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A Leading

Comprof PP_R4.indd 1 17/11/20 09.49

Bakauheni - Sidomulyo Toll Road Project

Comprof PP_R4.indd 2-3 17/11/20 09.49

Pandaan - Malang Toll Road Project

ISI Table of Content

Tentang Kami
About Us 4

Message from BOC

About Us

Message from BOC

Message from BOD

Message from BOD 8
Visi dan Misi
Vision and Mission 10
Nilai-nilai Utama Perusahaan
Perusahaan Konstruksi Terintegrasi
berbasis peralatan berat
nilai ekonomi jangka panjang. Berada dalam
performa usaha yang menguntungkan, menjadi
reliable fleet of well-known brands.
Applying good and ISO & OHSAS- Company’s Values 12
semangat bagi PP Presisi untuk tak pernah certified business practices, as well
berhenti menyelaraskan diri dengan kehidupan as Equipment & Fleet Management,
Memulai usaha sesuai dengan akta yang didirikan sosial di sekitar. Hal ini diwujudkan dalam Pengalaman Perusahaan
atas nama PT Prima Jasa Aldodua pada tahun beragam program kepedulian sosial atau CSR
and implementing SAP, Health,
Safety and Environment, Project Our Credential 14
2004. PT PP Presisi tumbuh menjadi perusahaan yang seimbang dan berkelanjutan, yang menjadi Management and Quick Response
konstruksi terintegrasi terkemuka berbasis ekspresi dari tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan Unit are the formula of success for
alat berat di Indonesia, dengan Tujuh layanan kepada lingkungan sekitar. Milestone
konstruksi mencakup Civil Work, Ready Mix,
PP Presisi to remain in the front row
position in Indonesian infrastructure Milestone 18
Foundation, Formwork, Erector, Mining Services,
hingga Equipment Rental yang pastinya akan development with high-quality
memberikan layanan dengan nilai tambah bagi clients from various bases of
A heavy equipment-based integrated Lini Bisnis
para mitra usaha.
construction company
customers. Businesses are being
performed by upholding good and Line of Business 22
Agar kualitas layanan teratas senantiasa terjaga, sustainable corporate governance, so
PP Presisi didukung oleh armada berskala besar Upon embarking on its business ventures in as to generate long term economic
Kepemilikan Alat
dan handal dengan merk ternama. Menjalankan
praktik bisnis yang baik dan tersertifikasi ISO
accordance with its deed of establishment under
the name PT Prima Jasa Aldodua in 2004, PT PP
values. Having such a lucrative
business performance boosts the
Ownership of Equipment 30
& OHSAS, Equipment & Fleet Management, Presisi has been growing to become a leading spirit of PP Presisi to endlessly
Implementasi SAP, Keselamatan Kesehatan heavy equipment-based integrated construction adjust itself to the surrounding Sumber Daya Manusia
Kerja dan Lingkungan, Manajemen Proyek
dan Unit Respon Cepat merupakan formula
company in Indonesia, offering eight different
construction services including Civil Work, Ready
social environment. This has been
materialized in various well-balanced
Human Resources 34
keberhasilan PP Presisi tetap berada di posisi Mix, Foundation, Formwork, Erector, Mining and sustainable social responsibility
terdepan pembangunan infrastruktur Indonesia Services, as well as Equipment Rental which will programs, which constitute an Sertifikasi dan Penghargaan
dengan klien berkualitas yang berasal dari basis
pelanggan yang beragam. Kinerja usaha yang
certainly provide services with added value for its
business partners.
expression of the company’s social
responsibility to the surrounding
Certificates and Awards 36
dijalankan hingga saat ini senantiasa berpegang communities.
pada tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dan
In order to maintain top level service quality at all Untuk Negeri
berkesinambungan, sehingga menghasilkan
times, PP Presisi is supported by large-scale and For Our Country 38


Comprof PP_R4.indd 4-5 17/11/20 09.49

Board Of Commisioner

Apapun target, komitmen dan fokus yang If we keep being optimistic and always
kami tetapkan, jika kami terus optimis maintain coordination with high level of
dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan dedikasi dedication, then whichever the target is,
yang tinggi, maka kinerja yang memuaskan commitment and focus that we determine,
integritas sesuai dengan RJPP perusahaan we shall surely achieve satisfactory
pastilah akan kita raih. performance which fulfills integrity in
accordance with RJPP of the company.

Seperti halnya, kami pun selalu memiliki

Likewise, we shall always keep up our spirits
semangat dalam hati kami guna menjadi
to serve as motivation for each and every
motivasi bagi setiap insan di negeri ini.
countryman in Indonesia. We are committed
Komitmen kami selain menjadi pemimpin to be the leader in the field of construction at
di bidang konstruksi di level global, kami the global level, as well as to always support
pun akan selalu mendukung pertumbuhan the development of the Indonesian people
anak negeri untuk selalu tampil di pentas to emerge at the national as well as the
nasional maupun internasional. international level.

Semua yang kami raih kemarin, yang kami Everything that we have achieved in the past,
jalankan hari ini dan kami rencanakan that we are doing today and that we are
maupun kami impikan di masa depan planning or dreaming to achieve in the future
sepenuhnya merupakan buah kerja keras is entirely the result of hard work of all the
setiap insan PT PP Presisi Tbk. Tak pernah personnel of PT PP Presisi Tbk. There is no
individual success here; because whatever the
ada kesuksesan tunggal di sini, karena
achievement is, all levels and departments as
apapun pencapaiannya, semua level dan
well as supporting parties have worked hard
departemen maupun pihak pendukung
for it.
telah bekerja keras untuk pencapaian ini.
On behalf of the Board of Commissioners,
Atas nama Dewan Komisaris, saya ucapkan I would like to express our most profound
terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas gratitude for all the thoughts and
semua pemikiran dan komitmen insan commitment of the personnel of PT PP
PT PP Presisi, dimanapun kamu berada. Presisi, wherever you are. We believe that
Kami percaya bahwa setiap komitmen every good commitment shall result in
yang baik akan menghasilkan kesuksesan success and advancement for every individual
dan kemajuan bagi setiap individu yang concerned.
Keep fighting and keep up your spirits, my
Terus berjuang, tetap semangat rekan- partners in progress.
M. Toha Fauzi Rukmini Triastuti Indra Jaya Rajagukguk
President Commisioner Commisioner Independent Commisioner rekanku dalam kemajuan.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 6-7 17/11/20 09.49

Board Of Director

FROM BOD Tekad kami untuk menjadi pemimpin di

bidang konstruksi yang mampu bersaing di
era globalisasi senantiasa kami jaga. Melalui
We are determined to be the leader in the field
of construction, capable of competing in the
era of globalization. Through quality services,
pelayanan yang berkualitas, kami terus we keep providing the best to fulfil the needs of
memberikan yang terbaik untuk memenuhi the development of infrastructures in Indonesia.
pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. This is because we are aware of the fact that
Karena kami sadar, bahwa usaha yang kami our business has been able to contribute to the
jalankan hingga saat ini mampu mewarnai life of the Indonesian people in all aspects.
kehidupan anak negeri di segala aspek.
Mampu memberikan yang terbaik di bidang It is a blessing for us to be able to give the
konstruksi yang terintegrasi adalah anugerah best in the field of integrated construction;
bagi kami, tapi membuat anak-anak Indonesia however, being able to make the children smile
tersenyum saat menikmati infrastruktur yang upon enjoying the infrastructures that we have
kami bangun adalah perwujudan mimpi terbaik developed would mean our best dream has
kami. come true.
In order to be more competitive in this industry,
Agar semakin kompetitif di industri ini, PT PT PP Presisi Tbk never stops providing and will
PP Presisi Tbk takkan pernah berhenti continuously provide its best services, and at
memberikan layanan dan jasa terbaik, sekaligus the same time shall prioritize differentiation
mengedepankan diferensiasi produk dan jasa of products and services in accordance with
sesuai dengan visi dan misi tanpa melupakan the vision and mission by remain observing
Aspek K3. Bagi kami, peningkatan adalah the Aspects of Work Safety and Health
tak hanya kemajuan pada aspek operasi (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja – K3). For us,
tapi juga positifnya pertumbuhan finansial improvement does not only mean advancement
bisnis, diiringi pengembangan SDM secara in the operational aspect, but also the positive
berkesinambungan. financial growth of the business, and the
continuous development of Human Resources.
PP Presisi juga tidak pernah lepas dari budaya
perusahaan yang meliputi tiga hal, kerja keras, PP Presisi always upholds the company’s culture
disiplin dan bersyukur. Agar lebih sempurna, which consists of 3 things, namely hard work,
nilai-nilai perusahaan tersebut dirumuskan discipline and gratefulness. In order to be more
dalam sebuah prinsip yang dikenal dengan perfect, the aforementioned company’s values
nama PPBID are formulated into a principle which is referred
to as PPBID.
Direksi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada
semua pihak diantaranya karyawan, pelanggan, The Board of Directors would like to express
mitra kerja, pemegang saham, serta Dewan gratitude to all the parties involved, among
Komisaris atas kepercayaan, dukungan, dan others the employees, customers, work
kerjasama yang terjalin dengan baik dan partners, shareholders, as well as the Board
harmonis sehingga PT PP Presisi Tbk mampu of Commissioners for your trust, support
berkembang menjadi perusahaan yang and cooperation which have been well and
terdepan dalam bidang konstruksi. harmoniously established so that PT PP Presisi
Tbk is able to grow into a leading company in
Marilah kita berfikir akan kehidupan lebih baik the field of construction.
yang kan kita wujudkan, saat kita berkarya Let’s strive for a better life and work together
Benny Pidakso Darwis Hamzah Rully Noviandar Wira Zukhrial Bersama PT PP Presisi Tbk di bumi tercinta, with PT PP Presisi Tbk in our beloved country,
Director of Financial & Director of Operation President Director Director of Equipment
Human Capital Management and Supply Chain Management
Indonesia. Indonesia.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 8-9 17/11/20 09.49

VISI Manado - Bitung Toll Road Project

Menjadi perusahaan konstruksi terintegrasi berbasis alat
berat terkemuka di Indonesia dan regional.

Vision and Mission To be a leading integrated heavy equipment based

construction company in Indonesia as wll as regional

• Menyediakan jasa konstruksi spesialis dengan diferensiasi
produk dan pelayanan prima
• Meningkatkan bisnis terintegrasi yang memiliki layanan berdaya
saing tinggi dan nilai tambah yang optimal bagi pemangku
• Mengedepankan aspek QSHE dan tata kelola perusahaan yang
baik dalam menjalankan proses bisnis
• Mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang profesional dan
produktif dengan nilai-nilai perusahaan.

• To provide construction with disinguish and excellent products &

• To improve integrated business that high-competitive services and
optimal added value to stakeholders
• To prioritize aspect of QSHE and good corporate governance in
running business processes
• To develop professional and productive human resources in
accordance with corporate values


Comprof PP_R4.indd 10-11 17/11/20 09.49

Memegang teguh kepercayaan yang diberikan

Upholding the mandate

Company’s Core Values
KOMPETEN Competent
Terus belajar dan mengembangkan kapabilitas
Continuously learning and develping capabilities

HARMONIS Harmonious
Saling peduli dan menghargai perbedaan
Mutually caring and respecting differences

Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan kepentingan Bangsa dan Negara
Dedicated and prioritizing the interests of the nation and state

ADAPTIF Adaptive
Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam menggerakkan ataupun
menghadapi perubahan
Continue to innovate and be enthusiastic in driving or facing change

Membangun kerja sama yang sinergis
Building synergistic collaboration


Comprof PP_R4.indd 12-13 17/11/20 09.49

Hingga saat ini PT PP Presisi Tbk memiliki reputasi

PENGALAMAN tinggi sebagai perusahaan jasa konstruksi yang

berbasis pada 7 lini bisnis utama yaitu civil work,

ready mix, foundation, formwork, erector,
mining services, dan equipment rental dengan
komitmen untuk terus mengembangkan bisnisnya
di bidang konstruksi maupun non konstruksi
Our Credential dengan menyediakan kebutuhan pelanggan,
dan meningkatkan pelayanan di semua bidang
konstruksi dan non konstruksi.

PT PP Presisi Tbk has maintained a high reputation

as construction service company which is based
on 7 main lines of business, namely civil work,
ready mix, foundation, formwork, erector, mining
services, and equipment rental and the company is
committed to continuously develop its business in
the field of construction as well as non construction
by providing the needs of its customers, and
improving its services at all construction as well as
non – construction sectors.

Yogyakarta International Airport Project Bakauheni - Sidomulyo Toll Road Project

Proyek Jalan Tol Pekanbaru -

Proyek Tol Bakauheni
Sidomulyo – Lampung Dumai 02 Proyek Pandaan Malang

Proyek Manado Bitung

Segmen Bisnis Proyek Bandara Kulon Progo Proyek permanent access Segmen Bisnis
CIVIL WORK road PLTA upper cisokan READY MIX Proyek PLTA Takegon
Proyek Jalan Tol Pandaan lokasi Bandung barat
Malang Proyek Bendungan Way
Pembangunan Jalan Tol Sekampung
Proyek Runway 3 Bandara Gempol Pasuruan Seksi 3B
Soetta Sec 1 & 2 lokasi Pasuruan

Proyek Jalan Tol Manado -


Proyek Bendungan Way

03 Proyek Pandaan Malang Proyek Apartement Green
Park terrace Cilegon
Sekampung Proyek Manado Bitung
Segmen Bisnis Proyek The alton Apartement
Proyek Leuwi Keris
FOUNDATION Proyek Weston Surabaya lokasi Semarang

Proyek Jalan Tol Serang - Proyek Tana Babarsari

Panimbang Yogyakarta


Comprof PP_R4.indd 14-15 17/11/20 09.49

Proyek Apartemen The Verde Proyek Gedung Asean
Secretariat lokasi Jakarta
05 Proyek PLTD Senayan

Proyek PIM 3 & Office Tower Segmen Bisnis Proyek PLTMG Bangkanai
Segmen Bisnis Proyek Terminal Ferry Merak ERECTOR
FORMWORK Proyek Grand Dharma Husada
Lagoon Proyek terminal ferry
Proyek Pollux Batam

Proyek Bandara Syamsudin

Proyek The Ayoma
Apartement lokasi Serpong
06 Proyek Coal Hauling di
Sumatera Selatan
Noor Banjarmasin Segmen Bisnis
Proyek Pollux Meisterstadt Kontraktor Batu Bara di
lokasi Batam
MINING Kalimantan Timur
Proyek Saumata Suite
Apartement SERVICES
Proyek Evenciio Apartement

Pembangunan Aeon Mixed

Used Phase 1 dan 2 lokasi

Meisterstad Pollux Batam Project Quarry Losari - Rawalo Project PLTD Senayan Project


Comprof PP_R4.indd 16-17 17/11/20 09.49

Important Journey
of The Company

2004 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Perseroan didirikan dengan Perseroan diakuisisi oleh Memulai transformasi bisnis Memasuki usaha pekerjaan menjadi PT PP Presisi. Penandatanganan Memorandum
nama PT Prima Jasa Aldodua PT PP (Persero) Tbk dan dengan memasuki lini bisnis sipil dengan fokus pada of Understanding (MoU) dengan
yang menyediakan jasa mengubah nama menjadi PT formwork. proyek jalan tol dan JUNI. Mengakuisisi 51,00% saham Kumkang Kind Co Ltd, Korea Selatan
penyewaan peralatan. PP Alat Konstruksi. bendungan. PT Lancarjaya Mandiri Abadi. tentang teknologi baru formwork.
JULI. PT PP (Persero) Tbk
SEPTEMBER Memasuki bisnis ready mix. JUNI
meningkatkan modal di
MAY Mengubah nama menjadi PT SEPTEMBER Perseroan - Memasuki bisnis erector
The Company was established PP Peralatan Konstruksi. Entering the civil work business - Meningkatkan pengangkutan
as PT Prima Jasa Aldodua which JUNE by focusing on toll road and NOVEMBER. Perseroan tercatat batu bara (coal hauling) menjadi
provides services of equipment Starting business dam projects. sebagai emiten di Bursa Efek layanan penambangan terintegrasi
rental.the 1st of July, 2005. transformation by entering the Indonesia.
The company was acquired formwork business line.
by PT PP (Persero) Tbk and JANUARY
changed its name to PT PP Alat SEPTEMBER MAY. Changing its name again to PT The signing of Memorandum of
Konstruksi. Entering the ready mix business. PP Presisi. Understanding (MoU) with Kumkang
Kind Co Ltd., South Korea concerning
SEPTEMBER JUNE. Acquiring 51.00% shares of PT formwork new technology.
Lancarjaya Mandiri Abadi.
Changing its name to PT PP
Peralatan Konstruksi. JUNE
JULY. PT PP (Persero) Tbk increased - Entering the erector business. issuer
its capital in the Company. in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
- Enhancing coal hauling into
NOVEMBER. The Company listed as
issuer in Indonesia Stock Exchange. integrated mining services.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 18-19 17/11/20 09.49

Important Journey
of The Company

2019 Januari Februari Juli November Desember

Perseroan melalui Entitas Anak Perseroan menjadi kontraktor Peningkatan kapabilitas Perseroan mulai merambah Perseroan mulai merambah
meningkatkan peran menjadi utama pada Overlay of perseroan di bidang soil pekerjaan pembangunan pekerjaan perbaikan
kontraktor utama proyek Jalan Runway Bandara International improvement melalui strategi infrastruktur tambang, ditandai infrastruktur, ditandai dengan
Tol Non Trans Jawa Selatan Lot Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat. aliansi internasional bersama dengan menjadi kontraktor Proyek Pelebaran Jalan Tol
9 Balekambang-Kedungsalam, PT Pratama Widya dan Sunward utama pada proyek Jalan Jagorawi.
Malang. Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd Angkut Batubara Kalimantan
The company became the untuk bekerja sama di bidang Tengah-Kalimantan Timur. Perseroan mulai merambah
main contractor in the project solusi dan teknologi alat berat, bidang usaha bio-remediasi
The company through its of Overlay of Runway of fondasi, serta soil improvement The company started to dan pengelolaan limbah lainnya
Subsidiary Entity improved its role Minangkabau International melalui integrasi dan kolaborasi be engaged in the works melalui pendirian Entitas Anak
into the main contractor in the Airport, West Sumatera. semua pihak dengan proses alih of development of mine PT Presisi Sumber Anugerah.
project of Non Trans Southern
teknologi di dalamnya. infrastructures, marked by
Java Toll Road Lot 9 Balekambang
becoming the main contractor The company started to be
–Kedungsalam, Malang.
in the project of Coal Transport engaged in the works of repair
Improvement of capability of Road of Central Kalimantan – of infrastructures, marked by the
the company in the field of soil East Kalimantan. Project of Widening of Jagorawi
improvement by international
Toll Road.
alliance strategy with PT Pratama
Widya and Sunward Intelligent
The company started to be
Equipment Co Ltd, to cooperate
engaged in the business field of
in the field of solution and
bio-remediation and other waste
technology of heavy equipment,
management by establishing
foundation, as well as soil
a Subsidiary Entity PT Presisi
improvement through integration
Sumber Anugerah.
and collaboration of all parties
involved with the process of
transfer of technology therein.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 20-21 17/11/20 09.49

OUR Manado - Bitung
Toll Road Project
Medan Toll Road Project

Beragam pekerjaan sipil yang masuk dalam cakupan
usaha Perseroan adalah; pembangunan pelabuhan, Bakauheni Toll Road Project
bandar udara, jalan kereta api, pengamanan pantai,
saluran irigasi atau kanal, bendungan, terowongan,
struktural gedung, jalan, jembatan, reklamasi
rawa, pekerjaan pemasangan pipa, pekerjaan
pengeboran, dan pembukaan lahan. Sementara itu
untuk pekerjaan sipil yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan
meliputi pekerjaan proyek infrastuktur, diantaranya
pekerjaan proyek jalan, bendungan, dan dermaga.
Dalam setiap proyek, Perseroan akan melakukan
tipe pekerjaan yang sama, meliputi: land clearing,
cut and fill, pengerasan lapisan jalan, concrete, dan
rigid/flexible pavement. Setiap kegiatan usaha ready mix di masing-masing
proyek akan memiliki batching plant atau pabrik
sementara yang memproduksi beton ready mix.
The company’s business includes various types of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Project Kawasan Industri Batang Project
Tujuannya adalah efisiensi dari segi waktu dan
civil works included in the scope of business of tidak diperlukannya pemakaian armada angkut
the company shall be as follows: the development ukuran besar untuk transportasi. Strategi ini pun
of ports, airports, railways, coastal safeguarding menjamin kualitas beton tetap terjaga secara
constructions, irrigation channels or canals, dams, konsisten. Produksi beton dan agregat siap pakai
tunnels, building structures, roads, bridges, swamp ini dilakukan untuk proyek-proyek infrastruktur dan
reclamation, pipeline installation, drilling works, and pembangunan gedung.
land clearing. Whereas the civil works performed by
the Company shall include the works of infrastructure Pekerjaan ready mix yang diusung Perseroan
projects, among other things the projects of roads, berbeda dengan perusahaan beton lain. Karena
dams, and piers. In every project, the Company would fokus kami lebih kepada transaksi business to
perform the same types of works, including: land business (B2B) yang juga dapat disinergikan
clearing, cut and fill, road layer compacting, concrete, Bersama para vendor.
and rigid/flexible pavement.

A batching plant or a temporary plant which produces

ready mix concrete is to be constructed for every
Bogor Outer Ring Road Section 3A Kawasan Industri Batang Project project in ready mix business. It is intended for
efficiency from the aspect of time and to eliminate
the need to use large-size transportation fleet. This
strategy also guarantees that the quality of concrete
remains consistent. The production of ready mix
concrete and aggregates is performed for the projects
of infrastructures and development of buildings.
The company’s ready mix works are different from
those of other concrete companies, because we
are more focused on business to business (B2B)
transactions which can also be synergized together
with the vendors.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 22-23 17/11/20 09.49

Grand Dharmahusada Lagoon Apartment Project BRI Gatsu Project
Meisterstad Pollux Batam Project

Dengan tujuan awal agar mampu memberikan jasa
konstruksi secara terintegrasi kepada pelanggan,
Perseroan mengembangkan lini bisnis Foundation
untuk mendukung lini bisnis pekerjaan sipil.
Foundation sendiri merupakan pekerjaan struktur
dasar dari bangunan konstruksi. Pembuatan
Foundation sudah pasti memerlukan dukungan
pekerjaan sipil, seperti penggalian tanah dan
penguatan struktur tanah untuk memperkuat daya
tanah yang menjamin kestabilan fondasi. Yogyakarta International
Airport Project

With the initial purpose of providing integrated

construction services to the customers, the company
has developed the line of business of Foundation to
support the line of business of civil work. Foundation Pekerjaan Formwork adalah konstruksi pendukung
in itself is the work of basic structure of constructions. sementara dalam pembuatan beton, dengan kata
The making of Foundation certainly needs the support lain formwork merupakan sebuah cetakan yang
of civil work, such as the excavation of land and the digunakan untuk menahan beton selama beton
strengthening of land structure in order to strengthen Pakubuwono Menteng Apartment Project dituang dan dibentuk sesuai dengan bentuk
the land which ensures the stability of foundation. yang diinginkan. Formwork akan dibongkar, saat
beton yang dituangkan telah mencapai kekuatan
yang cukup. Besarnya potensi usaha, membuat
Perseroan memperluas ruang lingkup formwork
dengan memberikan jasa structure engineering.

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Project Manikin Dam Project Saat ini, Perseroan sedang mengembangkan Presisi
Formwork (Preform) yang merupakan inovasi
teknologi baru di bidang Formwork yang lebih
efisien dari segi waktu dan biaya dibandingkan
metode konvensional.

Formwork is a temporary supporting construction in

concrete’s making process; in other words, formwork
is a mold which is used to hold the concrete while it
is poured and formed in accordance with the desired
shape. Formwork will be taken apart when the poured
concrete has reached the adequate strength. The
significant business potential has made the company
expand the scope of formwork by providing structure
engineering services.

Currently, the company is developing Presisi

Formwork (Preform) which is a new technological
innovation in the Formwork field that is more efficient
in terms of time and cost compared to conventional


Comprof PP_R4.indd 24-25 17/11/20 09.50

Semester pertama akan selalu diingat sebagai
momentum lahirnya lini bisnis Erector, sebagai
bentuk dari transformasi bisnis PT PP Presisi.
Sementara Erector sendiri, sebenarnya bukanlah
hal baru bagi Perusahaan. Karena sejauh ini,
Perusahaan memiliki alat berat yang dibutuhkan
untuk pekerjaan erector dan bahkan pekerjaan
selesai yang terkait dengan pekerjaan erector.
Namun yang tak kalah penting, peluang bisnis bagi
usaha Erector di tanah air masih sangat terbuka,
mengingat semakin berkembangnya pembangkit
listrik di Indonesia.
PLTG Bangkanai Project

The first semester will always be remembered as the

moment of birth of the line of business of Erector, as
a form of transformation of business of PT PP Presisi.
Whereas Erector, in fact, is not a new thing for the
company; because the company has already had the
heavy equipment so far which are needed for erector
works and there are even completed works related
to erector works. Not the least important is the wide
open business opportunities for Erector in Indonesia,
considering the increasing development of power
plants in Indonesia.

PLTD Senayan Project
Hingga saat ini PT PP Presisi dikenal sebagai
penyedia solusi penambangan yang komprehensif
atau hasil peningkatan kemampuan engineering
capacity. Mengingat pada awal menjalankan usaha
di bidang ini, Perseroan hanya memiliki kemampuan
jasa angkut batu bara (coal hauling), sementara saat
ini PP Presisi mampu memberikan beragam layanan
yang berhubungan dengan pertambangan secara

Up until now, PT PP Presisi has been known as the

provider of comprehensive mining solutions or the
result of improvement of engineering capacity.
Considering that initially, the company only had the
capacity for coal hauling, whereas today, PP Presisi
is able to provide various mining-related integrated


Comprof PP_R4.indd 26-27 17/11/20 09.50


Dasar dari bisnis utama PT PP Presisi adalah
Penyewaan alat berat, kegiatan usaha yang Tower Crane
kemajuannya menjadi dasar perseroan untuk
melakukan bisnis transformasi. Hingga saat ini,
alat berat yang kami sewakan meliputi tower
crane dan passenger hoist. Tak hanya penyewaan
alat, kami pun sepenuhnya memberikan jasa yang
lengkap dengan memastikan ketersediaan alat-
alat yang dapat diandalkan dan prima, perawatan
berjangka, serta Quick Response Unit yang selalu
siap dihubungi selama 24 jam untuk Keamanan dan
keselamatan proyek konstruksi.

Passenger Hoist Loader

The main business base of PT PP Presisi is the heavy
equipment tenancy, which progress provides the basis
for the company to perform business transformation.
Various heavy equipment which are available for
rent include tower crane, passenger hoist, Crawler
Crane, generator set and framework scaffolding,
including the operators of the aforementioned heavy
equipment. In addition to the heavy equipment
tenancy, we also provide full and complete services
by ensuring the availability of equipment which
are reliable and in prime conditions, periodic
maintenance, as well as Quick Response Unit which
is always available for contact 24 hours a day for the
safety and security of construction projects.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 28-29 17/11/20 09.50

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Project

Ownership of Equipment

Hingga saat ini kinerja professional perseroan didukung alat

berat berjumlah kurang lebih 2.650 unit. Cakupan armada
kami, memiliki kriteria tehknis yang sangat mempengaruhi
performa operasional dari setiap alat berat. Kriteria tersebut
salah satunya adalah besarnya kapasitas alat berat dengan
tingkat realiability tinggi yang kami dapat dari usia kendaraan-
kendaraan yang relatif muda. Hal yang tak kalah pentingnya,
kami hanya bermitra bersama brand terpercaya yang senantiasa
memastikan kondisi armada kami selalu prima melalui regular
maintenance berkala. Mixer Truck

387 106
Until today, professional performance of the company has been
supported by approximately 2.650 units of heavy equipment. The
scope of our fleet has technical criterias that affect operational
performance of each heavy equipment. One of the criteria is the
sizes of heavy equipment’s capacity with high reliability which we Wheel
get from relatively under-age vehicles. Not the least important, Loader
we always choose reliable brands as our partners to ensure that Dump Truck
our fleets are always at it’s finest condition through scheduled
regular maintenances. 1505 30


Comprof PP_R4.indd 30-31 17/11/20 09.50

Kepemilikan Alat

Slipform Launcher
Paver Girder TowerCrane

96 9 2 67

Asphalt Mixing Drilling Cement Deep Passenger

Plan Rig Mixing Hoist Loader

7 11 2 22

Asphalt Crawler Road Batching

Finisher Crane Reclaimer Plant

9 20 2 19

Cold Cutter-Suction Farming

Planner Dredger/CSD Truck Paver
3 20 2 2


Comprof PP_R4.indd 32-33 17/11/20 09.50

MANUSIA Ragam program peningkatan kualitas
sumber daya.
Human Resources
Takkan pernah ada kemajuan, tanpa asset yang
paling berharga dalam satu perusahaan yaitu
Sumber Daya Manusia.

PP Presisi berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan dan keahlian dengan berbagai
macam pelatihan, seminar dan program sekolah
bagi karyawan yang beprestasi.

Dengan dedikasi dan kompetensi karyawan

yang tinggi dalam memberikan pelayanan jasa
konstruksi yang mengutamakan kualitas, biaya,
ketepatan waktu dan proses kerja yang sesuai
dengan K3, maka akan tercapai kinerja yang
unggul demi kemajuan Bersama.

Various programs on the improvement of

quality of resources.

There will never be any progress without the most

valuable asset in the company. Such asset is called
human resources.

Our belief in the value of human resources is evident in

the commitment of PT PP Presisi which states that it is
one of the most valuable assets which can support the
company in being a national-scale construction service
provider. With dedication and high competence of the
employees in providing construction services which
prioritize quality, cost, timely performance and work
process which is in accordance with K3, we will achieve
prime performance.

For us, this commitment is not just a lip service, since

PT PP Presisi has never stopped giving the employees
various modules for the sake of our own advancement.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 34-35 17/11/20 09.50

Certificates and Awards

Reputasi PT PP Presisi sebagai Perusahaan PT PP Presisi as a heavy equipment-based integrated

Konstruksi Terintegrasi berbasis peralatan berat construction company has a well-defined reputation
sudah begitu jelas di industri, terbukti dengan in the industry, as evident by its success has earned
keberhasilan meraih penghargaan pada 9th the BUMN Track PPM Management 9th Awarding
Anugerah BUMN Track PPM Managemen sebagai as the Second Winner for Business Innovation
Category and the Second Place as PT Total Bangun
Pemenang Kedua untuk kategori Inovasi Bisnis,
Persada Best Contractor Partner with Big Contract
dan Peringkat 2 sebagai Mitra Kontraktor Terbaik
Value,Bekisting Specialist and Structure Works Field
PT Total Bangun Persada dengan Kategori Nilai Category.
Kontrak Besar, Spesialisasi Bekisting, Bidang
Pekerjaan Struktur. Whereas with regard to performance guarantee
and standard services provided for the clients,
Untuk jaminan kinerja dan standar layanan yang PT PP Presisi has for many years applied various
dipersembahkan kepada klien, PT PP Presisi sudah benchmarks of international standards which are
sejak lama menerapkan beragam benchmark updated every year for the purpose of improvement
standar internasional yang setiap tahun of service quality. Some of the aforementioned
diperbarui demi peningkatan kualitas layanan. standards include: Certificate K3, Certificate of BS EN
Beberapa standar tersebut meliputi; Sertifikasi ISO 14001: 2015 from NQA, Certificate of BS OHSAS
18001: 2007 from NQA, and Certificate of BS EN ISO
K3, Sertifikasi BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 dari NQA,
9001: 2015 from NQA.
Sertifikasi BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 dari NQA, dan
Sertifikasi BS EN ISO 9001: 2015 dari NQA. As the realization of company’s commitment and
social responsibility policy, the QHSE Department
Sebagai realisasi dari komitmen dan kebijakan of PP Presisi has been continuously holding training
tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, departemen and certification at Occupational Health, Safety
QSHE PP Presisi senantiasa mengadakan and Environment fields in association with certified
pelatihan dan sertifikasi di bidang K3LH dengan external parties.
bekerjasama dengan pihak eksternal bersertifikat.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 36-37 17/11/20 09.50

For Our Country

Good Corporate Governance pencapaian, PP Presisi sejak awal telah Good Corporate Governance As the realization, we pursue to create various support
mempunyai komitmen dan tanggung and opportunities. Start from supporting open green
Guna memastikan visi dan misi berjalan jawab untuk ikut andil memajukan In order to ensure the vision and mission going spaces for the children playground to partnership with
dengan baik, Perseroan menerapkan tata kehidupan sosial di tanah air. Hal ini sejalan well, company is implementing a good corporate small business society to enhance their competence in
kelola perusahaan yang baik (good corporate dengan pelaksanaan kebijakan Corporate governance. This is very much needed in order to the business environment.
governance/ GCG). Hal ini sangat dibutuhkan Sustainability. face the tight competition in business environment.
dalam rangka menghadapi persaingan Therefore, the company committed to implement Likewise, we will always support the children to keep
usaha yang semakin ketat. Oleh karena itu, Sebagai realisasinya, kami mencoba good corporate governance refer to best practice and doing their best for their future and to obtain the
Perseroan berkomitmen untuk menerapkan menciptakan beragam dukungan dan legislation, and legitimate GCG principal as well. opportunity to attain education for the sake of a better
GCG yang mengacu pada praktik terbaik dan kesempatan. Dari mulai mendukung life.
peraturan perundang-undangan, serta prinsip adanya lahan terbuka hijau sebagai tempat The principles of transparency, accountability,
GCG yang berlaku. bermain anak. Hingga komitmen kemitraan responsibility, independency and fairness are
masyarakat luas agar mampu bersaing dalam applied consistently as company adopting GCG
Prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, dunia usaha. practice throughout the operations. This is one of
tanggung jawab, independensi, dan the company’s commitment to maximize company’s
kewajaran diterapkan secara konsisten Komitmen lain yang tak pernah berhenti kami value, increasing stakeholder’s value, enhancing
saat Perseroan mengadopsi praktik GCG di lakukan adalah menciptakan kesempatan bagi performance and competitiveness, improving
seluruh operasi. Inilah salah satu komitmen anak-anak untuk berprestasi, dalam bentuk a conducive working environment, be a role
Perseroan untuk memaksimalkan nilai program beasiswa guna masa depan mereka model in construction industry, encouraging the
perusahaan, meningkatkan nilai pemangku yang lebih baik. implementation of corporate social responsibility,
kepentingan, meningkatkan kinerja dan and to increase stakeholder’s trust as well.
daya saing, meningkatkan lingkungan kerja
yang kondusif, menjadi panutan dalam
industri konstruksi, mendorong pelaksanaan CSR Program, creating the opportunity
tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, serta of support for the future
meningkatkan kepercayaan investor.
As a growing, developing, and producing company
Program CSR, menciptakan in Indonesia, it shall be highly commended if the
kesempatan dukungan untuk masa aforementioned various activities become the
depan standards in the industry. Since the belief in the
empowerment of human resources is one of the
Sebagai perusahaan yang tumbuh, themes which shall always be the focus of PT PP
berkembang dan berhasil meraih beragam Presisi, we have tried to create various opportunities;
one of the opportunities is to always have a smile in
your face while playing in an open green field.


Comprof PP_R4.indd 38-39 17/11/20 09.50

Bakauheni - Sidomulyo Toll Road Project

Comprof PP_R4.indd 40-41 17/11/20 09.50

Way Sekampung Dam Project

Comprof PP_R4.indd 42-43 17/11/20 09.50

Pandaan - Malang Toll Road Project

Entitas Anak


Earthworks and Heavy Equipment Rental
Head Office :
Negara : Indonesia
Plaza PP-Wisma Robinson Lt.3 Provinsi: West Java
Jl. TB Simatupang No 57 Kota : Bekasi
Alamat : Jl. Raya Narogong KM. 12,5 No.18
Pasar Rebo - Jakarta 13760
Telpon 1: +62 21-8250-365
Telp. 021 824 83255 / 021 8414119 Telpon 2: +62 21-8250-366
Fax 1 : +62 21-8250-369
Workshop : Fax 2 : +62 21-8250-367
Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 15 Pangkalan 6 Email :
Bekasi 17153
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Comprof PP_R4.indd 44 17/11/20 09.50

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