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1. En (5) diapositivas, habla acerca del Amor en la Tercera Edad.

2. Explica si existe el Amor en esta edad.

3. Te gustaria Enamorarte en La Tercera Edad. Recuerda realizar la presentacion en Ingles y

Personalizada, envia la Actividad desde la barra de menu en Actividades. Este trabajo tiene
fecha límite 28 de Marzo 2011. Hasta pronto Tutora Jenice J Newball F.


When skin is wrinkled and tired of navigating through the years is reflected in the eyelids, where
the curve starts to decline life and look back and see a long way, we're close.

When you notice that your hair is gray, suddenly the music is very high and time on your hands
are now being indisputable traces of their passage, we arrived.

Reaching old age may mean the end of some things but also the renewal or the beginning of
many others ....

Many times the word love is associated with youth .... And is it not also loves the elderly? Is not
it possible to fall in love as a teenager at sixty or tingling feeling in the stomach in the presence
of a loved one?

We love the elderly, the paradox is that this age is when you need to love and be loved. Our
wrinkles and unsteadily suggest that we lack the heart.Nothing wrong. The heart will jump into
the chest and yet every gesture, look or action from our side is considered out of
place. Eventually we got used to hide our sentimienros, but there, buried, is the beating of a
heart that feels like a teenager but for the last tight of society have to silence him forever.

It is said that one day family friends gathered for an afternoon of fun and remember the early
years of marriage. They had tea, ate some cupcakes, and suddenly the children, who had
prepared a surprise, I had a band that played dance tunes from the 60's, and suddenly
everyone is encouraged and each took his partner to dance. After dancing a while the music
stopped and Mary, one of the attendees said, think that 32 years that did not dance!All were
surprised and a couple said: "A few years ago when we had few years of marriage we went to
dance, or coffee, or ice cream, or simply went out for a walk holding hands and occasionally
in some corner we shook a kiss, like when we were dating, but now life has become routine and
no longer exists the romance of those early years of marriage. "
That happens when we do not feed the love with small gestures, like a flower to take the couple
out to a park or a walk hand in hand. Thus, the gestures do not express the love he ends up as
off or stay asleep, as if the flames of that love had turned to ashes or buried in monotony.
A trunk, where we keep the memories, can grow old on the outside but inside they did keep
those treasures pleasing the early stages of courtship and marriage. So we need to dust off the
memories and make them bright with some flowers, with words that express and relive the love
that is a little off, but with creativity once again on display as in his youth.
There's nothing more creative than the love! A poem, a bouquet of flowers, a chocolate, a
furtive kiss, a warm hug or just watch a sunset together breaks the routine and make the heart
beat, although the years go stay young, for love making new all things.
The story I heard in audio and tried to make it "live" in these poor words, unable to give the
feeling that the teller told him.
Hopefully someone knows this story and bringing new ideas to this teaching of love for the

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