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Anonim. 2008. Sphagnum.

Language=la&PhotoId=201&Photo=Sphagnum-sp. Diakses tanggal 15 Desember 2008 pukul

Sphagnum adalah tanaman yang hidup dengan singkat dan memiliki tinggi hanya
beberapa sentimeter tinggi. Sphagnum berkembang di udara sejuk, kondisi iklim basah. Mungkin
ada berbagai jenis Sphagnum lumut dalam rawa, Jenis Sphagnum dapat menyerap hampir 30 kali
massa mereka di air.

Aquatic Moss

Species: Sphagnum spp., peat moss, sphagum Sphagnum spp., Gambut, sphagum

Sphagnaceae Sphagnaceae

Mosses, as well as liverworts, belong to a plant group called Bryophytes. Tumbuhan lumut, serta liverworts,
termasuk dalam kelompok tanaman yang disebut Bryophytes. The Bryophytes are characterized by having no
specialized food and water transport tissues. Yang Bryophytes dengan ciri-ciri khusus tidak ada makanan dan air
jaringan transportasi. They lack flowers, true leaves, stems, or roots, but they do have analogous structures.
Mereka kurangnya bunga, benar daun, batang, atau akar, tetapi mereka tidak memiliki struktur sejalan. Peat moss
is unique in that it can hold large quantities of water inside its cells. Gambut adalah program yang unik karena
dapat menyimpan dalam jumlah besar dengan air di dalam sel. Some species can hold up to 20 times their dry
weight in water which is why peat moss is commonly sold as a soil amendment. Beberapa spesies dapat
menyimpan hingga 20 kali berat kering mereka di air yang mengapa gambut umumnya dijual sebagai tanah
amandemen. Peat moss can acidify its surroundings, and is commonly found in bogs and fens. Gambut dapat
acidify sekitarnya, dan umumnya ditemukan di bogs dan fens.

Individual peat moss plants consist of a wiry main axis with small clusters of soft, floppy side branches.
Individu gambut tanaman terdiri dari liat poros utama dengan kelompok kecil yang lembut, floppy sisi
cabang. The top of the plant has compact clusters of young branches. Bagian atas tanaman telah kompak
dari kelompok muda cabang. The side branches consist of a series of more-or-less overlapping, cup-
shaped, or spear-shaped "leaves". Pihak cabang terdiri dari serangkaian atau lebih-kurang-tumpang tindih,
cangkir berbentuk, atau tombak berbentuk "daun". Some species have thick, water-swollen "leaves" and a
correspondingly plump appearance, while other species hold smaller amounts of water and thus have a
thinner, stringier appearance. Beberapa spesies memiliki tebal, air-bengkak "daun" dan correspondingly
tiba-tiba muncul, sementara spesies lainnya terus jumlah kecil dan air sehingga memiliki tipis, stringier

Leaf: Lacks true leaves. Daun: daun tidak benar. Peat mosses have leaf-like structures with two kinds
of cells; small green living cells and large clear structural dead cells. Tumbuhan lumut gambut
memiliki seperti daun-struktur dengan dua jenis sel; hijau kecil dan besar sel hidup jelas struktural
sel-sel. They are spoon shaped or spear shaped and are clear, green, yellowish or reddish. Mereka
adalah berbentuk sendok atau berbentuk tombak dan yang jelas, hijau, kekuning-kuningan atau

Stem: Lacks a true stem. Batang: batang kekurangan yang benar. The brown, black or
yellowish main axis is thin, wiry, and upright. Yang coklat, hitam atau kekuning-kuningan
poros utama adalah tipis, liat, dan tulus.

Flower: Flowers are not produced. Bunga: Bunga tidak diproduksi. Spores are released from
specialized black, shiny capsules located at the tips of thin stalks. Spora yang dilepaskan dari
khusus hitam, mengkilat capsules terletak di tips tipis dari tangkainya.

Fruit: Buah: Mosses lack fruits. Tumbuhan lumut kekurangan buah-buahan. Spores are
produced in capsules. Spora yang dihasilkan di capsules.

Root: No true roots. Root: Tidak benar akar. Branched filaments, called rhizoids, develop on
some species and serve to anchor plants to the substrate. Branched filaments, disebut rhizoids,
mengembangkan dan pada beberapa jenis tanaman jangkar untuk melayani ke substrat.

Propagation: Spores and fragmentation. Propagasi: spora dan fragmentasi.

Importance of plant: Used as a soil amendment, packing material, absorbent, and fuel.
Pentingnya tanaman: Digunakan sebagai tanah amandemen, bahan kemasan, penyerap, dan
bahan bakar. Historically used as bandage material because of its acidic, antibacterial quality.
Historis digunakan sebagai bahan pembalut karena ber-asam, antibacterial kualitas.

Distribution: Peat moss species found in Washington are found primarily in the Northern
Hemisphere. Distribusi: gambut yang ditemukan di Washington ditemukan terutama di
Belahan Utara.

Habitat: Bogs and fens; often forms mats on bog surfaces. Habitat: Bogs dan fens; sering
bentuk tikar di permukaan tanah berlumpur.

May be confused with: Other moss species. Mungkin bingung dengan: Lain-lain spesies
lumut. Peat moss can be distinguished by its unique branch clusters. Gambut dapat dibedakan
oleh cabang kelompok yang unik. The plant color, the shape of the "leaves" growing around
the "stems," and the shape of the green cells are characteristics used to identify peat moss to
species. Tanaman warna, bentuk "daun" berkembang di sekitar "batang," dan bentuk sel hijau
yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik gambut untuk spesies.

Photographs: Foto: closeup dari Sphagnum sp. tanaman

Line Drawings: Pengundian baris: Sphagnum sp.
2. Melastoma
No higher resolution available.
Anonim. 2008. Melastoma.,_Duars,_West_Beng
al_W_IMG_5977.jpg Diakses pada tanggal 15 Desember 2008 pukul 15.05
Tanaman perdu dengan tinggi 0,5 – 4 m. Cabang yang muda bersisik. Daun bertangkai,
berhadapan, memanjang atau bulat telur memanjang, dengan ujung runcing, bertulang daun 3,
2 – 20 kali 1- 8 cm, kedua belah sisinya berbulu. Bunga bersama-sama 5 – 18, pada ujung dan di
ketiak daun yang tertinggi, berbilangan 5 – (4 - 6). Tabung kelopak berbentuk lonceng, bersisik,
taju kebanyakan lebih pendek dari pada tabung, bersisik, rontok berseling dengan sejumlah gigi
kecil. Daun pelindung bersisik, langsing, 5 kali 2 mm, tidak menutupi kuncup. Daun mahkota
bulat telur terbalik, panjang 2 – 3 cm, ungu merah, jarang putih. Benang sari 10 (8 - 12),
memanjang dari penghubung sari di bawah ruang sari pada benang sari yang panjang 6 – 16
mm, pada yang pendek 2 – 7 mm. Bakal buah beruang 5 – (4 - 6), dihubungkan oleh bingkai
terhadap tabung kelopak. Buah buni berbentuk periuk, membuka melintang secara tak teratur,
di mana terlepas bingkai biji yang merah tua. Biji berbentuk kerang. Padang rumput, semak,
hutan kecil, 5 – 2.000 m

(Steenis, Van. 2006. Flora. PT Pradnya Paramita : Jakarta)

Taxonomic name: Melastoma candidum D. Don

Synonyms: Melastoma septemnervium
Common names: Asian melastome (English), Indian rhododendron (English-Hawaii), Malabar melastome
Organism type: shrub

Melastoma candidum (Asian melastome) is an invasive shrub that can spread rapidly and may form dense
monotypic thickets in a variety of habitats such as: open land, grassland, shrubland and native forest. It
originates from southeast Asia and was introduced to Hawaii as an ornamental shrub. All species of the
genus Melastoma have a notoriously weedy history and noxious weed status but are still cultivated in
Hawaii and elsewhere.

Melastoma candidum are "Erect shrubs or small trees 1.5-5m tall, branches and petioles are densely
covered with a mixture of short, appressed, laciniate scales 0.5-1mm long and longer lanceolate scales 1.5-
5mm long. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-ovate, 4-11cm long, 1.3-4cm wide, 5(-7) nerved, upper surface
strigose to scabrous, lower surface sericeous but with a mixture of scales on the nerves like those of the
young branches, margins entire, apex acute, base obtuse to rounded, petioles 5-12mm long. Inflorescenses
2-7 flowered, pedicels 10-12mm long in fruit, bracts and bracteoles elliptic, lanceolate, or ovate, 1-2.2cm
long, 0.5-1.3cm wide, early deciduous; hypanthium densely covered with imbricate, lanceolate, ciliolate
scales; calyx 5-lobed, triangular-lanceolate, 0.7-2cm long; petals usually 5, pink, 2.5-3.2cm long, 1.5-2.3cm
wide; anthers of larger stamens 10-11mm long, anthers of smaller stamens 8.5-10mm long. Berries 5-
celled, 10-15mm long." (Wagner et al., 1999 in Starr et al. 2003)

Similar Species
Melastoma malabathricum, Melastoma sanguineum, Tibouchina urvilleana

Occurs in:
natural forests, range/grasslands, ruderal/disturbed, scrub/shrublands, wetlands

Habitat description
Melastoma candidum grows in light forests, clearings, and grass lands, or on rocky slopes from sea level to
1,500m elevation (Starr et al. 2003).  It favours mesic to wet areas and bog margin habitats in Hawaii
(Wagner et al. 1999 in PIER 2006).

General impacts
Melastoma candidum can spread rapidly and smother to death vegetation that stand in its way (Degener
1973 in Starr et al.). Both M. candidum and the related similar species M. sanguineum form dense
monotypic thickets up to 2m tall (Starr et al. 2003).

Melastoma spp. are introduced through the horticulture trade and are still cultivated as ornamental shrubs in
Hawaii and elsewhere (Starr et al. 2003). Melastoma candidum is also a Chinese medicinal herb of Hong
Kong (USDA-GRIN 2006).

Some Tibouchina species may be confused as Melastoma species (Starr et al. 2003).

Geographical range
Native range: Melastoma candidum is native to Vietnam, southern China, Philippines, Taiwan, Ryukyu
Islands, and southern Japan (Starr et al. 2003).
Known introduced range: Hawaii (PIER 2006).

Introduction pathways to new locations

For ornamental purposes: Melastoma spp. are spread long distance by humans in the horticulture trade and
are still cultivated as an ornamental shrub in Hawaii and elsewhere (Starr et al. 2003).
Transportation of habitat material: Asian melastome can disperse accidentally as contaminants on hapu'u
ferns or hapu'u mulch that is harvested from the wild forests of Hawai'i Island (Starr et al. 2003).
Local dispersal methods
Garden escape/garden waste: In Hawaii, Asian melastome has escaped from cultivation and is now locally
abundant and invasive in mesic to wet areas, windward areas, and bog margins on Kauai, Oahu, and Hawaii
from sea level up to about 900 m (2,952 ft) (Starr et al. 2003).
Natural dispersal (local): Asian melastome can be pollinated by bees and spread by fruit eating birds and
possibly other mammals (Smith 1999 in Starr et al. 2003).

Management information
Preventative measures: A Risk Assessment of Melastoma candidum for Hawaii and other Pacific islands
was prepared by Dr. Curtis Daehler (UH Botany) with funding from the Kaulunani Urban Forestry
Program and US Forest Service. The alien plant screening system is derived from Pheloung et al. (1999)
with minor modifications for use in Pacific islands (Daehler et al. 2004). The result is a score of 13 and a
recommendation of: "Reject the plant for import (Australia) or species likely to be of high risk (Pacific)."

Chemical: Asian melastome is "sensitive to hormone type herbicides 2,4-D, dicamba and triclopyr at 1
lb/acre, and to metsulfuron at 0.45 oz/acre. It is sensitive to basal bark and stump bark applications of 2,4-D
and triclopyr at 4% in diesel." (Motooka et al., 2002).
Cut at the base of the plant and treat with a herbicide. Cut material should be disposed off properly.
Ester formulations of triclopyr may be mixed in oil at 20% concentration or more and applied as in
horizontal or vertical streaks on the basal bark to kill stumps (Motooka et al., 2002). These methods will
cause less effects on native species that coexist with the target (Starr et al. 2003).
Soluble herbicide triclopyr can be drizzled over weeds at the appropriate concentration. However it is
uncertain whether foliar spray applications would work, and this would have the most non-target effects
and may be unsitely in a garden situation (Starr et al. 2003).

Biological: Several moth species (Lepidoptera) have been introduced as biological control agents for M.
candidum in Hawaii (Teramoto and Heu 2000 in Starr et al. 2003).

Physical: Small, cultivated specimens can be pulled up by hand (Starr et al. 2003).

Preventative measures: All species in the genus Melastoma are listed as Hawaii state noxious weeds,
making it illegal to possess, sell, and propagate them in Hawaii. The public could be discouraged from
using any plants in the family Melastomataceae. The public could also be discouraged from planting
hapu'u ferns (Cibotium spp.) or use hapu'u mulch that is harvested from the wild forests of Hawaii as they
often harbor noxious weed species such as Melastoma spp. (Starr et al. 2003).

Melastoma candidum produce berry-like fruits that are dispersed by frugivorous birds (Smith 1985 in PIER
2006). "Many plants in the family Melastomataceae are pollinated by bees. Melastoma spp. can be
propagated from seeds." (Meyer 2000 in Starr et al. 2003)

Lifecycle stages
Perennial (USDA-NRCS 2006)

Reviewed by: Forest Starr and Kim Starr, Botanical Research Associates United States Geological Survey
Biological Resources Division Makawao, Maui, Hawaii USA

Principal sources: Starr et al.. 2003. Melastoma candidum. United States Geological Survey.
PIER 2006 Melastoma candidum
Compiled by: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species
Specialist Group (ISSG)

Last Modified: Wednesday, 6 December 2006

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