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collection is a group of related data elements, organized into a single object, with operations provided

to manipulate the data. Java technology has always offered support for collections, for example via the
Vector and Hashtable classes, but in JDK 1.2, a new framework for collections has been defined and
implemented. The old classes can still be used, but the new preferred approach has significant

The advantages include:

 Reduced programming effort.

 Support for software reuse, in that data structures conforming
to the collection interfaces are reusable in a wide variety of
contexts and applications.
 Easier to design with APIs.
 Easier to pass collections between unrelated APIs.
 Increased program speed.
 Increased program quality (fewer bugs, easier maintenance).

Before getting into a lot of the details of how collections work, it's
worth looking at a simple example:

import java.util.*;

public class intro1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
list.add(i + " * " + i + " = " + i * i);

Iterator iter = list.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

ArrayList is a collections class, something like Vector, that is used

to store lists of objects, with random access. An iterator is used to
traverse the list and retrieve the individual values, and operates
similarly to the Enumeration interface already found in Java. The
example accumulates a list of squares, like:

5 * 5 = 25
and displays it.

Other languages also have support for collections, such as the

Standard Template Library found in C++.

Collection Frameworks

A collections framework is an architecture for defining and

manipulating collections. However, this is a vague statement. To
make it concrete, consider first the way in which ArrayList is

interface Collection {...}

interface List extends Collection {...}

abstract class AbstractCollection implements

Collection {...}

abstract class AbstractList extends

implements List {...}

class ArrayList extends AbstractList {...}

Collection is a top-level interface that defines properties that all

collections must have, for example, a size method that returns the
number of elements currently in the collection.

List is another interface that extends Collection, and adds

additional properties that define ordered lists, for example, the ability
to retrieve an element based on an index, such as the 17th element.

AbstractCollection is an abstract class that starts to implement

some of the functionality of collections. For example, the isEmpty
member can be defined as:

public boolean isEmpty()

return size() == 0;

and there's no need to re-implement this method in subclasses (though

a subclass can if it wants to). The same idea applies to
AbstractList; it implements much of the functionality of List.

ArrayList is last in the hierarchy, and is a class that can be

instantiated and used in a real program. ArrayList is where the
decision is made about underlying representation; in this case it's a
Java array of Object elements. Many of the List methods are
implemented at higher levels of the hierarchy, but a few must be
implemented in this class, for example, the method that retrieves
(get) an element based on a supplied index.

In this example, the interfaces provide contracts, that is, descriptions

of what functionality is supported. They support manipulation of
collections independently of the implementation details. For example,
if a program has a List reference, the List can be implemented as an
ArrayList, LinkedList, or RunArrayList (see below), but the
operations on the list are performed using an identical set of
operations in each case.

The abstract classes provide implementations of the interfaces, that is,

implementations that can be reused or built on.

A third aspect of frameworks is algorithms, methods for performing

useful computations on objects of some collection type. An example
is sort:

import java.util.*;

public class sort1 implements Comparator {

public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
String s1 = (String)o1;
String s2 = (String)o2;

return s1.toLowerCase(

public static void main(String args[])

List list = new ArrayList();


// standard sort
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

// sort, ignoring case

Collections.sort(list, new sort1());

iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

In the above example an ArrayList object is sorted, using both the

natural sorting order, and using a specified Comparator.

The hierarchy of interfaces and classes shown above follows a

particular naming convention. For example, AbstractList is an
abstract class that partially implements List, and HashMap is a Map
implemented as a hash table. A more complete list of these names is:

 ArrayList: List implemented via an array

 LinkedList: List implemented as a linked structure
 HashSet: Set implemented via a hash table
 TreeSet: SortedSet implemented as a tree
 HashMap: Map implemented via a hash table
 TreeMap: SortedMap implemented as a tree

Of these, ArrayList, HashMap, and HashSet are considered the

preferred primary implementations.

Types of Interfaces

So what kinds of interfaces are available in collections? The various

types are as follows:

 Collection: a group of elements

 Set: a group of elements with no duplicates
 SortedSet: like Set, except the elements are kept in
sorted order
 List: ordered collection or sequence
 Map: an object that maps keys to values, with no
duplicate keys
 SortedMap: like Map, except the keys are kept in
sorted order

These are known as core collection interfaces.

The Collection interface itself does not enforce any policy, such as
no duplicates or ordering. Such policies are enforced by
subinterfaces. Also, it's possible to define your own subinterface if
you have need to establish a different set of policies. Note that Map is
at the root of a distinct interface hierarchy; a map is not really a
collection of elements, but a mapping of keys to values.

The kinds of methods that are supported depend on the particular

interface. Some of the methods common to all collections are:

 add: add a new element

 remove: remove an element
 size: number of elements currently represented
 isEmpty: whether the collection is currently empty
 iterator: obtain an Iterator object
 contains: check whether a collection contains an
 toArray: return an Object[ ] with all the collection's

while operations on lists include additional functionality:

 get:get an element based on an index

 indexOf: find the index of a specified element

and maps have functionality to get a list of all the keys contained in
the map object.

The earlier example showed an ArrayList. Here is an example that

uses a HashMap:

import java.util.*;

public class map1 {

public static void main(String args[])
Map hm = new HashMap();
hm.put("Mary", "123-4567");
hm.put("Larry", "234-5678");
hm.put("Mary", "456-7890");
hm.put("Felicia", "345-6789");

Iterator iter = hm.entrySet().iterator();

while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
System.out.println(e.getKey() + " "
+ e.getValue());

Note that each entry in the map contains two values; one for the key
and the other for the value. A map cannot contain any duplicates, and
no ordering is imposed. When this program is run, output is like:

Larry 234-5678
Felicia 345-6789
Mary 456-7890

with the first value for "Mary" overwritten, and with the iterator
retrieval order different from the order in which the elements were
added to the map.

An example of using HashSet:

import java.util.*;

public class set1 {

public static void main(String args[])
Set hs = new HashSet();

Iterator iter = hs.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())
with output of:



An example of using sort was presented above. Note that in the

example the actual sorting is done via a static method
Collections.sort, that operates on Lists. The alternative to static
methods would be to have a sort method declared in the top-level
List interface, but this approach requires that all implementers of
List define this method, and so the alternative of static methods was
chosen, as a means of keeping the interface small.

Similar to sorting, Collections.binarySearch is used to search an

ordered list. For example, this program generates random numbers
and adds them to a list if not already there:

import java.util.*;

public class search1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List lst = new ArrayList();
Random rn = new Random();

for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {

int n = (int)(rn.nextFloat() * 10 + 1);
Integer ival = new Integer(n);
int pos =
Collections.binarySearch(lst, ival);
if (pos < 0)
lst.add(-pos-1, ival);
Iterator iter = lst.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

Collections.binarySearch returns a position indicating where a

not-found element would be inserted. This position is used to add the
element after an unsuccessful search.

Shuffling is another algorithm, that might be considered the opposite

of sorting. It takes a list and scrambles it using an internally-supplied
random number generator, for example:

import java.util.*;

public class shuffle1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();



Iterator iter = list.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

If you want to exercise finer control over the shuffling process, you
can also specify a Random object.

Another algorithm is list reversal:

import java.util.*;

public class reverse1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
i + " * " + i + " =
" + i * i);


Iterator iter = list.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

Most of the algorithms operate on lists, because of the assumption of

ordering. For example, a set has no order imposed on its elements,
and so reversing a set doesn't make any sense. But one algorithm
applicable to all types of collections is min/max:

import java.util.*;

public class max1 {

public static void main(String args[])
Set hs = new HashSet();

Iterator iter = hs.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

System.out.println("max = "
+ Collections.max(hs));

The maximum value printed in this example is 3.

Collections.fill is used to overwrite elements in a list with the

specified element, serving to re-initialize a list. Collections.copy
copies one list to another, overwriting elements. The copy operation
is different from making a brand-new copy of a list, which can be
done via constructor:

import java.util.*;

public class copy1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
list.add(i + " * " + i
+ " = " + i * i);

List copy = new ArrayList(list);

Iterator iter = copy.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

In C++ this would be called a "copy constructor". The list copy is

shallow, and references the same underlying elements as the original

Comparing Objects

Suppose you have the following code:

import java.util.*;

class test {
private int x;
public test(int i) {x = i;}

public class compare1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new test(5));
list.add(new test(10));

and you run it. What happens? This example gives an exception,
caused by failure to specify any means of comparing instances of the
test class. Such comparisons are done when sorting, and there's no
automatic way to order objects.
One way of ordering is illustrated in the sort example above, using
the Comparator interface. Another approach is to use the
Comparable interface, for example:

import java.util.*;

class test implements Comparable {

private int x;
public test(int i) {x = i;}
public int compareTo(Object o)
int val = ((test)o).x;
if (x < val)
return -1;
else if (x > val)
return 1;
return 0;

public class compare2 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new test(5));
list.add(new test(10));

The Comparator interface specifies a compare method that takes two

Object arguments, and returns a value -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the
ordering of the objects. A class that implements Comparator may
have a dummy object created, solely for the purpose of passing the
object to a method for purposes of controlling comparisons. The form
of the comparison call is thus:, obj2)

In contrast, Comparable is more "built in" to a class, such that the

form of a call is:


Comparator is more flexible than Comparable but Comparable is a

better choice when the objects to be compared have a "natural"
ordering. Classes like String, and wrapper classes such as Integer,
all implement the Comparable interface, and there's no need to use
Comparator for comparing objects of these types, unless you wish to
override the natural ordering.

The Comparable interface also implies a more restrictive sort of

ordering, for example the requirement that the property of transitivity
be met:

x > y && y > z => x > z


Several of the examples above demonstrate the use of iterators, to

retrieve elements in turn. One issue that comes up with iterators is
this: what happens if you modify a collection while simultaneously
iterating over it? An example is:

import java.util.*;

public class iterator1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();

ListIterator iter1 = list.listIterator();

boolean first = true;
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
if (first) {
first = false;

If the obvious approach of adding a new element is followed, as

illustrated by the commented-out line, then an exception is thrown
(ConcurrentModificationException). And the exception is
immediately triggered, a property known as fail-fast iterators. Fail-
fast is much cleaner than having a failure at some indeterminate
future point.

But there is a way to avoid this failure, and that is to effect the
modification via the iterator itself, as the example illustrates. That is,
add is called on the iterator instead of on the list that the iterator is
traversing. This allows the modification to be done in an orderly way.

The Iterator interface itself does not support adding additional

elements, but simply allows for the last element returned by the
iterator to be removed from the collection. But a subinterface of
Iterator, ListIterator, supports add, set, and remove, and also
allows for the list to be traversed backwards. For example:

import java.util.*;

public class iterator2 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();

ListIterator iter =
while (iter.hasPrevious())

Output is:



Serialization of collection objects is supported in the usual way. For

example, the following two programs write a HashMap object to a file
test.ser and then restore it:
import java.util.*;

public class serial1 {

public static void main(String args[])
Map hm = new HashMap();
hm.put("Mary", "123-4567");
hm.put("Larry", "234-5678");
hm.put("Mary", "456-7890");
hm.put("Felicia", "345-6789");

try {
FileOutputStream fos =
new FileOutputStream("test.ser");
ObjectOutputStream oos =
new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
catch (Throwable e) {

import java.util.*;

public class serial2 {

public static void main(String args[])
Map hm = null;

try {
FileInputStream fis =
new FileInputStream("test.ser");
ObjectInputStream ois =
new ObjectInputStream(fis);
hm = (Map)ois.readObject();
catch (Throwable e) {

if (hm != null) {
Iterator iter = hm.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
System.out.println(e.getKey() + " "
+ e.getValue());


ConcurrentModificationException was mentioned above in

connection with iterators. Another type of exception is
UnsupportedOperationException. A subclass of, for example,
AbstractList, is not required to re-implement all methods. For
example, if the implementation is of an unmodifiable list, then the
add, remove, and set methods are not needed. The implementations
of these in AbstractList throw the exception
UnsupportedOperationException, and a class like ArrayList, that
supports modification, overrides these methods.

Properties of Collections

The discussion on exceptions leads to another topic, that of collection

properties. One important property is fixed-size:

import java.util.*;

public class wrapper2 {

public static void main(String args[])
String list1[] = {"abc",
"def", "ghi"};

List list2 = Arrays.asList(list1);


list2.set(1, "xyz");

for (int i = 0; i < list1.length; i++)


Arrays.asList takes a conventional array and turns it into a list, so

that the array elements can be manipulated via list operations. Such a
list is fixed-size, and cannot be extended via add (which causes an
UnsupportedOperationException). But elements in the list can be
modified, just like a regular array. Arrays.asList is called a
convenience implementation.

Another property is unmodifiable:

import java.util.*;

public class wrapper1 {

public static void main(String args[])
List list = new ArrayList();

list = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

// triggers exception

In this example, the list has a wrapper put on it, and from then on is
not modifiable at all. A wrapper takes a collection and returns another
collection, one with particular properties imposed on it.
Collections.unmodifiableList is a wrapper implementation.


Another example of using wrappers concerns synchronization.

Collections classes are not by default thread-safe (in contrast to the
existing Vector implementation). If you want to make them so, you
can use the following idiom:

import java.util.*;

public class sync1 extends Thread {

public static void main(String args[])
List lst = new ArrayList();

lst = Collections.synchronizedList(lst);

synchronized (lst) {
Iterator iter = lst.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

Collections.synchronizedList turns a list into a synchronized

one, for purposes of adding and removing elements. An explicit
synchronized call must be used for list iteration, because iteration is
a multistep process (repeatedly calling hasNext and then next).

Retrofitting Old Classes and Compatibility

You may be convinced by now that collections are a good thing, but
what if you're trying to maintain a lot of old code that uses
Hashtable and Vector and Enumeration and so on, or that even
uses simple arrays to represent groupings of elements?

One answer to this question is to note that some of the old classes, for
example Vector, have been retrofitted to work with the collections
framework. Vector is now a subclass of AbstractList, and
implements List. It's still better to use ArrayList if you can, but
Vector will continue to work.

Another answer is to say that the collections system has a number of

features in it to convert old to new and vice versa. The following
example illustrates some of the conversion paths:

import java.util.*;

public class retro1 {

public static void f1(Vector vec)
for (int i =
0; i < vec.size(); i++)
public static void f2(List list)
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

public static void main(String args[])

List list1 = new ArrayList();

// ArrayList -> Vector

f1(new Vector(list1));

// ArrayList -> String[]

String slist[] =
(String[])list1.toArray(new String[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < slist.length; i++)

// ArrayList -> Enumeration

Enumeration e =
while (e.hasMoreElements())

// String[] -> List

String list2[] =
new String[]{"abc",
"def", "ghi"};

You might also have an old legacy API, one that implements
collections in some totally different way. One solution to this issue is
to use an adapter class that implements one of the core collection
interfaces, and translates method calls found in that interface into
your old API methods. In other words, intercept and translate calls.
Programming Tips and API Design

There are several rules of thumb to consider when using collections.

One rule is to program in terms of interface types rather than

implementation types. For example:

List lst = new ArrayList();

is preferable to:

ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();

because it lessens dependence on particular implementations. For

instance, ArrayList might later change to LinkedList, or a program
might come to depend on added methods found only in ArrayList
and not in the List interface.

Another rule, especially applicable when passing collection types as

parameters to some called method, is to use the least specific type, for
example, Collection instead of List, or List instead of ArrayList.
This promotes generality and again works against depending on
added methods.

For method return types, it's acceptable and even desirable to use
specific implementation types. For example, ArrayList has very
different performance characteristics than LinkedList, and because
of this, the user of a method needs to know just what type of data
structure is being returned. The return type can always be converted
to a more general type, for example:

ArrayList f() {...}

void g()
List lst = f();


The sorting and searching algorithms have execution performance

proportional to N * log(N) and log2(N) respectively. Sorting is
done by mergesort, which is stable, that is, does not reorder equal
elements, and its performance is guaranteed not to be worse than N *
log(N) (which quicksort cannot guarantee).

ArrayList is implemented in terms of an underlying array of objects,

and so is space efficient with constant time positional access (random
access). By contrast, LinkedList used a linked structure, and so
requires more space, and is slow at random access. But it comes out
ahead in cases where you are doing heavy editing (adding and
removing elements) in the middle of the list.

HashSet is much faster than TreeSet (constant vs. log(N)), but does
not offer any guarantees on ordering, and similarly for HashMap and

One performance tip is to use iterators whenever you can to access

the elements of a list, rather than depending on positional access. This
is a big gain, for example, if the underlying list is a LinkedList.


Wrappers, adapter classes, and convenience implementations,

described above, illustrate several ways of customizing collections.
But what if these are not adequate? What if for reasons of
performance or desire for enhanced functionality you need to go

There are at least three alternatives available:

 Implement a core collection interface.

 Subclass a primary implementation such as ArrayList.
 Extend an abstract class such as AbstractList.

The first of these is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the
second can be illustrated by a simple example, one that enforces a
policy such that only String objects can be added to an ArrayList:

import java.util.*;

class StringArrayList extends ArrayList {

public StringArrayList()
// other constructors ...

public boolean add(Object o)

if (o instanceof String)
return super.add(o);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

// other add() and set() methods ...


public class extend1 {

public static void main(String args[])
StringArrayList list = new StringArrayList();
//list.add(new Object());

Iterator iter = list.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext())

This scheme works simply by intercepting calls and checking

whether the element to be manipulated is an instance of String. The
superclass (ArrayList) does all the work.

Another alternative, a much more ambitious illustration, is extending

AbstractList to implement run-length encoding. Such encoding
refers to efficiently representing adjacent identical elements. For
example, a photograph, represented in a data structure, might have
long runs of identical color elements that represent a stretch of blue

RunArrayList is an implementation of List, based on extending

AbstractList. It stores elements in slots, with each slot representing
a range of contiguous element indices, with all indices in the slot
referring to the same element.

When runs of identical elements with average length of 25 are

inserted into a RunArrayList, the time and space requirements are
only 5-10% of those required by ArrayList. When elements are
inserted randomly, the worst case, RunArrayList requires about
twice the time and space as ArrayList.

Here is the implementation of RunArrayList:

import java.util.*;

Implements List via a run-length encoding data
structure. The structure is divided into slots,
each slot representing one or more contiguous
elements that are equivalent, using equals() for

The highest index for each slot is stored in the

"sublist" array, and the element values
themselves in "objlist".

public class RunArrayList extends AbstractList

implements Cloneable, {

// highest index for each slot

private int sublist[];

// element value for each slot

private Object objlist[];

// highest current valid slot number

private int currmax;

// find the lowest valid index for a slot

private int slotlo(int index)
return (index == 0 ? 0 :
sublist[index - 1] + 1);

// find the highest valid index for a slot

private int slothi(int index)
return sublist[index];

// check whether two objects are equivalent

// (handles null)
private static boolean
equals(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return (obj1 == null ? (obj2 == null) :

// make room for a new slot, and push up others

private void makeslot(int slot, int n)
if (currmax + n >= sublist.length)

if (slot < currmax) {

System.arraycopy(sublist, slot + 1,
sublist, slot + 1 + n, currmax - slot);
System.arraycopy(objlist, slot + 1,
objlist, slot + 1 + n, currmax - slot);

currmax += n;

// grow the subscript and object lists

private void growlist()
int len = sublist.length * 2;

int newsub[] = new int[len];

System.arraycopy(sublist, 0, newsub, 0,
sublist = newsub;

Object newobj[] = new Object[len];

System.arraycopy(objlist, 0, newobj, 0,
objlist = newobj;

// find the slot corresponding to an index

private int findslot(int index)
int lo = 0;
int hi = currmax;

// binary search

while (lo <= hi) {

int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (index < slotlo(mid))
hi = mid - 1;
else if (index > slothi(mid))
lo = mid + 1;
return mid;

// should never get here

throw new Error();


// default constructor
public RunArrayList()
sublist = new int[10];
objlist = new Object[10];
currmax = -1;

// constructor from a Collection

public RunArrayList(Collection c)
Iterator iter = c.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())

// number of elements currently in the list

public int size()
return currmax == -1 ? 0 :
sublist[currmax] + 1;

// get an element value based on an index

public Object get(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= size())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

return objlist[findslot(index)];

// set an element to a new value

public Object set(int index, Object element)
// remove then add

Object obj = remove(index);

add(index, element);
return obj;
// add a new element, pushing up other elements
public void add(int index, Object element)
int sz = size();
if (index < 0 || index > sz)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// adding to the end of the list?

if (index == sz) {
if (sz > 0 &&
equals(objlist[currmax], element)) {

// same as current last element

else {

// not same, append to end

if (currmax + 1 == sublist.length)
sublist[currmax] = sz;
objlist[currmax] = element;
else {
int slot = findslot(index);
int startincr = slot;
if (!equals(objlist[slot], element)) {
if (index == slotlo(slot)) {

// push current slot up

makeslot(slot, 1);
sublist[slot + 1] =
sublist[slot] = index;
objlist[slot + 1] =
objlist[slot] = element;
else {

// split current slot

makeslot(slot, 2);
sublist[slot + 2] =
sublist[slot + 1] = index;
sublist[slot] = index - 1;
objlist[slot + 2] =
objlist[slot + 1] = element;
startincr += 2;

// bump up max indices

for (int i = startincr; i <= currmax; i++)


// remove an element
public Object remove(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= size())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

int slot = findslot(index);

Object obj = objlist[slot];

// if this index is the only one in the slot,

// delete the slot and shift down

if (slotlo(slot) == slothi(slot)) {
if (slot < currmax) {
System.arraycopy(sublist, slot + 1,
sublist, slot, currmax - slot);
System.arraycopy(objlist, slot + 1,
objlist, slot, currmax - slot);
objlist[currmax--] = null;

// decrement indices

for (int i = slot; i <= currmax; i++)


return obj;

And here is a test driver program that exercises RunArrayList:

import java.util.*;

public class testrl1 {

static Random rn = new Random();

// return a random integer,

lo <= integer <= hi
static int rand(int lo, int hi)
return lo + (int)((hi - lo + 1) *

// do random operations on a RunArrayList

// and on an
// ArrayList, and periodically compare the
// results
static void test()
List rl = new RunArrayList();
List al = new ArrayList();

final int LISTRNG = 5;

final int LISTSZ = 50;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10000000; i++) {
if (i % 10000 == 0) {
if (!al.equals(rl)) {
int sz = al.size();

// create an object to add,

and occasionally
// make it null

int r = rand(1, LISTRNG);

Object obj = new Integer(r);
if (rand(1, 25) == 1)
obj = null;

// bias toward adding if list is small,

// else toward removing

boolean add =
(sz <= LISTSZ &&
rand(1, 3) >= 2
|| sz > LISTSZ &&
rand(1, 3) < 2);
// do a random get()

if (sz > 0) {
int pos = rand(0, sz - 1);
Object o1 = al.get(pos);
Object o2 = rl.get(pos);
boolean b = (o1 == null ?
(o2 == null) : o1.equals(o2));
if (!b) {

// add

if (add) {
int choice = rand(1, 3);
if (choice == 1) {
else if (choice == 2) {
int pos = rand(0, sz);
rl.add(pos, obj);
al.add(pos, obj);
else if (sz > 0) {
int pos = rand(0, sz - 1);
rl.set(pos, obj);
al.set(pos, obj);

// remove

else if (sz > 0) {

int pos = rand(0, sz - 1);

public static void main(String args[])

This is a production-quality implementation, except perhaps for
making a change to override the default iterator. The default uses
get, which has time log2(N), and an overriding version could
implement iterators in constant time.

More Information

For more information about collections, see the following references:

 The Java Collections Framework

A paper giving the design rationale for collections.
 The Java Platform 1.2 Interface Collection
A complete API description for collections.

Glen McCluskey has 15 years of experience, and has focused on

programming languages since 1988. He consults in the areas of Java
and C++ performance, testing, and technical documentation.

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