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Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P.


E-ISSN: 2528-2476
Quran is a Miracle

Dewi Suryani Djamdjuri and Dina Rantika¹; dinarantika0@gmail.com²

Universitas Ibn Khaldun


In general, the Quran is the main holy book for Islam. Where is included in the pillars of faith of all
Muslims and are required to believe in the Quran, because the it is a guideline for Muslims.
Meanwhile, according to the term, the Quran is, among other things, "the word of Allah that was
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad who had miracles of pronunciation, reading it is of worship
value, is narrated mutatir, which is written in the Mushaf, starting with the letter Al Fatihah and
ending with surah An Nas. The Quran is a miracle, because the contents of each chapter in which
there are verses that have the content tells what has happened and will happen and what is in the
world that we just know. The Quran is a miracle, because many scientists whose research results or
findings have been mentioned in the Quran. It is a miracle because by studying it we get blessings,
when listening to it our hearts feel something and many good things that we get when we are with the
Quran. The Quran is the basic rule of human life, and it is good for the soul as well as for human
cognitive abilities.

Keyword: Al-Qur’an, Quran is a Miracle, World, Soul, Kognitif Ability


Secara umum, Alquran adalah kitab suci utama Islam. Dimana termasuk dalam rukun iman semua
umat Islam dan diwajibkan beriman kepada Alquran, karena itu adalah pedoman bagi umat Islam.
Sedangkan menurut istilahnya, Alquran antara lain, “firman Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi
Muhammad SAW yang memiliki mukjizat pengucapan, bacaannya adalah nilai ibadah, diriwayatkan
mutatir, yang tertulis di mushaf. , dimulai dengan surat Al Fatihah dan diakhiri dengan surah An
Nas. Alquran adalah mukjizat, karena di dalam setiap surahnya terdapat ayat-ayat yang isinya
menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi dan akan terjadi serta apa yang ada di dunia kita. tahu saja.
Alquran itu mukjizat, karena banyak ilmuwan yang hasil penelitian atau temuannya telah disebutkan
dalam Alquran. Merupakan keajaiban karena dengan mempelajarinya kita mendapat berkah, ketika
mendengarkannya hati kita merasakan sesuatu dan banyak hal baik yang kita dapatkan ketika kita
bersama Alquran. Alquran adalah aturan dasar kehidupan manusia, dan itu baik untuk jiwa serta
untuk kemampuan kognitif manusia.

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476

Kata Kunci: Al-Qur'an, Alquran adalah Mukjizat, Dunia, Jiwa, Kemampuan Kognitif
Introduction The Quran contains various of miracle
which proves that he is a holy revelation
The Quran is the main holy book in Islam,
from Allah. The definition of the Quran is:
it is the holy word of Allah revealed to the
"That which was revealed to the Apostle
chosen prophet, the prophet Muhammad
of the Apostle committed to writing in
SAW. Muslims believe that Al-Qur‟an is
'mushaf, and transmitted by many with
the basic rule of life. The Qur'an is
continuity and without any doubt." Allah
etymologically derived from the word
has revealed the Quran to human beings as
qira'ah which means reading, according to
a book of guidance (Ahmad, 2016, p. 207).
Manna Al-Qathan language derived from
qara'a which means collection and "And this (AlQur'an) is the book that We
merging (In Djamjuri, Saragih, & have sent down which is blessed, until the
Nusantari, 2018, p. 53). Imam Syafi'i end of life" (Al An'am: 92 in The noble
argues that the word al-Qur'an used in the Quran).
form of ma'rifah (using alif and lam), does
The Quran is the greatest miracle of all
not come from qara'a, but is the name of a
other miracles that Allah has ever given to
holy book that was revealed to the Prophet
all the prophets as well as His messengers
Muhammad. The word does not come
because this book is not only aimed at
from qara'a and if it comes from qara'a,
breaking all the arguments of the
then everything we read is al-Qur'an
polytheists but also aimed at all people in
(Shihab, 2007, p. 785). Meanwhile,
the world. The miracles of the Quran are
according to the term, the Quran is, among
basically centered on two aspects: first, in
other things, "the word of Allah SWT.,
terms of the content of the Quran, and
which was revealed to the Prophet
second, in terms of the language of the
Muhammad who had miracles of
Quran. With regard to the contents of the
pronunciation, reading it is of worship
Quran, it has been stated that the Koran,
value, is narrated mut worry, which is
which was revealed by God to the Prophet
written in the Mushaf, starting with the
Muhammad, 14 centuries ago, carries
letter al Fatihah and ending with surah an
many scientific verses which are then
Nas (Syuhbah, p. 20).
recognized as true by modern science
today (Al-Munawwar, 2002, p.38).

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
The Quran is a miracle, because many instructions or guides and a book of laws
scientists whose research results or and improvements. The verses are
findings have been mentioned in the inseparable from detailed instructions,
Koran. The Koran is the word of Allah, vague truths on several natural, medical,
where the contents of the Quran are the and geographical problems, all of which
words of Allah that can be proven even show the miracles of the Koran and its
scientifically. The purpose of this study is position as a revelation from Allah SWT.
to collect data that the Quran is the most The Koran was not created by the Prophet
perfect book that Allah gave to the prophet Muhammad, because he was an ummi,
Muhammad SAW as the leader of unable to read and write (Yanggo, 2016, p.
Muslims in the prophetic era until now. 15).

Al-Qur'anul Karim has a uslub that is very Literature Review

amazing and different from the uslub
Miracle of Quran to The World
(composition) of human speech. In it there
are several features which can be Miracle of Quran to the world, many
summarized as follows: discoveries have been made by scientists
who have been mentioned in the Quran
1) The softness of the Quran in lafziyah is
such as the layers of the atmosphere as in
found in the composition of the sound and
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 29 which means
the beauty of the language.
"He is Allah, who made everything on
2) The harmony of the Quran is intended earth for you and He wills. towards the
for the layman, as well as the intellectuals. heavens, and he made seven heavens. And
In a sense, everyone can feel the majesty He is All-knowing everything." The 7
and beauty of the Qur'an. heavens that Allah created have been
proven by scientists and are named as the
3) The contents are in accordance with
atmosphere, as the power of Allah SWT
reason and feeling, because the Quran
who created the 7 heavens to protect the
provides doctrine to the mind and heart
and summarizes both truth and beauty (As-
Sabuny, 1991, Pp. 143-144). Therefore, each of these layers has their
respective functions. Then He headed for
Al-Quran is not a book of nature,
the sky, and the sky was still smoke. So He
architecture or physics, but a book of
made it seven heavens in two times and He

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
revealed in each heaven its business. " seas but the water is not mixed is
(Surat Fussilat: 11-12, in Tafsir Ibn described as a river mouth, where there is
Katsir). Thus in the Quran Allah has a meeting between salt water from the sea
explained that the earth is indeed and fresh water from a river. With this
composed of various layers (atmospheres). explanation, it is evident that the power of
As for the atmosphere that was formed, it God is certainly more than what his
turned out that it actually consisted of creatures can think. Even for phenomena
several different layers and overlapped that seem strange like that, Allah always
with each other. Scientists later discovered has the answer through the Al-Qur'an.
that this was true (that the atmosphere is
Quran and Healthy Soul
composed of several layers) and each layer
has its own characteristics. Early researches revealed that holiness and
beliefs are lost in today's world, few
The miracle that is told in the Quran about
published studies proved the listening and
the existence of a river under the sea is a
maintaining the Holy Quran helped in
miracle recently discovered by scientists
reduction of depression and stress
and it has been mentioned in Surah
(Mohammadi Laeini et al. 2009). The
Fussilat verse 53 (in Tafsir Ibn Katsir)
Quran is a calming book, when reading it
"We will show them as soon as possible,
the heart feels it, when listening to the
the proofs of Our truth. in all corners of
chanting of the holy Koran the heart also
the world and in themselves, until it
feels calm. The recitation of the Koran
became clear to them, that this Quran is
provides calm for those who listen to it
the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord
even though they don't know its meaning
witnesses everything. "
(Thayyarah, 2013).
"And it is He who let the two seas flow
In addition to being a guide and guidance,
(side by side); this one is tasteless fresh
Allah also gives the Quran Allah to make
and the other is still bitter; and He made
the Quran a medicine for human health,
between the two walls and boundaries that
both body and soul. As in Surah Yunus: 57
hinder" (Surah Al-Furqan: 53 in The noble
(in the noble Quran, p. 278) "O people,
actually a lesson has come to you from
In several commentaries it is explained your Lord and a cure for diseases (that are)
that the verse about the meeting of two in the chest and guidance and mercy for

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
those who believe. " Therefore, there is a so that they are given intelligence in
need to effectively manage these patients. studying.
In this regard, non-pharmacological,
The mathematical code system of the
adjunctive interventions, such as listening
Quran to prove its miracles never end and
to music and spiritual intervention, eg,
every day a new miracle is revealed. One
prayers, were studied and shown positive
special feature of the Quran is that its
effects in reducing stress and anxiety in
language is arranged in stylized patterns.
mechanically ventilated patient (Hunter et
The literary excellence of the Quran
al. 2010; Chlan et al. 2013).
resides partly in its style which is so
Quran Good for Cognitive Ability perfect and lofty that the like of it none
could produce. A literary to the study of
Quran is good for cognitive because other
the Quran begins with the awareness of its
researchers Hojjati et al. (2013: p. 285)
reliance on stylistic language. (Ahmed,
proved that listening to the Quran for only
15 minutes per day without using any
other skills or training could improve Method
students' memories. Because reading the
In this discussion the author uses the
Koran relaxes the nerves of the brain and
qualitative research method, Qualitative
makes it easier to absorb knowledge. As
research reports are usually rich with
we know, they are the tahfidz and hafidz
description, and may be a more
of the Quran who have good memory and
appropriate choice for some subjects from
are intelligent in knowledge. Because the
the reader's perspective because "if you
Quran has miracles that Allah bestows on
want people to understand better ...
helping mankind.
provide them with information in the form
Memorizing Quran improved the in which they usually experience it ”
children's cognitive intelligence. The (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The qualitative
improvement scores were up to 15.63%. research method that will be used is
All children in the present research interviews, the author will interview two
achieved higher cognitive intelligence people about the miracles of the Quran that
(Slamet, 2019, p. 575). Glory be to Allah they have experienced. Because as in the
to those who believe in the Qur'an so that previous explanation, the miracle that
it is easier for those who study the Qur'an Allah mentioned in the Quran is not only

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
for the world but in human life as well as a. What miracles are mentioned in the
for human health and human cognitive Quran that you know?
intelligence. The author will interview two b. How can you be sure about the miracle
people from different backgrounds, the mentioned in the Quran?
first resource person is a student from a c. What do you think is the miracle you
formal school and the second resource is feel when you are near or are reading
from an Islamic school or what is or hearing the chanting of the holy
commonly called the Islamic Boarding verses of the Quran?
School. d. If you agree that Quran is a miracle
that Allah bestowed on Muslims, how
Choosing two sources from different
do you give thanks for it?
backgrounds because the author wants to
get data based on habitual experiences Result
which of course there are differences, due
Based on the results of the search the
to social environmental factors and daily
authors got, from various articles 80%
experiences which are of course different,
stated that the Al-quran is the most perfect
Qualitative research is an interpretative
book of the previous books. As in Q.S Al-
approach, which attempts to gain insight
An'am: 39 "There is nothing that we
into the specific meanings and behaviors
neglect in this book" which means AL-
experienced in a certain social
quran is the perfect book and the most
phenomenon (Polgar & Thomas, 2000)
complete of the previous books.
through the subjective experiences of the
participants. As for the results of the interviews I
conducted with two sources from these
The researcher builds abstracts, concepts,
two backgrounds, the first source from
hypotheses, or theories by asking such
formal schools stated with the conclusion
questions as “why”, “how” and “in what
that the miracle mentioned in the Quran
way?”. The data that can be generated
was real, and he was sure because there
from unstructured and semi-structured
was a lot of news that was conveyed. He
interviews can be rich and provide more
also felt calm when he was with the Al-
in-depth appreciation of a subject matter
quran and the way he was grateful was by
than a questionnaire (Bell, 1999). The core
worshiping. Meanwhile, the second
points the authors will ask are:
source's answer from the Islamic boarding

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
school was that he believed that miracles that Muslims worship as a helper in the
and whatever was mentioned in the Al- end of life. We can feel and see the
qur'an were real because they were the miracles mentioned in the Qur'an not only
words of Allah SWT., And he felt restless in nature but also in our soul and body.
if one day he did not read or practice Al- Because the influence of the Quran is very
the qur'an because it is one of the ways he big if we study and practice it. Like the
is grateful for what Allah has given to life results of the interview answers from two
in this mortal world. different sources, the second speaker felt
more about how the different moods of the
soul were when he was close to the Al-
Al-quran is the last book that Allah gave to quran and how far away from the Al-
Prophet Muhammad SAW., As a miracle quran. It is said that in Q.S Al-Isra verse
for Rasulullah. Al-quran is a guideline for 82 "and we bring down from the Al-quran
Muslims, it tells many miracles in the something that makes an antidote and
world as evidence of the power of Allah. It mercy for those who believe and that Al-
is not a historical, architectural or quran does not add to those who do wrong
scientific book, Al-quran is the holy book other than harm.”

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Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Volume X, No. X, XXXX P. ISSN:

E-ISSN: 2528-2476
Manuscript URL:

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