Anda di halaman 1dari 21

Prayers of the Lovers:


ُ ََ
Ṣalawāt al-muḥibbīn

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‫ﺍﳌـ ِﺤﺒـﲔ‬
Compiled by al-Muḥadditha wa al-Ḥāfiẓa al-Jāmiʿa
Samar al-ʿAshsha in Majālis al-nūr fī al-ṣalāti ʿalā al-

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4 É<¨Ζ9$# ’n?tã tβθ=|Áム…çµtGx6Í×‾≈n=tΒuρ ©!$# ¨βÎ)
O God, send prayers upon the person of
(#θßϑÏk=y™uρ ϵø‹n=tã (#θ=|¹ (#θãΖtΒ#u šÏ%©!$# $pκš‰r'‾≈tƒ
Muḥammad that are perpetuated through Your
permanence and are made everlasting through
Your Eternal attribute and not ceased without
∩∈∉∪ $¸ϑŠÎ=ó¡n@ Your knowledge; prayers that please You and
please him and make you through it (blessings
God and His Angels send prayers upon the Prophet. upon the Prophet) pleased with us, O Lord of
O you who believe, invoke prayers upon him and the worlds.
greet him with a salutation of peace (Qur’an, 33: 56). JL

ِ  ِ %‫  ـ‬: ) ( ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬2

ِ  ‫ ِ ْـ‬#!ِ" ً
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O God, send prayers upon our Master

Muḥammad as extensively as God’s divine
knowledge, and as perpetual as the continuance of
God’s realm.
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The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences
JL O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad,
prayers of divine contentment (riḍā), and be pleased
A% )3 ),7>‫ـ‬B‫ـ‬,‫> =) < ;  ً ـ‬7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬3 with his Companions with the utmost of divine
contentment (riḍā al-riḍā).
C 7D )3 ), E ‫ـ‬F%‫ـ‬$‫ !ـ‬، 
)‫ـ‬GH! ِ IJ‫ـ‬%KL ِ C7D
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O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad;
prayers that will deliver us from all calamities and O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
ailments, and through it all of our needs will be our Master Muḥammad, who is of sublime character,
fulfilled, and will purify us through it from all sins, and upon his family, his Companions, his wives,
and will raise us through it to the highest of ranks, during every moment by the extent of the numbers
and will enable us to attain through it the foremost of all who are contemporary and ancient.
aspirations of all [types] of goodness, during life and
after death. JL

) ‫ ـ‬f )g ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬6

A%  X2% ! ،4>5 َ  ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬4 \()َ*! ،>[‫َـ‬P)" [َP 5 ) ,! ،[&? )‫) ـ ِ  ـ‬V! ،[ %‫ـ‬hT
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.ِ 7^0 l2ِ %‫ـ‬$ ! l2ِ %‫ـ‬S [e % ‫ !?ـ‬6 ‫&ـ‬%‫!ـ<ـ‬

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The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences

،) .(! ِm‫ــ‬$ >mi ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬8
O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings
upon our Master Muḥammad the opener of what is
closed, the conclusion of what came before, the ،)‫ ـ‬.)‫ـ‬7 4 ! 2ِ )R%"Lِ 2J‫ !=ـ‬،) .)g n! ِ '%"L
7‫ ـ‬G)!
victor of the truth by the Truth, the guide to Your
straight path. O God, send prayers upon him, upon % ‫ !?ـ‬6 ‫&ـ‬%‫ !ـ<ـ‬6 b !
his family, and his Companions by the virtue of his
rank and exalted status. O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings
upon our Master Muḥammad the healer of hearts
and their therapy, the well-being of bodies and
their cure, the light of the eyes and their
6‫ ـ‬b ! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬7 illuminator, and [send prayers, salutations, and
Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬، 6 )‫ !`ـ‬6 ‫ـ‬D! 6 ‫)ـ‬Bِ" [7‫ ً ـ‬
blessings] upon his family and Companions.

َ ‫ ـ‬6%‫ـ‬7‫   ـ‬R)" ),‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬S ]T! ، 6‫ ـ‬b ! ; < )= >7? 

. 6 )ِ!  J‫ ـ‬A% 6‫ ـ‬b ! ; < )= >7?  ْ ‫ـ‬0%‫ـ‬D ‫( ـ ـ‬9

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O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings
upon our Master Muḥammad and upon his family; .)K)َ45% ‫  ً ـ‬6%‫) ـ‬,‫ـ‬
prayers that are worthy of his majesty, grandeur,
and perfection. And send prayers, salutations, and O God, send upon our Master Muḥammad and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and upon upon his family the most excellent and purest of
his family and enable us to experience through it Your prayers, and [send upon him] of Your
the delight of meeting him. blessings in their most abundant and paramount

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form, and make our prayers upon him prayers that O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad,
You are pleased with. by the night when it conceals [light], and the day
when it becomes manifest, and send prayers upon
JL our Master Muḥammad in the end and in the
6‫ ـ‬b ! ،>E‫ >ـ‬L >E‫ـ&ـ‬, ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬10

ِ X%2L : ) ! 
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5 ‫ــ‬OُU 5‫ ـ‬K) ‫ـ‬O >E L >q, ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬12
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% ‫ !?ـ‬6‫ـ&ـ ـ‬%<َ! 6b !
./0‫ـ‬%DT / %‫ـ‬NُU!
O God, send prayers upon our Master Muhammad
O God, send blessing upon our Master the unlettered Prophet, the pure and the purified,
Muḥammad the unlettered Prophet, and to his and upon his family and his Companions [send]
family and his Companions salutations, by the salutations.
extent of what is in the heavens, and what is on JL
the earth and what is between them. And diffuse
Your subtle grace (luṭf) in our affairs and that of \] ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬13
all of the Muslims.
;< )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬، 5 K)& 
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)= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬، 5 p)g ِmS ),U \]
 5 pH : ; < )=>7?   ! ، ‫ـ‬B‫] ـ‬k 2ِ ) ‫ـ‬,!
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. 5 K) ‫ـ‬O 6S %‫ـ‬ps ‫) "ـ‬,‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬$‫ـ>ـ‬p! ; <

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O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
), %mK! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬15
our Master Muḥammad, the possessor of splendid
miracles. And send prayers, salutations, and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad the possessor ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،2Jun ً)&%‫ــ‬S
lofty attributes. And send prayers, salutations, and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad in this world )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ً2Ju%o ),7%0? ْ ‫ـ‬0%D!
and in the next. And send prayers, salutations, and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and imbibe  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ً2!5?! ً 5ْFَ= ),>‫ـ‬$! ;<
us with his virtuous character.
JL  ! ،ً2J=! ً
&< %‫ـ‬, ),%7‫[ ِ ـ‬%‫ـ‬T! ;< )= >7?

6O %T! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬14 ً)$7G%J‫ ـ‬6 )&>‫=) "ِ)ـ‬%(a! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫!?ـ‬

)= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،َ

‫ـ‬7F‫ـ‬g! َ
‫ـ‬7?J .ً2J&e!

 Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،

) )$َU \] ; < O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
‫ـ‬7َt 6S %‫ـ‬ps ‫) "ـ‬,‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬$‫ـ>ـ‬p! ; < )= >7?
our Master Muḥammad and endow us with a heart
that is grateful. And send prayers, salutations, and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and make
O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our endeavors to be accepted. And send prayers,
our Master Muḥammad and grant him the privilege salutations, and blessings upon our Master
of intercession (wasīla) and divine favor (faḍīla). Muḥammad and grant us radiance and bliss. And
And send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our
our Master Muḥammad possessor of exalted ranks, Master Muḥammad and bestow upon us love and
and send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our light from You. And send prayers, salutation, and
Master Muḥammad and imbibe us with his beautiful blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and increase
character. us through following him in success and felicity.

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The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences
 G ) %‫ ـ=ـ‬A% ), $%?! ;< )= >7?  Zْ 2)"!
>&e 2ِ َ$ ‫> =) < ; "ـ‬7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬16
),‫ـ‬%>‫ـ‬G! ;< )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ15 o
v% >5‫ـ‬G َZ%,  6 K)Bِ" ‫ ـ ـ‬، 67 G ً)&e )=-J%  ) )=%(a! ، 67G
; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1)+ u 2 5%?T
. 67 G A %<َ= ) ) ‫ـ‬,
Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1)َzL A 6%7‫   ـ‬R)" ),%‫ـ‬0%D!
O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings
‫ـ‬%D : ِ {%‫ـ‬$ َ |^e ),%‫ ـ‬p(T! ; < )= >7? 
upon our Master Muḥammad as the extent of Your
love for him. And increase us, our Lord, in love ! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1)&%eL
for him. O God, by the virtue of his rank with
You, relieve us of the difficulties which we are in. .1
ِ )<%L! ِ IH! Y)7 g%L! Y)‫ـ‬7 ‫&ـ‬%‫=ـ‬L ِ 5 .)?
O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
ِ [ i) ‫ـ‬, ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬17
our Master Muḥammad the speaker of the truth and
righteousness. And send prayers, salutations, and
)= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1J ‫ـ‬R! ِ w%>‫ـ‬R)"
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad who is the
most superior of those who have been granted
 ! 1
ِ )O V َ %R‫ـ‬G! َ
uْ P E
  !ُT A%  ََF%‫ـ‬GT ; < wisdom and discernment in judgment. And send
prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our Master
ِ )&‫ !ـ‬1
ِ J%"L 1
ِ )" ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫!?ـ‬ Muḥammad who is the access (bāb al-abwāb) to all
entries and the kernel of kernels (lub al-lubāb). And
A%  ْIaِ َT! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1)‫&ـ‬x‫ـ‬ send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our
Master Muḥammad and unveil from our hearts their
 Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ1)B P َ
%‫ــ‬y l2J,ِ" ),ِ"J‫ـ‬S shrouds of darkness through their light. And send
% >‫ !  !?ـ‬،1J R! َ
uْ P ),% *T! ; < )= >7?
prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our Master
Muḥammad and inspire us with wisdom and
13 | P a g e 14 | P a g e
The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences
A%  َ‫ـ‬g‫ـ‬h! ،'!5 `‫َ ـ‬Z5َ`] ) ‫ `ُــ‬،%/0%‫ـ‬DT % ‫ـ&ـ ـ‬%<‫!ـ‬
righteousness. And send prayers, salutations, and
blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and allow us
to drink from the your pure drink (ṣāfī al-sharāb). .%'J G)‫ـ‬Q‫َ ـ‬Z5ْ` ]
And send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
our Master Muḥammad and grant us discernment of
the subtleties of Your Book. And send prayers, O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
salutations, and blessings upon our Master our Master Muḥammad the trustworthy and honest.
Muḥammad and make us through sending prayers And send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon
upon him from amongst the elite. And send prayers, our Master Muḥammad who came with the manifest
salutations, and blessings upon our Master truth. And send prayers, salutations, and blessings
Muḥammad and enable us to enter the divine upon our Master Muḥammad whom you sent as a
presence in the company of all of the lovers. And mercy to the worlds. And send prayers, salutations,
send prayers, salutations, and blessings upon our and blessings upon our Master Muḥammad and to
Master Muḥammad and to the remainder of the the entirety of the Prophets and the Messengers and
Prophets, people of purity, his family, and to all of their families and Companions; with each
Companions. instance that those of remembrance remember you
JL and those of negligence neglect your remembrance.
ِ w()R ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬18

Y)D \ ;ّ< )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ / L ِ Ib ! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬19

\ ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،ِ /&ُU >[‫َـ‬P)" ،~Y(َT 6>‫ـ‬$‫~ !ـ <ـ‬Y)42 َ 'Juَ ً  ; < )= ِ7?

)= >7?  Zْ 2)"! % >‫ !  !?ـ‬،/‫)ـ‬0

%e2 6َ+%‫?ـ‬2T .6‫ \ !ـ‬# )$‫َـ‬U! َ
7?J 6O %T!

% ‫ـ ـ‬b ! / ?5% ُU! Y)7 ‫&ـ‬%‫=ـ‬L Cِ 7D ! ; < O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad
and to his family, prayers that will be a source of
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A% 6&%‫ــ‬S 
ْ  \ ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬21
Your pleasure with us and are worthy of the
Prophet’s right [over us]. And grant him the right
to intercession (wasīla) and the [honored] station ً>‫ً  € ـ‬2!5%N ً)e5ِ ‫ـ‬G f &%َs‫ـ‬G ، )D A% 6,%‫ـ‬7!  D
which You have promised.
JL .ً)7%N‫ ـ‬% >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6b ! ،ً2JR%,

 ! ،/ !L : ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬20
O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad
whose heart You have filled with Your grandeur and
: ;< )= >7?   ! ،A 5 pH : ; < )= >7?  whose eyes [you have filled] with Your majesty, upon
which he became of the fortunate, the blissful, and
ِ #J%  jِk َ%َL 
َU : ; < )= >7?   ! ،/?5% ُU the empowered with victory. And to his family and
Companions salutations of peace.
.ِ A >

O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad in

the beginning. And send prayers upon our Master َ \ ،ِ 7^0 9
ِ  6%D! ِ 2J,ِ" ‫َـ‬s%?َT E= ِk ‫( ـ ـ‬22

،ِ7^0 9
ِ  ُJ 6" %‚ )S! ،ِ 7^0 9
ِ  ِ ƒ%5 ')`%2T
Muḥammad in the end. And send prayers upon our
Master Muḥammad among the Prophets. And send
prayers upon our Master Muḥammad in the highest ! ،ِ 7^0 ِ 2%َ$ \] ; < )=-J%   E
 >‫ـ‬Rُ %'T
heaven until the Day of Judgment.
، ] َ%‫ „ـ‬6 b ! 6%7‫ ـ‬% >‫ !?ـ‬،7^0 9
ِ  >E‫ ِ =ـ&ـ ـ‬Ib

، Nَt ! ِ …!x5 A ‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬7‫‚ "ـ‬%0D )َ` 6‫ـ‬,‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬7‫ـ† !"ـ‬%‫ـ‬7‫ "ـ‬C% %D!

)e!2 >12 ) 6%‫ـ‬0%D! ،ً) )‫ـ‬, ! ً

‫ـ^ـ‬$‫ ـ‬،ً), i)‫ !"ـ‬5 K)‫ـ‬y

.7^  ) ِ 5 pH! )7=x : ، lJDJ  ِ C7D A% E 

17 | P a g e 18 | P a g e
The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences
O God, I beseech you by the Light of your essence
that has overflowed the pillars of God’s throne and >7? َ  )`5"! + %e2 !  J‫ ْ ـ‬0%D ‫( ـ ـ‬24
through it all of God’s worlds stood forth, that You
send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad;  J?2 ! َZ %& ،Aِ7‫ِّـ‬7 ‫ـ &ـ‬, ِ َ)p! ،/$‫ـ ـ‬+ُU # ) k! /?5% ُU
possessor of great stature, and to the exalted family
of the Messenger of God. And send salutations to 6%‫„ـ‬0%" ‫ ـ ـ‬.
%e 5 ِ IJ?2 ! ،5%7َV . )S! 5%7َV ِ #) k
him and to his family in this way, as well. And
bond me with him as you have bonded the soul .'!5 pH! 'J !L 6ِ" 6‫ـ‬O&%‫ـ‬Q‫( \ ـ‬J%<َU # )$َU
and the body, externally and internally, in
wakefulness and in slumber. And make him, my O God, shower Your prayers, mercy, and blessings
Lord, sustenance for my being from all aspects, in upon the master of all the Messengers, the leader of
this life and in the next. those who are God-fearing (muṭṭaqīn), the last of the
Prophets, Your servant, Your Messenger, the source of
JL goodness (khayr) and the leader of goodness and the
messenger of mercy. O God, grant him the exalted
ِ A% ‫ـ‬7 ‫ـ‬O ?)" ) ،
‫ ـ‬5ِ &  ِ ْF‫ـ‬g  . ( ) ‫( ـ ـ‬23 rank which is desired by all who came before and after.

; <    ،
‫ـ‬7 ,‫ ـ‬N ِm KJَU m e) ) ،
7O ‫ـ‬0)" JL

‫ـ‬7‫ ـ‬,‫
*َـ‬N%‫َـ‬t lK : 0 ] ) ), 5% gْh! ،
َ ‫ ـ‬5& 5%7p ،2!xR )3 … 5 ‫ـ‬%o‫> =) < ;  ً ـ‬7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬25

O God, the perpetual bestower of blessings upon ) %,

; %e5 ِ" 2Jox‫ـ‬, # J  )3 ),7>B‫ـ‬,‫ !ـ‬،2J ُL )3 ' J‫!ـ‬
creation, O You whose hand is always open in giving,
O Possessor of spectacular power, send prayers upon .% >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6b ! ،2Jg‫ـ‬h ) r r
Muḥammad the best of creation. And forgive [our
sins], O Possessor of majesty, in this blessed O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad,
gathering. prayers through which hearts are expanded, our affairs
19 | P a g e 20 | P a g e
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are facilitated, and [prayers which] through it we are O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad the
saved on the Day of Resurrection through your beloved who is cherished, the remedy of ailments, the
mercy O [You who is] Almighty and Most-Forgiving. resolver of troubles, and to his family and Companions
And to his family and Companions send salutations. salutations.

)= >7?    ‫ ـ ـ‬،ِ #5 `ْ ِ‡! ِ Iَt َ] ) ،#Jx7‫ـ‬S ) xEe ) (26 6 b ! >E L >q, ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬28

E Nْgَ= %‚ َT ! ،q%‫ــ‬S ِ E%eَT! ،; < )= ِ7? ِ Ib ! ; < Y ! ،‚% ‫=ـ
َ ) ـ‬aِ ! ، ‚%  ) ( % >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<!

 ُ`   ‫=ـ‬k ، 5 pH! )7=ْ x : ً

‫ـ>&ـ‬7‫ـ‬i ً )7e " )7%eَT َ ‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬e .‚% ‫) ـ‬

.5 ‫ـ‬S ;YE
% n O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad
the unlettered Prophet, and to his family and his
O Ever-Living (Ḥayy) and Self-Subsisting (Qayyūm)
Companions salutations, by the vastness of Your
knowledge, the weight of Your knowledge, and the
One, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad and to amount of Your knowledge.
the family of our Master Muḥammad. And bring life to JL
my heart, death to my ego (nafs) so that I may live a
virtuous life in this world and the next. You have full 6 b ! ; < )= >7?  Zْ 2ِ )"! % >‫( ـ ـ   !?ـ‬29
power over everything.
JL J K ) ) ‫ـ‬, lrِ %D! ، 6 )َuِ" ُ [7  )َ`! ،ِ9 ِ I)‫( `ـ‬

EG )n ،ِ1J&%<َU ِm7ِ&َP ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬27 .6‫ـ‬%KT

.% >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6 b ! ،ِ1!5 ُu ِ v>5‫ـ‬g ! ،ِ َ 0 O God, send prayers, salutations, and blessings
upon our Master Muḥammad and to his family as
vast as the perfection of God, and as is worthy of
21 | P a g e 22 | P a g e
The Nur Foundation for Sacred Sciences
His perfection. And reward him as he is worthy JL
[of being rewarded].
، 6%7‫ ـ  ـ‬A%  ( ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬32

! ِ %َt #ِ َ^ E e)َU ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬30  ! ، 6%7‫  ـ‬R  % ‫ ـ‬A%  ( ; < )= >7?   !

.% >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6b ! ،ِ l2J,ِ" ِ')7%N>,   ! ، 6%7‫ـ  ـ‬R  %'T xm <ُ )َ` ; < )= >7? 

  ! ، 6%7‫ـ  ـ‬R  %'T 

 5%  T )` ; < )= >7?
O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad
the eliminator of the darkness of ignorance and . 6%7‫  ُ ـ‬R EQ&‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬,‫> =) < ; `) ـ‬7?
forgetfulness through his light. And to his family
and Companions [send] salutations.
O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad as
JL extensive as the numbers of those who have sent
prayers upon him. And send prayers upon our Master
‰ f% ‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬G ‫ ـ ـ‬، ,. r‫ـ‬p ِ …)+ْg ; < )= >7?    ‫( ـ ـ‬31
Muḥammad by the extent of those who have not sent
prayers upon him. And send prayers upon our Master
   ‫ ـ ـ‬، E‫ [ ـ‬%‫ـ‬hُT ) % ‫ !?ـ‬6%7‫ُ ـ‬9  6ِ" Muḥammad in the way in which You like to have
prayers sent upon him. And send prayers upon our
.ً)7%‫ـ‬N‫ ـ‬% >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6 b ! >E> ُL >Eِ& , ; < )= >7? Master Muḥammad in the way in which You have
commanded that prayers be sent upon him. And send
O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad prayers upon our Master Muḥammad in the way in
the opener of your treasures. O God, open for me which prayers ought to be sent upon him.
through him  what has been closed to me. O God, JL
send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad the
unlettered Prophet and to his family and Companions
[send] many salutations.
23 | P a g e 24 | P a g e
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)= >7?  ً) ) ) ? % ‫ !?ـ‬،
 )` ً    ‫( ـ ـ‬33 A%  َ‫ـ‬g‫ـ‬h! ،'!5 ` ‫َ ـ‬Z5 َ`] ) ‫ `ُــ‬، ) َ` ( !  n5% 

َF‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬$‫ !ـ‬،15 ُu 6ِ" v 5‫ـ‬g‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬,‫ !ـ‬،‫ـ‬$‫ـ‬0 6ِ" Š<%‫ـ‬,‫< ; \ ـ‬ .'JُG )‫ـ‬Q‫َ ـ‬Z5ِ `ْ ]

َ$%N‫ـ‬+%N  ! ،7 JَV A %Ne! ،m. )h 5 6ِ" ُI),‫ !ـ‬،‹. JَP 6ِ" O God, send prayers upon our Master Muḥammad and

; <%‫ `ُ  ـ‬: % >‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<! 6 b !  5َu 6 ‫ـ‬%DJ ِ" # )‫ـ‬Q to the family of our Master Muḥammad as You have sent
prayers and blessings upon our Master Ibrāhīm and the
.َ ٍ #Jُ%0  ُ` ( ٍ Œ‫َـ‬g‫!=ـ‬ family of our Master Ibrāhīm, You are the most worthy
of praise and majestic in all of the worlds. [Send prayers]
by the [vast] numbers of Your creation, and as much as it
O God, send prayers that are most complete and send
pleases You, and as the splendor of Your throne, and as
salutations that are most extensive to our Master
the eternal nature of Your words, with each time the
Muḥammad through whom knots are untied, and
people of remembrance remember You and the people of
troubles are relieved, needs are fulfilled, aspirations are
negligence neglect Your remembrance.
attained as are the best ends; and by whose noble
countenance the clouds are watered. And to his family
and Companions [send] salutations in each moment and JL
every breath by the extent of all that is known to You.

، ; < )= ِ7? ِ Ib ! ; < )= >7?    ‫ـ ـ‬ (34

‚%7 ‫ `َ) ـ‬،; < )= ِ7? ِ Ib ! ; < )= >7?  Z2ِ )"!

: ،7 K5 "ِk )= ِ7? ِ Ib ! 7 K5 "ِk )= >7?  ‚`ْ 2 )"!

‫=ـ‬aِ !  N%‫ـ‬g‫َ) =ـ‬42ِ !  $%‫ــ‬p ( ،7ِB 7 e  ‫ِ=ـ‬k / ‫)ـ‬0

25 | P a g e 26 | P a g e
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II. CLOSING INVOCATION jk ), !€% ‫ !ـ‬،6‫ــ‬p%‫) ـ‬, p%‫ ـ‬+e 6‫ـ‬,7"! ),,7" wْ >5َg‫ـ‬

?! 67 9  q,   R +p Y)( /7>‫&ـ‬, A  ‫ـ‬7 ‚%0=T A  C ِ 5ِ َu l2J ‫ـ‬D

،)=2 J ُT )3 5% >N  ! ،)=2 ! 67َ   R)" …% 5n  ‫ـ ـ‬ .ً)$7G 2 M َ!ُT A Ne! /P) ‫ـ‬R! Yx‫ـ‬o! /$ >R!

)3 5% ‫ـ‬gh! ،), J‫ـ‬h )3 %Ž o`! ،), JK )3 v% >5G! ),%0>‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬G ،l5 َ= ْ ! ?! 67 9  6" ) , b ) ‫=ـ‬k ‫ـ ـ‬

)3 ْ ‫ !"ـ>ـ‬،),‫َـ‬J %eT )3 f%  T! ،),‫=ـ‬J ( )3 ِ %‫ـ‬S! ،),"J=ُ] 6+ &<  ),"J‫ـ‬S %‚>‫ !“ـ&ـ‬، 6+  ’% 5 ِ" Aِ % 2 : ‫ـ ـ‬

)3 5% R=! ،),‫َـ‬+‫"ـ‬J% e )3 ْ Nْh! ،),‫َـ‬+‫"ـ‬Jَ )3 ْ ‫&ـ‬$! ،),َ) b : )=5‫ـ‬oe! ، 6+ ‫)  ـ ـ‬, ‫ـ‬GJ‫ !ـ‬، 6+ ‫ـ‬,‫)  ?ـ‬, %‫ـ‬0‫ـ‬+%?!

% e2! ،),‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬o%e! )3 %Œ= b! ،),‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬, NَT )3 5% >َi! ،),‫ـ‬+‫ ـ‬Be 67 

% J O= )” ),%0‫ـ‬g%‫ !=ـ‬،/< %‫ـ‬gُU 6"%r e!
7ِD) ‫ـ‬, 6 5 % ُa

A! ، ), gp A% ! ),  T /" ً2J= )0‫ـ‬%D! ،),‫ـ‬+‫"ـ‬%5‫ـ‬h )3 -! D - # J ،?! 67 9  6+ ‫ <&ـ‬A ),"Jُ‫ـ‬S

), )7e :! ،), +%<َ A% ! ), SJG A% ! ،), . )n A! ،), =) % T 6 ?sَuِ" ), $?! ،َg%َL 6َ4Je )=%(2ِ !% َT! ، / ," -! َI)

 )7$ # J ‘  y! ،)=5ِ %‫ـ‬o‫=) !=ـ‬5ِ oe! )=2ِ J&ُS :! ،), J%  ! 'T ِ %&‫ـ‬S A 6 5 e!  5 e  2) a ), 5% >N  ! ،َG!% َL

) )`5" #% (T! ،), ),Ne A aJ )3 ْ >‫ـ‬$‫ !“َـ‬،), ?!’ 2  .), ً
"5% ‫ـ‬S! ً
‫ ـ‬Be ] ْ 0D! ،),‫ـ‬+7 ‫ـ‬

67 9  ً< )=>7?! ), 7ِ&‫َ =ـ‬$%‫َ =َــ‬+e ،),7َ 7k Y)0‫ـ‬gx‫ـ‬o 6D!َT JK ]k 7k 6" C g%oَ+%N= ) ‫=ــ‬k ‫ـ ـ‬

-! ،'!5 o%&َ+N 'Je5ِ َG ،'Jx‫ـ‬,M O 'J, b A <َ=! ،?! ،7 6 ‫ـ‬$•  N%‫ـ‬SُT A%   َ^T JK ]k 7 6"  N%‫ـ‬$‫!=ـ‬

27 | P a g e 28 | P a g e
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7k Juo= ،7k ِ .)?J 1
 5ST JK ]k 7k 6" ُ ?J+=! ) 7e2 ˜!’2 ™J‫ـ‬g‫= ـ‬k ،ٍ I!€%N # 5`T! ٍ IJ s | p

()NَG! ،), ) b َIJُi! ،),‫"ـ‬J‫ َ ]ُ=ـ‬5 „َ`! ،),"JُُS َ JNS >12 ) 6b ! ;š )=7?  9  ‫ !ـ‬،/›5  e2T

 ), JBK! ، ))َO A ),َ?)َuَ! ،), )T JK! ،/U)0 >12 9 P! .ً)7N  ‫ !?ـ‬6ِ&%<!

" >12 ) .‚=T 67k u‫ـ‬+%‫ـ‬oُU  %0 ,G ، )g)–U >E 0 9

ِ )" -ِk  JُS -! َIJe -! ،ُ7` J   ‫ـ‬0 =! ),&%Ne

 FG ! ،)=5% R=)G ), Ng=T! ), .T  5 R%‫ـ‬,‫ـ‬+%N= ِ 7^ 0

ِ ),D jk! ،), "2 ) َZ| َh jِk ), uَ َG ), e : ُ ‫`ـ‬Jَ+َ= O God, expand our hearts through our prayers upon him,

،)= 0%‫َ ـ&ـ‬G m N‫ـ‬+%,َ= ?! 67 9   J?2

facilitate our affairs through them, relieve our anxieties
through them, remove the darkness covering our hearts
through them, forgive our sins through them, repay our
.),%&>‫ـ‬7‫ ـ–ـ‬G ُIs%N= َZ) ِk! ،)=(5 Oَ G Ž $َ= ِ")&ِ"! debts through them, rectify our states through them, enable
us to attain our aspirations through them, accept our
f%  T! ),َ)َT ْ &َ$َ! ،),‫ـ‬GJp A% b! ),x5َFَ % e2 ‫ـ ـ‬ repentance through them, remove our troubles through them,
grant us victory through them, purify our tongues through
،),َ— |َV jk! ،),َ)Q +n + )O" ْ 0D! ،),َJeَT them, remove our sadness, and have mercy on our loneliness
through our prayers upon him. Make [our prayers upon him]
),x‫ ]ُـ‬K .),َ)Db  ()0N)" % +p! ،),) b  () rِ )" %[‫ـ>ـ‬$e! a light within us, and [a light] from behind us, a light from
our right, from our left, from above us, and from below us.
، ),%‫`ـ‬5 َ+َG ),‫ـ‬%5 T ،7 َg–  - ),‫)ـ‬e! ، %   /" 5 ‫ـ‬K)y [Make them a light] after our death and during our lifetime,
in our graves, and when we are collected (hashr) and when
) ) ‫ـ‬, Ž%)G َZJ ‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬g -k ),0N  -! ،),%‫َ&ـ‬uَ2)G ),‫ـ‬+‫ـ‬%7‫!=ــ‬ we are dispersed (nashr). [O God, make our prayers upon
him] a shade over our heads on the Day of Resurrection,

29 | P a g e 30 | P a g e
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increase through them the weight of our good deeds, bestow O God, we seek his intercession on our behalf for he is the
their blessings upon us, until we meet our Prophet and most worthy person to intercede. And we swear by him to
Master; Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him and his you, as his stature in front of You is greater than any other.
family, while we are secure, content, felicitous and joyful. Do And we seek mediation through him to You, as he is the
not separate us [from our Prophet] until we are admitted shortest path to You. O God, we complain to You of the
into the same entrance as him and you have granted us his hardness of our hearts, and the abundance of our sins, and of
noble company alongside those whom you have blessed from our false hopes, and of the corruption of our deeds, and our
amongst the Prophets, upright people (siḍḍīqīn), martyrs, reluctance to do good works, and our eagerness for acts of
and people of righteousness (ṣāliḥīn). Indeed, they are the disobedience, for You are the most bountiful One to bring
best of company. our complaints to.

O God, we have believed in him even though we have not O God, we ask You for victory over our enemies and our
seen him. So, O God, bestow on us the delight of seeing egos (nafs), so make us victorious. We rely upon Your favor
him in the two worlds. And make our hearts firm in our for our well-being so do not allow us to rely on any other,
love for him. And use us to uphold his example. And make our Lord. We attach ourselves to the Prophet’s  side. Do
us die as a part of his nation. And collect us [on the Day of not distance us. We stand at Your doorstep. Do not turn us
Judgment] as a member of his saved community and away. We beg from none other than You. Do not refuse us.
successful (mufliḥīn) group. And benefit us through the love
that is in our hearts for him  on that day that ancestry, O God, have mercy on our weakness and calm our anxieties.
progeny, and wealth are of no avail. And grant us drink And accept our works and rectify our affairs. And make us
from his purest spring (ḥawdahu al-aṣfā). And let us drink preoccupied with obedience (ṭā’a) to You. And make our
from his most fulfilling cup. And enable us to visit Your preferences to be towards goodness. And grant us above and
Holy House and his blessed grave before we die. And make beyond what we hope for. And make our end a fortunate
this something that will be counted for us [on the Day of one. This is our humiliation manifested in front of You.
Judgment] and a source of increase in our closeness to You. And our wretched state is not concealed from You. You have
commanded us and we have strayed. You forbade us and we
disobeyed. We have no refuge other than Your forgiveness

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so forgive us O best fulfiller of hopes and the most generous III. TRANSLITERATION
of all those who are beseeched.
1) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā dhātil Muḥammadiyya ṣalātan tadūmu
bi dawāmika wa tabqā bi baqāʾiqa lā muntahā lahā dūna
ʿilmika, ṣalātan turḍīka wa ṭurḍīhi wa tarḍā bihā ʿannā yā
rabb al-ʿālamīn.

2) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā sayyidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada māfī

ʿilmillāh, ṣalātan dāʾimatan bi-dawāmi mulkillāh.

3) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidina Muḥammadin ṣalātan

tunajjīnā bihā min jamīʿ al-ahwāli wal āfāt. Wa taqḍī lanā
bihā jamīʿa al-ḥājāt. Wa tuṭahhirunā bihā min jamīʿ al-
sayyiʾāt. Wa tarfaʿunā biha āʿlā al-darajāt wa tuballighunā
bihā aqṣa al-ghāyāt min jamīʿ al-khayrāt, fī al-ḥayāti wa
baʿd al-mamāti.

4) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ṣalāta al-riḍā,

wa arḍā ʿan aṣḥābihi riḍā al-riḍā.

5) Allāhumma ṣallī wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā

Muḥammadin al-raʾūfi al-raḥīm, dhī-l-khuluqil ʿaẓīm wa
ʿalā ālihi wa aṣḥābihi wa azwājihi fī kulli laḥẓatin ʿadada
kulli ḥādithin wa qadīm.

6) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā

Muḥammadini al-fātiḥ limā ughliqa wa al-khātimi limā
33 | P a g e 34 | P a g e
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sabaqa wa al-nāṣiri al-ḥaqqa bi-l-ḥaqqi wa al-hādī ilā 12) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin al-nabī al-
ṣirāṭika al-mustaqīm. Ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa ʿalā ālihi wa ummī al-ṭāhir al-muṭahhari wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa
ṣaḥbihi wa sallim ḥaqqa qadrihi wa miqdārihi al-ʿaẓīm. sallim.

7) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā 13) Allāmumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi ṣalātan talīqu bi-jamālihi wa Muḥammadin dhi-l muʿjizāti al-bāhira wa ṣalli wa sallim
jalālihi wa kamālih. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin dhi-l manāqib al-
Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi wa adhiqnā bi al- fākhira wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
ṣalāti ʿalayhi ladhdhata wiṣālih. Muḥammadin fī al-dunyā wa al-ākhira wa ṣalli wa sallim
wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa khalliqnā bi
8) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ṭibb al-qulūbi akhlāqihi al-ṭāhira.
wa dawāʾihā wa ʿāfiyat al-abdāni wa shifāʾihā wa nūr al-
abṣāri wa ḍiyāʾihā wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim. 14) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
Muḥammadin wa aʿṭihi al-wasīlata wa al-faḍīla. Wa ṣalli
9) Allāhumma ajʿal ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin dhi-l
min ṣalawātika afḍalahā wa azkāhā wa min barakātika manāqib al-jalīla. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā
anmāhā wa aʿlāhā wajʿal ṣalātanā ʿalayhi ṣalātan tarḍāhā. Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa khalliqnā bi-akhlāqihi al-jalīla.

10) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin al-nabī al- 15) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
ummī wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim ʿadada ma fī al- Muḥammadin wa hab lanā qalban shakūra. Wa ṣalli wa
samawāti wa mā fī al-arḍ wa mā baynahumā. Wa ajrī yā sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wajʿal saʿyanā
rabbī luṭfaka al-khafiyya fī umūrinā wa al-Muslimīna mashkūrā. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
ajmaʿīn. Muḥammadin wa laqqinā naḍratan wa surūrā. Wa ṣalli wa
sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa alqi ʿalaynā
11) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin fī al-layli minka maḥabbatan wa nūrā. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik
idhā yaghshā wa al-nahāri idhā tajallā. Wa ṣallī ʿalā ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa zidnā bittibāʿihi tawfīqan
Sayyidinā Muḥammadin fī al-ākhirati wa al-ūlā. wa ḥubūrā.

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16) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā alladhī arsaltahu raḥmatan li-l ʿālamīn. Wa ṣalli wa sallim
Muḥammadin bi qadari ḥubbuka fīh. Wa zidnā yā wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā jamīʿi al-
mawlānā ḥubban fīh. Allāhumma bi-jāhihi ʿindaka farrij anbiyāʾi wa al-mursalīn wa ʿalā ālihim wa ṣaḥbihim ajmaʿīn,
ʿannā mā naḥnu fīh. kullamā dhakaraka al-dhākirūn wa ghafala ʿan dhikrika al-
17) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
Muḥammadin al-nāṭiqi bi-al-ṣidqi wa al-ṣawāb. Wa ṣalli 19) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa ʿalā āli
wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin afḍala man Sayyidinā Muḥammad ṣalātan takūnu laka riḍā’an wa
ūtiya al-ḥikmata wa faḍl al-khiṭāb. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa liḥaqqihi adāʾan, wa aʿṭihi al-wasīlata wa al-maqām alladhi
bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin bābi al-abwābi wa lubābi waʿadtah.
al-lubāb. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
Muḥammadin wa azil ʿan qulūbinā bi nūrihi ẓulmat al- 20) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad fī al-awwalīn.
ḥijāb. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Wa ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad fī al-ākhirīn. Wa ṣalli
Muḥammadin wa alhimna al-ḥikmata wa al-ṣawāb. Wa ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad fī al-mursalīn. Wa ṣalli ʿalā
ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin Sayyidinā Muḥammad fī al-malaʾ al-aʿlā ilā yawm al-dīn.
wasqinā min ladunka ṣāfiya al-sharāb. Wa ṣalli wa sallim
wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa fahhimnā asrār 21) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin alladhi
al-kitāb. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā malaʾta qalbahu min jalālik, wa ʿaynahu min jamālik fa
Muḥammadin wajʿalnā bi al-ṣalāti ʿalayhi min al-anjāb. Wa aṣbaḥa fariḥan masrūrā muʾayyadan manṣūra. Wa ʿalā ālihi
ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim taslīmā.
adkhilnā ḥaẓīrat al-qudsi fī jumlati-l aḥbāb. Wa ṣalli wa
sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā sāʾir al- 22) Allāhumma innī asʾaluka bi-nūri wajhillahi-l ʿaẓīm, alladhī
anbiyāʾi wa al-aṣfiyāʾi wa al-āli wa al-aṣḥāb. malaʾa arkāna ʿarshillāhi-l ʿaẓīm, wa qāmat bihi ʿawālimillāh
al-ʿaẓīm, an tuṣalliya ʿalā mawlānā Muḥammad dhi-l qadri-l
18) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā ʿaẓīm wa ʿalā nabiyyillāhi-l ʿaẓīm. Wa sallim ʿalayhi wa ʿalā
Muḥammadin al-ṣidqi al-amīn. Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ālihi mithla dhālik. Wa ajmaʿ baynī wa baynahu kamā
ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin alladhī jāʾa bi-l ḥaqqi-l mubīn. jamaʿta bayn al-ruḥi wa al-jasad ẓāhiran wa bāṭinan
Wa ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin
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yaqaẓatan wa manāman. Wa ajʿalhu yā rabb rūḥan li-dhātī 27) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin al-ḥabībi al-
min jamīʿ al-wujūhi fī al-dunyā wa al-ākhirati yā ʿaẓīm. maḥbūb, shāfī al-ʿilali wa al-mufarrij al-kurūb, wa ʿalā ālihi
wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim.
23) Allāhumma yā dāʾim al-faḍli ʿalā al-bariyya, yā bāṣiṭa al-
yadayni bi-l ʿaṭiyya, yā ṣāḥiba al-mawāhib al-saniyya, ṣalli 28) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad al-nabī al-
ʿalā Muḥammadin khayr al-bariyya, wa aghfir lanā yā dha-l ummī wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim, ʿadada ma ʿalimta,
ʿulā fī hādhihi al-jalsat al-haniyya. wa zinata mā ʿalimta wa milʾa mā ʿalimta.

24) Allāhumma ajʿal ṣalawātika wa raḥmataka wa barakātika 29) Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā
ʿalā Sayyid al-mursalīn, wa imām al-muṭṭaqīn, wa khātam Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi ʿadada kamālillāh, wa kamā
al-nabiyyīn, ʿabdika wa rasūlika imām al-khayri, wa qāʾid yalīqu bi-kamālihi wa ajzihi ʿannā mā huwa ahluh.
al-khayri, wa rasūl al-raḥma. Allāhumma abʿathhu maqām
al-maḥmūda alladhī yaghbuṭuhu bihi al-awwalūna wa al- 30) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad al-māḥī li-
ākhirūn. ẓalāmi al-jahli wa al-nisyāni bi-nūrihi wa ʿalā ālihi wa
ṣaḥbihi wa sallim.
25) Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ṣalatan
tushraḥu bihā al-ṣuḍūr, wa tuhawwanu bihā al-umūr, wa 31) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin miftāḥi
tunajjīnā bihā yawm al-nushūri bi-raḥmatin minka yā khazāʾinik. Allāhumma iftaḥ lī bihi  mā ughliqa ʿalayya.
ʿazīzu yā ghafūr wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim. Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad al-nabī al-
ummī wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim taslīmā.
26) Yā ḥayyu yā qayyūm, yā dhal jalāli wa al-ikrām, ṣalli ʿalā
Sayyidinā Muḥammad, wa ʿalā āli Sayyidinā Muḥammad, 32) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada man
wa aḥyī qalbī wa amit nafsī ḥattā aḥyā bika ḥayātan yuṣalli ʿalayh. Wa ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada
ṭayyibatan fī al-dunyā wa al-ākhira, inaka ʿalā kulli shayʾin man lam yuṣalli ʿalayh. Wa ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā
qadīr. Muḥammadin kamā tuḥibbu an yuṣallā ʿalayh. Wa ṣalli
ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin kamā amarta an yuṣallā ʿalayh.

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Wa ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin kamā tanbaghī al-
ṣalātu ʿalayh.

33) Allāhumma ṣalli ṣalātan kāmila, wa sallim salāman tāmman

ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad, alladhī tanḥallu bihi al-ʿuqad,
wa tanfariju bihi al-kurab, wa tuqḍā bihi al-ḥawāʾij wa
tunālu bihi al-raghāʾib wa ḥusnu al-khawatīm, wa yustasqā
al-ghamāmu bi-wajhihi al-karīm wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa
sallim fī kulli lamḥatin wa nafasin ʿadada kulli maʿlūmin

34) Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa ʿalā āli

Sayyidinā Muḥammad, wa bārik ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad
wa ʿalā āli Sayyidinā Muḥammad kamā ṣallayta wa bārakta
ʿalā Sayyidinā Ibrāhīm wa ʿalā āli Sayyidinā Ibrāhīm fī al-
ʿalamīna innaka ḥamīdun majīd, ʿadada khalqika wa riḍā
nafsika wa zinata ʿarshika wa midāda kalimātika kullamā
dhakaraka al-dhākirūn wa ghafala ʿan dhikrika al-ghāfilūn.

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