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Case 2:

Seorang pria berumur 23 tahun mengendarai sepeda motor dan mengalami kecelakaan yang
sangat parah. Kerana kecelakaan tersebut, pria itu mengalami pendarahan hebat dan
kehilangan banyak darah dan tidak sadarkan diri. Warga sekitar segera membawanya ke
UGD rumah sakit tedekat. Dari kartu pengenal yang ditemukan di pakaian pria tersebut,
diketahui bahwa pria tersebut bernama Muhammad Ali dan sekarang tengah kuliah di suatu
universitas di kota tersebut dan orang tuanya berada di kota lain.

Dokter yang menangani pasien tersebut kemudian menghubungi pihak keluarganya

dan meminta ijin untuk melakukan transfusi darah untuk menolong si pasien, namun
ternyata pihak keluarga pasien memiliki suatu paham, bahwa melakukan transfusi darah
hukumnya adalah haram. Namun di pihak lain, dokter tetap berusaha menjelaskan
mengenai pentingnya melakukan transfusi darah ini dan risiko apa yang akan terjadi jika
transfusi darah tidak dilakukan. Sayangnya dari pihak keluarga pasien tetap tidak bersetuju.
Akhirnya, dokter pun mengambil keputusan sendiri dengan tetap mentransfusikan darah
kepada pasien tersebut dengan alasan jika hal itu tidak dilakukan, pasien akan kehilangan
nyawanya. Setelah tindakan pertolongan dilakukan dokter, kondisi M.Ali menjadi baik.
Summary Of Ethical Dilemmas In This Case
1) Muhammad Ali is the victim in this cases. He is 23 years old and had involved in an
accidents and also facing one big problem that is excessive bleeding. The excessive
bleeding in the other hand, causes him to be in a coma state.
2) Action taken by the doctor in charge is, he called Muhammad Ali’s family and
informed about the situation occur. He even asked for their permission to do blood
transfussion to Muhammad Ali since he loss a great amount of blood. However, his
family refused to allow the blood transfussion process to be done as they believe
that blood trasnfusion was an illegal action based on their believes.
3) After thinking all consequences, the doctor made a decision to still doing the blood
transfusion to Muhammad Ali.
4) As a result, Muhammad Ali’s condition become much better day by day.

Case analysis
Two methods were being used in analysis this cases, that is:

1) Using the Basic Principle of Bioethics

2) Using the Jonsen Sieglar and Winslade Clinical Ethics

 Using the Basic Principle of Bioethics

- The doctor has done the best for Muhammad Ali according to him. As a doctor, it
is our responsibility to think, which one is the best for the patient. According to
the doctor, he did the blood trasnfusion because he is very certain that his action
gives more benefit to the patient compared to disadvantages. The percentage for
Muhammad Ali to survive during this process also very very high. Besides that, he
gave his best explanation to Muhammad Ali’s family about the importance of
doing the blood transfusion process. If Muhammad Ali didn’t undergo the blood
transfussion process, he will die. Even though his family opposes the doctor
decision, the doctor had already try his best to make Muhammad Ali’s family to
change their mind.
Non Maleficience

- The doctor had done his best for saving Muhammad Ali’s life even though the
method that he used was not allowed by Muhammad Ali’s famiy. After thinking
wisely, he finally decided to do the blood trasnfusion process in order to save the
life of his patience. He thinks that this is the best way to save his patient. Due to
his wise decision, thankfully Muhammad Ali finally recovered from coma. This
shows that his risky decision was a correct decision. The doctor helped his patient
who was in a serious condition. He made a decision to avoid any harm to the
patient. His decision was proven the best and not only avoid harm to the patient,
in fact made the patient to recover from the coma and getting better.


- The doctor denies the patient’s family right in deciding what is need to be done
to Muhammad Ali. He thinks that the blood transfusion is a must no matter what
for the sake of Muhammad Ali’s life. The doctor even ignore the patient’s family
request for not doing the blood transfusion process since the process is illegal in
their believes.


- Justice is another aspect that a doctor should consider. In any cases, a doctor
should treat all their patients equally, not taking consideration whether their
social status, race, religion and so on. Even if the patient come from a poor
family, a doctor still need to treat them. In this case, the doctor give his best to
save Muhammad Ali from more seriuos and complicated situation. Before the
doctor treat Muhammad Ali, he didnt take note about his social status. Instead,
the doctor just give his best care to Muhammad Ali and save him from coma. This
proves that the doctor have this aspect of life.
Jonsen Sieglar and Winslade Clinical Ethics


• EXCESIVE • Through blood • The family are the • There is a factor of

BLEEDING transfusion the one who have the religion and belief
patient able to get his right to make
normal life decision
• The patient have
right to be respected

• BENEFIT~ the
patient is
benefited from

Indonesian Medical Ethics Code

 Pasal 2
Seorang dokter harus senantiasa berupaya melaksanakan profesinya sesuai dengan
standar profesi yang tertinggi ( sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang yang
melaksanakan pekerjaan apa saja yang dikerjakan dengan sebaik baiknya )

- In this ethic code, it clearly state that a doctor shoul done his/her job
professionally. A professional person need to think wisely about what he/she plan
to do. And the decision made, must bring benefit to the patient.

 Pasal 7d
Setiap dokter harus senantiasa mengingat akan kewajipan melindungi hidup makhluk
( kehidupan adalah anugerah yang tertinggi dan paling berharga bagi manusia. Siapa
yang mencabut tidak dengan kebenaran wajib membayar dengan nyawanya sendiri.
Siapa yang menyelamatkan seseorang sama dengan menyelamatkan orang lain

- This ethic code clearly shows that a doctor is responsible to protect every single
living things . the doctor made a correct decision to go on with the blodd
transfusion process even though Muhammad Ali’s family forbidden him from
doing that, by using blood transfusion is forbidden in ther believes, as their main
excuses. However, the doctor still proceed with the process since he feel like it
was his responsiblity to protect other living things.

Religion prespectives
In Islam, blood transfussion is considered as an extremely meritorious and rewarding at of
charity. Blood donation is considered an extremely commendable and rewarding act of
charity in Islam. In some cases, donation could mean the difference between life and death,
following an accident or as a result of serious illness. By donating blood, you can give the gift
of life, the ultimate gift that any person can give.

These are some ayat in Al-Quran and hadith, which can support the fact that blood
transfussion is legal in Islam:

 Al-Ma’idah, 32
- “whoever saves the life of single persons, it is as if he has saved the life of all
( of humanity)”
- The meaning is, Allah says if anyone saved a life, it woulld be as if the person
saves the life of all man kind.
 Hadith = “ everyday that sunshine, everyone of you ought to do some charitable
 Hadith = “ there is a reward for you in acts of compassion renderred to every
creature with throbbing heart”

 The doctors had made the best decision for the sake of his patient, Muhammad Ali.
Due to his wise decision, he finally managed to save Muhammad Ali from death and
made him to get out from the coma condition. Even though the family of Muhammad
Ali doesn’t allow the doctor to continue the process, the doctor stick to his decision
for making the blood transfusion.
 Based on the Al-Quran and Hadith, blood trasnfussion is a legal thing to do. It is
allowed in Islam because it is considered as an extremely meritotious and rewardign
of all charity of Islam.

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