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Horoscope : GENERAL

Astrological climate of this year 2011 is announced in a general way, serene. Indeed,
Saturn, Mars and Uranus in dynamic aspects with your sign will soften your bonds with a
bigger comprehension, which will be facilitated in a reciprocal way. You collect the fruits
of your efforts of last year, you will not have much opportunity to insulate you, but you
will be able to transform your chances of new meetings thanks to your sociability, on
fertile occasions for the future, in all the fields. The life reduces of weights resulting from
the past, and in spite of the fact that you will have for that to confront you with it, you can
precisely exceed that to evolve peacefully to the future. This fight is healthy, keep on it.

This year will be stirring up on the relational level. You will meet circumstances which
will support the widening of your knowledge, and will transform certain bonds. You here
at the end of a cycle, it is the moment to put an end to unstable situations to analyze them.
From May 2011, you will have the chance with you for all that refers to the expansion of
your activity, its development, or to start a new project. The contacts with your
collaborators will be more serene, you will see them more reconciling with you… You
will have more talents of diplomacy than usually, it is for you the moment to show your
determination, your good will. Team work is necessary in autumn; if you only work, you
will be likely best to lead to the longer-term recognition.

The stability of your emotional ties will be the one of your absolute priorities, this year.
Indeed, the conjunction of Neptune softens and wakes up in you fears which will cause
defence reactions in a constructive direction in your attitude with your partner. The
Venus effects in aspect to your Sun will support your efforts in the direction d' a denser
expression in love. Moreover, the changes which you set up will start to bear their fruits.
The general climate is tender at the beginning of year. Your loves tint increased
tenderness, you will have more resources to reinforce your agreement, the harmony
settles, without you losing the intensity in love which holds you with heart. Will be able
to reason your requirements if you are alone, the meetings during this time claim efforts
in this direction, it is necessary to round the angles, not to appear harder than you are it
actually, in spring. Your spontaneous reactions will be dense in emotions. But for your
partner, you do not astonish if he considers them too whole and if you are taxed with
susceptibility! If you are single, you will meet events very records, there are projecting
meetings in prospect. The love at first sight is not a myth… You will not play shy person
well a long time! These new departures made possible in autumn will force you to leave
your reserve, but especially to look at your fears opposite: You attract with you the
people who without difficulties discover you the most hidden weaknesses.

You will seek to put more order in your administrative business and your accounts, to
cleanse certain things, in particular invoices still on standby… the influences of Neptune
still very close to your sector encourage you to imagine facility where it does not have
unfortunately… But that is counterbalanced by Saturn which allows you to rectify the
things where it is needed. Your realism is your best asset. Your reason is a shield against
the future possible insecurity. Prepare the ground for future, you will be right to put coast
the finally futile expenditure to go to essence !

You know well that tormenting too much you does not make advance your business and
withdraws you means of action that however in normal weather, you control… All this
concern that you made puts sticks in the wheels to you. Admit that you enlarge the events
as by reflex. Saturn indicates that you are exposed to this tendency, this year, which also
attenuates your happiest and pleasant moments! Neptune in your sign comes to encourage
you with more escape from the material considerations, which overlaps with moments of
concern on this same field. Find a point of balance which allows you to act without
tensions and all while preserving you of the moments out of time.

The Jupiter effects of last year blur in a progressive way, this year. Little by little, you
will see recording your energy level, in particular in contact with the others, and of new
knowledge which will be a considerable support with your energy. The impulses of the
Sun and Venus irresistibly attract you to insert more relational satisfactions and pleasures
in your existence; that positively stimulates you on the mental level but tends to make
you go too far in exploration of these pleasures and fact. This is in June that you will be
completely capable food fully and without weaknesses the changes which you intend to
Horoscope 2012 Aquarius

January 21 - February 19

Horoscope : GENERAL
The Sun, Uranus and Neptune in aspect with your sign come to soften your bonds a
vaster comprehension, which will be facilitated in a reciprocal way. You collect the fruits
of your efforts of last year, you will not have much occasion to isolate this year to you,
but you will be able to transform your chances of new meetings thanks to your
sociability, on fertile occasions for future, in all the fields. The life reduces of weights
resulting from the past, and in spite of the fact that you will have for that to confront you
with it; you can precisely exceed that to evolve peacefully to future. This combat is
healthy, continue it.

You are at the beginning; a new cycle in the professional field, this year. Indeed, the
effects Saturn in aspect to your sign allow you even more freedom action, without time
constraints, particularly. You aim your ambitions with more clearness, and you will be
able to set up considerable projections, this year. All that relates to administrative
authorisations, conformity with the law, official recognition is facilitated to you. Avoid
the plans which leave you legality, do not give faith to anything which words. Certain
people will be tried to obtain your support for doubtful or utopian projects.

Passion will be your war-horse, this year. Indeed, you will test a growing need for
seduction, you are in search of recognition and you will have in heart to cause dashes at
the others. What will make snowball and involve your share, more spontaneousness, of
naturalness, rushes of affections and basic emotional impulses. And like a happinessnever
arrive alone, especially thanks to Mercury contribution, you will have the knack to
completely expose the most difficult points with your partner, without negative
consequences. Your diplomacy is on its best level, this is the moment to seek grounds of
agreement with your partner, or to consider a conquest a priori difficult… External
resistances will seem less compact to you than practice, and that gives you audacity to
advance in the right direction. If you are unmarried in this moment, you will make
outstanding knowledge. The leisures you carry out straight to it, as all that touches with
arts, creations, etc… You do not camouflage in your cocoon if you wish to give each
other the best chances of meeting! For those who are in couple, it is to be envisaged many
discussions, and opportunities to improve the wheels of your relation by this skew.

Your good resolutions start to find grounds of applications positive, this year. In spite of
inevitable daily worries, you will have satisfaction to see coming to you from the old
projects very often, made finally possible. Do not reject them by spite, your waiting
deserves well that you end! Some of your knowledge acquired a long ago start to fully
find their direction in your eyes, from the situations which you will live this year; it will
be good to meditate over, that will enable you to put in perspective, to centre you on you
even on good bases.

Your metabolism will be seen reinforced more prudence, paradoxically with your needs;
excess in other fields. Indeed, you will proportion your energy with accuracy, spending
you only when that is really necessary. To brew wind is worth you nothing, and will
know it to you by instinct, more highly than practice. The Jupiter impulses continue their
effects in the direction of a stable and durable moral energy. Nevertheless, you will have
more closely to supervise your dental and osseous health, which tends to being more
vulnerable to certain deficiencies in oligo elements. Your digestive system as for him is
less receptive with the spiced mets, and less vulnerable to the stress than practice. It
would be positive to make soft gymnastics in order to soften your ligaments, made
Horoscope 2013 Aquarius

January 21 - February 19

Horoscope : GENERAL
The peace of last year leaves place to a climate definitely more active, encouraging for
the future, because richer in possibilities. You urged on here by Jupiter, in square with
your sign, throughout the year 2012. That will start situations which require your share an
immediate reactivity. Your impulsiveness goes up out of arrow and occasion of the needs
hidden with deepest reveals consequently you for you, who go back to surface. You pass
to high speed in your relations with the others, in all the fields. More demanding, more
direct, you will have facilities to slice too fuzzy situations.

Your professional life will evolve this year through changes which will imply you
personally. One gives you new directives, or this is you who will understand into what
you must change strategy, if you have a free-lance work. That will not go without
hesitations and doubts, especially during spring 2012. You despite everything are
supported by a faith in you which will enable you to make efforts of adaptations. The
Saturn impulses push you to consider your professional life with the long run very. The
contrary is also possible. But if you flee this tendency natural to see far, you will not
draw from satisfactions; advancing is what you have of to better do. The seeds which you
sow this year will bring you of the facilities for next February.

Your loves veil passion, this year. The square of Mars and Venus to your sector, thus in
Neptune comes to cause in you a need of excessivity in normal weather, you control
much better your tendency to reason, to leave more place to your spontaneous impulses.
That comes owing to the fact that you are releasing you on the emotional level, you fear
less to release you, to some extent. It would be positive to go at the end of your handing-
over in questions on this subject, in order to prove to you that this is your naturalness and
nothing else which can cause at the others of the true feelings in your connection. Your
need to be liked relies only on that. The Saturn impulses in square to your sign and
connection with Venus enable to foresee returns on the past, old relations which appear
again. That can reactivate wounds and regrets, vigilances will have to be redoubled
because there are traps to avoid in this situation; some which you already know from
your experiment and others, which are still hidden. Your friendly bonds will then take a
major importance in the good walk of your emotional life. The advice of friends will be
able to give you the sight of syntheses necessary to judge a situation. Those who are still
single will know occasions of relations highly charged in emotions. Do not fear the
passion loads which arrive at you; to live the present without making projections is this
that there is best has to make to build the future !

Concept of the money this year appears much more abstract to you than last year. The
efforts of rigor which you provided before leave the place to a feeling of having
accomplished, of satisfaction. Even if you did not lead yet to your objectives, you feel a
relaxation and a retreat compared to the material considerations. THIS is in middle of the
year that returns in force your desire to gain in freedom compared to the money. And that
pushes you in more drastic efforts of managements. The Saturn impulses enable to
foresee that will not go without having to force and fight. Your stubbornness will make
the happy counterweight to slow down certain impulses of expenditure which could harm
your budget. Your inspirations are right, and supports the highly re-entries of money.

Your felt emotional and emotional will enable you to be discovered by and for what you
are with deepest you. This year, the circumstances tend to develop your feelings, you
more easily attract with you the beings which correspond to your true emotivity beyond
appearances, and it is the ideal period to on the matter bring you closer concretely to your
ideals, to devote you so that you like, to consolidate the existing bonds. On the other
hand, this planetary transit also shows a tendency to believe too blindly in certain words.
Trust the acts especially, to know if your confidence is well placed or not. Your
perseverance is paying in all the fields, support above !

Your entourage will be determining with regard to your vitality, this year. Because you
will be more receptive than ordinary with worries of the others, such sponge, you take the
concern of others with facility. On the plan of your general form, all would be perfect if
you could put off with dimensions your emotivity. THIS is there that can infiltrate evils
which slow down your energy when you do not place your own limits towards the others
and with the outside world. The impulses of Neptune tighten this year to increase food
excesses which tend to support the retention of water. If you made sport, made in kind
overheat you correctly. With muscular blows are frequent with the aspect Neptune Mars,
do not draw on the cord and grant moments of total relaxation !
Horoscope profile : Aquarius
[January 21 - February 19]

Natives of Aquarius are really in a class of their own.

They often live in an inner world where ideas fuse and bubble. Therefore, they are
cerebral first and often perceived as visionaries. Consequently, there is nothing surprising
about the fact that they are very independent and anti-conformist. As a result, they enjoy
being alone and hardly ever ask for their peers’ advice. In addition, these free thinkers
often develop creative talents. Moreover, when they undertake a project, they will strive
to complete it by fully researching it until they obtain satisfactory results, or more. They
are very often perfectionists. Professionally, these qualities are often required even if
their nature doesn’t predispose them to teamwork.

However, they appreciate being surrounded by friends to whom they sometimes entrust
their novel ideas. It is well known that progress is only possible through interaction and
exchanges with others…

To allure and keep an Aquarius, you must initially know that, just like natives of Libra,
they make commitment with difficulty because they are very individualistic. Therefore,
you must respect their freedom and private space. Consequently, you must be patient and
show the greatest of diplomacy in order to be accepted in their life… For a relationship to
work, you must be complementary to them. Don’t betray them! Otherwise, they would
become hard and intransigent.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

The Aquarian is known as a likable, friendly character that others admire. One of the
traits that draws others to you for advice and companionship is your honesty. You say it
like it is but so it kindly. Plus, you’d never break a confidence just to dish on a secret.

A popular person, part of your appeal is that desire for independence. This can make you
seem elusive and mysterious at times, which can make others feel like they never truly
know you. That’s okay, though. Even though others are drawn to you, you are
comfortable walking your own path.

In the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, it’s obvious that your interests lie in unraveling
the mysteries of life. There are many people in the world and your interest lies in finding
the ones who can talk out creative ideas. You don’t need other people the way they need
you, which can cause conflict when it comes to personal relationships.

In the year for Aquarius 2011, this conflict will not exist the way it may have in the past.
The year is slated to be smooth sailing for you, Aquarius, thanks to the interaction of the
planets. Get ready for a peaceful year where the fruits of your previous labors will start to
come together.

Aquarius in 2011
Aquarius 2011 Career and Income Horoscope

In the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, this is the year of past labor resulting in fruition.
The tree will not sprout up into a majestic oak this year, but the sapling will poke out of
the ground. The endeavor you have working for will start to come to life or die
altogether. Either way, there is the certainly of closure. If old projects fade away, it just
leaves the landscape fresh for new adventures. Start new projects at the end of Spring or
get ready to nurture the one that has just begun to grow.

Remember, weeds can kill what you are trying to grow. Neptune still hovers in your
house of money this year. Out with the old, in with the new. Close out lingering debts,
difficulties and problems to make way for future productivity.
Aquarius 2011 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

This is the year for new awakenings. Often, the Aquarian avoids romantic or intimate
relationships on a long term level in favor of independence. Thanks to the movement of
Neptune in the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, your sensitive nature will long for the
life lessons a commitment to love can bring. This means that the relationships you
already foster will grow more deep and meaningful. Venus will encourage you to feast on
pleasure, within this new form of intimacy. Come fall, the ability to open your heart to
forever is strong. Do not be afraid to take risks with your heart during this time,
Aquarius. It might be uncomfortable to open yourself to the probing interests of another
but it’s time. Your peaceful nature this year will aid in your ability to achieve this
transition into togetherness.

Aquarius 2011 Education and Traveling Horoscope

Your desire for learning remains strong in the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope. However,
with the input of Neptune, you fear the ability to sustain the resources to explore and
learn without an immediate reward. As the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope is the year of
building towards success, take it slow. Travel simply. Explore the world simply. Take
each day simply. Your ability to appreciate the finer aspects of knowledge will fill your
life with riches.

Aquarius 2011 Health Horoscope

A peaceful mind equals a peaceful body. As your world begins to even itself out, you will
feel the effects of your energy returning. You will feel a direct correlation between
vitality and internal progress. Allow this health to fill you, continuing to build on what’s
working and removing what is not. There is no room for worry for Aquarius 2011, as the
peaceful state of your mind will not tolerate such a distraction.

Aquarius January 2011 Horoscope

You may have small health issues like cold and flu take special care of yourself; have a
healthy diet and good sleep. Travel may be prone to delays, postpone if you can. Luck
favors you in money matters this month, buy a lottery ticket and you may get lucky. The
next four months will be fast paced with emails, calls and errands drowning you. Try to
keep a calendar to avoid missing things. You will have a active social and may find a new
dating interest. You will benefit financially from the extra efforts you put in at work.

Aquarius February 2011 Horoscope

Life will be quite easy this month with minor conflicts around the 9 th and 18 th. Time to
indulge in yourself - get lazy relax in a bubble bath or just sleep late. You will be at your
charming and conversational best, but probably a little impatient. By the last week your
focus will shift to finances and you may want to boost your earnings, but also have an
urge for impulsive buying, stick to your budget.
Aquarius March 2011 Horoscope

You will receive unexpected and unusually surprising news. Mishaps may happen, drive
carefully. You have that extra dose of intriguing charisma and charm around you which
will increase your attraction power. With Mercury reaching retrograde point around the
30 th relationships may pose challenges. Monetarily you will have a windfall or a kick a
great bargain. It is also time to review and establish budget goals for this year.

Aquarius April 2011 Horoscope

This month, lots of travel is on the cards though it will be plagued with delays and
cancellations. Vehicles too may need repairs and replacements. Communications
difficulties that erupted recently will ease after 23 rd or so. Relatives or neighbors may
pose difficulties and challenges, the best solution may be time and space. Monetarily all
your needs will be provided though there may not anything extra.

Aquarius May 2011 Horoscope

A surprising social outing around the 22 nd may turn expensive with the possibility of
losing something valuable. You will get exciting news about 9 th, a raise or a bonus or
even an inheritance. Romantic evenings are on the card, prepare well for it. Focus turns to
your career around the 17 th with elevation in your status or getting special attention from
the decision makers. Promote your skills tactfully especially with the people responsible
for the advancement of your career.

Aquarius June 2011 Horoscope

The last 2 weeks may be quite stressful and demand more sleep and relaxation on your
part. Avoid traveling or if imperative be cautious when you are on the road. Family
relationships and friendships will bring in lot of entertainment and happiness. Social life
will be active with leisure time activities and parents may have reasons to celebrate. On
the career front you may have to coordinate group projects or get opportunities to earn
extra income, this may earn you resentment from coworkers. Be prepared to protect your
own interests first.

Aquarius July 2011 Horoscope

Work life will be filled with challenges, ego clashes and power plays from behind the
scenes all thanks to the solar eclipse during the New Moon in your 6 th house Cancer.
Relationships will bring you peace and joy. Singles will find their dating relationship
going to the next level but avoid commitments. By the end of the month your career will
be satisfying.
Aquarius August 2011 Horoscope

Mercury turning retrograde may cause misunderstandings and mix-ups in relationships

and money matters. Check statements carefully and pay bills early. It will be a great time
for romance for couples and singles. On the work front avoid scheduling appointments,
meeting and important talks on the 10 th and 25 th as attitudes and tempers will be more
on the negative side.

Aquarius September 2011 Horoscope

In-laws and relatives may elevate stress. Vehicle problems may arise in the last 2 weeks
so if you are out socializing consider taking a ride. The cool and pleasant weather may
prompt you to get into shape. You may get surprising and exciting news from
relationships around the 23 rd. You will have financial gain this month with a raise or a
windfall or even a lottery.

Aquarius October 2011 Horoscope

Delays are a possibility when you travel around 14 th or so. Spending time with your
loved ones at home will be quite enjoyable. Quick trips and increased communication are
on the cards after the 11 th. Vehicles may require repairs and maintenance. On the career
front you will have attention-getting moments, avoid getting carried away. Be as
productive as possible and the potential rewards will be greater by the year end.

Aquarius November 2011 Horoscope

Take care of valuable possessions or they may be lost. There is a possibility of

misunderstanding with close aides or friends, be aware and you may be able to minimizes
the chances. You will have a real big group for thanksgiving this year. You will quite
popular in the social circles this holiday season. However with Mercury turning
retrograde there will be mix-ups in times, places and dates. You are prone to impulsive
spending and buying.

Aquarius December 2011 Horoscope

Travels may suffer from delays and cancellations. You will be prone to colds and viral
attacks. With Venus entering your sign on 20 th your powers of attraction will increase
immensely. Committed couples will reconnect in a new way while singles may end a
relationship or begin a new one. Monetarily there won’t be much difference though with
proper planning and listing you will be able to get the gift list without burning a hole in
your pocket.
Scientific Predictions based on 1 st planetary Position

Scientific Predictions based on 2 nd planetary Position

Scientific Predictions based on 1 st planetary Position
Scientific Predictions based on 2 nd planetary Position
Previous Year Next Year


Prediction for you From 15 Feb 2010 To 14 Feb 2011

Social, personal status in life

The Sun is known for its big heart and Rules, so if you remain strict to the Rules and earn with honesty, the Sun
will give you everything you desire. Any thought toward adopting corrupt means for earning can prove very
damaging for you, as the Sun will not allow you to adopt corrupt means of earning and will surely punish you.
Hence try to be strict on values of honesty you will get a lot of favor and favorable chances in your profession
which will increase your height in your own view. Injury on face will show the power of The Sun and in case if
you feel that you are trapped in a opposition camps dirty trick then either contact some good astrologer or take
remedies which are recommended in Detailed part of Yearly Predictions.

Heart, feeling, concentration and Nice gain

Neither you will like to know any thing and nor you will allow any one to tell you correct way of thinking. Due to
your act you will hurt many elderly peoples.

Courage, Resistance Power, Brothers

You will get mental courage and will get a lot of understanding in respect of various technical, professional and
medical things. Possibility is there that you may get some stomach trouble during the 3rd of 5th month of your
current year, which may not have any proper reason. Some kind of spreading infection due to cough, blood can
not be ruled out. In case of health problem, if you get, try to consult some blessed Vedic astrologer also so that
you may get some relax time or take remedies which we have recommended in detailed yearly reading.

Professional Life

From the date of your birthday you have become much nice looking and the best part of your mercury is that it is
not giving you financial loss, hence no doubt you are not going to get any kind of loss this year. It is making your
analytical, logical, intuitive power much stronger and we wish to add here that it is also a good time for unmarried
peoples to plan for marriage. Possibility is there that either in first month or 7th month of this year you may get
either some love affair or marriage (if not married), but anyhow you will get attracted toward some member of
opposite sex. Since your birthday your skill or talking and analyzing the things has became very good and you
will gain through your own work along with advising and assessment of things. In deed this year your intuition
will be very accurate. If you wish to go ahead for some knowledge or meditation it is very good time for that.

Knowledge, way of thinking, inner holyness.

Please wait the Predictions for this, is under preparation.

Love Life

In respect of love and desire, it is a year in which you will get very good company of opposite sex. There are very
think about it or your marriage may get fixed during the 1st or 7th month after your last birthday. Your creativity
and attraction toward good cloths will get enhanced and you will like to live more lively during this year. For
married native, they can expect good news in family in respect of new addition in family or childbirth.

Sudden gain and loss and change

Please wait the Predictions for this, is under preparation.

Mystic help and problem

In service you may feel some stress and working atmosphere will not remain in your favor till next birthday. It
will be better for you to take remedy of Rahu.

Good Change and Benefit

If you are female and less then 42 year of age, chances are there that you may get conceived, in case of male it is
the time of becoming DAD. For bachelors it is the high time to control them self as any wrong step can put them
in to family way. You may get much desired change in place and overseas journey cannot be ruled out. It is the
year full of expanses and joy. As far as gain is concern you will get sudden hit of luck during 5th and 11th month
from your birthday. Relation with opposite sex will be much pleasing and you will feel much relaxed in the
company of opposite sex. It is year when your intellect will get good gain in philosophical side and your faith will
increase in your own powers. You must meditate daily, it will give you good impact.


Analysis of Yearly Transit of The Sun (Single Planet)

Benefic effects of the Sun

From the start of the Year you may become very attached to Traditions and will give more value to principles and
will think of helping others. You will not like to take the help of others, especially from juniors and younger
people. The Sun during this period will bring you a lot of good luck and you will get a lot of respect in almost all
areas of life. The Sun is known for its big heart and Rules, so if you remain strict to the Rules and earn with
honesty, the Sun will give you everything you desire. Any thought toward adopting corrupt means for earning can
prove very damaging for you.
Malefic effects of the Sun
When you adopt corrupt means or start acting wrongly, the Sun become malefic for you, and then you may suffer
from trouble related to the lungs or breath. As well, you will face obstructions in almost every field throughout the
(1)Installing a Hand Pump or any other equipment related to groundwater at the house or village or state of your
ancestor will neutralize any malefic effect of the Sun.
Donating or Contributing to some Govt. organization or to Govt for relief fund or for help in disaster will prove
beneficial for you.

Analysis of Yearly Transit of The Moon (Single Planet)

Benefic Effects of The Moon

(State of Mind, will power, heart, mother, education and imagination)
From the starting of the year, your state of mind will push you toward taking challenges and you will not hesitate
to take challenge. You will enjoy pressure of work and will not like to just live without challenge. It is just like
that hunter who was after the big Devil and one day he caught it, but in night he thought, after it how will pass his
time when all his challenge will be finished. Similarly your mind with think and with all courage and dedication in
heart you will live this year. You will look in the depth of any matter as some surgeon or doctor sees his patient. It
will not be a surprise if you take some trustee type of work or become some coordinator or undertake some new
Malefic Effects of The Moon
If you are having any affair with opposite sex, it will bring hurting and defame. Here the Moon makes the heart
attracted toward females and even females gets attracted toward females. It can be best and very good long term
friendship, but they get defamed due to such closeness as it is different. You may get allegation of cheating or
beating some honored person. Possibility that you may use some eye contact for cheating others. Be cautious as
you can get health problem related to Chest, lungs or eye. If you are married then you may see a lot of
misunderstanding or problems with in-laws. Some problem related residence may also pop up during the current
(1)Worshiping daily to some Goddess will be very necessary for you.
(2) Do not drink Milk in night, it can give you health problem.
(3)Keeping rain water in home will save you from mental agony and nervous stress.
( 4) Contributing or donating for milk to orphans, to some famous organization like CARE and UNICEF etc will
save you from illness.

Analysis of Yearly Transit of Mars (Single Planet)

Previous Year
Benefic Effects of Mars
(Courage related to facing problem or war, SUMMARYblood, brother,
YEARLY immovable
PREDICTION wealth, etc)
From the starting of the year your power of understanding, analyzing, assessment and learning will increase a lot
and due to itfor
Prediction youyouwillFrom
live more
15 Feblike2011
an intellectual
To 14 Feb compare
2012to your own personality. We have seen that under
such effect of Mars, Physician starts giving guidance of life, philosophy to patients and their treatment works
Social,then simple status
personal treatment of patient. You will get a lot of gain due to your timely action and good as well as
in life
grand deeds. Through out the year you will remain over busy in thinking and planning. It could lead to some
You will in sleep.
feel and You
get awill also
lot of go to pilgrimage
frustration in home andbut youwill will
get in temples.
honor Your faith life,
in professional on God willwill
which increase
balance and
you will
your life.feel
Youa will
lot ofget
peace and with yourinparents.
honor only one If side
yourofparents are not
life either alive then
in home or in you may remember
working place. Mostthen a lot,
and may miss them a lot.
you will get success in social and professional life but in the four wall of home, you will have very stressful life.
In Effects
case, you feel of
it is going toward worse then either contact some good astrologer or take remedies which
are recommended ingood
you are not having relation
Detailed partwith your parents
of Yearly and are by
Predictions, notitkeeping
you willgood relation
get some easewith them
time, butor
it other elderly
will not
make a dayspecially
and night with male members,
difference but youthe willthrough out the
surely feel year, you may have to suffer a lot in home. Due to fire
or time laps your a lot of things will be wasted or will not come in use. Any thing your will purchase, to which
you willfeeling,
Heart, think that it will come and
concentration in yourNiceregular
gain use, you will not be able to use it. There are chances that due to
infection of Stomach or injury you may get some problem in eyesight. If your parents are sick or are having some
maythe getPredictions
some feverfor then
this,it can lead preparation.
is under to epilepsy, hence you have to take care that their health may remain
normal. The female members of your family will remain healthy, but one of male member will suffer a lot. There
can be some
Courage, problem to
Resistance child and
Power, if you are expecting some addition in family or some one of your family
member in family way then it can lead to miscarriage.
Please be alert from any kind of injury or sickness or some cell infection etc can come out in your life and
medicine of not
will onebe glass
ableoftowater on the
conclude itshead
tests side ofwill
nor it the bed (little
be able to close to why
tell you bed) and
and what
next day
has morning,
It is itMars
some flower plant, will give you a lot of relax from the problem created by the Mars.
it propagates with blood or cells which can cause some disorder or illness of unknown origin or type. If the trouble
arise of Yellow
it will take Sapphire
quite long time of for5you
caratto in weight,
recover in gold or
mentally ring in the index
physically. Dofinger
not goofforright hand will
gambling save your
or speculation
family members health.
or betting it will cover your luck too. Try to consult some blessed Vedic astrologer so that you may get some relax
time or takesolid Silverwhich
remedies in home,we andhavesmall Silver brickinindetailed
recommended Kitchen yearly
will bring harmony in your home as well as in
(4)If you are facing
Professional Life problem in professional life too then drink little water before starting your work at office..

From the of YearlyofTransit
starting the yearof(from
Mercuryyour(Single Planet)
birth day), outstanding time for you. Your potential has been enhanced
substantially and you are feeling like a master or a ruler. You will get much respect regarded by all of your friends
and family Effects
members.of Mercury
No financial setbacks are coming across to you, during the year. It is good investing time
and it is a holds
do notpower,
waste logic, skin, bone,
your energy sister,leadership
in making voice, intellect, intuition
in locality and business
or dominating sense
and its effects are mostly related to these fields only)
atmosphere, it will be best for you to enhance your own skill and knowledge or increase bank balance by new
From the starting
innovation. If youof arethe year youtowill
planning buylook
articles orand little related
getting youngertotosome
age.orYour skin
trying to will become
get some new
soft and will not decay easily. It will make your mood very jolly and you will feel that you
Vehicle then no doubt it is good time for that too. During 4th month you may be able to execute your this plan. are king and can do
every thing and others will appreciate the same. If you are unmarried then there are chances that you may get or
may get someway
Knowledge, good ofproposal.
thinking,Through out the year you will win heart through your talking style, soft arguments
inner holyness.
and naughty thoughts. You will remain happy specially during the whole month of your birthday. Your business
sense will
Please waitbethe
very good andfor
Predictions it can
this,make you preparation.
is under little selfish. You may take interest in astrology and your intuition
will also increase. As a whole this year you will have very good decisions, logics, skin, voice, intellect, intuition
Malefic Effects of Mercury
You arecurrent Transit
destined to getMercury
attractedgives malefic
toward someeffects
memberto of
female natives
opposite sex,only.
who As
willit be
makes them quick,
odd match very
for you. Odd
talkative, active and very eager about getting smiles and amusement, so there are chances
match means elder lady and younger man. In case of married natives, such developments cannot be denied, that they may get hurt
due to such acts or words, which they were not suppose to do or say. It is the only malefic effect,
will fall in such type of love and or they will love to some one who will be one generation below or above to which can be
them.for females.
Any In which
relation other area
end business, the business
in some fighting related
will be to green
sign that things
for rest likeyear
of the green
yourjewels, greenrun
luck will cloths,
from mayAttraction
prove little less beneficial.
toward The health
Sex with money canbe
can not beruled
damaged if the
out and wenative
advisetakes eggcontrol
you to as regular
desire of
heart. (1) Try to avoid taking Eggs and drink lot of water or milk regularly.
(2)Meditation and prayer of Goddess Swaraswati (lord of knowledge and wisdom) will prove very good for
Sudden gain mind.
loss and some
changemusical instrument will also prove beneficial for mental relax.

Analysis of the
Please wait Yearly Transit of
Predictions forJupuiter (Single
this, is under Planet)

Benefic Effects
Mystic help andofproblem
(Jupiter is related to knowledge, education, kindness, religion, prosperity provider)
From the starting
Your ways of the year
are becoming Jupiter
more will develop
mysterious, your personality
your courage is gettingand
good raiseandandyou will beisable
if Jupiter to you
understand thing more clearly and will be able to find out the root of your problem. All these your
then it is sure that you will get very good stroke of luck and your income will raise more then one and half time. qualities will In
the you very
present yeargood manager
you are or employee
more prone ro veryand
to infections good administrator.
injuries. Hence beThrough
cautious.out the year your talent will be at
par with your seniors. You will always be doing some work and your seniors will give your examples to others.
You will
Good get a lot
Change andofBenefit
attachment with philosophy or religion and you will become fearless to every thing and will
use your skill to solve others problem.
Your Effects of
opponents willJupiter
not be able to defeat you, if your gain is blocked you will get it before your next birthday.
in current transit Jupiter
What ever may be the reason is normally
or evennever gives trouble
the authorities are and
also only for you,
against boysnohaving age be
one will less then
able to 18
getsGain is
destined for you during this year. It is a year when your forgotten desires may get fulfilled. If you have your
related to lungs or cold. If you are not having good relation with your father or you are not obeying
desire or grand
to get father,
some newthen you may
opening get some
or good brain
training disorder orofyour
or placement luckofwill
change jobfade
such for one year. will come
across to you.
(1) Giving respect and gift to Old ladies as will as to your father will save you from curse of Jupiter.
(2) Contributing or donating for Education of children to some International organization such as CARE or UN
sponsored organization will save you from bad luck and will also give you health gain.

Analysis of Yearly Transit of Venus (Single Planet)


In respectofofYearly
Analysis love and desire,
Transit of itThe
is aSun
in which you will get very good company of opposite sex. According to
Vedic astrology, it is said that under such transit of Venus, unmarried peoples use to get married and with the
blessing of God,of(ifthe
Benefic effects youSun are unmarried) it is likely that you may get married or will think about it or your marriage
may getthe
During fixed
year during
you willthe 1st or 7th
remain monthfor
famous after
good lastbehavior
birthday.and Sun and Mercury
sound character.isYou
the only planet,
will give which canto
deny this, hence we pray to god that Sun may not give you problem. Due to bad
all, and your opponents will give you respect. You will earn or gain a lot of money or wealth, but you may transit of Sun we have seennot
able give support also orgethelp
to your or cancelled. According
elders, especially to the partial
to parents transit
or elderly of Venus
relatives. too,deal
If you it isin
or invest inand lovetwo
these life,things,
it is sure thatprove
it will you will get much
beneficial for love
you. and
Anypossibility of getting
business related pleasureor
to traveling from
can made
not be
ruled out.
while Your will
traveling creativity
prove and attraction
beneficial. Thetoward good like
Sun works cloths will get enhanced
a research guide, andand youare
if you willa research
like to live more the
person, lively
Sun this
is blessing During
with such Transitinofyour
all success Venus, for. married life couple, the Venus works as, conceiving trigger
and it will
Malefic not beofa the
effects surprise
Sun if you may listen some good news in this respect. If Sun and Venus are combined in
main horoscope
Your bad habits then it is not
will create a year
a lot of good health
of problems for you,andanddomestic peace.
it will be We advise
difficult for youyou in such
to live withcase
suchplease not
hesitate to contact some blessed Vedic Astrologer.
Hence, we advise you to leave them. Any work related to Wood will not prove good for you, and there are
chances that any furniture made of wood that you have may get damaged. Either that, or while repairing such
things youofwillYearly Transit
see that theyofsustain
Saturnmore (Single Planet)
damage than repair. Your in-laws will have problems, or your relations
with them will become tense. There are chances that you may get some ophthalmologic problem. Any kind of
greed mayEffects
resultof inSaturn
the worst experience for you.
(Worldly comfort, business, service, building, metals, entertainment etc.)
(1) the startingFood
Distributing you willto the give
solve to
anyyour ego and
problem you may
related give
to they it name of self respect. You will be
(2) to take money
Donating any challenge
to help and willpeople,
elderly do big deeds during
or to some the year,
charity and itorganizations,
or world will enhance yoursuchrespect
as CARE, in institution
etc. willandgiveinyou
own vision
You willharm.
also become very diplomatic and your talent will be seen in bringing
(3) in veryyour
Visiting troubled
parents, place. You will
or staying be them
with also become very after
and looking goodthem
in assessing
with allthe
heart willandsave
will you
guide a lot of
people, and
domestic andthey will give you
professional a lot of regard. All this will satisfy you somewhere in deep in heart. You will also
get very good and pleasing company of some opposite sex and they will give you a lot of regard. You may get
Analysis ofof doingTransit
Yearly some writing
of Thework Moonand if youPlanet)
(Single do it, it will be very successful and of a good level of work.
You may get money from various sources or your bank balance will be quite good and you may like to extent your
present accommodation,
Benefic Effects of The Moon but we advise you not to go ahead for construction plan.

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