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Here are some 10 tips on that u should'nt do while studying physics.

1. DON'T simply memorize the physics' facts without understand the whole concept.

2. DON'T postpone to seek explaination on any concept that u do not understand. Go & seek your teacher's explaination during & after the
class. Otherwise find a tutor or good friends that can help you to solve these problems.

3.DON'T simply revise without doing any exersice. U need to practise what u've read.

4.DON'T rely on just one book to study for your SPM. U should also refer to your teachers' notes or other notes available through the net.

5. DON'T revise without knowing the objective or learning outcome of each subtopic. U must know what is the purpose of studying that
particular sub-topic. Refer the learning outcome in your text book.

6. DON'T simply study without knowing how to relate each concept into its real life application. Please refer the application section for each

7.DON'T simply look at the model answer without trying the questions.

8. DON'T say that u've completed revising physics's formulae,LAW & Principle until u've enabled to design their experiment.

9. DON'T study a subtopic without knowing how to relate it to other subtopics. For example while studying Pressure, u must relate certain
concept about Pressure in what u've learned in chapter 2, i.e Forces & motion.

10. Finally..DON'T hate physics. If u hate it.. u've put more pressure on yourself. Just enjoy studying it and try to fall in love with this lovely
subject :)
Low / small (+) Slow increase of velocity

Acceleration ,a High / big Fast increase of velocity

negative Decrease in velocity, deceleration

Low / small Lighter / less compact
Density, ρ
High / large Heavier / more compact
Spring Force Small Spring is soft / easy to stretch
constant , k Large / big Spring is stiff / difficult to stretch
• Easily heated up , short time to heat up
Low / small
Specific Heat • Need less heat to raise temperature
Capacity ,c • More difficult to heat up, takes more time to heat up
High / large
• Need more heat to raise temperature, use more fuel
• Need less heat to melt / vaporise
Low / small
Specific Latent • Time to melt / vaporise is shorter
Heat, L • Need more heat to melt / vaporise
High / large
• Time to melt / vaporise is longer
• Melts at low temperature / Freezes at low temperature.
Melting point / · Starts melting earlier / Starts freezing later
Freezing point • Melts at higher temperature / Freezes at higher temperature.
Starts melting latter / Starts freezing earlier
• Starts boiling at lower temperature
• Starts boiling earlier

• condensation occur at slower rate

Boiling point
• Starts boiling at higher temperature
• Starts boiling latter

• Condensation occur at faster rate

Refractive Low / small Substance that refracts light less
index High / large Substance that refracts light more
Small Easier for total internal reflection to occur
Critical angle
Large / big Difficult for total internal reflection to occur
• Large / long focal length
Power (of a • Refract light less
lens) • Short focal length
• Refract light more
Short Higher power , thicker lens
Focal length
Large / long Lower power
SPM tips: How to Grab an 'A'
Specific heat capacity, latent heat, refraction, pessure, micro wave, work done,
resultant force, resolution of force, forces in equilibrium, focal length, len’s
power, magnetic field, half life, beta ray, gamma ray, interference, logic
gate, momentum, impulsive force, GM tube.


Principle of conservation of momentum Pascal’s Principle
Principle of Conservation Of Energy Bernoulli’s Principle
Principle of force in equilibrium Archimede’s Princip
Principle of Thermal equilibrium Superposition Pinciple.


Hooke’s Law Newton 1st law of Motion
Boyle’s Law Newton 2nd law of Motion
Charles’s Law Newton 3rd law of Motion
Pressure Law Law Of Reflection
Snell’s Law Law Of Refraction
Ohm’s Law Faraday ‘s Law
Lenz’s Law


Right Hand Grip Rule
Maxwell Cork Screw Rule
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule
Fleming’s Right Hand Rule


Identify whichone is given & not given


SCORE P1 (50Marks)
SCORE P2 Section A (60 Marks), Section B (20 Marks), Section C (20 Marks)
SCORE P3 (40 Marks)
Examination Mark Scheme


P1 - Do the easier question first
P2 - Observation skill, Point form, table form, Ranking method
P3 - Get the Variables, Tabulation Of data, Draw the graph


Write all the information again. Use symbols.
Choose the formula.
Make subtitution
Final answer with correct unit





Year 2005
Year 2006
Year 2007
Year 2008
Year 2009
Year 2010


Ray Diagram of Lenses
Ray Diagram of plane and curve mirror
Diagram of instruments
Diagram of experiments
Hydrometer Astronomical Telescope
Manometer Compound Microscope
Barometer Nucler Reactor
Bunsen Burner Fibre Optics
Carburretor Electric Bell
Electric Motor Electric Relay
Electric Generator Loud speaker
Hydraulic Brake Microphone
Submarine Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)
Periscope Semiconductor Diode
Binocular Transistor




Normal conversion
Conversion involving derived quantities
Conversion involving Area
Conversion involving Volume


Use the calculator
Use basic algebra
Use the basic trigonometry
Use the basic proportional method


Sketch / Draw Diagram
Underline the important words
Write all the information again using symbols
Think for the topics, sub topics, principle, law, theory, rule and total marks


a). Do acronym,
b). Short Note taking
c). Mind map
d). Creative diagram/picture
e). Create Physics Joke
f ). Create Physics lyrics
When u are being asked to plot a graph for section A paper 3, please make sure u include the following item:

(i)Title of graph
-Usually we start the title by mentioning the "quantity in Y-axis VS quantity of x-axis"
Title of graph: Graph of V versus I
V represents Y -axis, I represents X-axis

(ii) Labels of x-axis and y-axis and units

-Make sure u include the labels & their units for each axis. Usually,
x-axis represents the manipulated variables
y-axis represents the responding variables

(iii) The vertical and horizontal scales must be even.

-Please choose the right scale based on the data given. Your scale should produce a larger graph
-Choosing right scale is important in order to let u to plot the points easily

(iv) Size of the graph is about ¾ of the graph paper.

-Make sure your chosen scale will produce a larger graph which occupies about 3/4 of the paper
-If your graph's size is less than 1/2 of the page..u better redo the graph ;)

(v) Dont forget to write values for the origin of the graph
Most graph starts with zero but there's case that some graph starts with a nonzero.

(vi) Use small cross mark (x) to plot the coordinates of the point in the graph
Make sure u plot the right point according to the data collected in the table.

Gradient calculation tips

In section B, they always ask u to calculate the gradients. While doing it make sure
-The chosen point should at least have a distance equivalent to 1/2 of the length of the graph
-please draw the triangle between the chosen point
For curvy graph, u need to draw the tangent line to find the gradient.

I think that's it for now, may it be useful to those who is weak in paper3.

SPM Tips: Do SWAT Analysis

What is S.W.A.T analysis??
It is a postmortem technique to identify the following:

S= Strength
Know where is your strength in physics. Polish that particlar topics so that they will be your best bet while answering SPM paper. Make sure
u didnt do any mistakes if these topics come out in SPM.

This is far more important. By now u should know where's your weakness. For example, ask this questions:

Which topic that u are not familiar with?

Which paper has degrade most of your it paper1, 2 or 3?
If paper 2,then zoom in,..which it section A, B & C.
Learn from those mistakes u had made..& most important DON'T REPEAT THE SAME mistake.
One more thing, U'll be having a BIG problem if u do not know 'what u don't know' ..faham ke??
So please identify what is the topics that u know nothing about them b4 its TOO late.

Once u've analysed both strength & weakness, its time to do some action about it. Go & plan how to improve your weaknesess. Here i list
out some suggestion:

-Add more hours in your study scheddule & focus on improving yr weakness.
-Do lots of questions on your weakest topics. Find some pass yr questions as well. -Do study group to improve your understanding. It is
more effective as u'll learn better while discussing it with others. -If your parent has more budget, U can hire a personal tutor to improve
your understanding. U can clarify most of the doubts abt physics with the tutor.

Identify what are other things that keep u away frm doing revison. For example, ask this followingquestions:
-Is internet keeping u away frm study?
u need to be disiplined . Instead of surfing on non important things, u shud stick to my blog & study physics :)

-Does playing video games, watching TV make u end up doing NO revision?

What else i'm gonna say..just stop it..SPM is once in a lifetime. After that mainlah puas2.
-Does your relationship with someone affect yr study?
If tis is the case, just forget him/her...,.. appreciate your youth time.
Dont over explore.. Love yourself. Trust me, in the end u wont end up married with him/her.
Most of the time u'll only get HURT
..Anyway benda2 couple ni buat tambah dosa jer and might lead u getting a bad SPM result ..
Trust me..i'm an xperienced teacher & have seen lots of them end up got BAD results.

-Family problems?
Well i had an experienced where a student flunk on his SPM due to this problem. If u are among them, go & seek counsillor for advise or
share it with someone u can trust. Be THOUGH & pray a lot!
The bottom line is..Please identify other THREATS that distract u frm doing SPM revision.

So that is what SWAT analysis is all about.


After u've analysed & studied all these aspect , u need to manage all those information and start to do some ACTION!
Start it NOW!

Art of Learning

We Learn...
10% of what we read

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see

50% of what we both hear and see

70% of what is discussed

80% of what we experience personally

95% of what we teach to someone else

Let 'FAILURE' be your MENTOR

My dear student,
I want u all to life we tend to do mistakes.Why???..coz we always take for granted our precious time given by
Allah. We tend to say , relaxlah..exam lambat lagi. But when the time goes by, it wont come back again. We failed
bcause we didnt really aprreciate our TIME.Once failure hit us, we feel disappointed & unsecured. We feel bad & sad.
We are surrounded with inferiority complex which makes things more complicated.
Then we blamed ourselves for being not smart enough. Some think they did try their best but still surrounded by
failure. Like it or not, what has been done cant be undone. No point crying for something which can't be done. What is
important now is to ask ourselves 'what can we do to get out from this failure? and How to do it? Can we still make it?

In order to answer all those questions, u need to learn the truth about failure. Let understand what failure is from this
humble story of a baby girl.

"There's a baby girl name Aishah. While trying to walk, she falls for several time, or may be hundreds of time. She
failed more than once, but that doesn't stop her from keep on trying. She doesnt know what is failure. But for her
failure is like an honest teacher who guides her to walk. After a few months playing with her 'new teacher', she is now
walking steadily.Once she can walk, she starts dreaming to run. Once again she looked at 'Mr failure' as her mentor.
She studied every failure that she made. Suddenly she is now running by herself. She thanks failure for guiding her all
these while.
Now..she is running and laughing in joy. While running she saw a bird flying above the sky. She looked at the bird,and
tell herself that one day.."she belives.. she can fly."

My dear student,
Never feel sad about your failure. As i said earlier, no point crying or regretting too much. Look at failure in a positive
way. Learn from a story of that fragile little girl. I know, the time is against some of you. However its important for u to
learn from your new 'mentor'. Lets do some soul searching and dig out the hidden jewels behind your failure.

My dear student..please understand that..

Failure is not a thing...
Failure is caused by bad choices.. but that doesnt mean that u r bad...
Failure is not a disaster that you must panic over...
Failure is the teacher that presents the experience of doing it wrong...
Failure is the advice to problem that you faced...
Failure is full of information that you need the most...
Failure is not a sign to quit the game.. but, rather, a sign to go back, read the rules and FIGHT again...
Failure can be felt as 'mr inferior' that u can learn from to produce a more 'superior' performance...

The truth is..Failure is the path for you to become a WINNER.

How to Study Physics for SPM?
Although I scored an A1 in Physics for SPM, I am not exactly the right person to be asked, "how did you do it?" So, I posed the question to
my friend, Jasmine, instead to see what she had to say. Jasmine and I have known each other for 5 years (yes, throughout my secondary
school years) but, our fathers know each other longer than that! Anyway, here is what she had to say:

Firstly, Physics is very different compared to the other subjects. Physics is one of the toughest Science subjects for many people. Physics
is more to the Maths side as it is mostly calculations, formulaes and principles.. Biology is 100% memorising, Chemistry is 50% calculation,
50% memorising, Physics on the other hand is 100% calculation and formulaes. The study of Physics is very deep and it involves a lot of
techincal details: heat, electricity, electronics and so forth. Every minor detail is important and that makes the subject complex and
sometimes even tedious. Nevertheless, once mastered, Physics is very useful for survival purposes in our daily life.

One very important thing in Physics is understannding. You must understand what you are learning, not just memorise for the sake of
exam. Physics is actually an easy subject to study. All you must know are the formulaes and principles involved.. What usually happens is
the teacher will twist the questions and asked them from different angles. That is when it becomes tough. What you must remember is the
basic pronciples involved. No matter how tough the question is, in the end, it will always go back to the basic principles.

I would recommend a good revision book for this subject as the school textbook alone is not enough to score. Pay attention in class and
ask questions whwnever you don't understand. Do not be scared or shy to question your teachers as it is necessary for you to know in
detail about Physics. For eg:
Where did the formulaes come from, how are they derived, how are the variables involved connected to each other, conversion of units and
many more.

Master your calculations and make sure you choose the right formulaes for each question. This can be a problem sometimes. Physics is
not a mugging subject, you cannot simply study it by the book. You must attempt questions from workbooks and do a lot of exercises. Only
then you will be exposed to a wide range of different ways questions can be asked. Hence, you will be able to answer various types oy
questions no matter how tough they may seem.

Interest plays a vital role in scoring in this subject. You must show keen interest in studying Physics. Most people dislike the subject as it is
far more complicating then the other Science subjects. Therefore, they make no effort to master the subject.

Finally, try attempting the past year questions for Physics. Analyse the questions and topics that have come out in the previous years. SPM
questions are always very similar, so chances of the same type of questions coming out every year is very high. Please take note, same
type of questions, not same questions. Make sure that you are able to do all the past year questions. If so, you will not have a problem
during the actual exam.

It is very important for you to understand in Physics. You MUST know what you are studying. Only then will you be able to score in the
subject. Physics is not a difficult subject. I feel that it is much easier than Biology and Chemistry, bur it requires a lot of patience, interest
and understanding.

NEXT, I asked her what type of reference books she would recommend. Also asked why she was very interested in the subject.

I don't know what are the reference books they have nowadays for Physics but I would recommend either Success or Focus. I found both
quite good. But you can also check out the others that are there now.

I was always interested in tools and mechanical stuff ever since I was small. I love playing with my father's gadgets even now and I
suppose that's why I love Physics. This is something that has to come from within I guess.
So, there you have it. Feel free to add on to the above mentioned points. One question for all of you out there, how do you spark an interest
in Physics?

SPM tips: "An essay a day keeps lower grades away"

"An essay a day keeps your lower grades away"

YES..u must at least do one physics esssay type of questions from any physics topic everyday.May be u can do some proper planning,
start with form4 topics first. Go find an exercise books if u dont have one right now. While i'm writing this,the countdown display counted
that u have a remaining 175 days, 23 hous, 05 min, 48 sec.
Just imagine if everyday u are doing 1 essay question, that means u've practised at least 170 questions of section B & C before SPM exam.
If u stuck dont take too long..take a reference book & find the answer. Then look at the provided answer comparison with your
own. After that do correction,rewrite them & read it .Finally & most impotantly ..try to understand & memorize them if necessary. For my
form 4 student, if u r reading this article & apply it straight away..i'm sure u 'll be better equipped in next SPM than this year candidadate ;)

The same method also can be applied if u r weak in paper 3 , then do at least 1 question from paper 3 everyday. If u consistently doing this,
i'm sure u are ready to move towards another bigger step..which is to go all out in the real battle & shoot for an 'A'.
As people said, thousands steps start from a humble single step..

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