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How do your clothing preferences differ from those of your

friends? What personality traits might explain why your
preferences are different from those of other people?

Personality means how a person reflects towards a pre-disposed object. Personality includes not
only the appearance of the person but it includes the way he communicates, the way he stands,
the way he had gone through the vocabulary and pronunciation in order to draw the attention of


Here the predisposed object is one and the same but the way people may respond is like a symbol
of multiplication, wrong, danger, intersection of two lines, cross roads etc. So, here the response
given by each individual shows his personality. The significance of above diagram is Personality
is unique for any individual.


• Taste and Preferences

• Price

• Quality

I used to buy any clothing material based on my taste and preferences. My taste and preferences
mainly depend on two factors which are price and quality. Most of the Indian consumers are
price conscious so whatever the product the marketer introduced into the market, he has to keep
in the mind the affordability factor. If you consider me as an example I usually preferred to buy
any branded cloth whenever there is a discount or an offer. Apart from price I always see the
quality of the cloth such as durability of the cloth.

Ian Robinson has made a classification of personality traits based on the clothing color he mostly
Blue: Self centered square minded and flexible persons and in whose presence others feel safe
and comfortable
Yellow: Happy persons, with positive attitude and are the ones who starts new ideas and
Green: Loving persons, who cares about others feelings, positive and charismatic persons, likes
projects and constant personal development.
Red: Emotional and also passionate, like’s ideas and loves new feelings and are very secure

Black: Sober persons, likes to be in their world and takes things with a very analytical mind.
Brown: Nature caring people, their feelings are guided toward protection and making others feel
Pink: Sign of a good self-stem and often are people who likes to share and making others feel
Gray: Usually persons of fixed ideas and centered feelings towards him/her and for others
If someone wears variety of colors is an open mind person.


My self-image is unique. Being the eldest son of a state government’s deputy collector, my
outgrowth, my brought up and experience are different from that of my most friends who are
studying in the University. It is true that my clothing preferences differ from those of my friends.
As I am a medium built, with moderate height studying final year M.B.A, I prefer to be dressed
in tuck mostly preferring blue and white colors where as my friends studying in the university
wear half hand shirts and T-shirts. Here the point for discussion is that any major event can
change your personality such as employment, marriage, birth of a child etc. as I believe that my
dress code has been changed when I joined in Gitam University, which is a major event in my
educational carrier and it completely changed my personality and also gave me scope to develop
personality through interactions with my college mates and professors. So I would like to
conclude my answer by saying that any major event can change any Individuals personality.

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