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Outline of the essay on Obesity

-What are realistic steps that could be taken to reduce obesity among Malaysian children?

-Three things we could do to prevent obesity.

-Compose an essay describing each one in detail.

Points gained from researched articles

1. Changes in children’s physical activity

-Tend to play indoor games, watching TV rather than playing outdoor games.

-Children’s time nowadays occupied with various classes.

-Parents are worry to let the children outside.

2. Taking more fast, junk and packaged foods.

- Tend to be high in fat and calories.

- Easy way for busy parents to prepare food.

- Trendy food that preferred by children rather than fish and fresh vegetables.

3. Unawareness within the public of a healthy lifestyle.

- Do not allocate time for exercises.

- Do not care to know about healthy food or balanced diet.

- No time for healthy activities with family members.



I. Introduction

General statement 1: The obese problem becomes more significant nowadays.

General statement 2: Children are also having this problem.

General statement 3: There are several causes for this health phenomenon.

General statement 4: Some realistic steps could be taken to reduce obesity among Malaysian’s


II. Body


1. Main supporting point: Giving encouragement for the children to take part in outdoor games.
a. Supporting Detail: Outdoor games could burn out more calories and would not
accumulate excessive fats.
b. Supporting Detail: Fresher air could be gained outside and helps them in growing

2. Main supporting point: Educate the public in healthy lifestyles.

a. Supporting Detail: Continual campaigns through mass media.

b. Supporting Detail: Conducts the communities’ activities to expose public towards healthy


3. Main supporting point:

a. Supporting Detail:

b. Supporting Detail:

1. Main supporting point: Educate the public in healthy lifestyles.

a. Supporting Detail: Formal classes should be held by nutritionist and health officers in
hospitals and schools.
b. Supporting Detail: Information through brochures and pamphlets distributed at shopping

2. Main supporting point: Conducts the communities’ activities to expose public towards healthy

a. Supporting Detail: Housing areas could organize the communities’ activities to nurture
collaboration towards curbing diseases and gaining information on
healthy lifestyles.
b. Supporting Detail: Programmes like ‘gotong-royong’, talks, blood donation and health
exhibition could be held.

3. Main supporting point: Continual campaigns through mass media.

a. Supporting Detail: Government departments should run progressive campaigns.

b. Supporting Detail: Social bodies or NGOs should play their roles in social welfare.


1. Main supporting point: Children should be given fresh healthy food.

a. Supporting Detail: Parents must avoid giving children fast, junk or packaged food.

b. Supporting Detail: These kind of food tend to contain high fat and calories.

2. Main supporting point: Adults must be good models to take only healthy food.

a. Supporting Detail: Adults themselves at home must only go on fresh healthy food.
b. Supporting Detail: Career mothers should

3. Main supporting point:

a. Supporting Detail:

b. Supporting Detail:

III. Conclusion:

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