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Quadcopter dengan misi mencari target dan melakukan pendaratan secara

autonomous dengan terbang berdasarkan waypoint yang telah di set pada Ground
Control System (GCS). Quadcopter akan mencari target menggunakan sistem
pengolahan citra. Sistem pengolahan citra dibuat dengan Raspberry pi dengan
menggunakan camera module 5 megapixel dengan resolusi frame 1280x720 piksel.
Menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python, pustaka OpenCV dan pustaka Dronekit-
Python. Setelah kamera berhasil mendeteksi objek maka Raspberry pi akan mengirim
perintah kepada Pixhawk sebagai kontroler quadcopter untuk melakukan pendaratan
pada target atau landasan yang berbentuk lingkaran berwarna merah dan memiliki
ukuran 40 cm sampai 70 cm dengan ketinggian terbang 2 meter sampai 3 meter
dengan kecepatan terbang 1 m/s hingga 5 m/s. Setelah melakukan pendaratan maka
jarak antara titik pusat target dengan titik pusat quadcopter diukur. Komunikasi antara
Pixhawk dan Raspberry Pi melalui USB to Serial Interface menggunakan protokol
MAVlink. Hasil dari pendeteksian sistem pengolahan citra, kamera mampu
mendeteksi lingkaran cukup sempurna ketika dikonversi ke hitam putih atau
threshold gambar. Kamera mampu mendeteksi target pada ketinggian terbang 2
meter hingga 3 meter pada kecepatan 1 m/s, namun ketika kecepatan dinaikan hingga
5 m/s, kamera hanya mampu mendeteksi target saat kecepatan 1 m/s hingga 3 m/s
pada ketinggian terbang 2 meter. Pada ketinggian terbang 3 meter, kamera hanya
mampu mendeteksi pada kecepatan 1 m/s.
Kata Kunci : UAV, Pixhawk, Raspberry pi, GPS, quadcopter, autonomous


Quadcopter with the mission of finding targets and performing autonomous

landings by flying based on the waypoints that have been set on the Ground Control
System (GCS). Quadcopter will look for targets using image processing systems. The
image processing system is created with a Raspberry PI and uses a 5 megapixel
camera module with a frame resolution of 1280x720 pixels. It uses the Python
programming language, OpenCV libraries and Dronekit-Python libraries. After the
camera successfully detects the object, the Raspberry Pi will send the command to
Pixhawk as a quadcopter controller to make landings on the target or base in the form
of red circles and have a size of 40 cm to 70 cm. With a flying altitude of 2 meters to
3 meters with a flying speed of 1 m/s to 5 m/s. After making the landing then the
distance between the target center point with the quadcopter center point is measured.
Communication between Pixhawk and Raspberry Pi via the USB to Serial Interface
using the MAVlink protocol. As a result of image processing system detection, the
camera is able to detect the circles perfectly enough when converted to black and
white or image threshold. The camera is able to detect the target at a flying altitude
of 2 meters to 3 meters at a speed of 1 m/s, but when the speed is adjusted to 5 m/s,
the camera is only able to detect the target when the speed is 1 m/s to 3 m/s at an
altitude of 2 meters. At a flying altitude of 3 meters, the camera is only able to detect
at 1 m/s.

Keywords: UAV, Pixhawk, Raspberry pi, GPS, quadcopter, autonomous


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