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Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) Mata Kuliah

Akhmad Hidayatno
1 Daftar Isi

1 Daftar Isi 2
2 Informasi Umum 3
2.1 Course Description 3
2.2 Course Learning Outcomes 5
2.3 Course References 6
3 Rancangan Kegiatan Pembelajaran 7
4 Rancangan Tugas dan Latihan 11
4.1 Rancangan Tugas dan Latihan serta Kriteria Penilaian 11
4.2 Kriteria Penilaian 12
4.3 Pedoman Kriteria Penilaian 12
4.4 Rubrik-Rubrik Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran 13
4.5 Ketentuan Tambahan 17
4.5.1 Sanksi 17
4.5.2 Ketentuan Lain Yang Perlu Diperhatikan 17

2 Informasi Umum
2.1 Course Description
MATA KULIAH (MK) Berpikir Sistem Semester 1

Dosen Pengampu Akhmad Hidayatno

KODE ENIE801001 Rumpun MK - BOBOT (sks) 3

Menjadi prasyarat
MK yang menjadi prasyarat - - Integrasi Antar MK -
untuk MK
A. Course Goals

Participants will be able to use the approach of a better understanding of complex problems as a start for a better problem-solving
process based on model-based management

Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan mahasiswa mampu untuk menggunakan pola pendekatan pemahaman masalah secara sistemik untuk
memecahkan permasalahan yang bersifat kompleks sebagai bagian dari model-based management.

B. Course Information

Sesuai dengan kondisi Pandemik saat ini, maka Untuk semester Ganjil 2020/2021 akan dilakukan secara full online melalui berbagai
fasilitas on-line.
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Untuk itu WAJIB mengganti atau memperbarui foto profil: Anda harus mengubah foto profil menjadi foto diri untuk
memudahkan proses komunikasi dan penilaian.

Untuk itu selain menggunakan platform EMAS UI, maka mahasiswa diwajibkan pula mendaftar ke Google Classroom kelas ini melalui
tautan berikut:
Bagi anda yang baru mendapatkan akun email, maka lakukan aktivasi pengelolaan email via GMAIL dengan memperhatikan
petunjuk berikut:

Maka secara otomatis akun akan tergabung kedalam Google Enterprise untuk UI, sehingga baru bisa mendaftarkan diri ke Google
Classroom Diatas. EMAS akan berisikan materi dan pengumpulan tugas, sedangkan Google Classroom adalah untuk lecturing dan quiz
(mengganti interaksi kelas). Ini karena emas suka aneh-aneh ketika sekaligus digunakan banyak kelas di seluruh UI.
Kuliah akan dilaksanakan menggunakan platform Zoom dimana tautan akan diberikan secara rutin di Google Classroom atau
menggunakan fasilitas komunikasi lainnya.

Materi akan diupdate sambil perkuliahan dijalan, jika anda merasa materi yang disini berbeda dari yang diajarkan dikelas, berarti sudah
atau akan ada update, silahkan memberikan informasi via ketua kelas jika materi yang disampaikan dikelas belum tersedia disini.
Jika ada tugas yang harus disubmit secara online, pastikan mengubah nama file dengan identitas pribadi, sehingga TIDAK
TERCAMPUR . Assignment file name should contain your name, ID and short assignment name (example:
akhmad_hidayatno_030404039_leftcolum.pdf. The standard format is PDF, unless specifically required to use other format.

Information Regarding Supplementary Video Materials

Some of these video materials are designed to be embedded directly within the presentation decks narrative, which means it is required
for you to watch it alongside the narrated decks. Therefore, the PTAQ (Pre-Test Attendance Quiz) might contain questions based on that
video. These videos had links in the slides of the narrated decks, which usually ask you to watch them and probably some trigger questions
to think about it.

The other video materials are considered exactly as supplementary videos, which means if you want to postponed watching them at a later
time after the class session, it is up to you. It is not required to watch them prior to the class session.

Information on Pre-Test Attendance Quiz (PTAQ)

Pre-Test Attendance Quiz (PTAQ) is a routine pre-test quiz before the class session begins each week to measure your understanding of
materials before classes started. The pattern for the course delivery is Asynchronous Delivery, therefore the materials of both narrated
presentation decks and reading material will be assigned before the online class is started. Therefore, the PTAQ is conducted. You will
have access to a YouTube video of Narrated Presentation Decks at a minimum of 24 hours before class (usually at 08.00 am the day
before). You will have to watch this video to be able to fill the quiz that will be launched at the starting time of class through Google
Classroom. Other reading materials can be accessed on EMAS if specifically publish on that section or announced in Google Classroom
that you must read it for that section. If there is generic or common reading material, it usually not included in this quiz but might be
checked in the mini-exams or mid/final exams.

These quizzes will not be graded individually; however, they will be accumulated as an attendance score with a maximum of 15% of each
facilitator's final grade. So is this class has 2 facilitators, each facilitator has a 50% marking allowance, then it will be 15% of that 50% for
the facilitators who use this system. Be aware that other facilitators might not want to use this system. Accumulated means that if the
facilitators only have allowances of 8 meetings, if a student filled out 8 "acceptable" quizzes, his/her score is 15%, not 8%. Each pre-test
attendance quiz, "acceptable" means you "answer" the questions based on the material or narrated presentation decks, and not just filling
it with "qwerty, bla bla bla, I don't know, Yes, No, etc.".

In each attendance quiz, there will always be two final questions that also is the key for "acceptance criteria": 'What are the 3 things that
you consider important?' and 'Do you have a question?', you must answer these two questions with a good answer. If there is just one
question from the pre-test attendance quiz that is not acceptable, you considered being absent in this week's class. Each quiz will have a
different allocated time for completion before locked and not receiving any submissions.

Quizzes can variate depending on the number of questions, but a minimum of 15 minutes is allocated with 30 minutes maximum for
filling out the quizzes. Zoom class will be opened on time and accepting attendance; however, the class discussion will be started 5
minutes after the quiz time limit. So you can decide whether to join zoom in parallel with filling the quiz or join after filling out the quiz.

With this, the Online Class will only just for discussion and answering selected questions from you. You can also use the online class to ask
the questions you already asked in the PTAQ. For example, the class schedule is at 10 am, the quiz is set at 20 minutes, Zoom will be open
at 10 am, and you can join the class, even though the class discussion will start in 10.25.

Kelas Depok : &

Tautan Kelas Daring
Kelas Salemba : &

2.2 Course Learning Outcomes

CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan MK
Kemampuan untuk merancang, mengelola dan meningkatkan kinerja suatu sistem terpadu, komponen, atau proses untuk memenuhi
CPL 1 kebutuhan dalam batasan yang realistik seperti ekonomi, lingkungan, sosial, politik, hukum, etika, faktor manusia,
kesehatan dan keselamatan, kelayakan pembuatan, dan keberlanjutan.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
Participants will be able to use the approach of a better understanding of complex problems as a start for a better problem-solving
process based on model-based management
Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan mahasiswa mampu untuk menggunakan pola pendekatan pemahaman masalah secara sistemik untuk
memecahkan permasalahan yang bersifat kompleks sebagai bagian dari model-based management.
Understand that thinking is a habit that can be changed and develop through exercise and awareness
Mampu memahani bahwa pola berpikir merupakan sesuatu hal yang bisa dikembangkan melalui perubahan paradigma dan latihan rutin
Understand the Concepts of 3Cs Component, Connections and Context as a guidance of deeper understanding of problems structure
Sub-CPMK-2 Mampu memahami 3 K dari konsep berpikir sistem: komponen, konektivititas, dan konteks yang menjadi pengarah dalam melakukan
analisa awal sebuah permasalahan
Understand the use of model-based thinking as the basis of better problem solving by a better understanding of problems
Sub-CPMK-3 Mampu memahami penggunaan cara berpikir berbased model untuk meningkatkan proses pemecahan masalah terutama
dalam mendapatkan pemahaman masalah yang lebih baik
Able to use support tools for systems analysis
Mampu menggunakan berbagai alat bantu analisa dalam mendukung proses implementasi metode analisa sistems
Able to implement the systems analysis process based on Soft System Methodology (SSM) to increase our understanding of problems
Sub-CPMK-5 Mampu mengimplementasikan metode analisa masalah sistem yang berbasis kepada Soft System Methodology (SSM) dalam
meningkatkan pemahaman permasalahan

2.3 Course References
1. Pengantar Kuliah Berfikir Sistem,
2. Ubah diri anda mulai dari cara berfikir Anda,
3. Pengantar Berpikir sebagai Keterampilan
4. Pengantar Teori Sistem dan Berbagai Pendekatan Pola Berpikir Sistem
5. The Beer Game Serious Simulation Game (SSG) Plau
6. Discussion on The Beer Game
7. Mental Models
Bahan Kajian 8. Models and how we used them
9. Model Thinking for Problem Solving
10. Bahasa Sistem
11. Membahas studi kasus tentang Causal Loop Diagram
12. Cetak Biru Sistem yang umum (System Archetypes)
13. Problem Solving dengan Berfikir Sistemik
14. Pengenalan Konsep SSM
15. Diskusi Studi Kasus dengan SSM
a. Thinking in Systems: A Primer, 2008, Donella Meadows , Chelsea Green Publishing
b. Checkland, P.B. and J. Scholes (2001) Soft Systems Methodology in Action, in J. Rosenhead and J. Mingers (eds),
Daftar Pustaka Rational Analysis for a Problematic World Revisited. Chichester: Wiley
c. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, Peter M. Senge, Crown
Business, 1994

3 Rancangan Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pengalaman Belajar Indikator Pencapaian Sub-CPMK
M (O)rientasi, (L)atihan, (U)mpan Balik
Sub-CPMK Materi Pembelajaran Moda Pembelajaran Sub-CPMK
g Luring (Offline) Indikator Umum (IU); Indikator
Daring (Online) ke CPMK
Khusus (IK)
Mampu memahani bahwa 1 Video Pengantar Kuliah Berfikir Sistem Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 6%
• Systems Thinking as a required skills menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) rancangan roadmap kegiatan
pola berpikir merupakan
for Industrial Engineering Master dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan perkuliahan dalam satu semester
sesuatu hal yang bisa that are moving for more complex (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) kedepan
dikembangkan melalui problems forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa memiliki struktur
perubahan paradigma dan • Course Introduction and Structure (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap piramida yang membangun
latihan rutin • Introducing Concepts, Models, Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas dengan pemahaman dan kemamapuan
Methods and Tools of Systems Zoom Video Conference (40%) berpikir sistem
Understand that thinking is a
Thinking (S)
habit that can be change and
Video Pengantar Berpikir sebagai Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 9%
develop through exercise and 2
Keterampilan menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) pemahaman terhadap berpikir
awareness • What is Thinking? (Pengantar dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan adalah bertanya
tentang berfikir), berfikir adalah (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) (IK) Mahasiswa mampu menyusun
mengajukan pertanyaan forum diskusi) (U) - pertanyaan terstruktur untuk
• Introduction to Lateral Thinking (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap berpikir
• The Art of Questioning Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas
Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%)
Mampu memahami 3 K dari 3 Video Pengantar Teori Sistem dan Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 10%
Berbagai Pendekatan Pola Berpikir menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) pemahaman tentang sejarah
konsep berpikir sistem:
Sistem dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan pendekatan sistem dan berpikir
komponen, konektivititas, • General Systems Theory (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) sistem
dan konteks yang menjadi • Bagaimana ciri-ciri sistem forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa mampu
pengarah dalam melakukan diterjemahkan kedalam pola berfikir (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap membedakan antara 3 teori
analisa awal sebuah • Struktur Dasar Sistem: Input Process Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas pendekatan definisi dari berpikir
permasalahan Output Feedbacks Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) sistem
• Systems Thinking: 5th Discipline, (S)
Understand the Concepts of
Combination of Thinking
3Cs Component, Connections
• Systems Thinking, SSM (Soft OR)
and Context as a guidance of dan System Dynamics
deeper understanding of
problems structure

Pengalaman Belajar Indikator Pencapaian Sub-CPMK
M (O)rientasi, (L)atihan, (U)mpan Balik
Sub-CPMK Materi Pembelajaran Moda Pembelajaran Sub-CPMK
g Luring (Offline) Indikator Umum (IU); Indikator
Daring (Online) ke CPMK
Khusus (IK)
4 Video The Beer Game Simulation Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa (IU) Mahasiswa merasakan betapa 7&
• Group Assignment for the Beer menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) struktur sistem bisa memembuat
Game dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan mereka seperti tidak memiliki
(belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) opsi
forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa mampu
(S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap memetakan pola pengambilan
Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas keputusan yang terkurung oleh
Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) struktur yang ada
5 Discussion on The Beer Game Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, mereview materi 5%
• Konsep Behavior sebagai menggunakan EMAS diskusi minggu lalu (25%)
representasi dari dinamika sistem dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa Mengerjakan tugas tentang
• Bagaimana membaca BoT (Behavior (belajar mandiri dan Evaluasi Beer Game (15%)
over TimeGraph) forum diskusi) (U) Evaluasi Tugas Beer Game (25%)
• Simulasi pentingnya memiliki (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap
horison waktu yang dinamis Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas
• Dinamika Sistem bersumber dari Zoom dengan Video Conference (25%)
Struktur Sistem (S)
• Bagaimana menebak struktur
• Videos on Beer Game and Thinking
Mampu memahami 6 Video Mental Models Principles Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 10%
• Model Based Thinking menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) pemahaman pentingnya mental
penggunaan cara berpikir
• Single-loop-learning vs double loop dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan model dan perubahannya dalam
berbased model untuk learning (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) memecahkan masalah
meningkatkan proses • Bagaimana kita membangun dan forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa mampu memiliki
pemecahan masalah mengubah mental models (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap cara untuk melakukan proses
terutama dalam • How mental models develop (ladder Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas adkovasi dan bertanya dalam
mendapatkan pemahaman of inference) Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) mengeksplorasi model mental
masalah yang lebih baik • Advocacy dan Inquiry: Alat untuk (S)
mendapatkan model mental dari
orang lain
• Left Column Methods: Alat untuk
mendapatkan model mental dari
diri sendiri

Pengalaman Belajar Indikator Pencapaian Sub-CPMK
M (O)rientasi, (L)atihan, (U)mpan Balik
Sub-CPMK Materi Pembelajaran Moda Pembelajaran Sub-CPMK
g Luring (Offline) Indikator Umum (IU); Indikator
Daring (Online) ke CPMK
Khusus (IK)
Understand the use of model 7 Video Models and how we used them Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa - (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 10%
• Model Based Management menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) gambaran tentang bagaimana
based thinking as the basis of
• Model Based Thinking dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan model bisa membantu mereka
better problem solving by
• Decisions are based on Models (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) mendeskripsikan permasalahan
better understanding of forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa memiliki koelksi
problems (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap pola-pola membagi
Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas permasalahan menjadi
Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) komponennnya
Mampu menggunakan 8 Video System Language as Tools for Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa - (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 8%
Systems Thinking menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) gambaran tentang alat
berbagai alat bantu analisa
• Permainan Struktur dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan berkomunikasi untuk
dalam mendukung proses • Permainan Systems Loops (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) menggambarkan sistem yaitu
implementasi metode analisa • Komponen CLD forum diskusi) (U) - Causal Loop Diagram
sistem • Rules dalam CLD (loops sign) (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap (IK) Mahasiswa memahami
• Tips dalam CLD Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas tentang cara dan batasan untuk
• Metodologi menyusun CLD: Column Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) menggunakan Causal Loop
Methods (S) Diagram
• Latihan menyusun CLD
Able to use support tools for 9 Membahas studi kasus tentang Causal Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, mereview materi - 9%
Loop Diagram menggunakan EMAS diskusi minggu lalu (15%)
systems analysis
• Latihan menyusun CLD dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa Mengerjakan tugas tentang
• Presentasi Studi kasus dari peserta (belajar mandiri dan Causal Loop Diagram (35%)
yang dikerjakan di rumah forum diskusi) (U) Evaluasi Causal Loop Diagram (25%)
(S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap
Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas
Zoom dengan Video Conference (25%)

Pengalaman Belajar Indikator Pencapaian Sub-CPMK
M (O)rientasi, (L)atihan, (U)mpan Balik
Sub-CPMK Materi Pembelajaran Moda Pembelajaran Sub-CPMK
g Luring (Offline) Indikator Umum (IU); Indikator
Daring (Online) ke CPMK
Khusus (IK)
10 Video System Archetypes, sebuah Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa - (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 8%
konsep cetak biru yang umum terjadi menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) pemahaman tentang beberapa
pada dunia nyata dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan struktur model yang lazim
• System archetypes membantu kita (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) muncul di dunia nya
untuk memahami sistem yang ada forum diskusi) (U) - (IK) Mahasiswa mengidentifikasi
• Focus on the surrounding not just (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap struktur model berdasarkan
the problems Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas grafik perilaku
• Bagaimana sebuah struktur akan Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%)
membentuk sebuah BoT (S)
• Basic Structure and Behaviors
eminitating from the structure
• Understanding Behavior over Time
Graphs (growth,
Video Problem Solving dengan Berfikir Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, Mahasiswa - (IU) Mahasiswa mendapatkan 9%
Mampu 11
Sistemik menggunakan EMAS Menonton Materi Video Minggu ini (35%) gambaran tentang metodologi
• Soft Systems Methodology dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa merangkum materi dengan ilmiah dalam memecahkan
metode analisa masalah • SSM adalah Gap Analysis (belajar mandiri dan mengisi quiz PTAQ (15%) masalah berpikir sistem secara
sistem yang berbasis kepada • SSM Konsep (Systems = forum diskusi) (U) - kualitatif yaitu Soft Systems
Soft System Methodology Transformation IPOF, Perception (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap Methodology
(SSM) dalam meningkatkan Mapping) Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas (IK) Mahasiswa memahami
pemahaman permasalahan • SSM Tools (Rich Pictures, Root Zoom dengan Video Conference (40%) tentang cara dan batasan untuk
Definitions - CATWOE) (S) melakukan analisa sistem
Diskusi Studi Kasus Albion Group Asinkronus (0) Sebelum Sesi Kelas, mereview materi - dengan Soft Systems Analysis 9%
Able to implement the 12
• Mahasiswa memahami bagaimana menggunakan EMAS diskusi minggu lalu (15%)
systems analysis process
sebuah metodologi SSM dan Google Classroom (L) Mahasiswa Mengerjakan tugas tentang
based on Soft System diaplikasikan dalam sebuah studi (belajar mandiri dan Causal Loop Diagram (35%)
Methodology (SSM) to kasus forum diskusi) (U) Evaluasi SSM (25%)
increase our understanding of • Umpan balik dan kesimpulan (S) Dosen memberikan tanggapan terhadap
problems Sinkronous dengan isian PTSQ dan diskusi dalam kelas
Zoom dengan Video Conference (25%)

4 Rancangan Tugas dan Latihan
4.1 Rancangan Tugas dan Latihan serta Kriteria Penilaian
Penugasan Ruang Lingkup Batas
Sub-CPMK ng Luaran Tugas yang Dihasilkan
gu Assignment Name Description Waktu
Mampu memahani bahwa pola berpikir merupakan 2 Tugas Menyusun Struktur Develop a Landscape double page A3 1 week One page of A4 Posters on how to ask question in a
sesuatu hal yang bisa dikembangkan melalui perubahan Pertanyaan Poster (Infographics) that guides your Systemic Way. Recommended Software is just using
paradigma dan latihan rutin thinking. The poster consistset of a Powerpoint with A4 Setting
questions that can be used
Understand that thinking is a habit that can be change
and develop through exercise and awareness
Mampu memahami 3 K dari konsep berpikir sistem: 3 Tugas Kelompok Beer Game Based on the Game, analyse the way you 1 week A presentation slides based on the format that will
komponen, konektivititas, dan konteks yang menjadi see the game at first, and compared it be introduced in the class (or in EMAS)
pengarah dalam melakukan analisa awal sebuah Beer Game Analysis after you play the game

Understand the Concepts of 3Cs Component, Connections 4 Tugas Left Column Methods Create a one page A4 assignment consist 1 week One Page of A4 paper in Landscape Mode using the
and Context as a guidance of deeper understanding of of the Left Column Method table table of Left Colume Methods. The Concept will
problems structure explained in the Class
Mampu memahami berbagai konsep model ideal dalam 6 Frameworks of Analysis Components Breakdown Frameworks in 1 week Two Pages of A4 paper in Landscape Mode using the
organisasi sebagai kerangka kerja awal dalam melakukan Infographics understainding systems table of Left Colume Methods. The Concept will
analisa sistem explained in the Class

Understand the concept of ideal models as way to

identify gaps that can be used as frameworks for
Mampu menggunakan berbagai alat bantu analisa dalam 8 Tugas Causal Loop Giagram Causal Loop Diagram merupakan alat 2 weeks Two Pages of A4 paper in Landscape Mode using the
mendukung proses implementasi metode analisa sistem untuk menggambarkan keterkaitan Causal Loop Diagram tools
variable yang dibutuhkan dalam
Able to use analytical support tools in implementing menterjemahkan pola berpikir sistem
systems analysis process
Mampu mengimplementasikan metode analisa masalah 10 Tugas Latihan 1 dan 2 berbasis SSM Rich Pictures, CATWOE, Root Definition 2 weeks Using the Provided Template, Participants will fill the
sistem yang berbasis kepada Soft System Methodology (Soft Systems MEthodologi) necessary information and formulate the table of
(SSM) dalam meningkatkan pemahaman permasalahan improvement
14 Tugas Analisa Studi Kasus berbasis Use the SSM Methodology to analyze case 2 weeks Using the Provided Template, Participants will fill the
SSM (Soft Systems MEthodologi) studies and create recommendations of necessary information and formulate the table of
dan Causal Loop Diagram improvements improvement

4.2 Kriteria Penilaian
Instrumen/ Bobot
Bentuk Evaluasi Sub-CPMK Frekuensi
Jenis Asesmen Evaluasi (%)
Mampu memahani bahwa pola berpikir merupakan
Tugas Menyusun Struktur Pertanyaan
sesuatu hal yang bisa dikembangkan melalui perubahan Take Home Assignment Rubric Evaluation Table 1 8%
paradigma dan latihan rutin

Tugas Kelompok Beer Game Mampu memahami 3 K dari konsep berpikir sistem: Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Paper Report Rubrik) 1 8%
komponen, konektivititas, dan konteks yang menjadi
pengarah dalam melakukan analisa awal sebuah
Tugas Left Column Methods permasalahan Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Paper Report Rubrik) 1 7%

Mampu memahami berbagai konsep model ideal dalam

Frameworks of Analysis Infographics organisasi sebagai kerangka kerja awal dalam melakukan Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Paper Report Rubrik) 1 7%
analisa sistem
Mampu menggunakan berbagai alat bantu analisa dalam
Tugas Causal Loop Giagram Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Paper Report Rubrik) 1 15%
mendukung proses implementasi metode analisa sistem
Tugas Latihan 1 dan 2 berbasis SSM (Soft Systems
Mampu mengimplementasikan metode analisa masalah Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Paper Report Rubrik) 1 10%
sistem yang berbasis kepada Soft System Methodology
Tugas Analisa Studi Kasus berbasis SSM (Soft Systems
(SSM) dalam meningkatkan pemahaman permasalahan Rubrik Laporan Tertulis (Final Report Rubrik) 1 30%
MEthodologi) dan Causal Loop Diagram
Quiz Pemahaman materi yang dinarasikan dalam bentuk
PTAQ Quiz Exam Questions Evaluation Table Minimal 10x 15%

4.3 Pedoman Kriteria Penilaian

Konversi nilai akhir mahasiswa berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Indonesia. Konversi nilai tersebut adalah:

Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf Bobot Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf Bobot
85—100 A 4,00 60—<65 C+ 2,30
80—<85 A- 3,70 55—<60 C 2,00
75—<80 B+ 3,30 40—<55 D 1,00
70—<75 B 3,00 <40 E 0,00
65—<70 B- 2,70

4.4 Rubrik-Rubrik Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran
Table 1 Paper Report Evaluation Table

Criteria A B C D
Organization Information is presented in effective order. Information is logically ordered with Information is scattered and needs further There is no apparent ordering of paragraphs, and
Excellent structure of paragraphs and paragraphs and transitions. development. thus there is no progressive flow of ideas.
(Overall order, flow, and transitions enhances readability and Within sections, the Details and examples are not organized, are hard
transitions) comprehension. order in which ideas are presented may be to follow and understand.
The executive summary or occasionally
abstract is presented first, confusing
enabling the reader to easily follow the rest of
the report
Quality of Information Supporting details are specific to topic and Some details don’t support the report topic. Details are somewhat sketchy. Unable to find specific details.
provide the necessary information.
Introduction Introductory paragraph is clearly stated, has a Introductory paragraph is clearly stated with a Introductory paragraph is vague. Introductory paragraph is not apparent.
sharp, distinct focus and enhances the impact focus.
of the report
Conclusion Concluding paragraph summarizes and draws Concluding paragraph follows and summarizes Concluding paragraph is only remotely related Concluding paragraph is not apparent.
a clear, effective conclusion and enhances the the report discussion and draws a conclusion. to the report topic.
impact of the report.
Use of Sentences are complete and grammatical, and For the most part, sentences are complete and Minor Errors in sentence structure and Major Errors in sentence structure and grammar
Language: they flow together easily. Words are chosen for grammatical, and they flow together easily. grammar are frequent enough that they reduce are frequent enough that they distract the reader
Word Choice, their precise meaning. Any errors are minor and do not distract the the reader and interfere with meaning. There is and interfere with meaning. There is
Grammar, and reader. Repetition of unnecessary repetition of the unnecessary repetition of the
Sentence the same words and phrases is same words and phrases same words and phrases
Structure avoided
Use of Figures: All figures, graphs, charts, and drawings are For the most part, figures, graphs, charts, and Just few of figures, graphs, charts, and Figures, graphs, charts, & drawings are of poor
Graphs, Charts, accurate, consistent with the text, and of good drawings are accurate, consistent with the text, drawings are accurate, consistent with the text, quality, have numerous inaccuracies &
& Drawings quality. They enhance understanding of the and of good quality. They are generally labeled and of good quality. They are not labeled mislabeling, or may be missing. There may be no
text. All are labeled correctly in accordance correctly in accordance with engineering correctly. corresponding explanatory text or there may be
with engineering standards and are referred to standards. All are referred to in the text. redundancy with the text.
in the text.
Bibliography All resources are cited and appear with correct All resources are cited, but formatting isn’t Some resources are cited but not all. Not Resources not cited in paper or proper format
formatting. correct. formatted correctly. not used.
Critique The report discusses the strengths and The report discusses the strengths and The report discusses either the strengths or The report does not mention the strengths or the
weaknesses, and suggests ways in which it can weaknesses weaknesses of the invention but not both. weaknesses
be improved.
Connections The report makes appropriate connections The report makes appropriate connections The report makes unclear or inappropriate The report makes no connections, just showing
between all key components (problems to between several components connections between components the components
solutions, problem to problems, solutions to
Analysis The paper successfully breaks the argument, The paper successfully breaks the argument, The paper breaks the argument, issue, or The parts identified are not the correct and/or
issue, or problem into relevant parts. The issue, or problem into relevant parts. The problem into parts, but some parts may be relevant ones. The connections between the parts
connections between the parts are clear and connections between the parts are fairly missing or unclear. The connections between are completely inaccurate.
highly accurate. accurate. the parts are somewhat accurate.

Depth of Analysis Results are carefully and objectively analyzed. Engineering analysis is detailed enough to aid Engineering analysis is so sketchy that Engineering analysis is so inadequate that
Interpretations are made using understanding but the reader is barely able to evaluate the validity the reader is not able to evaluate the validity of
appropriate equations, models, or theories is not enhanced with equations, models, or of the interpretation of findings the interpretation of findings

Criteria A B C D
Synthesis The paper successfully integrates all relevant The paper integrates most relevant parts from The paper integrates some parts from various The parts to be integrated are not clear and/or
parts from various places into a coherent various places into a mostly coherent whole. places into a somewhat coherent whole. The relevant. The connections between the parts are
whole. The connections between the parts are The connections between the parts are connections between the parts are somewhat unclear.
clear and insightful. generally clear. unclear.

Professional Style
Visual Format The document is visually appealing. White Use of white space and color help the reader The document is not visually appealing and The document is unappealing and no or
space and color are used appropriately navigate the document, although the layout there are few “cues” to help the reader navigate confusing visual cues
to separate blocks of text and add emphasis. could be more effective and appealing the document.
The reader can easily navigate the document
Ability to Define Terms Engineering terms and jargon are used For the most part, terms and jargon are used There is an overuse of jargon and technical terms
and Jargon correctly. They are defined the first time they correctly with some attempt to define them. without adequate explanation of their meaning
are used in the report
Analysis of group Clearly articulates what worked well and why, Discusses only two of the three; discusses Does not articulate any of the three – what
process and individual what did not work well and why, and ways to group without discussing self; discusses self worked well and why, what didn’t work well
role within it increase effectiveness and efficiency of group without discussing group and why, how to improve
process in the future, considering self as well
as others

Table 2 Take Home Assignment Rubric Evaluation Table

Criteria A B C D
Demonstrated • Shows complete understanding of the • Shows substantial understanding of the • Response shows some understanding of • Response shows a lack of understanding
Knowledge exercises exercises the exercises for the exercises
• Demonstrates full knowledge of the subject • At ease with subject content • Uncomfortable with content • No grasp of information
with explanations and elaboration • Able to elaborate and explain to some • Only basic concepts are demonstrated and • No clear knowledge of subject matter
degree interpreted
Requirements • Goes beyond the requirements of the • Meets the requirements of the exercise • Does not meet the requirements of the • Fails to complete the exercise
exercise exercise
Report Format • Format is consistent throughout, including • Format is generally consistent, including • Mostly consistent format • Work is illegible, format changes
heading styles and captions heading styles and captions • Figures and tables are legible, but not throughout, e.g., font type, size, etc.
• Figures and tables are presented logically • Figures and tables are neatly done and convincing • Figures and tables are sloppy and fail to
and reinforce the text provide intended information provide intended information
Spelling and Grammar • Negligible misspellings and grammatical • Minor misspellings and grammatical errors • Several spelling and grammatical errors • Numerous spelling and grammatical errors
References • Reference section complete and • Minor inadequacies in references • Inadequate list of references or references • No referencing system used
comprehensive • Consistent referencing system in text
• Consistent and logical referencing system • Inconsistent or illogical referencing system

Table 3 Answering Questions Evaluation Table

Criteria A B C D
Demonstrated • Shows complete understanding of the • Shows substantial understanding of the • Response shows some understanding of the • Response shows a lack of understanding for
Knowledge exercises exercises exercises the exercises
• Demonstrates full knowledge of the • At ease with subject content • Uncomfortable with content • No grasp of information
subject with explanations and elaboration • Able to elaborate and explain to some • Only basic concepts are demonstrated and • No clear knowledge of subject matter
degree interpreted

Table 4 Presentation Rubric Evaluation Table

Criteria A B C D
Gains attention of Gives details or an amusing fact, a series of Does a two-sentence introduction, then starts Does not attempt to gain attention of audience,
audience. questions, a short demonstration, a colorful speech. just starts speech.
visual or a personal reason why they picked
this topic.
Organization Presentation is clear, logical and organized. Presentation is generally clear and well Listener can follow presentation with effort. Logic of arguments is not made clear. Listeners
Listener can follow line of reasoning. organized. A few minor points may be Some arguments are not clear. Organization are confused.
confusing. seems haphazard.
Style Level of presentation is appropriate for the Level of presentation is generally appropriate. Aspects of presentation are too elementary or Presentation consistently is too elementary or
audience. Presentation is a planned Pacing is sometimes too fast or slow. The too sophisticated for audience. Presenter seems too sophisticated for the audience. Information
conversation, paced for audience presenter seems slightly uncomfortable at uncomfortable and can be heard only if listener is read to audience. Presenter is obviously
understanding. It is NOT a reading of a paper. times, and the audience occasionally has is very attentive. Much of the information is anxious and cannot be heard.
Speaker is clearly comfortable in front of the trouble hearing the presenter. read.
group and can be heard by all.
Use of Communication Communication aids enhance the presentation. Communication aids contribute to the quality Communication aids are poorly prepared or
Aids They are prepared in a professional manner. of the presentation. used inappropriately. Font is too small to be No communication aids are used, or they are so
(transparencies, slides, Font on visuals is large enough to be seen by Font size is appropriate for reading. easily seen. poorly prepared that they detract from the
posters, handouts, etc.) all. Appropriate information is included. Too much information is included. presentation.
Information is organized to maximize audience Some material is not supported by visual aids. Unimportant material is highlighted. Listeners
understanding. may be confused.
Details are minimized so main points stand
Use of Language: Sentences are complete and grammatical, and For the most part, sentences are complete and Listeners can follow the presentation, but some Listeners are so distracted by the presenter's
Grammar and Word they flow together easily. Words are chosen for grammatical, and they flow together easily. grammatical errors and use of slang are apparent difficulty with the grammar and
Choice their precise meaning. With a few exceptions, words are chosen for evident. Some sentences are appropriate vocabulary that they cannot focus
their precise meaning. incomplete/halting, and/or vocabulary is on the ideas presented.
somewhat limited or inappropriate.
Content Depth Speaker provides an accurate and complete For the most part, explanations of concepts Explanations of concepts and/or theories are
explanation of key concepts and theories, and theories are accurate and complete. Some inaccurate or incomplete. Little attempt is No reference is made to literature of theory.
drawing upon relevant literature. Listeners helpful applications are included. made to tie theory to practice. Listeners gain Listeners gain no new insights.
gain insights. little from the presentation.
Content Accuracy Information (names, facts, etc.) included in the No significant errors are made. Listeners Enough errors are made to distract a Information included is sufficiently inaccurate
presentation is consistently accurate. recognize any error to be the result of knowledgeable listener, but some information that the listener cannot depend on the
nervousness or oversight. is accurate. The presentation is useful if the presentation as a source of accurate
listener can determine what information is information. Listeners may have been misled.
Responsiveness to Consistently clarifies, restates, and responds to Generally responsive to audience questions and Responds to questions but misses the Responds to questions inadequately.
Audience questions. Summarizes when needed. needs. Misses some opportunities for opportunity for interaction
interaction. Body language reveals a reluctance to interact
Body language reflects comfort interacting with Body language reveals a reluctance to interact with audience.
audience Body language reflects some discomfort with audience.
interacting with audience.

Table 5 Groups Presentation Rubric Evaluation Table

Transition and Transition between speakers are smooth and in Transition is not smooth and not in line with Transition is not evident and lack of
Individual Assignment line with the presentation materials the presentation materials coordination between speakers

Individual Speakers are assign evenly to Individual speakers are not assign evenly Only one speaker dominated the whole group
explain about the topics presentation

Table 6 Design Project Report Rubric Evaluation Table

Criteria A B C D
Identifies project All important major and minor objectives All major objectives are identified but one or Many major objectives are not identified. Identifies project objectives based on
objectives based on are identified and appropriately prioritized. two minor ones are missing or priorities are general description and client requirements
general description not established.
and client
Identifies relevant & All relevant information is obtained and Sufficient information is obtained and most Insufficient information is obtained and/or Identifies relevant & valid information to
valid information to information sources are valid. Design sources are valid. Design recommendations sources lack validity. Design support decision-making.
support decision- recommendations are well supported by the are mostly supported by the information. recommendations are not supported by
making. information. information collected.
Generation and Three or more alternatives are considered. At least three alternatives are considered. Only one or two alternatives are considered. Generation and analysis of alternatives.
analysis of Each alternative is appropriately and Appropriate analyses are selected but Inappropriate analyses are selected and/or
alternatives. correctly analyzed for technical feasibility. analyses include some minor procedural major procedural and conceptual errors are
errors made.

Identifies relevant All relevant constraints are identified and Most constraints are identified; some are Few or no constraints are identified or some Identifies relevant constraints (economic,
constraints accurately analyzed. not adequately addressed or accurately constraints are identified but not accurately environmental/ safety sustainability, etc)
(economic, analyzed. analyzed.
sustainability, etc)
Generates valid Recommended solution is based on stated Solution/decision is reasonable; further Only one solution is considered or other Generates valid conclusions/decisions
conclusions/decision criteria, analysis and constraints. analysis of some of the alternatives or solutions were ignored or incompletely
s constraints may have led to different analyzed. Many constraints and criteria
recommendation. were ignored.

Delegation and Responsibilities delegated fairly. Each Some minor inequities in the delegation of Major inequities in delegation of
fulfillment of member contributes in a valuable way to the responsibilities. Some members contribute responsibilities. Group has obvious
Responsibilities project. All members always attended more heavily than others but all members freeloaders who fail to meet their
meetings and met deadlines for deliverables. meet their responsibilities. Members responsibilities or members who dominate
regularly attended meetings with only a few and prevent others from contributing.
absences, and deadlines for deliverables Members would often miss meetings,
were met. and/or deadlines were often missed.
Team morale and Team worked well together to achieve Team worked well together most of the time, Team did not collaborate or communicate
cohesiveness objectives. Members enjoyed interacting with only a few occurrences of well. Some members would work
with each other and learned from each communication breakdown or failure to independently, without regard to objectives
other. All data sources indicated a high level collaborate when appropriate. Members or priorities. A lack of respect and regard
of mutual respect and collaboration. were mostly respectful of each other. was frequently noted.

Table 7 Class Attendance and Participation Rubric Evaluation Table

Frequency Attends class regularly and always contributes Attends class regularly and sometimes Attends class regularly but rarely contributes to Attends class regularly but never contributes to
and to the discussion by raising thoughtful contributes to the discussion in the the discussion in the aforementioned ways. the discussion in the aforementioned ways.
Quality questions, analyzing relevant issues, building aforementioned ways.

on others’ ideas, synthesizing across readings
and discussions, expanding the class’
perspective, and appropriately challenging
assumptions and perspectives

4.5 Ketentuan Tambahan

4.5.1 Sanksi
1. Mahasiswa wajib menghadiri setiap pertemuan, kecuali dengan ijin khusus. Jumlah kehadiran minimal adalah 75% dari total kehadiran sebelum ujian tertulis
(UTS & UAS) diselenggarakan. Bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat tersebut tidak akan dibolehkan mengikuti ujian tertulis.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyelesaikan semua tugas dan evaluasi yang diberikan dengan tepat waktu. Bagi yang lalai akan medapatkan sanksi berupa pengurangan
3. Mahasiswa tidak dijinkan masuk ke dalam ruangan pertemuan bila terlambat, kecuali dengan kondisi tertentu mendapatkan ijin dari pengajar.
4. Mahasiswa yang melanggar kerapihan berpakaian (memakai sandal dan kaos) tidak akan dibolehkan mengikuti perkuliahan atau ujian sebelum memenuhi
syarat kerapihan berpakaian tersebut.

4.5.2 Ketentuan Lain Yang Perlu Diperhatikan

1. Mahasiswa berada dalam kelompok kecil dan kelompok besarnya masing-masing setiap kali pertemuan berlangsung dan mendapatkan tugas kelompok.
2. Semua tugas menggunakan bahasa inggris
3. Mahasiswa bertanggung jawab atas kehadirannya dalam setiap pertemuan, keterlambatan lebih dari 15 menit setelah dosen masuk, tidak diperkenankan
memasuki kelas
4. Mahasiswa mengenakan pakaian yang rapih dan sopan (dilarang memakai sandal dan kaos tanpa kerah) setiap kali pertemuan berlangsung
5. Catatan untuk Tugas dan Pengumpulannya
o Tugas yang memiliki batasan kata, biasanya tidak termasuk kata dalam illustrasi (gambar) atau tabel, setiap tugas konfirmasikan ke dosen/fasilitator
o Penalti akan diberikan mencakup: (1) Kelebihan huruf mencapai kurang atau lebih dari 10% - mengurangi point anda dalam skala 100 = -10, (2)
Keterlambatan pengumpulan tugas dari waktu yang ditentukan - mengurangi point anda dalam skala 100 = -15, dan pertambahan -5 point setiap 2 jam
keterlambatan dengan maksimal -15 point (> 6 jam)
o Struktur halaman dalam tugas berbentuk paper adalah halaman judul, halaman nilai tugas (terlampir dalam BRP ini), halaman penilaian peer group
(untuk tugas kelompok), dan dilanjutkan dg struktur halaman dari tugas anda.
o Tugas dalam bentuk Paper, harus berfomat Landscape, Kertas A4, menggunakan huruf dengan yang setara dg Times New Roman ukuran 11 pt, boleh
dibagi menjadi 2 kolom atau 1 kolom terserah anda, wajib berhalaman dan menggunakan daftar isi, binding (jepret) pada sisi atas. Layout dan format

adalah formal professional. Format ini adalah standard kecuali diminta berbeda oleh fasilitator kelas, dan sebaiknya anda tanyakan ketika tugas
diberikan (terutama jika 1 kelas dikelola oleh beberapa dosen)
o Tugas yang diminta fasilitator untuk dikirimkan via email, harap dikirimkan dengan kondisi compressed zip format, dengan format:
▪ Tugas individu: (contoh: sikumis_0100101_ kelaspolitik
▪ Tugas kelompok: namakelompok_nourutkelompok_topiktugas_tahun- (contoh:
o Pengumpulan tugas via email biasanya mengakibatkan mailbox menjadi cepat penuh seandainya para peserta kebanyakan memiliki besaran file yang
besar, jadi perhatikan dateline dan hourline (misalnya kamis, pukul 00.00) dan usahakan lebih awal lebih baik
o Gunakan aplikasi yang bisa mengecilkan file-file office menjadi kecil


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