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Copyright © 2009 by Cicik Kurniawati, Marta Yuliani and PT Intan Pariwara.

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© Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang, 2009 pada Tim Penyusun dan hak penerbitan pada PT Intan Pariwara, Anggota IKAPI Nomor
016/JTE/79, Nomor Kode Penerbitan IP/426/2009.
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Penyusun: Cicik Kurniawati, Marta Yuliani; Editor: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, Yuniarti Dwi Arini; Ilustrator: Agung Suroso, Andi Kurniawan,
Aris Partomo, Nunung Suparna, Rio Kuswanto; Desainer kover: Aris Partomo; Perwajahan: M. Aris Wibowo, M.M. Endang Iriyanti.
Penanggung jawab produksi: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana.
Dicetak oleh: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang, Kotak Pos 181, Klaten 57438, Indonesia (isi di luar tanggung jawab percetakan).

PT Intan Pariwara

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Mari kita perhatikan dengan saksama rumusan di bawah ini.

Ubah Rutinitas + Lawan Kebosanan = Prestasi

Barangkali rumusan tersebut terlalu sederhana untuk menggambarkan kunci meraih kesuksesan belajar.
Namun, kesederhanaan rumusan itu justru memudahkan kita untuk menerapkannya dalam berbagai konteks,
tidak terkecuali dalam kegiatan belajar.
Sudah menjadi keniscayaan bahwa belajar semestinya memberikan pengalaman bermakna bagi peserta
didik. Oleh karena itu, strategi pembelajaran harus terus dikembangkan. Guru, sebagai pendidik, berpeluang
untuk menyusun strategi pembelajaran yang lebih baik.
Pembelajaran yang bermakna dapat diawali dengan penciptaan kondisi belajar yang nyaman. Jika peserta
didik merasa nyaman ketika belajar, mereka akan termotivasi untuk belajar dengan baik. Salah satunya dengan
menata ruang belajar sesuai aspirasi peserta didik.
Belajar sebenarnya aktivitas yang menyenangkan. Belajar tidak sebatas menghafalkan materi yang tertulis
dalam buku. Peserta didik perlu diajak mengenal lebih jauh suatu hal dengan bimbingan pendidik. Setapak
demi setapak cakrawala peserta didik menjadi terang benderang oleh sinar ilmu pengetahuan. Proses belajar
tadi merupakan pengalaman berharga yang membangun kepribadian mereka. Nah, menjadi tugas pendidik
untuk membantu peserta didik memaknai setiap pengalaman belajarnya. Yakinkan mereka bahwa tidak ada
yang sia-sia dari proses belajar yang mereka lalui. Jadi, mereka perlu menjalaninya dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Aktivitas belajar kadang-kadang menjebak peserta didik dan pendidik dalam rutinitas. Ketika rutinitas
terbentuk, rasa bosan akan segera menyerang. Tentu sudah terbayangkan akibat yang akan dialami, bukan?
Inilah tantangan yang dihadapi pendidik. Sebagai pendidik, guru dituntut untuk dapat mengubah kegiatan
pembelajaran yang membosankan menjadi suatu kegiatan yang menarik. Jika perlu, ubahlah aktivitas
pembelajaran menjadi petualangan yang mengasyikkan. Dengan mengadakan inovasi pembelajaran, peserta
didik akan terdorong untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai informasi yang diterima menjadi pengetahuan dan
kemampuan (kompetensi). Mereka dapat mengekspresikan kemampuan, mengemukakan pendapat, atau
mengajukan pertanyaan. Pengalaman belajar tadi dapat diperoleh jika peserta didik mampu mengaitkan berbagai
fenomena kehidupan dengan aneka konsep yang diajarkan di ruang kelas.
Guna mencapai pembelajaran seperti itu, suatu sarana belajar yang tepat sangat diperlukan. Sebagai
sarana pembelajaran aktif, buku PG PR menawarkan skenario pembelajaran yang akan membangun
pemahaman pengetahuan peserta didik baik melalui kegiatan belajar mandiri maupun bimbingan orang lain.
Tentu saja kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut mengacu pada tuntutan ketercapaian kompetensi siswa.
Walaupun peserta didik dimotivasi untuk merumuskan sendiri pengetahuannya, buku PG PR juga
memberikan materi pokok yang harus dipelajari. Ini sebagai pijakan dasar mereka dalam mempelajari suatu
materi. Inti materi disajikan secara ringkas dan lengkap sesuai tuntutan kurikulum. Dengan demikian, fokus
belajar peserta didik tetap terjaga.
Ketercapaian kompetensi peserta didik juga dapat diukur menggunakan buku PG PR melalui soal latihan
yang bervariasi dalam setiap unitnya. Soal-soal dalam buku ini disusun dengan mengindahkan pola soal yang
lazim digunakan dalam ulangan umum. Oleh karena itu, peserta didik dapat berlatih menyelesaikan soal-soal
tersebut sehingga siap menghadapi ulangan nanti.
Berbagai kegatan variasi dan Reading Materials dalam PG PR menjadi amunisi pendidik untuk melawan
perangkap rutinitas pembelajaran yang bermuara pada kebosanan. Semua keunggulan tadi mengukuhkan
posisi buku PG PR sebagai mitra pendidik dalam menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, atraktif, dan bermakna.

Klaten, Desember 2009


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 iii

Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk
Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VIII SMP/MTs

Minggu Efektif Waktu Pembelajaran Waktu Pembelajaran Jumlah Jam

Komponen Per Tahun Per Tahun Per Tahun Per Tahun
Ajaran (jam pembelajaran) (menit) (@ 60 menit)

A. Mata Pelajaran
1. Pendidikan Agama 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
2. Pendidikan
Kewarganegaraan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
3. Bahasa Indonesia 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
4. Bahasa Inggris 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
5. Matematika 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
6. IPA 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
7. IPS 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
8. Seni Budaya dan
Keterampilan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
9. Pendidikan
Jasmani, Olahraga,
dan Kesehatan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
10. Keterampilan/TIK 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3040 45–51

B. Muatan Lokal 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51

Jumlah 32 374–418 1.088–1.216 43.520–48.640 725–811

Diolah dari Lampiran Peraturan Mendiknas RI Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah:
Bab II Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, Bab III Beban Belajar.
1. Satuan pendidikan dimungkinkan menambah maksimum 4 jam pelajaran per minggu secara keseluruhan.
2. Alokasi waktu satu jam pembelajaran adalah 40 menit.
3. Cara menghitung:
a. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (Jam Pembelajaran) = Alokasi Waktu × Minggu Efektif Per Tahun
b. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (JP) × 1 Jam Pembelajaran (menit)
c. Jumlah Jam Per Tahun = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) : 60 menit
4. Pengembangan diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Pengembangan diri bertujuan memberikan
kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai kebutuhan, bakat, dan minat setiap
peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi sekolah.
5. *) Ekuivalen 2 jam pembelajaran.

Alokasi Waktu Kegiatan Tatap Muka Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Semester 2

Waktu Pembelajaran Waktu Pembelajaran Jumlah Jam

Alokasi Minggu Efektif
Mata Pelajaran Per Semester Per Semester Per Semester
Waktu Per Semester
(jam pembelajaran) (menit) (@ 60 menit)

4. Bahasa Inggris 4 17–19 68–76 2.720–3.040 45,5–50,5

iv Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VIII SMP/MTs
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006
tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
Lampiran 3 : Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
Kelas VIII, Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan 7.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
transaksional dan interpersonal dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta,
dengan lingkungan sekitar memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, dan meminta, memberi
dan mengingkari informasi, meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat, dan menawarkan/
menerima/menolak sesuatu
7.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta,
memberi persetujuan, merespon pernyataan, memberi perhatian terhadap pembicara,
mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan, dan mengawali, memperpanjang,
dan menutup percakapan telepon

8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan 8.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara
fungsional dan monolog pendek akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
sederhana berbentuk narrative dan 8.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar,
recount untuk berinteraksi dengan dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk
lingkungan sekitar narrative dan recount

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa
interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi,
sekitar menolak barang, meminta, memberi dan mengingkari informasi, meminta, memberi, dan
menolak pendapat, dan menawarkan/menerima/menolak sesuatu
9.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi persetujuan, merespon pernyataan,
memberi perhatian terhadap pembicara, mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup
percakapan, serta mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan telepon

10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks 10.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan
lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
sederhana berbentuk recount, dan dengan lingkungan sekitar
narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan 10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
lingkungan sekitar bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

11. Memahami makna dalam esei 11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan
recount, dan narrative untuk ber- dengan lingkungan sekitar
interaksi dengan lingkungan sekitar 11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk
recount dan narrative

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks 12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan
tulis fungsional dan esei pendek menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
sederhana berbentuk recount dan dengan lingkungan sekitar
narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan 12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan
lingkungan sekitar menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 v

– Unit 1 Narratives
– Unit 2 Recounts
– Unit 3 Narratives
– Unit 4 Recounts

UNIT 1 Narratives 35– 80

– Asking for, Giving, Declining Opinions
– Asking for, Giving, Offering and Refusing Things
– Asking for, Giving, Offering and Refusing Help
– Genre: Narrative
– The Simple Past Tense with ‘Regular Verbs’
– Announcements and Brochures

UNIT 2 Recounts 81–132

– Opening, Extending and Closing a Telephone Call
– Showing Attention
– Genre: Recount
– Modals
– Short News and Letters

Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester 133–144

UNIT 3 Narratives 145–196

– Asking for, Giving and Denying Information
– Starting, Maintaining and Ending a Conversation
– Genre: Narrative
– The Past Continuous Tense
– Little Jokes and E-mails

UNIT 4 Recounts 197–252

– Asking for, Giving and Refusing to Give Agreement
– Responding to a Statement
– Genre: Recount
– Direct and Indirect Speech
– Spoken and Written Notices

Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas 253–265

Daftar Pustaka 266

vi Kegiatan
Daftar Isi Tatap Muka
Unit 1 Narratives
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 1
Genre : Narrative
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

7.1 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Memahami • Mampu bereaksi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan percakapan dan atau merespons objektif following dialog. Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan berbagai ungkapan dengan benar Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang meminta, memberi, terhadap tindak MTs VIIIB
transaksional memuat ungkapan dan menolak jasa, tutur: meminta, Intan
(to get things meminta, meminta, memberi, memberi, dan Pariwara
done) dan memberi, dan dan menolak menolak jasa, hal. 2–4.
interpersonal menolak jasa, pendapat, serta meminta, memberi, • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) meminta, meminta, menawarkan, dan menolak Inggris–
pendek memberi, dan memberi, dan menolak pendapat, serta Indonesia
menolak barang/sesuatu. meminta, dan
secara akurat,
pendapat, serta menawarkan, Indonesia–
lancar, dan
meminta, 2. Menjawab pertanyaan memberi, dan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Inggris.
berterima untuk
berinteraksi menawarkan, apersepsi yang menolak barang/ singkat following • Buku-buku
dengan memberi, dan berkaitan dengan sesuatu. questions. lain yang
lingkungan menolak barang/ ungkapan yang relevan.
terdekat yang sesuatu. dibahas.
tindak tutur: 3. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your
meminta, percakapan teacher. Fill in
memberi, berdasarkan the blanks based
menolak jasa, percakapan yang on the
meminta, dibacakan guru. conversation you
memberi, have heard.
barang, dan 4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the
meminta, berdasarkan singkat questions based
memberi dan percakapan- on the dialog

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

mengingkari percakapan pada in Task A.
informasi, kegiatan sebelumnya.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

memberi dan 5. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your
menolak tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher. Choose
pendapat, dan percakapan yang A, B, C or D for
menawarkan/ dibacakan guru. the correct

Silabus Unit 1 Narratives

menerima/ answer.

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Menyimak contoh • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text. 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional pendek: pengumuman lisan makna yang objektif Bahasa
terdapat dalam pengumuman beserta terdapat dalam teks Inggris SMP/
teks lisan (announcements). penjelasannya. lisan fungsional MTs VIIIB
fungsional pendek sederhana Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 13, 14.
sederhana apersepsi yang pengumuman singkat following • Kamus
secara akurat, berkaitan dengan secara akurat, questions. Inggris–
lancar, dan pengumuman dan lancar, dan Indonesia dan
berterima brosur. berterima untuk Indonesia–
untuk berinteraksi dalam Inggris.
berinteraksi 3. Melengkapi teks konteks kehidupan • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your • Buku-buku
dengan pengumuman sehari-hari. teacher. Fill in lain yang
lingkungan berdasarkan the blanks relevan.
sekitar. pengumuman yang based on the
dibacakan guru. announcement
you have heard.

4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the

berdasarkan singkat following questions
pengumuman pada based on the text
kegiatan sebelumnya. in Task A.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.2 Merespons • Monolog narrative. 5. Memahami contoh • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the following 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang monolog narrative dan makna yang objektif monolog. Bahasa
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang penjelasannya. terdapat dalam Inggris SMP/
monolog terkait topik yang monolog pendek MTs VIIIB
pendek dipilih. 6. Menjawab pertanyaan sederhana dalam • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Intan Pariwara
sederhana apersepsi yang wacana berbentuk singkat following hal. 6, 9.
secara akurat, berkaitan dengan teks narrative secara questions. • Kamus
lancar, dan narrative. akurat, lancar, dan Inggris–
berterima untuk berterima. Indonesia
berinteraksi 7. Membaca kata-kata • Tes tulis • Uraian • Read the following dan
dengan yang tersedia, lalu words. Find their Indonesia–
lingkungan mengartikannya. meanings. Inggris.
sekitar dalam • Buku-buku
teks berbentuk 8. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your lain yang
narrative dan narrative lisan teacher. Complete relevan.
recount. berdasarkan monolog the text based on
yang dibacakan guru what you have

9. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your

tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher. Choose
monolog yang A, B, C or D for
dibacakan guru. the correct

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 1 Narratives

9.1 Meng- • Percakapan 1. Memahami • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Read the dialog. 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan transaksional dan percakapan, lalu berbagai tindak benar/salah Are the following Bahasa
makna dalam interpersonal menentukan kalimat tutur dalam wacana statements true Inggris SMP/
percakapan yang melibatkan pernyataan yang lisan transaksional/ (T) or false (F)? MTs VIIIB
transaksional tindak tutur tersedia benar atau interpersonal Correct the false Intan Pariwara
(to get things meminta, salah. seperti: meminta, ones. hal. 5.
done) dan memberi, dan memberi, dan • Kamus
interpersonal menolak jasa, menolak jasa,
2. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make a dialog Inggris–
meminta, berdasarkan petunjuk meminta, memberi, kerja based on the Indonesia dan
memberi, dan yang tersedia, lalu dan menolak guideline. Indonesia–
dengan meng- menolak memperagakan pendapat, serta Inggris.
gunakan ragam pendapat, serta percakapan tersebut. meminta, • Buku-buku
bahasa lisan meminta, menawarkan, lain yang
secara akurat, menawarkan, 3. Membuat percakapan memberi, dan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs relevan.
lancar, dan memberi, dan berdasarkan situasi menolak barang/ kerja based on the
berterima untuk menolak barang/ yang tersedia, lalu sesuatu. following
berinteraksi sesuatu. memperagakan situations.
dengan percakapan yang telah • Mampu
lingkungan dibuat. mengembangkan
terdekat yang wacana
melibatkan transaksional/
tindak tutur: interpersonal
meminta, pendek menjadi
memberi, sebuah obrolan
menolak jasa, atau interaksional
meminta, yang lebih panjang.
barang, dan
memberi dan
memberi dan
pendapat, dan
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

10.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Membuat • Mampu • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Create an 1 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek: pengumuman mengungkapkan kerja announcement Bahasa
makna dalam pengumuman. berdasarkan situasi makna gagasan based on the Inggris SMP/
teks lisan yang tersedia. dalam bentuk following MTs VIIIB
fungsional pengumuman lisan situation. Intan Pariwara
pendek secara akurat, hal. 14.
sederhana 2. Membuat lancar, dan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Create an • Kamus
dengan pengumuman tentang berterima. kerja announcement Inggris–
menggunakan hilangnya atau about a lost or Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa ditemukannya found thing. Indonesia–
lisan secara sesuatu. Inggris.
akurat, lancar, • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.

10.2 Meng- • Monolog narrative. 3. Melengkapi teks • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan dengan kata-kata monolog dalam with the correct Bahasa
makna dalam dalam kotak yang wacana berbentuk words from the Inggris SMP/
monolog tepat. narrative dengan box. MTs VIIIB
pendek ragam bahasa lisan Intan Pariwara
sederhana 4. Menceritakan kembali secara akurat, • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Retell the text in hal. 10.
dengan teks pada kegiatan lancar, dan kerja Task A using your • Kamus
menggunakan sebelumnya dengan berterima. own words. Inggris–
ragam bahasa kalimat masing- Indonesia dan
lisan secara masing. Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, Inggris.
dan berterima 5. Melakukan monolog • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Tell a story based • Buku-buku
untuk narrative berdasarkan kerja on the following lain yang
berinteraksi gambar yang tersedia. series of pictures. relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

recount dan

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 1 Narratives

11.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 1. Memahami contoh • Mampu membaca • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pendek: brosur dan nyaring secara objektif following text. Bahasa
teks tulis brosur (brochure). penjelasannya. bermakna wacana Inggris SMP/
fungsional pendek sederhana. MTs VIIIB
pendek 2. Membaca kata-kata • Tes tulis • Uraian • Read the words. Intan
sederhana yang tersedia, lalu • Mampu merespons Find the Pariwara
secara akurat, mencari artinya. makna yang meanings of the hal. 13,
lancar, dan terdapat dalam teks words in your 15–16.
berterima yang fungsional pendek dictionary. • Kamus
berkaitan berbentuk brosur Inggris–
dengan 3. Melengkapi brosur dengan benar. • Tes tulis • Isian • Fill in the blanks Indonesia
lingkungan dengan kata-kata with the correct dan
sekitar. dalam kotak yang words from the Indonesia–
sesuai. box. Inggris.
• Buku-buku
4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Answer the lain yang
berdasarkan brosur singkat questions based relevan.
pada kegiatan on the text in
sebelumnya. Task B.

11.1 Membaca • Teks narrative. 5. Memahami contoh • Mampu • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 4 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring teks narrative tulis dan mengidentifikasi objektif following text. Bahasa
bermakna teks • The simple past penjelasannya. makna gagasan Inggris SMP/
fungsional dan tense dengan (ideasional) dan MTs VIIIB
esei pendek regular verbs. 6. Menentukan informasi faktual • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Read the text. Intan
sederhana pernyataan benar atau dalam teks, main benar/salah Are the following Pariwara
berbentuk salah berdasarkan ideas, supporting statements true hal. 7–8,
recount dan teks yang tersedia. ideas, details. (T) or false (F) 11–12.
narrative based on the • Kamus
dengan • Mengidentifikasi text? Correct the Inggris–
ucapan, langkah-langkah false ones. Indonesia
tekanan, dan retorika dalam dan
intonasi yang 7. Memilih jawaban yang wacana narrative. • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C Indonesia–
berterima yang tepat berdasarkan teks ganda or D for the Inggris.
berkaitan yang tersedia. correct answer. • Buku-buku
dengan lain yang
lingkungan 8. Memahami contoh dan • Non tes • Uraian • Read the relevan.
sekitar. penjelasan tentang the objektif sentence.
simple past tense
dengan regular verbs.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

11.3 Merespons
makna dan
retorika dalam
esei pendek
secara akurat,
lancar, dan
berterima yang
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk
recount dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 1 Narratives

12.1 Meng- • Teks tulis 1. Membuat brosur • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Uraian • Create a brochure 1 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional berdasarkan salah berbagai teks untuk based on one of Bahasa
makna dalam pendek: brosur satu topik yang komunikasi sehari- the following Inggris SMP/
bentuk teks (brochure). tersedia. hari seperti brosur topics. MTs VIIIB
tulis fungsional dengan benar dan Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Membuat brosur berterima. • Tes tulis • Uraian • Create hal. 16.
sederhana dengan topik bebas. a brochure. You • Kamus
dengan may choose your Inggris–
menggunakan own topic. Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa Indonesia–
tulis secara Inggris.
akurat, lancar, • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.

12.2 Meng- • Teks narrative. 3. Melengkapi teks • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text 1 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan dengan mengubah berbagai teks using the words in Bahasa
makna dan kata-kata dalam terutama yang brackets. Change Inggris SMP/
langkah kurung menjadi bentuk berbentuk narrative the words into MTs VIIIB
retorika dalam past. dengan langkah past. Intan Pariwara
esei pendek retorika dan struktur hal. 12.
sederhana 4. Melanjutkan teks teks yang benar • Tes tulis • Esai • Continue the • Kamus
dengan narrative dengan dan berterima. story of “The Ugly Inggris–
menggunakan kalimat sendiri, Duckling” in Task Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa dengan menggunakan A using your own Indonesia–
tulis secara kata-kata yang words. You may Inggris.
akurat, lancar, tersedia. use the following • Buku-buku
dan berterima keywords. lain yang
untuk relevan.
berinteraksi 5. Menulis teks narrative • Tes tulis • Esai • Write a narrative
dengan tentang binatang atau about animals.
lingkungan disebut fabel.
terdekat dalam
teks berbentuk
recount dan
Unit 2 Recounts
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 2
Genre : Recount
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

7.2 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Membaca dan • Mampu bereaksi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan mempelajari berbagai atau merespons objektif following dialogs. Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan ungkapan yang ada di dengan benar Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang buku. terhadap tindak MTs VIIIB
transaksional memuat tutur: Intan
(to get things ungkapan: 2. Menjawab pertanyaan – memberi • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara
done) dan – memberi tentang materi di unit perhatian singkat following hal. 22,
interpersonal perhatian sebelumnya. terhadap questions. 24–25.
(bersosialisasi) terhadap pembicara, dan • Kamus
pendek pembicara, dan 3. Menjawab pertanyaan – mengawali, • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your Inggris–
– mengawali, yang tersedia tentang memperpanjang, singkat teacher. Then, Indonesia
secara akurat,
memperpanjang, percakapan yang serta menutup answer the dan
lancar dan
serta menutup dibacakan guru. percakapan questions below. Indonesia–
berterima untuk
berinteraksi percakapan telepon. Inggris.
dengan telepon. 4. Melengkapi • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your • Buku-buku
lingkungan percakapan teacher. Complete lain yang
terdekat yang berdasarkan the dialogs based relevan.
melibatkan percakapan yang on what you have
tindak tutur: dibacakan guru. heard.
memberi 5. Menyimak percakapan • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your
persetujuan, yang dibacakan guru, ganda teacher. Correct
merespons lalu memilih jawaban A, B, C or D for
pernyataan, yang tepat. the correct
memberi answer.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2


dan menutup
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen


Silabus Unit 2 Recounts

dan menutup

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Mempelajari teks • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional pendek pendek: berita. makna yang objektif following text. Bahasa
terdapat dalam berbentuk berita terdapat dalam teks Inggris SMP/
teks lisan pendek (short 2. Menjawab pertanyaan lisan fungsional • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the MTs VIIIB
fungsional news). apersepsi. pendek berita singkat questions below Intan Pariwara
pendek sederhana secara orally. hal. 32,
sederhana akurat, lancar, dan 33–34.
secara akurat, 3. Menyimak berita yang berterima untuk • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your • Kamus
lancar, dan dibacakan guru dan berinteraksi dalam objektif teacher. What Inggris–
berterima menyebutkan topik konteks kehidupan does he/she tell Indonesia dan
untuk dari berita tersebut. sehari-hari. you about? Indonesia–
berinteraksi Inggris.
dengan 4. Melengkapi teks soal • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your • Buku-buku
lingkungan dengan kata-kata teacher. Complete lain yang
sekitar. berdasarkan teks yang the following text
dibacakan guru. based on what
you have heard.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.2 Merespons • Monolog recount. 5. Mempelajari monolog • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the following 3 u 40' relevan.
makna yang recount. makna yang objektif monolog. • Buku PR
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang terdapat dalam Bahasa
monolog terkait dengan 6. Menjawab pertanyaan monolog pendek • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Inggris SMP/
pendek topik yang dipilih. tentang materi di unit sederhana secara singkat following MTs VIIIB
sederhana sebelumnya. akurat, lancar, dan questions. Intan Pariwara
secara akurat, berterima dalam hal. 26,
lancar, dan 7. Melengkapi teks teks recount. • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your 28–29.
berterima untuk berdasarkan monolog teacher. Complete • Kamus
berinteraksi yang dibacakan guru. the text below Inggris–
dengan based on what Indonesia
lingkungan you have heard. dan
sekitar dalam Indonesia–
teks berbentuk 8. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Listen to your Inggris.
narrative dan pernyataan benar benar/salah teacher. Are the • Buku-buku
recount. atau salah followingstatements lain yang
berdasarkan true (T) or false relevan.
monolog yang (F) based on what
dibacakan guru. you have heard?
Correct the false

9. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your

benar berdasarkan ganda teacher. Choose A,
monolog yang B, C or D for the
dibacakan guru. correct answer.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 2 Recounts

9.2 Meng- • Percakapan- 1. Melengkapi • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan percakapan percakapan dengan berbagai tindak dialog with the Bahasa
makna dalam transaksional dan kata-kata yang tutur dalam wacana proper words Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal tersedia. lisan transaksional/ from the box. MTs VIIIB
transaksional yang memuat interpersonal yang Intan Pariwara
(to get things ungkapan: 2. Menyusun kalimat- memuat ungkapan: • Tes tulis • Menyusun • In pairs, put the hal. 25–26.
done) dan – memberi kalimat acak menjadi – memberi kalimat sentences in the • Kamus
interpersonal perhatian perhatian
percakapan yang acak correct order to Inggris–
terhadap tepat. terhadap make a good Indonesia dan
pembicara, pembicara, dan telephone talk. Indonesia–
dengan meng- dan – mengawali, Inggris.
gunakan ragam – mengawali, 3. Membuat percakapan memperpanjang, • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Create dialogs • Buku-buku
bahasa lisan memperpanjang, berdasarkan situasi, serta menutup kerja based on the lain yang
secara akurat, serta menutup lalu memperagakan percakapan situations below. relevan.
lancar dan percakapan percakapan tersebut. telepon.
berterima untuk telepon.
berinteraksi • Mampu
dengan mengembangkan
lingkungan wacana
terdekat yang transaksional/
melibatkan interpersonal
tindak tutur: pendek menjadi
meminta, sebuah obrolan
memberi atau interaksional
persetujuan, yang lebih panjang.
dan menutup
dan menutup
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

10.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Menyampaikan berita • Mampu • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • What is the hot 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek terhangat secara lisan mengungkapkan kerja issue today? Bahasa
makna dalam berbentuk berita di depan kelas. makna monolog Deliver the news Inggris SMP/
teks lisan pendek (short dalam bentuk berita before the class. MTs VIIIB
fungsional news). dengan ragam Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Menyampaikan berita bahasa lisan secara • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Listen to news hal. 34.
sederhana terhangat yang akurat, lancar, dan kerja programs on TV • Kamus
dengan didengar dari TV atau berterima. or radio. Retell Inggris–
menggunakan radio. one of the Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa interesting news Indonesia–
lisan secara using your own Inggris.
akurat, lancar words. • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.

10.2 Meng- • Monolog recount. 3. Membaca teks yang • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Uraian • Read the text 3 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan ada, lalu menentukan monolog dalam teks objektif aloud. What is it Bahasa
makna dalam • Kata, frasa, atau gagasan utama teks. berbentuk recount about? Inggris SMP/
monolog kalimat yang dengan ragam MTs VIIIB
pendek terkait topik yang 4. Melengkapi teks bahasa lisan secara • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text Intan Pariwara
sederhana dipilih. rumpang dengan kata- akurat, lancar, dan below with the hal. 29–30.
dengan kata yang tersedia. berterima. words from the box. • Kamus
menggunakan Inggris–
ragam bahasa 5. Menceritakan kembali • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Retell the text in Indonesia dan
lisan secara teks pada kegiatan kerja Task B from the Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, sebelumnya dengan point of view of Inggris.
dan berterima kata-kata sendiri. the writer’s friend. • Buku-buku
untuk lain yang
berinteraksi 6. Melakukan monolog • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Tell a memorable relevan.
dengan tentang liburan yang kerja vacation you have
lingkungan pernah dialami. ever had.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

recount dan

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 2 Recounts

11.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 1. Mempelajari teks • Mampu membaca • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pendek fungsional berbentuk nyaring secara objektif following text. Bahasa
teks tulis berbentuk surat. surat pribadi. bermakna wacana Inggris SMP/
fungsional pendek sederhana. MTs VIIIB
pendek 2. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the Intan
sederhana rumpang • Mampu merespons letter with the Pariwara
secara akurat, menggunakan kata- makna yang correct words hal. 33,
lancar dan kata yang tersedia. terdapat dalam teks from the box. 34–35.
berterima yang tulis fungsional • Kamus
berkaitan 3. Memilih jawaban yang pendek: surat • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C Inggris–
dengan tepat berdasarkan dengan benar. ganda or D for the Indonesia
lingkungan teks pada kegiatan correct answer. dan
sekitar. sebelumnya. Indonesia–
11.1 Membaca • Buku-buku
nyaring lain yang
bermakna teks relevan.
fungsional dan
esei pendek
recount dan
tekanan dan
intonasi yang
berterima yang

11.3 Merespons • Teks recount. 4. Membaca dan • Mampu • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dan memahami teks mengidentifikasi objektif following text. Bahasa
langkah • Kata, frasa, atau berbentuk recount. makna gagasan Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam kalimat yang (ideasional) dan MTs VIIIB
esei pendek terkait tema. 5. Membaca dan informasi faktual • Non tes • Uraian • Read the Intan
sederhana mempelajari modal. dalam teks, main objektif following dialog. Pariwara
secara akurat, ideas, supporting hal. 26–28,
ideas, details. 30–31.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

lancar dan • Tatabahasa yang 6. Membaca nyaring teks • Mampu merespons • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text • Kamus
berterima yang terkait, yaitu dengan lafal yang makna yang nyaring aloud. Answer the Inggris–
berkaitan modal. benar. terdapat dalam teks questions that Indonesia
dengan 7. Menjawab pertanyaan recount dengan • Tes tulis • Jawaban follow. dan
lingkungan berdasar teks tersebut. benar. singkat Indonesia–
sekitar dalam Inggris.
teks berbentuk 8. Mengidentifikasi • Tes tulis • Identifikasi • Identify the • Buku-buku
recount dan struktur teks pada structure of the lain yang
narrative. kegiatan sebelumnya. text in Task A. relevan.

9. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C

tepat berdasarkan ganda or D for the
teks yang ada correct answer
based on the text.

10. Melengkapi kalimat- • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

kalimat soal dengan dialogs with
modal yang tepat. suitable modals.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 2 Recounts

12.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Menulis surat kepada • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write a letter to 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek teman dengan topik berbagai teks untuk your friend. You Bahasa
makna dalam berbentuk surat. sendiri. komunikasi sehari- may choose your Inggris SMP/
bentuk teks hari seperti surat own topic. MTs VIIIB
tulis fungsional dengan benar dan Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Menukarkan surat berterima. • Tes tulis • Uraian • Exchange the hal. 35.
sederhana yang telah ditulisnya letter you have • Kamus
dengan dengan surat written in Task A Inggris–
menggunakan temannya, lalu menulis with your friend’s. Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa surat balasan. Ask your friend to Indonesia–
tulis secara reply it. Inggris.
akurat, lancar, • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.

12.2 Meng- • Teks recount. 3. Menyusun paragraf- • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan paragraf acak menjadi berbagai teks paragraf following Bahasa
makna dan teks yang runtut. terutama yang acak paragraphs into Inggris SMP/
langkah berbentuk recount the correct order. MTs VIIIB
retorika dalam dengan langkah Intan Pariwara
esei pendek 4. Menulis teks recount retorika dan struktur • Tes tulis • Esai • Write your own hal. 32.
sederhana tentang pengalaman teks yang benar personal • Kamus
dengan yang pribadinya. dan berterima. experience. Mind Inggris–
menggunakan the structure of Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa the text. Indonesia–
tulis secara Inggris.
akurat, lancar • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.
recount dan
Unit 3 Narratives
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 3
Genre : Narrative
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

7.1 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Membaca dan • Mampu bereaksi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan mempelajari ungkapan- atau merespons objektif following dialog. Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan ungkapan yang dengan benar Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal tersedia. terhadap tindak MTs VIIIB
transaksional untuk: tutur: Intan
(to get things – meminta, 2. Menjawab pertanyaan – meminta, • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara
done) dan memberi, memberi,
berdasarkan singkat following hal. 46–47
mengingkari pengalaman siswa. mengingkari questions. • Kamus
informasi, informasi, Inggris–
sederhana – mengawali, 3. Menyimak percakapan – mengawali, • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your Indonesia
secara akurat, memperpanjang, yang dibacakan guru, memperpanjang, singkat teacher. Then, dan
lancar, dan dan menutup kemudian menjawab dan menutup answer the Indonesia–
berterima untuk percakapan. pertanyaan. percakapan. questions. Inggris.
berinteraksi • Buku-buku
dengan 4. Mendengarkan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the lain yang
lingkungan percakapan yang following dialog relevan.
terdekat yang dibacakan guru sambil • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja based on what
melibatkan melengkapi kerja you have heard.
tindak tutur: percakapan, kemudian
meminta, memperagakan
memberi, percakapan itu.
menolak jasa,
barang, dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

memberi, dan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

memberi, dan
pendapat, dan

Silabus Unit 3 Narratives

7.2 Merespons
makna yang
terdapat dalam
(to get things
done) dan
secara akurat,
lancar, dan
berterima untuk
terdekat yang
tindak tutur:
dan menutup
dan mengawali,
dan menutup
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Membaca joke • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional berbentuk lisan dan makna yang objektif following text. Bahasa
terdapat dalam pendek: joke. mempelajari terdapat dalam teks Inggris SMP/
teks lisan penjelasannya. lisan fungsional MTs VIIIB
fungsional pendek sederhana Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Menjawab pertanyaan secara akurat, • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 57, 58.
sederhana sesuai dengan lancar, dan singkat questions below. • Kamus
secara akurat, pengalaman. berterima untuk Inggris–
lancar, dan berinteraksi dalam Indonesia
berterima 3. Memilih jawaban yang konteks kehidupan • Tes tulis • Menjodoh- • Your teacher is dan
untuk tepat untuk setiap sehari-hari, kan going to read you Indonesia–
berinteraksi pertanyaan. berbentuk joke. some questions. Inggris.
dengan Write down the • Buku-buku
lingkungan questions. Then, lain yang
sekitar. choose the best relevan.
answer from the
box to each

4. Menentukan apakah • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Listen to your

pernyataan yang benar/salah teacher. Are the
tersedia benar atau following
salah berdasarkan statements true
teks yang telah (T) or false (F)
didengar. based on the text
you have heard?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.2 Merespons • Monolog narrative. 5. Membaca monolog • Merespons makna • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang dan mempelajari yang terdapat objektif following Bahasa
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang penjelasan yang dalam monolog monolog. Inggris SMP/
monolog terkait dengan tersedia. narrative pendek MTs VIIIB

Silabus Unit 3 Narratives

pendek topik yang dipakai. sederhana secara Intan Pariwara
sederhana 6. Menjawab pertanyaan akurat, lancar, dan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 49, 52.
secara akurat, berdasar pengalaman. berterima. singkat following • Kamus
lancar, dan questions. Inggris–
berterima Indonesia
untuk 7. Menyimak guru • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your dan
berinteraksi membacakan teks dan singkat teacher. What Indonesia–
dengan menentukan topik teks does he/she tell Inggris.
lingkungan tersebut. you about? • Buku-buku
sekitar dalam lain yang
teks berbentuk 8. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the relevan.
narrative dan berdasarkan teks singkat questions based
recount. yang telah didengar on the text you
pada kegiatan have heard in
sebelumnya. Task A.

9. Memilih pilihan • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your

jawaban yang tepat ganda teacher. Choose
berdasarkan teks A, B, C or D for
yang telah didengar. the correct
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

9.1 Meng- • Percakapan- 1. Menyusun kalimat- • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Put the following 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan percakapan kalimat acak menjadi berbagai tindak kalimat sentences in the Bahasa
makna dalam transaksional dan percakapan yang tutur dalam wacana awal correct order to Inggris SMA/
percakapan interpersonal tepat. lisan transaksional/ get good dialogs. MA VIIIB
transaksional yang memuat interpersonal Intan Pariwara
(to get things ungkapan 2. Membuat percakapan seperti: • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Work in pairs. Do hal. 48.
done) dan – meminta, sesuai dengan situasi – meminta, kerja the instructions. • Kamus
memberi, yang tersedia, lalu memberi, Inggris–
mengingkari memperagakannya di mengingkari Indonesia dan
sederhana informasi, kelas. informasi, Indonesia–
dengan meng- – mengawali, – mengawali, Inggris.
gunakan ragam memperpanjang, 3. Membuat percakapan memperpanjang, • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs • Buku-buku
bahasa lisan dan menutup berdasarkan situasi. dan menutup kerja based on the lain yang
secara akurat, percakapan. percakapan. following relevan.
lancar dan situations.
berterima untuk
berinteraksi 4. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs
dengan berdasarkan gambar, kerja based on the
lingkungan lalu memperagakan- pictures.
terdekat yang nya di kelas.
tindak tutur:
menolak jasa,
memberi, dan
memberi, dan
pendapat, dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2


Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

9.2 Meng-
makna dalam

Silabus Unit 3 Narratives

(to get things
done) dan
ragam bahasa
lisan secara
akurat, lancar
dan berterima
terdekat yang
tindak tutur:
dan menutup
dan menutup
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

10.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Melengkapi teks • Mampu • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional dengan menggunakan mengungkapkan with, the words Bahasa
makna dalam pendek: joke. kata-kata dari dalam makna gagasan from the box. Inggris SMA/
bentuk teks kotak. dalam bentuk little MA VIIIB
lisan fungsional joke dengan ragam Intan Pariwara
pendek 2. Menjawab pertanyaan bahasa lisan secara • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 59.
sederhana berdasarkan teks pada akurat, lancar dan singkat questions based • Kamus
dengan meng- kegiatan sebelumnya. berterima. on the text in Task Inggris–
gunakan ragam A. Indonesia dan
bahasa lisan Indonesia–
secara akurat, 3. Mencari humor-humor • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Find a little joke Inggris.
lancar dan singkat dari internet kerja on the Internet, in • Buku-buku
berterima atau sumber-sumber a magazine or lain yang
untuk lain dan menceritakan- newspaper. Tell relevan.
berinteraksi nya. the joke to your
dengan friends.

10.2 Meng- • Monolog 4. Menyusun paragraf- • Mampu melakukan • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Put the following 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan narrative. paragraf acak menjadi monolog dalam kalimat sentences in the Bahasa
makna dalam teks yang runtut. wacana berbentuk acak correct order to Inggris SMA/
monolog narrative dengan get a good text. MA VIIIB
pendek ragam bahasa lisan Intan Pariwara
sederhana 5. Menjawab pertanyaan secara akurat, • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 53.
dengan berdasarkan teks pada lancar dan singkat questions based • Kamus
menggunakan kegiatan sebelumnya. berterima. on the text in Task Inggris–
ragam bahasa A. Indonesia
lisan secara dan
akurat, lancar, Indonesia–
dan berterima Inggris.
untuk • Buku-buku
berinteraksi lain yang
dengan relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

recount dan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

6. Menceritakan sebuah • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Work in groups of

cerita naratif berdasar kerja four. Look at the
gambar. pictures below.
Deliver a story

Silabus Unit 3 Narratives

based on the
pictures using
your own words.

7. Menceritakan sebuah • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Tell your friend a

cerita naratif yang kerja narrative you like.

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

11.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 1. Membaca dan • Membaca nyaring • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pendek memahami email dan secara bermakna objektif following text. Bahasa
teks tulis berbentuk: e-mail. penjelasan yang wacana pendek Inggris SMA/
fungsional tersedia. sederhana. MA VIIIB Intan
pendek Pariwara
sederhana 2. Membaca email yang • Merespons makna • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Read the email hal. 59-60.
secara akurat, tersedia kemudian yang terdapat singkat below. Then, • Kamus
lancar, dan menjawab pertanyaan. dalam teks answer the Inggris–
berterima yang fungsional pendek questions.
berkaitan Indonesia dan
berbentuk email
dengan 3. Menyusun kalimat- • Tes tulis • Menyusun Indonesia–
dengan benar. • Put the following
lingkungan kalimat acak menjadi kalimat sentences in the Inggris.
sekitar. email yang runtut. acak correct order to • Buku-buku
get a good email. lain yang
4. Menentukan apakah • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Are the following
pernyataan- benar/salah statements true
pernyataan yang (T) or false (F)
tersedia benar atau based on the
salah berdasarkan email?
email yang telah
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

11.1 Membaca • Teks narrative. 5. Membaca teks dan • Mampu • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring ber- dan mempelajari mengidentifikasi objektif following text. Bahasa
makna teks • The past penjelasan yang makna gagasan Inggris SMA/
fungsional dan continuous tense. tersedia. (ideasional) dan MA VIIIB Intan
esei pendek informasi faktual Pariwara
sederhana 6. Membaca percakapan dalam teks, main • Non tes • Uraian • Read the hal. 50–51,
berbentuk dan mempelajari ideas, supporting objektif following 54–56.
recount dan penjelasan the past ideas, details. sentences. • Kamus
narrative continuous tense. Inggris–
pendek dengan • Mampu merespons
Indonesia dan
ucapan, 7. Melengkapi teks makna yang • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text
tekanan dan using the words Indonesia–
menggunakan kata- terdapat dalam teks
intonasi yang kata dari dalam kotak. berbentuk narrative from the box. Inggris.
berterima yang dengan benar. • Buku-buku
berkaitan 8. Menentukan apakah • Tes tulis • Pernyatan • Are the following lain yang
dengan pernyataan- benar/salah statements true relevan.
lingkungan pernyataan yang (T) or false based
sekitar. tersedia benar atau on the text in Task
salah berdasarkan A? Correct the
11.3 Merespons teks yang telah false ones.
makna dan dibaca.
retorika dalam 9. Membuat kalimat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Make sentences
esei pendek menggunakan gambar based on the
sederhana dan kata-kata kunci pictures and the
secara akurat, yang tersedia. words available
lancar dan below. Use the
berterima yang past continuous
berkaitan tense form.
lingkungan 10. Menyusun paragraf- • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Put the following
sekitar dalam paragraf acak menjadi kalimat sentences in the
teks berbentuk teks yang runtut. acak correct order to
recount dan get a good text.
11. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C
tepat berdasarkan ganda or D for the
teks yang telah correct answer.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 3 Narratives

12.1 Meng- • Teks tulis 1. Menulis e-mail • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write an email 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek berdasar situasi. berbagai teks untuk based on the Bahasa
makna dalam berbentuk: email. komunikasi sehari- situation below. Inggris SMP/
bentuk teks tulis hari seperti e-mail MTs VIIIB
fungsional 2. Menulis jawaban e- dengan benar dan • Tes tulis • Uraian • Exchange your Intan Pariwara
pendek mail teman. berterima. e-mail with hal. 60.
sederhana a friend. Write • Kamus
dengan meng-
a reply for the e- Inggris–
gunakan ragam
bahasa tulis mail. Indonesia
secara akurat, dan
lancar dan 3. Menulis e-mail • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write an e-mail. Indonesia–
berterima untuk menggunakan topik You may choose Inggris.
berinteraksi yang dipilih sendiri. your own topic. • Buku-buku
dengan lain yang
lingkungan relevan.

12.2 Meng- • Teks narrative. 4. Menulis cerita naratif • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Esai • Look and the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan berdasarkan gambar berbagai teks pictures. Write Bahasa
makna dan dan kata-kata kunci terutama yang a story based on Inggris SMP/
langkah retorika yang tersedia. berbentuk narrative the pictures and MTs VIIIB
dalam esei dengan langkah the cue words. Intan Pariwara
pendek hal. 56–57.
retorika dan struktur
5. Menulis cerita naratif teks yang benar • Tes tulis • Esai • Write a narrative. • Kamus
menggunakan menggunakan topik dan berterima. You may choose Inggris–
ragam bahasa yang dipilih. your own topic. Indonesia
tulis secara dan
akurat, lancar, Indonesia–
dan berterima Inggris.
untuk ber- • Buku-buku
interaksi lain yang
dengan relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk
rcount dan
Unit 4 Recounts
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 4
Genre : Recount
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

7.2 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Membaca dan • Mampu bereaksi • Non tes • Uraian • Look at the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan mempelajari berbagai atau merespons objektif picture and read Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan ungkapan yang ada di dengan benar the dialog. Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang buku. terhadap tindak • Read the MTs VIIIB
transaksional memuat tutur: following dialog. Intan
(to get things ungkapan: – meminta, Pariwara
done) dan – meminta, mem- 2. Menjawab pertanyaan memberi • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 66–68.
interpersonal beri persetu- tentang materi di unit persetujuan, dan singkat questions orally. • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) juan, dan sebelumnya. – merespons Inggris–
pendek – merespons pernyataan. Indonesia
sederhana pernyataan. 3. Menentukan • Tes lisan • Pernyataan • Listen to your dan
secara akurat,
pernyataan soal benar/salah teacher. Decide Indonesia–
lancar dan
benar/salah whether the Inggris.
berterima untuk
berinteraksi berdasarkan statements are • Buku-buku
dengan percakapan yang true (T) or false lain yang
lingkungan telah diperdengarkan. (F). Correct the relevan.
terdekat yang false ones.
tindak tutur: 4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Listen to your
meminta, berdasarkan singkat teacher. Answer
memberi percakapan yang the questions
persetujuan, telah diperdengarkan. below.
pernyataan, 5. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C
memberi tepat berdasarkan ganda or D for the
perhatian percakapan soal. correct answer.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

dan menutup

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recounts

8.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Mempelajari teks • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional pendek pendek: notice. makna yang objektif following text. Bahasa
terdapat dalam berbentuk notice. terdapat dalam teks Inggris SMP/
teks lisan 2. Menjawab pertanyaan lisan fungsional • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the MTs VIIIB
fungsional apersepsi. pendek berbentuk singkat following Intan Pariwara
pendek notice secara questions. hal. 78–79.
sederhana akurat, lancar, dan • Kamus
secara akurat, 3. Menyimak notice yang berterima untuk • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Listen to your Inggris–
lancar, dan dibacakan guru dan berinteraksi dalam singkat teacher. Write Indonesia dan
berterima menulisnya. konteks kehidupan down the notices Indonesia–
untuk sehari-hari. you have just Inggris.
berinteraksi heard. • Buku-buku
dengan lain yang
lingkungan 4. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your relevan.
sekitar. tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher. Choose
teks yang A, B, C or D for
diperdengarkan. the correct
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

8.2 Merespons • Monolog recount. 5. Mempelajari monolog • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang recount. makna yang objektif following Bahasa
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang terdapat dalam monolog. Inggris SMP/
monolog terkait dengan monolog pendek MTs VIIIB
pendek topik yang dipilih. 6. Menjawab sederhana secara • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Intan Pariwara
sederhana pertanyaan tentang akurat, lancar, dan singkat questions. hal. 69–70,
secara akurat, materi di unit berterima dalam 72–74.
lancar, dan sebelumnya. teks recount. • Kamus
berterima untuk Inggris–
berinteraksi 7. Mengamati gambar • Tes tulis • Uraian • Look at the Indonesia
dengan dan mendengarkan objektif picture and listen dan
lingkungan teks monolog yang to your teacher. Indonesia–
sekitar dalam dibacakan guru, Then, answer the Inggris.
teks berbentuk sambil mencatat hal- questions based • Buku-buku
narrative dan hal yang dianggap on what you have lain yang
recount. penting. heard. relevan.
8. Menjawab pertanyaan
berdasarkan teks
yang telah dibacakan
guru pada kegiatan

9. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your

tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher and
teks yang choose A, B, C or
diperdengarkan. D for the correct

10. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • isian • Look at the

berdasarkan monolog picture and listen
yang telah dibacakan to your teacher.
guru. Complete the text
based on what
you have heard.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recounts

9.2 Meng- • Percakapan- 1. Secara berpasangan, • Mampu melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Step forward 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan percakapan memerankan berbagai tindak kerja. with your Bahasa
makna dalam transaksional dan percakapan yang ada. tutur dalam wacana partner. Perform Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal lisan transaksional/ the dialog below. MTs VIIIB
transaksional yang memuat interpersonal yang Intan Pariwara
(to get things ungkapan: 2. Melengkapi memuat ungkapan: • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the hal. 68–69.
done) dan – meminta, mem- percakapan soal – meminta, mem- dialog with the • Kamus
interpersonal beri persetu- beri persetu-
dengan kata-kata proper words Inggris–
(bersosialisasi) juan, dan juan, dan
yang sesuai. from the box. Indonesia dan
– merespons – merespons Indonesia–
pernyataan. 3. Membuat percakapan pernyataan. • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Create dialogs Inggris.
dengan meng-
gunakan ragam berdasarkan situasi kerja based on the • Buku-buku
bahasa lisan yang ada, lalu • Mampu situations below. lain yang
secara akurat, memperagakan mengembangkan Perform the relevan.
lancar dan percakapan tersebut. wacana dialogs.
berterima untuk transaksional/
berinteraksi interpersonal
dengan pendek menjadi
lingkungan sebuah obrolan
terdekat yang atau interaksional
melibatkan yang lebih panjang.
tindak tutur:
dan menutup
dan menutup
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

10.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Membaca nyaring • Mampu • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Say the notices 3 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek notice yang tersedia mengungkapkan kerja below aloud. Do it Bahasa
makna dalam berbentuk notice. secara bergantian. makna teks lisan in turns. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan fungsional pendek MTs VIIIB
fungsional 2. Secara berpasangan, berbentuk notice • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Work in pairs. Intan Pariwara
pendek melakukan tanya dengan ragam kerja Ask and answer hal. 79.
sederhana jawab berdasarkan bahasa lisan questions about • Kamus
dengan notice yang ada pada secara akurat, the notices in Inggris–
menggunakan kegiatan sebelumnya. lancar, dan Task A. Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa berterima. Indonesia–
lisan secara 3. Menyampaikan notice Inggris.
akurat, lancar berdasarkan situasi • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Understand the • Buku-buku
dan berterima yag telah disediakan kerja situations below. lain yang
untuk dalam buku. Deliver spoken relevan.
berinteraksi notices based on
dengan them.

10.2 Meng- • Monolog recount. 4. Menyampaikan • Mampu melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Deliver the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan monolog yang ada di monolog dalam teks kerja monolog below in Bahasa
makna dalam • Kata, frasa, atau buku secara berbentuk recount turns. Inggris SMP/
monolog kalimat yang bergantian. dengan ragam MTs VIIIB
pendek terkait topik yang bahasa lisan secara Intan Pariwara
sederhana dipilih. 5. Menjawab pertanyaan akurat, lancar, dan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 74.
dengan berdasarkan monolog berterima. singkat questions below • Kamus
menggunakan pada kegiatan based on the Inggris–
ragam bahasa sebelumnya. monolog in Task A. Indonesia dan
lisan secara Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, 6. Mengamati gambar • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Look at the Inggris.
dan berterima tokoh yang telah kerja pictures and find • Buku-buku
untuk disediakan dan references about lain yang
berinteraksi mencari informasi the people in the relevan.
dengan tentang tokoh pictures. Ask and
lingkungan tersebut. Lalu, secara answer
sekitar dalam berpasangan questions about
teks berbentuk melakukan tanya one of them. Look

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

recount dan jawab berdasarkan at the example.
narrative. informasi yang telah

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recounts

11.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 1. Mempelajari teks tulis • Mampu membaca • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pendek fungsional berbentuk nyaring secara objektif following text. Bahasa
teks tulis berbentuk notice notice. bermakna wacana Inggris SMP/
fungsional (written). pendek sederhana. MTs VIIIB
pendek 2. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C Intan
sederhana tepat berdasarkan • Mampu merespons ganda or D for the Pariwara
secara akurat, teks yang ada. makna yang correct answer. hal. 80.
lancar dan terdapat dalam teks • Kamus
berterima yang 3. Melengkapi notice tulis fungsional • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the Inggris–
berkaitan rumpang dengan kata- pendek: notice notices with the Indonesia
dengan kata yang tersedia. dengan benar. proper words dan
lingkungan from the box. Indonesia–
sekitar. Inggris.
4. Menyusun kembali • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Arrange the • Buku-buku
kata-kata yang kata acak words into good lain yang
disusun secara acak notices. relevan.
menjadi notice yang

11.1 Membaca • Teks recount. 5. Membaca dan • Mampu • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 4 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring memahami teks mengidentifikasi objektif following text. Bahasa
bermakna teks • Kata, frasa, atau berbentuk recount. makna gagasan Study the Inggris SMP/
fungsional dan kalimat yang (ideasional) dan structure of the MTs VIIIB
esei pendek terkait tema. informasi faktual text. Intan
sederhana dalam teks, main Pariwara
berbentuk • Tatabahasa yang 6. Membaca dan ideas, supporting • Non tes • Uraian • Look at the hal. 70–72,
recount dan terkait, yaitu direct mempelajari direct dan ideas, details. objektif pictures and 75–77.
narrative and indirect indirect speech. read the • Kamus
dengan speech. • Mampu merespons sentences. Inggris–
ucapan, makna yang Indonesia
tekanan dan 7. Memilih jawaban yang terdapat dalam teks • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C dan Indone-
intonasi yang tepat berdasarkan recount dengan ganda or D for the sia–Inggris.
berterima yang teks yang ada benar. correct answer. • Buku-buku
berkaitan lain yang
dengan 8. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Read the text. relevan.
lingkungan pernyataan benar/ benar/salah Decide whether
sekitar. salah berdasarkan the statements
teks yang ada, lalu that follow are
membetulkan true (T) or false
pernyataan yang (F). Correct the
salah. false ones.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

11.3 Merespons 9. Membaca dan • Tes tulis • Uraian • Read and change
makna dan memahami kalimat- the statements
langkah kalimat langsung yang below into
retorika dalam ada, lalu indirect speech.
esei pendek mengubahnya menjadi
sederhana kalimat tak langsung.
secara akurat,
lancar dan
berterima yang
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk
recount dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recounts

12.1 Meng- • Teks lisan 1. Menulis notice • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Write notices 1 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan fungsional pendek berdasarkan situasi berbagai teks untuk singkat based on the Bahasa
makna dalam berbentuk notice yang telah ditentukan. komunikasi sehari- situations below. Inggris SMP/
bentuk teks tulis. hari seperti notice MTs VIIIB
tulis fungsional (written) dengan Intan Pariwara
pendek benar dan hal. 81.
sederhana berterima. • Kamus
dengan Inggris–
menggunakan Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa Indonesia–
tulis secara Inggris.
akurat, lancar, • Buku-buku
dan berterima lain yang
untuk relevan.

12.2 Meng- • Teks recount. 2. Menyusun kalimat- • Mampu menulis • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan kalimat acak menjadi berbagai teks kalimat acak sentences into a Bahasa
makna dan teks yang runtut dan terutama yang good text. Read Inggris SMP/
langkah bermakna. berbentuk recount your work aloud. MTs VIIIB
retorika dalam dengan langkah Intan Pariwara
esei pendek 3. Menulis teks recount retorika dan struktur • Tes tulis • Esai • Write about hal. 77.
sederhana tentang pengalaman teks yang benar someone’s • Kamus
dengan seseorang. dan berterima. experience. Inggris–
menggunakan Share your work Indonesia dan
ragam bahasa with the class. Indonesia–
tulis secara Inggris.
akurat, lancar 4. Menulis lima kalimat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write five • Buku-buku
dan berterima langsung dengan sentences in lain yang
untuk benar. direct speech. relevan.
dengan 5. Menulis kembali lima • Tes tulis • Uraian • Exchange your
lingkungan kalimat langsung yang work in Task C
sekitar dibuat teman menjadi with your friend’s.
berbentuk kalimat tidak langsung Rewrite his/her
recount dan dengan benar. sentences into
narrative. indirect speech.
At the end of this unit you
will be able to:
● ask for, give and decline
● ask for, give, offer and
refuse things,
● ask for, give, offer and
refuse help,
● deliver spoken
● deliver stories using spoken
● write brochures,
● create written narratives,
● use the simple past tense
with ‘regular verbs’

Have you ever heard or read the story of a lion and a mouse?
What do you think of it? According to you, is it interesting? Why do
you think so? You know, it is a kind of fable. Fables are stories about
animals. They depict human stories and usually contain moral values.
You will learn more about fables in this unit. Just enjoy reading them.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 35

1.1 Expressions

Asking for, Giving, Declining Opinions

Read the following dialog.

Boy : Mom, what do you think of my watch?

Woman : Wow! I think it’s very nice. Who bought you the watch?
Boy : I bought it myself. I’ve saved some of my pocket money to buy it.
Woman : Nice son!

The sentence “Mom, what do you think of my watch?” is an expression to ask for an opinion.
Meanwhile, the sentence “I think it’s very nice.” is an expression to give an opinion.
The following are other sentences used to ask for, give and decline opinions.

Asking for Opinions Giving Opinions Declining Opinions

● What’s your opinion about ● I think . . . . ● I don’t think it’s a good idea.
my problem?
● What’s your idea? ● In my opinion, . . . . ● Sorry, I don’t have one.
● What do you feel . . .? ● We had better . . . . ● I have different opinions.
● Do you think it is O.K. ● I think so. ● I don’t think so. In my view,
if I call him? ....
● Do you have any idea? ● To my mind, . . . . ● I disagree with your idea.

36 UNIT 1 Narratives
Asking for, Giving, Offering and Refusing Things

Read the following dialog.

Rio : Here is an ice cream for you.
Dendi : No, thanks. I’ve got flu.
Rio : Oh, sorry. I don’t know about it.
Dendi : Never mind.

The sentence “Here is an ice cream for you.” is

an expression to give something.
Meanwhile, the sentence “No, thanks.” is
an expression to refuse something.

The following are some expressions to ask for, give, offer and refuse things.

Asking for Things Giving Things

● Can I have a bit? ● Sure. Here you are.
● Is it O.K. if I . . . ? ● Please do so.
● May I have one? ● Please serve yourself.
● May I try it on? ● Certainly.
Offering Things Refusing Things
● Do you want candies? ● Thank you for your offer, but I don’t
● Here are some apples for you. want to.
● Will you have some cakes? ● No, thanks.
● Would you like some bananas? ● No need to bother, thanks.

Asking for, Giving, Offering and Refusing Help

Read the following dialog.

Boy : Where are you going, Ma’am?
Old woman : I am going to the drugstore across
the street.
Boy : Let me help you cross this street.
Old woman : Thank you. You’re really a nice boy.

The sentence “Let me help you cross this

street.” is an expression to give help.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 37

The following are other sentences used to ask for, give, offer and refuse help.
Asking for Help Giving Help
● Can you help me, please? ● Let me help you.
● Could you do me a favor, please? ● I’ll do it for you.
● Could you possibly help me? ● Let me give you my hand.
● Would you be willing to help me? ● I’d like to help you.
● Could I possibly ask you to help me? ● I’d be happy to help you.

Offering Help Refusing Help

● Do you need any help? ● No, thank you.
● Do you need a hand? ● Don’t bother yourself. Thanks.
● Can I help? ● That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
● Can I do anything to help? ● That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think it’s
● May I help you? necessary.
● No, you don’t need to.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is your opinion about your school?
Contoh jawaban: I think it’s the best school in my town. Most of the students here are
creative and smart.
2. Have you ever asked for something special to your parents? What did you ask for?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. I asked for a birthday gift.
3. Have you ever asked for help? In what occasions do you usually ask for help?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. I usually ask for help if I face difficulties, like lifting something

A. Listen to your teacher.

Fill in the blanks based on the conversation you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Lala : Look at the (1) peacock! What do you think of it?
Rangga : Wow, . . . it’s very beautiful!
Lala : Yeah. I think it is the most beautiful (2) animal in this zoo.
Rangga : By the way, what about its cage?
Lala : I think it’s (3) clean enough. However, it should be larger.
Rangga : I think so. Moreover, it’s better if the (4) zookeeper puts a couple of peacocks in one
cage. It will prevent them from (5) loneliness.
Lala : You’re right.

38 UNIT 1 Narratives
Find the meanings of the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. cage = sangkar
2. zookeeper = petugas kebun binatang
3. loneliness = kesepian
4. peacock = burung merak
5. to prevent = mencegah

B. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. What is the dialog about?
Jawaban: It’s about a peacock and its cage.
2. Where does the dialog possibly take place?
Jawaban: In a zoo.
3. What is Lala’s opinion about the peacock’s cage?
Jawaban: It is clean enough, but it should be larger.
4. Lala said, “I think it is the most beautiful animal in this zoo.”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: She is giving her opinion.
5. Why does Rangga suggest that the zookeeper put a couple of peacocks in a cage?
Jawaban: To prevent the peacocks from loneliness.

Listen to your teacher.
Answer the following questions based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
Mouse : What happened to you, Lion?
Lion : I was trapped by a hunter. He tied me onto this tree. Could you help me untie this
rope, Mouse?
Mouse : Sure, I’ll help you.
Lion : Thanks. But . . . how will you help me?
Mouse : I will gnaw the rope and let you free.
Lion : Thank you very much.
Mouse : You’re welcome.
1. Who are speaking in the dialog?
Jawaban: A lion and a mouse.
2. What happened to the lion?
Jawaban: He was tied onto a tree by a hunter.
3. What does the lion ask for the mouse to do?
Jawaban: To untie the rope and let him free.
4. The mouse said, “Sure, I’ll help you.”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He is giving help.
5. How would the mouse free the lion?
Jawaban: By gnawing the rope.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 39

C. Listen to your teacher. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct This dialog is for questions 3 to 5.
answer. Vino : Could you take me the dictionary,
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Rafika : Sure. Here it is. Anyway, what are
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. you doing, Vino?
Fairuz : Have you seen a film entitled ‘Emak Vino : I am translating an English text into
Ingin Naik Haji’? Indonesian.
Tania : Yes, I have. Rafika : Do you need any help?
Fairuz : Do you think it is good? Vino : No, thanks. I’ll try to do it myself.
Tania : Sure. I think it’s very good and
interesting. It depicts a son’s 3. What thing does Vino need?
affection for his mother. A. A textbook.
Fairuz : You’re right. The son really loves B. An English book.
his mother and tries hard to fulfill C. A dictionary.
his mother’s dream. D. A storybook.
Tania : What a good son! Jawaban: C
Dalam percakapan tersebut Vino berkata,
1. What are the speakers talking about? ”Could you take me the dictionary,
A. A movie. B. A novel. please?”. Jadi, yang diperlukan Vino
C. A comic. D. A short story. adalah sebuah kamus (a dictionary).
Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
Percakapan tersebut membicarakan tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan.
tentang sebuah film (a movie). Hal itu 4. Why does Vino need the thing?
diketahui dari isi keseluruhan percakapan A. To translate an Indonesian text into
serta kalimat awal Fairuz ”Have you seen English.
a film entitled ‘Emak Ingin Naik Haji’?”. B. To translate an English text into
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena Indonesian.
tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan. C. To write an English composition.
2. Why does Tania think that the thing is D. To help Rafika do her homework.
good? Jawaban: B
A. It depicts a boy’s dream to reach Vino memerlukan kamus untuk
happiness. menerjemahkan teks berbahasa Inggris
B. It shows a boy’s dream when he menjadi teks berbahasa Indonesia. Hal itu
grows up. diketahui dari kalimat Vino ”I am translating
C. It depicts a boy’s dedication to his an English text into Indonesian.”. Pilihan
grandma. jawaban yang lain salah.
D. It depicts a boy’s affection for his 5. Rafika said, “Do you need any help?”
mother. What does it mean?
Jawaban: D A. She is offering help.
Saat Fairuz menanyakan pendapat Tania B. She is giving help.
tentang film tersebut, Tania menjawab, C. She is asking for something.
”I think it’s very good and interesting. It D. She is giving something.
depicts a son’s affection for his mother.”. Jawaban: A
Jadi, menurut Tania film itu menarik karena Kalimat Rafika tersebut artinya ”Apakah
menggambarkan kasih sayang anak laki- kamu memerlukan bantuan?”. Kalimat
laki kepada ibunya. Pilihan jawaban yang tersebut merupakan ungkapan menawar-
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi kan bantuan (offering help). Pilihan
percakapan. jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan
merupakan ungkapan yang tepat.

40 UNIT 1 Narratives
A. Read the dialog.
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
Mr. Gerry : Hello! Is it Perdana Clinic?
Receptionist : Yes.
Mr. Gerry : May I talk to doctor Setyawan?
Receptionist : Sure. Hold on a moment, please.
Dr. Setyawan : Hello! Setyawan speaking here.
Mr. Gerry : Good morning, doctor Setyawan. I am Gerry. I live at Jalan Kartika number 7. My father
is seriously ill. He needs immediate treatment. Could you come here to treat him, please?
Dr. Setyawan : Sorry, I am unable to leave my clinic at this time. You will have to bring the patient
to my clinic.
Mr. Gerry : The condition of the patient is very serious. He can’t be moved to your clinic.
Dr. Setyawan : O.K. I am coming. Immediately, send someone to pick me up.
Mr. Gerry : Thank you, doctor.
Adapted from: October 25, 2009 <

1. ______ The conversation happens face to face.
2. ______ The doctor is working in a big hospital.
3. ______ Mr. Gerry’s father is seriously ill.
4. ______ Mr. Gerry asks the doctor to treat his father at home.
5. ______ The doctor is not willing to come to Mr. Gerry’s house finally.
1. F (The dialog happens by phone.)
2. F (He is working in his clinic.)
3. T
4. T
5. F (Finally, he is willing to come to Mr. Gerry’s house and asks Mr. Gerry to send someone to
pick him up.)

A. Find the words in Task A which have similar meanings to the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. to speak = to talk 2. sick = ill
3. quick = immediate 4. to carry = to bring
5. to deliver = to send
B. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make a good dialog.
Kalimat-kalimat soal yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
3 Mrs. Aditya : O, come on. Please have your breakfast. It won’t take a long time.
6 Rendy : Really? O, gosh. My watch is broken. It has stricken seven o’clock already.
O.K. I’ll have breakfast now. Thanks, Mom.
1 Mrs. Aditya : Hey, where are you going? Here are fried rice and a glass of milk for you.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 41

4 Rendy : But . . . I have been late, Mom.
7 Mrs. Aditya : You’re welcome.
2 Rendy : Sorry, Mom. I’m in a hurry. I don’t have time for breakfast.
5 Mrs. Aditya : Who said so? You still have one hour before the class starts.

C. Answer the questions based on the proper dialog in Task B.

1. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: A mother and her son.
2. Where does the dialog happen?
Jawaban: At home.
3. When does the dialog happen?
Jawaban: In the morning.
4. What does Mrs. Aditya serve?
Jawaban: Fried rice and milk.
5. Why doesn’t Rendy want to have breakfast?
Jawaban: Because he is in a hurry. He thinks that he has already been late.

B. Make a dialog based on the guideline.

Prita Ferdy
tells Ferdy that she will buy a computer. feels happy to hear it.

tells her confusion whether she should

asks why.
buy a laptop or a desktop computer.

tells Ferdy that she has a different opinion

tells that he prefers a laptop.
from her parents and asks for Ferdy’s opinion.

asks why. tells that a laptop is practical and handy.

agrees with Ferdy’s opinion.

Contoh jawaban:
Prita : Ferdy, I want to buy a computer.
Ferdy : That’s great!
Prita : However, I am confused whether I should buy a laptop or a desktop computer.
Ferdy : Why?
Prita : I prefer a laptop to a desktop computer. However, my parents have a different opinion.
They suggest that I buy a desktop computer. What do you think?
Ferdy : Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, you’d better buy
a laptop.
Prita : Why?
Ferdy : You know, laptop is compact and small. It is practical and handy.
Prita : You’re right. I agree with you.

42 UNIT 1 Narratives
C. Make dialogs based on the following situations.
1. Your father wants to buy a bicycle for you. He is confused whether he should buy a new bicycle
or a secondhand one. Your uncle has offered his old bicycle to your father. It was used by Andre,
your cousin. Your father asks for your opinion about it. How would the conversation go?
2. Your shoes are old and broken. You ask your mother to buy you new shoes. How would the
conversation go?
3. Your sister is busy watering the flowers in the garden. You offer to help her. How would the
conversation go?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Your father : Harry, I want to buy a bicycle for you.
You : Really, Dad? That would be very nice.
Your father : Yeah. Do you think that we should buy a new or a secondhand one?
You : I think we had better buy a new one, Dad.
Your father : You’re right. However, your uncle has offered me his bicycle. He wants to buy
a new one. You know, your uncle always takes good care of his bicycle.
You : You’re right. You may take it, Dad.
2. You : Mom, look at my shoes! They are broken.
Your mother : I see, dear.
You : Will you buy me a new pair, please?
Your mother : Sure. Let’s go to a shoe store this afternoon.
You : Great! Thanks, Mom.
3. You : You look very busy.
Your sister : Yeah. I have to water all these flowers. I don’t want them to wilt.
You : You’re right. They need enough water. Do you need any help?
Your sister : Sure, thanks. I’d be very happy. You can water the flowers over there.
You : O.K.

1.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the following monolog.

Have you heard the story of a tiger and a hare? Now, let me tell you the story.
Once upon a time there lived a tiger named Blind Fury. He was the king of the forest. He
ordered that each day an animal should be brought to him as his prey. Of course, it made the
number of animals decrease. Therefore, the animals held a council to solve the problem.
Can you guess what the result of the animals’ meeting is? Well, a hare named Tiny Trick
said that he had an idea to get rid of Blind Furry. The idea was that Tiny Trick would come at
twelve; although, the usual breakfast of Blind Fury was nine.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 43

The next day, Tiny Trick arrived at Blind Fury’s cave at twelve. Blind Fury was angry at
him. He asked why Tiny Trick came late. Did you know what Tiny Trick’s answer was? He
replied that there was another king like Blind Fury in the well that asked him to be his prey.
Luckily, Tiny Trick could escape from him and met Blind Fury.
Blind Fury was very anxious to see the king. That was why, he asked Tiny Trick to show
him the king. Happily, Tiny Trick led Blind Fury to the well.
Arriving at the well, Blind Fury found his own shadow in it. He thought it was another tiger
who would be his rival. He leapt into the well and was drowned. The animals were happy and
they praised Tiny Trick as their hero.
Adapted from: November 16, 2009 <>

The text above is a narrative in spoken form or monolog. It is an example of fables

(imaginative stories about animals), i.e. a tiger and a hare.

Written Text

Read the following text.

The Tiger and the Hare

A tiger named Blind Fury became the king of a forest. He made

a law that every day an animal should appease his hunger by falling
a prey to him. At this rate, in the course of a few months, a great
number of animals had been eaten up; the beasts that remained
Orientation held a council.
A hare among them, named Tiny Trick, observed, “I have
a stratagem whereby I can get rid of Blind Fury if you would let me
take my chance with him tomorrow.”
They agreed. The usual breakfast hour of Blind Fury was nine;
but Tiny Trick trudged on, and came to him at twelve.

“Hullo, you impudent little wretch! What keeps you so long from
our presence?” said Blind Fury.
“May it please, Your Majesty,” said Tiny Trick, “in a well by the
road I have traveled there is another king like your majesty. He said
Complication I should not go without appeasing his hunger. It was with difficulty
I could obtain permission of him to see your majesty for a moment
and return.”
“Lead the way to the well,” said Blind Fury.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Tiny Trick.

When Blind Fury came to the well, he found his own shadow
reflected in it, and, fancying that it was another tiger, a rival, leapt
Resolution into it and was drowned. The beasts of the forest praised Tiny Trick
as the savior of the state.
It happens that little folks did great things for the public good.
Source: November 16, 2009 <>

44 UNIT 1 Narratives
The text is a fable. It is a kind of narratives, and it is in written form.
According to Wikipedia, a fable is a story that features animals, plants, inanimate objects
or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities). It illustrates
a moral lesson (a “moral”), which may at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy maxim.
It also provides opportunities to laugh at human folly when it supplies examples of
behaviors to be avoided rather than emulated.
The structure of a narrative, including a fable, is:
● orientation,
● complication,
● resolution.

Grammar Section

The Simple Past Tense with ‘Regular Verbs’

Read the following sentence.

Mrs. Handoko and his son talked about a television program last night.

The sentence above uses the simple past tense with a regular verb.
You use the simple past tense:
1. To talk about events, actions or situations which occurred in the past and are finished
● Delia phoned me a moment ago.
● I met Zaskia last week.
2. To talk about past habits.
● Father smoked some cigarettes a day till he gave up.
● I liked swimming in the river when I was a child.
You can use some adverbs of time in the simple past tense, i.e. yesterday, last . . ., . . . ago,
this morning, etc.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 45

There are two forms of verbs which are used in the simple past tense, i.e. regular verbs and
irregular verbs. Now, you will learn regular verbs.
Regular verbs are verbs that form their past tense by adding -d or -ed to the base form.
The following are the rules of changing verb bases into regular verbs.
Verb Ending in . . . How to Make the Simple Past Examples
-e add -d live o lived
date o dated
consonant + -y change -y to -i, then add -ed try o tried
cry o cried
one vowel + one consonant double the consonant, then tap o tapped
(but not -w or -y) add -ed commit o committed
anything else, including -w add -ed boil o boiled
hand o handed
show o showed

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like reading fables? Why/why not?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. Because they are entertaining and I can learn something from
the stories.
2. What is your favorite fable? Why do you like it?
Contoh jawaban: The story of a lion and a mouse. I like it because it shows us that a little
creature can do something to help a big one.

A. Read the following words.

Find their meanings.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. hawk = burung elang 2. acquaintance = kenalan
3. intent = maksud 4. mischief = kenakalan, kejahatan
5. tightly = dengan kencang 6. meadow = padang rumput
7. brink = pinggir, tepi 8. to suffocate = mencekik, menyebabkan
9. to pounce = menerkam, mati lemas
menyambar 10. talon = kuku, cakar

46 UNIT 1 Narratives
B. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Have you ever heard a story of a mouse, a frog and a hawk? Now, let me tell you the story.
A mouse, that always lived on the land, by an (1) unlucky chance formed an intimate
acquaintance with a frog. The frog lived for the most part in the (2) water. The frog was one day
intent on (3) mischief. He bound the foot of the mouse tightly to his own.
Thus joined together, the frog first of all led the mouse to the (4) meadow where they were
accustomed to find their food. After this, he (5) gradually led him towards the pool in which he
lived. When he reached the brink, he suddenly jumped in, (6) dragging the mouse with him.
The frog enjoyed the water (7) amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done
a good deed. The unhappy mouse was soon suffocated by the water. His dead body (8) floated
about on the surface, tied to the foot of the frog. A hawk observed it. He pounced upon it with his
talons and carried it aloft. You know, the frog was still (9) fastened to the leg of the mouse.
Because of this, he was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the (10) hawk.
Adapted from: November 8, 2009 <>

A. Find the words in Task B which are the opposite meanings to the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. fortunate >< unlucky 2. loosely >< tightly
3. bad >< good 4. glad >< unhappy
5. to separate >< to join
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.
1. What is the monolog about?
Jawaban: A frog’s mischief to his friend, a mouse.
2. Who formed an intimate acquaintance?
Jawaban: A frog and a mouse.
3. Where did the mouse live?
Jawaban: On the land.
4. What did the frog do to the mouse’s foot?
Jawaban: He bound the mouse’s foot tightly to his own.
5. Where did the frog and the mouse usually find their food?
Jawaban: On a meadow.
6. What did the frog do after bringing the mouse to the meadow?
Jawaban: He gradually led the mouse towards the pool in which he lived.
7. What did the frog do when he reached the pool brink?
Jawaban: He suddenly jumped in.
8. How did the mouse die?
Jawaban: He was suffocated by the water.
9. What happened to the frog finally?
Jawaban: He was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by a hawk.
10. What can you learn from the story?
Jawaban: Someone’s mischief can harm himself/herself and others.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 47

C. Listen to your teacher. Teks yang dibacakan guru:
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct This text is for questions 3 to 5.
answer. Now, let me tell you the story of
a scorpion and a ladybug.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: A scorpion befriended a ladybug who
This text is for questions 1 and 2. became a loyal companion to him. One day
There were once two roosters that the ladybug struggled to cross a challenging
fought over a hen. The one that won the and dangerous river. The scorpion offered to
fight left with the hen, while the one that lost take her to the other side on his back. He
hid in the bushes. The rooster that won had come to care for her and promised he
jumped on top of a wall and crowed with would never harm her.
pride. However, after they crossed the river
Just then an eagle swooped down and safely, the scorpion allowed his tail to dip
snatched up the proud little rooster. However, upon her with its venomous sting. As she
the one who had hid in the bushes was safe lay in greatest pain, she said, “. . . but, you
from the eagle. promised . . . why?”
Source: November 8, 2009 <http:// He shrugged and said, sadly, “Because> it is my nature.”
Adapted from: November 8, 2009
1. What did the winner get? <
A. A rooster. B. A hen. aesop1.cgi?4&TheScorpionandtheLadybug>
C. An eagle. D. Bushes.
Jawaban: B 3. When did the scorpion help the ladybug?
Dalam monolog terdapat kalimat-kalimat A. When she looked for food.
”There were once two roosters that fought B. When she was in pain.
over a hen. The one that won the fight left C. When she crossed the river.
with the hen, while the one that lost hid in D. When she was hungry.
the bushes.”. Jadi, pemenang pertarungan Jawaban: C
tersebut akan mendapatkan seekor ayam Kalajengking membantu kumbang kecil
betina (a hen). Pilihan jawaban yang lain saat kumbang kecil tersebut menyeberangi
salah; (A) merupakan hewan yang sungai. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat-
bertarung, (C) merupakan hewan yang kalimat ”One day the ladybug struggled to
memangsa ayam jantan yang menang, cross a challenging and dangerous river.
dan (D) merupakan tempat bersembunyi The scorpion offered to take her to the
hewan yang kalah bertarung. other side on his back.”. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
2. What finally happened to the winner?
dengan isi monolog.
A. It hid in the bushes.
B. It jumped into the river. 4. What did the scorpion promise the ladybug?
C. It was killed by a giant. A. He would never harm her.
D. It was killed by an eagle. B. He would never leave her.
Jawaban: D C. He would be her loyal husband.
Ayam jago yang memenangkan D. He would not forget her.
pertarungan akhirnya dimangsa seekor Jawaban: A
rajawali. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”He had
”Just then an eagle swooped down and come to care for her and promised he would
snatched up the proud little rooster.”. Frasa never harm her.”. Jadi, kalajengking tersebut
’the proud little rooster’ dalam kalimat ini berjanji untuk menjaga kumbang kecil
mengacu kepada ayam jantan yang tersebut dan berjanji tidak akan mencelaka-
menjadi pemenang. kannya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi monolog.

48 UNIT 1 Narratives
5. What did the scorpion do to the ladybug at kumbang kecil, akhirnya kalajengking
last? tersebut menyengat kumbang kecil
A. He got married to her. tersebut dengan bisanya. Hal itu diketahui
B. The scorpion stung her. dari kalimat ”However, after they crossed
C. The scorpion taught her to swim. the river safely, the scorpion allowed his
D. The scorpion took home. tail to dip upon her with its venomous
Jawaban: B sting.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
Meskipun kalajengking telah berjanji karena tidak sesuai dengan isi monolog.
bahwa ia tidak akan mencelakakan

A. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

a. water b. shell c. safely d. eyes

e. clever f. success g. foolish h. drown
i. Chief j. idea

Why Turtles Live in Water

Turtles used to live on the land, they say, until the time a (1) ________ turtle was caught by
some hunters. They brought him to their village and placed the turtle before the (2) ________, who
said, “How shall we cook him?”
“You’ll have to kill me first,” said the turtle, “and take me out of this (3) ________.”
“We’ll break your shell with sticks,” they said.
“That’ll never work,” said the turtle, “Why don’t you throw me in the water and (4) ________
“Excellent (5) ________,” said the Chief. They took the turtle to the river and threw him into the
(6) ________ to drown him.
They were congratulating themselves on their (7) ________ in drowning the turtle when two
little green (8) ________ poked up in the water and the laughing turtle said, “Don’t get those
cooking pots out too fast, (9) ________ people!”
As he swam away, he said, “I think I’ll spend most of my time from now on, (10) ________ in
the water.”
It has been that way ever since!
Source: September 15, 2009 <>
1. e 2. i 3. b 4. h 5. j 6. a 7. f 8. d 9. g 10. c

Find the words in Task A which have similar meanings to the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. smart = clever 2. to carry = to bring
3. to put = to place 4. good = excellent
5. opinion = idea 6. chairperson = chief
7. small = little 8. quickly = fast
9. stupid = foolish 10. to waste = to spend

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 49

B. Retell the text in Task A using your own words.
Contoh jawaban:
Did you know the story why turtles live in water? Let me tell you about it.
Once upon a time turtles lived on land. One day some hunters caught a clever turtle and they
brought the turtle to their chief as a present for him. However, the chief wondered how to cook it.
The turtle heard the conversation between the chief and the hunters. Suddenly, he had
an idea. He said that they should kill him first and took him out of his shell. They agreed with the
idea. Then, they told him that they would break his shell with sticks.
The turtle replied that it was useless. He suggested an idea that they should throw him in the
water and drowned him. Guess what! They agreed with the idea. They didn’t know that the turtle
could swim in the river.
As soon as the people threw him into the water, he swam away and said that it was better to
live in the water because it was safe. Ever since, turtles live in the water.

C. Tell a story based on the following series of pictures.

1 2

3 4

Contoh jawaban:
Did you know the story of a deer and grapes? Now, let me tell you about it.
One hot day, there was a deer walking along the hill. He came upon a grape tree. There he
found a bunch of fresh grapes hanging from a high branch.
“Those grapes must be tasty,” he thought to himself.
Then, he tried to reach them. However, he did not get high enough.
He stood on his hind legs and tried again. He almost got high enough this time, but not quite.
He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldn’t get high enough to grab the grapes.
Finally, he gave up. He decided to leave the grapes. As he walked away, he put his nose in the
air and said, “I am sure those grapes are sour.”
Adapted from: November 18, 2009 <>

50 UNIT 1 Narratives
A. Read the text.
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the text?
Correct the false ones.
The Singer and the Dolphin
Arion was one of the most famous singers in the ancient world. On one occasion he won
an important festival in Sicily, and as his prize he received so many jewels and golden cups that he
was obliged to hire a ship to carry them all home to Corinth.
Unfortunately, this huge treasure made the sailors very jealous, and in order to have it for
themselves, they attacked the singer and were about to throw him overboard.
Arion did not put up a struggle; instead he asked only that he was allowed to sing one last
song. His wish was granted and the sailors were so enchanted by his voice that they were hardly
aware of what happened next. At the first notes of his song, a dolphin swam alongside, attracted by
the beautiful music. Immediately, Arion jumped overboard onto the dolphin’s back and was carried
back across the sea.
When the ship finally reached port in Corinth, the wicked sailors began to tell everyone that
there had been a storm, during which the famous singer had been lost at sea. They were struck
dumb with amazement; however, when Arion arrived with a company of soldiers to arrest them.
In memory of this event, a statue of a young man on the back of a dolphin was erected in the
port of Corinth. This statue is still there today.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

1. ______ Arion was a famous sailor.
2. ______ Arion received jewels and silver cups as his prize in Sicily festival.
3. ______ The sailors were happy when they knew Arion got huge treasure.
4. ______ The sailors attacked Arion.
5. ______ Arion fought with the sailors.
6. ______ Arion asked the sailors to let him sing a last song.
7. ______ The sailors were interested in Arion’s songs.
8. ______ Arion jumped onto a dolphin’s back.
9. ______ The sailors told everyone that Arion had been lost in the sea.
10. ______ There is a statue of a young man and a ship in the port of Corinth.
1. F (He was a famous singer.)
2. F (He received jewels and golden cups, not silver cups.)
3. F (They were jealous when they knew Arion’s huge treasure.)
4. T
5. F (He didn’t put up a struggle, which means he didn’t fight.)
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F (The statue in the port of Corinth is a young man on the back of a dolphin.)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 51

A. Find the words in Task A which have opposite meanings to the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. unknown >< famous 2. modern >< ancient
3. to lose >< to win 4. moral >< wicked
5. to give >< to receive 6. small >< huge
7. to answer >< to ask 8. to prohibit >< to allow
9. to set free >< to arrest 10. to leave >< to arrive
B. Put the following paragraphs in the correct order to make a good text.
Paragraf-paragraf acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
5 So the wretched donkey stumbled on. But after a short distance, he stopped again,
bleary-eyed, his tongue hanging out.
“Please, please listen! If you don’t help me, I’ll never reach market alive.” But without
even a glance, the horse haughtily replied, “Rubbish! Come on, you’ll manage this time too!”
But this time, after a few tottering steps, the donkey dropped dead to the ground. The
donkey’s master, who had lingered to pick mushrooms, ran up when he saw the animal fall.

7 “I’d have done better to help the donkey when he was alive,” said the horse to himself.
“A little more weight wouldn’t have done me any harm. Now, I’m frightened of collapsing
myself under a double load!” But feeling sorry too late did nothing to lighten his load.

3 “I can’t go much further!” moaned the donkey. “I’m much weaker today! I can hardly
stand and unless I can get rid of some of this weight, I won’t be able to go on. Couldn’t you
take some of my load?”

1 Once upon a time an old carter kept a horse and a donkey in the same stable. He was
equally fond of both his animals, but as he used the horse to pull his trap, he gave it better
food and more attention than he did to the donkey. However, the donkey, knowing he was
not so precious as his stable mate, ate straw instead of corn and hay, without complaining.

4 When the horse heard this, he looked the donkey up and down in disdain, for he considered
himself much superior, and said, “Our master gave you the heavy load because he knows that
donkeys are beasts of burden. Their loads ought to be heavier than those of noble horses!”

6 “Poor thing!” he said. “He served me well for so many years. His load must have been
too heavy.”
Then, he turned to the horse, “Come here! You’ll have to carry your companion’s load
too now!” And he hoisted the donkey’s sacks onto the horse’s back.

2 Even when both animals carried sacks to market, the donkey’s was the heavier load, for the
carter did not want to overwork his noble horse; though, he had no such feelings about the donkey.
As time went by, the horse grew more handsome and robust, while the donkey became
thin and weak. One day, on their way to market, the donkey was carrying his usual heavy
load, while the horse had only two lightweight sacks tied to the saddle.
Source: November 8, 2009 <>

52 UNIT 1 Narratives
C. Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B.
1. stable a. penghinaan, hina
2. straw b. yang berjalan terhuyung-huyung
3. hay c. kandang
4. robust d. malang/sial
5. to moan e. rumput kering
6. disdain f. tertinggal
7. wretched g. penarik kereta
8. bleary-eyed h. mengeluh/merintih
9. tottering i. tegap
10. to linger j. bermata muram
k. jerami

1. c 2. k 3. e 4. i 5. h 6. a 7. d 8. j 9. b 10. f
D. Answer the questions based on the text in Task B.
1. What animals did the carter keep?
Jawaban: A horse and a donkey.
2. Where did the carter put his animals?
Jawaban: In the same stable.
3. How did the carter treat his animals?
Jawaban: He was equally fond of both his animals, but as he used the horse to pull his trap,
he gave it better food and more attention than he did to the donkey.
4. What happened to the animals as a result of the carter’s treatment?
Jawaban: As time went by, the horse grew more handsome and robust, while the donkey
became thin and weak.
5. What did the horse do when the donkey complained about his burden along the journey?
Jawaban: He didn’t pay attention to the donkey’s condition. He just looked the donkey up
and down in disdain for he considered himself much superior.
6. What happened to the donkey finally?
Jawaban: He dropped dead to the ground.
7. What did the horse have to do finally?
Jawaban: He had to carry the donkey’s load.
8. What can you learn from the story?
Jawaban: We should not feel more superior than others and we should not be selfish.
9. “. . ., he gave it better food . . . .” (Paragraph 1)
What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
Jawaban: The horse.
10. “. . . the horse haughtily replied, . . . .”
What does the word ‘haughtily’ have a similar meaning to?
Jawaban: Arrogantly.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 53

side of a lake.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
2. What did the peacock do on the lawn?
The Peacock and the Tortoise A. He sang a song.
On a cloudy day, a peacock was dancing B. He took a nap.
on a lawn by the side of a lake. A tortoise, in C. He danced.
the lake, addressed the peacock thus said, D. He played a game.
“Sir Peacock, how I should like to be with you Jawaban: C
dancing there!” Yang dilakukan burung merak di padang
“Sir Tortoise,” said the peacock, “I do not rumput adalah menari (he danced). Hal itu
think you would be safe if you were to leave diketahui dari kalimat pertama paragraf
the water, and to come to dance with me. satu ”On a cloudy day, a peacock was
Further, your short legs and heavy appearance dancing on a lawn by the side of a lake.”.
would not enable you to cut a good figure at
3. Which of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the text?
“I see,” said the tortoise, “you are very
A. The tortoise wanted to dance with the
proud of your fine feathers and gait; but you
must remember, that my shell is also as
B. The peacock had nice feathers.
beautifully colored; and that was my gait;
C. The tortoise was killed by a hunter.
though, not so quick and graceful, is yet slow
D. The peacock didn’t care for the
and steady.”
tortoise’s safety.
The peacock replied, “I am very sorry to
Jawaban: D
have displeased you, Sir Tortoise; but, if you
Dalam teks tersebut diceritakan bahwa
wish to come and dance with me, unmindful of
burung merak enggan menari dengan
the danger of leaving the water, you are
kura-kura. Hal itu disebabkan oleh
kekhawatiran burung merak atas
The tortoise came out of the lake, and
keselamatan kura-kura. Hal itu diketahui
stood by the side of the peacock, in his own
dari kalimat pertama paragraf dua, yaitu
awkward manner; and the two were preparing
”’Sir Tortoise,’ said the peacock, ’I do not
to dance together. Just then a hunter, who was
think you would be safe if you were to
passing by the pond, observing the scene,
leave the water, and to come to dance with
approached the animals. The peacock flew up
me. . . .’” dan kalimat pada paragraf empat
a tree, and safely perched on its top; but the
”The peacock replied, ’I am very sorry to
tortoise, before he could reach the pond, was
have displeased you, Sir Tortoise; but,
laid on his back and killed by the hunter.
if you wish to come and dance with me,
The peacock cried mournfully, “Sir
unmindful of the danger of leaving the
Tortoise, you now see how dangerous it is to
water, you are welcome.”’. Jadi, burung
get into difficulties from which we cannot easily
merak sebenarnya sangat peduli pada
keamanan kura-kura. Pilihan jawaban
Source: November 8, 2009 <
display.php?author=raju&book=fables&story=tortoise> yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi
teks; (A) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua
1. How was the day? paragraf pertama, (B) sesuai dengan
A. It was cloudy. kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, dan
B. It was sunny. (C) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir
C. It was very cold. paragraf lima.
D. It was very hot.
Jawaban: A
Jawaban dapat diketahui dari kalimat
pertama paragraf satu ”On a cloudy day,
a peacock was dancing on a lawn by the

54 UNIT 1 Narratives
4. “. . . how I should like to be with you 5. “. . . your fine feathers and gait; . . . .”
dancing there!” (Paragraph 1) (Paragraph 3)
What does the word ‘there’ refer to? What does the word ‘gait’ mean?
A. In a lake. B. On a lawn. A. The way of walking.
C. On a tree. D. In a field. B. The way of speaking.
Jawaban: B C. The way of communicating.
Kata ’there’ dalam kalimat tersebut D. The way of learning.
mengacu kepada ’on a lawn’. Hal itu Jawaban: A
diketahui dari kalimat sebelumnya Kata ’gait’ artinya cara berjalan (the way of
”On a cloudy day, a peacock was dancing walking). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
on a lawn by the side of a lake.”. Pilihan (B) artinya cara berbicara, (C) artinya cara
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak berkomunikasi, dan (D) artinya cara
sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. belajar.

Variasi: Grasshopper groaned, “I have

an appointment later, Worm. I don’t have
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru
all day.”
dapat memberi tambahan latihan sebagai
“Oh!” Worm said. “Here is what I need.”
Worm went down his hole for a moment.
Grasshopper and Worm He came back up with a big hat. Its brim had
“Come now!” said Worm. “Come now! two feathers on the side. The feathers were
Come quick!” blue and red.
Worm’s friend, Grasshopper, came over “I am going for a ride this morning with
very fast. Grasshopper bounced long Robin Redbreast,” Worm said. “I cannot
bounces. He almost fell into Worm’s hole. decide which feather to choose for my hat.
“Are you all right?” Grasshopper asked. Should I choose red or blue?”
Grasshopper was very out of breath. Grasshopper stared at Worm. Then, he
“Did you ask something?” Worm said. stared at the hat. Then, he stared at Worm
He could not understand his friend. again. “This is your big emergency?”
“Just give me a minute,” Grasshopper Grasshopper said. “I say, no feathers at all.”
said. He was still trying to catch his breath. “No feathers?” Worm said. He was
“If I had a minute,” Worm said, “I would surprised.
not say come now.” “No feathers,” Grasshopper said. “Robin
Grasshopper frowned. “Listen, Worm,” has plenty of feathers of his own.”
he said, “I bounced over here so fast, I almost Grasshopper got ready to bounce away
fell into your hole. This is no way to treat and said, “And no more wasting my time,
a friend.” Worm. Have a nice ride!”
“You are right, Grasshopper,” Worm said. Source: September 1, 2009
“I am sorry. But I am in a big hurry.” <>
Grasshopper sighed. “O.K., Worm. I went 1. Why did Grasshopper come to Worm’s
all the way from the other side of the meadow. hole in a hurry?
I might as well help you.” A. He thought that Worm fell down.
Worm wrapped his little body around B. He thought that Worm fell down into
Grasshopper. the river.
“May I ask what you are doing, Worm?” C. He thought that Worm had an urgent
Grasshopper said. appointment.
“I am giving you a big bug hug,” Worm D. He thought that Worm was in
said. “I said come, and you came.” emergency.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 55

Jawaban: D ”Grasshopper groaned, ’I have
Belalang mendatangi cacing dengan an appointment later, Worm. I don’t have
tergesa-gesa karena ia mengira bahwa all day.’”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
cacing dalam bahaya. Hal itu karena sesuai dengan isi teks. Pilihan
disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat pada jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat
paragraf dua dan tiga ”Worm’s friend, ”Worm’s friend, Grasshopper, . . . .”,
Grasshopper, came over very fast. . . . (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”The feathers
’Are you all right?’ Grasshopper asked. were blue and red.”, dan (D) sesuai
Grasshopper was very out of breath.”. dengan kalimat ”Grasshopper got ready
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena to bounce away and said, ’And no more
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. wasting my time, Worm. . . .”’.
2. Why did Worm ask Grasshopper to 4. “. . . he said, ‘I bounced over here so fast,
come? . . . .’” (Paragraph 7)
A. To help him choose the right hole. The word ‘here’ refers to ________.
B. To help him choose the feathers for A. Worm’s hole
his hat. B. Grasshopper’s hole
C. To help him choose a friends. C. the meadow
D. To help him choose the proper D. Robin’s hole
meadow. Jawaban: A
Jawaban: B Kata ’here’ mengacu kepada lubang
Alasan cacing tersebut menyuruh tempat cacing tinggal. Hal itu diketahui
belalang datang ke tempatnya adalah dari kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya yang
untuk membantunya memilih bulu untuk menjelaskan bahwa belalang pergi
topinya. Hal ini diketahui dari kalimat tergesa-gesa ke tempat cacing. Hal itu
’”I am going for a ride this morning with juga disimpulkan dari kalimat berikutnya
Robin Redbreast,’ Worm said. ’I cannot ”. . . I almost fell into your hole.”. Pilihan
decide which feather to choose for my jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
hat. Should I choose red or blue?”’. sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.
Pilihan jawaban yang salah karena tidak
5. “Worm’s friend, Grasshopper, came over
sesuai dengan isi teks.
very fast.” (Paragraph 2)
3. The following statements are TRUE The bold-typed word has opposite
according to the text, except ________. meaning to ________.
A. Grasshopper was Worm’s friend A. carefully B. beautifully
B. Worm had blue and red feathers on C. quickly D. slowly
his hat Jawaban: D
C. Grasshopper had no appointments Kata ’fast’ artinya dengan cepat. Kata
the day tersebut berlawanan makna dengan kata
D. Grasshopper was angry to Worm ’slowly’ yang artinya dengan lambat.
Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan (A) artinya dengan hati-hati, (B) artinya
teks adalah (C) yang artinya belalang dengan indah/cantik, dan (C) artinya
tidak memiliki janji lain hari itu. Hal itu dengan cepat.
tidak sesuai dengan kalimat

56 UNIT 1 Narratives
A. Complete the text with the correct words in brackets.
Change the words into past.
The Ugly Duckling
Once upon a time down on an old farm, [1. live] ________ a duck family, and Mother Duck
had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs [2. hatch] ________ and out
[3. pop] ________ six chirpy ducklings. But there was still one egg bigger than the rest, and it
didn’t hatch. Mother Duck couldn’t recall laying that seventh egg. How did it get there?
“Did I count the eggs wrongly?” Mother Duck [4. wonder] ________. But before she had time
to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that
should have been yellow [5. gaze] ________ at a worried mother.
“I can’t understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!” she [6. say] ________ to
herself, shaking her head as she [7. look] ________ at her last born. Well, the gray duckling
certainly wasn’t pretty, and since he was far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them.
As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy. His brothers
didn’t want to play with him and all the farmyard folks simply [8. laugh] ________ at him. He was
sad and lonely. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody [9. want] ________ him.
Then, one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He [10. stop] ________ at a pond
and began to question all the other birds. “Do you know of any ducklings with gray feathers like
mine?” But everyone shook their heads in scorn.
Source: November 8, 2009 <>

1. lived 2. hatched 3. popped 4. wondered 5. gazed
6. said 7. looked 8. laughed 9. wanted 10. stopped

A. Make sentences using the correct answers in Task A.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Once the farmer and his family lived in a small hut near the forest.
2. The hen hatched two eggs yesterday.
3. Mother Duck popped out five ducklings some days ago.
4. I wondered how people could make a very big temple.
5. The little boy gazed at me and said nothing two days ago.
6. The old man said that he lived in a far away place.
7. The girl looked at her mother and hugged her happily yesterday.
8. The students laughed at the monkey’s behavior a moment ago.
9. Riana wanted to go to Australia some weeks ago.
10. Mr. Rully stopped a car for help last night.
B. Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. The man ________ [carries/carried] a heavy suitcase yesterday.
2. I usually ________ [visit/visited] my grandparents once a month.
3. Dewanti ________ [helps/helped] an old woman cross the street yesterday.
4. The lost child ________ [play/played] in this park some weeks ago.
5. The Principal ________ [decides/decided] to expel the naughty student from school.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 57

6. We ________ [watch/watched] the news about the accident last night.
7. The mechanic ________ [repairs/repaired] my father’s car a moment ago.
8. The lions always ________ [roar/roared] loudly.
9. The old woman ________ [drops/dropped] her wallet here some minutes ago.
10. The boys always ________ [study/studies] hard to prepare for the final exam.
1. carried 2. visit 3. helped 4. played 5. decided
6. watched 7. repaired 8. roar 9. dropped 10. study

B. Continue the story of “The Ugly Duckling” in Task A using your own words.
You may use the following keywords.

● to continue ● the hen ● a winter

● a springtime ● a countrywoman’s cottage ● to frighten
● exhausted ● a mirror ● to escape
● a farmer ● a good swan ● to lay eggs
● a thick bed of reeds ● to take care ● to live together

Contoh jawaban:
The Ugly Duckling
Once upon a time down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting
on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings.
But there was one egg bigger than the rest, and it didn’t hatch. Mother Duck couldn’t recall laying
that seventh egg. How did it get there?
“Did I count the eggs wrongly?” Mother Duck wondered. But before she had time to think
about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have
been yellow gazed at a worried mother.
“I can’t understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!” she said to herself, shaking her
head as she looked at her last born. Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn’t pretty, and since he
was far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them.
As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy. His brothers
didn’t want to play with him and all the farmyard folks simply laughed at him. He was sad and
lonely. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody wanted him.
Then one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He stopped at a pond and began to
question all the other birds. “Do you know of any ducklings with gray feathers like mine?” But
everyone shook their heads in scorn.
The ugly duckling continued his way. Then, one day he arrived at an old countrywoman’
cottage. The woman caught the ugly duckling and kept him in a hutch. She hoped the
duckling was a female and laid many eggs. However, the ugly duckling laid not a single egg.
Then the hen kept frightening him. The hen said that the woman would kill him if he didn’t
lay eggs.
Then, one night, finding the hutch door, he escaped. Once again he was all alone. He
fled as far away as he could, and at dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds. There
was plenty of food, and the duckling began to feel a little happier; though, he was lonely.

58 UNIT 1 Narratives
Winter came and the water in the reed bed froze. The poor duckling left home to seek
food in the snow. He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him and put him
in his big jacket pocket. He would give the ugly duckling to his children. The duckling was
showered with kindly care at the farmer’s house. In this way, the ugly duckling was able to
survive in the bitterly cold winter.
However, by springtime, he had grown so big that the farmer decided to let him free.
When he saw himself mirrored in the water, he was very surprised. He had changed into
a good swan. Finally, he could make friends and live together with other swans.
Adapted from: November 8, 2009 <>

C. Write a narrative about animals.

Contoh jawaban:
The Thirsty Ant
A thirsty ant was scurrying desperately around. It looked for something to drink, but it could
find nothing. It thought that it would die. Suddenly, a drop of water fell from above and saved its life.
In truth, it was a tear. It was filled with all the magical virtues which were born from suffering. After
that, the ant discovered that it was suddenly able to understand and speak perfectly the language
of men.
One day the ant went into a grain store. There, it saw a little girl. The girl was sitting on the
floor, crying. “Why are you so sad?” asked the ant.
“I’ve been imprisoned by an ogre. He will only set me free when I have made three heaps of
grain, barley and rye, out of this huge mountain of seed where they are all mixed together.”
“That will take a month!” exclaimed the ant.
“If I haven’t finished by tomorrow, the ogre will eat me for his supper,” the girl cried.
“Please do not weep. We’ll help you.”
And the ant fetched all his companions and they set to work. The next morning the ogre found
that the task was done. Thus it was that a tear saved a little girl’s life.
Source: 366 and More Fairy Tales

1.3 Short Functional Texts: Announcements and Brochures

Spoken Text

Read the text.

Attention, please.
Good morning, students. Adinda’s mother, Mrs. Haryawan, passed away last night after being
hospitalized for a few days. The funeral ceremony will start at 1 p.m. Please do come and
express your condolences. Your presence will comfort her. Thank you.

The text above is a spoken announcement. An announcement is a simple text/note to

inform something important to the targeted listeners.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 59

Written Text

Read the following text.

Source: November 18, 2009 <


The text above is a brochure. A brochure or pamphlet is a leaflet advertisement.

Brochures may advertise locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc. They are
usually succinct in language and eye-catching in design. In hotels and other places that
tourists frequently visit, brochure racks or stands may suggest visits to amusement parks
and other points of interest. The two most common brochure styles are single sheet and
booklet (folded leaflets) forms.

60 UNIT 1 Narratives
Answer the following questions.
1. Have you heard an announcement about someone’s death?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have.
2. What do you feel or do if you hear such an announcement?
Contoh jawaban: I feel sad and show our sympathy.
3. What kind of brochures do you usually read?
Contoh jawaban: A brochure about traveling or education.

A. Listen to your teacher.

Fill in the blanks based on the announcement you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Good morning, students.
Your math (1) teacher, Mr. Budiman, will be absent from school for some days.
He got an (2) accident yesterday. Now, he is seriously ill and treated in Mulia Hospital.
If you have time, you had better (3) visit him there after school.
Your (4) presence is expected to cheer him up and help him (5) get well soon.
Thank you.

Read the following words.
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B.
1. absent a. merawat
2. accident b. sembuh
3. to treat c. tidak hadir
4. to cheer d. menghibur
5. to get well e. kecelakaan

1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b

B. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. What is the announcement about?
Jawaban: It’s about Mr. Budiman who is treated in hospital.
2. Who is the announcement for?
Jawaban: The students.
3. When is the announcement delivered?
Jawaban: In the morning.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 61

4. Why is Mr. Budiman treated in hospital?
Jawaban: He is seriously ill because of an accident.
5. What is expected from the listeners?
Jawaban: Their presence.

A. Create an announcement based on the following situation.

Your school has a very wise and kindhearted principle. He has dedicated his life for the improvement
of your school. Now, he is going to retire. Your school will hold a small farewell party for him.
Contoh jawaban:
Attention, please.
Mr. Hardi, our dearest Principal, will leave this school. He is going to retire soon. Of course, we will
miss him. As we know, he is a wise and kindhearted man. He has dedicated his life for this school.
That’s why we will have a small farewell party to express our gratitude for his merits.
Thank you.

B. Create an announcement about a lost or found thing.

Contoh jawaban:
Attention, please.
Our teacher, Ms. Lovy, has lost her mobile phone. The mobile phone is black. It has a 3-megapixel
camera. It has a radio and bluetooth connectivity. It can also be used to watch television. For
anyone who finds it, please contact Ms. Lovy. Thank you.

A. Read the words.

Find the meanings of the words in your dictionary.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. health = kesehatan
2. reliable = dapat dipercaya/diandalkan
3. to provide = menyediakan, memberikan
4. to navigate = mengarahkan, menunjukkan
5. trained = terlatih
6. familiarity = keakraban
7. available = tersedia
8. up-to-date = yang terbaru/termutakhir
9. confidential = rahasia
10. anonymous = tanpa nama

62 UNIT 1 Narratives
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

a. up-to-date b. Service c. community

d. Contact e. staff

Source: November 18, 2009 <>

1. d 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b

Find the words in Task B which have similar meanings to the following words.
1. psychological = mental
2. to get in touch with = to contact
3. to provide = to equip
4. to choose = to select
5. contradictory = different

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 63

C. Answer the questions based on the text in Task B.
1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: It’s about mental health information services and supports.
2. What does the Mental Health Service Information Ontario provide?
Jawaban: It provides information about mental health services and supports in people’s
community and across Ontario. It can also help people navigate the mental health
3. Who will answer the customer’s call?
Jawaban: A trained professional will.
4. How are the staff of the Mental Health Service Information Ontario?
Jawaban: They are selected for their experience, education and familiarity with the mental
health system.
5. When can customers call the Mental Health Service Information Ontario?
Jawaban: Any time, day or night.

A. Create a brochure based on one of the following topics.

1. A travel brochure.
2. A body health club.
Contoh jawaban:

GAP Adventures – Europe

Vibrant cultures, historic landmarks and a stunning
scenery pave your way to an exciting adventure
through the diverse regions of Europe.
With GAP Adventures, there is something for every
traveler to experience.
Stroll the romantic streets of Paris, explore the Greek
Islands by yacht, hike ancient trails in Turkey or visit art
galleries in Italy.
There’s a world of adventure waiting around
every corner.
GAP Adventures has been a world leader and innovator Picture source: December 6, 2009
in sustainable adventure travel since 1990.
We invite you to explore a world of tours infused with inspiration and excitement
that will take you off the beaten track into the real heart of the destination,
allowing you to connect with nature and local cultures.
We are The Great Adventure People–welcome to our world of adventure travel!

Source: November 18, 2009 <>

64 UNIT 1 Narratives
B. Create a brochure.
You may choose your own topic.
Contoh jawaban:

Source: November 18, 2009 <


Write a fable.
You may choose your own topic.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 65

to hatch : menetaskan
Read and memorize the words.
impudent : lancang, kurang ajar
Use the words whenever you speak English.
maxim : peribahasa, pepatah
aloft : tinggi mournfully : dengan menyedihkan
to appease : memenuhi tuntutan to oblige : mengharuskan
awkward : kikuk, canggung pithy : ringkas dan tajam
to befriend : melindungi, berlaku seperti prey : mangsa
sahabat rooster : ayam jantan/jago
charcoal : arang kayu savior : penyelamat
clutch : sarang to scorch : menghanguskan
to decree : memutuskan to screech : menciut-ciut, berciut-ciut
to depict : melukiskan, menggambarkan to shrug : mengangkat bahu
to dip : mencedok to slither : melata, merayap
to drown : menenggelamkan to snatch : merenggut, mengambil
to emulate : berusaha menyamai atau stratagem : tipu daya, muslihat
melebihi succinct : ringkas
folly : kebodohan to swoop : menyambar, menukik
glint : kilatan to trudge : berjalan dengan susah payah
hare : kelinci

66 UNIT 1 Narratives
This dialog is for question 3.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
answer. Mrs. Ardian : Alvian, do me a favor, please.
Alvian : Yes, Mom. What can I do for
This dialog is for question 1. you?
Yennita : There are many airplane accidents Mrs. Ardian : Um . . . can you pack this
nowadays. What do you think, baggage? I’ll prepare some food
Choky? and drinks for our trip.
Choky : It shows the bad condition of the Alvian : O.K., Mom. Give it to me.
airplane business in Indonesia. Mrs. Ardian : Thanks.
Yennita : In your opinion, what should the 3. What does Mrs. Ardian ask Alvian to do?
airlines do? A. To help her prepare some food.
Choky : I think they should pay more B. To help her prepare some drinks.
attention to the quality of their planes C. To help her pack the baggage.
and flight services. D. To help her keep the baggage.
1. What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: C
A. Many accidents nowadays. Dalam percakapan tersebut Bu Ardian
B. The sea accidents nowadays. berkata, ”Um . . . can you pack this
C. Many airplane accidents nowadays. baggage?”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan
D. The quality of airplanes in Indonesia. ungkapan meminta bantuan. Jadi, Bu
Jawaban: C Ardian meminta bantuan Alvian untuk
Percakapan tersebut membahas tentang mengemasi barang-barang. Pilihan
banyaknya kecelakaan pesawat terbang jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Hal itu sesuai dengan isi percakapan.
disimpulkan dari kalimat Yennita ”There
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
are many airplane accidents nowadays.
What do you think, Choky?”. Pilihan A peasant left a jug of milk with a neighbor
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak for safekeeping. When he reclaimed the jug,
sesuai dengan isi percakapan. the milk had disappeared. Angry words led to
a lawsuit, and the judge decreed that the
This dialog is for question 2. neighbor should pay for the milk, even though
Receptionist : Good morning. What can I do the latter claimed that the flies had consumed it.
for you, Sir? “You should have struck them dead,” said
Mr. Rafi : I’d like to reserve one single room the judge.
and one double-bed room. “What?” replied the peasant, “You grant
Receptionist : Let me see your identity card, me permission to kill flies?”
please. “Yes indeed,” responded the judge. “You
Mr. Rafi : Here it is. have my permission to kill them anywhere you
find them.”
2. Where does the dialog possibly happen? In that moment the peasant saw a fly on
A. In a hotel. B. In an office. the judge’s cheek. He stepped up to him and
C. In a house. D. In a room. gave him a slap, saying, “I bet that cursed fly is
Jawaban: A one of those who drank up the milk!”
Pak Rafi berkata, ”I will reserve one single Because of the permission he had granted
room and one double-bed room.”. Itu to the peasant, the judge could do nothing
berarti bahwa Pak Rafi memesan kamar about the slap.
hotel. Jadi, dapat dipastikan bahwa Source: September 15, 2009 <
percakapan tersebut terjadi di hotel. type1586.html>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 67

4. What is the monolog about? Jawaban: C
A. A peasant and his milk. Pengumuman tersebut dapat didengar di
B. A peasant and a judge. sekolah (at school). Hal itu disimpulkan
C. A neighbor who stole the peasant’s milk. dari kata-kata kunci ’students’ dan ’OSIS
D. A judge who had a slap on his cheek. chairperson’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
Jawaban: B salah.
Teks tersebut menceritakan seorang petani
7. According to the announcement, what are
dan hakim. Saat seorang petani kehilangan
the students expected to do?
susunya, tetangganya berkata bahwa yang
A. To see the victims.
mengambil susunya adalah lalat. Hakim
B. To help the victims.
menyetujuinya dan mengizinkan petani
C. To look for the victims.
untuk membunuh lalat. Pada saat lalat
D. To evacuate the victims.
hinggap di pipi hakim, sang petani
Jawaban: B
menampar pipi hakim untuk membunuh
Berdasarkan teks pengumuman tersebut,
lalat. Karena hakim mengizinkan petani
para siswa diharapkan membantu korban
untuk membunuh lalat, ia tidak dapat
dengan memberikan bantuan berupa
marah. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah.
uang. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat
5. What did the judge permit the peasant to do? ”Anyone who wants to donate some
A. To step up to him. money may contact the OSIS
B. To slap his neighbor. chairperson, Hangga. Hopefully our little
C. To steal the milk. help will lessen their burden.”. Pilihan
D. To kill the fly. jawaban yang lain salah. (A) artinya
Jawaban: D melihat para korban, (C) artinya mencari
Hakim mengizinkan petani tersebut untuk para korban, dan (D) artinya meng-
membunuh lalat. Hal itu diketahui dari evakuasi para korban.
kalimat hakim ”’You have my permission to
kill them anywhere you find them.’”. Kata This text is for questions 8 to 10.
’them’ pada kalimat tersebut mengacu
pada lalat. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
Attention, please.
I believe you still remember the powerful
earthquake which happened last week. The
earthquake also happened in the areas where
some students of this school live. Many houses
there have destroyed, including the students’
houses. To show our sympathy to them, we will
visit them next Saturday. We will also donate
some money. Anyone who wants to donate
some money may contact the OSIS
chairperson, Hangga.
Hopefully our little help will lessen their burden.
Thank you.
6. Where do you possibly hear such Source: November 18, 2009 <
an announcement? programs/brochures/music.pdf>
A. In a hospital. B. In a railway station.
C. At school. D. In a parking lot.

68 UNIT 1 Narratives
8. What is the purpose of the text? Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very
A. To inform something. own. His name was Opie. He was just a baby
B. To entertain the readers. and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu
C. To attract people’s attention. whispered to Opie’s ear that someday he would
D. To advertise something. become the biggest, strongest and bravest
Jawaban: D elephant in the jungle. The other elephants
Teks tersebut merupakan brosur tentang heard this. They began to laugh and made rude
LASF. Tujuan brosur tersebut adalah noises with their trunks. “We’re so big and tall,
mengiklankan sesuatu, yaitu LASF. Pilihan but you’re so small. You’re nothing at all,” said
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan one of the big elephants.
merupakan tujuan teks tersebut. Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with
a mischievous glint in his eye. “You’re so tall
9. When was LASF founded?
and can see far away. We can see what is
A. In 1978. B. In 1979.
happening down here in the jungle. In fact, we
C. In 1980. D. In 1981.
would be the first to see any slithering snakes
Jawaban: C
that may be a danger.”
Dalam brosur tersebut terdapat kalimat-
After hearing the word snakes, the
kalimat ”The 2005/06 school year marks
elephants screeched and off they went
the 25th anniversary of LASF. Since 1980,
thundering in fright.
LASF has been providing core academic
“Did I say there were snakes?” giggled
programs and educational enrichment to
Mantu. “No, I don’t think so,” smiled Opie.
. . .”. Karena angkatan tahun 2005/2006
Mantu then climbed upon his little friend’s back
menandai ulang tahun ke-25 LASF, dapat
and went home to the village to tell everyone
disimpulkan bahwa LASF berdiri pada
about the foolish elephants.
tahun 1980 (2005 – 25 = 1980). Pilihan
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan School (SMP/MTs)
merupakan tahun yang tepat.
11. What is the text about?
10. “. . . run by volunteers to benefit the children . . .” A. Mantu and his elephant.
What does the word ‘volunteers’ mean? B. Mantu and his elephants.
A. People who work for an organization C. Elephants in the jungle.
without being paid. D. A little elephant.
B. People who work for an organization Jawaban: A
with high salaries. Teks tersebut menceritakan Mantu dan
C. People who work for a company. gajah kecilnya yang bernama Opie
D. People who work for their government. (kalimat: Now, Mantu had an elephant of
Jawaban: A his very own. His name was Opie.). Dalam
Kata ’volunteers’ artinya para teks tersebut diceritakan bagaimana
sukarelawan/sukarelawati. Itu berarti (A) Mantu membantu gajah kecilnya saat
orang-orang yang bekerja untuk sebuah berargumen dengan gajah-gajah yang lain.
organisasi tanpa dibayar. Pilihan jawaban Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. (B) salah
yang lain salah. (B) artinya orang-orang karena Mantu hanya memiliki satu gajah
yang bekerja untuk sebuah organisasi kecil, (C) dan (D) salah karena hanya
dengan gaji tinggi. (C) disebut employees merupakan gagasan pendukung.
dan (D) disebut civil servants.
12. Why did the other elephants laugh at what
This text is for questions 11 to 14. Mantu had said?
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the A. Because Opie was clever.
jungle where elephants helped the men with B. Because Opie was big.
their work. These elephants were so big and C. Because Opie was strong.
strong. They could lift up the heaviest logs with D. Because Opie was small.
their trunks and toss them high in the air.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 69

Jawaban: D The best arrangement of the jumbled
Dalam kalimat keenam dan ketujuh words is ________.
paragraf dua dinyatakan ”They began to A. 8–4–5–7–6–1–9–2–3
laugh and made rude noises with their B. 8–4–1–7–6–5–9–2–3
trunks. ‘We’re so big and tall, but you’re so C. 8–4–5–2–7–6–9–1–3
small. You’re nothing at all,’ said one of the D. 8–6–5–9–4–1–7–2–3
big elephants.”. Jadi, gajah-gajah tersebut Jawaban: B
menertawakan bisikan Mantu kepada Opie Susunan kata yang tepat adalah ”Alya
karena Opie masih sangat kecil dan bukan borrowed two books in the school library
apa-apa. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah last week.” yang artinya ”Alya meminjam
karena tidak sesuai dengan teks. dua buku di perpustakaan sekolah minggu
yang lalu.”.
13. What did Mantu say to defend Opie?
A. He said that Opie was big and strong. This text is for questions 16 to 20.
B. He said that they could see slithering
The Story of the Cock and the Hen
C. He said that they could get rid of snakes. Once upon a time in the very old days the
D. He said that Opie could lift heavy logs. cock and the hen were jungle fowl, and did not
Jawaban: B know village life at all. They lived in the jungle
Saat gajah-gajah yang lain menertawakan and were feared by all the animals, because
Opie yang bertubuh kecil, Mantu berkata, they had large red combs on their heads. They
”You’re so tall and can see far away. We also said that these combs were full of fire.
can see what is happening down here in All the animals there were very much
the jungle. In fact, we would be the first to afraid of fire, so the cock and the hen ruled the
see any slithering snakes that may be jungle. If ever one of the animals displeased
a danger.”. Jadi, Mantu membela Opie them, they said, “If you do not do what I want,
dengan mengatakan bahwa karena tubuh I will burn you with my comb. Do you not see
mereka kecil, mereka dapat melihat ular- that it is red-hot?”
ular yang melingkar yang mungkin One day the old mother leopard came
berbahaya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain home and found that the fire in her kitchen had
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. gone out. She said to her little cub, “Run to the
cock’s house and ask him to give you a few
14. “. . . with a mischievous glint in his eye.” glowing bits of charcoal to make our fire.”
(Paragraph 3) The cub went obediently, but he found the
The bold-typed word has similar meaning cock and the hen both sound asleep. He was
to ________. afraid to wake them.
A. generous The mother leopard said, “Take a little dry
B. honest grass and creep up softly to the cock and light
C. naughty the grass from his comb.” But the cub was
D. smart afraid to go alone, so his mother went with him.
Jawaban: C They crept up to the sleeping cock and hen,
Kata ’mischievous’ artinya nakal/jahat. and gently put the dry grass against their
Kata tersebut bermakna sama dengan combs. However, it did not light, and the grass
kata ’naughty’ yang artinya nakal. Pilihan was not even scorched. The mother leopard put
jawaban yang lain salah. (A) artinya murah out her paw and touched them. The combs
hati, (B) artinya jujur, dan (D) artinya were quite cold; although, they looked red-hot.
cerdas. Then she knew that the cock and hen had
15. two – library – last week – borrowed – the been telling lies all these years. She roared with
1 2 3 4 5 laughter and woke them up, and she said, “Now
– in – books – Alya – school I know that you didn’t tell us the truth. Your
6 7 8 9 combs are quite cold. There is no fire in them.

70 UNIT 1 Narratives
The animals will not fear you any more. I am jantan membuat api, dan (D) artinya untuk
going to tell them all about it.” tidur sebentar.
The cock and hen did not wait to hear what
18. Which statement is NOT TRUE according
the jungle thought about it. They packed up
to the text?
their things and ran away to a nearby village.
A. The cock had a red comb on its head.
Since that day they never returned to the
B. The mother leopard’s fire stopped
jungle. They have always lived with men. They
burning fire.
like being safely shut up at night, for even now
C. Finally the mother leopard knew the
the leopards have not forgotten, and kill them if
cock’s lie.
they find them out at night.
D. Finally the cock stayed in the jungle.
Source: November 16, 2009
Jawaban: D
king.html> Setelah kebohongannya terbongkar, ayam
jantan pergi meninggalkan hutan (kalimat:
16. What did the cock and the hen say to
The cock and hen did not wait to hear what
make the animals fear them?
the jungle thought about it. They packed
A. They were kings of the beasts.
up their things and ran away to a nearby
B. They could kill other animals easily.
village.). Jadi, pernyataan yang tidak
C. They had full of fire red-hot combs.
sesuai dengan teks adalah (D). Pilihan
D. They had charcoal to make fire.
jawaban yang lain salah. (A) sesuai
Jawaban: C
dengan kalimat kedua paragraf satu,
Jawaban diketahui dari kalimat kedua dan
(B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama
ketiga paragraf satu ”They lived in the
paragraf tiga, dan (C) sesuai dengan
jungle and were feared by all the animals,
kalimat pertama paragraf enam.
because they had large red combs on their
heads. They also said that these combs 19. “. . .; although, they looked red-hot.”
were full of fire.”. Jadi, yang membuat (Paragraph 5)
hewan-hewan di hutan takut pada ayam What does the word ‘they’ refer to?
jantan dan ayam jago adalah karena A. The leopards.
mereka memiliki jengger merah di kepala, B. The combs.
dan mereka mengatakan bahwa jengger C. The leopard and her cub.
tersebut berisi api. Pilihan jawaban yang D. The animals.
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi Jawaban: B
teks. Kata ’they’ dalam kalimat tersebut
mengacu pada jengger (the combs). Hal
17. What did mother leopard ask her cub to do?
itu disimpulkan dari klausa sebelumnya
A. To ask the cock some charcoal.
”The combs were quite cold, . . .”. Pilihan
B. To wake up the cock.
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
C. To ask the cock to make fire.
sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. (A) artinya
D. To take a nap.
macan tutul, (C) artinya macan tutul dan
Jawaban: A
anaknya, dan (D) artinya hewan-hewan itu.
Dalam kalimat kedua paragraf tiga
dinyatakan ”She said to her little cub, ‘Run 20. “. . . and gently put the dry grass . . .”
to the cock’s house and ask him to give (Paragraph 5)
you a few glowing bits of charcoal to make The word ‘gently’ has opposite meaning to
our fire.’”. Kata ’she’ dalam kalimat ________.
tersebut mengacu pada ibu macan tutul. A. harshly B. softly
Jadi, anak macan tutul tersebut disuruh C. carefully D. loudly
ibunya untuk minta arang pada ayam Jawaban: A
jantan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Kata ’gently’ artinya dengan hati-hati/
(B) artinya untuk membangunkan ayam lemah lembut. Kata tersebut berlawanan
jantan, (C) artinya untuk meminta ayam arti dengan kata ’harshly’ yang artinya

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 71

dengan kasar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain “Why, it did so,” said the thief.
salah. (B) artinya dengan lembut, The two went to a fox and told him about
(C) artinya dengan hati-hati, dan the case. The fox said, “I am (4) ________. All
(D) artinya dengan keras. last night the sea was on (5) ________; I had to
throw a great deal of hay into it to quench the
B. Complete the text with the correct flames; so come tomorrow, and I shall hear
words from the box. your case.”
“Oh, you lie,” said the thief, “How could the
a. fire b. could sea burn? How could hay (6) ________ the
c. quench d. horse flames?”
e. dull f. tied “Oh, you lie,” said the fox, with a loud
laugh, “How could a tree eat up a horse?”
The Thief and the Fox The thief saw his lie had no legs, and gave
A man (1) ________ his horse to a tree the man his horse.
and went into an inn. A thief hid the horse in Source: November 16, 2009 <
a wood, and stood near the tree as if he had
not done it. Jawaban:
“Did you see my (2) ________?” said the 1. f 2. d 3. b 4. e
man. 5. a 6. c
“Yes,” said the thief, “I saw the tree eat up
your horse.”
“How (3) ________ the tree eat up my
horse?” said the man.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 1:

● Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 2, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa di Unit 1.
Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

72 UNIT 1 Narratives
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
answer. The beasts and the fishes once came to
an agreement that they should exchange
This dialog is for question 1. places for some time by way of variety.
Riani : We have an assignment to write Did you know what happened then? Most
a narrative. Do you have any ideas, Adit? of the beasts that got into the sea, not being
Adit : What about writing an Indonesian able to breathe, soon died by myriads, or were
folktale? devoured by the sea monsters. So the others
Riani : That’s a good idea. What story will we with difficulty came to the shore and met the
write then? remaining fishes, who had just arrived from the
Adit : I think the story of Suroboyo is interior of the country.
interesting. Said the fishes, “Oh, let us go back to our
home, the sea!” and darted into the water.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
Said the beasts, “Oh, let us go back to our
A. An assignment to write a folktale.
home, the land!” and jumped ashore.
B. An assignment to write a narrative.
A sage, who had been witnessing the
C. An assignment to write an Indonesian
scene, said, “When will you change places
D. An assignment to write the story of
“Never more! never more!” said both.
Said the sage, “Each does best in his own
This dialog is for question 2. element.”
Source: November 16, 2009 <
Mother : Would you like something to eat,
Dion : Yeah. That’s very kind of you. 4. What is the text about?
Mother : Which one do you prefer? Porridge or A. A fight between the beasts and the
fried rice? fishes.
Dion : Well . . . I prefer porridge to fried rice, B. Arrogant beasts and fishes.
Mom. Thanks. C. The difficulty of living in the water.
D. The beasts and fishes’ agreement to
2. What does Mother offer? exchange places.
A. Food. B. Drink.
C. Snacks. D. Candies. 5. Why did the beasts die?
A. They couldn’t breathe in the sea.
This dialog is for question 3. B. They were difficult to come to the
Arin : You look very sad. What happened, shore.
Robin? C. They were afraid of sea monsters.
Robin : I lost my school fee in the bus and I’m D. They were not able to jump ashore.
afraid of telling it to our parents.
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
Arin : Don’t worry. I’ll help you tell Mom and
Dad about it. Attention, please.
Robin : Thank you very much. One of our classmates, Tito, has got a dengue
fever. He has been hospitalized for about two
3. Who are speaking in the dialog? days. I think we had better visit him today. What
A. Two friends. do you think?
B. Two schoolmates. Thank you.
C. A sister and a brother.
D. A mother and a son.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 73

6. Who do you think says the announcement? 8. What is the brochure about?
A. A teacher. B. A class captain. A. A company.
C. A principal. D. A doctor. B. An investment.
C. A shopping center.
7. What is the announcement about?
D. A real estate business.
A. A student who is sick.
B. A teacher who is hospitalized. 9. The following are the sectors of the
C. A visit to a hospital. company’s investment, except ________.
D. A dengue fever. A. residentials
B. hotels
This text is for questions 8 to 10. C. airports
Alpha Real Capital India D. shopping centers
10. “. . . and business park environments on
flexible terms.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the antonym of the word ‘flexible’?
A. Smooth. B. Harsh.
C. Elastic. D. Rigid.
This text is for questions 11 to 14.
Far off in the jungle, by the misty springs,
Lion was taking a walk by himself. Surprisingly,
he was wearing a hot thick raincoat that he
Picture source: November 18, 2009 could not take off. Tiger, Lion’s friend, was
< walking in the jungle too. “My dear friend, Lion,
what are you doing in that hot thick raincoat on
such a lovely day as this?” asked Tiger.
Alpha Real Capital India has “Well,” Lion started out, “it was this
established a strong local team in India, morning, I put this raincoat on. I really don’t
led by Brad Bauman, CEO (India). Alpha remember why I put it on. I guess I just thought
is a leading global investment and it might all of a sudden rain.”
development group. It provides high quality, Tiger shook his head and said, “Please
long-term solutions for occupiers in India. don’t try to tell me you think it is going to rain
Alpha is able to mitigate risk for occupiers today. The clouds aren’t even what I call thin.”
by delivering first-class workplaces and Lion’s eyes widened. He forced himself
business park environments on flexible into thinking that he was going to wear this
terms. sweating hot raincoat on such a lovely warm
Alpha has bespoken real estate October day. “Oh, no,” cried Lion.
operational solutions for leading “Do not worry at all my friend,” Tiger
international companies. Alpha’s principal explained, “you simply cut off some of your
focus is the development of business parks sleeves and pants.”
and business park-led mixed use and “Great solution!” exploded excited Lion.
township projects across India. He thanked his friend and ran home. He was so
The company also invests in office, excited that he cut off all his sleeves and pants.
mixed use/residential, hotels and serviced Then, he jumped out the door and felt the warm
apartments and has extensive experience sunshine.
developing, owning and operating business Eventually, the clouds rolled over the sun
parks, shopping centers and other and it began to rain. Lion, shocked by his
commercial properties. foolishness, prayed for the rain to stop. But the
Source: November 18, 2009 <http:// storm raged on, and Lion darted home with
a soaking wet body and a soaking wet tail that

74 UNIT 1 Narratives
dragged along behind him. When the storm One day, while walking to market, the old
stopped, there were only miles and miles of lady stubbed her toe on a stone and dropped
muddy puddles. Floating in one of the pond- her gourd to the ground. The gourd split open
sized puddles, there was a small bit of tattered and her coconut cakes spilled everywhere.
cloth that had covered Lion’s tail. “Oh, look at this trouble here,” she said.
Source: November 16, 2009 <http:// “I can’t believe what trouble I’ve got. Now I’ll have to go right back home!”
Monkey was sitting in a tree above the
11. What was Lion wearing? road and saw and heard everything. As the old
A. A thin raincoat. woman left he began to grow curious about her
B. A thick raincoat. trouble.
C. A big hat. He scurried down the tree and went to the
D. A thick cloth. trouble sprawled across the road. He tasted
12. Why did Lion wear it? one of the coconut cakes and exclaimed, “This
A. He thought that the day was very hot. trouble is most delicious! I shall go buy some
B. He wanted to show it to his friends. more for myself!”
C. He thought that it would rain. Monkey marched right into town and went
D. He was very proud wearing it. to the nearest merchant. “I’d like to buy some
trouble,” he said.
13. What is the main idea of paragraph 5? The merchant looked strangely at the little
A. Tiger’s suggestion to solve Lion’s creature and asked, “Do you know what trouble
problem. is?”
B. Lion’s reason why he wore a raincoat. “Yes, yes,” Monkey said impatiently. “Give
C. Lion’s regret after he did what Tiger me all you have and be quick about it.”
had suggested. The shopkeeper shook his head with
D. Tiger’s comment on Lion’s appearance. a little smile and soon brought out a large bag.
14. “. . . and Lion darted home with a soaking Monkey paid for it and left.
wet body . . .” (Paragraph 7) As he dragged the bag down the road, he
What does the word ‘darted’ mean? began to grow tired.
A. Walked slowly. “My my, but this trouble is heavy. And what
B. Walked suddenly. strange sounds it makes.” He eventually came
C. Move slowly. to a clearing and decided to open the bag and
D. Move suddenly and quickly. enjoy his treat.
Licking his lips, he loosened the top of the
15. its – yesterday – company – a – advertised bag. Suddenly a fierce bear burst from the bag.
1 2 3 4 5 Poor Monkey ran up the nearest tree and sat
– newspaper – the – in – products on a high branch, shaking with fear as the bear
6 7 8 9 chased him.
The best arrangement of the jumbled He grew hungrier and hungrier and
words is ________. eventually picked a strange fruit from above his
A. 4–3–6–5–1–9–8–7–2 head. He stuffed it in his mouth, not knowing that
B. 7–3–5–1–9–8–4–6–2 he was in a pepper tree. Oh! How that pepper
C. 7–3–5–9–8–1–6–4–2 burned his poor little mouth. And he could not go
D. 7–9–5–1–6–3–8–4–2 get water until the bear left the tree.
This text is for questions 16 to 20. Eventually the bear did leave and Monkey
was able to run to a nearby pond to cool his
In a tiny village in Trinidad there lived an
burning tongue.
old woman who made the most delicious
And to this day Monkey stays high up in
sweets. People would come from all around just
the treetops, far away from trouble.
to buy her candies at the village’s market.
Adapted from: November 8, 2009 <

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 75

16. Why was the monkey interested in looking
B. Put the following paragraphs in the
for troubles?
proper order to get a good text.
A. He liked to have troubles.
B. He found many troubles in his life. The Ducks and the Fox
C. He did not find troubles in his life. 1. The next day the duck that had wanted
D. He tasted some cakes that he thought to go to the pond another way said,
as troubles. “Please, let’s go the other way. If we go the
17. What real trouble did the monkey get? same way, that fox will surely eat us.”
A. He got more candies spread on the “Oh, don’t be such a worry wart,”
road. snapped the biggest duck.
B. He got a large bag from a shopkeeper. 2. Once there were two ducks that
C. He was chased by a fierce bear. always walked along the same road each
D. He should climb a pepper tree. day to go to the pond. As they went along,
18. The following statements are TRUE one of the ducks quacked to the other,
according to the text, except ________. “Why don’t we go on a different path
A. the woman dropped her gourd today? There are lots of other roads that
deliberately lead to the pond.”
B. the monkey thought that the cakes 3. The next day the ducks took another
were troubles road to the pond because they were both
C. the shopkeeper gave the monkey still in shock over what the fox had done to
a large bag them the day before.
D. the monkey ate pepper and burned
his mouth 4. “No, no, no. I have always gone this
way and I am not about to change my
19. “Monkey paid for it and left.” (Paragraph 9) ways,” said the bigger duck.
The word ‘it’ refers to ________.
A. a cake 5. So they both had gone the same way
B. a bear that they always had, and there was the
C. a trouble fox waiting for them with a sack in his paw.
D. a bag As soon as the ducks walked by, the fox
pounced on them. The ducks ran
20. “Licking his lips, he loosened the top of the screaming back to their house.
bag.” (Paragraph 12)
What does the word ‘loosen’ have opposite 6. As the ducks walked along they came
meaning to? upon a very sly fox. “Hello, ladies. How are
A. Free. you doing?”
B. Open. “Oh, we are just on our way to the
C. Tighten. pond,” the ducks continued to waddle
D. Close. quickly to the pond.
Source: November 16, 2009

76 UNIT 1 Narratives
Jawaban Review Unit 1 bernapas atau mereka dimakan
monster laut. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
A. Pilihan Ganda
salah; (C) salah karena kematian
1. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal binatang buas tersebut bukan karena
Riani ”We have an assignment to write takut akan monster laut, tetapi karena
a narrative. Do you have any ideas, dimakan monster laut, sedangkan
Adit?”. Jadi, percakapan tersebut (B) artinya mereka sulit naik ke daratan
membicarakan mengenai tugas menulis dan (D) artinya mereka tidak dapat
teks naratif. Siswa bebas memilih jenis melompat ke daratan.
teks naratif yang akan ditulis. Pilihan
6. B. Dalam pengumuman tersebut terdapat
jawaban yang lain salah karena
kalimat ”One of our classmates, Tito,
merupakan jenis teks naratif yang akan
has got a dengue fever.” yang artinya
mereka tulis.
”Salah satu teman sekelas kita, Tito,
2. A. Ibu menawarkan sesuatu dengan sakit demam berdarah.”. Karena
mengatakan, ”Would you like mengumumkan tentang teman sekelas,
something to eat, Dion?” dan ”Which one dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang
do you prefer? Porridge or fried rice?”. mengumumkan hal tersebut adalah
Kata-kata kunci dalam percakapan ketua kelas (a class captain). Pilihan
tersebut adalah ’something to eat’, jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
’porridge’, ’fried rice’. Jadi, dapat sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.
disimpulkan bahwa ibu menawarkan
7. A. Pengumuman tersebut berisi
makanan (food). Pilihan jawaban yang
pemberitahuan bahwa ada seorang
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi
siswa yang sakit demam berdarah dan
dirawat di rumah sakit. Hal itu diketahui
3. C. Dalam percakapan Robin berkata, dari kalimat ”One of our classmates,
”I lost my school fee in the bus and I’m Tito, has got a dengue fever. He has
afraid of telling it to our parents.”. Kata been hospitalized for about two days.”.
kunci dalam kalimat tersebut adalah ’our Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
parents’ yang artinya orang tua kita. Jadi, tidak sesuai dengan isi pengumuman.
yang bercakap-cakap tersebut adalah
8. D. Teks tersebut merupakan brosur yang
seorang saudara perempuan dan saudara
menawarkan usaha hunian (real
laki-laki (a sister and a brother). Pilihan
estate). Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
ketiga paragraf satu ”It provides high
sesuai dengan konteks situasi
quality, long-term solutions for
occupiers in India.” serta kalimat
4. D. Teks tersebut mengenai perjanjian pertama paragraf dua ”Alpha has
binatang buas dan ikan untuk bertukar bespoken real estate operational
tempat tinggal. Hal itu diketahui dari solutions for leading international
kalimat awal teks ”The beasts and the companies.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
fishes once came to an agreement that salah karena hanya merupakan
they should exchange places for some pendukung brosur.
time by way of variety.”. Pilihan jawaban
9. C. Dalam paragraf ketiga dinyatakan ”The
yang lain salah; (A) artinya pertarungan
company also invests in office, mixed
antara binatang buas dan ikan,
use/residential, hotels and serviced
(B) artinya binatang buas dan ikan yang
apartments and has extensive
sombong, dan (C) artinya kesulitan
experience developing, owning and
hidup di dalam air.
operating business parks, shopping
5. A. Jawaban diketahui dari kalimat dalam centers and other commercial
teks ”Most of the beasts that got into the properties.”. Jadi, yang bukan
sea, not being able to breathe, soon merupakan investasi perusahaan
died by myriads, or were devoured by tersebut adalah bandara (airports).
the sea monsters.”. Jadi, yang menjadi
10. D. Kata ’flexible’ artinya fleksibel/mudah
sebab meninggalnya binatang buas
disesuaikan. Lawan dari kata tersebut
adalah karena mereka tidak dapat

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 77

adalah ’rigid’ yang artinya kaku. Pilihan yang lezat yang ia pikir bernama
jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya trouble. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat
halus, (B) artinya kasar, dan (C) artinya kedua paragraf lima ”He tasted one of
elastis/luwes. the coconut cakes and exclaimed, ’This
11. B. Kalimat kedua paragraf satu adalah trouble is most delicious! I shall go buy
”Surprisingly, he was wearing a hot thick some more for myself!’”. Pilihan
raincoat that he could not take off.”. Jadi, jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
yang dikenakan Singa adalah sebuah jas sesuai dengan isi teks.
hujan yang tebal (a thick raincoat). 17. C. Saat kera meminta trouble pada
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena penjaga toko, penjaga toko memberikan
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. sebuah kotak besar berisi beruang
12. C. Saat Harimau bertanya mengapa Singa buas. Beruang tersebut mengejar sang
memakai jas hujan yang tebal tersebut, kera saat kera membuka tutup kotak.
Singa menjawab, ”I really don’t Jadi, trouble yang benar-benar
remember why I put it on. I guess I just diperoleh kera adalah dikejar beruang
thought it might all of a sudden rain.”. yang buas. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
Jadi, alasan Singa memakai jas hujan salah.
yang tebal adalah karena ia mengira 18. A. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan
bahwa hujan akan turun secara tiba- teks adalah (A) yang artinya wanita
tiba. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. tersebut menjatuhkan labu manisnya
(A) artinya ia berpikir bahwa hari sangat dengan sengaja. Hal itu tidak sesuai
panas, (B) artinya ia ingin menunjukkan dengan kalimat pertama paragraf dua
jas hujan tersebut kepada teman- ”One day, while walking to market, the
temannya, dan (D) artinya ia sangat old lady stubbed her toe on a stone and
bangga mengenakan jas hujan tersebut. dropped her gourd to the ground.”.
13. A. Paragraf lima berbunyi ”‘Do not worry at Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
all my friend,’ Tiger explained, ‘you simply sesuai dengan teks; (B) sesuai dengan
cut off some of your sleeves and pants.’”. kalimat kedua paragraf lima, (C) sesuai
Kalimat-kalimat tersebut merupakan dengan kalimat pertama paragraf
saran Harimau untuk memecahkan sembilan, dan (D) sesuai dengan
masalah yang dihadapi Singa, yaitu tidak kalimat-kalimat pada paragraf tiga
dapat melepaskan jas hujan yang belas.
dikenakannya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain 19. D. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut
salah; (B) merupakan isi paragraf dua, mengacu pada tas (a bag). Hal itu
(C) merupakan isi paragraf terakhir, dan disimpulkan dari objek kalimat
(D) merupakan isi paragraf satu. sebelumnya ”The shopkeeper shook his
14. D. Kata ’darted’ artinya bergerak dengan head with a little smile and soon
tiba-tiba dan cepat (move suddenly and brought out a large bag.”. Pilihan
quickly). Pilihan jawaban yang lain jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan sesuai dengan konteks kalimat;
makna kata tersebut; (A) artinya (A) artinya kue, (B) artinya beruang, dan
berjalan pelan-pelan, (B) artinya (C) artinya masalah.
berjalan dengan tiba-tiba, dan 20. C. Kata ’loosen’ artinya melepaskan/
(C) artinya bergerak pelan-pelan. mengendurkan. Kata tersebut
15. B. Susunan kata yang tepat adalah (B) the berlawanan makna dengan kata
company advertised its products in ’tighten’ yang artinya mengencangkan.
a newspaper yesterday yang artinya Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
perusahaan itu mengiklankan produk- (A) artinya membebaskan, (B) artinya
produknya di surat kabar kemarin. membuka, dan (D) artinya menutup.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
B. Esai
bukan merupakan susunan yang logis.
16. D. Kera tersebut tertarik untuk mencari
Susunan paragraf yang tepat adalah 2–4–6–1–5–3.
’masalah’ (trouble) setelah makan kue

78 UNIT 1 Narratives
Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa bentuk narrative yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti kegiatan listening, reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled
exercises (menyusun kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur
teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
The Parrot
There was once a grocer who had a beautiful parrot with green feathers. It hung in a cage at
his shop door. It was a very shrewd, sensible bird and very observing. But it was a female, and as
such could not hold its tongue. It proclaimed aloud all that it knew, announcing to everyone who
entered the shop the little circumstances which had fallen under its observation.
One day the parrot observed its master sanding the sugar. Presently in came a woman and
asked for some brown sugar. “Sand in the sugar! Sand in the sugar!” vociferated the bird, and the
customer pocketed her money and rushed out of the shop.
The indignant grocer rushed to the cage and shook it well. “You abominable bird, if you tell
tales again, I will wring your neck!” And again he shook the cage till the poor creature was all
ruffled, and a cloud of its feathers was flying about the shop.
Next day it saw its master mixing cocoa powder with brick dust. Presently in came a customer
for cocoa powder. “Brick dust in the cocoa!” cried the parrot, eagerly and repeatedly, till the
astonished customer believed it, and went away without his cocoa. A repetition of the shaking of
the cage ensued, with a warning that such another instance of tale-telling should certainly be
punished with death. The parrot made internal resolutions never to speak again.
Presently, however, it observed its master making shop butter of lard colored with a little
turmeric. In came a lady and asked for butter.
“Nice fresh butter, ma’am, fresh from the dairy,” said the shopman.
“Lard in the butter! Lard in the butter!” said the parrot.
“You scoundrel, you!” exclaimed the shopman, rushing at the cage. Opening it, drawing forth
the luckless bird, and wringing its neck, he cast it into the ash pit. But the parrot the was not quite
dead, and after lying quiet for a few minutes, she lifted up her head and saw a dead cat in the pit.
“Halloo!” called the parrot. “What is the matter with you, Tom?”
No answer, for the vital spark of heavenly flame had quitted the mortal frame of the poor cat.
“Dead!” sighed the parrot. “Poor Tom! He too must have been afflicted with the love of truth.
Ah, me!”
The parrot sat up and tried her wings. “They are sound. Great is truth in my own country, but in
this dingy England it is at a discount, and lies are at a premium.”
Then spreading her wings, the parrot flew away. But whether she ever reached her own land,
where truth was regarded with veneration, I have not heard. No, the parrot flew twice round the
world in search of it, and could not find it. I wonder whether the parrot has found it now!
Source: November 16, 2009 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 79

Text 2
Tortoise and Eagle
The Tortoise and the Eagle very rarely met, for Eagle was at home in the clouds and Tortoise
was at home on the ground. One day, though, Eagle heard how generous and kind Tortoise was
and decided to pay him a visit.
Tortoise was indeed kind and generous, for he invited Eagle in and fed him a most lavish
meal. Eagle gorged on the delicious food and ate for several hours.
In fact, the meal was so delicious that Eagle came back again and again, eating like a glutton
each time.
And every time he flew off he would laugh to himself, “Ha ha! I have shared Tortoise’s
hospitality, but he can never reach my tree to share mine!”
Eagle was so greedy that soon the other animals began to speak of it.
One day Frog went to Tortoise to offer him his advice.
“Tortoise,” said Frog, “Eagle is taking advantage of your generosity. Every time he leaves your
home he laughs to himself and says, “Ha ha! I have shared Tortoise’s hospitality, but he can never
reach my tree to share mine!”
Then Frog told him what to do.
The next time Eagle came to visit, Tortoise said, “Please, brother, let me give you a gourd full
of food to take home to your wife and children.”
Eagle was quick to accept this gift and waited impatiently while Tortoise went off to collect it.
In the kitchen, where Eagle couldn’t see, Tortoise climbed into the gourd and his wife helped to
pile food on top of him. When they were done, he was no longer visible, and the gourd appeared to
be overflowing with tasty treats.
Eagle took the gourd home and dumped the contents out on his floor. Out rolled Tortoise who
said, “Hello, Eagle. I thought it would be a nice change to visit you. I look forward to sharing a meal
with you.”
Eagle was furious and said, “You will be the only meal here, Tortoise!” But as he tried to peck
the little creature, he only managed to hurt his own beak on Tortoise’s hard shell.
“I see what kind of friend you are, Eagle, to threaten to eat me,” said Tortoise. “I think it would
be best for you to take me home now.”
“I’ll throw you to the ground and watch you smash into little pieces,” screamed the bird, and
flew off into the sky with Tortoise in his claws.
Unfortunately for Eagle, Tortoise had clamped onto his leg with an unbreakable grip and
wouldn’t let go. Eagle tried to fling him off but couldn’t.
He shrieked and begged. “Oh please, please, Tortoise! Let go of my leg!”
Tortoise simply replied, “I will be happy to do so when you have returned me to my home.”
Eagle tried and tried to throw Tortoise off, but in the end, he had no choice but to return him to
his home. Once there, Tortoise released his hold and calmly walked to his door.
Before going back in, he turned to Eagle and said, “Friendship requires the contribution of two
people. I welcome you into my home and you welcome me. Instead, you have chosen to abuse this
hospitality. You need not return here anymore.”
And then he went inside, leaving Eagle to think about his selfishness.
Source: November 16, 2009 <>

80 UNIT 1 Narratives
At the end of this unit you
will be able to:
● open, extend and close
a telephone call,
● show attention,
● deliver spoken news,
● deliver personal
experiences using spoken
● write letters,
● write recounts about
personal experiences, and
● use modals correctly.

Have you ever made a telephone call in English? How

do you make the call? What do you usually say for the opening and
closing? Do you know how to extend a phone call? In this unit, you
will find the answers of those questions. You will learn kinds of
expressions to open, maintain and close a telephone call and their
uses in conversations.
After that, in this unit you will also be encouraged to share your
personal experiences. Do you know that every time you write your
experience, you write a recount? You will learn more about the
structure and the characteristics of this text.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 81

2.1 Expressions

Opening, Extending and Closing a Telephone Call

Read the following dialogs.

Hello, may Well, I want to ask

I speak to Bagas speaking. you about our biology
1 Bagas, please? 2 project. Can we
Who’s this? Sure. No
discuss it this
afternoon in my problem.
It’s me,
Eka. house?

Hi, Eka. What’s

up, buddy?
O.K. I’ll wait for
you then. Bye. Bye.

In the dialogs above, Eka and Bagas have a conversation by phone. The sentences “Hello,
may I speak to Bagas, please?” and “Bagas speaking.” are used to open a phone call.
Meanwhile, the sentences “O.K. I’ll wait for you then. Bye.” and “Bye.” are used to close
a phone call.
Here are some other expressions used to open a phone call, say the purpose of calling and
close a phone call.

Opening a Phone Call

Answering the Phone
● Hello? (informal)
● Good morning/afternoon/evening.
● Pizza Mania. How can I help you?
● Doctor Bono’s office. What can I help you?
Introducing Yourself
● Hey, Vera. It’s Lisa calling. (informal) ● Hello, this is Indra Setiawan calling.
● This is Linda speaking.* ● Anne speaking here.*
(* The person who is answering says this if the caller does not recognize his/her voice.)
Asking to Speak to Someone
● Is Doni in? (informal) ● Is Andrew there, please? (informal)
● Can I talk to your sister? (informal) ● May I speak with Mr. Green, please?
● Would the doctor be in/available?

82 UNIT 2 Recounts
Saying the Purpose of Calling
● I am calling to tell you that . . . .
● Listen! There’s something I want to tell you.
● Sorry for bothering you. But, I need your help. Will you . . . ?
● I have something to inform you.
● I have a story and I bet you’ll like it.

Closing a Phone Call

● Well, I guess I’d better get going. Talk to you soon.
● Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
● I have another call coming through. I’d better run.
● I’m afraid that’s my other line.
● I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye.
● Will you please call me back in an hour? I am in the middle of cooking.

Showing Attention

Read the following dialog.

Did you watch “The

Relick” last night?
Yeah. That was very
terrifying. I couldn’t imagine
if it really happened.

I’m so sorry I couldn’t

watch it. I was very

Were you?

The bold typed sentence “Were you?” shows someone’s attention. It means that the speaker
pays attention to what her friend says.
Here are some expressions to show that you are listening.

Showing Attention
● Right . . . /I see . . . /Hmm . . . . ● Oh, no./Oh, dear.
● You do, don’t you? ● I know what you mean.
● I know how you feel. ● Do you?/Is it?/Has it?/Does it?
● Really? ● Were they?
● That’s surely true. ● Wow! It’s a very long time.
● Tell me, what’s wrong? ● That’s great!

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 83

Answer the following questions.
1. What expressions have you learned in Unit 1?
Jawaban: Expressions of asking for, giving and declining opinions; asking for, giving and
refusing help; asking for, giving and refusing things.
2. You feel thirsty. Luckily, your friend brings some drink and you ask for it. What would you say?
Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Rina, may I ask your drink? I’m thirsty.”
3. You only have a little money left. It’s not enough to pay the bus fare. Then, you ask for your
friend’s ride. What would you say?
Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Could you give me a ride home, Don? I don’t have enough
money to pay for the bus fare.”

A. Listen to your teacher.

Then, answer the questions below.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Vito : Hello? Vito speaking.
Dina : Hi, Vito. It’s Dina. Is Ratna in?
Vito : No, she just stepped out for a moment. Can I take a message?
Dina : Yes, thanks. Could you ask her to meet me at the Premier movie theater at 6:30 p.m.
Vito : Wait. Just let me write that down. Now, could you repeat it, please?
Dina : Sure. It’s the Premier Theater at six thirty this evening.
Vito : O.K., I’ve got it. Is there anything else?
Dina : No, that’s all.
Vito : O.K. Um . . . sorry, there’s my other line again. I’d better run.
Dina : O.K., thanks. Bye for now.
Vito : Bye.

1. Who receives the call?

Jawaban: Vito does.
2. Is Ratna at home? How do you know?
Jawaban: No, she isn’t. From Vito’s statement, “No, she just stepped out for a moment.”
3. What is Dina’s message for Ratna?
Jawaban: She asks Ratna to meet her at the Premier movie theater at 6:30 p.m. tonight.
4. What are Dina and Ratna going to do this evening?
Jawaban: They are going to see a film.
5. Vito said, “Um . . . sorry, there’s my other line again. I’d better run.” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He wants to end the phone call.

84 UNIT 2 Recounts
Listen to your teacher.
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Sandra : Hi, Danang.
Danang : Hi, Sandra. What’s news?
Sandra : Nothing. Anyway, did you watch the film on TV last night?
Danang : No. Was it good?
Sandra : Totally. You just missed a good film.
Danang : Did I? Well, you have to tell me about it, then.
Sandra : No problem. At the break, O.K.?
Danang : That’s fine.

1. ______ The speakers are talking about the film on TV last night.
2. ______ Danang watched the film last night.
3. ______ Sandra thinks that the film is good.
4. ______ Danang would like to know the film.
5. ______ Sandra will tell Danang about the film after school.
1. T
2. F (He did not watch the film.)
3. T
4. T
5. F (She will tell the boy about the film at the break.)

B. Listen to your teacher.

Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Tania : Hi, Diah. (1) Long time no see. How are you?
Diah : Hi, Tania. As you see, I’m just fine. And you look
well too. Anyway, (2) how’s life with you?
Tania : Recently, (3) I’m quite busy with school stuff. You
know, doing homework and taking exams. What
about you?
Diah : Not far different. Tania, do you remember Joni, our
old friend? I heard (4) he continued his study in
Tania : Did he? You must (5) get wrong information.
He’s never been to Australia.
Dialog 2
Mia : Hello. Mia speaking.
Diane : Hello, Mia. This is Diane. (1) May I speak to Andre, please?
Mia : I’m sorry, but he’s gone out. (2) Would you like to leave a message?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 85

Diane : Yes. Please tell Andre that I won’t be able to come for taekwondo practice this afternoon.
(3) I’ve sprained my ankle. Please tell him to inform Mr. Suroso that I can’t have the
practice for at least one week.
Mia : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your ankle gets better soon.
Diane : Thank you, Mia.
Mia : Hold on, please. (4) Have you seen a doctor?
Diane : I haven’t. I don’t think it’s that bad.
Mia : I think you’d better go to the doctor to check your ankle.
Diane : Thanks for the advice, Mia. (5) See you then. Bye.
Mia : You’re welcome. Bye.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

A. Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in Task B.
Dialog 1
1. Diah and Tania has not met each other for ________.
2. Recently, Tania is very busy with ________.
3. Joni is Diah and Tania’s ________.
4. Diah heard that Joni studies in ________.
5. According to Tania, the information that Diah heard about Joni could be ________..
Dialog 2
1. Diane makes a call and Mia ________ the call.
2. Andre is not at home, so Mia asks Diane to ________.
3. Diane cannot attend the taekwondo practice because of ________.
4. Diane will be absent from the practice for ________.
5. Mia suggests that Diane ________.
Dialog 1
1. a long time 2. her school stuff 3. old friend
4. Australia 5. wrong
Dialog 2
1. receives 2. leave a message
3. her sprained ankle 4. at least one week
5. goes to a doctor to check her ankle
B. Read the following dialog.
Answer your teacher’s questions about the dialog.
A man : Good morning, Madam. We’re from PT Putra Jaya Abadi. We have a special
offer for you.
Mrs. Hilman : Good morning. What’s that?
A man : You only need to buy 250,000 Rupiah for this electric stove and you’ll get
a water purifier for free.
Mrs. Hilman : I’m sorry. I am not interested in the equipment. The use of an electric stove will
increase my electric bill.
A man : Don’t get me wrong, Madam. This stove only needs small electricity. Look!
Mrs. Hilman : Sorry. I’m busy right now.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII

86 UNIT 2 Recounts
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:
1. What product is the man offering?
2. How much does the product cost?
3. What will the woman get for free if she buys the product?
4. Why is the woman not interested in the offer?
5. What does the woman say to end the conversation

1. An electric stove.
2. 250,000 Rupiah.
3. A water purifier.
4. She thinks that the use of an electric stove will increase her electric bill.
5. She says, “Sorry. I’m busy right now.”

C. Listen to your teacher. 2. Which is NOT the doctor’s suggestion to

Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Saskia?
answer. A. Exercise a lot.
B. Take a rest.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: C. Avoid fried food for a while.
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. D. Avoid drinking cold beverages.
Saskia : Good afternoon, Doctor. Jawaban: A
Doctor : Good afternoon, Saskia. Please sit Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir
down. What’s your problem? yang diucapkan dokter itu, yaitu ”I suggest
Saskia : I’ve got a fever and headache since that you take a rest. Don’t drink some cold
yesterday, Doctor. beverages. Also, please don’t eat fried
Doctor : O.K., let me examine you first. food for a while.”. Jadi, yang bukan saran
(After a while . . .) dokter itu adalah banyak berolahraga.
Saskia : So, Doctor, how is it?
Doctor : Nothing serious. You’ve caught Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
a cold. I suggest that you take This dialog is for question 3.
a rest. Don’t drink some cold Mother : What’s wrong with you, dear? You
beverages. Also, please don’t eat look pale.
fried food for a while. Riko : I’ve got a terrible headache, Mom.
Saskia : All right, Doctor. Mother : What? Wait here. Let me check
your temperature. Oh, dear, you
1. Where does the dialog possibly take place? have a fever. Your temperature is
A. At home. quite high. Now, just take a rest
B. At school. and I’ll get you some medicine.
C. In a pharmacist. Riko : Thanks, Mom.
D. In a doctor’s room.
Jawaban: C 3. What does the boy suffer from?
Jawaban disimpulkan dari panggilan A. The flu. B. A fever.
Saskia kepada laki-laki lawan bicaranya, C. A sore throat. D. An eyesore.
yaitu ’Doctor’, dan kata-kata kunci yang Jawaban: B
berkaitan dengan penyakit, seperti Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang
’headache’, ’cold’, serta kata ’examine’ diucapkan wanita itu, yaitu ”Let me check
yang artinya memeriksa. Jadi, dapat your temperature. Oh, dear, you have
disimpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut a fever.”. Jadi, anak laki-laki itu sakit
berlangsung di ruangan dokter. demam (a fever).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 87

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
This dialog is for question 4. This dialog is for question 5.
Boy : Hello. Woman : Good morning. Puspita speaking.
Girl : Hi, this is Lisa. Is Doni there? Boy : Hello, Ms. Puspita. This is Reno.
Boy : Sorry. He’s out. Can you call him back I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well
in an hour? today and I can’t come to the
Girl : O.K. Bye. course.

4. What does the boy ask the girl to do? 5. Why can’t the boy come to the course?
A. To call him back another day. A. He is sick.
B. To leave a message. B. He has another course.
C. To call him back in an hour. C. He does not like the course.
D. To call him back later. D. He has something else to do.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: A
Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya untuk Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang
menelepon kembali dalam satu jam, benar diucapkan anak laki-laki itu, yaitu ”I’m
karena sesuai dengan kalimat yang sorry, but I’m not feeling well today and
diucapkan anak laki-laki itu, yaitu ”Can you I can’t come to the course.”. Jadi, anak
call him back in an hour?” yang artinya laki-laki itu tidak dapat mengikuti kursus
”Dapatkan Anda meneleponnya satu jam karena sedang tidak enak badan atau sakit
lagi?”. (he is sick).

A. Complete the dialog with the proper words from the box.

a. What happened then b. How lucky you were

c. Well, it was great d. But . . . what
e. I met some of our schoolmates

Santi : Hi, Ka. How was your weekend?

Dika : (1) ________.
Santi : Really? What did you do?
Dika : I was hanging out in the mall alone last weekend, then (2) ________. They were having
a small party in one of the restaurants there.
Santi : Really? (3) ________?
Dika : Some of them recognized me. Then, they asked me to join. At first I refused since I brought
nothing. But . . .
Santi : (4) ________?
Dika : They said that it wasn’t a big deal. So, I was with them, having fun in the party.
Santi : (5) ________!
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b

88 UNIT 2 Recounts
Variasi: 3. Whom did Dika meet in the mall?
A. His schoolmates. B. His classmates.
A. Read the complete dialog above.
C. His pen friends. D. His relatives.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
Jawaban: A
answer based on the dialog.
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
1. Who are talking in the dialog? yang diucapkan Dika, yaitu ”I met some
A. A brother and a sister. of our schoolmates.” yang artinya ”Saya
B. A student and a teacher. bertemu beberapa teman sekolah kita.”.
C. A niece and her uncle.
D. Schoolmates. 4. Why did Dika refuse to join the party?
Jawaban: D A. Because he did not like parties.
Dalam percakapan tersebut Santi B. Because he had something else to do.
bertanya kepada Dika tentang akhir C. Because he did not bring anything.
pekannya. Keduanya belajar di sekolah D. Because he did not know anyone in
yang sama, sesuai dengan kalimat yang the party.
diucapkan Dika, yaitu ”I met some of our Jawaban: C
schoolmates.”. Jadi, hubungan antara Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
keduanya yang paling tepat adalah yang diucapkan Dika, yaitu ”At first
teman sekolah (schoolmates). I refused since I brought nothing.” yang
artinya ”Awalnya saya menolak karena
2. What was Dika doing first in the mall? tidak membawa apa-apa.”.
A. Buying something.
B. Hanging out. 5. What happened to Dika at last?
C. Seeing a film. A. He did shopping alone.
D. Going shopping. B. He hung out alone in the mall.
Jawaban: B C. He had a terrible weekend.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang D. He joined and enjoyed the party.
diucapkan Dika, yaitu ”I was hanging Jawaban: D
out in the mall alone last weekend, then Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang
. . . .”. Jadi, tujuan awal Dika berada diucapkan Dika, yaitu ”So, I was with
di mal tersebut adalah untuk jalan-jalan. them, having fun in the party.”. Jadi, pada
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan akhirnya Dika ikut bergabung dalam
jawaban (A) artinya membeli sesuatu, pesta itu dan menikmati pesta (he joined
(C) artinya menonton film, dan and enjoyed the party). Pilihan jawaban
(D) artinya belanja. yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi percakapan.

B. Complete the dialog with the proper words from the box.

a. I have a sore throat b. See you

c. What about 8 in the morning d. Dr. Harun’s office
e. I’m afraid he’s booked today f. O.K., thanks for calling
g. It’s Vina Darmawan calling h. That would be great

Tiara : Good morning. (1) ________. How can I help you?

Ms. Darmawan : Good morning, Tiara. (2) ________. How are you today?
Tiara : I’m fine, Ms. Darmawan. And you?
Ms. Darmawan : Well, actually, (3) ________. I was hoping Dr. Harun would have some time to
see me today.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 89

Tiara : (4) ________. I can put you in tomorrow. How does that sound?
Ms. Darmawan : (5) ________. What time?
Tiara : (6) ________?
Ms. Darmawan : O.K., great. I’ll see him tomorrow then.
Tiara : (7) ________. See you then.
Ms. Darmawan : You’re welcome. (8) ________.
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. e 5. h 6. c 7. f 8. b
C. Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task B.
1. What is the dialog about?
Jawaban: Making an appointment to see a doctor.
2. Who is Tiara actually?
Jawaban: She is Dr. Harun’s receptionist.
3. Why does Ms. Darmawan want to make an appointment with Dr. Harun?
Jawaban: Because she gets a sore throat.
4. Why cannot Ms. Darmawan see Dr. Harun today?
Jawaban: Because he’s booked today.
5. When will Ms. Darmawan see Dr. Harun?
Jawaban: Tomorrow at 8 in the morning.

B. In pairs, put the sentences in the correct order to make a good telephone talk.
Kalimat-kalimat acak yang dikerjakan siswa:
Take-out Clerk Customer
● Can I have your name and address, ● Delivery, please.
please? ● I’d like a large pepperoni pizza with
● Selera’s Pizza. How can I help you? mushrooms.
● O.K. And what would you like to order ● Hello, I’d like to order a pizza, please.
today? ● Yes. Olives and extra cheese,
● Is this for takeout or delivery? please.
● O.K. Thanks for calling. Bye. ● My name is Diana Wright. I live at
● O.K., I’ve got it all down. Jalan Kenari number two.
● Everything will be ninety thousand Rupiah. ● And how much will it cost?
● Large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms. ● O.K. Thank you. Bye for now.
O.K. Anything else? ● O.K. And how long will that be?
● It will be about thirty minutes, Miss Wright.

Take-out Clerk : Selera’s Pizza. How can I help you?
Customer : Hello, I’d like to order a pizza, please.
Take-out Clerk : Can I have your name and address, please?
Customer : My name is Diana Wright. I live at Jalan Kenari number two.
Take-out Clerk : O.K. And what would you like to order today?
Customer : I’d like a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms.
Take-out Clerk : Large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms. O.K. Anything else?
Customer : Yes. Olives and extra cheese, please.

90 UNIT 2 Recounts
Take-out Clerk : Is this for takeout or delivery?
Customer : Delivery, please.
Take-out Clerk : O.K., I’ve got it all down.
Customer : And how much will it cost?
Take-out Clerk : Everything will be ninety thousand Rupiah.
Customer : O.K. And how long will that be?
Take-out Clerk : It will be about thirty minutes, Miss Wright.
Customer : O.K. Thank you. Bye for now.
Take-out Clerk : O.K. Thanks for calling. Bye.

A. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog above?
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ Miss Wright calls to order pizza.
2. ______ Miss Wright orders a large pepperoni pizza without mushrooms.
3. ______ Miss Wright requests her pizza with olive and extra cheese.
4. ______ The pizza costs Rp80,000.
5. ______ Miss Wright will get her order thirteen minutes later.
1. T
2. F (The customer orders a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms.)
3. T
4. F (It costs Rp90,000.)
5. F (She will get her order thirty minutes later.)
B. Rearrange the following sentences into a proper dialog.
Kalimat-kalimat yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
3 Mr. Johnson : This is Fred Johnson. I’m Jack’s friend.
10 Secretary : Goodbye.
5 Mr. Johnson : Yes. Can you ask him to give me a call? My number is 345-8965.
8 Secretary : O.K. I’ll make sure Mr. Parkins gets your message.
9 Mr. Johnson : Thank you. Goodbye.
6 Secretary : Could you repeat your number, please?
1 Mr. Johnson : Hello. Could I speak to Jack Parkins, please?
4 Secretary : Hold the line, please. I’ll put your call through. (After a moment)—I’m afraid
he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
7 Mr. Johnson : Certainly. That’s 345-8965.
2 Secretary : Who’s calling, please?

C. Create dialogs based on the situations below.

1. Raka calls Eka and Eka’s mother picks up the phone. She
says that Eka is out. Then, Raka leaves a message for Eka
that they both will have a study club in his house at 3 p.m.
How would the dialog go?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 91

2. You will have an extra class today. You forgot to tell your mother this morning about it. You
know that your mother worries you if you come home late without any notification. You tell your
friend about it. He/she listens to your story and he/she lends you his/her mobile phone to call
your mother. How would the dialog go?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Eka’s mother : Hello, Hananto residence here. Can I help you?
Raka : Hello, Mrs. Hananto. I am Raka. May I speak to Eka, please?
Eka’s mother : Hello, Raka. I’m really sorry, Eka is out. Do you want to leave a message for
Raka : Sure. Could you please tell him that I will be waiting for him to have a study
club in my house at 3 this afternoon?
Eka’s mother : O.K., I’ll let him know your message as soon as he comes home.
Raka : Thanks, Ma’am. Goodbye.
Eka’s mother : Goodbye, Raka.
2. Your friend : Donna, what happens? You look upset.
You : Well, I forgot to tell my mother that we will have an extra class today.
Your friend : Did you?
You : That’s right. I’m quite sure my mom will worry me if I don’t come home as usual.
Your friend : I’m sorry to hear that. Well, you can use my mobile phone to call your mother.
You : Can I? Thanks, Ria.
Your friend : You’re welcome.

2.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the following monolog.

Let me tell you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake
happened, I was in my car. I was driving home from my vacation to Bali.
Suddenly, my car lurched to one side, to the left. I thought I got a flat tire. I did not know that it
was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity
poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then, I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rocks. Even
I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do
but left the car and walked a long way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The
earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that
nobody was seriously injured.
Source: November 28, 2009 <

The text above is a recount in spoken form. It functions to retell past events for the
purpose of informing or entertaining.

92 UNIT 2 Recounts
Written Text

Read the following text.

My Bad Holiday
I went to my uncle’s house in Batam last month on the long
holiday. I stayed with Uncle Antasena and Aunt Firda and their son
Orientation Seno. They live in a small house in the center of the city called
Nagoya. I liked the house, but I didn’t like the area much because
it was very noisy.

My uncle and aunt were very nice. We visited Batam Center,

Waterfront City and Nongsa Beach. The weather was hot all day
Unfortunately, Seno and I disagreed on most things. He played
Events loud music when I wanted to sleep. When his best friend came to
stay, I had to sleep on the floor. When we went to a place called
Galang Island, Seno didn’t want to go to the ex Vietnam camp,
he wanted to go fishing on the Melur beach. So, I went to the
ex-Vietnam camp on my own. I didn’t enjoy it.

Re-orientation I can’t say I would like to go back to my uncle’s house. It wasn’t

a nice holiday at all.
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

The text above is a recount in written form. It is a text that tells us about what had
happened in series of events in sequence. The function of the text is to tell an event in the
past time chronologically.
The generic structure of a recount:
● Orientation; introduces the main character(s), the location and the time. To make it
easier, you can answer the questions:
– Who involved in the story?
– Where did it happen?
– When did it happen?
● Series of events; writes the events chronologically. It begins from the first event,
followed by the second event to the last event. The sum of events depends on the
creativity of the writer.
● Reorientation; the writer’s conclusion or comment about the story. Not all recounts
closed by reorientation. It is optional.
Source: <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 93

Grammar Section

Read the following dialog.

Winda, can you go to my

house this afternoon?

Sure, I can. What’s


My mother made
a cheese cake. That’s
your favorite, isn’t it?

Great! I love the


The bold-typed words above are called modals.

Modals generally express a speaker or reader’s attitudes or moods. It means a speaker feels
that something is necessary, advisable, permissible, possible or probable. Modals can convey
the strength of these attitudes.
There are many kinds of modals, such as can, may, must, will.
1. Affirmative sentences: Subject + modal + verb base + . . .
● My little brother can ride a bike. (showing capability)
● You may come before 4 o’clock this afternoon. (showing possibility)
● You must arrive at school on time. (telling someone to do something)
● We will drop by Diana’s house tomorrow. (intending to do something)
2. Negative sentences: Subject + modal + not + verb base + . . .
● I cannot do the test. (showing incapability)
● It’s too late. Ria and Vivi may not come. (showing impossibility)
● You mustn’t cheat during the test. (telling someone not to do something)
● We won’t play any longer. We are tired. (not intending to do something)
3. Interrogative sentences: Modal + subject + verb base + . . . ?
● Can you fix the fan? (asking about capability)
● May I use your bike? (asking about possibility/asking for permission)
● Must I wash all the clothes? (asking about an obligation)
● Will you be at home this afternoon? (asking about someone’s intention)

94 UNIT 2 Recounts
Answer the following questions.
1. In Unit 1 you have learned about narratives. What is the purpose of a narrative?
Jawaban: To entertain the readers.
2. What is the structure of a narrative?
Jawaban: Orientation, complication and resolution.
3. Can you mention some narratives? What are they?
Jawaban: I can. They are Cinderella, Alladin, Tangkuban Perahu, etc.

A. Listen to your teacher.

Complete the text below based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Hello, my name is Clara. I’d like to tell you about my experience during the (1) New Year
holiday. At that time, my family and I went to the (2) garden center to buy some (3) plants and
seeds for the garden. It was a very sunny day when we (4) set off in the car.
When we arrived, we had to find a place to park as the car park (5) was packed full of cars.
We managed to find a place eventually, but it was a (6) tight squeeze and we had to be careful in
opening the car door so we wouldn’t (7) bang the other cars.
Next, we went into the store. We went to look for some seeds first and we bought some peas,
carrot and (8) lettuce packets. After that, we went to look at the plants and mom chose a planter
full of flowers. Finally, we paid for all (9) our purchases at the check out before finding our car and
driving home.
I really enjoyed our trip out, especially when dad said we could buy ice cream from the van in
the (10) car park. It was great.
Adapted from: April 24, 2006 <

A. Find the meanings of the words below.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. seed = benih 2. sunny = cerah
3. set off = mengeluarkan 4. eventually = akhirnya
5. to bang = membentur 6. lettuce = selada
7. purchase = belanjaan 8. check out = kasir
9. tight squeeze = sesak sekali 10. van = sejenis mobil
B. Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A.
1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: About the speaker’s experience during the New Year Holiday.
2. Where did the speaker go?
Jawaban: To the garden center.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 95

3. With whom did the speaker go?
Jawaban: With her family.
4. What would the speaker do in the place?
Jawaban: She would buy some plants and seeds for her garden.
5. How was the weather at that time?
Jawaban: It was very sunny.
6. Why did the speaker have to be careful in opening the car door?
Jawaban: Because the car park was packed full of cars and she only got a tight squeeze to
park her car.
7. What did the speaker buy after looking for some seeds?
Jawaban: She bought some peas, carrot and lettuce packets.
8. What was the speaker’s mother interested in?
Jawaban: A planter full of flowers.
9. What did the speaker do before leaving the store?
Jawaban: She paid for all their purchases at the check out.
10. Where did the speaker buy from the van in the car park?
Jawaban: Ice cream.

B. Listen to your teacher.

Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on what you have heard?
Correct the false ones.
Teks yang dibacakan guru:
Today was a really hot day. I went home from school at 1 p.m. After that, I came to the town
square to watch a local singing contest. I went there alone. I never thought I would meet a friend.
I chose a place under a big tree. I thought it could save me from the hot day. I actually did
not really pay attention to the contest. I just went there to avoid a boring time at home.
Suddenly, I found myself behind a young boy. I was really sure that he was my classmate, Andi.
I pinched him a little and called his name. The boy was surprised. When he turned around, I finally
realized that he was not my classmate. I could not say a word. That moment was just embarrassing.
Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

1. ______ The speaker went to the city hall after school.

2. ______ The speaker went to the place with his friends.
3. ______ There was a local singing contest held in the place.
4. ______ At that time, the day was very cold.
5. ______ The speaker wanted to avoid a boring time at school by going there.
6. ______ The speaker met his old friend at the place.
7. ______ The speaker pinched the boy whom he thought of as his friend.
8. ______ The speaker felt embarrassed to find out that they boy wasn’t his friend.
1. F (The speaker went to the town square, not the city hall, after school.)
2. F (The speaker went to the place alone.)
3. T
4. F (At that time, the day was very hot.)
5. F (The speaker wanted to avoid a boring time at home by going there.)
6. F (The speaker met a young boy whom he thought of as his friend.)
7. T
8. T

96 UNIT 2 Recounts
A. Match the following words in column A with their Indonesian meanings in column B.
1. town square a. perhatian
2. contest b. menghindari
3. boring c. membosankan
4. to pinch d. lomba
5. to avoid e. memalukan
6. to realize f. mencubit
7. attention g. alun-alun
8. embarrassing h. menyadari

1. g 2. d 3. c 4. f 5. b 6. h 7. a 8. e

B. Find similar meanings of the following words.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan contoh jawaban:
1. to avoid = to ignore 2. to realize = to understand
3. to pay attention = to notice 4. contest = competition
5. sure = certain
C. Listen to your teacher.
Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text.
Correct the false ones.
Teks yang dibacakan guru:
I want to tell you about my nephew, Ronald. One day, he wanted to buy sweets. He
brought a Rp500 coin.
On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his money. You know, it rolled along the
pavement and then disappeared down a drain. Then, Ronald took off his jacket, rolled up his
sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover. But . . . he could not find his money
anywhere! And what was more, he could not get his arm out.
A crowd of people gathered round him. You know, a lady rubbed his arm with soap and
butter, but Ronald was firmly stuck. The fire-brigade was called and two firemen fired Ronald
using a special type of grease. I tell you what! Ronald was not too upset by his experience.
Do you know why? Well, . . . the lady who owns the sweet shop heard about his troubles and
rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.
Adapted from: Developing Skills

1. ______ Ronald is the speaker’s cousin.

2. ______ He brought a Rp1,000 coin.
3. ______ He wanted to buy sweets.
4. ______ The money disappeared down a drain on his way to the shop.
5. ______ Ronald went home crying after he had lost his money.
6. ______ His right arm got stuck at the drain.
7. ______ A young man rubbed his arm with soap and butter.
8. ______ Three firemen fired Ronald using a special type of grease.
9. ______ Ronald felt upset by his experience.
10. ______ The owner of the sweet shop rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 97

1. F (Ronald is the speaker’s nephew.)
2. F (Ronald brought a Rp500 coin.)
3. T
4. T
5. F (Ronald tried to find his coin. He took off his jacket, rolled up his slevees and pushed his
right arm through the drain cover.)
6. T
7. F (It was a lady who rubbed his arm with soap and butter.)
8. F (Only two firemen fired Ronald using a special type of grease.)
9. F (Ronald was not too upset by his experience.)
10. T

C. Listen to your teacher. 2. How many hours did the writer and his
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct friends take to reach the destination?
answer. A. One hour.
B. One and a half hours.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: C. Two hours.
This text is for questions 1 and 2. D. Two and a half hours.
Hi, friends. I went on a nice trip last Jawaban: B
Sunday with some friends from school. We Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”We
went to a lovely lake about thirty kilometers went by bus at seven o’clock in the
north of here. We went by bus at seven morning and arrived at the lake at about
o’clock in the morning and arrived at the lake eight thirty.” yang artinya ”Kami pergi naik
at about eight thirty. You know, we spent the bus pada pukul 7 pagi dan tiba di danau
morning rowing boats and fishing at the lake. sekitar pukul 8.30.”. Dengan demikian,
After lunch we climbed a small hill behind perjalanan untuk mencapai tempat tujuan
the lake. Well, . . . we saw a beautiful view mereka membutuhkan waktu sekitar satu
from the top. We got back to the bus around setengah jam.
four o’clock and then we came back to town.
Adapted from: American Breakthrough
Teks yang dibacakan guru:
This text is for questions 3 to 5.
1. What is the text about? Hello, everyone. Yesterday was my little
A. The speaker’s trip to a lake. sister’s birthday. My mom and dad threw
B. The speaker’s friends’ trip. a party for her. The party was held in our
C. Fishing at the lake. house. My little sister had many friends, you
D. A beautiful lake. know. She invited all of them. As a result, our
Jawaban: A house was very crowded. The party was
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal about two hours. My little sister looked happy.
monolog, yaitu ”I went on a nice trip . . . . After the party had ended, there were dishes
We went to a lovely lake . . . .”. Jadi, everywhere. Our house was dirty and
monolog tersebut tentang perjalanan messed up. Therefore, we had to clean our
penulis ke danau. house. It was a tiring day, but we were glad to
see my little sister happy because of the party.

98 UNIT 2 Recounts
3. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: C
A. To amuse readers. Pesta tersebut adalah pesta ulang tahun
B. To retell past events. adik perempuan pembicara (the speaker’s
C. To describe something. little sister).
D. To tell how to make something.
5. How was the house after the party?
Jawaban: B
A. It was dirty and messed up.
Teks tersebut adalah tentang kejadian
B. It was quite clean and tidy.
lampau/yang sudah terjadi. Jadi, teks
C. It was the same as before.
tersebut adalah teks recount. Tujuan teks
D. It was badly damaged.
recount adalah menceritakan kejadian
Jawaban: A
masa lampau (retelling past events).
Setelah pesta usai, rumah pembicara
4. Whose party was it? menjadi kotor dan kacau. Hal ini diketahui
A. The speaker’s dad. dari kalimat pembicara, ”After the party
B. The speaker’s mom. had ended, there were dishes everywhere.
C. The speaker’s little sister. Our house was dirty and messed up.”
D. The speaker’s little brother. artinya ”Setelah pesta usai, banyak piring
dan gelas kotor di mana-mana. Rumah
kami menjadi kotor dan kacau.”

A. Read the text aloud.

What is it about?
When I was in junior high school, I was not a very diligent student. In fact, I was quite lazy.
I hated all the subjects that I took at school, especially science. For me science was very difficult.
It was hard for me to remember the chemical processes, physics calculations, and biological
Once, my teacher grounded me in the library because I had not done my Biology homework.
The teacher asked me to read several books and make a summary about them. When I was
browsing the shelves, I found a book entitled “The Inventors of Medicine”. I thought, “O.K., this is
a start.” I took it out, then began reading it.
I learned from the book about Edward Jenner. He was an English doctor who found the cure
for smallpox. The next one was Louis Pasteur. His interest in bacteria led him to discover the
treatments for rabies and anthrax. Just like Pasteur, Robert Koch’s experiments on bacteria also
proved that tuberculosis can spread to others by contact. Finally, there was Alexander Flemming,
a British bacteriologist who found penicillin, the first antibiotic.
After I read the book, I realized that science is useful for humankind. By studying, we can
discover things that can help humankind. Therefore, since that moment, I managed to change my
behavior and study harder.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

The writer’s experience during his time in junior high school.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 99

A. Answer the questions below based on the text above.
1. When did the story take place?
Jawaban: When the writer was in junior high school.
2. Was the writer diligent when he was in junior high school?
Jawaban: No, he wasn’t. He was quite lazy.
3. What lessons did the writer hate?
Jawaban: All the subjects he took, especially science.
4. What was the title of the book that the writer read?
Jawaban: The Inventors of Medicine.
5. Who were mentioned in the book? What great things did the people did for humankind?
Jawaban: Edward Jenner—found the cure for smallpox; Louis Pasteur—discovered the
treatments for rabies and anthrax, Robert Koch—proved that tuberculosis can
spread to others by contacts; and Alexander Flemming—found penicillin, the first
6. What happened to the writer after he read the book?
Jawaban: He realized that science is useful for humankind.
7. “His interest in bacteria led him to discover the treatments . . . .” (Paragraph 3)
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
Jawaban: It is hobby.
8. “By studying, we can discover things that can help humankind.” (Last paragraph)
What does the underlined word refer to?
Jawaban: The writer and the readers.
B. Find the similar meanings of the following words in the text above.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. lesson = subject 2. to punish = to ground
3. synopsis = summary 4. to find = to discover
5. to search = to browse
C. Find the opposite meanings of the following words in the text above.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. lazy >< diligent 2. to forget >< to remember
3. to love >< to hate 4. end >< start
5. useless >< useful
D. Read the following text.
Answer the questions based on the text.
Last week my parents and I went to my neighbor’s wedding party. Well, in the party I had
rawon and satay. Actually, there were also tengkleng and meatballs soup, but it was enough for
me to eat the two kinds of food. I was full. You know, it was really nice to have them in
a traditional wedding like this. Then, I had, you know what, some dawet ayu and ice cream.
After that, I sang a song for the happy couple. My song was Barry Manilow’s “Can’t Smile
Without You”. I was happy to sing since they liked my song. At about 09:15 p.m. we went home.
It was rather late. However, I felt really very happy.
Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII

100 UNIT 2 Recounts

1. Where did the speaker go last week?
Jawaban: To his/her neighbor’s wedding party.
2. What did the speaker have in the party?
Jawaban: He/she had rawon and satay.
3. Why didn’t the speaker eat the tengkleng and meatballs soup?
Jawaban: Because he/she was already full.
4. What did the speaker do for the couple?
Jawaban: He/she sang a song.
5. How did the speaker feel after the party?
Jawaban: He/she felt happy.

B. Complete the text below with the words from the box.

a. sculpture b. old Dutch c. the tour d. arrival

e. very quickly f. surfing g. satisfied h. the art
i. tour agents j. silverware

There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as
many things as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on (1) ________. He spent the first three of his
ten-day stay swimming and (2) ________ on Kuta Beach. He visited some (3) ________ and
selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.
On the day of (4) ________, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through
mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousand people. It is a busy but quiet town. The streets
are lined with trees, and there are many (5) ________ houses. They returned very late in the
evening to Kuta.
The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see
(6) ________ and craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone
(7) ________. There my friend watched young boys carving away at big blocks of stone. The next
stop was at Celuk, a center of (8) ________ and gold. After that he stopped a little while for lunch
at Sukawati.
He spent the rest of the days on the beach, sailing or surfboarding. My friend’s ten-day-stay
ended (9) ________. However, he was quite (10) ________.
Adapted from: November 28, 2009

1. d 2. f 3. i 4. c 5. b 6. h 7. a 8. j 9. e 10. g

A. Complete the text below with the words from the box.

a. person b. late c. school d. cool

e. attention f. field g. tournaments h. players

Do you like football? Well, when I was in elementary (1) ________, I really loved football.
Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in the school (2) ________ with my teammates. They were
strong and smart (3) ________. My coach, Mr. Sentana, was a clever and kind (4) ________.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 101

However, when he was coaching us, he was strict. He would punish anyone who came
(5) ________ and did not obey the team’s rules. Our team had many achievements. With
Mr Sentana, our team won many (6) ________ in many big cities. Our team was named after
our school, 17 Team (from SD 17) and we had many supporters too, you know. Oh, that was so
(7) ________. Now, I still love football and have a team too. But, my parents warn me to pay
(8) ________ more to my study, football is just for hobby.
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

1. c. school 2. f. field 3. h. players
4. a. person 5. b. late 6. g. tournaments
7. d. cool 8. e. attention
B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.
1. What does the speaker tell you about?
Jawaban: His experience when he joined a football club in his elementary school.
2. Who was Mr. Sentana?
Jawaban: The speaker’s football coach in his elementary school.
3. What would Mr. Sentana do if a team member came late and disobeyed the rules?
Jawaban: He would punish him.
4. What was the team’s achievement with Mr. Sentana?
Jawaban: The team won many tournaments in many big cities.
5. Where did the name 17 Team come from?
Jawaban: From the name of the speaker’s school.

C. Retell the text in Task B from the point of view of the writer’s friend.
Contoh jawaban:
Let me tell you about my experience when visiting Bali. At that time I was intereseted to join
the tours to Bali to see as many interesting spots as possible. On my arrival, I decided to stay in
Kuta. You know, this place is very famous for its beautiful beaches. I stayed in Kuta for three days.
During the days, I spent most of my time swimming and surfing on Kuta Beach. It was really fun.
After that, I went to a tour agent and selected two package tours. The first one was to Singaraja,
the second was to Ubud.
Our trip to Singaraja was very heartbreaking since we passed through mountains. This city is
busy but rather quiet, inhabited around 90 thousand people. The streets there are lined with trees,
and we can see many old Dutch houses. We returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
I enjoyed different things during the second tour to Ubud. There, other tour participants and
I saw and enjoyed the art and craft of the island. At first, we stopped at Batubulan. This place is
a center of stone sculpture. We watched some young boys carving away at big blocks of stone.
Then, we visited Celuk, a center of silverware and gold. Then, we had lunch at Sukawati.
I didn’t realize that finally my ten-day-stay almost ended. I spent the rest of the days on the
beach. I went sailing or surfboarding. I was quite satisfied with my vacation in Bali.

D. Tell a memorable vacation you have ever had.

Contoh jawaban:
On Thursday, students Grade VIII went to the Botanical Gardens. We walked down and got
into the bus.

102 UNIT 2 Recounts

After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Center. We went to have
a look around. First we went to the Orchid Farm and Mrs. Haryono read us some of the
information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the
Botanic Gardens and had morning tea.
Next we took some pictures and then we went back to the Education Center to have lunch.
After that we went for a walk.
A lady took us around and introduced herself, then she explained what we were going to do.
Next she took us in to the green house. It was most interesting.
Soon after we had finished we went back outside. Finally we got into the bus and returned to
school. We were tired but happy.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4

A. Read the text aloud.

Answer the questions that follow.
My Holiday in Australia
Last Sunday I had a holiday in Australia. I visited a marine park called Sea World, which is at
surfers Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s largest marine park. Truly, I had a wonderful day
The first thing I saw was the Oceanarium. It is a place where visitors can watch all kinds of fish
and animals underwater. There were huge turtles, sharks and beautiful tropical fish. The most
exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit.
Then, I watched the performing animals. The show was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There
were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all kinds of fantastic things in the water.
One of the girls in the show rode about the pool on the back of a big turtle.
After the show I had lunch. There were several big restaurants at the park and I had lunch in
a restaurant that was shaped like a ship! Then, I watched a wonderful water-ski show which was
held on a lake.
There were lots of things to do at the park. There was lake cruising, a train ride, a big water
slide, swimming pools and an incredible roller coaster called the corkscrew–because it goes
through three loops upside down. But I didn’t go on the roller coaster. I wish I could do it next time.
Adapted from: American Breakthrough 2

1. What did the writer visit last Sunday?
Jawaban: Sea World in Australia.
2. What can we see in the Oceanarium?
Jawaban: All kinds of fish and animals underwater.
3. Where did the writer watch killer whales, dolphins and sea lions?
Jawaban: In a big outdoor swimming pool.
4. Who rode about the pool on the back of a big turtle?
Jawaban: A girl in the show.
5. Where did the writer watch a water-ski show?
Jawaban: On a lake.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 103

Guru dapat memberi pertanyaan pemahaman lainnya sebagai berikut.
1. Where is the Sea World located?
Jawaban: At surfers Paradise near Brisbane, Australia.
2. What was the most exciting thing the writer saw?
Jawaban: A man who was feeding the sharks.
3. Where did the writer have lunch?
Jawaban: In a restaurant that was shaped like a ship.
4. What is corkscrew?
Jawaban: An incredible roller coaster.
5. What is special about it?
Jawaban: It goes through three loops upside down.

B. Identify the structure of the text in Task A.

My Holiday in Australia

Last Sunday I had a holiday in Australia. I visited a marine park

Orientation called Sea World, which is at surfers Paradise near Brisbane. It’s
Australia’s largest marine park. Truly, I had a wonderful day there.

The first thing I saw was the Oceanarium. It is a place where visitors
can watch all kinds of fish and animals underwater. There were huge
turtles, sharks and beautiful tropical fish. The most exciting thing was
watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit.
Then, I watched the performing animals. The show was in a big
outdoor swimming pool. There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions,
and they did all kinds of fantastic things in the water. One of the girls in
the show rode about the pool on the back of a big turtle.
After the show I had lunch. There were several big restaurants at the
park and I had lunch in a restaurant that was shaped like a ship! Then,
I watched a wonderful water-ski show which was held on a lake.

There were lots of things to do at the park. There was lake cruising,
Re-orientation a train ride, a big water slide, swimming pools and an incredible roller
coaster called the corkscrew–because it goes through three loops upside
down. But I didn’t go on the roller coaster. I wish I could do it next time.

C. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct At that time I was peddling my bike slowly.
answer based on the text. Suddenly, I saw a motorcycle hitting a bicycle
rode by a woman. The motorcycle didn’t stop.
I have once come late to school but I didn’t Soon, it disappeared. I got shocked because it
feel sorry. It happened last year. This is the story. happened in front of me. I felt confused whether
One morning, I went to school like usual. I should help the woman or not. Finally,
My house was quite far from my school, so I decided to help her. She was slightly injured.
I went to school by bike. It was 06:37 and it The rice carried was scattered on the street.
took 15 minutes to get to my school.

104 UNIT 2 Recounts

Several people and I helped the woman. I took Jawaban: B
the scattered rice on the street. Then, we Saat berangkat sekolah, penulis melihat
helped her to get some treatments. sepeda yang tertabrak sebuah sepeda
After helping the woman, I looked at my motor. Hal ini diketahui dari kalimat, ”I was
watch and realized that I was late. It was 07:55. peddling my bike slowly. Suddenly, I saw
I went to school hurriedly. I arrived at my school at a motorcycle hitting a bicycle rode by
08:02. My teacher questioned me for being late. a woman.”.
I explained what had happened and she didn’t get 4. What did the writer do after seeing the
mad. Even she said she was proud of me. accident?
1. What happened to the writer? A. He ignored it.
A. His teacher was mad at him. B. He cried for help.
B. He was late to school. C. He helped the woman.
C. He skipped school. D. He did nothing.
D. He got a prize. Jawaban: C
Jawaban: B Setelah melihat kejadian itu, penulis
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat memutuskan untuk menolong wanita
pertama yang menjelaskan bahwa penulis tersebut. Hal ini diketahui dari kalimat
datang terlambat ke sekolah (he was late dalam teks,”Finally, I decided to help her.”.
to school). 5. “Soon, it disappeared.” (Paragraph 3)
2. How did the writer go to school? The underlined word can be best replaced
A. By bus. B. On foot. by ________.
C. By bike. D. By horse. A. replaced
Jawaban: C B. turned back
Penulis berangkat sekolah dengan C. vanished
sepeda. Hal ini diketahui dari kalimat ”. . . D. represented
so I went to school by bike.” yang artinya Jawaban: C
”. . . sehingga saya berangkat sekolah Kata ’disappeared’ memiliki arti yang sama
dengan bersepeda.”. dengan kata ’vanished’, yaitu menghilang.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
3. What did the writer see when he was going (A) artinya menggantikan, (B) artinya
to school? berbalik, dan (D) artinya mewakili.
A. A train accident.
B. A bicycle hit by a motorcycle.
C. A thief chased by the police.
D. A crazy person.

A. Complete the text below with the proper words from the box.
a. skeletons b. stairs c. excavation d. paintings
e. exhibited f. primitive g. photographs h. adventuring
i. guide j. national

My Adventure at Leang-Leang Cave

On Sunday, my parents, my best friend Novi and I visited a cave at Maros called Leang-
Leang. I visited the cave for the first time, and so did my best friend.
The cave is famous for its (1) ________ paintings on cave walls which are some hand
prints and wild boar (2) ________. The cave and its surroundings is stated as a (3) ________
park, so it is taken care of well.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 105

Arriving at the place, my parents took a rest in a small hut for visitors, while Novi and I were
(4) ________ around the cave with a guide. We had to climb some (5) ________ to get to the
cave because the cave is embedded into a small mountain. Next stop was a place where some
seashells were littered on the ground and some were actually piled into a big mound! The
(6) ________ said that these piles of seashells are called kjokkenmoddinger, or kitchen trash.
The humans who lived here ate the shells and dumped the leftovers in their ‘kitchen’. The last
place was a small museum which (7) ________ skeletons of the humans who lived in the
caves. The (8) ________ along with some roughly made jewelry and weapons were placed
inside glass cases for display. The walls of the museum were adorned with (9) ________ taken
when they did
an (10) ________ there. After observing the places, we had lunch together.
After a quick lunch with Novi and my parents, we decided it was time to go back home. We
really had the time of our lives!
Source: November 28, 2009 <>
1. f 2. d 3. j 4. h 5. b 6. i 7. e 8. a 9. g 10. c
B. Complete the following statements based on the text above.
1. The writer visited the Cave Leang-Leang for ________.
2. Who is Novi? She is ________.
3. The famous thing about the cave is ________.
4. While the writer and Novi were walking around the place, the writer’s parents ________ in
a small hut.
5. To reach the place, visitors should ________.
6. The writer was accompanied by ________ who explained some important things about the
7. The last place that the writer visited was ________.
8. In the last place, the writer saw ________.
9. The photographs in the museum were about the ________ activities.
10. Before leaving the place, the writer, her parents and Novi had ________.
1. the first time 2. the writer’s best friend
3. the primitive paintings on cave walls 4. took a rest
5. climb some stairs 6. a guide
7. the museum 8. skeletons of the humans who lived in the
9. excavation caves, some roughly made jewelry and
10. lunch together weapons displayed inside glass cases

D. Complete the dialogs with suitable modals.

1. Eka : Jack is not feeling well.
Mufid : Isn’t he? He ________ take a rest or see the doctor then.
2. Mrs. Setiawan : You’d better bring an umbrella. I think it ________ rain soon.
Ayu : You’re right, Mom.
3. Mr. Donny : Our boss ________ not attend the meeting.
Mr. Andi : Why?
Mr. Donny : He still has something to do in Medan.

106 UNIT 2 Recounts

4. Diana : I left my dictionary at home. Meanwhile, I need it to translate something.
Tiara : Don’t worry. You ________ use mine.
5. Mr. Setiawan : Eka looks very busy with his report.
Mrs. Setiawan : Yeah. He ________ submit it tomorrow.
1. should 2. will 3. may 4. can/may 5. must

A. Rearrange the following sentences into the correct order.

Paragraf-paragraf acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
2 They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. The cabin crews of
the plane were very friendly. They gave them newspapers and magazines to read. They gave
them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight.
They slept part of the way.

4 The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The
room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to
open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. It
had a variety of food. They always had lunch there.

1 Mr. Richard’s family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Richard with their two sons, were
on vacation. They went to London. They met their travel agent and booked their tickets. They
went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked a fourteen-day tour.
This included travel and accommodation. It also included tours around London.

5 The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14th day, they were quite tired but
they felt very happy.

3 On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers
were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite.
Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They
arranged the transfer to a hotel.
Adapted from: November 28, 2009 <

A. Identify the structure of the text in Task A.
Mr. Richard’s family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Richard with their
two sons, were on vacation. They went to London. They met their
Orientation travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British
Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked a fourteen-
day tour. This included travel and accommodation. It also included
tours around London.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 107

They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen
hours. The cabin crews of the plane were very friendly. They gave
them newspapers and magazines to read. They gave them food and
drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very
pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and
Events Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document
carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his
family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They
arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect
view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of
keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the
third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food.
It had a variety of food. They always had lunch there.

Re-orientation The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14th day,
they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

B. Rearrange the following sentences into the correct order.

Paragraf-parargraf acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
At the Botanical Garden
4 Then, we moved to the green houses where we saw many kinds of beautiful flowers.
After that, we took a rest and had our meals. Then, we continued to see fish ponds
aquariums and other interesting sections there.
1 Last vacation, my family and I went to the Botanical Garden. It is a garden where people
can see many kinds of rare trees from all over Indonesia. It is really a nice place to visit.

6 That day was quite tiring. However, we all were very happy.

2 When we got there, we parked our car first in a large parking area. We walked toward
the entrance gate and paid the entrance fee. Since it was a vacation, the resort was quite
crowded and we had to wait in a long queue.
5 Feeling tired, we decided to go home in the afternoon. Before we left the place, we
bought some souvenirs at a souvenir shop.

3 After that, we walked around the resort. We saw many rare trees there. The trees were
planted on the sides of every path in the resort. We also saw many kinds of fowls in the
cages, monkeys, bats and some other animals.

108 UNIT 2 Recounts

B. Write your own personal experience.
Mind the structure of the text.
Contoh jawaban:
A Nice Hiking
Last weekend my friends, Dicky, Vinda and Laras and I hiked to Gunung Penanggungan.
We began our adventure very early on Saturday from our village, Klandungan, and reached
Oro-oro Ombo for lunch after we had hiked for almost 4 hours. Then, we continued to hike. We
talked about many things along the way to the next stop.
Sometimes we laughed aloud when we shared our funny stories on the way. We reached the
next stop one hour later. It was a hilltop. The view from this place looked very amazing.
Then we walked down into the valley and there we had a camp for one night by the river in
Gunung Penanggungan. I had not been there before. On Sunday we went to a small village–Desa
Pasir Wangi–to a closest bus station.
The climbing out of the valley was really hard for us but it was worth it. We were all happy.
Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII

Guru dapat memberikan tips menulis teks recount yang bagus berikut ini kepada siswa.
Tips for Writing Excellent Recounts
● Plan by thinking ‘Who? What? When? Why?’
● Start with an orientation paragraph that informs the reader about the content of the recount.
● Recount events in chronological order. (Draw a flow chart to help sequence events.)
● Recount events that are significant and those that amuse the reader.
● Use connectives that signal time e.g. then, next, meanwhile, finally etc.
● Write as if you are telling the story but always use the past tense.
● End with a closing statement that comments on the events.
Source: <>

2.3 Short Functional Texts: Short News and Letters

Spoken Text

Read the following text.

Here is the update news. A demonstrator speaks in front of a banner calling for regime
change Sunday. Protestors demanded the President and Vice President resign, citing their
perceived reluctance to investigate the Bank Century bailout.
Source: December 21, 2009 <>

The text above is spoken news. You may listen to it on radios or TVs.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 109

Written Text

Read the following text.

Jalan Kenanga number 23

The address
of the sender Jakarta
The date of
February 22, 2010
writing the letter

Salutation Dear Caroline,

What are you doing right now, girl? Keep busy, right? Please stop

your work to read my letter.

You know, I had a history class last week. My teacher explained
The body about the history of Majapahit and Maha Patih Gajah Mada’s oath.
The story was very touching. I wondered what Gajah Mada looked
like. He had a great wish to unite our nation. So, we must try hard to
keep our nation as one, right?
That’s all for now. Sorry for disturbing you.


The closing

The text above is a letter. It is a personal letter. You send such a letter to someone that
you know well for informal pusposes, like a letter to your pen friend and a letter to your

Answer the questions below.

1. Do you like to listen to radio news or watch news programs on TV? When do you usually do it?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. I do it every afternoon.
2. Is it important to get up-to-date news? Why?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, it is. Because there is always something new in our lives every
second. If we do not know what happens, then we will leave behind by others.
3. Have you ever sent a letter to your family or friends?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have.
4. In what occasion did you send a letter?
Contoh jawaban: When my pen friend and I exchanged new information about each of us.

110 UNIT 2 Recounts

A. Listen to your teacher.
What does he/she tell you about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

A pilot and his student miraculously escaped death when their helicopter crashed into
a pond near Brebes, Central Java, on Wednesday.
The pilot, Lt. Col. Cahyudi, and his student, Ikmal, departed from Semarang, Central Java,
heading for Cirebon, West Java, as part of an Air Force training program.
Following the accident, Cahyudi and Ikmal were rescued by other Air Force officers on the
same route, also in helicopters. The officials, however, refused to make any statement.
A witness, M. Nurdin, told that he saw five other helicopters besides the one that crashed.
Nurdin suspected the helicopter had a malfunction, after seeing it fail to make a turn before it
plunged into the pond.
Source: May 11, 2008 <

The text is about a pilot and his student who survived from their helicopter crash.

Your teacher will read the news in Task A once again.
Answer the following questions based on it.
1. How many people got injured from the incident? Who are they?
Jawaban: Two people. They are the pilot of the crashed helicopter and his student.
2. From where did the helicopter depart?
Jawaban: It departed from Semarang, Central Java.
3. Where did the flight head to?
Jawaban: To Cirebon, West Java.
4. Who rescued the victims?
Jawaban: Other Air Force officers.
5. “The officials, however, refused to make any statement.” What is the similar meaning of the
word ‘to refuse’?
Jawaban: To decline.

B. Listen to your teacher.

Complete the following text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Now, we have news from the (1) fifth Kemang Festival. The festival (2) kicked off Saturday
with more than 1,000 visitors swarming Jl. Kemang Raya in South Jakarta.
The two-day festival runs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and features more than (3) 300 booths
displaying clothes, antiques, accessories, food and (4) beverages. Also on offer are musical
performances, drum bands, street magic and (5) firework shows.
Source: December 20, 2009 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 111

A. Find the meanings of the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. swarming = berbondong-bondong 2. to feature = menampilkan
3. booth = stan/kios 4. beverage = minuman
5. firework = kembang api
B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the text in Task B.
Listen to him/her carefully and answer the questions correctly.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. What is the news about?
2. How long did the festival last?
3. How many hours did the festival last each day?
4. What did the booths in the festival display?
5. What shows could visitors see in the festival?

1. About the fifth Kemang Festival.
2. For two days.
3. 13 hours.
4. They displayed clothes, antiques, accessories, food and beverages.
5. Street magic and firework shows.

A. What is the hot issue today?

Deliver the news before the class.
Contoh jawaban:
East Java provincial government has continued to extend assistance to 43 poor families in
Karangpatihan village in Ponorogo regency, whose children suffer mental health problems as
a result of malnutrition.
Village chief Daud Cahoyono said on Tuesday that rice, clean water, cattle and well-drilling
machines had poured into the village since news about their condition made headlines last week.
Administration data reveals that the village has 111 inhabitants aged between five and 40 years
old with mental disabilities. Local media have referred to Karangpatihan as “the village of idiots”
following the findings.
Last week local government institutions, mass organizations and private donors dropped food
supplies and clean water in the village.
Daud said, however, the assistance would be short-lived as the root problems remained
unaddressed. He said the village had long been deprived of health services and infrastructure
required to help the villagers develop their economy.
Source: October 27, 2009 <

112 UNIT 2 Recounts

Create news based on one of the following topics.
Deliver it before the class.
1. Health.
2. Technology.
3. Education.
Contoh jawaban:
Dozens of high school students from Denpasar and Ubud in Bali took part enthusiastically
in a one-day young journalist workshop in Ubud on Thursday.
The Jakarta Post daily organized the workshop as part of the Ubud Writers and Readers
The workshop brought together students from different schools trying their best to be
“professional journalists”.
Guided by one of the Post’s editors, Rita Widiadana, the workshop was an eye-opener for
the young students seeking to become more aware of what was going on in their
neighborhoods, cities and elsewhere in the wider world.
The activities included writing headlines, picking the best photos and laying out the front
page of a newspaper.
The Jakarta Post Foundation has been organizing workshop programs for teachers and
students across Indonesia through its Newspaper in Education (NIE) program.
Source: October 10, 2009 <

B. Listen to news programs on TV or radio.

Retell one of the interesting news using your own words.
Contoh jawaban:
To avoid trees falling due to hollow branches and feeble roots, the Park Agency will replace
around 500,000 trees throughout South and West Jakarta.
The agency’s head Ery Basworo said Jakarta had around five million trees, with 10 percent of
them being Burmese rosewood, locally known as angsana. He said that most of them were aged
between five and ten years. The Agency will replace them with mahogany, tamarind and rain trees
that have stronger roots.
Up to October, the city administration received 40 insurance claims this year over fallen trees.
Ery said the insurance payments ranged between 1 million Rupiah and 2 million Rupiah for each
case depending on the severity.
Source: July 11, 2008 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 113

A. Complete the letter with the correct words from the box.

a. emergency b. illness c. permission d. fainted e. dengue fever

Kupang, March 2, 2010

Dear Paula,
Hello, Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since the last time I heard from you. Well,
I just wanted to tell you that I was in hospital last week. According to the doctor, I was infected
by (1) ________. At first, I felt my body became weak and I (2) ________ when I was attending
the class. Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.
At the hospital, I was brought into the (3) ________ unit. The doctor immediately gave some
treatment. Finally, I had to stay there for one week. Every day the doctor kept me on a drip.
At the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave
me (4) ________ to go home. Now, I’m very well. Because of my (5) ________, I become more
careful about keeping in my house clean. I don’t want to get the same illness again.
I think that’s all from me, write to me soon. O.K.?


Adapted from: English in Focus Junior High School (SMP/MTs) Grade VIII
1. e 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b
A. Read the text aloud.
Answer the questions that follow.
Dear Doni,
How was your holiday? Did you have a great time? Well, I did. I wrote this card because
I wanted to share my experience.
Last holiday my sister and I visited my uncle in Jakarta. We stayed there for five days.
Quite long, isn’t it? We really had a great time during the visit. Everything is unforgettable.
However, the most amazing experience is when my uncle took me and my brother to
Fatahillah Museum. This is one of the historical buildings in Jakarta. This building is located in
Jakarta’s old town. It has old designs and architecture. No wonder, it was built in 1627 by the
Dutch East Indies Company during the Dutch occupation in Indonesia. At that era, it was used as
a governor headquarter or city hall as well as a military camp in Batavia. As a military camp, this
building has underground prison cells. You know what! During the 17th and 18th centuries it had
been used to isolate both criminals and indigenous people who opposed the Dutch colonial.
Besides that, we can see many things that are used by the Dutch colonial’ authorities. It’s really
useful to broaden my history knowledge. Well, I hope you can go there sometime and see the
building by yourself. You won’t feel regretted.
All right, that’s my story. Hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend,

114 UNIT 2 Recounts

1. What is the letter about?
Jawaban: About Eka’s visit to Fatahilah Museum.
2. Who sent the letter?
Jawaban: Eka did.
3. Where did he spend his holiday?
Jawaban: He spent his holiday in Jakarta.
4. How did he feel about his trip?
Jawaban: He felt very excited.
5. Who received the letter?
Jawaban: Doni did.
B. Find the meanings of the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. unforgettable = tidak terlupakan 2. amazing = menakjubkan
3. historical = yang bersejarah 4. occupation = pendudukan
5. headquarter = kantor pusat 6. underground = bawah tanah
7. to isolate = mengisolasi 8. indigenous = pribumi
9. to oppose = menentang 10. to regret = menyesal
C. Complete the letter with the correct words from the box.
a. holiday b. remember c. attractive d. share
e. business f. accompany g. excited h. Cheers
i. wisely j. display

Dear Dewi,
I am awfully (1) ________! Do you know why? I am in Singapore now! My father has
(2) ________ to manage, so he took me and my mom along. It’s a long (3) ________, isn’t
Yesterday I visited the sea world. It is so fabulous.
I really enjoyed seeing all kinds of sea creatures. Then, my mom asked me to (4) _______
her to Orchard Road. You know, it’s the place for shoppers. Many stores, ranging from the
small ones to the big ones, (5) ________ their products in (6) ________ ways. One thing
you should (7) ________: if you shop here, just use your money (8) ________. At the end,
my mother bought a hand bag and a pair of shoes. So did I. It was really a great day.
Tomorrow is the last day of my holiday. There are lots of stories I want to (9) ________
with you. Bye.
(10) ________
1. g 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. j 6. c 7. b 8. i 9. d 10. h

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 115

C. They didn’t attend the teacher’s
B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
D. They made fun of the teachers.
Jawaban: C
May 6, 2009
Dalam surat tersebut terdapat kalimat
Dear Kelly,
”I really can’t forget that time when he
realized that no one was in class.” yang
Hi Kelly! It has been a while since
artinya ”Saya sungguh tidak dapat
we met each other. How are you? How is
melupakan saat itu ketika ia (guru
your sister Jen? I really miss you both.
tersebut) menyadari bahwa tidak ada
I remember those good old days when we
seorang pun di dalam kelas.”. Hal itu
were still in high school. Do you still
menunjukkan bahwa yang dilakukan Vina
remember what we did to our beloved
dan Kelly terhadap guru mereka adalah
teacher? I really can’t forget that time
(C) yang artinya mereka tidak mengikuti
when he realized that no one was in
pelajaran guru tersebut. Pilihan jawaban
class. I really had a good time that day.
yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
By the way, I am going to Bali next
(A) artinya mereka tidak mengerjakan
weekend. I really hope that both of you
pekerjaan rumah, (B) artinya mereka
can come. It will be really nice to spend
memperlakukan guru mereka dengan baik,
our weekend there. I have booked two
dan (D) artinya mereka mengisengi guru
hotel rooms at Grand Mercure Hotel for
three of us. I really look forward to
hearing from you about this plan. It won’t 3. “How are you? How is your sister Jen?
be fabulous without you both. So, please I really miss you both.” (Paragraph 1)
try to make it. The underlined word refers to ________.
Call me as soon as possible A. Kelly and Vina
because I have to contact the hotel again B. Kelly and her friend
to confirm about the rooms. C. Jen and Vina
D. Kelly and Jen
Love, Jawaban: D
Vina Kata ’both’ dalam kalimat tersebut
mengacu kepada Kelly dan Jen. Hal itu
1. What is the relationship between Kelly disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya ”How
and Vina? are you? How is your sister Jen?” yang
A. They are sisters. artinya ”Bagaimana kabarmu (Kelly)?
B. They are old friends. Bagaimana kabar saudara perempuanmu
C. They are a teacher and a student. Jen?”.
D. They are schoolmates.
4. “It won’t be fabulous without you both.”
Jawaban: B
(Paragraph 2)
Kelly dan Vina merupakan teman lama. Hal
The underlined word is similar in
itu disimpulkan dari kalimat ”I remember
meaning to ________.
those good old days when we were still in
A. fascinating
high school.” yang artinya ”Saya ingat hari-
B. marvelous
hari yang lalu saat kita masih di SMA.”.
C. heinous
2. What did Vina and Kelly do to their D. successful
teacher? Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
A. They didn’t do the homework.
B. They treated their teachers well.

116 UNIT 2 Recounts

Jawaban: B Jawaban: B
Kata ’fabulous’ artinya menakjubkan. Kata Tujuan penulis menulis surat tersebut
tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dijelaskan pada paragraf dua bahwa ia
dengan kata ’marvelous’, yaitu mengagum- mengundang Kelly dan Jen untuk
kan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. bergabung dengannya pada liburan di Bali
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya menyenang- (”By the way, I am going to Bali next
kan, (C) artinya mengerikan, dan weekend. I really hope that both of you can
(D) artinya berhasil. come.”) dan ia sudah memesan kamar
hotel atas nama mereka berdua (”I have
5. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the
booked two hotel rooms at Grand Mercure
Hotel for three of us.”).
A. To make a hotel reservation.
B. To invite her friends to join her in Bali.
C. To tell about her past experience.
D. To inform about the beauty of Bali.

A. Write a letter to your friend.

You may choose your own topic.
Contoh jawaban:

January 2, 2010

Dear Sinta,

How are you, Sinta? Where do you study now? I really miss you since we haven’t met
each other for a long time.
Sinta, have you heard the news about our friend Hilda? I just want to tell you that yesterday
I watched a drama in one of the TV stations, and I saw her acting in the drama! It really
surprised me! So if you have Hilda’s address, will you let me know?
Anyway, are you going to the reunion party? Please come and go with me. Thank you
beforehand for your help.
O.K., I think it is enough for now. See you soon.


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 117

Read the letter in the Summary section.
Suppose you are Caroline.
Write a reply.
Contoh jawaban:

February 28, 2010

Jalan Bungur number 15


Dear Tanya,

I’m so happy to receive your letter. I’m doing very well, and I hope you do. As usual,
school stuff has took most of my time.
You’re right about Maha Patih Gajah Mada. He was a great man. As young generations,
it is the time for us to continue his wish. That’s why, we should study hard for our country.
There are many things that I can share with you, but perhaps other time. I have an
appointment with my friends to do our class project. Send my best regards to your family.

With love,

B. Exchange the letter you have written in Task A with your friend’s.
Ask your friend to reply it.
Contoh jawaban:

January 6, 2010

Dear Nia,

It’s very nice to hear from you again. Thank God, my family and I are just fine. What about
yourself? I do hope the same thing.
Nia, now I study in SMP 8 Bandung. Since I moved to Bandung last year, I haven’t heard
any news about Hilda. I just knew that she acted in a TV drama from you. Why don’t you browse
her name in the Internet? Who knows there is any information about her.
O.K., I think it is enough for now. See you soon.


118 UNIT 2 Recounts

Write an unforgettable experience about your awful day.
Share it with your friend.

leftover : sisa-sisa
Read and memorize the words.
matchstick : batang korek api
Use the words whenever you speak English.
pole : tiang
bill : tagihan to rub : menggosokkan
cave : gua silverware : barang-barang dari perak
to discover : menemukan suit : pakaian
to encourage : mendorong surfing : berselancar
hut : pondok underwater : bawah air
interest : ketertarikan unpleasant : tidak menyenangkan
to involve : melibatkan weapon : senjata

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 119

bertentangan dengan kalimat yang
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
diucapkan Doni, yaitu ”Well, my little sister
is being treated in the hospital for dengue
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 fever. So I have to stay in the hospital
and 2. today.” yang artinya ”Adik perempuanku
Doni : Rico, there is something I want to tell sedang dirawat di rumah sakit karena sakit
you. demam berdarah. Jadi, aku harus ada di
Rico : What is it? rumah sakit hari ini.”.
Doni : I want to tell you that I can’t go to the local Read the dialog and answer questions 3
library center with you this afternoon. and 4.
Rico : Can’t you? Why?
Angelina : Hello? May I speak to Reynold?
Doni : Well, my little sister is being treated in
Reynold : Speaking. Who is calling, please?
the hospital for dengue fever. So I have
Angelina : It’s Angelina.
to stay in the hospital today.
Reynold : Hi, Angelina. How do you know my
Rico : I see. Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about
phone number?
your sister. I hope your sister will get
Angelina : Your friend gave me your number
well soon.
Doni : Thanks, Rico.
Reynold : Oh, I see.
1. Why does Doni cancel his appointment Angelina : Well, may I borrow your guitar
with Rico? lesson video?
A. Because he is not feeling well. Reynold : Of course. When will you take it?
B. Because his sister is in hospital. Angelina : I’ll come to your house at 4 p.m.
C. Because he has to stay at home. Reynold : Okay. Is there anything else?
D. Because no one takes care of his little Angelina : No, thanks. Bye.
sister. Reynold : Bye
Jawaban: B Adapted from: Scaffolding for English Junior High School
Pilihan jawaban ini benar yang Students Grade VIII
disimpulkan dari kalimat yang diucapkan 3. Why does Angelina call Reynold?
Doni ketika merespons pertanyaan Rico A. To check his phone number.
yang menanyakan alasan ia membatalkan B. To lend her guitar lesson video.
janji, yaitu ”Well, my little sister is being C. To ask about a guitar lesson.
treated in the hospital for dengue fever.” D. To borrow his guitar lesson video.
yang menjelaskan kalau adik Jawaban: D
perempuannya dirawat di rumah sakit Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
karena sakit demam berdarah. yang diucapkan Angelina, yaitu ”Well, may
2. The following statements are TRUE about I borrow your guitar lesson video?” yang
Doni’s sister, except ________. artinya ”Bolehkan aku meminjam video
A. she is ill pelajaran gitarmu?”, bukan meminjamkan
B. she is in hospital (to lend).
C. she suffers from dengue fever 4. “Angelina said, ‘Well, may I borrow your
D. she has recovered from dengue fever guitar lesson video?’”
Jawaban: D The opposite meaning of the underlined
Pernyataan yang salah tentang adik word is ________.
perempuan Doni adalah pilihan jawaban A. ask for B. request
(D) yang artinya ia sudah sembuh dari C. lend D. use
sakit demam berdarah. Hal ini

120 UNIT 2 Recounts

Jawaban: C Jawaban: B
Kata ’borrow’ artinya meminjam. Kata ini Steve akan menjemput Catherine dan
berlawanan makna dengan kata ’lend’ anak-anak perempuannya di bandara
yang artinya meminjamkan. Pilihan karena ia bekerja pada malam hari
jawaban yang lain salah; (A) dan (B) sehingga memiliki waktu luang pada pagi
artinya memohon/meminta, sedangkan hari. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . my
(D) artinya menggunakan. friend Steve can (he works at night, so he
is free in the morning).” yang artinya ”. . .
Read the text and answer questions 5 to 8. teman saya Steve dapat menjemput (ia
bekerja pada malam hari, sehingga ia
Dear Catherine, memiliki waktu luang pada pagi hari).
I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan
airport but luckily, my friend Steve can jawaban (A) artinya ia sibuk, (C) artinya ia
(he works at night, so he is free in the bekerja di bandara, dan (D) artinya ia
morning). menginginkan informasi lebih banyak.
I just want to make sure about the 7. “I can’t wait to see you!” (Last sentence)
information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. What does the word “you” refer to?
on June 25 and your flying on KLN Air # A. Catherine.
1327. Is that right? B. Steve.
I told Steve to look for a woman with C. The writer.
two young girls, but he wanted more D. Rony.
information. Do you look the same? What Jawaban: A
about your daughters? You shouldn’t Surat tersebut ditulis oleh Rony dan
have a problem finding Steve at the ditujukan kepada Chaterine. Jadi, kata
airport. He’s very tall and thin. He has ’you’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu
curly brown hair, a moustache and a kepada Catherine.
8. “ . . . but luckily my friend Steve can.”
I can’t wait to see you!
What does the underlined word means?
A. Accidently.
B. Actually.
C. Basically.
D. Fortunately.
5. How many persons will Steve meet at
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
the airport? Jawaban: D
A. One. B. Two. Kata ’luckily’ dan ’fortunately’ memiliki arti
C. Three. D. Four. yang sama, yaitu untungnya. Pilihan
Jawaban: C jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
Orang yang akan dijemput Steve di (A) artinya dengan tidak sengaja,
bandara berjumlah tiga orang, yaitu (B) artinya sebenarnya/sesungguhnya, dan
Catherine dan dua gadis muda (anaknya). (C) artinya pada dasarnya.
Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat dalam surat
”I told Steve to look for a woman with two Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10.
young girls, . . . .”. The National Police has said a suspected
6. Steve will pick Catherine with her terrorist from the Philippines has been deported
daughters at the airport because ________. to his home country. The step was taken after it
A. he is busy was deemed that he posed no threat to
B. he is free in the morning Indonesian’s national security.
C. he works at the airport Source: <
D. he wants more information

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 121

9. What is the text about? 11. The text merely tells us about ________.
A. The deportation of a suspected terrorist. A. learning English at Yos Sudarso
B. The National Police’s action. Primary School
C. Indonesian’s national security. B. learning English through fun
D. The suspected terrorist. activities
Jawaban: A C. getting prizes in learning English
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal D. getting tickets from English activities
teks yang menjelaskan tentang Jawaban: B
pemulangan seorang warga Filipina yang Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut
diduga teroris ke negaranya. Pilihan menjelaskan tentang mempelajari bahasa
jawaban yang lain salah karena hanya Inggris melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang
data pendukung. menyenangkan. Hal itu disimpulkan dari
kalimat ”We had Fun with English in our
10. “. . . from the Philippines has been deported
school!” yang artinya ”Kita bersenang-
to his home country.”
senang dengan bahasa Inggris di sekolah
What does the underlined word mean?
kita!” serta kalimat ”We really had fun and
A. To travel to another country.
we could practice our English.” yang
B. To force somebody to leave a country.
artinya ”Kita benarbenar merasa senang
C. To allow somebody to leave a country.
dan kita dapat mempraktikkan bahasa
D. To forbid somebody to enter a certain
Inggris kita.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
Jawaban: B
mempelajari bahasa Inggris di sekolah
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk
dasar Yos Sudarso, (C) artinya
menjelaskan kata ’to deport’ adalah (B)
memperoleh hadiah saat belajar bahasa
yang artinya memaksa seseorang untuk
Inggris, dan (D) artinya memperoleh tiket
meninggalkan suatu negara (biasanya
dari kegiatan berbahasa Inggris.
karena tindak kejahatan).
12. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14. A. Many prizes given in the event.
Hooray! We had Fun with English in our B. All student of the school joined the
school! We enjoyed this event on Thursday, game.
January 17, 2008, at Yos Sudarso Primary C. The student had fun during the game.
School in Karawang. We had waited for it D. “Fun with English” is a nice program.
since September 2007. So when the day Jawaban: A
came, we were really happy. We played many Gagasan utama paragraf tiga adalah (A)
games such as matching colors, matching banyak hadiah yang diberikan dalam
pictures, horse racing, running and finding kegiatan tersebut. Hal itu disimpulkan dari
and spelling bee. We had story telling, too. kalimat awal paragraf tiga ”Many prizes were
All students from grade 1 to grade 6 given in this event.” yang artinya ”Banyak
joined Fun with English, so there were 3 hadiah dibagikan dalam kegiatan tersebut.”.
slots for the activities. We really had fun and Dalam kalimat berikutnya dijelaskan hadiah
we could practice our English. We also sang yang dibagikan kepada peserta.
together about parts of our body, and do–
13. Why were there three slots for the
Many prizes were given in this event.
A. There were so many activities to join.
There were tickets from Ice World and
B. There were some prizes to win.
Gondola of Ancol Bay City, tickets from
C. Students from grade 1 and 6 joined
Water Boom of Lippo Cikarang, tickets from
the games.
Insects World and Freshwater World of TMII,
D. All students of Yos Sudarso Primary
T-shirts, pens, stickers and many other
School joined the games.
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009

122 UNIT 2 Recounts

Jawaban: C Since it was on a highland, the weather
Permainan tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga was really cool. When we were there, we were
kelompok karena seluruh siswa kelas 1 enjoying the beautiful panorama. We went to
sampai enam mengikuti permainan some interesting villages where we saw
tersebut. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat traditional houses called Tongkonan.
pertama paragraf dua ”All students from Then, we visited a unique grave. It was on
grade 1 to grade 6 joined Fun with English, a cliff with a balcony where coffins of dead and
so there were 3 slots for the activities.” skeletons were laid. Unfortunately, there was
yang artinya ”Semua siswa dari kelas 1 no traditional ceremony when we were there.
sampai kelas 6 mengikuti kegiatan Fun Before we went home, we bought some
with English, sehingga ada tiga kelompok souvenirs and some special beverages, the
dalam kegiatan tersebut.”. Arabica coffee.
The tour was really fascinating because
14. “So when the day came, we were really
I could see the unique customs myself. For me,
happy.” (Paragraph 1)
it was the most memorable tour I ever had.
The underlined word can be best replaced
by ________. 16. What does the text tell you about?
A. extraordinary A. It tells us about a scientific report.
B. wonderful B. It tells us about past experience.
C. excited C. It tells us about an imaginative story.
D. amazing D. It tells us about a descriptive of
Jawaban: C a place.
Kata ’happy’ memiliki arti yang sama Jawaban: B
dengan kata ’excited’, yaitu senang atau Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang
gembira. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah pengalaman masa lalu penulis (recount)
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. yang didukung dengan rentetan peristiwa
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya luar biasa, yang dialami oleh penulis selama berada
sedangkan (B) dan C artinya di Tana Toraja.
17. What is Tongkonan?
15. Winda : You’re really amazing! A. It is an interesting village in Tana Toraja.
Toni : Am I? What makes you think of B. It is a highland region in Tana Toraja.
me like that? C. It is a unique grave in Tana Toraja.
Winda : Well, you ________ speak three D. It is a traditional house in Tana Toraja.
foreign languages. That’s really Jawaban: D
amazed me. Kalimat ”We went to some interesting
A. can B. may villages where we saw traditional houses
C. must D. have to called Tongkonan.” artinya ”Kami pergi ke
Jawaban: A beberapa desa yang menarik tempat kami
Kalimat yang diucapkan Winda melihat rumah-rumah tradisional yang
mengungkapkan kemampuan (ability) Toni disebut Tongkonan.”. Berdasarkan kalimat
yang mampu berbicara dengan tiga tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa
bahasa asing. Modal yang tepat untuk Tongkonan adalah rumah tradisional di
mengungkapkan kemampuan seseorang Tana Toraja (a traditional house in Tana
adalah can yang artinya mampu/bisa. Toraja).
Read the text and answer questions 16 to 20. 18. Where was the unique grave?
A. It was on a cliff.
A Tour Round Tana Toraja
B. It was on a beach.
Last vacation, my family and I had a tour C. It was near a river.
round Tana Toraja. It is a highland region in the D. It was on a farmland.
Province of South Sulawesi.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 123

Jawaban: A
B. Complete the following text with the
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai
correct words from the box.
dengan kalimat ”Then, we visited a unique
grave. It was on a cliff with a balcony. . . .”
a. deep b. accident
yang artinya ”Lalu, kami mengunjungi
c. hospital d. dissapeared
kuburan yang unik. Kuburan tersebut
e. digging
berada di tebing dengan sebuah balkon
. . . .”.
When Taufik was a small boy, he had
19. How did the writer feel about the tour? a bad (1) ________. He was running along
A. He/she felt bored. a road, where some workmen were
B. He/she felt excited. (2) ________ a hole. The men were all very
C. He/she felt embarrassed. busy, so they didn’t see him coming. His
D. He/she felt sad. parents who were walking along behind him
Jawaban: B called out him but he suddenly (3) ________
Berdasarkan kalimat ”The tour was really from view. They quickly ran to the spot,
fascinating. . . .” yang artinya ”Perjalanan where the workmen were, and found Taufik
tersebut sangat mengesankan . . . .”, dapat crying at the bottom of a (4) ________hole.
disimpulkan bahwa penulis merasa He hadn’t any broken bones, but he had hurt
senang (excited). Pilihan jawaban yang his head badly, so he needed to go to (5)
lain salah; (A) artinya ia merasa bosan, ________ and had ten stitches.
(C) artinya ia merasa malu, dan (D) artinya Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
ia merasa sedih. Jawaban:
20. The word “panorama” (paragraph 2) has 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c
the same meaning as ________.
A. view B. village
C. region D. house
Jawaban: A
Kata panorama mempunyai makna yang
sama dengan kata view yang artinya
pemandangan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah; (B) artinya desa, (C) artinya wilayah,
dan (D) artinya rumah.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 2:

● Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 3, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa di Unit 2.
Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

124 UNIT 2 Recounts

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct 3. What are the speakers talking about?
answer. A. The visit to Yogya Kembali Monument.
B. Bagus’ experience in Yogya.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 C. Bagus’ experience.
and 2. D. Tiara’s vacation in Yogya.
Mario : Hey, Rika! Nice to meet you here. 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE
Rika : Oh, hi, Mario. Nice to meet you too. according to the dialog?
How are you? A. Bagus has ever been in Yogyakarta.
Mario : Fine, thanks. By the way, I heard that B. Tiara will always remember her
your sister got married last week. experience in Yogyakarta.
Rika : Yes, she did. How did you know about C. Tiara went to Jalan Malioboro in the
it? morning.
Mario : Vera, your neighbor, told me about it. D. Bagas does not want to visit Yogya.
She is my brother’s classmates.
Rika : I see. Read the text and answer questions 5 to 8.
Mario : Please send my congratulations to the
Dear Johnson,
new married couple.
Rika : O.K.
Hello, Johnson. How’s life treating
1. Who is Vera? you? Do hope everything is okay. I tell
A. She is Rika’s classmate. you what. I’m writing this letter is to
B. She is Mario’s neighbor. confirm about your invitation. You’ve said
C. She is Mario’s brother’s classmate. that I can visit you whenever I want to go
D. She is Rika’s sister’s classmate. to your city, Texas. I happily accept your
2. “Rika said, ‘Yes, she did. How did you invitation.
know about it?’” Well, will it be okay if I come to your
The underlined word refers to ________. house this weekend? I plan to spend my
A. Rika’s sister’s marriage school holiday in Texas. It must be
B. Mario’s brother’s marriage exciting to be in Texas again. Besides,
C. Rika’s neighbor’s marriage I want to meet Eva, Helen, your father and
D. Vera’s marriage mother. I just need to confirm if this
coming weekend is okay. However,
Read the dialog and answer questions 3 if you have something to do, I really
and 4. understand. Send my best regards to all
Bagus : Have you ever visited Yogya Kembali of your family that I miss so much. Hope
Monument? to know your reply soon.
Tiara : Yes, I have. On my last holiday in
Yogya. Yours,
Bagus : Really? Did you go somewhere else?
Tiara : Yup! I visited the Sultan Palace and of Nowo
course, enjoyed the night time in
Jalan Malioboro. It was really 5. What is Texas like according to Nowo?
unforgettable. A. Boring.
Bagus : How lucky you are! I wish I can go B. Exciting.
there someday. C. Confusing.
Tiara : I’m sure you can. D. Frightening.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 125

6. From the passage, we know that Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14.
Johnson ________. We were playing in the garden. Jim threw
A. has two sisters a ball at me; however, I missed catching it. I ran
B. accepts Nowo’s invitation towards the ball to pick it up. As I was about to
C. never invites Nowo pick the ball up, I saw a snake slithering
D. ever visited Nowo towards the bushes.
7. “If you have something to do, . . . .” I gave a loud shout and all the others
(Paragraph 2) crowded around me. Steve told Ridwan that
What does the word “you” in the sentence there was a snake in the garden. Ridwan ran to
refer to? his house and told his father. His father came
A. Eva. out of the house with a stick and a bag. He told
B. Helen. us to stay clear of the bushes. Then, he shook
C. Johnson. the bushes to make the snake come out of
D. Johnson’s father. hiding. After a while, the snake poked its head
out from under the bushes. Ridwan’s father
8. “I just need to confirm if this coming . . . .” quickly pressed it down with the stick. Then,
(Paragraph 2) using his other hand he picked the snake up by
What does the underlined word mean? its head and quickly put it inside the bag. He
A. To make sure. put the bag in his car. I didn’t know where he
B. To show uncertainty. would bring it, but surely I felt relieved of what
C. To get information. he had done.
D. To deliver the news. Adapted from: Week by Week English Practice Papers
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
11. Who threw a ball at the writer?
Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10. A. Jim did.
Copenhagen climate talks ended one day B. Ridwan did.
late Saturday. The conference released C. Steve did.
an accord that was declared an “attachment” D. Ridwan’s father did.
to the conference decision, deemed the lowest 12. What was the snake doing when the
level in international negotiating terms. speaker saw it?
The Copenhagen Accord was drafted A. Sleeping.
directly by the leaders of the 26 participating B. Slithering.
countries. However, no legally binding agree- C. Eating something.
ment or treaty was produced in the two-week D. Seeing him angrily.
climate talks.
Source: December 20, 2009 13. The writer felt ________ of what Ridwan’s
< father had done.
copenhagen-talks-end-close-collapse.htm> A. happy
9. What is the text about? B. curious
A. The Copenhagen seminar. C. sad
B. Copenhagen climate talks’ result. D. relieved
C. 26 participating countries. 14. “Ridwan’s father quickly pressed it down
D. A legally binding agreement. with the stick.” (Paragraph 2)
10. How long did the climate talks take place? What does the underlined word refer to?
A. A week. A. Ridwan.
B. Two weeks. B. Ridwan’s car.
C. A month. C. The snake.
D. Two months. D. Ridwan’s father.

126 UNIT 2 Recounts

15. Chandra : Would you check my work, 16. What does the writer tell you about?
please? I ________ get the A. Visiting fantastic meadows.
best mark tomorrow. Other- B. Staying in a cold place.
wise, I have to take a remedial C. Seeing many fishes in the lake.
test. D. Going to Situ Celeunca and its
Ellen : I’m sorry, not now. I have to surrounding.
finish this, O.K.?
17. What does the third paragraph tell us
Chandra : Sure.
A. may B. have to
A. The beauty of the lake.
C. can D. should
B. The weather around the lake.
Read the text and answer questions 16 to 20. C. The fishes in the lake.
D. The size of the lake.
Have you ever visited a place which
made you want to stay forever? I have. 18. From the text, we can conclude that
Last year, I went to Situ Celeunca. At first, ________.
I thought the place was only the same as A. Situ Celeunca was a common place
other places in Bandung. But I was very B. the writer thought three days were
surprised to find that it was the most not enough to visit Situ Celeunca
beautiful place I’ve ever visited. C. there was only a lake to enjoy in
There were a fantastic meadow, a lake Situ Celeunca
and a river. The meadow was very large. In D. the water in the lake was as cold as
the middle of the meadow, there were many the water in the river
cows and sheep. All the animals were fat Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
and healthy because they could easily get 19. What is the best time to hear the sound of
some grass in the large meadow. At the the streaming water?
edge of meadow, there was a small river. A. In the morning.
The water in the river was very cold. But, the B. At noon.
sound of the streaming water was good to C. In the afternoon.
hear, especially in the evening. D. In the evening.
Not far away from the herd of cattle,
there was a lake. The lake wasn’t too big, 20. “It was not cold; although, the weather
but it was very beautiful. The water was very around was extremely freezing.”
clear and clean. I could see many fishes in (Paragraph 3)
the lake. The most amazing thing was the The underlined word refers to _________.
water itself. It was not cold; although, the A. the weather B. the fish
weather around was extremely freezing. C. the water D. the meadow
Unfortunately, I stayed there for just
three days because we had to go back to B. Write a recount about your nice
Jakarta. But, I have promised myself to experience.
come back again later.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 127

Jawaban Review Unit 2 6. A. Hal yang dapat disimpulkan dari surat
tersebut tentang Johnson adalah
A. Pilihan Ganda
Johnson memiliki dua saudara
1. C. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena perempuan (Johnson has two sisters),
sesuai dengan kalimat yang yaitu Eva dan Helen. Hal ini sesuai
diucapkan Mario, yaitu ”Vera, your dengan kalimat keempat paragraf
neighbor, told me about it. She is my dua, yaitu ”Besides, I want to meet
brother’s classmates.” yang Eva, Helen, your father and mother.”
menjelaskan bahwa Vera adalah yang artinya ”Lagi pula, saya ingin
tetangga Rika dan ia juga teman bertemu dengan Eva, Helen, ayah,
sekelas saudara laki-laki Mario. dan ibumu.”. Pilihan jawaban yang
2. A. Kata ganti ’it mengacu kepada lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
peristiwa yang telah disebutkan pada isi teks. Pilihan jawaban (B) tidak
kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu tentang sesuai dengan kalimat ”I happily
berita pernikahan kakak perempuan accept your invitation.”, (C) tidak
Rika. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat sesuai dengan kalimat ”You’ve said
sebelumnya yang diucapkan Mario, said that I can visit you whenever
yaitu ”By the way, I heard that your I want to go to your city, Texas.”, dan
sister got married last week.”. Pilihan (D) salah karena tidak dijelaskan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak dalam isi surat tersebut.
sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. 7. C. Surat tersebut ditulis oleh Nowo dan
3. D. Secara keseluruhan, kedua tokoh ditujukan kepada Johnson. Kata ganti
dalam percakapan tersebut orang ’you’ merujuk kepada siapa
membicarakan tentang kunjungan/ surat itu ditujukan, yaitu Johnson.
liburan Tiara di Yogya (Tiara’s Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
vacation in Yogya), yaitu ia karena bukan orang yang dimaksud.
mengunjungi Monumen Yogya 8. A. Kata ’confirm’ artinya ’memastikan’.
Kembali, Kraton Yogyakart, dan Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk
menikmati suasana malam di Jalan menjelaskan makna kata ’confirm’
Malioboro. adalah to make sure yang artinya
4. B. Pilihan jawaban ini yang artinya Tiara untuk memastikan. Pilihan jawaban
akan selalu mengingat pengalaman- yang lain salah karena memiliki arti
nya di Yogyakarta, benar karena yang berbeda. Pilihan jawaban (B)
sesuai dengan kalimat ”It was really artinya untuk menunjukkan
unforgettable.” yang artinya ”Itu ketidakpastian, (C) artinya untuk
(pengalamannya di Yogyakarta) memperoleh informasi, dan (D) artinya
sungguh tidak terlupakan. untuk mengantarkan berita.
5. B. Pendapat Nowo tentang Texas 9. B. Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut
dijelaskan pada kalimat ketiga menjelaskan hasil KTT Iklim di
paragraf dua, yaitu ”It must be exciting Copenhagen, yang disimpulkan dari
to be in Texas again.” yang artinya kalimat ”The conference released
”Pasti sangat menyenangkan berada an accord that was declared
di Texas lagi.”. Jadi, menurut Nowo, an ’attachment’ to the conference
Texas itu menyenangkan (exciting). decision, . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah lain salah karena hanya sebagai
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. gagasan pendukung.
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya 10. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
membosankan, (C) artinya terakhir teks, yaitu ”. . . no legally
membingungkan, dan (D) artinya binding agreement or treaty was
menakutkan. produced in the two-week climate

128 UNIT 2 Recounts

talks.” yang artinya ”. . . tidak ada ke Situ Celeunca dan sekitarnya
perjanjian atau kesepakata yang (going to Situ Celeunca and its
mengikat secara hokum yang surrounding). Pilihan jawaban yang
dihasilkan dalam temu wicara tentang lain salah karena hanya menjelaskan
iklim selama dua minggu.”. Jadi, hal-hal yang penulis lakukan atau
acara itu berlangsung selama dua temukan pada saat dia pergi ke Situ
minggu. Celeunca.
11. A. Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”Jim 17. A. Isi paragraf tiga adalah tentang
threw a ball at me . . . .”. Jadi, orang keindahan sebuah danau (the beauty
yang melempar bola ke pembicara of the lake), yang meliputi ukurannya
adalah Jim. yang tidak terlalu besar tetapi indah,
12. B. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena airnya yang jernih sehingga kita dapat
sesuai dengan kalimat, ”I saw a snake melihat ikan-ikan dengan jelas, dan
slithering . . . .”. airnya yang tidak dingin meskipun
cuaca terkadang sangat dingin.
13. D. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
sesuai dengan kalimat, ”. . . but surely
karena hanya sebagai gagasan
I felt relieved of what he had done.”;
kata ganti orang ’I’ mengacu kepada
penulis teks (the writer). 18. B. Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya
penulis berpikir bahwa tiga hari
14. C. Kata ganti ’it’ merupakan kata ganti
tidaklah cukup untuk mengunjungi
benda mati atau kata ganti untuk
Situ Celeunca sesuai dengan kalimat
makhluk hidup kecuali manusia.
terakhir paragraf terakhir, yaitu ”But,
Dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, kata
I have promised myself to come back
ganti ’it’ mengacu kepada ’the snake’
again later.” yang artinya ”Tetapi, saya
yang telah disebutkan pada kalimat
berjanji kepada diri saya sendiri untuk
sebelumnya, yaitu ”After a while, the
kembali lagi ke tempat ini nanti.” yang
snake poked its head out from under
berarti pula bahwa kunjungan selama
the bushes.”.
tiga hari itu tidak cukup. Pilihan
15. B. Modal yang tepat melengkapi kalimat jawaban yang lain salah karena
soal adalah have to untuk menyata- bertentangan dengan isi teks.
kan keharusan, yaitu harus
19. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
memperoleh nilai bagus. Hal ini
terakhir paragraf dua, yaitu ”But, the
disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya
sound of the streaming water was
yang menjelaskan bahwa jika tidak
good to hear, especially in the
mendapat nilai bagus, ia harus
evening.” yang artinya ”Namun, suara
mengikuti ujian ulang.
air yang mengalir itu enak untuk
16. D. Paragraf pertama menjelaskan bahwa didengarkan, khususnya pada malam
penulis pergi ke Situ Celeunca hari.”.
(kalimat “Last year, I went to Situ
20. A. Kata ganti ’it’ mengacu kepada objek
Celeunca.”) dan kalimat awal paragraf
pada kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ’the
dua menjelaskan kalau di sana juga
water (of the lake)’ pada kalimat ”The
terdapat padang rumput yang
most amazing thing was the water
menakjubkan, danau, dan sungai
itself.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
(kalimat ”There were fantastic
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
meadows, a lake and a river.”). Jadi,
konteks kalimat.
dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis
tersebut menceritakan tentang pergi

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 129

B. Esai them, along with a balloon and a birthday card.
Contoh jawaban: I was also planning to attend the funeral of
a dear friend, so I also ordered a floral
Flower Shop
arrangement to express my condolences to the
Last week, I went to a flower shop to buy family. Finally, I bought some nice cut flowers
some flowers for several occasions. When I for my mom who has been ill recently, and
went into the flower shop, I was surprised at the I wanted to cheer her up. I delivered them
wide variety of flowers from which to choose. myself along with a get-well card. The florist
The florist told me that she could arrange told me that the shop had their own Website, so
beautiful bouquets of flowers for just about any I might order flowers online next time.
event. For starters, I ordered some roses for Source: January 12, 2008 <>
wife’s birthday, and I asked the florist to deliver

130 UNIT 2 Recounts

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa bentuk recount yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti kegiatan listening, reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled
exercises (menyusun kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur
teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
Last December I employed a young Uni grad Reni to be my interpreter as my usual Indonesian
traveling companion could not accompany me for my 3rd visit to Muara Labuh. Muara labuh is
a 4 hour bus trip from Padang and is a rice farming village.
In year 2000 I helped harvest the rice and burn the rice fields at night for one particular family
who look upon me as the 13th member of their family now as I have visited them 3 times in the past
5 years.
Another area is Painan about 2 hours south of Padang by bus. I usually stay at Edy Usmardi’s
little old beach house by the water and spend a day or two on a small island called Cingkuk where
there is a Portuguese burial vault. Wonderful white sand, blue water you feel like you are in
Source: July 1, 2007 <>

Text 2
On Being Busy
I like to waste my time now. On the Internet. On my walk home. When I talk to friends. I was
thinking of my obligations, but I feel a bit comfortable to prolong my time with distractions. Perhaps
I’m just tired with things and everything seems jaded to me.
Like now. I know I have to do something for tomorrow. Or if not for tomorrow, I can do what can
do today and not tomorrow or any other day. But no one, or nothing is pushing me off this seat
although I am worrying about things and plans.
Source: July 1, 2007 <>

Text 3
I’m moving into a new home this weekend, so I decided to do some shopping to furnish the
place. I went to an appliance store not too far from my house, and I first bought a refrigerator for the
kitchen. You really can’t live without one because you have to keep your food cold or frozen so it
doesn’t spoil. Then, I bought a washer and dryer to clean and dry my clothes. I don’t want to go to
a laundromat to do this every week like I used to do. Next, I bought a dishwasher. I probably don’t
need one because I could wash my dishes by hand, but having a dishwasher can make life easier.
You simply put the dishes inside, add some dishwashing detergent, and turn the machine on.
Finally, I picked up a microwave oven. If I’m in a hurry and don’t have time to cook, I can throw
something in the microwave and heat it up quickly. I haven’t purchased everything I need to furnish
my new place, but I think I have the basic appliances to make life more comfortable for now.
Source: January 12, 2008 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 131

Text 4
This morning I went to the post office to take care of some business. First, I bought a sheet of
postage stamps to some mail letters that were sitting on my desk. Then, I wanted to send
a package to a business associate with some fragile items, so I packaged everything in bubble
wrap and enclosed a letter describing the contents. The man at the counter weighed the box, and
I had to fill out a form indicating the contents of the box and its value. Finally, I sent a certified letter
to a colleague, and he will have to sign for it when it arrives. Certified letters are used to prove that
the other person received it. I also have a number of international friends with whom I correspond
regularly. Postage for overseas mail costs more than local postage rates, but you can always cut
down on postage by sending a postcard instead of a regular letter.
Source: January 12, 2008 <>

132 UNIT 2 Recounts

C. She wants to ask for clarification of
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
what Illyas has said.
D. She is expressing her disagreement
This dialog is for questions 1 to 3.
of what Illyas has said.
Illyas : It seems you enjoy reading the book Jawaban: B
very much. What book is it? Kalimat ini artinya, ”Oya?”. Kalimat ini
Irna : A short story collection. untuk memberi perhatian kepada
Illyas : Oh, that book. I have once read it. pembicara.
Irna : Have you? What do you think of the
book? This dialog is for questions 4 and 5.
Illyas : Well, I think it is enjoyable to read. The Saras : Hi, Elsi, where have you been?
stories look real. Elsi : From the hall. I have to do many things
Irna : I think so. I think they are adapted from for the performance tomorrow.
real life. Saras : Do you need any help?
1. Irna says, “What do you think of the book?” Elsi : If you don’t mind. By the way, do you
What does it mean? see our classmates?
A. She is giving her agreement. Saras : Well, I just saw Yogi. I think he is going
B. She is asking for clarification. to the library.
C. She is asking for an opinion. 4. Who are involved in the dialog?
D. She is giving an opinion. A. A teacher and her student.
Jawaban: D B. A mother and her daughter.
Kalimat ini artinya ”Apa pendapatmu C. Classmates.
tentang buku ini?”. Kalimat ini untuk D. Sisters.
meminta pendapat. Jawaban: C
2. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat, ”By the
based on the dialog? way, do you see our classmates?” yang
A. The stories are about people’s artinya, ”Oya, apakah kamu melihat
experiences. teman-teman sekelas kita?”. Dari sini
B. Irna enjoys reading the book very much. diketahui bahwa mereka teman sekelas
C. The stories are not real. (classmates).
D. Illyas has once read it. 5. Saras said, “Do you need any help?”
Jawaban: A What does she express?
Pilihan jawaban ini, yang artinya ”Cerita- A. She is giving an opinion.
cerita tersebut tentang pengalaman orang- B. She is asking for an opinion.
orang.”, benar karena tidak sesuai dengan C. She is asking for help.
kalimat ”The stories look real.’” yang D. She is offering help.
artinya ”Ceritanya seperti kejadian nyata.”. Jawaban: D
Dari sini disimpulkan bahwa cerita-cerita Dalam percakapan tersebut Saras
dalam buku itu tidak nyata. mengatakan, ”Do you need any help?”
3. Irna says, “Have you?” yang artinya ”Apakah kamu perlu
What does it mean? bantuan?”. Kalimat ini untuk menawarkan
A. She doubts about what Illyas has said. bantuan.
B. She is giving attention to what Illyas
has said.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 133

This text is for questions 6 to 9. 7. The letter shows that the condition of
Zaki’s hometown on May 4, 2008 was
Medan, May 4, 2008 ________ than it was when he was
a child.
Dear Egar, A. cleaner
I am very sorry for this late reply. I have just B. bigger
returned from my hometown. I was on a holiday, but C. worse
I did not really enjoy my stay there. Things were not D. better
the same as they used to be. Jawaban: C
When I was a child, I used to swim and go Kata ’worse’ artinya ’lebih buruk’. Pilihan
fishing with my brother and my friends in the river jawaban ini sesuai dengan penjelasan Zaki
near my house. I liked the river because the water yang ditulis dalam surat itu, misalnya
was clear and there were a lot of fish in it. sungai itu kotor dan airnya keruh, ikannya
Now, the river is full of garbage and the lenyap, dan lingkungan di sekitar sungai
water is turbid. The fish are gone and the area kotor. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah.
around the river is dirty. There are no children Pilihan jawaban (A) cleaner artinya lebih
swimming and fishing in the river because the water bersih, (B) bigger artinya lebih besar, dan
is ominous. The chemical waste from the factories (D) better artinya lebih baik.
makes it poisonous.
The condition of the river really makes me sad. 8. Where did Zaki write the letter?
What about your hometown? Do you have the same A. In the river.
problem with polluted river? That’s all. I have to B. In his village.
study for the coming semester exam. Please write to C. In his hometown.
me soon. D. In his boarding room.
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Yours, Jawaban: D
Zaki Pilihan jawaban ini tidak secara jelas atau
eksplisit disebutkan pada surat itu.
6. The writer’s purpose of writing this Jawaban ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Zaki
letter is to tell his friend about his baru saja pulang kampung. Itu berarti
________ concerning the river in his pilihan jawaban (C) kurang tepat.
hometown. Demikian pula dengan pilihan jawaban
A. happiness (A) dan (B) yang mengacu pada kondisi
B. amazement kampung Zaki. Jadi, jawaban yang paling
C. entertainment tepat dari keempat pilihan jawaban itu
D. disappointment adalah (D) yang artinya di kamar kosnya.
Jawaban: D 9. Which river does Zaki talk about in the
Dalam surat itu, Zaki menjelaskan bahwa letter?
dia meminta maaf karena baru bisa A. Rivers in general.
membalas surat itu, ia baru saja pulang B. The river near his house.
kampung. Selanjutnya, ia menceritakan C. The river near his school.
kekecewaannya (disappointment) karena D. The rivers in his hometown.
keadaan kampungnya telah berubah Jawaban: B
menjadi lebih buruk dibandingkan ketika Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat,
Zaki masih kecil. Pilihan jawaban yang lain ”When I was a child, I used to swim and go
salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) happiness fishing . . . . in the river near my house.”
artinya kebahagiaan, (B) amazement yang artinya”ketika saya masih kecil, saya
artinya rasa kagum, dan (C) entertainment biasa berenang dan memancing . . . di
artinya hiburan. sungai dekat rumah saya.”.

134 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

This text is for questions 10 to 13. miskin hari demi hari dan akhirnya menjadi
Once upon a time there lived a cloth seorang gelandangan.”. Pilihan jawaban
merchant in a village with his wife and two yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
children. They were indeed quite well-off. They dengan teks. (A) tidak sesuai dengan
had a beautiful hen which laid an egg every kalimat ”Once upon a time there lived
day. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden a cloth merchant in a village. . . .” (paragraf
egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he 1), (B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”They
used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of had a beautiful hen which laid an egg
a person. every day.” (paragraf 1), dan (C) tidak
The man wanted to get all the golden eggs sesuai dengan kalimat ”He decided to kill
from his hen at one single go. So, one day he the hen and get all the eggs together.”
thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. (paragraf 2).
He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs 12. “It was not an ordinary egg.”
together. What is the opposite meaning of ‘ordinary’?
So, the next day when the hen laid A. common B. unusual
a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took C. orderly D. good
a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its Jawaban: B
body open. Kata ’ordinary’ artinya biasa. Kata ini
There was nothing but blood all around berlawanan artinya dengan ’unusual’ atau
and no trace of any egg at all. He was highly tidak biasa. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
grieved because now he would not get even salah; (A) artinya biasa, (C) artinya teratur,
one single egg. dan (D) artinya bagus.
His life was going on smoothly with one
egg a day but now, he himself made his life 13. What can you learn from the story?
miserable. The outcome of his greed was that A. One should not be greedy.
he started becoming poorer and poorer day by B. One should be generous.
day and ultimately became a pauper. How C. One should be diligent.
jinxed and how much foolish he was. D. One should work hard.
Source: March 13, 2009 <
Jawaban: A
for-kids/greed_a_curse.html> Dalam teks tersebut dikatakan, bahwa
karena keserakahannya, lelaki itu
10. What is the purpose of the text?
menyembelih ayam yang ia punyai untuk
A. To entertain the readers.
mendapatkan lebih banyak telur emas,
B. To tell an experience.
dan ternyata pada akhirnya, ia tidak
C. To tell how to make something step
mendapatkan apa-apa. Dari cerita ini hal
by step.
yang dapat kita pelajari adalah kita
D. To describe something.
seharusnya tidak serakah.
Jawaban: A
Teks tersebut merupakan teks narrative yang This text is for questions 14 to 18.
bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembaca. My aunt is a rich woman. She has adopted
11. Which statement is TRUE based on the text? a poor orphan girl, who was very devoted,
A. The man was a farmer. obedient, laborious, and always happy and kind.
B. The hen laid golden eggs every day. One day, my aunt said to her, “Annie, you
C. The man killed his hen to get its flesh. are a good girl and; therefore, for the new year
D. The man became poorer than before. I shall buy some new clothes for you. I have
Jawaban: D already spoken to the shopkeeper about it.
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai Here is the money. Go and buy the smart dress
dengan kalimat ”. . . he started becoming that you desire so much.”
poorer and poorer day by day and My aunt gave her some money, but Annie,
ultimately became a pauper.” yang artinya considering the sum for a moment, said, “My
”. . . ia mulai menjadi lebih miskin dan lebih dear mother, I have enough clothes for the

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 135

present, while my sister Frances is still poorly 16. Which one is TRUE about Frances?
dressed and if she saw me with a new dress, A. She took care of Annie well when she
she would certainly feel a little sad. Will you was ill.
allow me to send her the money? She is very B. She has more clothes than Annie does.
fond of me and when I was ill, she used to C. She sometimes feels jealous of Annie.
come to my side and be the most loving nurse.” D. She is the writer’s sister.
“My dear child,” said my aunt, “tell your Jawaban: A
sister to come here and stay with us, and I will Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
give the same to both of you. Since you both pada paragraf tiga, ”She is very fond of me
have the same love for each other, I shall do and when I was ill, she used to come to my
my best to keep both of you happy.” side and be the most loving nurse.” yang
Adapted from: November 28, 2009 artinya ”Ia sangat mencintai saya dan
<> ketika saya sakit, ia biasanya datang ke
14. What did the writer’s aunt do to Annie? sisiku dan menjadi perawat yang paling
A. She gave Annie some food. penuh cinta.”.
B. She gave Annie some new clothes. 17. What is the best title for the text?
C. She gave Annie some money to buy A. Two Sisters.
clothes. B. A Good Mother.
D. She bought Annie some sandals and C. The Loving Sister.
shoes. D. A Good Aunt.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: C
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat Dalam teks itu diceritakan mengenai Annie
pada paragraf dua, ”One day my aunt said yang rela memberikan uangnya untuk
to her, ”Annie, you are a good girl and saudaranya yang dalam kondisi
therefore for the new year I shall buy some kekurangan. Karena kebaikan hatinya itu,
new clothes for you. Here is the money. Go ibu angkatnya menyuruh saudaranya itu
and buy the smart dress that you desire so untuk tinggal bersama dengan mereka.
much.”. Dari sini diketahui bahwa bibi Jadi, judul yang tepat adalah ”The loving
penulis memberi Annie uang untuk sister” yang artinya ”Saudara perempuan
membeli pakaian. yang penuh cinta”.
15. What did Annie ask from the writer’s aunt? 18. What would probably happen after Annie
A. To buy Frances new clothes. had told Frances about her adopted
B. To give Frances some money. mother’s request?
C. To let Frances stay in the house. A. The writer’s aunt would visit Frances.
D. To let her send Frances the money B. Frances and Annie would stay in the
the writer’s aunt had given. writer’s aunt’s house.
Jawaban: D C. Frances and Annie would live together
Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”. . . but in their village.
Annie, considering the sum for a moment, D. The writer’s aunt would ask Annie and
said, ”Will you allow me to send her the her family to move to her house.
money?” yang artinya ”. . . tetapi Annie, Jawaban: B
dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah uang Kalimat terakhir teks adalah ”’My dear
itu selama beberapa saat, berkata, child,’ said my aunt, ’tell your sister to
”Apakah Anda mengizinkan saya come here and stay with us, and I will give
mengirimkan uang ini kepadanya?”. Jadi, the same to both of you. Since you both
Annie meminta izin kepada bibi penulis have the same love for each other, I shall
untuk memberikan uang yang telah do my best to keep both of you happy.’
diberikan kepadanya kepada Frances, yang artinya ”Anakku tersayang,’ kata bibi,
saudara perempuannya. ’beri tahu saudara perempuanmu untuk ia

136 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

datang dan tinggal bersama kita, dan saya four hours.” yang artinya ”Sang singa
akan memberika hal yang sama kepada terluka parah oleh tanduk kambing ketika
kalian berdua. Karena kalian berdua dia makan . . . . Karenanya dia memerin-
mempunyai cinta yang sama satu terhadap tahkan bahwa semua hewan yang
yang lain, saya akan melakukan hal yang bertanduk harus meninggalkan tempatnya
terbaik untuk membuat kalian bahagia.’”. dalam waktu 24 jam.”
Dari sini diketahui bahwa Frances dan
20. What is the text about?
Annie akan tinggal di rumah bibi penulis.
A. A cruel lion.
This text is for questions 19 to 23. B. Horned animals.
C. A frightened lion.
The lion had been badly hurt by the horns
D. A frightened hare.
of a Goat, which he was eating. He was very
Jawaban: A
angry to think that any animal that he chose for
Teks tersebut menceritakan singa yang
a meal, should be so brazen as to wear such
kejam (a cruel lion) yang memerintahkan
dangerous things as horns to scratch him while
semua hewan yang bertanduk keluar dari
he ate. So he commanded that all animals with
hutan karena takut tanduk hewan tersebut
horns should leave his domains within twenty-
akan melukainya saat ia memakannya.
four hours.
Tokoh kelinci hanya salah satu hewan
The command struck terror among the
yang takut dengan ancaman singa
beasts. All those who were so unfortunate as
tersebut, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk
to have horns, began to pack up and move out.
keluar dari hutan.
Even the Hare, who, as you know, has no horns
and so had nothing to fear, passed a very 21. What made the hare afraid?
restless night, dreaming awful dreams about A. The lion gave him warning to leave
the fearful lion. the place.
And when he came out of the warren in the B. The lion had said that he didn’t like
early morning sunshine, and there saw the the hare’s ears.
shadow cast by his long and pointed ears, C. He had long and pointed ears that
a terrible fright seized him. were like horns.
“Goodbye, neighbor Cricket,” he called. D. His long and pointed ears can be
“I’m off. He will certainly make out that my ears functioned as horns.
are horns, no matter what I say.” Jawaban: C
Source: November 30, 2009 < Pada paragraf dua sampai empat
display.php?author=winter&book=aesop&story=hareears> dikatakan ”Even the Hare, who, as you
19. Why did the lion forbid all animals with know, has no horns and so had nothing to
horns in his domains? fear . . . saw the shadow cast by his long
A. Because a goat had beaten him in and pointed ears, a terrible fright seized
a fight. him.” yang artinya ”Bahkan kelinci, yang,
B. Because the horns of a goat had hurt seperti yang kamu tahu, tidak mempunyai
him while he was eating the goat. tanduk dan karenanya tidak ada yang
C. Because he felt jealous of horned harus ditakutkan . . . melihat bayangan
animals. telinganya yang panjang dan tajam, sangat
D. Because he thought that horned ketakutan.”. Dari sini disimpulkan bahwa
animals were dangerous and powerful. kelinci takut karena telinganya yang
Jawaban: B panjang dan tajam yang mirip tanduk.
Pada paragraf pertama dikatakan ”The lion 22. What would the hare do?
had been badly hurt by the horns of A. He would go with the cricket.
a Goat, which he was eating . . . . So he B. He would leave the place.
commanded that all animals with horns C. He would meet the lion.
should leave his domains within twenty- D. He would cut his ears.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 137

Jawaban: B 24. What is the purpose of the text?
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat A. To advertise something.
”’Goodby, neighbor Cricket,’ he called. ’I’m B. To describe something.
off. He will certainly make out that my ears C. To announce something.
are horns, no matter what I say.’” yang D. To talk about new-released books.
artinya ”Selamat tinggal, tetangga Jawaban: A
Jengkerik,’ panggilnya. ’Saya pergi. Ia Teks tersebut adalah brosur yang
pasti menganggap bahwa telinga saya bertujuan untuk mengiklankan sesuatu.
adalah tanduk, walau apa pun yang saya Dalam hal ini yang diiklankan adalah
katakan.’”. favorite stories dan famous fables. Hal ini
diketahui dari kalimat ”Don’t miss this
23. “‘Goodbye, neighbor Cricket,’ he called.
fantastic offer.” dan kalimat ”Don’t miss this
‘I’m off. He will certainly make out that my
great offer.”.
ears are horns, no matter what I say.’”
The word ‘he’ here refers to _____. 25. What books will you get for Rp400,000?
A. the hare B. the cricket A. Twelve books on favorite stories.
C. the lion D. a horned animal B. Fifteen books written by foreign writers.
Jawaban: C C. Fifteen books on famous fables.
Pada paragraf-paragraf sebelumnya D. Twelve books on either famous fables
dijelaskan bahwa singa memerintahkan or favorite stories.
agar semua hewan bertanduk pergi. Jadi Jawaban: C
’he’ di sini mengacu pada singa. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
pada bagian Famous Fables . . . Get fifteen
This text is for questions 24 to 26. book for only Rp400,000. Jadi dengan uang
Rp400.000, kita bisa mendapatkan lima
belas buku fabel terkenal.
26. “Don’t miss this fantastic offer.”
The synonym of the word ‘fantastic’ is
A. incredible B. ordinary
C. good D. fancy
Jawaban: A
Kata ’fantastic’ artinya’fantastis/luar biasa’.
Kata ini artinya sama dengan ’incredible’.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
(B) artinya biasa, (C) artinya bagus, dan
(D) artinya indah.
This text is for questions 27 to 29.
The Fox and the Monkey
A monkey once danced in an assembly of
the beasts, and so pleased them all by his
performance that they elected him their king.
A fox, envying him the honor, discovered
a piece of meat lying in a trap. Then, she led the
monkey to the place where it was. She said that
she had found a store, but had not used it. She
had kept it for him as treasure of his kingdom
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII
Junior High School (SMP/MTs) and counseled him to lay hold of it. The monkey
approached carelessly and was caught in the

138 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

trap. He accused the fox of purposely leading Read the text and answer questions 30 to 33.
him into the snare. She replied, “Oh monkey, It was a dark and stormy night.
and are you, with such a mind as yours, going to I was alone at home and about to go to
be king over the beasts?” bed, when I saw a scary shadow figure at my
Source: August 28, 2008 < window.
“Who’s there?” I shouted.
27. “. . . that they elected him their king.” Suddenly there was a flash of lightning
(Sentence 1) followed by thundershower.
The word ’they’ refers to ________. I saw a lion’s face followed by a scary
A. a monkey and beasts thunderous roar at the window. It looked like the
B. a monkey and a fox lion from the local circus that had been
C. beasts announced missing on the television news
D. beasts and a fox channel. I felt very scared. I ran to my bed and
Jawaban: C pulled my blanket over my head. I started to
Kata ’they’ tersebut mengacu pada kata shout for my parents but there was no reply.
benda jamak yang telah disebutkan Then I remembered they were at a late night
sebelumnya. Kata benda jamak yang telah party.
disebutkan sebelumnya adalah beasts I peeped out of my blanket but it was too
(binatang-binatang buas). dark to see anything. Then I heard footsteps.
28. The fox tricked the monkey because They were getting louder and louder. Soon
________. the footsteps died off.
A. she wanted to kill the monkey The grand father clock struck 12. I went
B. she was a smart creature back to bed and tried to sleep, but couldn’t.
C. she wanted to be a king I felt too frightened. I sat up my mind full of
D. she was jealous scary thoughts. After some time passed, finally
Jawaban: D I fell asleep.
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat I woke up only after eight in the morning
kedua, ”A fox, envying him the honor, . . .”. and switched on the TV news. I was excited to
Kata envying sama artinya dengan jealous, see the lion was already trapped in the wee
yaitu iri. hours of the morning by the ring master of the
circus. I felt very much relieved after the news.
29. How did the fox trick the monkey? Later I narrated the whole incident to my
A. By praising the monkey too much. parents.
B. By leading him to where human being They were dumb shocked and decided in
lived. future not to leave me alone at home during
C. By asking him to dance before other night.
beasts. Source: August 10, 2009 <http://www.english-for-
D. By saying that she had kept a store>
for the monkey. 30. Why did the writer feel scared?
Jawaban: D A. Because he saw a ghost.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”She said B. Because he saw a lion at his window.
that she had found a store, but had not C. Because he had to sleep alone.
used it. She had kept it for him as treasure D. Because it was a dark and stormy night.
of his kingdom and counseled him to lay Jawaban: B
hold of it.” yang artinya ”Ia mengatakan Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
bahwa dia telah menemukan perbekalan, ”I saw a lion’s face . . . I felt very scared.”
tetapi tidak menggunakannya. Ia telah yang artinya ”Saya melihat wajah seekor
menyimpannya untuk kera sebagai harta singa . . . saya merasa sangat takut.”.
karun kerajaannya dan menganjurkannya
untuk mendapatkannya.”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 139

31. “Then I heard footsteps.” (paragraph six) Dari sini diketahui bahwa orangtua penulis
In your opinion, whose footsteps did the merasa menyesal meninggalkannya
writer hear? sendirian dimalam hari.
A. The circus ring master’s.
B. His parents’. Read the text and answer questions 34 to 36.
C. A ghost’s.
D. The lion’s. 23 Jl. Jendral Sudirman
Jawaban: A Bandung, Jawa Barat
Pada paragraf sepuluh dikatakan ”I was March 4, 2007
excited to see the lion was already trapped
in the wee hours of the morning by the ring Dear Aunt Dewi,
master of the circus.” yang artinya ”Saya How clever of you to send me blue beads! I was
sangat senang melihat singa itu sudah planning to wear a blue sweater and a plaid skirt to
tertangkap jauh pada larut malam itu oleh the morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will
pimpinan sirkus.”. Jadi, footsteps (langkah- match perfectly.
langkah kaki) itu adalah langkah-langkah Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this
kaki pemimpin sirkus yang menangkap year. We’re having exhibits of arts and crafts, books,
singa tersebut. food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there
will be folk dances and games. You should be there!
32. How did the writer know that the lion had Thank you again for your thoughtful gift.
been trapped?
A. From a magazine. Your loving niece,
B. From his parents. Nita
C. From the radio.
D. From TV news.
Jawaban: D 34. What did Aunt Dewi give to Nita?
Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan A. Blue beads.
kalimat ”I woke up only after eight in the B. A plaid skirt.
morning and switched on the TV news. I was C. A nice sweater.
excited to see the lion was already trapped D. A big book.
. . . .” yang artinya ”Saya bangun setelah jam Jawaban: A
delapan pagi dan menyetel berita TV. Saya Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”How
senang melihat singa itu sudah tertangkap clever of you to send me blue beads.” yang
. . . .”. Jadi, penulis mengetahui berita artinya “Sungguh (tante) sangat pandai
penangkapan itu dari berita TV. mengirimi saya manik-manik warna biru.”.
Jadi, yang diberikan Tante Dewi kepada
33. How did the writer’s parents feel?
Nita adalah blue beads (manik-manik biru).
A. They felt disappointed of the writer.
B. They felt relieved the writer was fine. 35. Nita wanted Aunt Dewi to go to the
C. They felt happy because of the writer’s bazaar because ________.
bravery. A. her aunt promised to go there to
D. They felt regret leaving the writer alone run the bazaar
at night. B. she wanted Aunt Dewi to watch the
Jawaban: D folk dances and games
Kalimat terakhir teks adalah ”They were C. she thought her aunt would not be
dumb shocked and decided in future not to busy then
leave me alone at home during night.” yang D. their flower arrangements would be
artinya ”Mereka merasa sangat terkejut dan exhibited there
memutuskan untuk tidak meninggalkan Jawaban: B
saya sendirian di rumah waktu malam.”. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”In the
bazaar there will be folk dances and
games. You should be there!” yang artinya

140 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

“Di bazaar nanti akan ada tari-tarian “How did you do that?” said the Wind.
daerah dan permainan. Tante sebaiknya “It was easy,” said the Sun, “I lit the day.
pergi ke sana.”. Jadi, Nita ingin Tante Dewi Through gentleness I got my way.”
pergi ke bazaar karena ada pertunjukkan Source: August 28, 2008 <
tari dan permainan. library/aesops/stories>

36. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE 37. The text tells you about ________.
about Nita? A. a powerful North Wind
A. She lived at Jalan Sudirman 23, B. a gentle Sun
Bandung. C. the North Wind and the Sun
B. She wrote her letter on March 4, 2007. D. a traveling man on earth
C. She was Ms. Dewi’s loving younger Jawaban: C
sister. Jelas bahwa cerita tersebut bercerita
D. She liked the gift that Ms. Dewi gave. tentang keinginan Angin Utara untuk
Ujian Nasional 2006/2007 mengalahkan Sang Matahari melalui
Jawaban: C pertandingan. Namun, terbukti bahwa
Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks Sang Matahari lebih kuat.
(not true) adalah (C) She was Ms. Dewi’s 38. How did the Sun defeat the North Wind?
loving younger sister yang artinya dia A. The Sun explained that through
(Nita) adalah adik perempuan Ms. Dewi gentleness it got its way.
yang tercinta. Pernyataan ini tidak sesuai B. The man on the road unbuttoned his
dengan salam penutup surat yaitu ’Your coat.
loving niece’ yang artinya ‘keponakan C. The Sun asked the Wind to blow
perempuanmu tercinta’. Jadi, hubungan harder and harder.
Nita dengan Ms. Dewi adalah keponakan D. The Sun came out from behind
dengan tantenya. a cloud, warmed the air and the frosty
This text is for questions 37 to 39.
Jawaban: D
The North Wind boasted of great strength. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”Then,
The Sun argued that there was great power in the Sun came out from behind a cloud.
gentleness. The Sun warmed the air and the frosty
“We shall have a contest,” said the Sun. ground. The man on the road unbuttoned
Far below, a man traveled a winding road. his coat.” dan kalimat ”I lit the day.”.
He was wearing a warm winter coat.
“As a test of strength,” said the Sun, “Let 39. The moral value you can learn from the
us see which of us can take the coat off of that story is ________.
man.” A. it’s no use to be arrogant
“It will be quite simple for me to force him B. the sun is more useful than the wind
to remove his coat,” bragged the Wind. C. there is a great power in gentleness
The Wind blew so hard, the birds clung to D. there is an easy way to defeat arrogance
the trees, the world was filled with dust and Jawaban: C
leaves. But the harder the wind blew down the Nilai moral ini diungkapkan pada kalimat
road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his kedua paragraf pertama dalam cerita
coat. tersebut. Hal ini diulang pada kalimat
Then, the Sun came out from behind a terakhir cerita tersebut.
cloud. The Sun warmed the air and the frosty 40. “Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his
ground. The man on the road unbuttoned his coat and sat down in a shady spot.”
coat. (Paragraph 8) The opposite meaning of
The Sun grew slowly brighter and brighter. ‘shady’ is ________.
Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his coat A. dark B. sunny
and sat down in a shady spot. C. bright D. sheltered

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 141

Jawaban: B (A) artinya hewan aneh, (C) artinya
Kata ’shady’ artinya teduh. Lawan kata ini beraneka ragam hewan, dan (D) artinya
adalah ’sunny’ yang berarti terik matahari. pertunjukan hewan.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
43. “After going around watching various
(A) artinya gelap, (C) artinya cemerlang,
animals, we went home”. (Paragraph 2)
dan (D) artinya terlindung.
The underlined word means ________.
This text is for questions 41 to 43. A. different
B. similar
Last week, my parents, sister, brother
C. wild
and I went to the zoo. We went there for
D. mean
recreation. We left at 6.00 a.m and arrived
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
there at 8.00 a.m. The zoo is about
Jawaban: A
a hundred kilometers from my house.
Kata ’various’ artinya ’bermacam-macam’.
There were a lot of people watching
Kata ini sama artinya dengan kata
a giant snake. The snake was there for
’different’’ yang artinya berbeda. Pilihan
about a week. It was 9 metres long.
jawaban yang lain salah. (B) artinya
I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever
serupa, (C) artinya liar, dan (D) artinya
seen. After going around and watching
various animals, we went home.
41. The writer went to the zoo with her For questions 44 to 46, choose the correct
________. words to complete the text.
A. parents B. sister The Crow and the Pitcher
C. brother D. family A crow was feeling very (44) ________
Jawaban: D when he saw a pitcher. He hoped to find
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai water, and flew to it with delight. When he
dengan kalimat ”Last week, my parents, approached it, he discovered to his grief that it
sister, brother and I went to the zoo” yang contained so (45) ________ water that he could
artinya ”Minggu lalu, orang tua, saudara not possibly reach it. He tried everything he
perempuan dan saudara laki-laki saya could think of to reach the water, but all his
pergi ke kebun binatang.”. Jadi, penulis efforts were in vain. At last, he collected
pergi ke kebun binatang dengan as many stones as he could carry and
keluarganya. (46) ________ them one by one with his beak
42. What is special in the zoo? into the pitcher, until he brought the water within
A. Weird animals. his reach and thus saved his life.
B. A giant snake. Adapted from: November 20, 2009
C. Various animals. CrowandthePitcher&&crowpitc.ram>
D. Animal’s attraction.
Jawaban: B 44. A. hungry B. thirsty
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai C. tired D. sad
dengan kalimat ”There were a lot of people Jawaban: B
watching a giant snake.” yang artinya Kalimat soal artinya ”Seekor burung gagak
”Ada banyak orang melihat seekor ular yang merasa ________ melihat sebuah
raksasa.”. Pada kalimat-kalimat kendi, dan berharap menemukan air.”.
selanjutnya penulis juga menceritakan Karena ia berharap menemukan air, dapat
mengenai ular raksasa itu. Dari sini dipastikan ia haus (thirsty), sehingga
disimpulkan bahwa ular raksasa itu adalah pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (B).
hal yang spesial di kebun binatang itu. 45. A. dirty B. little
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; C. much D. clean

142 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

Jawaban: B 48. table – help – the – move – you –
Kalimat soal adalah ”When he approached 1 2 3 4 5
it, he discovered to his grief that it would – me
contained so (45) ________ water that he 6 7
could not possibly reach it.” yang artinya A. 6–5–4–7–2–3–1
”Ketika dia sampai ke tempat kendi itu, dia B. 3–1–6–5–2–7–4
menjumpai dalam kesedihannya bahwa C. 6–3–1–5–2–7–4
kendi itu berisi ________ air sehingga dia D. 6–5–2–7–4–3–1
tidak mungkin mencapainya.”. Dari sini Jawaban: D
dapat disimpulkan bahwa kendi itu berisi Kalimat soal merupakan ungkapan
sangat sedikit (little) air. permintaan bantuan, yang diawali dengan
(6) modal would, (5) orang yang dimintai
46. A. collected B. took
bantuan you, (2) kata kerja help,
C. dropped D. threw
dilanjutkan dengan (7) objek me, jenis
Jawaban: C
bantuan yang diharapkan, yaitu (4) move,
Kalimat soal adalah ”At last he collected
dan bendanya, (3) the (1) table. Jadi,
as many stones as he could carry and
kalimat lengkap itu berbunyi, ”Would you
(46) ________ them one by one with his
help me move the table?.” yang artinya,
beak into the pitcher . . . .” yang artinya
”Maukah kamu membantu saya memindah
”Akhirnya dia mengumpulkan sebanyak
meja itu?”.
mungkin batu dan ________ satu demi satu
dengan paruhnya ke dalam kendi itu.”. Dari 49. Which one is the best arrangement of the
sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang sentences below?
dilakukan gagak itu adalah menjatuhkan 1. My father was a careful driver. He
(dropped) batu-batu tersebut ke dalam kendi. drove the motorcycle carefully.
2. We went there by motorcycle at about
For questions 47 and 48, arrange the words eight in the morning.
into a good sentence. 3. We arrived in Yogyakarta at about 9.
47. easy – to – is – interesting – understand – 4. Last holiday my father and I went to
1 2 3 4 5 my uncle’s new house in Yogyakarta.
the – and – story 5. Once we stopped to buy petrol in
6 7 8 a gas station.
A. 6–8–3–1–7–4–2–5 6. I saw my uncle smiling happily to
B. 6–8–3–4–7–1–2–5 welcome us.
C. 8–3–4–7–1–2–6–5 7. Arriving in Yogya, my father asked
D. 8–3–4–7–2–6–5–1 some people about the location of my
Jawaban: B uncle’s house.
Kalimat soal merupakan kalimat 8. My father also bought me some
pernyataan, yang diawali dengan subjek snacks and drink.
(6) the (8) story, (3) kata kerja hubung is, 9. Finally, we found his house.
dilanjutkan dengan (4) kata sifat A. 4–3–2–1–5–7–9–6–8
interesting, kata hubung yang menyatakan B. 4–2–1–8–7–9–6–5–3
tambahan, yaitu (7) and, (1) kata sifat C. 4–2–1–5–8–3–7–9–6
easy, dilanjutkan dengan keterangan D. 4–1–2–5–8–9–3–7–6
tambahan yaitu (2) to, (5) understand. Jawaban: C
Jadi, kalimat lengkap itu berbunyi,”The Teks dimulai dengan topik bacaan, yaitu
story is interesting and easy to (4) pada liburan yang lalu, penulis dan
understand.” yang artinya, ”Cerita itu ayahnya pergi ke rumah baru pamannya
menarik dan mudah dipahami.”. Pilihan di Yogyakarta, (2) penjelasan mengenai
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan cara dia pergi dan waktunya, yaitu dengan
urutan kalimat yang runtut. motor pada pukul delapan pagi. Teks

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 143

dilanjutkan dengan keterangan saat 7. She begged the goddess Venus to
perjalanan, yaitu (1) ayahnya mengendarai change her into a woman.
motor dengan hati-hati, (5) berhenti satu 8. So the goddess let a mouse run loose
kali untuk membeli bensin dan (8) membeli in the room where they were.
snack dan minuman, kemudian Adapted from: November 28, 2009
keterangan ketika tiba di kota tujuan, <
Yogyakarta, (3) pada pukul sembilan pagi,
(7) lalu bertanya kepada beberapa orang A. 4–6–7–1–3–8–2–5
karena tidak mengetahui lokasi rumah B. 4–3–7–1–6–8–2–5
yang dicari, dan (9) akhirnya menemukan C. 4–7–1–6–3–8–2–5
rumah itu, dan penulis melihat (6) paman- D. 3–4–7–1–6–8–2–5
nya tersenyum menyambut mereka. Jawaban: C
Teks dimulai dengan pengenalan tokoh,
50. Which one is the best arrangement of the yaitu (4)seekor kucing yang jatuh cinta
sentences below? pada seorang pemuda tampan. Karena itu,
1. Venus granted her wish and changed (7) ia meminta Dewi Venus untuk
her at once into a beautiful woman. mengubahnya menjadi seorang wanita.
2. Seeing the mouse, the young woman (1) Venus mengabulkannya, dan
quickly jumped and was after it like (6) pemuda itu jatuh cinta kepada wanita
a shot. jelmaan kucing dan tak lama kemudian
3. One day, Venus wanted to see menikah. (3) Suatu hari Venus ingin
whether the Cat had changed her melihat apakah wanita jelmaan kucing
habits. itu telah mengubah kebiasaannya,
4. A cat fell in love with a handsome (8) karenanya sang dewi membiarkan
young man. seekor tikus memasuki kamar tempat
5. The goddess was so disgusted that she mereka berdua berada. (2) Saat melihat
changed her back again into a cat. tikus, wanita jelmaan kucing itu segera
6. The young man fell in love with her melompat dan mengejarnya. (5) Sang dewi
at first sight and shortly afterwards merasa jijik dan mengubahnya kembali
married. menjadi seekor kucing.

144 Latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester

At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
● ask for, give and deny
● start, maintain and end
● deliver little jokes,
● tell stories using spoken
● write e-mails,
● create written narratives,
● use the past continuous
tense correctly.

In your daily life, when you go on a bus

or when you wait for someone in a waiting
room, do you usually have a conversation
with people sitting or standing next to you?
Sometimes a conversation is needed to avoid
silence. Silence all the times makes us bored,
doesn’t it? Sometimes, you also need
information about bus lines, about when a shop
opens or closes, etc. How do you ask for the
information? How do you start the conversation and
maintain it so it will last long? In this unit, you will learn how to
start, maintain and end a conversation to break the silence.
Anyway, have you ever read a fairy tale or folktale? What story
did you read? Well, folktales and fairy tales are kinds of narratives.
What did you feel after you had read them? You must enjoy them and
feel entertained since the purpose of a narrative is to entertain its
readers. In this unit you will read more narratives, share the narratives
you have read to your friends, and write your own narratives.
Enjoyable, isn’t it?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 145

3.1 Expressions

Asking for, Giving and Denying Information

Read the following dialog.

Excuse me, Madam.

Do you know the way to
It’s very far from here. get out of this forest?
You will not find the
way because it is
already dark.

Believe me. Just Are you sure? I think I

spend the night here have walked for a long
and continue your time.
journey tomorrow.

In the dialog, the young man asks for information by saying, “Do you know the way to get out
of this forest?”, and the old woman gives information by saying, “It’s very far from here.” The
young man doesn’t believe her information, so he denies it by saying, “Are you sure?”
Here are other expressions you can use to ask for, give and deny information.

Asking for Information Giving Information Denying Information

● Do you know? ● Yes, just go . . . . ● How do you know that?

● Can you tell me . . .? ● Yes, I do know that. ● Are you sure?
● I’d like to know . . . . It . . . . ● I’m really sorry, but . . . .
● Will you tell me . . . ● (Yes,) I know about ● (I’m afraid) . . . is/are wrong.
(please)? .... ● I don’t think . . . .
● Could anyone tell me ● Someone has told ● I’m not sure you’re right about
. . . .? me . . . . ....

146 UNIT 3 Narratives

Starting, Maintaining and Ending a Conversation

Read the following dialog.

Anto : Hi, Ferdi. Nice day, isn’t it?

Ferdi : Yeah. That’s why I prefer going to
school on foot.
Anto : Is this the first time you go to
school on foot?
Ferdi : Not really. Sometimes I walk when
my father goes to work early.
Anto : I see.
Ferdi : Look! It’s already a quarter to seven.
We have to hurry up. Let’s go.
Anto : O.K.

In the dialog you can find expressions to start, maintain and end a conversation.
Here are some other expressions you can use.

Starting a Conversation Maintaining a Conversation Ending a Conversation

● Nice day, isn’t it? ● By the way, . . . . ● Well, have a nice day.
● Did you catch the news ● And then? ● I think I have to go now.
today? ● Tell me about it. ● It’s been a pleasure
● Have you been here ● Really? talking to you.
long? ● Let’s continue this
● Pretty nice place, huh? another time.
● Nice day to be outside, ● Take care.
isn’t it? ● I must be off now.

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you often have a phone conversation?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
2. How do you start, extend and end the phone conversation?
Contoh jawaban: By saying, “Hello. This is Endah speaking.” to start the conversation; “By
the way, . . . . .”/“Furthermore, . . . .” to extend it; and “Nice talking to you,
but I have to go now. Bye.” to end the conversation.
3. When you have a conversation with a friend, how do you show that you are listening?
Contoh jawaban: By saying, “Do you?/Is it?/ Has it?/Does it?”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 147

A. Listen to your teacher.
Then, answer the questions.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Ela : Excuse me. I’d like to borrow this book.
Mr. Haryawan : Oh, “The Princess and the Fairies”. It is a good storybook. Many students
have borrowed it.
Ela : Have they?
Mr. Haryawan : Yes. Maybe because of its interesting pictures.
Ela : Yeah. I like reading fairy tales or folktales like this.
Mr. Haryawan : If you want, there is still a lot of collections of fairy tales on the right corner of
this room.
Ela : Thanks for the information. Maybe another time.

1. Where does the dialog probably take place?

Jawaban: In a library.
2. What does the girl want to borrow?
Jawaban: A storybook entitled “The Princess and the Fairies.”
3. What does the man say about the book?
Jawaban: It is a good storybook and many students have borrowed it.
4. The man says, “If you want, there are still a lot of collections . . . .”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He gives information.
5. Where can the girl find a lot of collections of fairy tales?
Jawaban: On the right corner of the room.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai
1. Who are the speakers?
Jawaban: They are a librarian and a student.
2. What does the girl want to do?
Jawaban: She wants to borrow a storybook.
3. According to the man, why are many students interested in reading the book?
Jawaban: Because it has interesting pictures.
4. What is on the right corner of the room?
Jawaban: A lot of collections of fairy tales.
5. The man says, “It is a good storybook.”
What does ‘it’ here refer to?
Jawaban: A book entitled “The Princess and the Fairies”.

148 UNIT 3 Narratives

B. Complete the following dialog based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Sanusi : Excuse me. May I sit here?
Leo : Sure.
Sanusi : I am Sanusi. How do you do?
Leo : I am Leo. How do you do?
Sanusi : Lovely day, isn’t it?
Leo : You’re right. The sun is shining (1) brightly.
Sanusi : By the way, I heard that there will be a great (2) festival next month in this park.
Leo : Really? Tell me more about it.
Sanusi : It is the annual (3) ethnic music festival. There will be many (4) participants from
different parts of the world.
Leo : Wow, it sounds great!
Sanusi : It does. Well, I have an (5) appointment at 10, so I have to go now. It’s been a pleasure
talking to you. Bye.
Leo : Bye.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

A. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog in Task B?
1. ______ It was a lovely day.
2. ______ The dialog happens at school.
3. ______ Sanusi is Leo’s old friend.
4. ______ The festival will be held next week.
5. ______ There will be many participants from different parts of the world.
1. T
2. F (The dialog happens in a park.)
3. F (They don’t know each other.)
4. F (The festival will be held next month.)
5. T
B. Listen to your teacher.
Repeat after him/her.
Dialog 1
Lia : Nice day, isn’t it?
Ivan : I think so. I hope the weather is always nice all day. I’m going to Semarang this afternoon.
Lia : Go to Semarang?
Ivan : Yeah, . . . my aunt is going to get married.
Lia : So, you’re going to be absent tomorrow?
Ivan : I am. I will give the letter of permission today.
Lia : Have a good trip then.
Ivan : Thank you.
Dialog 2
Guruh : Hi, I’m Guruh. You’re new here, aren’t you?
Clara : Yes. I’m Clara.
Guruh : Nice name. By the way, where are you from?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 149

Clara : I came from Sydney.
Guruh : You mean, . . . Sydney, Australia?
Clara : Yeah! I was born in Sydney and spent my childhood there. I moved here because my
father’s contract is over.
Guruh : No wonder! Your English is excellent.
Clara : Thanks.
C. Answer the questions based on the dialogs you have practiced in Task B.
Dialog 1
1. How is the weather?
Jawaban: It is nice.
2. How does Lia start the conversation?
Jawaban: By saying, “Nice day, isn’t it?”
3. Ivan says, “I’m going to Semarang this afternoon.”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He is giving information.
4. Why is Ivan going to Semarang?
Jawaban: To attend his aunt’s wedding party.
5. When will he give the letter of permission?
Jawaban: Today.
Dialog 2
1. Has Guruh already known Clara before? How do you know?
Jawaban: No, he hasn’t. He introduced himself and said, “You’re new here, aren’t you?”
2. Where do you think the dialog occurs?
Jawaban: At school.
3. Where is Clara from?
Jawaban: She’s from Sydney.
4. Why does she move?
Jawaban: Because her father’s contract in Sydney is over.
5. How is her English?
Jawaban: Her English is excellent.

A. Put the following sentences in the correct order to get good dialogs.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
4 Mr. Santosa : Well, maybe he meant that if you take this bus, you can go off on Jalan
Tentara Rakyat, the street near Malioboro.
6 Mr. Santosa : Tentara Rakyat Mataram, Sir.
2 Mr. Santosa : Yeah, but there is no bus going to Malioboro from here.
7 Mr. Hartman : Yes. Thanks.
5 Mr. Hartman : O.K., thank you. Please let me know if we have arrived at Jalan Tentara . . .

150 UNIT 3 Narratives

1 Mr. Hartman: Excuse me, I want to go to Jalan Malioboro. Is it still far from here?
3 Mr. Hartman : That’s impossible? Someone has told me that I can go there by taking this bus.

Dialog 2
4 Mr. Hartman : Oh, thank goodness. Thank you.
3 Irawan : Well, just go with me, Sir. I will go to the bookstore too.
2 Mr. Hartman : Where should I go, then? I want to go to Gravela bookstore.
1 Mr. Santosa : Sir, we have arrived on Jalan Tentara Rakyat Mataram. You can go off here.
To go to Jalan Malioboro, you can go straight, then take the first left turning
over there.

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. Where will Mr. Hartman go?
Jawaban: To Jalan Malioboro.
2. Mr. Santosa says, “Yeah, but there is no bus going to Malioboro from here.”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He is giving information.
3. Where should Mr. Hartman go off?
Jawaban: On Jalan Tentara Rakyat Mataram, the street near Malioboro.
4. Why should he go off there?
Jawaban: Because no bus is directly going to Malioboro from the place.
5. Mr. Hartman says, “That’s impossible?”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He denies information.
Dialog 2
1. What direction should Mr. Hartman take from the bus stop?
Jawaban: Go straight, and then take the left turning.
2. What does Mr. Hartman want to visit on Jalan Malioboro?
Jawaban: Gravela bookstore.
3. Mr. Santosa says, “To go to Jalan Malioboro, you can go straight, then take the first left
turning over there.”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He is giving information.
4. Who has the same destination as Mr. Hartman does?
Jawaban: Irawan does.
5. What expression is used to ask for information in the dialog?
Jawaban: Where should I go, then?

B. Work in pairs.
Do the instructions.
● Read the proper dialogs in Task A once again.
● Suppose you were Irawan and your partner was Mr. Hartman.
● Make a dialog which contains expressions to start, maintain and end a conversation.
● Practice the dialog you have made.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 151

Clue: The conversation starts from where both of you get off from the bus on Jalan Tentara Rakyat
Mataram to Gravela bookstore on Jalan Malioboro.
Contoh jawaban:
Mr. Hartman : A crowded bus . . . .
Irawan : I think so. By the way, how long have you been in Yogyakarta, Sir?
Mr. Hartman : For about three months.
Irawan : What do you think about this city?
Mr. Hartman : Well, it is a nice city. But sometimes I can’t stand with the weather. It’s very hot
Irawan : I see. But today it’s not very hot I think.
Mr. Hartman : By the way, there is a bookstore over there. Is it Gravela?
Irawan : You’re right, Sir.
Mr. Hartman : Hmm . . . it’s a quite large bookstore.
Irawan : I think so.
Mr. Hartman : So, er . . . what is your name?
Irawan : Irawan, Sir.
Mr. Hartman : Well, . . . Irawan, thank you for accompanying me.
Irawan : Don’t mention it, Mr. . . . .?
Mr. Hartman : Hartman. O.K., let’s enter the bookstore.
Irawan : O.K.

C. Make dialogs based on the following situations.

1. You are interested in joining a speech contest in your school. You ask for information about it.
How would the conversation go?
2. On the way home from school, you meet one of your classmates. Like you, he also goes
home on foot. He seldom walked home before. Make a dialog with him/her.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Ria : Excuse me, I’d like to join the speech contest. May I ask for information about it?
Tesa : Sure. The speech contest will be held next month on March 6, at nine a.m., in Class
Ria : What about the topic?
Tesa : It is about education.
Ria : O.K., then. Thank you for the information.
Tesa : You are welcome.
2. Andri : Hey, Bagas, going home on foot? Doesn’t your father pick you up?
Bagas : No, he doesn’t. He is busy in his office now.
Andri : By the way, what does your father do?
Bagas : Well, he is a salesman. He sells cosmetics.
Andri : Oh, he must travel a lot.
Bagas : You’re right. Sometimes I miss him very much.

152 UNIT 3 Narratives

D. Make dialogs based on the pictures.

You want to give a birthday present for your You and your friend are reading storybooks in
close friend. However, you don’t know what the library. To break the silence, you talk
she likes. You ask about it to her sister. about the story you have just read to your
friend. How would the conversation go?

Contoh jawaban:
1. Puput : Hi, Nita, tomorrow is going to be Ina’s birthday.
Nita : Yes. Will you come?
Puput : Sure. But I’m still confused what I will give to her. Please tell me what she likes.
Nita : Well, she likes playing dolls very much. She also likes playing games on the Internet.
Puput : I see. Thank you for the information.
Nita : You’re welcome.
2. Ilyas : Hmm . . . I really like the story.
Tino : What is it about?
Ilyas : Well, about two stupid hunters who saw a goose. When one of them was going to
shoot it, they fought whether they would stew or roast it.
Tino : What happened then?
Ilyas : Then, they decided to consult another person. Can you guess what happened to the
goose when they came to the place again? The goose had flown away.
Tino : Ha . . . ha . . . an interesting story. Actually they should have shot it first, then decided
whether they would roast or stew it.
Ilyas : You’re right, but actually it was the thing that made the story interesting.

Make a dialog using the expressions you have learned.
Contoh jawaban:
Anis : What an unpredictable day!
Rudi : Right! Suddenly it rains heavily.
Anis : It’s not the rainy season. How could it be?
Rudi : The weather is unpredictable lately. Some parts of Kalimantan and Sulawesi are
flooded, but the other parts of the country are drought.
Anis : You’re right. Well, it seems that the rain has stopped. I must go now. Nice to talk to you.
See you.
Rudi : Me too. See you!

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 153

3.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the following monolog.

What do you think of being a liar? Let me tell you a story about it. There was a lonely
man who lived in a small town. Most of the people who were living in that town knew him
because he was a liar. Before he became a loner, he had once had a family and a good job,
but he sometimes told small lies to his customers. Then, he started to tell big lies to his
customers and his family.
Because of this, he and his family faced a lot of problems. He promised to be honest
about his job, but he didn’t keep his promises, so he lost his job. After that, his wife and
children left him. He continued living in the same home alone. Almost all the people who were
living in the town didn’t trust and believe him.
One day, a fire broke out in house. He ran out of his home and hurriedly went to the
center of the town and shouted to the other people to get help. “My neighbor, please help me.
My house is burning.”
Nobody believed him, so they didn’t go to his house to help him. His house burned down
completely, and he was left homeless. Tragic, isn’t it?
Source: November 9, 2009 <>

The text above is a spoken narrative. A spoken text usually uses simple sentences, and
sometimes there are fillers such as well . . ., er . . ., etc.

Written Text

Read the following text.

The Man Who was a Liar
(Retold by Turhan Ece from Turkey)

There was a lonely man who lived in a small town. Most of

the people who were living in that town knew him because he was
a liar. Before he became a loner, he had once had a family and
a good job, but he sometimes told small lies to his customers.
Then, he started to tell big lies to both his customers and his

154 UNIT 3 Narratives

Because of this, he and his family faced a lot of problems.
He promised to be honest about his job, but he didn’t keep his
promises, so he lost his job. After that, his wife and children left
him. He continued living in the same house alone. Almost all the
Complication people who were living in the town didn’t trust and believe him.
One day, a fire started in his house. He ran out of his house
and hurriedly went to the center of the town and shouted to the
other people to get help. “My neighbor, please help me. My house
is burning.”

Nobody believed him, so they didn’t go to his house to help

Resolution him. His house burned down completely, and he was left

Source: November 9, 2009 <>

The text above is a written narrative. The purpose of a narrative is to amuse the readers.
Its structure consists of:
● Orientation. It introduces the main characters of the story, the place and the time
where the story happened.
● Complication. It shows the problems that happen in the story.
● Resolution. This is the end of the story where the problems are solved.
● Re-orientation (optional). It shows the comment of the writer or it presents the moral
value of the story.

Grammar Section

The Past Continuous Tense

Read the following sentences.

Ramli and Tommy were having lunch at Mother was reading a newspaper when
12:30 p.m. yesterday. the bell rang.

The sentences use the past continuous tense.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 155

The patterns of sentences in the past continuous tense are:
1. Affirmative Sentences: S + was/were + Ving + (O/adv.)
● I was doing my homework at 7 p.m. last night.
● Shinta and Adi were discussing a problem when I came.

2. Negative Sentences: S + was/were + not + Ving + (O/adv.)

● I was not doing my homework at 6 p.m. last night.
● Shinta and Adi were not discussing a proposal when I came.

3. Interrogative Sentences: Was/Were + S + Ving + (O/adv.)

● Were you doing your homework at 7 p.m last night?
● Were Shinta and Adi discussing a problem when you came?
You use the past continuous tense:
1. To say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.
● What were you doing at 10 last night?
● I was sleeping at 1 p.m yesterday.
2. To say that something happened as something else was going on. You use the past
continuous tense for the longer event which started before the shorter event. For the
shorter event, you use the simple past tense.
● I was cooking dinner when you phoned me.
● You were playing tennis when I came.
Note the difference between the two sentences below.
● Arman was studying English. (= He was in the middle of studying and we didn’t
know whether he finished doing it.)
● Arman studied English. (= He began and finished it.)

Answer the following questions.

1. In unit 2 you have learned about recounts. What is the purpose of a recount?
Jawaban: To retell events or experiences in the past.
2. What is the structure of a recount?
Jawaban: Orientation, events and re-orientation.

156 UNIT 3 Narratives

A. Listen to your teacher.
What does he/she tell you about?

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

On his deathbed, a father advised his son to always speak truth. The son promised that
he would never tell a lie.
One day, while going to the city through a forest, he got surrounded by some robbers.
One of them asked, “What do you have?”
The boy answered, “I have fifty rupees.”
They searched him but couldn’t find anything. When they were about to go, the boy called
out, “I am not telling a lie. See this fifty rupee note which I had hidden in my shirt.”
The leader of the robbers felt pleased at the truthfulness of the boy. He gave the boy
hundred rupees as a reward and went away.
Source: March 13, 2009 <>

It’s about a boy who would not tell a lie to other people, even though to robbers.

B. Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A.

1. What did a father advise his son to do?

Jawaban: To always speak truth.
2. When did the father give the advise?
Jawaban: When he was going to die.
3. Did the boy obey the advice?
Jawaban: Yes, he did.
4. When did the boy get surrounded by some robbers?
Jawaban: When he was going to the city through a forest.
5. How much money did the boy have with him?
Jawaban: Fifty rupees.
6. Could the robbers find the boy’s money?
Jawaban: No, they couldn’t.
7. Where did the boy keep the money?
Jawaban: In his shirt.
8. What happened when the robbers were about to go?
Jawaban: The boy called them out and told that he had hidden his money in his shirt.
9. What did the leader of the robbers give the boy?
Jawaban: Hundred rupees as a reward.
10. Why did he give it to the boy?
Jawaban: Because he felt pleased at the honesty of the boy.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 157

Listen to your teacher.
Answer the following questions based on the text you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Please listen to me. Once there was a poor woodcutter who cried aloud. Do you know
why? Yeah, . . . he had dropped his ax into a deep pond. Suddenly a friendly water spirit
appeared before him with a silver ax and asked, “Is this yours?”
“No,” the woodcutter said.
The spirit returned with a golden ax. “Is this yours?” she asked again.
“No, it is not mine,” said the woodcutter.
Then, the spirit appeared with his plain wooden ax. “That one is mine!” said the
woodcutter happily.
And you know what happened next? Well, the spirit said, “You’ve been so honest, so
take the gold and silver axes too!”
On the way home, the woodcutter met a rich merchant. When the merchant heard the
woodcutter’s story, he ran to the pond and dropped his wooden ax in. He also cried aloud.
The same thing happened. The spirit appeared with a silver ax. What was the merchant’s
reply? Well, he shouted quickly, “That one is mine!”
“You know it is not,” said the spirit, and disappeared.
The rich man’s wooden ax stayed on the bottom of the deep pond.
Source: April 4, 2008 < >

1. Where did the story take place?

Jawaban: Near a deep pond.
2. What did the woodcutter say when the spirit appeared with a golden ax?
Jawaban: He said, “No, it is not mine.”
3. What was the woodcutter’s ax like?
Jawaban: It was plain.
4. Did the woodcutter get his ax?
Jawaban: Yes, he did.
5. What other things did he get?
Jawaban: The golden and silver axes.
6. Why did he get them?
Jawaban: Because he was honest.
7. What did the merchant do with his ax?
Jawaban: He dropped it into the pond.
8. Was the merchant honest?
Jawaban: No, he wasn’t.
9. How do you know?
Jawaban: He said that the silver ax was his, although, actually it wasn’t.
10. What happened to the merchant’s ax?
Jawaban: It remained on the bottom of the pond.

158 UNIT 3 Narratives

C. Whether they would cook it in the
C. Listen to your teacher.
forest or at home.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
D. Whether they would sell it or cook it.
Jawaban: A
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”’Stew!’
Teks yang dibacakan guru: said the other. ’It would be far better to
Two hunters saw a wild goose fly roast it.’ ’Stewed!’ said the first, putting
overhead. As one of the hunters placed an down his arrow. ’Roasted!’ replied the
arrow in his bow and aimed it at the goose, other. The argument went on. ’Let’s ask
he said, “That goose will make a fine stew.” our clan leader to decide the best way to
“Stew!” said the other. “It would be far cook that goose.’”. Jadi, mereka berdebat
better to roast it.” tentang cara memasak angsa itu, apakah
“Stewed!” said the first, putting down direbus atau dipanggang.
his arrow.
“Roasted!” replied the other. 3. When did they argue?
The argument went on. “Let’s ask our A. When one of them had shot the
clan leader to decide the best way to cook goose.
that goose.” The leader settled the B. When they had brought the dead
argument by suggesting that when they goose home.
caught the goose, half should be stewed C. When one of them was going to shoot
and half should be roasted. In that way, the goose.
everyone’s needs would be met. D. When one of them was going to stew
Pleased, the two hunters went out to the dead goose.
shoot the wild goose, but by that time, the Jawaban: C
goose was safely long gone . . . . Dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat
”As one of the hunters placed an arrow in
Source: September 15, 2009 <http://> his bow and aimed it at the goose, he said,
’That goose will make a fine stew.’ ’Stew!’
1. What is the story about? said the other. ’It would be far better to
A. Two hunters and their geese. roast it.’” yang artinya ”’Saat salah satu
B. Two hunters and a wild goose. pemburu akan memanah angsa itu, ia
C. Two roasted geese. berkata, ’Angsa ini akan menjadi angsa
D. Two soldiers. rebus yang enak.’ ’Direbus!’ kata yang
Jawaban: B lain.’ Akan jauh lebih baik jika angsa itu
Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan dipanggang.’”.
kalimat pertama ”Two hunters saw a wild 4. How did the people settle their argument?
goose fly overhead.” yang artinya ”Dua A. By asking another hunter.
orang pemburu melihat seekor angsa liar B. By asking their father.
terbang di atas kepala mereka.”. Kalimat- C. By asking their clan leader.
kalimat selanjutnya membahas D. By asking their wives.
pertengkaran kedua pemburu mengenai Jawaban: C
cara memasak angsa tersebut. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai
2. What do the hunters fight about? dengan kalimat ”Let’s ask our clan leader
A. Whether they would stew or roast the to decide the best way to cook that
goose. goose.”.
B. Whether they would fry or roast the

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 159

5. How does the story end? Jawaban: C
A. They stewed the goose. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
B. They roasted the goose. pada akhir monolog tersebut, ”Pleased, the
C. They neither stewed nor roasted the two hunters went out to shoot the wild
goose. goose, but by that time, the goose was
D. They stewed half of the goose and safely long gone . . . .” yang artinya
roasted the other half. ”Merasa senang, kedua pemburu itu pergi
keluar untuk menembak angsa liar
tersebut, tetapi sejak saat itu, angsa itu
sudah pergi jauh dengan selamat.”.

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text you
have just heard.
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ The two hunters saw a wild goose fly overhead.
2. ______ One of the hunters was going to shoot the wild goose with his gun.
3. ______ The two people argued whether they would stew or roast the goose.
4. ______ They could solve the dispute themselves.
5. ______ They finally ate roasted and stewed goose.
1. T
2. F (He was going to shoot it with his arrow.)
3. T
4. F (They asked their clan leader to solve it.)
5. F (They finally ate nothing since the goose flew away.)

A. Put the following sentences in the correct order to get a good text.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
4 Again, Mercury asked, “What for the idol of Jupiter, the chief of gods?”
“Five dollars,” replied the sculptor.
7 Mercury was cut to the quick and disappeared.
1 Once upon a time, Mercury, the god of skill, was tickled by a strange idea. He became
anxious to know how human beings estimated his worth in comparison to other gods.
6 “Oh, that. I shall give that free if you buy the other two,” pat came the reply.
3 Then, he approached the sculptor and asked, “What price would you charge for the idol of
Juno, the goddess of marriage.”
The sculptor replied, “Two dollars?”
5 “And how much for Mercury?” asked the god.
2 So, he disguised himself as a man and came to the earth. Roaming about, he came to the
house of a sculptor where he saw idols of various gods, including his own.
Source: March 13, 2009 <>

160 UNIT 3 Narratives

B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

1. Who was Mercury?

Jawaban: He was the god of skill.
2. What idol was charged for two dollars?
Jawaban: Juno, the goddess of marriage.
3. Who was the chief of gods?
Jawaban: Jupiter was.
4. What did Mercury feel after visiting the sculptor?
Jawaban: He felt disappointed.
5. Why did he have such a feeling?
Jawaban: Because he was considered unworthy by the sculptor. The sculptor would give his
statue for free if people bought the other two.

A. Answer to questions based on the text in Task A.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut.
1. What did Mercury want to know?
Jawaban: How human beings estimated his worth in comparison to other gods.
2. Where did he go?
Jawaban: To the earth, to a sculptor’s house.
3. Who was Juno?
Jawaban: The goddess of marriage.
4. How much was charged for Jupiter?
Jawaban: Five dollars.
5. What would be given for free if he bought the idols of the other two gods?
Jawaban: The idol of Mercury himself.
B. Suppose you were the sculptor in the story in Task A.
Retell the text using your own words.
You may make any necessary changes.

Contoh jawaban:
Let me tell you a story about gods. Are you familiar with the name ‘Mercury’? Well, he
was the god of skill. You know, yesterday Mercury came to my house! At first, I did not know
that it was him. He asked me the price of the idol of Juno. I answered that it was two dollars.
He asked again, “What was the price of the idol of Jupiter, the chief of god?” I replied that it
was five dollars. Then, he asked me the last question, about the price of Mercury. You know, I
wanted him to buy my other sculptures. So, I decided to give the sculpture of Mercury for free
if he bought the other two. You know his response? His face turned red and without saying
anything he left my house. I was surprised. When I tried to remember his face, I felt that I had
ever seen him. Then, I looked at the three sculptures. Oh, gosh! His face looked like one of
them. He looked like Mercury, and I was sure that he was the Mercury himself! But when I
realized this, he had disappeared, and I didn’t know where he went . . . .

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 161

C. Work in groups of four.
Look at the pictures below.
Deliver a story based on the pictures using your own words.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Contoh jawaban:
One day, Sandra the Milkmaid was on the way to market. She was carrying her milk in a pail
on her head. As she went along, she began calculating what she would do with the money that she
would get for the milk.
“I’ll buy some hens from Farmer Harris,” said she, “and surely they will lay eggs each morning.
After twenty days, the eggs will be hatched. It means I will have many chicks. Soon, the chicks will
grow into hens and roosters, which I will sell them to market. Then, with the money that I get from
the sale of these chickens, I’ll buy myself a finest beautiful dress and some jewelries. Next, I will go
to the palace to see the princess and introduce myself with respect. Won’t all the young men come
up and speak to me? Every girl who knows me will be that jealous, but I don’t care. I shall just look
at her and toss my head like this.”
Suddenly, as she spoke to herself, she tossed her head back. The pail fell off, and all the milk
was spilt! She cried. All what she had dreamt of just faded away. Poor Sandra!
Adapted from: (May 24, 2006)

D. Tell your friend a narrative you like.

Contoh jawaban:
Once upon a time, on the coast of Java in an area called Tanjung Perak, lived a variety of sea
animals. You know, they lived in peace and harmony. Only an octopus, called Cumi, could not get
along with the other sea creatures. You know why? Cumi was very cruel.
One day Cumi went to the house of a fish named Suro. He told Suro that one of the crocodiles,
Boyo, would soon attack Suro. I tell you that . . . Suro and Boyo were close friends and kind to each
other. Of course, Suro did not believe Cumi.
Finally, Cumi went to the house of Boyo. This time Cumi was successful. Boyo got very upset
with Suro. He swam hurriedly to Suro’s house. You know, Boyo was a very strong creature. He
attacked Suro and wounded him. At first, Suro was still calm and did not fight back, but he knew
that Boyo would never stop attacking him. So, Suro fought Boyo bravely until the sea turned red
with their blood.

162 UNIT 3 Narratives

In the place where they fought was built the city called Suroboyo. Suroboyo is a Javanese
word derived from Suro and Boyo. Suro means brave and Boyo means danger. Suroboyo,
therefore, means brave in danger. In Indonesian language Suroboyo is pronounced and spelled
Source: September 22, 2008 <>

A. Complete the text with the words from the box.

A Big Quiet House

a. small b. amazement c. larger d. barn e. solve

f. explained g. room h. quiet i. dwelling j. silly

There was once a man who wished his small, noisy house was (1) ________ and quieter. He
went to the wise old woman of the town and (2) ________ his need. She said, “I can (3) ________
your problem. Just do as I say.” The man agreed.
“If you have a chicken, some sheep, a horse and a cow,” she said, “bring them into the house
with you.”
“That’s a (4) ________ thing to do,” thought the man. But he did it anyway. Now his house was
already (5) ________, and with all those animals in it, there was no (6) ________ at all. He
returned to the old woman and cried, “I need more room! The animals are so noisy. I can’t think!”
“Take all those animals out of your (7) ________,” she replied.
When he had put all the animals comfortably back in the (8) ________, the man went into his
house. To his (9) ________, it suddenly looked remarkably bigger! Without the animals inside, his
house was now (10) ________ too!
Source: September 15, 2009 <>
1. c 2. f 3. e 4. j 5. a 6. g 7. i 8. d 9. b 10. h

A. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A?
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ The man wanted his house to be more beautiful.
2. ______ He went to his mother to ask for advice.
3. ______ The woman advised the man to bring animals into his house.
4. ______ The man did exactly what the woman had told him to do.
5. ______ The man also put some plants in his house.
6. ______ There were also some cows in the house.
7. ______ The man brought a chicken and a horse into the house.
8. ______ The man thought the animals were noisy.
9. ______ The man then sold all the animals.
10. ______ The man finally moved to a larger and quieter house.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 163

1. F (He wished his house was larger and quieter.)
2. F (He went to the wise old woman of the town.)
3. T
4. T
5. F (He didn’t put plants in his house.)
6. F (There was just one cow.)
7. T
8. T
9. F (The man then put all the animals back in the barn.)
10. F (After he put the animals back in the barn, suddenly his house looked larger and
B. Match the words in column A with their suitable meanings in column B.

1. to wish a. surprisingly
2. to return b. foolish
3. silly c. a house, flat, etc. where a person lives.
4. barn d. to want something to happen
5. amazement e. a large farm building for keeping animals
6. remarkably f. easily
7. comfortably g. without much noise or activities
8. wise h. a feeling of great surprise
9. dwelling i. to come/go back
10. quiet j. able to make sensible decisions

1. d 2. i 3. b 4. e 5. h 6. a 7. f 8. j 9. c 10. g
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in Task B column A.
1. The man ________ that he could marry the princess.
2. Please be ________. The baby is sleeping.
3. Because of his greediness, the old man had to live in his old and bad ________ again.
4. The woman could not sleep ________ because she always remembered her sad
5. The king was kind and ________, so his people loved him.
1. wished 2. quiet 3. dwelling
4. comfortably 5. wise

164 UNIT 3 Narratives

B. Make sentences based on the pictures and the words available below.
Use the past continuous tense form.

1 2 3

a spider – sting wash – a golden fish – appear think hard – a lady – appear
in the cooking pot

4 5

plant rice – come try to move the stone – see

Contoh jawaban:
1. The young man was sleeping when a spider stung him.
2. The girl was washing the dishes when a golden fish appeared in the cooking pot.
3. The young man was thinking hard when a beautiful lady suddenly appeared.
4. The woman was planting rice when her husband came.
5. The farmer was trying to move the stone when the king saw it.

A. Change the words in brackets into their suitable forms.
1. Snow White ________ [clean] her house when her stepmother ________ [come].
2. The prince ________ [travel] around the town when he ________ [see] a beautiful girl.
3. While the witch ________ [cook], the two children ________ [try] to escape from her house.
4. Lia ________ [study] when someone ________ [knock] at the door.
5. Adi ________ [sing] while Rio ________ [accompany] him play the guitar.
6. I ________ [sleep] when you ________ phone] me.
7. What ________ [you, do] at seven o’clock last night?
8. The gentlemen and ladies ________ [enjoy] the feast when suddenly the lamp ________
[go off].
9. Mr. and Mrs. Harris ________ [not have lunch] at 12 p.m.
10. The three bears ________ [take a walk] around the forest when Goldilock ________
[enter] their house.
1. was cleaning, came 2. was traveling, saw
3. was cooking, were trying 4. was studying, knocked

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 165

5. was singing, was accompanying 6. was sleeping, phoned
7. were you doing 8. were enjoying, went off
9. were not having lunch 10. were taking a walk, entered
B. Make sentences using the following words.
Use the past continuous tense form.
1. study – the lamp – go off Contoh jawaban:
2. walk down the street – see 1. We were studying when the lamp went
3. cut – finger – peel mango off.
4. have lunch – phone – ring 2. Mr. Tom was walking down the street
5. watch TV – arrive when he saw an accident.
3. When my younger brother cut his finger,
he was peeling a mango.
4. The Richards were having lunch when
the phone rang.
5. When Nia arrived, I was watching TV.

C. Put the following sentences in the correct order to get a good text.

Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

5 “All right. I will open only one,” he promised. A large crowd of people said goodbye to him,
and he went back to his land. After he got home, he opened the bigger of the two boxes. To his
amazement, there was a great deal of gold in the box.
3 The palace was very beautiful. The king of the turtles gave a feast for him and he met
many people. He had never seen such a good feast. He received a warm welcome there, and
he was very satisfied with everything. He thought there was no other place better than that one.
He said to the turtle, “Thank you, I am glad to have met you.”
1 Long, long ago, some children were playing at a seaside when they found a turtle. They
began to bully the turtle. After a while, a young man came and said to them, “Stop it!” The
children went away then.
7 As soon as he opened the box, he became an old man. His hair turned white and his face
was full of wrinkles. He looked like an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in
a moment. After that he regretted what he did. “Just because I broke the promise . . .,” he said,
but it was too late.
4 When he was going to leave the palace, the turtle said, “I am going to give you two boxes,
but you can only open one of the boxes. You must not open both. Don’t forget!”
2 “I really appreciate your kindness. I really would like to invite you to a wonderful palace
now,” the turtle said. As soon as the young man got on the back of the turtle, he was taken to
a secret palace in the sea. When he arrived at the palace, he was very surprised and said to
the turtle, “What a nice place!”
6 “Heavens!” he said loudly. He was rich now. He thought, “The other one must also be full of
money.” He could not stand not opening the box, so he broke his promise and opened it.
TOPICS Online Magazine ©1997-2008 - Sandy and Thomas Peters -
Source: November 4, 2009 <>

166 UNIT 3 Narratives

D. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct boxes . . . .’” yang artinya ”Ketika ia akan
answer based on the text in Task C. meninggalkan kerajaan tersebut, penyu
berkata, ’Saya akan memberikan
1. What is the suitable title for the text? kepadamu dua kotak . . . .’”.
A. A Magic Turtle.
4. What did the young man promise to the
B. A Broken Promise.
C. A Greedy Young Man.
A. To use the gold to help people.
D. A Young Man and His Boxes.
B. Not to come to the palace anymore.
Jawaban: C
C. To open just one box out of two.
Dalam teks tersebut diceritakan bahwa
D. Not to open the box before he arrived
pemuda itu menerima dua kotak. Ia
berjanji bahwa ia hanya akan membuka
Jawaban: C
salah satu dari dua kotak itu, tetapi ia
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
membuka kedua kotak tersebut.
”When he was going to leave the palace,
Akibatnya, penampilannya berubah
the turtle said, ’I am going to give you two
menjadi seorang laki-laki tua yang berusia
boxes . . . .’ All right. I will open only one,’
delapan puluh tahun.
he promised.” yang artinya ”Ketika ia akan
2. Why did the turtle invite the young man to meninggalkan tempat itu, penyu berkata,
his palace? ’Saya akan memberikan kepadamu dua
A. Because he had saved the turtle from kotak . . . . ’Baiklah, saya hanya akan
bullying. membuka satu kotak,’ janjinya.’”.
B. Because he placed the turtle safely to
5. The statements below are TRUE based on
its habitat.
the text, except ________.
C. Because he had given some food to
A. the man broke his promise
the turtle.
B. the man opened the bigger box at first
D. Because he had saved the turtle from
C. the man found many people in the feast
being killed.
D. the man met a beautiful princess in
Jawaban: A
the feast
Dalam teks terdapat kalimat-kalimat ”They
Jawaban: D
began to bully the turtle. After a while,
Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk
a young man came and said to them, ’Stop
pernyataan yang salah karena tidak
it!’ The children went away then . . . ’I really
terdapat dalam teks. Pilihan jawaban
would like to invite you to a wonderful
lainnya salah karena sesuai dengan isi
palace now,’ the turtle said.’”. Jadi, penyu
teks. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan
itu mengundang laki-laki muda ke
kalimat ”After that, he regretted what he
kerajaannya karena ia telah menyelamat-
did. ’Just because I broke the promise
kan si penyu dari gangguan anak-anak.
. . . .’ he said, but it was too late.”,
3. What did the turtle give to the young man? (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”After he got
A. A nice palace. home, he opened the bigger of the two
B. A box full of gold. boxes.”, dan (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”. .
C. Two magic bags. . and the king of the turtles gave a feast
D. Two boxes. for him and he met many people.”.
Jawaban: D
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
”When he was going to leave the palace,
the turtle said, ’I am going to give you two

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 167

A. Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper story.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
5 Another day the mule and the master passed the same route. The mule also brought
heavy loads of salt. It knew that the river was nearer. It ran as fast as it could. And then,
blarr . . . it acted as if it had slipped. It drank the water and let the salt melt. “Great! I only
brought light loads,” murmured the mule. The master knew its trick. He beat the mule and
said angrily, “What a lazy mule! Get up and start to walk!”
3 “Ough . . . the salt has melted!” said the master angrily.

2 “Suddenly, it saw a river not far away. “Aha . . . there is a river down there. I must go
there to get some water,” said the mule. It ran to the river and blarr . . . it slipped and fell into
the river. It tried to get up, but it was not easy. For a little while, it felt something. The burden
on its back became lighter when it stayed in the water a little longer. At last, the mule could
stand up, but the salt had melted.
6 The next day the mule had to bring some sacks of cotton. It didn’t know about it. It walked
fast. It arrived at the river and did the same thing as before. However, it felt something
different. This time, the burden was even heavier. It wondered how it happened. It didn’t know
that cotton absorbed the water. However, he had to bring the loads. The master knew it and
laughed. He said, “I told you. You’re in a big trouble. You bring cotton now. It becomes heavier
when it is wet, you know,” said the master. He forced the mule to walk.
1 Once upon a time a mule and its master walked on the mountain. The mule brought many
sacks of salt on its back. The stuff were so heavy and the sun shone very brightly. It made the
mule feel tired and thirsty. “What a hot day! I can’t walk any more,” the mule said.
4 “Sorry, Master. I didn’t know that,” the mule responded.
Adapted from: June 29, 2007 <>

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the first paragraph tell you about?
Jawaban: It’s about a mule that brought heavy loads in a very bright sunny day.
2. Why was the master angry?
Jawaban: Because the mule melted the salt intentionally.
3. What did the mule feel knowing that the burden became lighter?
Jawaban: It felt very happy.
4. Do you think the mule was tricky? Why/Why not?
Jawaban: Yes, it was. Because it remained in the water for some time to let the salt melt
so its burden became lighter. It did such a thing for twice.
5. What did the mule bring on the last day of its journey?
Jawaban: Some sacks of cotton.
6. “The master knew it and laughed.” (Last paragraph)
What does the word “it” in the sentence refer to?
Jawaban: It refers to the condition of the mule when he brought heavy loads of wet cotton.
7. What is the purpose of the story?
Jawaban: To entertain the readers and to give the readers the moral value of the story.
8. What can you learn from the story?
Jawaban: We should not be tricky.

168 UNIT 3 Narratives

A. Look at the pictures.
Write a story based on the pictures and the cue words.

1 2

● a girl named Goldilocks ● knock at the door, no one opened it

● lose in a forest ● enter the house
● find a little house
● in the house of the father bear, the mother
bear, the baby bear

3 4

● three bowls: big blue, middle-sized and ● Goldilocks – sleepy and tired
a little yellow ● sit on the father bear’s bed – too hard
● taste the father bear’s porridge in the big ● sit on the mother bear’s bed – too soft
one – too hot ● the baby bear’s bed – just right – sleep
● taste the mother bear’s in the red bowl – ● the three bears – come home
too cold ● hungry – go to the kitchen
● taste the baby bear’s in the smallest one ● Baby Bear: “Somebody has eaten up my
– just right porridge!”

● three bears – go to the bedroom – see Goldilocks

● Goldilocks: scream with fright – run out of the house
Pictures source: August 27, 2009 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 169

Contoh jawaban:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
A girl named Goldilocks was walking in the woods when she found herself lost. She felt tired
and hungry. Just then Goldilocks saw a house. She knocked and knocked, but no one opened it.
Then, she went inside. “Maybe there is something to eat in there.”
It was the house in which lived three bears: the mother bear, the father bear and the baby
bear. They were going out for a walk when Goldilocks entered their house.
Goldilocks saw some food on the table, and decided to taste it. First, Goldilocks tasted the
father bear’s porridge in the big blue bowl, but it was too hot. Then, Goldilocks tasted the mother
bear’s porridge in the middle-sized red bowl, but it was too cold. But the baby bear’s porridge was
just right, and Goldilocks ate it all up.
“My goodness, I’m sleepy,” Goldilocks said entering the bedroom. Goldilocks sat on the father
bear’s bed, but it was too hard. Goldilocks then sat on the mother bear’s bed, but it was too soft.
The baby bear’s little bed was just right, and Goldilocks fell asleep there in an instant.
After a short while, the three bears returned from the river. “Someone’s been eating my
porridge!” said the father bear. “Someone’s been eating my porridge too!” said the mother bear.
“Someone’s been eating my porridge, and they ate it all up!” cried the baby bear. They looked
around the house to find who had done this. When they looked in the bedroom, they saw
Goldilocks asleep on the baby bear’s little bed. Just then Goldilocks woke up, saw the three bears
and screamed with fright. The three bears tried to catch Goldilocks, but Goldilocks ran out of the
woods and all the way home, vowing never, EVER, to break and enter anybody’s home, or try to
eat their stuff ever again . . .!
Adapted from: November 13, 2007 <>
August 27, 2009 <>

B. Write a narrative.
You may choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban:
Sweet Porridge
There was a poor but good little girl who lived with her mother. They had nothing to eat. One
day, the child went into the forest, and there an aged woman who was aware of her sorrow met her.
She gifted her with a little pot, which when she said, “Cook, little pot, cook”, would cook good,
sweet porridge, and when she said, “Stop, little pot”, it ceased to cook.
The girl took the pot home to her mother, and soon they got free from their poverty and
hunger, and ate sweet porridge as often as they wanted.
One day, when the girl had gone out, her mother said, “Cook, little pot, cook.” And it did cook
and she ate till she was satisfied, and then she wanted the pot to stop cooking, but did not know
the word. So it went on cooking and the porridge rose over the edge, and still it cooked on until the
kitchen and whole house were full, and then the next house, and then the whole street, just as if it
wanted to satisfy the hunger of the whole world, and there was the greatest distress, but no one
knew how to stop it.
At last when only one single house remained, the child came home and just said, “Stop, little
pot”, and it stopped and gave up cooking, and whomsoever wished to return to the town had to eat
his way back!
Adapted from: June 9, 2008 <>

170 UNIT 3 Narratives

3.3 Short Functional Texts: Little Jokes and E-mails

Spoken Text

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, a beautiful princess happened upon a frog in a pond.
The frog said to the princess, “I was once a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on
me. One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince. Then, we can marry, move into the
castle with my mom where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children
and forever feel lucky for doing so.”
That night the princess had the frog’s legs for dinner.
Source: November 17, 2009 <>

The text is a little joke. A joke is a thing said or written to amuse the listeners or the
readers. Sometimes you find jokes that aren’t funny. It may happen because the culture
where the jokes are from are different from our culture.

Written Text

Read the following text.

Dear Mr. Haryanto,

I am Inneke, an SMU student. I really like the short
stories in your books. They are enjoyable to read
and have surprising endings. By the way, I have just
read a newspaper that you have just launched
a new book, Short Story V. How can I get the book?
I am very eager to read it. I have looked for it in
a bookshop at my region, but I couldn’t find it. I look
forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 171

The text is an e-mail. An e-mail message is made up of several parts. They
● header—It contains information about the sender, the routing and the time of the
message. The header always contains a subject line. This is a very important part of
the message and you should always include a subject line. Some folks sort their
messages by subject, so it is rude to not include a subject! The subject line indicates
the purpose or content of the message.
● message body, where you write your message.
● signature, which identifies the sender. This part is optional and must be set up inside
of your e-mail software.
Source: November 19, 2009 < (19)>

Answer the questions below.

1. Do you often listen to or read jokes?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
2. What jokes do you like to listen to or read?
Contoh jawaban: Jokes about children, jokes about animals, etc.
3. Do you often send e-mails?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
4. Whom do you usually send e-mails to?
Contoh jawaban: To my cousin and pen pals.
5. What do you usually talk in your e-mails?
Contoh jawaban: About my school activities.

A. Your teacher is going to read you some questions.

Write down the questions.
Then, choose the best answer from the box for each question.

Pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. Why was Cinderella no good at playing hockey?
2. What has four legs, whiskers, a tail and flies?
3. Why couldn’t Cinderella use horses to pull the Pumpkin Coach?
4. What do ants take when they are ill?
5. What did the Forty Thieves like to drink?
Sources: November 17, 2009 <>;
The Biggest Book of Stupid Jokes in the Universe

172 UNIT 3 Narratives

a. Antibiotics.
b. Because they were too busy playing stable tennis!
c. A dead cat.
d. Tea . . . they were the For Tea Thieves!
e. Because she was always running away from the ball!

1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d

A. Read the questions and answers in Task A.
Complete the following sentences with the words from the box based on them.

a. a round object we use for throwing, hitting or kicking in games and sports
b. tea
c. table
d. a party
e. dies
f. ill
g. flies

In the original story, Cinderella was running away from the ball which means (1) ________,
but in the question 1, ball means (2) ________ in contrast with hockey.
When a cat (3) ________, some (4) ________ fly around it.
In the answer to question 3, actually the correct word for ‘stable’ is (5) ________.
People can take antibiotics when they are (6) ________.
Forty has similar pronunciation with ‘for (7) ________.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. g 5. c 6. f 7. b
B. You will hear the following words in the next task.
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B.

1. pumpkin a. sungut kucing
2. coach b. kereta
3. ball c. labu
4. whisker d. lalat
5. fly e. pesta dansa

1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. d

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 173

D. Listen to your teacher.
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the text you have heard?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

The psychiatrist was surprised to see a tortoise come into his office. “What can I do for
you, Mr. Tortoise?” asked the psychiatrist.
“I’m terribly shy, doctor,” said the tortoise, “I want you to cure me of that.”
“No problem. I’ll soon have you out of your shell.”
Source: The Biggest Book of Stupid Jokes in the Universe

1. ______ The joke is about a tortoise and a psychiatrist.

2. ______ The psychiatrist felt worried to see a tortoise come.
3. ______ The animal was terribly brave.
4. ______ The animal had a shell.
5. ______ The doctor would cure the animal by having him out of his shell.
1. T
2. F (He felt surprised to see a tortoise come.)
3. F (He was terribly shy.)
4. T
5. T

A. Listen to your teacher’s texts.
What are the texts about?

Teks-teks yang dibacakan guru:

Text 1
Hi, friends, one day a young child asked his mother, “Do men always snore?”
And you know the answer? Well, she said, “No. Only when they’re sleeping.”
Source: The Biggest Book of Stupid Jokes in the Universe
Text 2
I tell you something. There’s a patient who complained to his doctor. He said, “Doctor,
Doctor, I’m having trouble with my breathing.” Then, his doctor tried to calm him by saying,
“O.K. I’ll give you something that will soon put a stop to that!”
Adapted from: October 8, 2007 <>

Text 1 is about a kid who asked his mother why men snore.
Text 2 is about a patient who complained about his breathing problem.
B. Answer the questions based on the texts you have heard in Task A.
Text 1
1. According to the mother, do men always snore?
Jawaban: No, they don’t.
2. When do they snore?
Jawaban: Only when they are sleeping.

174 UNIT 3 Narratives

3. In your opinion, what is funny about the joke?
Jawaban: There is a misunderstanding between the kid and his mother. Maybe the kid’s
real question is, “Do men always snore when they are sleeping?”
Text 2
1. What did the patient complain about?
Jawaban: His breathing.
2. Did the doctor actually want to stop the patient’s breathing or his breathing problem?
Jawaban: The patient’s breathing problem.

A. Complete the text with the words from the box.

a. young b. future c. Biology d. adviced e. thrilled

A lonely frog, desperate for any form of company, telephoned the Psychic Hotline to find out
what his (1) ________ had in store.
His Personal Psychic Advisor (2) ________ him, “You are going to meet a beautiful
(3) ________ girl who will want to know everything about you.”
The frog was (4) ________ and said, “This is great! Where will I meet her, at work, at a party?”
“No”, said the psychic, “in a (5) ________ class!”
Source: November 17, 2009 <>
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c

B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

1. How was the frog’s condition?
Jawaban: He was lonely and desperate.
2. Why does he telephone the Psychic Hotline?
Jawaban: To find out what his future had in store.
3. Whom was the frog going to meet?
Jawaban: A beautiful young girl.
4. Where would the frog meet her?
Jawaban: In a biology class.
5. What would the girl do with the frog actually?
Jawaban: She would do a research about the frog.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 175

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan pertanyaan lain sebagai
1. Why was the frog desperate for?
Jawaban: Any form of company.
2. What did he telephone?
Jawaban: The Psychic Hotline.
3. What advice did he get?
Jawaban: That he was going to meet a beautiful young girl who wanted to know everything
about him.
4. What did the frog probably feel to hear that he would mmeet a beautiful girl?
Jawaban: He was thrilled.
5. What did the girl do?
Jawaban: She was a biology student.

C. Find a little joke in the Internet, in a magazine or a newspaper.

Tell the joke to your friends.
Contoh jawaban:
My little brother once had a guessing game with his friend. My brother said, “What is the
strongest animal?” His friend could not answer. After a moment, he answered it himself, “A snail.
He carries his house on his back!” Ha . . . ha what a clever brother!
Source: June 29, 2007 <>

A. Read the e-mail below.

Then, answer the questions.

When can we meet?

When can we get together to work on our

project? I am available any time this week
after 5 p.m. But I do have some other
appointments next week. I would like to
meet before we have our next class, so
e-mail me and let me know what would
work for you.

Source: November 19, 2009 <

emailparts.html (19)>

176 UNIT 3 Narratives

1. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
Jawaban: To ask about time/date to meet the addressee.
2. Why does the writer want to meet the addressee?
Jawaban: To work together on their project.
3. When is the writer available for doing the project?
Jawaban: Any time this week after 5 p.m.
4. When does the writer want to meet the addressee?
Jawaban: Before their next class.
5. What does the writer want the addressee to do?
Jawaban: To e-mail her and inform about the available time.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut.

Hi, Hanna, how are you? I haven’t heard from you for a long time.
I’ve arrived in England. The weather is cold here. It snows every day.
Luckily I bring a coat and jacket with me. Thanks for your advice.
By the way, how is the weather in our country? Is it in the middle of
summer or rainy season? Is it hot or wet? You have to tell me about
the weather in our country when you reply to my
e-mail, O.K.? Hope to hear from you soon.


Source: English in Focus for Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/Mts)

Questions: 4. What is Hanna’s advice?

1. Where is Deshinta now? Jawaban: To bring a coat and jacket.
Jawaban: In England. 5. What does Deshinta want to know?
2. How is the weather there? Jawaban: About the weather in their
Jawaban: It is cold. country.
3. What happens every day in the place?
Jawaban: It snows.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 177

B. Put the following sentences in the correct order to get a good e-mail.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

7 How could you do such carelessness?

1 To:
Subject: Complaint
6 It was published in “TODAY” newspaper some months ago.

5 This is because there was an article which is very similar with mine.

3 I am one of your faithful readers.

8 Regards,


2 Dear editors of SMART magazine,

4 I am happy because by reading your magazine, I can improve my English and get more
knowledge. However, when I read your last edition (edition XXI), I felt disappointed.

C. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the e-mail in Task B?

1. ______ The purpose of the e-mail is to tell about Jenita’s compliment after reading the
2. ______ Jenita doesn’t like reading SMART magazine.
3. ______ Jenita felt disappointed because the magazine published bad articles.
4. ______ Jenita’s article was published some months ago.
5. ______ “TODAY” newspaper published Jane’s article.
1. F (Its purpose is to complain about something.)
2. F (She likes reading it.)
3. F (She felt disappointed because the magazine published an article which was similar to
4. T
5. T

A. Write an e-mail based on the situation below.

Suppose you have a problem dealing with your study, family or friends. You want to consult your
problems to a good magazine consultant via an e-mail. How would your e-mail be?

178 UNIT 3 Narratives

Contoh jawaban:

What should I do?

Dear TEENAGE TODAY magazine,

I am sending this e-mail to you to consult about my
problem. Well, in a few weeks I am going to face the final
test. However, up to now I can’t concentrate well in my
study. This is because recently my mom and dad have
always been fighting. I don’t know why they fight, but it
really disturbs me a lot. I feel sad and want them to stop
fighting, but I don’t know how to stop them. What should I
do, Ma’am? Please tell me. Thank you for your attention.

B. Exchange your e-mail you have written in Task A with a friend’s.

Write a reply for the e-mail.

Suppose you were a magazine consultant. How would you help solve your client’s problem?
Contoh jawaban:

Get a new place to study

Dear Lyana,
I know how you feel. Your heart may feel hurt and annoyed by
the situation in your house. I suggest that you study in
a friend’s or relative’s home so that you can concentrate more.
And to stop your parents from fighting is not an easy thing to do.
Well, just talk to each of them about your feeling. I am sure they
don’t want to fight. They just feel difficult to control their
emotion. If this doesn’t succeed, talk to a third person. He/she
can be your grandmother or grandfather. Ask him/her to tell
your parents about your problem. Hopefully, it will work.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 179

C. Write an e-mail.
You may choose your own topic.
Contoh jawaban:


When can we meet?

Dear friends,
It has been two years we didn’t meet each other. I am sure
you miss the situations when we played together, ate in Bu
Wongso’s canteen, camped at school and had great time
there. Therefore, why don’t we conduct a reunion? I suggest
that it will be conducted in June or early July when we all
have holidays. What do you think? Please tell me your
opinion about the place or date of the reunion. And if you
have an idea about interesting things to do in the reunion,
please feel free to write. Thank you.

Write a narrative which deals with fairies.

Read and memorize the words. overhead : di atas kepala

Use them whenever you speak English. peasant petani
roadway : jalan untuk kendaraan
clan : kaum, suku, marga to roast : memanggang
deathbed : akhir hidup/waktu sculptor : pemahat/ahli patung
meninggal dunia to settle : membereskan,
to entitle : berjudul menyelesaikan
to happen upon : menemukan to stew : merebus
hurriedly : dengan terburu-buru to tickle : menggelikan,
loner : seorang penyendiri menyenangkan
mule : bagal woodcutter : penebang kayu

180 UNIT 3 Narratives

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat yang
answer. dikatakan Ira ”To Jalan Senopati.”. Karena
Ira akan ke Jalan Senopati, dapat
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. dipastikan bus itu melewati Jalan
Senopati. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai
Ira : Oh, it is raining again. dengan kalimat yang dikatakan Andi, ” To
Andi : Yeah, . . . and it seems that it will rain Sandy book store, on Jalan Ahmad Yani.”.
Ira : By the way, what bus are you going to This dialog is for questions 3 to 5.
take? Ms. Ida: Excuse me, do you know where I can
Andi : Bus line two. meet Mr. Harno?
Ira : Oh, we will be in the same bus then. Ryan : He is in the reading room, on the
Andi : Oh, yeah? What is your destination? second floor, near class VIIIB.
Ira : To Jalan Senopati. What about you? Ms. Ida: It’s not true. Someone told me that
Andi : To Sandy bookstore, on Jalan Ahmad his office is on the first floor.
Yani. Ryan : You’re right, but he usually goes to
Ira : Here comes our bus. Let’s go. the reading room when he doesn’t
Andi : Let’s. teach.
1. Where does the dialog take place? Ms. Ida: I see. Thank you.
A. On a bus. 3. Ms. Ida says, “It’s not true?”
B. At a bus stop. What does it mean?
C. Near a traffic light. A. She is asking for information.
D. On the way home. B. She is denying information.
Jawaban: B C. She is giving information.
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat D. She is getting information.
yang dikatakan Ira, yaitu ”By the way, what Jawaban: B
bus are you going to take?” dan juga Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Itu tidak benar.”.
kalimat ”Here comes our bus. Let’s go.”. Kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyangkal
Dari kedua kalimat ini dapat disimpulkan informasi.
bahwa percakapan itu terjadi di sebuah
4. What will Ms. Ida do after the conversation?
halte bus (at a bus stop).
A. She will go to the reading room.
2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according B. She will go to the first floor.
to the dialog? C. She will go to Class VIIIB.
A. Andi and Ira will be in the same bus. D. She will go home.
B. The bus passes Jalan Senopati. Jawaban: B
C. Andi is going to a bookstore. Dalam percakapan tersebut Nona Ida
D. Ira is going to Jalan Ahmad Yani. mengatakan, ”Excuse me, do you know
Jawaban: D where I can meet Mr. Harno?” yang artinya
Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk ”Maaf, apakah kamu tahu di mana saya
pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai dapat bertemu Bapak Harno?” yang
dengan kalimat yang dikatakan Ira ”To dijawab Ryan, ”He is in the reading room,
Jalan Senopati.”. Jadi, Ira akan ke Jalan on the second floor, near Class VIIIB.”
Senopati, bukan Jalan Ahmad Yani. Pilihan yang artinya ”Dia ada di ruang baca, di
jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai lantai dua, dekat kelas VIIIB.”. Dari sini
dengan isi percakapan tersebut. Pilihan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Nona Ida akan
jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Oh, pergi ke ruang baca, tempat Bapak Harno
we will be in the same bus then.”. Pilihan berada saat itu.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 181

5. The statement below is CORRECT 7. The second witch says, “. . . you don’t
according to the dialog, except ________. please anyone.”
A. when the conversation takes place, What does the word ‘please’ here mean?
Mr. Harno doesn’t teach A. To make somebody annoyed.
B. Mr. Harno likes to be in the reading room B. To make somebody happy.
C. Mr. Harno’s office is on the second floor C. Choose.
D. class VIIIB is on the second floor D. Like.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: B
Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk pernyataan Yang menyebabkan percakapan itu lucu
yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan adalah perbedaan kata ’please’ di sini.
kalimat yang dikatakan Ryan, yaitu ”You’re Kata ’please’ yang dimaksud oleh
right . . . .” yang artinya ”Kamu benar . . . .” perempuan kedua ini adalah membuat
ketika menanggapi pernyataan Ida, orang senang.
”Someone told me that his office is on the This text is for questions 8 and 9.
first floor.” yang artinya ”Seseorang
berkata kepada saya bahwa kantornya Subject: I want to meet you
berada di lantai satu.”. Jadi, kantor Bapak To : Ima_lucu@yahoocom
Harno berada di lantai satu, bukan lantai Date : Sun, February 28, 2010 10:08:11 –
dua. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah 08:00
karena sesuai dengan isi percakapan From :
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai
Dear Ima,
dengan kalimat ”He is in the
reading room . . . .” dan kalimat ”You’re I feel happy because you have got
right, but he usually goes to the reading a scholarship to study in the USA.
room when he doesn’t teach.”, (B) sesuai Congratulations! You’re really a clever student.
dengan kalimat ”You’re right, but usually I’m so sorry I couldn’t join your farewell party
he goes to the reading room when he last week. Actually I wanted to, but at that
doesn’t teach.”, dan (D) sesuai dengan time my little sister was hospitalized because
kalimat ”. . . on the second floor, near of high fever.
Class VIIIB.”.
When are you going to USA? I hope we can
This text is for questions 6 and 7. meet before you go. And I wish you be
successful in your study, and you will feel at
One day, two witches had a conversation.
home there. I look forward to hearing from
The first witch said, “I’m not ugly. I could marry
anyone I pleased.” And you know, the second
witch replied her, “But that’s the problem—you Ratna
don’t please anyone.”
8. When was the farewell party probably held?
Source: The Biggest Book of Stupid Jokes in the Universe
A. February 21, 2010.
6. What did the first witch’s sentence mean? B. February 28, 2010.
A. She could marry anyone who liked her. C. March 28, 2010.
B. She could marry anyone she wanted to. D. March 3, 2010.
C. She could marry anyone she welcomed. Jawaban: A
D. She could marry anyone because she Dalam teks tersebut tertulis ”I’m so sorry I
made him happy. couldn’t join your farewell party last week.”.
Jawaban: B Dalam teks itu terlihat bahwa e-mail itu
Kalimat yang diucapkan tukang sihir dikirim pada tanggal 28 Februari 2010.
wanita yang pertama artinya ”Saya tidak Berdasarkan kata ’last week’ di sini dapat
jelek. Saya dapat menikah dengan siapa disimpulkan bahwa pesta itu diadakan pada
pun yang saya suka.”. tanggal 21 Februari 2010 karena berjarak
seminggu sebelum e-mail dikirimkan.

182 UNIT 3 Narratives

9. Which statement is NOT TRUE according 10. What did the King ask his soldiers to do?
to the e-mail? A. To place a car on a roadway.
A. Ima got a scholarship to study in the USA. B. To place a huge stone on a roadway.
B. Ratna didn’t join the farewell party. C. To place some plants on pots.
C. Ima’s sister was hospitalized last D. To remove a huge stone on a roadway.
week. Jawaban: B
D. Ratna hopes she can meet Ima before Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama
she goes to USA. paragraf satu ”In ancient times, a King
Jawaban: C commanded one of his soldiers to place
Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk a very huge rock on a roadway.” yang
pernyataan salah yang karena tidak sesuai artinya ”Pada zaman dahulu, seorang raja
dengan kalimat ”Actually I wanted to, but memerintahkan anak buahnya untuk
at that time my little sister was hospitalized meletakkan sebuah batu yang sangat
because of high fever.” yang artinya besar di tengah jalan.”.
”Sebenarnya saya ingin, tetapi adik
perempuan saya dirawat di rumah sakit 11. What did some of the wealthiest merchants
karena demam tinggi.”. Kata ’I’ dalam do?
kalimat tersebut mengacu kepada A. They walked around the rock.
pengirim e-mail, yaitu Ratna. Jadi, yang B. They moved the rock.
sakit dan dirawat di rumah sakit adalah C. They climbed the rock.
saudara perempuan Ratna, bukan D. They hit the rock.
saudara perempuan Ima. Pilihan jawaban Jawaban: A
yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
teks. kelima dan keenam paragraf satu ”And . . .
some of the wealthiest merchants and
This text is for questions 10 to 14.
courtiers came by. But . . . they simply
In ancient times, a king commanded one walked around it.”. yang artinya ”Dan . . .
of his soldiers to place a very huge rock on beberapa saudagar paling kaya dan
a roadway. Then, he hid himself in bushes. You anggota istana datang. Namun, . . .
know why? Well, he wanted to see if anyone mereka hanya berjalan di sekitarnya.”.
would remove the huge rock. And . . . some
of the wealthiest merchants and courtiers came 12. Who was passing with a lot of vegetables?
by. But . . . they simply walked around it. Even A. A king.
many loudly blamed the King and said, “Huh, B. A soldier.
why doesn’t he keep the roads clear?” C. A peasant.
But no one did anything to get the stone D. A merchant.
out of the way. Then, a peasant came along. Jawaban: C
He was carrying a load of vegetables. When he Dalam kalimat kedua dan ketiga paragraf
was approaching the rock, the peasant laid dua dijelaskan ”Then, a peasant came
down his burden. He tried to move the stone to along. He was carrying a load of
the side of the road. After much pushing and vegetables.” yang artinya ”Kemudian,
straining, he finally succeeded. When the seorang petani datang. Ia membawa
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he muatan sayuran.”. Jadi, yang melintas
noticed something. What was it? A purse was dengan membawa sayuran adalah
lying in the road where the rock had been. The seorang petani.
purse contained many gold coins! And there
was a note from the King which said, “This gold 13. Why did the person lay down his burden?
was for the person who removed the rock from A. He felt tired.
the roadway.” The peasant learned what many B. He would sell the vegetables.
of us ever understand. Every obstacle presents C. He wanted to move the rock.
an opportunity to improve our condition. D. He would give the vegetables to
Source: May 26, 2007 < another peasant.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 183

Jawaban: C mati. Karena subjek adalah orang ketiga
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat tunggal, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah
keempat dan kelima paragraf dua ”When was, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang benar
he was approaching the rock, the peasant adalah was doing dan went.
laid down his burden. He tried to move the
stone to the side of the road.” yang artinya This text is for questions 16 to 20.
”Ketika ia mendekati batu itu, petani The Magic Candle
tersebut meletakkan bebannya. Ia One day a young wanderer got lost in
mencoba memindahkan batu itu ke pinggir a wood. Suddenly he saw a light from an old
jalan.”. hut. He knocked at the door and an old woman
14. Below are what the peasant got, except opened it. She was crying. She said that the
________. devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle
A. gold coins could grant anything she asked. The wanderer
B. a valuable lesson asked her where the devil lived. “In a castle not
C. the King’s note far from here,” said the old woman.
D. some vegetables The wanderer went to the castle. There he
Jawaban: D found the devil, but he was old and weak.
Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”And there Therefore, when the wanderer grabbed the
was a note from the King which said, “This magic candle from the devil’s table and ran
gold was for the person who removed the away, the devil couldn’t chase him.
rock from the roadway.” The peasant But the wanderer was not a kind man. He
learned what many of us ever understand. didn’t return the candle to the old woman, but
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made
improve our condition.”. Berdasarkan a wish, “I want to go far away from here.”
kalimat ini diketahui bahwa yang Suddenly, the genies appeared and took him to
didapatkan petani itu adalah koin emas, a beautiful palace. There was a party in the
catatan dari raja, dan juga pelajaran yang palace. The wanderer wanted to make some
berharga. Jadi, yang tidak didapatkan money. So, he lit the candle again and wished
petani itu adalah vegetables (sayuran). for some jewelry. He sold them to the guests
and was soon making a lot of money. Then, the
15. Rina ________ [do] her homework when Princess came to buy the jewelry, but there was
the lamp [go] off. nothing left. The wanderer felt in love with her
The correct words in brackets to complete and asked her to marry him. The kind princess
the sentence are ________. said, “Yes”, and they got married the next day.
A. was doing, went In his happiness, the wanderer told the prin-
B. did, was going cess about his adventure and the magic candle.
C. was doing, was going Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At
D. were doing, went night she lit the candle and wished that the
Jawaban: A wanderer disappeared.
Kalimat ini menunjukkan kejadian yang In the morning the wanderer awoke and
terjadi pada waktu lampau. Kegiatan yang found himself back in his ugly house in the
terjadi pada waktu yang lebih lama dan village.
lebih dahulu menggunakan the past Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa
continuous tense (was/were + Ving), dan Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII
yang lebih singkat menggunakan the
16. Who did the wanderer get the candle from?
simple past tense. Dalam kalimat itu,
A. The old woman.
diketahui bahwa kejadian yang lebih lama
B. The devil.
dan lebih dahulu terjadi adalah
C. The princess.
mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, dan yang
D. The guests.
lebih singkat, yang terjadi adalah lampu

184 UNIT 3 Narratives

Jawaban: B lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ketiga Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat
paragraf dua ”Therefore, when the ”The wanderer felt in love with her and
wanderer grabbed the magic candle from asked her to marry him. The kind princess
the devil’s table and ran away, . . . .” yang said ’Yes’, and they got married the next
artinya ”Oleh karena itu, ketika day.”, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”He
pengembara itu merenggut lilin ajaib dari knocked at the door and an old woman
meja setan itu dan lari, . . . .”. Dari sini opened it. She was crying.”, dan (D)
disimpulkan bahwa pengembara itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”There he found the
mengambil lilin dari setan. devil, but he was old and weak.”.
17. What did the wanderer ask from the genies? 19. Why did the princess get angry?
A. Some jewelry. Because ________.
B. A lot of money. A. the wanderer told her that he had
C. Having a party in a palace. stolen the candle
D. Getting married to the princess. B. the wanderer was drunk after they got
Jawaban: A married
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat C. the wanderer had a relationship with
ketujuh paragraf tiga ”So, he lit the candle the genies
again and wished for some jewelry.” yang D. the old woman told her that the
artinya ”Jadi, ia menyalakan lilin itu dan wanderer had stolen the candle
meminta perhiasan.”. Pilihan jawaban yang Jawaban: A
lain salah karena bukan hal yang diminta Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”In his
dari jin lilin itu. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah happiness, the wanderer told the princess
karena ia mendapat uang bukan dari jin, about his adventure and the magic candle.
tetapi karena ia menjual perhiasan yang Hearing that, the princess got very angry.”.
diberikan jin, (C) salah karena yang Dari sini disimpulkan bahwa putri itu
diminta dari jin adalah pergi jauh dari marah karena cerita pengembara
tempat ia berada, bukannya berpesta di mengenai lilin ajaib itu, yang diperoleh
istana, dan (D) salah karena ia meminta karena mencuri.
putri secara langsung untuk menikah 20. What can you learn from the story?
dengannya, bukan lewat perantara jin. A. We should be generous.
18. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the B. We should not take other people’s
text? belonging.
A. The princess got married to the C. Keeping others’ belonging is harmful.
wanderer the day after he asked her D. A man should not marry a woman
to do so. from a higher class.
B. The wanderer found an old woman Jawaban: B
crying in an old hut. Dalam cerita itu terlihat bahwa
C. The princess bought jewelry from the pengembara kembali pada keadaannya
wanderer. semula karena putri meminta jin lilin agar
D. The devil was old and weak. pengembara itu dilenyapkan dari
Jawaban: C hadapannya. Putri marah karena
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena tidak pengembara berkata bahwa ia telah
sesuai dengan kalimat kesembilan mendapatkan lilin ajaib secara tidak halal.
paragraf tiga ”Then, the Princess came to Jadi, hal yang dapat kita pelajari dari cerita
buy the jewelry, but there was nothing left.” tersebut adalah bahwa kita tidak boleh
yang artinya ”Kemudian, putri itu datang mengambil milik orang lain serta,
untuk membeli perhiasan itu, tetapi tidak memperoleh sesuatu secara halal.
ada yang tersisa.”. Pilihan jawaban yang

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 185

B. Write a narrative story which deals One day a prince visited the farm and saw
with a prince or princess. the big melon. “Cut this melon. I want to eat it,’’
the prince said. The prince’s guards started to
Contoh jawaban: cut the melon. but they heard a voice from it.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl Sarah said, “Don’t cut me, please!” They were
called Sarah, who lived with her stepmother. all surprised at this situation. The prince said,
Her stepmother was very bossy, greedy and “Who are you? Calm down, please come out.”
arrogant. She hated Sarah. After that she came out. He fell in love with
One day when her father was working her. She told him her story, so the prince
outside, the stepmother hit Sarah and expelled decided to marry her and they lived happily
her from the house. ever after.
She went outside and walked far away Written by Sanaa, Aisha and Fozya
from the house. Suddenly, she saw a big melon Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa
farm and went in it. After that, she hid in a big Inggris Sekolah Menengah Perama Kelas VIII
melon. She used to go out of the melon and get
her food.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 3:

● Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 4, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa di Unit 3.
Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

186 UNIT 3 Narratives

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Nia : Oh, a short story book. It seems
answer. interesting. I think I will borrow it after
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Ira : O.K.
Nita : Excuse me, do you know where Jalan 3. Where does the conversation probably
Senopati is? take place?
Evan : What number? A. At school.
Nita : 11A. B. In the school library.
Evan : Oh, you are looking for Mr. Sastra’s C. On their way to a library.
house? D. On their way home.
Nita : You’re right.
Evan : Well, just go straight the street, then 4. Ira says, “By the way, it is very cold today.”
take the second turning on your left. What does it mean?
The only house with yellow color is his A. She wants to give information.
house. B. She wants to ask for an opinion.
Nita : Thank you. C. She wants to start a conversation.
D. She wants to maintain a conversation.
1. Nita says, “Excuse me, do you know where
Jalan Senopati is?” 5. What is Nia’s plan?
What does it mean? A. To borrow Nia’s book.
A. She is asking for information. B. To borrow a new short story book.
B. She is denying information. C. To borrow the book which Nia is going
C. She is giving information. to return.
D. She is getting information. D. To buy the same book as the one Ira
has bought.
2. Below is the description of the house Nita
is looking for, except ________. This text is for questions 6 and 7.
A. it is yellow A woman was walking in the park when
B. it is the biggest house she saw a man playing chess with his cat. She
C. it is Mr. Sastra’s house said to the man, “I can’t believe what I’m
D. it is located at Jalan Senopati number seeing, a cat that plays chess, what a clever
11A animal!!” The man replied, “Nah, lady, this cat is
not clever at all. I’m beating it 6 games to 1.”
This dialog is for questions 3 to 5.
Source: November 17, 2009 <http://cat-
Nia : Hi, Ira.>
Ira : Hi, Nia. Going to the library?
6. Why does the woman think that the cat is
Nia : Yup! What about you?
Ira : Me too. By the way, it is very cold today.
A. Because it could talk.
Nia : I think so. Maybe it will rain.
B. Because it could play chess.
Ira : Maybe. I hope it won’t rain at the time
C. Because it could beat the man.
we go home.
D. Because it could understand what the
Nia : I hope so. Anyway, are you going to
woman said.
return the book?
Ira : Yes . . . .
Nia : May I have a look?
Ira : Here you are.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 187

7. What can you conclude from what the man comments. The clown was so well loved by his
says? master that everyone at court showed him great
A. He misunderstood the woman. respect. And so the Caliph was much surprised
B. He did not agree with the woman. one day when he heard his beloved clown
C. He liked playing with the cat. crying out in distress from the throne room.
D. He didn’t like the cat. The Caliph hurried there and was
astonished to find the guards beating the clown
This text is for questions 8 and 9.
Subject: invitation “Leave him alone at once!” he ordered.
Date : Sun, February 28, 2010 10:08:11 – “Why are you beating him?”
08:00 “We found him sitting on your throne,
From : O majesty!” the captain of the guards
To : explained.
“Out of my sight!” commanded the Caliph.
Hi Hanssen,
“For sure the jester did not do it with the
I was asked by Mr. Miller, the leader of our intention of offending me.”
tennis club, to let you know that we have made The clown, however, continued to weep
a plan for a tennis camp, which is to be held and wail even after the guards had left.
on November 22–23, 2010 at the usual
“Stop it!” said the irritated Caliph. “You’re
still in one piece, aren’t you?”
We hope you will join the camp. If it’s “I’m not crying for myself, my Lord. I weep
impossible, how about coming on either of for you,” the clown explained.
the two days? I guess we can enjoy seeing “For me?” exclaimed the Caliph in surprise.
autumn leaves as well as playing tennis. “Certainly! If I get beaten so badly for
All the best, having been only a few minutes on the throne,
how many beatings must you have suffered in
Johnson all the years that you have been there?”
Adapted from: November 17, 2009 http:// Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
informal/examples.htm 10. What made the Caliph amused from his
8. What is the e-mail about? court jester?
A. The leader of a tennis club. A. His great respect.
B. A tennis competition. B. His clever comments.
C. Autumn leaves. C. His pitiful look.
D. A tennis camp. D. His love for the Caliph.
9. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on 11. The clown kept weeping because ________.
the e-mail? A. he felt pity for the Caliph
A. Mr. Hanssen is the leader of the tennis B. he wanted to offend the Caliph
club. C. he couldn’t stand the beating
B. Mr. Miller asked Mr. Johnson about D. he only sat on the throne for a few
the tennis camp. minutes
C. The tennis camp is going to be held in
12. Which statement is NOT TRUE according
to the text?
D. Mr. Johnson hopes Mr. Hanssen is able
A. The Caliph loved the clown so much.
to join the two-day camp.
B. The clown still wept even after the
This story is for questions 10 to 14. guards had left.
The Caliph and the Clown C. The Caliph didn’t see his clown sitting
on his throne.
The Caliph of Baghdad hired an intelligent
and high spirited man as his court jester, and D. The clown thought that the Caliph
was much amused by his clever, witty would not get any beating

188 UNIT 3 Narratives

13. “Why are you beating him?” (Paragraph 3) He opened the box and at once he turned
The word ‘you’ refers to ________. into a tall tree—a coconut tree. That was his
A. the clown punishment for disobeying the old man advice,
B. the Caliph but he still had his wish because the coconut
C. the guards tree is very useful to people.
D. everyone at the court Source: November 4, 2009 <
14. “. . . and was astonished to find . . . .”
(Paragraph 2) 17. What did the young man want?
The synonym of ‘astonished’ is ________. A. He wanted to be rich.
A. amused B. He wanted to be useful.
B. interested C. He wanted to be an army.
C. surprised D. He wanted to work for the old man.
D. discontented 18. Where did the young man meet the old man?
For questions 15 and 16, choose the correct A. In a cave in the side of a hill.
words to complete the sentence. B. In a cave near the sea.
C. In the young man’s home.
The witch (15) ________ to hide herself when D. In a forest.
the prince (16) ________ her.
19. Which statement is CORRECT about the
15. A. try B. trying young man?
C. was trying D. were trying A. The old man gave him a box containing
16. A. see B. saw jewels.
C. was seeing D. were seeing B. The old man asked him to open the
box after three days.
This text is for questions 17 to 20. C. The old man didn’t want to help him.
The Story of the Coconut Tree D. He opened the box when he was out
of the cave.
There was once an old man. He was very,
very old. Some people said he was a thousand 20. “That was his punishment for disobeying
years old! He was also very wise and he knew the old man.” (Paragraph 5)
many things. Many people came to visit him in The word ‘punishment’ means ________.
his cave near the sea. They always asked him A. reward
to help them. B. penalty
One day, a young man came to see this C. payment
wise old man. “O, wise father,” said the young D. compensation
man, “I want to be useful to people. I want to
serve them all my life. How can I do this?” B. Write a narrative which deals with
“That’s very good,” said the old man. “Here a royal family.
is a magic box. Do not open it until you reach
home. If you open it now, something will
happen to you.”
“Thank you, wise father,” said the young
man. He took the box and left. When he was
out of the cave, he stopped. “I wonder what is
in the box?” he said to himself. “I’m going to

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 189

Jawaban Review Unit 3 6. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
kalimat yang dikatakan wanita itu,
A. Pilihan Ganda
”I can’t believe what I’m seeing, a cat
1. A. Kalimat yang dikatakan Nita artinya that plays chess, what a clever
”Maaf, apakah Anda mengetahui di animal!!” yang artinya ”Saya tidak
mana Jalan Senopati?”. Kalimat ini percaya apa yang saya lihat, seekor
digunakan untuk meminta informasi. kucing yang dapat bermain catur,
2. B. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena tidak sungguh seekor kucing yang
terdapat dalam percakapan. Pilihan pandai!!”. Jadi, wanita itu berpendapat
jawaban yang lain salah karena kucing itu pandai karena kucing itu
sesuai dengan isi percakapan; dapat bermain catur.
(A) sesuai dengan kalimat Evan ”The 7. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
only house with yellow color is his kalimat yang dikatakan laki-laki itu,
house.”, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Nah, lady, this cat is not clever at all.
Evan ”Oh, you are looking for I’m beating it 6 games to 1.” yang
Mr. Sastra’s house?” serta jawaban artinya ”Ibu, kucing ini sama sekali
Nita ”You’re right.”, dan (D) sesuai tidak pintar. Saya mengalahkannya 6
dengan kalimat Nita ”Excuse me, do lawan 1.”.
you know where Jalan Senopati is?”
8. D. Pada paragraf satu dijelaskan
dan nomor yang disebutkan Nita ’11A’.
mengenai rencana adanya kemah
3. C. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan tenis (kalimat: ”. . . to let you know
kalimat yang dikatakan Ira, ”Going to that we have made plans for a tennis
the library?” yang artinya ”Pergi ke comp, . . . .”), dan pada paragraf dua
perpustakaan?” dan dijawab Nia, mengenai harapan Johnson agar
”Yup!”. Dari sini diketahui bahwa Hanssen mengikuti kemah itu
percakapan itu terjadi dalam (kalimat: ”We hope you will join the
perjalanan menuju ke perpustakaan. camp.”). Jadi, e-mail itu mengenai
4. D. Kalimat yang dikatakan Ira tersebut kemah tenis. Pilihan jawaban yang
artinya ”Ngomong-ngomong, hari ini lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
sangat dingin.”. Kalimat ini merupakan isi teks.
basa-basi yang tujuannya untuk 9. A. Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk
memperpanjang percakapan, pernyataan yang salah karena tidak
sehingga pilihan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . Mr. Miller,
adalah (D) yang artinya ia ingin the leader of our tennis club, to let you
memperpanjang percakapan. know that . . . .” yang artinya ”. . .
5. C. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan Pak Miller, ketua klub tenis kita, untuk
kalimat yang dikatakan Ira, ”Anyway, memberitahumu bahwa . . . .”. Jadi,
are you going to return the book?” yang merupakan ketua klub tenis
yang artinya ”O, ya, apakah kamu adalah Pak Miller, bukan Pak
akan mengembalikan buku itu?” dan Hanssen. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
kalimat ”Oh, a short story book. It salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks.
seems interesting. I think I will borrow 10. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
it after you.” yang artinya ”Oh, sebuah pertama paragraf satu ”. . . and was
buku cerita pendek. Kelihatannya much amused by his clever, witty
menarik. Saya kira saya akan comments.” yang artinya ”. . . dan
meminjamnya setelah kamu.”. Jadi, sangat terhibur oleh komentar-
Nia akan meminjam buku cerita komentarnya yang cerdik dan lucu.”.
pendek yang akan dikembalikan Ira. Kata ’his’ dalam kalimat tersebut
mengacu pada pelawak tersebut (the

190 UNIT 3 Narratives

11. A. Badut/pelawak tersebut terus- 15. C. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena
menerus mengangis karena ia merasa sesuai subjeknya, yang merupakan
kasihan (felt pity) pada sang Caliph. orang ketiga tunggal, sehingga
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena digunakan kata ’was’. Selain itu,
sesuai dengan kalimat yang kegiatan mencoba bersembunyi
diucapkan si badut, ”I’m not crying for merupakan kegiatan yang terjadi pada
myself, my Lord, I weep for you . . . . If waktu yang lebih lama dan lebih
I get beaten so badly for havign been dahulu daripada kegiatan yang
only a few minutes on the throne, how dilakukan pada waktu bersamaan,
many beatings must you have yaitu sang pangeran melihatnya.
suffered in all the years that you have Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
been there?” (A) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
12. D. Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk subjek yang merupakan orang ketiga
pernyataan yang salah karena tidak tunggal, (B) salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan kalimat ”Certainly! If I menggunakan kata kerja bantu (is/
get beaten so badly for having been was), dan (D) salah karena tidak
only a few minutes on the throne, how sesuai dengan subjek yang
many beatings must you have merupakan orang ketiga tunggal.
suffered in all the years that you have 16. B. Peristiwa yang kedua lebih singkat
been there?” yang artinya ”Tentu saja! dan terjadi saat peristiwa pertama
Jika saya dipukul dengan keras telah terjadi, sehingga kejadian kedua
karena berada di singgasana selama menggunakan the simple past tense.
beberapa menit saja, berapa banyak Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
pukulan yang harus Anda derita (A) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
dalam tahun-tahun Anda berada di subjek yang merupakan orang ketiga
sana?”. Dari sini diketahui bahwa tunggal (the prince), (C) salah karena
badut itu berpendapat bahwa Caliph yang menggunakan the past
akan menerima banyak pukulan. continuous tense adalah kegiatan
Pilihan jawaban yang lain sesuai
yang lebih lama dan mulai dilakukan
dengan teks; (A) sesuai dengan
terlebih dahulu, dan (D) salah karena
kalimat kedua paragraf satu,
tidak sesuai dengan subjek yang
(B) sesuai dengan kalimat pada
merupakan orang ketiga tunggal.
paragraf enam, dan (C) sesuai
dengan paragraf empat dan lima. 17. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
kalimat kedua paragraf dua ”. . . said
13. C. Kata ’you’ pada kalimat tersebut
the young man, ’I want to be useful to
merujuk kepada orang yang telah
people. I want to serve them all my
disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu para
life. How can I do this?’” yang artinya
pengawal (the guards). Hal ini dapat
”. . . kata lelaki muda itu, ’Saya ingin
diketahui pada kalimat ”The Caliph
hurried there and was astonished to berguna bagi banyak orang. Saya
find the guards beating the clown ingin melayani mereka sepanjang
badly.”. Jadi, kalimat ”Why are you hidup saya. Bagaimana saya dapat
beating him?” merupakan ucapan melakukan hal ini?’”. Jadi, lelaki itu
sang Caliph ketika ia menghardik ingin menjadi orang yang berguna.
pengawal tersebut. 18. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
14. C. Kata ’astonished’ yang artinya terkejut kelima paragraf satu ”Many people
memiliki arti yang sama dengan came to visit him in his cave near the
’surprised’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain sea.” yang artinya ”Banyak orang
salah; (A) artinya terhibur, (B) artinya datang mengunjunginya di guanya di
tertarik, dan (D) artinya tidak senang/ dekat laut.” dan kalimat pertama

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 191

paragraf dua ”One day, a young man was in no hurry to find her a husband. He loved
came to, see this wise old man.” yang to have her with him for she was as quick as
artinya Suatu hari, seorang lelaki a warbler, as straight as an arrow, and as sunny
muda datang mengunjungi lelaki tua as an Easter day. He didn’t look forward to
yang bijaksana ini.”. Dari kalimat- letting any young man have her, not even
kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan a king’s son. “Anyway,” thought he, “where will I
bahwa pemuda itu menemui laki-laki ever find a real match for her? She’s my
tua di gua di dekat laut, tempat tinggal daughter, after all, the daughter of a great king.”
laki-laki tua itu.”. But in time, the queen, the dishwasher, the
19. D. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena minister and the cobbler, in fact everyone in the
sesuai dengan kalimat pada paragraf castle and in the streets, began reminding the
empat dan lima ”When he was out of king at every turn that this daughter of his was
the cave, he stopped. . . . He opened his only child. He had to get her married—not to
the box.” yang artinya ”Ketika ia keluar a prince, perhaps, if he couldn’t think of a
dari gua, ia berhenti . . . . Ia membuka suitable one, but at least to a capable lad who
kotak itu.”. Jadi, pemuda itu membuka could one day govern the kingdom.
kotak ketika ia keluar dari gua. Pilihan “Is that what you want?” cried the king one
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak morning, as his minister brought the subject up
sesuai dengan isi teks. for the umpteenth time. “Is that your wish? You
want a capable lad? All right, at the stroke of
20. B. Kata ’punishment’ artinya ’hukuman’. noon, have it announced with a flourish of
Kata ini memiliki arti yang sama trumpets that I’ll give my daughter to anyone
dengan ’penalty’. Pilihan jawaban who takes wood from my forest and builds me
yang lain salah. (A) artinya imbalan/ a boat that goes both on land and on water.
hadiah, (C) artinya bayaran, dan (D) Yes, I’ll say, to anyone who comes asking for
artinya ganti rugi/bayaran. her riding a boat like that!”
To himself he said, “A lot of water will flow
B. Esai under the bridges before any mother’s son
Contoh jawaban: brings me a boat you can sail over fields and
The Boat that Went waves. These fools won’t pester me any more
Both on Land and on Water with their nonsense about having to get my girl
There was once a great kingdom whose
Source: April 14, 2008 <
king had a daughter to marry off. A bit proud french/boat/>
she was, but more beautiful than any. The king

192 UNIT 3 Narratives

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa bentuk narrative yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan, seperti kegiatan
listening, reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun kalimat/
paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases
dalam teks.

Text 1
Telaga Warna
Long long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king. People
called their king His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. No wonder if that country was
prosperous. There’s no hunger in this kingdom.
It was a very happy condition. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn’t got any
children. It made the royal couple very very sad. Some old men and women who was respected by
Prabu suggested that the king adopt a child. But Prabu and the queen didn’t agree. “No, thank you.
But for us, our own daughter or son is better than adopted children.”
The queen was very sad. She often cried. That was why Prabu decided to go. He went to the
jungle. There he prayed to God. Every day he begged for a child. His dream come true. A few
months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt happy. They sent many
presents to the palace to express their happiness.
Nine months later a princess was born. People sent their presents again as a gift to the little
princess. This baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.
Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave whatever she wanted. It made
Princess a very spoiled girl. When her wish couldn’t be realized, she became very angry. She even
said bad things often. A true princess wouldn’t do that. Even though the princess behaved badly,
her parents loved her, so did the people in that kingdom.
Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. No girls couldn’t compare with her. In a few
days, Princess would be 17 years old. So, people of that kingdom went to palace. They brought
many presents for her. Their presents were very beautiful.
Prabu collected the presents. There were really many presents. Then, Prabu stored them in
a building. Some times he could take them to give to his people.
Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then, she brought them to the goldsmith. “Please
make a beautiful necklace for my daughter,” said Prabu. “My pleasure, Your Majesty,” the goldsmith
replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability. He wanted to create the most
beautiful necklace in the world because he loved his princess.
The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and queen appeared,
people welcomed them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their beloved people.
Cheers were louder and louder when the princess appeared with her fabulous pretty face.
Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A lady gave him a small and
glamorous pillow. A wonderful necklace was on it. Prabu took that necklace. “My beloved daughter,
today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people in this country. They love you
so much. They presented it for you to express their happiness, because you have been growing to
a woman. Please, wear this necklace,” said Prabu.
Princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. “I don’t want to
accept it! It’s ugly!” shouted the princess. Then, she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace
was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 193

Everybody couldn’t say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would did
such a cruel thing. Nobody spoke. In their silence people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt
sad and began crying too. Then, everybody was crying.
Then, there was a miracle. Earth was crying. Suddenly, from the underground, a spring
emerged. It made a pool of water. The place was getting full. Soon the place became a big lake.
The lake sank all of the kingdom.
Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small lake now.
People called the lake “Talaga Warna”. It means “Lake of Color”. It’s located in Puncak, West Java.
On a bright day, the lake is full of color. So beautiful and amazing. These colors come from
shadows of forests, plants, flowers and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colors
are from the princess’ necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Text 2
The Story of Kelana Sakti
Once upon a time in North Sumatra, there was a kingdom named Purnama. The king was
King Indra Sakti. He was a wise king. All of his people lived prosperous and happy. The king and
the queen had a baby boy. He was the prince of the palace.
In Purnama kingdom, there was a small village. Kelana Sakti and his parents lived there.
Kelana Sakti was a nice boy. He was diligent and always helped his parents.
One day, there was bad news from the kingdom. King Indra Sakti was terribly ill. All the palace
healers tried to heal him, but did not succeed. The King was getting weaker and weaker everyday.
So, he called all his family and the palace commander, Panglima Badau, to meet him.
“My wife, please forgive all my mistakes. I cannot live any longer. Please take care of our son.
Make him the king when he is adult,” said the king to the queen. Then, he continued, “Panglima
Badau, I trust this kingdom to you. You are the king until my son is adult. Please train him and
teach him how to be a good king.”
Not long after that, King Indra Sakti died. Panglima Badau then became the king. He really
enjoyed his time as a king. He often had parties and neglected the people. Soon, the kingdom was
in a mess and the king only had fun in his parties. To pay all his parties, Panglima Badau asked his
people to pay expensive taxes. Soldiers went to people’s house to collect the money, and that was
including Kelana Sakti’s house. Because Kelana’s parents didn’t have any, the soldiers brought
them and sent them to jail. Kelana Sakti asked them not to bring his parents, but a soldier was
angry at him and hit him. Kelana Sakti was unconscious. When he was awake, he was inside an
old man’s house.
“Where am I? Where are my parents?” “Don’t worry. You are in my house. You are safe here.
Your parents are in the palace. The king sent them to jail,” said the old man.
Since then, Kelana Sakti lived with the old man. He learned many things from him, especially
martial arts. When Kelana Sakti was adult, he completely changed. He was a man with great skills
of martial arts. It was time for him to go to the palace and freed his parents. The old man gave him
the blessings and asked him to be careful.
So, Kelana Sakti fought bravely against the soldiers. He won. Then, the last one was fighting
against Panglima Badau himself. Again he won the fight and freed everybody in jail. Then, he sent
Panglima Badau to jail. The prince was so thankful to Kelana Sakti. The prince then asked Kelana
Sakti to be the palace commander.
Source: March 29, 2008 <>

194 UNIT 3 Narratives

Text 3
The King’s Son and the Painted Lion
A King, whose only son was fond of martial exercises, had a dream. He was warned that his
son would be killed by a lion. Afraid the dream will come true, he built for his son a pleasant palace
and adorned its walls for his amusement with all kinds of life-sized animals, among which was the
picture of a lion.
When the young Prince saw this, his grief at being thus confined burst out a fresh, and,
standing near the lion, he said: “O you most detestable of animals! Through a lying dream of my
father’s, which he saw in his sleep, I am shut up on your account in this palace as if I had been
a girl. What shall I now do to you?” With these words he stretched out his hands toward
a thorn-tree, meaning to cut a stick from its branches so that he might beat the lion.
However, one of the tree’s prickles pierced his finger and caused great pain and
inflammation. It made the young Prince fell down in a fainting fit. A violent fever suddenly set in,
from which he died not many days later.
Source: July 4, 2007 <>

Text 4
The Legend of Lake Batur
A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giantlike creature named Kbo Iwo. The
people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was
satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new harvest was
still a long way off.This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he destroyed all the
houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn to rage. So, they came together to plan
steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity.
They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and temples he
had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole. One day he had eaten too
much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and the villagers began
to throw the limestone they had collected before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside
the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at
last it overfl owed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount
Source: English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Text 5
Running For His Life
One day a cheetah went hunting by himself in the woods. He spotted a rabbit in the
underbrush and chased him out into the open. The rabbit darted this way and that. The cheetah
followed. The rabbit ran, with the cheetah at his heels, around trees and through an open field.
When the cheetah began to tire of the chase, the rabbit, with one last burst of energy, dashed into
the thicket and escaped to safety.
As the cheetah turned back for home, a tiger who had seen the chase jeered at him, saying,
“Some hunter you are! You let that rabbit get the best of you!”
“You forget,” replied the tired cheetah, “about the rabbit’s strife! I was only running for my
supper. He was running for his life!”
Source: October 23, 2008 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 195

Text 6
A handsome stag with majestic antlers admired himself in a lake. As he looked at his
reflection he thought, “My antlers are beautiful! But these spindly legs of mine are so skinny I wish I
could hide them in shame.”
Just then a hunter’s arrow whizzed by and the stag bounded into the woods. As he ran, his
beautiful antlers caught and snagged on the branches of a low-growing tree. Struggling, he finally
pulled himself free. If it weren’t for the exquisite speed of his legs, he would surely have been
After that, when he gazed at his spindly legs, his pride would swell. “In times of danger,” he
thought, “they serve me well.”
Source: October 23, 2008 <>

196 UNIT 3 Narratives

At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
● ask for, give and refuse to
give agreement,
● respond to a statement,
● tell about people’s life and
● deliver spoken notices,
● write people’s life and
● write notices, and
● use direct and indirect
speech correctly.

Suppose there is an exchange student

program at school. There is a student from Australia
that joins it. She only speaks English.
On one occasion, the principal asks you to accompany
her to go around. You ask her whether she agrees to go to the
beach. What would you say? How does your friend respond to it?
Suppose she suggests an idea. She asks for your agreement. How
do you respond to it? Don’t worry. You will learn and practice how to
ask for, give and refuse to give agreement. You will also learn and
practice how to respond to people’s statements.
Furthermore, you will learn and practice how to tell people’s life
and experiences using recounts. So, pay attention to your teacher. Do
every task your teacher asks you to do. Experience the learning

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 197

4.1 Expressions

Asking for, Giving and Refusing to Give Agreement

Look at the picture and read the dialog.

What do you think It’s good.

about this notebook?

What if I buy it?

The bold-typed sentences are expressions of

asking for and giving agreement. The man is
I agree. I think it can asking for agreement and the woman is giving
support your study.
her agreement.

Let’s go to the beach

this weekend.

Sorry, I disagree.
It’s too far.

The bold-typed sentence is an expression to

express disagreement.

Here are some other expressions to ask for, give and refuse to give agreement.

Agreeing/Giving Disagreeing/Refusing
Asking for Agreement
Agreement to Give Agreement

● Do you agree if . . . ? ● Sure. I do agree. ● How do you know that?

● Don’t you think so? ● Yes, I do. ● Are you sure?
● All right with you? ● Yes. It’s not a big deal. ● I’m really sorry, but . . . .
● Would you agree with ● That’s a good idea. ● (I’m afraid) . . . is/are wrong.
me? ● That’s great. ● I don’t think . . . .
● How about hanging ● I’m not sure you’re right about
around? ....

198 UNIT 4 Recounts

Responding to a Statement

Read the following dialog.

Mr. Rahmad : I really like this car.

Mr. Agung : Do you? What do you like about
this car?
Mr. Rahmad : There is an air conditioner and
a radio. The air conditioner will
make us comfortable. The songs
from the radio will surely entertain
us on our way to everywhere.
Mr. Agung : That’s right.
The bold-typed sentences are expressions to respond to a statement.
Here are some other expressions to respond to a statement.

Statement Responding to a Statement

● I read an interesting story. ● Please tell me about it.
● I visited Dewi last week. ● Did you? How was she?
● I’ll go to Jakarta tomorrow. ● Really? What will you do there?
● Wait! There’s another thing. ● What is it?
● I go swimming every day. ● Do you?
● We should join an English course. ● Why not?

Answer the questions orally.

1. What expressions have you learned in Unit 3?
Jawaban: Starting, extending and ending a conversation; asking for, giving and denying
2. Do you think that your English is getting improved?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 199

A. Listen to your teacher.
Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Sally : Where are we going to spend our holiday next December, dear?
Joe : The children want to go to Bali, but I want to go to Jatim Park. I’m not sure.
Sally : I’d like to go Jatim Park, too. My friends have told me that it’s amazing.
Ella : Sorry, Mom, Dad. I don’t agree if we go to Jatim Park. I think it is more interesting to
go to Bali.
Derry : I agree with Ella. We have two weeks off. I think visiting Bali will be fantastic.
Ella : That’s right.
Joe : Well, we can talk about it tomorrow. Let me finish my work now.

1. ______ The dialog is about making a plan for vacation.

2. ______ The people in the dialog are talking about their holiday in November.
3. ______ The children want to go to Jatim Park.
4. ______ Jatim Park is amazing.
5. ______ They will talk about their plan the next day.
1. T
2. F (They are talking about their holiday in December.)
3. F (The children want to go to Bali.)
4. T
5. T

Listen to your teacher carefully.
Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Ratih : What are you doing?
Tim : I’m going to turn on this CD.
Ratih : That’s a good idea, but don’t be to loud, please.
Tim : This kind of music is enjoyable to be heard if we turn it aloud.
Ratih : I don’t agree. Listen! Loud music may gradually harm your hearing.
Tim : Well then.

1. ______ The speakers are brother and sister.

2. ______ They are talking about a hit song on the CD.
3. ______ The boy will turn on the CD aloud.
4. ______ The girl agrees with the boy’s idea to turn on the CD aloud.
5. ______ According to the girl, loud music may not harm the hearing.

200 UNIT 4 Recounts

1. T
2. F (They are talking about the boy’s plan to turn on a CD.)
3. T
4. F (The girls doesn’t agree with his idea. She says that loud music may gradually harm
the hearing.)
5. F (She says that loud music may gradually harm the hearing.)

B. Listen to your teacher.

Answer the questions below.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Fakih : Have you heard the news about people who lost their houses because of flood?
Jenny : I have.
Fakih : Do you agree if we hold fund-raising to help them?
Jenny : Absolutely! We should help them ease their burden.
Fakih : That’s right. What if we write a proposal and hand it to the OSIS?
Jenny : Good idea.
Fakih : I think the OSIS committee will agree with you.
Jenny : No doubt.

1. What are the boy and the girl talking about?

Jawaban: Helping people who lost their houses because of flood.
2. What are they planning to do to the suffering people?
Jawaban: Holding fund-raising to help them.
3. What are they going to do to conduct the plan?
Jawaban: They are going to write a proposal and hand it to the OSIS.
4. Does Fakih think that the OSIS committee will agree with their idea?
Jawaban: Yes, he does.
5. Jenny said, “Good idea.” What does she express?
Jawaban: She gives her agreement.

A. Listen to your teacher.
Answer the following questions based on the dialog you have heard.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Rian : Dion, do you like fishing?
Dion : No, I don’t. Why?
Rian : Well, I have a plan to go fishing this weekend. I’ll be glad if you can join.
Dion : No, thanks. I don’t like fishing. Don’t you think it is a boring activity?
Rian : Sorry, I disagree. At first some people may think that it is boring. But, soon they’ll
find out that it is actually exciting, especially when there’s a fish caught on the rod.
Dion : But . . . it can take an hour, even more. I think it only wastes time.
Rian : Maybe. But, that will teach us to be more patient.
Dion : Well, that’s your opinion and I appreciate it.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 201

1. What does Rian plan to do this weekend?
2. Does Dion have the same hobby as Rian?
3. What does Dion think about fishing?
4. According to Rian, why are people excited when fishing?
5. Is Dion going to join Rian?
1. He plans to go fishing.
2. No, he doesn’t.
3. It’s boring.
4. To see a fish caught on the rod.
5. No, he isn’t.
B. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the dialogs below based on what you have heard.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Firman : Dad, what if I join a karate extra-curricular club? Do you (1) agree?
Father : It depends. Do you really (2) want it?
Firman : I do, Dad.
Father : O.K., then. I agree. But, remember, your school is the first (3) priority.
Firman : Thanks, Dad. Don’t worry about it. The practice is only (4) twice a week. Wednes-
day and Saturday.
Father : I see. Where does it take place?
Firman : In the school (5) hall.
Father : O.K.
Dialog 2
On the way home . . . .
Andi : I really (1) like the meatballs in our school canteen.
Doni : Do you? How do you like them?
Andi : Um . . . I think they are (2) tasty.
Doni : Really? You like meatballs, don’t you?
Andi : Yup! That’s my (3) favorite food. I eat meatballs almost every day.
Doni : Do you?
Andi : Yeah. One more thing, the meatballs in our canteen are not (4) expensive.
Doni : I see. No wonder you like to (5) buy there.
Andi : Right!
C. In pairs, practice the dialogs in Task B with your partner.
D. Answer the questions below based on the dialogs in Task B.
1. Who are talking in the dialog 1?
Jawaban: A father and his son.
2. What does Firman want to join?
Jawaban: A karate extra-curricular club.
3. Does his father agree with his idea?
Jawaban: Yes, he does.
4. What are Andi and Doni talking about in dialog 2?
Jawaban: The meatballs in their school canteen.
5. How is the thing they are talking about?
Jawaban: They’re tasty and the price is not expensive.

202 UNIT 4 Recounts

E. Listen to your teacher.
Write down the dialog you have heard.
Share your work with the class.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Ramon : Esti, have you done your assignment?
Esti : You mean the writing assignment?
Ramon : Yup. Have you done it?
Esti : Not yet. What about you?
Ramon : I haven’t either. I have no idea of how to start and write the composition well.
Esti : Me too. Do you agree if we ask Oki’s mother? She’s a good writer, isn’t she?
Ramon : That’s a good idea. Let’s go.
F. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task E.
1. What do you think Ramon and Esti are?
Jawaban: They are students.
2. What are Ramon and Esti talking about?
Jawaban: About their writing assignment.
3. What problem do they face?
Jawaban: They have no idea of how to start and write the composition well.
4. What is Esti’s suggestion to solve the problem?
Jawaban: She suggests that they ask Oki’s mother.
5. Ramon said, “That’s a good idea.” What does he express?
Jawaban: He expresses his agreement.

C. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Jawaban: A

answer. Dalam percakapan, Rosa mengatakan
”What about going to Mount Bromo?” yang
1. Rosa : Next Sunday we will have artinya ”Bagaimana kalau pergi ke Gunung
a holiday, won’t we? What Bromo?”. Ucapan itu digunakan untuk
about going to Mount Bromo? meminta persetujuan. Respons yang tepat
Rima : ________ because the air in adalah ”I disagree” karena Rima
Mount Bromo is very cold. I am menjelaskan alasannya ”. . . because the
sure we cannot stand it. air in Mount Bromo is very cold.” yang
A. I disagree artinya ”. . . karena udara di Gunung
B. I agree with you Bromo sangat dingin.”. Pilihan jawaban
C. That’s a good idea yang lain salah karena mengungkapkan
D. There is no doubt about it persetujuan. Hal itu tidak sesuai dengan
Ujian Nasional alasan yang diucapkan Rima.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 203

This dialog is for questions 2 and 3. our English.” yang artinya ”Kita tidak hanya
memperoleh hal-hal yang menarik, tetapi
Lelly : Wow, there’s the Jakarta Post here.
juga akan dapat meningkatkan bahasa
Sigit : (2) ________
Inggris kita.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
Lelly : I know it’s very useful for us as
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan ucapan
students. Not only do we get interesting
Lely sebelumnya.
things, but we can also improve our
English. 4. Rina : Look! The baby zebra cannot find
Sigit : I think so. (3) ________. its food.
Lelly : But how do you get the paper? Do you Anto : It doesn’t know the danger in its
buy or borrow it from the library? surrounding either.
Sigit : No, my father subscribes to it. Rina : ________
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional
2. A. I can’t read it. A. No, thanks.
B. Can I borrow it? B. I think so
C. It must be expensive. C. I don’t say that
D. You should read English newspaper. D. That’s great
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional
Jawaban: B
Jawaban: D
Jawaban ini sesuai sebagai respons atas
Jawaban ini sesuai sebagai respons atas
pernyataan Anto ”It doesn’t know the
pernyataan Lelly ”Wow, there’s the Jakarta
danger in its surrounding either.” yang
Post here.” yang artinya ”Wow, ada
artinya ”Anak zebra itu juga tidak tahu
Jakarta Post di sini.”. Pilihan jawaban ini
bahaya yang ada di sekitarnya.” Pilihan
juga sesuai dengan respons Lelly
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
selanjutnya ”I know it’s very useful for us
sesuai sebagai respons atas ucapan Anto
as students.” yang artinya ”Saya tahu surat
kabar ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kita
sebagai siswa.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain 5. Mira : I plan that our trip destination
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan respons next weekend is Tangkuban
yang diucapkan Lelly. Perahu and Maribaya.
Bagus: ________ because it will cost
3. A. That’s why I put it here.
a lot of money and take much
B. That’s why I read it.
time to get there.
C. That’s why my father reads it.
D. That’s why you read it. A. I disagree with you
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional B. I agree
Jawaban: B C. I am worried
Respons pada jawaban (B) artinya ”Itulah D. I accept your idea
sebabnya saya membacanya.” Pilihan Ujian Nasional
jawaban ini benar karena sesuai dengan
ucapan Lelly ”Not only do we get
interesting things, but we can also improve

204 UNIT 4 Recounts

Jawaban: A menjelaskan alasannya ”. . . because it will
Dalam percakapan, Mira mengatakan ”I cost a lot of money and take much time to
plan that our trip destination next weekend get there.” yang artinya ”. . . karena akan
is Tangkuban Perahu and Maribaya.” yang banyak makan biaya dan makan banyak
artinya ”Saya berencana bahwa tujuan waktu untuk sampai di sana.”. Pilihan
piknik kita minggu depan adalah jawaban (B) dan (D) salah karena
Tangkuban Perahu dan Maribaya?”. mengungkapkan persetujuan. Pilihan
Ucapan itu digunakan untuk mengungkap- jawaban (C) salah karena mengungkapkan
kan rencana. Respons yang tepat adalah ”I rasa cemas.
disagree with you.” karena Bagus

A. Step forward with your partner.

Perform the dialog below.

Etik :
It’s a nice Sunday morning. What if we go swimming? Don’t you agree?
Yuyun :
Um . . . I don’t know. It’s a nice morning, but it is cold now.
Etik :
Cold? Aren’t you feeling well?
Yuyun :
No, I’m not. But, we can get cold if we go swimming in such weather.
Etik :
Do you have another option?
Yuyun :
What about jogging around the town square? After jogging, we can buy many kinds of
food and drink there.
Etik : No problem. Let’s go.
Yuyun : O.K.

Ask the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.
1. When did the dialog happen?
Jawaban: On Sunday morning.
2. How was the weather that day?
Jawaban: According to Yuyun, it was a nice morning, but it was cold.
3. Was Etik alright?
Jawaban: Yes, she was.
4. Did Yuyun agree to swim?
Jawaban: No, she didn’t.
5. What would the girls do then?
Jawaban: They would go jogging around the town square.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 205

B. Complete the dialog with the proper words from the box.

a. special b. browsing c. fashion

d. think e. agree f. disagree

Ivon : What do you (1) ________ if we go (2) ________ at the new mall?
Ikka : Anything (3) ________?
Sari : Yeah. The mall offers special discounts for (4) ________. It’s up to 50% plus 20%. I think
it’s the best offer.
Mother : Do you think so? Sorry, I have to (5) ________ with you. Those prices have been marked
up, you know.
Sari : Nope. Anyway, do you come or not?
Mother : No, I won’t.
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. f

A. Complete the dialog with the correct words from the box.

● practice ● good idea ● join

● play ● competition

Bonny : Hi, Tama. Next month there will be a junior high school badminton (1) ________ in
our town.
Tama : Really?
Bonny : Yes. Is it O.K. if we (2) ________ it?
Tama : Yeah. I agree. We always (3) ________ badminton once a week, don’t we?
Bonny : Um . . . what if we (4) ________ four times a week for the competition? Do you
Tama : Four times a week?
Bonny : Yup!
Tama : I’m sorry. I don’t think it’s a (5) ________. What about three times a week?
Bonny : No problem.
1. competition 2. join 3. play 4. practice 5. good idea

B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Mr. Ray : Er . . . what about here?

answer. Mrs. Ray : Perfect! Just perfect.
This dialog is for questions 1 to 3. 1. The dialog occurs ___________.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray are trying to reorganize A. in the living room
their kitchen. B. in the dining room
Mr. Ray : What do you think if I put the C. in the kitchen
small table here at the corner? D. in the bedroom
Mrs. Ray : Sorry, I don’t think it is a good
idea, dear. I may bump into it.

206 UNIT 4 Recounts

Jawaban: C 4. Riri : Indonesia has to import rice this
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat year.
pertama percakapan tersebut ”Mr. and Eka : ________ Indonesia is
Mrs. Ray are trying to reorganize their an agricultural country, isn’t it?
kitchen.” yang artinya ”Bapak dan Ibu The suitable response to the statement
Ray mencoba menata ulang dapur is ________.
mereka.”. Itu artinya percakapan itu A. How come?
terjadi di dapur (in the kitchen). B. Congratulations!
2. Mrs. Ray says, “Sorry, I don’t think it is C. Let me handle it.
a good idea, dear.” D. Thank you for telling me that.
She expresses ________. Jawaban: A
A. her agreement Riri mengatakan bahwa Indonesia
B. her disagreement mengimpor beras tahun ini. Respons
C. her disappointment yang sesuai atas pernyataan itu adalah
D. her happiness rasa tidak percaya (How come?) karena
Jawaban: B Indonesia adalah negara agraris
Kalimat ”Sorry, I don’t think it is a good (Indonesia is an agricultural country,
idea, dear.“ artinya ”Maaf, saya pikir itu isn’t it?). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
bukan ide yang bagus, sayang.”. karena tidak sesuai dengan pernyataan
Berdasarkan artinya, pernyataan itu Riri dan pernyataan Eka selanjutnya.
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan 5. Ramli : Let’s go to the library.
ketidaksetujuan (disagreement). Oki : Sorry. I do not want to go there.
3. “I may bump into it.” The word ‘it’ here Ramli : What about going to the
refers to ________. canteen?
A. the small table B. the fridge Oki : ________.
C. the stove D. the round Ramli : O.K. Let’s go.
table A. Not bad! B. Is that so?
Jawaban: A C. I disagree. D. Good idea!
Kata ’it’ merupakan kata ganti benda Jawaban: D
tunggal. Kata tersebut menggantikan Dalam percakapan tersebut, mula-mula
kata benda tunggal yang telah Ramli mengajak Oki ke perpustakaan,
disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu small tetapi Oki tidak setuju.Kemudian Ramli
table. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah mengusulkan ke kantin. Berdasarkan
karena tidak ada di dalam percakapan pernyataan Ramli berikutnya ”O.K. Let’s
itu. go.” yang artinya ”Baiklah. Ayo.”
disimpulkan bahwa Oki setuju dengan
gagasan itu. Pilihan jawaban yang
menyatakan setuju adalah pilihan (D).
C. Arrange the sentences into a good dialog.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Mr. And Mrs. Smith are in the lobby of a hotel to book a room.
3 Mr. Smith : Er . . . I don’t think it’s a good idea.
1 Mr. Smith : Which room do you like, dear?
7 Mr. Smith : O.K. We’ll take a room which overlooks the south sea.
5 Mr. Smith : What if we book a room which overlooks the south sea?
2 Mrs. Smith : What about a room which overlooks the garden?
6 Mrs. Smith : Well, that’s good. I like it.
4 Mrs. Smith : Any better idea?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 207

D. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task C.
1. Where did the dialog occur?
Jawaban: In a hotel lobby.
2. Who were involved in the dialog?
Jawaban: Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
3. What were they doing?
Jawaban: They were going to book a room.
4. Which room did the woman like?
Jawaban: She liked a room which overlooked the garden.
5. Did her husband agree with her idea?
Jawaban: No, he didn’t.
6. What did he say?
Jawaban: He said, “Er . . . I don’t think it’s a good idea.”.
7. Did he have a better idea?
Jawaban: Yes, he did.
8. What did he suggest?
Jawaban: He suggested that they booked a room which overlooked the south sea.
9. Did his wife agree?
Jawaban: Yes, she did.
10. What did she say?
Jawaban: She said, “Well, that’s good. I like it.”.
E. Arrange the sentences into a good dialog.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
3 Agung : What about you, Ferry?
1 Agung : What about asking Egar to join us in our English study club?
6 Agung : Sorry, Willy. Well, please tell us your opinion.
8 Ellis : Willy could be right.
2 Ellis : I have no objection.
5 Willy : No one asked about my opinion?
7 Willy : Frankly speaking, I disagree with that idea. You know, Egar’s house is far
enough. He has to go here and there by bike. Do you think he will be active in
our club?
4 Ferry : Sure. I agree. The more people join it, the marrier it will be.
9 Ferry : Come on, guys. Give him a chance!
F. Answer the questions based on the proper dialog in Task E.
1. What did the boys talk about?
Jawaban: Whether Egar should join their English study club or not.
2. Who agreed with Agung’s idea?
Jawaban: Ellis and Ferry did.
3. Did Willy agree?
Jawaban: No, he didn’t.
4. What was his reason?
Jawaban: He said that Egar’s house was far enough and that he had to go here and
there by bike. So, Willy didn’t think that Egar would be active in that club.
5. What was the final conclusion?
Jawaban: They gave Egar a chance.

208 UNIT 4 Recounts

C. Create dialogs based on the situations below.
Perform the dialogs.
1. You ask your father to buy a laptop. You explain that you need it very badly in the future. Your
father agrees to buy it. He asks you to go with him next week to an electronic store nearby.
You disagree because it is not a complete store. How would the conversation go?
2. Your town has a new playground. You and your family go there. You think that the place is
nice. Your little brother disagrees with you. He/she says that there should be more trees and
some more facilities. How would the conversation go?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Puput : Dad, would you buy me a laptop? I need it very badly in the future. Morever, I think
Dion may need it as well. Don’t you think so?
Mr. Arifin : You’re right. Well, what if we go to the nearby electronic store next week?
Puput : Sorry, Dad, I disagree. That store is not complete. We’d better go to the electronic
center. We have so many choices and we may bargain there.
Mr. Arifin : Is that so? O.K.
3. Tessa : What a nice playground!
Inong : I don’t think so.
Tessa : Why do you say that?
Inong : Look. It is very hot here. It needs more trees, so it will be green and shady. Besides, it
needs some more facilities, such as a tunnel, a pond of sand, electric vehicles, and
a trace track.
Tessa : You could be right.

In pairs, make dialogs based on the situations.
Then, practice the dialogs in front of the class.
1. You and your classmates are visiting The Safari Park in Prigen, East Java. It has com-
plete and magnificent animal collection. You express your amazement. Your friends agree
with you. One of them says that people have to keep the wealth well. He/she asks for
your agreement. You agree. What would you and your friend say?
2. You and your friend are in a movie theater. Your friend has an idea to see an action
movie. He/she asks whether you agree to see the movie or not. You disagree. What
would he/she say? How would you respond?
3. You and your friends are walking together on the way home after school. Coincidentally,
your friend finds a wallet on the road. He/she takes it. You say that both of you should go
to the nearest police station to report the finding. But, your friend disagrees and suggests
giving the wallet directly to the owner’s house. What would both of you say?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Tina : This Safari Park is really amazing! The animals are marvelous. Look at that bird. I
have never seen such a beautiful creature before.
Alisa : Yeah! You are right! I think we have to keep this precious heritage well. Don’t you
think so?
Tina : Absolutely!
2. Rina : Here we are now. What do you want to see?
Dewi : Any idea?
Rina : What about an action movie?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 209

Dewi : Sorry, I don’t like action movies. What about comedy drama? We need to relax,
Rina : No problem. O.K., let’s buy the tickets.
Dewi : O.K.
3. Doni : Look! It’s a wallet! Someone has dropped it.
Reni : Yeah. Let’s go to the police station to report this finding.
Doni : I don’t think it’s a good idea. The place is too far from here. Just wait!
Reni : What do you find?
Doni : I find an identity card. Look, the owner lives not far from here! What if we go to
the address and give it back to the owner?
Reni : O.K. I think it is much better than going to the police station.

4.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the following monolog.

Listen, all. Now I’m going to tell you about one of our patriots. He is Adam Malik. Do you
know who he is?
Adam Malik was born on July 22, 1917 in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. He got his
elementary education in a Dutch-run primary school and then a religious school. You know
what? He had actively participated in the Indonesian national movement from an early age.
When he was only seventeen, he was elected Chairman of the Partai Indonesia in Pematang
Siantar and Medan, both in North Sumatra. Quite young to be a leader, wasn’t he?
Then, Adam Malik decided to leave Sumatra for Java. Later on December 13, 1937 he
founded the Antara press bureau. You know, it is now known as the Antara News Agency, the
official Indonesian news agency.
Adam Malik had important roles in the events leading up to Indonesia’s Declaration of
Let me tell you. Adam Malik had stunning careers. Some of them were the duties of
a diplomat, as an ambassador to the Soviet Union and Poland, as Foreign Affairs Minister, as
President of the United Nations General Assembly, as the Chairmanship of the People’s
Consultative Assembly or MPR, and as a vice president. In 1982, Adam Malik received the
Dag Hammarskjöld Award from the United Nations. Unfortunately, he had to end his devotion
to his beloved country. He passed away on 5 September 1984 in Bandung, West Java.
Because of his service, he has been recognized as one of our National Heroes.
Source: December 8, 2009 <>

The text above is a spoken recount. A recount text tells us about past events. That’s
why, it mostly uses the simple past tense.
A spoken text usually uses some direct greeting to the listeners, such as “Good
morning, everyone” or “Listen all.” It also uses some fillers, such as “you know”, “well” and
“Let me tell you”.

210 UNIT 4 Recounts

Written Text

Read the following text.

Study the structure of the text.
Adam Malik

Adam Malik was born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra to

Abdul Malik and Salamah Lubis. After completing Junior High
School, he received his first job as a shopkeeper, filling in time by
reading books and increasing his knowledge.

Adam Malik quickly developed an interest in politics and in

the age of just 17, became the Chairman of the Pematang Siantar
branch of Partindo (Indonesia Party). In this position, he
campaigned for the Dutch Colonial Government to grant
independence to Indonesia. As a result of this, he was put in
prison for disobeying the Colonial Government’s ban on political
assemblies. Once he was freed, he left Pematang Siantar for
After leaving his hometown, Adam Malik pursued a job as
a journalist. He wrote for Partindo’s Party Magazine and Pelita
Andalas Newspaper. In 1937, along with like-minded colleagues,
A Series of Malik formed ANTARA. ANTARA would develop to become
Events Indonesia’s national news agency.
Adam Malik played an important role in the events leading up
to Indonesia’s Declaration of Independence.
Adam Malik had stunning careers. Some of them were the duties
of a diplomat, as an ambassador to the Soviet Union and Poland,
as Foreign Affairs Minister, as President of the United Nations
General Assembly, as the Chairmanship of the People’s
Consultative Assembly or MPR, and as a vice president. In 1982,
Malik received the Dag Hammarskjöld Award from the United
Nations. He passed away on 5 September 1984 in Bandung,
West Java.

Because of his service, he has been recognized as a National

Hero of Indonesia.

Source: December 8, 2009 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 211

The text is a written recount text. It functions to retell past events. The structure of the
text is:
● Orientation (background)
It introduces important information on significant historical events. It answers
questions such as: Who?, When?, Where? and Why?
● Events/A series of events
It records the main events as they occurred in a chronological order. Each paragraph
focuses on one specific event or period of time.
● Re-orientation (optional closure of events)
It shows the historical significance of the events which have been recorded.
The language features of a recount are:
1. use past tenses, such as: declared, signed, prepared and represented.
2. use time conjunctions, such as: while, then, finally, at last and before.

Grammar Section

Direct and Indirect Speech

Look at the pictures and read the sentences.

Actually, I agree that Jajang

1 joins a football club. I just
2 What did father say
don’t want he gets hurt. about my idea, Mom?
Do you?

He said that he agreed

with your idea.

At 5:00 p.m. A few minutes later . . .

Look at the bold-typed sentence in dialog 1. It’s called a direct speech. A direct speech
is the exact word of someone. When we write a direct sentence, we should put quotation
marks (“. . . .”).

212 UNIT 4 Recounts

The bold-typed sentence in dialog 2 is called an indirect speech. It retells what someone
has said. In an indirect speech, you retell what someone has said by saying, for example
Mr. Jasson said, Ms. Julia replied, the boy answered, etc. Moreover, you have to change
certain things as follows.
1. Pronouns
When you change a direct speech into an indirect one, you have to modify the pronouns
in order to adjust the subject of that indirect speech.
Direct Speech
● David said, “Ervan wants to send you an e-mail.”
Indirect Speech
● David said that Ervan wanted to send me an e-mail.
2. Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of time should also be adjusted to make the statement clear.
Direct Speech
● Bagus said, “I met Ms. Aulia in a Padang restaurant yesterday.”
Indirect Speech
● Bagus said that he had met Ms. Aulia in a Padang restaurant the day before.
Here are the changes of adverbs of time.

here o there this (evening) o that (evening)

these (days) o those (days) now o then
today o yesterday (two weeks) ago o (two weeks) before
next (week) o the following (week) tomorrow o the following day
last week o the week before/the previous week

3. Tenses
You also have to modify the tenses because the time setting of direct and indirect speech
is different. Study the explanation below.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Simple Past
Riza said, “I use my computer.” Riza said that she used her computer.
Simple Past Past Perfect
Riza said, “I used my computer.” Riza said that she had used her computer.
Simple Perfect Past Perfect
Riza said, “I have used my computer.” Riza said that she had used her computer.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Riza said, “I am going to use my Riza said that she was going to use her
computer.” computer.
Simple Future Past Future
Riza said, “I will use my computer.” Riza said that she would use her computer.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 213

Answer the questions.

1. What do you know about recounts?

Jawaban: Recounts are texts which tell past experiences or past events.
2. What tense do you use in telling recounts?
Jawaban: We use the simple past tense.
3. Suppose your teacher asks you to talk about a famous person. Who will you talk about? Why?
Jawaban: I will talk about Bung Karno because he was the Indonesian founding father.

A. Look at the picture and listen to your teacher.

Then, answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Anna Pavlovna Pavlova (February 12, 1881–January 23,
1931) was the most famous ballet dancer of the early 20th
She was born in St. Petersburg, Russia to a poor peasant
family. And . . . she trained at the Imperial Ballet School until
she graduated at the age of 18. Then she danced with the
Mariinsky Theatre. In the first years of the Ballets Russes, she
worked briefly for Serge Diaghilev before founding her own
company and performing throughout the world.
Her most famous showpiece was ‘The Dying Swan’
choreographed for her by Michel Fokine. The music piece was
‘the Swan part of Camille Saint-Saëns the Carnival of the
Anna Pavlova (portrait by Jean
Source: December 8, 2009 <

1. What is the text about?

Jawaban: About Anna Pavlovna Pavlova.
2. What was she?
Jawaban: The most famous ballet dancer of the early 20th century.
3. Where was she born?
Jawaban: In St. Petersburg, Russia.
4. What were her parents?
Jawaban: Poor peasants.
5. How old was she when she graduated from the Imperial Ballet School?
Jawaban: At the age of 18.

214 UNIT 4 Recounts

Find the meaning of the words below.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. ballet = ballet 2. century = abad
3. poor = miskin 4. peasant = petani
5. to train = berlatih, belajar 6. Imperial = yang berhubungan dengan istana
7. to graduate = lulus 8. age = usia
9. briefly = dengan singkat 10. to found = mendirikan
11. to perform = menampilkan 12. throughout = di seluruh
13. showpiece = pertunjukan terbaik 14. carnival = karnaval

B. Listen to your teacher and choose A, 1. The text is about ________.

B, C or D for the correct answer. A. Youth Pldege
B. Indonesia Raya, our national anthem
C. Indonesian political situation during
Teks yang dibacakan guru:
the Dutch colonialization
Our national anthem is “Indonesia D. The spirit of Indonesian youth during
Raya” meaning Indonesia the Great. The the Dutch colonialization
song was composed in 1928. Jawaban: B
The colonial policy of those days Jawaban ini disimpulkan dari kalimat
was “divide and rule”. It was a policy that pertama bacaan ”Our national anthem is
deliberately aggravated language, ethnic, ’Indonesia Raya’ . . . .” yang artinya ”Lagu
cultural and religious differences among the kebangsaan kita adalah ’Indonesia Raya’
people. . . . .”.
The birth of Indonesia Raya marked the
beginning of Indonesian 2. The song was composed in ________.
nationalist movements. The song was first A. 1828 B. 1918
introduced by its composer, Wage C. 1928 D. 1938
Rudolf Supratman. This occured at the Jawaban: C
second All Indonesian Youth Congress on Jawaban ini disimpulkan dari kalimat
October 28, 1928 in Batavia, now Jakarta. It kedua paragraf satu ”The song was
was the moment when Indonesian youth of composed in 1928.” yang artinya ”Lagu itu
different ethnic, language, religious and ditulis pada tahun 1928.”.
cultural backgrounds gathered. They 3. The song was composed by _______.
resolutely pledged allegiance to: “One A. W.R. Supratman
native land, Indonesia. One nation, the B. Adam Malik
Indonesian nation. One unifying language, C. Indonesian Youth
the Indonesian D. Hatta
language.” Jawaban: A
Soon the song, calling for the unity of Jawaban ini disimpulkan dari kalimat
Indonesia, became popular. It was echoed kedua paragraf tiga ”The song was first
at Indonesian political rallies, where people introduced by its composer, Wage
stood in solemn observance. The song Rudolf Supratman.” yang artinya ”Lagu itu
aroused national consciousness among the pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh
people throughout the archipelago. pengarangnya Wage Rudolf Supratman.”.
Adapted from: August 26, 2008 <http://>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 215

4. “This occured at the second All Indonesian 5. These are what stated in the Youth
Youth Congress on October 28, 1928 . . . .” Pledge, except ________.
(Paragraph three) A. one native land, Indonesia
The word ‘occur’ can be best replaced by B. one nation, the Indonesian nation
________. C. one people, the Indonesian people
A. promise B. start D. one unifying language, the Indonesian
C. last D. happen language
Jawaban: D Jawaban: C
Kata ’occur’ dan ’happen’ artinya terjadi. Jawaban ini tidak sesuai dengan isi teks
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena pada kalimat terakhir, paragraf tiga ”One
artinya berbeda; (A) artinya berjanji, native land, Indonesia. One nation, the
(B) artinya mulai, dan (C) artinya Indonesian nation. One unifying language,
berlangsung. the Indonesian language.” yang artinya
”Satu tanah air, Indonesia. Satu bangsa,
Bangsa Indonesia. Satu bahasa, Bahasa

Match the words in column A with their suitable meanings in column B.
You will hear those words in Task C.
A B Jawaban:
1. d
1. attention a. pengantin perempuan 2. a
2. bride b. membintangi 3. k
3. enemy c. pecandu bioskop 4. h
4. fame d. perhatian 5. b
5. to feature e. mengumpulkan 6. o
6. huge f. melontarkan 7. j
7. husband g. pertunjukan 8. i
8. life h. ketenaran 9. c
9. movie-goer i. kehidupan 10. l
10. nod j. suami 11. g
11. performance k. musuh 12. f
12. to catapult l. kemenangan 13. m
13. to escape m. melarikan diri 14. e
14. to garner n. menggambarkan, melukiskan 15. n
15. to portray o. besar sekali

C. Look at the picture and listen to your teacher.

Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Text yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Julia Roberts was (1) born on October 28, 1967. She is an American
Julia Roberts was born Julie Fiona Roberts in Smyrna, Georgia. She
was first (2) caught the attention of movi-egoers with her performance in
the film ‘Mystic Pizza’ in 1988. The following year she was featured in
‘Steel Magnolias’. She acted as a young (3) bride battling diabetes.
She (4) garnered her first Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actress for

216 UNIT 4 Recounts

her (5) performance. She catapulted to worldwide (6) fame co-starring with Richard Gere in the
Cinderella-story ‘Pretty Woman’ in 1990. She (7) earned her a second Oscar nod, this time as Best
Her next (8) huge box-office success was the thriller ‘Sleeping with the Enemy’. Here she
(9) portrayed a battered wife who escapes from her (10) husband and starts a new life.
Adapted from: December 8, 2009 <>

A. Are the statements below true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task C?
1. ______ The text is about Julia Roberts.
2. ______ She is 40 years old now.
3. ______ She got her first Oscar for her film ‘Pretty Woman’.
4. ______ Julia Roberts acted her first film entitled ‘Mystic Pizza’.
5. ______ In ‘Steel Magnolias’ she acted as a wife who ran away from her husband.
1. T
2. F (She is 42 years old now, because she was born on October 28, 1967.)
3. F (She earned her second Oscar for her film ‘Pretty Woman’, as Best Actress.)
4. T
5. F (In ‘Sleeping With the Enemy’ she portrayed a battered wife who escapes from her
B. Listen to your teacher and write down the verbs.
What do those verbs mean?
Share your work with the class.
Kata-kata yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

AVerb Meaning AVerb Meaning

1. become menjadi 21. meet bertemu
2. begin memulai, mulai 22. pay membayar
3. break merusak, memecahkan 23. ride mengendarai
4. brush menyikat 24. ring membunyikan
5. build membangun 25. send mengirimkan
6. buy membeli 26. shout berteriak
7. catch menangkap 27. sit duduk
8. choose memilih 28. sleep tidur
9. clean membersihkan 29. berbicara berbicara
10. drink minum 30. mengambil mengambil
11. fall jatuh 31. berbicara berbicara
12. feel merasakan 32. mengajar mengajar
13. find menemukan 33. berterima kasih berterima kasih
14. fly terbang 34. berpikir berpikir
15. forbid melarang 35. mengetik mengetik
16. give memberi 36. memahami memahami
17. hear mendengar 37. menunggu menunggu
18. hold memegang 38. berjalan berjalan
19. know mengetahui 39. memenangkan memenangkan
20. leave meninggalkan 40. menulis menulis

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 217

C. Write the past form of the verbs in Task B.
Share your work with the class.

AVerb Past Form AVerb Past Form

1. become became 21. meet became
2. begin began 22. pay began
3. break broke 23. ride broke
4. brush brushed 24. ring brushed
5. build built 25. send built
6. buy bought 26. shout bought
7. catch caught 27. sit caught
8. choose chose 28. sleep chose
9. clean cleaned 29. speak cleaned
10. drink drank 30. take drank
11. fall fell 31. talk fell
12. feel felt 32. teach felt
13. find found 33. thank found
14. fly flew 34. think flew
15. forbid forbade 35. type forbade
16. give gave 36. understand gave
17. hear heard 37. waited heard
18. hold held 38. walked held
19. know knew 39. won knew
20. leave left 40. wrote left

D. Make ten sentences using the words from Task C.

Contoh jawaban:
1. My father built this house last year.
2. Did you buy this mangosteen, in the supermarket, Mom?
3. I didn’t drink your iced tea.
4. Finally, the police found the victim in the bush.
5. When did you give the prize to the winner?
6. Yoga and I heard a baby crying this morning.
7. Mother left the supermarket a few minutes ago.
8. The secretary sent the invitation letter last week.
9. Maya typed her assignment yesterday.
10. Who wrote this proposal?

218 UNIT 4 Recounts

A. Deliver the monolog below in turns.

Jaya Suprana was born on January 27, 1949 in Denpasar, Bali to Lambang and Lily Suprana.
He is married to Julia. He is an Indonesian composer, pianist, businessman and television
Jaya Suprana studied music at Musikhochschule Muenster and Folkwanghochsule Essen,
West Germany, between 1967 and 1976. Since then he has given piano recitals worldwide, as well
as composing his own music. Jaya Suprana also presents his own national weekly talkshow called
the Jaya Suprana Show.
Jaya Suprana has been President Director of PT Jamu Jago, one of Indonesia’s largest
manufacturers of herbal medicine, since 1983. He had worked there as Marketing Director since
1976. Apart from his business and musical activities, he established the Indonesian Museum of
Records (MURI) on January 27, 1990, and is its director. He also founded an orphanage, Panti
Asuhan Rotary-Suprana.
Adapted from: December 8, 2009 <>

Find the meanings of the following words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. to marry = menikah, menikahi 2. composer = pengarang, penggubah
3. since = sejak 4. recital = pertunjukan
5. worldwide = di seluruh dunia 6. manufacturer = pabrikan
7. herbal medicine = jamu 8. apart from = terlepas dari
9. to establish = mendirikan 10. orphanage = rumah panti asuhan

B. Answer the questions below based on the monolog in Task A.

1. Where was Jaya Suprana born?

Jawaban: In Denpasar, Bali.
2. How old is he now?
Jawaban: He’s 60 years old now.
3. Who are Lambang and Lily Suprana?
Jawaban: They are Jaya Suprana’s parents.
4. Who is Julia?
Jawaban: She is Jaya Suprana’s wife.
5. How long did he study music?
Jawaban: For nine years.
6. Where has Jaya Suprana worked since 1976?
Jawaban: In PT Jamu Jago.
7. What was his position in his company in 1976?
Jawaban: He was the Marketing Director.
8. What did he found on January 27, 1990?
Jawaban: He founded the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 219

A. Read the text below.
Deliver a monolog based on it.
Do it in turns.
Anggun Cipta Sasmi, an Indonesian singer, was born on April 29,
1974, in Jakarta. Her name in Indonesian means “Grace born out of
a dream”.
At a young age, Anggun Cipta Sasmi decided to follow in her
father, Darto Singo’s footsteps, and become an entertainer. During her
early years, she was influenced by rock sounds of native Javanese
artists and the rock & roll icon, Elvis Presley. She began performing at
the age of 7 and recorded her first album two years later. By the time
Anggun was 17, she was a successful national rock star.
Anggun Cipta Sasmi began to feel unsatisfied with her success in
Asia and, at 19, she left Indonesia in hopes of breaking through in the
European music charts. With her first husband, she moved to London
and then Paris, where she met music producer Erick Benzi. He was the one who had produced
music for stars such as Celine Dion, and Johnny Hallyday, a popular French singer. Benzi was
quite impressed by Anggun’s talent and immediately offered her to work with him on her new
album. He persuaded her to move away from her original rock influences and experiment with
a more sensual and romantic sound. Anggun’s smooth new style would prove an immediate
success in France. Her first French album, ‘Au Nom de la Lune’ (titled Anggun for Indonesia
and Japanese market and ‘Snow On The Sahara’ in other 13 countries including the US) not
only skyrocketed Anggun to fame in France, the album was also a major hit in her native
country, Indonesia. Her second album ‘Desirs Contraires’ (Chrysalis in foreign and US markets)
proved to be a worldwide hit as well.
Adapted from: December 8, 2009 <
Contoh jawaban:
Hi, guys. You are familiar with the girl in the photograph, aren’t you? Do you like her
songs? Me, too. I love her songs very much. Well, let me tell you about her.
Anggun Cipta Sasmi who was born on April 29, 1974 in Jakarta is an Indonesian famous
singer. At her young age, she followed her father’s footsteps, Darto Singo ato be an entertainer.
She was influenced by rock sounds of native Javanese artists and the rock & roll icon, Elvis
Presley. At the age of 7 she already performed her talent. Two years later, she made her first
album. You know, at 17 years old, she was a successful national rock star. That’s amazing!
She decided to leave Indonesia in hopes of breaking through in the European music
charts. With her first husband, she moved to London and then Paris. There she met Erick
Benzi, a music producer. You know what. Erick Benzi was the one who had produced music for
stars such as Celine Dion and Johnny Hallyday, a popular French singer. Anggun’s talent
impressed him and he immediately offered her to work with him on her new album. He asked
Anggun to move away from her original rock influences and experiment with a more sensual
and romantic sound. She agreed and this smooth new style would prove an immediate success
in France. Her first French album, ‘Au Nom de la Lune’ which entitled Anggun for Indonesia and
Japanese market and ‘Snow On The Sahara’ in other 13 countries including the US not only
skyrocketed Anggun to fame in France. The album was also a major hit in her native country,
Indonesia. Her second album ‘Desirs Contraires’ or ‘Chrysalis’ in foreign and US markets
proved to be a worldwide hit as well.
Well, guys, that’s my story about Anggun Cipta Sasmi. I hope her experiences inspire us to
get our wish. Thank you.

220 UNIT 4 Recounts

B. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in
Task A.
Correct the false ones.
1. (T/F) Anggun Cipta Sasmi was born on April 19, 1974.
2. (T/F) Anggun Cipta Sasmi was inspired by Darto Singo, her father.
3. (T/F) She recorded her first album at the age of 7.
4. (T/F) Erick Benzi is a popular French singer.
5. (T/F) Anggun’s second album ‘Desirs Contraires’ became a worldwide hit.
1. F (She was born on April 29, 1974.)
2. T
3. F (She began performing at the age of 7 and recorded her first album two years later. It
means she recorded her first album when she was 9 years old.)
4. F (Erick Benzi is a music producer whom Anggun met in Paris.)
5. T
C. Find the story of a famous person who inspires you.
Tell your friends about him/her.
Contoh jawaban:
Sir Alexander Fleming is famous as the discoverer of the antibiotic substance lysozyme
and for isolating the antibiotic substance penicillin from the fungus Penicillium notatum.
Fleming was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. He attended St Mary’s Hospital medical school in
London until World War I broke out. He participated in a battlefield hospital with many of his
colleagues in the fronts of France. Being exposed to the horrid medical infections by the dying
soldiers, he returned to St. Mary’s after the war. He went there with renewed energy in
searching for an improved antiseptic.
Both of Fleming’s discoveries happened entirely by accident during the 1920s. The first,
lysozyme, was discovered after mucus from his nose dropped into a bacterium laced Petri dish (he
sneezed). A few days later, it was noted that bacteria where the mucus had fallen had been
Fleming’s labs were usually in disarray, which led to be to his advantage. In September
1928, he was sorting through the many idle experiments strewn about his lab. He inspected
each specimen before discarding it and noticed an interesting fungal colony had grown as
a contaminant on one of the agar plates streaked with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
Fleming inspected the Petri dish further and found that the bacterial colonies around the fungus
were transparent because their cells were lysing. Lysis is the breakdown of cells, and in this
case, potentially harmful bacteria. The importance was immediately recognized, however the
discovery was still underestimated, initially used to clean his glassware. Fleming issued
a publication about penicillin in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology in 1929.
For his achievements, Fleming was knighted in 1944 and shared the Nobel prize for
Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Florey and Ernst Boris Chain.
Adapted from: December 8, 2009 <

D. There must be a famous person in your region.

Tell something about his/her personal background and achievements.
Do it in turns.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 221

C. Look at the pictures and find references about the people in the pictures.
Ask and answer questions about one of them.
Look at the example.

Teks untuk guru:
Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 12,
1902. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when he was
eight months old and he was left with his six sisters and his
mother. As in the matrilineal society of Minangkabau tradition,
he was then raised in his mother’s family. His mother’s family
was a wealthy one that Hatta was able to study in Dutch
He went to the Dutch language elementary school (ELS or
Europeesche Lagere School) in Padang from 1913 to 1916. He Mohammad Hatta
did it after he had finished Sekolah Melayu (‘Malay School’) in Picture source:
Bukittinggi. When he was thirteen, he passed an exam that <>
entitled him to follow the Dutch secondary school (HBS or
Hogere burgerschool) in Batavia.
Source: September 19, 2008 <

Teks untuk guru:
Saridjah, well-known as Ibu Soed after she married Bintang
Soedibjo, was born on March 26, 1908 in Sukabumi. She lived
with her foster father Prof. Dr. Mr. J.F. Kramer, retired Vice
President Hoogerechtshof in Jakarta. He was the one who
Saridjah learned how to sing, play musical instrument, especially
violin, from.
Saridjah studied in Kweekschool in Bandung. Then, she
taught in HIS after she graduated from it. Here she began to
Ibu Soed write and compose songs.
Ibu Soed was famous as three musician era, the Dutch,
Picture source:
<http://www. Japanese and Indonesian era. She performed her voice for the first time in NIROM Radio, Jakarta, in 1927-1928.
tokoh/soed_files/ One day, our national flag, Sang Merah Putih, in the
image002.jpg> Indonesian Radio Station (RRI) building was going to be fallen.
Jusuf Ronodipuro bravely was against this action, even though
he was ready to be shot. Knowing that heroic action and
patriotism, Ibu Soed’s patriotism was aroused. Then, she showed
her heart movement on a heroic song entitled ‘Berkibarlah
Benderaku’. One of its lines says ‘Siapa berani menurunkan
engkau, serentak rakyatmu membela’ meaning ‘Anyone who
dares to put you down, your people will fight against it
altogether’. This song was only created in fifteen minutes.

222 UNIT 4 Recounts

Ibu Soed’s songs, predicted more than 200 songs, are devoted to children. She also
wrote a drama script and performed it, ‘Kanak-Kanak Sumi Ballet Operette’ in Gedung
Kesenian, Jakarta in 1955 together with Nani Loebis Gondosapoetro as the dance director
and R.A.J. Soedjasmin as the music director.
With her expert in playing violin, she had a big chance to accompany the first
performance of our national anthem Indonesia Raya in Gedung Pemuda on October 28,
Source: December 8, 2009 <>

Teks untuk guru:
Gerungan Saul Samuel Yacob Ratulangi, who is more
popularly known as Sam Ratulangi, was born on November 5,
1890 in Tondano, North Sulawesi. After finishing Hoofden
School (king’s school) in Tondano, he continued his studies at
a Technical School (KWS) in Jakarta. In 1915, he received
a diploma as a teacher of science in middle school from
Holland, and four years later he received a doctor of science
degree from a school in Switzerland. In Holland he was the
head of Indonesian Association, and in Switzerland he was the Sam Ratulangi
head of an organization of Asian students.
Picture source: <http://
After returning from Europe, Sam Ratulangi taught science
at AMS (high school level school) in Yogyakarta, and eventually personalities.html>
moved to Bandung to start the Indonesian Insurance Firm. For
three years, from 1924 to 1927, he was appointed as secretary
of Council of Minahasan Students. He used position for the
welfare of the people by starting new areas for agricultural use,
starting a foundation for educational funds, etc. Because of his
fierce effort, the government of Holland abolished forced labor in
As a member of Volksraad in 1927, Ratulangi demanded
that the goverment of Holland abolish differences of
treatment in the political, economic and educational fields
between the Dutch and Indonesians. In 1932, he took part in the
establishment of Vereniging van Indonesische Academici (The
United Scholars of Indonesia). This organization was aimed to
bring together the scholars of Indonesia to bring about a feeling
of nationalism among the people of Indonesia.
In early August of 1945, Ratulangi was appointed as
a member the Preparatory Committee on Indonesian
Independence. After the Republic of Indonesia was established,
he was appointed to the position of govenor of Sulawesi. He
was arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Serui, Irian Jaya, after
the United Nations struggled to keep Sulawesi as part the
Republic of Indonesia.
On June 30, 1949, Sam Ratulangi died in Jakarta as
a enemy prisoner. His body was buried back in Tondano.
Source: December 8, 2009 <>

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 223

A : Do you know Ibu Soed?
B : Yes, I do. I sang a lot of her songs. One of them was ‘Berkibarlah Benderaku’. What about
A : I know her very much. She was born on March 26, 1908. She married Mr. Bintang Soedibjo.
That’s why, she was called Ibu Soed.
B : That’s right. And more, Prof. Dr. Mr. J.F. Kramer claimed her as his daughter. He taught her
how to learn about music, how to sing and play violin.

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Jawaban: B

answer. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . the
Pallawa script by the Indian Prince Aji
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 3. Caka (78 AD).”. Jadi, Pangeran Aji Caka
berasal dari India.
The Caka period in Indonesia witnessed
the introduction of the Sanskrit language and 2. Which island was called the island of gold?
the Pallawa script by the Indian Prince Aji Caka A. Sumatra. B. Java.
(78 AD). The Devanagari script of the Sanskrit C. Kalimantan. D. Irian Jaya.
language was also used, as shown in ancient Jawaban: A
stone and copper inscriptions (paracasthies) Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat kedua
which have been unearthed. The language and paragraf dua, ”Sumatra was then named
script were adapted and called the Kawi Swarna Dwipa or ’the island of gold’,. . . .”
language and included words and phrases yang artinya ”Kemudian Sumatra dijuluki
derived from Javanese. Swarna Dwipa atau ’pulau emas’, . . . .”.
Early trade relations were established
between South India and Indonesia. Sumatra 3. How long did the Indian settlers’ movement
was then named Swarna Dwipa or “the island of to Java last?
gold”, Java was called Java Dwipa or “the rice A. For a century.
island”, and a Hindu kingdom of Crivijaya in B. For not more than five centuries.
Sumatra and Nalanda in South India were not C. For at least six centuries.
confined to religious and cultural exchanges. D. For more than seven centuries.
They later developed diplomatic relations, and Jawaban: C
even covered a wide range of trade. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama
The influx of Indian settlers continued during paragraf tiga ”The influx of Indian settlers
the period from the first to the seventh century continued during the period from the first to
AD. Peacefully and gradually the Hindu religion the seventh century AD.” yang artinya
spread throughout the archipelago. It was ”Arus penduduk India berlangsung terus-
adopted by all layers of the people of Java, but menerus selama periode abad pertama
limited to the upper classes on the other islands. sampai abad ketujuh.”. Jadi, perpindahan
Source: December 8, 2009 <
penduduk India ke Jawa berlangsung
asianinfo/indonesia/pro-history.htm> selama sekitar enam abad.
1. Prince Aji Caka came from ________. Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5.
A. Indonesia B. India
Another known Buddhist kingdom was
C. Persia D. Spain
Cailendra in Central Java. It was ruled by the
kings of Cailendra Dynasty. During their rule
(750-850 AD), the famous Buddhist temple,

224 UNIT 4 Recounts

Borobudur, was built. In 772 AD other Buddhist Jawaban: B
temples were also built. They include the Jawaban ini disimpulkan dari kalimat ”It
Mendut, Kalasan and Pawon temples. All of was ruled by the kings of Cailendra
these temples are now preserved as tourist Dynasty. During their rule (750–850 AD),
objects near the city of Yogyakarta. The . . . .”. yang artinya ”Kerajaan ini diperintah
Cailendra kingdom was also known for its oleh raja-raja Dinasti Syailendra. Selama
commercial and naval power, and its flourishing pemerintahan mereka (750–850 setelah
arts and culture. A guide to learn singing, Masehi), . . . .”. Jadi, Dinasti Syailendra
known as the Chandra Cha-ana, was first memerintah selama 100 tahun atau satu
written in 778 AD. abad (a century).
Source: December 8, 2009 < 5. The text is about ________.
A. Cailendra Dynasty
4. Cailendra Dynasty ruled Cailendra kingdom B. a famous Buddhist temple
in Central Java for ________. C. Prambanan temple
A. fifty years D. Borobudur temple
B. a century Jawaban: A
C. one hundred and fifteen years Gagasan utama bacaan tersebut terdapat
D. more than one hundred years pada kalimat pertama dan kedua, yaitu
tentang Dinasti Syailendra. Kalimat-kalimat
berikutnya merupakan kalimat pendukung.

Variasi: Jawaban: B
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Spaniards artinya orang-orang Spanyol.
Jadi, Spaniards berasal dari Spanyol
Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.
In their search for spices, the Portuguese
arrived in Indonesia in 1511, after their Read the text and answer questions 3 to 7.
conquest of the Islamic kingdom of Malacca
The first known hominid inhabitant of
on the Malay Peninsula. They were followed
Indonesia was called “Java Man”, or Homo
by the Spaniards.
erectus. They lived here half a million years
Source: December 8, 2009 <
asianinfo/indonesia/pro-history.htm> ago. Then, some 60,000 years ago, the
ancestors of the Papuans moved eastward
1. “. . . the Portuguese arrived in Indonesia through these islands. Later, in about the
in 1511, after their conquest of . . . .” fourth millennium B.C., they were followed by
The bold-typed word means ________. the ancestors of the modern-day Malays,
A. failure B. battle Javanese and other Malay-Polynesian
C. struggle D. defeat groups who now make up Indonesia’s
Jawaban: D population.
Kata ’conquest’ dan ’defeat’ memiliki arti Thousands of years later, trade contacts
penaklukan. Pilihan jawaban lainnya with India, China and the mainland of
salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya Southeast Asia brought outside cultural and
kegagalan, religious influences to Indonesia. One of the
(B) artinya peperangan, dan (C) artinya first Buddhist empires, known as Sriwijaya,
perjuangan. was located on the coast of Sumatra around
2. Spaniards are people who come from the strategic Strait of Malacca. This kingdom
________. served as the center of a trading network of
A. Mexico B. Spain the archipelago more than a thousand years
C. Portugal D. France ago.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 225

Later on, in Java, large kingdoms of the 5. The following statements are TRUE
island erected some exquisite religious according to the text, except ________.
monuments, such as Borobudur, the largest A. there was another Hindu–Javanese
Buddhist monument in the world. In the 14th kingdom after Majapahit
century, Majapahit Kingdom, the last and B. in the 13th century there was an
most powerful of early Hindu-Javanese Islamic kingdom in Indonesia
kingdoms, once controled and influenced C. overseas traders brought cultural
much of the archipelago. influences to Indonesia
Next, Indian Moslem traders began D. Sriwijaya was located on the strategic
spreading Islam in Indonesia in the eighth Strait of Malacca
and ninth centuries. In the 13th century, the Jawaban: A
first Islamic states were already established Pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban (A)
there, known as Samudera Pasai. Soon bertentangan dengan kalimat kedua
afterwards, rulers on Java’s north coast paragraf tiga, ”. . . Majapahit Kingdom, the
adopted the new creed. The faith gradually last and most powerful of early Hindu-
spread throughout archipelago, and today Javanese . . . .”, yang menyebutkan baha
Indonesia is the world’s largest Islamic Majapahit merupakan kerajaan Hindu-
nation. Jawa yang terakhir dan paling berkuasa.
Source: April 4, 2008 <
history.html> 6. What was the role of Sriwijaya for more
than a thousand years ago?
3. “They lived here half a million years A. It became the center of culture.
ago.” The underlined word refers to B. It became the first Buddhist empire.
________. C. It had built some religious monuments.
A. Samudera Pasai D. It served as the trading center in the
B. Java archipelago.
C. Indonesia Jawaban: D
D. Papua Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir
Jawaban: C paragraf dua, ”This kingdom served as the
Kata ’here’ adalah kata ganti tempat center of a trading network of the
yang artinya di sini. Hal ini mengacu archipelago more than a thousand years
pada keterangan tempat yang telah ago.”. Frasa ’this kingdom’ dalam kalimat
disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu Indone- ini mengacu pada kerajaan Sriwijaya.
sia. Pilihan jawaban (A) dan (D) salah
karena disebutkan setelah kata 7. Who brought Islam to Indonesia?
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah A. Indian traders.
karena Java yang disebut sebelumnya B. Chinese traders.
menunjuk pada ”Java Man”, atau Homo C. Indian Moslem traders.
erectus, bukan keterangan tempat. D. Traders from Majapahit.
Jawaban: C
4. What is the main idea of paragraph 1? Hal ini sesuai dengan informasi pada
A. The Indonesia’s population. kalimat pertama paragraf empat, ”Next,
B. Kinds of tribes in Indonesia. Indian Moslem traders began spreading
C. The Indonesian’s culture. Islam in Indonesia in the eighth and ninth
D. Indonesia’s first inhabitants. centuries.”.
Jawaban: D
Hal ini sesuai dengan informasi pada Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.
kalimat pertama paragraf 1, ”The first He is still one of the most recognizable
known hominid inhabitant of Indonesia men on earth. And decades after he burst
was called ”Java Man”, or Homo upon the scene as a gold medal winner at

226 UNIT 4 Recounts

the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Italy, Jawaban: B
Muhammad Ali remains a magical figure, Jawaban disimpulkan dari paragraf
known and loved throughout the world. terakhir yang menyebutkan bahwa
Ali brought new speed and grace to Muhammad Ali adalah seorang yang
his sport, and his charm and wit changed religius. Dengan kata lain, sekarang ia
forever what we expect a champion to be. bukanlah seorang petinju lagi (not a
His accomplishments in the ring were the boxer anymore). Pilihan jawaban (A)
stuff of legend: two fights with Sonny salah karena petinju adalah profesinya
Liston, where he proclaimed himself “The dulu (was a boxer).
Greatest” and proved he was; three
9. Muhammad Ali boxed dramatically
ambitious wars with Joe Frazier; the
when he fought three times against
stunning victory over George Foreman in
Zaire; and dethroning Leon Spinks to
A. Sonny Listen
become heavyweight champion for the
B. Joe Frazier
third time. But there was always far more
C. George Foreman
to Muhammad Ali than what took place in
D. Leon Spinks
a boxing ring. Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
His early embrace of the Nation of Jawaban: B
Islam and his insistence on being called Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
Muhammad Ali instead of his “slave kedua paragraf dua ”His
name”, Cassius Clay, introduced a new accomplishments in the ring were . . .,
era in black pride. His refusal to be three ambitious wars with Joe Frazier; .
inducted into the United States army . . .” yang menyebutkan tiga
anticipated the growing antiwar movement pertarungan Muhammad Ali yang
of the 1960s. And his willingness to stage ambisius dengan Joe Frazier. Jadi,
his fights in different countries such as pilihan jawaban (B) benar.
Kinshasa, Zaire; Manila, Philippines; and
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, signaled a shift 10. “Today Ali is a deeply religious man
away from super power dominances who causes feeling of love . . . .” (Last
toward a growing awareness of the paragraph)
importance of the third world. The underlined word has the opposite
Today Ali is a deeply religious man meaning to ________.
who causes feeling of love and respect A. develops B. understands
wherever he travels. C. traces D. prevents
Jawaban: D
8. From the text, we know that Kata ’to cause’ mempunyai makna
Muhammad Ali ________. menyebabkan. Kata yang memiliki
A. is a boxer makna berlawanan dengan ’to cause’
B. is not a boxer anymore adalah ’to prevent’ yang artinya
C. still plays boxing so far mencegah. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
D. never played boxing well salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
mengembangkan, (B) artinya mengerti/
memahami, dan (C) artinya melacak.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 227

B. Read the text.
Decide whether the statements that follow are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.

Maria Yosephine Catharina Maramis was born in Kema, a small port city
in North Sulawesi, on December 1, 1872. Her ambitions were to promote the
women’s rights, so they can take care of their family and educate their
Maria became an orphan when she was six years old. Since then, with
her two siblings, she was raised by her uncle and aunt Ezam Rotinsulu in
Airmadidi. Maria’s education only reached elementary school. At that time,
Minahasan girls were not permitted to study more than elementary level.
They only stayed at home and helped their parents until it was time to get
Maria’s uncle was an esteemed person. He was very well-known. The introduction and
relationship between Maria and Reverend Ten Hoeven, whom she met through her uncle,
expanded Maria’s knowledge. Since then, Maria aspired to advance the women of Minahasa. This
aspiration was further cultivated when she married an HIS Manado teacher in 1890. With the help
of her husband, Yoseph Frederik Calusung Walanda, and several other scholars, Maria started
an organization in July 1917. This organization was named Percintaan Ibu Kepada Anak
Turunannya—PIKAT (The Love of a Mother Toward Her Children).
The purpose of this organization was to teach women with elementary school level education
family matters, like cooking, sewing, taking care of babies, hand crafting and others. Maria thought
that women were very important in the family, and they were responsible for the future of their
The PIKAT organization was accepted by society and in a short period of time, branches of
the organization were established in Sangir Talaud, Gorontalo, Poso, Ujung Pandang, Bogor,
Malang, Surabaya, Bandung, Cimahi and Magelang. There were also branches in Kalimantan,
Balikpapan, Sangusangu and Kotaraja.
Maria Walanda Maramis died in 1924, and was buried in Maumbi, North Sulawesi.
Adapted from: December 8, 2009 <>
1. (T/F) Maria was 52 years old.
2. (T/F) She was born in a small port city, Kema, in South Sulawesi.
3. (T/F) She had three siblings. So, there were four children in her family.
4. (T/F) Maria’s education only reached elementary school because no women were allowed to
study more than elementary level that time.
5. (T/F) Maria married Reverend Ten Hoeven in 1890.
6. (T/F) Her husband was a teacher.
7. (T/F) Maria founded an organization Percintaan Ibu Kepada Anak Turunannya – PIKAT in
8. (T/F) The PIKAT organization had branches in some big cities, i.e. in Sangir Talaud,
Gorontalo, Poso, Jakarta and Magelang.
1. T
2. F (Maria Yosephine Catharina Maramis was born in Kema, a small port city in North
3. F (She had two siblings, so there were three children in her family.)
4. T
5. F (Maria’s husband was Yoseph Frederick Calusung Walanda. Reverend Ten Hoeven was
the one who expanded Maria’s knowledge.)

228 UNIT 4 Recounts

6. T
7. F (Maria started PIKAT organization in July 1917.)
8. F (The PIKAT organization was accepted by society and in a short period of time, branches
of the organization were established in Sangir Talaud, Gorontalo, Poso, Ujung Pandang,
Bogor, Malang, Surabaya, Bandung, Cimahi, and Magelang.)

A. Fill in the blanks with the suitable phrases or sentences from the box.

a. Reynolds entered college to study medicine in 1970

b. After several very unpleasant experiences
c. And why the autobiography?
d. was published in February 2001

Laura Reynolds was born in Perth, Australia in 1944. Her autobiography, Coming to
Terms, (1) ________. It faithfully depicts the incredible obstacles she had to overcome to
achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.
Reynolds had a difficult childhood and lost her mother when she was fourteen. She left
school the following year and a year later stowed away on a ship going to the United States.
(2) ________ in the United States, she returned to Australia in 1968, where she worked in
bars and nightclubs. She also abused alcohol and drugs and suffered from depression. That
was when she sought professional medical advice, was diagnosed depressive, and put on
“Thanks to the treatment, my depression lifted and I no longer felt the lethargy and the lack of
self-esteem. Once I was no longer depressed I had the energy and the self-confidence to
move ahead,” she comments.
(3) ________ and became a doctor, graduating from Otago Medical School in 1975, aged
thirty-one. She currently works as a general practitioner and spends her free time volunteering
with underprivileged youth.
“I’m seeing people who remind me of the way I was. I really like to be able to educate
people and to help people make responsible decisions.”
(4) ________ “I guess it was an attempt to deal with my past. It was a kind of therapy for
me . . . although I had overcome a number of obstacles to become a doctor. I had not focused
on the underlying problems that I had from my childhood, and they kept coming back to bite
Source: Green Light Five,
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c
B. Find the meanings of the words below.
Share your work with the class.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. to depict = menggambarkan
2. incredible = luar biasa
3. obstacle = hambatan, gangguan
4. to overcome = mengatasi (masalah)
5. to achieve = mencapai/meraih
6. to stow away = menyelinap sebagai penumpang gelap
7. to abuse = menyalahgunakan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 229

8. to suffer from = menderita dari
9. to seek = mencari
10. lethargy = kelesuan
C. Read the proper text in Task A. 3. In what year did she lose her mother?
Answer the questions below. Jawaban: In 1958.
1. What is the text about? 4. When did she enter the United States?
Jawaban: About Laura Reynolds’ life Jawaban: When she was 16 years old
experience. (in 1960).
2. What does she do? 5. How long did she study medicine?
Jawaban: She’s a doctor. Jawaban: For five years.

C. Read and change the statements below into indirect speech.

1. Secretary: Sorry, Sir. The manager wants to see you.
2. Waitress: Hold on for a second. Everything will be ready in ten minutes.
3. Mother: Father has just arrived home.
4. Uncle Rustam: I will arrive at the airport tomorrow.
5. The students: We returned the books yesterday.
1. The secretary said that the manager wanted to see me.
2. The waitress asked me to hold on for a second. She also said that everything would be ready
in ten minutes.
3. Mother said that father had just arrived home.
4. Uncle Rustam said that he would arrive at the airport the following day.
5. The students said that they had returned the books the day before.

A. Listen to your teacher.
Write down his/her sentences.
Share your work with the class.
Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
1. Ari said, “I love watching football.”
2. Mr. Ronald said, “I will join a seminar in Balikpapan next week.”
3. The students said, “Finally, we won the Olympiad championship.”
4. Sandy said, “I visited my grandparents last week.”
5. Jane and her friends said, “Learning English is fun.”
6. Hanif said, “I am going to join a conversation club next Saturday.”
7. That man said, “We have to chase away those colonizers from our beloved country.”
8. The director said to me, “I want you to handle this financial dispute right now.”
9. Lani and her sister said, “We will watch ‘New Moon’ this afternoon.”
10. Father and mother said, “We are going to spend our weekend in Bali next week.”
B. Change the sentences in Task A into indirect speech.
Read your work aloud.
1. Ari said that he loved watching football.
2. Mr. Ronald said that he would join a seminar in Balikpapan the following week.
3. The students said that finally they had won the Olympiad championship.
4. Sandy said that she had visited her grandparents the previous week.

230 UNIT 4 Recounts

5. Jane and her friends said that learning English was fun.
6. Hanif said that she was going to join a conversation club the following Saturday.
7. That man said that they had to chase away those colonizers from their beloved country.
8. The director said to me that she wanted me to handle that financial dispute then.
9. Lani and her sister said that they would watch ‘New Moon’ that afternoon.
10. Father and mother said that they were going to spend their weekend in Bali the following
C. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct A. The Prince said that I’m going to
indirect speech. lead my troops to face the Dutch in
1. Mother said to me, “Rosida and Vivio Ambarawa.
called a few minutes ago.” B. The Prince said that he is going to
A. Mother said to me that Rosida and lead his troops to face the Dutch in
Vivio called a few minutes ago. Ambarawa.
B. Mother said to me that Rosida and C. The Prince said that he was going
Vivio called a few minutes before. to lead his troops to face the Dutch
C. Mother said to me that Rosida and in Ambarawa.
Vivio just called a few moments D. The Prince said that he was going
ago. to lead my troops to face the Dutch
D. Mother said to me that Rosida and in Ambarawa.
Vivio had called a few minutes Jawaban: C
before. Kalimat langsung menggunakan the
Jawaban: D simple future tense. Oleh karena itu,
Kalimat langsung menggunakan the kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan
simple past tense dan keterangan waktu the future tense dalam bentuk past,
a few minutes ago. Oleh karena itu, yaitu was going to lead. Kata ganti ’I’
kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan dan ’me’ yang mengacu pada the Prince
the past perfect tense dengan berubah menjadi ’he’ dan ’his’.
keterangan waktu a few minutes before.
4. “We won the battle although we only
2. Arif said, “We have to do our homework used these sharp bamboos,” said those
tonight.” soldiers.
A. Arif said that they had to do their A. Those soldiers said that we had
homework that night. won the battle although we only
B. Arif said that they have to do their used those sharp bamboos.
homework tonight. B. Those soldiers said that they had
C. Arif said that they had to do their won the battle although they only
homework tonight. used those sharp bamboos.
D. Arif said that we had to do our C. Those soldiers said that they had
homework that night. won the battle although we only
Jawaban: A used those sharp bamboos.
Kalimat langsung menggunakan the D. Those soldiers said that they had
simple present tense dan keterangan
won the battle although we only
waktu tonight. Oleh karena itu, kalimat
used these sharp bamboos.
tidak langsung menggunakan the simple
Jawaban: B
past tense dengan keterangan waktu
Kalimat langsung menggunakan the
that night, serta pronoun ’we’ menjadi
’they’. simple past tense. Oleh karena itu,
kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan
3. The Prince said, “I’m going to lead my the past perfect tense, yaitu ’had won’.
troops to face the Dutch in Ambarawa.” Kata ganti ’we’ yang mengacu pada

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 231

those soldiers berubah menjadi ’they’, C. Dita said that Tantri and her are
serta kata ’these’ berubah menjadi doing our writing assignment then.
’those’. D. Dita said that Tantri and I are doing
our writing assignment then.
5. “Tantri and I are doing our writing
Jawaban: A
assignment at the moment,” Dita said.
Kalimat langsung menggunakan the
A. Dita said that Tantri and her were
present continuous tense dengan
doing their writing assignment then.
keterangan waktu at the moment. Oleh
B. Dita said that Tantri and I were
karena itu, kalimat tidak langsung
doing their writing assignment then.
menggunakan the past continuous
tense dengan keterangan waktu then.
D.Work in groups of three.
Ask and answer questions about the pictures below.
Use direct and indirect speech.
Look at the example.
Arin : Whose mobile phone is that?
Ben : What did Arin say?
Ayu : She asked whose mobile phone was that.

1 2 3

love opor kupat show an eagle live at a neat and clean

4 5

have an antique bamboo lamp find a bird nest/yesterday

Contoh jawaban: C : He said that his aunt and uncle
1. A : I love opor kupat. lived at a neat and clean
B: What did she say? neighborhood.
C: She said that she loved opor kupat. 4. A : My grandpa has an antique
2. A : Let me show you an eagle. bamboo lamp like that.
B: What did he say? B : What did she say?
C: He said that he would show me C : She said that her grandpa had
an eagle. an antique bamboo lamp like that.
3. A : My aunt and uncle live at a neat 5. A : Galih found a bird nest yesterday.
and clean neighborhood. B : What did he say?
B : What did he say? C : He said that Galih had found a bird
nest the day before.

232 UNIT 4 Recounts

A. Rearrange the sentences into a good text.
Read your work aloud.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
7 So don’t wait!
10 There’s always an answer.
9 Make a plan to deal with each thing.
3 I started studying to become a teacher.
2 My work was often boring and always busy.
6 I’m now a primary school teacher and it’s as good as I imagined.
8 Write a list of the things that are stopping you from getting your dream job.
1 I’d been working as a secretary for three years when I decided to change my career.
4 It certainly wasn’t easy; I continued working full-time to pay for my training at night school.
5 I was exhausted most of the time, but after two years, I finally got my qualifications and
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet

Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut di kelas lain.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
7 Talent is something you’re born with.
8 Skills are something you’ve learned to do.
5 I now own five restaurants around the U.S.
2 At the time, it was my dream job! Later I became a chef.
6 My best advice is to find out what your skills and talents are.
1 As a student, I earned $295 a week in cash working in a beach cafe.
9 People like doing things that come naturally to them, so work and enjoy!
4 But you have to know the meaning of hard work if you want to achieve your goals.
3 It was hard work, I was often in a hot kitchen for twelve hours a day, six days a week.
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet

B. Write about someone’s experience.

Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
The mayor, Jaime Lerner, along with the council, began developing the world-famous system
in Curitiba, Brazil in 1971.
Mr. Lerner had grown up in Curitiba and knew that the street was an important part of city life
for the residents. He made many of the streets into pedestrian areas, with no access for cars. The
council put in flowers, lights and kiosks where people could sell food and other products. To
encourage shoppers to use the new areas, the mayor gave away free paper so that local children
could paint pictures in the street. Cyclists also benefit from 150km of cycle lanes, which follow old
river valleys and railway tracks around the city.
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 233

C. Write five sentences in direct speech.
Tika said, “I am reading a history book right now.”
Contoh jawaban:
1. Lina said, “I will go to see a film this afternoon.”
2. My father said, “A pickpocket stole my wallet yesterday.”
3. The children said, “We had a football match last week and we won.”
4. The teacher said, “You have to submit the assignments on my desk tomorrow.”
5. My brother said, “I like playing video games every weekend.”

D. Exchange your work in Task C with your friend’s.

Rewrite his/her sentences into indirect speech.
Tika said that she was reading a history book then.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Lina said that she would go to see a film that afternoon.
2. My father said that a pickpocket had stolen his wallet the day before.
3. The children said that they had had a football match a week before and they had won.
4. The teacher said that we had to submit the assignments on his/her desk the following day.
5. My brother said that he liked playing video games every weekend.

Let’s play a game.
Work in groups of three.
Follow the instructions below.
1. Draw lots.
2. The looser, let’s say A, has to make a sentence in direct speech. Then, he/she whispers
the sentence to B.
3. Next, B has to tell C what A has just said to him/her in indirect speech.
4. Finally, C says what B said in direct speech.
6. Do it in turns.
A said to B, “I love playing this game.”
B said to C, “A said that he loved playing that game.”
C said, “A loves playing this game.”
Contoh tanya jawab:
Rina : I will go to the library at the second break.
Diana : Rina said that she would go to the library at the second break.
Tika : Rina will go to the library at the second break.
Diana : My grandmother arrived from village this morning.
Tika : Diana said that her grandmother had arrived from village that morning.
Rina : Diana’s grandmother arrived from village this morning.
Tika : I have lost contact with my friend since last year.
Rina : Tika said that she had lost contact with her friend since a year before.
Diana : Tika has lost contact with her friend since last year.

234 UNIT 4 Recounts

4.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken and Written Notices

Spoken Text

Read the following text.

“Attention, all. You should put off your jacket and put it over there. Thank you.”

The text above is a spoken notice. A notice is short and simple information which is
delivered to the target audience. The information must be easily understood.

Written Text

Read the following text.



The text above is a written notice. A written notice must also be short, simple and
readable. So you should be careful with the choice of the letters and words.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where do you usually hear or find notices?
Contoh jawaban: In public places, such as schools, hospitals, airports and supermarkets.
2. Can you find a notice in your school? What is it about?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I can. It says “Be quiet! The exam is in progress!”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 235

A. Listen to your teacher.
Write down the notices you have just heard.

Notice yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

1. Stand in queue, please.
2. Please behave yourself.
3. Make sure you have locked your bike.
4. Dilarang mendahului! Jalan berliku-liku.
5. For motor cyclists, please turn on your head lamp.

Jawaban: A
B. Listen to your teacher.
Notice tersebut artinya ”Perhatian kepada
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
semua pengunjung. Anda hanya
diperbolehkan membawa dua pakaian ke
dalam ruang pas. Terima kasih.”. Itu
Notice yang dibacakan guru: artinya pengunjung tidak boleh membawa
This text is for questions 1 and 2. lebih dari dua pakaian ke ruang pas.
Attention to all visitors. You may only bring
two items into the fitting room. Thank you. Notice yang dibacakan guru:
This text is for question 3.
1. You may hear the notice _________. Please put on your rubber shoes to avoid
A. at school electric shock.
B. in a fashion shop
C. in a swimming pool 3. What should the listeners do?
D. in a beauty clinic A. They should bring their rubber shoes.
Jawaban: B B. They should not touch any electric
Notice tersebut artinya ”Perhatian kepada sockets.
semua pengunjung. Anda hanya C. They should wear their rubber shoes
diperbolehkan membawa dua pakaian ke on the working area.
dalam ruang pas. Terima kasih.”. Jadi, D. They should not wear their rubber
pemberitahuan itu didengar di toko shoes on the working area.
pakaian (in a fashion shop). Jawaban: C
Notice tersebut artinya ”Mohon pakailah
2. What does the notice mean?
sepatu karetmu untuk menghindari
A. Visitors cannot bring more than two
sengatan listrik.”. Itu artinya pendengar
items into the fitting room.
harus memakai (wear) sepatu karetnya di
B. Visitors can bring more than two
lingkungan kerja. Pilihan jawaban yang
items into the fitting room.
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
C. Visitors cannot buy more than two
notice tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
items from the fitting room.
mereka seharusnya membawa sepatu
D. Visitors can buy more than two
karet, (B) artinya mereka seharusnya tidak
menyentuh saluran listrik, dan (D) artinya
mereka seharusnya tidak memakai sepatu
karet di lingkungan kerja.

236 UNIT 4 Recounts

5. The word ‘prohibited’ in the notice means
Notice yang dibacakan guru:
This text is for questions 4 and 5. A. permitted
We’d like to apologize that taking pictures in B. allowed
the gas pump is prohibited. C. showed
D. not allowed
4. You hear the notice in _________. Jawaban: D
A. a gas pump Kata ’prohibited’ artinya ’dilarang’. Kata ini
B. a bus station sama artinya dengan ’not allowed’. Pilihan
C. a railway station jawaban (A) dan (B) artinya diperbolehkan
D. a repair shop atau diizinkan. Pilihan jawaban (C) artinya
Jawaban: A ditunjukkan.
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
”. . . taking pictures in the gas pump is

A. Say the notices below aloud.

Do it in turns.
1. Thank you for banking with us.
2. Please handle with care. Fragile items.
3. Be careful! The road is under construction.
4. Customer number 47, please go to cashier 7. Thank you.
5. Before you leave the room, make sure no electronic appliances are plugged in.

B. Work in pairs.
Ask and answer questions about the notices in Task A.
A : Where do you hear notice number 1?
B : In an ATM booth, right?
A : That’s right.
B : Why does the voice thank us?
A : Because we have used their service.

C. Understand the situations below.

Deliver spoken notices based on them.
1. Suppose you are a teacher. You see three students are chatting and don’t pay attention to
your lesson. What would you say?
2. Your brother often recharges his mobile phone when it is on. You know it is not good for the
phone. You try to tell him about it. What would you say?
3. Suppose you are a tour guide. You are guiding some American visitors in a sacred place.
Everyone should put off their shoes or sandals before entering the place. One of those visitors
are forget to put his shoes off. What would you say to him?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 237

Contoh jawaban:
1. Attention, boys. Don’t chat. Pay attention to the lesson.
2. Turn off your mobile phone while recharging it. It is not good for your phone.
3. Excuse me, Sir. Please put off your shoes before entering this sacred place. Thanks.

Dengan perintah yang sama, guru dapat memberikan kegiatan berikut di kelas lain.
1. Suppose you are a security guard of an electric power plant. You see four boys are going
to enter the place. It is dangerous for them. You try to remind them. What would you say?
2. Suppose you work in a well-known restaurant as customer service. You want to improve
the service. So you ask your customers’ input. You ask them to call certain number if they
feel unpleasant about the restaurant. What would you say?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Listen, all. You are not allowed to play around this electric power plant. It’s dangerous.
2. Dear customer. Please dial 899 when you find something inconvenience about our
restaurant. Thank you.

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct 3. What does the notice below mean?
A. Do not throw rubbish in the room.
The sign means ________. B. Do not destroy everything in the room.
A. we may enter the room C. Do not sleep in the room.
B. we can enter the room D. Do not speak in the room.
C. we are allowed to enter the room Jawaban: A
D. we are forbidden to enter the room Notice itu berarti jagalah ruang kelas tetap
Jawaban: D bersih. Yang berarti pula kita tidak boleh
Notice itu berarti kita dilarang masuk membuang sampah di ruang kelas (do not
ruangan (we are forbidden to enter the throw rubbish in the room).
room). 4.
Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. In a supermarket.
What does the text mean? B. In a garden.
A. We must make a pocket. C. In a train station.
B. We must be careful of pickpockets. D. In an airport.
C. We must have a pocket. Jawaban: A
D. We must be friendly to pickpockets. Notice itu berarti siapa saja yang mengutil
Jawaban: B akan ditindak. Jadi, notice itu dipasang di
Notice itu berarti awas ada copet. Jadi, kita supermarket.
harus berhati-hati (be careful) dengan

238 UNIT 4 Recounts

5. Jawaban: B
DO NOT LITTER Notice itu berarti jangan membuang
sampah di tempat ini (do not throw rubbish
This notice means we ________. here).
A. throw your rubbish here
B. cannot throw rubbish here
C. bring your own rubbish
D. cannot pick up the rubbish

B. Complete the notices with the proper words from the box.

● check ● reach ● stuff ● switch off ● pay

● children ● available ● leave ● the store ● cashiers

Notice yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

1. Please ________ the bill only in ________ 1 and 2.
2. Please ________ your stuff before you ________ the store.
3. Please keep your ________ in the locker ________.
4. Keep out of ________ of ________.
5. Please ________ the lamp before you ________ the room.
1. pay; cashier 2. check; the store 3. stuff; available
4. reach; children 5. switch off; leave

C. Arrange the words into good notices.

1. lock–bike–your
2. pace–your–keep
3. put–places–everything–proper–their–in
4. left–please–to–turn–the baggage claim
5. the tank–while–turn off–mobile phone–your–filling up
1. Lock your bike.
2. Keep your pace.
3. Put everything in their proper places.
4. Please turn left to the baggage claim.
5. Turn off your mobile phone while filling up the tank.

Write notices based on the situations below.

1. Your father just paint the bench. You remind everyone not to sit on it.
2. You remind your friends to pay attention to the lesson.
3. You ask your friends to keep the classroom clean and tidy.
4. You remind your family to turn off lamps when they are not used.
5. You warn the kids in your neighborhood not to play on the street.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 239

Contoh jawaban:
1. Wet paint.
2. Pay attention to the lesson, please.
3. Keep the classroom clean and tidy.
4. Turn off the lamps when you don’t use them.
5. Don’t play on the street. Dangerous!

Share your experience to your classmates.

Do it before the class.

Read and memorize the words. to bump : menabrak

Use them whenever you speak English. to decide : memutuskan
to depend : bergantung
ambassador : duta besar to doubt : ragu-ragu
ancient : kuno to ease : meringankan,
burden : beban mengurangi
committee : panitia to fill up : mengisi
composer : pengarang to follow : mengikuti
conquest : penakklukan to gather : berkumpul
consciousness : kesadaran to hand something : menyerahkan
destination : tujuan to improve : memperbaiki, bertambah
esteem : mulia, terpandang baik
exquisite : indah sekali, sangat elok to influence : memengaruhi
faith : keyakinan, kepercayaan to leave for : pergi ke
fame : ketenaran, kemashuran to lose : kehilangan
immediate : segera to murk up : menaikkan harga
inscription : prasasti to offer : menawarkan
native : penduduk asli, pribumi to overlook : menghadap ke
obstacle : halangan, rintangan to preserve : memelihara, menjaga
quite : amat, sangat to recognize : mengenali
rights : hak-hak to rule : memerintah
scholar : sarjana to seek : mencari
self-confidence : rasa percaya diri to stow : menyelinap masuk,
shoplifter : pengutil bersembunyi sebagai
solemn : khidmat, serius penumpang gelap
spices : rempah-rempah to subscribe : berlangganan
to aspire : bercita-cita to take place : terjadi
to avoid : menghindari to turn off : mematikan
to book : memesan to warn : memperingatkan
town square : alun-alun kota

240 UNIT 4 Recounts

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct C. she didn’t get a seat along the way
answer. D. she got a seat; although, the bus was
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. Jawaban: C
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan ucapan Diana,
Rita : Dad, what do you think if we
yaitu ”I did not get a seat.” yang artinya
subscribe a cable TV?
”Saya tidak mendapat tempat duduk.”.
Father : That’s a good idea. I think you can
Jadi, Diana kelihatan lelah karena ia tidak
improve your English when we have
mendapat tempat duduk (she didn’t get
a cable TV.
a seat along the way).
Rita : That’s right.
1. The speakers are talking about ________. Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5.
A. a cable TV Koes Plus was well-known as pop
B. an idea to subscribe a cable TV music group in the seventies until the
C. English channels in a cable TV eighties. At that time most Indonesian
D. the benefit of subscribing a cable TV people were crazy about their songs
for the girl because they were nice and simple. Every
Jawaban: B radio station broadcasted these songs and
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan ucapan always put them in the top of pop music.
Rita, yaitu ”Dad, what do you think if we Their music shows were always full of
subscribe a cable TV?” yang artinya ”Ayah, audience.
bagaimana menurut pendapat Ayah kalau Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
kita berlangganan TV kabel?”. Ucapan 4. The text is about ________.
Rita ditanggapi ayahnya dengan ungkapan A. a famous band named Koes Plus
persetujuan, yaitu ”That’s a good idea.”. B. a famous boy band from England
Jadi, percakapan itu tentang gagasan C. people who love their favorite band
berlangganan TV kabel (an idea to D. famous songs in sixties and seventies
subscribe a cable TV). Jawaban: A
2. Father said, “That’s a good idea.” It means Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
he expresses his ________. pertama bacaan, yaitu ”Koes Plus was
A. opinion B. disagreement well-known as pop music group in the
C. agreement D. happiness seventies until the eighties.” yang artinya
Jawaban: C ”Koes Plus terkenal sebagai kelompok
Ucapan ”That’s a good idea.” artinya ”Itu musik pada tahun 70 sampai 80an.”.
ide yang bagus.”. Itu artinya ayah setuju Kalimat-kalimat lain dalam bacaan
(agree) atas gagasan Rita. merupakan gagasan pendukung.
3. Diana : I missed the six o’clock bus this 5. At that time, people loved Koes Plus songs
morning. very much because ________.
Seno : Did you take the next bus? A. they had simple lyrics
Diana : Yes, but the bus was crowded. B. they talked about ordinary people
I did not get a seat. C. every radio station broadcast these
The Diana look tired because ________.
D. the songs were nice and simple
A. she went with Seno
B. she took the six o’clock bus

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 241

Jawaban: D 8. A. adulthood B. parenthood
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat C. childhood D. fatherhood
kedua teks, yaitu ”At that time most Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Indonesian people were crazy about their Jawaban: C
songs because they were nice and Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya masa remaja,
simple.” yang artinya ”Pada saat itu (B) artinya kedudukan sebagai orang tua,
sebagian besar orang Indonesia tergila- (C) artinya masa kanak-kanak, dan (D)
gila dengan lagu-lagu mereka karena lagu- artinya kebapakan. Berdasarkan konteks
lagu itu bagus dan sederhana.”. kalimat tersebut, pilihan kata yang tepat
adalah childhood. Hal ini sesuai dengan
For questions 6 to 8, choose the correct
words to complete the text. kalimat sebelumnya. Jadi, kalimat itu
artinya ”Ia menghabiskan masa kanak-
Talking about Euro 2000, David kanaknya dengan teman sepermainannya
Trezeguet was the hero. His golden goal has bermain sepak bola.”
(6) ________ France to be a country that can
combine the World Cup and Euro cup. Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10.
Trezeguet is one of “France’s diamonds”.
France should thank (7) ________ for
choosing France instead of Argentina.
When he was 16 months old his parents left
Argentina. When he was 2 years old, his
parents took him back to Argentina. He
spent his (8) ________ with his peers 9. The notice above means ________.
playing football. People agree that A. the readers should read the books
Argentina has so many talented football properly
players. And the atmosphere really shaped B. the readers should read the books in
Trezeguet to be a football player. the room
Taken from: Hello Magazine no 183, February 2001 C. the readers may leave the books on
the table
6. A. led B. defeated D. the readers should put the books back
C. chosen D. destroyed at the proper place after reading them
Jawaban: A Jawaban: D
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya menjadikan, Notice itu artinya ”Letakkan buku di tempat
(B) artinya mengalahkan, (C) artinya semula setelah Anda membacanya.”.
memilih, dan (D) artinya menghancurkan. Maksudnya sama seperti pada pilihan
Berdasarkan konteks kalimat soal, pilihan jawaban (D) yaitu para pembaca
kata yang tepat adalah led, sehingga seharusnya meletakkan kembali buku-
kalimat itu berarti ”Tendangan emasnya buku yang telah mereka baca ke tempat
mengantarkan Perancis menjadi negara
yang mampu menyatukan World Cup dan
Euro Cup.”. 10. You find the notice ________.
A. in a classroom
7. A. it B. her
B. in a library
C. him D. them
C. at home
Jawaban: C
D. in a book store
Pilihan jawaban menunjukkan personal
Jawaban: B
pronouns (kata ganti orang) sebagai objek.
Berdasarkan arti notice tersebut, yaitu
Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang David
”Letakkan buku di tempat semula setelah
Trezeguet. Jadi, kata ganti orang yang
Anda membacanya.”, notice itu dapat
tepat adalah him. Pilihan jawaban (A)
adalah kata ganti benda/hewan, (B) adalah ditemukan di perpustakaan (in a library).
kata ganti orang perempuan, dan
(D) adalah kata ganti orang jamak.

242 UNIT 4 Recounts

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13. 13. When did Comaneci run away from her
Nadia Comaneci became a big favorite of country to the United States?
both spectators and the media at the 1976 A. In 1976. B. In 1980.
Summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada. By the C. In 1989. D. In 1998.
time the games ended, she had won three gold Jawaban: C
medals and a bronze in individual competitions Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
and also a silver team medal. But, apart from terakhir paragraf tiga bacaan tersebut,
her medals, she will always be remembered for yaitu ”In 1989 she defected from Rumania
being the first gymnast ever to receive a perfect to the United States.”.
score, earning a 10.00 on the asymmetric bars. 14. come–Belinda–niece–that–her–she–said
In the history of the Olympic Games, nobody 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
had achieved a perfect 10 before.
However, this was not the first time she would–with
had performed this feat. She had arrived in 8 9
North America a few months before the The proper arrangement of the words is
Montreal games and had taken part in ________.
a number of pre-Olympic tournaments. She A. 2–7–4–6–8–9–5–1–3
won a series of titles, often earning perfect
B. 2–7–4–8–3–1–6–5–9
scores for her routines.
C. 2–7–6–1–8–4–9–5–3
Comaneci went on to compete in the 1980
D. 2–7–4–6–8–1–9–5–3
Moscow Olympics, which many Western
Jawaban: D
nations boycotted, where she won individual
Susunan kata yang benar adalah 2–7–4–
gold medals in the floor exercises and on the
balance beam. In 1989 she defected from 6–8–1–9–5–3, sehingga menjadi kalimat
Rumania to the United States. ”Belinda said that she would come with her
Source: Green Light Four niece.”.

11. When did Comaneci get her perfect score? Read the text and answer questions 15 to 17.
A. At the 1967 Summer Olympics in Frida Kahio was born in the suburbs of
Montreal, Canada. Mexico City on July 6, 1907 and died in the
B. At the 1976 Summer Olympics in
same month, forty-seven years later. By all
Montreal, Canada.
accounts, she was, and still is, Mexico’s leading
C. At the 1976 Winter Olympics in
female artist.
Montreal, Canada.
At the age of six, Frida was stricken with
D. At the 1996 Summer Olympics in
polio. By the time she was fifteen, she wanted
Montreal, Canada.
Jawaban: B to become a doctor, uncommon for a woman at
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat that time, and she; therefore, entered high
pertama dan terakhir paragraf satu bacaan school with this ambition. Nevertheless, her
tersebut. behavior during this period left a great deal to
be desired and she associated with a band of
12. “. . ., and had taken part in a number of no-goods, playing pranks and wreaking havoc
pre-Olympic tournaments.” (Paragraph 2) on teachers and classmates alike.
The phrase ‘to take part’ is similar to Then, at the age of eighteen, the cruel
________. hand of fate struck. While returning home in the
A. to participate B. to depend on
company of her boyfriend, the bus in which they
C. to watch D. to train
were traveling crashed and a handrail
Jawaban: A
penetrated her pelvis. She survived with
Frasa ’to take part’ dan ’to participate’
a broken leg, collarbone and pelvis, and
artinya sama, yaitu ikut ambil bagian atau
shattered ribs. It was in the hospital;
berpartisipasi. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya
bergantung pada, (C) artinya menonton, nevertheless, that she started painting.
dan (D) artinya berlatih. Source: Green Light Four

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 243

15. Which is TRUE according to the text? Jawaban: A
A. Frida Kahio died in 1954. Notice itu artinya ”Mohon matikan pesawat
B. Frida Kahio died when she was 45 telepon genggam Anda selama
years old. penerbangan. Sinyal telepon akan
C. Frida Kahio died because of polio. mengganggu sistem navigasi.”.
D. Frida Kahio was a famous doctor in Berdasarkan artinya, notice tersebut
Mexico. ditujukan kepada penumpang pesawat
Jawaban: A terbang (airplane passengers).
Kalimat pertama paragraf satu
19. The opposite meaning of the phrase ‘to
menjelaskan bahwa Frida Kahio lahir pada
turn off’ is to ___________.
tanggal 6 Juli 1907 dan meninggal pada
A. turn over B. return
bulan yang sama 47 tahun kemudian. Itu
C. turn on D. put on
artinya Frida meninggal pada tahun 1954
Jawaban: C
(1907 + 47 = 1954).
Frasa ’to turn off’ artinya mematikan.
16. “. . ., the bus in which they were traveling Lawan katanya adalah ’to turn on’ yang
crashed and . . . .” (Last paragraph) The artinya menghidupkan/menyalakan. Pilihan
word ‘they’ refers to ________. jawaban (A) artinya berbalik, (B) artinya
A. Frida’s teachers kembali, dan (D) artinya mengenakan.
B. Frida’s teachers and friends
20. Allice : We have to submit our report next
C. Frida and her boyfriend
D. Frida’s boyfriend and his friends
Neo : What did Allice say?
Jawaban: C
Septi : ________
Kata ’they’ tersebut mengacu kepada Frida
A. She said that we had to submit our
dan pacarnya karena sesuai dengan anak
work next week.
kalimat ”While returning home in the
B. She said that we had to submit our
company of her boyfriend, . . . .” yang
work the following week.
artinya ”Ketika pulang ke rumah dengan
C. She said that she had to submit her
ditemani pacarnya, . . . .”.
work the following week.
17. According to the text, Frida Kahio was, and D. She said that we have to submit our
still is, a leading ________. work next week
A. singer B. painter Jawaban: B
C. teacher D. doctor Kalimat langsung itu menggunakan subjek
Jawaban: B ’we’, bentuk present ’have to’, dan
Kalimat terakhir bacaan ”It was in the keterangan waktu ’next week’. Oleh karena
hospital, nevertheless, that she started itu, dalam kalimat tidak langsung, subjek
painting.” menunjukkan bahwa Frida Kahio ’we’ tetap karena Neo dan Septi yang
adalah seorang pelukis terkenal. diajak bicara, ’have to’ berubah menjadi
’had to’ dan ’next week’ berubah menjadi
Read the text and answer uestions 18 and 19. ’the following week’.

PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE II. Write a notice based on the clue
NAVIGATION SYSTEM. You realize that some of your friends do not
lock their bikes. It is dangerous. So, you ask
18. The notice is aimed to ________. your friends to lock their bikes.
A. airplane passengers Contoh jawaban:
B. airplane crew
C. ticket officers PLEASE LOCK YOUR BIKES
D. all the ground crew

244 UNIT 4 Recounts

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 4:
● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa di Unit 4. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model.
Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 245

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct 4. The text is mainly about _________.
answer. A. the writer’s family
B. the writer’s life
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 C. the writer and her family
and 2. D. the writer’s grandmother
Vino : Mom, do you agree if we go to 5. “. . . making me realize that family is more
grandpa’s house this weekend? important than material possessions.”
Mother : No, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You (Last sentence) The word ‘realize’ can be
know, father is very busy lately. best replaced by ________.
Vino : I see. A. stay B. deal
1. What does Vino propose? C. grow D. understand
A. To visit his friend. Read the text and answer questions 6 to 8.
B. To visit his grandpa.
Jed Mitchell—I spent many hours as a
C. To go to his uncle’s house.
child listening to my Uncle Wilson’s stories. He
D. To stay at home with his family.
was the youngest of 11 children whose family
2. Mother said, “No, I don’t think it’s a good lived in a fishing town in Scotland. Life was
idea.” It means she is expressing her hard and with so many mouths to feed, the
________. children began working from an early age. At
A. opinion B. disagreement just 14, my uncle began his first job as
C. agreement D. happiness a fisherman. That was the beginning of his
3. Jati : Let’s go to the canteen. adventures—he traveled and worked in Alaska,
Viona : Sorry, I’m broke. South-East Asia, India, and Africa. He educated
Jati : Don’t worry. It’s on me. himself, learned to be a chef, an engineer,
Viona doesn’t go to the canteen because a farmer, and photographer. Uncle Wilson
________. taught me that life is special and that you
A. she has no money should take every opportunity that you can to fill
B. Jati wants to treat her it with adventure.
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet
C. she wants to go to the library
D. she has already brought her lunch 6. The text is about ________.
A. Jed Mitchell
Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5. B. Jed Mitchell’s uncle
I’ve always had a strong relationship with C. Jed Mitchell’s father
my family. An important influence on my D. Jed Mitchell’s family
personality was my grandmother, Hannah. She 7. “That was the beginning of his
was born in 1930 into a poor family with seven adventures––he traveled . . . .”
children—they had to take very good care of The word ‘he’ refers to ________.
each other in order to survive. Growing up in A. Jed Mitchell’s father
such difficult conditions had a positive effect on B. Jed Mitchell
her, teaching her to share everything, be C. Uncle Wilson
honest, helpful, hard-working, and affectionate. D. Uncle Wilson’s brother
My grandmother taught me all these things,
making me realize that family is more important
than material possessions.
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet

246 UNIT 4 Recounts

8. Which of the following statements is NOT 11. The statements below are TRUE about
TRUE according to the text? Sarah, except ________.
A. Uncle Wilson told Jed to travel when A. she is a teacher now
he had a chance. B. she felt her former job was often boring
B. Uncle Wilson had to work at the early C. she loved to become a secretary
age. D. she took a night school to become
C. Uncle Wilson has 11 brothers or sisters. a teacher
D. Uncle Wilson was a fisherman.
12. How long did Sarah Cooper study before
Read the text and answer question 9. she became a teacher?
A. For a year.
DON’T PICK THE FLOWERS B. For two years.
C. For two and half years.
D. For three years.
9. You can find the notice ________.
A. in a market 13. “. . ., I finally got my qualifications and
B. at home resigned.”
C. at a bicycle shed The similar meaning of the phrase ‘to
D. in a garden resign’ is to ________.
A. quit B. wait
Read the text and answer question 10. C. continue D. change
14. he–told–Steve–me–would–that–go to–the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
following–Borobudur Temple–Sunday
8 9 10

10. People should cross the road at the The best arrangement of the words is
overhead bridge because ________. ________.
A. the road is crowded A. 3–2–4–5–7–1–6–9–10–8
B. the road is under construction B. 3–2–4–6–7–5–1–9–8–10
C. a policeman watches the passers-by C. 3–2–6–4–1–7–-5–9–8–10
D. there are many people standing on D. 3–2–4–6–1–5–7–9–8–10
the street Read the text and answer questions 15 to 17.
Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13. During the Japanese occupation in
Sarah Cooper—I’d been working as a secretary Indonesia, Sudirman trained to become
for three years when I decided to change my a battalion commander in Peta, the “homeland
career. My work was often boring and always defense” army promoted by the Japanese.
busy. I started studying to become a teacher. It When Japan surrendered and Sukarno
certainly wasn’t easy; I continued working proclaimed Indonesian independence, he
full-time to pay for my training at night school. organized his Peta battalion into
I was exhausted most of the time, but after two a Banyumas-based regiment of the Republican
years, I finally got my qualifications and army to resist Dutch reoccupation of its former
resigned. I’m now a primary school teacher and colony. The first major battle that he led was the
it’s as good as I imagined. So don’t wait! Write Battle of Ambarawa against the British and the
a list of the things that are stopping you from Dutch (November–December 1945). On
getting your dream job. Make a plan to deal December 12 he led a “coordinated attack”
with each thing. There’s always an answer. against British positions in Ambarawa, driving
Source: New English Life Intermediate Test Booklet
the British all the way to Semarang. The battle
ended at December 16.
Source: September 20, 2008 <

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 247

15. What does the text tell you about? 19. Erlambang said that he had missed his
A. Sudirman’s life. early bus the day before.
B. Indonesian people’s condition during That statement means ________.
colonization. A. Erlambang missed his early bus
C. The British army’s intention to reoccupy yesterday.
Indonesia. B. Erlambang misses his early bus the
D. Sudirman’s spirit to drive out Dutch day before.
and British armies. C. Erlambang has missed his early bus
16. Who founded PETA?
D. Erlambang missed his early bus the
A. Dutch.
day before.
B. Japanese.
C. Indonesian army. 20. Iwang said, “Jodie and I spent three days
D. The Dutch and the British armies. in Yogyakarta last week.”
What did Iwang say?
17. It took ________ days to drive the British
A. Iwang said that Jodie and I had spent
all the way to Semarang.
three days in Yogyakarta the previous
A. two B. three
C. four D. five
B. Iwang said that Jodie and I spent
Read the text and answer question 18. three days in Yogyakarta the previous
TAKING PICTURES IS NOT ALLOWED. C. Iwang said that Jodie and he had
spent three days in Yogyakarta the
18. What should the guests do? previous week.
A. Bringing a camera. D. Iwang said that Jodie and he had
B. Keeping their camera. spent three days in Yogyakarta last
C. Taking pictures. week.
D. Not taking pictures.
II. Write a spoken notice.
You can choose your own topic.

248 UNIT 4 Recounts

Jawaban Review Unit 4 7. C. Kata ’he’ mengacu kepada tokoh
utama bacaan, yaitu Uncle Wilson.
A. Pilihan Ganda
8. C. Pilihan jawaban itu tidak sesuai
1. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
dengan kalimat ”He was the youngest
ucapan Vino, yaitu ”Mom, do you
of 11 children whose family. . . .” yang
agree if we go to grandpa’s house this
artinya ”Ia adalah anak termuda dari
weekend?” yang artinya ”Bu,
11 anak dalam keluarganya . . . .”. Itu
setujukah Ibu kalau kita pergi ke
artinya Paman Wilson mempunyai 10
rumah kakek akhir pekan ini?”. Hal itu
saudara laki-laki atau perempuan.
sama artinya dengan mengunjungi
kakeknya (to visit his grandpa). 10. A. Notice tersebut artinya ”Mohon
menyeberang di jembatan layang.
2. B. Ucapan ”No, I don’t think it’s a good
Jalan ini ramai setiap saat”.
idea.” artinya ”Tidak, saya pikir itu
Berdasarkan artinya penyeberang
bukan ide yang bagus.”. Itu artinya ibu
menggunakan jembatan penyeberang
Vino tidak setuju (disagree) dengan
karena jalanan ramai.
gagasan Vino.
11. C. Pilihan jawaban ini tidak sesuai
3. A. Berdasarkan isi percakapan, Viona
dengan kalimat pertama dan kedua
berkata, ”Sorry, I’m broke.” yang
bacaan tersebut, yaitu ”I’d been
artinya ”Maaf, saya tidak punya
working as a secretary for three years
uang.”. Jadi, Viona tidak pergi ke
when I decided to change my career.
kantin karena tidak punya uang (she
My work was often boring and always
has no money).
busy.” yang menjelaskan bahwa
4. D. Teks tersebut secara keseluruhan pekerjaannya sebagai sekretaris
membahas tentang nenek penulis (the sering membosankan.
writer’s grandmother) yang bernama
12. B. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”I
Hannah, tentang tanggal ia lahir, latar
was exhausted most of the time, but
belakang keluarganya, kehidupannya
after two years, I finally got my
yang sulit, dan kepribadiannya
qualifications and resigned.” yang
(’honest, helpful, hard-working and
artinya ”Saya sangat lelah setiap saat,
affectionate’). Jawaban ini sesuai
tetapi setelah dua tahun, akhirnya
dengan kalimat kedua bacaan ”An
saya mendapatkan ijazah dan
important influence on my personality
mengundurkan diri.”.
was my grandmother, Hannah.” yang
artinya ”Pengaruh yang sangat 13. A. Kata ’to resign’ dan ’to quit’ artinya
penting dalam pribadu saya adalah sama, yaitu mengundurkan diri atau
nenekku, Hannah.”. berhenti. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya
menunggu, (C) artinya meneruskan,
5. D. Kata ’realize’ dan ’understand’ artinya
dan (D) artinya mengubah.
sama, yaitu memahami. Pilihan
jawaban (A) artinya tinggal, (B) artinya 14. D. Susunan kata yang benar adalah 3–
berurusan, dan (C) artinya 2–4–-6–1–5–7–9–8–10, sehingga
berkembang atau tumbuh. menjadi kalimat ”Steve told me that he
would go to Borobudur Temple the
6. B. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
following Sunday.” yang artinya ”Steve
pertama teks ”Jed Mitchell––I spent
memberi tahu saya bahwa ia akan
many hours as a child listening to my
pergi ke Candi Borobudur pada hari
Uncle Wilson’s stories.”. Kalimat-
Minggu yang akan datang.”.
kalimat berikutnya adalah kalimat
yang menjelaskan tentang paman Jed 15. D. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”. .
Mitchell. Jadi, teks tersebut berisi ., he organized his Peta battalion into
tentang paman Jed Mitchell (Jed a Banyumas-based regiment of the
Mitchell’s uncle). Republican army to resist Dutch

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 249

reoccupation of its former colony.” 18. D. Notice itu artinya ”Dilarang mengambil
yang artinya ”. . ., ia mengatur gambar.”. Berdasarkan artinya, para
pasukan Peta-nya menjadi pasukan tamu dilarang mengambil gambar (not
Republik yang berbasis di Banyumas taking pictures).
untuk melawan pasukan Belanda 19. A. Kalimat tidak langsung itu dalam
yang ingin menduduki kembali bekas bentuk past perfect ’had missed’
koloninya.”. Kesimpulannya, teks dengan keterangan waktu ’yesterday’.
tersebut tentang semangat Sudirman Oleh karena itu, dalam kalimat
mengusir pasukan Belanda dan langsung bentuk past perfect berubah
Inggris (Sudirman’s spirit to drive out menjadi simple past tense ’missed’
Dutch and British armies). dan keterangan waktu ’the day
16. B. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat before’ berubah menjadi ’yesterday’.
pertama bacaan, yaitu ”During the 20. C. Kalimat langsung itu menggunakan
Japanese occupation in Indonesia, subjek ’Jodie and I’, bentuk simple
Sudirman trained to become past tense ’spent’ dan keterangan
a battalion commander in Peta, the waktu ’last week’. Oleh karena itu,
‘homeland defense’ army promoted by dalam kalimat tidak langsung subjek
the Japanese.” yang artinya ”Selama ’Jodie and I’ berubah menjadi ’Jodie
pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia, and he’, ’spent’ berubah menjadi ’had
Sudirman berlatih menjadi komandan spent’ dan ’last week’ berubah
pasukan Peta, pasukan pembela menjadi ’the previous week’.
tanah air yang diprakarsai oleh
Jepang.”. B. Uraian
17. D. Dua kalimat berikut, yaitu ”On
Contoh jawaban:
December 12 he led a ‘coordinated
attack’ against British positions in
Be careful!
Ambarawa, driving the British all the
The road is under construction.
way to Semarang. The battle ended at
December 16.” menunjukkan bahwa
peperangan itu berlangsung selama
5 hari (12–16 Desember).

250 UNIT 4 Recounts

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa bentuk recount yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan, seperti kegiatan
listening, reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun kalimat/
paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases
dalam teks.

Text 1
In 1996 the US gymnastic team started the competition well and after the first stage was in
third place behind Russia and Rumania. Then, in the floor exercises, Kerri Strug scored 9.825—
a very high score and enough to put the US in second place. The US women’s team had never
beaten the Russians. Now, at the start of the final day, they were leading. The floor exercises were
still continuing and the vault—Kerri’s best event—was still to come.
In the vault, the first two members of the US team received only average marks. Meanwhile,
the Russians were performing excellent routines in the floor exercises. Then disaster struck the US
team. Dominique Moceanu did her two vaults and fell both times. Now it was all up to Kerri, who
was the last of her team to go. She tried the very difficult Yurchenko vault but she fell on her first
attempt. One fall in the finals is quite rare but this now made it three in a row for the US team! As
Kerri walked away, everyone could see that she was limping.
She knew that she should withdraw from the competition. But she also knew that if she didn’t
make the second vault and score well, the US team would lose its lead. Showing great courage
and determination, she decided to go for it. Even though her ankle was causing her terrible pain
with every step, she ran hard towards the vault. She hit the board, flew through the air, and landed
perfectly. She held her position for a couple of seconds—long enough for the vault to count as
a clean vault—and then collapsed to the floor in agony. Then came the score—9.712. It was
enough to keep the US team in the lead. They had won for the first time ever!
By now Kerri couldn’t even walk because of the terrible pain in her ankle. Bela Karolyi, her
coach, carried her up to collect her team gold medal. By attempting that second vault, she
effectively put herself out of the Individual and All-Around events. For her courage and
unselfishness, Kerri Strug won the praise and admiration of people around the world.
Source: Green Light Four

Text 2
Jim Thorpe was one of the greatest American football players and athletics all-rounders of all
time. He was born around I 888 in Oklahoma. His original Native American name was Wa-tho-huck
(“Bright Path”). His parents were of Sauk and Fox ancestry.
At the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden, Thorpe won gold medals in both the
pentathlon and the decathlon events. Then, early in 1913 1913, a Massachusetts reporter
discovered that Thorpe had played semi-professional baseball in North Carolina in 1909 and 1910.
At that time the Olympic Games were open only to amateur athletes, that is, athletes who had
never played any sport for money. The US Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) confronted Thorpe about
these findings.
In a letter to the AAU, Thorpe admitted that he had played baseball saying, “I did not play for
the money but because I liked to play ball.” It was later found that he had received perhaps as little
as $2 per game. In a letter to the AAU, Thorpe wrote, “I was not very wise to the ways of the world.
I hope I will be partly excused by the fact that I was an Indian schoolboy and did not know what I
was doing!” Nevertheless, the AAU stripped him of his two medals.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 251

After the Olympics, Thorpe enjoyed a long and very successful career in professional
baseball. He died in 1 953. For years, many people lobbied for Thorpe to be reinstated as Olympic
champion. They argued that the distinction between amateur and professional was no longer
Finally, in 1982, International Olympic Committee restored Thorpe’s Olympic title and his
status as an amateur. However, officially, even today, he is only listed as a co-winner.
Source: Green Light Four

252 UNIT 4 Recounts

menyatakan pendapat, (C) merupakan
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
ungkapan memberi informasi, dan
(D) merupakan ungkapan persetujuan.
1. Rosita : What is your opinion about my
stamp collections? 3. Riana : What do you know about the
Gerry : ________. speech contest in our school?
A. I have more stamps collections Adinda : ________.
B. Please give me some stamps A. It will be held next month in the school
C. I need your help to arrange these hall
stamps B. I’ll help you prepare the speech
D. I think you should add more stamps contest
collections from other countries C. I think it is good to improve students’
Jawaban: D speaking skill
Kalimat Rosita tersebut merupakan D. Yeah, I’m listening
ungkapan meminta pendapat. Respons Jawaban: A
Gerry yang paling tepat adalah Kalimat Riana merupakan ungkapan
menyatakan pendapat. Di antara keempat meminta informasi. Respons Adinda yang
pilihan jawaban, yang merupakan paling tepat adalah memberi informasi.
ungkapan menyatakan pendapat adalah Di antara keempat pilihan jawaban, yang
(D) yang artinya menurut saya kamu merupakan ungkapan memberi informasi
seharusnya menambah lebih banyak adalah (A) yang artinya lomba pidato
koleksi perangko dari negara lain. Pilihan tersebut akan diadakan bulan depan di
jawaban yang lain salah; (A) merupakan aula sekolah. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
ungkapan memberi informasi, (B) salah; (B) merupakan ungkapan
merupakan ungkapan meminta sesuatu, menawarkan bantuan, (C) merupakan
dan (C) merupakan ungkapan meminta ungkapan memberi pendapat, dan
bantuan. (D) merupakan ungkapan memberi
perhatian terhadap lawan bicara.
2. Teddy : You look very busy arranging the
books. May I help you? 4. Icha : Do you agree if we make a small
Anya : ________. garden in the back yard?
A. In my opinion, they are interesting books Roy : Yeah. I agree with your idea. But,
B. No, thanks. I can do it myself will our father agree with it?
C. I bought some new books Icha : I’m sure he will.
D. I agree with you Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: B A. A mother and a son.
Kalimat ’May I help you?’ merupakan B. A father and a daughter.
ungkapan menawarkan bantuan. Respons C. A sister and a brother.
Anya yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut D. A teacher and a student.
adalah menerima atau menolak bantuan Jawaban: C
tersebut. Di antara keempat pilihan Percakapan tersebut terjadi antara Icha
jawaban, yang merupakan ungkapan dan Roy. Icha mengusulkan untuk
menolak bantuan adalah (B) yang artinya membuat kebun kecil di halaman
Tidak, terima kasih. Saya dapat belakang. Roy setuju, tetapi dia ragu
melakukannya sendiri. Pilihan jawaban apakah ayah mereka menyetujuinya (But,
yang lain salah; (A) merupakan ungkapan will our father agree with it?). Jadi, dapat

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 253

disimpulkan bahwa yang bercakap-cakap 6. Quality-control workmanship and with
adalah seorang saudara perempuan dan 6 months’ defects liability period.
saudara laki-laki. 7. Good potential increase in property price
over the long term.
5. Faiz : Why didn’t you buy this beautiful
8. The township development is managed by
dress? It really suits you.
Keppel Land.
Kirana : You know, it’s very expensive.
Source: October 15, 2009
I can’t afford it. <>
Where does the dialog happen?
A. In a fashion store. 6. What is the purpose of the text?
B. In a shoe store. A. To entertain the readers.
C. In a bookstore. B. To advertise something.
D. In a restaurant. C. To convince the readers.
Jawaban: A D. To attract the readers.
Faiz bertanya pada Kirana mengapa dia Jawaban: B
tidak membeli baju yang bagus tersebut Teks tersebut merupakan brosur, yaitu
(Why didn’t you buy this beautiful dress?). tentang Jakarta Garden City. Jadi, tujuan
Kirana menjawab bahwa dia tidak mampu teks tersebut adalah mengiklankan
membelinya karena baju tersebut sangat sesuatu (to advertise something).
mahal. Jadi, dipastikan percakapan 7. How are the roads and streets in the
tersebut terjadi di toko baju (in a fashion Jakarta Garden City?
store). A. Long.
B. Short.
Read the text and answer questions 6 to 8.
C. Narrow and well-lit.
Jakarta Garden City – The Preferred Choice D. Wide and well-lit.
Jawaban: D
Jalan-jalan di Jakarta Garden City lebar
(wide) dan terang (well-lit). Hal itu
diketahui dari kalimat ”Enhanced
infrastructure with wide roads for ease of
traveling, well-lit street, . . . .”.
8. Which of the following statements is NOT
1. Good accessibility and increased mobility, TRUE according to the text?
about 20 minutes to Kelapa Gading, A. There are many communal facilities in
35 minutes to Jakarta CBD and 45 minutes Jakarta Garden City.
to airport. B. People can reach Jakarta Garden City
2. A safe and secure haven to raise a family. easily.
3. Presence of amenities such as shopping C. There are no flood control systems in
mall, hypermarket, wet and dry markets, Jakarta Garden City.
international medical center, resort hotel, D. Jakarta Garden City has modern
international school and communal facilities lifestyle.
such as clubhouse, sports center, etc. Jawaban: C
4. Enhanced infrastructure with wide roads Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks
for ease of traveling, well-lit street, adalah (C) tidak ada sistem pengawasan
hygienic sanitary system, around the clock banjir di Jakarta Garden City. Hal itu tidak
security (24 hour CCTV), well-designed sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . well-designed
drainage and flood control systems and drainage and flood control systems and
professional estate management. professional estate management.”. Pilihan
5. A modern lifestyle & integrated township to jawaban yang lain salah; (A) sesuai
live, work and play. dengan kalimat ”. . . and communal

254 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

facilities such as clubhouse, sports center, yang artinya ”’Ini dia!” Kodi melihat
etc.”, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Good mahkota di belakang tirai. Jadi, Kodi
accessibility and increased mobility, . . .”, menemukan mahkota tersebut di balik/
dan (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”A modern belakang tirai. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
lifestyle & integrated township . . .”. salah; (A) artinya di bawah meja,
(B) artinya di atas meja, dan (D) artinya
Read the text and answer questions 9 to 12. di dalam rumah.
Once upon a time, there were two
10. “I put it on the table, . . . .” (line 13)
butterflies, Teri and Roni. They were friends.
What does the underlined word refer to?
Teri and Roni had the same crown.
A. The crown.
One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni
B. The house.
quarrelling. “You took it!” said Roni.
C. The table.
“No, I did not!” said Teri.
D. The curtain.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” asked Kodi.
Jawaban: A
“Teri stole my crown!” said Roni.
Dari teks naratif tersebut diketahui bahwa
“No, I didn’t,” said Teri.
Rony kehilangan mahkotanya. Saat ia
“Yesterday, I still had my crown when
menuduh Teri mengambil mahkota
she came to visit me,” said Roni.
tersebut, Kodi bertanya ”’Where did you
“Today I cannot find the crown! Look!
put it?’ said Kodi to Roni.” yang artinya
She is wearing it!” Roni shouted.
”’Di mana kamu menaruhnya?”. Kata ’it’
“My mom gave me this crown,” Teri
dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada
mahkota (the crown) Roni. Pilihan jawaban
Kodi suggested they all go to Roni’s
yang lain salah; (B) artinya rumah,
house. “Where did you put it?” said Kodi to
(C) artinya meja, dan (D) artinya tirai.
“I put it on the table,” Roni answered. 11. From the story, we can learn that
They didn’t find the crown. ________.
“Maybe it fell down.” Kodi looked under A. trusting each other is very important
the table. Nothing was there. B. the goodness is always the winner
“It was my favourite crown!” Roni C. a wise friend can be trusted
sobbed. D. we shouldn’t accuse of others
“I didn’t steal yours, but if you like it so without proof
much, you can have mine,” Teri gave Roni Jawaban: D
the crown. Dalam cerita tersebut Rony menuduh Teri
“It’s here!” Kodi saw the crown behind mengambil mahkotanya. Menurutnya,
the curtain. mahkotanya hilang setelah Teri berkunjung
Roni stopped crying, “Thank God, Kodi ke rumahnya. Padahal, mahkota tersebut
found it!” sebenarnya tidak hilang. Mahkota tersebut
“Sorry, Teri, I accused you. I’m a terrible akhirnya ditemukan Kodi di balik tirai. Jadi,
friend!” pesan moral yang dapat dipetik dari cerita
“It’s okay,” said Teri. “Let’s say thanks tersebut adalah (D) yang artinya kita tidak
to Kodi!” boleh menuduh orang lain tanpa bukti.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
9. Where did Kodi find the crown?
(A) artinya saling mempercayai merupakan
A. Under the table.
hal yang sangat penting, (B) artinya
B. On the table.
kebaikan selalu menjadi pemenang, dan
C. Behind the curtain.
(C) artinya teman yang bijaksana dapat
D. In the house.
Jawaban: C
Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”’It’s here!’
Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain.”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 255

12. From the story above we can conclude 13. What is the text about?
that Kodi is a ________ friend. A. The story of Alice in Wonderland.
A. wise B. The characters in Alice in Wonderland.
B. good C. The biography of Lewis Caroll.
C. polite D. Lewis Caroll’s literary work.
D. happy Jawaban: C
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009 Teks tersebut merupakan teks recount,
Jawaban: A yaitu menceritakan riwayat hidup/biografi
Dalam cerita tersebut Kodi berhasil Lewis Caroll yang merupakan penulis
menengahi pertikaian antara Teri dan cerita Alice in Wonderland. Dalam teks
Rony dengan menemukan mahkota Roni tersebut dijelaskan kelahiran Lewis Caroll,
yang hilang. Ia bertanya tempat terakhir kehidupannya, pendidikannya, hasil
Rony meletakkan mahkota tersebut dan karyanya, serta kematiannya.
mencari di sekitar tempat tersebut.
14. Lewis Caroll died when he was ________
Akhirnya ia menemukan mahkota Roni di
years old.
belakang tirai. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan
A. sixty
bahwa Kodi merupakan teman yang
B. sixty-four
bijaksana (wise). Pilihan jawaban yang lain
C. sixty-five
salah; (B) artinya bagus, (C) artinya sopan,
D. sixty-six
dan (D) artinya senang/bahagia.
Jawaban: D
Read the text and answer questions 13 to 16. Dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa Lewis Caroll
lahir pada tahun 1832 dan meninggal
Almost every child knows the story of Alice
dunia pada tahun 1898. Jadi, usia Lewis
in Wonderland. The author of this story is Lewis
Caroll saat meninggal dunia adalah 66
Caroll. However, this is not the author’s real
tahun (1898 – 1832 = 66).
name. His real name is Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson. He was born in 1832 in England. 15. The following statements are TRUE about
He was a bright boy and he was educated Lewis Caroll, except ________.
at home. When he was twelve years old, he A. Alice was his daughter’s name
went to study at a nearby school. He then went B. he was an author and a good entertainer
on to study at the university. He was a very C. he was smart and very good at math
good mathematician and became a teacher D. he died because of an illness
at the university. Jawaban: A
He was six foot tall and handsome. He Pernyataan tentang Lewis Caroll yang
sometimes stammered when he spoke and this tidak sesuai dengan teks adalah (A) yang
embarrassed him a great deal. However, this artinya Alice merupakan nama anak
did not stop him from mixing around and he perempuannya. Alice merupakan nama
was quite popular because he was a good anak perempuan temannya (kalimat: He
entertainer. told the story to a daughter of a friend,
He invented the story on Alice in 1862. He Alice, . . .). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
told the story to a daughter of a friend, Alice, karena sesuai dengan teks. (B) sesuai
who begged him to write it down. He took the dengan kalimat ”The author of this story is
story to a publisher who liked it and published it Lewis Caroll.” dan ”. . . he was a good
as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. entertainer.”, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat
He died in 1898 after falling ill due to ”He was a bright boy . . .” dan ”He was
pneumonia. Before he died, he published many a very good mathematician . . .”, dan
books and writings, one of which was Through (D) sesuai dengan kalimat ”He died in
the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. 1898 after falling ill due to pneumonia.”.
Source: Primary English Cloze Passages

256 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

16. “. . . who begged him to write it down.” Jawaban: C
(Paragraph 4) Kata ’fragile’ memiliki arti mudah pecah/
What does the bold-typed word refer to? rusak (easily broken/damaged). Pilihan
A. His book. jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
B. The story on Alice. (A) artinya tidak dapat dipecahkan,
C. His adventure. (B) artinya tidak dapat disentuh, dan
D. His invention. (D) artinya diciptakan dengan mudah.
Jawaban: B
Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu Read the text and answer questions 20 to 24.
pada (B) yang artinya cerita Alice. Hal itu Once upon a time, there was a potter and
diketahui dari objek kalimat sebelumnya his wife who had one child, a little boy. As he
”He invented the story on Alice in 1862.”. grew older, they were grieved to see that he
was different from all other children.
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 19. He never played with them, or laughed, or
sang. He just sat alone by himself, he hardly
Don’t touch the historical things here. ever spoke to his parents, and he never learned
Due to being too old, they are fragile. the nice polite manners of the other children in
the village. He sat and thought all day, and no
17. Where do you possibly find the notice above? one knew what he thought about, and his
A. In a museum. B. In a park. parents were very sad.
C. At hospital. D. At school. The other women tried to comfort the
Jawaban: A potter’s wife. They said, “Perhaps you will have
Dalam peringatan tersebut terdapat another baby, and it will be like other children.”
kalimat ”Don’t touch the historical things But she said, “I don’t want another baby. I want
here.” yang artinya ”Jangan menyentuh this one to be nice.” And the men of the village
benda-benda bersejarah di sini.”. Kata tried to cheer the potter. “Queer boys often
kunci dalam kalimat tersebut adalah become great men,” they said. And one old
’historical things’ (benda-benda ber- man said, “Leave the boy alone. We shall see
sejarah). Benda-benda bersejarah dapat whether he is a wise man or a fool.”
ditemukan di museum. Jadi, peringatan The potter went home and told his wife
tersebut dapat ditemukan di museum. what the men had said. The boy heard him, and
it seemed to wake him up. He thought it over
18. Why are the things fragile?
for a few days. At last one morning at dawn he
A. They are expensive.
took his stick in his hand and went into the
B. They are big.
forest to think there.
C. They are valuable.
All day he wandered about, and at last he
D. They are too old.
came to a little clearing on the side of a hill from
Jawaban: D
which he could look down over the country. The
Benda-benda di tempat tersebut mudah
Sun was setting over the distant blue hills.
pecah karena berusia sangat tua. Hal itu
Everything was touched with a pink and golden
diketahui dari kalimat ”Due to being too
light, and deep shadows lay on the banana
old, they are fragile.” yang artinya
gardens and forests in the distance. However,
”Dikarenakan terlalu tua, benda-benda
the boy saw none of these things. He was
tersebut mudah pecah/rusak.”.
footsore and weary and miserable. He sat down
19. “. . . they are fragile.” on a fallen log, tired out with his long day.
What does the word ‘fragile’ mean? Suddenly a lion came out on to the clearing.
A. Unbreakable. “What are you doing here all alone?” he
B. Untouchable. said severely.
C. Easily broken or damaged. “I am very miserable,” said the boy, “and
D. Easily created. I have come into the forest to think, for I do not
know whether I am a wise man or a fool.”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 257

“Is that all you think about?” said the lion. di sisi bukit. Hal itu diketahui dari
“Yes,” answered the boy, “I think about it keseluruhan isi paragraf serta kalimat
night and day.” pertama paragraf ”All day he wandered
“Then you are a fool,” said the lion about, and at last he came to a little
decidedly. “Wise men think about things that clearing on the side of a hill . . .”. Pilihan
benefit the country.” And he walked away. jawaban yang lain salah; (A) terdapat pada
An antelope came bounding out on the paragraf dua, (B) terdapat pada paragraf
clearing and stopped to stare at the boy. tiga, dan (C) terdapat pada paragraf
“What are you doing here?” he asked. empat.
“I am very miserable,” answered the boy,
22. What can we learn from the story?
“I don’t know whether I am a wise man or
A. A wise man is someone who is useful
a fool.”
for others.
“Do you ever eat anything?” said the
B. We don’t know whether someone is
wise or fool.
“Yes,” said the boy, “my mother cooks
C. A wise man is someone who is
twice a day, and I eat.”
grateful and thinks about useful
“Do you ever thank her?” said the antelope.
activities for his/her country.
“No, I have never thought of that,” answered
D. We should think about something
the boy.
deeper and tries to solve our prob-
“Then you are a fool,” said the antelope.
“Wise men are always grateful.” And he
Jawaban: C
bounded off into the forest again.
Dalam cerita itu anak laki-laki tersebut
Source: November 16, 2009
bertanya pada singa dan antelope apakah
baskerville/king/king.html> dia bijaksana atau bodoh. Saat dia bertanya
kepada singa, singa menjawab bahwa ia
20. What was the little boy thinking of?
merupakan orang yang bodoh karena
A. Whether he was a grateful or
orang yang bijaksana selalu memikirkan
ungrateful son.
sesuatu yang berguna bagi negaranya
B. Whether he was a wise or fool man.
(Wise men think about things that benefit
C. Whether he was useful for others.
the country.). Saat bertanya kepada
D. Whether he was smart or dull.
antelope, antelope menjawab bahwa orang
Jawaban: B
yang bijaksana selalu mengungkapkan rasa
Saat seekor singa bertanya tentang apa
terima kasih (Wise men are always
yang dilakukan anak laki-laki tersebut di
grateful.). Jadi, pelajaran yang dapat dipetik
hutan, anak laki-laki tersebut menjawab,
dari cerita tersebut adalah seseorang yang
”’. . . I have come into the forest to think,
bijaksana adalah seseorang yang selalu
for I do not know whether I am a wise man
memikirkan sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk
or a fool.’”. Jadi, yang sedang dipikirkan
negaranya serta menunjukkan rasa terima
anak laki-laki tersebut adalah apakah ia
seorang yang bijaksana atau bodoh.
23. “. . . and it will be like other children . . .”
21. What is the main idea of paragraph five?
(Paragraph 3)
A. The little boy’s attitudes.
What does the bold-typed word refer to?
B. Other people’s opinions about the little
A. Another baby.
B. The little boy.
C. The little boy’s decision to wander.
C. The lion.
D. The little boy’s wanderings.
D. The antelope.
Jawaban: D
Jawaban: A
Gagasan utama paragraf lima adalah
Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu
pengembaraan anak laki-laki tersebut
pada ’another baby’ (bayi yang lain). Hal itu
hingga sampai di sebuah tanah terbuka

258 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya ”They menikmati berbagai macam makanan laut
said, ‘Perhaps you will have another baby, di warung-warung di pasar malam
. . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena Chinatown.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. salah; (A) artinya penulis memperoleh
pengalaman naik roller coaster, (C) artinya
24. “He was footsore and weary and miserable.”
penulis menikmati keong/siput, dan
(Paragraph 5)
(D) artinya penulis menikmati berbagai
The bold-typed word has similar meaning
to ________.
A. disappointed B. weak 26. What kind of souvenir did the writer buy?
C. happy D. tired A. Postcards and snails.
Jawaban: D B. Seafood and squid.
Kata ’weary’ dan ’tired’ memiliki arti yang C. Money and scarves.
sama, yaitu lelah/capek. Pilihan jawaban D. Silk scarves and key chains.
yang lain salah; (A) artinya kecewa, Jawaban: D
(B) artinya lemah, dan (C) artinya bahagia/ Oleh-oleh yang dibeli penulis adalah syal
senang. dari sutra dan rantai/gelang kunci. Hal itu
diketahui dari kalimat terakhir teks
Read the text and answer questions 25 to 28. ”My family and friends agreed that the
I want to tell you about my memorable souvenirs were value for money, especially
time in Singapore. It was one of the best the silk scarves with pretty prints and the
holidays I ever had. attractive key chains.” yang artinya ”Keluarga
I shall never forget the spectacular dan teman-teman saya setuju bahwa
sight of the city I saw from Mount Fable that tandamata memiliki nilai jika dibandingkan
night. The roller-coaster ride, the stunts dengan uang, terutama syal sutra dengan
performed by the dolphins and the killer cetakan yang indah dan gantungan kunci
whale at the Sea World were also exciting. yang menarik.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
I shall remember the thrill of having been on salah. (A) artinya kartu pos dan keong/siput,
one of the longest rides in the monorail in (B) artinya makanan laut dan cumi-cumi, dan
Sentosa Island for many years to come. (C) artinya uang dan syal.
I also enjoyed various varieties of
27. “I shall never forget the spectacular
seafood at the makeshift roadside stalls at
sight of the city . . . .” (Paragraph 2)
the Chinatown night market. I also enjoyed
What does the underlined word mean?
the shopping trips. My family and friends
A. Nice.
agreed that the souvenirs were value for
B. Usual.
money, especially the silk scarves with
C. Amazing.
pretty prints and the attractive key chains.
D. Ordinary.
25. What did the writer do at the Chinatown? Ujian Nasional 2008/2009
A. He had a roller-coaster experience. Jawaban: C
B. He had various varieties of seafood. Kata ’spectacular’ dan ’amazing’ memiliki
C. He enjoyed the snails. arti yang sama, yaitu menakjubkan. Pilihan
D. He enjoyed the souvenirs. jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
Jawaban: B bagus, (B) dan (D) artinya biasa.
Yang dilakukan penulis di Chinatown
28. The text mainly tells us about the writer’s
adalah (B) menikmati berbagai macam
makanan laut. Hal itu sesuai dengan
A. memorable experience in Singapore
kalimat pertama paragraf tiga ”I also
B. activities in Singapore
enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the
C. shopping trips
makeshift roadside stalls at the Chinatown
D. holidays in Sentosa Island
night market.” yang artinya ”Saya juga

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 259

Jawaban: A Jawaban: A
Teks tersebut merupakan teks recount, Dari keseluruhan isi suratnya Amanda
yaitu menceritakan pengalaman menceritakan pengalaman mengesankan
mengesankan penulis di Singapura. Hal itu yang dialami saat menonton sirkus. Dalam
diketahui dari kalimat pertama paragraf akhir suratnya Amanda juga menulis
satu ”I want to tell you about my ”I don’t think I am ever going to forget the
memorable time in Singapore.”. Dalam attractions in the circus.”.
kalimat-kalimat berikutnya dijelaskan
30. Who is Freda?
perjalanan liburan penulis di berbagai
A. Amanda’s pen pal.
tempat di Singapura, seperti di Mount
B. Amanda’s old friend.
Fable, Sea World, Sentosa Island, dan
C. Amanda’s cousin.
Chinatown market.
D. Amanda’s close friend.
Read the text and answer questions 29 to 31. Jawaban: C
Freda adalah saudara sepupu Amanda
Jalan Kartika number 78 (Amanda’s cousin). Hal itu diketahui dari
Bandung kalimat awal surat ”Dear Cousin Freda,”.

Dear Cousin Freda, 31. What did the giant-sized Mickey and
Minnie do on the circus ground?
How are you getting on? The week break has A. They gripped balloons.
arrived. It has been rainy weather here for quite some B. They shook their heads.
time now. But yesterday the weather was fine. So, C. They nodded at everyone.
mother decided to bring us to a circus that was in town. D. They sang and danced.
It seemed the circus was from India. I must tell you
Jawaban: C
what happened over there yesterday. I think you will
Yang dilakukan boneka Mickey dan Minnie
enjoy reading this.
berukuran besar adalah melenggang
When we reached the circus grounds, we saw that
the place was already very crowded. Children were
sambil menganggukkan kepala kepada
running about everywhere gripping balloons and pink setiap orang yang dilewatinya. Hal itu
fairy floss in great big clouds. Giant-sized Mickey and diketahui dari kalimat terakhir paragraf dua
Minnie swayed about the place nodding at everyone in ”Giant-sized Mickey and Minnie swayed
their paths. Then, mother decided to watch the animal about the place nodding at everyone in
show. This was in a huge enclosed tent. We bought our their paths.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
tickets and quickly got to our seats. Then, the show salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi surat;
began. Lions and their keepers performed first. The lions (A) artinya mereka memegang balon erat-
hopped on one box to another whenever the keeper erat, (B) artinya mereka menggelengkan
clapped. After that, the trampoline jumpers came and kepala, dan (D) artinya mereka menyanyi
walked on tight ropes. Finally, it was the elephant show. dan menari.
I don’t think I am ever going to forget the
attractions in the circus. It was really a memorable Read the text and answer questions 32 to 35.
experience. An eagle was chasing after a hare for her
dinner. The poor little hare did not know what to
Yours sincerely,
do. So, when he came across a beetle, the only
other animal he saw, he begged him for help.
The beetle stood between the hare and the
Adapted from: Challenging English Essays eagle and asked for the eagle to spare this
hare’s life. The eagle brushed off the beetle. In
29. What does Amanda tell in her letter? her opinion the beetle had nothing important to
A. Her experience while seeing a circus. say because he was so small. Then, the eagle
B. The information about a circus. ate the hare right in front of the beetle.
C. The incident in the circus.
D. The animal show in the circus.

260 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

From that point on the beetle hunted out Jawaban: D
the eagle’s nests, climbed into them and Dalam teks tersebut diceritakan bahwa
pushed her eggs out to the ground so that they elang menghina kumbang yang ingin
would break. The eagle went to Zeus for help. menolong kelinci karena kumbang tersebut
Zeus allowed the eagle to make a nest on his kecil. Merasa terhina, kumbang tersebut
lap so that he could protect the eggs himself. berusaha membalas dendam dengan
The wily beetle made a gross dung pellet, memecahkan telur-telur sang elang (In her
flew over Zeus’ head and dropped it on him. opinion the beetle had nothing important to
Without thinking Zeus stood up to brush the say because he was so small. Then, the
pellet off and let the nest fall to the ground, eagle ate the hare right in front of the
breaking all of the eggs. Since that day, the beetle. From that point on the beetle
eagle does not nest during the beetle season. hunted out the eagle’s nests, climbed into
Source: November 8, 2009 < them and pushed her eggs out to the
article.cfm/aesops_fables> ground so that they would break.). Jadi,
32. Who tried to help the hare? pesan yang dapat diambil dari cerita
A. The beetle. tersebut adalah kita tidak boleh menghina
B. The eagle. orang lain, meskipun orang tersebut kecil/
C. Zeus. lemah.
D. The bird. 35. “The wily beetle made a gross dung pellet,
Jawaban: A . . .” (Paragraph 4)
Dalam teks diceritakan bahwa elang The word in bold type has opposite
mengejar dan akan memangsa kelinci. meaning to ________.
Kelinci meminta bantuan kumbang dan A. smart B. stupid
kumbang tersebut berusaha menolong C. honest D. small
(The beetle stood between the hare and Jawaban: B
the eagle and asked for the eagle to spare Kata ’wily’ memiliki arti cerdas/cerdik. Kata
this hare’s life.). tersebut berlawanan makna dengan kata
33. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? ’stupid’ yang artinya bodoh. Pilihan
A. An eagle that chased after a hare. jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
B. The eagle that asked for Zeus’ help to cerdas, (C) artinya jujur, dan (D) artinya
protect her eggs. kecil.
C. The beetle’s effort to break the eagle’s
Read the text and answer questions 36 to 40.
eggs from Zeus’ protection.
D. The beetle’s effort to protect the hare. Mavis and Joe finally reached the top of
Jawaban: C the hill. It was part of the Nature Reserve. Both
Dari kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf empat of them were very tired after the long ascent.
dapat disimpulkan bahwa gagasan utama The two, feeling excited that they had reached
paragraf tersebut adalah (C) usaha sang the top, jumped with joy. They could now rest in
kumbang untuk memecahkan telur-telur the cool, morning mist; perhaps, even help
elang dari perlindungan Zeus. Pilihan themselves to a sandwich and a cup of hot
jawaban yang lain salah; (A) terdapat pada coffee.
paragraf satu, (B) terdapat pada paragraf The forest around them was quiet – too
tiga, dan (D) terdapat pada paragraf dua. quiet. The waters of the reservoir below were
blue and calm. The sun was not up yet, but
34. What can you learn from the story? there was the faint light of dawn. Joe stepped
A. We must not disturb others. carefully over patches of fallen leaves and twigs
B. We must not take revenge. which were wet and, therefore, slippery.
C. We should help others.
D. We must not insult others.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 261

Suddenly, he halted. He was staring at Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
something and Mavis became frightened. It was tidak sesuai dengan teks. (B) artinya sakit
easy to know when Mavis was scared because setelah pendakian yang jauh, (C) artinya
her eyes would open large and round and her lapar dan haus, dan (D) artinya dibunuh
jaw would drop. Her fear of their being trapped binatang buas.
in the forest had got the better of her.
38. Which of the following statements is TRUE
She was about to scream when Joe looked
according to the text?
back and smiled. His wide grin had a pleasant
A. Mavis and Joe did not enjoyed
effect of instantly dissolving the fear in Mavis,
sandwiches and hot tea.
who moved cautiously down the path to where
B. Mavis and Joe reached the peak of
Joe was. There was a group of hikers about
the hill when the sun set.
thirty meters down the slope making their way
C. There was another group of hikers
to where they were – to reach the summit too,
who climbed up the hill.
obviously. In the faint light, Mavis spotted
D. Patches of the leaves and twigs on
a cousin of hers in that group of young people.
the hill are dry.
She let out a shrill “Hi!” and sat on the patch of
Jawaban: C
wet leaves and twigs, feeling relieved.
Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan teks
Source: Learning English Primary 6
adalah (C) yang artinya ada kelompok
36. The text tells us about the Mavis and Joe’s pendaki yang lain yang mendaki bukit
experience when they ________. tersebut. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat
A. camped on a hill ketiga paragraf tiga ”There was a group of
B. climbed up a mountain hikers about thirty meters down the slope
C. reached the top of a mountain making their way to where they were . . .”.
D. reached the top of a hill Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
Jawaban: D tidak sesuai dengan teks. (A) tidak sesuai
Teks tersebut merupakan teks recount, dengan kalimat ”. . . perhaps, even help
yaitu menceritakan pengalaman Mavis dan themselves to a sandwich and a cup of hot
Joe saat mereka mencapai puncak bukit. coffee.”, (B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat pertama ”The sun was not up yet, but there was the
paragraf satu ”Mavis and Joe finally faint light of dawn.”, dan (D) tidak sesuai
reached the top of the hill.”. Dalam kalimat- dengan kalimat ”. . . over patches of fallen
kalimat berikutnya dijelaskan keadaan di leaves and twigs which were wet . . .”.
puncak bukit tersebut serta yang terjadi di
39. “It was part of the Nature Reserve.”
sana. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
(Paragraph 1)
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
The bold-typed word refers to ________.
(A) artinya berkemah di atas bukit,
A. the top of the mountain
(B) artinya mendaki gunung, dan
B. the top of the hill
(C) artinya mencapai puncak gunung.
C. the mountain
37. What was Mavis afraid of? D. the hill
A. Being trapped in the forest. Jawaban: B
B. Being sick after the long ascent. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu
C. Being hungry and thirsty. pada puncak bukit (the top of the hill). Hal itu
D. Being killed by wild animals. diketahui dari kalimat sebelumnya ”Mavis
Jawaban: A and Joe finally reached the top of the hill.”.
Dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf dua
40. “. . . were very tired after the long ascent.”
terdapat kalimat ”Her fear of their being
(Paragraph 1)
trapped in the forest had got the better of
What is the synonym of the word ‘ascent’?
her.”. Jadi, Mavis takut jika mereka
A. Climbing. B. Hiking.
terperangkap dalam hutan tersebut.
C. Journey. D. Trip.

262 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

Jawaban: A Jawaban: A
Kata ’ascent’ artinya pendakian. Kata Setelah menonton konser, Ariel dan
tersebut memiliki arti yang sama dengan teman-temannya pergi ke kedai kopi
kata ’climbing’ yang artinya juga (coffee shop). Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat
pendakian. Pilihan jawaban yang lain ”After seeing the concert, we went to
salah; (B) artinya gerak jalan, (C) dan a coffee shop.”.
(D) artinya perjalanan.
43. Which of the following is NOT TRUE
Read the text and answer questions 41 to 43. according to the text?
A. The school band had a concert at night.
B. The band concert is satisfying.
C. Ariel does not like his school band.
D. The vocalist of the band performed his
The school band concert was great
songs amazingly.
Dear Tasya, Jawaban: C
Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks
Last night my friends and I went to see a concert of our
school band. The band was remarkably good. We really adalah (C) yang artinya Ariel tidak
satisfied with their performance. The lead singer’s vocal menyukai band sekolahnya. Hal itu
style was absolutely brilliant. We often gave some bertentangan dengan kalimat ”We really
applause for their performance. satisfied with their performance.” dan ”We
After seeing the concert, we went to a coffee shop. We do hope that our school band will be
kept talking about the band’s performance. We do hope a great band some day.”. Pilihan jawaban
that our school band will be a great band some day.
yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan
What about your school band? teks; (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Last night
my friends and I went to see a concert of
Ariel our school band.”, (B) sesuai dengan
kalimat ”We really satisfied with their
performance.”, dan (D) sesuai dengan
kalimat ”The lead singer’s vocal style was
41. When was the concert of Ariel’s school absolutely brilliant.”.
A. On Sunday. For questions 44 to 46, choose the correct
B. On Monday. words to complete the text.
C. On Friday. In the early times, there was only darkness;
D. On Saturday. there was no light at all. At the edge of the sea,
Jawaban: D a woman (44) ________ with her father. One
Dalam e-mailnya Ariel menulis bahwa dia time she went out to get some water. As she
dan teman-temannya menonton konser (45) ________ the snow, she saw a feather
band sekolah tadi malam (Last night my floating toward her. She opened her mouth and
friends and I went to see a concert of our the feather floated in and she swallowed it.
school band.). Karena e-mail tersebut Actually she (46) ________ swallow the feather.
ditulis pada hari Minggu (on Sunday), From that time she was pregnant.
dapat disimpulkan bahwa konser tersebut Adapted from: April 15, 2009 <
diadakan pada hari Sabtu (on Saturday). ~stony/lore12.html>

42. What did Ariel and his friends do after 44. A. live B. lives
seeing the concert? C. lived D. is living
A. They went to a coffee shop. Jawaban: C
B. They went to a restaurant. Kalimat tersebut memerlukan kata kerja.
C. They went to the movie. Karena adverb of time kalimat tersebut
D. They went home. adalah in the early times, kata kerja yang
paling tepat untuk melengkapinya adalah

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 263

dalam bentuk the simple past tense. Kata Jawaban: B
kerja yang menggunakan bentuk the Susunan kata yang tepat adalah 4–6–1–8–
simple past tense adalah lived. 2–5–7–3 ’The eagle swooped down and
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; grabbed the chicken in the yard yang
(A) menggunakan bentuk the simple artinya ’Elang itu menukik ke bawah dan
present tense untuk kata ganti I, you, we, menangkap ayam di halaman’. Pilihan
they, (B) menggunakan bentuk the simple jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
present tense untuk kata ganti he, she, it, membentuk kalimat yang logis.
dan (D) menggunakan bentuk the present
48. happened – on – when – was – the veranda
continuous tense.
1 2 3 4 5
45. A. scraps B. scrapped – sitting – the accident – I
C. is scrapping D. was scrapping 6 7 8
Jawaban: D The acceptable arrangement of the
Ada dua kejadian pada kalimat tersebut, jumbled words above is ________.
yaitu ”She scrapped the snow.” dan ”She A. 8–4–6–1–3–2–5–7
saw a feather floating toward her.” Oleh B. 8–4–5–7–2–1–3–6
karena itu, kata yang tepat untuk C. 8–4–2–7–1–3–6–5
melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah D. 8–4–6–2–5–3–7–1
dalam bentuk the past continuous tense. Jawaban: D
Di antara keempat pilihan jawaban, yang Susunan kata yang tepat adalah 8–4–6–2–
merupakan bentuk the past continuous 5–3–7–1 ’I was sitting on the veranda
tense adalah (D) was scrapping. Pilihan when the accident happened’ yang artinya
jawaban yang lain salah; (A) mengguna- ’Saya sedang duduk di teras ketika
kan bentuk the simple present tense, kecelakaan tersebut terjadi’. Pilihan
(B) menggunakan bentuk the simple past jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
tense, dan (C) menggunakan bentuk the membentuk kalimat yang logis.
present continuous tense.
For questions 49 and 50, rearrange the
46. A. should B. should not following sentences into a good text.
C. could D. could not
Jawaban: B 49. 1 In his delight he lifted up his voice and
Kata yang diperlukan untuk melengkapi brayed, so that every one knew him.
kalimat tersebut adalah modal. Di antara 2 And shortly afterwards a fox came up
keempat modal yang tersedia, modal yang to him and said, “Ah, I knew you by
paling tepat adalah should not (tidak your voice.”
seharusnya). Pilihan jawaban yang lain 3 He put it on and went towards his
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks native village.
kalimat. 4 Then, his owner came up and gave
him a sound cudgeling for the fright he
For questions 47 and 48, rearrange the had caused.
following words into a good sentence. 5 An ass once found a lion’s skin which
the hunters had left out in the sun to dry.
47. down – grabbed – the yard – the eagle
6 All fled at his approach, both men and
1 2 3 4
animals, and he was a proud ass that
– the chicken – swooped – in – and
5 6 7 8
Source: November 8, 2009 <
The acceptable arrangement of the fables/lionskin.html>
jumbled words above is ________. Which one is the best arrangement to
A. 4–6–1–3–2–5–8–7 make a good text?
B. 4–6–1–8–2–5–7–3 A. 5–3–6–4–1–2 B. 5–3–2–6–4–1
C. 4–6–7–1–3–2–5–8 C. 5–3–2–4–6–1 D. 5–3–6–1–4–2
D. 4–6–1–7–3–2–5–8

264 Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

Jawaban: D 5 Finally, I bought some nice cut flowers
Susunan kalimat yang tepat adalah for my mom who has been ill recently.
(D) 5–3–6–1–4–2, yang artinya (5) Pada 6 There were a wide variety of flowers
zaman dahulu seekor keledai memperoleh in the flower shop.
kulit singa yang dikeringkan dengan sinar Adapted from: January 12, 2008
matahari oleh pemburu; (3) Keledai <>
tersebut mengenakannya dan pergi ke The correct arrangement of the sentences
desa asalnya; (6) Semua lari saat keledai above to make a good text is ________.
tersebut datang, laki-laki dan binatang- A. 3–6–1–4–5–2
binatang, dan dia menjadi keledai yang B. 3–6–2–5–1–4
bangga/sombong pada hari itu; (1) Dalam C. 3–6–2–4–1–5
kegembiraannya, keledai tersebut D. 3–6–4–2–5–1
menunjukkan suaranya dan meringkik, Jawaban: B
sehingga setiap orang mengenalinya; Kalimat-kalimat tersebut membentuk teks
(4) Kemudian pemilik keledai tersebut recount. Susunan kalimat yang tepat
datang dan memberinya suara pentungan adalah (3) Minggu yang lalu saya pergi ke
atas ketakutan yang telah disebabkan oleh toko bunga untuk membeli beberapa
keledai tersebut; (2) dan tidak lama bunga; (6) Ada banyak jenis bunga di toko
kemudian rubah datang dan berkata, bunga tersebut; (2) Penjual bunga
”Ah, saya mengenali kamu dari suaramu.”. menjelaskan bahwa dia dapat menyusun
rangkaian bunga yang indah; (5) Akhirnya
50. 1 I wanted to cheer her up. saya membeli beberapa potong bunga
2 The florist told me that she could untuk ibu saya yang sakit akhir-akhir ini;
arrange beautiful bouquets of flowers. (1) Saya ingin membuat dia ceria; (4) Saya
3 Last week, I went to a flower shop to mengirimkan potongan-potongan bunga
buy some flowers. tersebut sendiri bersamaan dengan kartu
4 I delivered them myself along with ucapan cepat sembuh.
a get-well card.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 265

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266 LatihanPustaka
Daftar Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

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