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Daftar algoritme

Berikut adalah daftar algoritme.

Lihat juga daftar struktur data, daftar topik umum algoritme, dan daftar istilah yang berhubungan dengan
algoritme dan struktur data.

Daftar isi
Algoritme kombinatorial
Algoritme kombinatorial umum
Algoritme graf
Algoritme pencarian
Algoritme string
Pencocokan string
Algoritme penyusunan
Kompresi data
Kompresi data tanpa kehilangan
Kompresi data berkehilangan
Computational geometry
Grafik komputer
Algoritme Kriptografi
Algoritme Distributed systems
Algoritme Numerik
Optimization algorithms
Digital signal processing
Number theoretic algorithms
Numerical algebra
Teknik perangkat lunak
Algoritme kuantum
Algoritme medis

Algoritme kombinatorial

Algoritme kombinatorial umum

Algoritme pencari-siklus Floyd: iterasi untuk mencari siklus dalam barisan/sekuens
(uniformly distributed) Pseudorandom number generators:
Blum Blum Shub
Mersenne twister
Robinson-Schensted algorithm: korespondensi dan pasangan yang bijetif dari Young tableaux
yang standar

Algoritme graf
Artikel utama: Teori graf
Algoritme Bellman-Ford: menghitung jarak terpendek pada graf berbobot, di mana sisi bisa
memiliki bobot negatif
Algoritme Dijkstra: menghitung jarak terpendek pada graf berbobot, tanpa sisi berbobot negatif.
Algoritme Floyd-Warshall: menghitung solusi jarak terpendek untuk semua pasang titik pada
sebuah graf berarah dan berbobot
Algoritme Kruskal: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
Algoritme Prim: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
Algoritme Boruvka: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
Algoritme Ford-Fulkerson: menghitung aliran maksimal di dalam graf
Algoritme Edmonds-Karp: implementasi dari Ford-Fulkerson
Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch say, for a telephone exchange
Spring based algorithm: algoritme untuk penggambaran draf
Topological sort
Algoritme Hungaria: algorithm for finding a perfect matching

Algoritme pencarian
Pencarian linear: mencari sebuah item pada sebuah list tak berurut
Algoritme seleksi: mencari item ke-k pada sebuah list
Pencarian biner: menemukan sebuah item pada sebuah list terurut
Pohon Pencarian Biner
Pencarian Breadth-first: menelusuri sebuah graf tingkatan demi tingkatan
Pencarian Depth-first: menelusuri sebuah graf cabang demi cabang
Pencarian Best-first: menelusuri sebuah graf dengan urutan sesuai kepentingan dengan
menggunakan antrian prioritas
Pencarian pohon A*: kasus khusus dari pencarian best-first
Pencarian Prediktif: pencarian mirip biner dengan faktor pada magnitudo dari syarat pencarian
terhadap nilai atas dan bawah dalam pencarian. Kadang-kadang disebut pencarian kamus
atau pencarian interpolasi.
Tabel Hash: mencari sebuah item dalam sebuah kumpulan tak berurut dalam waktu O(1).

Algoritme string

Algoritme brute force
Algoritme Aho-Corasick
Algoritme Boyer-Moore
Algoritme Knuth-Morris-Pratt
Algoritme Karp-Rabin

Pencocokan string

Algoritme Bitap
Algoritme Fonetik

Metrik kemiripan string

Jarak Damerau–Levenshtein
Jarak Hamming
Jarak Jaro-Winkler
Jarak Levenshtein

Algoritme penyusunan
Binary tree sort
Bubble sort: untik setiap pasangan, tukar item tersebut
Bucket sort
Comb sort
Cocktail sort
Counting sort
Gnome sort
Heapsort: mengubah list menjadi heap, lalu pindah yang terbesar kepada daftar.
Insertion sort: menentukan dimana item tertentu termasuk dalam list yang ter-urut, dan
menyisipkan padanya
Merge sort: pisah daftar menjadi pasangan dua-dua, urutkan lalu digabung dengan satu
pasangan lainnya, kembali diurutkan, dan diulang hingga menjadi daftar utuh
Pancake sorting
Pigeonhole sort
Quicksort: pisah daftar menjadi dua daftar, yang satu lebih rendah yang satu lebih besar, dan
urut terpisah.
Radix sort: sorts strings letter by letter
Selection sort: pick the smallest of the remaining elements, add it to the end of the sorted list
Shell sort: an attempt to improve insertion sort
Stupid sort
Topological sort
Kompresi data

Kompresi data tanpa kehilangan

Burrows-Wheeler transform: preprocessing useful for improving lossless compression
DEFLATE: lossless data compression
Delta encoding: aid to compression of data in which sequential data occurs frequently
Incremental encoding: delta encoding applied to sequences of strings
LZW: singkatan dari (Lempel-Ziv-Welch)
LZ77 (algorithm): LZ77 and LZ78 are the names for the two lossless data compression
LZMA: singkatan dari Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm
LZO: pemadatan data yang cepat
PPM compression algorithm
Shannon-Fano coding
Truncated binary encoding
Run-length encoding: pemadatan data yang menggunakan deretan huruf yang berulang.
SEQUITUR algorithm: lossless compression by incremental grammar inference on a string
EZW (Embedded Zerotree Wavelet)
Entropy encoding: coding scheme that assigns codes to symbols so as to match code lengths
with the probabilities of the symbols
Huffman coding: simple lossless compression taking advantage of relative character
Adaptive Huffman coding: adaptive coding technique based on Huffman coding
Arithmetic coding: advanced entropy coding
Range encoding: data compression method that is believed to approach the compression
ratio of arithmetic coding
Entropy coding with known entropy characteristics
Unary coding: code that represents a number n with n ones followed by a zero
Elias delta|gamma|omega coding: universal code encoding the positive integers
Fibonacci coding: universal code which encodes positive integers into binary code words
Golomb coding: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric
Rice coding: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric

Kompresi data berkehilangan

Linear predictive coding: lossy compression by representing the spectral envelope of a digital
signal of speech in compressed form
A-law algorithm: standard companding algorithm
Mu-law algorithm: standard analog signal compression or companding algorithm
Fractal compression: method used to compress images using fractals
Transform coding: type of data compression for "natural" data like audio signals or
photographic images
Vector quantization: technique often used in lossy data compression
Wavelet compression: form of data compression well suited for image compression (sometimes
also video compression and audio compression)

Computational geometry
Gift wrapping algorithm: determining the convex hull of a set of points
Graham scan determining the convex hull of a set of points in the plane
Point in polygon: tests whether a given point lies within a given polygon

Grafik komputer
Bresenham's line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line
between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
DDA line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2
specified points (uses floating-point math)
Flood fill: fills a connected region of a multi-dimensional array with a specified symbol
Painter's algorithm: detects visible parts of a 3-dimensional scenery
Ray tracing: realistic image rendering

Algoritme Kriptografi
Lihat juga Topik dalam kriptografi

Enkripsi simetris dengan kata kunci:

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), pemenang kompetisi NIST pada tahun 2000
Data Encryption Standard (DES), pemenang kompetisi NBS (sekarang NIST), telah
digantikan dengan AES.
RC4 (cipher)
Enkripsi asimetris dengan kunci publik atau tanda tangan digital:
Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Cryptographic Message digest functions:

MD5 – Sekarang ini sudah terdapat algoritme yang mampu memalsukan jumlah MD5.[1]
HMAC: keyed-hash message authentication
Perhitungan nomor acak tentu yang aman untuk persandian (Cryptographically secure pseudo-
random number generator)
Blum Blum Shub - berdasarkan faktorisasi prima.
Yarrow algorithm
Fortuna, allegedly an improvement on Yarrow
Diffie-Hellman: key exchange

Algoritme Distributed systems

Lamport ordering: a partial ordering of events based on the happened-before relation
Snapshot algorithm: a snapshot is the process of recording the global state of a system
Vector ordering: a total ordering of events

Algoritme Numerik
See also main article numerical analysis and list of numerical analysis topics

Algoritme De Boor: computes splines.

Algoritme de Casteljau: melakukan perhitungan kurva Bézier
False position method: approximates roots of a function
Gauss-Jordan elimination: solves systems of linear equations
Algoritme Gauss-Legendre: computes the digits of pi
Gauss-Newton algorithm: find minimum of function of several variables
Penambahan Kahan: menambahkan bilangan-bilangan titik mengambang dengan ketelitian
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: find minimum of function of several variables
MISER algorithm: Monte Carlo simulation, numerical integration
Newton's method: finds zeros of functions with calculus
Bracketing Methods:
Pembulatan: membulatkan bilangan pecah
Secant method: approximates roots of a function
Shifting nth-root algorithm: digit by digit root extraction
Akar persegi: menghitungkan akar persegi dengan ketelitian terbatas
Strassen algorithm

Optimization algorithms
Simplex algorithm: An algorithm for solving the linear programming problem
Branch and bound
Simulated annealing
Genetic algorithms
Particle swarm
Tabu search
Local search

Digital signal processing

CORDIC: Fast trigonometric function computation technique.
Fast Fourier transform: determines the frequencies contained in a (segment of a) signal
Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm
Rainflow-counting algorithm: Reduces a complex stress history to a count of elementary stress-
reversals for use in fatigue analysis
Osem: algorithm for processing of medical images
Goertzel algorithm Can be used for DTMF digit decoding.
[[Discrete Fourier transform[2]** Rader's FFT algorithm
Bluestein's FFT algorithm

Number theoretic algorithms

Discrete logarithm:
Baby-step giant-step
Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms
Pohlig-Hellman algorithm
Index calculus algorithm
Euclidean algorithm: computes the greatest common divisor
Faktorisasi prima: pemecahan bilangan bulat menjadi faktor prima.
Trial division
Faktorisasi kurva eliptik Lenstra
Pollard's rho algorithm
Pollard's p-1 algorithm
Congruence of squares
Quadratic sieve
Special number field sieve
General number field sieve
Jones's period proxy algorithm
Algoritme perkalian: cara perkalian dua bilangan yang cepat.
Ujian bilangan prima: menentukan apakah suatu bilangan adalah bilangan prima.
AKS primality test
Miller-Rabin primality test
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Sieve of Atkin

Numerical algebra
Buchberger's algorithm: finds a Gröbner basis
Eigenvalue algorithm
Exponentiating by squaring: quickly computes powers of numbers and matrices
Gram-Schmidt process: orthogonalizes a set of vectors
Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm: for rewriting rule systems
Multivariate division algorithm: for polynomials in several indeterminates
Recursive descent parser: A top-down parser suitable for LL(k) grammars
LL parser: A relatively simple linear time parsing algorithm for a limited class of context-free
LR parser: A more complex linear time parsing algorithm for a larger class of context-free
grammars. Variants:
Operator-precedence parser
SLR (Simple LR) parser
LALR (Look-ahead LR) parser
Canonical LR parser
Packrat parser: A linear time parsing algorithm supporting some context-free grammars and
parsing expression grammars
CYK algorithm: An O(n3) algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar
Earley's algorithm: Another O(n3) algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar

Teknik perangkat lunak

Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics: recovery
Unicode Collation Algorithm
CHS conversion: Converting between disk addressing systems
Cyclic redundancy check: calculation of a check word
Parity: Simple/fast error detection technique. Is a number even or odd?
Diff: compare two sequences. An example of Dynamic programming (dynamic refers to the
property that the optimal solution can be constructed by combining optimal solutions to sub-
problems e.g. quicksort).

Algoritme kuantum
Application of quantum computation to various categories of problems and algorithms

Grover's algorithm: provides quadratic speedup for many search problems

Shor's algorithm: provides exponential speedup for factorizing a number
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm: criterion of balance for Boolean function

Algoritme medis
Medical algorithm
Texas Medication Algorithm Project

Astronomical algorithms
Banker's algorithm
Algoritme Baum-Welch
Doomsday algorithm: day of the week
Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm
Marzullo's algorithm: distributed clock synchronization
Page replacement algorithms
Risch algorithm
Schreier-Sims algorithm
Todd-Coxeter algorithm
Viterbi algorithm
Penukaran XOR: menukar nilainya dua variabel tanpa menggunakan variabel sementara
Algoritme merge
Algoritme penggantian halaman

1. ^ Presentasi pemalsuan jumlah MD5 (
2. ^ frequency domain ICA

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