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Sit & Reach Test


The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility it specifically measures the
flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This test is important because tightness
in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain. This test
was first described by Wells and Dillon (1952) and is now widely used as a general test of
flexibility. Flexibility is the range of movement possible around a joint or series of joints
(class notes). A good example of a public service that requires you too have a reasonably
good level of flexibility is a fire man as they have to be able to pull people out of burning
buildings they may have to be able to bend down very low and retrieve them. If they didn’t
they may not be able to pick them up and therefore as a result, the job wouldn’t be conducted
properly and people could lose they’re lives.


Before you think about taking this test it’s absolutely vital that you warm up. Especially as
you are going to be pushing your flexibly to its absolute maximum. So it’s essential that you
stretch your stomach, arms and leg muscles. After you have done so you need too set up the
apparatus, as you will need a sit and reach box. The sit and reach box (as shown on the right)
has two main parts h box. The assistant will also make sure your legs are straight at all time,
because if they’re not then the test will not be fair at all.


To undergo this test you require the following:

• An assistant

• A sports kit

• Sit and reach box


Subject 1’s result was 17cm

Subject 2’s result was 25cm

Subject 3’s results was 20cm

Subject 4’s result was 30cm


These results tell us a lot about the participant’s level of flexibility. Subjects 4’s result was
very good and he has a good level of flexibility. This could be because he works out regularly
or takes part in sports or activities that help improve your flexibility e.g. Subject 4 could be a
gymnast or take part in karate or yoga lessons. Subject 3’s result was good; again his result
shows he has a good level of flexibility. Subject 1’s result tells us he doesn’t have a very high
level of flexibility, reasons for this could be that he doesn’t play many sports or take part in
any activities that require a high level of flexibility e.g. a gymnast requires a very high level
of flexibility to be able to adapt to they’re environment. Subject 2’s result was good and tells
us that their flexibility level is not a huge level of flexibility neither is it a poor level of
flexibility. This is the type of flexibility you’d expect to see in a average Golf player. A good
example of somebody with a high level of flexibility would be Tom Daley Olympic world
champion diver who needs to be very flexibility to be able to adapt to his environment.


So from this test we can tell a participant’s level of fitness. I was reasonably happy with my
level of flexibility but wish to improve over the coming 8-10 weeks and have a higher level
than I do now. A good way to improve flexibility would be stretching every morning and
stretching every evening this would help increase your level of fitness. Also doing other
flexibility related exercises daily e.g. attending a martial arts class would help. Where you
place your feet and where you stretch out your arms. First off, place your feet on the box with
your legs straight. It is absolutely vital that your legs are straight otherwise it won’t be a fair
test and your result won’t be correct. Once you have your legs straight and you are correctly
in position, then you can begin to stretch out as far as you can with your fingertips. Then the
assistant will measure how far you reached on the sit & reach box.

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