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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-5

who seeks to destroy thy faith in the living God. Ye shall stand strong in the name of Jesus Christ and ye shall be found
willing to bear the name of Jesus Christ in all circumstances. Peace be unto thee. Peace be unto thee in the name of the
Father in the name of the Son Jesus Christ and in the name of the Holy Ghost who doth deliver thee out of confusion and
malaise as to where the words of the Lord are found. Ye shall be found writing under the direction of the Holy Ghost and ye
shall be strengthened of God and ye shall fulfill thy destiny to the world even that ye shall speak as a prophetess ordained of
God through the manifesting of the Spirit of holy prophecy and revelation. Ye shall feast upon living manna in the name of
the Father in the name of the Son Jesus Christ and ye shall be received into the presence of God because the light of God is
found upon thy countenance for ye have received even the smile of the Lord thy God. [May 10, 1994 (2)]
May 14, 1994(1)
May 14, 1994 (1) Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and be found in repentance all the days of thy life.
Seek ye restitution in all things even those things known premortally which are still residing within thy spirit intelligence.
Seek the knowledge of God which binds thy heart to Christ that ye through the atonement of Christ be found worthy to
inherit a kingdom of glory resulting from thine increased efforts of heart and mind unto diligence in searching the scriptures
of the living realm of light and peace. Search ye diligently and be found with the truths of eternal life across thy brow.
Search ye in the name of Jesus Christ and be found at my right hand pasturing in an attitude of fairness and complete justice
when found ready to accept the atoning sacrifice as a shield against the darkness which slings darts at thy mind reminding
thee of past transgression. The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is a shield and protection against the dark forces of evil
which attack the cause of righteousness. Feast upon the eternal manna offered even as ye partake of the fruit of great
whiteness even the increments of light and forgiveness inhabiting a sphere of knowledge held sacred away from the taunting
of the world of darkness which seeks to destroy the spiritual feast held inviolate within the heart of sanctified and purified
man even that the tools of the atonement of Jesus Christ are implemented in behalf of the repentant sinner who seeks for a
cross to cross himself against the evil of a carnal understanding -which inhabiteth the world of carnal and devilish man who
seeks not restitution in a world of light unto fairness and equal remuneration in a kingdom of glory inhabiting the righteous
mind. Seek righteousness even the righteous desire to seek the face of Christ in all trial, even that trial set up by the
adversary unto one falling back on the pleasures of the world of darkness and despair. Keep thy mind focussed upon good
works to glorify thy Father in heaven unto righteousness. Thy way and path is known and ye shall not fight against the Holy
Spirit inhabiting thy heart in righteousness. [End 2:08 a.m. May 14, 1994 (1)]
May 16, 1994 (3)
May 16, 1994 (3) Be at peace; ye shall be found in thanksgiving even as ye feast upon the light of new revelation and
prophecy. Ye shall be found abiding in the principles of redemption; ye shall be found abiding in an abundance of light unto
glory given thee that ye might abide in the knowledge of the sacrifice of the Son Jesus Christ who overcame the world of
carnal doctrine given of Satan who inspires the damned of heart to forsake their calling and election to participate in the
coming forth of zion upon the earth. [May 16, 1994 (3)]
May 19, 1994(1)
May 19, 1994 (1) Ye have come to gain strength even from the Lord who doth strengthen thee according to thy faith in the
Son of God even Jesus Christ. And ye shall be answered because of thy desire to attain a glory even of God— an
understanding of peace in the presence of God. Ye shall forsake all that is unseemly and counterfeit from thy desire to
inquire of God for a blessing of pure knowledge and renewal. Ye shall be found adhering to the principles of new revelation
and prophecy even that ye shall feast upon the manna of discipleship in the name of the Lord God Jehovah who doth answer
thee because of thy faith unto purity that ye might be filled with understanding. Go ye forth and proclaim unto thy family a
new day of divorcement from the world of carnal commandments for a new day of strength given of God has arisen upon
thy countenance even that ye would be found willing to forsake the world even that ye would seek thy peace in the world
which doth not fill thy baskets with bread and wine, the elements of the new birth upon thy spirit, that ye might be made
whole unto the forgiving of all manner of evil found attacking thy desire for righteousness even that ye would recognize the
evil of worldly- counterfeit instruction mixed with that which desire to serve God with all the heart, might, mind and
strength; for the devotion to God as ye understand him to be shall be the foundation of thine understanding, ever seeking to
be enlightened with the revelation of new manna, or fatted flesh upon thy countenance. And as ye come to understand the
symbolism contained herein, ye shall overcome the world, even that the doctrine of repentance and the doctrine of forever
forgiveness be found accompanying thine understanding that ye be found perfect in thy desire to bring forth perfect
righteousness upon the earth, even that ye be accompanied with the elements of the new birth upon thine own understanding
given in the presence of God unto the renewing of the covenants experienced in the household of faith, even that ye would
be found willing and ready to assemble in the manner of feasting and prophesying of the destruction to come upon the
wicked who forsake their covenants and adhere not to baptismal commandments gained through further light and knowledge
added upon them, even added upon light and understanding gained upon the precepts of righteousness administered in the
holy temple of God. And as ye shall witness in the name of God unto those who have lost their way, ye shall be granted a

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANJAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-5

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