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Kompetensi Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian Hari : Selasa
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tanggal : 24 September 2019
Kelas : XII ( Dua Belas ) Waktu : 90 Menit

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu Nomor Peserta dan Identitas Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan sesuai
petunjuk yang diberikan oleh Pengawas menggunakan pena/ballpoint.
2. Untuk menjawab Soal Pilihan Ganda, gunakan pena/ballpoint untuk menyilang pada huruf
A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
3. Untuk menjawab Soal Uraian, gunakan pena/ballpoint dalam menuliskan jawaban pada lembar jawaban yang
telah disediakan.
4. Selama pelaksanaan PTSBK tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau minta penjelasan mengenai jawaban soal yang
diujikan kepada siapapun termasuk kepada Pengawas.
5. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, Kamus dan alat bantu lain dalam menjawab soal PTSBK
6. Periksaa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
7. Laporkan kepada Pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
8. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda
9. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
10. Unggah Hasil Pekerjaan ke alamat situs yang di sediakan Panitia.
11. Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas dan ke luar ruangan.

Petunjuk Khusus :

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada salah satu pilihan
jawaban A, B, C, D, E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah, dan Anda ingin memperbaikinya, tidak diperbolehkan
menggunakan correction pen (tipe-x) atau penghapus, melainkan dengan cara seperti di bawah ini :
Semula : A B C D E
Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D E

This Multiple Choice Test consists of 4 parts. They are:
a. Incomplete Dialogues (10 items). No. 01 – 10
b. Reading Texts (15 items) No. 11 – 25
c. Incomplete Texts (15 items) No. 26 – 40
d. Error Identification (10 items) No. 41 – 50
A. Every correct answer will be scored 2 (50 x 2 = 100)
B. The total score will be 100
C. No Listening in this test


Choose the correct answer / expression!
01. Nafis : I’m not busy right now. . . . ?
Hasna : Well, okay. It’s very kind of you.
Nafis : My pleasure.
A. Would you please help me
B. Can you do me a favour
C. Do you want any help
D. Do you like helping me

02. Fahru : Can I help you take out the garbage?

Yusrin : No, that’s okay. . . . .
A. I can take it out myself
B. I’ll be glad to help you
C. I can’t really do this thing
D. If you don’t mind

03. Yasinta : Next month will be a very interesting vacation. What’s your plan for that?
Bramasta : . . . . There will be a special event there.
A. We’re going to buy a new motorcycle
B. I’m going to see a doctor for my headache
C. I’m going to do nothing for my family
D. I’m going to go to Bali with my family

04. Lila : What are you going to do after school today?

Chila : Well, I have nothing to do. What about you?
Lila : I am going to . . . The story is always good and interesting.
A. visit the book fair in the city hall
B. to watch ’JAMES BOND’
C. go to the computer exhibition
D. do my homework with Halim

05. Toper : I called you yesterday evening but you weren’t at home.
Putri : That’s right. . . . .
A. I did my homework with my brother at home
B. I went nowhere and just watched TV
C. I was in the cinema with Ahmad
D. I was operating my computer in my room

06. Melinda : . . . ?
Chairil : Because the weather was not very good, we didn’t go out. We just stayed at home.
A. What did you do last week
B. Whom did you visit last Sunday
C. How did you go to school yesterday
D. When did you finish that assignment
07. Azizah : The battery of my HP doesn’t work anymore. I want to replace it with the new one but
I don’t know how. Can you tell me how to replace it?
Bagus : OK. . . . .
A. First the old battery is taken off, next the cover is opened, then the new battery is installed, finally the
cover is closed
B. First the cover is opened, next the new battery is installed, then the old battery is taken off, finally the
cover is closed
C. First the cover is opened, next the old battery is taken off, then the new battery is installed, finally the
cover is closed
D. First the cover is opened, the old battery is taken off, next the cover is closed, finally the new battery is

08. Fadhila : Zacky, what does that notice mean?

Zacky : Which one?
Fadhila : The one stuck on the screen of the computer. It says “Plug in before you push the
power button on”.
Zacky : Oh I see. It means . . . .
A. you put the plug in the socket after you push the power button on
B. you push on the power button after you insert the plug in the socket
C. you insert the plug in the socket after you push on the power button
D. you push the power button on then you put the plug in the socket

09. Akbar : Is there anything I can do to help?

Anin :....
Akbar : Really? You look so busy.
Anin : There is one thing you could do.
Akbar : Just say the word.
A. Do you mind closing the windows?
B. There is one thing you could do
C. Not at the moment. Thank you
D. Yes please. It’s very kind of you

10. Najib : If you have difficulties about English. . . . .

Fina : Thank you very much. It’s very kind of you, but I can still handle it myself.
Najib : Okay, then.
A. Please don’t bother me
B. may I ask you for a hand?
C. will you help solve them?
D. don’t feel hesitated to let me know


Questions no. 11 – 15 refer to the following text.
Many people think that they can get sick by going out in cold weather improperly dressed. However, an
illness is not caused by temperature; it is caused by germs. While you shiver outside in the cold, you probably
won’t strengthen your immune system. You are more likely to contract an illness indoors because you will have
greater exposure to germs.
11. What is the text about?
A. The cause of an illness.
B. The germs which causes an illness.
C. The immune system of our body.
D. The improperly dress outside the house.
12. Find the word in the text which is described as follows: the measured amount of heat in a place
or in the body!
A. weather
B. temperature
C. illness
D. immune

13. Find the word in the text which is synonymous with tremble!
A. think
B. get
C. shiver
D. contract

14. Many people think that they can get sick by going out in cold weather improperly dressed.
(The first sentence of the paragraph). What does the expression mean?
A. People believe that they can be sick because they wear an improper dress.
B. Going out in cold weather make people think they can get sick.
C. Wearing a dress improperly can cause an illness to many people.
D. People believe that wearing an improper dress in cold weather can make them sick.

15. Which one is true according to the text?

A. The main cause of sickness is wearing an improper dress.
B. Illnesses are mainly caused by germs.
C. Shivering outside won’t strengthen the immune system.
D. Having a greater exposure to germs is indoors.

Questions no. 16 – 20 refer to the following text.

Social media has become a primary way for students to communicate aspects of their daily lives to those
within their social network. Such communications often include substance use displays. Furthermore, students’
substance use displays have been found robustly to predict not only the posters’ substance use-related outcomes
(e.g. consumption, problems), but also their social networking peers.

16. The paragraph above tells us about . . . .

A. Social media is a primary way for students to communicate
B. Communications which include substance use displays.
C. Students’ daily lives with their social networking.
D. Substance use displays which are used to predict outcomes.

17. Social media has become a primary way for students to communicate aspects of their daily lives to
those within their social network. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. excellent
B. basic
C. main
D. essential

18. Such communications often include substance use displays. What does the italic phrase mean?
A. Social media aspects
B. Communications in social media
C. Substance use displays
D. Social networks
19. Furthermore, students’ substance use displays have been found robustly to predict not only the
posters’ substance use-related outcomes (e.g. consumption, problems), but also their social
networking peers. The underlined word refers to . . . .
A. students
B. displays
C. posters
D. outcomes

20. Find the word in the text which is defines as follows: a large system consisting of many similar
parts that are connected together to allow movement or communication between or along the
parts or between the parts and a control centre!
A. media
B. way
C. substance
D. network

Questions no. 21 – 25 refer to the following text.

Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. While some students think that I am just being mean,
there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some irresponsible students make messes with their gum. They
may leave it on the bottom of desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on the other people’s property. Another reason
why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When they are allowed to chew gum, students
are more worried about having it, popping it, chewing it, and snapping it. That’s why I don’t allow students to
chew gum in my class.

21. What does the text tell us about?

A. Students who like chewing gum in their class.
B. Irresponsible students who make messes with their gum.
C. The reasons why the teacher forbids students from chewing gum in his class.
D. Students who are worried about having, popping, chewing, and snapping gum.

22. How many reasons does the teacher have for not allowing students from chewing gum?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

23. Another reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. The
underlined word refers to . . . .
A. Leaving gum on the bottom of desks
B. Dropping gum on the floor
C. Another reason
D. Chewing gum

24. Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. What is the similar meaning of allowed?
A. permitted
B. restricted
C. prohibited
D. banned

25. The main sentence of the paragraph above is the . . . sentence.

A. second
B. third
C. first
D. last
Questions no. 26 – 40 are incomplete text test. Four words marked with A, B, C. and D are given beneath each
text. You are to choose one word which best completes the text.

When you are (26). . . . a help or an assistance to someone else, it is (27). . . . polite if you use the past
form instead of the present form. For example, the sentence “Can I bring you a drink?” will be less polite than
“Could I bring you a drink?”.
There are many reasons for which sentences you should use, and (28). . . . differ depending (29). . . .
whom you are speaking to. Your relationship to someone you are talking to may also influence the sentences you
choose. For example, it will obviously be (30). . . . when you are asking for a help from your parents than your

26. A. offering 27. A. allowed 28. A. them 29. A. to 30. A. different

B. asking B. permitted B. they B. of B. differ
C. giving C. restricted C. their C. on C. difference
D. requesting D. regarded D. theirs D. by D. differently

When you are asked by someone if you need any help, you should be (31). . . . because other people still
care (32). . . . you. If you think that you (33). . . . need their help, you should accept their offer. Be polite when you
are asking for a help or accepting it. People want to be respected, too. Say thank you or promise them that you
might someday return the favor.
On the other hand, when you think that you can handle all your problems by yourself or simply you don’t
want to burden others with your errands, you should (34). . . . their offer. You should do this politely, too. Just say
No, thanks or I can handle this all by (35). . . . , thank you.

31. A. careful 32. A. with 33. A. clearly 34. A. delay 35. A. myself
B. grateful B. to B. actually B. cancel B. yourself
C. tactful C. for C. really C. postpone C. ourselves
D. wasteful D. about D. obviously D. deny D. themselves

A report is a statement to (36). . . . the findings of a research. Reports are usually a formal account of the
result of an investigation or (37). . . . . Reports can be short, or just one page, or very long documents.
In contrast to an article, (38). . . . sets out and depends on an author’s view of a topic and does not need to
include headings, a report examines a subject in an organized and (39). . . .. way to pursue arrangement. Reports
are separated into segments, with headings and subheadings. Reports are (40). . . . to introduce facts and will
characterize and breakdown the current issue.

36. A. visualize 37. A. question 38. A. where 39. A. modest 40. A. designed
B. describe B. composition B. whom B. simple B. prepared
C. define C. observation C. who C. humble C. structured
D. portray D. preparation D. which D. medium D. constructed
In questions 41 – 50, each sentence has four words or phrases underlined and are marked A, B, C, D. You are
to identify the one underlined word or phrase that grammatically incorrect.

Example: Before start our lesson, let’s say our prayers.

Answer : The incorrect answer is A (it must be starting) so you choose answer A

41. I must study hard this week to take the remedial exam due to my English score was low.

42. She had no access to health education or medical clinic, because she was more likely to get HIV.

43. This report was conducting in order to find out young Indonesian music tastes and their habits.

44. Global warming is predicted that the average rise in temperature during 21st century will be in the
change of 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Centigrade.

45. There are a lot of ways to offer your assistance. Which phrase you should to choose depends on the

46. Fasya : I can help you with your homework if you like.
Luqman : Yes please. I can manage myself.

47. Have you ever felt unfairly treated at work or felt that the work you do is not appreciation?

48. Good morning everyone. It’s a please to be with you today. My name is Pramasti and I’m
in charge of corporate finance at our headquarters.

49. Fadhila lost her key two days ago and she has report it to the security.

50. Due to he worked so hard, Ismail was promoted to be the Assistant Manager.

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