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Identify the Common Nouns in the following sentences.

1. We arrived early at the station.

2. There are different species of fish.

3. The man was trying to steal his car.

4. They have gone to the zoo.

5. The baby is crying.

Form Abstract Nouns from the following.

1. man, scholar, king

2. know, sell, think

3. long, strong, wise

4. brother, lose, great

Fill in the blank s with suitable collective nouns.

1. A _____ of birds flew high in the sky.

2. They saw a _____ of lions at the zoo.

3. The farmer has a _____ of cattle on his farm.

4. He ate a _____ of grapes today.

5. Our friend shows us a _____ of stamps.

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word.

1. There is so (many, much) smoke coming out of the chimney.

2. There are (plenty of, a large amount of) fish in the pond.

3. (A little, A few) minutes is all it takes for him to shave.

4. The postman put (a great deal of, a lot of) letters into the bag.

5. He threw (a little, some) nuts to the monkeys.

Fill in the blanks with ‘is' or ‘are'.

1. The rose _____ a beautiful flower.

2. His two sons _____ still small.

3. My brother _____ doing his degree at that university.

4. Dogs _____ the most faithful animals.

5. There _____ a lot of ants on the tree.

Fill in the blanks with ‘does' or ‘do'.

6. _____ you know him?

7. That _____ not mean I _____ not like her.

8. Please _____ not smoke here.

9. _____ anybody know the answer?

10. They _____ not want to play.

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. The earth _____ (go, goes) round the sun.

2. He _____ (go, goes) to school by bus.

3. I often _____ (go, goes) to the library.

4. She wants to _____ (go, goes) to the library?

5. She does not _____ (go, goes) to the library?

6. Oh, she does _____ (go, goes) to the library.

7. He often _____ (go, goes) to the cinema.

8. Every one of us must _____ (go, goes) to school.

9. Every one of us usually _____ (go, goes) to school early.

10. He too has to _____ (go, goes) to school.

Pick the correct words in the brackets. (Adjectives)

1. My father is as (strong, stronger, strongest) as his father.

2. She is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister.

3. You are not as (tall, taller, tallest) as your brother.

4. That pond is the (shallow, shallower, shallowest) in this area.

5. That has to be the (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) film I

have seen.

Pick up the correct use of English

1. The family now (live/lives) in London.

2. The cat family (include/includes) lions and tigers.

3. There (hasn’t/haven’t) been any news of him since he left home.

4. News (is/are) coming in of a major explosion.

5. (Who/Whom) did he talk to?

6. You are not as happy as (I/me).

7. (I/He) and (I/he) are brothers.

8. Her sister is fatter than (she/her).

9. His car is (cleaner/more cleaner) than mine.

10. My mother did not buy (any/some) apples.

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