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Filled with the Spirit: How Does the Holy Spirit Work?

His Work in Conversion

Romans 1:16
 “The Gospel, Paul says, is ‘the power of God unto
salvation.’ Hence, the moral omnipotence of God is
in the document called the Gospel. God’s moral
power is infinitely superior to ours. Yet all that power
is in the Gospel, and this is all we mean by all the
converting power being in the word of God. God may
employ other means, other power, if you please, in
converting men; but nothing finally converts them
but the light and love of God in the Gospel.” –A.
Campbell, Campbell-Rice Debate on the Holy Spirit,
p.68. (c)
Romans 10:17
 “The only thing capable of producing faith in human hearts is the word which receives its authority
from God and has as its subject the life and work of Jesus Christ, together with all of his teachings
through the apostles; and, since that is true, anything that reduces, obscures, or replaces the word
of God in men's preaching must be hailed as counter-productive. It is what God has revealed which,
alone, can carry conviction to the human heart; and one can only deplore the amazing scarcity of
Bible reference in modern pulpits. It is precisely in that omission that the widespread unbelief of this
generation originates. This means that faith does not come directly from the Holy Spirit, but comes
from that Spirit through his authorship of the holy scriptures, and in the sense of his being the living
and causative agent in that word we mean the Holy Spirit does not enter people's hearts to produce
faith, that being the appointed function of the word of God... The Spirit enters our hearts ‘after we
have believed’ (Ephesians 1:13) and after we have become sons of God (Galatians 4:6) and in
consequence thereof.” –Burton Coffman, Commentary on Romans.
Luke 16:27-31
 What did Jesus believe was sufficient to save people?

Filled with the Spirit?

Luke 1:15; Acts 4:8
 Miraculous influence
Acts 11:24; Ephesians 5:18
 Means more than miracles. It’s about your mind.

The Spirit Works…

In the conversion of sinners through the word (Romans 10:13-21).
In the sanctification of saints through the word (John 17:17).
As a mediator in our prayers (Romans 8:26-27; Jude 20).
In providence (Acts 16:6-7).
In mysterious ways (ecclesiastes 11:5).

Next week: The Spirit and Holiness: Walking Temples

Holy Spirit Series – Lesson 7 – Joshua Pappas

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