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 Report Text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan detail suatu
objek. Detail dalam teks ini adalah detail ilmiah yang meliputi penjabaran objek, baik fisik
maupun nonfisik dari fakta-fakta ilmiah tentang objek tersebut.

 Ciri-Ciri Report Text

 Berisi fakta-fakta ilmiah
 Judul teks terlihat lebih umum
 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

 Report Text ini mempunyai generic structure yang sama dengan Descriptive Text, yaitu:
 General Classification
Bagian ini berisi pernyataan umum yang menjelaskan keterangan objek dari Report
Text ini.
 Description
Bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena atau situasi yang terjadi, baik
bagian-bagiannya, sifat, kebiasaan ataupun tingkah lakunya. Pada intinya, bagian ini
menjabarkan klasifikasi yang disajikan secara ilmiah. Namun, hal yang perlu diingat
bahwa Report Text bukan merupakan teks berita, tetapi teks faktual ilmiah .
 Question Tag adalah klausa yang sangat pendek yang ada di akhir sebuah pernyataan yang
mengubah pernyataan menjadi pertanyaan.

 Jadi, fungsi Question Tag seperti namanya, adalah untuk membuat question atau pertanyaan,
yang tujuannya untuk meminta penegasan atau persetujuan.

 Question tag ini artinya sama seperti jika kita menggunakan “kan?”, “bukan?”, "oke?" dan
“yuk?” dalam bahasa Indonesia. Contohnya dalam bahasa Indonesia seperti “Kamu suka
makan bakso, kan?” atau “Kita pergi ke toko buku, yuk?” Jika kita menghilangkan “kan?”
atau “yuk?” maka kalimat di atas adalah pernyataan, namun jika kita menggunakannya maka
akan menjadi pertanyaan.

 Beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Question Tag :

1. Apa bila ada pernyataan positif (positive statement) diikuti oleh tag negatif (negative
 Positive Statement “You are Reno”
 Negative tag “aren’t you?”
 You are Reno, aren’t you?
2. Apa bila pernyataannya negatif (negative statement) diikuti oleh tag positif (positive
 Negative statement “Goku doesn’t like coffee”
 Positive tag “does he?”
 Goku doesn’t like coffee, does he?
3. Gunakan personal Pronoun ( Kata ganti nama ) dalam tag
ex : Goku isn’t fit, is he?
4. Kata “Not” dalam Negative tag selalu disingkat
ex : will not = won’t
Rules for making an exceptional question tag:
Rule 1: If the statement has a Negative Adverb.
Some Negative Adverbs like seldom, hardly, never, rarely, nowhere, unnecessary, etc. impact a
negative form in a sentence.
So we consider these statements as a negative one and accordingly forming a question tag in a
positive one.
For example:
1. He has never gone outside at midnight, has he?
2. We seldom play football on this ground, do we?

Rule 2: If a statement begins with I’m.

For the first person singular subject, use the verb form are/aren’t.
For example:
1. I’m genuinely excited, aren’t I?
2. I’m looking handsome, aren’t I?

Rule 3:If the sentence begins with Let’s.

If the sentence begins with “Lets,” then we use “shall we” in a question tag.
For example:
1. Let’s have some drinks, shall we?
2. Let’s celebrate tonight, shall we?

Rule 4: If the statements are Imperative.

In certain cases, we see a question tag is used with imperative sentences like (orders,
invitations); in spite, it does not require any answer.
 For invitations, we use, won’t you?
 For orders, we use, “will you?/ would you?/ can you?/ can’t you?” respectively.
For examples,
1. Close the door, will you? (order- less polite)
2. Come closer, won’t you? (invitation- polite)
3. Sit down, can you? (order)
4. Take it, would you? (order)
Rule 5: structure like “there.”
If any sentence has it included “there” in it, then “there” is also reflected in a question tag also.
For example:
1. There were so many advertisers standing apart, weren’t there?
2. There’s no choice left, is there?

Rule 6: Subjects like Everyone/Everybody, No one/Nobody, Someone/Somebody.

If any sentence has a subject like “Everyone/Everybody, No one/Nobody, Someone/Somebody”,
Then in a question tag, we use “they” as a subject.
For example:
1. Someone was looking for a helicopter, were they?
2. Nobody came for a funeral other than his family, did they?

Rule 7: Subjects like Everything/Nothing/Something.

If a sentence has a subject like Everything/Something/Nothing, we have to use “it” in a question
For example:
1. Something missing in this picture, doesn’t it?
2. Nothing will change after you, won’t it?

Rule 8: If the subject is “this,.”

If a statement has a subject “this,” then we use “it” in the making of a question tag.
For example:
1. This will not be going to happen again, won’t it?
2. This is not your new hostel, is it?

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