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Mengapa Hari Proklamasi

Kemerdekaan Harus Diperingati?

Setiap bangsa yang pernah dijajah oleh bangsa lain tidak pernah melupakan hari atau
tanggal Proklamasi Kemerdekaan bangsanya. Sebab, itulah hari yang paling penting dalam
sejarah bangsa dan negaranya. Ini kurang lebih sama dengan hari ulang tahun setiap anak
manusia. Kamu tidak pernah lupa hari ulang tahunmu ‘kan?
Kita bangsa Indonesia juga selalu memperingati Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, yaitu tanggal
17 Agustus 1945. Setiap tanggal 17 Agustus, kita semua memperingati Hari Proklamasi
Kemerdekaan untuk bersyukur dan menghayati arti kemerdekaan.

Proklamasi kemerdekaan merupakan pernyataan bahwa suatu bangsa mulai saat itu bebas
dari penjajahan, bebas dari kekuasaan dan paksaan bangsa lain. Dengan kata lain, bangsa
itu mulai merdeka untuk waktu seterusnya, untuk selama-lamanya.

Bangsa yang merdeka berhak menentukan aturan dan cara hidupnya sendiri. Ia juga memiliki
martabat dan harga diri yang sejajar dengan bangsa manapun di seluruh dunia. Bangsa yang
merdeka mempunyai kesempatan untuk membuat sejahtera dan bahagia seluruh penduduk
di wilayah negaranya.

Tidak demikian halnya nasib bangsa yang dijajah atau belum merdeka. Bangsa yang dijajah
hidupnya penuh derita, jiwa maupun raganya. Mereka ini seperti binatang yang dirantai atau
dikerangkeng. Mereka hampir tidak memiliki kebebasan, gerak-geriknya sangat dibatasi dan

Pakaian dan makanan di negeri yang dijajah sering kali sangat terbatas dan tidak
mencukupi. Demikian pula barang kebutuhan dan mainan anak-anak, sulit diperoleh,
apalagi yang bagus-bagus.

Maka, tidak mengherankan bila kemudian timbul keinginan untuk hidup bebas menjadi
bangsa yang merdeka. Di antara anak negeri selalu ada beberapa yang berani, yang memulai
perjuangan untuk membebaskan negeri dan bangsanya dari belenggu penjajahan.

Mereka berjuang, mengerahkan segala tenaga dan harta, berkorban nyawa dan raga, untuk
mengusir penjajah. Setelah bangsanya merdeka, mereka itulah yang akan dikenang sebagai

Untuk itu semua, Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan kita peringati, kita syukuri dan hayati, lalu
kita amalkan maknanya.
Speech on Environment for Students and
3 Minutes Speech on Environment

Good Morning to one and all present here. I am going to present a short speech on Environment.
Our environment consists of all living beings as well as their surroundings. A healthy
environment is one that is sustainable for a long period of time. It is the source of life for
everyone. It directs the life of everyone and determines the proper growth and development.

The good or bad quality of our life is depending on the quality of our natural environment. Our
need for food, water, shelter, and other things depends on the environment around us. There must
be a balanced natural cycle that exists between the environment and the lives of human beings,
plants, and animals.

Human society is playing a vital role in degenerating the natural environment which is affecting
badly the lives on this planet. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact our
ecosystem.  Many actions of us have brought big changes to this planet, resulting in many
environmental problems. Increasing demand for technologies and industries is another important

Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here

Various Environmental Issues

There are many harmful effects of human activities on the environment. Some of these are
pollution, over-population, waste disposal, climate change, global warming, and the greenhouse
effect, etc. The big reason that poses a serious threat to our environment is the harmful gases in
the air.

The uncontrolled use of automobiles has increased their effects, which in turn emits harmful
gases like Carbon monoxide. The electronic appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators
also contaminating air by the discharge of harmful substances. The diverse effect of these gases
is causing air pollution as well as global warming.

Read Speech on Global Warming here.

Deforestation is another major reason. The human population is increasing at a fast rate and
therefore to meet their daily consumption we need to cut forests and trees. It may be for home or
for fuel, but we are causing great loss to the environment.

Other factors are the depletion of natural resources like water, fuel, and food. On the other hand
over-consumption of resources by humans and improper waste disposal have resulted in a huge
quantity of solid and hazardous wastes. These wastes are other threats to the environment.

Solutions of the Problems of our Environment

Due to all the above human activities, our planet has reached unsustainable levels. Therefore, it
is our duty and responsibility to lower the loss. Every individual can play a significant role in this

For example, we should take a pledge to say ‘No’ to plastics. Instead of it, we may make use of
Eco-friendly substitutes like paper and cloth bags.

The government of every country must implement strict laws for industries, those are releasing
the toxic wastes for proper waste management. The awareness programs should be organized to
encourage citizens to use public transport as much as possible.

Also, everyone must do plantation of trees. The less use of private vehicles will reduce the
emission of harmful gases as well will save fuel resources.

In the end, I want to say that we must spread environmental awareness in our society as well as
in our daily routine life. It is necessary to save and protect our environment. In my view, it is the
responsibility of everyone to do our bit for the environment. Therefore, let us work together
towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Impact of the issue related with gaming

The playing of online games impacts teenage gamers socially, educationally, ethically and
psychologically on teenagers. This issue involves numerous stake holders. They are mainly
teenagers, parents, friends, policeman, and the game company.

The advantage of playing online game is that it allows people to communicate to numerous
numbers of others from different cultural backgrounds and countries. In the game, a gamer may
want to exchange his item with someone. Therefore, he/she has to negotiate with others.
Repetition of this negotiation can develop a gamer’s social skills. The disadvantage of online
gaming is that spending most of free time in front of a monitor wills remove teenagers from
their friends and society. Online games are not for entertainment purpose only.

Majority of games are not designed for educational purposes. However, there are some games
that are made for educational to teach ethical/political issues to teenagers through a familiar
medium. Teenagers also have to know when to play game and when to stop. It is a wrong time
to play games if a teenager hasn’t done his/her homework. And this will result in parents asking
their son/daughter to study. There’s no problem of talking about the game with friends.
However, there are some people who cannot come out from the “game world” because they are
not attached to the real world and ending up killing two policeman in the real world like the
incident in Alabama, US in 2003.

How to combat the addiction

Therapy and counseling for gaming addiction-

Therapy can give you a tremendous boost in controlling gaming use. Cognitive-behavioral
therapy provides step-by-step ways to stop compulsive Internet behaviors and change...

... middle of paper ...

...just for subscription fees.

The consequences of government banning the system will result in reduction of WoW gamers.
This is because the average age of WoW gamers is 28 which suggest that most of them are
adults and they prefer to play the game in the night because they work during the day or
because of their job ends late. Therefore, applying this system will lead for reduction in players
which will result in game company’s profit.

Far from turning teenagers into anti-social loners, video games help them engage with friends
and community, says a report.

for allI know

some of you are experiencing serious problems when playing mobile games such as clash of clans call
of duty and mobile legends. The more you spend time with these games the more addictive it can get
these games are supposed to be enjoyable yet it also makes you frustrated and stressed out,
especially if you are repeatedly losing the game not only it affects your moods. It can also affect your
relationship and responsibilities with other people especially those who are close to you. I believe
that students like you should not be addicted in playing mobile games.

to prevent that I would like to share some simple tips that can help you to avoid online games
addiction to start off. Let me give you the three main reasons why you as a mobile user becomes
obsessed in mobile games.

first is that you are bored and even lazy to do other things. Your phone is always with you wherever
you go so i want you to make time for other activities that would make your body healthy and active
such as doing physical exercise and reading books. Set strict guidelines for mobile game usage

turn off your phone and keep it away from your bed by doing so you will even get enough sleep
instead of playing through the night second you are competitive and desperate during the games this
is the sole reason why gaming affects your mood it also might be due to the content of the game not
being able to get past a difficult level or maybe you experience too much victory yet you lose
consecutively after or because of the proven words that other players throws at you if this happens
take a break from playing the game also if you think the game is not worth of your time and effort do
not hesitate to uninstall it. This will help you control yourself and emotions lastly the mobile games
can become so addictive because they are designed to be that way game developers are always
looking for ways to get more people to play their games for instance in mobile legends game
developers are adding interesting features of the game such as new heroes free skins rewards and
other freebies in other words success for a gamer often feels just out of reach so in order for you to
prevent yourself from getting added on playing the game just play moderately after winning one or
three games just do other things then learn to balance your time for the conclusion mobile gaming
can be emotionally draining and time-consuming activity that causes a person to neglect sleep meals
exercise hobbies and socializing as you noticed the simple tips i have mentioned earlier are similar to
one another and it all boils down to a time management

setting time for other meaningful

activities that includes already

awakened interest in old hobbies

more time spent with family and friends

and getting some exercise and enough


will make you a better person moreover

there's nothing wrong with playing games

on your mobile phone but always remember

too much is bad for your health don't

let mobile games ruin your future

and don't be a prisoner of yourself


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