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Term 1 Class Bulletin 2011 ± The Big Room


Students will participate in a daily two-hour literacy session, consisting one hour of reading and one hour of writing. Teaching
strategies during these sessions include: Shared Reading, Modelled writing, Guided Reading, Reading Circles, Independent
Reading and Share time. During these sessions students will be given the opportunity to listen to books and stories and to
practice reading skills as a whole class, in small groups and on their own.
Students will also be developing their skills and understanding in the following areas:
* READING - comprehension skills, such as identifying main idea and comparing and contrasting information, will be explicitly
taught.Students will also work on developing their reading stamina during Independent Reading. Reading journals will be used
during reading conferences to help students keep track of their reading goals and skill development.
* WRITING ± goal setting, recounts and reflective writing, persuasive writing will be explicitly taught to all students. They will
also be encouraged to produce writing based on their own interests during writing workshops.
* SPELLING ± focus on spelling strategies: visual, sound-symbol and meaning
* GRAMMAR ± text and sentence structure, parts of speech
* SPEAKING AND LISTENING ± presenting to others, listening and retelling information accurately.


Students will participate in daily maths sessions. Sessions begin with a warm-up game or µtuning in¶ activity to get everyone
thinking mathematically. Skills will explicitly taught and students will be given the opportunity to practise new skills independently
or in small groups. All students will be given regular opportunities to work in a small focus group or one-on-one with the teacher
to address their specific maths needs.

During Term One students will be developing their skills and knowledge in the following areas:
u Extending and consolidating place value concepts, including negative and decimal numbers where appropriate
u The four processes ± addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will be supported to understand the
relationships between these operations.
u Investigating 2D and 3D shapes
u Selecting and using a range of problem solving strategies. We will explore and teach students a range of problem solving
strategies and encourage them to consider different ways of approaching a mathematical problem.
u Using appropriate software and online resources to support their Numeracy skills
u Maths games for fun and skills practise.
Inquiry Unit ± Values

Our Inquiry unit this term will be exploring values ± their own and their friends and families, as well as those of other cultures and
communities. This unit will also reinforce our school values, with a particular focus on respect. Students will be involved in a
range of learning experiences which should help them develop the following understandings:

u Values change the way people act.

u Values help us live our life.
u We carry values with us everywhere.
u Values make us who we are.
u Values can differ person-to-person, culture-to-culture.

Students will be encouraged to consider how personal values develop and the factors that influence their development (eg:
home, school, society, environment etc), as well as how values are important to staying safe.
Extra Information:
* International Women¶s Day Girls breakfast, 8am.
*³Getting to know your child´ interviews will be held on March 10th.
* Responsible Pet Ownership: guest speaker will be presenting to the 3/4 and 5/6 students onTuesday March 1 .
* Diaries: all 4/5/6 students have diaries. Please encourage your child to use this tool to record home reading, homework tasks,
important events and information.
* Homework: students are expected to read at home each day and practise multiplication tables regularly. Students may be
given other English or Maths tasks to complete and may also bring home project work throughout the term.
Specialists and other Programs
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 4/5: bluearth Solving the Jigsaw ± Multi-age specialist French 4/5/6 Sport
Grade 5/6 only groups: PE, Art, Library
& Environment Performing Arts Assembly

Grade 5/6: bluearth


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