
send some Light Infantry over to finish him off. After that, use
the Light Infantry to flank the enemy Heavy Infantry.
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>> The Battle of Carrhae
Carrhae was a battle that need not have happened.

It was the success of Julius Caesar in Gaul that led Licinius Crassus, a
rival for power, to move against the Parthians: Caesar was doing rather
too well. Crassus had been a member of the First Triumvirate with Caesar
and Pompey, and then a consul with Pompey. His achievements were in
danger of being overshadowed.

In 55 BC Crassus went to Syria - a province he had been given when the

spoils of the Empire were divided up - with war on his mind. The
Parthian Empire to the east was an opportunity for glory and even
greater wealth, although his desire for a war was completely unnecessary
and probably beyond his skills to manage. To be fair to Crassus, he was
an adequate general, rather than a great commander like Caesar or
Pompey. He probably knew that he owed his place in the Triumvirate to
his enormous wealth. There also have to be some doubts as to Julius
Caesar's true motives in writing to Crassus urging him to go to war.

In 53, he got his war but foolishly rejected local advice and marched
directly towards the Parthian heartland; he had been advised to attack
through the mountains of Armenia. The legions cross the Euphrates at
Zeugma, pressed eastwards but, on hearing that the Parthians were near,
Crassus reformed the army into a massive marching square. An army of
horse archers and cavalry under the inspiring commander Surenas then
confronted him. As the Roman infantry stood firm, the Parthians began
the battle with a cacophony of beating drums to dishearten their
enemies. Then the arrow storm started...

Although it's not usual to tell you about the aftermath of a battle
you're about to refight, the fate of Crassus is worth knowing. The
Parthians captured and executed him. Crassus was probably the wealthiest
man in the Roman world, and the Parthians poured molten gold down his
throat. They also slaughtered the Roman wounded and took the survivors
into captivity. The final insult was that they captured many standards,
including legionary eagles.

Strategy: I've never beaten this one on Very Hard, but I saw a post of
someone who did. This post is by "Aildiin." Here it is:

"Just beat Carrahae in very hard difficulty yesterday.

I used my remaining cavalry unit to rout 2 of the persian cavalry units on my

left flank and then sent it to chase away the persian cavalry on my right.
Then just before the cataphracts charged into my legions I broke testudo and
had them ready themselves for the charge.
I then sent my commander to my left flank.
Thanks to this no more archers were firing in my back during the charge and I
was able to withstand it.
My commander then charged the catapracts in the back and routed 2 of their

The enemy general tried to charge my pinned commander but I had just told him
to ride through my troups and he ended up in the middle of my army.
Then it was a matter of my legionnaries to kill the enemy commander.
My chasing cavalry unit got slaughtered by a routed cataphract unit that had
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regrouped but by then the moral of the enemy was low.

I baited one more persian cavalry unit to charge me by having one of my

remaining units to reform testudo ( have to admit it was a bit of luck there,
I didn't expect them to charge, was just trying to protect myself from the
arrows...). They charged me, routed that unit but before the unit routed my
commander countercharged them in the back and destroyed them.

By then I had very few legionnaries left but my commander unit was still 16
men strong and was now at 2 golden chevron and the parthians were totall
It was just a matter of letting my commander chase all remaining persian
cavalry of the field and for me to claim victory...."


>> The Battle of Cynocephalae
With Carthage defeated at Zama and the Second Punic War brought to a
successful conclusion, Rome turned its attention to other matters.

In Greece, the former ally of Carthage, Philip of Macedon provoked Roman

hostility just by his continued existence. Romans never forgive or
forget those who oppose them, even when this is done ineffectually. It
didn't take a lot of effort for Titus Quinctius Flamininus to persuade
the Senate that a settling of accounts with Philip was now needed.

In 200 BC a Roman army landed in Thessaly. After some tentative

manoeuvering by both sides, they camped on either side of a series of
ridges and hillocks called "The Dogs' Heads" (for their shapes) and
prepared for battle. The fight that followed was characterised by
changing fortunes for each side but it was the Romans who eventually
gained the upper hand.

Philip's influence in Greece was broken, and a series of small campaigns

by Flamininus resulted in the Greek cities being largely independent of
Macedonian power by 196. By carefully not taking control for Rome,
Flaminius was hailed as a liberator, but in practical terms none of the
Greek cities were powerful enough to oppose Rome's will.

Strategy: The key in this battle is to take out the Macedonian Army's weak
left side. Bring a few Infantry, your elephant, and Cavalry over to
the left side. Once Infantry is on Infantry, bring your Cavalry
around to the backside and flank them. In addition, use your
elephant to fire arrows and run over the infantry. With the left
side crushed, it should be a fairly simple victory. Use more of the
same tactics for the rest of the fight. Don't let any men run after
others, and always put your units against units they are stronger
against. Triarii versus the Light Lancer is a good idea. Have all
of your Infantry tak the Phalanx Pikeman while your Missile units
shoot at them. Cavalry can either ram the rear or take the General.


>> The Battle of Teutoburg Forest
By 9 AD the frontier of the Rome world lay along the natural moat of the
Rhine. To the north, the barbarians lurked in their dark forests
(according to the Romans) and plotted the destruction of all things
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The Emperor Augustus was, however, absolutely convinced that the

comforts of civilized living could be brought to the German tribes, and
pushed for full provincial development of the German interior. However,
there seemed to be faint prospect of ever bringing civilization and its
comforts to the awkward Germans. This may have been behind the decision
to appoint Quinctilius Varus as governor of the province. The man was an
able administrator, but not a very good soldier. He was a civilian, with
a civilian's mission of collecting taxes, conscripting soldiers, and
establishing Roman law. Perhaps Roman efficiency would win over the

The German tribes, on the other hand, were equally convinced that the
comforts of Rome were probably very nice, but not the Roman government
and taxes that seemed to go with them. There was little money to pay
taxes (barter economies don't need money), free warriors saw
conscription as slavery, and Roman law was completely barbaric - why was
it right to go around imprisoning people and flogging them when a blood
feud settled a dispute properly? Varus established his main camp
somewhere on the Weser (best guesses place it somewhere near modern
Minden), but as winter approached, Varus, his army and the camp
followers pulled back towards winter quarters to the south. This was the
opportunity that the Germans had been waiting for. Arminius, their
hidden leader, had spent time in Varus' camp but once the Romans were on
the march and the rout they were to take was established, he
disappeared - and the attacks by the wild men of the German forests

Strategy: After taking out the first army you're up against, march your men
down the road. Germans will attack from the trees, but if they
don't come running at you, ignore them and keep marching. If they
do, just engage as usual. Keep going until you reach the third
army. From here, if you're pressed for time you can quickly bring
one-hundred to the town. If you aren't, just engage and destroy.


>> The Siege of Sparta
King Pyrrhus of Epirus liked to believe he was the last of a long line
of kings, a great warrior in the tradition of Alexander the Great and
worthy enough to be from the heroic age of Greece.

The truth was different.

After his early successes against his Greek and Macedonian neighbours,
his luck changed when matched against the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC.
Although he won the battle, the cost was so high in men that "pyrrhic
victory" is still used to describe a triumph bought at terrible cost.

Bloodied by his campaigns in Italy and Sicily, Pyrrhus returned to

Epirus and raised a new army to conquer Greece and Macedonia. He managed
quick victories against the Macedonian king, Antigonus, and then turned
his attention south to Greece itself, and a great prize beckoned him on:

The city-state was only a shadow of what it once had been. The great
days of Spartan warriors were long gone, but the lands of Sparta were
still well worth conquering. More importantly, Sparta had always relied
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on its elite hoplites for defence, men trained from infancy to do
nothing but fight. As a result, the city had no walls - it had never
needed them!

With most of the Spartan army away on campaign with King Areus, the city
looked terribly vulnerable...

Strategy: Have your Onagers fire at the troops inside with fire. When the
garrison decides to engage outside the city, meet them with your
own troops. When they retreat, pelt them some more with your
Onagers. Finally, when your Onager are out of ammo, head into the
city. Spearmen should be in the front - slowly head up to the town
square. Here, pepper down the enemies with arrows and then engage
from as many sides as you can. It is a good idea to encompass the
enemy in a circle, as they can't rout at the square.


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17. Units List

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/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Instead of compiling a massive list for units, just head to this site:

\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

18. Buildings List

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Listed by faction in alphabetical order.

----------------------------[ Julii Buildings ]------------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

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Pro-Consul's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Imperial Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables training of Praetorian Cohort
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati

Legion Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii

Urban Barracks (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
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* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii
* Enables training of Urban Cohort

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia

Hippodrome (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held

Circus Maximus (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held
* Enables training of Praetorian Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Velites

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers
* Enables training of Repeating Ballistae

Trader-Class Buildings
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Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Forum (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Great Forum (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Curia (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
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* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

City Plumping (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Public health bonus: 20%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4

Latifundia (Fifth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +5


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Highways (Third Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

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Academy (Third Tier)
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Amphitheater-Class Buildings

Arena (Third Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Amphitheater (Fourth Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Coliseum (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Ceres (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Temple of Ceres (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Population growth bonus: 1%

Large Temple of Ceres (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Population growth bonus: 1.5%

Awesome Temple of Ceres (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Population growth bonus: 2%

Pantheon (Ceres, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Population growth bonus: 2.5%

Shrine of Bacchus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple of Bacchus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%

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Large Temple of Bacchus (Third Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 30%

Awesome Temple of Bacchus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 40%

Pantheon (Bacchus, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 50%
* Population Growth bonus: 1%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Shrine of Jupiter (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Jupiter (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Jupiter (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Jupiter (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%
* Enables training of Arcani

Pantheon (Jupiter, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 35%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%
* Enables training of Arcani

----------------------------[ Brutii Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Pro-Consul's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Imperial Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
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* Enables training of Praetorian Cohort
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati

Legion Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii

Urban Barracks (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii
* Enables training of Urban Cohort

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

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* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia

Hippodrome (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held

Circus Maximus (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held
* Enables training of Praetorian Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Velites

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers
* Enables training of Repeating Ballistae

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
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* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Forum (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Great Forum (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Curia (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes
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Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

City Plumping (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Public health bonus: 20%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4

Latifundia (Fifth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +5


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Highways (Third Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

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Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)
* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Amphitheater-Class Buildings

Arena (Third Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Amphitheater (Fourth Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Coliseum (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Juno (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public health bonus: 5%

Temple of Juno (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Large Temple of Juno (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public health bonus: 15%

Awesome Temple of Juno (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public health bonus: 20%

Pantheon (Juno, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public health bonus: 25%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Shrine of Mercury (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Increase in tradable goods

Temple of Mercury (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Increase in tradable goods

Large Temple of Mercury (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Increase in tradable goods

Awesome Temple of Mercury (Fourth Tier)

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* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Increase in tradable goods

Pantheon (Mercury, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Increase in tradable goods
* Public health bonus: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Shrine of Mars (First Tier)

* Public order bonus due to happines: 5%

Temple of Mars (Second Tier)

* Public order bonus due to happines: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Large Temple of Mars (Third Tier)

* Public order bonus due to happines: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Awesome Temple of Mars (Fourth Tier)

* Public order bonus due to happines: 20%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3
* Enables training of Arcani

Pantheon (Mars, Fifth Tier)

* Public order bonus due to happines: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3
* Enables training of Arcani
* Morale bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Increase in tradable goods
* Public health bonus: 10%

----------------------------[ Scipii Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Pro-Consul's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Imperial Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
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* Enables training of Praetorian Cohort
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati

Legion Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii

Urban Barracks (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Hastati
* Enables training of Principes
* Enables training of Triarii
* Enables training of Urban Cohort

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

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* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia

Hippodrome (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held

Circus Maximus (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Equites
* Enables training of War Dogs
* Enables training of Cavalry Auxilia
* Enables training of Legionary Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Allows races to be held
* Enables training of Praetorian Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Velites

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Velites
* Enables training of Roman Archer
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Scorpions
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers
* Enables training of Repeating Ballistae

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
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* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Forum (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Great Forum (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Curia (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes
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Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

City Plumping (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Public health bonus: 20%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4

Latifundia (Fifth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +5


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Highways (Third Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

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Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)
* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Amphitheater-Class Buildings

Arena (Third Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Amphitheater (Fourth Tier)

* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Coliseum (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Allows Gladiatorial games to be held
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Enables training of Samnite Gladiators

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Vulcan (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1

Temple of Vulcan (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1

Large Temple of Vulcan (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded Armor: +1

Awesome Temple of Vulcan (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded Armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Pantheon (Vulcan, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded Armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Shrine to Saturn (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

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Temple of Saturn (Second Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Saturn (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Saturn (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%
* Enables training of Arcani

Pantheon (Saturn, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 25%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded Armor: +1
* Enables training of Arcani

Shrine to Neptune (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Temple of Neptune (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Large Temple of Neptune (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%

Awesome Temple of Neptune (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Enables training of Corvus Quinquireme

Pantheon (Neptune, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded Armor: +1
* Enables training of Decere
* Enables training of Corvus Quinquireme

---------------------------[ Armenian Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
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* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry
* Enables training of Hillmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry

Elite Clavary (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
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* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants

Royal Cavalry Stables (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Enables training of Cataphract Camels

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Bazaar (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grand Bazaar (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

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* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grand Bazaar Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

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* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Caravan-Class Buildings

Trade Caravan (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Spice Road (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Silk Road (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Zoroastra (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Zoroastra (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Zoroastra (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Zoroastra (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%

Temple Complex of Zoroastra (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 25%

---------------------------[ British Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

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High King's Hall
* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Warband

Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen
* Enables training of Chosen Swordsmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of War Hounds

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

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Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Enables training of British Light Chariots

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1
* Enables training of British Light Chariots
* Enables training of British Heavy Chariots

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Bardic Circle (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Brigantia (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public health bonus: 5%

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Sacred Grove of Brigantia (Second Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Sacred Circle of Brigantia (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public health bonus: 15%
* Population growth bonus: 1.5%

Shrine to Britannia (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Increase in tradable goods

Sacred Grove of Britannia (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Increase in tradable goods

Sacred Circle of Britannia (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Increase in tradable goods

Shrine to Andrasta (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Enables training of Woad Warriors

Sacred Grove of Andrasta (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Enables training of Woad Warriors
* Enables training of Head Hurlers

Sacred Circle of Andrasta (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Enables training of Woad Warriors (+1 Experience)
* Enables training of Head Hurlers (+1 Experience)

--------------------------[ Carthigian Buildings ]---------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings
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Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Iberian Infantry

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Iberian Infantry
* Enables training of Libyan Spearmen

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Town Watch
* Enables training of Iberian Infantry
* Enables training of Libyan Spearmen
* Enables training of Poeni Infantry

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Round Shield Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Round Shield Cavalry
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* Enables training of Long Shield Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants

Elite Clavary (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Round Shield Cavalry
* Enables training of Long Shield Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of War Elephants

Royal Cavalry Stables (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Round Shield Cavalry
* Enables training of Long Shield Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Armored Elephants
* Enables training of Sacred Band Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
* Enables training of Slingers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Bazaar (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grand Bazaar (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
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Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grand Bazaar Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Farm-Class Buildings
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Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4

Great Estates (Fifth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +5


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Baal (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Baal (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Baal (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Baal (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%
* Enables training of Sacred Band

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----------------------------[ Dacian Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

High King's Hall

* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Warband

Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen
* Enables training of Chosen Swordsmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds

Warlord's Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds
* Enables training of Barbarian Noble Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

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* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband
* Enables training of Forester Warband

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

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Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Bardic Circle (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Teutatis (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Teutatis (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics

Sacred Circle of Teutatis (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics (+1 Experience)

Shrine to Epona (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Epona (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Sacred Circle of Epona (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3

Shrine to Abnoba (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +1

Sacred Grove of Abnoba (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +2

Sacred Circle of Abnoba (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +3

Shrine to Esus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

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Sacred Grove of Esus (Second Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Sacred Circle of Esus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%
* Enables training of Druids

---------------------------[ Egyptian Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Pharaoh's Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

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* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Nubian Spearmen

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Nubian Spearmen
* Enables training of Nile Spearmen

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Nubian Spearmen
* Enables training of Nile Spearmen
* Enables training of Desert Axeman

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Nubian Spearmen
* Enables training of Nile Spearmen
* Enables training of Desert Axeman
* Enables training of Pharaoh's Guards

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Desert Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Desert Cavalry
* Enables training of Nubian Cavalry

Elite Clavary (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Desert Cavalry
* Enables training of Nubian Cavalry
* Enables training of Nile Clavary
* Enables training of Camel Archers

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Bowmen

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Bowmen
* Enables training of Pharaoh's Bowmen
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmishers
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* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Bowmen
* Enables training of Pharaoh's Bowmen
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Bazaar (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grand Bazaar (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Enables training of Egyptian Chariots

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1
* Enables training of Egyptian Chariots
* Enables training of Egyptian Chariot Archers

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grand Bazaar Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2
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* Enables training of Egyptian Chariots
* Enables training of Egyptian Chariot Archers

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4

Great Estates (Fifth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +5


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

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* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Horus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Horus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Horus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Horus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%

Temple City (Horus, Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 25%
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons: +1
* Upgrades Armor: +1

---------------------------[ Gaulish Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

High King's Hall

* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

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* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Warband

Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen
* Enables training of Chosen Swordsmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds

Warlord's Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds
* Enables training of Barbarian Noble Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband
* Enables training of Forester Warband

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

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Blacksmith (Second Tier)
* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Bardic Circle (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Teutatis (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Teutatis (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics

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Sacred Circle of Teutatis (Third Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics (+1 Experience)

Shrine to Epona (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Epona (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Sacred Circle of Epona (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3

Shrine to Abnoba (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +1

Sacred Grove of Abnoba (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +2

Sacred Circle of Abnoba (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +3

Shrine to Esus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Sacred Grove of Esus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Sacred Circle of Esus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%
* Enables training of Druids

----------------------------[ German Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

High King's Hall

* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
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* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Spear Warband

Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Spear Warband
* Enables training of Axemen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Spear Warband
* Enables training of Axemen
* Enables training of Chosen Axemen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of Warhounds

Warlord's Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of Warhounds
* Enables training of Barbarian Noble Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband
* Enables training of Chosen Archer Warband

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
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Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Bardic Circle (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

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Shrine to Freyja (First Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Population Growth Bonus: 0.5%
* Enables training of Screeching Women

Sacred Grove of Freyja (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Population Growth Bonus: 1%
* Enables training of Screeching Women

Sacred Circle of Freyja (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Population Growth Bonus: 1.5%
* Enables training of Screeching Women

Shrine to Donar (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Sacred Grove of Donar (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Circle of Donar (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Enables training of Berserkers

Shrine to Woden (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Woden (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics

Sacred Circle of Woden (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics
* Enables training of Gothic Cavalry

----------------------------[ Greek Buildings ]------------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings
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Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites
* Enables training of Armored Hoplites

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites
* Enables training of Armored Hoplites
* Enables training of Spartan Hoplites

Stable-Class Buildings

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Stables (Second Tier)
* Enables training of Militia Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry

Elite Cavalry (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Heavy Peltasts
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Heavy Peltasts
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Agora (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grear Agora (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
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Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grear Agora Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

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* Public health bonus: 15%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Theater-Class Buildings

Odeon (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Lyceum (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Theater (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Nike (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Temple of Nike (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
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* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Large Temple of Nike (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Awesome Temple of Nike (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3

Pantheon of Nike (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3
* Population Growth Bonus: 1%
* Public Order Bonus due to law: 10%
* Increase in tradable goods

--------------------------[ Macedonian Buildings ]---------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
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* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites
* Enables training of Armored Hoplites

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Hoplites
* Enables training of Armored Hoplites
* Enables training of Spartan Hoplites

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry

Elite Cavalry (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
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* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Heavy Peltasts
* Enables training of Onagers

Siege Engineer (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Ballistae
* Enables training of Heavy Peltasts
* Enables training of Onagers
* Enables training of Heavy Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Agora (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grear Agora (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grear Agora Building
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* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade
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Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Theater-Class Buildings

Odeon (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Lyceum (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Theater (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Nike (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Temple of Nike (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Large Temple of Nike (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Awesome Temple of Nike (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3

Pantheon of Nike (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3
* Population Growth Bonus: 1%
* Public Order Bonus due to law: 10%
* Increase in tradable goods

---------------------------[ Numidan Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
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* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
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* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman
* Enables training of Silver Shield Pikemen

Royal Barracks (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman
* Enables training of Silver Shield Pikemen
* Enables training of Silver Shield Legionaries

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants

Elite Cavalry (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants

Circus Maximus (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Companion Cavalry
* Enables training of Armored Elephants

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

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* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Agora (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grear Agora (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grear Agora Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

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Dockyard (Fourth Tier)
* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Theater-Class Buildings
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Odeon (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Lyceum (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Theater (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Hemphaestus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1

Temple of Hemphaestus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1

Large Temple of Hemphaestus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1

Awesome Temple of Hemphaestus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Pantheon of Hemphaestus (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Public Order Bonus due to law: 10%

Shrine of Dionysus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple of Dionysus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%

Large Temple of Dionysus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 30%

Awesome Temple of Dionysus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 40%

Pantheon of Dionysus (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 50%
* Population Growth Bonus: 1%
* Public health bonus: 10%

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Shrine of Asklepios (First Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public health bonus: 5%

Temple of Asklepios (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Large Temple of Asklepios (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public health bonus: 15%

Awesome Temple of Asklepios (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public health bonus: 20%

Pantheon of Asklepios (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public health bonus: 25%
* Increase in tradable goods
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

---------------------------[ Parthian Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
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* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry
* Enables training of Hillmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry

Elite Clavary (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants

Royal Cavalry Stables (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Enables training of Cataphract Camels

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers

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Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)
* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Bazaar (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grand Bazaar (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grand Bazaar Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

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Port (Second Tier)
* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Caravan-Class Buildings

Trade Caravan (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Spice Road (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Silk Road (Fifth Tier)

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* Increase in tradable goods

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Zoroastra (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Zoroastra (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Zoroastra (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Zoroastra (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%

Temple Complex of Zoroastra (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 25%

----------------------------[ Pontic Buildings ]-----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

High King's Hall

* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
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Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen
* Enables training of Chosen Swordsmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of War Hounds

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Enables training of British Light Chariots

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1
* Enables training of British Light Chariots
* Enables training of British Heavy Chariots

Port-Class Buildings

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Port (Second Tier)
* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Bardic Circle (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Brigantia (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public health bonus: 5%

Sacred Grove of Brigantia (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Sacred Circle of Brigantia (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public health bonus: 15%
* Population growth bonus: 1.5%

Shrine to Britannia (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Increase in tradable goods

Sacred Grove of Britannia (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Increase in tradable goods

Sacred Circle of Britannia (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Increase in tradable goods

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Shrine to Andrasta (First Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Enables training of Woad Warriors

Sacred Grove of Andrasta (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Enables training of Woad Warriors
* Enables training of Head Hurlers

Sacred Circle of Andrasta (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Enables training of Woad Warriors (+1 Experience)
* Enables training of Head Hurlers (+1 Experience)

---------------------------[ Scythian Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil
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Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Eastern Infantry
* Enables training of Hillmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry

Elite Clavary (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants

Royal Cavalry Stables (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Horse Archers
* Enables training of Persian Cavalry
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Incendiary Pigs
* Enables training of Cataphract Camels

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Slingers
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings
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Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Bazaar (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grand Bazaar (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grand Bazaar Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
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* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Caravan-Class Buildings

Trade Caravan (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Spice Road (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Silk Road (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Zoroastra (First Tier)

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* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Temple of Zoroastra (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Large Temple of Zoroastra (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%

Awesome Temple of Zoroastra (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 20%

Temple Complex of Zoroastra (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 25%

---------------------------[ Seleucid Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Councilor's Chamber
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fourth Tier" buildings

Royal Palace
* Improves Generals' bodyguards
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Fifth Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

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* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Large Stone Wall (Fourth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Epic Stone Wall (Fifth Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Boiling Oil
* Iron Gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman

Army Barracks (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman
* Enables training of Silver Shield Pikemen

Royal Barracks (Fifth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman
* Enables training of Silver Shield Pikemen
* Enables training of Silver Shield Legionaries

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants

Elite Cavalry (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants

Circus Maximus (Fifth Tier)

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* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry
* Enables training of Elephants
* Enables training of Cataphracts
* Enables training of War Elephants
* Enables training of Companion Cavalry
* Enables training of Armored Elephants

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Agora (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grear Agora (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Merchants' Quarters (Fifth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
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Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Foundry (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Grear Agora Building
* Upgrades light weapons +2
* Upgrades heavy weapons +2
* Upgrades missile weapons +2
* Upgrades armor +2

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Aqueduct (Fourth Tier)

* Public health bonus: 15%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

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* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Paved Roads (Second Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Academy-Class Buildings

Academy (Third Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Sciptorium (Fourth Tier)

* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Ludus Magna (Fifth Tier)

* SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Great Forum Building
* Governors gain skills and knowledge

Theater-Class Buildings

Odeon (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

Lyceum (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Theater (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Hemphaestus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1

Temple of Hemphaestus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1

Large Temple of Hemphaestus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1

Awesome Temple of Hemphaestus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
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* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Pantheon of Hemphaestus (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Public Order Bonus due to law: 10%

Shrine of Dionysus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple of Dionysus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%

Large Temple of Dionysus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 30%

Awesome Temple of Dionysus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 40%

Pantheon of Dionysus (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 50%
* Population Growth Bonus: 1%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Shrine of Asklepios (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public health bonus: 5%

Temple of Asklepios (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public health bonus: 10%

Large Temple of Asklepios (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public health bonus: 15%

Awesome Temple of Asklepios (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Public health bonus: 20%

Pantheon of Asklepios (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Public health bonus: 25%
* Increase in tradable goods
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

----------------------------[ Spanish Buildings ]----------------------------

Government-Class Buildings

Warrior's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Warlord's Hold
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
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* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

High King's Hall

* Improves Generals' Bodyguard
* Enables training of Barbarian Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Stockade (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Barrack-Class Buildings

Muster Field (First Tier)

* Enables training of Warband

Meeting Hall (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen

Hall of Heroes (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Warband
* Enables training of Swordsmen
* Enables training of Chosen Swordsmen

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds

Warlord's Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Barbarian Cavalry
* Enables training of War Hounds
* Enables training of Barbarian Noble Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

Practice Range (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Skirmisher Warband
* Enables training of Forester Warband

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
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* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Great Market (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Weaponsmith (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Boats
* Enables training of Large Boats

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Tavern-Class Buildings

Tavern (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%

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Bardic Circle (Third Tier)
* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine to Teutatis (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Teutatis (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics

Sacred Circle of Teutatis (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Upgrades light weapons: +1
* Enables training of Naked Fanatics (+1 Experience)

Shrine to Epona (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Sacred Grove of Epona (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2

Sacred Circle of Epona (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +3

Shrine to Abnoba (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +1

Sacred Grove of Abnoba (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +2

Sacred Circle of Abnoba (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgrades missile weapons: +3

Shrine to Esus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 5%

Sacred Grove of Esus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 10%

Sacred Circle of Esus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Public Order bonus due to law: 15%
* Enables training of Druids

---------------------------[ Thracian Buildings ]----------------------------
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Government-Class Buildings

Governor's House
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables construction of "First Tier" buildings

Governor's Villa
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Second Tier" buildings

Governor's Palace
* Enables training of Peasants
* Enables recruitment of diplomats
* Enables construction of "Third Tier" buildings

Wall-Class Buildings

Wooden Palisade (First Tier)

* Extra wall defenses

Wooden Wall (Second Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates

Stone Wall (Third Tier)

* Extra wall defenses
* Reinforced gates
* Boiling Oil

Barrack-Class Buildings

Barracks (First Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites

Militia Barracks (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen

City Barracks (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Hoplites
* Enables training of Levy Pikemen
* Enables training of Phalanx Pikeman

Stable-Class Buildings

Stables (Second Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry

Cavalry Stables (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Militia Cavalry
* Enables training of Greek Cavalry

Range-Class Buildings

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Practice Range (Second Tier)
* Enables training of Peltasts

Archery Range (Third Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers

Catapult Range (Fourth Tier)

* Enables training of Peltasts
* Enables training of Archers
* Enables training of Onagers

Trader-Class Buildings

Trader (First Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%

Market (Second Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies

Agora (Third Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 0.5%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Grear Agora (Fourth Tier)

* Increase in tradable goods
* Population growth bonus: 1%
* Enables recruitment of Spies
* Enables recruitment of Assassins

Smith-Class Buildings

Blacksmith (Second Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1

Armourer (Third Tier)

* Upgrades light weapons +1
* Upgrades heavy weapons +1
* Upgrades missile weapons +1
* Upgrades armor +1

Port-Class Buildings

Port (Second Tier)

* Grants one sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes

Shipwright (Third Tier)

* Grants two sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
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* Enables training of Triremes

Dockyard (Fourth Tier)

* Grants three sea-trade fleets for extra income
* Enables training of Biremes
* Enables training of Triremes
* Enables training of Quinquiremes

Water Supply-Class Buildings


Sewers (Second Tier)

* Public health bonus: 5%

Public Baths (Third Tier)

* Public health bonus: 10%

Farm-Class Buildings

Land Clearance (First Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +1

Communal Farming (Second Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +2

Crop Rotation (Third Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +3

Irrigation (Fourth Tier)

* Improved farms and food production: +4


Roads (First Tier)

* Improved roads and trade

Temple-Class Buildings

Shrine of Hemphaestus (First Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 5%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1

Temple of Hemphaestus (Second Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 10%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1

Large Temple of Hemphaestus (Third Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 15%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1

Awesome Temple of Hemphaestus (Fourth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 20%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
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* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +1

Pantheon of Hemphaestus (Fifth Tier)

* Public Order bonus due to happiness: 25%
* Upgraded light weapons: +1
* Upgraded heavy weapons: +1
* Upgraded armor: +1
* Experience bonus to troops trained here: +2
* Public Order Bonus due to law: 10%

\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
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19. Traits List

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Trait: GoodCommander
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadCommander

Level Confident_Commander
Effect Command 1

Level Good_Commander
Effect Command 2

Level Superior_Commander
Effect Command 3

Level Great_Commander
Effect Command 4

Level Legendary_Commander
Effect Command 5

Trait: BadCommander
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodCommander

Level Indifferent_Commander
Effect Command -1

Level Incompetent_Commander
Effect Command -2

Level Poor_Commander
Effect Command -3

Level Pathetic_Commander
Effect Command -5

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Trait: GoodAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadAttacker

Level Confident_Attacker
Effect Attack 1

Level Good_Attacker
Effect Attack 2

Level Superior_Attacker
Effect Attack 3

Level Great_Attacker
Effect Attack 4

Level Heroic_Attacker
Effect Attack 5

Trait: BadAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodAttacker

Level Indifferent_Attacker
Effect Attack -1

Level Incompetent_Attacker
Effect Attack -2

Level Poor_Attacker
Effect Attack -3

Level Pathetic_Attacker
Effect Attack -4

Trait: GoodDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadDefender

Level Confident_in_Defence
Effect Defence 1

Level Good_Defender
Effect Defence 2

Level Superior_Defender
Effect Defence 3

Level Great_Defender
Effect Defence 4

Level Heroic_Defender
Effect Defence 5

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Trait: BadDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodDefender

Level Indifferent_Defender
Effect Defence -1

Level Incompetent_Defender
Effect Defence -2

Level Poor_Defender
Effect Defence -3

Level Pathetic_Defender
Effect Defence -4

Trait: Drink
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 5
AntiTraits: Sobriety

Level Social_Drinker
Effect Command 1

Level Likes_a_Drink
Effect Management -1

Level Drunkard
Effect Influence -1
Effect Command -1
Effect Management -1

Level Drunken_Lout
Effect Influence -1
Effect Command -2
Effect Management -2

Level Sot
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command -3
Effect Management -3

Level Paralytic
Effect Influence -4
Effect Command -5
Effect Management -5

Trait: Feck
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: SmoothTalker, RhetoricSkill

Level Strong_Language
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect SenateStanding -5
Effect PopularStanding 5

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Level Foul_Mouthed
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect SenateStanding -10
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Swears_Like_A_Trooper
Effect TroopMorale 4
Effect SenateStanding -15
Effect PopularStanding 15

Level Irredeemably_Foul-mouthed
Effect TroopMorale 6
Effect SenateStanding -20
Effect PopularStanding 20

Trait: Arse
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2

Level Minion
Effect Influence -1

Level Catamite
Effect Influence -2

Level Aggressively_Perverse
Effect Influence -3

Level Grotesquely_Perverse
Effect Influence -4

Trait: Girls
Characters family
AntiTraits: Prim, Upright

Level Casual_Adulterer
Effect TroopMorale 2

Level Blatant_Adulterer
Effect Influence -1
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Womaniser
Effect Influence -1

Level Won't_Take_No_For_An_Answer
Effect Influence -1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Sexual_Predator
Effect Influence -2
Effect TroopMorale -2

Trait: Sobriety
Characters family
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ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: Drink

Level Sober
Effect Management 1
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Abstemious
Effect Management 2
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Teetotal
Effect Management 3
Effect PopularStanding -15

Trait: GoodAmbusher
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadAmbusher

Level Good_Ambusher
Effect Ambush 1

Level Sneaky_Ambusher
Effect Ambush 2

Level Exceptional_Ambusher
Effect Ambush 3

Trait: BadAmbusher
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodAmbusher

Level Poor_Ambusher
Effect Ambush -1

Level Rotten_Ambusher
Effect Ambush -2

Level Pathetic_Ambusher
Effect Ambush -3

Trait: Disciplinarian
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BadDisciplinarian

Level Obsessional_Trainer
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect MovementPoints 2

Level Drillmaster
Effect TroopMorale -2
Effect MovementPoints 3
Effect Law 1
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Level Martinet
Effect Command 1
Effect TroopMorale -3
Effect MovementPoints 4
Effect Law 2

Trait: BadDisciplinarian
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Disciplinarian

Level Poor_Disciplinarian
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect MovementPoints -2

Level Too_Considerate
Effect TroopMorale 3
Effect MovementPoints -3

Level Kills_With_Kindness
Effect Command -1
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect MovementPoints -4

Trait: GoodSiegeAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadSiegeAttacker

Level Gate_Breaker
Effect SiegeAttack 1

Level Wall_Breaker
Effect SiegeAttack 2

Level Into_The_Breach!
Effect SiegeAttack 3

Level Legendary_Siege_Expert
Effect SiegeAttack 4

Trait: BadSiegeAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodSiegeAttacker

Level Dislikes_Attacking_Walls
Effect SiegeAttack -1

Level Useless_Besieger
Effect SiegeAttack -2

Level Pathetic_Besieger
Effect SiegeAttack -3

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Trait: GoodSiegeDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadSiegeDefender

Level Gate_Keeper
Effect SiegeDefence 1

Level Strong_As_Stone
Effect SiegeDefence 2

Level None_Shall_Pass!
Effect SiegeDefence 3

Level Legendary_City_Defender
Effect SiegeDefence 4

Trait: BadSiegeDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodSiegeDefender

Level Cowers_Behind_Walls
Effect SiegeDefence -1

Level Pathetic_Defender_of_Cities
Effect SiegeDefence -2

Level Liability_In_Defence
Effect SiegeDefence -3

Trait: Brave
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Coward

Level Untouched_By_Fear
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Brave
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Famously_Courageous
Effect TroopMorale 3
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Utterly_Fearless
Effect TroopMorale 4
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Insanely_Brave
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect PopularStanding 10

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Trait: Coward
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Brave, RomanHero

Level Doubtful_Courage
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Morbidly_Fearful
Effect TroopMorale -2
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Craven_Coward
Effect TroopMorale -3
Effect PopularStanding -15

Level Ruled_By_Fear
Effect TroopMorale -4
Effect PopularStanding -20

Trait: Slothful
Characters family
AntiTraits: Energetic

Level Rather_Lazy
Effect Management -1

Level Lazy
Effect Management -2

Level Indolent
Effect Management -3

Level Indolent_Lardy_Arse
Effect Management -4

Trait: Energetic
Characters family
AntiTraits: Slothful

Level Lively
Effect Management 1
Effect MovementPoints 2
Effect Construction 5

Level Very_Lively
Effect Management 2
Effect MovementPoints 4
Effect Construction 10

Level Energetic
Effect Management 3
Effect MovementPoints 2
Effect Construction 15

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Level Blessed_With_Vitality
Effect Management 2
Effect MovementPoints 2
Effect Construction 20

Trait: Berserker
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, roman
NoGoingBackLevel 1

Level Axebitten
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Attack 1
Effect Defence -1

Level Shieldbiter
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect Attack 2
Effect Defence -2

Level Berserker
Effect TroopMorale -4
Effect Attack 3
Effect Defence -3

Trait: Xenophobia
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Xenophilia

Level Distrusts_Outsiders
Effect PublicSecurity 1

Level Hates_Strangers
Effect PublicSecurity 2

Level Loathes_Foreigners
Effect PublicSecurity 3

Trait: Xenophilia
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Xenophobia

Level Welcoming_To_Foreigners
Effect PublicSecurity -1

Level Likes_Strangers
Effect PublicSecurity -2

Level Fascinated_By_Outsiders
Effect PublicSecurity -3

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Trait: PublicAtheism
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: PublicFaith

Level Faithless
Effect Unrest 1

Level Atheist
Effect Unrest 2

Level Despises_The_Gods
Effect Unrest 3

Level Hates_The_Gods
Effect Unrest 4

Trait: PublicFaith
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: PublicAtheism

Level Devout
Effect Influence 1

Level Religious
Effect Influence 2

Level Honours_The_Gods
Effect Influence 3

Level Venerates_The_Gods
Effect Influence 4
Effect LineOfSight -2

Trait: Warlord
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, roman
NoGoingBackLevel 1

Level War_Chief
Effect Command 1
Effect Law 1

Level Mighty_War_Chief
Effect Command 2
Effect Law 2

Level Warlord
Effect Command 3
Effect Law 3

Level Legendary_Warlord
Effect Command 4
Effect Law 4

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Trait: GoodAdministrator
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: BadAdministrator

Level Bureaucrat
Effect Management 1
Effect Law 1

Level Skilled_Bureaucrat
Effect Management 2
Effect Law 2

Level Superb_Administrator
Effect Management 3
Effect Law 3

Trait: BadAdministrator
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: GoodAdministrator

Level Jobsworth
Effect Management -1

Level Administratively_Inept
Effect Management -2

Level Stunningly_Incompetent
Effect Management -3

Trait: InspiringSpeaker
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BoringSpeaker

Level Outstanding_Speaker
Effect Influence 1
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Famous_Orator
Effect Influence 2
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Great_Orator
Effect Influence 3
Effect PopularStanding 15

Trait: BoringSpeaker
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, barbarian
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NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: InspiringSpeaker, RhetoricSkill, PoeticSkill

Level Tedious_Speaker
Effect Influence -1
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Boring_Speaker
Effect Influence -2
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Boring_Beyond_Belief
Effect Influence -3
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Boring_Little_Tit
Effect Influence -4
Effect PopularStanding -15

Trait: RhetoricSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance, BoringSpeaker

Level Fluent_Speaker
Effect Management 1
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Skilled_Debater
Effect Influence 1
Effect Management 1
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Rhetorical_Expert
Effect Influence 2
Effect Management 1
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: PoeticSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance, BoringSpeaker

Level Fond_of_Ribald_Rhymes
Effect Influence 1

Level Poet
Effect Influence 2

Level Epic_Poet
Effect Influence -1

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Trait: StrategicSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Understanding_of_Strategy
Effect Command 1

Level Strategic_Expert
Effect Command 2

Level Strategist
Effect Command 3

Trait: TacticalSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Understanding_of_Tactics
Effect Ambush 2
Effect LineOfSight 1

Level Tactical_Expert
Effect Ambush 3
Effect LineOfSight 2

Level Tactician
Effect Ambush 4
Effect LineOfSight 3

Trait: MathematicsSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Understanding_of_Mathematics
Effect Management 1
Effect Trading 5

Level Mathematics_Expert
Effect Management 2
Effect Trading 10

Level Mathematician
Effect Management 3
Effect Trading 15

Trait: NaturalPhilosophySkill
Characters family
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ExcludeCultures eastern, carthaginian, barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Understanding_of_Natural_Philosophy
Effect Management 1
Effect Squalor -1

Level Expert_on_Natural_Philosophy
Effect Management 2
Effect Squalor -2

Level Natural_Philosopher
Effect Management 3
Effect Squalor -3

Trait: PoliticsSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1

Level Political_Animal
Effect Influence 1
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Politician
Effect Influence 2
Effect Electability 6
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Consummate_Politician
Effect Influence 3
Effect Electability 9
Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: LogisticalSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Understanding_of_Logistics
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect MovementPoints 2

Level Logistics_Expert
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect MovementPoints 3

Level Logistician
Effect TroopMorale 3
Effect MovementPoints 4

Trait: PhilosophySkill
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Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Philosophically_Inclined
Effect Management 1
Effect BribeResistance 10

Level Philosopher
Effect Management 2
Effect BribeResistance 15

Level Abstruse_Philosopher
Effect Management 3
Effect BribeResistance 20

Trait: Rabblerouser
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1

Level Agitator
Effect Influence 1
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Tub-Thumper
Effect Influence 2
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Rabblerouser
Effect Influence 3
Effect PopularStanding 15

Level Demagogue
Effect Influence 4
Effect PopularStanding 20

Trait: ArchitectSkill
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ignorance

Level Draughtsman
Effect Construction 10

Level Architect
Effect Construction 20

Level Great_Architect
Effect Construction 30

Trait: VictorRomanVirtue
Characters family
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ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian

Level Vanquisher
Effect SenateStanding -5
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Great_Vanquisher
Effect SenateStanding -10
Effect PopularStanding 20

Level Conqueror
Effect SenateStanding -15
Effect PopularStanding 30

Trait: VictorOthersVirtue
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman

Level Victor
Effect Influence 2
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Famous_Victor
Effect Influence 4
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Conquering_Hero
Effect Influence 6
Effect PersonalSecurity -2

Trait: Epicurean
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Stoic

Level Gourmet_of_Life
Effect Trading 5
Effect BribeResistance -1

Level Refined_Tastes
Effect Trading 10
Effect BribeResistance -2

Level Rarified_Tastes
Effect Trading 15
Effect BribeResistance -3

Trait: Stoic
Characters family
ExcludeCultures eastern, egyptian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Epicurean

Level Restrained
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Effect Influence -1
Effect BribeResistance 10

Level Cold_Manner
Effect Influence -2
Effect BribeResistance 20

Level Stoic
Effect Influence -3
Effect BribeResistance 30

Trait: Austere
Characters family
ExcludeCultures eastern, egyptian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: ExpensiveTastes, Aesthetic

Level Stern
Effect Management 1
Effect BribeResistance 10

Level Spartan
Effect Management 2
Effect BribeResistance 20

Level Austere
Effect Management 3
Effect BribeResistance 30

Trait: Aesthetic
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Austere

Level Lover_of_Beauty
Effect Influence 1
Effect Command -1

Level Connoisseur
Effect Influence 2
Effect Command -2

Level Aesthete
Effect Influence 3
Effect Command -3

Trait: ApicianRomanVice
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 2

Level Gourmand
Effect Trading -10

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Level Glutton
Effect Trading -15

Level Apician_Glutton
Effect Trading -20

Trait: Ignorance
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: RhetoricSkill, PoeticSkill, StrategicSkill, TacticalSkill,
MathematicsSkill, NaturalPhilosophySkill, LogisticalSkill,
PhilosophySkill, ArchitectSkill

Level Ignorant
Effect Influence -1
Effect Management -1

Level Pig_Ignorant
Effect Influence -2
Effect Management -2

Level Willfully_Ignorant
Effect Influence -3
Effect Management -3

Trait: Gambling
Characters family

Level Likes_a_Flutter
Effect Trading -5
Effect BribeResistance -1

Level Gambler
Effect Trading -10
Effect BribeResistance -2

Level Inveterate_Gambler
Effect Trading -15
Effect BribeResistance -3

Level Ruled_by_Luck
Effect Trading -20
Effect BribeResistance -4

Trait: IanR
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, egyptian

Level Self_Publicist
Effect Influence 1
Effect PersonalSecurity -10

Level Spin_Doctor
Effect Influence 2
Effect PersonalSecurity -20
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Level Narcissist
Effect Influence 3
Effect PersonalSecurity -30

Trait: SpyMaster
Characters family

Level Espionage
Effect TrainingAgents 2

Level Espionage_Expert
Effect TrainingAgents 4

Level Spy_Master
Effect TrainingAgents 6

Trait: AssassinMaster
Characters family

Level Clean_Hands
Effect TrainingAgents 2

Level Killer_From_Necessity
Effect PersonalSecurity 1
Effect TrainingAgents 4

Level Master_of_Assassins
Effect Influence 1
Effect PersonalSecurity 2
Effect TrainingAgents 5

Trait: CounterSpy
Characters family

Level Counter-Spy
Effect PublicSecurity 2

Level Counter-Espionage
Effect PublicSecurity 3

Level Spycatcher
Effect PublicSecurity 4

Trait: AssassinCatcher
Characters family

Level Survivor
Effect PersonalSecurity 2

Level Expert_Survivor
Effect PersonalSecurity 3
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Level Immune_to_Death?
Effect PersonalSecurity 4

Trait: GoodSpy
Characters spy
AntiTraits: BadSpy

Level Sneaky
Effect Subterfuge 1
Effect LineOfSight 1

Level Spy
Effect Subterfuge 2
Effect LineOfSight 2

Level Superior_Spy
Effect Subterfuge 3
Effect LineOfSight 3

Level Expert_Spy
Effect Subterfuge 4
Effect LineOfSight 4

Level Master_Spy
Effect Subterfuge 5
Effect LineOfSight 5

Trait: BadSpy
Characters spy
AntiTraits: GoodSpy

Level Poor_Spy
Effect Subterfuge -1

Level Inferior_Spy
Effect Subterfuge -2

Level Useless_Spy
Effect Subterfuge -3

Trait: GoodAssassin
Characters assassin
AntiTraits: BadAssassin

Level Cutthroat
Effect Subterfuge 1

Level Murderer
Effect Subterfuge 2

Level Superior_Assassin
Effect Subterfuge 3

Level Expert_Assassin
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Effect Subterfuge 4

Level Master_Assassin
Effect Subterfuge 5

Trait: BadAssassin
Characters assassin
AntiTraits: GoodAssassin

Level Inept_Poisoner
Effect Subterfuge -1

Level Ham-fisted_Murderer
Effect Subterfuge -2

Level Useless_Assassin
Effect Subterfuge -3

Trait: LaxPersonalSecuity
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: HighPersonalSecurity, Paranoia

Level Careless
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Careless_of_Security
Effect PersonalSecurity -2

Level Trusting_Fool
Effect PersonalSecurity -4

Trait: HighPersonalSecurity
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: LaxPersonalSecuity

Level Watchful
Effect PersonalSecurity 1

Level Security_Conscious
Effect PersonalSecurity 2

Level Obsessed_by_Security
Effect PersonalSecurity 4

Trait: Trusting
Characters family
AntiTraits: Paranoia

Level No_Enemies
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Effect Influence 1
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Ingenuous
Effect Influence 2
Effect PersonalSecurity -2

Level Trusting

Effect Influence -1
Effect PersonalSecurity -3

Trait: Paranoia
Characters family
AntiTraits: Trusting, LaxPersonalSecuity

Level Scant_Trust
Effect PersonalSecurity 1

Level Suspicious
Effect Influence -1
Effect PersonalSecurity 2

Level A_Bit_Paranoid
Effect Influence -2
Effect PersonalSecurity 3

Level Paranoid
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command -1
Effect PersonalSecurity 4

Trait: GoodDiplomat
Characters diplomat
AntiTraits: BadDiplomat

Level Tactful
Effect Negotiation 1

Level Courteous
Effect Negotiation 2

Level Diplomatic
Effect Negotiation 3

Level Polished_Diplomat
Effect Negotiation 4

Level Expert_Diplomat
Effect Negotiation 5

Trait: BadDiplomat
Characters diplomat
AntiTraits: GoodDiplomat

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Level Tactless
Effect Negotiation -1

Level Discourteous
Effect Negotiation -2

Level Undiplomatic
Effect Negotiation -3

Trait: Liar
Characters family
AntiTraits: Upright

Level Untruthful
Effect Influence 1

Level Economical_with_the_Truth
Effect Influence 2

Level Liar
Effect Influence 3

Level Pathological_Liar
Effect Influence -3

Trait: Embezzler
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: Upright

Level Financially_Irregular
Effect Management -1

Level Fiscally_Flexible
Effect Management -2

Level Embezzler
Effect Management -3

Trait: DeceiverVirtue
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian, eastern, egyptian, greek, barbarian

Level Sly
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Deceiver
Effect Electability 6
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Great_Deceiver
Effect Influence 1
Effect Command 1
Effect Electability 9
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Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: Upright
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Corrupt, Embezzler, Liar, Girls

Level Trusty
Effect BribeResistance 10
Effect Law 2

Level Honest
Effect BribeResistance 20
Effect Law 4

Level Upright
Effect BribeResistance 30
Effect Law 6

Trait: Corrupt
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Upright

Level Flexible
Effect BribeResistance -2
Effect Law -1

Level Dubious
Effect BribeResistance -4
Effect Law -2

Level Corrupt
Effect BribeResistance -6
Effect Law -3

Trait: AuthoritarianRomanVirtue
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: NonAuthoritarian

Level Strict
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 2
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Authoritarian
Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 4
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Rods-And-Axes
Effect Unrest 3
Effect Law 6
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Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: Authoritarian
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: NonAuthoritarian

Level Strict_Governor
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 2

Level Harsh_Governor
Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 4

Level Authoritarian_Governor
Effect Unrest 3
Effect Law 6

Trait: NonAuthoritarian
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Authoritarian, AuthoritarianRomanVirtue

Level Considerate_Governor
Effect Unrest -2
Effect Law -1

Level Benevolent_Governor
Effect Unrest -4
Effect Law -2

Level Liberal_Governor
Effect Unrest -6
Effect Law -3

Trait: Disloyal
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Loyal

Level Apparently_Loyal
Effect BribeResistance -2

Level Doubtful_Loyalties
Effect BribeResistance -4

Level Disloyal
Effect BribeResistance -6

Trait: Loyal
Characters family
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NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Disloyal

Level Publicly_Loyal
Effect BribeResistance 10

Level Proven_Loyalties
Effect BribeResistance 20

Level Loyal
Effect BribeResistance 30

Level Fanatically_Loyal
Effect BribeResistance 40

Trait: SmoothTalker
Characters family
AntiTraits: Feck

Level Plausible
Effect Bribery 10

Level Slick
Effect Bribery 20

Level Smooth_Talker
Effect Bribery 30

Trait: Cuckold
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: FaithfulWife

Level Subject_of_Rumours
Effect Influence -1

Level Cuckold
Effect Influence -2

Level Cuckold's_Cuckold
Effect Influence -3

Level Outraged_Husband
Effect Influence -4

Trait: FaithfulWife
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Cuckold

Level Wife_Above_Reproach
Effect Influence 1

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Trait: GoodFarmer
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: BadFarmer

Level Grower
Effect Farming 1

Level Farmer
Effect Farming 2

Level Agriculturalist
Effect Farming 3

Trait: BadFarmer
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: GoodFarmer

Level Poor_Farmer
Effect Farming -1

Level Dislikes_Farming
Effect Farming -2

Level Loathes_Farmers
Effect Farming -3

Trait: GoodMiner
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BadMiner

Level Miner
Effect Mining 10

Level Superior_Miner
Effect Mining 20

Level Expert_Miner
Effect Mining 30

Trait: BadMiner
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: GoodMiner

Level Indifferent_Miner
Effect Mining -10

Level Poor_Miner
Effect Mining -20

Level Bad_Mine_Manager
Effect Mining -30
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Trait: GoodEngineer
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BadEngineer

Level Engineer
Effect SiegeEngineering 20

Level Superior_Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack 1
Effect SiegeEngineering 40

Level Master_Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack 2
Effect SiegeEngineering 60

Trait: BadEngineer
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: GoodEngineer

Level Inferior_Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack -1

Level Bad_Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack -2

Level Appalling_Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack -3

Trait: GoodTrader
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BadTrader

Level Trader
Effect Trading 10

Level Superior_Trader
Effect Trading 20

Level Master_Trader
Effect Trading 30

Trait: BadTrader
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: GoodTrader

Level Poor_Trader
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Effect Trading -10

Level Inferior_Trader
Effect Trading -20

Level Appalling_Trader
Effect Trading -30

Trait: Just
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Unjust, HarshJustice, LenientJustice

Level Even-handed
Effect Law 1

Level Just
Effect Law 2

Level Absolutely_Just
Effect Law 3

Trait: Unjust
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Just, LenientJustice

Level Judgemental
Effect PublicSecurity 1
Effect Unrest 1

Level Wrong-headed
Effect PublicSecurity 2
Effect Unrest 2

Level Unjust
Effect PublicSecurity 3
Effect Unrest 3

Trait: HarshJustice
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: LenientJustice, Just

Level Punisher
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 2

Level Severe
Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 4

Level Harsh_Judge
Effect Unrest 3
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Effect Law 6

Trait: LenientJustice
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: HarshJustice, Just, Unjust

Level Lenient
Effect Law -1

Level Merciful_Judge
Effect Law -2

Level Kind_Judge
Effect Law -3

Trait: HarshRuler
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: KindRuler, NonAuthoritarian

Level Heartless_Ruler
Effect Influence 1

Level Harsh_Ruler
Effect Influence -1
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Cruel_Ruler
Effect Influence -2
Effect PersonalSecurity -2

Trait: KindRuler
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: HarshRuler, AuthoritarianRomanVirtue, Authoritarian

Level Benevolent_Ruler
Effect Influence 1
Effect Squalor -1

Level Benign_Ruler
Effect Influence 2
Effect Squalor -2

Level Humane_Ruler
Effect Influence 3
Effect Squalor -3

Trait: GoodBuilder
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BadBuilder
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Level Superior_Builder
Effect Construction 5
Effect Squalor -1

Level Excellent_Builder
Effect Construction 10
Effect Squalor -2

Level Great_Builder
Effect Influence 1
Effect Construction 15
Effect Squalor -3

Trait: BadBuilder
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: GoodBuilder

Level Indifferent_Builder
Effect Construction -5
Effect Squalor 1

Level Inferior_Builder
Effect Construction -10
Effect Squalor 2

Level Appalling_Builder
Effect Construction -15
Effect Squalor 3

Trait: BloodHumour
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: PhlegmHumour, BlackBileHumour, YellowBileHumour, Anger

Level Positive
Effect Influence 1
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Optimistic
Effect Influence 2
Effect TroopMorale 2

Level Sanguine
Effect Influence 3
Effect TroopMorale -1

Trait: PhlegmHumour
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BloodHumour, BlackBileHumour, YellowBileHumour, Anger

Level Calm
Effect Influence 1
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Effect Management 1

Level Composed
Effect Influence -1
Effect Management 2

Level Phlegmatic
Effect Influence -1
Effect Management 3

Trait: BlackBileHumour
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BloodHumour, PhlegmHumour, YellowBileHumour

Level Gloomy
Effect Influence -1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Morose
Effect Influence -2
Effect TroopMorale -2

Level Melancholic
Effect Influence -3
Effect TroopMorale -4

Trait: YellowBileHumour
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: BloodHumour, PhlegmHumour, BlackBileHumour

Level Testy
Effect Influence -1
Effect Command 1

Level Cantankerous
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command 1

Level Choleric
Effect Influence -3
Effect Command -1

Trait: GamesFanRomanVice
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: GamesHaterRomanVice

Level Gladiatorial_Fan
Effect Unrest -1
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Gladiator_Obsessed
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Effect Unrest -2
Effect PopularStanding 15

Level Hero-Worships_Gladiators
Effect Unrest -3
Effect SenateStanding -20
Effect PopularStanding 20

Trait: GamesHaterRomanVice
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: GamesFanRomanVice, Bloodthirsty

Level No_Taste_for_Blood
Effect Unrest 1
Effect SenateStanding 5
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Quietly_Dislikes_the_Games
Effect Unrest 2
Effect SenateStanding 10
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Publicly_Despises_the_Games
Effect Unrest 3
Effect SenateStanding 15
Effect PopularStanding -15

Trait: RacesFanRomanVice
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: RacesHaterRomanVice

Level Race_Goer
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Charioteer
Effect Electability -3
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Fanatical_Chariot_Racer
Effect Management -1
Effect Electability -6
Effect PopularStanding 15

Trait: RacesHaterRomanVice
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: RacesFanRomanVice

Level Bored_by_Races
Effect Unrest 1
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Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Reads_During_Races
Effect Unrest 2
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Works_During_Races
Effect Management 1
Effect Unrest 3
Effect PopularStanding -15

Trait: Generous
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Miserly

Level Open-handed
Effect Influence 1
Effect Management -1

Level Unstinting
Effect Influence 2
Effect Management -2

Level Generous
Effect Influence 2
Effect Management -3

Trait: Miserly
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Generous

Level Careful_With_Money
Effect Management 2
Effect Squalor 1

Level Tight-fisted
Effect Management 3
Effect Squalor 2

Level Miserly
Effect Management 4
Effect Squalor 3

Trait: ForeignTastesRomanVice
Characters diplomat
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian

Level Foreign_Interests
Effect Negotiation 1
Effect PopularStanding -5

Level Dresses_Like_A_Foreigner
Effect Negotiation 2
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Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Vulgar_Foreign_Tastes
Effect Negotiation 3
Effect PopularStanding -15

Level Awful_Foreign_Affectation
Effect Negotiation 4
Effect PopularStanding -20

Trait: PlainRomanVirtue
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian

Level True_Roman
Effect Influence 1
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Good_Honest_Roman
Effect Influence 2
Effect Electability 6
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Virtus
Effect Influence 3
Effect Electability 9
Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: Noctophobia
Characters family
AntiTraits: Noctophilia

Level Alone_in_the_Dark
Effect NightBattle -1

Level Night_Terrors
Effect NightBattle -2
Effect PersonalSecurity 1

Level Noctophobic
Effect NightBattle -3
Effect PersonalSecurity 2

Trait: Noctophilia
Characters family
AntiTraits: Noctophobia

Level Likes_the_Dark
Effect NightBattle 1

Level Night_Owl
Effect NightBattle 2

Level Noctophilic
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Effect NightBattle 3

Trait: Perverted
Characters family
AntiTraits: Prim

Level Immoral
Effect Influence -1

Level Degenerate
Effect Influence -2

Level Foul_Practices
Effect Influence -3

Level Debauched
Effect Influence -4

Level Perverse
Effect Influence -5

Level Not_Safe_with_Man_or_Beast
Effect Influence -6

Trait: Scout
Characters family

Level Scout
Effect LineOfSight 1

Level Expert_Scout
Effect LineOfSight 2

Level Reconnaissance_Specialist
Effect LineOfSight 3

Trait: Sailor
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Landlubber

Level Good_Sailor
Effect NavalCommand 1

Level Nautical_Expert
Effect NavalCommand 2

Level Old_Sea_Dog
Effect NavalCommand 3

Level Great_Admiral
Effect NavalCommand 4

Level Legendary_Admiral
Effect NavalCommand 5
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Trait: Landlubber
Characters family
AntiTraits: Sailor

Level Seasickness
Effect NavalCommand -1

Level Poor_Sailor
Effect NavalCommand -2

Level Wretched_Landlubber
Effect NavalCommand -3

Trait: BattleScarred
Characters family

Level Been_in_the_Wars
Effect HitPoints 2

Level Scarred
Effect HitPoints 4

Level Horribly_Scarred
Effect Influence -1
Effect HitPoints 6

Level Cruelly_Scarred
Effect Influence -2
Effect HitPoints 8

Trait: GoodConspirator
Characters spy
AntiTraits: BadConspirator

Level Plotter
Effect Subterfuge 1

Level Schemer
Effect Subterfuge 2

Level Conspirator
Effect Subterfuge 3

Trait: BadConspirator
Characters spy
AntiTraits: GoodConspirator

Level Foolish_Conspirator
Effect Subterfuge -1

Level Inept_Plotter
Effect Subterfuge -2
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Level Pathetic_Schemer
Effect Subterfuge -3

Trait: Talkative
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
AntiTraits: Secretive

Level Loose-lipped
Effect Influence -1
Effect Electability -2

Level Talkative
Effect Influence -2
Effect Electability -4

Level Foolishy_Indiscreet
Effect Influence -3
Effect Electability -6

Trait: Secretive
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
AntiTraits: Talkative

Level Discreet
Effect Electability 2

Level Close-mouthed
Effect Electability 4

Level Secretive
Effect Electability 6

Trait: GoodInfantryGeneral
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: BadInfantryGeneral

Level Skilled_Infantry_Commander
Effect InfantryCommand 1

Level Expert_Infantry_Commander
Effect InfantryCommand 2

Level Infantry_Commander_of_Genius
Effect InfantryCommand 3

Trait: BadInfantryGeneral
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: GoodInfantryGeneral
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Level Poor_Infantry_Commander
Effect InfantryCommand -1

Level Inferior_Infantry_Commander
Effect InfantryCommand -2

Level Useless_Infantry_Commander
Effect InfantryCommand -3

Trait: GoodCavalryGeneral
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman, barbarian
AntiTraits: BadCavalryGeneral

Level Skilled_Cavalry_Commander
Effect CavalryCommand 1

Level Expert_Cavalry_Commander
Effect CavalryCommand 2

Level Cavalry_Commander_of_Genius
Effect CavalryCommand 3

Trait: BadCavalryGeneral
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman, barbarian
AntiTraits: GoodCavalryGeneral

Level Poor_Cavalry_Commander
Effect CavalryCommand -1

Level Inferior_Cavalry_Commander
Effect CavalryCommand -2

Level Useless_Cavalry_Commander
Effect CavalryCommand -3

Trait: FearsRomans
Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman
AntiTraits: HatesRomans

Level Uncomfortable_Near_Romans
Effect Combat_V_Romans -1

Level Fears_Romans
Effect Combat_V_Romans -2

Level Terrified_by_Roman_Ways
Effect Combat_V_Romans -3

Trait: HatesRomans
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Characters family
ExcludeCultures roman
AntiTraits: FearsRomans

Level Despises_Roman_Ways
Effect Combat_V_Romans 1

Level Hates_Romans
Effect Combat_V_Romans 2

Level Loathes_Vile_Romans
Effect Combat_V_Romans 3

Trait: FearsBarbarians
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: HatesBarbarians

Level Uncomfortable_Near_Barbarians
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians -1

Level Fears_Barbarians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians -2

Level Terrified_by_Barbarians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians -3

Trait: HatesBarbarians
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: FearsBarbarians

Level Despises_Trouser-wearers
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians 1

Level Hates_Smelly_Barbarians
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians 2

Level Loathes_Disgusting_Barbarians
Effect Combat_V_Barbarians 3

Trait: FearsCarthaginians
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian
AntiTraits: HatesCarthaginians

Level Uncomfortable_Near_Carthaginians
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians -1

Level Fears_Carthaginians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians -2
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Level Terrified_by_Carthaginians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians -3

Trait: HatesCarthaginians
Characters family
ExcludeCultures carthaginian
AntiTraits: FearsCarthaginians

Level Despises_Carthaginians
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians 1

Level Hates_Grasping_Carthaginians
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians 2

Level Loathes_Avaricious_Carthaginians
Effect Combat_V_Cathaginians 3

Trait: FearsGreeks
Characters family
ExcludeCultures greek
AntiTraits: HatesGreeks

Level Uncomfortable_Around_Greeks
Effect Combat_V_Greeks -1

Level Fears_Greeks
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Greeks -2

Level Terrified_by_Greeks
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Greeks -3

Trait: HatesGreeks
Characters family
ExcludeCultures greek
AntiTraits: FearsGreeks

Level Despises_Greeks
Effect Combat_V_Greeks 1

Level Hates_Clever-clever_Greeks
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Combat_V_Greeks 2

Level Loathes_Conniving_Greeks
Effect Combat_V_Greeks 3

Trait: FearsEgyptians
Characters family
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ExcludeCultures egyptian
AntiTraits: HatesEgyptians

Level Nervous_About_Egyptians
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians -1

Level Fears_Egyptians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians -2

Level Terrified_by_Egyptians
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians -3

Trait: HatesEgyptians
Characters family
ExcludeCultures egyptian
AntiTraits: FearsEgyptians

Level Despises_Egyptians
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians 1

Level Hates_Egyptians
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians 2

Level Loathes_Egyptians
Effect Combat_V_Egyptians 3

Trait: FearsEasterners
Characters family
ExcludeCultures eastern
AntiTraits: HatesEasterners

Level Uncomfortable_Near_Easterners
Effect Combat_V_Easterners -1

Level Fears_Easterners
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Easterners -2

Level Terrified_by_Easterners
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect Combat_V_Easterners -3

Trait: HatesEasterners
Characters family
ExcludeCultures eastern
AntiTraits: FearsEasterners

Level Despises_Easterners
Effect Combat_V_Easterners 1

Level Hates_Easterners
Effect TroopMorale 1
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Effect Combat_V_Easterners 2

Level Loathes_Easterners
Effect Combat_V_Easterners 3

Trait: FearsSlaves
Characters family
AntiTraits: HatesSlaves

Level Nervous_Near_Slaves
Effect PersonalSecurity 1
Effect Combat_V_Slaves -1

Level Fears_Slaves
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect PersonalSecurity 1
Effect Combat_V_Slaves -2

Level Terrified_by_Slaves
Effect TroopMorale -2
Effect PersonalSecurity 2
Effect Combat_V_Slaves -3

Trait: HatesSlaves
Characters family
AntiTraits: FearsSlaves

Level Despises_Slaves
Effect PersonalSecurity -1
Effect Combat_V_Slaves 1

Level Hates_Revolting_Slaves
Effect PersonalSecurity 1
Effect Combat_V_Slaves 2

Level Loathes_Rebellious_Slaves
Effect TroopMorale -1
Effect PersonalSecurity 2
Effect Combat_V_Slaves 3

Trait: Inbred
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
NoGoingBackLevel 1

Level Weak-chinned
Effect Influence -1

Level Swivel-Eyed
Effect Influence -2

Level Feeble_of_Brain
Effect Influence -1
Effect Command -1
Effect Management -1
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Level Thin-Skulled
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command -1
Effect Management -2

Level Bad_Bloodline
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command -2
Effect Management -2

Level Drooling_Inbred_Idiot
Effect Influence -3
Effect Command -3
Effect Management -3

Trait: Handsome
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Ugly

Level Good_Looking
Effect Influence 1

Level Handsome
Effect Influence 2

Level Noble_Aspect
Effect Influence 3

Level Godlike_Perfection
Effect Influence 3
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Trait: Ugly
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 1
AntiTraits: Handsome

Level Plain
Effect Influence -1

Level Homely
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command 1

Level Ugly
Effect Influence -3
Effect Command 1

Level Repellent
Effect Influence -4
Effect Command 2

Level Scares_Small_Children
Effect Influence -5
Effect Command 2
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Trait: Fertile
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Inbred, Infertile

Level Fruitful
Effect Fertility 1

Level Fertile
Effect Fertility 2

Level Prolific
Effect Fertility 3

Trait: Infertile
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Fertile

Level Flaccid
Effect Fertility -1

Level Infertile
Effect Fertility -2

Level Barren
Effect Fertility -3

Trait: WellConnectedWife
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
AntiTraits: Cuckold, Girls

Level Astute_Wife
Effect Electability 3
Effect SenateStanding 5

Level Well_Mannered_Wife
Effect Electability 6
Effect SenateStanding 10

Level Motivated_Wife
Effect Electability 9
Effect SenateStanding 15

Trait: GoodTaxman
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: BadTaxman

Level Tax_Assessor
Effect TaxCollection 10
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Level Efficient_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection 20
Effect Unrest 1

Level Cruelly_Efficient_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection 30
Effect Unrest 2

Trait: BadTaxman
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: GoodTaxman

Level Useless_Assessor
Effect TaxCollection -10

Level Inefficient_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection -20

Level Tax_Farmer
Effect TaxCollection -30

Trait: Divorced
Characters family
AntiTraits: WellConnectedWife, Cuckold, FaithfulWife

Level Divorced
Threshold 1

Trait: GoodRiskyAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadRiskyAttacker

Level Chancer
Effect Attack 1

Level Intelligent_Risk_Taker
Effect Attack 2

Level Victory_from_the_Jaws_of_Defeat
Effect Attack 3

Trait: BadRiskyAttacker
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodRiskyAttacker

Level Risk_Taker
Effect Attack -1

Level Stupid_Risk_Taker
Effect Attack -2
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Level Over-Optimistic
Effect Attack -3

Trait: GoodRiskyDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: BadRiskyDefender

Level Good_When_Outnumbered
Effect Defence 1

Level Great_When_Outnumbered
Effect Defence 2

Level Stonewall
Effect Defence 3

Trait: BadRiskyDefender
Characters family
AntiTraits: GoodRiskyDefender

Level Mediocre_When_Outnumbered
Effect Defence -1

Level Poor_When_Outnumbered
Effect Defence -2

Level To_the_Last_Gasp
Effect Defence -3

Trait: Superstitious
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Pragmatic

Level Rational_Concerns
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Superstitious
Effect Management -1
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Hugely_Superstitious
Effect Management -2
Effect TroopMorale -2

Trait: Pragmatic
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Superstitious

Level Rational_Beliefs
Effect Management 1
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Level Pragmatic
Effect Management 1

Level Utterly_Pragmatic
Effect Influence -1
Effect Management 2

Trait: ExpensiveTastes
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Cheapskate, Austere

Level Mildly_Extravagant
Effect Management -1

Level Extravagant
Effect Management -2

Level Wildly_Extravagant
Effect Management -3

Trait: Cheapskate
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: ExpensiveTastes, Aesthetic

Level Frugal
Effect Construction 5
Effect TaxCollection 5
Effect Squalor 1

Level Downright_Miserly
Effect Construction 10
Effect TaxCollection 10
Effect Squalor 2

Level Cheapskate
Effect Construction 15
Effect TaxCollection 15
Effect Squalor 3

Trait: Hypochondriac
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: HaleAndHearty

Level Feeling_Poorly
Effect Attack -1
Effect HitPoints -2

Level Given_to_Ill-Health
Effect Attack -1
Effect HitPoints -4

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Level Hypochondriac
Effect Attack -1
Effect HitPoints -6

Trait: HaleAndHearty
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Hypochondriac

Level In_The_Pink
Effect HitPoints 2

Level In_Rude_Health
Effect HitPoints 4

Level Hale_and_Hearty
Effect HitPoints 6

Trait: TouchedByTheGods
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sane

Level Pawn_of_the_Gods
Effect Influence -1

Level Falling_Sickness
Effect Influence -2

Level Touched_by_the_Gods
Effect Influence -3

Trait: Sane
Characters family
AntiTraits: TouchedByTheGods, Insane, Deranged, ReligiousMania

Level Sane
Threshold 1

Trait: Insane
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sane

Level Hooting
Effect Influence -1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Hiding_From_the_World
Effect Influence -2
Effect TroopMorale -2

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Level Unhinged_Loon
Effect Influence -3
Effect TroopMorale -3

Trait: Deranged
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sane

Level Unusual
Effect Influence 1
Effect Command -1
Effect Management -1

Level Deranged
Effect Influence -1
Effect Command -2
Effect Management -2

Level Dangerously_Mad
Effect Influence -2
Effect Command -3
Effect Management -3

Trait: ReligiousMania
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sane, Sacrilegious

Level Favour_of_the_Gods
Effect Influence 1
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level Love_of_the_Gods
Effect Influence 2
Effect PersonalSecurity -1

Level One_of_the_Gods
Effect Influence -1
Effect PersonalSecurity -2

Trait: Bloodthirsty
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sane, Haemophobic, GamesHaterRomanVice

Level Bloody
Effect Command 1
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Sanguinary
Effect Command 1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Bloodthirsty
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Effect Command -1
Effect TroopMorale -3

Trait: Haemophobic
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Bloodthirsty

Level Lily-Livered
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Hates_Blood
Effect TroopMorale -2

Level Terrified_by_Blood
Effect TroopMorale -3

Trait: GloriousFool
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: GoodAttacker, GoodDefender, GoodRiskyAttacker,

Level Unlucky_Leader
Effect Command -1
Effect TroopMorale 2

Level Glory_Hunter
Effect Command -2
Effect TroopMorale 4

Level Glorious_Fool
Effect Command -3
Effect TroopMorale 6

Trait: Anger
Characters family
AntiTraits: BloodHumour, PhlegmHumour

Level Anger
Effect Influence -1

Level Unquenched_Anger
Effect Influence -1

Level Uncontrollable_Rage
Effect Influence -2

Trait: Pious
Characters family
ExcludeCultures eastern
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Sacrilegious
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Level Reverent
Effect Influence 1
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Respectful_of_the_Gods
Effect Influence 2

Level Pious
Effect Influence 3
Effect TroopMorale -1

Trait: Sacrilegious
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Pious, ReligiousMania

Level Irreverent
Effect Unrest 1

Level Contemptuous_of_the_Gods
Effect Unrest 2

Level Sacrilegious
Effect Unrest 3

Trait: Lewd
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Prim

Level Filthy_Minded
Effect Influence -1
Effect BribeResistance -2

Level Licentious
Effect Influence -2
Effect BribeResistance -3

Level Lewd
Effect Influence -3
Effect BribeResistance -5

Trait: Prim
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits: Lewd, Feck, Perverted

Level Firm_Personal_Morality
Effect Influence 1
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 1

Level Prim
Effect Influence -1
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Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 2

Level Prim_and_Proper
Effect Influence -2
Effect Squalor -1
Effect Unrest 3
Effect Law 3

Trait: IndecisiveAttacker
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian
AntiTraits: GoodCommander, GoodAttacker

Level Hesitant_Attacker
Effect Attack -1

Level Over-Cautious_Attacker
Effect Attack -2

Level Indecisive_Attacker
Effect Attack -3

Trait: Aedile
Characters family
AntiTraits: notAedile

Level Office_of_Aedile
Effect Management 1
Effect Law 1

Trait: Censor
Characters family
AntiTraits: notCensor

Level Office_of_Censor
Effect Influence 3
Effect Management 2

Trait: Consul
Characters family
AntiTraits: notConsul

Level Office_of_Consul
Effect Influence 2
Effect Command 2

Trait: PontifexMaximus
Characters family
AntiTraits: notPontifexMaximus

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Level Office_of_Pontifex_Maximus
Effect Influence 5

Trait: Praetor
Characters family
AntiTraits: notPraetor

Level Office_of_Praetor
Effect Management 1
Effect Law 2

Trait: Quaestor
Characters family
AntiTraits: notQuaestor

Level Office_of_Quaestor
Effect Management 1

Trait: notAedile
Characters family
AntiTraits: Aedile

Level Ex_Aedile
Effect Law 1

Trait: notCensor
Characters family
AntiTraits: Censor

Level Ex_Censor
Effect Influence 2

Trait: notConsul
Characters family
AntiTraits: Consul

Level Ex_Consul
Effect Command 1

Trait: notPontifexMaximus
Characters family
AntiTraits: PontifexMaximus

Level Ex_Pontifex_Maximus
Effect Influence 3

Trait: notPraetor
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Characters family
AntiTraits: Praetor

Level Ex_Praetor
Effect Law 1

Trait: notQuaestor
Characters family
AntiTraits: Quaestor

Level Ex_Quaestor
Effect Influence 1

Trait: RomanHero
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
NoGoingBackLevel 3
AntiTraits: Coward

Level Local_Hero
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Popular_Hero
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect PopularStanding 10

Level Roman_Hero
Effect TroopMorale 3
Effect PopularStanding 15

Level National_Hero
Effect TroopMorale 4
Effect PopularStanding 20

Level Legendary_Hero
Effect TroopMorale 2
Effect PopularStanding 25

Trait: Intelligent
Characters family

Level Sharp
Effect Influence 1
Effect Command 1
Effect Management 1

Level Intellligent
Effect Influence 2
Effect Command 2
Effect Management 2

Level Genius
Effect Influence 3
Effect Command 3
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Effect Management 3

Trait: LostEagle
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
AntiTraits: RegainedEagle

Level Disgraced
Effect Influence -4
Effect PopularStanding -10

Level Utterly_Disgraced
Effect Influence -8
Effect PopularStanding -20

Trait: RegainedEagle
Characters family
ExcludeCultures barbarian, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian
AntiTraits: LostEagle

Level Partly_Redeemed
Effect Influence 2
Effect PopularStanding 5

Level Mostly_Redeemed
Effect Influence 4
Effect PopularStanding 10

Trait: CapturedEagle
Characters family

Level Eagle_Taker
Effect Command 1

Level Two_Eagles
Effect Command 2

Level Eagle_Collector
Effect Command 3

Trait: Despoiler
Characters family

Level Pillager
Effect Looting 10

Level Plunderer
Effect Looting 20

Level Despoiler
Effect Looting 30

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Trait: Genocide
Characters family

Level Butcher
Effect Looting 10

Level Destroyer
Effect Looting 20

Level Exterminator
Effect Looting 30

Trait: NaturalMilitarySkill
Characters family

Level Command_Talent
Effect Command 1

Level Natural_Born_Leader
Effect Command 2

Level Natural_Born_General
Effect Command 3

Level Military_Genius
Effect Command 4

Trait: NaturalSpySkill
Characters spy

Level Spying_Talent
Effect Subterfuge 1

Level Natural_Born_Spy
Effect Subterfuge 2

Level Subterfuge_Genius
Effect Subterfuge 3

Trait: NaturalDiplomatSkill
Characters diplomat

Level Diplomatic_Talent
Effect Negotiation 1

Level Natural_Born_Diplomat
Effect Negotiation 2

Level Diplomatic_Genius
Effect Negotiation 3

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Trait: NaturalAssassinSkill
Characters assassin

Level Talent_for_Assassination
Effect Subterfuge 1

Level Natural_Born_Assassin
Effect Subterfuge 2

Level Assassination_Genius
Effect Subterfuge 3

Trait: Factionleader
Characters family
AntiTraits: Factionheir

Level Faction_Leader
Effect Influence 2
Effect Command 1
Effect PersonalSecurity 3

Trait: Factionheir
Characters family
AntiTraits: Exheir

Level Faction_Heir
Effect Influence 1
Effect PersonalSecurity 2

Trait: Exheir
Characters family
AntiTraits: Factionheir

Level Disinherited
Effect Influence -1

\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

20. Trait Triggers

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

If you want to get a certain trait, this is the section for you. This section
states what you need to do to get a certain trait, also listing the chances
of getting it. Best way to navigate is to type in, say, "GoodAttacker" in the
Find Feature (Control + F) and see where it leads.

Trigger V0010_Standard_Battle_Attacker_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

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Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects GoodAttacker 2 Chance 100

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 5

Trigger V0020_Standard_Battle_Attacker_Crushing_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects BadAttacker 2 Chance 50

Trigger V0030_Standard_Battle_Defender_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects GoodDefender 2 Chance 100

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 5

Trigger V0040_Standard_Battle_Defender_Crushing_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects BadDefender 2 Chance 50

Trigger V0050_Standard_Battle_Attacker_Clear_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
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and BattleSuccess = clear
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects GoodAttacker 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0060_Standard_Battle_Attacker_Clear_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = clear
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects BadAttacker 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0070_Standard_Battle_Defender_Clear_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = clear
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects GoodDefender 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0080_Standard_Battle_Defender_Clear_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = clear
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects BadDefender 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0090_Standard_Battle_Any_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and WonBattle

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0100_Standard_Battle_Any_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle
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Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle

Affects BadCommander 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0110_Standard_Risky_Battle_Attacker_Clear_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds < 0.5
and BattleOdds > 0.16

Affects GoodRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0120_Standard_Risky_Battle_Attacker_Clear_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds < 0.5
and BattleOdds > 0.16

Affects BadRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0130_Standard_Risky_Battle_Defender_Clear_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds < 0.5
and BattleOdds > 0.16

Affects GoodRiskyDefender 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0140_Standard_Risky_Battle_Defender_Clear_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds < 0.5
and BattleOdds > 0.16

Affects BadRiskyDefender 1 Chance 50

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Trigger V0150_Standard_Risky_Battle_Attacker_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds <= 0.16

Affects GoodRiskyAttacker 2 Chance 100

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 5

Trigger V0160_Standard_Risky_Battle_Attacker_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition WasAttacker
and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds <= 0.16

Affects BadRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0170_Standard_Risky_Battle_Defender_Crushing_Victory_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds <= 0.16

Affects GoodRiskyDefender 2 Chance 100

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 5

Trigger V0180_Standard_Risky_Battle_Defender_Crushing_Loss_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not WasAttacker

and IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds <= 0.16

Affects BadRiskyDefender 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0190_Withdraw_Before_Battle_Even_Odds_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PreBattleWithdrawal

Condition IsGeneral
and I_WithdrawsBeforeBattle
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and BattleOdds > 0.8
and BattleOdds < 1.5

Affects IndecisiveAttacker 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0200_Withdraw_Before_Battle_Good_Odds_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PreBattleWithdrawal

Condition IsGeneral
and I_WithdrawsBeforeBattle
and BattleOdds > 3

Affects IndecisiveAttacker 2 Chance 50

Trigger V0210_Standard_Battle_Crushing_Victory_Infantry_Commander_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and PercentageUnitCategory infantry > 80

Affects GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0220_Standard_Battle_Crushing_Defeat_Infantry_Commander_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and PercentageUnitCategory infantry > 80

Affects BadInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0230_Standard_Battle_Crushing_Victory_Cavalry_Commander_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 50

Affects GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 100

Trigger V0240_Standard_Battle_Crushing_Defeat_Cavalry_Commander_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 50

Affects BadCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 50

Trigger V0250_Worthy_Of_Adoption_1_VnV_Trigger
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WhenToTest OfferedForAdoption

Affects GoodCommander 3 Chance 33

Affects GoodAttacker 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodDefender 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodSiegeAttacker 2 Chance 17
Affects Brave 3 Chance 17

Trigger V0250a_Worthy_Of_Adoption_2_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest OfferedForAdoption

Affects Drink 1 Chance 8

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 12
Affects Disciplinarian 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodAdministrator 6 Chance 17
Affects PlainRomanVirtue 1 Chance 17

Trigger V0250b_Worthy_Of_Adoption_3_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest OfferedForAdoption

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 17

Affects Loyal 1 Chance 17
Affects Intelligent 1 Chance 8
Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 8
Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 80

Trigger V0260_Worthy_Of_Marriage_1_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest OfferedForMarriage

Affects GoodCommander 3 Chance 33

Affects GoodAttacker 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodDefender 2 Chance 17
Affects Brave 1 Chance 17
Affects PlainRomanVirtue 1 Chance 17

Trigger V0260a_Worthy_Of_Marriage_2_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest OfferedForMarriage

Affects Drink 1 Chance 4

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 12
Affects Disciplinarian 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodAdministrator 6 Chance 17
Affects PoliticsSkill 1 Chance 17

Trigger V0260b_Worthy_Of_Marriage_3_VnV_Trigger
WhenToTest OfferedForMarriage

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 17

Affects Loyal 1 Chance 17
Affects Intelligent 1 Chance 8
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Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 8
Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 50

Trigger temple_of_fun_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple

Affects Drink 1 Chance 10

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 10
Affects Arse 1 Chance 2
Affects Girls 1 Chance 5
Affects Perverted 1 Chance 5

Trigger drink2_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= tavern

Affects Drink 1 Chance 5

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 5

Trigger sitting_around_town_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and RandomPercent > 90

Affects Drink 1 Chance 1

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 1
Affects Arse 1 Chance 1
Affects Girls 1 Chance 1

Trigger sitting_around_camo_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition not EndedInSettlement

and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and RandomPercent > 60

Affects Feck 1 Chance 1

Affects HaleAndHearty 1 Chance 1
Affects Scout 1 Chance 1

Trigger temple_of_love_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_temple

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Affects Girls 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_a_bit_drunk_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Drink >= 1

and FatherTrait Drink <= 2

Affects Sobriety 3 Chance 50

Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 20
Affects Drink 1 Chance 30

Trigger dads_more_drunk_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Drink >= 3

and FatherTrait Drink <= 4

Affects Sobriety 9 Chance 75

Affects BlackBileHumour 1 Chance 20
Affects Drink 1 Chance 30

Trigger dads_totally_drunk_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Drink >= 5

and FatherTrait Drink <= 6

Affects Sobriety 18 Chance 90

Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 20
Affects Drink 1 Chance 30

Trigger temple_of_law_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 15

Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 6
Affects Austere 1 Chance 6

Trigger temple_of_battle_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battle_temple

Affects Berserker 1 Chance 15

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 6

Trigger temple_of_battleforge_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battleforge_temple

Affects Brave 1 Chance 15

Trigger temple_of_farming_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple

Affects GoodFarmer 6 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_fertility_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fertility_temple

Affects Fertile 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_forge_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple

Affects GoodEngineer 1 Chance 10

Affects GoodMiner 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_governors_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_governors_temple

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 10

Affects AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_healing_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple

Affects HaleAndHearty 1 Chance 10

Affects Hypochondriac 1 Chance 10

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New Text Document
Trigger temple_of_horse_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_horse_temple

Affects GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 10

Affects BadInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_hunting_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_hunting_temple

Affects GoodAmbusher 1 Chance 10

Affects BadSiegeDefender 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_justice_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple

Affects Just 1 Chance 10

Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_leadership_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_leadership_temple

Affects StrategicSkill 1 Chance 10

Affects Trusting 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_one_god_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_one_god_temple

Affects Pious 1 Chance 10

Affects GoodAdministrator 6 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_trade_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
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Affects GoodTrader 12 Chance 10

Affects Cheapskate 1 Chance 8
Affects Embezzler 1 Chance 3
Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_victory_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_victory_temple

Affects GoodRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 10

Affects Warlord 1 Chance 10
Affects Pragmatic 1 Chance 10

Trigger temple_of_violence_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_temple

Affects Anger 1 Chance 10

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 10
Affects Energetic 1 Chance 15

Trigger temple_of_viking_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_viking_temple

Affects Berserker 1 Chance 16

Trigger temple_of_horse_2_vnv_trigger
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_horse_2_temple

Affects GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 10

Affects BadInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 10

Trigger dads_blood_humour
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait BloodHumour >= 1

Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 20

Affects BloodHumour 1 Chance 5

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New Text Document
Trigger dads_yellow_humour
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait YellowBileHumour >= 1

Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 20

Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_phlegm_humour
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait PhlegmHumour >= 1

Affects BlackBileHumour 1 Chance 20

Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_blackbile_humour
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait BlackBileHumour >= 1

Affects BloodHumour 1 Chance 20

Affects BlackBileHumour 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_austere
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Austere >= 1

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 20

Affects Austere 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_aesthetic
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Aesthetic >= 1

Affects Austere 1 Chance 15

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 15

Trigger dads_corrupt
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Corrupt >= 1

Affects Upright 1 Chance 15

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 15

Trigger dads_upright
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Upright >= 1

Affects Upright 1 Chance 20

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New Text Document
Trigger dads_coward
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Coward >= 1

Affects Brave 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_cuckold
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Cuckold >= 1

Affects Prim 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_prim
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Prim >= 1

Affects Lewd 1 Chance 10

Affects Feck 1 Chance 10

Trigger dads_epicurean
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Epicurean >= 1

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 25

Affects Stoic 1 Chance 10

Trigger dads_expensive_tastes
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait ExpensiveTastes >= 1

Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 25

Affects Cheapskate 1 Chance 10

Trigger dad_FearsBarbarians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsBarbarians >= 1

Affects HatesBarbarians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsCarthaginians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsCarthaginians >= 1

Affects HatesCarthaginians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsEasterners
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WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsEasterners >= 1

Affects HatesEasterners 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsEgyptians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsEgyptians >= 1

Affects HatesEgyptians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsGreeks
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsGreeks >= 1

Affects HatesGreeks 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsRomans
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsRomans >= 1

Affects HatesRomans 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_FearsSlaves
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait FearsSlaves >= 1

Affects HatesSlaves 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesBarbarians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesBarbarians >= 1

Affects HatesBarbarians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesCarthaginians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesCarthaginians >= 1

Affects HatesCarthaginians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesEasterners
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesEasterners >= 1

Affects HatesEasterners 1 Chance 25

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New Text Document

Trigger dad_HatesEgyptians
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesEgyptians >= 1

Affects HatesEgyptians 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesGreeks
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesGreeks >= 1

Affects HatesGreeks 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesRomans
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesRomans >= 1

Affects HatesRomans 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_HatesSlaves
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait HatesSlaves >= 1

Affects HatesSlaves 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_generous
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Generous >= 1

Affects Miserly 1 Chance 50

Affects Generous 1 Chance 10

Trigger dad_mean
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Miserly >= 1

Affects Generous 1 Chance 15

Affects Miserly 1 Chance 25

Trigger dad_loves_games
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait GamesFanRomanVice >= 1

Affects GamesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 25

Affects GamesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 50

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New Text Document
Trigger dad_loves_races
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait RacesFanRomanVice >= 1

Affects RacesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 25

Affects RacesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 50

Trigger dad_hates_games
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait GamesHaterRomanVice >= 1

Affects GamesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 10

Affects GamesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 10

Trigger dad_likes_girls
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Girls >= 1

Affects Girls 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_haemophobic
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Haemophobic >= 1

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_handsome
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Handsome >= 1

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_handsome2
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Handsome >= 2

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_handsome3
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Handsome >= 3

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 25

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New Text Document
Trigger dads_Ugly
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Ugly >= 1

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Ugly2
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Ugly >= 2

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Ugly3
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Ugly >= 3

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Inbred
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Inbred >= 1

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 50

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Inbred2
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Inbred >= 2

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 50

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Inbred3
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Inbred >= 3

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 50

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_Inbred4
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Inbred >= 4

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 50

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 25
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Trigger dads_Inbred5
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Inbred >= 5

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 50

Affects Inbred 1 Chance 25

Trigger dads_infertile
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Infertile >= 1

Affects Infertile 1 Chance 75

Trigger dads_infertile2
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Infertile >= 2

Affects Infertile 1 Chance 50

Trigger dads_paranoid
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Paranoia >= 2

Affects Paranoia 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_perverted
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Perverted >= 2

Affects Perverted 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_politics_skilled
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait PoliticsSkill >= 2

Affects PoliticsSkill 5 Chance 20

Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 5

Trigger dads_Prim
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Prim >= 1

Affects Prim 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_PublicAtheism
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WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait PublicAtheism >= 1

Affects PublicAtheism 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_PublicFaith
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait PublicFaith >= 1

Affects PublicFaith 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_RhetoricSkill
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait RhetoricSkill >= 1

Affects RhetoricSkill 1 Chance 20

Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Slothful
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Slothful >= 1

Affects Slothful 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_SmoothTalker
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait SmoothTalker >= 1

Affects SmoothTalker 1 Chance 20

Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Stoic
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Stoic >= 1

Affects Stoic 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_StrategicSkill
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait StrategicSkill >= 1

Affects StrategicSkill 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Superstitious
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Superstitious >= 1

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Affects Superstitious 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_TacticalSkill
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait TacticalSkill >= 1

Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Pragmatic
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Pragmatic >= 1

Affects Pragmatic 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Xenophilia
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Xenophilia >= 1

Affects Xenophilia 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_Xenophobia
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Xenophobia >= 1

Affects Xenophobia 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_NaturalMilitaryTalent
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait NaturalMilitarySkill >= 1

Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 30

Trigger dads_authoritarian
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait Authoritarian >= 1

Affects NonAuthoritarian 1 Chance 50

Affects KindRuler 1 Chance 20

Trigger dads_romanauthoritarian
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait AuthoritarianRomanVirtue >= 1

Affects NonAuthoritarian 1 Chance 50

Affects KindRuler 1 Chance 20

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Trigger dads_kindruler
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait KindRuler >= 1

Affects KindRuler 1 Chance 50

Affects HarshRuler 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth1
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 2

Affects Coward 2 Chance 2
Affects GoodSiegeAttacker 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth2
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Anger 1 Chance 2

Affects Hypochondriac 1 Chance 2
Affects GoodSiegeDefender 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth3
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects GoodTaxman 1 Chance 2

Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 4
Affects TouchedByTheGods 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth4
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects ArchitectSkill 1 Chance 2

Affects Deranged 1 Chance 2
Affects GoodTrader 12 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth5
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Arse 1 Chance 1

Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 4
Affects Haemophobic 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth6
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Austere 1 Chance 2

Affects Disloyal 1 Chance 2
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Affects HaleAndHearty 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth7
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 2

Affects Drink 1 Chance 2
Affects Handsome 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth8
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Liar 1 Chance 4

Affects Embezzler 1 Chance 2
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth9
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadAdministrator 1 Chance 2

Affects Energetic 1 Chance 4
Affects HarshRuler 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth10
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadAmbusher 1 Chance 2

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 2
Affects Pious 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth11
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadAttacker 1 Chance 2

Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 2
Affects Prim 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth12
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadBuilder 2 Chance 2

Affects Feck 1 Chance 2
Affects SmoothTalker 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth13
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

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New Text Document
Affects BadCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 2
Affects Fertile 1 Chance 2
Affects Ugly 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth14
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadCommander 1 Chance 2

Affects LogisticalSkill 1 Chance 6
Affects MathematicsSkill 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth15
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Intelligent 1 Chance 3

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 2
Affects NaturalPhilosophySkill 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth16
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadDefender 1 Chance 2

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 2
Affects PublicAtheism 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth17
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadDisciplinarian 1 Chance 2

Affects Loyal 1 Chance 2
Affects PublicFaith 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth18
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadEngineer 1 Chance 2

Affects Generous 1 Chance 2
Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth19
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadFarmer 1 Chance 2

Affects Girls 1 Chance 2
Affects RhetoricSkill 1 Chance 6

Trigger random_birth20
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
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New Text Document

Affects BadInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 2

Affects GloriousFool 1 Chance 2
Affects Slothful 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth21
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadMiner 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodAdministrator 1 Chance 4
Affects Stoic 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth22
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodAmbusher 1 Chance 2
Affects StrategicSkill 1 Chance 6

Trigger random_birth23
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadRiskyDefender 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodAttacker 1 Chance 4
Affects Superstitious 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth24
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadSiegeAttacker 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodBuilder 12 Chance 4
Affects TacticalSkill 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth25
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadSiegeDefender 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Chance 2
Affects Xenophilia 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth26
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadTaxman 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 4
Affects Xenophobia 1 Chance 2

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New Text Document
Trigger random_birth27
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BadTrader 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 2
Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 1
Affects Miserly 1 Chance 3

Trigger random_birth28
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BlackBileHumour 1 Chance 1

Affects GoodDefender 1 Chance 4
Affects Inbred 1 Chance 1
Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth29
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BloodHumour 1 Chance 6

Affects GoodEngineer 1 Chance 2
Affects IndecisiveAttacker 1 Chance 2
Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth30
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodFarmer 6 Chance 2
Affects Infertile 1 Chance 2
Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth31
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects BoringSpeaker 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Chance 2
Affects Insane 1 Chance 2
Affects Secretive 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth32
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Brave 1 Chance 8

Affects GoodMiner 1 Chance 2
Affects Just 1 Chance 2
Affects Unjust 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth33
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New Text Document
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Cheapskate 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodRiskyAttacker 1 Chance 2
Affects LenientJustice 1 Chance 2
Affects Upright 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth34
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects Lewd 1 Chance 2

Affects GoodRiskyDefender 1 Chance 2
Affects Trusting 1 Chance 4
Affects Talkative 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth35
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType roman

Affects ForeignTastesRomanVice 1 Chance 4

Affects GamesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 4
Affects GamesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 2
Affects ApicianRomanVice 1 Chance 4
Affects AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 1 Chance 2

Trigger random_birth36
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType roman

Affects HatesCarthaginians 1 Chance 4

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 4
Affects PoliticsSkill 5 Chance 4
Affects RacesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 4
Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 8

Trigger random_birth37
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType greek

Affects Arse 1 Chance 4

Affects PhilosophySkill 1 Chance 8
Affects MathematicsSkill 1 Chance 4
Affects PoeticSkill 1 Chance 6
Affects PoeticSkill 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth38
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType egyptian

Affects PublicFaith 1 Chance 4

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Affects Pious 1 Chance 4
Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 2
Affects Generous 1 Chance 5
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth39
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType eastern

Affects NaturalPhilosophySkill 1 Chance 4

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 4
Affects MathematicsSkill 1 Chance 4
Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 4
Affects AssassinMaster 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth40
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType carthaginian

Affects HatesRomans 1 Chance 4

Affects GoodTrader 12 Chance 4
Affects PublicFaith 1 Chance 4
Affects ReligiousMania 1 Chance 4
Affects Pious 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth41
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition CultureType barbarian

Affects Anger 1 Chance 4

Affects Berserker 1 Chance 6
Affects HaleAndHearty 1 Chance 4
Affects Scout 2 Chance 4
Affects Warlord 1 Chance 4

Trigger random_birth42
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 6

Trigger random_birth43
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait NaturalMilitarySkill >= 1

Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth44
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait NaturalMilitarySkill >= 2

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New Text Document

Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth45
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait NaturalMilitarySkill >= 3

Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth46
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Infertile >= 1

Affects Infertile 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth47
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Infertile >= 2

Affects Infertile 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth48
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Fertile >= 1

Affects Fertile 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth49
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Fertile >= 2

Affects Fertile 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth50
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Ugly >= 1

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth51
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Ugly >= 2

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth52
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WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Ugly >= 3

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth53
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Ugly >= 4

Affects Ugly 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth54
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Handsome >= 1

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth55
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Handsome >= 2

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Trigger random_birth56
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition Trait Handsome >= 3

Affects Handsome 1 Chance 50

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle1
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_awesome_temple

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle2
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_awesome_temple

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

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Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle3
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= city_plumbing

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle4
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= theatre

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle5
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= silk_rd

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle6
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= silk_rd

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

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Trigger harsh_lifestyle1
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = governors_house
and RandomPercent > 50

Affects Austere 1 Chance 2

Affects Cuckold 1 Chance 2
Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 1
Affects Pragmatic 1 Chance 2
Affects Stoic 1 Chance 1

Trigger harsh_lifestyle2
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition not EndedInSettlement

and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and InBarbarianLands
and RandomPercent > 90

Affects Austere 1 Chance 2

Affects Cuckold 1 Chance 2
Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 1
Affects Pragmatic 1 Chance 2
Affects Stoic 1 Chance 1

Trigger harsh_lifestyle3
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition not EndedInSettlement

and RemainingMPPercentage = 0
and Attribute Management >= 3

Affects LogisticalSkill 1 Chance 10

Trigger goveror_not_building
WhenToTest SettlementTurnEnd

Condition GovernorInResidence
and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash

Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 3

Trigger governor_building
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition GovernorInResidence

Affects GoodBuilder 1 Chance 20

Trigger hate_n_fear1
WhenToTest PostBattle

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Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture roman

Affects HatesRomans 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear2
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture greek

Affects HatesGreeks 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear3
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture egyptian

Affects HatesEgyptians 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear4
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture eastern

Affects HatesEasterners 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear5
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
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and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture carthaginian

Affects HatesCarthaginians 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear6
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 0.5
and BattleOdds < 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture barbarian

Affects HatesBarbarians 1 Chance 40

Trigger hate_n_fear7
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture roman
and not CultureType roman

Affects FearsRomans 1 Chance 20

Trigger hate_n_fear8
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture greek
and not CultureType greek

Affects FearsGreeks 1 Chance 20

Trigger hate_n_fear9
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture egyptian
and not CultureType egyptian

Affects FearsEgyptians 1 Chance 20

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Trigger hate_n_fear10
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture eastern
and not CultureType eastern

Affects FearsEasterners 1 Chance 20

Trigger hate_n_fear11
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture carthaginian
and not CultureType carthaginian

Affects FearsCarthaginians 1 Chance 20

Trigger hate_n_fear12
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and not WonBattle
and BattleSuccess = crushing
and I_ConflictType Normal
and BattleOdds >= 1.5
and GeneralFoughtCulture barbarian
and not CultureType barbarian

Affects FearsBarbarians 1 Chance 20

Trigger failed_to_attack
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInEnemyZOC

Affects IndecisiveAttacker 1 Chance 10

Trigger battle1
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle > 30

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 30

Affects Brave 1 Chance 15

Trigger battle1b
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WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle > 30

and Trait Berserker >= 1

Affects Berserker 1 Chance 30

Trigger battle1R
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle > 30

and CultureType roman

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 30

Affects RomanHero 1 Chance 15

Trigger battle2
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 6

Affects Brave 1 Chance 20

Trigger battle2R
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 6

and CultureType roman

Affects RomanHero 1 Chance 20

Trigger battle3
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 8

and CultureType roman

Affects Brave 1 Chance 20

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 10

Trigger battle3R
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 8

and CultureType roman

Affects RomanHero 1 Chance 20

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 10

Trigger battle4
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition not GeneralFoughtInCombat

Affects Coward 1 Chance 10

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Trigger battle5
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and CultureType roman

Affects VictorRomanVirtue 1 Chance 100

Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger battle6
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition IsGeneral
and WonBattle
and not CultureType roman

Affects VictorOthersVirtue 1 Chance 100

Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger battle7
WhenToTest BattleGeneralRouted

Affects Coward 1 Chance 25

Trigger AedileFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomeAedile

Affects Aedile 1 Chance 100

Trigger CensorFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomeCensor

Affects Censor 1 Chance 100

Trigger ConsulFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomeConsul

Affects Consul 1 Chance 100

Trigger PontifexMaximusFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomePontifexMaximus

Affects PontifexMaximus 1 Chance 100

Trigger PraetorFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomePraetor
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Affects Praetor 1 Chance 100

Trigger QuaestorFirstTime
WhenToTest BecomeQuaestor

Affects Quaestor 1 Chance 100

Trigger notAedile
WhenToTest CeasedAedile

Affects notAedile 2 Chance 100

Trigger notCensor
WhenToTest CeasedCensor

Affects notCensor 2 Chance 100

Trigger notConsul
WhenToTest CeasedConsul

Affects notConsul 2 Chance 100

Trigger notPontifexMaximus
WhenToTest CeasedPontifexMaximus

Affects notPontifexMaximus 2 Chance 100

Trigger notPraetor
WhenToTest CeasedPraetor

Affects notPraetor 2 Chance 100

Trigger notQuaestor
WhenToTest CeasedQuaestor

Affects notQuaestor 2 Chance 100

Trigger AedileAgain
WhenToTest BecomeAedile

Condition Trait notAedile >= 1

Affects Aedile 2 Chance 100

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Trigger CensorAgain
WhenToTest BecomeCensor

Condition Trait notCensor >= 1

Affects Censor 2 Chance 100

Trigger ConsulAgain
WhenToTest BecomeConsul

Condition Trait notConsul >= 1

Affects Consul 2 Chance 100

Trigger PontifexMaxumusAgain
WhenToTest BecomePontifexMaximus

Condition Trait notPontifexMaximus >= 1

Affects PontifexMaximus 2 Chance 100

Trigger PraetorAgain
WhenToTest BecomePraetor

Condition Trait notPraetor >= 1

Affects Praetor 2 Chance 100

Trigger QuaestorAgain
WhenToTest BecomeQuaestor

Condition Trait notQuaestor >= 1

Affects Quaestor 2 Chance 100

Trigger withdraws
WhenToTest PreBattleWithdrawal

Affects IndecisiveAttacker 1 Chance 100

Trigger undersiege
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition IsUnderSiege

Affects Austere 1 Chance 20

Trigger triumphs1
WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

Condition not CultureType roman

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Affects VictorOthersVirtue 1 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs2
WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

Condition CultureType roman

Affects VictorRomanVirtue 1 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs3
WhenToTest GeneralCaptureWonder

Condition not CultureType roman

Affects VictorOthersVirtue 5 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs4
WhenToTest GeneralCaptureWonder

Condition CultureType roman

Affects VictorRomanVirtue 5 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs5
WhenToTest LeaderDestroyedFaction

Condition not CultureType roman

Affects VictorOthersVirtue 10 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs6
WhenToTest LeaderDestroyedFaction

Condition CultureType roman

Affects VictorRomanVirtue 10 Chance 100

Trigger disaster
WhenToTest CharacterDamagedByDisaster

Condition RandomPercent > 96

Affects Pious 1 Chance 4

Affects Superstitious 1 Chance 2
Affects ReligiousMania 1 Chance 4
Affects Sacrilegious 1 Chance 1

Trigger family1
WhenToTest BrotherAdopted

Affects Anger 1 Chance 5

Affects Arse 1 Chance 1
Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 5
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Affects Slothful 1 Chance 4

Trigger family2
WhenToTest BrotherAdopted

Affects Girls 1 Chance 5

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Disloyal 1 Chance 8
Affects Unjust 1 Chance 10

Trigger family3
WhenToTest BrotherAdopted

Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 5

Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 5
Affects IanR 1 Chance 8
Affects Paranoia 1 Chance 5
Affects HarshRuler 1 Chance 10

Trigger triumphs7
WhenToTest LostLegionaryEagle

Affects LostEagle 1 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs8
WhenToTest CapturedLegionaryEagle

Affects CapturedEagle 1 Chance 100

Trigger triumphs9
WhenToTest RecapturedLegionaryEagle

Affects RegainedEagle 1 Chance 100

Trigger senate1
WhenToTest SenateExposure

Affects Perverted 7 Chance 20

Affects Arse 8 Chance 20
Affects Girls 6 Chance 20
Affects Lewd 3 Chance 20
Affects Sacrilegious 2 Chance 20

Trigger senate2
WhenToTest QuaestorInvestigationMinor

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Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 50

Trigger senate3
WhenToTest QuaestorInvestigation

Affects Corrupt 3 Chance 50

Trigger senate4
WhenToTest QuaestorInvestigationMajor

Affects Corrupt 6 Chance 50

Trigger family4
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Girls >= 1

Affects Prim 1 Chance 40

Trigger family5
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Girls >= 2

Affects Prim 3 Chance 60

Trigger family6
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Girls >= 3

Affects Prim 6 Chance 40

Trigger family7
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Girls >= 4

Affects Prim 12 Chance 20

Trigger family8
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Affects Cuckold 2 Chance 3

Affects FaithfulWife 1 Chance 8
Affects Fertile 1 Chance 4
Affects Infertile 1 Chance 4
Affects WellConnectedWife 1 Chance 5

Trigger family9
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WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait WellConnectedWife >= 1

Affects WellConnectedWife 1 Chance 50

Trigger family10
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait WellConnectedWife >= 2

Affects WellConnectedWife 1 Chance 50

Trigger family11
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Drink >= 2

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 80

Trigger family12
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Drink >= 3

Affects Sobriety 2 Chance 60

Trigger family13
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Drink >= 4

Affects Sobriety 4 Chance 40

Trigger family14
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Condition Trait Drink >= 5

Affects Sobriety 8 Chance 20

Trigger family15
WhenToTest CharacterMarries

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 5

Affects Prim 1 Chance 5
Affects Drink 1 Chance 5
Affects Girls 1 Chance 2
Affects Sane 1 Chance 10

Trigger family16
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

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Condition Trait Girls >= 1

Affects Prim 1 Chance 40

Trigger family17
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Girls >= 2

Affects Prim 3 Chance 60

Trigger family18
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Girls >= 3

Affects Prim 6 Chance 40

Trigger family19
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Girls >= 4

Affects Prim 12 Chance 20

Trigger family20
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Drink >= 2

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 80

Trigger family21
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Drink >= 3

Affects Sobriety 2 Chance 60

Trigger family22
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Drink >= 4

Affects Sobriety 4 Chance 40

Trigger family23
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Condition Trait Drink >= 5

Affects Sobriety 8 Chance 20

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Trigger family24
WhenToTest CharacterBecomesAFather

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 5

Affects Prim 1 Chance 5
Affects Drink 1 Chance 5
Affects Girls 1 Chance 5
Affects Sane 1 Chance 10

Trigger agents1
WhenToTest SpyMission

Condition MissionSuccessLevel = not_successful

Affects BadSpy 1 Chance 35

Trigger agents2
WhenToTest SpyMission

Condition MissionSuccessLevel = slightly_successful

and Trait GoodSpy = 1

Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 10

Trigger agents3
WhenToTest SpyMission

Condition MissionSuccessLevel = partly_successful

Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 80

Trigger agents4
WhenToTest SpyMission

Condition MissionSuccessLevel = highly_successful

Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 100

Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 50

Trigger agents5
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedSpyingMission

Affects SpyMaster 1 Chance 100

Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 2

Trigger agents6
WhenToTest AssassinationMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodAssassin 1 Chance 100

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Trigger agents7
WhenToTest AssassinationMission

Condition not MissionSucceeded

Affects BadAssassin 1 Chance 50

Trigger agents8
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedAssassination

Affects AssassinMaster 1 Chance 100

Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 5

Trigger agents9
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt

Affects Paranoia 1 Chance 50

Affects HighPersonalSecurity 1 Chance 100
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 20
Affects Girls 1 Chance 20
Affects Drink 1 Chance 20

Trigger agents10
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt

Condition Trait Paranoia >= 3

Affects Insane 1 Chance 30

Affects Deranged 1 Chance 10

Trigger agents11
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt

Affects Xenophobia 1 Chance 2

Affects Pious 1 Chance 5
Affects ReligiousMania 1 Chance 5
Affects Sacrilegious 1 Chance 5
Affects PublicAtheism 1 Chance 3

Trigger agents13
WhenToTest SabotageMission

Condition not MissionSucceeded

Affects BadConspirator 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents14
WhenToTest SabotageMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 100

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Trigger agents15
WhenToTest SabotageMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodConspirator 2 Chance 50

Trigger agents16
WhenToTest SabotageMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodConspirator 3 Chance 25

Trigger agents17
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedSabotage

Affects Despoiler 1 Chance 100

Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 5

Trigger agents18
WhenToTest BriberyMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodDiplomat 1 Chance 100

Affects SmoothTalker 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents19
WhenToTest BriberyMission

Condition not MissionSucceeded

Affects BadDiplomat 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents20
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedBribery

Affects PoliticsSkill 5 Chance 50

Affects PlainRomanVirtue 1 Chance 10
Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 10

Trigger agents21
WhenToTest AcceptBribe

Affects Disloyal 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents22
WhenToTest RefuseBribe
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Affects Loyal 1 Chance 100

Affects PlainRomanVirtue 1 Chance 20
Affects Upright 1 Chance 50

Trigger agents26
WhenToTest Insurrection

Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 20

Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 5

Trigger agents27
WhenToTest DiplomacyMission

Condition MissionSucceeded

Affects GoodDiplomat 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents28
WhenToTest DiplomacyMission

Condition not MissionSucceeded

Affects BadDiplomat 1 Chance 100

Trigger agents29
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedDiplomacy

Affects PoliticsSkill 1 Chance 20

Trigger senate5
WhenToTest LeaderSenateMissionSuccess

Affects PlainRomanVirtue 1 Chance 10

Trigger governing1
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingDestroyed

Affects Despoiler 1 Chance 10

Trigger governing2
WhenToTest GovernorUnitTrained

Condition GovernorTaxLevel > tax_high

Affects GoodAdministrator 1 Chance 3

Trigger governing3
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WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Affects GoodBuilder 1 Chance 20

Affects ArchitectSkill 1 Chance 5

Trigger governing4
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition GovernorTaxLevel > tax_high

Affects GoodAdministrator 1 Chance 7

Trigger governing5
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= farms

Affects GoodFarmer 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing6
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition not SettlementBuildingFinished >= farms

Affects BadFarmer 1 Chance 8

Trigger governing7
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= mines

Affects GoodMiner 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing8
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition not SettlementBuildingFinished = mines

and AdviseBuild = mines

Affects BadMiner 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing9
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition not SettlementBuildingFinished = mines+1

and AdviseBuild = mines+1

Affects BadMiner 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing10
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition not SettlementBuildingFinished >= trader

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Affects BadTrader 1 Chance 1

Trigger governing11
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= trader

Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 50

Trigger governing11b
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= port

Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 80

Trigger governing11c
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= roads

Affects GoodTrader 1 Chance 80

Trigger governing12
WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots

Condition CultureType roman

Affects AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 1 Chance 20

Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 10
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 5
Affects Rabblerouser 1 Chance 10

Trigger governing13
WhenToTest GovernorCityRebels

Condition CultureType roman

Affects AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 1 Chance 50

Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 15
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 10
Affects Rabblerouser 1 Chance 20

Trigger governing14
WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots

Condition not CultureType roman

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 20

Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 5
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 5

Trigger governing15
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WhenToTest GovernorCityRebels

Condition not CultureType roman

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 50

Affects Disciplinarian 1 Chance 15
Affects HarshJustice 1 Chance 10

Trigger governing16
WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots

Condition GovernorTaxLevel > tax_low

Affects BadAdministrator 1 Chance 50

Trigger governing17
WhenToTest GovernorCityRebels

Condition GovernorTaxLevel > tax_low

Affects BadAdministrator 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing18
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition GovernorLoyaltyLevel = loyalty_disillusioned

and GovernorTaxLevel > tax_high

Affects GoodTaxman 1 Chance 75

Trigger governing19
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned

and GovernorTaxLevel < tax_high

Affects BadTaxman 1 Chance 15

Trigger governing20
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition SettlementBuildingFinished >= stone_amphitheatre

Affects GamesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 100

Trigger governing21
WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted

Condition CultureType roman

and SettlementBuildingFinished >= hippodrome

Affects RacesFanRomanVice 1 Chance 100

Trigger extermination1
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WhenToTest EnslavePopulation

Affects Despoiler 1 Chance 20

Trigger extermination2
WhenToTest ExterminatePopulation

Affects Genocide 1 Chance 100

Affects Bloodthirsty 1 Chance 10

Trigger selfperpetuating1
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Aesthetic >= 1

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating2
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Anger >= 1

Affects Anger 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating3
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait ApicianRomanVice >= 1

Affects ApicianRomanVice 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating4
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Arse >= 1

Affects Arse 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating5
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Austere >= 1

Affects Austere 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating6
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Authoritarian >= 1

Affects Authoritarian 1 Chance 4

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Trigger selfperpetuating7
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait AuthoritarianRomanVirtue >= 1

Affects AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating8
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait BlackBileHumour >= 1

Affects BlackBileHumour 1 Chance 4

Affects BoringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating9
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait BloodHumour >= 1

Affects BloodHumour 1 Chance 4

Affects LaxPersonalSecuity 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating10
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait BoringSpeaker >= 1

Affects BoringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating11
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Cheapskate >= 1

Affects Cheapskate 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating12
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Deranged >= 1

Affects Deranged 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating13
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Drink >= 1

Affects Drink 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating14
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition Trait Energetic >= 1

Affects Energetic 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating15
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Epicurean >= 1

Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating16
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait ExpensiveTastes >= 1

Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating17
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Feck >= 1

Affects Feck 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating18
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Gambling >= 1

Affects Gambling 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating19
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Generous >= 1

Affects Generous 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating20
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Girls >= 1

Affects Girls 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating21
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Hypochondriac >= 1

Affects Hypochondriac 1 Chance 4

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Trigger selfperpetuating22
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Ignorance >= 1

Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating23
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Insane >= 1

Affects Insane 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating24
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Lewd >= 1

Affects Lewd 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating25
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Liar >= 1

Affects Liar 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating26
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Miserly >= 1

Affects Miserly 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating27
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Paranoia >= 1

Affects Paranoia 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating28
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Perverted >= 1

Affects Perverted 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating29
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait PhlegmHumour >= 1

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Affects PhlegmHumour 1 Chance 4

Affects BoringSpeaker 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating30
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait PoeticSkill >= 1

Affects PoeticSkill 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating31
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Secretive >= 1

Affects Secretive 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating32
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Slothful >= 1

Affects Slothful 1 Chance 4

Affects LaxPersonalSecuity 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating33
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Sobriety >= 1

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating34
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Stoic >= 1

Affects Stoic 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating35
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Superstitious >= 1

Affects Superstitious 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating36
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Talkative >= 1

Affects Talkative 1 Chance 4

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Trigger selfperpetuating37
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait TouchedByTheGods >= 1

Affects TouchedByTheGods 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating38
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Trusting >= 1

Affects Trusting 1 Chance 4

Affects LaxPersonalSecuity 1 Chance 4
Affects KindRuler 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating39
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Xenophilia >= 1

Affects Xenophilia 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating40
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Xenophobia >= 1

Affects Xenophobia 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating41
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait YellowBileHumour >= 1

Affects YellowBileHumour 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating42
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait RacesHaterRomanVice >= 1

Affects RacesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating43
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait GamesHaterRomanVice >= 1

Affects GamesHaterRomanVice 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating44
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition Trait NonAuthoritarian >= 1

Affects NonAuthoritarian 1 Chance 4

Affects KindRuler 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating45
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Prim >= 1

Affects Prim 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating46
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Unjust >= 1

Affects Unjust 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating47
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait HarshRuler >= 1

Affects HarshRuler 1 Chance 4

Trigger selfperpetuating48
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition Trait Corrupt >= 1

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 4

Trigger spyinit1
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = spy

Affects NaturalSpySkill 1 Chance 100

Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 20

Trigger spyinit2
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = spy

and Trait NaturalSpySkill = 1

Affects NaturalSpySkill 1 Chance 33

Trigger spyinit3
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = spy

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and Trait NaturalSpySkill = 2

Affects NaturalSpySkill 1 Chance 20

Trigger diplomatinit1
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = diplomat

Affects NaturalDiplomatSkill 1 Chance 100

Trigger diplomatinit2
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = diplomat

and Trait NaturalDiplomatSkill = 1

Affects NaturalDiplomatSkill 1 Chance 33

Trigger diplomatinit3
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = diplomat

and Trait NaturalDiplomatSkill = 2

Affects NaturalDiplomatSkill 1 Chance 33

Trigger assassininit1
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = assassin

Affects NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance 100

Trigger assassininit2
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = assassin

and Trait NaturalAssassinSkill = 1

Affects NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance 33

Trigger assassininit3
WhenToTest AgentCreated

Condition AgentType = assassin

and Trait NaturalAssassinSkill = 2

Affects NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance 33

Trigger devastation
WhenToTest GeneralDevastatesTile

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Affects Despoiler 1 Chance 4

Trigger LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
WhenToTest LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 100

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 50
Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 30
Affects NaturalMilitarySkill 1 Chance 30
Affects StrategicSkill 1 Chance 10

Trigger LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption2
WhenToTest LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 50

Affects Sobriety 1 Chance 12
Affects Disciplinarian 2 Chance 17
Affects GoodAdministrator 6 Chance 31
Affects Intelligent 1 Chance 8

Trigger LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption3
WhenToTest LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption

Affects GoodCommander 1 Chance 50

Affects Drink 1 Chance 8
Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 17
Affects Loyal 1 Chance 17
Affects InspiringSpeaker 1 Chance 9

Trigger admiral1
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition AgentType = admiral

and WonBattle

Affects Sailor 1 Chance 100

Trigger admiral2
WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition AgentType = admiral

and not WonBattle

Affects Landlubber 1 Chance 100

Trigger corruption1
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and Treasury > 50000

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 3

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Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 3
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 3
Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 3
Affects BadAdministrator 1 Chance 3

Trigger corruption2
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and Treasury > 100000

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 3

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 3
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 3
Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 3
Affects Embezzler 1 Chance 3

Trigger corruption4
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and Treasury > 150000

Affects Corrupt 1 Chance 3

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 3
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 3
Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 3
Affects Embezzler 1 Chance 3

Trigger corruption3
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and Treasury > 50000
and CultureType roman

Affects ApicianRomanVice 1 Chance 3

Trigger factionleader
WhenToTest BecomesFactionLeader

Affects Factionleader 1 Chance 100

Trigger reinherited
WhenToTest BecomesFactionHeir

Condition Trait Exheir = 1

Affects Factionheir 1 Chance 100

Trigger disinherited
WhenToTest CeasedFactionHeir

Condition not Trait Exheir = 1

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and not IsFactionLeader

Affects Exheir 2 Chance 100

Trigger inherited
WhenToTest CeasedFactionHeir

Condition IsFactionLeader

Affects Exheir 1 Chance 100

Trigger becomesheir
WhenToTest BecomesFactionHeir

Affects Factionheir 1 Chance 100

\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

21. Retinue List

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

All the retinues, their code name, game description, effect, and how they are
triggered. All very important information for what retinue to get and how to
get them. Definitely come back to this list if you want to know what temple
will give what - all temple retinue is located on the very bottom.

>> Actor {actor_desc}

"An Actor?! An Actor? I, sir, am a thespian! I bestride the stage in a

manner - nay a fashion, sir, a fashion - like unto Colossus himself!"
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= odeon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary actor chance: 6%

>> Aged Retainer {aged_retainer_desc}

Loyalty cannot be bought in some men, but when earned must be treasured and
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of
detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
Condition FatherTrait Loyal >= 1

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AcquireAncillary aged_retainer chance: 50%

>> Agriculturalist {agriculturalist_desc}

Good land, worked well, is the root of much wealth.

Effect: +1 to farming output

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary agriculturalist chance: 5%

>> Animal Trader {animal_trader_desc}

The Games demand a constant supply of new animals, and a man who controls
such a supply will gain friends...
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= stone_amphitheatre
and Trait GamesFanRomanVice >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary animal_trader chance: 10%

>> Architect {architect_desc}

Great architecture can be a statement of power and prestige, designed to

awe a subject people into obedience.
Effect: 10% discount on construction costs, -1 from squalor (increases
public order and population growth)

WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= proconsuls_palace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary architect chance: 5%

>> Armourer {armourer_desc}

A skilled craftsman, able to oversee repairs and refurbishment of armour.

Effect: +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= foundry
and IsGeneral

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AcquireAncillary armourer chance: 10%

>> Artist {artist_desc}

The images of the mighty need to be captured for posterity. Repeatedly.

Effect: 1 Influence, 10% decrease to cost to bribe

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_villa
and Trait ExpensiveTastes >= 1
and Trait BattleScarred <= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary artist chance: 15%

>> Astrologer {astrologer_desc}

"The stars are most auspicious for this new venture..."

Effect: +1 Command, -1 Management

Trigger trigger_astrologer
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_shrine
and Trait Superstitious >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary astrologer chance: 15%

>> Barbarian Turncoat {barbarian_turncoat_desc}

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against Barbarians

WhenToTest EnslavePopulation
Condition TargetFactionCultureType barbarian

AcquireAncillary barbarian_slave chance: 20%

>> Bard {bard_desc}

A great man's great deeds need to be properly celebrated in epic poetry!

Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= bardic_circle
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary bard chance: 10%

>> Beastmaster {beastmaster_desc}

A servant who can handle any animal may be useful on campaign.

Effect: +1 Command when commanding cavalry, 15% discount on animal unit
training costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_hunting_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary beastmaster chance: 6%

>> Biographer {biographer_desc}

A great man's great deeds need to be properly celebrated!

Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and Trait GoodAttacker >= 2
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary biographer chance: 4%

>> Bodyguard {bodyguard_desc}

Personal security never has too high a price.

Effect: +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +2 to the valour of your
general's bodyguards

WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition Trait HighPersonalSecurity >= 1
and Attribute Command >= 3
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary bodyguard chance: 50%

>> Inventor {brilliant_inventor_desc}

Invention is a delicate art, and rushing ahead will only result in a failed
idea. Thought is needed.
Effect: +30 Build Points (required for the construction of siege
equipment), +1 to farming output, 20% bonus on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
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and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary brilliant_inventor chance: 8%

>> Cackling Crone {cackling_crone_desc}

"The bones hold many secrets... of the past... of the future!

Effect: +1 Influence, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition not EndedInSettlement
and Trait Superstitious >= 2
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary cackling_crone chance: 15%

>> Carnifex {carnifex_desc}

Law requires punishment, sometimes severe punishment, lest anarchy

overwhelm the state.
Effect: +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and
capturing enemy agents), +2 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest GovernorCityRebels
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary carnifex chance: 20%

>> Carthaginian Turncoat {carthaginian_turncoat_desc}

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against Carthaginians

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageEnemyKilled >= 50
and GeneralFoughtCulture carthaginian
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary carthaginian_turncoat chance: 8%

>> Charioteer {charioteer_desc}

A popular hero can be a useful friend to those in public life, for fame
tends to rub off
Effect: 10% bonus to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = circus_maximus
and Trait RacesFanRomanVice >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary charioteer chance: 15%

>> Chief Eunuch {chief_eunuch_desc}

The safety of one's person must be guaranteed by every means to hand.

Effect: +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 to the valour of your
general's bodyguards

WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition Trait HighPersonalSecurity >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary chief_eunuch chance: 50%

>> Chirugeon {chirugeon_desc}

Good field surgery can save many a life after a battle.

Effect: Improves the chances of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary chirugeon chance: 15%

>> Civilized Slave {civilized_slave_desc}

"Just a little something I bought to remind me of those decadent fools..."

Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = forum
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary civilized_slave chance: 10%

>> Comedian {comedian_desc}

"Nay, nay and thrice nay! No, mistress, no, listen... oooh, titter ye not,
oh no... Oooh! Where was I? The prologue..."
Effect: +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary comedian chance: 8%

>> Cook {cook_desc}

Good food is a civilized accomplishment.

Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_shrine
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary cook chance: 10%

>> Courtesan {courtesan_desc}

The attentions of a courtesan who has skill and refinement are a welcome
relief at the end of hard day's brutal conquering.
Effect: +1 to agent's skill

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and not IsGeneral
and not AgentType = family
and not AgentType = diplomat
and not AgentType = admiral

AcquireAncillary courtesan chance: 15%

>> Judge {crooked_judge_desc}

Justice, however flawed, can help create an empire, as long as the right
palms are greased along the way.
Effect: 20% discount on agent training costs, +1 to unrest (decreases
public order), +2 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary crooked_judge chance: 20%

>> Judge {crooked_judge2_desc}
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Justice, however flawed, can help create an empire, as long as the right
palms are greased along the way.
Effect: 20% discount on agent training costs, +1 to unrest (decreases
public order), +2 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary crooked_judge2 chance: 20%

>> Dancer {dancer_desc}

Lavish and stimulating amusement after work is important, even for the most
dedicated of men.
Effect: +2 to agent's skill

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and not IsGeneral
and not AgentType = family
and not AgentType = diplomat
and not AgentType = admiral

AcquireAncillary dancer chance: 15%

>> Dancer {dancer2_desc}

Lavish and stimulating amusement after work is important, even for the most
dedicated of men.
Effect: +2 to agent's skill

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = bardic_circle
and not IsGeneral
and not AgentType = family
and not AgentType = diplomat
and not AgentType = admiral

AcquireAncillary dancer2 chance: 25%

>> Decorated Hero {decorated_hero_desc}

A clever leader knows how to use the fame and bravery of others to his own
best advantage.
Effect: 20% discount on unit training costs

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageOfArmyKilled > 30
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and PercentageEnemyKilled > 35
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary decorated_hero chance: 20%

>> Desert Scout {desert_scout_desc}

Reading any ground for signs of the enemy is an art learned only by
Effect: +1 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight (increases the
range at which enemies are spotted)

WhenToTest GovernorUnitTrained
Condition TrainedUnitCategory cavalry
and SettlementBuildingExists >= cavalry_barracks
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary desert_scout chance: 10%

>> Doctor {doctor_desc}

Medical care is always a sound investment, at least until the patient

Effect: Increases the chance of having children, Improves the chances
of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary doctor chance: 10%

>> Drillmaster {drillmaster_desc}

Battles are less frightening for new soldiers if they have been cowed by
learning drill from a fierce taskmaster.
Effect: +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced
march), 10% discount on unit training costs

WhenToTest GovernorUnitTrained
Condition TrainedUnitCategory infantry
and Attribute Command >= 4
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary drillmaster chance: 3%

>> Drinking Companion {drinking_companion_desc}

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we'll do it all over again!
Effect: +1 Influence, -1 Command

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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fun_temple
and Trait Drink >= 2
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary drinking_companion chance: 15%

>> Druid {druid_desc}

The gods must be appeased or the sky will fall on our heads!
Effect: +1 Influence, Improves the chances of casualties recovering
from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_shrine
and Trait PublicFaith >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary druid chance: 15%

>> Druid {druid2_desc}

The gods must be appeased or the sky will fall on our heads!
Effect: +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +1 Command when

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battle_shrine
and Trait PublicFaith >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary druid2 chance: 15%

>> Drunken "Uncle" {drunken_uncle_desc}

Even in the greatest family, there is always someone who specialises in

causing embarrassment.
Effect: -1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and Trait Drink >= 3
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary drunken_uncle chance: 2%

>> Easterner Turncoat {easterner_turncoat_desc}

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Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against eastern enemies

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageEnemyKilled >= 40
and GeneralFoughtCulture eastern
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary easterner_turncoat chance: 8%

>> Editor {editor_desc}

The skilled individual who can organise bread and circuses is not one to be
lightly cast aside.
Effect: +2 Influence

WhenToTest GovernorThrowGames
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= stone_amphitheatre
and IsGeneral
and Trait GamesFanRomanVice >= 1

AcquireAncillary editor chance: 20%

>> Egyptian Turncoat {egyptian_turncoat_desc}

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against Egyptians

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageEnemyKilled >= 40
and GeneralFoughtCulture egyptian
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary egyptian_turncoat chance: 8%

>> Elder Senator {elder_senator_desc}

Political connections to the supremely powerful are more than useful - they
can be vital!
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management, Improves the chances of getting
elected to senatorial offices, 15% bonus to your popularity
with the Senate

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and IsFactionLeader
and SettlementBuildingExists >= curia
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary elder_senator chance: 20%

>> Elderly Spinster "Aunt" {elderly_spinster_aunt_desc}

"Now, dear, I am sure your mother wouldn't like that..."

Effect: -1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition IsFactionHeir
and EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists > proconsuls_palace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary elderly_spinster_aunt chance: 5%

>> Equestrian {equestrian_desc}

Political connections to the powerful and wealthy are always useful.

Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and IsFactionLeader
and RemainingMPPercentage > 50
and SettlementBuildingExists >= baths
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary equestrian chance: 10%

>> Evil Mother-in-Law {evil_mother-in-law_desc}

"And look at the state of you! A disgrace, that's what you are! To think
that my daughter ever took up with the likes..."
Effect: -1 Influence, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

WhenToTest CharacterMarries
Condition Trait Girls >= 1
and Trait Gambling >= 1
and Trait Drink >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary evil_mother-in-law chance: 50%

>> Exotic Slave {exotic_slave_desc}

Slaves don't have to be useful. Sometimes they are for show.

Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest EnslavePopulation

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AcquireAncillary exotic_slave chance: 10%

>> Famous Courtesan {famous_courtesan_desc}

To retain the services of a famous - or notorious - courtesan brings its

own social distinction.
Effect: 25% discount on agent training costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and Trait Girls >= 2
and SettlementBuildingExists >= proconsuls_palace
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary famous_courtesan chance: 20%

>> Famous Warrior {famous_warrior_desc}

The leader who can attract great warriors to his cause increases his own
stature in the eyes of the people.
Effect: +1 Command, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 10%
discount on unit training costs

Trigger trigger_famous_warrior
WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageEnemyKilled >= 50
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary famous_warrior chance: 25%

>> Lictor {fasces_desc}

Law and order are two sides of the same coin. Without one, the other would
Effect: ?

>> Floozy {floozy_desc}

Every truly great man deserves the companionship of a cheap floozy at some
point in his career!
Effect: -2 from personal security (increases the chances of falling
victim to assassination)

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and Trait Girls >= 1
and Trait Brave >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary floozy chance: 25%

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>> Foodtaster {foodtaster_desc}

Death can come in many forms, and even the dining table requires a
guardsman of sorts.
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts)

WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition Trait Paranoia >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary foodtaster chance: 20%

>> Freeman Clerk {freeman_clerk_desc}

An able and loyal assistant in the day-to-day business of government.

Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on tax income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_governors_temple
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary freeman_clerk chance: 15%

>> Freeman Clerk {freeman_clerk2_desc}

An able and loyal assistant in the day-to-day business of government.

Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary freeman_clerk2 chance: 15%

>> Galloper {galloper_desc}

Command and control on the battlefield relies on orders getting through.

Effect: +1 Command when attacking

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition not Routs
and WonBattle
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary galloper chance: 3%

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>> Geographer {geographer_desc}

Maps are a key to all great military campaigns, and jolly useful when
collecting land taxes!
Effect: +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced
march), 10% bonus on tax income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary geographer chance: 15%

>> Geomancer {geomancer_desc}

The auspicious positioning of new buildings is a thing that no governor

should ignore.
Effect: 10% discount on construction costs, 10% bonus on mining income,
+1 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and SettlementBuildingExists >= mines
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary geomancer chance: 15%

>> Geometer {geometer_desc}

An expert in the accurate measurement of distances and angles, and a boon

to any construction work.
Effect: +1 Command when defending walls, 10% discount on construction
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary geometer chance: 15%

>> Gladiator {gladiator_desc}

Life and death in the arena prepares a man for many surprises and dangers.
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 to the valour of your
general's bodyguards

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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= urban_amphitheatre
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary gladiator chance: 15%

>> Goldsmith {goldsmith_desc}

Foreign tastes in goldwork can be so crass, so it's useful to have someone

on hand to melt down captured gold and then make something pretty...
Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income, 10% decrease to cost to bribe

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= forum
and Trait Miserly >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary goldsmith chance: 20%

>> Gourmand's Chef {gourmands_chef_desc}

Good food is a civilized accomplishment. Very good food is even better!

Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary gourmands_chef chance: 10%

>> Greek Turncoat {greek_turncoat_desc}

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against Greeks

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition WonBattle
and PercentageEnemyKilled >= 40
and GeneralFoughtCulture greek
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary greek_turncoat chance: 8%

>> Herbalist {herbalist_desc}

Potions, poultices and preparations for all ailments may be needed at any
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Effect: Increases the chance of having children, Improves the chances
of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary herbalist chance: 15%

>> Heroic Saviour {heroic_saviour_desc}

A true man remembers one who saves his life in battle and favours him with
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 to the valour of your
general's bodyguards

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle >= 80
and not Routs
and WonBattle
and GeneralFoughtInCombat
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary heroic_saviour chance: 50%

>> Historian {historian_desc}

If history is to be written, perhaps it should be done under the watchful

eyes of those making it
Effect: +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary historian chance: 15%

>> Honest Man {honest_man_desc}

It's a remarkable thing to find an honest man: remarkable, and sometimes

uncomfortable too.
Effect: 200% increase to cost to bribe, +1 to law (improves public

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and Trait Just >= 2
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary honest_man chance: 15%

>> Herald {Herald_desc}

Having someone else blow one's trumpet is infinitely more pleasurable!

Effect: +2 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists = great_amphitheatre
and SettlementBuildingExists = circus_maximus
and IsFactionLeader
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary Herald chance: 30%

>> Pet Idiot {idiot_desc}

Dribbling can be very unattractive but funny - well, when it's not a
Effect: -2 Influence, -1 from personal security (increases the chances
of falling victim to assassination)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists = governors_house
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsGeneral
and RandomPercent > 80

AcquireAncillary idiot chance: 1%

>> Idiot Savant {idiot_savant_desc}

Supreme talent in one small area comes at a cost in other abilities.

Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on tax income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary idiot_savant chance: 5%

>> Pet Sheep {inflatable_sheep_desc}

Being away from home and loved ones can be a lonely life.
Effect: -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command when
fighting against Barbarians

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition not EndedInSettlement
and InBarbarianLands
and Trait Insane >= 1
and IsGeneral
and RandomPercent > 95

AcquireAncillary inflatable_sheep chance: 2%

>> Intrepid Explorer {intrepid_explorer_desc}

A man who knows what's over the next ridge or across the next stream is
always useful.
Effect: +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced
march), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which
enemies are spotted)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition not EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage <= 15
and InBarbarianLands
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary intrepid_explorer chance: 8%

>> Jeweller {jeweller_desc}

Plunder needs to be properly valued! These people will rob you blind,
Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income, 10% decrease to cost to bribe

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= curia
and Trait Miserly >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary jeweller chance: 9%

>> Judge {judge_desc}

Justice, while never absolute or perfect, helps mould diverse people into a
single empire.
Effect: +1 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and
capturing enemy agents), +2 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary judge chance: 15%

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>> Lanista {lanista_desc}

Slaves and prisoners of war are always needed for the Games.
Effect: 10% discount on unit training costs, +2 Command when fighting
against rebels

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and Trait GamesFanRomanVice >= 1
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = great_amphitheatre
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary lanista chance: 20%

>> Librarian {librarian_desc}

Knowledge is power, and finding the correct knowledge is the key to that
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary librarian chance: 4%

>> Magician {magician_desc}

"All the world, all of the afterlife to come, all can be yours! But only
through me!"
Effect: +2 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and Trait Superstitious >= 1
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary magician chance: 15%

>> Magistrate {magistrate_desc}

Justice, however flawed, helps mould a people into an empire.

Effect: +1 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and
capturing enemy agents), +1 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest GovernorCityRiots
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary magistrate chance: 20%

>> Master Embalmer {master_embalmer_desc}

"Correct preparation for the afterlife is a wise investment. And now, about
the right casket..."
Effect: +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +1 Command when

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_healing_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary master_embalmer chance: 15%

>> Master Hunter {master_hunter_desc}

The man who can track, find his way across rough country, and bring down
his prey can do the same to other men.
Effect: +1 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight (increases the
range at which enemies are spotted)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition not EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and InBarbarianLands
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary master_hunter chance: 1%

>> Master of Archers {master_of_archers_desc}

An expert in training and leading archers.

Effect: +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= catapult_range
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary master_of_archers chance: 5%

>> Master of Assassins {master_of_assassins_desc}

This man has a knack for spotting talent: the talent to commit murder.
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), 20% discount on agent training

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WhenToTest LeaderOrderedAssassination

AcquireAncillary master_of_assassins chance: 5%

>> Master of Horse {master_of_horse_desc}

An expert in all aspects of training and leading cavalry.

Effect: +1 Command when commanding cavalry

>> Master Smith {master_smith_desc}

A highly skilled man, able to look after all the weapons of an army with
his assistants.
Effect: 10% discount on unit training costs

WhenToTest GovernorUnitTrained
Condition TrainedUnitCategory cavalry
and SettlementBuildingExists > cavalry_barracks
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary master_of_horse chance: 20%

>> Mathematician {mathematician_desc}

The esoteric art of mathematics brings practical benefits to the business

of government.
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary mathematician chance: 5%

>> Menhir Carver {menhir_carver_desc}

The Gods need to be honoured and sacred sites properly marked.

Effect: +1 Influence, 10% discount on construction costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and Trait PublicFaith >= 1
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battle_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary menhir_carver chance: 10%

>> Mentor {mentor_desc}

An older, wiser man can be a useful guide, and a sounding board in times of
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Effect: +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
Condition FatherTrait Ignorance <= 2

AcquireAncillary mentor chance: 3%

>> Merchant {merchant_desc}

Trade is a sure road to wealth, even for the already powerful, as long as
trade routes are kept open and safe.
Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= great_forum
and SettlementBuildingExists >= port
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary merchant chance: 3%

>> Military Engineer {military_engineer_desc}

Any and all military construction tasks - siege engines, roads,

fortifications, benefit from the oversight of an expert.
Effect: +2 Command when assaulting walls, +50 Build Points (required
for the construction of siege equipment)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and SettlementBuildingExists >= smiths_workshop
and SettlementBuildingExists >= catapult_range
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary military_engineer chance: 20%

>> Military Tribune {military_tribune_desc}

Military experience is a key to political advancement for friends and

Effect: +1 Command when defending, Improves the chances of getting
elected to senatorial offices, 10% bonus to your popularity
with the Senate

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition Trait VictorRomanVirtue >= 1
and Attribute Command >= 4
and IsGeneral
and WonBattle

AcquireAncillary military_tribune chance: 20%

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>> Mining Engineer {mining_engineer_desc}

Muscle may dig out the ore, but without skill mining is just digging holes.
Effect: 25% bonus on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= mines
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary mining_engineer chance: 8%

>> Mistress {mistress_desc}

A man with a mistress is one who has all the appetites of a man - and in
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_villa
and Trait Girls >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary mistress chance: 5%

>> Musician {musician_desc}

Entertainment at the end of a day's labours is important, even for the

busiest general or governor.
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= theatre
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary musician chance: 15%

>> Natural Philosopher {Natural_philosopher_desc}

Natural curiosity about the world can often be of great use to a patron.
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on construction costs

>> Numismatist {Numismatist_desc}

Coinage carries the symbols and the names of the powerful. No man can buy
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or sell without realising who is his overlord.
Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= great_forum
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_large_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary Natural_philosopher chance: 15%

>> Oracle {oracle_desc}

"Hear, then, the words of the Oracle..."

Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition not EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage >= 35
and RemainingMPPercentage <= 45
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary oracle chance: 1%

>> Orator {orator_desc}

Oratory can be defined as the skill of getting people to listen in spite of

themselves. The message can be whatever the paymaster requires...
Effect: +2 Influence, +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= odeon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary orator chance: 10%

>> Over-Protective Nanny {over_protective_nanny_desc}

"Nanny knows best..."

Effect: -1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
Condition FatherTrait Paranoia >= 2

AcquireAncillary over_protective_nanny chance: 35%

>> Overseer {overseer_desc}

Strong backs are useful in working the fields, but proper 'encouragement'
is also needed.
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Effect: -1 Influence, +1 to farming output

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= farms+3
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary overseer chance: 10%

>> Pet Hunting Dog {pet_hunting_dog_desc}

Effect: +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_hunting_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary pet_hunting_dog chance: 15%

>> Pet Lion {pet_lion_desc}

Many a happy hour can be spent in teaching a lion to enjoy the pleasures of
human flesh...
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 Command when fighting
against rebels

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= urban_amphitheatre
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary pet_lion chance: 15%

>> Philosopher {philosopher_desc}

Regular exercise of the reasoning powers aids any man in good governance.
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary philosopher chance: 10%

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>> Physician {physician_desc}

"Prayers, three times a day, and then a thorough examination for elf-shot.
All disease is caused by elf-shot..."
Effect: Increases the chance of having children, Improves the chances
of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary physician chance: 15%

>> Playwright {playwright_desc}

Plundering the classics for good stories is one route for a playwright. The
other is to use the life of a great man...
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = theatre
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary playwright chance: 15%

>> Poet {poet_desc}

The deeds of the great are surely worthy of an epic poem or two...
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= odeon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary poet chance: 10%

>> Poisoner {poisoner_desc}

The wise ruler knows that no resource should be squandered, and that dinner
guests should always be left wondering about the fish course...
Effect: +2 to agent's skill

WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition Trait Paranoia >= 2
and Trait DeceiverVirtue >= 1
and AgentType = assassin

AcquireAncillary poisoner chance: 10%

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>> Pontifex {pontifex_desc}

By Jupiter, asking for the help of the Gods is better when it is done with
the voice of authority.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command, 10% bonus to your popularity with the

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_leadership_awesome_temple
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary pontifex chance: 15%

>> Praetorian Guardsman {praetorian_guardsman_desc}

A visible symbol of Roman authority, and a sign that the one guarded is
constantly in the thoughts of the Senate and people of Rome.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command, 20% bonus to your popularity with the

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = royal_barracks
and Trait Disloyal >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary praetorian_guardsman chance: 15%

>> Problem Mother {problem_mother_desc}

"Mother isn't quite... Herself... Today."

Effect: -1 Influence, +1 Management, Reduces the chances of being
elected to senatorial offices

WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
Condition FatherTrait AuthoritarianRomanVirtue >= 1

AcquireAncillary problem_mother chance: 10%

>> Procurator {procurator_desc}

Money and legal ways to separate individuals from their money are always of
service to the state.
Effect: 10% bonus on tax income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_awesome_temple
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary procurator chance: 20%

>> Quartermaster {quartermaster_desc}

No soldier can march or fight for long when his belly is empty.
Effect: +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced
march), 2% bonus to cash gained from looting

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= army_barracks
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary quartermaster chance: 15%

>> Roman Turncoat {roman_turncoat_desc}

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of
Effect: +1 Command when fighting against Romans

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= ludus_magnus
and AgentType = diplomat

AcquireAncillary rhetorician chance: 15%

>> Runner {runner_desc}

Command and control on the battlefield relies on orders getting through.

Effect: +1 Command

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition not Routs
and WonBattle
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary runner chance: 8%

>> Satirist {satirist_desc}

Mockery, as a rule, is best employed to humble one's rivals rather than

make oneself look like a great man.
Effect: +2 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= lyceum
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and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary satirist chance: 15%

>> Sculptor {sculptor_desc}

Glory is pointless without a record of the one who achieved it.

Effect: +1 Influence, 10% discount on construction costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= proconsuls_palace
and Trait GoodBuilder >= 2
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary sculptor chance: 15%

>> Seamaster {seamaster_desc}

An expert in shiphandling and in reading the sky, the wind and the water.
Effect: +2 Command at sea

WhenToTest NewAdmiralCreated
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= dockyard

AcquireAncillary seamaster chance: 20%

>> Senatorial Horse {senatorial_horse_desc}

And why can't my horse be a senator? You'll hurt his feelings denying him
the chance to better himself!
Effect: Reduces the chances of being elected to senatorial offices, 10%
penalty to your popularity with the Senate, 10% bonus to your
popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = circus_maximus
and Trait Insane >= 2
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary senatorial_horse chance: 15%

>> Shieldbearer {shieldbearer_desc}

A great general needs supporters and aides on the battlefield.

Effect: +1 to the valour of your general's bodyguards

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle <= 80
and GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 5
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and WonBattle
and not Routs
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary shieldbearer chance: 30%

>> Siege Engineer {siege_engineer_desc}

Sieges are a tricky business, and demand patience and a good eye for ground
- and for the weaknesses of a defender's walls!
Effect: +1 Command when assaulting walls, +60 Build Points (required
for the construction of siege equipment)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= siege_engineer
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary siege_engineer chance: 20%

>> Silk Merchant {silk_merchant_desc}

Silks from the east are always profitable, no matter what the market. And
power always follows profit.
Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and SettlementBuildingExists >= forum
and SettlementBuildingExists >= port
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary silk_merchant chance: 1%

>> Slave Trader {slave_trader_desc}

Slaves are a vital trade, for who else will do the work that is needed?
Effect: Increases the rate of population growth in regions where slaves
are plentiful

WhenToTest EnslavePopulation

AcquireAncillary slave_trader chance: 20%

>> Slubberdegullion {slubberdegullion_desc}

Some people just can't hold their drink, but rarely know when to leave -
possibly because they are too far gone to find a door!
Effect: -1 Influence, -1 from personal security (increases the chances
of falling victim to assassination)
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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= tavern
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary slubberdegullion chance: 3%

>> Spice Merchant {spice_merchant_desc}

Trade in exotic spices requires long years of experience if it is to turn a

Effect: 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
and SettlementBuildingExists >= forum
and SettlementBuildingExists >= port
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary spice_merchant chance: 1%

>> Spymaster {spymaster_desc}

This man is an expert at collating information and persuading others to spy

for his superiors.
Effect: +1 Command, 20% discount on agent training costs

WhenToTest LeaderOrderedSpyingMission
Condition IsFactionLeader
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary spymaster chance: 1%

>> Surveyor {surveyor_desc}

The accurate laying out of ground plans, roads and even whole towns saves
money, time and effort.
Effect: 20% discount on construction costs, +1 to public health

WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition Trait GoodBuilder >= 2
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary surveyor chance: 10%

>> Swordbearer {swordbearer_desc}

A true warrior needs aides and guards on the battlefield.

Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 to the valour of your
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general's bodyguards

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 5
and WonBattle
and not Routs
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary swordbearer chance: 20%

>> Tax Farmer {tax_farmer_desc}

An expert in the enforced separation of people and their money, but perhaps
not so skilled at passing the gains to a government.
Effect: -1 Influence, 5% bonus on tax income

WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition Trait BadTaxman >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary tax_farmer chance: 8%

>> Tender of the Royal Backside {tender_of_the_arse_desc}

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

Effect: +1 Influence, -1 from personal security (increases the chances
of falling victim to assassination)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsFactionLeader
and SettlementBuildingExists >= proconsuls_palace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary tender_of_the_arse chance: 5%

>> Torturer {torturer_desc}

A little light torture is often enough to loosen the stubborn tongue, and
thereby ease the path to justice.
Effect: +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and
capturing enemy agents), +1 to unrest (decreases public order),
+3 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= secret_police_hq
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary torturer chance: 15%

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>> Treasurer {treasurer_desc}

For some, the pleasure of counting money can be enough...

Effect: +2 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= great_forum
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary treasurer chance: 10%

>> Tribune of the Plebs {tribune_of_the_plebs_desc}

Political power must be used whatever the source and wherever it is found.
Effect: +1 Influence, 20% bonus to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and IsFactionLeader
and SettlementBuildingExists >= proconsuls_palace
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary tribune_of_the_plebs chance: 8%

>> Trusty Steed {trusty_steed_desc}

Such a fine animal makes one never want to plod around on foot again...
Effect: +1 Command when commanding cavalry, -1 Command when commanding

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= hippodrome
and Trait GoodCavalryGeneral >= 1
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary trusty_steed chance: 15%

>> Tutor {tutor_desc}

Learning to learn can only be of benefit to a statesman.

Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
Condition Trait Ignorance <= 1
and FatherTrait Ignorance <= 1

AcquireAncillary tutor chance: 12%

>> Veteran Centurion {veteran_centurion_desc}
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A grizzled veteran of many campaigns, loyal and true, constantly alert to

dangers around his general...
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 Command when commanding

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition PercentageOfArmyKilled <= 20
and GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 5
and WonBattle
and not Routs
and Attribute Command >= 4
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary veteran_centurion chance: 20%

>> Veteran Warrior {veteran_warrior_desc}

A grizzled veteran of many campaigns, loyal and true, constantly alert to

dangers around his warlord...
Effect: +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and
foiling assassination attempts), +1 Command when commanding

WhenToTest PostBattle
Condition PercentageOfArmyKilled <= 20
and GeneralNumKillsInBattle > 5
and WonBattle
and not Routs
and Attribute Command >= 4
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary veteran_warrior chance: 20%

>> Wilderness Prophet {wilderness_prophet_desc}

In a wilderness there is no place to hide from your Gods, but afterwards

getting others to listen is the real test.
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition not EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage >= 35
and RemainingMPPercentage <= 50
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary wilderness_prophet chance: 8%

>> Wine Steward {wine_steward_desc}

"Hmmm. Fruity, yielding, with just a hint of oak... from the southern
valley I think..."
Effect: +1 Influence

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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = city_plumbing
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary wine_steward chance: 8%

>> Wise Man {wise_man_desc}

"Wisdom is knowing when to shut up and listen carefully, young man..."

Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists <= governors_villa
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_shrine
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary wise_man chance: 4%

>> Wise Woman {wise_woman_desc}

"Slap that poultice on and you'll feel better in no time. And yes, it's
supposed to smell like that!"
Effect: Increases the chance of having children, Improves the chances
of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists <= governors_villa
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_shrine
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary wise_man chance: 4%

>> Witch {witch_desc}

"The bones hold many secrets... of the past... of the future!"

Effect: Increases the chance of having children

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_shrine
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary witch chance: 15%

>> Wrestler {wrestler_desc}

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A man who can tear arms off is useful, from time to time.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of
detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists <= governors_palace
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_shrine
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary wrestler chance: 12%

>> Priest of Vahagan {priest_of_Vahagan_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battleforge_temple
and FactionType armenia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Vahagan chance: 15%

>> Priest of Anahit {priest_of_Anahit_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and FactionType armenia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Anahit chance: 15%

>> Priest of Armazd {priest_of_Armazd_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_leadership_temple
and FactionType armenia
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary priest_of_Armazd chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Brigantia {priest_of_Brigantia_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, Improves the chances of casualties recovering
from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple
and FactionType britons
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Brigantia chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Britannia {priest_of_Britannia2_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and FactionType britons
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Britannia2 chance: 15%

>> Priest of Andrasta {priest_of_Andrasta_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Command, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability
to forced march)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_victory_temple
and FactionType britons
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Andrasta chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Tanit {priest_of_Tanit_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

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She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to farming output

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple
and FactionType carthage
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Tanit chance: 15%

>> Priest of Baal {priest_of_Baal_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: 20% discount on agent training costs, +1 to law (improves
public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple
and FactionType carthage
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Baal chance: 15%

>> Priest of Milqart {priest_of_Milqart_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and FactionType carthage
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Milqart chance: 15%

>> Priest of Hebeleysis {priest_of_Hebeleysis_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battle_temple
and FactionType dacia
and IsGeneral
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New Text Document

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Hebeleysis chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Bendis {priest_of_Bendis_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 to public health, Improves the chances of casualties
recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple
and FactionType dacia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Bendis chance: 15%

>> Priest of Zalmoxis {priest_of_Zalmoxis_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on unit training costs, 20% bonus
on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple
and FactionType dacia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Zalmoxis chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Isis {priest_of_Isis_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, Increases the chance of having children, +1 to
public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fertility_temple
and FactionType egypt
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Isis chance: 15%

>> Priest of Osiris {priest_of_Osiris_desc}

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A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He
can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and FactionType egypt
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Osiris chance: 15%

>> Priest of Imhotep {priest_of_Imhotep_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, Improves the chances of casualties recovering
from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple
and FactionType egypt
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Imhotep chance: 15%

>> Priest of Set {priest_of_Set_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 20% discount on agent training costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple
and FactionType egypt
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Set chance: 15%

>> Priest of Horus {priest_of_Horus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to law (improves public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple
and FactionType egypt
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and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Horus chance: 15%

>> Priest of Teutatis {priest_of_Teutatis_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Command, 10% discount on unit training costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battleforge_temple
and FactionType gauls
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Teutatis chance: 15%

>> Priest of Epona {priest_of_Epona_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when commanding cavalry

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_horse_temple
and FactionType gauls
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Epona chance: 15%

>> Priest of Abnoba {priest_of_Abnoba_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +2 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight
(increases the range at which enemies are spotted)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_hunting_temple
and FactionType gauls
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Abnoba chance: 15%

>> Priest of Esus {priest_of_Esus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

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can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on agent training costs, +1 to law
(improves public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_justice_temple
and FactionType gauls
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Esus chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Freyja {priest_of_Freyja_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, Increases the chance of having children, +1 to
public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fertility_temple
and FactionType germans
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Freyja chance: 15%

>> Priest of Donar {priest_of_Donar_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_temple
and FactionType germans
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Donar chance: 15%

>> Priest of Woden {priest_of_Woden_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when commanding infantry, Improves the chances of
casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_viking_temple
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and FactionType germans
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Woden chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Athena {priest_of_Athena_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_leadership_temple
and FactionType greek_cities
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Athena chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Aphrodite {priest_of_Aphrodite_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 20% discount on agent training costs, +1 to
public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_temple
and FactionType greek_cities
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Aphrodite chance: 15%

>> Priest of Hermes {priest_of_Hermes_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and FactionType greek_cities
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Hermes chance: 15%

>> Priest of Nike {priest_of_Nike_desc}

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A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He
can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_victory_temple
and FactionType greek_cities
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Nike chance: 15%

>> Priest of Ceres {priest_of_Ceres_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to farming output

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fertility_temple
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Ceres chance: 15%

>> Priest of Bacchus {priest_of_Bacchus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Bacchus chance: 15%

>> Priest of Jupiter {priest_of_Jupiter_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_leadership_temple
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary priest_of_Jupiter chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Demeter {priest_of_Demeter_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to farming output

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_farming_temple
and FactionType macedon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Demeter chance: 15%

>> Priest of Zeus {priest_of_Zeus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management, +1 Command when defending walls

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_governors_temple
and FactionType macedon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Zeus chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Artemis {priest_of_Artemis_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +2 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight
(increases the range at which enemies are spotted), 20%
discount on animal unit training costs

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_hunting_temple
and FactionType macedon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Artemis chance: 15%

>> Priest of Ares {priest_of_Ares_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

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New Text Document
can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_temple
and FactionType macedon
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Ares chance: 15%

>> Priest of Zoroastra {priest_of_Zoroastra_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_one_god_temple
and FactionType parthia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Zoroastra chance: 15%

>> Priest of Zeus {priest_of_Zeus2_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management, +1 Command when defending walls

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_governors_temple
and FactionType pontus
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Zeus2 chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Aphrodite {priest_of_Aphrodite2_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on agent training costs, +1 to
public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_temple
and FactionType pontus
and IsGeneral
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AcquireAncillary priest_of_Aphrodite2 chance: 15%

>> Priest of Hercules {priest_of_Hercules_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_temple
and FactionType pontus
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Hercules chance: 15%

>> Priestess of Juno {priest_of_Juno_desc}

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god.

She can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to public health, Improves the chances of
casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple
and FactionType romans_brutii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Juno chance: 15%

>> Priest of Mercury {priest_of_Mercury_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_trade_temple
and FactionType romans_brutii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Mercury chance: 15%

>> Priest of Mars {priest_of_Mars_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
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Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_violence_temple
and FactionType romans_brutii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Mars chance: 15%

>> Priest of Vulcan {priest_of_Vulcan_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on unit training costs, 20% bonus
on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple
and FactionType romans_scipii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Vulcan chance: 15%

>> Priest of Saturn {priest_of_Saturn_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management, +2 to public security (improves
the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple
and FactionType romans_scipii
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Saturn chance: 15%

>> Priest of Neptune {priest_of_Neptune_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command at sea

WhenToTest NewAdmiralCreated
Condition SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_naval_temple

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Neptune chance: 15%

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>> Priest of Papay {priest_of_Papay_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, +2 to public security (improves the chances of
detecting and capturing enemy agents), +1 to law (improves
public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_law_temple
and FactionType scythia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Papay chance: 15%

>> Priest of Api {priest_of_Api_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, Increases the chance of having children, +1 to
public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_temple
and FactionType scythia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Api chance: 15%

>> Priest of Kolaksay {priest_of_Kolaksay_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when commanding cavalry

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_horse_2_temple
and FactionType scythia
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Kolaksay chance: 15%

>> Priest of Hephaestus {priest_of_Haphaestus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +1 Management, 10% discount on unit training costs, 20% bonus
on mining income
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WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_forge_temple
and FactionType seleucid
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Haphaestus chance: 15%

>> Priest of Asklepios {priest_of_Asklepios_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: Increases the chance of having children, +1 to public health,
Improves the chances of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_temple
and FactionType seleucid
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Asklepios chance: 15%

>> Priest of Dionysus {priest_of_Dionysus_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and FactionType seleucid
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Dionysus chance: 15%

>> Priest of Dionysus {priest_of_Dionysus2_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_temple
and FactionType thrace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Dionysus2 chance: 15%

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New Text Document

>> Priest of Ares {priest_of_Ares2_desc}

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He

can spend the other half putting it to good use...
Effect: +2 Command when attacking

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_battle_temple
and FactionType thrace
and IsGeneral

AcquireAncillary priest_of_Ares2 chance: 15%

>> Appolonius of Perge {appolonius_of_perge_desc}

An eccentric mathematician and astrologer who believes the planets revolve

in epicycles and eccentric orbits around us. Loony.
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 50
and I_TurnNumber <= 160

AcquireAncillary appolonius_of_perge chance: 80%

>> Appolonius of Rhodes {appolonius_of_rhodes_desc}

Writer of the great epic "The Argonautica". Use of this man's skills in
writing will help increase your profile.
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 0
and I_TurnNumber <= 110

AcquireAncillary appolonius_of_rhodes chance: 80%

>> Archimedes {archimedes_desc}

Some say "the greatest mind alive". An outstanding mathematician, inventor

of siege weaponry and devices for everyday use. It's a shame he's so
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New Text Document
Effect: +2 Command when assaulting walls, +1 Command when defending
walls, +100 Build Points (required for the construction of
siege equipment)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 6
and I_TurnNumber <= 116

AcquireAncillary archimedes chance: 80%

>> Aristarchus {aristarchus_of_samos_desc}

An astronomer and mathematician who thinks the Earth revolves around the
sun! However mad he is, he can provide accurate measurements of distance
and perform complex calculations.
Effect: +1 Command at sea, 10% bonus on all trade income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 160
and I_TurnNumber <= 254

AcquireAncillary aristarchus_of_samos chance: 80%

>> Ariston {ariston_of_cyrene_desc}

Peripatetic Philosopher and Poet. The deeds of the great are surely worthy
of critical examination and, perhaps, a poem or an epigram?
Effect: +1 Influence

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 140
and I_TurnNumber <= 240

AcquireAncillary ariston_of_cyrene chance: 80%

>> Agatharchides {agatharchides_of_cnidus_desc}

Peripatetic philosopher, geographer, historian, traveller and naturalist.

This restless individual is working on several books describing the world
and all that lives in it. A useful man on campaign.
Effect: +20% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced
march), +1 Command when fighting against Barbarians

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New Text Document
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 220
and I_TurnNumber <= 300

AcquireAncillary agatharchides_of_cnidus chance: 80%

>> Callimachus of Cyrene {callimachus_of_cyrene_desc}

Librarian, Poet and Scholar. A learned man can always be of use to a man of
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 12
and I_TurnNumber <= 60

AcquireAncillary callimachus_of_cyrene chance: 80%

>> Carneades {carneades_the_academic_desc}

"The Academic" can argue the hind legs of a donkey, persuade it to run and
then convince onlookers that the donkey did this without encouragement. A
useful man to have on your side.
Effect: +1 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 160
and I_TurnNumber <= 280

AcquireAncillary carneades_the_academic chance: 80%

>> Lutatius Catulus {quintus_lutatius_catulus_desc}

Roman writer, philosopher and tactician.

Effect: +2 Command

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 290
and I_TurnNumber <= 380
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AcquireAncillary quintus_lutatius_catulus chance: 80%

>> Valerius Catullus {gaius_valerius_catullus_desc}

Romantic latin poet and writer, of the elite patrician classes, with many
powerful connections.
Effect: +1 Influence, Improves the chances of getting elected to
senatorial offices, 10% bonus to your popularity with the

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 412
and I_TurnNumber <= 432

AcquireAncillary gaius_valerius_catullus chance: 80%

>> Chrysippus {chrysippus_desc}

Tutor and Stoic philosopher. This man teaches that a knowledge of Physics
and Logic are required for a person to know the difference between good and
Effect: ??

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 20
and I_TurnNumber <= 128

AcquireAncillary chrysippus chance: 80%

>> Ctesibius {ctesibius_desc}

Inventor, mathematician and engineer. Responsible for such contraptions as

the Water Clock and "Hydraulis" musical device. Perhaps his knowledge of
hydraulic hoists, seige engines and suction pumps may be of some use.
Effect: +30 Build Points (required for the construction of siege
equipment), +1 to public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 10
and I_TurnNumber <= 96

AcquireAncillary ctesibius chance: 80%

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>> Erasistratus {erasistratus_of_ceos_desc}

Greek anatomist and physician. Known for his studies of the circulatory and
nervous systems. Make sure he has a steady supply of condemned men to
practice on.
Effect: -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +1 to public
health, Improves the chances of casualties recovering from
their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 68
and I_TurnNumber <= 180

AcquireAncillary erasistratus_of_ceos chance: 80%

>> Eratosthenes {eratosthenes_of_cyrene_desc}

Gifted Philosopher and Polymath. A man with broad knowledge that can be
applied to many subjects.
Effect: +1 Command, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 28
and I_TurnNumber <= 152

AcquireAncillary eratosthenes_of_cyrene chance: 80%

>> Fabius Pictor {fabius_pictor_desc}

Rome's first annalist of note and grandson of the famous Caius Fabius
Pictor who painted the Temple of Salus, in Rome. Quintus is well connected
with many eminent Roman Senators.
Effect: +1 Influence, Improves the chances of getting elected to
senatorial offices, 10% bonus to your popularity with the

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 90
and I_TurnNumber <= 200

AcquireAncillary fabius_pictor chance: 80%

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>> Herodas {herodas_desc}

Poet and author of Mimes. Herodas has a knack of using the language of the
common man to liven up his bawdy comedy. A useful skill when writing
speeches that appeal to the masses.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 0
and I_TurnNumber <= 60

AcquireAncillary herodas chance: 80%

>> Iunius Pennus {iunius_pennus_desc}

"I dont mind if they fight and die for us. Just dont allow the foreigners
a vote" A true Roman who wishes to keep the citizenship exclusive.
Effect: +1 Management, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield,
Improves the chances of getting elected to senatorial offices

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 340
and I_TurnNumber <= 440

AcquireAncillary iunius_pennus chance: 80%

>> Lucilius {lucilius_desc}

The founder of Roman Satire. An unusual literary artist as he is both rich

and of high rank. A friend and a foe of some of the greatest men of our
time, Lucilius issues scathing opinions on even the more humble members of
Roman society.
Effect: +2 Influence, 10% penalty to your popularity with the Senate,
10% penalty to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 220
and I_TurnNumber <= 336

AcquireAncillary lucilius chance: 80%

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>> Porcius Cato {m_porcius_cato_desc}

Tribune. Publicly austere, humorless, puritanical, incapable of compromise,

a fanatic in defense of liberty and the Republic. A bitter foe of the
Julii. Known to be a legendary drinker with some peculiar habits.
Effect: +1 Management, +1 to unrest (decreases public order), +3 to law
(improves public order)

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists = ludus_magnus
and FactionType romans_scipii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 406
and I_TurnNumber <= 480

AcquireAncillary m_porcius_cato chance: 80%

>> M.Tullius Cicero {m_tullius_cicero_desc}

Philosopher, Orator and Rhetor. Marcus Tullius Cicero's main abilities are
his powers of persuasion and political nous. He thinks himself a protector
of liberty and of Rome. He believes you may help save Rome from the
Effect: +2 Influence, Improves the chances of getting elected to
senatorial offices

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and FactionType romans_brutii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 368
and I_TurnNumber <= 480

AcquireAncillary m_tullius_cicero chance: 80%

>> Gnaeus Naevius {gnaeus_naevius_desc}

This latin dramatist and satirist is well known for his translations of
Greek plays in to Latin. He seems to have some talent of his own, perhaps
he will develop some original plays in his native Latin?
Effect: +1 Influence, 10% bonus to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 44
and I_TurnNumber <= 132

AcquireAncillary gnaeus_naevius chance: 80%

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>> Nicander {nicander_desc}

A most learned Physician and wise Priest of Apollo. He has great knowledge
of the body, poisons and much of the world we inhabit. His poem on
"Antidotes to the Bites of Wild Creatures" is rather dull though.
Effect: Increases the chance of having children, +2 to public health,
Improves the chances of casualties recovering from their wounds

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_healing_awesome_temple
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 200
and I_TurnNumber <= 300

AcquireAncillary nicander chance: 80%

>> Panaetius {panaetius_desc}

Stoic philosopher and Tutor. His thoughts on ethics are interesting. Very
interesting. ZZZZzzzzzzzz. Sorry, where were we?
Effect: +2 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 210
and I_TurnNumber <= 324

AcquireAncillary panaetius chance: 80%

>> Titus Maccius Plautus {titus_maccius_plautus_desc}

Comic playwright, soldier and travelling miller. Titus the 'splay-footed

clown' is a comic genius. Even the miserable old Senate think he's funny.
Mostly. And they've even given him the right to use three names, like a
noble Roman.
Effect: +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 10% bonus to your
popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_fun_awesome_temple
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 90
and I_TurnNumber <= 172

AcquireAncillary titus_maccius_plautus chance: 80%

>> Polybius {polybius_of_megalopolis_desc}
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A biographer and historian of outstanding ability blessed with great

and a disarming ability to ingratiate himself with anyone.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management

>> Posidonius of Rhodes {posidonius_of_rhodes_desc}

Gifted Politician, Stoic, Geographer, Astronomer and Geologist. Always

useful to have around.
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management, 20% bonus on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists = scriptorium
and SettlementBuildingExists = academy
and FactionType romans_scipii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 180
and I_TurnNumber <= 304

AcquireAncillary polybius_of_megalopolis chance: 80%

>> Publius Clodius {publius_clodius_desc}

This cross dressing pretty boy has many political connections. Just keep an
eye on him, and your wife, during the festivals of Bona Dea.
Effect: Improves the chances of getting elected to senatorial offices

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and Trait Arse >= 1
and Trait PublicAtheism >= 1
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 396
and I_TurnNumber <= 436

AcquireAncillary publius_clodius chance: 80%

>> Strato {strato_desc}

Tutor, physicist and philosopher. Knowledge is power and the tool by which
men rule.
Effect: +1 Command, +1 Management, +10% to Movement Points (gives
armies the ability to forced march)

>> Terrence {terrence_desc}
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Comic dramatist. Making the masses laugh is a good way to divert them from
their problems and ease the flow of money from their purse.
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 0
and I_TurnNumber <= 80

AcquireAncillary strato chance: 80%

>> Theocritus of Syracuse {theocritus_of_syracuse_desc}

A most talented poet whose prose can ease the worries of the most troubled
Effect: +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= lyceum
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= -20
and I_TurnNumber <= 40

AcquireAncillary theocritus_of_syracuse chance: 80%

>> Sempronius Gracchus {ti_sempronius_gracchus_desc}

Tribune of the Plebs. This popular young firebrand has the makings of a
demagogue. Many conservatives in the Senate feel this young man needs to be
taught a lesson. Permanently.
Effect: Reduces the chances of being elected to senatorial offices, 20%
bonus to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 260
and I_TurnNumber <= 274

AcquireAncillary ti_sempronius_gracchus chance: 80%

>> Caius Gracchus {caius_gracchus_desc}

Tribune Of the Plebs. This young man wants to change the way the Republic
is run. For ever! Many "Optimates" in the Senate feel he needs to be
persuaded otherwise.
Effect: +2 Influence, Reduces the chances of being elected to
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senatorial offices, 20% penalty to your popularity with the
Senate, 20% bonus to your popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and FactionType romans_julii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 274
and I_TurnNumber <= 296

AcquireAncillary caius_gracchus chance: 80%

>> Tiberius Gracchus {ti_sempronius_gracchus_the_elder_desc}

A patrician with some liberal values. A rare bird indeed. Many watch his
sons with interest.
Effect: +1 Influence, 10% bonus to your popularity with the Senate

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and FactionType romans_scipii
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 170
and I_TurnNumber <= 238

AcquireAncillary ti_sempronius_gracchus_the_elder chance: 80%

>> Timaeus {timaeus_of_tauromenium_desc}

If history is to be written, perhaps it should be done under the watchful

eyes of those making it. Especially when some are likely to distort the
Effect: +1 Influence, +1 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= -120
and I_TurnNumber <= 40

AcquireAncillary timaeus_of_tauromenium chance: 80%

>> Titus Livius {livy_desc}

This scholar is well versed in the history of Rome and warns us of the
dangers of avarice and complacency. He may have a point.
Effect: +2 Management, 50% increase to cost to bribe, 25% bonus to your
popularity with the People

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
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Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and Trait PlainRomanVirtue >= 1
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 452
and I_TurnNumber <= 506

AcquireAncillary livy chance: 80%

>> Virgilius {virgilius_desc}

"Love conquers all things. Let us surrender unto love" Eclogues.

Effect: Increases the chance of having children, +1 to public health

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 440
and I_TurnNumber <= 502

AcquireAncillary virgilius chance: 80%

>> Zeno {zeno_of_cittium_desc}

An honest and upright man can always be trusted to give sound advice. As
long as he gets a steady supply of figs and red wine, in this case.
Effect: +2 Management

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= academy
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= -60
and I_TurnNumber <= 40

AcquireAncillary zeno_of_cittium chance: 80%

>> Lucretius Carus {t_lucretius_carus_desc}

A knowledge of nature and its forms as well as a skill with verse make this
Epicurean a likeable companion to the thinking man
Effect: +1 to farming output, 20% bonus on mining income

WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= scriptorium
and IsGeneral
and I_TurnNumber >= 382
and I_TurnNumber <= 430

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AcquireAncillary t_lucretius_carus chance: 80%

\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
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/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Really, who cares about filler? These quotes pop up randomly (or maybe not
so randomly) whenever the game needs to resort to the load screen. Some of
these quotes are very interesting, and I thought it would be a good idea to
add them in.

I think the slain care little if they sleep or rise again

- Aeschylus

A people's voice is dangerous when charged with wrath

- Aeschylus

Victory loves prudence

- Latin proverb

Against danger it pays to be prepared

- Aesop

Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defence

- Alcaeus

It is the noblest and safest thing for a great army to be visibly animated by
one spirit
- Archidamus of Sparta

Ah! The generals! They are numerous but not good for much!
- Aristophanes

War, as the saying goes, is full of false alarms

- Aristotle

War gives the right of the conquerors to impose any conditions they please
upon the vanquished
- Julius Caesar

Varus, give me back my legions

- Augustus Caesar : After the defeat and annihilation of Varus' column
in Teutoberg Forest

Let them hate us as long as they fear us

- Caligula

The sinews of war are infinite money

- Cicero

Armed forces abroad are of little value unless there is prudent counsel at
- Cicero

Only the brave enjoy noble and glorious deaths

- Dionysius
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New Text Document

To an imperial city nothing is inconsistent which is expedient

- Euphemus of Athens

The true contempt of an invader is shown by deeds of valour in the field

- Hermocrates of Syracuse

When there is mutual fear men think twice before they make aggression upon
one another
- Hermocrates of Syracuse

They have an abundance of gold and silver, and these make war, like other
things, go smoothly
- Hermocrates of Syracuse

Nobody is driven in to war by ignorance, and no one who thinks he will gain
anything from it is deterred by fear
- Hermocrates of Syracuse

In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury their sons
- Herodotus

Far better it is to have a stout heart always and suffer one's share of
evils, than to be ever fearing what may happen
- Herodotus

Men of Athens, there is not much time for exhortation, but to the brave a few
words are as good as many
- Hippocrates

War is the only proper school of the surgeon

- Hippocrates

Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his strength

- Homer

Ye gods, what dastards would our host command? Swept to the war, the lumber
of the land.
- Homer

Noble and manly music invigorates the spirit, strengthens the wavering man,
and incites him to great and worthy deeds
- Homer

He serves me most, who serves his country best

- Homer

To those that flee comes neither power nor glory

- Homer

Adversity reveals the genius of a general; good fortune conceals it

- Horace

A wise man in times of peace prepares for war

- Horace

To a good general luck is important

- Livy

The outcome corresponds less to expectations in war than in any other case
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New Text Document
- Livy

It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves
about, to watch from the shores the struggles of another
- Lucretius

To brave men, the prizes that war offers are liberty and fame
- Lycurgus of Sparta

The man who runs away will fight again

- Menander

A small country cannot contend with a great; the few cannot contend with the
many; the weak cannot contend with the strong
- Mencius

Soldiers do not like being under the command of one who is not of noble birth
- Onosander

To blunder twice is not allowed in war

- Latin proverb

I am more afraid of our own mistakes than of our enemies' designs

- Pericles

He conquers who endures

- Persius

After the war is over, make alliances

- Greek proverb

An alliance with the powerful is never to be trusted

- Phaedrus

In the moment of action remember the value of silence and order

- Phormio of Athens

A large army is always disorderly

- Euripides

The rulers of the States are the only ones who should have the privilege of
- Plato

Every care must be taken that our auxiliaries, being stronger than our
citizens, may not grow too much for them and become savage beasts
- Plato

Conquered, we conquer
- Plautus

Ah, yes, mere infantry - poor beggars...

- Plautus

The valiant profit more their country than the finest, cleverest speakers
- Plautus

Hannibal knew how to gain a victory, but not how to use it

- Maharbal

Extraordinary rains pretty generally fall after great battles

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New Text Document
- Plutarch

A good general not only sees the way to victory, he also knows when victory
is impossible
- Polybius

In war we must always leave room for strokes of fortune, and accidents that
cannot be foreseen
- Polybius

Pardon one offence and you encourage the commission of many

- Publius Syrus

We should provide in peace what we need in war

- Publius Syrus

Necessity knows no law except to conquer

- Publius Syrus

It is a bad plan that cannot be altered

- Publius Syrus

He is best secure from dangers who is on his guard even when he seems safe
- Publius Syrus

If a man does not know to what port he is sailing, no wind is favourable

- Seneca

In war we must be speedy

- Silius Italicus

A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a

- Socrates

Quick decisions are unsafe decisions

- Sophacles

The cruelty of war makes for peace

- Publius Statius

Great empires are not maintained by timidity

- Tacitus

Even the bravest are frightened by sudden terrors

- Tacitus

The proper arts of a general are judgement and prudence

- Tacitus

A bad peace is even worse than war

- Tacitus

The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise
- Tacitus

War is not so much a matter of weapons as of money

- Thucydides

An ambush, if discovered and promptly surrounded, will repay the intended

mischief with interest
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- Vegetius

Few men are born brave; many become so through training and force of
- Vegetius

A general is not easily overcome who can form a true judgement of his own and
the enemy's forces
- Vegetius

What can a soldier do who charges when out of breath?

- Vegetius

Victory loves prudence

- Latin proverb

A dead enemy always smells good

- Alus Vitellus

When one side goes against the enemy with the gods' gift of stronger morale,
then their adversaries, as a rule, cannot withstand them
- Xenophon

Only the dead have seen the end of the war

- Plato

Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)

- Gaius Julius Caesar

Silent enim leges inter arma (Laws are silent in times of war)
- Cicero

We make war that we may live in peace

- Aristotle

Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing sooner than war
- Homer

War spares not the brave but the cowardly

- Anacreon

War is sweet to those who have never experienced it

- Pindar

In war important events result from trivial causes

- Gaius Julius Caesar

Bella detesta matribus (Wars are the dread of mothers)

- Horace

Bella, horida bella (Wars, horrid wars!)

- Virgil

Willing obedience always beats forced obedience

- Xenophon

The fortunes of war are always doubtful

- Seneca

The Spartans do not ask how many but where they are
- Agis II of Sparta
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Come home with this shield or upon it

- A Spartan woman equips her son

Valour is superior to numbers

- Vegetius

Valour is the contempt of death and pain

- Tacitus

To lead untrained people to war is to throw them away

- Confucius

In war, truth is the first casualty

- Aeschylus

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori (It is a sweet and seemly thing to die
- Horace for one's country)
Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum (Let him who desires peace prepare for
- Vegetius war)

An ambuscade, if discovered and promptly surrounded, will repay the intended

mischief with interest
- Vegetius

The blade itself incites to violence

- Homer

Who was the first that forged the deadly blade? Of rugged steel his savage
soul was made
- Tibullus

So ends the bloody business of the day

- Homer

Quae caret ora cruore nostro? (What coast knows not our blood?)
- Horace

Arms keep peace

- Latin proverb

The gods favour the bold

- Ovid

Great empires are not maintained by timidity

- Tacitus

Fortes fortuna adiuvat (Fortune favours the brave)

- Terence

Only the brave enjoy noble and glorious deaths

- Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Few men are born brave; many become so through training and force of
- Vegetius

Fortis cadere, cedere non potest (A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield)
- Latin proverb

In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury their sons
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- Herodotus

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of battle!

- II Samuel, I, 25

The walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of
the chariots
- Ezekiel, XXVI, 10

Alta sedent civilis vulnera dextrae (Deep are the wounds that civil strife
- Lucan inflicts)

A collision at sea can ruin your entire day

- Thucydides

Fas est et ab hoste doceri (It is right to learn, even from the enemy)
- Ovid

Learn to obey before you command

- Solon of Athens

March divided and fight concentrated

- Military maxim

Divide and conquer

- Military maxim

Victi vincimus (Conquered, we conquer)

- Plautus

Flet victus, victor interiit (The conquered mourns, the conqueror is undone)
- Latin proverb

Courage may be taught as a child is taught to speak

- Euripides

Timidi mater non flet (A coward's mother does not weep)

- Latin proverb

Danger gleams like sunshine to a brave man's eyes

- Euripides

Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them

- Seneca

A glorious death is his who for his country falls

- Homer

All warfare is based on deception

- Sun Tzu

The god of war hates those who hesitate

- Euripides

Alea iacta est (The die is cast)

- Gaius Julius Caesar

Vae victus (Woe to the vanquished)

- Livy

Let all be present and expect the palm, the prize of victory
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- Virgil

Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defence

- Alcaeus

The true contempt of an invader is shown by deeds of valour in the field

- Hermocrates of Syracuse

An adversary is more hurt by desertion than by slaughter

- Vegetius

Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the

chief element in courage
- Thucydides

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war

- Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, III, 1

The strong did what they could, and the weak suffered what they must
- Thucydides

The sinews of war are infinite money

- Cicero

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious
- Sun Tzu

The proper arts of a general are judgement and prudence

- Tacitus

It is the brave man's part to live with glory, or with glory die
- Sophocles

We should provide in peace what we need in war

- Publilius Syrus

Generally management of the many is the same as management of the few. It is

a matter of organization
- Sun Tzu

If a man does not strike first, he will be the first struck

- Athenogoras of Syracuse

A wise man in times of peace prepares for war

- Horace

In war, numbers alone confer no advantage. Do not advance relying on sheer

military power
- Sun Tzu

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23. Useful Links

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All of these links are valuable resources that I've come across. Read over
them for an extension of what was written in this guide. All of these links
are credited for helping me in RTW. I read over them before I wrote this
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guide and, as such, some of their information might be mixed and mashed into
mine. If you have anything to add, send me a line. TestaALT at aol dot com.

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24. MODDING and Cheats

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So you want to mod the game so you can play all the factions? Good!

Open up a folder and go to the C drive. This is where you'll want to head:

C Drive -> Program Files -> Activision -> Rome: Total War -> Data -> World
-> Maps -> Campaign -> Imperial Campaign

Once there, click on the text file "descr_strat". At the very beginning, it
will tell you all the playable, unlockable, and nonplayable factions. This is
what you want it to look like:

campaign imperial_campaign
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Just copy and paste all the factions sans Slave under the "playable" section
just like that. Make a copy of this file if you want and then save it. Now
you should be able to play with all he factions, besides the Senate. You
can't play with them. If the game screws up in any way after this, reinstall
and try again. That's what I did. ;)

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25. Credits

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* Prima's guide for the building lists.

* Aildiin for posting how to beat a historical battle.
* Tzar Kaloyanfo for his write-up on the Thracian strategy.
* DerMetzgermeister for spelling corrections and a user strategy.

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26. Legal Disclaimer

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This document is Copyright (c) 2005 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights
Reserved. This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form
and under any circumstances without the complete consent of the author. It
may not be sold, altered, or published in any way without the advanced
permission of the author. All sources, which have contributed to this
document, are cited and/or credited in some form. The only sites I allow this
document to be viewed at are:

GameFAQs <>
IGN <>

If you see this document at any other site please email me as I do not allow
this document to be published at any other sources. Please do not ask me if
you want this document on your website, as the answer will most likely be no.
These terms have become binding once the recipient (or reader) opened this
document. Violation of these terms are strictly prohibited and will result in
a lawsuit. Please do not take these terms as threats and/or not read them as
they are all very much true. I can sue you for an act of plagiarism and will
not hesitate to do so. Thank you for reading this legal disclaimer and have a
nice day! =)

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27. Contact Info

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Contact me via email ( or AIM (TestaALT) if you have any

questions, comments, or suggestions about this guide. Just make sure that you
put the game name in the subject line. If you don't, I'll probably delete
you're email thinking it's spam. Also, make sure that the question isn't
answered in the latest version of the document, which can be found at
GameFAQs. Try to ask me legibly, as I can't decipher chickenscratch. For AIM,
just beep me whenever you like. Thanks for reading, and check some of my
other work at:

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