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Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536

Field-induced mobility degradation in pentacene

thin-film transistors
Mohammad Mottaghi, Gilles Horowitz *

ITODYS, CNRS-UMR 7086, University Denis-Diderot, 1 rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France

Received 15 June 2006; received in revised form 21 July 2006; accepted 26 July 2006
Available online 22 August 2006


Pentacene-based organic thin-field transistors (OTFTs) with bottom-gate, top-contact architecture were fabricated on
alumina substrates. The devices were divided into two sets, depending on whether pentacene was deposited on bare alu-
mina or on alumina modified with a fatty acid self-assembled monolayer (SAM). Previous analysis have shown that the
modification of alumina with SAMs result in a substantial decrease of the size of the grains in hte polycrystalline films.
Careful parameters extraction, including an original determination of the threshold voltage, and contact resistance extrac-
tion through the transfer line method (TLM), allowed us to estimate the gate-voltage dependent mobility in both series.
The mobility is found to first increase at low bias, and then decrease at higher gate voltage (mobility degradation). The
latter behavior is explained through an estimation of the distribution of charges across the accumulation layer, in which
the pentacene film is modeled as a stack of dielectric layers, the distribution being calculated using basic equations of elec-
trostatics and thermodynamics. A good agreement was found when the mobility in the layer next to the insulator was
assumed to be negligible as compared to that in the bulk of the film. The initial rise of the mobility is interpreted in terms
of multiple trap and release (MTR) with a distribution of traps located in the grain boundaries. Interestingly, the mobility
corrected for both contact resistance and mobility degradation is found around 3 cm2/V s for pentacene deposited on bare
alumina, and 5 cm2/V s when pentacene is deposited on SAM modified alumina. We conclude that the smaller grains
grown on modified alumina are more regular, and hence less defective, than the larger grains deposited on bare alumina.
 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 72.20.Jv; 73.40.c; 73.61.Ph; 85.30.Tv; 68.55.Ln

Keywords: Organic field-effect transistors; Self-assembled monolayers; Mobility extraction; Transfer line method; Multiple trapping and

1. Introduction (OTFTs) [1–4]. Most usually, mobility is found to

increase with gate voltage. Two useful models for
Gate-voltage dependent mobility is now a well- accounting for this are the multiple trapping and
recognized feature in organic thin-film transistors release (MTR) and variable range hopping (VRH).
The basic assumption of MTR [3,4] is a distribution
Corresponding author. of states localized in the energy gap close to the
E-mail address: (G. Horowitz). transport band edge. These states are liable to trap

1566-1199/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536 529

the charge carriers injected into the channel of the mobility and trap distribution in bare and SAM-
transistor, thus reducing the current. When increas- modified devices are discussed under the perspective
ing the gate voltage, the Fermi level moves towards of the corresponding structure of the films.
band edge as more of the empty traps are filled by
injected charge. Accordingly, the ratio of free to 2. Experimental
trapped carriers increases, and so does the channel
conductivity, which is interpreted in term of an The OTFTs where fabricated on highly doped
increase of the effective mobility. The VRH model p-type silicon wafers that acted as the gate electrode
[2] also assumes a distribution of localized levels; of the device. The insulator (Al2O3) was grown in a
it proposes that transport occurs via hopping in that homemade vacuum chamber by bombarding an alu-
distribution. Like with the MTR model, the gate- minum target with oxygen ions under reduced pres-
voltage dependent mobility is explained through sure (1 Pa). The growth rate in this unusual
the filling of the lower energy states, so additional deposition technique is very low, thus resulting in
carriers occupy higher energy states, which demand highly dense and smooth films, with a root-mean
lower activation energy to hop to the next site. square (RMS) roughness, as measure by atomic force
More recently, a reverse behavior has been microscopy (AFM) profiling, comparable to that of
reported, where the mobility decreases with gate the underneath silicon substrate (0.2 nm). The thick-
voltage [5–7]. It is worth pointing out that a similar ness of the Al2O3 layer was 100 nm and its capaci-
trend has been identified for long in conventional tance 75 nF/cm2. Before pentacene deposition or
silicon-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect modification, the alumina substrates were cleaned
transistors (MOSFETs) [8], where it is attributed in pure sulfuric acid, rinsed in deionized water and
to various scattering agents in the vicinity of the blown dry in a flux of argon. Self-assembled mono-
insulator interface, namely charged centers, surface layers of eicosanoic acid CH3(CH2)18COOH were
phonons and surface roughness. A usual way to deposited by dipping the substrate during 45 min.
describe this behavior is to introduce the so-called into a solution in benzene. Silanes (e.g., octadecyltri-
‘‘mobility degradation factor’’ h, which in its sim- chlorosilane OTS) are commonly used on silicon oxi-
plest formulation leads to a mobility that looks like des. However, a fatty acid (in our case, eicosanoic
l0 acid) was preferred to silanes because it more readily
l¼ ; ð1Þ assembles on alumina. We note that, because the
1 þ hðV G  V T Þ
length of the alkyl chain is comparable in OTS and
where VG is the gate voltage and VT the threshold eicosanoic acid (18 and 19 carbon atoms, respec-
voltage. tively), the robustness of the corresponding SAMs
We have previously shown [5] that the structure is equivalent, as was checked by contact angle mea-
of pentacene films vapor deposited on alumina surement and surface IR spectroscopy [5]. 30 nm of
(Al2O3) is drastically changed by modifying the sur- pentacene (Aldrich, used as received) was vapor
face of the oxide with a self-assembled monolayer deposited at a base pressure of 105 Pa at a rate of
(SAM). On bare alumina, we observed a two- 0.01 nm/s on substrates kept at room temperature.
dimensional growth of the first monolayer followed Source and drain electrodes were made of 20 nm
by a three-dimensional process with larger grains, thick gold evaporated through a shadow mask with
while films on SAM-modified alumina were made channel lengths ranging between 5 and 40 lm. The
of grains of smaller dimension. In this paper, we current–voltage characteristics were recorded under
report on new gate-voltage dependent measure- ambient condition with a Karl Suss manual probe
ments that bring evidence for field-induced mobility station and a Keithley 4200 semiconductor charac-
degradation on pentacene deposited on both sub- terization system.
strates. A model for charge distribution in the chan-
nel, based on the layered structure of the pentacene 3. Multi-layer model
film, is developed to account for this feature. It is
found that the mobility in the molecular layer close The multi-layer model takes advantage of the
to the insulator–semiconductor interface is substan- layer structure of vapor deposited molecular films
tially lower than that in the bulk of the pentacene with rigid molecules like pentacene or the oligothi-
film. For the latter, the mobility is interpreted in ophenes. A first version of the model has been pub-
terms of the MTR model. The respective trap-free lished recently [9]. However, we discovered that this
530 M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536

first version contained an inappropriate formulation (1) each molecule cannot bear more than one ele-
of Gauss’s law (see Eq. (A.2)), which is corrected mental charge carrier and (2) the charge practically
here. Note that this initial mistake only resulted in extends all over the molecule [10], we assimilate the
quantitative changes, while the general conclusions pentacene film to a stack of n dielectric layers of
of the model were preserved. thickness d, each layer carrying a uniform density
Pentacene molecules can be viewed as rigid rods, of carriers ni. The layers are numbered starting from
which in the solid state assemble parallel to each the insulator side. The calculation of the charge dis-
other, thus forming parallel layers, the thickness of tribution is detailed in the Appendix. It does not
which equals the length of the molecule (minus a lead to an analytical expression, but rather to Eq.
small correction to account for a tilt angle). Because (A.10) that relates the charge in layer i to that in lay-
ers (i + 1) to n.
Two additional equations were used to perform
the numerical calculation. The first one derives from
a product of Eq. (A.9) and gives the potential at the
insulator–semiconductor interface
kT n1
V0 ¼ ln ; ð2Þ
q nn
while the second one gives the total charge in the
qntot ¼ q ni ¼ C i ðV G  V 0 Þ: ð3Þ

Here, we have assumed VT = 0. In pentacene, the

thickness of a monolayer, as determined by X-ray
diffraction, is 1.54 nm [11], so a 30 nm thick layer
roughly contains 20 monolayers. Fig. 1 shows the
distribution of charge carriers at three different gate
voltages: 1, 5 and 25 V. It clearly appears that as VG
increases, the charge concentrates in the first layer.
At this stage, it is worth pointing out that our
calculation only refers to the distribution of the
total (free and trapped) charge in the semiconduc-
tor. No assumption was made on how these charge
moves; in particular, we stress that the presence in
the insulator of charges (fixed and mobile) and
dipoles only acts on the mobility and threshold volt-
age, not on the charge distribution.

4. Results

4.1. Structure of the evaporated films

The effect of the eicosanoic acid SAM on the

structure of the pentacene layer has been extensively
studied in our previous works [5]. It appeared that
on bare Al2O3, the growth starts two dimensional
and then turns to three-dimensional with larger,
though loosely connected grains, while on SAM
Fig. 1. Distribution of charge carriers in a 30 nm (20 ML) thick modified substrates, the growth is three-dimensional
pentacene film with an insulator capacitance of 75 nF/cm2. From all along, with much smaller grains. The situation is
top down: VG = 1 V, 5 V and 25 V. schematically depicted in Fig. 2. Note that the
M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536 531

Fig. 2. These cartoons are schematic view of the structure of

vapor deposited pentacene on (a) bare and (b) eicosanoic acid
SAM modified Al2O3. In (a), a two-dimensional layer of medium-
sized (200 nm) grains is topped by larger three-dimensional
islands (average diameter 1 lm). In (b) the size of the grains is
reduced to 50 to 100 nm, while the growth process is three-
dimensional all along.

actual number of layers in our films is significantly

higher than what drawn in the figure, so that the dis-
ruption between grains only occurs far from the
insulator–semiconductor interface.

4.2. Parameters extraction

Extracting the mobility and threshold voltage of

an OTFT from its current–voltage characteristics is
a crucial step for any modeling of the device opera-
tion. The most widespread technique uses the satu-
ration current, which is predicted by simple models
to be proportional to (VG  VT)2, so that plotting
the square root of the current as a function of the
gate voltage would give a straight line from which
both parameters can be estimated. However, this
method presents two major drawback: It cannot
be corrected for contact resistance, and it is blind
to gate-voltage dependence.
Another common method uses the first deriva-
tive of the linear-regime current Eq. (4) as a func-
tion of gate voltage (the so-called linear-regime
ID ¼ lC i ðV G  V T ÞV D : ð4Þ
However, for a gate-voltage dependent mobility the
Fig. 3. These curves are representative of the linear-regime in our
exact expression of the linear-regime transconduc- devices. Top panel: drain current vs. gate voltage at a drain
tance is voltage of 0.2 V. Middle panel: first derivative (linear trans-
  conductance); this curve is often claimed to be proportional to
oI D W ol
¼ C i V D l þ ðV G  V T Þ ; ð5Þ the mobility. The lower panel illustrates the method used to
oV G L oV G estimate the threshold voltage. It shows the second derivative of
the drain current. The threshold voltage corresponds to the first
so that the method is only valid when the second peak (VT = 1.0 V).
term in brackets can be neglected, that is, for a
slowly varying mobility (which seems to be only
the case with single crystals [12].) Be this condition can be seen that the linear transconductance pre-
not fulfilled, the resulting mobility would be overes- sents strong variations, and eventually becomes neg-
timated when mobility increases with gate voltage, ative at high gate bias.
and underestimated when it decreases. The problem Our method includes a separate extraction of the
is illustrated in the middle panel in Fig. 3, where it threshold voltage from the linear regime, which then
532 M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536

allows for estimating the mobility without any der-

ivation step. The sequential steps of the method are
detailed as follows.

4.2.1. Threshold voltage

The threshold voltage is defined as the point
above which significant drain current flows. In con-
ventional MOSFETs, it is understood as the transi-
tion point between weak and strong inversion. In
the OTFT, which operates in the accumulation
regime, the change is between depletion and accu-
mulation. As the threshold voltage is of fundamen-
tal importance for circuit modeling, numerous
methods have been developed to extract its value Fig. 4. Gate voltage dependent mobility of the same device as in
in conventional MOSFETs [13]. Interestingly, Fig. 3. The mobility is calculated form Eq. (4) where VT is
estimated with the second derivative method illustrated in the
extraction is mostly done at low drain voltages, bottom panel of Fig. 3.
where the device operates in the linear regime. The
technique we have selected for this work determines length. The width normalized resistance in the linear
VT from a double derivation of the drain current at regime is given by
low drain voltage with respect to the gate voltage
[14]. This method was preferred because it was RW ¼ Rs W þ : ð6Þ
lC i ðV G  V T Þ
claimed to be insensitive to both mobility degrada-
tion and contact resistance. A representative exam- Because the threshold voltage was independently
ple is given in Fig. 3 for a SAM modified device. known for each device, Eq. (6) could give both the
With this method, VT could be extracted for each contact resistance and gate-voltage dependent
device. Of the 12 devices without SAM and 13 mobility. In practice, we measured the transfer char-
devices with SAM used in this work, we obtained acteristic of each sample at low drain voltage
a threshold voltage of (1.2 ± 0.4) V in the former (VD = 0.2 V) and then used a linear regression
series and (1.2 ± 0.1) V in the latter one. We note method to estimate the gate-voltage dependent Rs
that VT is shifted by around 2.4 V by the presence and l. Data are shown in Fig. 5; we recall that they
of the SAM, and that the dispersion of the data is result of 12 different devices for the bare alumina
less pronounced in SAM modified devices, which series and 13 devices for the SAM-modified series.
can be explained by stating that, owing to its Note that the contact resistance is very similar for
reduced surface energy, SAM-modified alumina is both series, which is consistent with the fact that
less liable to contamination than bare alumina. we used a top-contact geometry, so that the contacts
Once VT is known, the gate-voltage dependent are little affected by the nature of the insulator–
mobility is directly calculated from Eq. (4), which semiconductor interface.
does not requires any derivation. The result is It is worth pointing out that, while the data of the
shown in Fig. 4. for the same sample as in Fig. 3. SAM-modified devices are in good agreement with
our earlier report [5], there is some discrepancy as
4.2.2. Contact resistance for the devices made on bare alumina. In our earlier
Contact resistance Rs is becoming a major issue work, we reported a significantly lower mobility
as the performance of OTFTs improves. There are that tended to increase all along with the gate volt-
two main methods for extracting Rs: Four-point age. The discrepancy was identified as coming from
measurements [6,15,7] and the transfer line method a defective surface cleaning, as was checked by com-
(TLM) [16–19]. Although the latter is less reliable paring devices prepared according to the old clean-
because it requires measurements on different ing process to the new one. In the latter case, the
devices, the contact resistance of which may vary alumina substrates were introduced in the evapora-
from sample to sample, we used this second method tion chamber immediately after etching with pure
because it is less technologically demanding. We sulfuric acid; waiting for roughly one hour (as was
used four channel lengths L (5, 10, 25, and the case in the old process) resulted in a substantial
40 lm), and two to four devices for each channel degradation of the characteristics.
M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536 533

Fig. 6. Variation of the bulk mobility as a function of gate


In practice, the steps of the calculation were as fol-

lows: (1) from Eqs. (A.10), (2) and (3), the density of
charges ni in each layer of a 20 layer-thick pentacene
film (permittivity: e = 3e0, room temperature, thick-
ness of a layer d = 1.5 nm, insulator capacitance
Ci = 75 nF/cm2) was numerically calculated as a
function of gate voltage; (2) The variation of
(1  n1/ntot) as a function of gate voltage was found
to be nicely fitted to an empirical function of the form
Fig. 5. Gate-voltage dependent mobility (a) and contact resis-
(1 + VG)C where C = 0.71; (3) The resulting gate-
tance (b) as deduced from the transfer line method on pentacene voltage dependent bulk mobility is shown in Fig. 6.
films deposited on bare and SAM-modified alumina. The upper x These curves will be discussed in the next section.
axis in (a) shows the surface density of injected charge.
5. Discussion

4.3. Estimation of the bulk mobility The most prominent finding of our modeling is
that the mobility in the layer next to the insulator
In all cases, the gate-voltage dependent mobility is significantly lower than that in the bulk of the
shows a decrease at high gate voltage. To account film. We note that this is in agreement with what
for this effect, we assume that the mobility is sub- found by measuring the mobility as a function of
stantially lower in the region close to the insula- the thickness of the film; it was reported that the
tor–semiconductor interface than in the bulk of mobility steadily increases with film thickness, with
the film. The above developed multi-layer model bulk mobility only occurring above six layers [20].
was used to account for this degradation of the The first point to discuss is: Why is mobility degra-
mobility. The effective mobility of the semiconduc- dation so rarely observed in organic transistors [6,5]?
tor is derived by identifying the film to parallels lay- The answer is in the amount of charge induced in the
ers of mobility li: channel. Most OTFTs use gate dielectrics with a typ-
X n
ni ical capacitance of 10 nF/cm2, and gate voltages up
leff ¼ li : ð7Þ to a few tens of volts, which represents a maximum
density of charge carriers of a few 1012 cm2; this is
If the mobility in the first layer can be neglected in almost one order of magnitude lower than the magni-
front of that in the bulk of the film, we have tude used in this work (up to 1.3 · 1013 cm2, see
  upper x-axis in Fig. 4). Devices with high gate dielec-
leff ’ lb 1  ; ð8Þ tric capacitance are usually designed to work at low
voltage, so that here too the density of charge in
where lb is the bulk mobility. the channel remains moderate [21–23]. The reason
534 M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536

why mobility degradation is only observed in few rected for contact resistance and mobility degrada-
occasions is thus simply that the gate voltage is not tion. This was done with the help of an original
(or cannot be, because of, e.g., limitation due to parameter extraction method, and the use of a
dielectric strength) pushed up to values where the model to estimate the distribution of charge in the
phenomenon occurs. conducting channel, in which the pentacene film is
A second important question is the origin of low depicted as a stack of dielectric layers. The thus
mobility in the first layer. A likely explanation stems extracted bulk mobility was found to first increase,
from the nature of our gate dielectric, namely, alu- then level off at a value that is interpreted as the
mina. There is now strong evidence for that mobility grain mobility. Following the MTR model, the ini-
in OTFTs depends on the material used as gate tial increase is attributed to the filling of traps
dielectric. In particular, mobility decreases when located in grain boundaries. In films deposited on
the dielectric constant increases [24,12], so alumina SAMs, made of small grains, the density of traps
(dielectric constant 8–9) is not favorable in that associated to grain boundaries is higher, while the
respect. What our result suggests is that the decrease mobility within the grains is larger than in the large
of the mobility is the more important as one gets grains found in films grown on bare alumina. In
closer to the insulator–semiconductor interface; this other words, large grains present more defects than
seems in good agreement with the model of Veres small ones, which is in agreement with the well-doc-
and coworkers that invokes the role of dipole umented fact that high mobility in pentacene is
moments in the insulator [24], the effect of which associated with small grains.
decreases when getting farther from the insulator.
It is worth pointing out that the thickness of a Acknowledgements
SAM does not appear sufficient to weaken mobility
degradation, in contrast to what reported with We thank Dr. Hervé Aubin and Mr. Hatem Diaf
ultra-thin polymer layers [25]. Accordingly, it can for the deposition of alumina, and Dr. Philippe Lang
be expected that mobility degradation will be of les- for the elaboration of the self-assembled monolayers.
ser extent in devices involving low dielectric con- The multi-layer model was initiated with Prof. Libero
stant insulators. Zuppiroli and Prof. Marie-Noëlle Bussac, and devel-
As for the bulk mobility, Fig. 6, we note that it oped during a stay at Bologne, Italy, under the invi-
first increases with gate voltage, and then levels off tation of Dr. Fabio Biscarini. Financial support for
at a magnitude that can be viewed as the grain (sin- this stay by the Italian CNR is acknowledged.
gle crystalline) mobility. According to the MTR
model, the initial increase corresponds to the filling Appendix A. The multi-layer model
of the traps in the grain boundaries. The fact that it
takes longer to fill the traps in the SAM modified The organic semiconductor film is modeled as a
devices is consistent with smaller grains (average stack of n dielectric layers of thickness d, where
diameter ranging between 50 and 100 nm, as com- the density of charge ni is assumed to be uniform.
pared to around 1 lm on bare alumina). That is, This is valid in the low injection regime because
grain boundaries occupy a larger part of the film. (1) no more than one charge per molecule is injected
On the other hand, the grain mobility is higher in and (2) the injected charge practically extends all
smaller grains (ca. 5 cm2/V s) than in larger ones over the molecule [10]. Let Fi and Vi be the value
(ca. 3 cm2/V s), meaning that large grains are more of the electric field and potential at the borderline
defective than small ones. Such a conclusion could between the ith and (i + 1)th layers. Because ni is
account for the now well-documented fact that the constant, F varies linearly with distance:
mobility of pentacene decreases when grain size x x
increases [26,27], which is at variance with what usu- F ¼ ai þ bi ; i 6 6 i þ 1: ðA:1Þ
d d
ally found in polycrystalline semiconductors.
Applying Gauss’s law to the ith layer gives
6. Conclusion qn
F i1  F i ¼ i : ðA:2Þ
We have determined the gate-voltage dependent where q is the elemental charge and e the permittiv-
mobility in pentacene films vapor deposited on bare ity of the semiconductor. Summing up Eq. (A.2)
and SAM-modified alumina. Raw data were cor- from i + 1 to n and setting Fn = 0 leads to
M. Mottaghi, G. Horowitz / Organic Electronics 7 (2006) 528–536 535

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