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Consultas a la base de datos

Una vez que nos hemos conectado con el servidor de bases de datos, ya podemos realizar
consultas a las tablas de la base de datos.

Para facilitar la programación hemos separado la función de conexión en una librería a

parte, de tal manera que la incluiremos en todas las páginas que accedan a la base de datos.

<!-- Manual de PHP de --> 
function Conectarse() 

   if (!($link=mysql_connect("localhost","usuario","Password"))) 
      echo "Error conectando a la base de datos."; 
   if (!mysql_select_db("base_datos",$link)) 
      echo "Error seleccionando la base de datos."; 
   return $link; 


Ver código fuente

<!-- Manual de PHP de --> 

   <title>Ejemplo de PHP</title> 
<H1>Ejemplo de uso de bases de datos con PHP y MySQL</H1> 
   $result=mysql_query("select * from prueba",$link); 

   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
      printf("<tr><td>&nbsp;%s</td><td>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td></tr>", $row["Nombre"],

Ejecutar ejemplo Ver código fuente

En este ejemplo hemos utilizado 3 instrucciones

nuevas: mysql_query,mysql_fetch_array y mysql_free_result. Con la
instrucción mysql_query hemos hecho una consulta a la base de datos en el lenguaje de
consultas SQL, con la instrucción mysql_fetch_array extraemos los datos de la consulta a un
array y conmysql_free_result liberamos la memoria usada en la consulta.

Conexión a la base de datos

Insertar registros

Aportaciones de usuarios Añadir una aportación

Claudio Marrero ( 29/08/2003

en realidad es mejor crear algo como esto: 


* search.php 

* Script for searching a database populated with keywords by the 
* populate.php-script. 


print "<html><head><title>My Search Engine</title></head><body>\n"; 

if( $_POST['keyword'] ) 

/* Connect to the database: */ 
or die("ERROR: Could not connect to database!"); 

/* Get timestamp before executing the query: */ 

$start_time = getmicrotime(); 

/* Set $keyword and $results, and use addslashes() to 

* minimize the risk of executing unwanted SQL commands: */ 
$keyword = addslashes( $_POST['keyword'] ); 
$results = addslashes( $_POST['results'] ); 

/* Execute the query that performs the actual search in the DB: */ 
$result = mysql_query(" SELECT p.page_url AS url, 
COUNT(*) AS occurrences 
FROM page p, word w, occurrence o 
WHERE p.page_id = o.page_id AND 
w.word_id = o.word_id AND 
w.word_word = \"$keyword\" 
GROUP BY p.page_id 
ORDER BY occurrences DESC 
LIMIT $results" ); 

/* Get timestamp when the query is finished: */ 

$end_time = getmicrotime(); 

/* Present the search-results: */ 

print "<h2>Search results for '".$_POST['keyword']."':</h2>\n"; 
for( $i = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $i++ ) 

print "$i. <a href='".$row['url']."'>".$row['url']."</a>\n"; 
print "(occurrences: ".$row['occurrences'].")<br><br>\n"; 

/* Present how long it took the execute the query: */ 

print "query executed in ".(substr($end_time-$start_time,0,5))." seconds."; 


/* If no keyword is defined, present the search page instead: */ 
print "<form method='post'> Keyword: 
<input type='text' size='20' name='keyword'>\n"; 
print "Results: <select name='results'><option value='5'>5</option>\n"; 
print "<option value='10'>10</option><option value='15'>15</option>\n"; 
print "<option value='20'>20</option></select>\n"; 

print "<input type='submit' value='Search'></form>\n"; 

print "</body></html>\n"; 

/* Simple function for retrieving the current timestamp in microseconds: */ 

function getmicrotime() 

list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); 
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 


Y el otro es populate.php: 

* populate.php 

* Script for populating the search database with words, 
* pages and word-occurences. 

/* Connect to the database: */ 

or die("ERROR: Could not connect to database!"); 


/* Define the URL that should be processed: */ 

$url = addslashes( $_GET['url'] ); 

if( !$url ) 

die( "You need to define a URL to process." ); 

else if( substr($url,0,7) != "http://" ) 

$url = "http://$url"; 

/* Does this URL already have a record in the page-table? */ 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_url = \"$url\""); 
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 

if( $row['page_id'] ) 

/* If yes, use the old page_id: */ 
$page_id = $row['page_id']; 


/* If not, create one: */ 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO page (page_url) VALUES (\"$url\")"); 
$page_id = mysql_insert_id(); 

/* Start parsing through the text, and build an index in the database: */ 
if( !($fd = fopen($url,"r")) ) 
die( "Could not open URL!" ); 

while( $buf = fgets($fd,1024) ) 

/* Remove whitespace from beginning and end of string: */ 
$buf = trim($buf); 

/* Try to remove all HTML-tags: */ 

$buf = strip_tags($buf); 
$buf = ereg_replace('/&\w;/', '', $buf); 

/* Extract all words matching the regexp from the current line: */ 

/* Loop through all words/occurrences and insert them into the database: */ 
for( $i = 0; $words[$i]; $i++ ) 

for( $j = 0; $words[$i][$j]; $j++ ) 

/* Does the current word already have a record in the word-table? */ 
$cur_word = addslashes( strtolower($words[$i][$j]) ); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT word_id FROM word 

WHERE word_word = '$cur_word'"); 
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 
if( $row['word_id'] ) 

/* If yes, use the old word_id: */ 
$word_id = $row['word_id']; 


/* If not, create one: */ 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO word (word_word) VALUES (\"$cur_word\")"); 
$word_id = mysql_insert_id(); 

/* And finally, register the occurrence of the word: */ 

mysql_query("INSERT INTO occurrence (word_id,page_id) 
VALUES ($word_id,$page_id)"); 
print "Indexing: $cur_word<br>"; 


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