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Anti-Drug Music

Band Project
As we all know, drugs and the music industry
have often intersected with some very bad
results. Now that you have a better understanding of the effects of drugs on the body
your task is to create a fictional music group based on one of the drug categories from
the brochures you read (you CANNOT use Marijuana). You need to come up with a
group name and biography that reflects the unique qualities and characteristics of
your group (drug category) as well as appropriate stage names, album title, and
You may work individually or in groups of no more than 2 people.
Example: Introducing The Poppy Pushers with their hit song “I’m Too High To Breathe” The
name of the band references the origin of heroine and the song name describes the effect an
overdose would have on the body.
In addition, you will need to create an eye catching design for your group’s:
a.) CD BOOKLET INSERT - includes album title, group name, at least 6 songs,
group bio
b) ALBUM RELEASE POSTER/ADVERTISEMENT - includes your group name, album
title, at least 6 songs. Group bio must be either on the front of the poster as part of
the advertisement or printed separately and attached to the back of the poster.
You will need to research your drug category to make sure you have enough
information to prepare an effective product.
Example: Famous people who have died as a result of using drugs or events in history related to
the drug.
Also, you are not limited to the elements listed above. Part of your grade is for
creativity so BE CREATIVE!

NOTE!!! The point of this project is NOT to promote drug use but to
highlight the NEGATIVE effects of the drug and to creatively showcase your
knowledge of the drugs effects, characteristics and origin. Your project will not
be accepted if I decide that you are trying to be “slick” and portray using drugs
as a positive activity.
Project Rubric
This is a 100 point grade
You will be graded on the following criteria
a.) Quality of final product (40 points)
• Does your project include all of the elements required?
• Is the project showcase quality with above average visual detail
• Does the project make use of appropriate graphics and print.
b.) Knowledge integration (40 points)
• Does your project exhibit clear understanding and application of the
properties and characteristics of the specific drug or drug category?
This is for fun but you must make sure that your information is
correct/accurate and relevant to your particular drug.
c.) Creativity (20 points)
• Originality of idea
• Creative and/or unique interpretation or use of elements

Extra Credit:
Individual points are the points you receive if you do the task by yourself; the
group points are how many points you receive per person (no more than two) in
a group.
• Come up with lyrics for one of your songs. (10 pts indiv./7 pts group)
• Perform and record one of your songs. (20 pts indiv./15 pts group)
• Act out an interview in character and record it. (15 pts indiv./10 pts group)
• Projects that go above and beyond will also get extra points up to 10

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