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Durante el juego debes presionar la letra (enie) y a continuacion escribir los

comandos o trucos.
CHEATSENABLED Permite hacer trampa en modo de un solo jugador,
ALLAMMO munision al maximo
GHOST (sin clip básicamente)
LOADED (da todas las armas, munición y adrenalina 100)
TELEPORT (Telepuertos a donde quiera que su punto de mira está apuntando)
WALK (Se detiene FLY o el comando GHOST y cae al suelo)

Player/Bot Commands:
ADDBOTS [number]
BEHINDVIEW 1 (Changes to 3rd perspective view)
BEHINDVIEW 0 (Changes to 1st person view)
DISCONNECT (Disconnects from current server)
EXIT (Quits the game)
OPEN [IP adress] (Connects to a specific server IP)
QUIT (Quits the game)
TEAMSAY [text] (Displays your message in team chat)
PLAYERSONLY (Freezes/pauses the Bots)
SAY [text] (Displays your message in global chat)
SETNAME [playername]
SET INPUT [key] [command] (Binds a key to a command such as SET INPUT L LOADED
MEMSTAT (Displays Windows memory usage)
STAT ALL (Shows all stats)
STAT AUDIO (Shows audio stats)
STAT GAME (Displays game stats)
STAT HARDWARE (Shows hardware stats)
STAT NET (Shows network game play stats)
STAT NONE (Turns off all stats)
STAT RENDER (Displays rendering statistics)
Demo Commands
DEMOPLAY [demoname]
DEMOREC [demoname]
Admin Commands
ADMIN SWITCHLEVEL [mapname?game= gametype?mutator= mutator] (Changes the current
level to the specified level, game type, and mutators)
ADMIN [command] (Performs the specified commands)
ADMINLOGIN [password] (Logs the administrator onto the server using the specifie
d password)
ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled True (Enables the remote admin webserver (afte
r level change))
ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled False
KICK [playername]
KICKBAN [playername]
Other Commands
BRIGHTNESS [number] (Changes the brightness level to a specified number)
CDTRACK [number] (Plays the specified CD track number)
CONFIGHASH (Displays configuration info)
CONTRAST [number]
DEBUG CRASH (Tests crashes the game with an error)
DEBUG EATMEM (Tests memory allocation until full)
DEBUG GPF {Tests crashes the game with a general protection fault error)
DEBUG RECURSE (Tests crashes the game by infinite recursion)
DUMPCACHE (Displays the memory cache contents)
EXEC [filename] (Executes a file in the UT2003/system/ directory by default)
FLUSH (Flushes all cache and relights)
FOV [number] (Changes the field of view to the specified number)
FIXEDVISIBILITY (For testing your own level. Fixes the engine s visibility from yo
ur current point of view. You can walk around and see what exactly is being draw
n, check that antiportals are working,etc.Enter it again to turn it off)
GAMMA [number]
GETCOLORDEPTHS (Displays the maximum color depth supported by your hardware)
GETCURRENT COLORDEPTHS (Displays your current color depth)
GETCURRENTRES (Displays your current resolution)
GETMAXTICKRATE (Displays the maximum allowed tick rate)
MUSICORDER [number] (Change to a current track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action,
NETSPEED [number] (Sets the net speed, default is 10,000)
OBJ CLASSES (Displays a list of object classes)
OBJ GARBAGE (Collects and purges objects no longer in use)
OBJ HASH – (Displays object hashing statistics)
OBJ LINKERS – (Displays a list of active linkers)
PAUSESOUNDS – (Pauses all sounds)
PREFERENCES – (Opens advanced settings)
RELAUNCH – (Relaunches the engine)
RENDEREMULATE [gf1/gf2] – (Lets you see how your level will look on differe
nt cards (e.g., if some of your shaders are to complicated and don’t have f
REPORT – (Copies a report of the current game to clipboard)
SET [class variable value] – (Sets a specified class and specified variable
with the specified value)
SETRES [WxHxD] – (Sets your screen resolution to the specified width, heigh
t, and color depth)
SLOMO 1 – (Sets the speed of the game back to normal speed)
SLOMO 2 – (Sets speed to double, Increase number to go faster)
SLOMO .5 – (Sets speed to half, Decrease to go slower)
SOCKETS – (Displays a list of sockets in use)
TOGGLEFULLSCREEN – (Toggles full screen mode)
TOGGLE SCREENSHOTMODE – (Removes all HUD for screenshot taking)
REMOVEHUD (Also removes the HUD)
FREECAMERA [number] – (Allows you to move camera around player)
TYPE [text]
MUTATE [mutator command here]
CANCEL tells the engine to cancel an in progress connection attempt
DISCONNECT disconnects the client from the current game/server
EXIT tells the engine to shutdown and close the application
MAP alias for START
OPEN tells the engine to open a map by the name of the string that comes immedia
tely after
CONFIGHASH displays configuration information
DEBUG is used to simulate various errors with the following parameters identifyi
ng which
CRASH tells the engine to simulate a fatal crash
EATMEM tells the engine to simulate eating up all available system memory
GPF tells the engine to simulate a general protection fault
RECURSE tells the engine to simulate a runaway recursion or loop
SLEEP sleep for a couple seconds
DIR displays all used directories and files
DUMPCACHE displays objects in cache and their cache attribute
DUMPNATIVES displays all native functions
FLUSH tells the engine to flush all engine caches
MEM displays allocated memory information
MEMSTAT displays memory usage information
NAMECOUNT return the number of registered names
OBJ is used in conjunction with the following parameters
CLASSES displays a list of all loaded classes
DEPENDENCIES displays a list of dpendencies upon a specific package as passed by
a string parameter
DUMP Dump all variable values for the specified object, supports specifying cate
gories to hide or show (hide=movement,collision)
[class] plain name or CLASS= or NAME=
SHOW= comma seperated list
GARBAGE forces a garbage collection sweep
HASH displays a count of how many objects have hashes
LINKERS iterates through GObjLoaders and displays info about their linkers
LIST displays a list of objects of a class, from a package, or inside a package.
The following parameters can be given in any combination
CLASS= the string value is the class of object to find
INSIDE= the string value is the name of the package to look in for objects
PACKAGE= the string value is the name of the package to list objects which have
an outer of
MARK tells the engine to iterate through all objects and set their marked flag
MARKCHECK displays a list of objects that aren t marked
REFMAP show a reference map for the given class
[class] plain name or CLASS= or NAME=
DEPTH= optional depth
REFS takes two parameters which identify a class and name of an object, then dis
plays all objects that reference it
VFHASH lists how many hashes are in each object s VfHash table
REPORT prints a little report about the current game
RESETPROFILE resets internal stat counter variables (ticks, calls, and cycles)
STAT is used in conjunction with the following parameters to toggle on/off stati
stic displaying
ALL toggles on all statistics display
ANIM toggles on/off animation statistics display
AUDIO toggles on/off audio statistics display
DEFAULT resets most statistic display flags to not display anything
FPS toggles on/off frames per second display
GAME toggles on/off game statistics display
HARDWARE toggles on/off hardware statistics display
HISTOGRAPH toggles on/off histograph statistics display
MATINEE toggles on/off matinee statistics display
NET toggles on/off (inter)net(work) statistics display
NONE toggles off all statistics display
RENDER toggles on/off rendering statistics display
XBOXMEM toggles on/off XBox memory statistics display
SUPPRESS [tag] suppress messages
UNSUPPRESS [tag] unsuppress messages
BRIGHTNESS modifies the screen brightness. Takes a parameter value for setting t
he brightness or can take a parameter of + to increase it. If no parameters are pa
ssed, brightness is set to 0.5
CONTRAST works the same as BRIGHTNESS, only affects the contrast level
ENDFULLSCREEN end fullscreen mode
GAMMA works the same as BRIGHTNESS, only affects the gamma level
GETCURRENTRENDERDEVICE returns the current render device
GETCURRENTRES return the current resolution
ISFULLSCREEN return true or false
SETRES [height]x[width]x[depth][w|f] changes the resolution (w = windowed; f = f
ullscreen) for example: 800x600x32f
SUPPORTEDRESOLUTION return 1 if this mode is supported (all parameters are requi
TEMPSETRES same as setres but the change is not saved
TOGGLEFULLSCREEN toggle fullscreen
CINEMATICS toggle cinematics mode (black bars)
CINEMATICSRATIO [value] set the size of the black bars
D3DRESOURCES show d3d resources summary
ALL show more detailed information
DUMPRESOURCEHASH dumps D3D resource hash table
FIRSTCOLOREDMIP [value] sets the first colored mip or 255 if none provided (D3D)
FIXEDFPS [value] sets a fixed FPS
FIXEDVISIBILITY toggle fixed visiblity, with fixed visibility the visibility wil
l no longer be updated when moving around
HIDEACTORS hide all actors
NEARCLIP [value] sets the near clipping plane
REND render various items (only for clients)
RENDEREMULATE rendering emulation
RMODE [value] set the render mode
SHOW toggle display of various items (only for clients)
SHOWACTORS show all actors
SHOWALL show all actors (set bhidden to false)
TEXSTATS dump texture stats
TOGGLEREFRAST toggle software rasterizer
QUIT same as EXIT
RECONNECT reconnects the client to the current game/server
SERVERTRAVEL travels the client to the server by the name/address of the string
that comes immediately after
START similar to OPEN, difference is it does a TRAVEL_Absolute instead of TRAVEL
KDEBUGCONTACTS toggle logging of karma contacts
KDRAW toggle drawing of various Karma elements
COLLISION karma collision geometry in green wireframe.
COM the centre of mass of Karma-simulated Actors
CONTACTS active contacts indicating position, penetration and normal.
JOINTS joints including limits
TRIANGLES all terrain/bsp triangles being considered by Karma collision
KNOTRICOLL toggle triangle collision calculation with the level
KSAFETIME [0/1] sets the usage of Karma Safe-Time
KSTOP stop karma evolution
DEMOPLAY play a demo
DEMOREC record a demo
DUMPFRAMES create a screenshot for every frame
RECORDMOVIE record a movie of the current game
SHOT create a screenshot
STOPDEMO stop demo playbackrecording
AUDIO FLUSH TRUE flush all sound buffers
CHECKSOUNDPLAYING returns 1 if a sound is playing, otherwise 0
GETDURATION [handle] returns the duration of the sound with said [handle]
PAUSESOUNDS iterates through all sound sources and sets their paused flag
ROLLOFF sets the sound RollOff value to the value of the string parameter
SETTEMPMUSICVOLUME set the music volume (but don t save it)
SOUND_REBOOT restart the sound driver
STOPSOUNDS stop all non-streaming sounds
UNPAUSESOUNDS iterates through all sound sources and unsets their paused flag
WEAPONRADIUS sets a default sound radius to the value of the string parameter
CRACKURL breaks down passed URL to the engine for the map/game and displays all
GETCURRENTTICKRATE displays the current tick rate
GETLOSS current packet loss
GETMAXTICKRATE displays the max allowed tick rate
GETPING get the current ping
INJECT [cmd] inject [cmd] to the server, [cmd] has special meanings
NETSPEED set the netspeed
GET [class] [property] returns the default value of a class property
GETALL [class] [property] returns the value property for all instantiated classe
GETSYSTEMLANGUAGE return the system language
GSPYLITE tells the engine to run GameSpy Lite executable
GTIME displays the value of GTime
POKE [class] [object] [property] [value] poke class property
PREFERENCES show preferences window
RELAUNCH flushes the engine and then relaunchs the executable
SAVEGAME tells the engine to save the current game state. See SavingAndLoadingGa
mes for more info.
SAY GUI server only
SET this one is the most powerful of them all. It takes as the first parameter s
tring a class name, the second string a variable name, and the third string, a v
alue. All objects of the given class (including subclasses) will have the given
variable set to the given value. For example “set Pawn CollisionRadius 200&
#148; will make all pawns have a collision radius of 200. (See PawnTricksAndTips
for more details). In v3323 the set command has limited functionality when usin
g online, this is to limit cheating.
SETMOUSE x y warp mouse to X,Y
TTS [text] feed [text] to the Text To Speech engine

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