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county wexford youth theatre

dog days are over III

october, two thousand and ten

© bare cheek theatre company 2010.


Orla Hughes

Fintan Lawlor

Ceara Daly Carney

Denah Fitzharris

Seamus Sutton

Megan O’Malley

Jack Popely

David Atkinson

Gabija Varnalyte

Austeja Varnalyte

Ciara Moran

Madeline O’Carroll

Sian English-Adams

Rachel Breslin

Brenda Gilhooley

Scene Page

1. The Present 3

2. My Body 6

3. My Self 8

4. Disability 10

5. Self Harm 12

6. Beauty 15

7. Mental Illness 17

8. Love 19

9. Sex 22

10. Parents 24

11. Celebrity Culture 27

12. Life 29

13. Suicide 31

14. Death 34

15. The Future 36

1. present

DAVID: (on mic) It’s really hard work being a teenager now. (Pause, repeat

MADELINE: The present is shit. I’m not enjoying life right now, I’m confused,
stressed, angry. Everything seems to go wrong. The only thing keeping me
going is the future.

AUSTEJA: The present is stressful but it’s all I have.

MEGAN: The moment, the second, the only now there is.

CEARA: Life is a gift – that’s why they call it the present.

SIAN: The present is like a box of chocolates. Jabba jabba.

ALL: Jabba, jabba. (Music)

DENAH: I’m super-happy with life right now, wouldn’t change it for anything.

SEAMUS: The present is not too bad. Bad descisions are made too often.

JACK: Do what you want now. Don’t wait.

CIARA: Grand.

RACHEL: The present will be the past tomorrow.

BRENDA: Live in the now, but we gotta realise we can’t always do what we
want, we have to think of others. (Music Stop)

ORLA: I’m having a rough time with a couple of problems I have and I’ve
been feeling a little down and people are noticing, which I don’t really want.

FINTAN: The present is now < now it’s the past < now that’s the past. This is
the future > present < past. Isn’t is weird how time goes? You can never
catch a moment back. Time just rapidly rolls on. Present is a very short
period of time.

RACHEL: It’s a gift, that’s why it’s called the present! Wow, I sound creepily
optimistic…ew...destroy all humans.

DAVID: The present is shit. I feel a war coming on with all the money

ORLA: I feel like I am ripping. There are too many choices to be made. Too
many things to do, to complete. I feel like there are a thousand voices
screaming at me to do something and I have no voice to answer!

ALL: Jabba, jabba. (Music)

BRENDA: Live it while it’s here.

CEARA: To be cherished and held on to, don’t waste time worrying.

DENAH: It’s not too bad right now but I just take each day as it comes and I
hope I’ll get to where I want someday.

FINTAN: Make it your own.

JACK: I don’t seem to be able to live in the present.

SEAMUS: The present is the best place to live.

RACHEL: The present should be lived without regret or denial.

ALL: Jabba, jabba. (Music, Repeat Jabba – fade Repeat Jabba fade etc)

Mad dance to the music then Ciara goes to lecture mode, boys join audience,
girls in circle CS.

2. my body

CIARA: (To Audience) I’m actually really comfortable with my body. I mean,
ok, I could do with losing a bit of weight, but other than that I’m fine. I hate
these people who are like…

ALL GIRLS: (To Audience) “Oohh, look at me, I’m soooo sexy!”

CIARA: (To Audience) …and I hate all those people who are like…

ALL GIRLS: (To Audience) “Oh My God, that person is fat”

CIARA: (To Audience) …SO WHAT! I only hate my knees. That’s it.

ORLA: My body is rather sore at the moment. I should look after it better and
maybe stop hurting it for a while. No wonder my friends call me a

GABIJA: I hate it…I’m too lazy to change it…I‘ve learned to accept

it…actually no, not really, I still hate it.

CEARA: My fingernails are strange I know but what the hell, and ears.

RACHEL: My body is absolutley paramount. Never ever take your body for
granted or mess it up.

AUSTEJA: Your body is your body and people who feel insecure about their
arms or legs should just feel lucky that they have them.

BRENDA: I have hated my body since I was a young child. It’s not that I’m
ugly, I just don’t like what I see in the mirror. Maybe it’s the person
underneath I don’t like. Either way I find it hard to believe someone when
they say they think I’m good looking.

CEARA: My body isn’t perfect.

MEGAN: My opinion of my body changes daily. I compare myself to other

people and it makes me feel worse.

SIAN: My body Is a temple – nah only messin’. It is really just a weapon

used at will.

MADELINE: My body is fuckin’ marvelous.

CIARA: (To Audience) My body. Sometimes I’m like…

ALL GIRLS: (To Audience) “Yeah, I’m hot”

CIARA: (To Audience) …and sometimes I’m like…

ALL GIRLS: (To Audience) “Oohh!”

CEARA: It really is stupid when you think about it…it’s just looks…just the
outside! Do monkeys care what they look like? Us humans…we think too
much! Oh, I love it really! Clothes! Make up, fashion!! Shallow,
materialistic…or do I? I don’t know!

DENAH: Most amazing and awesome natural thing in the world, bodies are.
My body is disgusting, beautiful, unique and gob-smacking all at the same

MADELINE: My knee is a registered sex offender. I’m a female, how do you

think I feel about my body? I have nice tits, great tits actually. They’re kind of
like Billie Piper’s. I like my lips, I like my eye. I like my hair even though it
pisses me off. I like my feet, but then I just like feet. I like my legs, I wish I
wasn’t fat. Even when I don’t eat I never lose any weight. It’s only my
stomach that’s the problem.

RACHEL: I’m not happy with my body….but I don’t know what teenager
is…I’d never do anything drastic like surgery or anorexia…

ORLA: I hate my body. I hate my body. I hate my body. It’s so fucking

horrible. It fucking sucks. Skinnyness is so cool. I wish I was like that.

AUSTEJA: Secretly I like my body but I tell people I don’t, to be modest.

(Well it has it’s on and off days.)

CIARA: I think that a person that really loves their body is either insane or if
they really do then they have a really rare sense of self-esteem.

SIAN: Just an apparition in human form. Nothin’ great about that.

ALL GIRLS: Disgusting, Beautiful, Unique, Gob-Smacking

CEARA: I wish I could replace it with the body of a bird of paradise so I could
fly to the sky.

3. myself

SEAMUS: (in Audience) If you can’t accept who you are you won’t get
anywhere in life.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic! (all up and moving)

RACHEL: I am a living contradiction. But isn’t everyone? Isn’t that human

nature? Does anyone know themselves, really? Does anyone really know
anyone else? I’m a mess sometimes. Sometimes I’m a Godess. I’m always a
whore. I’m bisexual. I’m a freak. But the most surprising thing is; I like me.
Despite everything.

GABIJA: I don’t know myself yet. I am what the world wants me to be. I am
“happy”, “bubbly” and I do have a lot of friends. But the person you see is just
a mask, covering the imperfections and the fear inside.

DAVID: I’m hard to find sometimes, but certainly vital.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

CIARA: I try to see myself as others see me. I don’t like what I see and that
makes me pretty paranoid.

BRENDA: I am not too fond of me. There is so many things I’d change. I
can’t talk to anyone about it coz they think I’m feeling sorry for myself. So

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

AUSTEJA: To be honest I hate myself at times, I find that I put a front up in

front of most people. I only ever take my guard down in front of people I trust
and love.

SEAMUS: If you can’t accept who you are you won’t get anywhere in life.

DENAH: I know that most people don’t like me, fuck them - their loss. I’m
way better than them anyway.

MADELINE: My body is fuckin’ marvelous.

RACHEL: I think I am a Drama Queen but I’m not going to change. I’d like to
but I won’t.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

JACK: To be honest I am two different people. I haven’t decided which one I

like best.

SEAMUS: If you can’t accept who you are you won’t get anywhere in life.

SIAN: I like myself way more than anyone else.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa

FINTAN: I could be worse. But sometimes I surprise myself.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

BRENDA: I guess I’m alright I mean I wish I was a bit smarter and better
looking but I’m alright, yeah. (Wow, I said “I” a lot there, ha!)

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

ORLA: Needs improving. God I’m on a serious downer! Haha, tho seriously,
I know I’m a good person, but I often make horrendous decisions.

CEARA: I really like me, I like the way I look and all, but sometimes I wish I
could really be myself a bit more. I like the way I think about things differently
to other people, but I hate the way sometimes I get in a really weird mood and
just have to sit there for a while.

DENAH: I’m not sure I like me very much…but I think I’d live pretty well as a
hermit. Deep down I’m an introvert…I prefer me to other people a lot of the

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

FINTAN: I try to be the best I can but to be honest I’d rather be anyone else.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

JACK: I’m a big Drama Queen with a depressing past…

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

SEAMUS: If you can’t accept who you are you won’t get anywhere in life.

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

MEGAN: I can’t think of anything to say….

ALL: I am fan-fucking-tastic!

4. disability

(Sian to wheelchair / David to push)

JACK: (writing on board) What is the definition of a ‘disability’? Many people

may be ‘disabled’ and not know it.

GABIJA: Everyone has a disability, some are greater than others and the
only people who don’t are the ones who’ve learned to overcome it. People
with disabilities should be helped and respected not laughed at or sneered at.

SIAN: Disability is what it is. People should shut the fuck up and stop fucking
staring – “Oh, wheelchair!” Shut up! It’s a chair with wheels! Shut up!!

AUSTEJA: It’s kinda shit. I mean mental disability is really terrible, I really
don’t know what I would do with a disabled child, but physical disability aint so
bad. I mean it’s terrible, but I know a guy with only one limb (his right arm)
and he won a silver medal for swimming in the paralymics. I wouldn’t let it
stop me.

GABIJA: It’s really unfair some people start life and they’re already behind.

MADELINE: To me, disabilities happen for a reason. That something worse

could have happened to the individual, they’re fortunate in a way.

SIAN: Cripple!! No…em. It’s a sad thing. Maybe people who have
disabilities are just people who are evolving. Maybe in the future we will all
be in wheelchairs because that is how we are supposed to survive in the
future. Who knows? Wow!

GABIJA: It’s just an illness that has no cure.

SEAMUS: I know someone with a disability. Thy are really happy all the time
and really funny. I think disabled people probably have a different outlook on

AUSTEJA: Hospitals and medical opportunities for people with disabilities

are great because they’re giving those people a better chance than they could

DAVID: It’s just unfortunate although…they get away with everything just
cause they have a twitchy eye. I can do that ha ha.

(Sian out of wheelchair)

CIARA: I really don’t know many people with disabilities. But one person I
know takes advantage of it.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa

RACHEL: There’s nothing wrong with having a disability, in my opinion
everybody’s equal.

(Jack to wheelchair)

MEGAN: Makes me sad when I see people who can’t cope, but really proud
and at peace with life when they can.

DENAH: Disability is a hard part of life that can destroy a person emotionally.
I think everyone has one.

JACK: I’d hate to have a disability. Being confined to a wheelchair would be

awful. I think it’s make me a stronger person though…I admire people with

CEARA: “Disability” – a person who does not match the worlds vision of what
a perfect human is. They are often looked down on when they may be ten
times better than you could.

(Ceara goes to CRPlatform and conducts)

ALL: Abled / disabled / abled / disabled / abled….

SEAMUS: Disability is a shit reason to get better parking. (on Dplatform)

ALL: Abled / disabled / abled / disabled / abled….

SEAMUS: Disability is a shit reason to get better parking.

ALL: Abled / disabled / abled / disabled / abled….

SEAMUS: Disability is a shit reason to get better parking.

ALL: Abled / disabled / abled / disabled / abled….

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa. (at Ctr Stg)

5. self-harm

(Brenda & Orla on Dplatform – others sit on floor facing them)

BRENDA: Self harm: to get attention or genuinely hates life or to be ‘cool’.

AUSTEJA: Very sad, people who self harm need help especially if they think
it’s cool.

CIARA: …Like the “Emo” culture, love the hair – hate the message…

BRENDA: Self Harm is often associated with certain groups or cliques. It’s
sort of scary when you see that someone can damage someone else, but it’s
absolutely terrifying when they have the capability to damage themselves.

ORLA: If someone does it just to fit in with a group, it’s like they’re making
fun of the poor people who feel the need to do it themselves.

GABIJA: When you hold a grudge, you are mentally harming yourself. It’s
sick, what’s the point, they should go to Hell.

CEARA: I’m totally against it as I have friends who have done it and still do.
I’m totally against it but I’ve almost done it.

FINTAN: Almost?

CEARA: ‘Almost’ = “too blunt” (the blade)

CIARA: I really don’t understand why people do it – it hurts – but I just

seriously fucking hate it when people make a big deal and are all like…

SIAN: “Ooohh, I cut myself”

CIARA: How does causing hurt to yourself remove the pain you already feel?

JACK: It’s a way to make you focus your pain away from your emotional
problems and feelings. It makes you feel better but there are other ways to
solve problems.

DAVID: Self Harm is stupid. People who do this to themselves do need help.

FINTAN: Self harm shouldn’t be taken so lightly! So many people do it and

yeah a lot of the time it is for attention. But in all fairness, nobody does it for
the craic! There’s obviously something wrong, and it may not be a huge deal
to you! But it mattered to that person, I’m not in any way saying it’s right! It
should be just taken more seriously.

DENAH: People don’t understand why. Other people do it and jump to

conclusions way to quickly – but they can go fuck themselves!!

SIAN: “Ooohh, I cut myself”

MEGAN: I can’t think of anything to say….

ORLA: I think it’s a way for people to punish themselves even though they

SEAMUS: For a while it makes you feel better. Self punishment, but it
becomes something you do when anything happens even something small.
The scars are permanent but so is the pain. Whether you stop or continue,
the pain is constantly there.

RACHEL: People make too big a deal out of it. Everyone has self
destructive habbits. Cutting your arm is better than drinking yourself in to a
coma every night or injecting heroin into your eyeballs. As long as you don’t
get addicted you’ll be fine…..I can’t stop doing it. I try but I just can’t.

MADELINE: You need therapy if so and I hope I never have to resort to it

with any problem I come across. I mean, self harm is completely stupid.

SIAN: “Ooohh, I cut myself”

BRENDA: Attention seekers do it. (writes on board)

RACHEL: I think about it a lot – too many teenagers do.

SIAN: “Ooohh, I cut myself”

DAVID: I sometimes feel so desperate for attention that I’m tempted to cut

SIAN: “Ooohh, I cut myself”

SEAMUS: Self harm is completely pointless.

AUSTEJA: Raw subject. A friend of mine just committed suicide and I don’t
understand it. It breaks my heart that someone could feel so alone that self
harm seems like their only option.

JACK: Self Harm shouldn’t be an option, there’s alternatives and other ways
to solve problems. I feel sorry for people who self harm. They need help.

CIARA: The amount of people who self harm is ridiculous! And “Depression”
that word is just soooo overused with teenagers today! It’s a disease!
Someone needs to teach us what it is. And we don’t need another guest
speaker on drugs or alcohol!! What causes the abuse of these things??

JACK: I woud never self harm

AUSTEJA: Self Harm is definitely wrong and not normal.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa

ORLA: It doesn’t work. A lot of us go through a phase of it. But after it’s
done, it’s so hard to identify who we really are. We must let in the positive.
It’s like a subconscious cry for attention. But it doesn’t get you anywhere and
the scars don’t go away…

BRENDA: And for some it helps and others not so much. People think it
relives pain and then they forget about the pain and leave it in the past but the
scars will always stay with them.

6. beauty

(Denah on CRPlatform – others stay seated take out make-up)

DENAH: There is beauty everywhere. No, not only in nature but also in man
made things. Even if you look at big grey buildings in a certain way you’ll find
beauty. There is also beauty in pain. A lovely tragic tale of unrequited love
for example…gorgeous.

MADELINE: I think I’m beautiful, it’s just that no one else has noticed. I think
I’m arrogant. I think I’m uglier than all of them.

DAVID: Right now there’s one face that comes to mind when I think of

CIARA: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

RACHEL: Pity you can’t buy it. Don’t you hate those spastics who know they
are gorgeous though lol

CIARA: The mind is beautiful.

DENAH: Beauty ‘it’s only skin deep’ is a lie. Beauty refers to more than just
vanity, a personality, character or soul can be beautiful.

JACK: They say it’s only skin deep, but really it’s the key to a lot of things,
popularity, self esteem, success…

GABIJA: Beauty is what’s on the inside? Pfft, do you think people are
thinking that, when they go in to a plastic surgeon with a barbie telling him to
replicate them.

SEAMUS: Some people think beauty is thinness others think you can make
yourself beautiful with make up. I think it’s genetics that make you beautiful.
You are beautiful no matter what they say.

RACHEL: Beauty varies for me, I care more for the aura people emit and
beauty comes in close second.

CEARA: I honestly don’t think I’m beautiful. I think beauty not only comes
from your looks but from your personality. I like my personality but not my
looks. I would love to be beautiful. I would love to just walk into a room and
everyone to stop and stare and say ‘God, she’s so beautiful.” But not just on
the outside but on the inside too. I’d love to be able to smile at everyone and
be kind to everyone because that’s what true beauty is…isn’t it?

CIARA: Innocence is beauty.

SIAN: When I see a beautiful person I feel absolutely shit. I feel like I don’t
have anything nice about me and I’m so insecure I sometimes go to a toilet or
such and cry.

BRENDA: I wish everyone didn’t care about it but that will never happen. All
the ugly people I know are so annoying and think they’re better than everyone
else but good looking people are deadly.

ORLA: I suppose everyone wants to be beautiful. We all try to be but isn’t it

more important to be a nice person?

FINTAN: I think traditional beauty’s getting old. Big noses are gorgeous, a
warped sense of beauty seems to be everyone’s new ‘thing’.

AUSTEJA: My best friend really is the most beautiful person in the whole
world. She may not have a ‘perfect body’ but she’s confident and happy and
it shows. Being around her makes me feel beautiful.

CIARA: I think you are beautiful.

(Music “You’re Beautiful”) (Cast (not Ceara) into audience asking “Am I

7. mental illness

(produces sign and hangs it around her neck)

CEARA: It isn’t an illness, just people who think differently.

AUSTEJA: Realising that you have a mental illness is very scary.

FINTAN: I think it’s a horrible thing for any person to have but there is a lot of
people to help those who have any mental illness these days.

JACK: When I see people who have a mental illness I feel sorry for them.

CIARA: I am fascinated by the thought of being crazy!

SIAN: I think I’m a bit mad, I do odd things. (slaps face)

ORLA: It’s shitty and sad but I guess for whatever reason, it happens, and
that can’t be avoided for the most part.

SIAN: I think brain transplants should fix that.

DAVID: A guy has it in my school.

JACK: Really breaks my heart because the person suffering will possibly
never get much chance in having a great life, but that isn’t to say they would
be totally always…lifeless, of course. It’s sad to see people with mental illness
but I would love to be able to help them but I am not sure how.

BRENDA: WHY are people afraid of people with mental illness?? It’s a
disease!! They didn’t choose it. It really angers me, because it’s so fucking

MADELINE: I think everyone at some point has a mental illness on some

level. Depression is a mental illness. I have had that.

RACHEL: I never want to forget.

MEGAN: We all have it it’s called being human. The people who are actually
completely mentally well are the ones we think are freaks because we’re so
used to dealing with psychos.

GABIJA: I feel sorry for people with mental illness.

SIAN: I think I’m a bit mad, I do odd things. (slaps face)

SEAMUS: Their brain has partly shut down and withering. They see their
fears, nightmares and fantasies.

FINTAN: I wonder what it feels like yet I don’t want to know.

AUSTEJA: Ireland needs to pay more attention to treating it…

SIAN: They should all be locked up and the keys thrown away.

GABIJA: The sight of a mentally ill person should not scare you.

SEAMUS: It intrigues me, I want to understand what these people feel. I

don’t think it’s right that they are treated like outcasts.

BRENDA: Mental illness is the worst thing that can happen to anyone, the
body is nothing without the mind.

FINTAN: It’s terrible for a family member to get a mental illness. It makes
that person lose their confidence and makes their life harder. It’s a sad thing
and cannot be cured or go away.

RACHEL: It is a terrible and distressing thing but it’s never a persons fault for
getting it.

SIAN: I think I’m a bit mad, I do odd things. (slaps face)

AUSTEJA: I believe that almost everybody experiences some level of it in

their lives. And I think we need to really look after the people who have it. It’s
not always a good idea to put lots of people like that together in the one place.

DENAH: There are so many different mental illnesses, there’s a chance

everybody has one.

(Silence as they all look at audience)

DENAH: It’s just like any other illness and shouldn’t be treated differently for

(starts the clapping thing – keeps going)

CEARA: What if the people who are crazy are the sane ones? Just because
the minority of people are the ones with the “mental illness” doesn’t mean
they’re the wrong or ill ones. Maybe the voices in their heads really mean
something? Maybe “someone” is trying to tell us something but we just fill
them with drugs and shove them into mental institutions.

8. love

(Music – “All You Need Is love” Cast in audience start to ‘hippy-out’)

CIARA: (loudly, stops music) Satan manifests himself in the form many
people call – “love” – IT’S A TRICK!! **love slowly kills** FACT ** it burns you
alive inside

DENAH: Love that you have for anyone, that lasts forever, is true. Love, its
so hard to find but I believe that there is someone special out there for ever.

MEGAN: Love is shit sometimes well my experiences its been shit most of
the time. But I’d like to be with the person I love the most but can’t. Love is

CIARA: What is this feeling?

AUSTEJA: I’ve never been in love. I ‘d like to be, but I think it’d hurt too

SEAMUS: The word is mostly not used properly. People say and don’t mean
it. It’s a pure word, it doesn’t always bring happiness.

RACHEL: I love love. I love the feelings, the idea. The basics of human
nature is love. I think it’s extra awesome that we are built to find someone to
spend our whole lives with. I love the idea of someone loving you, just the
way you are, unlike everyone else sees you, that person sees you as
flawless. So sweet.

SEAMUS: Love is a many splendoured thing. Love, lifts us up where we

belong. All you need is love.

RACHEL: Please, don't start that again.

SEAMUS: All you need is love.

RACHEL: A girl has got to eat.

SEAMUS: All you need is love.

RACHEL: Or she'll end up on the streets.

SEAMUS: All you need is love.

RACHEL: Love is just a game.

CIARA: What is this feeling?

FINTAN: This is a really big topic for me at the moment, I’m in love so I know
what it feels like. It’s damn hard to find, I mean, and I’m not trying to sound

cool or something, there are few people out there like me, so love is seriously
fucking evaisive. Given all this, I think I’m too young for any serious
relationships. Family love is different though and love for friends. Like if I told
my friend I loved him he’d freak, (whispers) but I do.

DENAH: I believe it’s a beautiful invention that’s to be treasured and always


AUSTEJA: …and it happens when your not looking for it.

DAVID: I’m absolutly head over heels with my boyfriend of 2 years so I really
appreciate love and everybody deserves it.

CIARA: Love is great but it will fuck you up. You can have it and lose it and
never find it again. Why bother?

DENAH: It fixes everything.

SIAN: Love is something everyone should experience even when confused

with lust I mean that’s the best kind.

MADELINE: I’ve never been in love but it sounds like fun.

SIAN: It’s good, but sometimes bad.

DENAH: I feel love everywhere.

CIARA: What is this feeling?

SEAMUS: I’m afraid to love someone, truly love them. In fear that they will
leave or hurt me. So when I feel myself getting close to love I simply walk
away. Hurting myself more than the other person could.

ORLA: The only way to get over a lost love is to fall again. Why can’t I fall
again? Why can’t I get over her? She’s a fucking whore! Why do I still care?
Love’s a many splendored thing. I love my friends, my family and they love
me. Why isn’t that enough? Why do I crave more affection?

JACK: Everybody needs somebody it’s good but tough.

CIARA: Love is overrated.

GABIJA: So he tells me he loves me! Don’t say I love you back because I’m
not sure. But I’m like…

CEARA: “Wow someone loves me and I know he’s never loved anyone
before so I must be special.”

GABIJA: ..But then we’re talking about love in general and he’s like…

FINTAN: “I’ve never loved anyone.”

GABIJA: …and I’m like…

CEARA: “Except me!”

GABIJA: …and he’s like…

FINTAN: “No, that just slipped out, I’ve never loved anyone not even my

GABIJA: …So my heart is ripped out and stamped on. But it’s ok now. We
don’t love each other yet…We’re not sure but we’re definitely falling…

(when each person says their last line they go to the floor and lie down

9. sex


RACHEL: I haven’t found someone that I am comfortable enough to have

sex with. The thought of getting pregnant scares me.

JACK: In my opinion sex is a way of two people expressing how they feel
about each other.

MADELINE: I think sex is built up to be more than it is, it’s not meant to be
displayed the way it is, a forbidden fruit, it makes me want it more. I mean, it
sounds good but what if it isn’t as good as it is made out to be?

JACK: It’s not all its cracked up to be. Not really as magical or as great as
some people will tell you.

SIAN: It’s supposed to be fun. Why must people complicate the purest act in
the world with their emotions and make it dirty?

DAVID: Sex is the most fun you can have without laughing.

RACHEL: It scares me, yet I’m incredibly curious of what the experience is.

SEAMUS: A form of reproduction that we just do when we’re bored or just for
fun – when nothing’s on T.V. I can’t wait to try it ….legally!

CIARA: Can’t wait, sounds fun…wouldn’t mind to try it…

GABIJA: Well….em….ha ha…I’m a bit too young for that.

BRENDA: Has become a tool of deceit rather than an intimate expression of


FINTAN: Well being gay complicates sex it’s not that I wouldn’t think about it,
it’s just impossible to find other gay people cause it’s not something u tell
people and no one really accepts gays.

BRENDA: I think it’s ok to talk openly about sex, but my friends don’t.

CEARA: Shouldn’t it be about being close to one person? I wish teenagers

weren’t so flippant about their sexual lives!

ORLA: Sex is one of the most sacred things in life and should never be seen
as just a “fun thing” that happens. People say that pregnancy is the biggest
problem, I believe it’s depression & heart break. People should be so in love
to do that. I blame the media.

CIARA: I think it’s kind of important because without it we wouldn’t be here.

CEARA: Sex is necessary for the survival of our species.

AUSTEJA: Sex is not rude or bad unless it’s abused.

DAVID: Sex? I don’t think about it.

DENAH: I never thought I’d care but I now want to stay a virgin as long as
possible. I don’t want to grow up so fast I’ll never be able to go back to
being…innocent. Basically it will just complicate things. Children grow up
way too fast these days. But will I be a virgin next year…?

CIARA: Sex is great, I hope it’s as nice as they say it is.

ALL BOYS: Woohoo!

JACK: Let’s do it!!

ALL GIRLS: No thanks.

SEAMUS: Just another way of killing an empty day – more popular than Big
Macs, needs to re-invent itself.

AUSTEJA: I don’t think its wrong to have it if two people are ready. It’s multi-
functional; gives pleasure and creates life.

SIAN: Woo! Lol!! Well it creates more life on earth and I hate babies. But I
suppose for the sake of humanity. Bitch!! >I’m a clean teen!!<!!

GABIJA: Personally, I can’t wait, but I’d have to really love a person, and it’s
weird ‘cos everyone else is going out with someone, but I’m not attracted to
anyone – I just hope I don’t fuck it up (no pun intended!)

BRENDA: No sex before the Leaving Cert for fear of getting pregnant, but I
feel one day I might get carried away – no condom, no sex.

CEARA: I’ll probably change my mind when I get older but I wish everybody
wouldn’t take it so seriously!

(stop panting)

FINTAN: Teenagers are supposed to be horny little weirdos, right?

(All grin at audience)


10. parents

I wish my parents would let me out more

I love my parents deep down, but sometimes they treat me like I’m stupid and
that makes me so angry I want to scream.

They are interfering and annoying but have good intentions

I think parents are quite irrational when it comes to their children

They constantly tell children how cool they were when they were younger,
which they were, before…

I think they get protective of their kids because they ‘love’ them but we take it
the wrong way and call it…




If they’re overprotective, at least be gratefull that they are not on the other end
of the scale!

Nag! Nag! Nag! Just need them 4 money.

Parents like to blame things.

I feel that my parents find it hard to relate or to understand anything in my life.

With their constant criticism, sometimes it’s hard to believe that they do
actually love me!

They always say that they’re just doing what they think is best for their
children, but most times I think they’re just out to ruin our lives or to make us
feel bad.

Well, my parents can be on and off. Sometimes they can be unfair and will
never see from my point of view and they share different beliefs than I do –
they are totally and utterly against gays which is bad for me being gay!! So I
can never tell them - so I distance myself from them.

I think parents are good, they always help you and guide you through life.

To me, parents are extremely important and mine do everything for me so I

respect them both greatly.

They try to guide us but I think they care so much that they forget all they
really want is for us to be happy.

We need them despite all our disowning or something of them. Indeed.

They get on your nerves about stupid things but I know they are just looking
out for me. They’re great.

I think they’re annoying but they’re still ok!

I love my parents! I mean with all the problems in the world today they
managed to bring us up and they deserve respect for that. I mean I think me
and my brothers and sisters are…nice and with all the psychos around they
must have done something right!

I like mine – they’re grand.

Loving essentially – but they limit our potential.

I get on well with my parents – they’re way too strict though!!

They’re strict enough but only want whats best for me.

Influenece how you act in life. Brought me into this world; either blame them
or thank them for doing it.

I get on with mine – but some people find it impossible to.

They ae only there to protect us but are way too strict.

They’re only human, just like us. They are screwed up and make bad
decisions but that’s not their fault. They’re only human, we shouldn’t hate

No Comment!

I love them and I honestly don’t think I thank them enough.

No wait, they think they know everything but they don’t and they’re big
hypocrites!! But sure I love them don’t I? (and I wouldn’t be able to do this if it
wasn’t for them!!!)

I respect my parents so much! I genuinely don’t know how I will manage

being an adult and dealing with all the shit they have to deal with….much love
for the parents!

….Much love for the parents!...

I don’t see what people have got against their parents, mine are actually the
coolest ever – they trust us to have sense, so we never fight.

I love them and they love me. They provide for me, keep me safe, and
support and care. Without them I’d be lost.

I love them.

11. celebrity culture

(ripping celeb mags)

SEAMUS: How many trees have been cut down to make paper on which
stories about Jordan’s breasts/boyfriend/husband/divorce/confession/breasts
are printed. Ruining the world on more than one level.

RACHEL: Makes me sick, yet I’m interested

MEGAN It’s my secret indulgence. But a lot of the time it goes too far.

SEAMUS: Anyone can become a celeb as long as they’re thin and willing to
expose themselves. It’s stupid.

DAVID: Celebrity Culture – watch as I give a flying fuck.

FINTAN: Such a load of bollocks!

BRENDA: Seeing how ‘perfect’ they are makes everyone (me) feel shit!
They’re always skinny and gorgeous. Celebrities suck, unless it’s for being a

MADELINE: Anyone can be a celebrity these days. It overshadows and

insults the people who actually have talent. Compare Heidi Montag with Lady

JACK: It has been proven that all fake celebrities have swollen cancer cells
for boobs.

ORLA: Not fussed about it, people who follow that shit are sad people who
have nothing going on in their lives.

CEARA: Fuck you Jade Goody. Fuck you Jordan, ‘Hello’ magazine. Fuck
Brangelina, Tomkat and Kerry Katona. Fuck you Paris Hilton, Lyndsey Lohan
and Big Fucking Brother. And fuck you for reading about them.

CIARA: Yeah, who the fuck was Jade Goody? Some person off Big Brother?
A nobody, and yet she got more attention than Keanu Reeves?

BRENDA: I try to distain it. But I want that. I don’t want to be like Paris
Hilton though, I want to be like Emma Thomson. Funny and talented and
loved by the public.

JACK: Is it wrong that I find Jordan attractive? Mmmmm…

SEAMUS: In one way they’ve butchered and raped our sense of imagination
and creativity. But in the other way…wait who am I kidding? There is no

RACHEL: Vanity, it’s the only word to describe it.

SIAN: I really hate ‘reality television’ because that’s what has created these
fucking telentless wannabe’s.

DENAH: We can’t escape it now can we? It’s everywhere. Even though
Katie Price is the knacker of the celeb world, people still want to know what
she’s doing. Personnally I don’t care if she chucks herself in the nearest river.

MEGAN: A disgrace – these are the role models culture provide for children?

JACK: It’s totally wrong of course, but it’s the way the world is…. How many
people get jobs based on who they sleep with rather than their qualifications?

FINTAN: We buy into that shit waaaay too much. But we created it. We are
the ones who put people ‘up there’, so we can escape from our boring and
dull lives by taking a peek at theirs. I don’t give a fuck. But we do, we so do.
Why else would people buy magazines and watch MTV? Their lifestyles
intrigue us. No matter how we make out that we don’t care. Everyone does.

GABIJA: I find it annoying how people with no talent can become famous for
basically nothing. I mean there are so many people who are very talented
and deserve fame for doing something they love and are good at…like acting.

AUSTEJA: Rock’n’roll, up all night, get on drugs, put in rehab, get out make
money on film spend money on drugs, go to rehab, goes on and on and on
and on….

CEARA: …and fuck us for talking about them.

12. life

(full of energy, travelling all over incl. into audience – infect them)

FINTAN: We go from one moment of waiting to the next – waiting for

holidays, waiting for the movie release, waiting for love, waiting for escape –
always ……..waiting.

DAVID: Life is very good, the only thing that would make it better is if I had
no spots and could fly.

SEAMUS: Life is ultimately about the pursuit of happiness I guess, and that
in turn is for most people finding the person you love and who loves you back.
But no one could ever know, until you’re dead I guess and then you’re gone or
maybe you could…. Maybe everyone has their own personal meaning of life.

BRENDA: Life, I feel, is a great thing.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa

DENAH: Life is precious and every day should be spent like it’s your last! I
love my family and friends and they are some of the best people you could
ever know. Life couldn’t be complete without them.

BRENDA: I love life. Life is definitely worth living.

GABIJA: Life is really good at the moment, I’m just afraid I won’t be able to
do what I want to do before I die.

SEAMUS: Life is Rollercoaster, and the ones who realise that it’s just a ride
are the ones who have a better life in the end.

ALL: Life is a Rollercoaster..

CEARA: I don’t think that there is a meaning to life besides to live it to the full
and don’t waste it.

AUSTEJA: Life is so precious I don’t understand how people take it for

granted and waste it. You only have one shot.

MEGAN: I think it’s a test to see if we’re good at minding the Earth and its’
animals so we can move on to bigger and better things after we die.

CIARA: Life sucks, then you die.

AUSTEJA: I believe everyone has their purpose in life and no one is here for
no reason.

CEARA: I think life is there to have fun & do what you want & if you waste
yours, tough luck.

SIAN: Absurd + Amazing.

ALL: Life is a Rollercoaster..

SEAMUS: You just got to ride it……sorry, sorry eh, go on, em Orla next..

ORLA: Life is all there is. The meaning of it is 42 but apart from that there’s
no point to it at all. I think that’s a relief actually. If life was a battle I’m sure
I’d be losing. Life is shit, but better than the alternative.

JACK: Life’s over-examined, everyone’s always trying to find out the

meaning of it instead of living it.

DENAH: People go through life wearing masks, hiding their feelings. I

always hoped that I could be myself, that I was different but I’m not. I’m as
fake as so many others.

BRENDA: In my opinion, Life is very valuable and everyone should live life to
the full and not have any regrets.

DAVID: Jeez, it’s killing us. I do believe it has no meaning though because
you only find it after death. When you’re dead you can’t tell anyone so
nobody actually knows if you know.

SEAMUS: In life, I believe you have to have the realisation that nobody is
going to fix yours for you. It’s all down to you. I’m not saying that you’re on
your own because obviously people are what make life worthwiile, but you
can’t expect too much. You just gotta suck it up and live.

RACHEL: I love life 80% out of 100%

MADELINE: We are all dying slowly, but we might as well make the most of

CEARA: Life can be hard but it’s worth it for the amount of happiness it can

CIARA: Life is what you make of it, shit when you make it shit and great
when you do something about the shit.

JACK: It’s cool, make de most of it.

BRENDA: Life is a gift.

SEAMUS: Life isn’t always easy, but it’s better than the alternative! It can be
quite fun at times and they definitely outweigh the bad.

13. suicide

(All get chalk and write on the floor)

CIARA: Ladies and Gentlemen PLEASE help me, I find the idea appealing
often. But, you can’t help me. Fine. I’ll help myself.

ORLA: Sometimes I wonder if anyone who committed suicide really meant it.
What if they changed their mind last second but it was too late? And we’ll
never ever know…

CEARA: It doesn’t solve anything. You still have the same problems, but no
body to try and fix them with. It’s so selfish I know this. But some days I still
want to jump.

ORLA: A complete waste of life and those that do it are mentally unstable.

AUSTEJA: (whispers) I am afraid of dying.

BRENDA: Suicide is so ridiculous. No matter how much you’re suffering you

should never give up. Just because you’re sad then doesn’t mean you will be
forever. Maybe if the people who killed themselves hadn’t, they would have
met the love of their life the next day and been eternally happy. I think this is
selfish, although ffor people who suffer it is the easy way out. You end your
suffering, but only begin others.

MADELINE: I sometimes get panic attacks thinking about it. I get depressed
and then start thinking about suicide. Most times when I’m in bed all alone
and feel horrible about myself and what others think of me.

CIARA: I can see why people do it. This world is a corrupt place, populated
by selfish people. We should be shot so the world is left to the animals. Why
not, easy way out, complicated.

RACHEL: It’s such a waste….and not fair on the people left behind who
cared. It’s usually over stupid things too. Is a way of ceasing pain.

CIARA: Suicide – wouldn’t mind it.

MEGAN: It’s just really sad. So disheartening for some people that this is the
only option left for whatever ordeal they’re going through.

GABIJA: It is just really sad and I don’t even want to imagine what’s going on
in their head. It’s very scary.

JACK: It’s horrible the way it affects people but honestly I’ve considered it at
one point. Just never had the balls to do it.

FINTAN: In the short term it sounds nice, but in the long term people slowly
forget you, you can make more of an impact alive.

SIAN: It’s extremely selfish, isn’t it? They can’t be thinking about the people
they leave behind, they’re so self-absorbed there’s no room for anyone else,
selfish bastards.

DAVID: Yeah, I’ve tried it before because me and my Mam never got on and
I’ve tried to jump out a window of a house once on Christmas Eve but only
just didn’t and when I’m depressed I think about it! I’ve tried others!

BRENDA: We all wonder why, but what do the people who do it think?

MADELINE: It’s absolutely terrible. I mean, that someone could hate

themselves enough to kill themselves…it leaves behind so much sadness too.

DENAH: I’ve thought about it before. Not because I was depressed or

anything. I just thought what would happen if I did kill myself? Would it be
quick? Would it hurt? What would happen after? Where would I go? Would
I be missed? But I don’t think I’d ever actually go through with it. It’d be too

SIAN: ….why?

JACK: When I hear the word I always end up thinking of the family left

CIARA: 1. Life is a bit of a slow suicide. 2. When it comes to a point when a

person can no longer be happy, it is a regrettable choice. Honourable.
Regrettable. Choice. Stoicism how are you?

AUSTEJA: Pointless, you have one chance at life and all my suicidal
friends? Stop coming up to me and saying “I’m going to kill myself!” The next
week they’re fucking fine.

DAVID: Is it hypocritical that I think it’s oe of the most selfish things a person
can ever do, having attempted it myself? Oops.

RACHEL: I can’t say I haven’t thought about it. But there is so much I
haven’t done yet and anything bad will eventually pass.

MEGAN: I think it’s unfair for the person + people + family left behind. They
have to live with it.

SEAMUS: It’s the easy way out. I’ve considered it but I’d never have the
guts to do it. My friend wanted to after a boy broke her heart. It sends people
into a dark place.

BRENDA: Completely and totally stupid, you have a life, live it! I’m sure
somebody dead would want their life back.

FINTAN: Always remember to cut lengthways up and down the arm not
across the wrists, that won’t work.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa

RACHEL: Loving you is suicide.

SEAMUS: I’d be curious to know what it takes for someone to become so

depressed or have so much hate towards themselves, their family or just life
in general to take their own life. It might make them feel better but not the
ones that care about them.

14. death

(Put on bags after your line)

ORLA: I’m more scared of everyone I love dying and leaving me alone than
dying myself.

AUSTEJA: I am afraid of dying, I don’t know what will happen

BRENDA: I’m not afraid to die, not that I want to, but I’m interested to see
what happens afterwards.

MADELINE: Death is inevitable. People glorify or tragidise it but everybody

dies. There’s nothing courageous or heroic about it, nor is there anything
poetic or sad. Everybody dies. And after death there is nothing. Only

DENAH: I believe in God, yet I imagine a black void and not Heaven. Death
brings fear. I think Heaven is down on Earth but it is different for everyone.

AUSTEJA: (whispers) I am afraid of dying.

SEAMUS: Death happens to everyone, we all know it’s gonna happen yet we
all hope it doesn’t.

RACHEL: The whole world is afraid of it, but I think there are much scarier
things out there than death. Death is natural, liberating, simply the end.

CEARA: It scares the bejusus out of me, not how I’m going to die ot if it will
be painful. It’s just that …I don’t want to die, I want to see everything first.

RACHEL: But it’s beautiful. Also it has to happen at some stage, it’s
unavioidable and inevitable so the best outlook should be taken.

AUSTEJA: (whispers) I am afraid of dying.

DENAH: I think for some people it’s a way to escape from life but there is no
coming back, for me I think I’m afraid of it but then I suppose everything
comes to an end at some stage.

ORLA: My biggest fear is my friend dying and when I look at some of my

friends affected by self-harm and depression, I’m terrified every day.

SIAN: I am scared of death ‘cos I don’t know what follows it. I think my life
will stop, I won’t feel anything.

CEARA: I’m scared of others dying, not me, I don’t want to loose everyone I

DENAH: Fuck….Terrified of it…

CIARA: I would love to die to see what it’s like. I think it’s another adventure
before we begin life again.

ORLA: Death scares me. I know it has to happen but when I think about
dying young I get freaked out and upset.

RACHEL: Death is part of life, so you shouldn’t be scared of it.

JACK: I don’t mind dying old. I only hope I’m able to say goodbye to loved
ones before I die.

GABIJA: I don’t want to die or anyone in my family. I don’t want the day to
come whien I have to leave the world forever and never wake up. I don’t think
I could live if somebody close to me died.

FINTAN: I think I’m definitely too young to understand death. It’s just crazy!
Someone belonging to me died recently and I had a couple of dreams where
the person was really alive but the Government were trying to keep it from
me. It was all very Matrix / Vanilla Sky. I think it means I’m not ready to
accept it.

RACHEL: Death is not the end and shouldn’t be feared, it’s the most natural
thing ever.

DENAH: Death scares me, I don’t want everything to be over once you die.
My Godfather died recently and I hate the thought that he’s in the ground.

MADELINE: People dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa.

AUSTEJA: (whispers) I am afraid of dying.

ALL: ‘fraid of dying (repeat)

15. the future

(try & get audience to join in – do the lines into the mics as it gets louder)

SEAMUS: And the Future cannot be judged because of improper prediction

methods but by combining statistical information. I think we can safely work
out that it will be shit.

JACK: And the future’s bright. The future’s orange.

ALL: And the Past Was Shit.

DAVID: And waiting for it takes forever. Live the now man!

FINTAN: And it is too hard to worry about and thinking about it is the cause
of a lot of depression.

SIAN: And it’s just the next stage to be worried about when the time comes.

RACHEL: And the future is the past only in reverse. I spend too much time
there. I know fantasies won’t get me anywhere but I can’t stop. As long as
my future involves acting, I can live with it. Although I wouldn’t mind if it also
involved sexy people, lots of money and happiness. And success would be

ORLA: And at the moment I am only thinking about now.

CIARA: And suicide? Wouldn’t mind it.

SIAN: And I think I’m a bit mad, I will do odd things.

BRENDA: And iff you fret about the future you’ll miss the present which is all
we have.

ALL: And the future’s bright.

FINTAN: and….and….and….oohh fuck it!

CEARA: And who knows what the future holds? I hope it holds happiness,
love, friends etc.

GABIJA: And the future should be good.

AUSTEJA: And I hope it’ll be good.

CIARA: And it better be good!

ALL: And the future’s bright.

DENAH: And journalism or graphic design in college, hopefully a good job
after that then marry Anthony Kiedis!!.....and..have & two kids and definitely
try to fulfill my dream of modelling.

ORLA: And the future is unforeseeable.

MEGAN: And I want to get far away from everyone but my three best friends
and start my life over and be more outgoing and make everyone like me and
make friends and have a “group” and go to pubs and be popular but most of
fucking all I want to act. Because acting is the only way I can get out of
myself and if in the future I can’t act, I dunno what to do and I can’t think of
anything else to say….

CIARA: And the future won’t be a good place. I’m happy to live in 2010.

AUSTAJA: They should make drugs into lollipops.

FINTAN: And I love the word ‘inebriated’. So pretty.

CEARA: And we won’t be here for much longer because of Global Warming
etc. But you know all thoses books, films where society goes really bad like,
‘28 Days Later’ etc? I really don’t think that will ever happen you know. (I’m
fond of my etc’s tonight!)

RACHEL: And I think it’s already planned. If something bad or good

happens it’s meant to happen.

MADELINE: and people dying every 3.5 seconds in Africa.

AUSTEJA: And I am afraid of dying.

DAVID: And it will hopefully be cool like the movies.

MEGAN: And these are the role models culture provide for children?

ALL: And the future’s bright.

FINTAN: And who knows what’s in store man… For me? I hope it gets
better… I’m not saying my life is ruined haha but the future can always be
better for anyone. No matter who you are or what’s happening in your life.

ALL: And I am fan-fucking-tastic!

JACK: And I know what I would like to do, what type of person I would like to
become, and I know I want to be happy, but I feel like I just can’t take control
of these things. And I’ll just hope that someday I will eventually be proud of

ALL: And I am fan-fucking-tastic!

JACK: And it interests me because it’s unexpecting and I don’t really know
where I’ll end up, but I hope I make it to where I want to.

CIARA: And let’s face it: we’re FUCKED.

SIAN: “And oohh, I cut myself”

SEAMUS: And if you can’t accept who you are you won’t get anywhere in

MADALINE: And my body will still be fuckin’ marvelous.

AUSTEJA: And the future can be anything you want it to be.

BRENDA: And education is the key!

ALL: Education is the Key!!

SEAMUS: And I'm relying on, on a shooting star, to get to you my future love

RACHEL: and love, love will tear us apart, again.

CIARA: I think you are beautiful.

ALL: And the future’s bright.

GABIJA: And Yesterday is History,

ALL: Tomorrow is a Mystery.

MEGAN: …and….and…and..….I can’t think of anything more to say………

(All exit very quickly)


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