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The Parish Church of Coffee Morning:

St. George with St Anne and St Mark.

Wednesday S"' 10 - 11.30

Incumbent: Rev'd Dr.FI·.Andrew Manson Brailsford. Tea and Coffee Rota:

Tel: Office 01273 279448; Home 01273 625538 There is now a new rota available behind the tea bar,
if you would like to help serve refreshments after
our Sunday services please add your name to the list.
Happy w Yea r
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Good morning and welcome to St George's on this the first Garden for All:
Sunday of 2011. We offer you our prayers and best wishes The snow has affected us but the main garden area is largely
for a happy and peaceful New Year. If you are a visitor or a completed, including turfing and major planting. We shall
newcomer to our church, you are especially welcome. unfortunately have to leave the wire fencing around it
All are invited to join us for tea/coffee after the service. because we want no one to walk on it until the turf has
settled in - possibly 6 weeks or so depending on the
weather. The remainder of the work including the north side
Sunday 2 January and the south side is planned to be completed by the end of
10.30am Sung Eucharist February, with a public launch and celebration in early
IHymns: To be announced.1
Royal Sussex County Hospital:
Celebrant: Fr. Brian Fr. Peter will be pleased to see anybody who is
Preacher: Ken willing to be involved with the hospital in any way at
First Reading: Lynne Grainey all after morning service on Sunday 16 January.
Second Reading: Gordon Chatterton
Intercessions: Peter Re Development and Faith Provision:
Over the next few years the Hospital will be undertaking a
Wednesday S'h January: Eucharist 12 noon major redevelopment of its buildings which front Eastern
Celebrant: Fr. Brian Road. This will include a public space for the chaplaincy
which is still being developed.
Friday 7th : Eucharist 1Dam We are all invited to come to a presentation in St George's
Celebrant: Fr. Brian Church about the development and to put forward our pOints
of view on Saturday 19'h February from 10 am to 12 noon.
~------------------------ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------,

Please Note: I
Evensong will not be celebrated here until Sunday (j" I
February at 6pm and then on the first Sunday of each ,
month thereafter. !
Eucharist with Anointing is held on the third Sunday of i
the month during the Anthem after Holy Communion. t
Our Bible Study and Prayer Meetings will recommence i
in the Crypt on Monday 1d January at 7.30pm. !
L _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .J

Inspire Magazine:
The January edition of this free magazine is now
avai lable in the magazi ne rack at the back of the
church. Do take a copy home with you to read.
Don't forget that our most recent Sermons can be viewed on:

2 January 2011

He shall come down like rain upon the Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have

a God, mown fjeld, access to God in boldness and confidence

w ho by the leadi ng of a star like showers that water the earth. through fa ith in him.
manifested your only Son to the peoples In his time shall the righteous flourish;
of the earth: there shall be abundance of peace GOSPEL Matthew 2,1-12
mercifully grant that we, till the moon shall be no more. R Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
who know you now by faith, accordillg to Mattl/ew.
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was
may at last behold your glory face to
shall pay tribute, born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men
and the kings of Arabia and Saba from the East came to Jerusalem, asking,
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
offer g ifts. 'Where is the child who has been born
w ho is alive and reigns with you,
All kings shall bow down before him, king of the Jews? For we observed his star
in the unity of the Holy Spiri t,
and all the nations do hjm service. R at its rising, and have come to pay him
one God, now and for ever.
For he shall deliver the poor who cries homage.' When King Herod heard this, he
out in distress, was frightened, and all Jerusalem with
him; and calling together all the chief
Isaiah 60.1-6 and the oppressed who has no helper.
priests and scribes of the people, he
A reodillg frolll Ihe book of IIIe prophel He shall have pity on the lowly
inquired of them where the Messiah was
Isninll. and poor;
to be born. They told him, 'In Bethlehem of
Arise, shine; for you r light has come, and he shall preserve the lives of the needy. Judea; for so it has been written by the
the glory of the LORD has risen upon H e shal1 redeem their lives from prophet: "And you, Bethlehem, in the land
you. For darkness shall cover the earth, oppression and violence, of Judah, are by no means least among the
and thi ck darkness the peoples; but the and dear shall their blood be in his rulers of Judah; for from Y OLi shall come a
LORD will arise upon you, and his glory Sight. R ruler who is to shepherd my people
will appear over you. Na tions shall come Israel.'" Then Herod secretly called for the
to your light, and kings to the brighbless SECOND READING wise men and learned from them the exact
of yOlll' dawn. Lift up your eyes and look Ephesians 3.1-12 time when the star had appeared. Then he
aro und; they all ga ther togeth er, they A reodillg frollI Ilie leller of POII I 10 tlie sent them to Bethlehem, saying, 'Go and
come to yo u; your sons shall come from Epllcsin lls. seardl d iligently fo r the chil d; and when
far away, and your da ughters shall be This is the reason that t Pau l, am a you have foun d hi m, bring me word so
carried on their nurses' arms. Then you prisoner for Chris t Jesus for the sake of that I may also go and pay hi m homage:
shall sec and be radiant; yo ur heart shall YO ll Gentiles - for surely yo u have already When they had hea rd the king, they set
thrill and rejoice, because the abundance heard of the commission of God's grace out; and there, ahead of them, went the
o f th e sea shall be b rought to yo u, the that was given me fo r you, and how the star that they had seen at its rising, until it
wealth of the nations shall come to you . mys tery was made known to me by stopped over the place where the child
A multitude of camels shall cover you, revelation, as Twrote above in a few was. When they saw that the star had
the young camels of Midian and Ephah; words, a reading of which will enable you stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.
all those from Sheba shall come. They to perceive my understanding of the On entering the house, they saw the child
shall bring gold and frankincense, and mystery of Christ. In former generations with Mary his mother; and they knelt
shall proclaim the praise of the LORD. this mystery was not made known to down and paid him homage. Then,
humankind, as it has now been revea led to opening their treasure-chests, they offered
his holy apostles and prophets by the him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
PSALM Psalm 72,[1-7]10-14
Spi rit: th at is, the Gentiles have become And having been wa rned in a dream not
R Killgs bow dOWIl before him;
fellow-heirs, members of the same body, to return to Herod, they left for their own
nil the lIatiolls do him service. and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus co un try by another road.
through the gospel. Of this gospel I have
G ive the king YOUI' justice, a God, become a servant according to the gift of POST COMMUNION
and your righteousness to the klng's son; God's grace that was given me by the Lord God,
that he may rule your people righteously working of his power. Although I am the the bright splendour whom the
and the poor with justice; very least of all the saints, this grace was nations seek:
that the mountains may bring prosperity given to me to bring to the Gentiles the may we who with the wise men
to the people, news of the boundless riches of Christ, and have been drawn by your light
and the little hills bring righteo usness. R to make everyone see what is the plan of discern the glOly of yom presence in
He shall defend the needy among the mystery hidden for ages in God who your Son,
created all things; so that through the
the people; the Word made flesh, Jesus d1fist our
church the wisdom of God in its rich
he shall rescue the poor and crush the Lord.
variety might now be made known to the
ru lers and authorities in the heavenly
He shall live as long as the sun and
places. This was in accordance with the
moon endure, eternal purpose that he has carried out in
from one generation to another. R

SundllY. Tht Rn1isd CommOI! LerlIOI!II'Y is COf y ri ght C the Consulta tio n o n Commo n Tl'xts, 1992. Tht ChriSlillll Y(II'r: CIIl(lldllr, i.«tiollary lI ud CoIltds. 1997. whi ch indudes
Tht Com mOl! Wor$lllp Ler1ioTUl'Y (thl' Ch urch 0 En~land 's adapta tions o f the &ui~ Com mOl! i.«Iiolll''Y, published 115 the Pn ndpal Service Lectionary) nnd the compila hon o f
redemp(orist Collects lind Post Communion Prayers. is copyright C The Archbishops' CounCil. and ma te rilll from it is reprod uced wi th pl' rmission. Bible readings from NRSV published
b)' Mowbray lind used by permissio n. Al1 right, reserved. Copyright C Redemptoris t Publicati ons Alphonsus House Chaw ton Hampshire GUM 3 HQ. A Regis tered Charit)'
publl~p!lo n s
hm ited by gUBrantee. Registered in England 3261721. www uk Eml\!l rpltrpbooks,co. uk

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