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Premuda merupakan sekelompok golongan manusia muda yang akan menjadi cikal
bakal penerus bangsa di masa depan. Bagaimana bangsa Indonesia ke depan
ditentukan oleh pemuda yang mengisi bangsa ini. Jika pemuda-pemuda itu kuat
dalam menjaga dan mengawal bangsa, maka akan baik Indonesia ke depannya.
Tetapi, jika pemuda-pemuda itu tidak memiliki tekad dan jiwa semangat yang kuat
dalam menjaga dan mengawal bangsa, rusak moral dan akhlaknya, maka akan
menjadi hancur Indonesia ke depannya. Untuk mencegahnya, Pancasila inilah yang
dapat digunakan sebagai benteng dan ideologi dasar pemuda.
Indonesia merupakan Negara hukum yang berbentuk Pancasila, dan Pancasila
merupakan sebagai alat perekat bangsa Indonesia.
Pemuda berperan sebagai pilar pondasi bangsa penggerak pembangunan nasional
khususnya dalam memastikan Pancasila sebagai satu-satunya ideologi yang cocok
dan sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa yang harus terus dilestarikan.
Keywords : Milenials, Pancasila, Nationalism
Pancasila merupakan sebuah landasan dasar ideologi bangsa yang harus dipahami,
sehingga dapat membentuk jati diri Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).
Namun di era milenial, nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila sudah tidak lagi terjaga dengan
baik. Pendidikan pancasila diharapkan mampu menghadirkan karakter generasi muda
yang tidak hanya cerdas namun juga berkarakter. Dengan ini dimaksudkan untuk
generasi muda yang tidak hanya berkompeten tetapi juga peduli terhadap kemajuan
Sila-sila dalam pancasila sangat sesuai dengan budaya dan kepribadian bangsa
Indonesia maka dari itu kita harus tetap berpegang teguh kepada pancasila dalam
bertingkah laku.ini lah yang kini menjadi hal yang harus kita perjuangkan bersama
sebagai bangsa indonesia, pertanyaannya adalah apakah Indonesia mampu terutama
generasi mudanya tetap berpegang teguh kepada Pancasila di era sekarang dimana
banyak pengaruh pengaruh yang bisa membuat kita melupakan nilai nilai dari
Pancasila itu sendiri.
Apa yang bisa didapatkan dari mengamali Pancasila bagi milenial?
Apa yang membuat Pancasila spesial dan patut untuk dibanggakan oleh bangsa
Indonesia terutama Milenial?
Apa saja upaya atau realisasi yang nyata yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran dan rasa cinta akan Pancasila pada generasi muda?
seluruh warga negara khususnya para pemuda sebagai generasi
penerus bangsa  harus bangga sebagai bangsa Indonesia yang
memiliki Pancasila sebagai falsafah negara, yang bisa diterima seluruh
kelompok masyarakat. Pancasila adalah pemersatu bangsa. Oleh
karena itu, Pancasila harus dipertahankan sebagai dasar dan pilar
kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Kita harus mengetahui sejarah 
dasar negara itu dibentuk. Pancasila, bukan hanya konsep semata,
melainkan sebuah perangkat tata nilai untuk mewujudkan sebagai
panduan dalam berbagai segi kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, nilai-nilai
Pancasila harus menjadi landasan etika dan moral ketika kita
membangun pranata politik, pemerintahan, ekonomi, penegakan
hukum, dan aspek kehidupan lainnya.

Banyak negara lain yang menyebut banggalah menjadi bangsa

Indonesia karena memiliki Pancasila, karena dengan memiliki
Pancasila negara Indonesia yang terdiri dari banyak suku, bahasa dan
wilayahnya sangat luas itu bisa bersatu.  Semua warga negara
Indonesia terutama para pemuda sebagai generasi penerus bangsa,
harus berperilaku dan berjiwa Pancasila. Seperti perilaku dan jiwa
seorang negarawan yang dicontohkan oleh para pendiri bangsa kita. 
Generasi muda ialah generasi emas bangsa karena mereka lah yang akan meneruskan
perjuangan para pahlawan kita dengan cara mengisi kemerdekaan ini dengan hal hal
yang positif dan ditangan merekalah tergenggam arah bangsa .semakin lama
pendidikan di Indonesia bisa dikatakan lebih baik dari tahun tahun sebelumnya
namun tidak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa nilai nilai pancasila itu sendiri juga mulai tidak
terlihat, kenapa hal ini terjadi bukankah semakin tinggi pendidikan ditambah lagi
dengan adanya globalisasi di mana kecanggihan teknologi meningkat seharusnya
mempermudah kita dalam mewujudkan atau berkarya yang sejalan dengan Pancasila.
Tentu hal ini sangat bertolak belakang dengan isi/nilai-nilai dari Pancasila. Untuk itu,
pemerintah dan pemuda bangsa Indonesia perlu mensosialisasikan dan mengamalkan
nilai-nilai Empat Pilar bangsa, yakni Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI serta Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika sebagai semboyan bangsa Indonesia.
Empat pilar inilah yang harus mejadi pegangan pemuda untuk terus mengawal
Indonesia agar tidak terbawa arus kaum liberalisme. Tentunya tidak hanya dipegang
tanpa diterapkan begitu saja. Tetapi pemuda bangsa harus dapat menerapkan isi dari
Empat Pilar bangsa terutama sila-sila dari Pancasila itu sendiri.

Contoh hal kecil yang dapat dilakukan para pemuda dan masyarakat dalam
menerapkan sila-sila yang terkandung dalam Pancasila dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
adalah dengan menjadi pribadi yang adil dan bertanggungjawab, saling membantu
dan gotong royong, menjalankan syariat agama dengan baik dan benar, bijaksana
dalam mengambil keputusan, dan lain sebagainya.

Melalui kegiatan Mahasiswa, Resimen Mahasiswa (Menwa) sebagai contoh gerakan

melindungi NKRI. Hal lain yang dapat dilakukan pemuda adalah dengan
mewujudkan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam sila-sila yang terdapat dalam
Pancasila, Undang-undang Dasar 1945, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan
semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat,
berbangsa dan bernegara. Menjadikan Empat Pilar bangsa sebagai landasan

Agar generasi pemuda selanjutnya dapat mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa Indonesia dan
mampu bergerak ke arah yang lebih baik. Menjadi generasi muda yang mencintai
Pancasila selalu mengedepankan nilai moral dan akhlak yang ada dalam Pancasila
sebagai pandangan hidup yang memberi petunjuk kehidupan.

Pemuda harus berada di barisan paling depan dan menjadi gugusan utama masyarakat
dan bangsa Indonesia yang senantiasa bergotong royong dan bekerja sama
memajukan masyarakat, membangun bangsa, memakmurkan NKRI yang berideologi
Pancasila berdasarkan konstitusi UUD 1945 dengan etos dan semangat Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika.

Memegang obor untuk mencegah paham-paham yang bertentangan dengan Pancasila.

Sehingga, masa depan pendidikan dan nasib generasi penerus bangsa Indonesia ke
depan tidak berada di jalan yang salah. Jadilah Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Pancasilatelah dirumuskan sebagai jiwa seluruh rakyat
ndonesia#kepribadianbangsa ndonesia# pandangan hidup bangsa ndonesia#
dan dasarnegara ndonesia. -uga sekaligus menjadi tujuan hidup bangsandonesia.
+arenaitu# Pancasila tak bisa terlepas dari tata kehidupanrakyat sehari'hari mengingat
Pancasila merupakan pandanganhidup# kesadaran# dan cita'cita moral yangmeliputi
seluruh jiwa danwatak yang telah berakar dalam kebudayaan bangsa ndonesia

The millennial is a group of young people that will become the nation's future
successor. How will the Indonesian nation be determined by the millennials who fill
this nation. If the youths are strong in protecting and guarding the nation, it will be
good for Indonesia in the future. However, if the youths do not have the
determination and spirit in doing so, having damaged image or morals, Indonesia will
be destroyed in the future.
To prevent this, this Pancasila can be used as a fortress and a basic ideology
of youth. Indonesia is a rule of law with a form of Pancasila, also Pancasila is an
adhesive tool of the Indonesian nation. The millennials play a big role as a pillar of
the foundation of the nation that drives national development, especially in ensuring
Pancasila as the only ideology that is suitable and in accordance with the national
personality that must continue to be preserved.

Keywords: Millennials, Pancasila, Nationalism

Pancasila is a basic foundation of national ideology that must be understood,
so that it can form the identity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. But
in the millennial era, the noble values of Pancasila are no longer well preserved.
Pancasila education is expected to be able to present the character of the young
generation who are not only intelligent but also have character. With this it is
intended for the younger generation who are not only competent but also care about
Indonesia's progress
The principles in the Pancasila are in accordance with the culture and
personality of the Indonesian nation, therefore we must stick to the Pancasila in
behaving. This is what is now the thing we must strive for together as an Indonesian
nation, the question is whether Indonesia is capable of especially its young generation
still adhering to the Pancasila in the present era where many influences can make us
forget the value of the Pancasila itself.

1. What is the purpose of the education of Pancasila?
2. What makes Pancasila special and deserves to be proud of by the Indonesian
people, especially Millennial?
3. What are the actual steps to implement Pancasila in the Millennials in order to
strengthen their love of Pancasila?
4. What are the real efforts or realization carried out by the government to
increase awareness and love for Pancasila in the younger generation?

What is the purpose of the education of Pancasila?

In Law No. 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education system and also
contained in the Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 38 / DIKTI / Kep /
2002, it was explained that the Pancasila Education goal directs attention to morals
that are expected to manifest in life, namely behaviour that reflects faith and piety
towards God One who consists of various religious and cultural groups. The purpose
of education is defined as a set of intellectual actions fully responsible for the
competence of students in their respective fields of profession. The competence of
Pancasila education is a set of intellectual actions based on the values of Pancasila.
Pancasila education aims to produce students who are religious and have
behaviours that are responsible according to their conscience, able to recognize life
problems and how to solve them, recognize changes and developments in educational
science, have a high sense of unity. Through Pancasila education, citizens in the
opinion of the Indonesian Republic are expected to be able to understand, analyse,
and implement Pancasila in their daily lives in answering the problems faced by the
Indonesian nation in a sustainable and consistent manner based on the ideals and
goals of the Indonesian nation.

What makes Pancasila special?

Pancasila as an ideology has the main character as a national ideology.
Pancasila is a national ideology because it was excavated and formulated for the sake
of building a nation-state of Indonesia. It is evident that the Pancasila ideology is
better than other ideologies because Pancasila contains the main points of thought:
1. The principle of the Deity contains the main points that Indonesian people
adhere to various religions, there is no prohibition on having a religion, or to
change beliefs as well.
2. Indonesian Nationalism does not consider themselves superior to other
nations. It also did not try to impose its will on other nations.
3. Internationalism requires every nation to have an equal position, every nation
respect and protect the rights of all nations.
4. Democracy in Indonesia recognizes three principles: consensus,
representation and deliberation.
5. Social Justice in this principle implies prosperity and social justice which is
not only justice and prosperity for individuals but only in a prosperous society
where social justice takes place.
So, it can be said that the core of Pancasila is mutual cooperation (cooperation on the
basis of awareness) which is a characteristic of Indonesian culture / personality that
can foster or help in community life,
From its history, it can be seen that Pancasila is a compromise and national
consensus because it contains values that are held in high esteem by all groups and
layers of Indonesian society. So, Pancasila is an intelligent choice because it
addresses diversity in Indonesian society while remaining tolerant of differences. The
establishment of the Pancasila as the basis of the state does not want to eliminate
differences, but summarizes them all in one typical Indonesian empirical motto which
is stated in the verse "Unity in Diversity".
In addition, there are several streams in political thought that have developed
in Indonesia, like Nationalism, Radicals, Javanese Traditionalism, Islam, Democratic
Socialism and Communism. These five political thoughts try to be applied to become
the permanent ideology of the Indonesian nation but have never been able to protect
all Indonesian citizens because they only benefit several parties, while Indonesia is a
country of pluralism. The various kinds of political thought that have developed in
Indonesia, do not provide comfort for all Indonesian citizens who are pluralism
countries and uphold diversity. Because Indonesia is very suitable to use the
Pancasila ideology in which values are held in high esteem by all groups and layers of
Indonesian society.
Why we have to be proud of Pancasila?
Through the historical records, it has proven how great the Indonesian people
are. Quite a lot of the glory of the nation is summarized in the golden period of a
number of kingdoms in the archipelago. However, the proudest thing is nothing but
the legacy of the ideology of Pancasila that is able to unite the diversity of the nation
until now.
All citizens, especially young people as the next generation of the nation must
be proud of being an Indonesian nation that has Pancasila as the state philosophy,
which can be accepted by all groups of society. Pancasila is a unified nation.
Therefore, Pancasila must be maintained as the basis and foundation of the life of the
nation. We must know the basic history of the country formed. Pancasila, not only a
concept, but a set of values to realize as a guide in various aspects of life. Therefore,
the values of Pancasila must be an ethical and moral foundation when we build
political, governmental, economic, law enforcement, and other aspects of life.
Many other countries call it proud to be an Indonesian because they have
Pancasila, because by having the Pancasila of the Indonesian state which consists of
many tribes, the language and its vast territory can unite. All Indonesian citizens,
especially young people as the next generation, must behave and have the spirit of
Pancasila. Like the behaviour and soul of a statesman that is exemplified by the
founders of our nation.

What are the actual approaches in order to strengthen the love of Pancasila in the
The form of loving Pancasila can be from practicing the principles in daily life
and reflect on the behaviour and habits of today's youth with Pancasila, for example
implementing deliberations on organizations or discussion groups or being tolerant of
differences and also:
1. Belief in the one and only God
As a young man must devote to God Almighty and carry out all His commands. In
addition, as a creature of God, you must be able to practice the teachings of religion
well and become a young generation based on religion, so that life is more focused.
2. Just and civilized humanity
Youth have the same structure, character, natural position, we must be able to love
others, develop tolerant attitudes, and uphold human values.
3. the unity of Indonesia
In association with one another, young people must be able to show a sense of unity
and unity of a diverse nation, even though they still respect and respect each other.
Young people need to be aware of land water one namely Indonesian homeland.
4. Democracy Led by Wisdom of Deliberations in Representative Society
The attitude of working together, working together to realize the ideals of the nation
need to be implemented by youth. In addition, together answering challenges, solving
problems and deliberation with family systems is the application of the fourth
5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia
Fairness towards ourselves, others, nature, and God needs to be applied by youth. Do
not commit acts that harm the public interest and do not pay attention to the rights
and obligations of others.
The principles’ implementation above needs to be well looked at by young
people, so that the values contained in the soul enter into the soul and can be a
lifestyle for the practice of everyday life. So that efforts of loving and strengthen
Pancasila can be realized as well.

What are the real efforts by the government to increase the awareness and love for
Pancasila in the younger generation?

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