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Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwi ng u ngstec hn i k

eM Low cost

Process ,engineering toplcs

"Status for preparing the board meeting at SFN, July 2009"

List what technologies and processes are currently being used Organize technologies and processes into groups

Weigh the relevance of the technologies and processes as a whole

Conso.lidate the relevant technologies and processes Optimize old designs, technologies and processes

Standardize the resulting technologies and processes

Transfer the technologies and processes to other facilities

INNOVAJlONCENTER © Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

04 July, 2009 - P. Penoty

page 1

Fre ude nberg Dlchlungs- und Schwlngungstechnlk

Approach for strategy development Low cost compression moulding process.

The Low Cost Compression Molding project is a process optimization project which was developed for production facilities within the emerging markets with the intention of adapting compression molding manufacturing and product design for these markets.

The goal of this project is to implement a manufacturing technology which makes full use of the advantages of production in the emerging markets in order to supply them with a low cost, locally produced product.

Additional cost reductions could be realized through an alternative product portfolio adapted specifically to the needs of our emerging market customers but is currently not a part of the low cost project.

This considered, it is the target of the production center to implement a manufacturing strategy which offers the emerging markets alternative technologies capable of attaining a 30 - 40% reduced product selling price compared to products which are currently manufactured in Europe.

Through the technological lead of NOK, Low Cost products are also imaginable for China.

C Fl1!Odenberg On:hlungs-- uno Scl"''''l''ulgyngsted'H1ik GmbH & Co KG

04 Jul~ 2009 - P Penoty

page 2

Freu denberg Dichtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

Approach for strategy development Low cost compression moukiinq process

In order to achieve our goal, an adaptation of current compression molding manufacturing processes along with an array of accompanying factors such as:

- Lower personnel costs

- Local press suppliers (common strategy with NOK)

- Local suppliers for post processing equipment

- Local suppliers for metal inserts and springs

- Local tooling supplier

- Robust tooling design

- Simplified compression molding technologies

- Manual inspection

- Transfer of 1M product designs to CM product designs

- Cost of ownership

The Low Cost strategy supports the full use of newly adapted compression molding manufacturing processes in order tQ produce high quality parts.

These factors should be considered for the realization of a "customized" and cost effective technology explicitly developed for the emerging Indian and Chinese markets.

Co Freudenbe'll Olc~tun9s· und S~ngung'l.chn" GmbH 8 C. KG

04 July, 2009- P. P~nolY

pago J

Freudenberg Dichtunqs- ,md Schwlngungstechnlk

Approach for strategy development Low cost compression moulding process

Are India/China .. Requirements = European Requirements?

The current common understanding is that the sealing requirements of Indian/Chinese OEMs are equal to if not higher than those in the EU,

Through a dead copy, technologies are often implemented which do not make full use of the advantages within that market. In order to deliver Low Cost products, we must fully understand the market, the application as well as the needs of the customer.

Seal c
FN '<
'eal r:
1.1q,w4· jI1.
,yo!rt!i ........._ level of Performance

II F,,,,,denbe'll Dichlung s- und Sch'Mngungstectmlk GmbH & Co KG

04 July, 2009 - P Penoty

page -1

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwlngungstechnlk


~~I ==~S~u~m=m=a=r=y=o=f=P~o=te=n=t=ia=IS==a=t=S=F=N==~======~~~====~~==~ D~~~~~~~~


Consumpt on



C FreilQenborg Dlchtungs· lind Schmngungslechnil< GmbH & Co KG

04 July. 2009 - P Penoly

page 5

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingungstechnlk

Mail1 costs


Material. consumption

Vu'lcanisation Tool

Import duties (38 %)

Summary of potentials at SFN

S.aving, Potential
6,3 € I kg . (FKM 595) Further activities transferred to the GB ~Sf~~
For small items - Development successful completed
20 % at least - Order on hold for serial confirmation
For big items - Further development are on going
30 % more tool life No actions decided at present
Impact on product quality ?

C> Froud.oberg Dicl'ilung.- lind Sch.nngungstechmk Gmb"i & Co KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingu ngstec hni k

04 July. 2009 - P Ponoly

page 6





C freudenberg o.chlung~- und Sch'Mngungs1echnl~ GmbH & Co KG

04 July. 2009 - P Penoly

page 7

Freudenberg Olchtungs- und Schwingungslechnik

FKM Rubber 595 & 585 - Notes

FKM 595 (BP - Co.polymer) vs. 585 (BP - Ter-Polymer)

595 was developed and introduce with success onto the market in her early seventies.

Using aggressive lubricant media and by new customer reql!irement, 585 was brought on the market 585 tor industry BAUM-Programme and Automobile application In Her early eighties.

Considering the good performance of 585 It was expected, a replacement of 595 from 585.

This replacement didn't took place for many reasons

- 595 has an approved and proved sealing properties

- the test laboratory becomes less Influences in the deCision making process

- 595 is large distributed on the market

- the work ability of 595 is much more better than 585

For Automobile utilisation purposes is thinkable, currently already practiced, to substitute 585 for 595

FKM 253648 - 'Mixing site Wuxi - Co-polymer from Chemguang

Due to the high FDS demand. FDS becomes from.. accelerator and coring agent integrated In polymer The Chinese polymer is "pure".

The difference between a Fluor polymer type on which we have previoU$ty inlegrale,d acceler.ator and curing agent, and a cornpound for which we have to mix a not modlfi~ polymer with an accelerator and a cross-linking agent will increase the manufacturing costs by 1,5 € 10%,

FKM 6085 - Mixing site Wuxi - ter-polyrner from Chemguang

The first Industrial trial started at the beginning of 2007 with a replacement of the current polymer used for 60aS (Engine l\1pplicatlon) with a Tar-polymer CG 246 2G coming from Chemguang (China) Currently the Material is released and the mass production for local market is started

C Freudenberg Dfc;hfungs- und Schwmgungs1echmk. GmbH &. Co KG

Freudenberg Oichtungs- und Schwing ungstechn ik

Similar compounds

ProductlQI'I Supller Material
75 F'kM 585
Langtes Langres
1.5 FKM 595
75 FKM 565
75 FKM 595 !'
SFN Welnhelm
FKM 253641301
FI<M 253648 02
75FKM 5115
FKM 253648
WLllti Local 6015
Exlem I Used as 8015 04 J"I~, 2009 - P. Penoty

Rubber - Pricing

Costs Duty r.
Euro I kg % Eu(o I Kg
19,0 19,0
15,9 15,9
19,86 38 28,39
19,67 36 28,12
16,87 38 24,12
15,4Z 38 22,05
I 24,5 -> 22,12 24.5 -> 22., 12
? ?
19,14 19,14
16,15 16,15
14,65 14,65 • New generation of FKM 595 base on Chenguang polymer

- Exchange of Dyneon FC 2177 with Chenguang 2601 B =>

- UsIng of 15 % Regenerat =>

C Freudenberg Dodllungs- und Scilw'"9ungslecMk GmbH & Co KG 04 July, 2009 - P. PenDIy

page B

! Remarks on the process used
r ~
- Polymers von Oyneon FC 2177
- Has to beaCce!arated
- Polymers von Dyneon Fe 2177
- Co-polymer rorm Chenguang 2601 B
• 15 % HSP Batch (F PM Re'genera!)
- The in'gredients are cQming from Europe
-Import duty 10%
- New price in negotiation
- 20 litre Mixing device
- Co-polymer form Chenguang 2601 a
- SimUar!o 595
- Due to less health & safety requirement
I - Ter-pclvrner CG 246-2G from Chenguang
, - The ccmpany don't belong FbSINOK
I _ CurrenUy In study for VS ·14,2 %

- a,6 010 (total 21,5%)

page 9

Freudenberg Dichtungs· und Schwingungstechnlk





04 July, 2.009 - I" Penoty

pago 10

Freudenberg Dlchtungs. und Schwlngungstechnik

Compound and prep manufacturing costs


I Production site

BAUD2SLRKFX37 32-47-8
Costs %of
Supplier for 100 p, manu'f.Costs
Weinheim 28.12 76% SFN [10 gr,)

• With a new tool concept

Production site

6AUD;2SLRKFX37 32-47-8
Costs %of
Supplier for 100 p. manuf. costs
Weinheim 18.82 (-33%) 69% Flash vs Prep Weight Compound 75 FPM 595



SFN (6,7 gr.)

c- 1
s: 0,8
~ 0,6
~ 0.4
0,2 .2_
Tell geruU~ ......-
Obel1allrine g!!fQIl L
TeU. ul1terfilla, Tell gOl'~I~ !, ......-
kein !'Iasl1 I<.eI/FIa5h AI'
~ ......
1\'\ / ...:-
~/ o 5




Prep Weight (gr)

Target achieved

co Freudenberg Dlchlungs· und Schw1ngung.\echnik GmbH 8. Co KG

04 July. 2009 - P. Pencty

page 11

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

Production site


Compound and prep manufacturing costs

Costs %of
Supplier 'for 100 p. manuT.
Euro costs
Weinheirn :345,46 77% • With a new tool concept

Productron site


SAUM7 SIX7 155-180-15
Costs %of
Supplier for 100 p. manuf.
Euro costs
Welnheim 260,73 (-25%) 73 % CI Fr.udenbetg Dlchtungs- und schwlnQung~leehnij( GmhH .s CD KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingun gstech nik

New 3RT tool - Verification of

- process capability (Prep manufacturing - Molding)

- prep manufacturing costs

- the consumption

O. July. 2009 - P Ponoly

page 12





~ Freudenberg Dlthtungs und SthWlngungstechnlk GmbH & Co KG

Q~ July. 2009 - P Penoty

page 13

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

Moldmg tool - Steel

It is important that the material used in the manufacturing of low cost tools is able to withstand the demanding environment placed upon it For low cost tools, a material Which withstands numerous cycles without showing signs of wear or weakening. is an ideaf candidate.

Purchasing price, Tool life & Product quality has to be considered by the decision making process

For this reason we studied

- Ihe chemical composifJon of steel used for tooling

- their mechanical behaviour

- their metallographic structure

- as well the process for making helix

C Freut1enbetg OJctnungs. und Schwtngungs.l.echnik GmbH & Co KG

04 JUly. 2009 - f' Penoty

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwing ung.stechn Ik

Helix manufacturing & tool price

Production site

Cavity Cavity Tool
Supplier Techn. Costs Life Costs
Euro Cycles Euro
FAW CM (lx10) 1_550 250.000 15.500
2 RT
Burcsa & CM (1l(10) 1.550 ·250.000 12.600
WIlx eM (1x10) 700 160.000 7_000
Wux CM (1x10) 300 160.000
2RT BAUM7 SIX7155.1BO·15
Cavity Cavity
Supplier Teehn. Costs Ufe
Eur,o Cycles
FIWV eM (1;<1) 5.200 250.000

? CM (1X1) 7.175 160.000
2 RT
Wux CM (1x1) 800 160.000
2RT • Conclusion CM vs. 1M

- China tool coats are much more cheaper than in India and in Europe • Big differences for the big Items

C> FJrUdiinberg [)jchlJJngs- lind S<h'Mngungslechnlk GmbH & Co KG

04 July, 2009 - P. Penoly

page 15

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwingungstechnrk

Molding tool - Steel

HRC Chemfcal Composition in weight In %
Orlg[n Mal",rlal Usage Deli v, Ma;x C Si Mn P S Cr Ni V Mo W
HRC/ fiv HRC
FAW )(46 - )(46Cr1'3 Pin -/211 54.7 0,428 0.500 0.308 0,018 0,004 13,180 0,301 - 0.057
Not hardened
F'AW )(155 -X1SSCrMoV12 Tpol 16,3! 22.2 61.0 1,470 0,386 0.385 0,021 0,004 11,030 0.2S8 0.730, 0.770
SFN MaOa - Blihler MaO::! Pin 32..61324 51.1 0,236 0,293 0.670 0.023 0.00~ 14,080 o.seo -- 0,960
M3tO- MalO
SFN X4()Cr13 Tool --/209 53,0 0,364 0,750 0,389 0,022 0,004 i3.860 0.530 0,139
Not annaaled
CNP GOA - 100MnCrW4 Pin -/199 57,3 0.900 025 1,15 0,Q16 0,005 0,520 0,Q16 0,52
CNF GOA - l00MnCrW4 Tool -/199 57.3 0,900 025 1,15 O,Q1S 0,005 0,$20 0,016 0,52 !



for driving I~e hardness


ResiStance to [:(lIIoSlon



FAW' The best steel fOr tools - Hard, duclile and resistance to corrosion

SFN Less hard

CNF To hard, no ductility - bad resistance to corrosion

"froud.nberg Dlohtungs. uod Scl1'MngUI1ll",""MI~ GmbH & Co, KG O~ July. 2009 - P. Penoly

pa~. 16


Dlchrungs- und Molding tool - Conclusion


With regard to tool life

CNF Bad resistance to corrosion Crystalline fracture possible

SFN Not enough hard.

With regard to product quality

CNF Not suitable with the embossing of helix

SFN Not enough resistant to stress

Considering the pureness of steel the helix quality will be never failure free, and depending on product requirement it could be a problem.

" F_berg DlchWogs- und SC"wrngungslDchn,k GmoH & Co, KG

04 July, 2009 - P Pono1y

pago 17


Dichtu ng5- U nd Schwlngungstechnik




04 JUly, 2009 - P. Penoly

pogo 18

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

Import duties

FKM-Materiall Customs tariff No. 39046990

Zollwert I Assesable Value (AV) CIF-Value + 1% Landing. Charges
Basic Duty (BD) 5% (AV x SO rate)
Additional Duty (CV D) 10% (AV + SO arnt.) x CVD rate
Central Excise Education Cess (EDU) 3% (CVD aml) x EDU rate
Customs Educa~on Cess (CEC) 3% (SO amI. + CVD amt, -+ EDU amt) x CEC rate
Special Additional Duty (SPL) 4% (SO amI. -+ CVD amt. + EOU amt + CEC amt.) x SPL rate
Total Customs Value BD amt + CVD am!. + EDU amI. + CEC amI. + SPL aml • Conclusion

- do not correspond to the 38 %

- For understanding the differences we need a notice of assessment of import duties from Indian

(Zollbescheid llber die Einfuhrabgaben)

o Frelfdenbo(g o.chlungs- "no Sd1wmgung5leehnik GmbH & Co KG

04 Juty, 2009 - P_ Pano!;,

page 19

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwingungstechnlk

Alternative supptier chain

Indien hat sowohl mit China (lm Rahmen des Asia-Pacific Trade Agr,eemenls APTA) als auch mit Singapur (bllatera!e) Handelsabkommen geschrossen, die ggf. einen praferenzbegOnstigten (reduzierten) Einfuhrzollsatz vorsehen Coo ... mro:: benefit from preferential treatment").

Der Indische Zolltarif gib! aber keirte endgOltige Auskunft, ob der WaJenverkehr mit China und Singapur grundsatzlich praferenzbegOnsligt ist bzw. fOr welche Goter Praferenzen gewahrt werden und in welcher HOhe. FOr Singapur ist elne Liste llber begOnstigte GOler abrufbar, jedoch sind GOter der Zolltarlf-Nr. 3904 .... nicht aufgefOhrt.

Herr Baum hal diese "Singapur"-Liste uberpruft:

FOr bestimmte GOter, die darin genannt sind, reduziart sich der Einfuhrzollsatz nur geringfOgig (1-2%) - bezogen auf den .Basic Duty". Er geht davon aus, dass aile weiteren Abgaben (CVD, EDU, CEe, SPL) unverandert anfallen.

Er hat hierzu elne Anfrage uber einen indlschen Zollagenten platziert.

Wolfg'Gl"Ig BBum

Fr~l.Idenberg & Co. KommandttgGjJ,i!lIschaft Zoll'reJerenl corporate SeiVi~6S SlSuern und ZClHe I Corporate Services Tax al'lrl Cus-toms

C FrB\l(l.ef1berg OJthlun'S5;~ unu Schwingul'IgslecMrlll4 GmbH &. Co KG

04 ,July. 2009 - P Penoly

page 20

Fr~udenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

Thank you


your attention,'

C FiMenberg D<ch!ungs- und 6<;hwmgungsl.chnl~ GmbH 8. Co KG

04 July, 2009 - p,

page 21

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwingungstechnlk

eM Low cost

Process engineering topics

'Status capability and consumption", 2009

r1_reudenberg V~


C Freudenberg Dlchlung~- und SthWlngl..ngstechnjk GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- u nd Schwingungst&chnlk

.¢ 30.4 ••• 31.3

N 0
a 0.3 ... 0,7

.!Il3<!,2 ... 32,S


- Hetix

- fKM 595 (co-polymer)

C Freudenberg Dlti1tung5' WId Schwlngungstechnik GmbH & Co KG

Distribution List

18 M~roh. 2009 - P. Penal}'

Items studied

18 March. 2009 - P PenDIy

M. Kraus H. Prinzlar

D. Schaefer P. Penoty

Welle 0155 0151,9 ... 153,1

BAUM7 SIX7 155-180-15

,- No Helix

- FKM 585 (ter-polymer)

page 22

page 23

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwlngungstechnfk

BAUD2SLRKFX3732-47-8 - 2 RT - 2.100 €. (with helix)

- Tool & maintenance expensive

- Labour force saving technology

- 2 plates machine (cheaper)

- better for the heat distribution

- Easy to automatise the removing process

G Fr&\IoonbetV Otchturrg,· "~d ScIToMnguogstochmk GmbH & Co I<G

Freudenberg Oichtungs- und Schwlngungstechnik

2 concepts

BAUM7 SIX7155-180-15 - 3 RT - 3.400 €

- Tool cheaper than 2RT Concept

- Labour force consuming

- Process more robust

- More expensive machine

18 March. 2009 - P P.noly

page 24

2 RT - Part of the process flow





The consumption == f ( variation of the density. capability of the blank manufacturing, variation of cavity tolerances by tooling, and precision of the metal Insert

C> Freudenberg Olchlungs- und ScltoMn~U"1l.t.thnlk GmbH & Co KG



Compression Molding

Cutting sealing edge


Metal insert

18 March, 2009 - P PonOly


Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwlngungstechnlk

Density distribution

Compound 75 FPM 595.01




Mittelwert StdAbw


Density material not cured Density material cured

CI F""Klenb.'lI OlehlUng s- und SChwlngu"IIsteehnik GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingungstechnik

1,972 0,004228 232

Min 1.94 Max 2,00


Small item Volume max = 4,295 em"

A;; 0,172 gr => 2%

Big item Volume max = 58,40783 em~

A = ,2,336, gr => 2%

1 a M.rch, ~oog - P Pencty

pag .. 25

Capability of the blank manufacturing - 1 Different de g"'


Min 6,36 M~x 6,.51


Ma nufactu ring

I M_ 6,006 I
StdAbw 0,1990
-........ Min 5,75
" Max 6,37
/f mi ' __ • ~,.,


Min 6,23 Max 6,50


The choice of the blank design should happened depending on item size and standard strategy. All are suitable with the studied tool design. The "c" blank shows without any Improvements a worse capability,

C FIlIudonbe'1l Diehl"",," und _ngungotechnok GmbH t Co KG

, a Mareh, 2009 - P Penoly

page 27

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwingungstechnlk

Capability of the blank manufacturing - 2

f dlFre .:::n' Wf: ..Jht~

Min 5,24 Max 5,41


Min 5.66 Ms)(5,79

1"_, .•. ,, 1,111: I

II....... iJ.OHIII

. "

"",.1 .. ,,11 u.Jt'. .

Min 6,23 Max6,50




Min 5,26 Max 5,50

Min 5,46 Max '5,71

~ "IIftot.,,1 .10,.'1:1
St"'trw D,ClU~'
, ..
J 'K - ~~In 5,80
ax 6,01
.. ,,' " " ,. .. ·
· r~M.M.'1 I,U: I
· su._ 1,'11.''''
, "
Ir\ Min 5,93
A Imm ft-.. Max 6,07
~ ,~ .• ." ~,l' ., ',' g ,-.
I 1I~'""'.11 ',I.U
." ~,I"':S
, "
- Min 6,84
" _/ I.--: 0-_ Max 8,00
.. .. " " ' . Potential for Increasing the process capability

Targets reducing 'the consumption

C Freudel1berg Djchlungs. und Sehwtngungsleehl'Hk GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwlngungstechnlk


18 March, 2009 - P. Ponoty

pogo 28

Capability of the blank manufacturing - 3


Ma n ufactu rl n9

10 Mittelwert 88,25
Vl\ StdAbw 0,4317
8 N 45
6 /, 1\
1 ~
2, if
SSE ~2 880 868 896 90~ e Froudenberg Dlchtungs- und Schwingungs!.e~~lk GmbH ~ Co KG

'8 March, 2009 - P, Penoty

page 29

Freudenberg I)lchlungs· und Schwin gungs!ecll nlk

verietion of cavities over the time

1~ 13566
Mlttelwert 58,15
16 StdAbw
10 Min B03.B Max B99,77

Considering the tolerances for stamping The biggest variation from metal insert to metal insert can represent 0,09597 em';;> 11,3 % of the average volume

C Freudenberg Oietuungs- und SchWl'ngungslec.hnlk GmbH 8. CO KG

Freudenberg I)lclltungs· und Scllwlngungsiechnik

Metal insert

Min 13,194,5 Max 13,942,08

Considering. the tolerances for stamping The biggest variation from metal insert to metal insert can represent 0,07476 em" => 5,5 % of the average volume

18 Marm, 2009 - P, Penoty

page 30

Variation of cavities over the time


Considering the tolerances for tooling The biggest variation from cavity to cavity can represent 0,24179 em"

=> 5,S,"0/0 o'f the average volume

e Fr.u~~nb.'ll Dlohlungs und Scl'owIngungsteohnlk GmbH & Co KG


Compression Moulding

Considering the tolerances for tooling The biggest variation from cavity to cavity can represent 1,55908 em"

=> 2,7 % of the average volume

, B March, 2009 - P. Ponory


Freudenberg Dicntungs- und, Schwingungstech nlk

2 RT - Part of the process flow






Compression Molding


Metal insert

Without considering the blank manufacturing variation

Small item Big item

A'" 0,809 gr /j, = 7,395gr

C Freudenberg: O!cMungs~ Ulld' Schwtngungstechmk GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dlchtungs- und Sehwlngungstechnlk

Production site

lang .... ~ (7,3 gr.)

SFN (10 gr.)

CNF (10 gr.)

1 B Man:h, 2009 - P Ponol)'

=> >12% of the total weight => > 8% of the total weight

Compound and prep manufacturIng costs

COlrts %of
Supplier for 100 p. manuf_Costs
FSA 11,62 37%
Case 1 operator 3 machines
WelnhE1im 28.12 76%
WPM 21,69 70% • With a new tool concept

Producllon I
Langres (7,3 gr)
SFN (6,,7 .9 r.)
CNF (S,7 gr.) BAUD2SLRKFX3732-47-a
Costs %,of
Supplier for '100 .p. manuf. costs
FSA 11.62 37 %
Case 1 operator 3 machines
Welnheim 18,82 (-33%) 69%
WPM 16.41 (-24%) 65% III Freudenbefll Olohtung~· und SchwtngunQstechni~ Gm~H & Co KG

la Merch. 200a-? Penoly

Flash vs Prep Weight Compound 75 FPM 595

"" 1
.., O,B
:: 0,6
u: 0,4-
0,2. ,.
TeilgeoJll. /"
Ol$1aL(ribe gefij~l /"
Teie uriertUlli. Tell geffjl~ - L
llalnAasli keiY!ash -.", ./

L\':-,. _L ~
.:.. ~ a 5



P",p WelghllgrJ

Target achieved

pago 32

page ~3

Freudenberg Dlchlungs- und Schwingungslechnik

Variation of cavities over the time

Min 803,8 Max 699,77

Considering the tolerances for stamping The big.gest variation from metal insert to metal insert can represent 0,09597 em' => 11,3 % of the average volume

e Ff1>Udenoo'R o.on"'''iI'- und Schwtngu"il.lochni~ GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs- un d Schwlngungstecnnlk

Metal insert

Min 13,194,6 Max 13 942,OB

13568 58,'15 100

Considering the tolerances for stamping The b.iggest variation from metal insert to metal insert can represent 0,07476 em' => 5,5 % of the average volume

18 Mare-h, 2009 - P. Penoty

Variation of cavities over the time

Considering the tolerances for tooling The biggest variation from cavity to cavity can represent 0,24179 em'

=> 5,8 % of the average volume

C Freudenberg OK:l11ung.- und ~ngs11!d'oni~ GmbH & Co KG


Compression Moulding

Considering the tolerances for tooling The biggest variation from cavity to cavity can represent 1,55908 em'

=> 2,7 %of the average volume

18 March, 2009 - p, Panoi'!

Freudenberg Dichtun9S- und 5chwingungstechnik

Compound and prep manufacturing costs

Producllon site

BAUM7 SIX7 ,55-180,15
Costs %of
Supplier foriOD p, manuf.
Euro costs
f'SA 218.62 58 %
Weinheim 345,26 77%
WPM 232.33 77% Langres (115,.5 gr.) SFN (121,& gr.)

CNF ( 94,15 9 r, )

• With a new tool concept

Production slte

BAUM7 SIX7 155-180-15
Costs % of
Supplier for 100 p. manuf.
Euro costs
FSA 218,62 58 %
Welnheim ,260,58 (-25%) n%
WPM 225,04 (-4%) 77'" langill! (115,5 gr.) SFN ( 91,77 gr.)

CNF (91,77 gr)

C Froudenb<l'll DleJ"ung •. una Schwlngungsmc/mlk GmbH & Co KG

Freudenberg Dichtungs· und Schwingungstechnik

- Improving the robustness of the ..,h,~llhlh"'r

- Building up of cavity press

- Securing the 0.0. manual

- Reducing the central thickness to

- 0,45 -> 0,25 (done) -> (0,15 on going)

- Investigation of a possible 10ca,I tooling (India and China)

- Steel

- Helix

- Precision of the overflow chambers

- Asking CNF how they achieved 91,77 for the big item

~ Freudenberg DicI1lung'- uod $(:hwingungst~nlk GmbH & Co KG

88,2 gr. "Barweil" Blank

T,arget achieved

1 S Marei1, 2009 - P Pe.",ty


Next Steps



Compression Moulding

- Checking if 0.0. flash can be removed manually,

- Improving the guiding of metal insert (Blank first,

Metal insert second)

-improving the quality of the Blank manufacturing

With focus on loading, weight and' , aspects

18 Marei1, 2009 - P. Penoty

page 35

Freudenberg Dichtungs· und

Sc hwlngun gatech nik

hank you for

y,our attention!

C freude.oberg DichlLlngs.- und SchwlnQung!'leci1nllo. GmbH & Co KG

1 a March. 2009 - P. Ponoly

pose 36

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