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Kompetensi Dasar:
3.3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksu
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keharusan, larangan dan himbauan, sesuai dengan konteks

Name : ____________ SCORE

Class : ____________

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa diharapkan dapat menanyakan dan memberitahu tentang suatu
2. Siswa diharapkan dapat meminta tentang larangan.
3. Siswa diharapkan dapat melarang.
4. Siswa diharapkan dapat meminta dan memberikan himbauan.

Ungkapan-Ungkapan Obligations, Prohibitions, And Recommendations

Ungkapan Contoh Kalimat

Obligations 1. have to 1. Have to = harus

2. must “have to” merupakan modal verb yang
dipergunakan untuk menunjukan yang kita
harus lakukan.
 Do we have to bring a plant for our
school yard? (Apakah kita harus
membawa sebuah tanaman untuk
halaman sekolah kita?)
 Do you have to go? (Apakah kamu
harus pergi?)
 I have to go to school at seven
o’clock. (Kita harus berangkat ke
sekolah pukul 7.)
 We have to show ID cards. (Kita
harus menunjukan kartu pengenal

2. Must = harus
Didalam obligations kara “must”
dipergunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu
yang harus dilakukan biasanya berhubungan
Ungkapan Contoh Kalimat

dengan aturan.
 All students must wear uniform.
(Semua murid harus mengenakan
 You must speak louder. I can’t hear
you. (Kamus harus berbicara lebih
keras. Saya tidak dapat

Prohibitions 1. Must not 1. Must not = tidak boleh/dilarang

2. Don’t rely (do - You must not borrow more than four
not rely) books at a time. (Kamu tidak boleh
3. Don’t meminjam lebih dari 4 buku
4. Prohibited bersamaan.)
5. Aren’t allowed - You mustn’t sleep here. (Kamu
6. Aren’t dilarang tidur disini.)
7. Forbidden 2. Don’t Rely = jangan mengandalkan
- Don’t rely on your father. Do it
yourself. (Jangan mengandalkan
ayahmu. Lakukan sendiri.)

3. Don’t = jangan
- Don’t run in the corridor. (Jangan
berlari di koridor.)
- Don’t sit on the bench. (Jangan
duduk di bangku.)
Ungkapan Contoh Kalimat

4. Prohibited = dilarang
It is probihited to sleep in the morning.
(Dilarang untuk tidur di pagi hari.)

5. Aren’t allowed = tidak diijinkan/tidak

You aren’t allowed to step on the grass in
the school yard. (Kamu tidak diperbolehkan
menginjak rumput di halaman sekolah.)

6. Aren’t permitted = tidak diijinkan

- You aren’t permitted to eat while
study in the class. (Kamu tidak
diijinkan untuk makan ketika belajar
di dalam kelas.)

7. Forbidden = dilarang
- It is forbidden to sleep in the class.
(dilarang tidur di dalam kelas.)

Recommendation 1. Should 1. Should

(Himbauan) 2. Keep away - You should get up early and have
more exercise. (Kamu harus bangun
pagi dan lebih banyak berolahraga.)
- You should try that new uniform.
(Kamu harus mencoba seragam baru

2. Keep away
- Keep away from the tigers. They are
wild. (Menjauhlah dari harimau.
Ungkapan Contoh Kalimat

Mereka itu hewan liar.)

Kita menggunakan have to/must//should + infinitive untuk membicarakan tentang

obligations, sesutau yang perlu dilakukan, atau untuk memberikan saran.

Obligations, prohibitions, dan recommendations dapat juga di temukan dalam teks

tulisan seperti di bawah ini:
Practice 1
Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t and a verb from the list bellow.
The first one has been done for you.

watch go eat stop believe think

wait try read let listen

Example: Children shouldn’t watch the film. There is too much violance in it.
1. The ____________ making all that noise. It’s disturbing people.

2. Dad says I ____________ more vegetables.

3. We ____________ everything we see on television.

4. You ____________ more about other people and less about yourself.

5. It’s getting late. I ____________ home now.

6. You ____________ your best.

7. You ____________ letters that are addressed to other people.

8. Parents ____________ their children go out after dark

9. Students ____________ outside the door until the teacher tells them to come


10.Children ____________ to the advice their parent give them.

Practice 2
Complete the sentences using must or mustn’t and a verb from the list bellow. The
first one has been done for you.

Lock go eat stop believe tell

steal be read park listen

Example: You must lock all doors and windows in the night.
1. You ____________ at the kerb and lock before you cross the street.

2. Children ____________ to the teacher of they want to learn.

3. You ____________ the questions carefully before you write the answer.

4. You ____________ everything your friends tell you.

5. If you want to be healthy, you ____________ a lot of fruits and vegetables.

6. You ____________ out on your own at night.

7. We ____________ because it is wrong.

8. Drivers ____________ their cars in the middle of the road.

9. If you want people to be nice to you, you ____________ nasty to them.

10.You ____________ always ____________ the truth.

Practice 3
Choose the correct answer
1. Handy : I’m leaving to go camping in Kiara Payung this weekend
Dini : Well, I think you . . . take a raincoat with you. It’s the rainy season now.
Handy : You’re right.
A. should
B. must not
C. should not
D. don’t have

2. The sign bellow means?

A. Please smoking
B. Don’t smoking
C. You are allowed to smoking
D. You’re not prohibited to smoking

3. What does the notice mean?

A. People aren’t permitted to throw rubbish here.

B. People can get gasoline for their cars here.
C. People must be careful with their hands.
D. People must not steal things here.
For questions 4 and 5, comple the dialogue below

Zookeeper : Excuse me, young man.

Visitor : Yes sir. What’s the matter?
Zookeeper : What are you doing?
Visitor : I’m feeding the tigers.
Zookeeper : (4) . . .
Visitor : Why?
Zookeeper : The tigers are wild animals.
They can be (12) . . .
Besides, the food can harm the animal.
4. A. You must not feed the tigers
B. You should feed the tigers
C. You are feeding the tigers
D. You must feed the tigers.

5. A. tame
B. funnya
C. beautiful
D. dangerous

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

Hi, My name is Handy. I want to describe briefly a building I have visited recently.
The most incredeble thing abut the building is the shape. It’s in the shape of a
giant turtle. I loved the shape of the building. It’s so realistic. To enter the
building, visitors had to pay Rp. 17, 500 for adults and Rp. 12,500 for the
Inside the building, we were able to enjoy facilities, such as a giant aquarium
with sharks, turtles and various fish in it, educational games, and 3-dimensions
film booth. I also liked the aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I
didn’t like the educational game section because almost all the games didn’t
work. The officer in the room was not helpful at all. He just sat in his chair and
did nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there was a “No Smoing” sign
in the area.
6. An adult . . . to pay Rp. 17,500 to enter the building.
A. will
B. must
C. should
D. has to

7. The visitors . . . visit the giant aquarium to see the sharks, turtles and various
A. should
B. must not
C. should not
D. don’t have to

8. The management . . . the educational games.

A. should prepare
B. must not give
C. must place
D. should fix

9. The officer . . . the visitors.

A. must stay
B. should help
C. must not come
D. should not invite

10.The officer . . . inside the building

A. must not smoke
B. have to smoke
C. should smoke
D. must smoke

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