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Migration, Unemploymentand

Developmnent: A Two-Sector

Throughout mnanyless developed econ- determined minimum urban wage at levels

omies of the world, especially those of substantially higher than agricultural
tropical Africa, a curious economic phe- earnings.' We shall then consider the effect
nomenon is presently taking place. Despite of this parametric urban wage on the rural
the existence of positive marginal products individual's economic behavior when the
in agriculture and significant levels of ur- assumption of no agricultural labor sur-
ban unemployment, rural-urban labor plus is made, i.e., that the agricultural
migration not only continues to exist, but marginal product is always positive and
indeed, appears to be accelerating. Con- inversely related to the size of the rural
ventional economic models with their labor force.2 The distinguishing feature of
singular depeindence on the achievement of this model is that migration proceeds in
a full employment equilibrium through response to urban-rural differences in
appropriate wage and price adjustments expected earnings (defined below) with the
are hard put to provide rational behav- urban employment rate acting as an equil-
ioral explanations for these sizable and ibrating force on such migration.3 We shall
growing levels of urban unemployment in then use the overall model for the following
the absence of absolute labor redundancy purposes:
in the economy as a whole. Moreover, this 1) to demonstrate that given this po-
lack of an adequate analytical model to
account for the unemployment phenome- 1 For some empirical evidence on the magnitude of

non often leads to rather amorphous ex- these real earnings differentials in less developed
economies, see Reynolds, Berg, Henderson, and Ghai.
planiations such as the "bright lights" of 2 We do not make the special assumption of an agri-
the city acting as a magnet to lure peas- cultural labor surplus for the following reasons: Most
ants into urban areas. available empirical evidence to date tends to cast
doubt on the labor surplus argument in the context of
In this paper we shall diverge from the those economies of Southeast Asia and Latin America
usual full employment, flexible wage-price where such a surplus would be most likely to exist (see
models of economic analysis by formulat- Kao, Anschel, and Eicher). Moreover, few if any
economists would seriously argue that general labor
ing a two-sector model of rural-urban surplus exists in tropical Africa, the area to which this
migration which, among other things, paper is most directly related.
recognizes the existence of a politically 3 For a dynamic model of labor migration in which
urban unemployment rates and expected incomes play
* The authors are assistant professor of a pivotal role in the migration process, see Todaro. How-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and research ever, unlike the present model which attempts to view
fellow, Institute for Development Studies, University the migration process in context of aggregate and inter-
College, Nairobi, respectively. They would like to sectoral welfare considerations, Todaro's model was
thank the Rockefeller Foundation for making possible strictly concerned with the formulation of a positive
their research on economic problems of East Africa. theory of urban unemployment in developing nations.
Peter Diamond, Richard Eckaus, Joseph Stiglitz, two As such, it did not specifically consider the welfare of the
anonymous referees, and the managing editor made rural sector, nor was it concerned with the broader
valuable comments on a previous draft. The authors, of issues of economic policy considered in the present
course, are responsible for remaining errors. paper.


litically determined high minimum wage, of which is exported to the urban sector, or
the continued existence of rural-urban using only part of its labor to produce this
migration in spite of substantial overt ur- g,ood while exporting the remaining labor
ban unemployment represents an econom- to the urban sector in return for wages paid
ically rational choice on the part of the in the form of the manufactured good. We
individual migrant; are thus assuming that the typical migrant
2) to show that economists' standard retains his ties to the rural sector and,
policy prescription of generating urban therefore, the income that he earns as an
employment opportunities through the use urban worker will be considered, from the
of "shadow prices" implemented by means standpoint of sectoral welfare, as accruing
of wage subsidies or direct government to the rural sector.4 However, this assump-
hiring will not necessarily lead to a welfare tion is not at all necessary for our demon-
improvement and may, in fact, exacerbate stration of the rationality of migration in
the problem of urban unemployment; the face of significant urban unemploy-
3) to evaluate the welfare implications ment.
of alternative policies associated with The crucial assumption to be made in
various back-to-the-land programs when our model is that rural-urban migration
it is recognized that the standard remedy will continue so long as the expected urban
suggested by economic theory-namely, real income at the margin exceeds real
full wage flexibility-is for all practical agricultural product-i.e., prospective rural
purposes politically infeasible. Special migrants behave as maximizers of expected
attention will be given here to the impact utility. For analytical purposes, we shall
of migration cum unemployment on the assume that the total urban labor force
welfare of the rural sector as a whole which consists of a permanent urban proletariat
gives rise to intersectoral compensation without ties to the rural sector plus the
requirements; and, finally, available supply of rural migrants. From
4) to argue that in the absence of wage this combined pool or urban labor, we
flexibility, an optimal policy is, in fact, a assume that a periodic random job selection
"policy package" including botk partial process exists whenever the number of
wage subsidies (or direct government em- available jobs is exceeded by the number of
ployment) and measures to restrict free job seekers.5 Consequently, the expected
migration. 4 In tropical Africa especially, this notion that mi-
grants retain their ties to the rural sector is quite com-
I. The Basic Model mon and manifested by the phenomenon of the ex-
tended family system and the flow of remittances to
The basic model which we shall employ rural relatives of large proportions of urban earnings.
can be described as a two-sector internal However, the reverse flow, i.e., rural-urban monetary
transfers is also quite common in cases where the
trade model with unemployment. The two migrant is temporarily unemployed and, therefore, must
sectors are the permanent urban and the be supported by rural relatives. For an excellent dis-
rural. For analytical purposes we shall cussion of this phenomenon from a sociological point of
view, see Gugler (pp. 475-78).
distinguish between sectors from the point 6 The qualitative conclusions of the model do not
of view of production and income. The depend on the precise nature of the selection process.
urban sector specializes in the production We have assumed random selection not merely for
analytic convenience but also because it directly cor-
of a manufactured good, part of which is responds to an appropriate dynarnic construct developed
exported to the rural sector in exchange for in Todaro's 1969 article. There it is shown that over
agricultural goods. The rural sector has a time expected and actual earnings will converge to a
positive number even though the rate of job creation is
choice of either using all available labor less than the rate of migration so that unemployment is
to produce a single agricultural good, some increasing.

urban wage will be defined as equal to the Price Determination:

fixed minimum wage (expressed in terms
of manufacturedgoods) times the propor- (3) ( XM 0
tion of the urban labor force actually em-
ployed (see equation (6)). Finally, we
assume perfectly competitive behavior
on the part of producers in both sectors P, the price of the agricultural good in
with the further simplifying assumption terms of the manufactured good,
that the price of the agricultural good (i.e., the terms of trade) is a function
(defined in terms of manufactured goods) of the relative outputs of agricultural
is determined directly by the relative and manufactured good when the
quantities of the two goods produced. latter serves as numeraire.6
Consider now the following formulation
Agricultural Real, Wage Determination:
of the model.
(4) WVA P*q
Agricultural Production Function:
L, KA),4 where
(1) XA
k-(IAA, q > 0 q"t < 0
WA, the agriculturalreal wage, is equal
where, to the value of labor's marginal
XA is output of the agricultural good, product in agricultureexpressed in
NA is the rural labor used to produce terms of the manufactured good.
this output,
7Lis the fixed availability of land, Manufacturing Real TWage:
KA is the fixed capital stock,
(5) ,- - f' WM.
q' is the derivative of q with respect of
NA, its only variable factor. The real wage in manufacturing, ex-
pressed in terms of manufacturedgoods, is
Manufacturing Production Function: equated with the marginal product of
XM - f(ATm,KM), f' > 0, f" < 0 labor in manufacturing because of profit
maximization on the part of perfectly
where competitive producers.However, this wage
XM is the output of the manufactured is constrained to be greater than or equal
good, to the fixed minimum urban wage. In our
NM is the total labor (urban and rural analysis, we shall be dealing only with
migrant) required to produce this cases in which f' - Wm (i.e., there is never
output. an excess demand for labor at the mini-
KM is fixed capital stock, and mum wage).
f' is the derivative of f with respect to Urban Expected Wage:
N._ , io rorsl
nlr%"I fnofnrr

It is interesting to note in this context that sociologist

Gugler who has spent considerable time studying (6) Wu I, 1
labor mnigrationin Africa has recently concluded that
rural-urban mi0ration is essentially an economic
6 A sufficient, but not necessary, condition for this
phenomenon that can be portrayed as a "game of
lottery" in which rural migrants come to the city fully assumption is that all individuals in the economy have
aware that their chances of finding a job are low. How- the same homothetic preference map. Again, the as-
ever, the great disparity between urban and rural wages sumption is made for analytical convenience. The qual-
makes the successful location of an urban salaried job so itative conclusions of our analysis will remain unaf-
attractive that unskilled migrants are willing to take a fected under several plausible assumptions about distri-
chance (pp'.472-73). See also Hutton. bution of income and tastes.

where the expectedreal wage in the urban dition posited in (8).8 It is important to
sector, Wu, is equal to the real miniimum note that this assumes that a migrant
wage WMadjusted for the proportion of gives up only his marginal product.9
the total urban labor force (permanent We thus have 8 equations in 8 unknowns
urban plus migrants, denoted as N.) ac- XA, XM, NA, NM, WA, WU, N. and P.
tually employed, NM/NU.7 Only in the case Given the production functions and fixed
of full employment in the urban sector minimum wage WM, it is possible to solve
(NM=N.) is the expected wage equal to for sectoral employment, the equilibrium
the minimum wage (i.e., W,= WM). unemployment rate and, consequently, the
equilibrium expected wage, relative out-
Labor Endowment: put levels and terms of trade. Let us
(7) NA+ NU= NR + N, N analyze how such an unemployment equi-
librium can come about.
There is a labor constraint which states The essence of our argument is that in
that the sum of workersactually employed many developing nations the existence of
in the agricultural sector (NA) plus the an institutionally determined urban min-
total urban labor force (NU) must equal imum wage at levels substantially higher
the sum of initial endowments of rural than that which the free market would
(NR) and permanent urban (N.) labor allow can, and usually does, lead to an
which in turn equals the total labor en- equilibrium with considerable urban un-
dowment (N). employment. In our model migration is a
disequilibrium phenomenon. In equilibrium
Equilibrium Condition: WMNM/NU= Pq' and migration ceases.
(See Appendix I for proof that this equi-
(8) WA = wit librium is stable.) Now we know from
equation (5) that in the competitive urban
Equation (8), an equilibrium condition, is manufacturing sector, WM=J'. XVe also
derived from the hypothesis that migra- know from equation (7) that N-NA= N.
tion to the urban area is a positive func- and from equation (3) that P= p(XM/
tion of the urban-ruralexpectedwage dif-
ferential. This can be written formally as
V(0) = 0 is purely arbitrary. If, instead, we assume
;p(a) =0 where a can take on any value, migration will
(9) Nu?Vu~Nu U pq cease when the urban-rural expected wage differential
is equal to a. None of the subsequent analysis is af-
fected qualitatively by specifying a=0. Equation (8)
{' > O, 41(0) = O would merely be written as WA+a = V,.
I Other assumnptionscould be made. Much of the
where ]VUis a time derivative. Clearly then, literature has stressed that in peasant economies pro-
migration will cease only when the ex- ducers receive their average product which is higher
than their marginal product. Indeed, this is at the heart
pected income differentialis zero, the con- of the well-known Lewis and Fei-Ranis models. How-
ever, these models ignore the migration decision and
seem to assume that migrants continue to receive their
I This assumes a very particular form of wage expec- share of peasant production yet migrate only if jobs are
tation, namely that the expected wage is equal to the actually available. In much of Africa it appears that
average urban wage. Although this is a convenient migrants continue to receive income from land after
expression to work with, we could be more general and migration and commonly hire labor to work on their
make the expected wage some function of the average farms in their absence. There is also a considerable
urban wage. Indeed, the only restrictions on such a func- group of landless individuals who work on farms for
tion that are necessary for our results are that, ceteris wages. Thus it would appear that our assumiption is not
paributs, the expected wage varies directly with the unreasonable. The anIalrsis could easily be modified to
minimum wage and inversely with the unemployment make earnings foregone equal to average product, bow-
rate. ever.

NA + NM= N in Figure 1 is the locus of full-

employment points.
Point Z is the only equilibrium full-em-
ployment point in Figure 1 at which NM
workers would be employed in manu-
facturing and N* in agriculture. Points on
the locus 1= 0 east of Z are infeasible and
will not be consideredfurther, while points
to the west of Z are associated with min-

NA v
which is unambiguously negative since q" <0 and p'>0.
H Differentiating (8') partially with respect to NM we find
Ha that
zI \
f'NN 1
I I | \NA+NM=& 77LW XM

X I I\ which is less than, equal to, or greater than zero as

NM N* Na NM 1 f'Nm >
- + P- = 1,
77LW XM <
FIG 1.
dNm W.
XA1).Therefore, wxe can rewrite our equi- ?7LW = -
dW. NM
librium condition (8) as
is the wage elasticity of demand for labor and
(8') 1D = P(XM/XA)q' - I = 0.
N - NA d (XM) P

Sinice XM and XA are functions of NM and is the elasticity of the terms of trade with respect to a
NA respectively, b is an implicit function change in relative outputs. It follows, therefore that the
slope of the locus of equilibria, dNA/dNM depends on
in NA and NM which, for any stated min- the respective employment and price elasticities.
imum wage, can be solved for the equi- A sufficient condition for 4?NMto be negative (making
librium combination of agricultural and dNA/dNM positive) is for the wage elasticity of em-
ployment to be less than one, a situation which recent
manufacturing employment. From this empirical studies suggest is likely to exist (see Erickson,
solution the levels of urban unemployment Harris and Todaro (1969), and Katz). However, even if
and commodity outputs can also be de- 77LW exceeds unity, dNA/dNM can still be positive pro-
viding price elasticity is sufficiently high. The logic of
termined. There will be a unique equi- these conditions is clear. If V7LWiS less than one, a de-
librium associated with each possible value cline in the minimum wage will lower the urban wage
of the minimum wage, and the locus of bill even though employment and output increase.
This causes the expected urban wage to decline thereby
these equilibria is plotted in Figure 1 as the reducing the expected rural-urban earnings differential
line 1=O in NA, NM space.10 The line NA which gives rise to reverse migration and increased
rural employment and output. If V7LWexceeds unity, a
10 In fall in the minimum wage is accompanied by an in-
Figure 1 we have assumed that creased urban wage bill and, hence, a higher expected
d.NA urban wage. However, the expected rural-urban earn-
dM [NMM /14NA ] > 0 ings differential can either increase or decrease in this
case depending on the movement in terms of trade
although this need not necessarily hold true. Dif- which raises the value of the marginal product in
ferentiating (8') partially with respect to NA We find that agriculture. For example, if 77LWwere 1.5 and the wage
share of manufacturing output (f'NAr/XM) were .50,
pq then an agricultural price elasticity greater than 0.67
AA ,pfqf2 pqif 2
q2 +pqNAp would he sufficient to make dNA/dNM positive.

imum wages higher than the full-employ- We can then imagine an economy starting
ment wage. There is a monotonic mapping initially at the point on the production
such that higher minimum wages are as- possibilities frontier at which XM is that
sociated with points on 4 = 0 lying farther for which equation (5') is satisfied and
to the west. Thus we can demonstrate that assume that
the setting of a minimum wage above the
market-clearinglevel causes an economy to
settle at a point such as H in Figure 1. At
H, N'A workers are employed in agricul- Pq'<
ture, NM in manufacturing, and NU-NM NU
workersare unemployed. It is evident that
the minimum wage causes a loss of em- at that point. The equilibrium point will
ployment and hence output in both sec- again be reached through a simultaneous
tors.'1 raising of Pq' and lowering of W, in re-
It is important to note that even though sponse to migration. As relative agricul-
an equilibrium at point H represents a tural output falls, P will rise. This in turn
suboptimum situation for the economy as will cause output of the manufacturedgood
a whole, it does representa rational, utility to fall as well, since producers will pro-
maximizing choice for individual rural mi- duce up to the point thatJf'= WMP which
grants given the level of the minimum rises in terms of the manufactured good.
wage. Note that f' can be raised only through
One final point might be raised at this output restriction (sincef" < 0). Therefore,
juncture. So far we have assumed that the in general, we would find that imposition
urban minimum wage is fixed in terms of of a minimum wage gives rise to an equi-
the manufactured good. What if, instead, librium characterized by unemployment
the minimum wage were fixed in terms of and loss of potential output of both goods.
the agricultural good? We would then A new locus V'= 0 will be defined in Figure
substitute for equation (5): 1 such that the point on V' corresponding
to any given minimum wage will be west of
> WM the correspondingpoint on 4b.
(5') 1. p' Although our initial assumption is a bit
easier to handle, the principal conclusion
Substituting (4), (5'), and (6) into (8) we remains unaffected if we make the min-
get the equilibriumrelationship imum wage fixed in terms of the agricul-
tural good. Equilibrium is only achievable
with unemployment. Actual minimum
(Pi).NrM wage setting is usually done with reference
INu4 to some general cost of living index, and
food is the largest single item in the budget
of most urban workers. (See Massell and
11If dNA/dNM < 0, which we believe to be empirically Heyer, and the Nigeria report.) Hence, the
unlikely, this statement would have to be modified. In second case may be somewhat more real-
such a case, increasing the minimumnwage will decrease
manufacturiing employment but will increase agricul- istic. Note that in the first case the "true"
tural employment and output. Unemployment will real wage was reduced somewhat by the
result from the inmpositionof a miniimum wage but we rising agriculturalprice, while in the latter
can no longer assert that the level of unemployment
will increase concomitantly with the level of the case it is increased by the falling relative
m-iiinimum wage. price of the manufacturedgood.

III. Implicationsfor DevelopmentPolicy a pool of labor that can be tapped without

A. Planning in Terms of Shadow Prices sacrificingoutput. Consequently, it might
be suggested that even though agricultural
The standard solution to the problem of labor is fully employed at peak seasons, the
an institutionally determined wage that appropriate shadow wage for urban labor
is higher than the equilibrium level is to is likely to be one that is lower than the
employ labor in the public sector according marginal product in agriculture. This
to a shadow wage and/or to grant a payroll would be correct if the two labor forces,
subsidy to private employers that equates urban and rural, were separate noncom-
private costs with this shadow wage.12Two peting groups. In linear programming
main problems arise with this prescrip- terms, there are two labor constraints and
tion: first, how can one determine the ap- each may well have a different associated
propriate shadow wage? and, secondly, shadow wage.
what are the implications of executing such Now, the essence of our model is that
a scheme when the institutional wage will the two sectors are intimately connected
continue to be paid to the employed? Our through labor migration. If one additional
model can shed light on both of these job is created in the industrial sector at the
issues. minimum wage, the expected wage will
In a static framework the appropriate rise and rural-urbanmigration will be in-
shadow wage is the opportunity cost of duced. In Appendix II it is shown that
labor hired by the industrial sector. Hence, more than one agricultural worker will
if labor is hired to the point that its mar- likely migrate in response to the creation
ginal product in industry is equated with of one additional industrial job. Hence, the
the shadow wage which in turn is equated opportunity cost of an industrial worker
with the marginal product in agriculture, will exceed the marginal product of an ag-
marginal productivity of labor will be ricultural worker. On the other hand, an
equal in both sectors, a necessarycondition increase in agriculturalincome will induce
for an optimal allocation of resources.Na- reverse migration with no diminution of
turally, this assumes a positive marginal industrial output. Thus, the opportunity
product in agricultureand sufficient factor cost of labor is lower to the agricultural
mobility to ensure full employment of than to the industrial sector!
labor. The existence of urban unemploy- The literature has been strangely silent
ment, however, suggests that there may be for the most part about the full implica-
tions of using shadow-wage criteria. In a
12 Hagen (p. 498) states, "a subsidy per unit of labor static context, Stolper has pointed out that
equal to the wage differential [between agriculture and financingsubsidiesor losses of public enter-
industry] will increase real income further [than a
tariff] and if combined with free trade will permit at- prises gives rise to fiscal problems, but
taining an optimum optimorum." Bardhan (p. 379) unfortunately this issue has not yet been
similarly adds. "The best remedy for the misallocation pursuedin sufficientdetail.'3If the problem
caused by a wage differential is ... an appropriate
subsidy to the use of labor in the manufacturing in- is consideredat all, the analyst usually as-
dustry." It is important to recall that this argument is sumes that a system of nondistortinglump-
dependent on variable proportions production functions. sum taxes is available. Little, Lefeber,and
If production coefficients are fixed, a wage subsidy will
have no effect in the short run. The classic statement 13 Lefeber assumes that a wage subsidy can be

of this case is by Eckaus. Bardhan explores its implica- financed by a profits tax, while other writers, e.g. Hagen,
tions for subsidy in a dynamic context. Both of these Bardhan, and Chakravarty never even consider the
papers, however, posit surplus labor in agriculture, an problem. Even Little and Mirrlees who present an excel-
assumption we do not wish to make in an African con- lent discussion of how to calculate a shadow wage never
text. mention the fiscal problems of implementation.


T -


Little and Mirrlees have pointed out that the manufactured good restricted to OXM*.
in a dynamic setting, the extra consump- If individuals did not migrate in response
tion arising from payment of the institu- to expected wage differentials,the economy
tional wage diverts resources from invest- could product at point E, but migration re-
ment to consumption; thus some of the duces agricultural output to the level OQ.
foregone future consumption should be The theory of shadow pricing suggests that
considered in calculating the shadow wage. with an appropriate wage subsidy (or
In our model, payment of the minimum public-sector-hiring rule) the economy
wage to additional industrial workers will could move to point L on the production
induce more rural-urban migration. There- possibilities frontier which, with the pos-
fore, implementation of a shadow-wage ited social indifference map, is the opti-
employment criterion will have important mum position. Welfare would be increased
effects on the level of agricultural output from a level U1 to a higher level U4.
and on urban unemployment. The argu- In the context of our model, such a point
ment can be clarified with reference to is unattainable. The effect of implementing
Figure 2. a shadow wage will be to increase produc-
The initial equilibrium, given the min- tion of the manufactured good. But crea-
imum wage, is at point D with output of tion of an additional job at the minimum

wage will induce some additioinal migra- employment will raise the expected urban
tion (see Appendix II) from the rural wage, migration will be induced in an
sector and therefore agricultural output amount dNu/dNM. The right-hand side of
will fall. HIence, movement from D can equation (12) states the amount of agri-
only be in a northwest direction. The line cultural output sacrificed because of migra-
DK in Figure 2 is the locus of all such at- tion. Thus the shadow wage will be equal
tainable points and it is evident that there to this opportunity cost of an urban job
is only one point, K, at which there can be and the amount of subsidy will be WM
full employment of the economy's labor -f'. So long as f'> Pq' (dNU/dNM), ag-
resources. At that point the expected wage gregate welfare can be increased by ex-
will be equal to the minimum wage since panding industrial employment through
there is no urban unemployment. There- subsidy or public sector hiring. Clearly the
fore, the marginal product in agriculture more responsive is migration to industrial
will have to be equal to the minimum employment, the higher is the social cost
wage. But, with the subsidy, the marginal of industrialization and the smaller is the
product of labor in manufacturing will be optimal amount of subsidy. In many Afri-
lower than in agriculture, hence K lies in- can economies it is likely that dNl\7/dNAm
side the production possibilities frontier. exceeds unity. If so, it will be optimal for
(In the extreme case in which marginal the marginal product of labor in industry
productivity in agriculture can never be as to be higher than in agriculture and urban
high as the minimum wage, K will coincide unemployment will be a persistent phe-
with T, the point of complete specializa- nomenon so long as minimum wages are
tion in manufactures.) This situation will set above a market-clearing level.
certainly not meet the conditions for a The discussion so far has ignored two
general optimum which can be met only at other adverse effects of using a shadow
L. Thus, implementing a shadow wage wage. As mentioned earlier, several writers
criterion to the point that urban unem- have noted that paymnent of a subsidized
ployment is eliminated will not generally minimum wage to additional workers will
be a desirable policy.'4 increase total consumption, thereby re-
However, some level of wage subsidy ducing the level of resources available for
will usually lead to an improvement. In investment. If foregone future consump-
Figure 2 it is clear that point J, with a tion is positively valued, the opportunity
welfare level U2, will be preferable to D. cost of industrial labor will be higher than
The criterion for welfare maximization, indicated in equation (12) and the shadow
derived in Appendix III, is the following: wage will be raised correspondingly. Fur-
termore, wage subsidies or public enter-
(dVu prise losses must be financed and if revenue
(12) f =Pq(
cannot be raised through costless lump-
sum taxes, the opportunity cost of raising
Note what this means. Creating one ad- taxes must be considered. Both of these
ditional job in the industrial sector in- effects will reduce the desirable amount of
creases output by f' but, since increased subsidized job creation in the industrial
14As shown in Appendix III, DK is not uniformly sector.
convex. Therefore, K may be the best attainable point It is interesting to note that this model
in some cases and the first-order conditions may not implies different opportunity costs of labor
ensure optimality. As drawn in Figure 2, moving from
D to K represents a worsening of welfare, but this to the two sectors. While the creation of an
clearly is not a necessary conclusion. additional job in the urban area reduces

agricultural output through induced mi- in exchange for wages in the form of
gration, additional employment can be manufacturedgoods.'6In Figure 3 the line
generated in the agricultural sector with- T'S' representsproduction possibilities for
out reducing manufacturing output. If the agriculturalsector when labor export is
this phenomenon is not taken into account, allowed. If its entire labor endowment is
standard application of investment criteria devoted to agriculturalproduction, it can
is likely to be biassed in favor of urban produce a quantity OS'. However, by ex-
projects. porting its labor, the agricultural sector
can "produce" the manufactured good
B. Migration Restrictiont (wages are paid in the form of this good).
An alternative approach to the problenm Hence this productionpossibilities frontier
of urban unemployment is to physically depends on market forces (wage levels and
control migration from the rural areas. unemployment) as well as on purely tech-
Such controls have recently been intro- nological factors. The amount of agricul-
duced in Tanzania and have been used for tural output foregoneif a unit of labor is to
some time in South Africa.'5 Other coun- be "exported"is its marginal product; the
tries, such as Kenya, are giving serious amount of manufactured goods obtained
consideration to instituting such a policy. by the exported labor unit depends on the
Although we personally have grave reser- wage, the amount of employment obtained
vations about the etlhical issues involved by the exported unit, and its effect on em-
in such a restriction of individual choice ployment of previously exported units.
and the complexity and arbitrariness of In addition to these production pos-
administration, it seems desirable to in- sibilities, the rural sector also has the op-
vestigate the economic implications of such portunity to trade some of its agricultural
a policy. output with the permanent urban sector
Looking at Figure 2 it is obvious that in exchange for manufactured goods. Cor-
with the minimum wage such that in- respondingto each point on the production
dustrial output is OXm*, prohibition of mi- possibilities frontier T'S', there is a de-
gration in excess of the labor required to terminate price of the agricultural good.
produce that output will allow the econ- The mannerin which alternative constella-
omy to produce at point E. The movement tions of production and trade affect the
from D to E arising from restriction of
16 In considering the welfare of the rural sector as a
migration leads to an unambiguous aggre-
whole we are making the tacit assumption that there is
gate welfare improvement providing ap- redistribution of goods between individuals in this
propriate lump-sum redistribution is ef- sector. This is a very strong assumption. Yet there is
fected. Since such compensation is no- considerable evidence from tropical Africa that em-
ployed urban migrants repatriate substantial portions of
toriously difficult to carry out in practice, their earnings to their kinsmen remaining in the rural
it will be useful to examiine the welfare im- areas and conversely that income both in cash and
plications of such a mnove on each of the kind is received by unemployed migrants from kinsmen
remaining on the farm. To the extent that the extended
t\vo sectors in the absence of compensation. family system does redistribute goods between mem-
Recall that the two sectors were defined bers, this assumption may be tenable as a first approxi-
to be a permanent urban group and a rural mation. As Gugler (p. 480) has pointed out, it is appro-
priate to view the extended family as maximizing its in-
sector that produces both agricultural come by allocating its members between agriculture
goods and exports labor to the urban area and urban wage employment. Although there is some
evidence that growing numbers of urban workers are
settling permanently and gradually eliminating rural
16 See Harris and Todaro (1969) for an analysis of the ties, it will be many years before such ties are com-
T'anzanianprogram. pletely severed.


x A


sector's welfare can be illustrated by Fig- agricultural good will fall to P' and with
ure 3. trade the best consumption bundle attain-
D' correspondsto the initial unemploy- able by the sector is XtA, XM which cor-
ment equilibrium D (Figure 2). At that responds to a lower level of welfare U0.
point the rural sector as a whole "pro- (Note that if p' did not cut T'S' there
duces" XA0 and Xmo of the two goods. It could be no incentive to migrate at E'.)
also has the opportunity to trade at the It can be shown that Pq' (1- I/ ) (where
price PO. By trading some of its agricul- 77 the price elasticity of demand for the
tural output to the permanenturban sector agricultural good) is the amount of the
for additional manufactured goods, it con- manufacturedgood sacrificedby the rural
sumes XAO XMO and achieves a welfare sector as a result of removing one worker
level of UR. Restriction of migration re- from producing the agricultural good
sults in the sector's producing X]I XM'. If which could have been exchanged for the
it could still trade at price PO, the agri- manufactured good at the market price
cultural sector would clearly be better off. 1/P. This quantity is less than the value
But this is impossible. At E' (which cor- of labor's marginal product in agriculture
responds to E in Figure 2), the price of (Pq') since the reduction in output has a

favorable terms-of-trade effect. If the de- minimum wage while also being able to
mand for the agriculture good is inelastic buy food at a lower price. Each unit of
(n<1) we reach the startling conclusion labor exported by the rural sector will
that the sacrifice becomes negative! This similarly earn more but this gain will be
is, of course, the familiar proposition that offset by reduced total labor exports and
aggregate farm income may be increased lower agricultural prices. Whether or not
by reducing output. The direct gain in this will be true depends, of course, on the
manufacturedgoods achieved by the rural values of the specific parameters of the
sector throughexportingan additionalunit economy. If ?7is sufficiently high, the rural
of labor is WMNM/N., the expected urban sector could be made better off by re-
wage. But additional migration, by in- stricting migration in the absence of com-
creasingunemployment, reduces the earn- pensation, but this seems very unlikely.
ings of all migrants already in the urban
labor force by a factor (1 -R), where R is C. A Combinationof Policies
the fraction of the total urban labor force It has been shown that either a limited
supplied by the rural sector.'7 wage-subsidy or a migration-restriction
As long as Pq' (1-n) < WMNM/Nu (1- policy will lead to a welfare improvement.
R) the welfare of the rural sector will be in- Which of the two policies will lead to the
creasedby allowing migration even though better position cannot be determinedwith-
unemployment ensues and the economy as out knowing all the relevant parameters
a whole sacrifices output. Since Pq' and for a particular economy. It is dear, how-
WMNM/IN, are always positive and R < 1, ever, that neither policy alone is capable of
additional migration will always benefit moving the economy to the optimum that
the rural sector when X < 1. In general, the could be achieved with competitive wage
lower is Pq', t7, or R and the higher is determination(point L in Figure 2).
WMNM/NU, the more will the rural sector At first sight it may seem strange that
benefit from the opportunity to migrate. with a single market failure, the wage
From the foregoing, one can conclude level, a single policy instrument is unable
that although migration restriction will to fully correct the situation.18The reason
improve aggregatewelfare of the economy, is that the wage performstwo functions in
given plausible values of x7and R, sub- this model. It determines boththe level of
stantial compensation to the rural sector employment in the industrial sector and
will be required if it is not to be made the allocation of labor between rural and
worse off by removing the opportunity for urban areas. While a subsidy changes the
free migration. The permanent urban effective wage for determination of in-
labor force clearly will be made better off dustrial employment, so long as the wage
by becoming fully employed at the high actually received by workers exceeds ag-
ricultural earnings there will be migration
17 If the urban
unemployment were experienced only and urban unemployment. Restriction of
by migrants, this term would equal zero since the total
amount of earnings through labor export would be con- migration prevents the minimum wage
stant. It can be positive only because the permanent having its effect on unemployment but
urban labor force shares in unemployment, thereby does nothing to increase the level of in-
reducing its share of the constant wage bill in the manu-
factured good industry. An interesting extension of the dustrial employment. Therefore, if the
model would be to incorporate different employment optimum position is to be achieved, a com-
probabilities for the permanent urban and migrant rural bination of both instruments will have to
labor forces and then to check the sensitivity of results
with our more simplified assumption of equal prob- "I We wish to thanka refereeof this Reviewfor draw-
abilities. ing this to ourattention.

be used. In order to reach point L a wage nondistorting taxes capable of raising suf-
subsidy must be instituted such that in- ficient revenue. Perhaps a head-tax on all
dustrial employment will increase to the urban residents would be feasible although
extent that with full employment the mar- this too raises the question of how min-
ginal product of labor will be equal in imum wages are set (unions in tropical
manufacturing and agriculture. The sub- Africa have, in some cases, successfully
sidy will be positive and equal to the dif- fought to maintain the real after-tax wage).
ference between the minimum wage and A tax on rural land is ruled out if there
marginal productivity. At that point W. must be net compensation to the rural
= WM and WM>Pq'. Therefore, individ- sector which, in the absence of pure profits
uals would still find it in their interest to in manufacturing, leaves an urban land
migrate and the point will not be attain- tax as the remainingpotential ideal tax.
able unless migration is restricted. All of the above suggests that altering
The agricultural sector has to be better the minimum wage may avoid the prob-
off at L than at E since each additional lems of taxation, administration,and inter-
unit of labor exported earns the full min- ference with individual mobility attendant
imum wage, marginal productivity in ag- to the policy package just discussed. In-
riculture is less than the minimum wage, come and wages policies designed to nar-
and the price of the agriculturalgood rises. row the rural-urbanwage gap have been
Whether the agricultural sector is better suggested by D. P. Ghai, and Tanzania
off at L than at D, however, depends again has formally adopted such a policy along
on the parametric values of the model."9 with migration restriction. In the final
It can be stated with certainty that the analysis, however, the basic issue at stake
amount of compensation needed to make is really one of political feasibility and it is
the rural sector no worseofFthan at D will not at all clear that an incomes policy is
be less at L than at E, and, furthermoreit any more feasible than the alternatives.
should be easier to finance since total in-
come is greater.
Even so the fiscal requirements of sub- Proof of Stability of Unemployment
sidy (or public enterpriselosses) and com- Equilibrium
pensation cannot be taken lightly.20 A In order to prove that our urban unem-
government may find it difficult to find ployment equilibrium is stable, we can
differentiateVt(equation(9)) with respectto
Nu remembering that dNA,= - dNA ac-
l9 As drawnin Figure 2, L must representa higher
welfarelevel than D for the rural sector since P rises cording to (7). We therefore obtain
and the sectorproducesmoreof both goods.In fact if L dNu ,
lies along TS north of the ray going throughD there
-N-= () - + Pq
will be an unambiguoussectoralwelfareimprovement. dN
However,if L lies south of the ray on TS, the ruralsec- (1.1) AuJ
tor couldbe worseoff than at D sinceP falls.
20 This argument coincides with the statement by
Stolper (p. 195), "It should be noted, however, that aXA]
evenat best the applicationof shadowpricesleadsto the
substitutionof oneproblem,the budget,foranotherone, Stability requires dNR/dN.<O which is
an imperfectmarket." satisfied if
We wouldnot go as far as Stolperin rejectingout of
hand any use of shadowpriciIngbecause of the fiscal WMNM
implications.The generalpoint is valid that one cannot - Pqt
disregard the consequences of implementation of ap (Nu))2
shadow-pricecriteriaif actualpricesor wages continue
to divergefromthe shadowpricesor wages. dXA (q)2

The right side of this inequality is un- APPENDIX II

ambiguously positive since q" <0. Hence our Differentiating the equilibrium condition
assumption that dP/OXA <O Will ensure (8) with respect to NM, recalling that dN,u
stability and, indeed, is stronger than --dNTA, we obtain the expression
necessary. The adjustment mechanism may
be made clear by the following phase dN,,
diagram in, which the function i is plotted.
dJAT,r ,
Its positive slope reflects the hvpothesis
that migration flows will increase with the WAI f
magnitude of the urban-rural expected wage - qp _
differential. In Figure 4, 4t'is plotted under N. X
the assumption that 4t'O)= O, hence the WMNM ,,p" q,, gXM
horizontal intercept is at the origin (in pq q
Vu pXA2
general the intercept would be a). Further-
more, we have arbitrarily assumed that t,6is a Defining the elasticity of demand for the
linear function. The arrows show the direc- agricultural good as
tion of adjustment in accordance with (1.1).
If WlmNM/Nu-Pq'>O, then Nu>O but we . aXA P PXA
know that if AU > O, the expected wage (112) Aq = - _ -_-_
differential will decrease since dN9/dN,<0.
Additional migration by increasing N,,
without affecting Nm1will reduce the ex- (1I.1) can be rewritten as
pected urban real wage through increased tVM pq'f'
unemployment. Coiicomitantly, the trans-
fer of labor out of agriculture raises q' and dNu NuT 77AXM
reduced agricultural output also causes P to (11.3) U _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

dNMTm WMNM - pqp(q" )

rise. Thus migration reduces the expected
wage differential to zero and equilibrium is ATU7z2 'qAXA
achieved when there is no further incentive
for migration. See Todaro for a more de- Differentiating the expression partially
tailed analysis of this process in a dynamic with respect to its various arguments it can
setting. be shown that dN,/dNm will vary directly
with WM, NM, r1Aand inversely with p, q',
fI, NU, and q". In general, the greater is the
urban-rural wage differential, and the less
sensitive are prices and marginal products in
agriculture, the greater will be the migration
induced by creation of an additional job. If
the minimum wage exceeds agricultural
earnings, (11.3) will generally be positive
and, with parameter values relevant for
many African economies, will exceed unity.
When dNu/dNM> 1, creation of an addi-
tional job at the minimum wage will in-
(Gk 4)
crease the absolute level of unemployment
although the rate of urban unemployment
will have to fall. This can be seen by con-
verting (11.3) to an elasticity measure.

(11.4) -*-c
FIGu2E 4. dNm N,

Ou -
W'MN,M NMpqf'
(III.4) aN = - Xlq' + L3'I~fq'
WMNM ,q + p(q ) - pq, + WmNm ]

Nu t1AXA

since q"<0.21 To give an example of what +

(111.5) NM -X2f/
this means, suppose that ani economy ini-
tially has an urban unemployment rate of jifX WM
] =

25 percent. If in response to the creation of

100 additional industrial jobs, 125 additional
and the dQ/OXi=0 (i= 1, 2, 3) which ensures
individuals migrate to the urban area, the
that the constraints hold.
absolute number unemployed increases by
25 although the unemployment rate will Substituting (111.2) and (111.3) into
drop, since the marginal unemployment rate (III.4) and (III.5) we get
is onlv 20 percent.
If minimum wages are maintained and
migration takes place in accordance with C9XA
equation (8), aggregate welfare will be 1'VM ,,f'
maximized if the following Lagrangean ex- aq qf~~~~~
pression is maximized: Nu q

Q = U (XA, YXM) WMNTM fq,

-N 2 -q +P 2
+ Xl[q(N - Nu) - XA]
We know that in equilibrium (aU/aXM)/
X 2[ f(IT) -
+ XMI (OUIOXA)=1/P and it has been shown in
Appendix II that the right-hand side of
(III.6) is equal to dN,/dNm. Therefore (III.6)
q ( can be rewritten as

*qAT r1T,) - V}___M (III.7) f = Pq' dN


where U is the social welfare function and which is the condition used in the text to
the succeedin(g terms are the constraints determine the optimal wage subsidy.
imposed by equations (1), (2), and (8) (re- Condition (III.7) can also be written as
call that NA=N-N-N from equation (7)). -f' dXM
_p ==
Maximizing (111.1) wveget the following
first-order conditions: (III.8) I dN, dXA

dQ~ auI
(IIT.2) = -Al = 0 We know that - P is equal to the marginal
rate of substitution between the two com-
O? 3iU modities and dXM/dXA is the marginal rate
(III.3) = -
-X2 0 of transformation. Hence (III.8) states the
aXM aXM familiar condition for optimality: equate
marginal rates of substitution and trans-
21 We are grateful to Peter Diamond for deriving this formation. dXM/dXA is the slope of the line
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