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Static model for organic field-effect transistors including

both gate-voltage-dependent mobility and depletion effect
R. R. Schliewe, F. A. Yildirim, W. von Emden, R. Witte, and W. Bauhofera兲
Institute of Optical and Electronic Materials, Hamburg University of Technology, Eissendorfer Strasse 38,
D-21073 Hamburg, Germany
W. Krautschneider
Institute of Nanoelectronics, Hamburg University of Technology, Eissendorfer Strasse 38,
D-21073 Hamburg, Germany
共Received 26 January 2006; accepted 27 April 2006; published online 9 June 2006;
publisher error corrected 15 November 2006兲
Physics-based models of organic field-effect transistors 共OFETs兲 which can be used for
computer-aided simulation of organic integrated circuits were investigated. For this purpose
hybrid OFETs with poly共3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl兲 as the semiconductor were fabricated and
characterized. The differential drain-source resistance reveals the need for a unified consideration of
a gate-voltage-dependent mobility and of the depletion effect. We avoid neglecting the capacitance
of the insulator and the semiconductor which would have otherwise introduced restrictions. The
analytic modeling yields a compact static equivalent circuit diagram. © 2006 American Institute of
Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2211148兴

Integrated circuits 共ICs兲 based on organic materials are The fabrication of our OFET structures started with the
of great interest for technical applications, for instance, as formation of electrodes on thermally oxidized n++-silicon
active matrix organic light emitting diodes 共AMOLEDs兲 or wafers 共tins = 300 nm兲.10 10 nm chromium was used as adhe-
as radio frequency identification 共RFID兲 tags. The perspec- sive layer and 40 nm gold was deposited as electrode mate-
tive of cost effective mass production of large area flexible rial via electron beam evaporation through a shadow
devices seems very attractive. Several research groups have mask. Electrode separations of L = 26 ␮m and widths of
presented all-organic integrated circuits. Large efforts have W ⬃ 1 mm were obtained.
been undertaken to reduce operating voltage and to increase All following processing steps were carried out in a
frequency and lifetime. Progress in this field will lead to glove box with partial pressures p共O2兲 and p共H2O兲
circuits with enhanced complexity. At the same time, organic ⬍ 2 ppm. The samples were cleaned with CHCl3 and
field effect transistor 共OFET兲 models for simulation tools treated with HMDS. Subsequently, regioregular poly共3-
will become essential to support the design of ICs and dis- hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl兲 共P3HT兲 of Rieke Metals was de-
plays. In the beginning, models for inorganic transistors or posited. Differential scanning calorimetry 共DSC兲 measure-
empirical models were applied.1 The concepts for current ments on this polymer gave a melting temperature of
transport and mobility can be roughly distinguished into Tm,peak = 227 ° C and a crystallization temperature of
variable range hopping 共VRH兲 of polarons, multiple trapping Tc,peak = 191 ° C. NMR measurements proved a regioregular-
and thermal release 共MTR兲, and bandlike transport.2–4 Dif- ity of 97.3%. After purification of the polymer by recrystal-
ferent OFET models have been published. On one hand there lization a solution of 0.5 wt % in CHCl3 共99.9% + purity,
are VRH-based models of the Philips group which are suited ⬍0.01% H2O兲 was filtered 共0.2 ␮m pore size兲 and spin
for polymer devices.5 On the other hand there are MTR- coated 共3 s at 800 rpm, 10 s at 2000 rpm兲 on the electrode
based models according to Horowitz et al., which better de- structure. Residues of the solvent were removed with a tem-
scribe devices fabricated from small and ordered molecules.6 perature treatment at 150 ° C for 24 h in vacuum. P3HT layer
Another type of model reveals a gate-controlled injection thicknesses were around tsc = 60 nm.
barrier caused by non-Ohmic contacts between source elec- The three-pole devices were characterized in the glove-
trode, drain electrode, and semiconductor.7,8 box with a self-built probe station 共Rshortcut = 3.3 ⍀,
Ropenloop ⬎ 150 T⍀兲. A Keithley parameter analyzer SCS
In this letter, we describe preparation and characteriza-
4200 was used outside the box. For a given sweep the time
tion of hybrid OFETs whose characteristics have been mod-
for the first measurement point and the time interval between
eled. In contrast to previous publications which either con-
consecutive points were set to 4 s and 2 s, respectively. This
sider a gate-voltage-dependent mobility5 or the depletion
timing represented a compromise between steady-state con-
effect in a restrictive approximation,6,9 we combine both ef-
ditions and degradation of the polymer through excessive
fects with less restrictions in a single model. This approach is
power. Conventional evaluation of measured OFET charac-
motivated by the observed drain-source resistance which teristics yielded mobilities around 4 ⫻ 10−4 cm2 / V s, on/off
gives information on the operating modes of the transistor. ratios up to 4 ⫻ 104, threshold voltages around −1.3 V, and
VRH is used since we deal with nonoptimized devices hav- inverse subthreshold slopes below 2.7 V/decade.
ing average mobilities but Ohmic contacts. Figure 1 depicts the OFET characteristics which were
used for modeling. The nearly linear slope of the logarithmi-
Electronic mail: cally plotted resistance RDS at small drain-source voltages

0003-6951/2006/88共23兲/233514/3/$23.00 88, 233514-1 © 2006 American Institute of Physics

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233514-2 Schliewe et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 233514 共2006兲

FIG. 2. 共a兲 Extracted differential resistance RDS at VDS = −77.5 V as a func-

tion of the gate voltage VGS 共channel width W = 1.15 mm兲. 共b兲 Schematic
cross section of an OFET short before pinchoff. 共c兲 Advanced equivalent
circuit diagram.

⬙ =
, r共V兲 = 再 V, V 艌 0
0, V ⬍ 0.
冎 共3兲

W and L denote width and length of the channel and Cins ⬙ the
insulator capacity per area. Describing the equivalent circuit
of Fig. 1共a兲 and the analytical description of the OFET in
VHDL-AMS the characteristics of Fig. 1共b兲 and subse-
quently of Fig. 1共a兲 have been fitted with the parameters
Rpar = 1.5 G⍀, Rser = 2.3 M⍀, and b = 0.8. These values are
comparable with recently published values.11 With the pre-
sented model the measured output characteristics can be fit-
ted in the range from VDS = 0 to − 20 V with an accuracy of
FIG. 1. Measured 共•,쐓兲 and simulated 共—兲 output characteristics 共a兲 and ±5 nA 共ca. 6%兲 and from VDS = −20 to − 60 V with an accu-
differential drain-source resistance 共b兲 of a hybrid organic field-effect tran-
sistor 共W = 3.6 mm兲. Inset: Equivalent circuit for the simulation model; open
racy of ±0.5%. The inaccuracy at low voltages may be at-
circles 共o兲 represent the simulation of an advanced model shown in tributed to the fact that steady-state conditions had not yet
Fig. 2共c兲. been reached at the beginning of a sweep. For drain-source
voltages exceeding −60 V and high gate voltages a system-
atic difference between calculated and measured values is
VDS suggests a forward diode characteristic.7 However, con-
observed. This difference is attributed to carrier depletion
ventional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
effects which tend to increase the drain-source resistance.
共MOSFET兲 models behave similar in this region. In addition,
Deviations between simulation and measurement similar to
the monotonous increase of the curves in Fig. 1共a兲 and the
Fig. 1 also occur in Refs. 9 and 11 which only consider
increase of the differential resistance in Fig. 1共b兲 are indica-
depletion but no variable mobility and vice versa.
tive for Ohmic contacts which are modeled with series resis-
In spite of the use of a gate-voltage-dependent mobility
tances Rser. Extrapolation of the gate voltage to infinity
the values for the parameters a and Vso still vary with VGS.
would yield 2Rser at the y axis in Fig. 1共b兲. Therefore, Rser is
This fact is attributed to charged species 共traps and mobile
definitely below 10.3 M⍀ in this case. RDS saturates for
ions兲 which may screen the gate and thus cause a reduction
small gate voltages around 1.5 G⍀. This value is attributed
of the mobility.
to the bulk resistance of the semiconductor 共bulk conductivi-
In order to obtain a model valid for the whole investi-
ties between 10−7 and 10−5 S / cm兲,10 which is modeled by a
gated voltage range the parallel resistance Rpar has to be re-
parallel Rpar.
placed by a parasitic depletion transistor based on the obser-
The accumulation channel is described with a gate-
vation that, depending on the gate potential, the p-type
voltage-dependent mobility derived in Ref. 2 using a perco-
semiconducting film will increase in resistivity through
lation model for the linear region of the transistor:
depletion. Equation 共4兲 describes the depletion depth at po-
sition x as a function of the voltage VGx.6,9

冋冑 册
␮ = a共Vso − VGx兲b . 共1兲
Here, VGx denotes the voltage between gate and a given po-

Csc ⬙ 2·共Vso − VGx兲
T共VGx兲 = tsc 1− −1 . 共4兲
sition x along the semiconductor-insulator interface and Vso ⬙
Cins ⬙
the switch-on voltage. The parameters a and b are physics-
Here, Csc⬙ denotes the capacity per area of the semiconduct-
based quantities. Relation 共1兲 is also used for the saturation
ing film, q the elementary charge, and N the dopant concen-
region.5 Within the gradual channel approximation this re-
tration. The depletion depth vanishes for VGx ⬍ Vso, as seen
sults in an analytical description of p-type OFET accumula-
in Fig. 2共b兲. For VGx = Vpo it covers the total film thickness of
tion channels:
the semiconductor which leads to pinchoff of the parasitic
channel: T = tsc. In this context, the differing definitions of the
共1兲 ⬙ b+2
W aCins pinch-off voltage Vpo used in the literature should be pointed
IDS =− 关r 共Vso − VGS兲 − rb+2共Vso − VGD兲兴, 共2兲
L b+2 out.6,9 Figure 2共a兲 shows the differential resistance of another
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233514-3 Schliewe et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 233514 共2006兲

OFET which has been detected at high drain-source voltage

VDS with a reduced step width for the gate voltage VGS. For
gate voltages below −17.5 V the resistance deviates from a
Vpo = Vso +

⬙ 2
· 冋冉 ⬙

+1 冊 册
−1 . 共10兲

constant value which is indicative of the depletion effect.

tS and tD denote the depletion depths at source and drain,
The characteristics have been derived analytically by in-
respectively, and are given in Eq. 共9兲 by replacing x by
tegrating infinitesimal conductivities along the channel
“S” or “D.” As expected, the computer simulation for the
within the gradual channel approximation by adding up vary-
OFET equivalent circuit of Fig. 2共c兲 indeed yields an
ing contributions from the accumulation channel and from
enhanced increase of the differential resistance RDS at high
the bulk. The bulk mobility ␮B is assumed as constant. Com-
VDS and VGS 关open circles 共䊊兲 in Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴.
pared with the bulk, the channel is in general narrow with
This excellent agreement strongly supports the proposed
much lower resistivity. Therefore, the full film thickness tsc is
model. The simulation parameters were tsc = 55 nm,
used for the bulk contribution. At the accumulation channel
W = 3.6 mm, a = 9.8⫻ 10−6 cm2 / V1.8 s, b = 0.8, Vso = −40 V,
pinchoff the current flows at the channel end just like the
pB = N = 1.08⫻ 1018 / cm3, and ␮B = 2.8⫻ 10−4 cm2 / V s.
bulk current through the tapered nondepleted semiconduct-
In conclusion, we have fabricated OFETs to study their
ing region 关see Fig. 2共b兲兴. The total current can be decom-
different operation modi. Since existing models do not take
posed in a contribution 共1兲 from the accumulation channel
into account all significant effects they fail to fully describe
and in contributions 共2兲 and 共3兲 from the parasitic depletion
the observed characteristics. The necessity of a simultaneous
consideration of gate-voltage-dependent mobility and deple-
共1兲 共2兲 共3兲
IDS = IDS + IDS + IDS , 共5兲 tion effect without neglecting insulator and semiconductor
capacities has been shown by presenting a compact physics-
based model.
共2兲 W
IDS =− ␮B pBqtsc关r共Vso − VGS兲 − r共Vso − VGD兲兴 共6兲 The authors acknowledge valuable discussions with
Professor H. Goebel from Helmut Schmidt University,
and Hamburg.
C⬙ tD − tS
= − sc
⬙ tsc
Cins ⬙

C⬙ t2 − t2 t3 − t3
2tsc 3tsc

− 1 − sc D 2 S + D 3 S . 共7兲
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