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Dalam kepemimpinan Transformasional, pemimpin harus menjadi supportive

leadership, yang perlu mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan kelemahan serta
membantu masalah yang dihadapi anggotanya, bagaimana sikap pemimpin
dalam menanggapi anggota yang tertutup akan masalahnya?
(In Transformational leadership, the leader must be a supportive leader, who
needs to identify the needs and weaknesses of his members and help them in
solving their problems.The question is, how do leaders respond to members who
are closed off , I mean the members who don't want to share their problems?)
Jawabannya adalah:
Pertama, kenali apa yang membuat dia menutup diri untuk tidak sharing ke saya, jika
saya adalah masalahnya maka saya bisa intropeksi diri terlebih dulu sebelum
memulai percakapan dengan dia. Biasanya anggota menutup diri terhadap
pemimpinnya karena pemimpin yang sering membatasi opini anggotanya. Selain itu,
saya perlu melakukan diskusi secara personal dan mendorongnya untuk belajar
terbuka terhadap orang lain tanpa paksaan. Mengajak bicara anggota secara personal
akan membuat anggota akan lebih bebas menyampaikan masalah mereka dan saya
dapat membangun kebersamaan yang lebih intens lagi agar anggota lebih
menganggap pemimpin sebagai sahabat untuk membicarakan sesuatu lebih dalam lagi
(First, identify what makes him shut himself off from sharing with me, if I am the
problem then I can introspect myself first before starting a conversation with him.
Usually members close themselves to their leaders because leaders often limit the
opinions of their members. In addition, I need to have private discussions and
encourage him to learn to be open to others without coercion. Talking to members
personally will make members more free to express their problems and I can build a
more intense togetherness so that members think of the leader as a friend to discuss
something more deeply.)
2. Menurut pendapat kalian sendiri, mengapa point kedua yaitu walking in
integrity penting dalam diwujudkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? (I wonder
about your own personal opinion, according to the second point of
kedutawacanaan’s value is very important to be implemented in your daily life?
The second value of kedutawacaan which is walking in integrity is basically
a commitment towards ourselves especially our own characters besides personal gain.
In daily life we do have a lot of trials and challenges, especially if we live in a diverse
society that indirectly will affect us in positive or negative ways. If we do not have a
strong self-worth and awareness that every action we take has a short or long term
effect towards ourselves or other people, then we will be more easily swayed by
anything. So, as the next generation of the nation, I feel that each person needs to
realize that our own values and principles matter the most.
3.Berdasarkan penjelasan tentang defenisi korupsi yang sudah kita pelajari dari
buku,saya ingin bertanya apakah teman-teman punya defenisi sendiri tentang
(Based on the explanation of the defenition of Corruption that we have learned
froom the book,i would like to ask if you have your own defenition about
Corruption ?
Jawaban :
Menurut kami,korupsi adalah tindakan kecurangan yang berkaitan dengan
pengambilan hak orang lain yang akan merugikan dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja
(Ini our opinion,Corruption is a fraudulent act related to taking the rights of others
that will harm anyone that can be done)

I will respond to the presentation of group 9. I think you guys have done a good and
clear presentation. The material from the reading has also been conveyed well. Maybe
your presentation is made even more interesting by using more colors or icons so that
your presentation is not boring and more interesting. But, overall you guys have done
a good presentation. Next I will ask you a question
I think that's all from me, Next, there is another response from my friend in my group.
okay I think that's all the response from my group, thank you for your attention.

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