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Unit III

Telling Time

What time is
It is eleven

Study this note *How to tell the time*

Bagaimana cara menyatakan waktu

1. untuk menyatakan waktu dapat kita gunakan ungkapan :
a. o’clock = bila jarum panjang tepat di angka 12
contoh : 03.00 = it is three o’clock (ini pukul 3 tepat)

b. a quarter = bila jarum panjang berada di angka 3 dan 9

contoh :
6.15 = it is a quarter past six ( ini pukul 6 lebih 15 menit)
12.45 = it is a quarter to one ( ini pukul 1 kurang 15 menit)

c. a half = bila jarum panjang berada teoat di angka 6

contoh :
11.30 = it is a half past eleven ( ini pukul 11 lebih 30 menit)

d. jika jarum panjang berada di angka sebelum 6 menggunakan past

contoh :
4.12 = it is twelve past four
3.15 = it is a quarter past three

e. jika jarum panjang berada di angka setelah 6 menggunakan to

contoh :
2.40 = it is twenty to three

penggunaan to(kurang) berbeda dengan yang lain, cara

membaca nya yaitu : menitnya dikurangi dengan 60 kemudian jamnya bertambah 1 jam.
Misal : 01.45 = untuk menit , 60 - 45 = 15
Untuk jam , 01 + 1 = 02 Jadi , 01.45 = it is a quarter to two
Istilah yang sering muncul dalam Telling Time
• a.m : ante meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 12 siang)
• p.m : post meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 siang sampai jam 12 malam)
• Long hand : Jarum panjang
• Short hand : Jarum pendek
• Second hand : Jarum detik
• Alarm clock : Jam beker
• Clock : Jam dinding
• Watch : Jam tangan
• Hour : Jam
• Minute : Menit
• Second : Detik
• O'clock : Digunakan untuk menunjukan jam ketika jarum panjangnya tepat ke jam 12.
• Past : Lebih
• To : Kurang
• A quarter : Seperempat (15 menit)
• A half : Setengah (30 menit)
Untuk membaca jam dalam bahasa inggris silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini:
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat pada gambar di bawah ini:

Kalimat untuk menanyakan jam.

• What time is it now? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
• What is the time? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
• What time is it right now? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
• Do you know what time is it? (Apakah kamu tahu ini jam berapa?)
• May I know what time is it? (Bolehkah aku tahu ini jam berapa?)
• What time exactly the movie start? (Kapan tepatnya filmnya main?)
• When does the store is open? (Kapan tokonya buka?)
• When should we meet again? (Kapan kita bisa bertemu?)
Lesson 1
a. How to tell time
There are two ways to tell time, here they are:
10.00 : it’s ten o’clock
10.15 : it’s quarter past ten
: it’s ten fifty
10.30 : it’s half past ten
: it’s ten thirty
10.45 : it’s quarter to eleven
: it’s ten forty five
10.05 : it’s five past ten
: it’s ten five
10.20 : it’s twenty past ten
: it’s ten twenty
10.50 : it’s ten to eleven
: it’s ten fifty

b. Practice 1
1. 07.25 : 6. 13.10 :
2. 08.30 : 7. 14.40 :
3. 09.55 : 8. 15.11 :
4. 11.35 : 9. 16.25 :
5. 12.45 : 10. 12.30 :

c. Reading
Hello friends I’m Nana, I’m in grade five now, I will tell you my
time table from I get up until I finish my school.
I get up at five o’clock in the morning, I brush my teeth at ten past five,
I take a bath at quarter past five, then I go to pray Shubuh and tidy up
my room. My mother ask me to eat my breakfast very early so I have
breakfast at half past five in the morning, of course I don’t forget to help
her wash the dishes and wipe the floor.
After I that I go to school at half past six, I go to school on foot, it
takes fifteen minutes to go to school, and I arrive at school at quarter to
The school begins at seven o’clock in the morning and finishes at
half past one in the afternoon.
This is my time table, how about you?
d. Practice 2
Choose the right answer
1. What time Nana get up?
a. 05.45 c. 05.00
b. 05.55 d. 04.55
2. What time Nana brush her teeth?
a. 05.10 b. 05.20
c. 05.25 d. 05.00
3. Does she always help her mother?
a. Yes, she does b. No, she does
No, she doesn’t d. Yes, she doesn’t
4. What time Nana has breakfast?
a. 05.20 b. 06.00
c. 06.30 d. 05.30
5. What time Nana goes to school?
a. 06.35 b. 06.30
c. 06.45 d. 06.15
e. Conversation
Denis : hi David! Good morning! How are
David : fine thanks. What time is it?
Denis : it’s exactly a quarter to seven. Do you go to sleep at seven o’clock?
David : no, I don’t. I go to sleep at eleven o’clock
David : Do you get up at five o’clock?
Denis : no, I don’t. I get up at six
o’clock. What time do you get
David : I get up at half past five
Denis : so, do you know what time the sun rises?
David : yes, it rises around at six o’clock.
Denis : the bell is ringing, let’s go to our class.
David : okay
f. Practice 3
1. What time does David go to sleep?
2. What time does Denis get up?
3. What time does the sun rise?
4. Where does the conversation take place?
5. Who are in the conversation above?
g. AM and PM
AM : from 00.00 – 11.59
PM : from 12.00 – 23.59

h. Practice 4

Fill the time below whether it’s am or pm.

i. Practice 5
1. six – get – in – morning – half – we – the – up – at – past
2. school – Denis – to – to – quarter – goes – at – seven
3. lunch – I – past – the – at – have – afternoon – quarter – in – twelve
4. takes – past – Luna – bath – at – half – four
5. bed – to – I – twenty – the – at – in – go – nine – evening

a. Reading

Today is Monday. The students have a flag ceremony at ten past

seven. Andy and Sandy go to school at half past six. They ride their
bicycle. They arrive at school at quarter to seven. So they still have
twenty five minutes to prepare for the ceremony. The students are
wearing uniform, caps, and ties. They are also wearing black shoes and
white socks. The bell rings at seven o’clock. Now, it is half past seven.
The teachers and students go to the school yard to begin the ceremony.

b. Practice 2

Answer the question based on the text above!

a. What time do the students have flag
ceremony? a. at 06.50 b. at 07.10
c. at 10.07 c. at 06.40
b. What time do Andy and Sandy go to
school? a. at 06.30 b. at 05.30
c. at 07.30 d. at 06.15
c. Do they arrive at school at 07.15?
a. yes, they do b. no, they aren’t
c. yes, they aren’t d. no, they don’t
d. Do they still have 25 minutes to prepare for the ceremony?
a. yes, they do b. no, they aren’t
c. yes, they aren’t d. no, they don’t
e. What time does the school begin?
a. at 06.45 b. at 07.10
c. at 07.00 d. at 06.50
Checking Ability 4

1. What time is the Film Start? ( 6.15 ), It’s at …

A. a quarter fifteen C. a quarter fifteen

B. six past fifteen D. six past fifteen

2. What time it is? ( 8.30 ), It’s at …

A. a half eight C. a half past eight

B. a quarter eight D. one past eight

3. What time does Cindy have dinner? She has dinner at 07.30.

A. A half-past seven C. Seven thirty o’clock

B. A past seven D. A half seven

4. Jam 8 pagi = ….

A. 08.00 p.m. C. 8 o’clock.

B. 08.00 a.m. D. 08.00 in the morning.

5. Jam 12 malam = …

A. 12.00 p.m. C. 12 o’clock.

B. 12.00 a.m. D. Midnight.

6. Jam 10.16 = …

A. Ten – sixteen C. Ten to sixteen

B. Ten past sixteen D. Sixteen past Ten

7. Jam 05.28 = … (British style)

A. Twenty eight past five C. Five to twenty eight

B. Twenty eight to five D. Five past twenty eight

8. Jam 06.48 = …

A. Twelve to seven C. Forty eight to six

B. Seven to twelve D. Six to forty eight

9.Jam 07.55 = …

A. Five to seven C. Fifty five to seven

B. Five to eight D. Fifty five to eight

10. Jam 11.30 = ….

A. Thirty past eleven C. A half to twelve

B. Thirty to twelve D. A half past eleven

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