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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Kamarullah

NIM : 140800156

Jurusan / Prodi : Tarbiyah / Bahasa Inggris

Semester / Unit : X (sepuluh) / 2

Menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa skripsi yang ditulis dengan judul

Developing Vocabulary Mastery Through Watching Video (Classroom Action

Research At The 2nd Grade Students of SMAN No. 3 Langsa) adalah benar merupakan

hasil karya saya sendiri, tidak merupakan pengambil alihan tulisan dan pikiran orang lain

dan saya akui sebagai hasil tulisan serta hasil pikiran saya sendiri.

Apabila di kemudian hari terbukti atau dapat dibuktikan bahwa skripsi ini adalah

hasil jiplakan, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi atas perbuatan saya tersebut.

Langsa, 17 Februari 2013


Kamarullah lahir di Langsa, pada tanggal 10 Juli 1989. Ia merupakan anak ke

empat dari empat bersaudara dari pasangan Abdul Gani dan Nurhasanah. Pendidikan

dasar ia tempuh di SDN No. 2 Langsa, sedangkan pendidikan menengah dan menengah

atas ia selesaikan di SMPN No. 1 Langsa dan SMAN No. 1 Langsa.

Pada tahun 2008, penulis diterima sebagai mahasiswa Jurusan Tarbiyah

STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa Program Studi S-1 Bahasa Inggris. Alhamdulillah pada

tahun 2013 setelah melalui berbagai perjuangan dan pengalaman selama masa

perkuliahan ia dapat menyelesaikan studinya dengan hasil yang sesuai dengan


First of all, praise to Allah, the lord of the world, who has given us opportunity to

life in order to obey, to pray Him and be His caliph; leader in this world. And also by His

mercy and love, the writer can accomplish this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon

Prophet Muhammad SAW; a figure who illuminate our life by love, behavior, knowledge

and freedom from worshiping God but Allah SWT.

Then, sincere gratitude of the writer was presented for his Parents; Mr. Abdul

Gani and Mrs. Nurhasanah. Father who has shown and guided him the way of life; helping

and sharing each other, give the best in benefit if it can and in a lost if it must but always

sincerely the best. And also mother who has lighted the spirit and be the write motivation

in keeping do more than it must.

Thanks are also presented for all teachers and lectures who have taught me

knowledge and also science. Their comments, suggestions, support and also

encouragements are foundation for me in living my live until present time. Furthermore,

the sincere thanks was especially expressed for Mr. Zulkarnaini and Mrs. Nina Afrida;

supervisors of this thesis who have patiently guided me in finishing the thesis. And the

special thanks gifted to my superb lecture EVER, Mrs. Zakia Izzati.

Last but not least, my sincere gratitude for all my friend; Arief (Thanks for the

teamwork as observer), Jojo, Amar “Kebo”, Imus, Alel, Iqbal, Aya “Pasrah”, B-Gang,

my lovely “Ipah”, all of unit 2 students and also every friend of mine who have coloured

my life. I could not give any reward for all of your support, motivation and memory in

my life. May Allah give you the best as reward of your sincerity for me.
Finally, it is realized that this thesis also has not perfect yet. So critics, suggestions

and also advices are really needed in order to make it better. May us always be in His

Blessing forever.

The Writer


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ iii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Background of Study ................................................................. 1
B. Problem Statement ..................................................................... 4
C. Research Purpose ....................................................................... 4
D. Terminology............................................................................... 5
E. Significances of Research .......................................................... 6

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 9

A. Vocabulary ................................................................................. 9
B. Why Should Learn Vocabulary ................................................. 10
1. Vocabulary in Listening ................................................... 11
2. Vocabulary in Speaking .................................................... 12
3. Vocabulary in Reading ..................................................... 13
4. Vocabulary in Writing ...................................................... 13
C. Types of Vocabulary .................................................................. 14
D. Vocabulary Mastery ................................................................... 16
1. Presentation ....................................................................... 17
2. Discovery Techniques ...................................................... 17
3. Practice ............................................................................. 18
E. Vocabulary Mastery through Watching Video ......................... 18
1. The Use of Video in Language Teaching ......................... 18
2. Genre of Video ................................................................. 20
F. Assessing Vocabulary Mastery .................................................. 20
1. Selecting ........................................................................... 23
2. Testing .............................................................................. 23
G. Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMAN 3 Langsa 25

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 26

A. Place & Time of Research ........................................................ 26
B. Subject of the Research .............................................................. 26
C. Methodology of Research .......................................................... 27
D. Data Collecting Technique, Instrument, and
Validity of Instrument ................................................................ 29
1. Data Collecting Technique ................................................ 29
2. Instrument of Research ...................................................... 31
3. Validity of Instrument........................................................ 34
E. Data Analyzing Techniques ....................................................... 35
1. Triangulation...................................................................... 35
F. Steps in Research ....................................................................... 40

CHAPTER IV: RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................... 42

A. Result ....................................................................................... 42
1. Data and Research Findings in Cycle I.............................. 42
2. Data and Research Findings in Cycle II ........................... 52
B. Discussion................................................................................ 65

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 72

A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 72
B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 72

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 73

Table II. 1: Vocabulary Level ................................................................................. 22

Table III. 1: Field Notes Blueprint Table ................................................................ 31

Table III. 2: Blueprint of Questionnaire .................................................................. 32

Table III. 3: List of Students’ Vocabulary Size ....................................................... 37

Table III. 4: The Students’ Responds in Questionnaire Sheet ................................. 39

Table IV. 1: Field Note Table (Cycle I) .................................................................. 48

Table IV. 2: Analytical Scoring of Test (Cycle I) ................................................... 50

Table IV. 3 : Field Note Table (Cycle II) ............................................................... 56

Table IV. 4 : Analytical Scoring of Test (Cycle II) ................................................. 58

Table IV. 5 : The Students’ Vocabulary Size ......................................................... 60

Table IV. 6 : The Questionaire Item’s Weight ........................................................ 62

Table IV. 7 : The Students’ Respond in the Questionnaire Sheet ........................... 63

Table IV. 8 : The Percentage of Student’s Questionnaire ...................................... 68


Figure III. 1: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle ................................. 28

Figure III. 2: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle 1 .............................. 40

Figure III. 3: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle 2 .............................. 41


1. APPENDIX 1: SILABUS...................................................................................... 75

2. APPENDIX 2: LESSON PLAN (RPP) ................................................................. 81

3. APPENDIX 3: TABLE OF VALIDITY ............................................................... 89

5. APPENDIX 4: SCRIPT OF VIDEOS ................................................................... 94

4. APPENDIX 5: PHOTO ......................................................................................... 97


Vocabulary is one of aspects in learning foreign language. For language learners

especially beginners, it is often used when they learn to listen, speak, read, and write.
With a good heaping of vocabulary, people can deliver any ideas whether in written or
spoken so easily. Since the vocabulary is so important in communication, it needs a
special treatment or a fine technique to develop it. The technique which is used to teach
it have to aim the needs of students’ achievement. This research is tried to attempt the use
of video as a media in teaching vocabulary particularly for senior high school students. It
is done to make students feel more enjoyable to learn any materials including narrative
text. Finally, students is expected to be a better one to develop their comprehension of
vocabulary and competent to get main of the material through watching video.

Key word: Vocabulary, Teaching, Video, Senior High School Students



A. Background of the Study

Language is the most important part of human existence and social process

that has so many functions such as to perform the life of human beings. It allows

people to express their thought, feelings ideas and to communicate with others.

Almost all of human activities are conducted through the use of language either

in a spoken or written form to convey their ideas in term of various purpose and

reasons. This action can be done in four kinds of language skills (listening skill,

speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills) that should be mastered by

people, especially for language learners in Indonesia in learning English as a

Foreign Language.

A recent study of language learning in 25 countries shows that English is

the most popular modern language studied worldwide, and there are number of

courses in education institutions done through the medium of English. Because of

that, the need of teaching is more emphasized in English than Indonesia language.

Far as we know today, many up-to-date books, research articles, and new

information about the world can be obtained much more easily and most readily

in English. That is why English has been taught in Indonesia since the second

level of Elementary School in order to produce good human resources and develop

the education system in reaching the advanced country from the beginner level.

Being the fist foreign language and the obligatory subject at school, English needs
a serious handling in order to give the best quality of treatment to the students. In

fact, to achieve that target language, students need to cover the four language

skills, and the emphasis of teaching this skill is more on reading, it absolutely

means that we cannot ignore the knowledge of vocabulary because it is an

important needs to understand the four skill of learning language. Mastering

vocabulary is primarily needed to build up other language skills. It is a

fundamental aspect in language acquisition. In this case the students have to

master the necessary words which are essential to their field of study. Without

having adequate vocabulary, we will get difficulty in learning English. It means

by mastering vocabulary, of course with well grammar too, the learners will

produce so many sentences easily either in spoken or written one. They can also

communicate with other people fluently and express their opinion or ideas

conveniently. Thus, vocabulary should be the first priority in English language

teaching and learning.

Nowadays, the fact is so different. The students of Senior High School

have a bad acquisition of words. This phenomenon based on the experience of the

researcher while teaching at SMAN 3 Langsa. The students of second grade at

SMAN 3 Langsa are in the unexpected status because they are facing the problem

that they can not giving the right meaning of any items.

The difficulties of students occured in these skills: reading, and writing,

listening, and speaking.. In reading context, they are usually confused when the

teacher asked the feedback of the text. This happened because it is hard for them

to understand the meaning of any unusual or common words from the text. In

other hand, in the writing skill, the students also get the difficulties to write the
words. They are used to write based on what in their minds. This act of student

makes the words usually unknown words. The listening and speaking context as

well as explanation above. In the listening skills, they cannot recognize the words

they heard. Sometimes, they are confused when the teacher gave instruction of

material in English. This situation can be so bad by considering that listening skill

is one of the aspect in English which will be assessed in the final test. Also, the

teacher will be concerned about their speaking skill too. Their spelling can be so

unclear and gabbling the words.

Those problems are became a homework for the teacher to which they

have to think harder how to solve. The teacher have to bring them to recognize

the new words, then try to memorize along with its meaning to handle their lack

of vocabulary. Their lack of vocabulary needs more treatments. Maybe, the

teachers need a new technique to solve that problem such as using any medias.

The using of media is an another way to gain the student’s enough vocabulary

before they step to the next level of retaining vocabularies.

In this study, the writer was interested to teach vocabulary by using a short

animation video to increase the vocabulary of students. The researcher expected

that this media will become a strong tool to mastering vocabulary. So, the

objectives of teaching English in the Senior High School can be achieved.

B. Problem Statement

Problem statement displays the problem that makes this research is

significant. According to the background of study which has been explicabled

before, the problem which becomes the foundation of this research is:
1. Can watching video develop vocabulary mastery of 2rd grade students in

SMAN 3 Langsa?

2. What are the students’ responses on the use of video in teaching vocabulary?

C. Research Purpose

Some purposes which become the aim of this research are:

1. To find out whether watching video can develop vocabulary mastery of 2rd

grade students in SMAN 3 Langsa.

2. To find out the students’ responses on the use of the video to develop

vocabulary mastery.

D. Terminology

1. Video

Video is noticed as a one of good media that will increase the

comprehension toward their study progress. Hook & Williams say that with

audio visual as a media of literaturing1, it can be used as a magnetism tool of

student’s attention. Moreover, Jack believes that the students will assume this

way of learning as learner-friendly’s method caused by these factors.2

a. It can represent the communicative conditions, so the students can easily get

the main idea of any materials.

b. Students can steadily see the age, sex, or dress of participants.

J. N. Hook and William H. Evans, The Teaching of High School English: Fifth Edition,
(Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 1982), 480
Jack Lonergan, Video in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: University Press, 2000), 4
c. The pupils can help theirselves to understanding the relationship between

one to another, their social status, and what are they will doing.

d. The video displays paralinguistic information which shows like facial

expressions, body or hand gestures, and any other kinds of actions.

Based on explanation above, it can be assured that video is a

convenient media to be used in teaching vocabulary. The Great Treasure is

agreed as a hands down to get and steadily to apply in learning progress. In the

end, researcher wants to administer it as a media to please students in learning

particularly in narrative text.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

The vocabulary mastery is a thing that is difficult enough to be defined.

Nation states that the mastering of vocabulary is meant to as the ability to heap

any words based on their course or study.3 He also adds that the ability can

describe any of words which they recognize before whether in their foreign or

mother language. It means, when the students recognize any words, they will learn

to heap or mastery it. Then, they will memorize it along with its meaning.

In essence, vocabulary mastery is peoples’ ability to use or to understand

words of a language that they have learned and heard in certain situations in which

they really have experienced the situations in their life.

I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1990), 75
E. Significance of Research

Vocabulary is one of aspects in learning foreign language, including

English. It is generally not so hard to mastered it, if the teacher has the right and

supporting media to presenting it to the students. The medias which are very nice

to be used to improve students’ vocabulary mastery is with watching English

video. It could help the students to gain the vocabularies easily with audio visual

media. It is also will bring the students get involved with the situation and they

can learn the native language’s texture in that movie directly.

As we know that vocabulary is a center of language that connect four

skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those skills need vocabulary to

easier the students acquire the words. To make it through, a media is one of the

option that we can used for. Theoritically, Jeremy says that developing vocabulary

through media is one of the effective technique to make the learners get the

acquisition of words easily.4 He also adds that not all vocabulary can be learnt

through interaction and discovery technique. So, it can be defined that developing

vocabulary through media especially video will present a possible way to bring

new words into the students’ comprehension.

In practically, here the significances of this research:

1. For the students: The students will know the importance of

understanding the movie overall. They will feel this technique is the

better one because it is not like the real studying, they will learning

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman, 1991),
while enjoying the movie. And the point is, it will enrich their

vocabularies as a tool for English communication.

2. For the teacher: This technique will add their alternative way to

teaching English.

3. For the school: The assembling of this method in this reserach has an

objective to obtain a better achievement of students’. Indirectly, it will

improve the quality of school in general.

4. For the researcher: Developing students’ vocabulary through watching

movies will provide new educational research to improve the quality of

educational in the future.



A. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is something very important in any language learning as it is a basic

element of a language. For language learners especially beginners, the vocabulary is

often used when they learn to listen, speak, read, and write. As we know, vocabulary

is all the words in a language with an explanation of their meanings. 5 Keith, Brett, &

William discuss that we have a rich of words to easily us to connect with people, so

we have nearly similarity of word’s meaning about what the speakers said.6

Furthermore, Jeremy indicates the vocabulary is a one of terms that must be mastery

by people to understanding the meaning of words even for competent speakers. 7

Besides, Nation explains that vocabulary is one of important element of language that

can be so useful for the learner to find out the synonimous of any words. At last, it can

be taken as a conclusion that the vocabulary is a heart of language which have a lot of

word and its similarities. It means if we are learning or mastering it, we can distinguish

any meaning of each words.

Nation also states that vocabulary can be gained by the learner if they do the

right practice based on the teacher’s support.8 This mean the teacher and the learner

have a relationship to enrich the vocabulary of the leaner. Sometimes the teacher must

bring their best approaching of the vocabulary to realized the goal of learning. And the

teacher must be not dismiss the way of one method that applied for. This can be to

Anonym, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (Britain: Oxford Unversity Press, 2004), 482
Keith Denning, Brett Kesler, & William R. Leben, English Vocabulary Elements: Second
Edition, (New York: Oxford Unversity Press, 2007), 5
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman, 1991), 14
I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1990), 1
understood because the systematic amd principled approach to vocabulary sometimes

does not suit with the students’ comprehension. And this thing makes the teacher must

find the other approaches to make it happened cause we all know that vocabulary is

the main element of language. So, it is true that vocabulary should be learned and


B. Why We Should Learn Vocabulary

There are a lot of words of English that we must know to use English as fluently

for the foreigners as the native speakers.9 Nurnberg and Rosenblum in Norbert report

that about 1 million words are categorized in the English language.10 From the

stataments above, it is clear why we should learn vocabulary to gain the competence

of English communication. The more we gain the new words, the more fluent we are

to produce the steady sentences.

To present the smooth vocabulary, we can learn in the four skills in language

(listening, speaaking, reading, & writing). The reasons why we should learn

vocabulary will be founded in those skills. They are mentioned as follow:

Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2000), 3
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 2
1. Vocabulary in Listening

When we are listening to something, we have to know exactly what will

we get after the section of listening. And all we need is the pretty-well vocabulary

to dig it. Nation reports there is a big differences between the spoken and the written

English, which is a half of words in written English must be mastery to conceiving

the spoken English.11 That report as well as Richard’s list in Brown that one of

macroskills of the listening comprehension need ability to distinguish between

literal and implied meanings.12 In addition, Norbert tells the reasons why

vocabulary was needed in listening which are as follow:13

a. We can re-expressing the way of telling someone after we listen to something.

b. We can deliberately listen to other people’s conversation when they do not

know that we are listening to.

From the statements above, so we can take a conclusion that we need to

enrich our lexis to understanding a lot of spoken English’s words, so we can

distinguish the literal and implied meanings to aim the understanding of people’s


I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, 85
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
(New York: Longman, 2007), 308
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 156
2. Vocabulary in Speaking

Based on the subtitle above, it is clear to think that how can we say

something if we did not have an adequate speech of vocabulary? Norbert withdraws

a statement that to take a lot of practices like pairk-work activities, dictation and

paraphrasing exercises, and any other kinds to speak fluently. He then adds that

vocabulary in speaking is not difficult as it looks because it required much less for

listening and speaking, neither for reading and writing.14 Brown mentions some

abilities of microskills that must be mastery in oral communication, which are:15

a. We need to produce chunks of language of different length.

b. We have to produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

c. We ought to use an adequate number of words in order to finish pragmatic


d. We expected to produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.

From the explanations above, it means if we can retain a lot of English

word’s chunk, we can easily to develop ourselves to increase our comprehension of

vocabulary and any other elements of language. Moreover, to make it happened,

with a lot of practices and concerning of the major microskills of speaking, it is not

hard to speaks fluently. Shining example, if we can get in the plenty of words to our

brain and take many exercises, we can say something a lot better than the native


Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 156
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
3. Vocabulary in Reading

The same question also appears in this section. How we can read a book

if we did not know the word’s meaning of that book? In other hand, if we read a

lot of books, we can receive a lot of comprehension about lexis. This thing same as

like Brown states that the writers can explore their desire and put it down into their

ideas and bring it to their written English’s book to make it simply and simply.16

He goes on to say that ability to distinguish literal and implies meaning is one of

macroskill’s comprehension in reading.17 Norbert also tells eventhough we can

learn incidentally from the verbal exposure, it is still not enough that we can get

more wide variety of vocabularies from the English’s written text.18 So, it can be

conclude that vocabulary in reading is the most part of it. Reading provides a wide

kinds of vocabularies to make a better resource resource for acquiring a broader

range of words than the spoken one.

4. Vocabulary in Writing

Again, the an equal question turns up, how we can write something if we

can not produce any words? Although Brown points out that there are some required

abilities for the learner to achieve writing’s comprehension as follow:19

a. The learners have to produce an acceptable core of words.

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 150
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
b. The learners get to indicate a particular meaning in different grammatical


c. The learners capable to distinguish between literal and implied meanings

when writing.

Norbert also tells that there is a big deal from the learners who often use

basic vocabulary while the good native speaking writer would use more precise

lower frequency words.20 Heaton also adds that vocabulary is one of attempt to

isolate the language areas learnt including the section of writing, because it

concerned by these things which are word meanings, word formation, and

collocations.21 So, it is fine to conclude the statements of the expert above that

vocabulary is one of foundation that makes writing more systematic,

comprehensive and precisely.

C. Types of Vocabulary

Some experts of language classify vocabulary into some types. Petty in

Sakdiah’s thesis divides it into sight and meaning vocabulary.22 The first type means

the collection of words that has recalled of a reader. So, sight vocabulary is the

composite of words that has recognized and memorized by a reader before. The second

one means an ability of mastering the words by knowing its sense. As clearly, the

meaning vocabulary is an association of words which collected by knowing its

Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 155
J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (New York: Longman, 1988), 9
W.T. Petty, Experience in Language: Tool and Technique for Language Arts Method, in
Sakdiah, “Teaching Vocabulary through Quiz to 7th Grade Students of SMPN 8 Langsa”, (Langsa:
Unsam Langsa), 17-18
meaning. Burmeister in Sakdiah’s thesis also gives another types of vocabulary which

are receptive and expressive vocabulary.23 He says that receptive vocabulary is the

words that built up by reading and listening, meanwhile the other one was made by

speaking and reading. If both of those types was compared, then the receptive

vocabulary gained more words than the expressive vocabulary. Murcia and McInfosh

in Sakdiah’s thesis also agreed to indicate that vocabulary divided into two types,

active and passive vocabulary.24 The active vocabulary is purposed to speaking and

writing, whereas the passive one used in reading and listening.

From those classifications above, it can be conclude that there are six types of

vocabulary. They are sight and meaning vocabulary that cover the obtaining words by

memorizing and make a meaning of a word. And then, receptive or expressive which

is has same the comprehension with active and passive vocabulary. They have same

understanding that the activities of reading and listening provides more words.

D. Vocabulary Mastery

When we learn or study a language, we have to understand its function and

when exactly it can be applied. We have to admit that we need effort to master a thing,

including mastery learning. As Jason and Joan said that mastery learning more fully

reflects a communication oriented approach to guidance in which direction aims on

the personal student.25 It means to master any studies, between the teachers and the

Lou E. Burmeister, Reading Strategies for Secondary School Teachers, in Sakdiah, “Teaching
Vocabulary through Quiz to 7th Grade Students of SMPN 8 Langsa”, (Langsa: Unsam Langsa), 18-19
Marriance C. Murcia and McInfosh, Teaching english as a Second or Foreign Language, in
Sakdiah, “Teaching Vocabulary through Quiz to 7th Grade Students of SMPN 8 Langsa”, (Langsa: Unsam
Langsa), 19
Jason S. Wrench and Joan Gorham, Communication, Affect, & Leraning in the Classroom: 3 rd
Edition, (San Fransisco: Virginia Peck Richmond, 2009), 112
learners have to connect theirselves with a phenomenological guideline. This

orientation can lead them to achieve their goals in mastering study. The better approach

that teacher have, the better of comprehension that students have as a result.

The vocabulary mastery is an aspect that is quite difficult to be explained.

Jeremy states that vocabulary acquisition is not only introducing an amount of words

but more than that.26 In addition, Norbert explains that vocabulary mastery is a raising

progress and the teacher must focus not only presenting new words, but also on

maintaining learners’ comprehension of previously appeared words.27 Furthermore, he

also adds that the vocabulary mastery can be deriving through distinct study or

incidentally through explore to words in context.28 From those experts’ words, a

learner can really master hundred of lexical items that are most useful in any situations

by themselves and can be applied in his daily activities. In essence, vocabulary mastery

is people ability to use or to understand words of a language that they have learned and

heard in certain situations in which they really have experienced the situations in their


To practise the acquisition of words, there are many enable techniques to gain

it. Jeremy divides them into three examples which are as follow:29

1. Presentation

The teachers will bring the presentation to attract the learners, so it will

expected as a best way to bring new words into the learning progress. The items

which will they used for such as pictures, cards, magazine pictures, and any other

non-technical visual represenatation. The teacher also will act as a modelling to

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 159
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 157
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, 158
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 161
mime, act, gesture, explain, translate and others. Then, the learners will trying to do

the same things like the teachers do. If the class support to make it better, the teacher

can demonstrating the presentation by using modern media such as tape recorder to

play authentic songs and even videos.

2. Discovery Techniques

The teachers will present the simple matching tasks to more complete

comprehensions of connotation and context. They will using these kinds of

activities such as matching words with pictures, memorizing words, mind mapping

it, and then figuring out its meaning. Those kinds of activities aim the students’

acquisition of new words. The more practice, the more words that they will


3. Practice

In this section, the teachers will designing the activities which encourage

students to use words in an involving way. It means, the students invited by the

teachers to interact and demonstrate the actions which has instructed before. For

example, the teacher will gesturing the expression of surprise and the students will

write it down. So, this kind of activity presents the direct understanding to digging

students’ comprehension of new words and its meaning.

From a lot of explanations and examples above, we can summarize it down that

vocabulary mastery is not only matter to knowing its meaning but the real beneath of

a word. To know and master a word, we also need to know about its use, how it is
formed and what grammatical behaviour it influences or countiguous with. To

acquiring those, we can join to the designed activities above and practice it aid our

vocabulary acquisition.

E. Vocabulary Mastery through Watching Video

1. The Use of Video in Language Teaching

There are a lot of activities that have designed to teach and practise to achieve

the comprehension of new lexis. One of them is by using video. From the Oxford

Pocket Dictionary, video is the system which is broadcasting moving visual images

on and the sounds too.30 Bernard Grob also tells that video is a Latin word that has

meaning “I see” and its audio which means “I hear”.31 So, we can conclude that

when we are watching the video, we will see and hear with same actions instantly.

The explanations above as well as Jack’s explanation about the advantages of

using video as a media of language learning as follow:32

a. Video will be truthly exciting to language learners.

b. The video will act as a magnetism tool that will inhaling the learners’ interest

even the comprehension is limited.

c. The learners will motivated to watch the videos, to ask the questions, to follow

up ideas, and bring some suggestions toward videos.

d. The video will bring the learners to the relaxation and entertainment, because it

makes no demands for them.

Anonym, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (New York: Oxford Unversity Press, 2004),
Bernard Grob, Basic Television and Video Systems, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1984), 2
Jack Lonergan, Video in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2000), 5
From the explanations above, it all boils down to increase the learners’

motivation and it will easier the teachers’ work to aim the goal of studies. The using

of video as a media to developing vocabulary mastery is expected to bring the students

get the new experiences of gathering new lexis.

2. Genres of Video

Based on the syllabus of 2nd grade of SMAN 3 Langsa, the researcher concerned

to use video as a media to learn a material about narrartive text. The video which used

by the researcher has the main story that tipically similar with the generic structure of

narrative text. Narrative text itself was a kind of text that told about the ancient story

and often use metaphorical words to describe the expressions.

The video which the researcher used was titled “The Greatest Treasure”. The

researcher believes that video has the same context with the narrative text. It tells about

the adventure of a boy to seeking a treasure. During his journey, he found some animals

and they were helping each other to aim the treasure. The video has length about 5

minutes and 47 seconds.

F. Assessing Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary knowledge is difficult to assess because there are various levels of

vocabulary knowledge. There are words we have never heard, there are words we have

heard but do not know the meaning of, there are words we know but have a limited

understanding of, and so on. In other words, as teachers, we need to evaluate not only

what words know, but also how well they understand those words. So, it naturally

needs to be assessed in some way.

Nation explains that there are various types of tests could be used to measure

the vocabulary mastery, which are as follow:33

1. Multiple choice tests, all in English

Example: a tome ..........

a. A rough split

b. A pain in the back

c. A large, heavy book

d. A type of horse

2. Multiple choice tests using the mother tongue

Example: a tome is ..........

a. Sakit perut

b. Alat masak

c. Buku besar

d. Semacam kuda

3. Translation tests

Example: a tome is ..........

4. Translation tests, in the nondefining context

Example: it is a tome means ..........

I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, 75-76
To measure the vocabulary size, we can use the following formula:34

𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 × 𝑁𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦

= 𝑣𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑁𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡

The formula above means that the vocabulary size depends on the result of

correct answer times with the total words in a dictionary and then divided with all

items in a test.

We can considering the level of words that we will giving to the students as a

test by viewing this table below.35 The table gives guidelines about how to help

learners study the vocabulary at the various level.

Table II. 1: Vocabulary Level

Type of Vocabulary

2.000-word level The vocabulary of simplified reading books

3.000-word level A basis for beginning to read unsimplified texts

5.000-word level A wide vocabulary

10.000-word level A large wide vocabulary

Academic vocabulary The specialized vocabulary of university texts

I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, 76
I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, 263
Nation also describes two important steps to consider when we will measuring

knowledge of a particular group of words.36 The first is the selection of the words to

be tested, while the second one is the testing of the words. Here they are:

1. Selecting

It runs by matching the items that provided the six words and three meanings

in each section. This test was detectable that having more words and meanings in a

section put too much memory load on those taking the test. For example:

a. Bitter

b. Independent __________ small

c. Lovely __________ beautiful

d. Merry __________ liked by many people

e. Popular

f. Slight

2. Testing

In this test, we want to see if the learner know the meaning of a word after

they hear or see it. To prove it, we can ask the learners to: Write or say a mother-

tongue word or English synonym or definition; Check or underline the word to

show that they think they know it. And; Choose one from a set of pictures, mother-

tongue words, or English synonym or definition. For example:

1. Gauntlet 3. Nail

2. Pincers 4. Wrench

I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, 79-81
Campion and Elley in Nation also gives another variations of testing

vocabulary mastery37. The learners given a list of 10 English words and 13

defintions. This variation makes it easier for the test-maker to produce test items

because it is no need to find three or more simillars for each correct answer. And

here is an example:

1. Alternative a. Idea put forward as astarting point for reasoning

2. Mode b. Partial likeness or agreement between two things

3. Category c. The body of teaching or beliefs of a church, etc.

4. Emphasis d. A belief which is against what is generally accepted

5. Fragment e. A person or thing that succeeds another

6. Hypothesis f. Choice between two or more things

7. Instinct g. Force or stress laid on words

8. Analogy h. Speed, quickness

9. Doctrine i. Separate or incomplete part

10. Heresy j. Natural tendency to behave in a certain way

k. A division or class in a complete system

l. Way in which something is done

m. A list of names, subjects, etc.

G. Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMAN 3 Langsa

In syllabus, it is clearly shown that one of activity in learning narrative text is

identifying and discussing it. It known that narrative text was a one of kind text that

Mary E. Campion and Warwick B. Elley, “An Academic Vocabulary List,” in Teaching &

Learning Vocabulary, ed. I.S.P. Nation, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1990), 80
needed to imaging the body of story, the actors, the place, the time, and the

expressions too. The students need to know who is the player and also the place and

time were taking at. Because, sometimes they are confusing if the material of narrative

text was brought only by text.

So, to make it easir to the learners, the researcher will using video as a media

to help them to understanding it. The new vocabularies also can be improved by doing

this technique. The students will competence and enjoyable to get the contents with

the new lexis too from the video’s playback. And this will lead to their achievement

of studies.

The researcher will applied Natural Approach during research. Krashen states

that Natural Approach is the method of teaching that primarily based on what the

subject hears and understanding about the material, not based on what the subject

says.38 So, it is considered as an enable way in collecting new words that they will

obtained from the video. It also considered to enhancing their acquistion and

comprehension after the test. And finally, the students expected to gain more

vocabulary and the best result of narrative text’s comprehension after the study in


Stephen D. Krashen and Tracy D. Terrell, The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the
Classroom, (London: Prentice Hall Europe, 1995), 1


A. Place & Time of Reseach

1. Place of Research

Location of research is a place where research is done. This classroom action

research takes place in SMAN 3 Langsa. The school is located in Jalan Cut Nyak

Dhien No. 27 Kota Langsa. This place was choosen because considering the lack

of vocabulary toward students’ comprehension. This problem will lead to bad to

students’ achievement on the final test of English. The researcher is interested to

find a new way to develop their vocabulary mastery by applying video as a media

to make it happened.

2. Time of Research

The time of this study is carried out on April 2013at the second semester.

After getting an agreement of the school principal and then consult to an English

teacher who teach at the second year of IPA of SMAN 3 Langsa. The time is based

on the syllabus about listening practice of narrative text in SMAN 3 Langsa.

B. Subject of the Research

Norman describes that the subject of a reserach is a choice of substance from

a population and is used to form statements about the entirepopulation.39It means

the researcher must be pick a representative sample to make the research is reliable.

Norman Blaikie, Analyzing Quantitative Data, (London: Sage Publications, 2003), 161
In this research, the subject is choosen from2nd grade class in SMAN 3 Langsa, 2

IPA 7 exactly.

This class was choosen based on their lack of vocabulary. They can not

bring the feedback from the material which had read before. It caused by their

limited understanding of foreign words. Sometimes, they hard to do the task from

their teacher or textbook. Also, in listening section, they difficult to recognizing the

words, and finally they can not answer the questions based on the speaker said. This

situation can be so bad when the section of conversation was began, they seem to

be hard to spelling the words. They are babling the unknown words and it will make

their score is deceased.

From those problems, the researcher decide to pick the class of 2 IPA 7 as a

sample. This class consists of 40 students and concerned as the finest sample

because their teacher reports that this class needs more treatment to develop their

vocabulary mastery.

C. Methodology of Research

This research is modeled as classroom action research. Anne states that action

research involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to

exploring your own teaching contexts by implemented several process: planning,

action, observation, and reflection.40 Kothari also said that action research aims at

finding a solution for an immediate problem facing an environment.41 According to

Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching, (New York: Taylor &
Prancis, 2010), 2
C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, (New Delhi: New Age
International Publisher, 1990), 3
previous statements, it can be summarized that classroom action research is a research

that has used to develop the grade of a class by applying a better approach such as:

planning, action, observation, and reflection to find a solution based on learning


Figure III. 1: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle

From the picture above, we can see there are some cycle’s processes depend

on requirement that occured in classroom action research.42 Each cycle also consists

some steps: planning, action, observation and reflection. Planning is done in the first

of cycle as an examination of complication; which becomes a focus of research. In this

stage, a researcher is identifying and develop plan of action in order to bring out about

upgrading in a special area of the research context.After planning, a researcher then

Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching, 9
does the deliberate intervention action as an alternative ways to solve the problem on

the current situation.

During action, a researcher also makes an observation to collect information

about what is happening in the classroom such as students’ responses, participation,

achievements, etc. The observation becomes source of consideration in reflection

phase, whether the research has made it or not. If the research does not attain the goal,

then the research can be evaluated and carried outin cycle II as an ameliorationsense

for cycle II.

D. Data Collecting Technique, Instrument, and Validity of Instrument

1. Data Collecting Technique

Data is the main section of the research. In this research, data is the input as

consideration whether the assembling of video to facilitate students’ vocabulary

mastery is succeed or not. So, the compatible technique is needed to get credible

and valid data.

a. Observation

Norman indicates that observation is a situation when a researcher do his

research with keep controlling the place of research and its actually made by

sight and hearing.43 Observation in this classroom action research is worked as

nonparticipant observer. It means that researcher involves a teacher in classroom

and the observation is done while teaching progress by an observer who is not

joined in learning progress. By bringing out this observation, reseracher can

obtain a number of informations about motion of classroom as long as learning.

Norman Blaikie, Analyzing Quantitative Data, 15
b. Questionnaire

Kothari claims that questionnaire is a list of printed or typed questions

which relates with the research and given to the respondent. 44 It also contains

some questions about their opinions and difficulties that facing the learners while

the research process, including the use of video as a media to develop their

vocabulary mastery in the narrative text.

c. Test

Penny states that test was used to give information about where the

students are at the moment, to help decide what to teach next. And for the

students, they can know how far they get the studies progress.45Test is meant to

provides students with a sense of achievement and progress in their learning. In

the lesson plan, it runs to know the attainment of students in cognitive part. It is

done as vocabulary test grounded on videogiven after learning progress. In

reflection and evaluation step, the score can be taken as a consideration.

2. Instruments of Research

In the research, instrument is a device to get data from subject in research.

There are instruments in this research:

C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, 100
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1999), 9
a. Field Notes

Christina tells that field notes is an activity of instrument that records the

evidence during the research to develop analytical ideas.46 In this research, the

evidence will be written as following table:

Table III. 1: Field Notes Blueprint Table

Date/Time Events

It is done to create the analysis of every evidences. The result of field notes

is a source of consideration whether students sense delicatelyduring learning


b. Lists of Questionnaire

The questionnaires were bought when the applying of test was done.

There are ten questions in questionnaire and it discovers about their opinions

about the technique in this research.

Christina Hughes, “From Field Notes to Dissertation: Analyzing the Step Family,” in
Analyzing Qualitative Data, ed. Alan Bryman and Robert G. Burgess (New York: Routledge, 1994), 37
Table III. 2: Blueprint of Questionnaire

No. Questions Possibility Answers

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree
Do you agree with the use of video in
1. 3. Neutral
developing vocabulary mastery?
2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree
I feel motivated developing
2. 3. Neutral
vocabulary mastery by video.
2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

Those questionnaires will brought in multiple choice with using Likert’s

Scale. The Likert scale type presents a number of positive and negative statements

regarding the feedback of the respondent. The scale was formed in a question of

five choices. Again, the multiple choice was choosen because it purposed to easily

in clustering data. And the data analyzing will easy too to obtain. The form of

questionnaire is provided in the appendix.

c. Test

Test is meant to provides students with a sense of achievement and

progress in their learning. In the lesson plan, it runs to know the attainment of
students in cognitive part. In this research, the test is given in the end of video’s

presentation. The kind of test that will be tested is:

1. Multiple Choice

As Penny statement that multiple choice test is a kind of question test

which consists of a stem and a number of options (usually four), from which

the learners has to select the right one.47It is given in at once with the first

test. The pupils asked to select the best answer from 10 questions which are

provided by the reseacher. The questions it self based on the video that has

presented. The examples as follow:

TASK : Match the the best meaning based on movie which you had watched


1. Endless e. Going on for days

f. Going on for a decade

g. Going on for ever

h. Going on for a moment

2. Huddled a. The people or things were crowded together

b. The things or animals were lived together

c. The people or things were prepared together

d. The things or animals were talked together

Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, 12
3. Validity of Instrument

Heaton explains that the validity of a test is the extent to which it

measure what it is suppose to measure and nothing else.48A valid instrument

offered data which can be accepted as a base in concluding the outcome of

research. In this research, which is finished as action research, the validity

which is become a central are process of validity and content validity.

a. Process of Validity

Kothari mentions that process of validity is the a reference of the

action’s process that applied during the research to reflect the truth of the

instruments.49 It connects to the collecting data process while research is

going on, particularly in peering, bringing the test and offering

questionnaire. In observing, it pointed to the steps of teaching, whether are

as a ruled enhancement or not. In applying test, it refers to sum of the

students who have finished the test. And the last, it gets in touch with the

total of students who answer and bringing the questionnaires list back. The

process of validity is analyzed by observer and also showed as table.

b. Expert Validity

Expert validity is one of recomendation to measuring our

instruments, datas, and other courseworks which are can warrant our

research.50 In this section, the researcher will ask the validity to the expert

one who will representated by a lecture. The lecture must be in master the

J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (New York: Longman, 1988), 159
C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, 73
Alison Mackey and Susan M. Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design,
(Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Association, 2005), 250
English language and then she will determine whether the instrument is

suitable with the materials. She will check closely to assured there is no

deviation between the number of tests with the materials.

E. Data Analyzing Technique

1. Triangulation

Marilyn explains that triangulation is a kind of surveying something by

using different methods to make more accurate.51That statement as well as Alison

and Susan’s words that triangulation is the way to analyzing data with using

multiple instruments, observers, or other research measures.52 So, we can conclude

that triangulation is a kind of analyzing data with using different instruments to

make more accurate.

This research applies multifarious techniques in data collecting technique

to obtain objective outcome of students’ performance in developing vocabulary

mastery by using video. The variety of techniques are observation and test also with

the questionnaire. Those analyzing techniques also concern to compound method

between quantitative and qualitative. It means that the researcher can seize those

techniques following to requirement.

1.1. Observation

Observation is done to earn information about students’ condition while

learning progress. It is recorded in field notes to create a focus on interseting

Marilyn Porter, “Second-Hand Ethnography: Some Problems in Analyzing a Feminist
Project,” in Analyzing Qualitative Data, ed. Alan Bryman and Robert G. Burgess (New York: Routledge,
1994), 70
Alison Mackey and Susan M. Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design,
evidence which is occured in classroom during the lesson. And the ensuing one

is with the test. It is applied to measure the students’ achievement in developing

vocabulary mastery by using video. This instrument describes the students’

conception, their joining in while learning progress, and cogitation about the

technique that used by the teacher.

The final data which are collected by using observation are showed by

using rectangular column as known as matrix. And the data are presented by

applying qualitative method by condensing the evidence of classroom during



The next triangulation’s step is with using test. The researcher is

designed the number of items to measuring their vocabulary size.The test result

is analyzed with a formula. The vocabulary size is developed by using Nation’s

simple formula as follow:53

𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 × 𝑁𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦

= 𝑣𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑁𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡

Considering the subject of research, the researcher makes sure that the

total words in dictionary will be contains about 2.000 words. For qualifying

quantitative data, the researcher was analyzed it by using descriptive statistic

and showed in table and the graphic at last . In the end, the conclusion of the

utilizing of video in developing vocabulary mastery is taken. From those

I. S. P. Nation, Teaching & Learning Vocabulary, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1990), 76
resources, we can see how the students’ acquisition of vocabulary toward the

narrative text on the video in the following table:

Table III. 3: List of Students’ Vocabulary Size

No Students’ Name Vocabulary Size

Norbert states that there is no commonly acceptable standardized test

of English vocabulary.54 So, that’s why the researcher only put the result of

students’ vocabulary size into the table that shows the acquisition of their

vocabulary based on the video that they have watched before. The conclusion

will made building on the data. Inferentially by using qualitative technique to

construe data to be a reasonable one in the end.

1.3. Questionnaire

As well as quantitavive data, the questionnaire as instrument of

qualitative data is served by means of table too. The datas are clustered

according to selections which have been chosen. The scoring system used

Likert scale. The options are strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and

strongly disagree.55It is displayed in a table to easily in analyzing the structure

Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2000), 174
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011), 93
of answer. The data then presented in a graph to see the percentage of answer.

It is done to dig students’ idea about using video in learning progress. The

precise of qualitative is applied to show students’ opinion about the using of

video in developing their vocabulary mastery.

Besides the data can be seen in percentage form as well, the data was

processed by using the percentage formula.

𝑝% = 𝑓

𝑝 = the percentage

𝑓 = the frequency of how many the answer was chosen

𝑛 = the number of student

100 = the constant value

Table III. 4: The Students’ Responds in the Questionnaire Sheet

No. Questions Possibility Answers F

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree
Do you agree with the use
of video in developing 3. Neutral
1. vocabulary mastery?
2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree
I feel motivated
developing vocabulary 3. Neutral
2. mastery by video
2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree


From whole data which have been gathered by some instruments: field

notes, questionnaire and test, then the result of this research is taken. Field notes

and questionnaire show the physchomotoric and affective aspect. It means those

intruments describe the students’ conception, their joining in while learning

progress, and cogitation about the technique.

F. Step in Research

Classroom action research is done is cycle. Each cycle consist of planning,

action and reflection. For this research, the steps are:

Figure III. 2: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle 1
Figure III. 3: Diagram of Classroom Action Research Cycle 2


This chapter presents the data and findings of the research conducted. The

data and findings cover the planning of the action, the implementation of the

action, and the analysis and reflection for both cycles.

A. Result

1. Data and Research Findings in Cycle I

a. Planning the Action

Researcher did a few arrangement in order to do the research in the

step of planning. First, the reseacher is designed the planning of the action

and had some discussions about the activities of teaching learning in first

cycle, also how to bring the very well action during the learning progress.

The researcher is also get some inputs of the planning the action from the


Next, the researcher is discussed with English teacher of 2 IPA 7

about when the good time to start the research. After expostulating, the

reseracher had a approval to start the research on Saturday, 11th May 2013.

In that time, the English study had a double time and it was separated by

break time. This condition signals a great moment to do research deep and

clearly. The discussion with her also tells the lesson plan that match with

the research. It based on the syllabus and by some advices from the her.
As the explanation above, this research is applied several

instruments: test, list of questionnaire and also field note. The researcher

also have discussed it with English teacher of 2 IPA 7 and got the agreement

from her.

b. Applying the Action

Action was done in Saturday. There were some activities which

finished with a purpose to make the research is going well, they were:

1. Teaching Process 1

The process of teaching was done by using Natural Approach as

has been explained in Chapter II. At that moment, there were 4 abcense

students and the 2 students were sick. Study was started at 9.05 AM. The

researcher and his companion were came to the class also with the real

English teacher of that school. She made the whole class queitly and

introduced the researcher and his partner to the students about the duty

that they will do. She also reminds to the students they must obey to the

reseacher. Then, she bring the reseacher to the stage and ready to start

the lesson.

The reseacher who acts as a teacher introducing himself and open

a few chit-chat with the students before the main study is applied. Then,

the teacher is ready to brought the real material. At that case, the teacher

is continued the last material which is about Analytical Exposition text.

The teacher is asked one of them to re-conducted what Analytical

Exposition is. Then, the teacher is re-flashback the main feature of it and
explain more details and the next activity is the teacher brought some

tasks from the book to the students about the material. It takes about 25

minutes that the students finished their duty.

The next step, the teacher is began the material with introducing

the function of using video in teaching and the important of vocabulary.

The teacher and the students were having discussion about it. The teacher

is detailed so more about the advantage of using video in teaching

language especially to develop vocabulary. A few of them were

wondering to know what it is like. Then, the study is stopped by break


2. Teaching Process 2

The next process of this reserach is started by giving a pre-test

about the vocabulary test from teacher and his companion. After done it,

the students were ready to receive the material.

The teacher is started the study by leading question about the fairy

tale. This action will increase their motivation to start the study. This is

will be unique since there will be so many ideas from them. There are 3

students who get the honour to answer the question about the leading


Then, the teacher is explained about the material that will be given

to the students which is about the narrative text. The teacher will

introducing its language feature and try to open the section of question in
order to asking about the material. Again, the students is asked by teacher

to repeat the language feature of narrative text.

After had some pretty well discussions about the material, then

the teacher was continuing by giving an example of narrative text. The

teacher is facilitated the students by demonstrated the example of

narrative text by video. The video will re-playback about twice. It will

displayed the animation video without any texts on it.

Before the video is began to be played, the students were asked

to pay attention closely while the video is playing. The teacher is

reminded the students that after there will be some task based on the

video. So, the students were expected to concentrate and dig the main

story on the video. The video is presented the way of narrative text is.

The kind of presenting example of narrative like this is considered to

increase their ability to understanding the main story of text. It also will

enjoyable for them. And finally, it was expected to make them easily to

develop their vocabulary mastery as the aims of this research.

During the video is in progressing, the reseacher had asked his

friend to observing the class. The observer observes the process of action

activities by using the guide that has prepared before by the researcher.

He will take note for students’ unexpected actions during study.

Next phase, the teacher is re-asked the students about the video is

told about. The students were told what on their mind based on the video.

There are 2 students who give their best comprehension about the main
story of the video. And they were re-told the story with their mother

language to the entire class.

The next step, the teacher gives some tasks based on the video

which are in these forms: gap-filling completion and true/false. They are

about 5 questions for each forms. The students asked to do their task by


And the last thing is, the teacher is applied the post-test. It has

same form with the pre-test. So, the teacher is wanted to measure their

comprehension before and after the video was played. With these actions,

the teacher is completed to first cycle I. As the result was not succesful,

the teacher will applying the next meeting for the cycle II. It has same

progressing but the pre-test and post-test was different but has the same


c. Reflection

To see whether or not the action in the first cycle were succesful,

the researcher as the teacher and his collaborators who observed the

process of the action made a reflection in which the researchjer could see

the success rate or the action could improve students’ achievement in

developing their vocabulary mastery.

During the teaching learning process in cycle I, the reseacher noted

that there were some positive and negative points presented by the students

that were considered needed to be tended. They were enthusiast while the

video is started to palyback. And the way they do the task were so orderly,
although there is some students who turning their head backward to

seeeking the answer from their nearest friend. This tell the positive and the

negative part in this action that needed to reflect on.

The unsatisfactory result of the first cycle was not only caused by

the students, but also from performance of teacher in conducting the

teaching learning process. The first, the reseacher did not manage well the

time and the classroom activities. And the other one is the reseacher did

not prepare and explain well the material. And the last, the collaborator

who acts as a observer and operator was hard to demonstrating the video

and displaying it to the white board by projector.

Considering of the problem above, the reseacher and his

companion made decision to continue the implementation of this section

to the cycle I. The lesson plan and the preparation of the study in the cycle

II were improved based on the criteria that had not yet met in the cycle I.

d. The Field Note Recording

In this part, the following table shown the condition that happened

on the class during the study.

Table IV. 1: Field Note Table (Cycle I)

Date Events
Students do the pre-test which is held in the beginning of
study (vocabulary test)
11/05/2013 Students answer the leading questions by teacher.
11/05/2013 Students repeat the language feature of narrative text
11/05/2013 Students pay attention for the video’s playback.
All students enthusiast while the video is playing about
the example of narrative text
Some students make still chatting and busy with their
own phone while the video is played.
11/05/2013 Students is asked to retelling what the video is told about.
11/05/2013 Students is asked to do the task based on the video.
While the task is in progressing, a few of them were
cheating with their friends’ answer sheet.
Students do the post-test which is held in the end of study
(vocabulary test)

From the table above, we can see the students still remaining to be

not so serious while the progressing of study. They are still chatting with

their friends, busy with their mobile and a few of them is still cheating

about the task. So, this problem should be done in the next meeting.

e. The Result of Students’ Test

The researcher needed to analysis the students’ individual

development of their vocabulary mastery whether or not reached the

achievement based on success indicators prepared: the students average

score of the narrative texts’ class should be 70. The result of the students’

score was taken from post-test after the treatment in cycle I. To see the

students’ development of their vocabulary mastery, the researcher

compared their base score gained pre-test and post-test as follow:

Table IV. 2: Analytical Scoring of Test (Cycle I)

No. Students’ Name Pre-Test Post-Test Development

1. AS 50 60 10
2. AA 30 50 20
3. AD 30 50 20
4. DOI 50 50 0
5. DW 30 60 30
6. DM 60 70 10
7. DI 40 40 0
8. DA 20 50 30
9. DN 50 60 10
10. DUR 40 60 20
11. EA 20 40 20
12. FM 20 40 20
13. FU 10 40 30
14. IF 20 50 30
15. IA 40 60 20
16. MAS 20 50 30
17. MFA 40 60 20
18. MAN 40 50 10
19. MIS 30 60 30
20. MAP 60 70 10
21. NS 30 50 20
22. NN 70 90 20
23. NF 40 60 20
24. NU 60 70 10
25. RA 50 60 10
26. RG 30 40 10
27. RAB 50 60 10
28. RAR 60 60 0
29. RY 40 50 10
30. RO 30 60 30
31. RMP 50 60 10
32. RU 30 50 20
33. SIS 10 50 40
34. SH 10 50 40
35. SU 20 50 30
36. SA 60 70 10
37. TI 30 60 30
38. TAP 40 60 20
39. TH 20 50 30
40. YP 40 60 20
Mean: 36,75 Mean: 55,75
From the table above, there was only one student who passed pre-

test with the average score (70). And in the post-test, there were only four

students who passed the expected score. However, it can be seen that there

were great significant different score between pre-test and post-test in

cycle I. The mean score od pre-test was 36,75 and the mean score of post-

test was 55,75. This indicated that the students made an development, even

though it did not reach the success indicator pointed. However, when the

mean score of the students had not met the success indicator, the reseacher

and his observer need to repeat the cycle and revised the plans.

2. Data and Research Findings in Cycle II

a. Planning the Action

Based on the result and reflection done in the cycle I, the researcher

and his collaborator decide to dom some revision and improvement in

developing students’ vocabulary mastery. The revision and improvement

included the lesson plans, the better material that will bring out by the

reseacher, and the better preparation by the observer to maintain the video

is ready to be played. And the last, the reseracher and his partner will carry

out the cycle II on Saturday, 18th May 2013.

b. Applying the Action

1. Teaching Process 1

As cycle I, the study was began by the teacher by giving their

last pre and post-tests’ score about the vocabulary test. They will figure
it out that they need more study to gain better score. The teacher is

started to motivate them to bring their best on the next test.

Then, teacher is continued the study by asking the students what

they have got at the previous meeting. There are 2 students were

represented to entire class about the material that they have learned at

the last meeting. The teacher will re-clarify the material and the student

is asked to pay attention. So, they will get a better comprehentsion than


Next, the teacher will present another example of narrative text

through video. It was different with the video in the cycle I. Different

story, different actors, and different atmosphere on it. But, the

researcher have considered it as the same quite level with the first video.

The video was prepared by the observer. The video itself will

re-playback about 4 times. At the first and second playback, the video

was in non-subtitled. This action same like the action in the cycle I. The

point that makes different is at the third and fourth playback, the video

is played with the subtitle on it. This treatment is considered to make

the students simpler to gain the main comprehence of story from video.

Whenever the video is played, the condition of the class was so

quiet. They were pay attention so closely. And at the end of the fourth

playback, they forced the teacher to re-playback the video once again.

But the teacher did not allowed it. This can be understanding, because

they do not want to do the same mistake like before. The teacher is
controlled the class while the observer is busy to take note from the

students’ activities.

The next action, the teacher is asked the students to bring their

comprehension about the video’s main story is. There are 2 students

were represented it again. After that, the student is asked to give them

applause. This kind of action is surely will raise their motivation and

ready to do next progress.

Same like before, the students is asked again to do some tasks

based on the video, the task is to fulfill their need of materials’ score.

The task is same level like the task in cycle I, but in different questions.

They are about 5 questions for each forms. The student were done it so


The next phase, the teacher is applied again the post-test. The

rules of post-test was same like before. After get the better treatment,

this post-test should be more competent than last post-test. If this post-

test did not pass the pointed indicator, there will be cycle III. Then, the

study time was stopped by bell that signal to break.

2. Teaching Process 2

The class was began again after the students get into the class.

The teacher is discussed again about the task that they have done before.

The students is asked by the teacher what the answer is. And the teacher

answer it by replayback the video to show the real answer. With that
action, the students can reflect theirself about their ability to

comprehending the main story from the video.

The next activity is the teacher conclude the whole their material

about narrative text and opens the section of asking from the students.

This discussion is took about 15 minutes.

The final action is, the teacher and the on-participant observer

were spread the questionnaires to the students. The questionnaire sheets

were in their mother language condition, so they easily to answer the

questions on it. The questionnaires were consist of 10 questions. After

they done the questionnaires, the class was closed by the teacher.

c. Reflection

Similar to the cycle I, after the whole process of developing the

students’ vocabulary mastery through watching movie, the researcher and

his companion did a reflection to all steps of learning progressing in cycle

II. The reflection in cycle II was focused on the result of teaching and

learning process, and on the students’ learning result or score after the

better treatment given in this cycle.

The researcher noted that there were some positive points. They are

such as performance of the teacher was better than before. The other one

is, the collaborator who prepared so well about the media of video to the

white board as a projector. At this time, he can set the media so quickly,

so there is no need to waste the time in learning progress.

The other positive points are the students is so more enthusiast.

They were seemed like can not wait to watch another video. Even, they

were asked to re-playback again the video whereas the video itself was

played about 4 times.

And the next positive points that the researcher can earn is the

result of the students’ vocabulary test. It tells a good news since there is

no need to held cycle III. The result of their score is showned in next title

d. The Field Note Recording

In this part, the following table shown the condition that occured

on the class during the study.

Table IV. 3: Field Note Table (Cycle II)

Date Events
Students get their last answer sheet and for a moment the
class was noisy
Students is asked to re-explain the material that they
learned in the last meeting
Students pay attention for the video’s playback as the
anpther example of narrative text.
All studentsreally enthusiast while the video is playing
about the example of narrative text
18/05/2013 Students is asked to retelling what the video is told about.
18/05/2013 Students is asked to do the task based on the video.
While the task is in progressing, the frequency of
students’ cheating was decreased
Students do the final post-test which is held in the end of
study (vocabulary test)
Students finish the questionnaire about the use of video
in developing their vocabulary mastery

On the following table, it shown clearly the students already prove

their serious attention toward the study. The observation of their activity

is bring positive point than previous meeting.

e. The Result of Students’ Test

The analysis of the students’ individual vocabulary test in cycle II

was done to see the effectiveness of developing their vocabulary mastery

through watching video. The students’ result as the table follow:

Table IV. 4: Analytical Scoring of Test (Cycle II)

No. Students’ Name Post-Test 1 Post-Test 2 Development

1. AS 60 90 30
2. AA 50 80 30
3. AD 50 70 20
4. DOI 50 80 30
5. DW 60 80 20
6. DM 70 90 20
7. DI 40 70 30
8. DA 50 70 20
9. DN 60 80 20
10. DUR 60 80 20
11. EA 40 70 30
12. FM 40 70 30
13. FU 40 80 40
14. IF 50 80 30
15. IA 60 80 20
16. MAS 50 80 30
17. MFA 60 80 20
18. MAN 50 70 20
19. MIS 60 90 30
20. MAP 70 100 30
21. NS 50 70 20
22. NN 90 100 10
23. NF 60 80 20
24. NU 70 90 20
25. RA 60 80 20
26. RG 40 70 30
27. RAB 60 90 30
28. RAR 60 90 30
29. RY 50 80 30
30. RO 60 70 10
31. RMP 60 80 20
32. RU 50 80 30
33. SIS 50 70 20
34. SH 50 70 20
35. SU 50 70 20
36. SA 70 90 20
37. TI 60 80 20
38. TAP 60 90 30
39. TH 50 80 30
40. YP 60 80 20
Mean: 55,75 Mean: 80

The table above was the comparison result post-test of the both

cycles. In cycle II, to calculate the score gained by the students, the

reseacher used the same formula as in the cycle I. After calculating the

students’ score in cycle II, the reseacher found that the students had

developed their score from 55,75 in cycle I to 80 in cycle II. All students

were passed the expected score (70). So, the researcher had decided to not

continue the next cycle because the result had met the success indicator

that is 70.

f. The Result of Students’ Vocabulary Size

As the formula that stated in the previous chapter, all the vocabulary

test can be displayed in the follwing table.

Table IV. 7: The Students’ Vocabulary Size

No. Students’ Name Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary

Size Size Size
(Pre-Test 1) (Post-Test 1) (Post-Test 2)
1. AS 1000 1200 1800
2. AA 600 1000 1600
3. AD 600 1000 1400
4. DOI 1000 1000 1600
5. DW 600 1200 1600
6. DM 1200 1400 1800
7. DI 800 800 1400
8. DA 400 1000 1400
9. DN 1000 1200 1600
10. DUR 800 1200 1600
11. EA 400 800 1400
12. FM 400 800 1400
13. FU 200 800 1600
14. IF 400 1000 1600
15. IA 800 1200 1600
16. MAS 400 1000 1600
17. MFA 800 1200 1600
18. MAN 800 1000 1400
19. MIS 600 1200 1800
20. MAP 1200 1400 2000
21. NS 600 1000 1400
22. NN 1400 1800 2000
23. NF 800 1200 1600
24. NU 1200 1400 1800
25. RA 1000 1200 1800
26. RG 600 800 1400
27. RAB 1000 1200 1800
28. RAR 1200 1200 1800
29. RY 800 1000 1600
30. RO 600 1200 1400
31. RMP 1000 1200 1600
32. RU 600 1000 1600
33. SIS 200 1000 1400
34. SH 200 1000 1400
35. SU 400 1000 1400
36. SA 1200 1400 1800
37. TI 600 1200 1600
38. TAP 800 1200 1800
39. TH 400 1000 1600
40. YP 800 1200 1600
Mean: 735 Mean: 1090 Mean: 1605

From the table above, the mean on pre-test results about 735 words.

And then it developed on the second test that result about 1090 each

students. And the final test proofs that students can develop their

vocabulary through watching video about 1605 words. So, it can be

concluded that the using of video can be develop students’ vocabulary


g. The Result of Students’ Respond

The data obtain from questionnaire are analyzed in order to know

the students’ responses towards the developing vocabulary mastery

through watching movie. These questionnaires were contained 10

questions which would describe closely to what students experienced

during the treatment. These aimed to read their opinion or attitudes

whether or not they felt positive about the use of video as a media of study.

The students were asked to cross the options that best represented their


The scoring system used Likert scale. The options are strongly

agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. The evaluation of

Likert scale can be seen as follow:

Table IV. 5: The Questionnaire Item’s Weight

No. Items Symbol Positive

1 Strongly Agree SA 5
2 Agree A 4
3 Neutral N 3
4 Disagree D 2
5 Strongly Disagree SD 1

The data can also be seen in percentage form, the data was

processed by using the percentage formula.

𝑝% = 𝑓

𝑝 = the percentage

𝑓 = the frequency of how many the answer was chosen

𝑛 = the number of student

100 = the constant value

Table IV. 6: The Students’ Respond in the Questionnaire Sheet

No. Questions Possibility Answers F
5. Strongly Agree 25 62,5 %
Do you agree with the use 4. Agree 15 37,5 %
of video in developing 3. Neutral 0 -
1. 2. Disagree
vocabulary mastery? 0 -
1. Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 12 30 %
I feel motivated 4. Agree 19 47,5 %
developing vocabulary 3. Neutral 8 20 %
2. 2. Disagree 1 2,5 %
mastery by video
1. Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 8 20 %
I feel that my vocabulary 4. Agree 21 52,5 %
mastery is getting better 3. Neutral 11 27,5 %
3. 2. Disagree 0 -
through video
1. Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
Developing vocabulary 5. Strongly Agree 17 42,5 %
mastery by video makes 4. Agree 16 40 %
me more easily getting the 3. Neutral 6 15 %
4. comprehension of 2. Disagree 0 -
narrative text 1.Strongly Disagree 1 2,5 %
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 20 50 %
I feel more focused on 4. Agree 13 32,5 %
doing tasks of vocabulary 3. Neutral 6 15 %
after learned it by video 2. Disagree 1 2,5 %
1.Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
Through using video as a 5. Strongly Agree 10 25 %
media to develop 4. Agree 20 50 %
vocabulary master, I can 3. Neutral 9 22,5 %
predict how many words I 2. Disagree 1 2,5 %
acquired 1.Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 27 67,5 %
4. Agree 11 27,5 %
I realized that vocabulary
3. Neutral 2 5%
7. mastery is important
2. Disagree 0 -
1.Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 24 60 %
I am interesting in video 4. Agree 13 32,5 %
which my teacher used in 3. Neutral 2 5%
vocabulary mastery 2. Disagree 1 2,5 %
1.Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
5. Strongly Agree 12 30 %
By using video, my 4. Agree 25 62,5 %
teacher teaches vocabulary 3. Neutral 2 5%
clearer and more focused 2. Disagree 1 2,5 %
1.Strongly Disagree 0 -
Total 40 100 %
I find some problems 5. Strongly Agree 7 17,5 %
when I am developing 4. Agree 8 20 %
vocabulary mastery by 3. Neutral 15 37,5 %
video. Mention it! 2. Disagree 9 22,5 %
(Optional) 1.Strongly Disagree 1 2,5 %
Total 40 100 %

B. Discussion

In this part, deals with the discussion on the important activities in teaching

process by applying video as a media to develop sudents’ vocabulary mastery the

discussion comprises two of problem statements in this research which states in

chapter I: does the video can develop vocabulary mastery of 2rd grade students in

SMAN 3 Langsa, and what is the student’s responds on the use of the video in

teaching vocabulary. A clear discussion of two points above is presented as the

following description.

1. The Developing Vocabulary Mastery of 2rd Grade Students in SMAN 3 Langsa

As stated before, vocabulary is one of aspects in learning foreign

language. To develop it, it needs a special method to improve it. The research

is concerned to increase it. This research aims the students’ developing of

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 3 Langsa, especially in 2 IPA 7. It was choosen

because of their lack of vocabulary. It will become a big deal for more reasons

and surely may effect for their comprehension in advance.

Through this research, video is concerned as a media. It will carried out

as in order to develop students’ vocabulary mastery. It provides them to grab

the words and increase their acqusition of its meaning. Video as a tool for

developing their vocabulary mastery also will make them enjoy the study and

may simply make them easily to heap the material.

In presenting the progress of developing vocabulary mastery of 2rd

Grade Students at SMAN 3 Langsa, the reseacher and the English teacher of

that school were decided to choose 2 IPA 7 as a subject of research. There were

40 students in that class.

The reseacher is opened the lesson by applying the pre-test of

vocabulary test and continue it with the flash back of generic structure of

narrative text. Both of those activities took time at least 40 minutes. After a

great discussion about the material with the whole class, the teacher bring an

example of narratie text by video. The teacher delivered them the task about

the video, after they had to watched it about 3 times. While the process of

teaching, the collaborator of researcher was observing the entire class. The next

activity is the students were brought the same vocabulary test like the first

opening-test. Those phases took time at least 45 minutes. And the final activity

is the teacher and his companion were distributing

The teaching process is taken by two cycles. Both of cycles were had a

different condition. In cycle II, there are some improvements to bring a better

treatment in the cycle I to the students. By those activities, the reseacher can
collected the data and started to analyzing it. The researcher can measure the

condition before and after the treatment. In the end, the researcher found some

improvements made by the students in terms of the students’ achievement.

One of the improvement should be seen from the comparison of the

result of pre-test and post-test given at the end of each cycle while the average

score that expected is 70. The result of the students’ pre-test shown that the

mean of the students’ score was 36,75. There were divided into three

categories, the students who got higher achiever (71 - 100) were no one, the

number of the middle achiever (41 - 70) was 12 students and the number of the

students who get lower achiever was 28 students.

The calculated of the students mean score of post-test in cycle I had

increased better, it was 55,75. The increased score followed by the students

who were classified as higher achiever from no one to one student, the number

of the students that get score in the middle categorized increased from 12 to 34

and the categorized of the lower achiever from 28 to 5. The significantly

increased and improved the students’ score in vocabulary test had shown in the

post test at the end of cycle II, it was 80. The number of the students who got

the higher score was 28 students and the number of middle achievers was 12.

In the post-test of cycle II no more students found for lower categorized.

From all the results gotten, it indicated that the developing students’

vocabulary mastery through watching movie was capable and effective to

develop their heap of vocabularyAnd surely, watching video as a solution for

the teacher to help the students to develop idea and the other elements of any

kind of texts.
2. The Students’ Responds on the Use of the Video in Teaching Vocabulary

The students’ respond was very important to know whether or not the

students’ mood received well the using of video to develop their vocabulary

mastery. Based on the reason, the reseacher gave them questionnaire that

consisting 10 question. The following table shown the percentage of students

who answered the questionnaire.

Table IV. 8: The Percentage of Students’s Questionnaire

Percentage of Students Who

No. Statement Answered The Questionnaire
1. Use video in vocabulary mastery 62,5 37,5 - - -
Video makes developing
2. 30 47,5 20 2,5 -
vocabulary mastery more motivated
Video makes better vocabulary
3. 20 52,5 27,5 - -
Video can easily to comprehending
4. 42,5 40 15 - 2,5
the narrative text
Video makes me more focused on
5. 50 32,5 15 2,5 -
doing task of vocabulary
It’s easy to predict the acquisition
6. 25 50 22,5 2,5 -
of words by using video
Video helps me understand that
7. 67,5 27,5 5 - -
vocabulary mastery is important
Video is interisting technique in
8. 60 32,5 5 2,5 -
developing vocabulary mastery
Video can make teacher teaches
9. vocabulary clearer and more 30 62,5 5 2,5 -
Video makes me facing some
10. 17,5 20 37,5 22,5 2,5
a. Use video in vocabulary mastery. There are students 62,5% strongly

agree and 37,5% agree to using video as a media in developing their

vocabulary mastery.

b. Video makes learning more motivated. There are students 30% strongly

agree and 47,5% agree with this statement, but only one student denies

it. There are about 20% choose neutral.

c. Video makes students’ vocabulary mastery getting better. There are

students 20% strongly agree and 52,5% agree that they are getting better

in their progress to develop theeir vocabulary mastery. Meanwhile

27,5% still neutral.

d. Watching video makes student focus to comprehending the narrative

text..For this statement, 40% agree that they become focused on

language use. Then, 42,5% students strongly agree and 15% are neutral

about this, but there is one who denies it.

e. Watching video makes student more focus on doing the task of

vocabulary. The students strongly agree (50%) that they more focus on

the task of vocabulary and 32,5% agree with this statement. Only one

students who disagree and the rest are neutral (15%).

f. By watching video, it is so easy to predict of how many words that can

be acquired. There are 25% students strongly agree and 50% agree with

this. It means that 75% more than half sudent feel more easier to predict

their vocabulary. Unfortunately, there are 22,5% students has not felt

that and one student disagree.

g. Watching video helps students understand that developing vocabulary

mastery is so important. There are 27,5% students agree and 67,5%

students strongly agree that they understand vocabulary is really

important. But only 5% are neutral.

h. Watching video is interisting technique in developing vocabulary

mastery. 60% students strongly agree and 32,5% students agree. But

there is one student who disagree and others (5%) are neutral.

i. Through watching video, teaching and learning vocabulary become

clearer and more focused. Most students agree and strongly agree

(92,5%) that teaching and learning vocabulary is becoming clearer to

do and more focused on its aim. There is one student denies it, but 5%

students are neutral.

j. Video makes student face some problems. There are 17,5% students

strongly agree and 20% students agree that they face some problems on

going through watching video as their media. Meanwhile 37,5% are

neutral and 22,5% do not face this problems. And the last, there is only

one who absolutely not facing this problems.



A. Conclusion

Watching video can help students in developing vocabulary mastery. It can

make the study more fun and enjoyable for students. It also help them in improving

their comprehension of narrative text.

The data which were gathered through intruments also display that the video

is compatible to be used in developing students’ vocabulary mastery. In performance

test, all students got good score. Questionnaire also pointed out that this technique

aids them in learning. Furthermore, field note presented that watching video made

them more pleasant and enjoyable while they study.

At last, as the result this technique bring a fine impact in developing students’

vocabulary mastery. It is done by making students feel motivated and enjoy the study.

The condition made them more creative and finally their score displayed that they

were good in the study. It was represented by their score, specifically their fine score

after the better treatment.

B. Suggestion

1. The researcher advices to use video as a media since it can help students to

develop their vocabulary mastery.

2. The needs of learning vocabulary is must be continously. The more the students

repeat the words that they acquired, the more words they had.

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Nama Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 3 LANGSA
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
Semester :1
Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
(14 x 45)
Mendengarkan www.englis
1. Memahami makna 1.1 Merespon makna dalam o Mengungkapkan  Melakukan studi  Mengidentifikasi kata yang didengar Tertulis 1 x 45 hdaily626.c
dalam percakapan percakapan transaksional (to get pendapat pustaka untuk  Mengidentifikasi makna kata (PG dan om
transaksional dan things done) dan interpersonal mis. A: I think this mengidentifikasi  Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar Uraian)
interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut is great. berbagai ungkapan pembicara www. Esl-
dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, B: I think so pendapat/rasa puas  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur Quiz lab
(sustained) dalam dan berterima yang menggunakan too. dan tidak puas menyampaikan pendapat
konteks ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks o Meminta beserta responnya.  Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan Tugas Kaset
kehidupan sehari- kehidupan sehari-hari dan pendapat  Mendengarkan pendapat 1 x 45 CD
hari melibatkan tindak tutur: mis. A: What do percakapan  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur
menyampaikan pendapat, meminta you think about it? interpersonal/transak menyatakan puas
pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan B: I think it’s a sional melalui tape  Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan
menyatakan tidak puas good idea. secara klasikal puas
o Menyatakan puas  Mendiskusikan  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur 4 x 45
mis. A: I can’t think tindak tutur yang menyatakan tidak puas
of anything digunakan dan  Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan
better. responnya dalam tidak puas
B: Thank you for percakapan yang  Mengidentifikasi konteks situasi
your compliment, Sir. didengar secara
o Menyatakan tidak berkelompok
Berbicara mis. A: I’m not
3. Mengungkapkan 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam happy about it.  Bermain peran  Menggunakan tindak tutur Tugas 6 x 45
makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional (to get B: Please give me secara berkelompok menyampaikan pendapat
percakapan things done) dan interpersonal a second chance, Sir.  Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan Performans
transaksional dan (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut pendapat
interpersonal resmi (sustained) dengan menggunakan  Menggunakan tindak tutur meminta
dan berlanjut ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, pendapat
(sustained) dalam lancar dan berterima dalam konteks  Merespon tindak tutur meminta
konteks kehidupan kehidupan sehari-hari dan pendapat
sehari-hari melibatkan tindak tutur:  Menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan
menyampaikan pendapat, meminta puas
pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan  Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan puas
menyatakan tidak puas
Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
(14 x 45)
Mendengarkan 1.2 Merespon makna dalam o Menasehati  Melakukan studi  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur 2 x 45
1. Memahami percakapan transaksional (to get mis. A: You’d better pustaka untuk menasehati Tertulis www.englis
makna dalam things done) dan interpersonal do it now. mengidentifikasi  Merespon tindak tutur menasehati (PG dan hdaily626.c
percakapan (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut B: I will. berbagai ungkapan  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur Uraian) om
transaksional dan (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, o Memperingatkan menasehati memperingatkan
interpersonal dan berterima yang menggunakan mis. A: Don’t forget to /memperingatkan/m  Merespon tindak tutur www. Esl-
resmi dan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks bring the food eluluskan memperingatkan Quiz lab
berlanjut kehidupan sehari-hari dan with you. permintaan dan  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur
(sustained) dalam melibatkan tindak tutu: menasehati, B: I won’t. menyatakan meluluskan permintaan Tugas Kaset
konteks memperingatkan, meluluskan o Meluluskan perasaan beserta  Merespon tindak tutur meluluskan CD
kehidupan sehari- permintaan, serta menyatakan permintaan responnya secara permintaan 2 x 45
hari perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure mis. A: You may go. kelompok.  Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur
B: You’re the best, menyatakan perasaan
Dad.  Mendengarkan  Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan
o Menyatakan percakapan perasaan
perasaan transaksional/interp
- Relief er-sonal melalui
mis. A: I feel so tape secara klasikal
B: I can see that.
Berbicara - Pain
3. Mengungkapkan 3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam mis. A: Ouch! It hurts  Mendiskusikan  Menggunakan tindak tutur Tugas 4 x 45
makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional (to get so much. tindak tutur yang menasehati
percakapan things done) dan interpersonal B: Oh, you poor digunakan dan  Merespon tindak tutur menasehati Performans
transaksional dan (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut thing. responnya dalam  Menggunakan tindak tutur
interpersonal (sustained) dengan menggunakan - Pleasure percakapan yang memperingatkan
resmi dan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, mis. A: I’m so pleased. didengar secara  Merespon tindak tutur
berlanjut lancar dan berterima dalam konteks B: I’m glad you like it. berkelompok memperingatkan
(sustained) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan  Menggunakan tindak tutur meluluskan 4 x 45
konteks melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati,  Bermain peran permintaan
kehidupan sehari- memperingatkan, meluluskan secara berkelompok  Merespon tindak tutur meluluskan
hari permintaan, serta menyatakan permintaan
perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure  Menggunakan tindak tutur
menyatakan perasaan.
 Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
(8 x 45)
www. Esl-
2. Memahami 2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat
Teks fungsional  Mendengarkan  Mengidentifikasi topik sebuah teks Tertulis 2 x 45
makna teks dalam teks lisan fungsional
pendek lisan undangan rapat fungsional pendek yang didengar (PG dan
fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi
( Undangan Lisan) yang disampaikan  Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu Uraian) CD
pendek dan secara akurat, lancar dan
secara lisan melalui dari teks fungsional pendek yang
monolog berterima dalam berbagai konteks
tape secara klasikal. didengar quiz Kaset
berbentuk kehidupan sehari-hari
reports,  Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi
 Mendiskusikan isi teks fungsional pendek yang Tugas 2 x 45
narrative, dan
analytical dan bentuk bahasa didengar.
exposition yang digunakan
dalam konteks secara berkelompok

4. Mengungkapkan
makna dalam teks 4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam Performans 2 x 45
 Menyampaikan  Menggunakan bahasa lisan dalam
fungsional pendek teks lisan fungsional pendek
undangan lisan menyampaikan teks fungsional
dan monolog resmi dan tak resmi secara
secara individu di pendek
yang berbentuk akurat, lancar dan berterima
depan kelas
report, narrative dalam berbagai konteks
dan analytical kehidupan sehari-hari
exposition dalam
kehidupan sehari-

tandar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
(14 x 45)
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks
 Teks lisan  Mendengarkan  Mengidentifikasi main idea dari teks Tertulis 1 x 45 www. Esl-
2. Memahami monolog yang menggunakan
berbentuk sebuah report yang didengar (PG dan
makna teks ragam bahasa lisan secara
narrative cerita/laporan/expos  Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang Uraian)
fungsional pendek akurat, lancar dan berterima
 Teks lisan isi secara klasikal. didengar CD
dan monolog dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
berbentuk report  Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks Tugas
berbentuk hari dalam teks berbentuk: report,
 Teks lisan  Mendiskusikan isi yang didengar 1 x 45 Kaset
reports, narrative, narrative, dan analytical
dan analytical exposition berbentuk teks yang didengar  Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari
exposition dalam analytical secara benda/orang yang dilaporkan
konteks exposition berpasangan.  Mengidentifikasi kasus yang didengar
kehidupan sehari-  Mengidentifikasi argumen yang
 Mendiskusikan didengar 1 x 45
bentuk bahasa lisan
berdasarkan teks
yang didengar
secara kelompok.
1 x 45
 Melakukan case
kelompok pro dan
Berbicara kontra.

4. Mengungkapkan Mengungkapkan makna dalam  Melakukan debat  Menggunakan kalimat simple present Unjuk 4 x 45
makna dalam teks teks monolog dengan menggunakan secara berkelompok dalam menyampaikan report kerja
fungsional pendek ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, dengan tema  Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
dan monolog lancar dan berterima dalam konteks permasalahan  Melakukan monolog berbentuk
yang berbentuk kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks daerah setempat. analytical exposition
report, narrative berbentuk: report, narrative, dan 4 x 45
 Melakukan debat
dan analytical analytical exposition  Mendongeng cerita
exposition dalam rakyat setempat

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
Membaca (8 x 45)
5. Memahami
makna teks 5.1 Merespon makna dalam teks banner, poster,  Membaca nyaring  Membaca nyaring bermakna wacana Performans 1 x 45 ESOL
fungsional fungsional pendek (misalnya pamphlet bermakna teks ragam tulis yang dibahas dengan Tertulis ONLINE
pendek dan esei banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) berita/deskripsi/nara ucapan dan intonasi yang benar (PG dan
sederhana resmi dan tak resmi yang tif secara individu  Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang Uraian) English
berbentuk menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dibaca online
report, narrative secara akurat, lancar dan  Mendiskusikan  Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu 1 x 45
dan analytical berterima dalam konteks berbagai aspek dari dari teks fungsional pendek English K-
exposition kehidupan sehari-hari teks seperti isi, 6 modules
dalam konteks struktur teks,
kehidupan secara
sehari-hari dan berkelompok.
mengakses ilmu  Berlatih 1 x 45
pengetahuan menggunakan
kalimat simple
present untuk
menyatakan fakta
dan kalimat pasif
untuk menyatakan
inti berita

6. Mengungkapkan Mengungkapkan makna dalam  Membuat draft teks  Menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa Tugas 1 x 45
makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek naratif,berita atau kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis
teks tulis (misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, deskripsi dengan dengan akurat portofolio
fungsional dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan melakukan chain  Menulis gagasan utama
pendek dan esei menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis writing.  Mengelaborasi gagasan utama
sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima  Membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting 1 x 45
report, narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari  Melakukan koreksi  Menghasilkan banner, poster, atau
dan analytical teman sejawat untuk pamphlet
exposition menyempurnakan
dalam konteks draft.
kehidupan 1 x 45
sehari-hari  Menyempurnakan
draft berdasarkan
hasil koreksi teman.

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Waktu
Bahan/ Alat
(4 x 45)
5. Memahami 5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah  Teks tulis  Membaca nyaring  Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam Tes 2 x 45
makna teks retorika dalam esei yang berbentuk bermakna teks narrative teks yang dibaca. tertulis Gambar
fungsional pendek menggunakan ragam bahasa narrative secara individu  Mengidentifikasi komplikasi dalam yang
dan esei tulis secara akurat, lancar dan sebuah cerita narasi relevan
sederhana berterima dalam konteks  Mendiskusikan berbagai  Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam tugas
berbentuk, kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk aspek dari teks seperti teks yang dibaca
narrative dalam mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. isi, struktur teks, secara  Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi Look ahead
konteks berkelompok. teks dibaca 2
kehidupan sehari-
hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu

6.2 Merespon dengan  Expressing  Berlatih menggunakan  Mengidentifikasi pengaplikasian Tes (2 x 20) Buku
6. Memahami
mengarahakan Expressing Comparison: comparison comperative Expressing Comparison tertulis English for
intruksi yang Comparison yang mudah 1 x 20 Communic
Comperative adjective  Menggunakan penggunaan
sangat sederhana dimengerti Tugas ation SLTP
Adjective (-er and  Mengunakan Expressing Comparison pada saat
dengan tindakan
-est) 1 –er is the comperative adjective yang tepat 3, Brendan
dalam konteks Heasley,
ending of the untuk perbandingan
kelas jilid 1,
Comperative from
of most common Erlangga
adjectives 2 –est
is the ending of Buku- buku
superlative from lain yang
of most common relevan
Example: Susi is
taller than me.
Susi is Tallest

Name of School : SMAN No. 3 Langsa
Lesson : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester : XI/2
Meeting Time : 4 x 45 Minute
Topic : Narrative Text
Meeting : 1 (first)

A. Standard of Competence
8. To comprehend idea in short functional text and monolog by form of narrative for
daily life context.

B. Basic of Competence
8.2 To respond idea in narrative text that using variety of spoken language accurately,
fluently and acceptable for daily life context.

C. Indicator
 Identifying the character from the story
 Identifying the event from the story

D. Purpose of Study
In the end of lesson, students can:
 Students capable to respond the expression of narrative text.

E. Material of Lesson
Narrating is a genre of text that discusses an event in narrative mode for an instance
is a history of something. Actually, narrating is a macro genre which contains other
genres especially describing. Knapp gave special features of narrating, they are:
 When sequencing people and events in time and space, narrating usually uses action
verbs and also temporal connectives.
 Recount and stories are written in past tense, except direct speech.
 Narrative often use metaphorically action verb to create effective images
 There are a lot of effects in sentence structure to create poignant effect.
 Action verbs are often used in action sequence and mental verbs are often used in
reflection events.
Some chronological transition signals can be used to indicate sequence of
event or time. Some of chronological transitions are:
 Subordinator
Subordinate conjunction is a conjunction that introduces the subordinate clause.
Some of them which are used in chronological order text: after, since, as, until, as soon
as, when, before, while.
 Transition word and phrases
Some word or phrases that are used to indicate transition of sequence of
occurrence are: First, first of all, soon, Second, after that, gradually, next, finally,
meanwhile, now, last, then.
Example of narrative text:

The Greatest Treasure

One day, Peter found a treasure map. “Hurray!” I’m going to find this treasure
and have some adventure!” he exclaimed.
Peter set off. He walked a long way and finally reached a forest. There he met
Lion. “You are strong and courageous,” said Peter to Lion.
“Will you come with me on a treasure hunt?” Lion agreed and joined Peter.
The forest was dense and dark. Peter was afraid, but by Lion by his side, he
made it through. When the two finally reached the mountain, they met Eagle.
“You have excellent vision and can alert us to dangers,” said Peter to Eagle.
“Will you come with us? We’re looking for a treasure!” Eagle agreed and joined
Peter and Lion.
The mountain were tall and craggy. Lion slipped, but Peter was swift enough to
give him a hand and pull him up. Eagle, with his sharp vision, watched every step they
took. Soon, they reached the valley below where they met Sheep.
“Will you join us in our search for a treasure?” Peter asked Sheep.
“And keep us warm when it’s cold?” Sheep agreed and joined Peter, Lion and
A cold wind swept across the endless meadow. They all huddled against Sheep,
who kept them warm and cozy. The four finally reached the desert, where they met
“You are called the ship of the desert,” said Peter to Camel.
“Will you help us get across and join the treasure hunt too?” Camel agreed.
Peter, Lion and Sheep mounted the Came land set off happily across the vast desert,
with Eagle enjoying the spectacle from above. Camel began galloping and everybody
cheered with excitement. Crossing the desert on Camel’s back was thrilling! The five
finally reached the ocean, where they met Turtle.
“Can you help us cross the ocean?” Peter asked Turtle.
“We are on a treasure hunt.” Turtle agreed and joined Peter, Lion, Eagle, Sheep
and Camel.
The rough waves almost drowned the party, but Turtle skillfully transported
them across. They met Owl on the other side. Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom:
“Congratulations, you have found the treasure.”
“Where is it?” They all exclaimed in surprise.
“Together you have the passed the forest, climbed the mountains, dared the
valley, braved the desert, and crossed the ocean. You would never have done it without
one another.”
They all looked at each other and realized that Owl was right – they had found
friendship! Indeed, they had found the greatest treasure ever!

F. Method of Teaching / Technique

Natural Approach / Using a Video as Media
G. Learning Strategy
Meeting Structured Self-Supported

 Discussing features  Students will brought  Students collect the

which are needed in some tasks by the informations based on
narrative text teacher the narrative text via
 Understanding the video
narrative text through
watching movie

Learning Procedure
 Beginning Activity (15’)
 Greeting (life value: politeness)
 Teacher introduce themselves to students
 Check the students’ list (life value: discipline)

 Main Activity (50’)

 Explain the lesson that will be studied by students
 Explain about the important of vocabulary
 Explain the use of video in language learning
 Explain the language feature of narrative text
 Teacher is facilitating the students by demonstrating the example of narrative text
with video
 Students were asked to pay attention to the video
 Observing the students while the video is playing
 Students were asked to discuss the video is told about

As exploration activity, teacher does the following action:
 Giving students the main exploration of narrative text through video
 Discussing the story based on the video
 Chance is given for students to ask the questions about narrative text

In this activity, teacher performs:
 Bringing the tasks to the students
 Facilitating students in developing story
 Motivating students to be imagining the story

Teacher does several activities:
 Giving feedback for students who have finished the assignment
 Confirming students’ result in the next meeting
 Motivating students who do not be able finish their assignment
 Final Activity (25’)
 Students were asked to do the tasks based on the video
 Students and teacher do the reflection together

H. Source/Material/Media
 Textbook; Look Ahead 2
 A short animation video
 Narrative Text example

I. Assessment
I. Indicator, Technique, Form and Example
Indicator Technique Form Example
Identifying the Performance  Gap-Filling  Fill in the blanks based
actor, the event assessment and on the video which you
from the video Completion had watched before!
 True/False  Choose ‘True’ if these
statements was right, and
choose ‘False’ if it was

II. Instrument
TASK 1: Fill in the blanks based on the video which you had watched before!
1. You are __________ and courageous.
2. The forest was dense and __________.
3. You have __________ vision and can alert us to dangers.
4. The four __________ reached the desert.
5. __________, they had found the greatest treasure ever!

TASK 2: Choose ‘True’ if these statements was right, and choose ‘False’ if it was
wrong based on the video which you had watched before!
6. Forest is the third place where Peter sets off to find the treasure.
7. The animal who is slipped when climbed the mountain is camel.
8. Sheep is the one who kept them warm and cozy. (...............)
9. The animal who have excellent vision and can alert them to dangers is
turtle. (...............)
10. The last animal that they found was an owl. (...............)

Cognitive Assessment
Kind of test : Individual test
Instrument : Attached
Indicator : Students capable to identifying the actor, the event from the video
Assessment Guidance : 1. Right Answer (10)
2.Wrong Answer (0)
3. Total Points (100)
Name of School : SMAN No. 3 Langsa
Lesson : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester : XI/2
Meeting Time : 4 x 45 Minute
Topic : Narrative Text (2 Meetings)
Meeting :2

A. Standard of Competence
8. To comprehend idea in short functional text and monolog by form of narrative for
daily life context.

B. Basic of Competence
8.2 To respond idea in narrative text that using variety of spoken language accurately,
fluently and acceptable for daily life context.

C. Indicator
 Identifying the character from the story
 Identifying the event from the story

D. Purpose of Study
In the end of lesson, students can:
 Students capable to respond the expression of narrative text.

E. Material of Lesson
Narrating is a genre of text that discusses an event in narrative mode for an instance
is a history of something. Actually, narrating is a macro genre which contains other
genres especially describing. Knapp gave special features of narrating, they are:
 When sequencing people and events in time and space, narrating usually uses action
verbs and also temporal connectives.
 Recount and stories are written in past tense, except direct speech.
 Narrative often use metaphorically action verb to create effective images
 There are a lot of effects in sentence structure to create poignant effect.
 Action verbs are often used in action sequence and mental verbs are often used in
reflection events.
Some chronological transition signals can be used to indicate sequence of
event or time. Some of chronological transitions are:
 Subordinator
Subordinate conjunction is a conjunction that introduces the subordinate clause.
Some of them which are used in chronological order text: after, since, as, until, as soon
as, when, before, while.
 Transition word and phrases
Some word or phrases that are used to indicate transition of sequence of
occurrence are: First, first of all, soon, Second, after that, gradually, next, finally,
meanwhile, now, last, then.
Example of narrative text:

The Little Pianist

There was once a little boy named Azul. He loved to play the piano and dreamed
of becoming a pianist some day. Every Sunday, Azul went to his piano class, and
practised every night at home, just before going to bed. Azul became good at it
because he was so sincere. He would forget to brush his teeth but never forget to
practice playing the piano!
One day, Vicki, his piano teacher told him, “Azul, you will perform tomorrow
in front of a large audience. You are getting to be quite the pianist! Your fingers move
like a squirrel on the piano keys. But, there is something missing.”
“What is it?” Azul just had to know.
He really... really wanted to be, not just a good pianist, but a great pianist. Vicki
smiled. She whispered into Azul’s ear. A piano teacher’s secret.
“Play with your heart, not with your finger.”
As always, Vicki pulled out her box of stickers. Azul held out his hand and Vicki
stuck on it, a gorgeous sticker of a butterfly.
“There, think of this butterfly when you want to play with your heart,” she said.
That day, when all the children played in the park, Azul just stared at his
He wondered, “I can play with my fingers because I can move them. I can touch
the piano keys. How can I play with my heart? I can’t even see my heart.”
For the first time, in a long time, Azul went to bed without playing the piano.
The night before his performance, he did not practice because he did not know how
to play with his heart! When Azul woke up, he looked for his butterfly sticker. Oh no!
The sticker was gone too! Now Azul was nervous. Really nervous. He tried playing
the piano, but his fingers would just not move! However, that did not stop the clock
from ticking.
Soon, it was performance time. The piano was in the middle of a round stage,
surrounded by rows of people. Azul walked onto the stage, sat on the piano bench and
closed his eyes for a second. Remembering Vicki’s words, he thought of the butterfly.
In the quiet of the auditorium, Azul heard the flutter of wings. A butterfly sat on his
shoulder and started to hum a tune. His fingers began to move by themselves. His
heart began to play the butterfly’s song.

F. Method of Teaching / Technique

Natural Approach / Using a Video as Media

G. Learning Strategy
Meeting Structured Self-Supported

 Discussing features  Students will brought  Students collect the

which are needed in some tasks by the informations based on
narrative text teacher the narrative text via
 Understanding the video
narrative text through
watching movie
Learning Procedure
 Beginning Activity (15’)
 Greeting (life value: politeness)
 Check the students’ list (life value: discipline)
 Preparing the students to begin the study

 Main Activity (50’)

 Review lessons ago
 Teacher is re-explained the material that will be studied
 Teacher is facilitating the students by demonstrating the example of narrative text
with video
 Students were asked to pay attention to the video
 Observing the students while the video is playing
 Students were asked to discuss the video is told about

As exploration activity, teacher does the following action:
 Giving students the main exploration of narrative text through video
 Discussing the story based on the video
 Chance is given for students to ask the questions about narrative text

In this activity, teacher performs:
 Bringing the tasks to the students
 Facilitating students in developing story
 Motivating students to be imagining the story

Teacher does several activities:
 Giving feedback for students who have finished the assignment
 Confirming the result of students’ tasks from the previous meeting
 Motivating students who do not be able finish their assignment

 Final Activity (25’)

 Students were asked to do the tasks based on the video
 Students and teacher do the reflection together
 The teacher put an end to learning to say hello

H. Source/Material/Media
 Textbook; Look Ahead 2
 A short animation video
 Narrative Text example
I. Assessment
III. Indicator, Technique, Form and Example
Indicator Technique Form Example

Identifying the Performance  Gap-Filling  Fill in the blanks based

actor, the event assessment and on the video which you
from the video Completion had watched before!
 True/False  Choose ‘True’ if these
statements was right, and
choose ‘False’ if it was

IV. Instrument
TASK 1: Fill in the blanks based on the video which you had watched before!
1. Azul __________ to his piano class.
2. He would forget to __________ his teeth.
3. Your fingers move like a __________ on the piano keys.
4. The piano was in the __________ of a round stage.
5. His fingers __________ to move by themselves.

TASK 2: Choose ‘True’ if these statements was right, and choose ‘False’ if it was
wrong based on the video which you had watched before!
6. Azul dreamed of becoming a dentist some day. (...............)
7. Vicki is Azul’s math teacher. (...............)
8. Vicki gives Azul a gorgeous sticker of a dragonfly. (...............)
9. Azul cannot sleep after got a secret from his piano teacher. (...............)
10. Azul can handle his nervous while his performance. (...............)

Cognitive Assessment
Kind of test : Individual test
Instrument : Attached
Indicator : Students capable to identifying the actor, the event from the video
Assessment Guidance : 1. Right Answer (10)
2.Wrong Answer (0)
3. Total Points (100)
Developing Vocabulary Mastery through Watching Video: Classroom Action Research
at the 2nd Grade Students of SMAN No. 3 Langsa)
Pages on Cut Intan Rita M. Rasid
No. Items Possibility Answers Look Meutia, Mahriza, Ritonga,
Ahead 2 MA MS MA
a. Arrive at place
b. Bring an item 146, 191,
1. Reach Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Take an item 169
d. Go to somewhere
a. Say something
b. Eat something
2. Spoke 67 Accepted Denied Accepted
c. Write something
d. Bite something
a. Going on for days
b. Going on for a decade
3. Endless 123 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Going on for ever
d. Going on for a moment
a. Disallow
b. Discover
4. Found 64 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Disarm
d. Disengage
a. Can jump
b. Can grow
5. Sharp 16 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Can cut
d. Can fire
a. Not smooth
b. Soft 38, 150,
6. Rough Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Slippery 154
d. Dirty
a. Large voice
b. Jumping around
7. Galloping 152 Denied Denied Denied
c. Unmoved
d. Big step
a. Nervous of something
b. Determine to something
8. Dared 147 Denied Denied Accepted
c. Challenge to something
d. Scare of something
a. Side to side
b. Stay inside 55, 152,
9. Through Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Do not move 161
d. Stay outside
a. Kiss something
b. Allow something
10. Agreed 36 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Write something
d. Punch something
a. Stare at something
11. Swept b. Kick a stone 98 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Push a box
d. Clean a room
a. Go to the edge
b. Go to the other side
12. Across 163 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Go to the corner
d. Not going anywhere
a. Sink in water
b. Fly to the sky
13. Drowned 127 Denied Accepted Accepted
c. Dig up the ground
d. Run on the road
a. Forget a promise
b. Curious at something
14. Realized 182 Accepted Denied Accepted
c. Knowing something
d. Deny a statement
a. Done a task
b. In progressing a work
15. Began 147, 163 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Do not act anything
d. Start doing something
a. Shout of supporting
b. Shout of insulting
16. Cheered 111 Accepted Denied Accepted
c. Shout of mocking
d. Shout of humbling
a. Every
b. Only one
17. Each 105, 167 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Twice
d. None
a. Listen to specified sound
b. Speak to specified person 44, 45,
18. Passed Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Move to specified direction 125
d. Stare to specified view
a. Using leg to kick something
b. Using force to lift something
19. Pull 127 Accepted Accepted Denied
c. Using mind to think something
d. Using hand to write something
a. Gazing for something
b. Knocking something
20. Looked 50, 157 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Mixing something
d. Climbing something
Developing Vocabulary Mastery through Watching Video: Classroom Action Research
at the 2nd Grade Students of SMAN No. 3 Langsa)

Pages Rita M. Rasid

Cut Intan
No. Items Possibility Answers on Look Mahriza, Ritonga,
Meutia, MA
Ahead 2 MS MA
a. Split it out
b. Begin to be
1. Became 127 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Spell it off
d. Fire it on
a. A tool for printing
b. A tool for jumping
2. Brush 104 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. A tool for cleaning
d. A tool for lifting
a. Do a thing as theory
b. Read a book as a task
c. Running around as an
3. Practice 200 Accepted Accepted Accepted
d. Do not do anything at
a. Just wondering
b. Reckon at something
37, 38,
4. Would c. Just grumbling Accepted Accepted Accepted
d. Indicating to do
a. Something desired
b. Something weird
5. Wanted 36, 125 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Something special
d. Something wrong
a. Take information
b. Give information
6. Told 36, 50 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Find information
d. Fake information
a. Barely
b. Rarely
7. Quite 83 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Easily
d. Completely
a. The same thought
b. The same level Accepted
8. Even 62, 147 Accepted Accepted
c. The same name
d. The same shirt
a. Parts of land
b. Parts of hand
9. Fingers 136, 175 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Parts of sand
d. Parts of wand
a. Say something quietly
10. Whispered b. Punch something 174 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Make something
d. Eat something quickly
a. Using leg to kick
b. Using force to lift
11. Pulled 127 Accepted Accepted Denied
c. Using mind to think
d. Using hand to write
a. Leaving, closing
b. Keeping, carrying
12. Held 170 Accepted Denied Accepted
c. Growing, leveling
d. Seeing, gazing
a. A feeling of sad
b. A feeling of anger
13. Wondered 43 Denied Accepted Accepted
c. A feeling of surprise
d. A feeling of pleasure
a. Going to sleep
b. Come back from work
14. Woke c. Going to work 170 Accepted Accepted Accepted
d. Come back from
a. Being excited
b. Bravely
15. Nervous 39 Accepted Denied Accepted
c. Being dared
d. Uncorcerned
a. Ourself
b. Their own
16. Themselves 186 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Himself
d. Their pet
a. Excusing something
b. Wasting time
17. Tried 53, 64 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Spend a lot of money
d. Make an effort
a. In some ways
b. Based on
18. However 101 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Concluding
d. By the way
a. Having a deal
b. Having an idea
19. Thought 142 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Having a trespass
d. Having a disease
a. Done a task
b. In progressing a work
20. Began 147, 163 Accepted Accepted Accepted
c. Do not act anything
d. Start doing something
(Developing Vocabulary Mastery through Watching Video: Classroom Action Research
at the 2nd Grade Students of SMAN No. 3 Langsa)

Cut Rita M. Rasid

Intan Mahriza, Ritonga,
No. Questionnaires
Meutia, MS MA
Apakah kamu setuju dengan penggunaan video dalam
Accepted Accepted Accepted
1. pengembangan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris?
Saya merasa termotivasi dengan pengembangan
Accepted Accepted Accepted
2. penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris dengan video.
Saya merasa bahwa penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris
Accepted Accepted Accepted
3. saya menjadi lebih baik dengan bantuan video.
Pengembangan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris
4. dengan video membuat saya lebih mudah memahami Accepted Accepted Accepted
tentang teks naratif.
Saya merasa lebih fokus mengerjakan soal teks naratif
5. Accepted Accepted Accepted
setelah belajar melalui video sebagai media belajarnya.
Melalui penggunaan video sebagai media dalam
pengembangan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris, saya
6. Accepted Accepted Accepted
dapat memprediksikan berapa banyak kosakata yang saya
Saya menyadari bahwa penguasaan kosakata bahasa
Accepted Accepted Accepted
7. Inggris begitu penting.
Saya tertarik untuk mengembangkan penguasaan kosakata
8. bahasa Inggris dengan menonton video yang dipraktekkan Accepted Accepted Accepted
oleh guru saya dalam proses pembelajaran.
Dengan menggunakan video sebagai media pembelajaran,
9. materi teks naratif yang diajarkan oleh guru saya menjadi Accepted Accepted Accepted
lebih jelas dan fokus.
Terdapat beberapa masalah ketika penggunaan video
10. sebagai media pengajaran dalam pengembangan kosakata Accepted Accepted Accepted
bahasa Inggris. Sebutkan!
By Amit Garg

One day, Eagle agreed

Peter found a treasure map. and joined Peter and Lion.
“Hurray!” The mountain were tall and craggy.
I’m going to find this treasure Lion slipped,
and have some adventure!” but Peter was swift enough
he exclaimed. to give him a hand
Peter set off. and pull him up.
He walked a long way Eagle, with his sharp vision,
and finally reached a forest. watched every step they took.
There he met Lion. Soon, they reached the valley below
“You are strong and courageous,” where they met Sheep.
said Peter to Lion. “Will you join us
“Will yo come with me in our search for a treasure?”
On a treasure hunt?” Peter asked Sheep.
Lion agreed and joined Peter. “And keep us warm when it’s cold?”
The forest was dense and dark. Sheep agreed and joined Peter,
Peter was afraid, Lion and Eagle.
but by Lion by his side, A cold wind swept across
he made it through. the endless meadow.
When the two They all huddled against Sheep,
finally reached the mountain, who kept them warm and cozy.
they met Eagle. The four finally reached the desert,
“You have excellent vision where they met Camel.
and can alert us to dangers,” “You are called
said Peter to Eagle. the ship of the desert,”
“Will you come with us? said Peter to Camel.
We’re looking for a treasure!” “Will you help us get across
and join the treasure hunt too?” you have found the treasure.”
Camel agreed. “Where is it?”
Peter, They all exclaimed in surprise.
Lion and Sheep “Together
mounted the Camel you have the passed the forest,
and set off happily climbed the mountains,
across the vast desert, dared the valley,
With Eagle enjoying braved the desert,
the spectacle from above. and crossed the ocean.
Camel began galloping You would never have done it
and everybody cheered without one another.”
with excitement. They all looked at each other
Crossing the desert on Camel’s back and realized
was thrilling! that Owl was right –
The five finally reached the ocean, they had found friendship!
where they met Turtle. Indeed,
“Can you help us cross the ocean?” they had found
Peter asked Turtle. the greatest treasure ever!
“We are on a treasure hunt.”
Turtle agreed
and joined Peter,
Lion, Eagle, Sheep and Camel.
The rough waves
almost drowned the party,
But Turtle skillfully
transported them across.
They met Owl on the other side.
Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom:
By Brij Kothari

There was once She whispered into

A little boy named Azul. Azul’s ear. When Azul woke up,
He loved to play the A piano teacher’s secret. he looked for his butterfly
piano “Play with your heart, sticker.
and dreamed of becoming not with your finger.” Oh no!
a pianist some day. As always, The sticker was gone too!
Every Sunday Vicki pulled out her box Now Azul was nervous.
Azul went to his piano of stickers. Really nervous.
class, Azul held out his hand He tried playing the
and practised and Vicki stuck on it, piano,
every night at home, a gorgeous sticker of a but his fingers
just before going to bed. butterfly. would just not move!
Azul became good at it “There, However,
because he was so think of this butterfly that did not stop
sincere. when you want to play the clock from ticking.
He would forget to brush with your heart,” Soon
his teeth She said. it was performance time.
but never forget The piano was in the
to practice playing the That day, middle
piano! when all the children of a round stage,
One day, played in the park, surrounded by rows of
Vicki, Azul just stared people.
his piano teacher at his butterfly. Azul
told him, He wondered, walked onto the stage,
“Azul, “I can play with my sat on the piano bench
you will perform fingers and closed his eyes for a
tomorrow because I can move them. second.
in front of a large I can touch the piano Remembering Vicki’s
audience. keys. words,
You are getting to be How can I play with my he thought of the
quite the pianist! heart? butterfly.
Your fingers move like I can’t even see my In the quiet of the
a squirrel on the piano heart.” auditorium,
keys. Azul heard the flutter of
But, For the first time, wings.
there is something in a long time, A butterfly sat on his
missing.” Azul went to bed shoulder
“What is it?” without playing the piano. and started to hum a tune.
Azul just had to know. The night before his His fingers began
He really... really wanted performance, to move by themselves.
to be, he did not practice His heart
not just a good pianist, because he did not know began to play
but a great pianist. how to play with his the butterfly’s song.
Vicki smiled. heart!

TASK 1: Fill in the blanks based on the video which you had watched before!
1. You are strong and __________.
2. The forest was __________ and dark.
3. You have excellent __________ and can alert us to dangers.
4. A cold wind __________ across the endless meadow.
5. Will you help us get across and join the treasure __________ too?
6. With Eagle enjoying the __________ from above.
7. The __________ waves almost drowned the party.
8. They all exclaimed in __________.
9. You would never have __________ it without one another.
10. Indeed, they had __________ the greatest treasure ever.

TASK 2: Fill in the blanks based on the video which you had watched before!
1. He _______ forget to brush his teeth.
2. He really... really ______ to be, not just a good pianist.
3. One day, Vicki, his piano teacher ______ him.
4. You are getting to be ______ the pianist!
5. I can’t ______ see my heart.
6. She _______ into Azul’s ear.
7. He _______ playing the piano.
8. _________, that did not stop the clock from ticking.
9. Remembering Vicki’s words, he ________ of the butterfly.
10. His fingers began to move by __________.

1. Do you agree with the use of video in developing vocabulary mastery?

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

2. I feel motivated developing vocabulary mastery by video.

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

3. I feel that my vocabulary mastery is getting better through video.

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

4. Developing vocabulary mastery by video makes me more easily getting the comprehension
of narrative text.
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
5. I feel more focused on doing task on the narrative text after get the treatment by using video
as the media.
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

6. Through using video as a media to develop vocabulary mastery, I can predict how many size
of vocabulary that I acquired.
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

7. I realized that vocabulary mastery is important.

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

8. I am interisting in developing vocabulary mastery through watching video which my teacher

used in learning progress.
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

9. By using video as the media of teaching, my teacher teaches narrative text clearer and more
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

10. I find some problems when I am learning to develop my vocabulary mastery by using video
as its media.
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

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