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46 N. Washington Blvd, Sarasota, Florida 34236




 Mortgage Justice (MJ) is a First and Fourteenth Amendment Trust, established for
the purpose of sharing its collective knowledge among its members to equip them
to fight unlawful foreclosures and stop the fraudulent theft of their real property.
 MJ works with lawyers, fraud investigators and loan auditors. It obtains its
information from numerous sources throughout the US. At least one National
Civil Rights Organization suspects that Lee County is one of the most corrupted
Courts in the State of Florida when processing foreclosure cases.
 Please read on to discover how the Judges, Attorneys, Bailiffs, other officers of
the court, many Process Servers and certain of the Court’s key administrative staff
continue to violate the laws entrusted to them. Collectively, they have turned the
people’s Court against us, like a living cancer eating away at our civil liberties.
 These systematic destroyers of our constitutional right to ‘Due Process’ constantly
chant the fraudulent banks false allegations that homeowners are trying to get a
free house and “you borrowed the money didn’t you?”
 They also offer the government backed solutions of working with your ‘lender’ in
mediation, loan modification or short sale, none of which are in the interest of the
victims of this massive Ponzi scheme, are unlikely to be of any lasting benefit to
them and are assisting the fraudulent banks to cleanse their crimes and steal our
real estate.
 Back at the time of the great depression these ruthless people earned the title of
Bankster. To implement the current massive criminal Ponzi scheme, they
conspired with the Federal government to remove effective regulation and set up
bogus entities, (like Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems [MERS].
 They paid huge ‘bribes’ to the Wall Street Rating Agencies to issue AAA ratings
for pretending to have examined non-existent ‘pools of mortgage loans’ as a first
step towards systematically robbing investors, pension funds and municipalities
throughout the world. With no regulation they defrauded the IRS and State Tax
funds and their ‘insiders’ paid out trillions of bailout money to the criminals.
 These Banksters never lent any money, used borrowers signatures to borrow ten
times the Dollar amount on the Promissory Note from the Federal Reserve against
the ‘borrowers’ credit, deliberately planned the rise and fall of the real estate
market and have already been, or will be paid many times over through multiple
‘sales’ of Notes and Mortgages converted to “electronic files”, multiple sales of
default insurances [codenamed ‘credit default swaps’ to get around the State
Insurance Laws] and by massive government handouts to name just a few.
Despite all this fraudulent criminal theft from the people, this Court is working
with the Banksters to deny the people their right to Due Process of Law, which is
their only defense and ALL these foreclosures are frauds upon this Court!
 Understand that this Court is not the Judge’s Court. It is the “people’s
Court”, paid for by the people’s taxes. The Judges are public servants and
their role is to facilitate, administer and adjudicate those foreclosure cases
strictly within the laws of this State and Nation. Their actions are in total
contrast to their oaths of office and allegiance to the Constitution. Do not believe
a word they say and do not bow down to their tyranny. Be polite but demand
your constitutional right to a fair trial impartially adjudicated strictly on the merits
of the case. You cannot be arrested and charged with contempt for insisting on
your right to Due Process. Defendants in civil litigation are not accused
 Judges justify their abuse of the people who own this Court by saying that they
are acting on the instructions of the legislature to speed up the recovery of the
economy [deliberately destroyed by the Banksters]. If that were true it is an abuse
of the constitutional separation of powers, designed to protect the people against
corruption in government.
 The National Census Bureau has just revealed that 18% of the State’s and 30% of
Lee County Homes are vacant, but still the purge continues to add to that burden.
 This Court knows that most of the foreclosure complaints filed in Lee County fail
to show ‘Standing.’ Without ‘Standing’ there is no lawsuit – it is frivolous and
must be stricken. The plaintiff’s attorneys fail to comply with the Federal Fair
Debt Collection Practices Act, the Complaints are ‘unverified’ or are incorrectly
verified. The verification law is precise, it must be complied with and attorneys
cannot sign if they are plaintiff’s counsel, but this Court turns a blind eye.
 The Banksters often claim to have lost the Note. This is a lie. How could they
lose hundreds of thousands of valuable Notes? They ask the Court to issue a new
Note, but the Notes do not qualify as Negotiable Instruments under the statute
they quote if they are Variable Rate Notes, carry late penalties or are pick-a-pay
Notes that allow for picking the interest payment and increasing the principle by
the difference between the payment and the interest rate. More blind eyes!
 Thousands of Foreclosures claim the Bankster Plaintiff is a Trustee of a pass-
though certificate Trust. The Complaint states that Plaintiff is the ‘OWNER and
HOLDER of the Note and Mortgage. Trustees cannot own anything and the Trust
does not exist, it is a Delaware LLC. It’s all part of the easily provable fraud and
it’s all in the Court documents or in public records, including the SEC.
 Assignments of Mortgage are fraudulent, often forgeries and involve persons who
impersonate Bank Vice Presidents. The impersonators and forgers include
employees of the Assignee Bankster, attorneys who work for the Bankster’s
counsel, their employees, what are called ‘foreclosure specialist firms’ but are in
reality professional forgery companies, including Document X, LPS and
Securities Connections Inc. These are NOT Bank paperwork errors, but FRAUD.
 Attorney Hollan Fintel, one of many such criminals, signed hundreds of
thousands of such Assignments, mostly as Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank,
but who was then employed by Florida Default Law Group, now employed by
Shapiro and Fishman, both under investigation by the Florida AG for fraud.
Under Deposition in August, 2010, Ms. Fintel confessed that she was never
appointed as VP of Wells Fargo and had no idea what she was signing. Many of
her forged Assignments have been accepted, without question, by this Court.
 Cheryl Samons an executive with the law offices of David J. Stern also signed
countless false Assignments pretending to be an Officer of various Banksters,
including Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems who have fraudulently
produced millions of such documents throughout the US. Ms. Samons also
executed vast numbers of Affidavits of Amounts Due and Owing claiming to be a
person of knowledge, working for the pretend lender or ‘loan servicer.’ Jeffrey
Stephen, limited signing officer at GMAC confessed to signing 18,000 fraudulent
affidavits and Assignments of Mortgage every month in Deposition, also without
any idea of what he was signing. Thousands of Lee County foreclosures have
been Ordered by our ‘friendly, public spirited Judges and powerless Magistrates,’
entirely predicated on these documents which they must know to be false.
 These are small examples of hundreds of thousands of these fraudulent and
inadmissible documents accepted as genuine. The Judges have conspired to deny
defendants their day in court to present their admissible evidence to prove the
case as fraud and the chance to save their home, simply by forcing them into the
Court’s unlawful and Due Process stripping, Mass Foreclosure Docket.
 Unlawful Docket Sounding Hearings are Ordered by Judge John S. Carlin, who
was the original Rocket Docket Judge – Mister 500 in the morning and 500 in the
afternoon. The cases are referred to retired judges Thompson and Starnes,
appointed to assist elected Judges, and to local attorneys, called Magistrates. This
is in violation of Civil Procedure Rule 1.490(c), which states, “No reference shall
be made to a Magistrate, without the consent of the parties.” Defendants are told
on page three of the Order setting Docket Sounding that the Magistrate will hear
their case unless they object no later than the day of the Docket Sounding.
Imagine? Many of these Docket Soundings are turned into Summary Judgment
Hearings by the Plaintiff at the Court’s invitation and people are losing their
property and their Homesteads at the hands of two local Attorneys, who have
never been elected, never been Judges, who know that they unlawfully accepted
their role and had no jurisdiction to adjudicate the cases in the first place. These
four people behave more like agents of the plaintiff than impartial adjudicators.
 Judge Carlin justifies these Docket Soundings by stating that he has decided (on
his own initiative, but it appears that his signature is a stamp and countersigned by
one of two ‘intake specialists’) that the cases are ‘at issue and ready for trial.’
This is a legal definition in the Rules of Civil Procedure and none of the cases he
Orders for Docket Sounding meet that definition. Further, there is no statute or
procedural rule that permits the setting of Docket Soundings. The whole process
is an illegal one in which the Judges and Magistrates are complicit with the
Banksters and their legal counsels to aid them in securing adverse Judgments
against Homeowners in violation of defendants Due Process rights.
 Until recently the Judges and Magistrates hearing cases refused pro se (people
acting for themselves, without a lawyer) access to the inner sanctum of the Court,
reserved for the privileged attorneys. Pro se litigants had to stand at a microphone
in the public area of the court, had to balance their papers on the bar rail, could
not hear what the Judge and the Plaintiff’s counsel were saying because they
spoke in low tones and the plaintiff’s counsel had his or her back turned towards
the Defendant. Requests to approach the bench were denied and pro se litigants
have been escorted by Bailiffs from the Court for the ‘crime’ of objecting to this
further denial of their due process and equal access rights.
 Lest any reader of this document thinks this may be yet another conspiracy
theorist’s publication, nothing could be further from the truth. The information
contained within this leaflet has been obtained over a three year in-depth
investigation into this Ponzi scheme and a constant battle against the Banksters, in
this Court. It is available to anyone who is prepared to learn how to fight to stop
the theft of his or her home. We recommend that you start with the Internet. If
you are not computer literate then enlist the help of a family member. You owe it
to yourself to get to the truth so that you can become a force for change and not a
victim of crime. You must self-educate to survive in this corrupt environment.
 First, access Professor William Black, an expert Bankster buster from the Savings
and Loans era. He is a Professor of law and economics, Attorney, Accountant,
Economist, Criminologist and author of the book, “The Best Way to Rob a Bank
is to Own One.” He is a former Federal Regulator – one that Keating, of the
famous Keating Five said in writing “get Black – Kill him Dead!” Just key
naked truth exposed and more Bill Black is on YouTube, including his
Congressional Testimony during the examination of Goldman Sachs and the
Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.
 While on YouTube go to NEIL GARFIELD ON EVIDENCE, this will educate
you on how your case needs to be presented if you are to have any chance of
success. Neil Garfield is a veteran Florida lawyer, now retired, in Arizona, who
runs a Weblog that will blow your mind on
 Next go to followed by and
click on the link Weidner Law Blog. Also visit
 Please also visit where you will find details of Attorney
Frederick Graves’ legal educational course. He is no regular Attorney, no longer
practices law, but teaches attorneys and lay-persons alike. If you are serious
about fighting the fraudsters, you can only benefit from this man’s material.
 Rumor has it that this public meeting that was advertised as a way to get to know
our Courts, will have a Bank representative on its panel. If true, you may wonder
why this non-Court or legal person has been invited. Such people have nothing to
offer the people of Lee County who may be facing illegal foreclosure at the hands
of Banksters. If such persons are present it will be further evidence of this
Court’s collusion with the Banksters against the people’s interest. Any false
promises of negotiating, mediating, re-setting the ‘loan’, or short sales should be
treated with suspicion and extreme caution. If made, they will be false!
 Never, at any time admit to any obligation to speak to any of these false prophets.
While promising you mercy they will steal your home while you are relaxed and
will have persuaded you to sign compromising papers in an effort to further
disguise their fraudulent actions. Why would anyone mediate, negotiate, give
back the keys, or sell their underwater home in a short sale to satisfy a pretender
who never lent you any money, never owned the mortgage and note and has no
more right to continue to extract money from you than a passing stranger.
 Mortgage Justice is on your side. Whether or not you use the services of an
 For more information please email us at

None of the contents of this educational leaflet are intended to be construed as legal advice. The writers are not
Attorneys and are not able to practice law in this State. Readers should do their own research, or consult an
Attorney before acting upon anything contained herein.

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