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Colour E Number Sources Synonyms C.I Name C.

I Number Product Processing Shubhah

Annatto E160b Bixin, Norbixin, Rocou, Achiote Natural orange 75120 4 methods: a. aquous alkali b. water raspelling c. Vegetable oil as extraction medium. Earth bleaching for vegetable oil.
Plant: Annnatto , Bixa Orellana L. organic solvent d. vegetable oil
Anthocyanins E163 Water soluble pigments, red Grape skin extract, grape colour extract,
blue of flowers, fruits and enocianina, red fruit extract
β - Apo - 8'- carotenal E 160 e Spinach, orange, grass and Apo carotenal C.I. Food Orange Commercially - chemical synthesis as nature Emulsifier used in aqueous application. Type and source of emulsifiers. Also need
tangerines identical & in dark violet crystal form with metalic antioxidant (oil and water suspension): α - tocopherol & ascorbyl palmitate.
lustre. Oil soluble and used in to colour edible fat
and oils. In aqueous application, need to use

β- carotene E 160 a (ii) C.I. Food Orange 5 Commercially - chemical synthesis as nature Emulsifier - gelatin, starch or others. Antioxidants - tocopherols and vit C
identical. Oil soluble at oil dispersable/ soluble with
30% B carotene. In water soluble form, need
emulsifiers i.e gelatine, starch or other suitable
type. Antioxidant use are tocopherols , vitaminc ( or
its fatty acids)
Mixed carotenes E160 a Nature- Crude palm oil Carotenes - natural C.I. Food Orange 5 C. I. 75130 Extract from crude palm oil by interesterification Palm oil base: Silica gel column. Gel from what source? Algal carotene - essential oil what
process. Further concentrated by > 20% by source? Emulsifiers - what source? Antioxidants from what source?
molecular distillation.Purified from waxes by
industrial HPLC in silica gel column.
Algal carotene - extracted using essential oil from
its biomass. Resultant
caretenoid materials diluted using vegetable oil to
obtained an oil suspension. This oil suspension
transform into water dispersible with emulsifiers
and anti oxidants to produce carotene emulsion.
Then Carotene emulsion sprayed dried on carrier i.e
modified starch / maltodextrin to produce water
dispersible carotene powder.

Beetroot red E 162 Beetred, Betamin Red beet root (Beta vulgaris) Expressing juice from red beetroot under acis Antioxidants - α tocopherol. Ultrafiltration?
condition. Concentrated to 70 Brix by ultrafiltration
then pasteurisation. Spray-dried using maltodextrin.
Prone to oxidations and antioxidants used α-
tocopherol and ascorbic acid.

Canthaxanthin E 161 g Fish flesh,( trout & salmon), C.I. Food Orange 8 Commercially - chemical synthesis as nature identical.Emulsifiers
Application- used
oil based suspension and water dispersible emulsion. Transform to water dispersible powder.
fungi, crustacea and dominant
colour in flamingo feathers.

Caramel E 150 Class I - Plain or spirit caramel (E150 a) Class Sugar/ aldehydes/ketones reacts with nitrogen
II - Caustic sulphite caramel (E150 b) Class III - (amines / proteins). Commercially,using glucose,
Ammonia or beer caramel (E150 c) Class IV - fructose and their polymers.
Sulphite ammonia or soft drink caramel
Carmine E 120 Natural - cochineal insects. Cochineal, carminic acid, carmine C.I. 75740 Extracted from insects (dactylopius coccus Costa) by
aqueous or alcoholic extraction.
Chlorophyll E 140 Leaves, vegetables, fruit & any Magnesiun chlorophyl , magnesium Soluble in oil.
org which capable of phaeophytin, sodium chlorophyllin,
photosynthesis. Some oriental potassium chlorophyllin
material using feaces of silk
worm larvae.
Copper complexes of E 141 (ii) Sodium copper chlorophyllin, potassium C.I. Natural Green 5 Frozen dessert i.e ice Emulsifier will be present in an acid stable form. To
chlorophyllins copper chlorophyllin. cream avoid parcipitating at pH less than 5.

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