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How to force HTTPS on the login page with Spring Authentication and a soy bean m
The Easy Way
Just use the Spring Security Namespace. It makes security configuration so easy
that it's not worth me writing anything further about it.
The Hard Way
Ok, so like me you are working in a huge enterprise or government department som
ewhere, and they think they can do security better than Spring.
For whatever reason, if you need to configure this stuff explicitly by wiring up
your own beans, here's what you'll need to do:
You probably have something like this:
<bean id="security.local.AuthenticationEntryPoint" class="
curity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="l
oginFormUrl" value="/public/login.html"/> <property name="forceHttps" value="
You need to change it to this:
<bean id="security.local.AuthenticationEntryPoint" class="
curity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="lo
ginFormUrl" value="/public/login.html"/> <property name="forceHttps" value="tr
ue"/> <property name="serverSideRedirect" value="false"/> <property name="po
rtMapper" ref="portMapperImpl"/> <property name="portResolver" ref="portResolv
Then you need to define portMapperImpl and portResolverImpl like this:
<bean id="portResolverImpl" class="
rImpl"> <property name="portMapper" ref="portMapperImpl"/></bean> <bean id="p
ortMapperImpl" class=""> <pro
perty name="portMappings"> <map> <!--Mappings for all servers
can be listed here - Spring just wants to know how which HTTPS port belongs to e
ach HTTP port --> <entry key="8080" value="8443"/> <entry
key="80" value="443"/> <!--SysTest--> <entry key="7001" va
lue="7002"/> <!--Prod--> <entry key="8001" value="8002"/>
<!--Sandpit--> <entry key="8051" value="8052"/> </m
ap> </property></bean>
And then the configuration that forces the login page to be SSL:
<bean id="channelProcessingFilter" class="
nnel.ChannelProcessingFilter"> <property name="channelDecisionManager" ref="c
hannelDecisionManager"/> <property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource">
<security:filter-invocation-definition-source path-type="ant">
<!--You can configure further rules here about which pages should use SSL.-->
<security:intercept-url pattern="/public/login.html" access="REQUIRES_S
ECURE_CHANNEL"/> </security:filter-invocation-definition-source> </pro
perty></bean> <bean id="channelDecisionManager" class="org.springframework.secur
ity.securechannel.ChannelDecisionManagerImpl"> <property name="channelProcess
ors"> <list> <ref bean="secureChannelProcessor"/> <
ref bean="insecureChannelProcessor"/> </list> </property></bean> <bean
id="secureChannelProcessor" class="
ecureChannelProcessor"/><bean id="insecureChannelProcessor" class="org.springfra"/>
I've just realized that tofu is over-rated. It's just a curd to me.
Posted by Daniel Alexiuc at 2:52 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share
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