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Microbiology of

Fermented Food
Ada 2 aspek yang harus diperhatikan
1. Aktivitas metabolik mikroorganisme ➢ Fermentasi melibatkan bahan dasar
selama fermentasi dan atau bahan pemicu (starter) yang
penyimpanannya. sesuai dengan metabolisme dan
kondisi mikroorganisme yang
2. Parameter yang digunakan selama
proses dan penyimpanan produk.
➢ Mikroorganisme tersebut akan
memanfaatkan nutrien yang ada di
dalam bahan tersebut dan
menghasilkan produk (yang
A. Raw (or Starting) Materials
➢ Dapat berasal dari hewan atau tumbuhan ▪ vegetables and vegetable
Contoh: juices,

▪ milk (from cows, buffalo, sheep, goats, and ▪ fruits and fruit juices,
mares), ▪ cereal grains, tubers, beans,
▪ meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat, and fowl), and seeds.

▪ fish (many types), ▪ Some are used in

▪ eggs (chicken and duck),
B. Microorganisms Used
➢ Bakteri, khamir, atau kapang (single atau campuran).
➢ Apabila fermentasi melibatkan kultur campuran, sebaiknya
sifat antar mikroorganisme tersebut tidak antagonis; carilah
yang sinergis!
Mikroorganisme dalam Fermentasi
Mikroorganisme yang menguntungkan dalam pangan dimanfaatkan
dalam beberapa cara, yaitu:
◦ Menggunakan sel mikroba hidup (aktif tumbuh). Contoh: yoghurt
◦ Sel mikroba yang sudah tidak tumbuh. Contoh: raw milk or raw meat
◦ Hasil antara (by-product) metabolism. Contoh: asam laktat, asam
amino dll.
◦ Komponen sel mikroorganisme. Contoh: single cell protein, dextran
Mikroorganisme yang digunakan tidak memiliki efek samping terhadap
kesehatan, aman, sudah dibuktikan secara ilmiah.
Ada 12 genus yang dikenal:
Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus,
Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Aerococcus,
Vagococcus, Tetragenococcus, Carnobacterium, Weissella,
and Oenococcus.

Lainnya: Bifidobecterium, Propionibacterium,

Brevibacterium, dan Acetobacter.
Yeasts: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Candida utilis.
Molds: Aspergillus, Penicillium, a few from Rhizopus and Mucor.
C. Fermentation Process
1. Natural Fermentation
 Many raw materials used in  Product produced by natural fermentation
fermentation (usually not heat can have some desirable aroma resulting
treated) contain both from the metabolism of the associated
desirable and associated flora. However, because the natural
microorganisms. microbial flora in the raw materials may
not always be the same, it is difficult to
 The conditions of incubation
produce a product with consistent
are set to favor rapid growth
of the desirable types and no characteristics over a long period.
or slow growth of the  Also, chances of product failure because of
associated (many are growth of undesirable flora and foodborne
undesirable) types. diseases by the pathogens are high.
2. Back Slopping
 Some products from a successful  Retention of product characteristics
fermentation are added to the over a long period may be difficult
starting materials, and conditions are because of changes in microbial
set to facilitate the growth of the types.
microorganisms coming from the
 Chances of product failure and
previous product.
foodborne diseases are also high.
 This is still practiced in the
production of many ethnic products
in small volumes.
3. Controlled Fermentation
 The starting materials (may be heat treated) are inoculated with a high population
(106 cells/ml or more) of a pure culture of single or mixed strains or species of
microorganisms (starter culture).
 Incubation conditions are set for the optimum growth of the starter cultures.
 Large volumes of products can be produced with consistent and predictable
characteristics each day.
 Generally, there is less chance of product failure and foodborne diseases.
 However, there may be no growth of desirable secondary flora.
 As a result, a product may not have some delicate flavor characteristics.
A. Milk Composition and Quality
▪ The growth of desirable microorganisms and the quality of a fermented dairy
product are influenced by the composition and quality of the milk used in a
fermentation process.
▪ Cow's milk contains approximately 3.2% protein, 4.8% lactose, 3.9% lipids,
0.9% minerals, traces of vitamins, and ca. 87.2% water.
▪ Among the proteins, casein in colloidal suspension as calcium caseinate is
present in higher amounts than the other two soluble proteins, albumin and
▪ Lactose is the main carbohydrate and is present in solution, and lipids are
dispersed as globules of different sizes in emulsion (fat in water).
▪ Minerals are present in solution and as colloid with casein.
▪ Water-soluble vitamins are present in aqueous phase, whereas fat-soluble
vitamins are present with the lipids.
▪ The solid components (ca. 12.8%) are designated as total solids (TS), and TS
without lipids is designated as solid-not-fat (SNF; ca. 8.9%).
▪ The whey contains principally the water-soluble components, some fat, and
B. Fermented Milk Products
Produk Mikroorganisme

1. Buttermilk. Made with Lactococcus species without or with Leuconostoc cremoris;

some can have biovar diacetylactis in place of Leu. cremoris (such as ymer in
Denmark), whereas some can have a ropy variant of Lactococcus species (langfil
in Norway) or mold (Geotrichum candidum in villi in Finland).

2. Yogurt. Made with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii

subsp. bulgaricus; some types can also have added Lab. acidophilus, casei, rhamnosus,
and Bifidobacterium spp.; some may also have Lactococcus species and
Lab. plantarum and lactose-fermentating yeasts (dahi in India).

3. Acidophilus Milk. Made from Lab. acidophilus.

4. Bifidus Milk. Made from Bifidobacterium spp.

5. Yakult. Made from Lab. casei; may contain Bifidobacterium spp.

6. Kefir. Made from Lab. kefir (several species of yeasts along with Leuconostoc,
Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus spp.).
Dairy products
C. Cheeses
 Cheeses are made by coagulating the casein in milk with lactic acid produced by lactic acid
bacteria and without or with the enzyme rennin, followed by collecting the casein for further
processing, which may include ripening.
 The process was probably accidentally discovered in the Middle East ca. 7000 B.C. from the
coagulation of milk stored in a calf stomach by lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria (and
probably rennin in the stomach).
 At present, many varieties of cheeses are made worldwide, which probably use more than
20% of the total milk produced.
 In the U.S., the total production of different varieties of cheese in 1982 was 4.4 billion pounds
(2 billion Kg) and, in 1987, increased to 5.3 billion pounds (2.4 billion Kg).
 Because of the worldwide increase in cheese consumption, cheese production will continue
to increase not only in the U.S., but also in other countries, especially in dairy-rich countries in
Europe and in New Zealand.
• Cottage cheese with starters Lac. lactis ssp. lactis and cremoris and
Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. cremoris.
1. Unripened • Mozzarella cheese with starters Str. thermophilus and Lab. delbrueckii
Cheese: soft ssp. bulgaricus.

• Soft: Brie cheese with starter Lac. lactis ssp.; Penicillium sp. and
yeasts are secondary flora.
• Semihard: Gouda/Edam cheese with starters Lac. lactis ssp. and
Leuconostoc spp.; dairy Propionibacterium may be secondary flora.
2. Ripened Blue cheese with starter Lac. lactis ssp., Leuconostoc spp.; Penicillium
Cheese roquefortii, yeasts, and Micrococcus are secondary flora.
• Hard: Cheddar cheese with starters Lac. lactis ssp.; some
Lactobacillus and Pediococcus (and probably Enterococcus) are
secondary (or associative) flora.
Swiss cheese with starters Str. thermophilus, Lab. helveticus, and
dairy Propionibacterium spp.; Enterococcus can be secondary
(associative) flora.
Blue cheese

Cheddar cheese = English

Parmesan = Italian
▪ Fermented meat products are produced by first mixing meat, fat, salt, sugar, curing agents,
and spices; filling the mixture in a casing; and fermenting it either naturally or by adding
(during mixing) selected starter-culture bacteria.
▪ The acids produced by the starters during fermentation and the curing agents used help
control the growth of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria that might be present in the meat.
▪ Depending on the type, the fermented products may be dried to reduce Aw or smoked or
heated to ensure the safety and shelf life of the products.
▪ Semidry and dry sausages include many types, such as pepperoni, Genoa salami, hard salami,
summer sausage, beef sticks, beef logs, thuringer, cervelat, and Italian salami.
▪ Most are made with beef and pork, but in recent years, some have been made with meat from
chicken and turkey.
▪ Almost all vegetables can be fermented through natural processes, because they harbor many
types of lactic acid bacteria.
▪ Worldwide, many types of vegetables are fermented, mostly in small volumes. However, some
are produced commercially.
▪ Vegetable fermentation originated in the early years of human civilization and even now is
widely used by many cultures.
▪ Examples of some fermented products and vegetables used currently for fermentation are
sauerkraut (from cabbage), olives, cucumbers, carrots, celery, beans, peas, corn, okra,
tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers, onions, citron, beets, turnips, radishes, chard, Brussels sprouts,
and their blends.
▪ Most are produced by natural fermentation; however, some, such as cucumbers, are currently
produced in limited amounts by controlled fermentation.
Live cells have been consumed from
three principal sources:
(1) as fermented milk products, such as yogurt, which contains live cells
of Lab. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Str. Thermophilus and is
supplemented with Lab. acidophilus and others, and pasteurized milk,
which contains Lab. acidophilus;
(2) as supplementation of foods and drinks with live cells of one, two, or
more types of beneficial intestinal bacteria, such as Lab. acidophilus,
Lab. reuteri, Lab. casei, and Bifidobacterium species;
(3) as pharmaceutical products of live cells in the form of tablets,
capsules, and granules.
The beneficial effects from consuming these live cells
were attributed to their ability to provide protection
against enteric pathogens, supply enzymes to help
metabolize some food nutrients (such as lactase to
hydrolyze lactose) and detoxify some harmful food
components and metabolites in the intestine, stimulate
intestinal immune systems, and improve intestinal
peristaltic activity.
A. Lactose Hydrolysis
▪ Lactose-intolerant individuals, because of a genetic disorder, are unable to
produce lactase (b-galactosidase) in the small intestine.
▪ When they consume milk, lactose molecules are not hydrolyzed in or absorbed
from the small intestine but passed to the colon.
▪ They are then hydrolyzed in the colon by lactase of different bacteria to glucose
and galactose and then further metabolized to produce acids and gas, resulting
in fluid accumulation, diarrhea, and flatulence.
▪ Consumption of yogurt, acidophilus milk, live cells of Lactobacillus, especially
Lab. acidophilus in fresh milk and pharmaceutical products, reduces the
symptoms in lactose-intolerant individuals. This benefit is attributed to the
ability of beneficial bacteria to supply the needed lactase in the small intestine.
B. Reducing Serum Cholesterol Level
▪ Consumption of fermented dairy products (some containing unknown microorganisms) and
high numbers of live cells of beneficial intestinal bacteria has been associated with low levels
of serum cholesterol in humans.
▪ This is attributed to two possible factors. One is the ability of some intestinal lactobacilli to
metabolize dietary cholesterol, thereby reducing amounts absorbed in blood.
▪ The other possibility is that some lactobacilli can deconjugate bile salts and prevent their
reabsorption in the liver.
▪ The liver, in turn, uses more serum cholesterol to synthesize bile salts and indirectly helps
reduce cholesterol level in serum.
▪ However, results of several studies by different researchers do not always favor this hypothesis.
C. Reducing Colon Cancer
▪ Many of the undesirable bacteria in the colon have enzymes that can activate procarcinogens,
either present in food or produced through metabolism of undesirable bacteria, to active
carcinogens that, in turn, can cause colon cancer.
▪ Beneficial intestinal bacteria, both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, by their ability to
control growth of undesirable bacteria in the colon, can reduce the production of these enzymes.
▪ Also, beneficial bacteria, by increasing intestinal peristaltic activity, aid in regular removal of fecal
▪ This, in turn, lowers the concentrations of the enzymes and carcinogens in the colon and reduces
the incidence of colon cancer.
▪ Several studies have shown that oral consumption of large numbers of live cells of the beneficial
bacteria reduces fecal concentrations of enzymes such as b-glucuronidase, azoreductase, and
nitroreductase of undesirable colon bacteria.
D. Reducing Intestinal Disorders
▪ Under certain conditions, indicated before, the intestinal population of beneficial bacteria can be reduced.
▪ The undesirable bacteria in the intestine and some transient pathogens (such as enteric pathogenic bacteria and
Rotoviruses) from the environment can then cause enteric disorders, including infection.
▪ Ingestion of large numbers of live cells of beneficial intestinal bacteria over a period of time was reported to
reduce these problems.
▪ Both infants and adults on oral antibiotic therapy can develop diarrhea because of a loss of desirable bacteria in
the intestine and an increase in undesirable pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
▪ It was suggested that beneficial bacteria, when consumed in large numbers, establish in the intestine and
produce antibacterial compounds (acids, bacteriocins, reuterine, and others unknown), which, in turn, control
the pathogens.
▪ Deconjugation of biles by beneficial species also produces compounds that are more antibacterial than the bile
salts; this has also been suggested as a mechanism to control the growth of undesirable enteric bacteria.
▪ Probiotic bacteria also increase the specific immunoglobulins, reduce intestinal permeability, and normalize
intestinal microflora.
E. Modulating Immune Response
▪ Limited studies have shown that intestinal microorganisms act on intestinal defense barriers
and help regulate systemic and local immune response.
▪ This is more effective at an early age, during the development of lymphoid tissues in the gut.
▪ Normal establishment of GI tract flora at an early age helps develop immunity to oral
administration of antigens associated with inflammatory reaction in the gut.
▪ Oral administration of probiotic gut flora also helps overcome some immune response caused
by the undesirable gut microflora.
▪ This beneficial effect is produced possibly by changing intestinal permeability, altering gut
microbiology, improving intestinal immunological barrier functions, and alleviating intestinal
inflammatory response.
F. Reducing Allergic Diseases
▪ Establishment of normal gut flora, which starts after birth and continues up to two years of
age, may be important in the development in later life of counterregulatory ability against
several specific immune responses.
▪ The normal flora of the GI tract enter the body through food, water, air, and other
environmental sources.
▪ Raising infants in an oversanitary environment and feeding semisterile processed foods may
interfere with the establishment of normal microflora in the GI tract.
▪ This may cause the immune system of infants to develop inflammatory response to many food
▪ Probiotics containing beneficial gut bacteria can have a suppressive effect to such reaction by
stimulating the production of antiinflammatory cytokines and reducing allergic reaction in
sensitive individuals.
G. Miscellaneous Benefits
▪ Many other health benefits of probiotics have been claimed, such as prophylaxis against
urinogenital infection, increased calcium absorption from the intestine, stimulation of
endocrine systems, growth promotion, and prolongation of youth and life.
▪ Many of these are merely claims and are yet to be proven by proper scientific research.
A. Strain Variation
➢ Beneficial strains differ in adherence ability and specificity.
➢ An adherent strain should probably be favored over a nonadherent strain.
➢ Also, strains adherent to humans should be preferred over strains adherent to other species.
➢ The selected strains should have a strong adherence property.
➢ The adherent property can be lost during long maintenance under laboratory conditions.
B. Sensitivity to Stomach Acids
➢ Survivability of strains to low stomach pH varies greatly. This effect can be reduced by either
reducing stomach acidity with food or by using strains that are proven resistant to acid
C. Viability and Injury of Cells
➢ Cells of beneficial bacteria when frozen, dried, exposed to low pH, high salts, and many
chemicals can die.
➢ Among the survivors, many can be injured and killed by stomach acid and bile salts and
lysozyme in the intestine.
➢ In studies, it may be better to use cells grown for 16 to 18 h and maintained before feeding
under conditions that retain their maximum viability.
D. Dose Level and Duration
➢ Consumption of large numbers of live cells (109 per day), that are not stressed, over a period
of time (ca. 14 d) is advocated to obtain benefit.
➢ Use of preparations that have low levels of viable cells, many of which could be stressed,
cannot provide expected results.
➢ Many products that are currently marketed do not have the needed level of viable cells to
produce beneficial effects.
➢ Some products also have bacteria that are associated with improper sanitary practices.
E. Induced Lactase Trait
➢ In Lab. acidophilus, lactase is an induced enzyme. To study the lactase effect, strains should be
grown in lactose-containing media.
➢ In commercial preparations, a strain may be grown in glucose and thus not have lactase when
F. Antibacterial Substances
➢ Many studies have reported that strains of beneficial intestinal bacteria produce metabolites
that are active against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
➢ Some of these were identified, such as several bacteriocins, organic acid, and reuterine.
➢ Other substances need to be identified and examined in purified form for their antibacterial
G. True Species and Strains
➢ Many species and strains used by many probiotic food producers do not have either proper
identity or information of original sources.
➢ Also, many species that were previously regarded as Lab. acidophilus have been found to be
different species, and many are not of intestinal origin.
➢ Before selecting a strain for a study, one needs to be sure, through testing by recommended
methods, that the strain being used is what it is supposed to be.
H. Expertise in Research Areas
➢ Lack of an understanding in research in the areas of microbiology, gastroenterology,
immunology, oncology, and related fields may result in faulty experimental design and
interpretation of data.
➢ In addition, differences in response by humans and animals in feeding trials can produce data
of little value. Such studies are not expected to produce reproducible results.
➢ Research conducted by considering these factors will help reduce bacterial variability.
➢ This, in turn, will help compare results of different studies and determine whether the health
benefits of these bacteria are real or imaginary.

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