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Fasilitator dan Hambatan untuk Penyampaian dan Serapan Skrining

Kanker Serviks di Indonesia: Tinjauan Ruang Lingkup


SITI NADIFAH (1911011030)




Puji syukur kehadirat ALLAH SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat serta hidayah-
Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan lancar. Tidak lupa juga
sholawat serta salam kami panjatkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW
yang menjadi tauladan dalam menuntut ilmu.

Adapun maksud dari penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas Mata
Kuliah “Maternitas 2” yang kami susun dalam bentuk kajian ilmiah dengan judul “Kritikal
Jurnal” dan dengan selesainya penyusunan makalah ini, kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan
terimakasih kepada Ns.Dyan Indriyani., S.kep., M.kep. sebagai Dosen Pengampu Maternitas
2 Prodi S-1 Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.
Kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam penulisan makalah ini. Oleh karena
itu, kami sangat senang dan terbuka untuk menerima kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan
makalah ini.

Jember, 18 Oktober 2021




KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................................... I

DAFTAR ISI............................................................................................................................II

BAB I PENDAHULUAN.........................................................................................................4

1.1 LATAR BELAKANG...................................................................................................4

1.2 TUJUAN PENULISAN.................................................................................................5

BAB II CRITICAL APPRAICAL..........................................................................................6

2.1 RINGKASAN ARTIKEL ......................................................................................................6

2.2 CRITICAL APPRAICAL...........................................................................................................8

BAB III PEMBAHASAN.......................................................................................................17

3.1 INTERPRETASI HASIL.....................................................................................................17

3.2 KETERBATASAN PENELITIAN.........................................................................................18
3.3 IMPLIKASI TERHADAP PELAYANAN KESEHATAN..........................................................19

BAB IV PENUTUP................................................................................................................20

4.1 KESIMPULAN...............................................................................................................20

4.2 SARAN............................................................................................................................20

DAFTAR PUSTAKA.............................................................................................................21

LAMPIRAN JURNAL...........................................................................................................22

1.1 Latar belakang
Kanker Serviks disebut juga “silent kanker” karena perkembangan kanker ini sangat
sulit dideteksi. Perjalanan dari infeksi virus menjadi kanker membutuhkan waktu yang
cukup lama, sekitar 10-20 tahun. Kanker serviks adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan
terkemuka yang mencolok bagi perempuan di seluruh dunia dengan perkiraan 529.409
kasus baru dan 89% di negara-negara berkembang. World Health Organization (WHO)
tahun 2013 menyebutkan, diperkirakan ada 500.000 pengidap kanker serviks setiap
tahunnya di dunia dan 274.000 atau 54,8% kasus kematian terjadi setiap tahun. Sekitar
80% dari semua kematian akibat kanker serviks dilaporkan berasal dari negaranegara
berkembang. Kanker serviks tidak hanya memengaruhi kesehatan dan kehidupan
perempuan, tetapi juga anak-anak mereka, keluarga, dan masyarakat pada umumnya.
Tingginya insiden kanker serviks di Indonesia dan sebagian besar pasien yang
terdiagnosis kanker serviks berada pada stadium lanjut menjadi alasan pentingnya
dilakukan deteksi dini terhadap kanker serviks. Tujuan dari deteksi dini adalah untuk
menemukan kasus-kasus stadium dini sehingga kemungkinan penyembuhan dapat
ditingkatkan (Fauziah et al., 2015; Aziz, 2005). Beberapa metode deteksi dini yang dapat
digunakan antara lain pemeriksaan Pap smear, inspeksi visual asam asetat (IVA), tes
human papillomavirus (HPV) dan kolposkopi. Namun, hanya Pap smear yang telah
digunakan secara luas dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks (WHO, 2013). Kanker serviks
berkembang dari lesi prakanker, dikenal sebagai Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
yang ditandai dengan adanya perubahan displastik pada epitel serviks (Edianto, 2006).
Penelitian sebelumnya di Iraq tahun 2012, didapatkan kasus lesi prakanker serviks
sebanyak 18,9% dari seluruh hasil Pap smear (Chkhaim et al., 2012). Penelitian lainnya di
Puskesmas Kecamatan Jatinegara tahun 2013, dari hasil pemeriksaan IVA didapatkan
kasus lesi prakanker serviks sebanyak 48% (Wahyuningsih & Mulyani, 2014). Hasil
survei yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di bagian rekam medis Laboratorium Patologi
Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Unand periode Agustus 2014-Juli 2015, didapatkan kasus
lesi prakanker serviks sebanyak 28,2% dari seluruh hasil Pap smear. Lesi prakanker
serviks diawali oleh infeksi HPV dan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang
meningkatkan risiko lesi prakanker antara lain usia tua, usia menikah terlalu dini, mitra
seksual terlalu banyak, penyakit menular seksual, multiparitas, penggunaan kontrasepsi,
merokok dan status sosial ekonomi yang rendah. Faktor-faktor risiko tersebut akan

berperan dalam proses karsinogenesis sehingga mengubah sel normal menjadi sel
abnormal yang mengarah pada keganasan serviks (Monteiro et al., 2006).

1.2 Tujuan Umum

1. Agar mengetahui fasilitator dan hambatan penyampaian skrining kanker serviks

1.3 Tujuan khusus

1. Mengetahui distribusi frekuensi presepsi manfaat tentang pemeriksaan skrining

kanker serviks
2. Mengetahui tentang presepsi kerentangan pemeriksaan skrining kanker serviks ]
3. Mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi manfaat dengan pemeriksaan skrining kanker

2.1 Ringkasan artikel ilmiah
2.1.1 Abstrack
Latar Belakang: Kanker serviks (CC) merupakan kanker kedua
terbanyak pada wanita. Di Indonesia, cakupan penyaringan CC nasional rendah
pada 12%, menyoroti kebutuhan untuk menyelidiki fasilitator dan hambatan untuk
penyaringan. Tujuan: Tinjauan ini mensintesis penelitian tentang fasilitator dan
hambatan dalam penyampaian dan pengambilan skrining CC; menganalisisnya
dalam hal faktor sisi penawaran dan permintaan dan keterkaitan; dan mengusulkan
rekomendasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut. Metode: Medline Ovid, CINAHL,
Global Health, Neliti, SINTA dan Google Scholar adalah dicari, menerapkan string
pencarian dengan kata kunci yang relevan dengan penyaringan, CC dan
Indonesia.Total 34 catatan dimasukkan, semuanya adalah publikasi tentang
skrining CC di Indonesia (2000- 2020) dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia.
Catatan dianalisis untuk mengidentifikasi temuan yang relevan dengan kategori
hambatan dan fasilitator, faktor sisi penawaran dan permintaan. Hasil: Fasilitator
sisi permintaan yang diidentifikasi termasuk: suami, keluarga atau dukungan
sosial/rekan sebaya (14 studi); ketersediaan informasi, pengetahuan dan kesadaran
(12 studi); sikap positif dan persepsi yang kuat tentang manfaat skrining dan
keseriusan CC (12 studi); lebih tinggi pendidikan dan status sosial ekonomi (11
studi); memiliki asuransi kesehatan; dan jarak pendek untuk layanan skrining (4
studi). Bukti di sisi penawaran terbatas. Fasilitator sisi penawaran termasuk
konseling dan dukungan (6 studi), dan kemudahan akses (6 studi). Sisi permintaan
hambatan yang diidentifikasi terfokus pada: kurangnya pengetahuan/kesadaran dan
kurangnya kepercayaan diri dalam penyaringan (14 studi); ketakutan, fatalisme dan
rasa malu (10 studi); kendala waktu dan transportasi (8 studi); dan kurangnya
persetujuan dan dukungan suami (6 studi). Hambatan sisi penawaran termasuk:
kurangnya penyedia skrining yang terampil (3 studi); kurangnya advokasi dan
promosi kesehatan (3 studi); kendala sumber daya (3 studi); dan kurangnya
pengawasan dan dukungan untuk perawatan kesehatan penyedia (3 studi).
Kesimpulan: Fasilitator dan hambatan tercermin dalam temuan sisi penawaran dan
permintaan. Cakupan geografis dan keragaman populasi penelitian yang ada
terbatas dan lebih jauh penelitian sisi penawaran sangat dibutuhkan.

2.1.2 Ringkasan
Kanker serviks (CC) adalah kanker paling umum keempat pada wanita di
seluruh dunia dan salah satu kanker paling umum di negara berpenghasilan rendah
dan menengah (LMICs) [1]. Pada tahun 2018, 84% dari semua diagnosis CC baru
serta 90% kematian terkait CC mempengaruhi wanita di LMICs [2]. Kanker
reproduksi berkontribusi pada meningkatnya beban penyakit kronis di seluruh
dunia, yang secara tidak proporsional mempengaruhi LMICS khususnya Asia
Tenggara [3,4]. Selain itu, tiga kali lebih banyak wanita meninggal karena kanker
reproduksi daripada wanita yang meninggal karena komplikasi persalinan setiap
tahun.5]. Di Indonesia, penyakit kronis termasuk kanker mendominasi angka
kematian negara dan menyumbang 73% dari semua kematian.6,7]. Wanita di
LMICs meninggal secara tidak proporsional akibat kanker reproduksi
dibandingkan dengan wanita di negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi karena
kurangnya akses ke layanan hemat biaya dan menyelamatkan jiwa
a. Metode
Tinjauan pelingkupan mengikuti pedoman tinjauan pelingkupan PRISMA
dan termasuk artikel penelitian peer-review dan literatur abu-abu seperti yang
didefinisikan oleh Auger (1998) [28], diterbitkan antara tahun 2000 dan
2020, dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia, dan yang melaporkan program
penyaringan CC nasional di Indonesia [27]. Periode waktu dipilih karena
program skrining CC nasional diujicobakan dan diperkenalkan pada awal
2000-an. Lima database berikut digunakan untuk mencari studi yang
memenuhi syarat: Medline Ovid, CINAHL, Global Health, Neliti, SINTA
dan Google Scholar (10 halaman pertama hasil). Basis data Indonesia SINTA
dan Neliti dimasukkan atas saran SA untuk memastikan penyertaan
penelitian yang diterbitkan hanya di Indonesia.
b. Hasil
Total 34 catatan memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yang semuanya adalah artikel
yang melaporkan studi yang diterbitkan dari jurnal peer-review. Ke-34 artikel
tersebut membahas studi yang dikelompokkan di sepuluh dari 34 provinsi di
Indonesia (enam di antaranya terletak di pulau Jawa): Jawa Tengah (n = 13),
Jawa Timur (n = 5), Jawa Barat (n = 4) , Jakarta (n = 3), Yogyakarta (n = 3),
Sumatera Utara (n = 1), Riau (n = 1), Sulawesi Selatan (n = 1), Banten (n =

1) dan Bali (n = 1 ). Sebagian besar artikel yang disertakan (n = 25)

membahas fasilitator dan hambatan [22,23,33,34,36,39– 42, 44–48,50–
52,54–58,60,61,63], dua artikel mengeksplorasi hambatan secara eksklusif
[31,59] dan tujuh artikel hanya berfokus pada fasilitator
[35,37,38,43,49,53,62]. Artikel yang mengeksplorasi sisi permintaan skrining
CC sebagian besar berfokus pada wanita, dengan 29 artikel melaporkan
penelitian yang hanya melibatkan peserta wanita. Tiga artikel melaporkan
studi dengan perempuan dan laki-laki sebagai peserta [22,31,40]. Empat
artikel dilaporkan pada studi yang juga termasuk penyedia layanan kesehatan
(HCP), petugas kesehatan atau manajer klinik kesehatan primer
[22,31,39,44 ].
c. Pembahasan
Bukti terbatas diidentifikasi untuk fasilitator sisi penawaran yang
menghasilkan fasilitator yang paling sering diidentifikasi termasuk konseling
dan dukungan (6 studi) dan kemudahan akses (6 studi). Demikian pula,
sebagian besar studi yang disertakan juga berfokus terutama pada hambatan
sisi permintaan dengan sebagian besar bukti berfokus pada kurangnya
pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan kurangnya kepercayaan dalam hasil atau
kualitas skrining (14 studi); ketakutan, fatalisme dan rasa malu (10 studi);
kendala waktu dan transportasi (8 studi) dan kurangnya izin suami dan
dukungan umum (6 studi). Tinjauan ini menyoroti beberapa kesenjangan
dalam penelitian yang ada tentang fasilitator dan hambatan untuk
penyaringan CC di Indonesia. Ada bias yang jelas dalam cakupan geografis
penelitian terhadap provinsi-provinsi di pulau Jawa, dengan 34 studi yang
dimasukkan hanya dilakukan di 10 dari 34 provinsi, enam di antaranya
berada di Jawa. Selain itu, penelitian ini terutama dilakukan di lokasi
perkotaan atau semi-perkotaan dengan inklusi terbatas dari pengalaman
skrining CC perempuan dan HCP di pedesaan atau daerah terpencil. Hal ini
menjadi perhatian karena perempuan di daerah pedesaan menghadapi
hambatan kumulatif yang lebih besar untuk mengakses skrining CC.
Fasilitator dan hambatan yang paling sering diidentifikasi di sisi permintaan
dan penawaran, adalahbiasanya saling berhubungan dan terkadang saling
bergantung. Dukungan untuk mengakses skrining CC yang diberikan oleh
suami atau lingkaran sosial dekat perempuan ditemukan menjadi fasilitator

yang paling umum, dan di mana dukungan tidak menjadi penghalang yang
paling umum [22,23,31,35–38,40,41,45,49,50,53,55–57,59,62]. asilitator di
seluruh penelitian tentang skrining CC di LMICs termasuk di Asia Tenggara,
yang menegaskan temuan tinjauan kami [12,66]. Namun, ini juga
menggarisbawahi fokus global yang terus-menerus pada wanita dalam
penelitian sebagai sumber utama untuk penyerapan skrining CC rendah,
tanpa mengontekstualisasikan penyerapan dalam masalah struktural yang
lebih luas dari sistem kesehatan masing-masing.
d. Kesimpulan
Tinjauan tersebut telah menunjukkan betapa pentingnya bagi pelaksana dan
pembuat kebijakan untuk mempertimbangkaninteraksi faktor sisi permintaan
dan sisi penawaran yang mendorong pengiriman dan penggunaan layanan
penyaringan CC. Sementara tinjauan ini telah menunjukkan beberapa
hambatan dan fasilitator signifikan yang menghubungkan sisi permintaan dan
penawaran, masih ada permintaan besar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut untuk
mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor ini dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam solusi
nyata untuk penyerapan dan penyampaian penyaringan CC, untuk
meningkatkan akses untuk penyaringan CC melalui UHC dan untuk
memenuhi target penyaringan negara yang ditetapkan untuk tahun 2030.
2.2 Critical Appraisal

Pada jurnal yang kami kritisi, peneliti sudah menampilkan abstrak di
halam pertama. Didalam abstrak tersebut, peneliti juga telah
Apakah penelitian menjelaskan tentang background, objective, methods, conclusions,
mencantumkan abstrak di dalam √
result. Jumlah kata didalam abstrak sebanyak 273, dan hal ini
jurnal? melebihi syarat dari abstrak yaitu maksimal terdapat 200 kata dalam
suatu abstrak. Abstrak pada jurnal yang dipilih ditulis dalam bahasa
Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia
Pada jurnal ini tidak dijelaskan tentang tujuan penelitian ini
Apakah tujuan

penelitian disebutkan?
Kata di dalam judul tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan penulisan
Apakah judul memenuhi kaidah
judul penelitian, dimana syarat-syarat judul penelitian yaitu:
penulisan judul?
1. Diketik dengan huruf kapital, pada jurnal ini judul tidak di
√ ketik menggunakan huruf kapital
2. Menggunakan huruf Times New Roman, pada judul huruf
tidak menggunakan times new roman
3. Ukuran huruf minimal 12, ukuran tidak sesuai dengan

penulisan judul
4. Format ketikan harus dalam bentuk piramida terbalik,
penulisan judul tidak sesuai yaitu judul tidak piramida
5. Menggunakan spasi 2 jika lebih dari satu baris dan spasi 1
jika lebih dari dua baris, judul sesuai dengan syarat
6. Jumlah kata pada judul penelitian antara 12-20 kata, jumlah
judul sesuai dengan syarat yaitu berjumlah 17 kata.
Tidak boleh disingkat dan ditulis pada bagian tengah, judul telah
sesuai dengan syarat yaitu tidak ada kata yang disingkat
Apakah penulisan judul Pada penulisan judul jurnal yang telah dipilih tidak menggunakan

menggunakan tanda baca (?) (!) tanda baca (!),(?), ataupun tanda hubung (-)
atau tanda hubung (-)
Apakah nama penulis Nama peneliti sudah tercantum dalam jurnal di halaman pertama

dicantumkan? yaitu terdiri dari Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers, Linda Rae Bennett,
PENULIS Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti & Siswanto Agus Wilopo
Apakah asal institusi penulis Jurnal penelitian yang telah dipilih mencantumkan asal institusi
dicantumkan? √ tepat dibawah nama peneliti yaitu Institut Kesehatan Global Nossal,
Universitas Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; BPusat Kesehatan
Reproduksi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan
Keperawatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


STIKES Surya Global

Apakah asal institusi penulis Berdasarkan jurnal yang kami critical, asal institusi penulis sesuai

sesuai dengan topik penelitian? dengan topik penelitian dimana berlatar belakang kesehatan yang
terletak di Indonesia.

Apakah bidang ilmu penelitian Bidang ilmu peneliti dalam jurnal ini sudah sesuai dengan judul

sesuai dengan judul penelitian? risetnya, peneliti mengambil jurusan keperawatan sesuai dengan topik
risetnya yang meneliti dalam bidang ilmu keperawatan yaitu
“Fasilitator dan hambatan untuk penyampaian dan penerapan skrining
kanker serviks di Indonesia: tinjauan pelingkupan”

Apakah peneliti mencantumkan Pada jurnal yang telah di critical peneliti mencantumkan beberapa
literatur review dalam literatur review untuk memperkuat hasil dari penelitiannya, misalnya
penelitiannya? mencantumkan penelitian:
Gambar 1. Keterkaitan antara hambatan, fasilitator, faktor sisi
penawaran dan permintaan.
Gambar 2. Bagan alir prisma [27].

Apakah peneliti menampilkan Didalam jurnal, peneliti tidak menampilkan kerangka konsep
kerangka konsep dalam sehingga membuat pembaca pada saat awal membaca kurang
penelitiannya? memahami konsep dari penelitiannya.
Apakah peneliti mencantumkan Definisi operasional juga tidak dicantumkan pada jurnal
definisi operasional pada Seharusnya Definisi operasional dicantumkan sehingga pembaca
penelitiannya? mampu memahami terkait parameter, hasil ukur, skala dari
yang diangkat.
Apakah desain penelitian sesuai Desain sudah sesuai dengan model penelitian.

dengan model penelitian?

Apakah sesuai level of evidence Dari desain penelitian pada jurnal yang dikritik yaitu Facilitators and
√ barriers for the delivery and uptake of cervical cancer screening in
(fakta) dari desain penelitian?
Indonesia: a scoping reviewsesuai dengan level of evidence dengan
METODE derajat 1a yang artinya evidence merupakan hasil meta analisis atau
sitematik review dari berbagai uji klinik acak dengan kontrol atau
kelola. Dimana dalam penelitian membandingan antara beberapa
artikel di 10 provinsi .

Apakah sesuai pemilihan sampel Pemilihan sampel pada penelitian tersebut yaitu 34 artikel dari 10

dalam penelitian tersebut? provinsi.


Apakah peneliti menggunakan Peneliti pada analisis menggunakan n=2

analisa data yang tepat atau
DATA Apakah peneliti mencantumkan
Tidak ada

jenis uji statistik yang digunakan?
Dalam bentuk apa hasil penelitian Peneliti menyajikan hasil penelitian dalam bentuk tabel serta
disajikan? √ keterangannya atau hasil dari penelitiannya.
Apakah hasil penelitian dapat Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan dapat diimplementasikan di

diimplementasikan di keperawatan, misalnya dapat dilakukan pada pasien yang mengalami
keperawatan? Kanker serviks
Apakah ada rekomendasi khusus Pada hasil dari penelitian, dalam jurnal tidak terdapat beberapa
terkait hasil penelitian? rekomendasi dari peneliti

Apakah daftar pustaka yang √ Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 80 daftar pustaka dengan referensi
digunakan up to date? tahun terlama yaitu 2008

Apakah daftar pustaka yang √ Daftar pustaka yang dipakai dalam jurnal tersebut sangat sesuai
DAFTAR digunakan sesuai? dengan topik yang dibahas yaitu pada lingkup dunia kesehatan.
PUSTAKA Terutama pada skrining kanker serviks
Apakah daftar pustaka yang Berhubungan dengan penelitian ini daftar pustaka yang di gunakan

digunakan dari sumber yang termasuk jurnal dan buku yang sesuai dengan bidang ilmunya.
Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini di lampirkan oleh peneliti, yaitu:
interaksi faktor sisi permintaan dan sisi penawaran yang
mendorong pengiriman dan penggunaan layanan penyaringan
Tidak ada saran pada penelitian ini di lampirkan oleh peneliti.
Bab ini menjelaskan makna hasil penelitian tentang “Fasilitator dan hambatan untuk
penyampaian dan penerapan skrining kanker serviks di Indonesia: Tinjauan Pelingkupan”.
Beberapa hal yang akan dipaparkan meliputi interpretasi hasil, keterbatasan penelitian dan
implikasinya untuk keperawatan..
Interpretasi hasil membahas tentang perbandingan teori yang ada di dalam tinjauan
pustaka dengan fakta dan opini dari peneliti serta didukung dengan literatur yang didapatkan.
Keterbatasan penelitian membahas tentang alasan–alasan rasional yang bersifat teknis.
Implikasi pelayanan keperawatan menyampaikan tentang kaitan hasil penelitian dengan
tatanan layanan kesehatan umumnya dan layanan keperawatan khususnya.
3.1 interpretasi hasil
Pencegahan CC mencakup pencegahan primer dan sekunder dan harus melibatkan
wanita sepanjang perjalanan hidup mereka. Untuk wanita yang aktif secara seksual,1
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) merekomendasikan program skrining dan perawatan
yang memprioritaskan wanita berusia 30-49 tahun, dan skrining ulang setiap 3-5 tahun [16].
Untuk pengaturan sumber daya yang lebih rendah seperti Indonesia, pemeriksaan visual
dengan metode penyaringan asam asetat (VIA) direkomendasikan. Indonesia mengadopsi
model yang direkomendasikan WHO dan memperkenalkan Proyek Pencegahan Kanker
Serviks dan Payudara, yang pertama kali diujicobakan di Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat
pada tahun 2007 [17]. Mulai tahun 2014, biaya penuh layanan pemeriksaan CC tertentu
ditanggung oleh Skema Asuransi Kesehatan Nasional. Program skrining CC nasional
Indonesia menyediakan layanan gratis untuk wanita menikah berusia 30-50 tahun, termasuk
IVA atau sitologi [18]. Skrining CC dilakukan setiap 3-5 tahun. Untuk wanita yang diskrining
positif untuk lesi prakanker, pemeriksaan ulang direkomendasikan setiap tahun.19–21]
Pendekatan tinjauan pelingkupan telah diterapkan dalam artikel ini untuk menyelidiki sejauh
mana pengetahuan heterogen pada topik, untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan pengetahuan,
dan untuk memandu penelitian masa depan [27]. Untuk tujuan tinjauan pelingkupan ini, kami
mendefinisikan sisi permintaan dari perhubungan penawaran-permintaan termasuk orang-
orang yang membutuhkan akses ke atau mempengaruhi akses ke layanan penyaringan CC.
Kriteria penyertaan untuk catatan mencakup hal-hal yang: 1) secara eksplisit membahas
hambatan dan/atau fasilitator untuk penyampaian atau penerapan skrining CC di Indonesia; 2)
diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia; dan 3) menyertakan deskripsi metodologi
penelitian yang memungkinkan kami untuk menentukan bahwa penelitian itu dapat diproduksi
kembali dan tidak bias. String pencarian dengan kata kunci relevan yang terdiri dari tiga sub-
pencarian dikembangkan dan mencakup istilah berikut: a) istilah skrining (pap smear* atau
papanicolaou* atau papanicolaou test atau pap test* atau inspeksi visual* atau tes VIA*),
b)istilah serviks uteri (serviks* atau serviks atau serviks uteri); c.Indonesia* Total 34 catatan
memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yang semuanya adalah artikel yang melaporkan studi yang
diterbitkan dari jurnal peer-review. Tabel 1 memberikan gambaran tentang literatur yang
disertakan. Dari 34 artikel, 29 artikel membahas studi yang menganalisis data primer (n = 29),
tiga artikel membahas studi yang menganalisis data sekunder,2 dan tiga artikel membahas
studi yang menganalisis data primer dan sekunder.3 Dari artikel yang disertakan, hampir dua
pertiga dalam bahasa Inggris (n = 22); sisanya dalam bahasa Indonesia (n = 12). Artikel yang
disertakan melaporkan studi yang terutama menerapkan metodologi kuantitatif (n = 27),
sementara enam artikel membahas studi yang menerapkan metodologi kualitatif. Salah satu
artikel yang disertakan membahas studi yang menerapkan metodologi campuran [31]. Ukuran
sampel dari berbagai penelitian berkisar antara 12 hingga 5.397 peserta. Sebagian besar artikel
yang disertakan (n = 25) membahas fasilitator dan hambatan [22,23,33,34,36,39– 42, 44–
48,50–52,54–58,60,61,63], dua artikel mengeksplorasi hambatan secara eksklusif [31,59] dan
tujuh artikel hanya berfokus pada fasilitator [35,37,38,43,49,53,62]. Artikel yang
mengeksplorasi sisi permintaan skrining CC sebagian besar berfokus pada wanita, dengan 29
artikel melaporkan penelitian yang hanya melibatkan peserta wanita. Tiga artikel melaporkan
studi dengan perempuan dan laki-laki sebagai peserta [22,31,40]. Empat artikel dilaporkan
pada studi yang juga termasuk penyedia layanan kesehatan (HCP), petugas kesehatan atau
manajer klinik kesehatan primer [22,31,39,44 ]. Penelitian yang mengevaluasi sisi penawaran
skrining CC terutama berfokus pada: pelatihan atau keterampilan petugas kesehatan; cakupan
layanan penyaringan CC; kapasitas pelayanan kesehatan; dan kendala sumber daya yang
mengarah pada implementasi yang buruk dan penyampaian layanan penyaringan CC.
Penelitian yang disertakan sebagian besar berfokus pada wanita yang sudah menikah, dengan
tujuh artikel melaporkan studi yang menganalisis pengambilan skrining CC wanita di antara
wanita yang sudah menikah secara eksklusif [36,41,45,50,51, 56,58]. Lima artikel lainnya
melaporkan studi yang menganalisis jawaban wanita dengan mayoritas menikah, berkisar
antara 65% dan 93% dari total sampel studi. [23,31,33,43,47]. Oleh karena itu, pengalaman
skrining perempuan yang belum menikah hampir seluruhnya tidak ada atau hanya ada dalam
persentase kecil dari sampel populasi yang disertakan dari studi individu.
3.2 keterbatasan peneliti
Dalam pencarian jurnal dan pengerjaan karya ilmiah ini sedikit terkendala jaringan
internet yang kurang mendukung dalam efektifitas penggunaan waktu dalam
Peneliti belum begitu familiar dalam menggunakan metode pencarian jurnal yang tepat
dan baik.

3.3 implikasi terhadap pelayanan keperawatan

Hasil karya ilmiah ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh skrining kanker serviks terhadap
upaya mendeteksi perubahan awal pada sel serviks, sehingga pengobatan dapat dilakukan
untuk mencegah perkembangan kanker .
4.1 Kesimpulan
Tinjauan tersebut telah menunjukkan betapa pentingnya bagi pelaksana dan pembuat
kebijakan untuk mempertimbangkan interaksi faktor sisi permintaan dan sisi penawaran yang
mendorong pengiriman dan penggunaan layanan penyaringan CC. Sementara tinjauan ini telah
menunjukkan beberapa hambatan dan fasilitator signifikan yang menghubungkan sisi
permintaan dan penawaran, masih ada permintaan besar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut untuk
mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor ini dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam solusi nyata untuk
penyerapan dan penyampaian penyaringan CC, untuk meningkatkan akses untuk penyaringan
CC melalui UHC dan untuk memenuhi target penyaringan negara yang ditetapkan untuk tahun
4.2 saran
1. Akademik
Hasil karya ilmiah ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi atau bahan acuan agar penyampaian
dan serapan skrining kanker serviks dapat dilakukan.
2. Rumah sakit
Hasil karya ilmiah ini disarankan pada pihak rumah sakit khususnya teman sejawat untuk
mensinergikan penerapan terapi non farmakologis dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan
pada pasien.
3. Peneliti selanjutnya
Diharapakan untuk peneliti selanjutnya menambah ide-ide agar lebih jelas isi dari artikel

WHO. Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control. Jenewa; 2006.

Nuranna L. 2005, Penanggulangan Kanker Serviks Yang Sahih dan Andal Dengan Model

Proaktif-VO (Proaktif, Koordinatif Dengan Skrining IVA dan Terapi Krio).

[Disertasi]. Program Pasca Sarjana FKUI. Jakarta,.

Aziz MF. Vaksin Human Papilloma Virus: Suatu Alternatif dalam Pengendalian Kanker

Serviks di Masa Depan. Dalam: Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Tetap dalam Ilmu

Obstetri dan Ginekologi. Jakarta: FKUI; 2005

Lampiran Jurnal

Global Health Action

ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:

Facilitators and barriers for the

delivery and uptake of cervical
cancer screening in Indonesia: a
scoping review

Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers, Linda Rae Bennett,

Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti & Siswanto Agus

To cite this article: Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers, Linda Rae Bennett,
Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti & Siswanto Agus Wilopo (2021)
Facilitators and barriers for the delivery and uptake of cervical cancer
screening in Indonesia: a scoping review, Global Health Action, 14:1,
1979280, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2021.1979280

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2021, VOL. 14, 1979280


Facilitators and barriers for the delivery and uptake of cervical

cancer screening in Indonesia: a scoping review
Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers a, Linda Rae Bennett a, Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti a

and Siswanto Agus Wilopob

Nossal Institute of Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; bCenter for Reproductive Health, Faculty of

Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Background: Cervical cancer (CC) is the second most common female cancer. In Received 19 March 2021
Indonesia, national CC screening coverage is low at 12%, highlighting the need to Accepted 6 September 2021
investigate facilitators and barriers to screening.
Objective: This review synthesises research on facilitators and barriers to the delivery Julia Schröders
and uptake of CC screening; analyses them in terms of supply- and demand-side factors
and their interconnectedness; and proposes recommendations for further research. KEYWORDS
Methods: Medline Ovid, CINAHL, Global Health, Neliti, SINTA and Google Scholar were Gynaecological cancer;
searched, applying a search string with keywords relevant to screening, CC and female cancer; secondary
Indonesia. In total 34 records were included, all were publications on CC screening in prevention; sexual and
Indonesia (2000- 2020) in English or Indonesian. Records were analysed to identify reproductive health and
findings relevant to the categories of barriers and facilitators, supply-and demand-side rights; visual inspection with
factors. acetic acid
Results: Demand-side facilitators identified included: husband, family or social/peer
support (14 studies); information availability, knowledge and awareness (12 studies);
positive attitudes and strong perception of screening benefit and the seriousness of CC
(12 studies); higher education and socioeconomic status (11 studies); having health
insurance; and short distance to screening services (4 studies). Evidence on supply-side was
limited. Supply-side facilitators included counselling and support (6 studies), and ease of
access (6 studies). Demand-side barriers identified focused on: lack of
knowledge/awareness and lack of confidence in screen- ing (14 studies); fear, fatalism and
shame (10 studies); time and transportation constraints (8 studies); and lack of husband
approval and support (6 studies). Supply-side barriers included: lack of skilled screening
providers (3 studies); lack of advocacy and health promotion (3 studies); resource
constraints (3 studies); and lack of supervision and support for health care providers (3
Conclusions: Facilitators and barriers were mirrored in the supply- and demand-side
findings. The geographical scope and population diversity of existing research is limited
and further supply-side research is urgently needed.

Cervical cancer (CC) is the fourth most common can- interventions [5]. Many LMICs also struggle with
cer in women worldwide and one of the most common inadequate and fragmented health systems ill-
cancers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) equipped to attend to the screening needs of all
[1]. In 2018, 84% of all new CC diagnoses as well as women, further reinforcing the disadvantage and
90% of CC-related deaths affected women in LMICs cycle of poverty already experienced by vulnerable
[2]. Reproductive cancers contribute to the rising bur- women [5].
den of chronic diseases worldwide, which dispropor- A data analysis of 185 countries from the
tionally affect LMICS in particular Southeast Asia Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan) 2018 data-
[3,4]. In addition, three times more women die from base, showed that Africa accounts for the highest
repro- ductive cancers than women die from childbirth CC incidence and mortality rates worldwide due
com- plications every year [5]. In Indonesia, chronic to high rates of HIV, followed by South-eastern
diseases including cancer dominate the country’s Asia [1,8]. Within Asia, Indonesia accounts for
mortality rates and contribute to 73% of all deaths one of the highest CC age-standardised incidence
[6,7]. Women in LMICs die disproportionally from (approx. 24 per 100,000 women-years) and mor-
reproductive can- cers compared to women in high- tality rates (approx. 15 per 100,000 women-years)
income countries due to lack of access to cost- [1]. Moreover, Indonesia’s reported CC incidence
effective and life-saving

CONTACT Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers Nossal Institute of Global Health, The University of Melbourne,
Level 5, 333 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
doubled between 2012 and 2018 [9]. This jump For low-income women, CC screening is available
may reflect the Government of Indonesia’s (GoI) for free at primary health centres (puskesmas) or
introduction of universal health coverage (UHC) during outreach mass screening programs conducted
through the National Health Insurance Scheme within low-income communities [22]. While reliable
(JKN) in 2014, which resulted in CC treatment data on health care coverage in Indonesia is scarce,
becoming free of charge and subsequently more some estimates from 2014 indicated that govern-
women are presenting for diagnosis and treatment ment-run screening programs were only available in
[10]. The introduction of UHC indicates the GoI’s eight out of 34 provinces [21,23,24]. The CC screen-
commitment towards realising its citizens’ right to ing coverage reached only 12% of women in the
health. However, women’s fulfilment of their right target population (30–50 years) in 2020 [25]. There
to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health is also great variance between provinces with the
care in relation to the prevention and early detec- lowest CC screening coverage reported in Papua
tion of CC remains insufficient. At present, 70% (0,9%), while the highest coverage was in Bangka
of Indonesian women are diagnosed at advanced Belitung (25%) [25,26]. This indicates widespread
stages of CC and 50% of all Indonesian women inequality in access to the government-run CC
diagnosed die from the disease [11,12]. Fifty screening covered by the National Insurance
Indonesian women are now dying daily from CC Scheme and significant shortfalls in capacity in public
[13]. As a result of the significant burden of CC, screening service delivery.
Indonesia has signed the World Health Indonesia faces manifold challenges in CC screen-
Organization (WHO)’s Global Strategy to ing program implementation and uptake and
Accelerate the Elimination of CC launched in a detailed assessment of existing literature is needed
2020. The GoI has committed to screen at least to inform improvements in CC screening program
70% of women between the ages 35 and 45 and to delivery and uptake by 2030. No comprehensive ana-
enable 90% of women diagnosed with CC to lysis of prior research on the range of barriers and
receive treatment by 2030 [14,15]. While our facilitators influencing both the delivery and uptake of
focus in this review is on Indonesia, the review CC screening has been undertaken. This is a crucial
contributes to the larger global project of devel- gap, as improvements in screening coverage cannot be
oping and interpreting a sufficient evidence-base realised without a comprehensive understanding of the
to tackle the vast inequity in access to life-saving underlying dynamics and challenges from both the
cervical cancer screening among women living in demand and supply sides. This scoping review analyses
LMIC. existing research on CC screening in Indonesia to
synthesise what is currently known about factors that
Cervical cancer screening in Indonesia impede and facilitate uptake of CC screening, and to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of current
CC prevention includes primary and secondary preven- research findings and gaps in knowledge
tion and should engage women across their life-course. A scoping review approach has been applied in
For women who are sexually active,1 the World Health this article to investigate the extent of heterogenous
Organization (WHO) recommends a screen-and-treat knowledge on the topic, to identify knowledge gaps,
program that prioritises women aged 30–49, and repeat and to guide future research [27]. For the purpose of
screening every 3–5 years [16]. For lower-resource set- this scoping review we define the demand-side of the
tings such as Indonesia, the visual inspection with acetic supply-demand nexus as including people requiring
acid (VIA) screening method is recommended. access to or influencing access to CC screening ser-
Indonesia adopted the WHO-recommended model and vices. The demand-side includes women who are
introduced the Cervical and Breast Cancer Prevention potential or actual consumers of such services, and
Project, which was first piloted in Karawang district, their partners and family members who may influ-
West Java in 2007 [17]. From 2014 the full cost of ence their engagement with screening services.
certain CC screening services was covered by the Supply-side factors refer to components of the health
National Health Insurance Scheme. Indonesia’s national system necessary for the delivery of CC screening.
CC screening program provides free services to married While consumers of health care are increasingly con-
women aged 30–50 years, including VIA or cytology sidered an integral part of the health system, this
[18]. CC screening is performed every 3–5 years. For review separates the supply- and demand-sides
women who are screened positive for precancerous because this delineation is apparent in the literature
lesions, repeat exams are recommended yearly [19–21]. reviewed. The supply-side components identified as

Since 2015, there also have been efforts to implement a school-based HPV vaccination program for adolescent girls before sexual debut. However,
due to logistical issues in vaccine availability and administration changes within the Ministry of Health in late 2019, the program has been
temporarily stalled [11,78].
influencing facilitators and barriers to screening determine that the research was re-producible
mainly refer to: health service delivery; health service and unbiased. A search string with relevant key-
coverage; health workforce capabilities; and capacity words consisting of three sub-searches was devel-
to provide quality CC screening. Barriers to screening oped and included the following terms: a)
refer to obstacles, including beliefs and attitudes, that screening terms (pap smear* or papanicolaou* or
impede women from accessing CC screening. papanicolaou test or pap test* or visual inspec-
Barriers to screening relate to obstacles to both initial tion* or VIA test*), b) cervix uteri terms (cervix*
and repeat screening. Facilitators of CC screening or cervical or cervix uteri); c) Indonesia*. Search
relate to enabling conditions or actions that support terms for the Indonesian database Neliti and
and encourage women to be screened or to partici- SINTA included: deteksi dini kanker serviks or
pate in screening. Facilitators typically create condi- kanker serviks or leher Rahim or deteksi dini kan-
tions which are responsive both to the individual, and ker leher rahim or IVA kanker or pelayanan deteksi
to the social, cultural, geographic and economic con- kanker leher rahim. GMLR is studying Indonesian
texts of women’s lives. Facilitators support women to and SAW, LRB and BRMS speak and read
engage in initial screening or repeat screening, and Indonesian fluently, SAW is Indonesian, ensuring
also support women to follow the recommended clarity in comprehension of the Indonesian lan-
treatment if screening results are positive for pre- guage articles. All sub-searches were combined to
cancer. However, this scoping review focuses solely yield the most relevant results (Supplement 1).
on screening and does not extend to a discussion of
facilitators and barriers for the provision of and
access to CC primary prevention or treatment for Data analysis
women with pre-cancerous lesions. The objectives of Included literature was analysed according to the cate-
this scoping review are three-fold. We first synthesise gories of barriers, facilitators, supply- and demand-
relevant research on facilitators and barriers to the side as demonstrated in Figure 1. Below, with common
delivery and uptake of CC screening in Indonesia. themes identified within each of these categories.
Second, the facilitators and barriers identified are The database search initially yielded 551
analysed in terms of supply- and demand-side factors records and was conducted in December 2020;
and their interconnectedness. Finally, we identify 323 records remained after duplicates were
knowledge gaps and recommend how future research removed. The 323 records were screened by
can address these gaps. GMLR for their eligibility, with Indonesian
sources cross-checked by BRMS to ensure appro-
Methods priate inclusion of research published in
Indonesian. Evaluation and selection of records
The scoping review followed the PRISMA scoping
based on inclusion criteria was conducted by
review guidelines and included peer-reviewed
GMLR and BRMS in consensus. Disagreements
research articles and grey literature as defined by
over the inclusion of individual records were
Auger (1998) [28], published between 2000 and
resolved via consultation with LRB. Citations that
2020, in English or Indonesian, and which reported
included published abstracts only, poster presenta-
on the national CC screening program of Indonesia
tions, commentaries, opinion pieces, editorials,
[27]. The time period was chosen as the national CC
guidelines, methodology reports, case reports and
screening program was trialled and introduced in the
grey literature without description of research
early 2000s. The following five databases were used
methodology was removed. Review articles were
to search for eligible studies: Medline Ovid,
also excluded and reference lists were scanned
CINAHL, Global Health, Neliti, SINTA and Google
for any missed eligible studies. All other records
Scholar (first 10 pages of results). The Indonesian
were considered, provided they met the inclusion
databases SINTA and Neliti were included on advice
criteria. The Prisma flow chart shows the process
of SA to ensure the inclusion of research published
of study selection and inclusion (Figure 2). Of 323
only in Indonesia.
records, 216 were excluded after a title, keywords
and abstract screening and 107 records remained
Inclusion criteria and screening process for full-text screening. After full-text screening, 34
were found to be eligible for data abstraction.
Inclusion criteria for records included those
Citations were imported into Endnote and key
that: 1) explicitly discussed barriers and/or facil-
data was summarised in a table (Supplement 2).
itators to the delivery or uptake of CC screening
The table in Supplement 2 was developed and
in Indonesia; 2) were published in either English
piloted with six records by the authors. GMLR
or Indonesian; and 3) included a description of
and BRMS then independently extracted and cross-
research methodology that enabled us to
checked for consistency the following data
health service enabling
delivery conditions and
health care actions

BarriERS Side

Challenges and women

obstacles husbands

Figure 1. Nexus between barriers, facilitators, supply- and demand-side factors.

Figure 2. Prisma flow chart [27].

for each included record: details on author, pub-

lication date, data collection date, study type, barriers. A deductive thematic analysis approach
applied research methods, study sample, research was applied, by identifying key themes based on
location and setting, identified facilitators and pre-existing knowledge of the topic and repetitive
barriers on the supply- and demand-side for each reading of the texts to enable dominant themes to
included publication and recommendations given emerge across the body of research. The emerging
by the respective authors. The data analysis of the themes of this approach are then used as cate-
34 included records included the identification of gories for further analysis [29,30]. A narrative
common themes among both barriers and facilita- synthesis approach was then applied to describe
tors, and analysis of how both supply- and demand- key themes across the categories of barriers and
side factors influence facilitators and facilitators, from both supply- and demand-side of
the health system.
Results data analysis of the fifth Indonesian Family Life
In total 34 records met the inclusion criteria, all of Survey (2014–2015) and analysed survey answers in
which were articles that reported on published studies 13 out of 27 provinces [23]. Twenty-three articles
from peer-reviewed journals. Table 1 provides an reported on studies conducted on the island of Java,
overview of the included literature. Out of 34 articles, indicating the historical bias toward what is known
29 articles discussed studies analysing primary data (n as ‘inner Indonesia’ [32]. Most articles reported stu-
= 29), three articles discussed studies that analysed dies that were conducted in urban settings (n = 23),
secondary data,2 and three articles discussed studies two articles reported on studies that were conducted
that analysed both, primary and secondary data.3 Of the in peri-urban setting [33,34] and six articles reported
included articles, almost two thirds were in English (n on studies that took place in a rural setting [35–40].
= 22); the remainder were in Indonesian (n = 12). The Two articles discussed studies in Yogyakarta and
included articles reported on studies which primarily Central Java were undertaken in both rural and
applied quantitative methodologies (n = 27), while six urban communities [41,42]. One article analysed
articles discussed studies that applied a qualitative secondary data of a national survey, but did not
methodology. One of the included articles discussed a disaggregate responses by area [23]. The majority
study that applied a mixed methodology [31]. The of articles (n = 29) was published between 2015
sample sizes of the various studies ranged from 12 to and 2020. Most included articles were about studies
5,397 participants. The 34 articles discussed studies that used health care settings to recruit participants,
that were clus- tered in ten of Indonesia’s 34 with 17 conducted via primary health centres (pus-
provinces (of which six are located on the island kesmas) [22,34,36,39,43–55]. One article reported on
of Java): Central Java (n = 13), East Java (n = 5), a study that recruited participants via a hospital in
West Java (n = 4), Jakarta (n = 3), Yogyakarta (n Jakarta [31]. Four articles discussed studies that were
= 3), North Sumatra (n = 1), Riau (n = 1), conducted in a community setting [33,40,56,57], one
South Sulawesi (n = 1), Banten (n = 1) and Bali (n in a workplace setting [58] and remaining articles
= 1). One study conducted in 2018, conducted a reported on studies (n = 11) that did not specify the
secondary types of research sites where data was collected
The majority of included articles (n = 25) dis-
Table 1. Description of included articles. cussed facilitators and barriers [22,23,33,34,36,39–
Characteristics of research n* References 42,44–48,50–52,54–58,60,61,63], two articles
Quantitative methodology 27 [23,34–38,41–43,45–50,52–63]
Qualitative methodology 6 [22,33,39,40,44,51]
explored barriers exclusively [31,59] and seven
Mixed- methodology 1 [31] articles focused only on facilitators
Primary Data 29 [22,33–44,46,47,50–63] [35,37,38,43,49,53,62]. Articles exploring the
Secondary Data 3 [23,49,63]
Primary & Secondary 3 [31,45,48] demand-side of CC screening predomi- nately
Data focused on women, with 29 articles reporting on
Population Sample
Women only 29 [23,33–38,41–43,45–63] studies having women participants only. Three articles
Health Care Providers** 4 [22,31,39,44] reported on studies with both women and men as
Men** 3 [22,31,40]
Location participants [22,31,40]. Four articles reported on
Rural 6 [35–40] studies that also included health care providers
Peri-urban 2 [33,34]
Urban 23 [22,31,43–63] (HCPs), health officers or primary health clinic man-
Urban & Rural 2 [41,42] agers [22,31,39,44]. Research that evaluated the sup-
National (13/27 provinces) 1 [23]
ply-side of CC screening mainly focused on: health
Central Java 13 [35–38,40,42,44,45,52,53,56,61,62] worker training or skills; CC screening service cover-
East Java 5 [33,46,49,54,55] age; health service capacity; and resource constraints
West Java 4 [22,47,50,57]
Jakarta 3 [31,51,63] leading to poor implementation and CC screening
Yogyakarta 3 [34,41,43] service delivery. The included research predominately
North Sumatra 1 [59]
Riau 1 [39] focused on married women, with seven articles
South Sulawesi 1 [48] reporting on studies that analysed women’s CC
Banten 1 [58] screening uptake among married women exclusively
Bali 1 [60]
Timeframe of Publication [36,41,45,50,51,56,58]. Another five articles reported
2000–2010 1 [31] on studies that analysed answers of women with
2015–2020 29 [22,23,33–55,57,59–63]
a majority of them being married, ranging between
**Studies counted more than once per category
*Number of studies 65% and 93% of the total study sample

Secondary data based on the Indonesian Family Life Survey (2014–2015) [23], health data from the Ministry of Health Research and
Development Agency RI collected for the cohort study of non-communicable disease risk factors 2011 [63] and medical records [49].
Primary data was collected via questionnaires and secondary data was based on medical records/health data regularly collected by participating
health centres. The included time period of secondary data was only specified by Susanti et al. (2003): year 2000–2001 [31]. Time origin of
secondary data for Nordianti et al. (2018) [45] and Nuryana et al. (2019) [48] was not indicated.
[23,31,33,43,47]. Therefore, unmarried women’s socioeconomic status. Ten articles discussed studies
experiences of screening are almost entirely absent conducted across West Java, Java and East Java,
or only present in small percentages of the included Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Riau province addressed sup-
population sample of the individual studies.4 ply-side facilitators. The following four supply-side
facilitator themes emerged from our analysis:
Counselling and support; ease of access; health
Facilitators of CC uptake and delivery promotion and advocacy; HCPs gender; and clear
supervision and support of HCPs and ensuring
Two included articles discussed supply-side facilita-
quality of services.
tors [39,44], 19 articles discussed demand-side facil-
itators [34–36,43,45,46,48–50,52,54–58,60–63], and
eleven discussed demand and supply-side facilitators
Demand-side facilitators
[22,23,33,37,38,40–42,47,51,53]. Table 2 provides an
overview of the identified themes within the included One of the most significant demand-side facilitators
literature. Five main demand-side facilitators identified across the literature was husband, family
emerged from our analysis, these are: husband, or social/peer support – referring to the support of
family or social/peer support; information avail- women received from their husbands, family mem-
ability, knowledge and awareness; positive bers, and their friends and peers. This type of support
attitude, motivation and perception of benefit of was commonly characterised as any emotional or
screening and seriousness of CC; having health tangible support such as active encouragement to
insurance and short travel distance to CC seek CC screening, assistance to attend services or
screening service; and women having higher to access information or to provide an open and
education and positive communication about the topic. Fourteen
publications discussed the positive impact of such
Table 2. Identified themes. support on women’s CC screening uptake and were
Theme n* References conducted in West, Central and East Java [22,23,35–
Demand-Side Facilitators: 38,40,45,49,53,55–57,62]. Husband support was sta-
Husband, Family or Social/ 14 [22,23,35–38,40,45,49,53,55– ted as a significant facilitator for increasing CC
Peer Support 57,62] screening uptake in multiple studies across West,
Information availability, 12 [34,36,40,45,46,48,49,51–53,55–
knowledge and 58,61,62]
awareness Positive 12 [37,38,43,49,51–54,58,60–62] Central and East Java (n = 6) [22,35–37,49,55].
attitude, motivation
and perception
Husband support included gaining permission from
4 [23,41,42,45]
Having health insurance and spouses to access CC screening services, being
short travel insurance 11 [23,38,47,50,52,55,57,58,61–63] encouraged or advised by spouses to seek CC screen-
Higher education and
socioeconomic status ing services and being accompanied to CC screening
Supply-Side Facilitators:
Counselling and Support 6 [22,33,37–39,47] services by one’s husband. In a study in Central Java
Ease of access 6 [22,33,41,42,51,53] (n = 80), women whose husbands supported them to
Health Promotion and 2 [22,39]
Advocacy access CC screening were three times more likely to
HCPs gender 2 [40,41] access CC screening services than women who did
Clear supervision, support 1 [44]
and ensuring quality of not have their husband’s permission [35]. Five arti-
Demand-Side Barriers: 14 [22,23,31,33,34,36,40,48,51,55,57–
cles described family support as an important facil-
Lack of knowledge, awareness 59,62] itator to encourage women to attend CC screening
and lack of confidence
Low-risk perception 3 [40,50,51,55] [22,38,45,53,55]. Family support included the support
Lack of husband’s permission 6 [22,31,41,47,50,56,59]
and general support of other relatives in terms of encouragement and
Fear, fatalism and shame 10 [22,33,34,39–41,47,50,51,55] tangible support to access information and services
Time and transport 8 [22,31,41,42,46,50–52,57]
constraints related to CC screening [22,38,45,53,55]. However,
Low education 4 [45,58,59,63] while family support was observed across multiple
Supply-Side Barriers: studies as important, husband support was estab-
Limited access/coverage and 2 [22,31]
operating hours lished as being of critical importance in terms of
Lack of skilled CC screening 3 [36,39,44]
influencing women’s CC screening uptake [55].
Lack of advocacy and 3 [22,44,52] Social or peer support was discussed in eight arti-
health promotion cles and was defined as the provision of information,
Inadequate implementation & 2 [40, 45]
coordination encouragement and support with respect to learning
Resource constraints 3 [23, 40] about CC screening and seeking services provided by
Lack of communication and 3 [23, 40,
45] support for HCPs friends or community members [22,23,36–
38,56,57,62]. A study in Central Java (n = 100)
While some studies aggregated their population sample according to marital status incl. married, single, widowed, not all included studies
provided this information.
described how advice and support of a close friend 22.33 times (OR) [42,49,53,61]. Perceived benefits of
can encourage women to attend outreach screening CC screening were also found to increase women’s
events [36]. Another study in Central Java (n = 99) participation in CC screening between 1.61 and 5.21
found that women who had strong social support are times [49,61]. However, attitudes and perceptions are
up to ten times more likely to attend CC screening also influenced by other external factors, such as trust
than women without significant social or peer sup- in screening services and by observing behaviours of
port [56]. An evaluation of the fifth Indonesian peers and their experiences with CC screening. The
Family Life Survey data (2014–2015) (n = 5,397) reviewed studies indicated that women whose peers
asserted that women who regularly participated in undergo CC screening are up to 4.3 times (OR) more
social activities and interacted with peers and com- likely to access screening themselves [53]. Perceived
munity members were more likely to be exposed to seriousness of CC was also observed to increase
CC screening information and to access screen- women’s motivation and likelihood by 1.17 times to
ing [23]. access screening [61].
Twelve studies described the importance of Four studies conducted in Central Java and
information availability, knowledge and aware- Yogyakarta discussed having health insurance and
ness of CC and screening services as facilitators of a short travel distance to CC screening services as
screening uptake, these studies were conducted a demand-side facilitator. Among those, three studies
across West, East and Central Java, South discussed in particular that women having health
Sulawesi, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Banten insurance was found to be a facilitator for accessing
[34,36,40,45,46,48,49,51–53,55–58,61,62]. Another CC screening across Yogyakarta and Central Java
study tested the significance of a health education [23,41,45]. Having insurance increased women’s like-
intervention on improving women’s knowledge of lihood to access screening by 9.15 times5 [45]. Short
CC screening and the CC screening behaviour of travel distance to screening services was a facilitator
study participants (n = 79) [46]. The intervention identified by two studies in Central Java [23,42]. In
used audio-visual material and information book- these studies, living within 8 km of a service
lets on CC screening, and found that women in the increased the likelihood of accessing screening by
intervention group were more likely to know the almost four times [23,42].
benefits of screening and to participate in CC Eleven studies conducted in the provinces of West,
screening post-intervention than women in the Central and East Java, Banten and Jakarta discussed
control group (90% vs. 73%) [46]. Four studies the influence of education and socioeconomic status
identified information availability, such as informa- on CC screening uptake [23,38,47,50,52,55,57,58,61–
tion provided via social media on CC screening, as 63]. Women with high school and post-secondary
an important facilitator for women’s CC screening education were up to 1.8 times more likely to access
uptake [33,36,48,53]. Notably three of these four CC screening than women with lower education
studies were situated in urban settings where [47,58]. Moreover, women with an occupation or
women’s use of social media is typically higher a monthly income of more than 2 million rupiah
than that of women living in rural areas are also more likely to access CC screening. Other
[33,36,48,53]. One study in South Sulawesi facilitators for CC screening uptake identified in the
(n = 350) found that women with sufficient CC reviewed studies included being aged between 30 and
knowledge and who have good general access to 42 years [55,58], being married [47,58], and having
information about CC screening are between 4.5 a family history of CC [33].
and 6 times more likely to undergo CC screening
than other women [48].
Twelve studies reported on attitudes, motivations Supply-side facilitators
and perceptions of women as facilitators for CC
Counselling and support provided by screening pro-
screening and were conducted in Yogyakarta,
viders, typically via pre- and post-screening or by
Central and East Java, Banten and Bali
encouraging women to access CC screening, was
[37,38,43,49,51–54,58,60–62]. These studies demon-
identified as a supply-side facilitator in six studies
strated that women’s positive attitude, their percep-
and was found to have a positive impact on screening
tions of both the benefits of screening and the
uptake [22,33,37–39,47].
seriousness of CC influenced their motivation and
Six studies set in West, East and Central Java,
uptake of CC screening. A positive attitude towards
Yogyakarta and Jakarta found that ease of access in
CC screening was found to increase women’s like-
of geographic convenience and availability of free CC
lihood to undergo CC screening between 2.04 and
screening services were important facilitators for

As Indonesia has a decentralized healthcare system not all regencies (kabupaten) provide reimbursement for the government-run CC screening even
though national policies state that CC screening is intended to be covered by the National Health Insurance Scheme [79,80].
women’s uptake of services [22,33,41,42,51,53]. The on demand-side barriers: lack of knowledge, aware-
availability of mobile outreach or mass screening ness and lack of confidence in screening outcome
events was also identified as a facilitator in two stu- or quality; low-risk perception; lack of husband’s
dies in West and Central Java [22,40]. These events permission and general support; fear, fatalism and
improved access to CC screening especially for rural- shame; time and transportation constraints; and
dwelling women in areas with limited health care low education. Six themes of supply-side barriers
coverage [22]. Women in three studies in related to the delivery CC screening were identified
Yogyakarta, Jakarta and East Java also stated that in our analysis, including: limited access/coverage
they would attend CC screening if it is available free and operating hours; lack of skilled CC screening
of charge [33,41,51]. providers; lack of advocacy and health promotion;
Two studies in Central Java and Yogyakarta found inadequate implementation and coordination;
that the gender of HCP predicts women’s comfort resource constraints; and lack of communication
during CC screening services. Therefore, the avail- and support for HCPs.
ability of a female HCP had an impact on women’s
CC screening behaviours, as it reduced their discom-
fort related to modesty, embarrassment or shame Demand-side barriers
during CC screening. Employing more female CC Fourteen studies set identified women’s lack of
screening providers was hence concluded to be an knowledge and awareness, and lack of confidence
important facilitator to CC screening acceptability in screening as crucial barriers to their uptake
and uptake [40,41]. [22,23,31,33,34,36,40,48,51,55,57–59,62]. Twelve out
Health promotion and advocacy were discussed of 14 studies focused on women’s lack of understand-
as facilitators in two studies conducted in West Java ing or awareness of either CC prevention and/or
and Riau [22,39]. Health promotion and advocacy where CC screening is available
were found to be particularly useful when the health [22,23,31,33,34,36,40,48,50,51,58,59]. Additionally,
office collaborates with the community level such as having a negative attitude towards screening with
community leaders in a joint health promotion effort. respect to outcome expectation, trust in services and
It was argued that this due to the fact that the envir- perceived quality was identified as a barrier in three
onment of women can influence their health beha- studies [31,57,59]. A qualitative study with men
viours. Consequently, community leaders can serve as undertaken in Central Java (n = 15) identified their
important role models and advocates for CC screen- lack of knowledge about CC as a barrier to screening
ing [39]. HCPs are also a common source of health uptake [40].
promotion and advocacy and hence those two facil- Four studies conducted in East Jakarta, Central,
itators were commonly linked [22,39]. West and East Java identified low-risk perception
One study in Semarang, Central Java evaluated the as a demand-side barrier to CC screening
CC screening program in 13 primary health care [40,50,51,55]. Limited knowledge about CC can con-
clinics and showed how clear supervision and sup- tribute to low-risk perception among women because
port of HCPs and ensuring quality of services at it is asymptomatic until it reaches later stages of the
CC screening services is essential to the delivery of disease [40,55]. Misconceptions among women about
CC screening [44]. Hence, the study concluded that being at risk for CC was identified as a barrier as
the following factors are important facilitators for the women understood themselves as being outside of
smooth delivery of quality CC screening: clear com- ‘high-risk’ groups [40,50,51].
munication between midwives and clinic managers; Six studies conducted in Central and West Java,
positive attitudes, motivation and commitment North Sumatra, Jakarta and Yogyakarta identified
among screening providers; regular supervision and lack of husband’s permission and general support
provision of feedback to midwives who provide as a barrier to women’s decision to access CC screen-
screening; ensuring the availability and comprehen- ing [22,31,41,47,50,56,59]. The requirement of
sion of screening guidelines for midwives; and ensur- a husband to consent to undergo screening was iden-
ing the availability of functional screening equipment. tified as a barrier in three studies [22,41,50]. A related
barrier to women accessing CC screening identified
Barriers to CC uptake and delivery in two studies was the need to explain the procedure
to husbands and lack of available educational mate-
Twenty studies identified demand-side barriers
rial for this purpose [22,41]. Another study in West
[23,33,34,36,40,42,45–48,50,54–56,58–61,63], one
Java found that lack of support by HCPs prevents
study identified supply-side barriers [44], while five
some women from attending regular or repeat
studies discussed both supply-and demand-side bar-
screening [47].
riers [31,39,41,52,57]. Seven key themes of barriers
Ten studies conducted in West and East Java,
were identified in our analysis of included literature
Riau, Yogyakarta and Jakarta, identified the issues of
fear, fatalism and shame to be demand-side barriers Another supply-side barrier identified in three
to screening [22,33,34,39–41,47,50,51,55]. Women studies [36,39,44] was the limited training on CC
feared experiencing pain undergoing screening, screening available for HCPs leading to a lack of
based either on their own prior experiences or those skilled HCPs who could perform CC screening.
of their peers [33]. Fear of receiving a positive result According to an evaluation in Riau province in
of cancer or pre-cancer was also reported as a barrier 2018 for example, only 31 out of 956 eligible HCPs
to screening in three studies [40,50,55]. Fear of (3.14%) working at public health centres were trained
a positive test result was also linked with fatalism in in CC screening [39]. Another evaluation at a health
three studies, which related to women’s belief that if care centre in Central Java also showed that only
cancer was brought about by preordained destiny, it three midwives were trained and permitted there to
could not be altered or cured [22,41,51]. In five conduct CC screening, which was also reflected in
studies in Yogyakarta, Riau, West Java, Central and a low coverage of CC screening among women of age
East Java, shame or embarrassment resulting from 30–50 years (5%) attending the same healthcare cen-
having a pelvic exam during screening, was reported tre [36].
as deterring women from accessing screening or The lack of advocacy and health promotion in
returning for repeat screening [33,39–41,47]. Having the forms of community mobilisation and counsel-
a male doctor as a screening provider was also iden- ling regarding the importance and availability of CC
tified as a deterrent for women’s screening uptake, screening was identified as a barrier to CC screening
and was linked directly with women’s desire to avoid in three studies in West and Central Java [22,44,52].
feelings of shame or embarrassment [40,41]. A lack of advocacy volunteers in West and Central
Time and transportation constraints were
Java who educate women about CC within their
reported as barriers to access in eight studies con-
community and thereby encourage them to access
ducted in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Central and West Java.
CC screening was identified as an important chal-
Excessive travel distance was identified as a barrier
lenge to CC screening uptake [22,52]. Moreover,
for women to access CC screening, particularly for
a lack of educational material posted on walls at
women who live far from a primary health centre or
healthcare centres was seen as a factor for low uptake
have limited means of transportation
and awareness of screening services [52]. Insufficient
[22,31,41,42,46,50–52,57]. The barriers of time con-
use of media and targeted counselling for women was
straints and excessive travel distance were also logi-
also identified as a barrier to screening uptake in
cally linked, due to the cost and time it takes to travel
Central Java [44].
long distances.
Inadequate implementation and coordination of
Low education and/or socioeconomic status were
national CC screening efforts was identified as
identified as barriers to women accessing the ade-
a supply-side barrier in two studies in Central Java
quate information about CC screening and attending
and Riau [39,44]. CC screening implementation was
CC screening in four studies in Yogyakarta, Jakarta,
found to be challenged in particular by a combination
Banten and Central Java [45,58,59,63]. A study with
of miscommunication among healthcare centre staff,
384 women in Yogyakarta and a study with 124
lack of human resources, equipment and limited
women in Jakarta, each identified that the cost of
supervision of HCPs in an evaluation of a health
seeking health services is a barrier for women to
centre in Central Java [44]. In another study in
access CC screening [31,41].
Riau, it was also evaluated that operating standards
for CC could not be implemented due to inadequate
facilities and infrastructure. Limited funding, infor-
Supply-side barriers mation and miscommunication about requirements
for the CC program implementation also caused
Limited access/coverage and operating hours were
operational issues [39].
identified as a barrier in two studies in West Java and
Resource constraints such as lack of, or broken
Jakarta [22,31]. An evaluation study of seven public
screening equipment, and lack of funding for screen-
health centres in West Java for example, showed that
ing services was a barrier for delivery of CC
CC screening was only offered on limited days and
screening services in two studies [22,39]. In a study
specific hours. This was found to be a barrier for
in Riau for example, inadequate budgets did not
women intending to access regular screening as
allow the pur- chase of adequate screening
most of them live far away from healthcare centres
equipment and an unre- liable electricity supply
and need to make special arrangements to undertake
forced HCPs to switch to battery-operated
a trip for this purpose [22]. Moreover, limited cover-
examination lamps. Hence, it was identified as a
age of screening services was observed to impact
barrier to CC screening delivery [39]. Additionally, a
women’s decision to travel long distance to access
lack of communication between screening
them in a study in Jakarta [31].
providers, clinical managers and directors of primary
health clinics on guidelines goals and
targets was observed as a barrier constraining the constraints (3 studies); and lack of communication
provision of screening services in three studies in and support for HCPs (3 studies).
Central Java and Riau [22,39,44]. Lack of communi- The imbalance in investigation of supply and
cation was found to be a major source of confusion demand side factors, is problematic because it can
over roles, responsibilities and inefficient cooperation lead to interpretations of limited data that infer vic-
among HCPs leading to poor service execution in tim blaming – that is blaming women for their failure
health centres in West Java and Riau [22,39]. Lack to access screening [64]. Despite the apparent defi-
of communication among staff members was also ciencies and challenges highlighted in the research
attributed to a lack of regular meetings of all HCPs very few studies have focused on the supply-side
to ensure that appropriate screening guidelines, aspects shaping the delivery and uptake CC screen-
related responsibilities and screening program targets ing. This pattern is also apparent in the published
are continuously followed as shown in a study in research on this topic focused on LMICs more gen-
Central Java [44]. erally. The tendency to focus research on individual-
Finally, the same three studies identified a lack of based (demand side) factors that prevent was also
support for screening staff in the form of regular feed- noted in a recent systematic review of 2021 on bar-
back and supervision as supply-side barrier [22,39,44]. riers and facilitators to CC screening in Southeast
Limited supervision and feedback for working screening Asia [12,65,66]. The imbalance in focus of individual
providers also negatively contributed to HCP’s motiva- behavioural factors has also be observed within other
tion, understanding and commitment towards CC pro- research areas as demonstrated in a recent systematic
gram targets in Central Java [44]. A need for greater review on NCDs by Schröders et al. (2017) [3], which
support for HCPs through regular communication and noted a focus on risk factors on the individual level
affirmation of screening goals through regular meetings for the management of NCDs rather than a more
was also identified in a study in Riau [39]. In West Java, efficient public health approach within Indonesia
HCPs also pointed out the need for more support from [3]. We recommend that further research into sup-
outside the healthcare centres such as community advo- ply-side factors should be undertaken to identify
cacy teams to mobilize and reach more women on the strategies to address the interconnectedness of both
community level and to encourage them to access CC demand- and supply-side factors. Combined supply
screening [22]. and demand side research is needed to inform
improvements in the efficiency, accessibility and
Discussion quality of the CC screening program, making it
more responsive to the needs and preferences of
This is the first scoping review to discuss demand-
women, and subsequently improving rates of screen-
and supply-side facilitators and barriers to CC
ing uptake.
screening in Indonesia. However, included research This review highlights multiple gaps in the existing
predominately focused on demand-side facilitators research on the facilitators and barriers to CC screen-
such as husband, family or social/peer support (14 ing in Indonesia. There is a clear bias in the geogra-
studies); information availability, knowledge and phical coverage of the research towards provinces on
awareness (12 studies); positive attitude, motivation Java island, with 34 included studies being conducted
and perception of benefit of screening and serious- across only 10 out of 34 provinces, six of which are in
ness of CC (12 studies); higher education and socio- Java. Additionally, the studies were mainly conducted
economic status (11 studies) and having health in urban or semi-urban locations with limited inclu-
insurance and short travel distance to CC screening sion of the CC screening experiences of women and
(4 studies). Limited evidence was identified for sup- HCPs in rural or remote areas. This is of concern
ply-side facilitators resulting in the most commonly because women in rural areas face greater cumulative
identified facilitators including counselling and sup- barriers to accessing to CC screening. Leaving out
port (6 studies) and ease of access (6 studies). their experiences obscures inequities between
Similarly, most included studies also focused primar- women in different provinces and with different life
ily on demand-side barriers with most evidence circumstances. Most research is also focused on mar-
focusing on lack of knowledge, awareness and lack ried women’s CC screening experiences, excluding
of confidence in screening outcome or quality (14 those of unmarried women or women within same
studies); fear, fatalism and shame (10 studies); time sex unions. We recommend that additional research
and transportation constraints (8 studies) and lack of should be conducted with greater geographical cover-
husband’s permission and general support (6 studies). age, to include women living outside urban and peri-
However, evidence on supply-side barriers was parti- urban centres, married and unmarried women, and
cularly scarce as most studies focused on lack of women from marginalised groups.
skilled CC screening providers (3 studies); lack of The most commonly identified facilitators and
advocacy and health promotion (3 studies); resource barriers on the demand- and supply-sides, were
typically interconnected and sometimes interdepen- facilitator across research on CC screening in
dent. Support to access CC screening provided by LMICs including in Southeast Asia, which affirms
husbands or women’s close social circles was found the findings of our review [12,66]. However, it also
to be both the most common facilitator, and where underlines the persistent global focus on women in
support was lacking the most common barrier research as a main source for low CC screening
[22,23,31,35–38,40,41,45,49,50,53,55–57,59,62]. uptake, without contextualising uptake within
Despite husbands’ significant influence, legally as broader structural issues of the respective health sys-
well as culturally in Indonesia, only three studies tem. We recommend more research that investigates
included men’s perceptions and roles (demand-side the impact of broader social determinants of health
facilitator and barrier) [22,31,40]. According to on screening patterns in order to achieve a more
national screen- ing guidelines Indonesian husbands’ comprehensive understanding of CC screening deliv-
permission is required for women to participate in CC ery and uptake in Indonesia [69,70]. This review
screening, however one study reported that some men establishes that supply-side factors can positively
struggle to support their partners due to their lack of influence women’s CC awareness and knowledge
knowl- edge of CC screening, despite having a through counselling and support by HCPs [22,33,37–
supportive attitude towards CC screening [40]. There 39,47]. However, we also identified a lack of trained
is increas- ing evidence within global health research HCPs as a common supply-side barrier [39]. The
that greater male involvement in women’s importance of the availability of skilled HCPs who
reproductive health can be beneficial for women’s can counsel women on CC appropriately in order to
health out- comes, yet there remains limited evidence facilitate screening uptake has been noted in other
on effective strategies for facilitating male LMICs [66,71,72]. Effective and culturally
involvement for CC screening [67]. Two recent appropriate training on CC screening for HCPs is
studies in Kenya and Ghana, parallel our finding in essential and research on training interventions for
Indonesia, that men can be supportive of CC HCPs within Indonesia is recommended.
screening for their female partners but have limited While knowledge of CC is important, a positive atti-
understanding of the pro- cedure [67,68]. Future tude, motivation and perception of benefit of screening
research in Indonesia should include men’s and seriousness of CC was another common demand-
involvement in and influence over women’s access to side facilitator, conversely lack of confidence in screen-
CC screening, and encourage the implementation and ing outcome or quality was a common demand-side
evaluation of strategies for male involvement in barrier [22,23,31,33,34,36,40,48,51,55,57–59,62].
screening. Further research into effec- tive strategies Lack
for peer support interventions is war- ranted as peers of confidence can be a consequence of negative prior
have been found to be an important demand-side experiences of screening, unavailability of quality ser-
facilitator on screening uptake [22,23,36– vices and a lack of trust in HCPs [31,57,59,73]. Other
38,56,57,62]. One study conducted in Central Java research in Southeast Asia has identified negative
found that women felt more comfortable and less experiences with HCPs as a common barrier to CC
embarrassed if screened together with peers in screening uptake [66,74].
community screening events, presenting an oppor- The studies reviewed established that the cost of
tunity for expanding mobile outreach efforts in areas travel and services, and travel distance are crucial for
with limited healthcare coverage [40]. We recom- women’s decision to access screening [22,41,42,50–
mend upscaling research on interventions that 52,57]. This is consistent with the finding that ease of
further explore and utilise the benefits of peer sup- access is a common supply-side facilitator, deter-
port in different Indonesian communities and among mined by limitations in geographic coverage of the
different groups of women. ‘national’ CC screening program within Indonesia
Knowledge, awareness and access to information
[22,42]. Other studies in low-resource settings have
were common demand-side facilitators and supply-
shown that distance to services and related costs
side barriers across the included studies
affect women’s decisions to access screening, espe-
cially in rural areas [69,75]. Our review also found
Women who are aware of CC screening and its
that women are more inclined to access services if
benefits are more likely to access CC screening
they are provided free of charge through the National
whereas women who lack awareness are less likely
Health Insurance [22,33,41,51]. This could also
to. Low-risk perception and education status were
explain why socioeconomic status for women is an
also relevant, as women with higher education are
important demand-side facilitator and barrier to CC
more aware of how to independently access reliable
screening, especially when free government-run CC
information on CC [23,38,40,47,50–52,55,57,58,61–
screening coverage within Indonesia only covers 12%
63]. The significance of education, knowledge and
of the eligible female population in Indonesia. The
awareness of CC and related screening services is
cost of screening or having health insurance has also
a frequently observed demand-side barrier and
been associated with decreased screening attendance
in other LMICs, which stresses its importance for the interplay of demand-side and supply-side factors that
uptake of CC screening [69]. drive the delivery and uptake of CC screening services.
Crucial demand-side barriers observed in ten stu- While this review has demonstrated some significant
dies were fear, fatalism and shame experienced by barriers and facilitators that link demand- and supply
women [22,33,34,39–41,47,50,51,55]. Women experi- side, there is still a great demand for further research in
enced shame due to genital exposure and the invasive order to explore these factors and to translate them into
nature of CC screening, especially if the HCP was tangible solutions for CC screening uptake and deliv-
male [40,41]. The invasive nature of CC screening and ery, to increase access to CC screening via UHC and to
the exposure of the genitals leads to diverse meet nations screening targets set for 2030.
sociocultural challenges for many women and presents
a frequent demand-side barrier for many women in
LMICs [66,73,74]. We recommend to further Acknowledgments
investigate women’s preferences with respect to CC
The authors wish to thank Hanum Atikasari for her sup-
screening to increase their comfort during screening.
port in the identification and translation of relevant CC
Finally, the review has highlighted that Indonesia prevention policies for the preparation of this review.
faces significant challenges in terms of the health
system capacity required to achieve wider coverage
of screening services, with a lack of necessary Author contributions
resources and equipment for screening occurring in
All authors contributed to the development and framework
primary health centre settings as a main supply-side of the review, the analysis and interpretation of the find-
barrier to the delivery of quality CC screening ings, drafted the manuscript, revised it critically and
[22,36,39]. Health workforce limitations were also approved the final manuscript.
noted in three studies [36,39,44]. Hence, we recom-
mend focused on the specific health workforce and
resource needs required to improve CC screening Disclosure statement
delivery and coverage. However, even when skilled No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
HCPs were available, a lack of communication and author(s).
support for HCPs was noted as another common
supply-side barrier [22,39,44]. Lack of communica-
tion between HCPs at screening services and limited Ethics and consent
supervision has shown to decrease the efficiency and No ethical clearance was sought for this paper as it is based
quality of services, relating to a lack of confidence on secondary data.
and trust among women in HCPs and their services
(demand-side barrier) [22,39,44]. Inadequate quality
assurance of CC screening also been noted in litera- Funding information
ture in other LMICs as a key supply-side barrier to The article was written as part of a PhD project, funded by
delivery of CC screening [66,76,77]. Further research the University of Melbourne Human Rights Scholarship.
on how to efficiently increase constructive monitor- The open access publication fee for this article was funded
ing and supervision for HCPs, and to investigate by the Australian Research Council as part of the Discovery
HCP’s needs for support, is needed in order to Grant [DP180100651].
improve quality of care with respect to CC screening.
Paper context
CC screening uptake in LMICs incl. Indonesia is
This scoping review identified a lack of research on insufficient but evidence of existing research on the range
barriers and facilitators to CC screening in Indonesia. of barriers and facilitators that influence the delivery and
uptake of CC screening is limited. The underlying
Consequently, recommendations made have to be dynamics and challenges from demand and supply-sides
considered with respect to the limited evidence avail- need to be understood to undertake meaningful
able. Moreover, this review drew on records about the improvements. This review identifies facilitators and
government-run CC screening program. Potential barriers to the delivery and uptake of CC screening and
insights about screening services provided in the pri- offers recommendations for future research needed in
vate sector were not included. Indonesia and comparable settings.

Conclusion ORCID
Gianna Maxi Leila Robbers
The review has demonstrated how crucial it is for 5862-4244
implementers and policy makers to consider the Linda Rae Bennett
Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti
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