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1. Regular
2. Irregular
3. Action
4. Stative
5. Transitive
6. Intransitive
7. Linking verb
8. Auxiliary
9. Finite
10. Non-finite


1. Regular: verb normal yang saat berubah menjadi verb-2 dan verb-3 sama-sama
diakhiri dengan -ed

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

(basic form) (past tense) (past participle)
Arrive Arrived arrived
Believed Believed believed
Copy Copied copied
Dance Danced danced
Explain Explained explained

2. Irregular: verb mengalami perubahan saat menjadi verb 2 dan verb 3


Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

(basic form) (past tense) (past participle)
Become Became become
Choose Chose chosen
Do Did done
Draw Drew drown
Eat Ate eaten

3. Action: kata kerja yang benar-benar dilakukan secara fisik oleh subjek

English Indonesian
Run Berlari
Cook Memasak
Cry Menangis
Give Memberi
Jump Melompat

4. Stative: kata kerja yang tidak dilakukan secara fisik. Melainkan oleh anggota tubuh
lain seperti perasaan dan pikiran

English Indonesian
Think Berpikir
Love Mencintai
Hate Membenci
Feel Merasakan
Prefer Memilih

5. Transitive: kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek


Transitive verb Sentence

Bring I bring a book to
Teach She teaches
English in the
Grab They grab the
food in the

6. Intransitive: kata kerja yang tidak diikuti oleh objek tidak akan masalah
Intransitive Sentence
Dance She is dancing
Run I am running
Thinik They think twice

7. Linking verb: kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan 2 kata, frasa, kalimat
yang berbeda.

8. Auxiliary: kata kerja bantu untuk memperlus makna. Kata kerja ini tidak harus ada
dalam suatu kalimat dan letaknya sebelum ordinary verb.
Example: I do love you.

9. Finite: kata kerja yang belum mengalami perubahan dari bentuk dasarnya, jika
terdapat perubahan, biasanya perubahan tersebut hanya berupa tambahan ‘-s’ di
belakang she, he, it.
 I talk to my father
 She buys flowers
 It makes me sad

10. Non-finite: kata kerja yang mengalami perubahan dari bentuk normalnya. Ada 3 tipe;
bare infinitive, gerund, dan participle.

 Bare infinitive: verb yang berbentuk base form, tidak terikat bentuk tenses, dan
keberadaan ‘to’. Biasa digunakan setelah modals, atau jika dalam suatu kalimat
ada verb selain infinitive itu sendiri:

 Gerund: verb-ing yang berfungsi sebagai noun. Muncul sebelum to be (am is are)
a. I like running. Aku suka berlari
b. Swimming is my favorite hobby
 Participle: kata kerja yang dibentuk dari perubahan tenses. Ada 3 form tenses:
a. Present participle: yang menggunakan verb-ing. Example: I am dancing in the
b. Past tense: menggunakan verb 2. Example: she went to the hospital
c. Past participle: menggunakan verb 3. Example: They have gone to the hospital


A Friend in need is a Friend Indeed

Once upon a time there lived (regular verb) a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It
was sleeping (intransitive) under a tree.

After a while, there came (irregular, stative, past tense) a mouse (transitive) and it started
(regular, stative, pat tense) to play (transitive) on the lion.
Suddenly the lion got (irregular, past tense, stative) up with anger and looked (transitive,
regular, action, past tense) for those who disturbed (past tense, regular, stative) its nice sleep.
Then it saw (irregular, past tense, stative/action, transitive) a small mouse standing (gerund)
trembling (gerund) with fear.
The lion jumped (transitive, regular, past tense, action) on it and started (intransitive, regular,
past tense, stative) to kill (action, transitive) it.
The mouse requested (stative, transitive, regular, past tense) the lion to forgive (stative) it.
The lion felt (stative, irregular, past tense, intransitive) pity and left (transitive, past tense,
irregular, stative) it.
The mouse ran (irregular, past tense, action) away.

On another day, the lion was (past tense, auxiliary) caught (past tense, irregular, stative,
intransitive) in a net by a hunter. Di hari lain, singa kedepatan terjebak di sebuah perangkap
oleh pemburu
The mouse came (irregular, intransitive, past tense, action) there and cut (past tense, regular,
action transitive) the net. Tikus pergi ke sana dan memotong talinya.
Thus, it escaped. Akhirnya, terlepas.
Thereafter, the mouse and the lion became (past tense, irregular, linking verb) friends.
Setelah itu, tikur dan singa menjadi teman
They lived (regular, past tense, intransitive, stative) happily in the forest afterwards.
Kemudian, mereka hidup bahagia di dalam hutan.

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