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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

A new crop yield forecasting model based on satellite

measurements applied across the Indus Basin, Pakistan
Wim G.M. Bastiaanssen a,∗ , Samia Ali b
a International Water Management Institute (IWMI), P.O. Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka
b International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 12 km Multan Road, Chowk Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore 53700, Pakistan
Received 29 January 2001; received in revised form 19 February 2002; accepted 20 February 2002

Three existing models are coupled to assess crop development and forecast yield in the largest contiguous irrigation network
in the world: the Indus Basin in Pakistan. Monteith’s model is used for the calculation of absorbed photosynthetically active
radiation (APAR), the Carnegie Institution Stanford model is used for determining the light use efficiency, and the surface
energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) is used to describe the spatio-temporal variability in land wetness conditions. The
new model requires a crop identification map and some standard meteorological measurements as inputs. The conversion of
above ground dry biomass into crop yield has been calibrated through harvest indices and the values obtained are compared
with the international literature. The computations were executed in a GIS environment using 20 satellite measurements of the
advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) to cover an annual crop rotation cycle. The validation with district data
revealed a root mean square error of 525, 616, 551 and 13,484 kg ha−1 for wheat, rice, cotton and sugarcane yield, respectively.
The model performs satisfactorily for wheat, rice and sugarcane, and poorly for cotton. It is expected that the accuracy of
the model applied to 1.1 km pixels decreases with the increasing number of crops occurring within a given pixel. Although
AVHRR is basically too coarse a resolution for field scale crop yield estimations, the results provides yield predictions to
policy makers in Pakistan with a spatial detail that is better than the traditional district level data. The gaps between the
average and the maximum yield are 1075 and 1246 kg ha−1 for wheat and rice, respectively. Future work should rely on the
integration of high and low resolution images to estimate field scale crop yields.
© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Crop yield forecast; Early warning; Photosynthesis; Light use efficiency; NOAA–AVHRR

1. Introduction crop yield per unit of water consumed. Crop yield

is the ultimate indicator for describing agricultural
The growing world population needs more food, response to water resources management (Molden
with less water available for agriculture (Serageldin, and Sakthivadivel, 1999). The need to monitor crop
1999). This pinching situation can only improve if wa- growth and assess the relationships between crop
ter is managed more effectively leading to increased yield and hydrological processes is elementary for
improving the productivity of water. Crop yield is also
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +94-1-867404;
a key element for rural development and an indicator
fax: +94-1-866854.
for national food security. Crop yield forecasts a few
E-mail addresses: months before harvest can be of paramount importance
(W.G.M. Bastiaanssen), (S. Ali). for timely initiating food trade, secure the national

0167-8809/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 8 0 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 4 - 8
322 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

demand and timely organize food transport within on a local scale. However, since (i) the physics is
countries. simple and straightforward, (ii) the formulation is not
Africa has several early warning systems to inform field data demanding and (iii) the model can be fed
policy makers of food security and famine. The Food with satellite measurements, the concept is worth try-
and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United ing for irrigated agricultural conditions. This produc-
Nations (1994) has developed several procedures to tion model for biomass production is widely known
compute the regional crop yields from normalized among global scale ecologists, but rarely tested and
difference vegetation index (NDVI) using low reso- applied in the irrigation and water resources commu-
lution national oceanic and atmospheric administra- nity. Pakistan with 16 million hectares has the largest
tion (NOAA) satellite images (e.g. Hielkema, 1990). contiguous irrigation network in the world. It tran-
NOAA senses the earth surface with a daily frequency scends all four provinces of Pakistan and includes
and with a 1.1 km resolution, which makes this sen- three reservoirs, 19 barrages, 12 inter-link canals and
sor a suitable candidate for monitoring biomass de- 43 independent canal command areas. The annual
velopment at the regional scale (e.g. Tucker et al., average water supply through this network is about
1983). Different methods have been developed to es- 180 × 109 m3 per year. Pakistan inhabited 131 million
timate crop yields by means of satellite data, and people in 1998 and it is expected to have 262 million
one commonly applied is the development of em- mouths to be fed in 2025 if it goes on increasing at
pirical relationships between NDVI and crop yield. an annual growth rate of 2.62% (Census 1998). The
The general drawback of most methods using statis- return of irrigation water in terms of physical crop
tical relationships between NDVI and crop yield, is yield is, together with agricultural land degradation,
that they have a strong empirical character and that one of the largest concerns of the Republic.
the correlation coefficients are moderate to low (e.g. The first objective of this paper is to combine the
Groten, 1993; Sharma et al., 1993). These empirical photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) model of
approaches require excessive field measurement pro- Monteith (1972) with the light use efficiency model
grams to collect yield data in the field, which at the of Field et al. (1995) and the surface energy balance
regional scale is laborsome and expensive. Moreover, model of Bastiaanssen et al. (1998) to estimate crop
crop yields basically depends on many more factors growth under irrigation. The second objective is to
than chlorophyll presence. Rosema et al. (1998), there- forecast crop yield from the advanced very high reso-
fore, used a different approach for estimating crop lution radiometer (AVHRR) onboard the NOAA satel-
yields, using thermal infrared satellite remote sensing lite under irrigation conditions. The third objective is
in the South African development community (SADC) to detect spatial variations in crop yield for assessing
by region and more physically based models. They the yield gaps arising in the local environmental and
compared the results from deterministic crop growth prevailing socio-economic context.
simulation models and simplified energy balance ap-
proaches for attaining crop yield and concluded that
there is no sufficient data available to apply determin- 2. Model description
istic models that simulate physiological processes at
the regional scale. Hence, a tradeoff between physi- PAR (0.4–0.7 ␮m) is part of the short wave solar ra-
cal correctness and lack of data availability has to be diation (0.3–3.0 ␮m) which is absorbed by chlorophyll
accepted. for photosynthesis in the plants. PAR is thus a frac-
A wealth of literature suggests that the biomass pro- tion of the incoming solar radiation, K↓ . Although the
duction model proposed by Monteith (1972) based PAR/K↓ fraction varies with visibility, optical depth
on solar radiation and leaf development has potential, and ozone amount, among others (e.g. Frouin and
and that it can be applied in conjunction to satellite Pinker, 1995), a value of approximately 45–50% is
data (e.g. Kumar and Monteith, 1982; Daughtry et al., generally accepted to represent the 24 h average con-
1992; Gower et al., 1999). ditions (e.g. Moran et al., 1995)
One plausible reason might be the insufficient ac-

curacy of biomass growth and crop yield predictions PAR = 0.48K24 (W m−2 ) (1)
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 323

The PAR value describes the total amount of radiation directly estimate the factor f (e.g. Hatfield et al., 1984;
available for photosynthesis if leaves intercept all radi- Asrar et al., 1992)
ation. This is a rather theoretical value because leaves
f = −0.161 + 1.257 NDVI (4)
transmit and reflect solar radiation. Only a fraction of
PAR will be absorbed by the canopy (APAR) and used where NDVI is the normalized difference vegeta-
for carbon dioxide assimilation. The absorbed photo- tion index being defined as the difference between
synthetical active radiation (APAR) results from a leaf near-infrared and red reflectance divided by their
radiation balance, which in a theoretical form reads as sum. NDVI is an expression for chlorophyll related
photosynthetic activity (e.g. Tucker, 1979) and ex-
APAR = PAR − ρPAR PAR − PARtrans presses by that fresh and vigorous biomass. Values
+PARsoil (W m−2 ) (2) of the offset and slope of Eq. (4) are experimentally
determined and described in the international litera-
where ρPAR is the canopy reflectance at the upper side ture. In this study, experimental data from Daughtry
of the canopy, PARtrans is the total amount of PAR et al. (1992: corn and soybeans), Joel et al. (1997:
that is transmitted through the canopy and directed to sunflower) and Myneni et al. (1997: cereals) have
the soil and PARsoil is a portion of PARtrans that is been considered (see Fig. 1). Since NDVI can be cal-
reflected from the soil underneath the canopy and is culated from most satellite multi-spectral sensors, the
received back at the lower side of the canopy. APAR possibility arises to generate maps of f at the regional
can be approximated directly from PAR after simpli- scale using NDVI, even if land use is unknown.
fying Eq. (2) into The accumulation of biomass is according to the
Monteith model proportional to accumulated APAR
APAR = f × PAR (W m−2 ) (3) 
=ε (APAR(t)t) (kg m−2 ) (5)
The APAR/PAR fraction f changes non-linearly with
tot (kg m −2 ) is the accumulated above ground
where Bact
the leaf area index (Goudriaan, 1977). A remote sens-
ing surrogate for leaf area index can be mathemati- dry biomass in period t, ε (g MJ−1 ) the light use effi-
cally derived from spectral measurements in the red ciency and t describes the period over which accumu-
and near-infrared range, yielding the opportunity to lation takes place. Caution is required with values of

Fig. 1. Relationship between APAR and PAR as a function of NDVI.

324 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

ε because the conversion may relate to grain yield, to- T1 = 0.8 + 0.02Topt − 0.0005Topt
tal dry matter, net total production, phytomass, shoots
and many other versions of crop growth (e.g. Prince, 1
T2 =
1991; Ruimy et al., 1994). Typical values for ε as 1 + exp(0.2Topt − 10 − Tmon )
found in the literature for above ground dry matter is 1
summarized in Appendix A. According to Monteith × (9)
1 + exp{0.3(−Topt − 10 + Tmon )}
(1972), light use efficiency ε varies, if not water short,
with c3 and c4 crops only. This implies that the ex- where Λ is the evaporative fraction of the surface
act crop type does not need to be known. Typical c3 energy balance, λE the latent heat flux, Rn the net
crops are wheat, rice, cotton, barley, sunflower, oats, radiation, G0 the soil heat flux, Topt (◦ C) is the mean
rye, alfalfa, pastures, sugar beet, potato and orchards. air temperature during the month of maximum leaf
Typical c4 crops are sorghum, millet, sugarcane and area index or NDVI development and Tmon (◦ C) is the
maize. This finding has an important implication: con- mean monthly air temperature. The factor T1 essen-
version for most c3 crops can be done with the same ε tially accounts for the reducing effect cooler regions
coefficient being a valuable simplification when deal- have on crop growth. Over against that, T2 reduces
ing with agriculture in Pakistan, where crops are es- the light use efficiency ε if the environmental temper-
sentially c3 type. Further improvements of Monteith’s ature starts deviating from the optimum temperature
model have resulted in correction terms for environ- and this is relevant for arid and semi-arid zones.
mental conditions, notably for the impact soil mois- The evaporative fraction (e.g. Brutsaert and Sugita,
ture (W) and heat (T1 , T2 ) have on light use efficiency. 1992) describes the partitioning of net radiation into
The light use efficiency is affected by soil moisture, latent heat flux and this partitioning process varies
which is difficult to quantify by its distinct spatial and extremely with land wetness conditions. The evapo-
temporal variability. Asrar et al. (1985) accounted for rative fraction Λ can be calculated from the surface
water stress on the light use efficiency by using the energy balance using the surface energy balance al-
surface temperature as an indicator for land wetness, gorithm for land (SEBAL) model (Bastiaanssen et al.,
but this is restricted to limited areas where soil and 1998). AVHRR measurements of surface albedo, sur-
climate conditions are similar. Field et al. (1995) de- face temperature and NDVI are used to compute the
veloped a more comprehensive global ecology model variations in net radiation (Rn ), soil heat flux (G0 )
for net primary production in which they have incor- and sensible heat flux (H) (Bastiaanssen et al., 2002).
porated the following formulation of ε The latent heat flux (λE) is computed as the residual
term of the surface energy balance
ε = ε T1 T2 W (g MJ−1 ) (6)
λE = Rn − G0 − H (W m−2 ) (10)
where is a typical maximum conversion factor for
above ground biomass when the environmental con- The evaporative fraction is essentially controlled by
ditions are optimal. The actual light use efficiency, soil moisture in the root zone (Bastiaanssen et al.,
however, varies throughout the growing season, and 1997). Field measurements in irrigated wheat and
will be lower than the maximum ε value. The varia- cotton crops in Pakistan have confirmed a non-linear
tion of ε can be mathematically formulated by means relationship between evaporative fraction and soil
of correction scalars for water stress and air temper- moisture to exists. These measurement also revealed
ature. Field et al. (1995) computed the water scalar that the moisture changes for a number of individual
as actual/potential evapotranspiration. Although Field plots together (one plot is less than 1 ha) are, due to
et al. (1995) applied a minimum value of W = 0.5, continuous irrigation, very gradual with time.
the current study allows to let W reduce to nil if the
root zone is oven dry (see also Hodges and Kanemasu,
1977; Raich et al., 1991; Ludecke et al., 1991) 3. Material

λE The basic material consists of a set of 20 AVHRR

W =Λ= (7)
Rn − G 0 images covering entire Pakistan during the period
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 325

1993–1994. The AVHRR has five channels spread Table 1

over the red, near-infrared and thermal infrared spec- Acquisition dates of NOAA images during the 1993–1994 cropping
tral ranges, and has a spatial resolution of 1.1 km.
Hence, one AVHRR pixel occupies an area of 121 ha. October 10, 1993
October 13, 1993
The period 1993–1994 was selected because of avail-
November 18, 1993
ability of additional ground information such as me- December 2, 1993
teorological measurements, irrigated area, canal flow, December 11, 1993
river discharge, etc. The images have been acquired January 21, 1994
from SUPARCO, Karachi, being the governmental January 27, 1994
February 15, 1994
organization for collection and distribution of satellite
February 17, 1994
data. Table 1 shows the acquisition dates selected on March 24, 1994
the basis of minimum cloud coverage over the basin. April 4, 1994
The agricultural seasons in Pakistan are divided April 29, 1994
into a dry winter season—rabi—and a wet summer May 16, 1994
May 24, 1994
season—kharif. Rabi crops are usually sown in Octo-
June 13, 1994
ber and harvested in April–May. Irrigation is essential June 27, 1994
for crop development. Typical rabi crops are presented July 7, 1994
in the cropping calendar of Fig. 2. Kharif crops are July 12, 1994
grown in the summer and benefit from the dominant August 27, 1994
September 24, 1994
south-west monsoon with precipitation rates varying
from less than 100 mm in some parts of Sindh to more

Fig. 2. Typical cropping calendar for Pakistan and water availability due to precipitation and reference evaporation. The countrywide
averaged precipitation (Pmm ) and reference evaporation data (ET0 ) has been withdrawn from the world water and climate atlas (IWMI, 1998).
326 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

Fig. 3. Climatic zones of Pakistan with the names of the meteorological stations used for the calculation of solar radiation, PAR and
collection of air temperature records.

than 500 mm near the foothills of the Himalayas. It Deosai, Muzafarabad and Islamabad (Fig. 3). Cloudi-
is apparent from Fig. 2 that the reference evapotran- ness data has been converted into 24 h solar radiation
spiration widely exceeds the rainfall for every month; maps at the ground surface using extra-terrestrial
hence irrigation must be practiced continuously to sup- radiation and clear sky atmospheric transmittance
ply sufficient water resources to the crops. The irriga- computed from cloud statistics, except for the Deo-
tion systems run the whole year, except for January sai station, where solar radiation was measured by a
when all canals are closed for maintenance. The crop- pyranometer. In addition to this, temperature records
ping intensities and water duties are designed for the from the same meteorological stations have been
average water rights of the canals at the beginning of processed for inclusion in Eqs. (8) and (9).
the 20th century. With the further developments and
agricultural activities in the basin, water short condi-
tions were created. This has lead to a large-scale tap- 4. GIS and remote sensing procedures
ping and using of groundwater, and conjunctive use
of canal and groundwater is now common practice The biomass development and crop yield computa-
in Pakistan. Only areas with saline groundwater rely tions have been executed in a GIS environment. The
fully on canal water supplies. annual cycle has been split up into 20 discrete inter-
Daily data on cloudiness has been obtained from vals to comply with the 20 AVHRR images specified
meteorological stations. The Indus Basin can be di- in Table 1. The time step varies from 8 days to 37
vided into eight climatic zones and for each zone a days, depending on cloudiness, and is 18 days on av-
representative station was selected. The eight stations erage. Each image is representative for a discrete time
are Nawabshah, Rohri, Faisalabad, Multan, Gilgit, interval. All calculations are repeated for 20 different
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 327

intervals in an independent manner. The total biomass for AVHRR channels 1 (red) and 2 (infrared) has
development of a crop lifetime is approximated by in- been developed and applied. First, the spectral radi-
tegrating the biomass growth over the cropping season ance at the top of the atmosphere has been calculated
using the cropping calendar depicted in Fig. 2. The from the digital numbers using calibration coeffi-
biomass production during the intervening satellite cients corrected for sensor degradation. The spectral
days is computed with day-to-day variations in mete- reflectance at the top of the atmosphere was obtained
orological parameters and constant parameters for the from the incoming and totally reflected spectral radi-
evaporative fraction Λ and the APAR/PAR fraction ance. Since no information on the atmospheric state
f. As Pakistan has a year round irrigation practices, conditions was available, a simple atmospheric cor-
the soils are kept as much as possible at field ca- rection scheme based on known ground reflectances
pacity though conjunctive use of canal and tube well in channels 1 and 2 of two contrasting surface types
water. The temporal variability of soil moisture and have been used. Lake Manchar at the Western bank
evaporative fraction is, therefore, limited. Only areas of the Indus river in Sindh province has been used
witnessing soil salinity show variations in evapora- as the dark target with low reflectivity. The lake has
tive fraction, as these farmers cannot irrigate with a huge open water surface and receives continuously
poor quality groundwater and rely on the canal water drainage water from the higher laying irrigated land.
supplies, which is not reliably delivered in all cases. The desert in eastern Sindh near the town of Petro
Two categories of data formats are used. Vector has been selected as the bright target with a high
based maps have been generated from the meteorolog- reflectivity.
ical stations with the polygons matching the climatic Raster-based NDVI maps for the entire Indus Basin
zones of Pakistan. These maps are dealing with PAR can be applied to map the APAR/PAR fraction f inde-
and Tmon for every interval between two consecutive pendent on land cover (see Fig. 1). According to the
AVHRR images. A total number of 20 GIS vector definition given in Eq. (3), the f factor must lie be-
maps for PAR and 12 for Tmon were created. Raster- tween 0 and 1, which corresponds to a NDVI range
based maps have been generated from the AVHRR between 0.13 and 0.92. The soil is assumed to be bare
images containing NDVI and evaporative fraction when NDVI < 0.13 (f = 0). Following Eqs. (3) and
Λ (see Bastiaanssen et al., 2002). This will result (4), a raster map of APARi was made for every time
in 40 raster maps. The integration of the vector and interval i between two consecutive AVHRR measure-
raster maps was realized according to the flow chart ments by multiplying the raster map fi with the vector
presented in Fig. 4. map PARi . The temporal variability of f between two
The PAR can be obtained from the geographical consecutive images is little, because f basically reflects
coordinates of each meteorological station using the the total standing biomass rather than the incremental
extra-terrestrial solar radiation, K24 (t) during 24 h biomass production.
and the daily maximum hours of sunshine, N(t) (e.g. The conversion of APARi into biomass growth
Iqbal, 1983). The 24 h solar radiation at ground level was established with a temporal variant light use ef-
has been obtained from the meteorological stations ficiency, εi . By following the definitions provided in
measuring the actual number of hours having direct Eqs. (7)–(9), εi varies with, the optimum and monthly
sunshine exposure, n(t), by means of Gumble Stokes temperature and the evaporative fraction. The month
recorders: in which the maximum NDVI and optimum temper-
  ature, Topt , fall together was determined for the rabi
↓ 0.50n(t) ↓exo
K24 (t)= 0.25 + K24 (t) (W m−2 ) (11) and kharif crops separately. Light use efficiency maps
were generated for each AVHRR image, using 20
where t indicates day-to-day variation. The value for raster maps on evaporative fraction, two raster maps
K24 (t) is integrated with time to obtain the total of optimum air temperature Topt (one for rabi and
PAR value for a given period between two succes- one for kharif crops) and 12 vector maps of monthly
sive NOAA images. NDVI is calculated on the basis average air temperature Tmon . By computing APARi
of spectral reflectance at surface level, thus after and εi for each time interval of the growing season,
atmospheric corrections. An atmospheric correction the possibility arises to estimate the biomass of the
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340
Fig. 4. Data management procedures for integrating ground-based meteorological data with satellite measurements (Bact is the total accumulated biomass).
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 329

total growing season, Bact

tot variety dependent, and a range is therefore provided.
 High yielding varieties may have increased harvest in-
= {εi APARi } (kg m−2 ) (12) dices. Richards and Townley-Smith (1987) indicated
that the proportion of water used after synthesis af-
A classification of the major cropping systems was ex- fects the harvest index, an interesting concept worth
ecuted on the basis of compositing soil adjusted veg- giving further attention
etation index (SAVI) maps. This crop type map has
hind Bact
been further interpreted by means of personal inter- Yact = (kg m−2 ) (13)
views with agronomists and by comparison of the tem- 1 − moi
poral profiles of SAVI with existing cropping calen-
dars. Hence, separated crop maps for wheat, rice, cot-
ton and sugarcane have been prepared. Crop mapping 5. Results and discussion
on the basis of 1.1 km data is not self-evident and this
part needs improvement with higher resolution satel- Fig. 5 presents the results of the Fordwah East-
lite data in future studies. The crop map is paramount ern Sadiqia South (FESS) area (Bahawalnagar dis-
for the time integration of the biomass growth, and trict) in southeastern Punjab for the period February
for assigning the crop dependent harvest indices. The 17–March 7, 1994. The spatial variations occurring
final conversion of total above ground biomass devel- during the heading stage of the crops are demonstrated.
opment Bacttot into crop yield Y
act such as grains, sugar, This canal command area lies at the outskirts of the
tuber or lentils varies with the harvest index hind and Indus Basin close to the border with India, and this
the water content of the product during the harvest area gets only canal water when there is left over
moi . Appendix B presents a brief compilation of har- from the upstream irrigation schemes. Farmers irrigate
vest indices found in literature. The harvest index is with groundwater whenever the quality allows it. The

Fig. 5. Spatial variability of the various crop growth parameters in the FESS region. (a) PAR, (b) NDVI, (c) APAR, (d) evaporative fraction,
(e) light use efficiency and (f) biomass growth.
330 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

average PARi for this period of 19 days is 96.6 W m−2 , the international literature, although the harvest index
which is equivalent to 159 MJ m−2 . The actual solar lies usually in the lower end of the expected range.
hours n have been taken from the Multan station. The The harvest index values compare better with rainfed
NDVIi varies between 0.02 to 0.58, which implies that crops than the higher values usually reported for irri-
also barren land is included in this sub-set. The APAR gated crops. It is in this stage not understood whether
reveals a wide range from 0.4 to 85.5 W m−2 due the lower bound of harvest index can be explained by
the presence of non-cropped and salinized land. The the varieties cultivated, or that nutrients and soil salin-
evaporative fraction lies essentially between 0.5 and ity reduces the harvest index as well (see for instance,
0.8, which reveals that the soil water content in FESS Garcia et al., 1988 for more background information
varies considerably between 0.16 and 0.32 cm3 cm−3 ; on this particular issue). The maximum light use effi-
low values of moisture are located at the tail end of ciency ε for rice was found little smaller (1.8 g MJ−1 )
FESS and high values occur at the head-end. Accord- than for the wheat and cotton c3 crops (2.5 g MJ−1 ),
ing to these variations in soil cover and soil moisture, but it is within the ranges identified in Appendix A.
the light use efficiency varies between ε = 0.35 and Because of being a c4 crop, sugarcane got a substan-
1.89 g MJ−1 and is lower than the ε = 2.5 g MJ−1 tial larger ε value (4.0 g MJ−1 ). Most of the stem and
taken for wheat when all controlling factors are op- also some leaves of the sugarcane are harvested. This,
timal. The biomass growth reveals a range between together with all the sugar containing saps (65% mois-
0.3 and 75.3 kg ha−1 per day, which is overall low for ture content), increases the total weight of the product
agricultural crops in their mid-season. transferred from the field to the factory (heff
ind = 1.97).
The calibration parameters considered are ε , hind The sugar content is approximately 11%, being equiv-
and moi . As all these parameters have some experimen- alent to an effective sugar index value of 0.22 (see
tally verified ranges, adjustments were only tolerated Appendix B).
within the parameter range presented in Appendices The secondary data consulted in this study is based
A and B. Extreme values from the literature have not on farmer interviews from selected farms after the har-
been considered as being plausible. The crop param- vest and is then averaged to district level. It is diffi-
eters leading to the most satisfying crop yield predic- cult to assess the accuracy, but as some data may be
tions are summarized in Table 2. Field data collection based on interviews, it cannot be as good as primary
at the scale of 1.1 km did not occur, and the valida- data self-measured in the field. The average yield for
tion has to rely on secondary data. Therefore, the val- a district having on average a size of approximately
idation study relied on spatially averaged data being 300,000 ha can by no means be straightforwardly as-
collected and processed by the Government of Pak- sessed, and uncertainty in this data is a reality.
istan at district level (Anonymous, 1996). The average Table 3 shows that wheat, rice and sugarcane yield
harvest index value for oven dry rice grains was 0.25 can be mapped for approximately 80% of the cases
which at grain moisture content of 10% equals to an within the 95% confidence levels of the secondary field
effective harvest index of 0.28. Wheat is with an effec- data. This does not hold for cotton (42% relative devia-
tive value of 0.39 somewhat higher. The range of pub- tion; 55% of cases rejected at 35% uncertainty). Fig. 6
lished values usually describes the effective harvest contains the district and crop wise deviations. In gen-
index; hence calibration results are comparable with eral, the districts are presented from upstream to the

Table 2
Crop parameters obtained from calibration against secondary data and their permitted ranges known from field experiments reported in the
international literature
ε (G MJ−1 ) ε (g MJ−1 ), hind (kg kg−1 ) −1 −1 moi (kg kg−1 ) moi (kg kg−1 ),
Crop heff
ind (kg kg ) heff
ind (kg kg ),
literature literature literature
Wheat 2.5 2.0–3.2 0.35 0.39 0.3–0.45 0.11 0.10–0.15
Rice 1.8 1.8–2.7 0.25 0.28 0.25–0.50 0.10 0.10–0.15
Cotton 2.5 1.5–2.5 0.12 0.13 0.07–0.12 0.02 0.01–0.03
Sugarcane 4.0 3.0–4.0 0.69 1.97 1.82–2.72 0.65 0.60–0.70
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 331

Table 3
Accuracy of average yields predictions at district level with different uncertainties at 95% confidence level of the secondary dataa
Crop Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty
deviation deviation RMSE RMSE (15%), (25%), (35%),
(kg ha−1 ) (%) (kg ha−1 ) (%) accepted (%) accepted (%) accepted (%)
Wheat 438 22 525 26 39 63 82
Rice 478 29 616 37 30 54 78
Cotton 471 42 551 49 18 28 55
Sugarcane 9800 23 13484 32 45 67 78
a RMSE is root mean square error. Outliers have not been removed.

Fig. 6. Fractional deviation between official and remote sensing estimates (official-satellite)/official for all districts in the Indus Basin
during the period 1993–1994. (A) Wheat, (B) rice, (C) cotton and (D) sugarcane.
332 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

Fig. 6. (Continued ).

downstream end of the basin when moving from left recommended to use high resolution imagery in future
to right. Fig. 6 demonstrates that the majority of the studies.
outliers for wheat can be found in the Badin, Thatta, The highest value for district average wheat yield
Nowshera, Swabi and Nasirabad districts. Generally, officially reported is 2908 kg ha−1 (district Char-
the model indicates a better performance in the middle sadda), whereas the value from remote sensing is
section of the basin than at the upstream and down- similar (3057 kg ha−1 ), although it is found elsewhere
stream outskirts. It has not been investigated whether (Sialkot district). This indicates that the physical
that is related to (i) land use patterns, (ii) accuracy of range of the remote sensing crop yield forecasting
the secondary reported data or (iii) the low sensor res- model for wheat is reasonable for the conditions of
olution of AVHRR. To at least exclude item (iii), it is Pakistan.
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 333

The results of rice reveal some significant differ- that aerially constant harvest indices are used for all
ences, especially in the Sialkot, M.B. Din and the four crops investigated. The forecasts of sugarcane
Nowshera districts. Similar to the interim conclusion production are good except for the Jacobabad and the
found for wheat, the upper and downstream parts of Nasirabad districts. The positive fractional difference
the basin exhibit the largest fractional differences. for all four crops investigated in Nasirabad suggests
The D.I. Khan and Nasirabad districts indicate that an incorrect crop yield field survey. Also D.I. Khan
the satellite estimation is significantly lower (ap- has some anomalies. An underestimation of a certain
proximately 40%) than being reported from the farm crop yield should be compensated by an overestima-
surveys. The differences for cotton are in general tion of the yield of another crop, and this does not
larger than for wheat and rice. There is a systematic occur. An example of such compensation is the situ-
overestimation by the satellite of the cotton yields ation in the Jacobabad district where rice yields are
in Gujranwala, Faisalabad, M.B. Din and Jacobabad. overestimated by the satellite and the sugarcane and
One plausible reason is that there is only a little cover- cotton yields underestimated. It is likely to be related
age of cotton in these districts, and that contiguously to inaccuracy of the crop identification. The discrim-
cotton covered patches forming areas of 121 ha are ination of cotton requires images with a high spatial
non-existing (AVHRR cannot distinguish units less resolution such as available from Landsat, ASTER
than 121 ha). In case of the latter, cotton is mixed and CBERS. All these satellites have a thermal band
up with other crops. It is interesting to note that the and are therefore suitable for the application of the
satellite estimates of Nasirabad are again underesti- crop yield model described in this paper.
mating the agricultural practices at the ground. The The temporal growth behavior of two wheat areas
NOAA–AVHRR estimates of cotton are very damp- with contrasting yields is demonstrated in Fig. 7. Two
ened with the majority of the prediction in a narrow wheat pixels, which match the 5% lowest and 5% high-
range between 800 and 1600 kg ha−1 . The secondary est yield are selected. The pixel with the lower yield
data reveals a wider range in the weight of lintels is located in the FESS area, the pixel with the high
collected, which could be related to the influence of yield near Jhelum. Both pixels are subsequently de-
diseases or the role of varieties on harvest index. Note composed back into their growth behavior throughout

Fig. 7. Temporal profiles of 5% minimum (FESS) and 5% maximum wheat growth curve (Jhelum) in the Indus Basin, 1993–1994.
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340
Fig. 8. Frequency distribution of crop yield of the four major crops cultivated in the Indus Basin, Pakistan, during 1993–1994. (A) Wheat, (B) rice, (C) cotton and (D) sugarcane.
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 335

the season. It appears that divergence in crop devel- Table 4

opment establishes 60 days after emergence when the Statistical determinants of crop production in the entire Indus
Basin based on 121 ha units
crop is in flowering stage. This crop stage is known
to be a sensitive for water supply, hence it may be Wheat Rice Cotton Sugarcane
(kg ha−1 ) (kg ha−1 ) (kg ha−1 ) (kg ha−1 )
concluded that the water supply conditions were sig-
nificantly different for the two locations selected. The Lowest (1%) 489 420 566 8914
Lowest (5%) 984 560 734 26319
leaf development of the higher yield pixel increased Average 2276 1756 1293 47929
steadily and this crop is more photosynthetically ac- Highest (5%) 3351 3002 1945 65011
tive in February and March when the solar energy in- Highest (1%) 3874 3545 3116 90668
creases due to the higher solar altitude at mid-day. Yield gap 1075 1246 652 17082
The poorly developed wheat crops on the saline soils
in FESS have a stagnated leaf development and can- frequency distributions are summarized in Table 4.
not profit from the extra available solar energy. Fig. 7 The yield gap in Table 4 is defined as the difference
shows that the total biomass at harvest can be fore- between the average yield, and the 5% highest yield.
casted from day 100 onwards (50 days before harvest), It can be disputed whether the 5% highest is a proper
being important for food security. target, but, as the yield of thousands of pixels is avail-
The deviation between the upper and the lower line able, it is feasible to replace 5% by, for instance, the
reflects the variability in agro-economical practices. 7.5 or 10% highest value. From the shape of the fre-
The reasons for this wide gap can be manifold, but quency distributions, it may be concluded that average
farm and water management practices such as soil wheat yield can be more easily increased towards the
salinization remedial measures, depth to the water maximum than for rice crop. This agrees with the
table manipulations, the amount of irrigation water plant physiologists’ perception that wheat has a higher
applied, groundwater pumpage and the salinity of irri- resistance towards the environmental conditions than
gation water are expected to be explanatory variables rice (Cheema et al., 1997). These frequency distribu-
(Kahlown et al., 1998). Multiple regression analy- tions are important information for planners. In ab-
ses in Haryana (India) in similar agro-climatological solute terms, rice seems to have a slightly higher gap
conditions indicated that the variations in wheat yield (1246 kg ha−1 ) than wheat (1075 kg ha−1 ). The yield
could be interpreted into groundwater quality, seep- of cotton can be potentially doubled. Most sugarcane
age, and tubewell density, more than to the canal wa- yields lie in the range between 40 and 60 t ha−1 , and
ter operations (Bastiaanssen et al., 1999). In a wheat it will be difficult to close the yield gap of 17 t ha−1 .
yield study of the Sindh province, Hussain et al. The data presented in Table 4 are extracted from
(2000) found the number of irrigations per hectare to single AVHRR pixels, thus represents the average of
be the major explanatory factor, which is also related 121 ha. The yield gap at farm level can be higher due
to the presence of tubewell, and hence to opportunity to spatial scales.
to conjunctively use canal and groundwater. The study
of Hussain et al. (2000) in Sindh was based on data
collection from 1539 farms across 14 canal command 6. Conclusions
areas. The average yields across the canal command
areas—although collected for 1997–1998—agrees A new combined model for biomass growth and
well with the wheat yield map are presented in Fig. crop yield forecasting from low cost NOAA–AVHRR
9. The authors found an average wheat yield for measurements has been developed and calibrated for
Sindh of 1897 kg ha−1 which agrees with the AVHRR the conditions in Pakistan. AVHRR measurements
estimates. are too coarse for identifying farm plots, but they
The yield distribution for the major crops grown are suitable to survey yield variations over irrigation
in the entire Indus Basin irrigation system is pre- schemes and river basins. The model can be applied
sented in Fig. 8. Rice and cotton are skewed towards with any satellite sensor having spectral bands similar
the minimum, wheat to the maximum and sugarcane to NOAA–AVHRR (e.g. Landsat, ASTER, MODIS,
is normally distributed. Key numbers related to the CBERS, RESURS). The method developed requires
336 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

Fig. 9. Wheat yield variations across the Indus Basin for rabi 1994 computed from NOAA–AVHRR images.

actual hours of sunshine on a daily basis, monthly av- is less successful, most probably due to the weak
erage air temperature and a crop identification map. It relationship between above ground biomass and the
opens the avenue to diagnose agricultural productiv- amount of lintels harvested, perhaps also due to the
ity in a consistent way over a large area with almost dispersed presence of small-scale cotton fields within
full exclusion of the human factor on data quality AVHRR pixels. The discrimination of rice and cotton
sureness (only the GIS technician can introduce bias). areas is difficult, and this introduces an error in the
The output of the model for wheat is shown in Fig. 9. time integration of the biomass and the assignment of
It is giving an overall picture of the yield variation of the crop-related agronomic parameters as presented in
this main rabi crop across the basin. Table 3. Future studies should aim at taking away the
The satellite-based forecasts for wheat, rice and uncertainty related too highly irregular-random, spotty
sugarcane after calibration of the harvest index are areas of non-crop or saline soils present within 121 ha
reasonable. Approximately, 80% of the case fall in- pixels. Dedicated fieldwork in conjunction with satel-
side the uncertainty associated to the secondary data. lite overpasses is required to obtain direct access to
The performance of the forecasting model for cotton primary yield data and to validate the model concept.
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 337

The remote sensing study estimated that the av- Reliable and consistent agronomic information is
erage wheat yield in the Indus Basin is 2276 and a first step to aid water policy makers in taking firm
1756 kg ha−1 of rice grains. For cotton, the lintels decisions related to improved irrigation and water
picked add up to 1293 kg ha−1 while sugarcane yields resources management. The proposed technology can
are 47929 kg ha−1 . All these values are relatively low significantly contribute to quantitatively describing
which is explained by the low harvest index among yield variations across the Indus Basin.
others. Pakistan, with a rapid growing population,
needs proper and reliable information related to crop
yield, both for national food security and for evalu- Acknowledgements
ating agricultural water management practices. The
spatial variation in yield and yield gap reveals that The authors are indebted to Ir. Kees van Diepen and
the agricultural production can improve if resources Ir. Rick van den Bosch of the DLO, Alterra, institute
are managed better. Wheat has the highest potential in Wageningen for provision of the harvest indices for
to narrow the yield gap. Whereas remedial actions to agricultural crops and to Zaigham Habib and Zubair
depress soil salinity and inclining groundwater tables Tahir at IWMI, Pakistan, for providing the secondary
may form the basis for increasing the productivity data into a well-organized format. Ir Gerrit Huurneman
of land and water resources in one canal command from ITC has helped in the earth curvature corrections
area, varieties with high harvest indices, management for which we are grateful. The study was financed
transfer or changing water allocation rules may be the from unrestricted IWMI funds, for which the IWMI
best interventions in other command areas. donors are acknowledged.

Appendix A. Experimental light use efficiency values for various crops

Most of the references cited are extracted from Prince (1991), Leblon et al. (1991) and Gower et al. (1999).
Crop ε (g MJ−1 ) Source

c3 crops
Barley 2.03–2.27 Gregory et al. (1992)
Barley 1.64–1.79 Gregory et al. (1992)
Barley 3.37 Russel and Ellis (1988)
Barley 2.2–3.0 Gallaghar and Biscoe (1978)
Barley 2.07 Olioso (1987)
Barley 3.00 Fischer (1983)
Barley 1.94–2.21 Christensen and Goudriaan (1993)
Cotton 1.44 Rosenthal and Gerik (1991)
Cowpea 1.55 Varlet-Grancher et al. (1982)
Lucerne 2.38 Varlet-Grancher et al. (1982)
Pastures 3.0 Fischer (1983)
Rice-lido 2.12 Leblon et al. (1991)
Rice-lido 2.43 Wiegand et al. (1989)
Rice-cigalon 1.77 Leblon et al. (1991)
Rice-cigalon 1.43–1.77 Hirota et al. (1978)
Rice 2.7 Kiniry et al. (1989)
Rice 2.25 Casanova et al. (1998)
Soybean 1.59–2.34 Daughtry et al. (1992)
Soybean 1.67–1.86 Rochette et al. (1995)
Sunflower 1.3–2.0 Joel et al. (1997)
338 W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340

Appendix A. (Continued )
Crop ε (g MJ−1 ) Source
Sugarbeet 1.63 Steven et al. (1983)
Wheat 2.0–2.4 Gallaghar and Biscoe (1978)
Wheat 2.92 Asrar et al. (1984)
Wheat 1.02–1.45 Green (1987)
Wheat 2.82–3.22 Garcia et al. (1988)
Wheat 3.0 Fischer (1983)
Wheat-gutha 1.74 Gregory et al. (1992)
Wheat-gutha 1.46 Gregory et al. (1992)
Wheat-gutha 1.03–1.92 Siddique et al. (1989)
c4 crops
Corn 4.26 Daughtry et al. (1992)
Corn 2.7–3.7 Wiegand et al. (1991)
Corn 3.4 Sinclair and Horie (1989)
Maize 3.17 Maas (1988)
Maize 3.42–3.9 Gallo et al. (1993)
Maize 3.07 Williams et al. (1968)
Maize 2.87 Varlet-Grancher et al. (1982)
Millet 2.23–2.3 Marshall and Willey (1983)
Sorghum 3.5 Rosenthal et al. (1993)
Sugarcane 3.27 Varlet-Grancher et al. (1982)

Appendix B. Published harvest index values for different crops

Crop Source Harvest index (%)
Beans Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 65
Beans van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 25–35
Corn Wiegand et al. (1991) 44–47
Cotton van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 7–12 (lint)
Grass Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 50
Grass van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 40–50
Lucerne Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 60
Maize Sarwar (1999) 30–35
Maize van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 30–45
Maize Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 70
Potato van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 50–65 (32% water)
Rice van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 25–50
Sorghum van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 19–40
Soybean Sarwar (1999) 20–25
Soybean van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 30–40
Sugarcane Sarwar (1999) 80–85
Sugarcane van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 20–30 (11% sugar)
Sugarbeet Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 75
Wheat French and Schultz (1984) 29–35
Wheat Sarwar (1999) 40–45
Wheat van Diepen and van den Bosch (1999) 35–45
Wheat Aarts and Grashoff (1993) 65
Wheat Richards and Townley-Smith (1987) 10–50
van Diepen and van den Bosch, personal communication; Sarwar, personal communication.
W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, S. Ali / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94 (2003) 321–340 339

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