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Language and Education Journal Undiksha

Volume … , Number … , Tahun….. , pp.

P-ISSN: : 2613-9588 E-ISSN: 2613-9529
Open Access:

Types of Feedback Used by The Teacher to Teach EFL Students in

The Online Platform at SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula
Ningsih, D.
Oral Corrective Feedback

Article history:
Received ………………………
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan umpan
Received in revised form
……………………………………. balik korektif yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris
Accepted ……………………… dalam proses belajar mengajar online di SMA Negeri 1
Available online …………… Tejakula. Penelitian ini dikategorikan ke dalam penelitian
kualitatif deskriptif, dan data dikumpulkan melalui
Kata Kunci:
Pengajaran Online, Umpan
observasi dalam proses belajar mengajar online.
Balik Korektif, Umpan Balik Selanjutnya, data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan
menggunakan Anita Ferreira et al (2009) untuk
Keywords: mengklasifikasikan umpan balik korektif yang digunakan
Corrective Feedback,
Feedback, Online Teaching
oleh guru bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan analisis data
didapatkan bahwa dari total 51 contoh korektif umpan
balik yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, strategi
umpan balik korektif yang paling sering digunakan guru
dalam pembelajaran online adalah strategi memberikan
jawaban dengan total tingkat kejadian 45,1%, dan
Strategi umpan balik korektif kedua yang digunakan guru
adalah permintaan klarifikasi sebanyak 21,6% contoh
yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, kemudian yang
ketiga adalah koreksi eksplisit sebanyak 13,7% data yang
ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, keempat bernama
pengulangan sebesar 11,8% , dan sisanya 2,6% yaitu recast, meta-linguistics cues, dan


The study aimed at describing the corrective feedback that used by the
English teacher in online teaching and learning process at SMA Negeri 1
Tejakula. The present study categorized into descriptive qualitative study,
and the data were collected through the observation in online teaching
and learning process. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed by
using Anita Ferreira et al (2009) in order to classify the corrective
feedback that used by the English teacher. Based on the data analysis it
was found that from the total 51 corrective feedback example that is found
in this study, the most frequently used corrective feedback strategy in
online teaching by the teacher was give answer strategy by total 45.1%,
and the second corrective feedback strategy that is used by the teacher
was clarification request by total 21.6% examples that found in this study,
and then the third one was the explicit correction by 13.7% data that
found in this study, the forth named repetition by 11.8%, and rest of them
was 2.6% namely recast, meta-linguistics cues, and elicitation.

1. Introduction
LEJU, Vol. x No. x, Bulan Tahun

In EFL teaching and learning process the students are commonly made some errors in their
written or oral statement. In this situation teacher take the most important role in giving the feedback to
the students about the error that is made by the students in order to make the students understand about
the error that has been made before. The feedback can be provided by the teacher in oral or written
feedback, and the feedback well known as the corrective feedback. It can be said that teachers’ feedback
has an important role in the behaviorist and cognitive theories in the EFL learning.
Moreover, feedback as the means in encouraging the students’ motivation and ensuring the
linguistics accuracy, in the structural and communicative approaches to language teaching. The feedback
that are given by the teacher can be positive or even negative feedback, positive feedback provide by the
teacher when the students activity was correct, and the feedback was given in order to give the positive
motivation to the students to keep improving their learning. It is generally accepted that feedback is an
important classroom activity. It works as a motivation tool by letting learners know how they are doing in
Based on Sheen (2011) stated that feedback should be given regardless of the students’ response
is correct or incorrect. On the other hand, the corrective feedback is given by the teacher when the teacher
found some errors in the students’ activity that should be corrected. Moreover, he stated that the
difference between the feedback and corrective feedback are in the presence of error, furthermore
feedback is the general term and corrective feedback is the feedback that are given that focused on the
correction. Hopefully, the teacher corrective feedback gives learners knowledge to make repairing and do
not make same errors later. And surely, it can add their self-confidence and skills on English speaking.
Lyster and Ranta (1997:46-49) divide the teacher corrective feedback into six categories: explicit
correction, recasts, clarification requests, elicitation, and repetition. After the teacher gives corrective
feedback to the learners, the learners also give responses to the teacher corrective feedback. Lyster and
Ranta (1997) named the responses that occur from the learners after the teacher corrective feedback is
learners’ uptake. The age and the learners’ grade always influent to their ability to response the teacher
corrective feedback. Senior high school learners are reputed as the students that have enough skill in
responses of the teacher corrective feedback.
Lyster and Ranta (1997) explain the types of learners’ uptake of teacher corrective feedback,
there are repetition, incorporation, self-repair, and peer-repair. The teacher corrective feedback follows
by learner uptake are one of proof of interaction between the teacher and the students. Teacher gives
corrective feedback than learners give responses to the corrective feedback.
In this pandemic situation, everything was limited by the government, as well as teaching and
learning process or school activities. Based on the pre-observation that have been conducted in SMA
Negeri 1 Tejakula, it was found that in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula used “Zoom” platform in conducting their
teaching and learning process in this pandemic situation. In addition, this senior high school also used
Google Classroom as their platform in submitting the students’ homework. The teaching and learning
process was conducted in online platform, but not whole day learning, the teacher held the meeting only
for 1 hours maximum in a day, and then it was followed by the exercise that did by the students in their
home and submitted by using Google Classroom.
Based on this phenomenon, the present study focused on analyzing the types of feedback that is
used by the English teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula in this online teaching and learning process. This
study designed to know is there any differences in term of the feedback that used by the teacher in their
online teaching and learning process.

2. Method

The study was designed in the form of descriptive qualitative research, in which the method of
data collection and data analysis was done qualitatively. According to Sandelowski (2000), qualitative
descriptive designs typically are an eclectic but reasonable combination of sampling, and data collection,
analysis, and re-presentation techniques. Descriptive research is about describing the reality of the event.
In the other word, the data that will be collected will be described in this study.
This study was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula, this senior high school located in Tejakula,
Buleleng Regency Bali. The present study will be take time for 12 meeting of the English lesson. The time
allocation of the present study will be depended on the teachers’ schedule, because the teaching and
learning schedule will be combining between the online meeting and the online exercise.
The subject of this research are the English teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula, every English
teacher will be observed four times in their teaching and learning process, in this era the teaching and

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LEJU, Vol. x No. x, Bulan Tahun

learning process will be conducted in online by using the online platform. Whether most of the students
are active even there is some of them are not focus or interesting because some of the reason. That is why
the research was conduct to observe types of oral feedback used by the teacher and which one is the most
frequently used during learning process. The object of this research was the oral feedback given by the
teacher in the learning process.
The present study will use two steps of the data collection which are observation method and
interview method. The observation will be conducted in online, because the teaching and learning process
is still in the form of online learning. The researcher will be joined into the “zoom” meeting and then the
meeting will be recorder in order to make the observation process become easier.
Interview is used when the researcher needs to know more information and get the missing
information from the observation process. In this case the researcher is conduct primary interview in
order to know the basic information by phone and online chat. And also the researcher was doing the
interview use structured interview by prepared interview guide to remain the researcher about the points
that will be asked the teacher. The instrument that is used in this study were observation sheet and
interview guide.
In analyzing the data the researcher used Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014) which are
consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion.
Data Collection
In this study the data were collected by interview and observation. There are two data collected
namely the types of feedback used by the teacher and which are frequently used by the teacher. The data
will collected by join online class made by the teacher using "zoom” application, record all of the learning
process in online meeting by "zoom", fill the observation sheet to classify types of feedback, conduct the
interview with the teacher using interview guide and then write the interview in the form of transcribed
Data Reduction
In data reduction is refers to the process of selected, focused, and simplified based on the focus of
the study, it means to choose the basic data and focus on the things or data that are important. In process
the data will be classified which are relevant and not relevant. The researcher collects the data of this
research through analyzing, observing, and interviewing. The researcher observed the learning processed
by join online meeting that is conducted by teacher using "zoom application". And then the researcher
conduct the interview with the teacher in order to get more specific information which is not find in
observation section. After that, the researcher analyzing to reduce the data and choose the important data
that is relevant which is related to the problems that will be solved.
Data Display
In this step the data are going to be displayed. In this research the data are in the form of table
and essay. The analysis is about feedback used by the teacher to teach EFL students at SMA Negeri 1
Tejakula. The data is also in the form of identification of feedback used in the classroom which is based in
the focus of research, the researcher observed about types of feedback and the most frequently used of the
Moreover, the data displayed and analyzed by using the theory of corrective feedback from Anita
Ferreira et al (2009). The following table shows the classification of corrective feedback in order to
display the data.
Conclusion Drawing and Verification
In this phase, after displaying the data, the researcher drew a conclusion based on the result of
data analysis. The conclusion is making to answer the appropriate research question. This process is
continuation because the researcher has to double check the data.

In order to check the validity and reliability of the data, the researcher used triangulation method.
According to Denzim (2010) triangulation is a method to improve the researcher comprehension of
various reasoning about the consistencies between two sets of data. It can be concluded that triangulation
used to know the consistency of the data that the researcher collects in certain period. According to
Denzin (2010), there are three types of data triangulation, namely, time triangulation; theory
triangulation; and person triangulation.

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LEJU, Vol. x No. x, Bulan Tahun

3. Finding and Discussion

In this section, it describes about the data that has been found on the process of collecting data
that has been conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula. The observation have been conducted since October
2020, the process of collecting data done by observe and record the teaching and learning process of
English language in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula, the recorded video has been transcribed and classified based
on the theory of the corrective feedback from Anita Ferreira et al (2009). Moreover, the observation has
been conducted for one and half month until November. There were three English teachers that have been
observed, and every teacher observed in their online teaching and learning process. Based on the theory
corrective feedbacks were divided into two categories namely giving answer and prompting answer
strategy. The following table was the classification of the data distribution of this study.

Table 1 The Data Distribution of Types of Corrective Feedback

Corrective Feedback Sub-Categories f Percentage
Repetition (A1) 6 11.8%
Recast (A2) 1 2.6%
Giving-Answer Strategy
Explicit Correction (A3) 7 13.7%
Give Answer (A4) 23 45.1%
Prompting-Answer Meta-linguistics cues (B1) 1 2.6%
Clarification request (B2) 11 21.6%
Strategy Elicitation (B3) 1 2.6%
Total: 51 100%

Based on the previous table, it showed that there were total 51 corrective feedback that found in
this study, those data was gathered from 12 online teaching videos by the English teacher in SMA Negeri 1
Tejakula. From those classifications it can be seen there were four categories for Giving-answer Strategy
and three categories for Prompting-answer Strategy. For the giving answer strategy it was found that
there were total 37 data that classified into Giving-answer Strategy. And the most frequently used by the
teacher was giving answer strategy by 23 it can be said 45.1% data that were found, and then followed by
explicit correction by 7 or it can be said in percentage 13.7 % number of occurrences, and then there was
repetition strategy by 6 or in percentage was 11.8% data that is used by the teacher, and the last one was
recast by only one data that categories into recast strategy. The second feedback strategy that is used by
the teacher was Prompting-answer Strategy, the first level of occurrence was clarification request by 11 or
in percentage level it can be said as 21.6 % level of occurrence, and then the meta-linguistic cues and
elicitation there were only one data found related to this feedback strategy. In order to make us easier to
see the data distribution of the corrective feedback that is used by English teacher in SMA Negeri 1
Tejakula, there was a chart that shown the data distribution of this study.

Giving-Answer Strategy




Repetition (A1) Recast (A2) Explicit Correction Give Answer (A4)

Giving-Answer Strategy

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LEJU, Vol. x No. x, Bulan Tahun

Based on the previous figure, it can be seen that for the giving answer strategy it was found that
there were total 37 data that classified into Giving-answer Strategy. And the most frequently used by the
teacher was giving answer strategy by 23 data that were found, and then followed by explicit correction
by 7 number of occurrences, and then there was repetition strategy by 6 data that is used by the teacher,
and the last one was recast by only one data that categories into recast strategy. The next chart was for the
data distribution of Prompting-answer strategy.

Prompting-Answer Strategy
Meta-Linguistics cues (B1) Clarification request (B2) Elicitation (B3)

Prompting-Answer Strategy

Based on the previous figure it can be seen that feedback strategy that is used by the teacher was
Prompting-answer Strategy, the first level of occurrence was clarification request by 11 level of
occurrence, and then the meta-linguistic cues and elicitation there was only one data found related to this
feedback strategy.

Based on the theory from Anita Ferreira et al (2009), this types of corrective feedback was the
teacher give the answer directly when the students make mistakes in their answer, or when the teacher
feels that the students look confused when answering the teachers’ question. Based on the theory this
strategy was divided into four categories as a corrective feedback, namely repetition, recast, explicit
correction, and give answer. In this study there were total 51 corrective feedback that used by English
teacher in their online teaching process, and giving answer strategy was the most corrective feedback that
is used by them, it was found that 37 of 51 data was giving-answer strategy.
The teacher repeats the error or the portion of the learner’s phrase containing the error, using
stress or rising intonation to focus the student’s attention on the problematic part of the utterance. Based
on the data finding there were total 6 repetition strategies that have been found during the observation of
this study. The example of this strategy can be seen as follows.
S: a farmer following a cow
T: the farmer following the cows, the farmer is following cows ya because there are two cows and
back of the cows there is a farmer following the cows
As we can see on the example above, it was the example of repetition feedback strategy that used
by the English teacher. We can see that the students forget to put “s” in the word “cow” so that the teacher
repeat the students’ answer by adding the “s” become “the farmer following the cows”. And the teacher
also adds some explanation in his answer.
Based on the theory from Anita Ferreira et al (2009), recast can be said that when the students
make mistakes in formulating the sentence, and the teacher reformulation all parts of the students
mistakes and give feedback to students, so that the students can realize and revise the mistakes that did
before. Based on the data analysis that have been conducted this types of giving-answer corrective
feedback strategy it was only one example of this strategy. The example can be seen as follow.
S: it was so a horrible cake that I couldn’t finish eating any of eat

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T: it such a horrible cake that I couldn’t finish eating any of eat, because “horrible” is an adjective
and “cake” is a noun so that we use “such” in this sentence.
Based on the last example above, it can be seen that the student make a mistakes in composing
the sentence “it was so a horrible cake”, so the teacher repeat the sentence and make the correct sentence
and then followed by the explanation in his statement.
Explicit Correction
Based on the data analysis that has been conducted in this study, it was found that this types of
corrective feedback sometimes used by the teacher, because based on the data finding there were 7 data
that categorized as explicit correction. Explicit correction is when the teacher feels that the student make
error in producing a word and also when the teacher feel that the students did not confident with their
answer, so that the teacher provides the correct form directly to students. The example can be seen in the
following section.
T: he rode a bike so fast that he fell down from his bike. Can you find out the cause in this
S: because he …road a bike so “fas” (wrong pronunciation)
T: so you have to say “fast” ya
In the first example above, it can be seen that the students make a mistake in reading the word
“fast” so that the teacher give feedback to the students by provide the correction to the students by saying
“so you have to say “fast” ya”.
Give Answer
In this study, the give answer strategy become the most frequently used strategy in giving the
corrective feedback to the students in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula. Based on the observation in the online
classroom, it was found that there were total 23 data that categorized as “give answer” strategy. This
strategy can be said as a strategy when the teacher directly give the feedback to the students when the
students look confused or have no idea in the teaching and learning process, so that the teacher give the
answer directly to the students. The example of this strategy can be seen as follows.
T: this one “if I go to Bali next month for work, I will visit Kuta beach”, kira-kira disana dia akan
hadir atau tidak or it is just a plan?
S: kayaknya plan aja miss kayaknya (ragu)
T: disana kan sudah ada kata “plan” berarti kita mungkin bisa melakukan atau mungkin kita tidak
akan bisa melakukan begitu nak
S: yes miss
From the example above, it can be seen that the student look confused and have no idea to answer
the teachers’ question. When the teacher ask “if I go to Bali next month for work, I will visit Kuta beach,
kira-kira disana dia akan hadir atau tidak or it is just a plan?”, the students look did not really confident in
answering the teachers’ question, so that the teacher give the answer by the explanation “disana kan
sudah ada kata “plan” berarti kita mungkin bisa melakukan atau mungkin kita tidak akan bisa melakukan
begitu nak”.

Prompting answer strategy used by the teacher when they want to stimulate their students to
answer the question, the teachers just give some clues and the students need to think about the answer
itself. Based on the theory from (Chi et al., 2001) we have called this group prompting answer strategies
because of the similarity these strategies bear to the notion of “prompting”. Moreover, this strategy
divided into three categories namely meta-linguistic cues, clarification request, and elicitation. After
conducting such kind of observation, it was found that this feedback strategy used by the English teacher
in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula in online teaching. For the further discussion can be seen as follows.
Meta-linguistic Cues
In the theory from Anita Ferreira et al (2009), they stated that teacher provides information or
asks questions regarding the correctness of the student’s utterance, without explicitly providing the target
form. Meta-linguistic information generally provides either some grammatical meta-language that refers
to the nature of the error or a word definition in the case of lexical errors. Meta-linguistic questions also
point to the nature of the error but attempt to elicit the information from the student. In this study, this
strategy is not commonly used by the teacher, because there is only one example of this strategy that
found in this study.
S: Tanah Lot is one of the temples in Bali use by Hindu for prayer
T: oke, use by Hindu for praying, use by the prayer oke.
S: Tanah Lot is one of the temples in Bali use by Hindu for praying

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In the students’ statement, he used the word “prayer” instead of “praying”. It means that he make
mistakes in formulating the sentence, the correct one is “praying” it was a verb, but the student use
“prayer” it is a noun. So that the teacher give such kind of explanation to the students and trying to re-
formulated his statement by giving the correct answer.
Clarification Request
Based on the explanation from Anita Ferreira et al (2009), these types of corrective feedback is
questions intended to indicate to the student that his/her answer has been misunderstood due to a
student error, or that the utterance is ill-formed in some way and that a repetition or a reformulation is
required. Based on the explanation it can be said that by questioning the students, the teacher wish that
he/she can stimulate his/her students to think again about their answer so that the students can
formulate the correct form of their answer. In this study, it was total found 11 example of this study based
on the observation that have been conducted. For the example can be seen as follows.
S: aaa…maybe sunrise in Tanah Lot or Tanah Lot is a iconic in Bali
T: Iconic?
S: Tanah lot is an iconic place in Bali.
Based on the example above, it can be seen that the students’ statement was incorrect because the
student use “a” for “iconic” so that the teacher try to stimulate the student by asking “iconic?”, and the
student realize the mistake in that sentence so the student revise the sentence into the correct one “Tanah
lot is an iconic place in Bali.”
This strategy happen when The teacher encourages the student to give the correct form by
pausing to allow the student to complete the teacher’s utterance, by asking the student to reformulate the
utterance, or by asking questions to elicit the correct answer. In this study, it was only one example that is
found. The example can be seen as follows.
S: unless there is no plan strip I will not be back to tomorrow
T: repeat it once again, it is not “strip”, unless there is no plan ………………
S: no plan straight miss.
T: that’s good, so we don’t need to add “to” before tomorrow
In the example above, it can be seen that, the student make mistake in formulating the sentence
“unless there is no plan strip” the mistake is in the word “strip” it should be “straight”. So the teacher here
try to encourage the students to think about the correction, and the teacher give some space to fix the
mistakes by saying “unless there is no plan ………………”. So the student can fill the blank that have been
uttered by the teacher.

Based on the discussion above it can be seen that the teacher used corrective feedback in their
online teaching and learning process. And from the observation it was found that from total 51 data of
corrective feedback that used by the English teacher in online teaching process, giving-answer strategy
took 37 level of occurrences or in the percentage it can 72 %. And rest of them was the prompting-answer
strategy by 14 level of occurrence or 28%. the most frequently used by the teacher were giving answer
strategy by 23 it can be said 45.1% data that was found, and then followed by explicit correction by 7 or it
can be said in percentage 13.7 % number of occurrences, and then there was repetition strategy by 6 or in
percentage was 11.8% data that used by the teacher, and the last one was recast by only one data that
categories into recast strategy. The second feedback strategy that is used by the teacher was Prompting-
answer Strategy, the first level of occurrence was clarification request by 11 or in percentage level it can
be said as 21.6 % level of occurrence, and then the meta-linguistic cues and elicitation there was only one
data found related to this feedback strategy.
This data was supported by the interview result with the English teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Tejakula,
the top three corrective feedback that used by the teacher were give answer, clarification request, and
repetition. The teacher thinks that these three strategies were the most effective feedback that can give to
the students. The teacher also stated that there was not any significance difference feedback that used in
online teaching and conventional teaching. The most significance differences was the teacher cannot see
the real facial expression of the students so that the teacher cannot know rather the students were
understood or not. And also the teacher cannot focus to all students in the online teaching, and the
students’ activeness was not really good in online teaching.

4. Conclusion

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Based on the discussion before it can be concluded that the teacher used corrective feedback in
their online teaching and learning process. And from the observation it was found that from total 51 data
of corrective feedback that used by the English teacher in online teaching process, giving-answer strategy
took 37 level of occurrences or in the percentage it can 72 %. And rest of them was the prompting-answer
strategy by 14 level of occurrence or 28%. the most frequently used by the teacher were giving answer
strategy by 23 it can be said 45.1% data that was found, and then followed by explicit correction by 7 or it
can be said in percentage 13.7 % number of occurrences, and then there was repetition strategy by 6 or in
percentage was 11.8% data that used by the teacher, and the last one was recast by only one data that
categories into recast strategy. The second feedback strategy that is used by the teacher was Prompting-
answer Strategy, the first level of occurrence was clarification request by 11 or in percentage level it can
be said as 21.6 % level of occurrence, and then the meta-linguistic cues and elicitation there was only one
data found related to this feedback strategy.
In lane with the previous study by Lyster and Ranta (1997) the finding indicated a brilliant
tendency for teachers to use recasts in spite of the latter’s ineffectiveness at eliciting student-generated
repair. Four other feedback types’ elicitation, meta-linguistic feedback, clarification requests, and
repetition-lead to student-generated repair more successfully and were thus able to initiate what the
authors characterize as the negotiation of form.

The next part is the suggestions. The considered suggestions of the present study are listed bellows:
Students should more active to give uptake to teacher corrective feedback. Because from the
students’ uptake, teacher knows about their knowledge, ability, and also their not understanding
Because of the limitation of the time, interview and observation are just takes 4 times. However, for
the further study, the researcher can add the time of online classroom observation. Therefore, the data
that researcher get is more deeply.

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