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Teknologi Mobil Hibrida

Dosen : Dr. Rudi Purwo Wijayanto, ST,MT

Ringkasan Materi Kuliah Minggu Ke-7

Teknologi Mobil Hibrida
Komponen Elektrikal dan Elektronik

Komponen Elektrikal & Elektronik Utama

1. Baterai traksi
Menyimpan listrik untuk digunakan sebagai catu daya utama pada motor traksi
listrik. Komponen mobil listrik ini disebut baterai traksi karena fungsi utamanya
adalah menyimpan dan mengalirkan arus listrik searah (direct current) ke inverter,
yang kemudian digunakan untuk menggerakkan motor traksi. Ketika controller
mengirimkan sinyal, maka baterai traksi akan langsung memindahkan arus listrik
ini supaya bisa menggerakkan motor traksi. Baterai traksi dibuat dengan struktur
yang kokoh dan kekar agar komponen terpenting ini tidak mudah rusak. Selain itu,
baterai traksi juga didesain agar bisa diisi ulang berkali-kali. Umumnya, baterai
traksi berjenis lithium-ion karena daya tahannya yang baik.

2. Inverter
Arus listrik direct current (DC) dari baterai traksi akan dialirkan ke inverter terlebih
dahulu untuk diubah menjadi arus listrik alternating current (AC) atau bolak-balik.
Jadi, saat controller mengirimkan sinyal ke baterai traksi, listrik DC diubah menjadi
listrik AC oleh inverter untuk menggerakkan motor traksi. Sebaliknya, ketika terjadi
pengereman, inverter mengubah arus listrik AC menjadi DC. Gunanya agar bisa
mengisi daya baterai kembali. Inverter juga mengontrol tekanan pada pedal gas,
di mana inverter bisa mempercepat dan memperlambat laju motor. Pada mobil
listrik, biasanya inverter yang digunakan adalah bi-directional inverter.

3. Motor traksi listrik

Menggunakan daya dari baterai traksi, motor ini menggerakkan roda kendaraan.
Beberapa kendaraan menggunakan generator motor yang melakukan fungsi
penggerak dan regenerasi. Motor traksi listrik rata-rata menggunakan type motor
AC. Motor traksi adalah sebuah dinamo listrik yang fungsinya menggerakkan
transmisi dan roda. Bisa dikatakan bahwa motor traksi menjadi komponen mobil
listrik yang sangat penting dalam performa mobil listrik yang Anda kendarai. Motor
traksi dapat berputar hingga 18.000 rpm. Sementara pada mobil listrik bertenaga
baterai (BEV), motor traksi menggantikan fungsi Internal Combustion Engine

4. Pengontrol elektronika daya (Controller)

Unit ini mengatur aliran energi listrik yang dikirim oleh baterai traksi, mengontrol
kecepatan motor traksi listrik dan torsi yang dihasilkannya. Jadi fungsi utama
sebagai pengatur daya listrik yang tersalurkan dari baterai menuju inverter,
kemudian menggerakkan motor traksi. Sinyal yang dikirimkan oleh controller ini
berasal dari pedal mobil yang diinjak oleh pengemudi. Pedal mobil juga mengatur

Teknologi Mobil Hibrida
Dosen : Dr. Rudi Purwo Wijayanto, ST,MT

berapa banyak tekanan maupun frekuensi pada motor, sehingga mempengaruhi

laju mobil.

5. Auxiliary Baterai
Dalam kendaraan penggerak listrik, baterai tambahan berfungsi menyediakan
listrik untuk memberi daya pada aksesori kendaraan. Mobil listrik ternyata memiliki
lebih dari satu baterai, yaitu tambahan daya listrik dalam bentuk auxiliary battery.
Komponen mobil listrik ini digunakan sebagai tempat penyimpanan dan penyedia
arus listrik untuk menghidupkan aksesoris mobil yang bukan termasuk komponen
utama. Contohnya seperti air conditioner di mobil, wiper, alarm, lampu mobil, dan
lain sebagainya. Selain itu, auxiliary battery juga bisa digunakan sebagai baterai
cadangan jika sewaktu-waktu baterai traksi mengalami masalah.

6. Pengisi daya terpasang

Charger port atau terminal pengisian daya memungkinkan kendaraan terhubung
ke catu daya eksternal untuk mengisi daya baterai traksi. Charger termasuk
sebagai komponen mobil listrik yang sifatnya mendukung, alias tidak benar-benar
wajib ada di setiap mobil listrik. Ini dikarenakan sejumlah tipe mobil listrik tidak
membutuhkan charger untuk mengisi daya listrik pada mobil. Cara kerja charger
adalah mengisi daya baterai dengan arus listrik AC dari PLN, lalu diubah menjadi
arus listrik DC yang disimpan di dalam baterai traksi. Secara umum, ada dua jenis
charger pada mobil listrik. Pertama, on-board charger yang terpasang di dalam
interior mobil. Kedua, off board charger yang berada di luar eksterior mobil.
Charger juga berkomunikasi dengan peralatan pengisian daya dan memantau
karakteristik baterai seperti tegangan, arus, suhu, dan status pengisian daya saat
mengisi daya paket.

7. Sistem termal (pendinginan)

Sistem ini mempertahankan kisaran suhu operasi yang tepat dari mesin, motor
listrik, elektronika daya, dan komponen lainnya. Peran sistem termal, yaitu
komponen mobil listrik yang berfungsi sebagai pendingin mesin mobil. Ini juga
termasuk menjaga suhu motor traksi dan berbagai komponen elektrikal lainnya.
Dengan begitu, komponen mobil tetap berada dalam suhu normal meskipun mobil
listrik melaju kencang dalam waktu yang lama.

8. Konverter DC/DC
Perangkat ini mengubah daya DC bertegangan lebih tinggi dari paket baterai traksi
ke daya DC bertegangan lebih rendah yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan
aksesori kendaraan dan mengisi ulang baterai tambahan.

Letak komponen elektrikal dan elektronik tersebut di atas beserta konfigurasi

kendaraan listrik dapat dilihat pada slide berikut ini (dikutip dari Alternative Fuel Data
Center, US Department of Energy)

U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Alternative Fuels Data Center

How Do Plug-In Hybrid Electric Cars Work?

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) use batteries to power an electric motor and another fuel, such as gasoline, to power an
internal combustion engine (ICE). PHEV batteries can be charged using a wall outlet or charging equipment, by the ICE, or through
regenerative braking. The vehicle typically runs on electric power until the battery is nearly depleted, and then the car automatically
switches over to use the ICE. Learn more about plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (/vehicles/electric_basics_phev.html).


 High-res image
Key Components of a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Car
Battery (auxiliary): In an electric drive vehicle, the low-voltage auxiliary battery provides electricity to start the car before the
traction battery is engaged; it also powers vehicle accessories.

Charge port: The charge port allows the vehicle to connect to an external power supply in order to charge the traction battery

DC/DC converter: This device converts higher-voltage DC power from the traction battery pack to the lower-voltage DC power
needed to run vehicle accessories and recharge the auxiliary battery.

Electric generator: Generates electricity from the rotating wheels while braking, transferring that energy back to the traction
battery pack. Some vehicles use motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration functions.

Electric traction motor: Using power from the traction battery pack, this motor drives the vehicle's wheels. Some vehicles use
motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration functions.

Exhaust system: The exhaust system channels the exhaust gases from the engine out through the tailpipe. A three-way catalyst
is designed to reduce engine-out emissions within the exhaust system.

Fuel filler: A nozzle from a fuel dispenser attaches to the receptacle on the vehicle to fill the tank.

Fuel tank (gasoline): This tank stores gasoline on board the vehicle until it's needed by the engine.

Internal combustion engine (spark-ignited): In this configuration, fuel is injected into either the intake manifold or the
combustion chamber, where it is combined with air, and the air/fuel mixture is ignited by the spark from a spark plug.

Onboard charger: Takes the incoming AC electricity supplied via the charge port and converts it to DC power for charging the
traction battery. It also communicates with the charging equipment and monitors battery characteristics such as voltage, current,
temperature, and state of charge while charging the pack.

Power electronics controller: This unit manages the flow of electrical energy delivered by the traction battery, controlling the
speed of the electric traction motor and the torque it produces.

Thermal system (cooling): This system maintains a proper operating temperature range of the engine, electric motor, power
electronics, and other components.

Traction battery pack: Stores electricity for use by the electric traction motor.

Transmission: The transmission transfers mechanical power from the engine and/or electric traction motor to drive the wheels.






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Email the Technical Response Service ( or call 800-254-6735 (tel:800-254-6735)

The AFDC is a resource of the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office (

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U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Alternative Fuels Data Center

How Do Hybrid Electric Cars Work?

Hybrid electric vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, which uses energy stored in batteries
(/vehicles/electric_batteries.html). A hybrid electric vehicle cannot be plugged in to charge the battery. Instead, the battery is
charged through regenerative braking and by the internal combustion engine. The extra power provided by the electric motor can
potentially allow for a smaller engine. The battery can also power auxiliary loads and reduce engine idling when stopped. Together,
these features result in better fuel economy without sacrificing performance. Learn more about hybrid electric vehicles


 High-res image
Key Components of a Hybrid Electric Car
Battery (auxiliary): In an electric drive vehicle, the low-voltage auxiliary battery provides electricity to start the car before the
traction battery is engaged; it also powers vehicle accessories.

DC/DC converter: This device converts higher-voltage DC power from the traction battery pack to the lower-voltage DC power
needed to run vehicle accessories and recharge the auxiliary battery.

Electric generator: Generates electricity from the rotating wheels while braking, transferring that energy back to the traction
battery pack. Some vehicles use motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration functions.

Electric traction motor: Using power from the traction battery pack, this motor drives the vehicle's wheels. Some vehicles use
motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration functions.

Exhaust system: The exhaust system channels the exhaust gases from the engine out through the tailpipe. A three-way catalyst
is designed to reduce engine-out emissions within the exhaust system.

Fuel filler: A nozzle from a fuel dispenser attaches to the receptacle on the vehicle to fill the tank.

Fuel tank (gasoline): This tank stores gasoline on board the vehicle until it's needed by the engine.

Internal combustion engine (spark-ignited): In this configuration, fuel is injected into either the intake manifold or the
combustion chamber, where it is combined with air, and the air/fuel mixture is ignited by the spark from a spark plug.

Power electronics controller: This unit manages the flow of electrical energy delivered by the traction battery, controlling the
speed of the electric traction motor and the torque it produces.
Thermal system (cooling): This system maintains a proper operating temperature range of the engine, electric motor, power
electronics, and other components.

Traction battery pack: Stores electricity for use by the electric traction motor.

Transmission: The transmission transfers mechanical power from the engine and/or electric traction motor to drive the wheels.






Need project assistance?

Email the Technical Response Service ( or call 800-254-6735 (tel:800-254-6735)

The AFDC is a resource of the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office (

Contacts (/contacts.html) | Web Site Policies ( | U.S. Department of Energy ( |
U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Alternative Fuels Data Center

How Do Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Work Using Hydrogen?

Like all-electric vehicles (/vehicles/electric_basics_ev.html), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) use electricity to power an electric
motor. In contrast to other electric vehicles, FCEVs produce electricity using a fuel cell (/vehicles/fuel_cell.html) powered by
hydrogen, rather than drawing electricity from only a battery. During the vehicle design process, the vehicle manufacturer defines
the power of the vehicle by the size of the electric motor(s) that receives electric power from the appropriately sized fuel cell and
battery combination. Although automakers could design an FCEV with plug-in capabilities to charge the battery, most FCEVs today
use the battery for recapturing braking energy, providing extra power during short acceleration events, and to smooth out the power
delivered from the fuel cell with the option to idle or turn off the fuel cell during low power needs. The amount of energy stored
onboard is determined by the size of the hydrogen fuel tank. This is different from an all-electric vehicle, where the amount of power
and energy available are both closely related to the battery's size. Learn more about fuel cell electric vehicles


 High-res image
Key Components of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric

Battery (auxiliary): In an electric drive vehicle, the low-voltage auxiliary battery provides electricity to start the car before the
traction battery is engaged; it also powers vehicle accessories.

Battery pack: This high-voltage battery stores energy generated from regenerative braking and provides supplemental power to
the electric traction motor.

DC/DC converter: This device converts higher-voltage DC power from the traction battery pack to the lower-voltage DC power
needed to run vehicle accessories and recharge the auxiliary battery.

Electric traction motor (FCEV): Using power from the fuel cell and the traction battery pack, this motor drives the vehicle's
wheels. Some vehicles use motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration functions.

Fuel cell stack: An assembly of individual membrane electrodes that use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity.

Fuel filler: A nozzle from a fuel dispenser attaches to the receptacle on the vehicle to fill the tank.

Fuel tank (hydrogen): Stores hydrogen gas onboard the vehicle until it's needed by the fuel cell.
Power electronics controller (FCEV): This unit manages the flow of electrical energy delivered by the fuel cell and the traction
battery, controlling the speed of the electric traction motor and the torque it produces.

Thermal system (cooling) - (FCEV): This system maintains a proper operating temperature range of the fuel cell, electric motor,
power electronics, and other components.

Transmission (electric): The transmission transfers mechanical power from the electric traction motor to drive the wheels.






Need project assistance?

Email the Technical Response Service ( or call 800-254-6735 (tel:800-254-6735)

The AFDC is a resource of the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office (

Contacts (/contacts.html) | Web Site Policies ( | U.S. Department of Energy ( |

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